Singapore Standard, 21 November 1953

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
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  • 247 1 p i 1,1 Brackasafl (Special Corr.) 20 'l he Commissi wier E A ia, Mr. Malcolm Malaya's attitl Mission lo press conference of mine. It is attitude would be rubber with Communist ted, "Indoto do whatever she interest and within r nternational obligat ia's
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  • 281 1 MISSION BEGINS SURVEY IN JAN KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The World Bonk visiting Malaya next 1 January, will the first full-fledged economic survey to be carried out in Singapore and the :n The Standard learnt today. lissioD, expected to comprise twelve experts re, public finance, industry, power
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  • 28 1 Nov 20: vers ol will go t« chambei i< r ruthlesi I rt Reeve^ n date yes18—e re Christmas said Au>- in'.c id
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  • 56 1 TEHERAN. Nov. 20 (UP) The prosecution demanded today that ousted former Premier Mohammed Mossadeq be executed. "I insist the court pass the death sentence.' prosecutor Hossein Azemoudeh told the military court hearing the treason case against Mossadeq. He also demanded th e death penalty for
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  • 49 1 BANGKOK, Nov. 20 (UP) Lights went out all over the City this morning. All trams stopped dead in traffic-jammed streets all over Bangkok. Reason: The city power plant was on tire. It started at 9.30 a.m. and was not yet under control by 10 a.m.
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 1 This Standard picture shows a crippled girl receicing gifts from Father Christmas last year. The smile on her face can he hr ought hack if the Toy Fund is supported again this year.
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  • 243 1 A VISA issued to Mr. Geishon Agron, Editor of the Jerusalem Post, was suddenly revoked in Singapore as he is considered an "undesirable'' in Jakarta. Mr. Agron. who is now in the Colony jn a goodwill mission to the .Jewish community. had been informed
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  • 462 1 Ho Transfer Says Man With A Secret Standard Staff Reporter BRITAIN has agreed to help Malaya financially, said General Sir Gerald Templer, Federation High Commissioner, on his return to the Colony by QA NT AS /BO AC Constellation last night after about a fortnight's
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  • 103 1 MR. CHANDUMAL J. Balani Of Singapore gave SlO to The i Christmas Toy Fund with this 1 note: '"Kindly accept this tiny donation from one of the regular readers of The Singapore Standard.** With this donation, the total of the Fund now
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  • 73 1 SIR GERALD A NEW JOB? LONDON. Nov. 20: (Router) A Colonial Office >P" man said today that arr;r ments concerning Ihe resignation of Genera] Sir Gerald Templer as High Commissioner in Malaya 'will be coming up for consideration soon". No immediate statement on his new post was expected. What his
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  • 21 1 DR. JULIAN s Huxley, la in Manila to join the Br.'i^h delegation to the Eighth PaciHc S'ierve Congress.— AFP.
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  • 29 1 TRIESTE, Nov. 20 (AP) Workers protesting rising unemployment in disputed Trieste battered down th e door of the City Hall today in defiance of Police.
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  • 18 1 BRITAIN'S R A Butl.-r. will arrive in Ceylon oo I Dec. S3, for a week's holiday
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  • 109 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— Balbir Kaur. the 16-year-o!d Sikh girl who disappeared from her home in Klanp Road. Kuala Lumour, on the eve of her wedding a few days ago was found iu Sc^uinat. Jokore, last I A Sikh taxi-driver, with I whom she is believed to
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  • 206 1 Synthetic Rubber Control Is Cut KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The American Government hai announced a reduction "i the minimum 1 1 q for the consumption of -.ynthetic rubber from 450.000 to 220.000 tons, it irai learnt her« today. While we coming the innoui ment, local übber pi odu in. w ever
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  • 34 1 PARIS. Nov !0 (IP) French Fereftgl Mini _t«-r (imr^s l-iri.iult told th,. N Assembly today thit Great Britain h.». isrrr.l to a lieaty Imkini; Kriliiu to the projected si.nition European army
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 24 1 -^^VFB'S Klc-lrie I bers I lee chay co. jW 1 vv v £7 gales' corrtrete V; p^iaif;ntly^ /y y y /> v xJjack|> y y
      24 words
    • 88 1 for- I tt it* si llmnffm est LADIES' HANDBAGS alway*. •1 1 i*n I ft 33 _t Th NOVELTY.tom IK North Rridge Road. Phrtiir 31_3 Sin<r Ur J^^S___W^^Byß_C__^_ l^^_______________L''^*^r^^^^^ <^^^Bl»______iiiUl!ll' murimu A*M. f more signal less noise fftO#/f»f li M The Set you've been waiting for A fully tropicolised miniature
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  • 480 2 Our Boys Must Halt Invasion' The Singapore Militar be in trod u I I "■>'■ < a local r l nd n< Leaden were uj-animoi should it he necessary lor the l-'rJei ation in the even should be no hesitation to anything; threatening Ihe should
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  • 23 2 1 Spe- Sta id d S< Closing ii ing Es e en B to I US 11: 1.200 to Ruppiah; Gold
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  • 77 2 MR. LEWIS ALTAIAN of 'lit- Loodori Stock Exchange said In Singapore last night he was confident about the future of rubbei and tin in Malaya. He said this at a cocktail party which he gave to members of Fraser and Company and friends in celebration
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  • 30 2 An in_anl was nicked up dead from a Singapore canal yesterday morning. The baby, a girl, was found floating in th c > canal near Prince Edward Cn cent
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  • 24 2 A PAIR of spectacles and a bottle of perfume were stolen irom a house in Bennett Estate. Singapore, early yesterdav morning.
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  • 35 2 THI Family of the late MR LEE CHIAP BOON tender their heartfelt thanks to relatives and 1 1 lends who sent wreaths, eon. dole aces, loaned cars paid ni»dit visits and attended the funeral
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  • 26 2 IR M PONNUSAMY CHET. 1 iK •,4 I- I- d away peace■l Nu 123. Middle Road, day Burial today at noon at the Hindu cemetery.
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  • 88 2 TO assist in the training of teachers for primary schools, the Education Department, to run two more ior normal classes :i< year T lition is free and the !^c lor three years rting fro n January 1954. The classes will be held in the afternoons at
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  • 27 2 A LORRY driver. Baharom Haji Ahmad, employed bv the City Council, wa s fined WO ia the Singa;>ore Second rramc Police Court yesterday torn. driving.
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  • 209 2 Prai— Bangkok Express In '54 get train .en** between Ptaj and Ban_*ok will be restored early next Year. From Jan. 4. next. A bi)ll %u S rViCo t0 M,d from the Thai capital will be maintained. The first train will leave rrai at 9.35 a.m. (connecting launch from Penang at
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  • 104 2 .inh General Council of the Singapore Trade Union Congress will meet en .Monday to discuss allegations made by e member union., that the S r r" Jr ,l l nct Functioning effectively President of the Congress. ST" m l Hork < to 'd The Standard that
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  • 53 2 THE Singapore Assistant Coroner. Mr. Giam Chong Hing. yesterday recorded a verdict of suicide bv poison on Boey Yuen Wai of Race Course Road. who died on the night of Oct. L_ Boe v left a letter addressed to the Coroner, the contents of which
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  • 108 2 COMMODITY PRICES *> CLOSING rubber prices (cents per lb.) in Singapore yesterday were: Buyers Sellers No 1 RSS Spot Laaae M>_ 56] He*, l K.s.s. :><i» 57 No. Z R.S.S. Ss| 55] No. I R.S.S. 53. 53] Tone: Steady TIN PRICE The price of tin yesterday wa s $3181 per
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  • 205 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Federation Government Div. II Officers today decided to ask Government to allow its employees to stand for both Municipal and Town Council elections. In moving thi? resolution nt their annual general meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Mr. Tan Tuan Boon, the retiring
    Standard  -  205 words
  • 79 2 MOKE than 1.000 people including community leaders, and Consular representatives attended a tea party ffiven by the Singapore Sikb community at the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday to celebrate the birthday of Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion. This Standard picture shows, Mr Ilardial Sinffh. welcoming
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  • 44 2 PAST and present pupils of the Singapore In-titute of Science will hold a re-union pinner and Social in Che Capitol Blue Room on Dec. 11. The function will last from J. fr—vJp midnight and more tnan 200 are expected to attend.
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  • 32 2 AFTBR midnight On Thursday. In> men forced their way into an attap hut in Kamoong Loyang. oft Tampenis Road. Singapore, and robl>ed the oc™fant_ of SMS worth of their belongings.
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  • 221 2 Mamlard StafT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Fn ihe Fe leration Government will b e asked what i s its future policy on nee importation anti distribution when the Federal Legislative Council meets on \n ednesday. .Mr. Koh Sin flock will ask toe Member fur Economic
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  • 160 2 New Rule for RI Malaya Trade PENANG, Fri.— The In donesian Office here has received provisional directives in connection with consignment regulations. Atj e h consignments to Singapore or Penang are allowed when shipments can only be effected through recognised shipping companies and not by junks or the like. Consignment
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  • 85 2 Whistle Puts Thief To Flight WHILE a woman was sleeping in her house in Tampenis cjrly Thurs day morninu slio beard noises on the kitchen roof. She woke up .nid saw .1 human leg kaJUCiSft through on- 1 of ike eraeks. She picked up a whistle aui blew it
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  • 76 2 THE Singapore Chamber of Com views on thp 5 posed Land Acquisition nance is in v. 'cordance those widely publicised a re, its President Mr A. F Taylor, said "The Chamber shares the view that many clau terms and conditions pi ;h t prop Bill are
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  • 108 2 Standard Staff Reporter ALL roa la to e ad to the Cafe Terang Buian a' the Kew World Am. .sern em Par., where a "Bai Night" i^ being staged with its attendant songs and dance« by the Colony's !>• I r xponenta of Balmese dan -ing.
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  • 78 2 BAIL of $20,000 was allowed in the Singapore Find District Court yesterday when the case of Ong Ah Tee <2ti). charged 0n i_i lwo COJMts of importing gold bai\> Into the Colony without a permit, came up for mention. Ong i s alleged to have imported 180
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  • 69 2 BY POPULAR request, the Teachers' Training College i on a n extra perform ance uf the Mikado on No; 30th at «j pn in the Victoria Memorial Hall. Bookings for this chari performance which will be aid of the Almoners Fund f Tan Took Seng
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 183 2 1 1 _^l*-N \IJTITONI I- > 8 __P /&sm*. i ut9 >I^%__— _______P^ £§3%f Swiss Made 21 Jewels Lock for the c _s V \J y' SYMBOL OH THE WATCH DIAL fewest Swiss Invention j Mainspring I guaranteed unbreakable I Eliminate 99 of watch repairs Obtainable from ail watch dealers
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    • 217 2 The world famous familf ut medicinal pro ***1r *mmmm*r '•fltt;'TIGER BALM The most fomous of I Medicinol Products Foi I of Rheumotism, Gom* Hecdache, Insect Bi ond Stiff Muscles. B:_ AUN j I Thr Tiger Medical Hall SPECIAL RACE ITTIACTH j TONIGHT 6c TCMO, (OW KI CAFE TERAMCi L j|
      217 words

  • 106 3 City Coundon- t< rms undomiciled offl to purir houses. n 0,000 has next y. have been from those proinl to any 95 Percent of ind and house. equal to five basic annual housing allowance. aximum of ed to $35,000, interest on photos ABOVE: They
    Standard  -  106 words
  • 13 3 ir Panpr< v iional I R I him
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  • 429 3 Search For City Sites Has Begun Building Costs Are Down PWD Boss SIXTEEN more primary schools will be built d" li. C il7 V ea of Sin 9apore next year, if the rublic Works Department can find sites for them. This was disclosed by PWD
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  • 5 3
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  • 299 3 FIFTY-TWO officers and men of the Koyal Malayan Navy received General Service Medals from Rear Admiral A.F. Pugsley, Flag Officer, Malayan Area, at Woodlands yesterday morning. The awards were for antibandit operations and patrols along the rivers of Malaya to prevent supplies of food or
    Standard  -  299 words
  • 47 3 MR. A. M. LOVATT, who worked with Sir Alan Cobham in perfecting the method of refuelling aircraft in the air will give a lecture and film show to the Singapore Branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society on Nov. 24 at the Shell Theatrette, Collyer Quay.
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  • 96 3 THIEVES entered the compound of a house in Clementi Road, Singapore, on Thursday night and stole 25 chicks huddled in several poultry pen. near the house. The chicks, part of a batch of 40, belong to a European who is now on long leave. The European's
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  • 84 3 AIR MARSHALL Sir Clif- ford Sanderson. C-in-C Far I_ast Air Force, said j M Australia this week that airmen from that country wer t doing a "magnificent job" in Malaya. The Commander in Chief wh 0 is touring Australian and i New Zealand Air Foree centres
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  • 206 3 Standard Staff Reporter AN ARMED and masked gang of five to six men is believed to have struck at two persons both farmers within an hour in Tampenis Road, Singapore, yesterday. Thev attacked the first man at L.'.o a.m. They roughly awoke the
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  • 145 3 WANTS FULL STORY ABOUT POSH JOBS KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Full details about the receat London advertisement for "personality pins'* female confidential Secretaries for top Malayan officials is bring sought by Datin Putrh Mariah in a series of questions addressed to the Chief Secretary at the next Federal Legislative Council meeting.
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  • 187 3 H.M.S. C ANNA, a NSC(K) (Naval Ship. Construe tion and Engineering) which ba s been gi\en on a free indefinite loan to the Singapore ..ovcrnincnt by the Royal Navy, is to be re equipped to form a subdivisional headquarters for the Malayan Roval Navv
    Standard  -  187 words
  • 135 3 U.S.Will He!p Indies— Salim Standard Skipping Repartee PEOPLE in the United States ai wing to i reaiisa >n '-f Indon Imp >rta 1 m Hadji i s i [mister of tiu> Reoublic of l i. when I in Neatly attii e In a lighl broam smt, md old man of
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  • 70 3 A lATTLE r I 1 was lined $200 by tli.' Sii pore City Police Court Ma trat,\ Mr. .1 M I) nini for u ling Dut of a int site off Block J, 1 <oi ong Lalat, f()r the purpose ol keeping cattle without u
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  • 25 3 'i v LIM YAM and Andrew i H 1 $630 Tan mtrodu i I. Venk idasatan i 1 i s i
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  • 48 3 it'll.. l.M eontinue through I) IS. for 1 934 student of Primaries I and ll Standard I r: ,t ivai Nigh. I School. x• tearher-in 3 toi. 41 M Moo lay i Ft i,v !l( .y ondueting la es f I t !t p. m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 281 3 BULLDOG ji" GUINNESS STOUT (m STRONG MAN COMPETITION pi OPEN TO EVERYONE ||p Chcose the strongest man and win $3,000 Guinness Stout drinkers know that it is "Bulldog Brand tor Body Suildmg |udgmg by their strength, which ot these men do you think drinks Bulldog Brand most regularly! .v' •<*'
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    • 161 3 RLnA«M_rnLJßJKnAwJ[________! TMI COUPON RIAO THIS BEFORE YOU OROER YOUR PA?. TERN Yoy mutt enc lot* fhtee ten cont itan.p a it vom wont yout pottcm cat II don't get the ifomp, row don't get tho pottern A number ol order* ho*r come to me without file •tompi Thooo won't be
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 88 3 Weather MINIMUM Temperature: From 7.30 p.m Nov. 19 to 7.30 a.m Nov. 20. Singapore (7(.F). Penan* (75 F) Kota Bahru (74 F). Kuala l.umpur (75 F), Ipoh (74 F), Kuantan (71 F). Ma x i mum Temperature: From 7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. Nov. 20. Singapore (81 w), Penan* (87
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  • 139 4 TEN RECEIVE CITY DAY FUND PRIZES TEN Singapore citizens, all students of subjects rnnneeted with eomraereial training wnr yesterday presented with prizes awarded hy the Sinsapore Chamher of Commerce'a City Day Commemoration Prize Fund. Mr A F. Taylor, chairman of the Chamher who presented the prizes, said the first awards
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  • 138 4 AN OPEN vote employee of I e Singapore City Council in the Council labour quarters will be asked to quit the quarters within a month of his 1k n, s P u i' 1 a permanent in the junior officer salary scheme, if
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  • 92 4 A SCHEME for superannuation benefits for Singapore City Council's labourers and other employees who cannot join the Municipal Provident Fund, will be considered by the City Council on Monday. The benefits are graded for who have served Council for lo years or over. A special benefit not less
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  • 62 4 ABDUL BIN ABBAS (.8). a hawker, had a tentative charge ol attempting to rape a 16--year-old Chinese schoolgirl, explained to him in the Si'ngapor c Fifth Police Court ye.ter- citiv. Abdul wa.. alleged to have attempted to commit the I offence in King George V Park
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  • 38 4 P.IXCAPORE'S Assistant Coroner, Mr. Giam Chong Hing, returned a verdict of death by misadventure on five-year-old Tan Bee Gcok. who was found by her father i n a pool behind their house, at Jalan Kavu.
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  • 29 4 THE Indian navy ship Investigator under the command of Cap,. S. J. Hennesey is expected to arrive in Penang on Dee. 1 on an operational visit.
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  • Article, Illustration
    101 4 THE prizewinners ore Mrs. Koii Yoke Wah, a member of the Corporation of Secretaries, first prize tor accountancy. ($200.) Mr. Leong Hong Chieir, first prize i.i the secretarial practice section I -.'nil,. Mr. Ding Bee J; Hoo. first prize in economics ($200). Miss Maureen Winters, sccondan/ prize ior English
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  • 273 4 Standard Staff Reporter FOR his courage, Yap Lye Huat, a fanner, was given a $100 reward in the Singapore Assize Court ye.terday, and for his "stupidity and bravado," Sani bin Kechil, a robber, was given 12 strokes of the rotan and four years jail.
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  • 116 4 Union Move To Affiliate Rejected TUE Naval Base Lai Union will not merge with the Federation of Services Uni Mr. S Woodhull Secretary ot the N.B.L.U. told The Standard last night. Ho said: "We recog e the need and value ol a Federation representing the real interests of the various
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  • 264 4 Transport Dept. To Track Down 16,000 Who Haven't Paid KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Sixteen thousand people in the Federation, who are still legally registered owners of vehicles but who have not paid licensing fees for the current period, are to be prosecuted by the Road Transport Department. They have been warned
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  • 103 4 $1.2 Mil. Profit For Sime Darby TUE director- of Sime Darby and Co. Ltd Singapore, reported a i '-"'it for the ve.n ended 30, 1953, of $1,196,003. The balan e bro ighl forward from last ar was $1,090,590 which. with the profit, marie $2,286,--593. From that si: n thi ving
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  • 50 4 A SINGAPORE Tuf Tub ge bearing number 1457n (Gentleman) was pi.-ked up in j Battery Road, yestetday Owner < I the badge r^ n i claim it if he calls on the Nc\v> i Editor, Sinsziinore Standard, at [the new paper's office in Ro--1 binson
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  • 56 4 A EUROPEAN woman reported to the Singapore Police yesterday tliat she lo_;t four pairs of sandals which she had left in a trisha in front of the Orchard Road Market, yesterday evening. Any trisha rider who comes across these sandals i s asked to hand them over
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  • 42 4 CITY GUILDS EXAMINATION ALL PRIVATE cai in Singapore wishing t< the City and Guilds of Lon Institute Examinations next year, should submit their entries betwei n De l and Dec 31. Entrv forms are available at the Education Office. Palmer Road. Singapore.
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  • 159 4 IPOH, Fri.— The fall in rubber prices has caused a sharp drop in the membership of unions catering for the needs of estate workers a spokesman of the 27.000 strong Malaya Estate Employees I nion told The Standard" today. lie said the union's strength
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  • 162 4 SINGAPORE City Council Local Senior Officers* Association will protest to City President, Mr. T. P. F. McNeice, against alterations to their conditions of service without consulting their organisation. A resolutl Sect was passed at a com mttea meeting af the Association last night. The
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  • 75 4 MUAR. Fri.— Prophet Mohammad's birthday was celebrated here by a procession of about 5.0W) people, including school children who went round the town before assembling at the Muar Club padang. The Kathi Tuan Haji Mohamed Shah read an address. Among thr>ve who spoke were Dato Haji Syed
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  • 27 4 THE fourth annual general meeting of the Settlement Youth Council. Penang and Proving Walk will be held in the Rubber Trade AnocaatioQ premise^ on Kov.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 380 4 q CATHAY ORGANISATION gj ATTRACTIONS |[»\%%%ii PATRONS PLEASE NOTE XV%WVW %^J<| /-The I '»U nin sliowh. today jnd lomonovv ;.r P a^.iin re 2J j H?scrv___ for srliorrl < hildreii. Als« thrre will l>«- no morning J|[ J a\\\%\\\ w \w wvwwww MatineCß. vwvvvwwwwwwwwwww^'ll LAST ASW^ s IIMES! 1.45, 1.15,
      380 words
    • 285 4 TODAY DAILY. I'M J (111 '#V 11, 1.45, 4, 6.30. 9.10 fc^^-Ll _i ji il_^^M v\\\* a #imM\Ai\ JJ^. COKMBIA ljt L 4______Tl[ v presents JmmmmmStmWm «>'V vim torn aim :<:<■ in TECHNICOLOR co*simrriM f LEO( "PICK THE EYES" WIN BIG CASH i DONT FORGI T TO QCT VOIR KNTtI
      285 words

  • 32 5 nediate B a i B relist told thai 'he lown by a car a N< Bridge -ughp m. later *al. :cd in Tral and I dl until will be
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  • 50 5 of the first Rescue Team la the F rce wi roop wings e completed a wl ;i Inst R trained to bail down. ings were: VI. Wad Deputy the Res ue Ti C A. Connor, A A. W. B 1. ion. A C J, m. Mc
    50 words
  • 25 5 NEW SERVICE TO B'KOK i] t. 11. M Birch, om here I for Qai ndon I "1 think ntial nany ol idei i r ice.
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  • 16 5 !'i i. in th« Singart ye g ith< it licences Iges that were
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  • 128 5 THE SINGAPORE Council ior A I local ion v. ttni>- education co u a sting ten v k i ommen< ing from 2 1. The coui i begin at "> p 1 mrse vt be on "Lo |y" in 'Zoology Depai at the University of Malaya
    Standard  -  128 words
  • 255 5 Standard Shipping Reporter IN SPITE of a guarantee oi money or a job ottered by an Australian businessman and conveyed to the Immigration Department by The Standard, Mrs. Edith Ching, who came from Kuching in the hope of being allowed to reside in Singapore with
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  • 193 5 !Yi cheated another al SJiMI by simply saying? "I am a doctor from the Singapore General Hospital." The money, he told his victim, was a deposit to ensure that he gels admitted to the hospital. The victim said he was involved in a til; lit
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  • 384 5 Fined $100 For Illegal Building T. A. SIMON, candidate for Rochort Ward n the forthcoming City Council elections, was yesterday called the "greatest liar" by the prosecutor in the Singapore City Police Court. He was fined $100 bv Magistrate, Mr. J. M. Devereux-Colebourn
    Standard  -  384 words
  • 108 5 THE Singapore Workers' Union yesterday told the Ll bour Commissioner. Mr. G. W Davis, that it would welcome any move by the Labour De partment to avert a threatened strike by aboul I<><> workers of the Concrete Industries (Malaya) Ltd. In a lettei to Mr.
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  • 66 5 SYED Idros A k;_ r ol 1 long Katong Road was p5O in the Singapore F Traffic Court yesterday, t<". driving a ear in a neg ig manner resulting in a •<>: ision with a >a along Beach Road on August 27 Two other motorists, (I. J.
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  • 27 5 THE H. tne Guard headquarters at Berapil New Village near Butterworth will be dei lared open bv Brigadier F. .J. Denholm- Young <n. Mondav
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  • 58 5 BATU PAHAT, Fri, Villagers at Pulai, Pontian, Johore. arc all If9g with the news that 15-foot python, believed to be a "kramat." had taken up its "residence" in a Malay home recently. 1 !ir- IhOtl Wil by the ii kam| A noi I
    58 words
  • 142 5 Labour MPs To Attack CPC Report Bj ANDREW ROTH, Standi rd Spe« .al Correspondent LONDON. Fri.— Malaya's assessor nyntrai ind p.irtiru.irlv the attempt In hirtber strenuthpii tin- position af jiu! > a> saggrated I j the Criminal P. ••..■dure Com ■Htee*l report ol last .1 ill v Hill crime under
    142 words
  • 16 5 ■il« IP 1! ill if M., U.S.A., D oi th Pi I Chin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 445 5 4 *^i^dh^B^^Bi»SaA^«aS^_^. _9r^J'r__^__rß_________i3^* _P_fr_i^___i ____M____r^^_r. r^i___ii^_____ ________E____i____PrnM_a____E _____P_E3 ______rS^9 r___T^__Si^___K^k cjs__!^s_______________________^________i___i r^^J_J__l__*£sfcr_P^ir^^^^^>^*^C"> ,l --»^r_pC i____ir__l S3B^________S mtmrnrn'm^ Qg "__^____i___*___. ___i__>i___i __r^_»_t^___S______'^____Wl________-^^^________P-^^BrrtWrr^^^Cr_^_.lllßß_______Frrr^^^^^fc^pM^^P^^^^B__^_ !j°TJ^Pi_ "€&_T^ v^3 S c t^s^E^i t^Qig-^*yr^^s*____^^^ __l l S<_'__TL_w_r'. w r m ___P^C *ju .Ac wr !^'___S__^______'''l__i _i rr___^_ a _h__g________^-%___-_rrw______H__*T___^^_eio^^^ l^" 5 _EPS^*aj^BJßfc__k-J___fc_^ __________t_s__ T r gjj^ai^
      445 words

  • 727 6 \Y, E have never committed the error of expecting too much from out presenl political leaders. We have r» vt r demanded of them the high standard ot leaderry ii' this country is to ho something more itory to receive the backwash of SouthEast A ian politics.
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  • 1202 6  -  HELLA JASPERR .\VV\\\\ By MOOT pseudo-scientific fantasies dealing witti strange planets, spaceships, of robots have until recently been associated with the lurid covers of pulp magazines or with adventure stories for boys. But during the last months there has been a remarkable change in
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  • 341 6 Review of Views T.B. In Johore DR. H. B. WALLACE, Johore'sj T.B. specialist, recently _poke against mass X-rays and] B.C.G, inoculations saying, "if mass X-ray is carried out in Johore Bahru, the result will show that more than Ki.DOO people are infected J with tuberculosis." Utusan Melayu, commenting on; this
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  • Article, Illustration
    401 6 We the PEOPLE -THE WORD IS 'FRIFNns' Sir: Mr. Ferguson now has had the satisfaction of seeing his pet ideas in heavy type. Happy man! I hate to disillu ion Mr. Ferguson, but it is money that makes the Briton brave the tropical sun. ao! altruism. If the money angle
    Newspaper  -  401 words
  • 188 6  -  A.R.G. D'ROSE. Singapore. Sir; "_V 0 one worries whether they are being over- taxed or not," said .Mr D S^ertson in 7? ur »Iu»MM on Nov. 16. On the contrary the S Proceedings of the last Legi--j atiye Council meeting show t ttjdt many are interested in f
    188 words
  • 336 6  - Neguib Turns Down Stately Car Gerald Abathoon Ey CAIRO, iUPi President Mohammed Neguib has turned his thumbs down en his stately mode-to-order American automobile. Chief executive or no chief executive, austerity lover Neguib is against plush autos For himself. Ali the more so because his is a black Cadillac sedan
    336 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 137 6 SINCAPORE tigeb STANDARD INDEPENDENT MORNING NEWSPAPER i _it ,t is i. tt i mmmmmsmmmWm9\ HEAD OFFICE 128. Robimon Rood, Singapore. Ttlcpkona Not: *****—***** Cofcle b Telegraph Address: TIGERNEWS. Singapore. BRANCH OFFICES LONDON Room 222. Tho Times Building. Printing House Square. London E.C 4. KUALA LUMPUR (POH PENANG 45 Sulton %tm
      137 words
    • 90 6 BM__HM______Kl_________________MP( 'SM itf* Ki£ ________________H|__sr->V ___F^V> *T- t r^ jjjjjjjfi* f __m«' '^§-»<\*i: r y s _K _X J^^ ___^rlfcS^ *^^^"*^________r TLfc.j-2- r^^***' I^**' >r_^ «^V f&mmT"* '9\j. ____S__i r i ii "^HHff** 1 -lni r n Bat_ "^S________________V- tmwmm. I I* I G'FTS [J! W£ WAVF A VERY WIDE
      90 words

  • 220 7 .\iim (Israel Becm»> A .».>- rormer Illinois "rtoool teachef may grid's first lady head ot ml of the >"""« nVTspapei reports* «i yesterday .Ida Mvnson. who teaching job in help pioneer this ...■ may get the Prime Minister's post hero whe n Da*!* R,.,,.
    220 words
  • 178 7 It Will Add To Tension, He £ays 9 UNITED NATIONS, New York, Nov (UP) -Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky charged vester- y a that next month's Big Three Bermuda conicc can only intensify world tension. conference, the veteran Soviet dipUnited Nations Main Political Commitan answer to the Western rejected
    178 words
  • 46 7 £10,00 HAUL FROM STUDIO LONDON, N 20 (B ElO.--000 cash after blowing open a safe ii t Pinewood Film Studios at Iver. Buckinghamshire town, northwest of I. Immed rm was ids withm miles of the studios while ti' t< and fingerprint experts the damaged premise wrecked
    46 words
  • 98 7 3 Confess To 9-Year Old Murder TOLL. France. Nov. 20 (UP) Three children have confessed to the murder of their father nine years ago. police said yesterday. They said they were three of a family of seven children. One of them not knowing of the alleged crime became worried after
    98 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 7 photo THAT "OFF THE SHOULDERS" LOOK: Gorgeous Jane Russell is all decked out in suds for a scene in her new movie, 'The French Line." But, if we know Jane it won't be a soap opera! U.P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • 165 7 LONDON, Nov. 20 (Reuter)— The British Army is not what it was, it was officially, if regretfully, reported I here. And in view of changes in th e British \va v of life brought about by time, the regulations which govern the British
    165 words
  • 106 7 3-POWER MEET TO EXCHANGE ATOM FACTS LONDON, Nov. 20 (UP)— The Foreign Office need today that American. B: and Canadian experts will meet soon to exchange information on the effects of atomic explosions. A Foreign Office spokesman said the conference will not deal with questions of atomic polVy nor with
    106 words
  • 63 7 SHIP LOAN A FORERUNNER WASHINGTON. Nov. 20 (UP) The scheduled loan of two United States destroyers to Nationalist China may be Just the forerunner of extensive naval aid to strengthen the outmoded navy of Chiang Kai-shek, a Defence Department spokesman said today. The tr,t will be whether the Chinese Nationalists
    63 words
  • 45 7 LONDON. Nov _..>; (Reuter) —A woman's green dres-. stil 'hed with braiding to form the words '-Equal pay for women", was found flying ye— lerday morning from tlu- flagstaff of the .6()-_oot Victoria Tower of the Houses of Parliament. Woikmen removed it.
    45 words
  • 57 7 RANGOON. Nov. 20 (AFP) The Rangoon University Council today officially announced that 30 student?, including women, were expelled for life and ten debarred for one academic year. The statement alleged that the 30 students expelled for life, were agents of Communist underground movements and the other
    57 words
  • 71 7 Peace Will Win— Pope CAST EL GANDOI.FO, Near Rome. Nov. 20. (Renter) Pope Pius XII voicing sorrow at Communist persecution ot the Catholic Church, yesterday expressed certainty of "the final triumph of peace in mutual esteem of peoples and generous iccord of goodwill." He praised the Polish Catholics traditional patriotism
    71 words
  • 34 7 MOROCCO received its first rode of criminal law when four decrees reforming the Sultan's justice were gazetted in a special number of the Government's official bulletin in Rabat, yesterday.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 23 7 THE Duke of Edinburgh, flying a twin-engined Devon training plane on Thursday made a radar controlled landing at Loudon Airport. AFP.
    23 words
  • 20 7 DR CHKDDI JAGAN* and Mr. I..P.S. Burnham, left London by P'r 'or India on 'lhuiiday.— r Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 302 7 LONDON. Nov 20 (AP) Parliament on Thursday wished the Queen Godspeed and a safe return j irom her coming round-the-world Commonwealih tour. Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, in the House of Commons, compared her journey to that of Sir Francis Drake. The Queen and
    302 words
  • 62 7 CAIRO. Nov 20. (AFP)— Jewels valued C4.000.000 (about 132,000,000 Malayan) belonging to memben of the Egyptian royal family arc to be brought by special train from Alexandria to Cairo next Monday. Rare and delicate furniture and valuable pictures seized by "ho Government in the
    62 words
  • 74 7 BANGKOK. Nov. 20 (AFP) The Thai Legislative Study Commission has drafted a bill for abolishment of the premier's office *nd replacing it with a Cabinet Council Office. The Cabinet Council Office is to be divided into two sub-mini- tries, one for political affairs. in charg
    74 words
  • 86 7 EDINBURGH, Nov. 20. (Renter) A detective yesterday told a court trying four men on a charge of plotting to overthrow the Government that he had found a shorthand note which read. "We do not consider Elizabeth as having been crowned Queen of Scotland." The men on trial
    86 words
  • 76 7 Standard London Correspondent LONDON, Nov. 20. The following are th c closing prices ci rubber and tin on the London morket. LONDON RUBB.R LONDON TIN Spot 16«d. December 17 d. Jor. Morel. 17. d Apr. <Jun« 17_d. July,' Sept. 17 id. December c.i.f. t 6_» d. Tone:
    76 words
  • 47 7 photo. CAPTIVE STAR: The you member of the ca.t raptures Rita Hayworth's heart during a lull m shooting scenes for "Miss Thompson." Thr red haired octress, plays the title role m Columbia's modern. zed version of Somerset Maugham s "Ram U.P.
    U.P.  -  47 words
  • 204 7 London, Nov. '>o (Beater)— General sir Brian Robertson, Chief British military negotiator .it the Anglo-Fgyptian talks in Cairo, told Foreign Secretan Mr. Anthony Eden today there was little prospect af agreement on the evacuation oi Britain's Sue/, (anal base until alter the current Sudanese elections.
    204 words
  • 61 7 LONDON, \«»v 2Q (H —Britain b* iy the official hi I I 1 air meed i< ord with confli mile, an hour a. rag< d by i marine Sw [ft The International tical Federation ba-- st j] conf.rm the 753.4 mill cd in California eight biter
    61 words
  • 23 7 CHRISTIAN!. MARTEL, the Paris beauty chosen Miss Un verse of 1933 Thursday her eng Gommie Marengo, ot Stockton Califoi n AP
    AP  -  23 words
  • 56 7 C' WLTH TRADE EXPERTS MEET LONDON, Nov. 20: (Router) Commonwealth financial and economi n talks here this week to prepare a statistical bi ief foi the C monwealth finance confi i e in Sydm y In January, authoritative sources said today. i eir ten-day private c ions at tlu> Treasury
    56 words
  • 47 7 ISTANBUL. Nov. 20 (AP) Two subway trains collided hi ad-on Thursday night just outside Istanbul. OfliciaI s said they feared many passengers were killed and injured. First reports said the two trains, composed of wooden coaches. telescoped, piling coarhes on top of one another.
    47 words
  • 62 7 PARIS. Nov. 2t: (AP) Freneh «taee end screen comic Charles Pasauier whose stage name wai Bach died last night of a It art attack. He was 71. He began as a cafe linger, moved on to m.._ir halls, -tarred at (h e Fo'ie. Bergere and Casino
    62 words
  • 30 7 THE Canadian Government is con idering a measure which would stop the flumping of foreign good. Into Canada, Cabinet Ministers told a delegation trot*, the textile Induatrv. Reuter.
    30 words
  • 16 7 GORILLAS nay no longer be killed in Spanish Guinea a decree -tated jrattefftoy. AFP
    AFP  -  16 words
  • 227 7 JAPAN TO RAISE ITS OWN FORCES CARNEY WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 (Renter) Admiral Hubert (.»rnc>, t niled States Chief uf Naval operations, nisi back from a Tar Eastern tour told .1 press conference yesterday that Japan will have to assume the burden ol her own .lelence. ll*' said that while in
    227 words
  • 33 7 PEARL HARBori. fAP) Seven U S t SfM nt several h< life raft in I tic atur ditching their 1 reach< Iy Thui m cuing ti an. port.
    33 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 156 7 PLASTICOTIZE *OUR CAR AND PRESERVE THAT ORIGINAL SHOWROOM SHINE "ATP. T TOU HEARD T 'J V f^V" It£Jrun _____P__^_____f_L__ WHAT A PIFFErXENCi f l CHß oßr\^WjptUuUc49U IS RE ALLY GOOP> fill mwmmmmmmm Mmmmm T -j w o*hing is done with a soop or detergent ot some now you con gef
      156 words
    • 102 7 Acceptable Gifts ■.-ll r° r Men j Th STERLING SILVER I m<Am±**' l j|-_-==h PHOTO FRAMES P__BB_H___>^ I ">" i i __Al______9_____/i I j *f* i^'tx turned or plain, ■j !_9* ovailobfe in various 1 1 j |i_Li___F' I i M%>^%m ________l^ %i*e% ii ~-l:_T~ —J from $17.50 _p ji
      102 words

  • 149 8 LONDON. Nov. 20 (Reuter)- leaders of 39 shipbuilding and engineering unions representing three million British workers yesterday voted in favour of a 24 hour national strike on December 2. This derision a protest; againsl the employers' rejection I 01 15 per cent
    149 words
  • 88 8 Nil East Flights Affected BASRA. Nov. 20. (AFP) Bad weather now covering Iraq and the Persian Gulf yesterday added to the difficulties of airline companies in maintaining flights in those regions since the strike of the meteorological and radio signals persoanel at the International Airport here. An airline company official
    88 words
  • 60 8 THE HAGUE. Nov. 20. (AP) With the opening of a new ....250.000 ton-a-year distillation unit the refining complex of the Royal Dutch Shell Group at Pernis near Rotterdam has become Europe's largest. The new distillation unit, which was built in about 13 months and cost £2.000.000.
    60 words
  • 74 8 NFW VORK. Nov. 10. (AP>— A new cheap photographic Rash bulb, claimed to be the world's smallest, was announced recently by the General Electric Company. The comp: ny said the bulb. about half th </e of present midget bulbs, can be used in regular reflectors with
    74 words
  • 82 8 OSLO. Nov. 20, (AP) A Scandinavian delegation w fly to the Far Fast on Sunday for talks with Indian and Pakistani authorities on expander landing rights for planes fro;, the Scandinavian Airline System, the Oslo newspapei Aftenposten said yesterday Representative-, ol the Swedish. Danish and Norwegian
    82 words
  • 29 8 TYPHOON Cora which St one time threatened to itrike Southern Formosa. bypa < I thil island on the east and was losing strength, th? Weathei R.'.rpriu rpnortod- AP
    AP  -  29 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 830 8 k HAMBURG mm AMERIKA LINIE NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD lOLM SI KM. I. lo olombo Oea«a Marseilles Anlur-ri Roll* rd .mi Haaabarg «v Brem-n S pore c Sham Penang -T S Sshem (NDL) l>ee ][}>" \}/^\u.[ I I.m rkus.n <ll\lV\(.. 11/K.llcc 17 ISI»c. l >/2II)e--•Imu Kohl Muml.i Kobe Yokohama Peaaai P sh..m
      830 words
    • 1202 8 m:tm BLUE FUNNEL LINE «feHj; „0 h.Ks> MANSFIELD A <0., LTD, "gg? Incorporated In glngapora carrlcn aalloa lo proceed rla atbet v»rt<. la y>.ui aag SfsSarle carm SAILINGS lo I.I%'KBPOCM.. lil-ASOOW. LONDON CONTINENTAt POBTS p.e B 1 111 P 8 aaan Pan I AntonirrJon for Havre Liver- Barfl litem fir'
      1,202 words
    • 531 8 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS Royal Rotterdam I.loyd Holland America Line Nederland Line Rotterdam Rotterdam \msterrl..m H ALII AX. BOSION. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, MOBILE NEW OKI LANS via SEFZ Spore p sham Peeaei BORNEO (SMN) U. 2..N0* i(i\i.\ .7.2K!.a. SOMMUSDVR (HAL) 9/ISDec lfi!>e( II KOTA r.FIIK (RL) 2.o|lcc ."..lan (Jan
      531 words
    • 666 8 EAST ASIATIC LINt SMI L\(.S I KOM s( \MHN\\|\ u MANtIIUKIA f r Bangl bajQon. HonnkLiiu Hi n Kobe Yokohan.a :l» 1 •i m.stkiv for Banefcok x <> i> T.ALANDIA* for Bangkok i, •PANAMA" for Bangkok Honßkong I 'JAVA** for Bangkok. Saigon, Hongkong. Manila. Kobt, Yokohama I Him SAIIIN(.> IO
      666 words

  • 116 9 LONDON, Nov. 20 Gravely concerned by heavy losses in foreign exchange, the new Djakarta Government of Dr. Ali Sastroamidjojo. has despatched a trade mission in quest of new markets. Au and 1 1 mgkong have ain rec isits h aimi d at si i I
    116 words
  • 194 9 LONDON, Nov. 20— Britain is considering i turner expansion of trade in non-strategic joods with Communist China', official sources ;a.d yesterday. Several British firms with 'Turn orders" for ex--lortj Xo Red China have been refused export licence by he Board ol Trade because the
    194 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 9 Photo. DENISE PERRIFJt. i ally elerted M Isa IVn i th** motor srooler she received .is a gill Irom manufacturers. Th<- photo w.i I <ilr .it Ike Boulogne r.uiv A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 81 9 NEW YORK Nov. ?0 TAP) Hi mie, the fibre which ha? famous in the Far East for thousands of years, has Ie 11 itial appearance on t'pc UniVd States market in domestically produced fabrics. Three American firms aniced today thev have sueFully solved the "riddle
    81 words
  • 52 9 LONDON, Nov. 20 (AP).B Japan are to open trade and financial talks within Ine next three week? Id an to relieve a serious Jap; of s'erling. Bril .'l yesterday. A Trea ury lan said Japanese mission is to fly and negotiations for a -roptnont 3
    52 words
  • 107 9 THE -overy in the tir metal price yesterday res i in renewed confidi i• i in thc n Share Market wl business was recorded at tin higher levels In numbi r ol shares. Rubber shares con Unued neglected. Changed prices w« re: D-BCSTM \l S Hi. en Ords. l
    107 words
  • 87 9 RUBBER trade circles in Malaya reacted ravour* ably to the remarks b.. Republican repre ent alive Paul Shafer ol Michii in regarding natural rubl i the V.s. ami the reduction in the n_a___b_toi aae f synthetic from tiie IS3I statutory requirement al 450.000 to NMN
    87 words
  • 13 9 itl." I I 1 r < I t H > (Muni wak I B
    13 words
  • 25 9 '1 F i i i ri h and e I ea I •f sC.lw io iO';.ni ij i., *..n c illaia.
    25 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 450 9 H'f Aft^CJ? 7 P By VT. Ham/in ■*E,NOW..CX' 1^ CS NOTHING 1P" r 1 I'AWK rtiHOU l\ HERE THAT Y_u« V '*^§H__L "^^>v -i ■X". U^T \OAIDWVO FIND /SEE ANY DCES mJSL.s S Af.r.lTMMiOiT V IOUGH/ VrvrsPOOKUPf thing amaze FOQZVf :':>-• [wtm adub'sa/ vovV O. 1 r e.GtJNTPY*O A V.rC>E
      450 words
    • 3 9 By Al Capp
      3 words
    • 667 9 <_____!^^_?' r^"''s_t 's_^'l__^^^^___i__SP^y <_? _K k j s '"^^^.P-^^^w?^^^ -^^P*^ x /_^_ri^^_________-B_j-_f^^ S. ll and l p.m REX: Bill I c K.«i pore Diary capitoi.: r. o< m c, Brothera 7 Hnri I M ST. JOHN \MKll\\(K BBM3ADB LIDO: Chira(_i-E-A i3. I V V' N OVERSEAS: Cinema ahow 139 and
      667 words

  • 909 10 They Had Talent And Polish— Says 4 |NCE AG \IV that popu- lai M>«»t lh« Great World Cabaret, was packed out for Ihe finds of Ihe hotI> contested Crooner Croe* Bette Competitioa. The settn»4 oi this lar«e hall room i. ideal, it has space, it is tool, and it is
    909 words
  • 328 10 CUGA T SPOKE FOR 40 MJNS SEVERAL late entries arrived for the Xavier Cugat Sinking Contest, but you may rest assured that all who have written in, have had their names duly entered. It is not possible to reply to each person individually but I hope the following points will
    328 words
  • 784 10 ANACRUSIS ASKSDo You Spare A Thought %ZOLOMON'S second (Beethoven sonata) recital has been fixed for Tuesii December I at 6.15 p.m. in the Victoria Memorial Ha NOT at the University at originally planned. The early start is necessary owing to an evening performance of "Mikado" in the adjoining Victoria Theatre;
    784 words
  • Article, Illustration
    10 10 Vegas as she uses n I'kk^iuux __JZ_.iL ,l,,cr o; J.aj
    10 words
  • 546 10  - STAGE DOOR BABRY'OLIVER iiffii ing up .S?50.000 American to bring this show to the Far East. **I have always found Gray a grand guy and a true sportsman" confided Mr. Levitt, "and in time I'm sure Singapore is going to say the same thing, for he has in mind many
    546 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      54 words
    • 307 10 Amm***+*^£^^mm\m\mmmA. Am' a+> ______C' AmW »1 BL' I%* VSII R** V _T _______Hcj7 /wKI l f^» ______________________r x w\'-TmT nwrAm P_ tm J /______P**__l P""^ft I_^_ra__TiS_r^ I 'mMmmmmm^m f^mfc,, j I^l__-m Br __r __r yl Compliment to Tchaihorxk Tn rttrieuriag the Phtltpt M nt- •<h\ik,, Vnl groove 33 i/.'i rßCordi
      307 words

  • 75 11 Wanderers Almost Knock Them Qui SKIN Of their teeth the University of 1 their penu!._mate match in the SM .i One league, yesterday, when they beat the by the only goal to move up to the S They, however, have a better goal D I ill. 1
    75 words
  • 7 11 < < P P A Clarke.
    7 words
  • 75 11 Tigers vs The Rest M),, R Players from the 1 rouri tg team which return* ?"ff POr .e >• Irom Dja Play for the Re.t >r ?a»nsl thi Tigers or, s lalan Besa] .tad Ch Will go IO r ore Amateur BoSins X ion. Chia Boon I "8. Penam foe*
    75 words
  • 22 11 KU ALA LUM V U R Fri XI beal SelaniSr Club riendly hookey fixUn.. on the padang this evening.
    22 words
  • 246 11 > h i J**^"** round of the I ooit£ "HI be continued tomorrow between holders Selangor and I >enang will go down In the cup's hlslon as the most dramatic switch in lhe fortunes of the one ie month ago the resull was dered a
    246 words
  • 112 11 I I i iv is i I lo Tonight from 8 p.m. Singles: Lee Hoo Chye i Chong Teck: Ooi Teik Hock Heng. Doubli I. v r, ik Hock .uid 1 1 Khen Chooi v Chan Leong and Lim Kee Pong: 0< T< k Hock and Lee He.
    112 words
  • 28 11 Ma lacca Police XI MALACCA, Fri— The M de .'.gainst the N< Police at Seremban tomorro Pillay; Samsudin. Rajah; CaldGafTney, Hamzah (Capt); Todd. Waller, Alagendra, Yusoff and Ali.
    28 words
  • 43 11 MALACC V Fri Except a hange in the ii ition the Malacca A so riation will fio'd ne suie that beat the ore Services here last weekend s— o when Malacca meets Selangor tomorrow at B da Ilihr English School .id.
    43 words
  • 41 11 LONDON, Nov. 20 (ReuteD The former Wimbledon titleholders. Donald Budge and Frank Sedgman, beat Richard "Paneho"' (ion/ales and Francis Segura 6—3, 6 6—2 in the final of the men's doubles in the international professional lawn tennis championships at Wimbley.
    41 words
  • 42 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. In a division 1 (N) hockey league match today the PWD Sports Club beat the TPC A 4—2. Stanislaus (2). Gomez and Perera one each scored for the winners and Paramasivam and Weerasekera for the TPCA.
    42 words
  • 27 11 COPENHAGEN, Nov. 20. (Reuter) Moscow dynamo football team touring Denmark,' beat a Copenhagen team by two goals to one after trailing o—l at half time.
    27 words
  • 35 11 CALCUTTA. Nov. 20 i Renter! India'* two-man Davis Cup team of Summit Misra and Ramanatha Krishnan leit here i>v air lor Jakarta today on the first stage ot their journey to Australia.
    35 words
  • 34 11 TOKYO. Nov 20 <AFP) A 25-man Swedifli soccer team arrived here by air this morning to play in Tokyo and Osaka. The Swedes will meet am allJapan team on bondajr, I
    34 words
  • 192 11 India All Out 387 In Test -Ni-w n.-.'..n, Kri. IR |1 India were all out Just tx tea for 387 in the Rrsl Ti I [againsl the Commonwealth j who -cored 42 without If close of pi, iv today Lunch score was India 318 for with Ramchand 87 not o
    192 words
  • 317 11 LONDON, Nov. 20—England's soccer selectors, in a desperate bid to keep in.act their 90-year old unbeaten home record against foreign teams, yesterday made five four of them in the attack, for the match against Hungary at Wembley stadium on Nov. 25.
    317 words
  • 240 11 HMS Malaya rugby will be th* highlight of this week's sport* and will be followed with greater interest than a fortnight ago in view of the laet thai the results Will 999--vif| f a h'.'lter insi';h« of the shape ol tilings to come a
    240 words
  • 238 11 TODA Y'S TEAMS Singapore v Negri Malacca Singapore: Parker. Taylor.) Mclver, Murphy. Owen. Pogou.j Armitage Lockhead, Douglas. Dale. Grav, Marriott, Baird. j Sviia; nguivei. NegTi Malacca: Brigh, Garrat.! Plowman, Wiseman Phillips. O'Leary, Edington, Leach. Pattenson, Scott. Power. Nesbitt. McWilliam, Corson. Wood. Johore v Combined Services. Johore; Edington. Kabuta. Roberts Rayawa,
    238 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 106 11 i Shows i > W If, **.30 RACHEL L. CARSON'S I THE SEA mmm OS COLOR y V. DISNI V B \N I M.I Mo 1 ll (tl 9 a.m. w i MEXICO' C br it i hange *08_*T MAURICE V t MORLEY EW.LISJ tiILBEBT aiKi I W»ora 8.15 0.15
      106 words
    • 57 11 NOTICE ROYAL ROTTERDAM LLOYD s.s. "TOMORP r\UE Irom Europe at S.H.B. Godowns Nos. 29/_io on 21st Inst. 0900 a.m. Damaged packages may be tendered for survey on 27th November from 8 a.m. No further survey will be held. For Delivery Orders please apply to: j ROTTERDAM TRADING CO.' CYI) LTD.
      57 words
    • 578 11 NO I THE ATLAS ICE COMPANY LIMITED •Tncorporaicd in The Federation of Malaya) Directors' Report and Accounts 30th September 1953 ]>fOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Thirty-Ninth Ordinary General Meeting of ne Company will be held at tne Registered Office No 18 Jonker Street, Malacca," on Inursday the 10th day
      578 words
    • 613 11 I ANNOINCEMiJNr f LOYD TRIfeSTINO. The new 9U po. server booki^'4 office is now situa'ed on the 3rd floor MacDonald Ho'js e, Orchard Road. Singapore. SITUATION WANTED I" ADY Sten Efl ient, ±J long tx ym seeks permanent or temporary position. Write Bo:: No T 1450 ACCOMMODATION VACANT 1 j
      613 words
    • 701 11 SITUATIONS VACANT APPLICATIONS _rr ltd f»»r th-.- following*. in the Department of Social Wei fare. Singajxire: (1) DFPI.TY SrPIRIVTKNDI.NT. ..IMSON S< ROOL FDR ROVS: Salary scale: $4fio x 24 A WO pm i ius C.C.L. and Singapore Al owaneea. Total »n.. at present ranjre from <■';.() pm. for a
      701 words
    • 232 11 Stunclard St»r\ ice' For J Unemployed Al Vu| |< M.KMI t. /ire Tuu unrmji!..., u npfj nrrd lo hrUi Tou lo find HMtk the Singapore >Und.iru t nemplr.vinrnt Rurr.nj _5i!T«« ro ,rr ,p,r l« «*>'» column lum M ll ur «rli. tour local Simdrrd ofHrr for .n JfiPii^ 11 01
      232 words

  • 4 12
    4 words
  • 222 12 Tigers Oblige The C.G. From JEFFREY JAMES JAKARTA, Thurs. "Fet's hive four goals at least, said the Commissioner Genm\ Mr. Malcolm Mac i>.»nild goes, of lhe Towrtog Ti .r r^ ,t Stadium here todav and the Tigers oldi .»d heat-M the for^ ■ridable Prrsidja team of Djakarta by four
    222 words
  • 780 12  -  WINDSOR LAD Bv PUNTERS cannot go wrong in picking cinema n as a »«»<= today's main event (race six) at Bukit Timah. On form, on breeding and l on i past performances and on the weights Cinema II looks every inch a winner
    780 words
  • 3 12 SAFASDFAS
    3 words
  • 1282 12 Standard's RACE CARD RACE li 2.15 p.m.— Class 2, Div. 3—6 Furs. I. 2».t May Bug 3y 9.00 Mr. Wong Ah York Heddle Ch.rles r oSLf a 6y 8.10 -Belmont Stable" Spencer Hudson Kxpeclalions 4y 8.09 Mr. Tan Chin Tuan Fox c™ ?n 4 Ribu 4y 8.08 Mrs. A.K D'Cotta
    1,282 words
  • 166 12 KABAKA, a last start winler at the Perak Gold Vase nesting, .should win Race 4. Ie is retaining the Ipoh form »s sei-n in hi s stylish workout m Thursday morning when he ran the half mile in ind the last three i n 40 sec.
    166 words
  • 506 12 SHAN.iRILA Is a promising three-year-old who has not reached his top yet. This Pappageno II gelding has won some useful races but his most notable triumph must be his Autumn Cup victory over Magnificence. 1 p to this class 2 lot Shangrila goes down 16
    506 words
  • 42 12 CARGO RICE BEST IN OPEN RACE 1 l here in Sepi to Fail I I) and b it i Starry I an which il very lni il x Unite definite th 1 Fi Sp main and men! White 37 I 1 i
    42 words
  • 25 12 Tilt, sky was overcast yesterday aftr r steady rainfall in the morning. If the weather keeps clear today the going will be good.
    25 words
  • 14 12 iND 3 •i'or now m I lucky I)
    14 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 129 12 f______o______________^__^_^^_^_i^S__l_____: Q nil 1 Afrpf Ohrclilest BpuJUx Ez' ff T_»|»vJA^uPUtf___. M till IN I Mil \M>) Sole Agents B. T CHEW Cr CO. 76-B Robin. on Rood S'pore 1 Tel: ***** RENDEZVOUS RESTAURANT Phone No. ***** AND HOTEL No. 20. ia 4 .> Bras Basalt Road, loppeaße Cathay Ituiidini;) iitttfi
      129 words
    • 169 12 l.njov DVNCINi; ratter llm Mil x lmi\ j at lhe GNy'i \<>. 1 Sl..l_.Ol»l_\. \ll< \i V:________difi^^j^^^^; < y: 1 __frLy* VSIO.V I T »_*W I ffl. |^M^ GALA -V7 RACE <*_>3s kf (>: ;f BALL V_ V r^ >.c Stttti ihtitt tn M\ *0 PRI/I S i T^jT Qonl
      169 words