Singapore Standard, 19 November 1953

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
  • 21 1 SINGAPORE STANDARD __pt K_ __L Mfj_i»-__^^^ _t IN Vol. IV. No. 140. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1*53. TWELVE PACES 10 CENTS.
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  • 367 1 TRADE BAN REVOLT GROWS P, :i ROTH, 1 nndoa Correa, 18 If 30 In leave weekend it ant indica- revolu circle. ian on trade I countries <•< untry is thera pay l>p increasingly v lines. I.a- favwith it of polifind they are tremendous nessmen in t i t >m pi
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  • 135 1 lIIEKAN, Nov. 18 <AP)— Mossadeq kept his (1 in his ears for ten minutes yesterday recorded voice of his former Foreign Minisi Fatemi. denounced the Shah. I The trial of Ma.sadeq on charges of seeking to unseat I the Pablevi dynasty and illegally dissolving Parliament.
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  • 25 1 I- v. 18. (Reuter). Templer, in Malaya. today for weeks' I d»*part- t London r Oversea Airliv. rted oast be-
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  • 87 1 r EIGHTEEN YE A R OLD Violet Sleitjh. a Kuala Lumpur mannequin, won the Miss Max Factor, Malaya contest an,) with it a free trip to Hollywood at the finals of th<> competition held at the Raffles Hotel last nixht. Her closest rival. Ramona
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 163 1 TAIPEI, Nov. 18 (UP)— Chiang Kai-shek's entire Cabinet resigned today giving rise to speculation of a major break in Chiang's longtime leadership of the Nationalist Chinese Government. In a completely unheralded move Chiang's ministry headed by Premier Chen Cheng quit. It was the first
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  • 75 1 LONDON. Nov. 18— (UP>— Pr:m e Minuter Sir Winston Churchill may present to President Eisenhower at Bermuda a bold new plan to keep the peace by agreeing to a n "armed truce" with the Soviet Union. authoritative sources said today. Churchill considers the idea a
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  • 69 1 LONDON. Nov. 18 (AFP) Amounts of Russian gold have recently been transferred from Moscow to the Bank of England., it was disclosed in financial quarters here today. The gold was delivered in ingots bearing the Soviet stamp. The aim of the transaction was to supply Russia
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  • 17 1 SIR Arthur Bliss has been app tinted master of Ike 1 Queen's Alusick." Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 374 1 Silent Youth And Wailing Woman MR. JUSTICE Tayfor yesterday imposed the death sentence on Gan Eng Loke, the 16--year-old English-speaking schoolboy who had been found guilty in the Singapore Assize Court of murdering his maidservant with a chopper. When the judge intoned the words:
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  • 32 1 ...And Two Who Did Not photos. SECOND: Ramo na Wiener. Although thp Hollywood-trip is not hers, a cheque for $500 is. THIRD: thong Yin Lai also gets a cheque for 8100. Standard
    Standard  -  32 words
  • 23 1 NINE Icelandic flshernv 1 !o_t their lives recently when •heir shin was wrecked oil the west coast of 1 viand. AFP
    AFP  -  23 words
  • 14 1 EX-kixg Parouk will be tried in absentia by Egypt's Revolutionary Court. A.P.
    A.P.  -  14 words
  • 14 1 THREE army privates, were executed for treason in Da- mascUf yesterday.— AP
    AP  -  14 words
  • 305 1 A CHEQUE for $100 from the Singapore Motor Club and three donations amounting to $5. 50 brought The Standard's Toy Fund to $8,445.82 yesterday. From Hongkong. The Standard received a surprise donation of $10 from 22 yearold Elizabeth Ozorio. an attractive office girt. She says:
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  • 12 1 "Phew!— thought I'd never find a pair to suit him!"
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  • 75 1 LONDON. Nov 18 (AKP> Sir Leslie Plummer, Labour MP i s to ask the Colonial Secretary. Oliver Lyttel'uu. next Wednesdiiv why the body of a Chinese woman bandit, shot and killed bv Malayan security forces, wa brought dow n fiom the jumjles ..trapped to a
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  • 127 1 NEW YORK. Nov. 13 (UP) Republican Representative Paul. W. thaler of Michigan today strongly recommended that private United Sla'es rubber manufacturers take all synthetic rubber production v l l of 'ha hands ot the Jjovemmi'uL He warned that the rub manufacturer! were i n the threshold
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  • 118 1 Ruler Is Sent To Hospital THE B '•f Negri Sembilan wai ru i the Sinfapoi I Senei >i Ha pital on an al line bv tr i i rday from S I ruler M aill tOl R •rv..ti)n, for the r f».irtv in a Constellation whic h w i (■)><■
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  • 89 1 A Royal N.i v belicop •< erday tt .v it v expei t from Changi to .< bet h north of Tan m»r i Pel i iboui M mile* N I <>t Sing ip following a pilots report he h n an airrrafl wii^ ;t!i(l na<
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  • 53 1 LONDON Nov 18 111 s-.i Awbery, Labouf HIP I k V( the Colonla Eh i •> v thii afternoon ritlaanship pa i ipoi ti <»t pei ooa t> n in North Borneo prior to it. aeeesston in ItHfl but not ro* i tiding thei i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 41 1 s >H?iH__ _T tsUAND IRADIi.G CO. PR N v| SINGAPOBI. Mi: !i I it's g00d. J C^/nEW ZEALAND ANCHOR ...BUTTER... r '>m the rich green pastures of W Zealand's famous dairy -lands, smooth creamy ANCHOR BUTTER. Singapore cold storage co., ltd.
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    • 75 1 ____i v v^____________ f^ SHfll 1 [sheuubricationJ VWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WW WW WW* Check... I Lubrication j Service j Station i j REACH C jMobJiJii[ I Destination J AROUND THI WORLD ./v,__" MORI CARS ARI j£_ 1 J PROTICTtD BY I Mobiloil I j THAN ht ANY OTHIR BR^ND STANDARD VACUUM OIL
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  • 31 2 I.N'GA ice are p< rson heated ui> ng iri C'< H thr T d on it u on a Hi ng 10. ddenly stopi
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  • 296 2 COLONY PRISONERS TO STUDY CIVICS A NEW COURSE of study for the rehabilitation of prisoner, in Singapore jails •rill b«ui n on the evening of Saturday. Nov. 2H, whe n a civics class Is opened at the Outran Koad Jail. This has bee n made possible through co-operation between Major
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  • 27 2 AIR H. A CAMPBELL, chairman u_ the Joint Working Party on the Rubber Iny. will give a ta!k over Riui today at 7.10 pjn.
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  • 751 2 IN SINGAPORE, end the Federation in the piinopal towns ond in humble kampongs —Muslims yesterday observed the Piophct Mohamed's 1,373rd birthday with fervent prayers, colourful processions, sports meetings, feasting- ond a solemn resolve to crush the Communist terrorists, "the enemies of Islam." Our reporters and
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  • 109 2 COMMODITY PRICES CLOSING rubber prices (cents P^r lb.) in Singapore yesterday were: Buvers Sellers No 1 RSS Spot Loose r >(>l s(»^ No. 1 R.S.S. 562 :><i; No. 2 RSS. *>5i 55 S No. :j r.s.s. 532 531 Tone: Steady TIN PRICE The price of tin yesterday was S.'»lB per
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  • 131 2 Extortion Quick Police Act Praised MR. E.H. D'NettO, Second District Court judge yesterday, highly commended Inspector Patrick David on his promptness taken in effecting the arrest ol three men and also for excellent investigation work. He said th;s al the continued hearing of an extottion Sulaiman bin Omar, Sardon bin
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  • 34 2 HONGKONG. Nov. 18 Special Standard Service. Closing prices or the Honukon^ Exchange today were $15.71 to $1 sterling: $5.88fi2.. to US SI$1,811) to Malayan $1: $0,200 to one Indonesian Ruppiah; Gold 1251.819
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  • 66 2 THERE has been a slicht decrease in the price of chicken in Singapore. According to hawkers, this is the result of l 'flood' in the market Prices have gone down about 10 cents to the kati. Pork and other meats remain steady Pork $2.80; Beef $1.30;
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  • 136 2 Visiting Newsmen AT THE invitation of Mr. Malcolm MacDonald. the Com-missioner-General, four Siamese journalists are now On a fortnight., "study" tour of Singapore and the Federation. Three of them represent dailies with a combined circulation of only 30,000 copies a day while the fourth is attached to the British Information
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  • 124 2 THE 25th anniversary co pert <»f thi Singapore V Fjs'..::i Music School. to »ort v\ will be high,: by tw«» pia its who fa ored bri ant successes both ami abroad. H a Aneiano an i Miss Fan Biau Chin. u I >U
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  • 97 2 Fl\ I. MEN chased a youth ards along Telok'Aver Street in S ngapore yesterday evening before they caught up with him. They then punched, kicked and stabbed him. ,'S V U r y nth, a liJ-year-o d labourer. Lim Ho See fe I I the
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  • 88 2 THE removal of quota re*f n _._J'V n on im P° rt s of certain foodstuffs, thereby introducing Niger competition locally might reduce food prices. Mr.' w. H. Walker. Controller and Registrar of Imports and Export-. Singapore said to trade with JaphL, said there
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  • 44 2 PRKLIMIXARY ngures of the total external trade of Singapore and the Federation of Malaya during the month f October was $523,400,000 Imports of merchandise in5270.600.00u and exports of including p post, ships' stores and bunket was $243,800,000. TOU
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 198 2 i ii ..I, The world famous family of TIGER medicinal products ■!".!■'--■> V WStFW mv^ f it 4 Sst dr?- "SIT jpp» v '-_B?^__' IH___-^^ *l^_. i^E^^F jl__- •»______&ii. ftu ~T _B 1 1 t___ j<^* jf -A TIGER BALM The most famous of the TIGER Medicinal Products For fast
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    • 197 2 _U___!v^_________________________________ nk §£REFRIGERATGp. l)K N fcj (I I I GRQtOi I N^ I AD v t n r i jlliT^"" RAFFLES KGTCL FOR EXCLUSIVE CU! VIC? dine tonight in the M Eli3abctban I (Srill IN THR BALI i \i j|| EUNICE MEL, I ENTIRELY NEW PKOdK A MM; CHARMING AUSTRALIAN
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  • 321 3 NO TV FOR US YET IT'S TOO MUCH ...But Later On Free Enterprise May Introduce It THE Singapore Government has no intention of introducing television into the Colony at present. t T. In ir an u inter y icw With The Standard vesterdav Mr J. D Higham, the Colony's Under
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  • 64 3 photos. Standard I S for long an. meritorious the Army were presented to by the Commander-in-Chief l.oewen, at his office in lay. The recipients were p McCaffrey ai.d Sgt A. P. White U I < i nd Mr. Wee Chee Sen-. a ft in a clerk in
    Standard  -  64 words
  • 95 3 DEAL for Singapore'! primary food pro- i will Increase the profits of Chinese farv fishermen and reduce food prices is I by the Colony Co-operative Developtment. i told a thai plan ipply. r Ch mcsc l her- bed I willi a con- •tit is
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  • 131 3 This Cat Burglar Was Noisy Standard Staff Reporter AWAKENED i the small hours of Tuesday by creakint; noises, a man living in Owen Road Singapore, saw an intruder in hlg mom. He jumped out of bed and chased the intruder out of the hou-.-. Later he went through his beloagiags,
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  • 239 3 Court Told Of 2 Men And 8 Pistols EP BIN DOLLAH and Ahma t bin Ilaji Mansoor, former empl lyees of R.A.F. Seletar. were committed to trial before the High Court at end oi ;< preliminary inquiry yester lay, on a charge of unlawfully possessing eight I revolvers. An eight-year-old
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  • 22 3 W r Ofl thai luirj t I t L; rid the now bi on exregret for the de-
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  • 174 3 MOVE FOR A CENTRAL STRIKE FUND A MOVE to institute a Centra] Strike Fund for the three Services Unions in Singapore will be made bv the General Council of the Federat:.):] oi Services Unions at its annual delegates' conference on Sunday. The S.F.S.U. in a re lion which will be
    174 words
  • 53 3 FORMER Indian Ambassador in Jakarta. Mr. Bfa I Daya!, is leaving Singapore todav for India by K.L.M. enroute to India. IL? is accompanied by his wifs and Shter. Ur. Dayal has been appointed Ambassador in Kabul. He will t_.ik e up his new office towards the
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  • 148 3 APPLICATIONS for United States Educational Exchange fellowships, for graduate study in American universities, during the 1954/55 academie year ire being invited by the USIS, Singap >re. These fellowships are sp >nSOred by the American Department of State under the SmithMundt educational exchange programme
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  • 88 3 I of thr donations readers of the Utusaa for victims of the "i Siagapoi lire in A'ju--1 Koad were jresterdaj I over to 11 families the aewspaper'a office. member of each family Bivea $61.79, besides le s of clothiag a tin of !< '<-• <l
    Standard  -  88 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 450 3 _T^S_2lti_S\£ pun ipq rniLiro _____T _t.________________________________n____B___ In A. .-S 5^ -_-_r Br I _____r\ I_"'* a l3_!^___r y v --^jt Jsr _4 >^___. a^^ ifiw vdtfH^ -i_______l _i__ The features of the W@GrVrir&rV&(£o PHILIPS 1954 RANGE *ri^inr\m m W w ww w iir.ii va R__^l _^_r^__'_r{tJt: featuring super magnetic materials
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  • 39 4 1 led for Iran fer. 'J ne Public Utilities Ci ttee of the City Council d the transfer ring the findings of a ttee appointed to 1 -p in 4 o certain e fori man
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  • 293 4 Egypt To Aid Malaya 's Muslim College standard Staff Reporter THE Egyptian Government will shortly send an] educational mission to Malaya to assist in the establishment ol the proposed Muslim College. The mission. consisting of eminent educationists from AI-Azhar, the oldest Muslim educational institution in the world, will help the
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  • 191 4 'Dancing Men On Lonely Rd.'— F. Press SINGAPORE Police last night described as "absolute nonsense" a report in the Free Pre. s of yesterday's issue that four naked men hav r been terrorising schoolgirls of JNariyang Girls' High School in Bukit Timah
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  • 124 4 Standard Staff Reporter A SUGGESTION thai a fresh clause be included in the new Income Tax law in order to ensure that the "Karta" or head of a Hindu joint family is given the sam e relief as thai h other individuals enjoy, has been
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  • 18 4 HIE thirty-sixth annua! general meeting of the Singapore Kerala Samajam will be held on Dee. 6.
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  • 159 4 Standard Staff Reporter M.ADAM TAN Foo Chin was the happiest woman at Kallang Airport, Singapore, yesterday, when a QANTAS/ BOAC Constellation flew in from Jakarta with her parents, whom she had not seen for more than 16 years. This was their first visit to
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  • 131 4 COLONY JUDGE PRAISES A STUDENT Fine Spirit Sho wn Resisting Thuc LIM BIAN SAN, a University cf student, was complimented in the Sir.q Assize Court yesterday "for t'c spirit v shown" in resisting the attc of fo. to rob him and his friend Mi. 3 Gracic C The complimenl came
    131 words
  • Article, Illustration
    89 4 FOCR tricycle riders were lined a total of $400 yesterday by the Singapore City Police Court Magistrate, Mr. J. M. IVvcreux-Colebourn lor riding without licence and having badges that were not in force. MOBE than 150 people at tended the cocktail party last evening to celebrate the opening
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  • 307 4 Hindu Chiefs Hail Marriage Bill Standard Staff Reporter INDIAN leaders in Singapore yesterday welcomed the proposed Hindu Marriages Bill soon to be introduced in the Colony Legislative Council by Mr. C. R. Dasaratha Raj. S ne felt there should be te modifications in the Bill which is now in draft
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  • 5 4 s
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  • 63 4 Mand.ud M..IT Reporter GAP* >' 1)1 h of! Coum en. not know I in such -.1 0 chief ten to ask hii rtment I powe r BO S he h.i p Utilities if he can lupp ty to a sub-it .lord permits it a i
    63 words
  • 90 4 Three Men —And A Toy Pistol A CONSTABLE vto uas oil duty, sipping coffee in still h v the side of t ivde Terrace Singapore, on Tuesda.. Hi- N tw three men passing li> One of them had a buUe i u his trousers packet. The eenafahaa followed them
    90 words
  • 223 4 tiik •Standard Staff Reporter the diLTof ?h_ °sV° g SUppHes from »»<»n<sia and the market wer«. the hra factors combined to make the last quarter a v.rv i«mr one for local sawhillers, states Mr?" r mw£th y^V„?es.. t r offiCer »«»<*»» I^TSft Mr Tamworth
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 36 4 costs even iess S"^ WEF" s Wk B ssu._QP_WßpPl^fl|BMM|lliaii^BJ P*^ mT I _H_Bt_L MB \\v^by^\ft)\ x vW __^_____i^^^^ Jf ______ir your money and your doihes^mkj I W** /t* too! Sunlight's gentle lather gets I M_| 'MB
      36 words
    • 39 4 ARDMDI_ Can r 1 I b J for uliinlnq brat* ami o'O[>prrt <*m4J' s. B^ _A^H The quality Metal faema llch Killed In 7 Minutes i i K t<__.«'rNixodertn For Skin Tr»uU«» McshingCcugks i .•■I. i i i m
      39 words

  • 30 5 TH E Union Benevolent Society, Singapore, will hold a (tinner at the Tai Tong Restaurant in New World Amusement Park this Saturday in celebration of its eventh anniversary.
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  • 266 5 WIDOW WILL SEND HER 3 GIRLS TO ISRAEL others Rebecca i send to daughiSilvia, L3, who are Mai- under ari le by the fare Depart- 1 \ttj*f»*>*'t Edi- e "Jeru- in the Jewpport for making have the ;i_e. i go." I old a <!'.-.<. of ,i Penang 1 > i
    266 words
  • 56 5 SINGAPORE Polio yesterday released the name* of .1 driving testers left in the Traßk 0n...*. Origiaally ii» 12 tester s hut six were picked while two have gilded from duty. Il)»- four are: Mr. W. Martin Senior Driving Tester Mr. Mitii.u Senior Dill It Tester. Mrs. I.E.
    56 words
  • 309 5 Relief Body To Sell 96 Houses Standard Staff Reporter THE Singapore Joint Relief Organisation at its special meeting yesterday decided to sell all the 96 houses built in Kolam Ayer at a totol cost of nearly $500,000 from public subscription, to house the Kampong Bugis
    Standard  -  309 words
  • 80 5 SINGAPORE Governmeni Will ..oon appoint a Chief Personnel and Welfare Officer (Seafarers) in the Master Attendant's Office, to look alter the welfare of Asian seamen in the Colony. Government's decision is In line with the recommendat ons Of the International Labour Organisation's Asian Regional Maritime Conference
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  • 47 5 A RECORD number of cases -HOf) in all and most of them backlog was cleared by the Singapore City Courl yesterday and fines totaling $t.OM Were collected. Most of the cases were for obstruction and hawking without licence. Ihe Magistrate was Mr. J. M. Devereux-Cole-bourn.
    47 words
  • 235 5 IF SON DISOBEYS A WEALTHY biisine sman (inei Kim I mi .aid in the Sixth Police Court ye lerdav that ii an\ ot his two sons disobeyed him in any way, he would retrieve all his sifts of landed property to them, and ''»t
    235 words
  • 145 5 CAPTURED RED SAYS: 'I WANTED TO GIVE UP' JOHORE BAHRI d Commun h ho Mr. Jiu e Bui "or being in unlawful p on Ol I imm unit ion »»t that he i I >ui rendei hini ell Km n he id i pi mat rubb Just it thai Ihe
    145 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 64 5 •*7 ,TTiT^_l*_^^^^ Mw*****r^r^m^mm*m^ "^WR**^.. V 1 f If J_9 9___________k_ S____l__L____a "^S_k _H__rM _L_______________J___l WF^mA V a o__h_L-^^ 3: am AIA h I >► 499W T ~4f^ mm 9J9J a*a mll> introducing J§ I STANDARD EIGHT FEDERATED MOTORS LTD. WEARNE BROS LTD. j _n- _---i FEDERATION REPRESENTATIVES ORCHARD ROAD, SlHG^^™~
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 89 5 Weather MI N ____T IT M Temperature: Fro« T39 p.m. Nov. 17 to 7.:;0 am Noi. 18. Singapore 7f P), Penans (75 F). Kota Bahru i7_ I I. Kuala l.umpur |73 P|, Ipoh *7., F>. Kuantan (7.-, P|. Ma\i in u m Temperature: I rum 7.::» a.m. to 7.!!0 p.m.
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  • 760 6 INK need not fcx ed thai the Singapore (Jov em bill to amend the Land Acquisition O i hould bi ticized in rat h exti avaganl by the minority <•! persons who are likei.. to j by it 'I'ii'- .'i pi pn ent ;hi- hill
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  • 877 6 SLOGAN OF THE IM PLACABLE MR. RHEE "Freedom Death For Korea" By A Times Special Correspondent In Seoul PRESIDENT RHEE lias informed your Correspondent that recent developments at Panmunjom have confirmed South Korean doubts about the possibility oi' the peaceful settlement of anv questions with the Communists at the proposed
    U.P.  -  877 words
  • 498 6 Water Buffalo 'Sank' Two Warships LONDON, (UP)—Accounts of how British inventors used candy to make magnetic bombs and how two British battleships were sunk by a water buffalo were added to the collection of "stranger than fiction" stories about World War Two here today Making a claim for awards before
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  • 309 6 CLEVELAND, Ohio: (UP) Worried by the strain put on both patient and hospital staff by large numbers of visitors, the American Hospital Association has made this list of suggestions for those who go to the hospital to visit a friend or relative. 1. Look Good. The patient
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  • 229 6 Review of Views Mr. MacDonald MR MALCOLM MACDONALD i_ criticised by Utusan Melayu lor defending Ban Dai at Monday's Press luncheon in Singapore. Tht paper says that it il strange that Bao Dai was presented by Mr. MacDonald a- a "patriot and a sincere man" when in fact the majority
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  • 28 6 a threat not the Don't Trusl Japs Too Far U both i i po 0 pi wearing i .h tba wtedoa \WW\ \\w> k \v
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 92 6 SINCAPORK mm. STANDARD INDfc. ENDtNI MOkNING NEW.IAUR 1 128. Robinson Rood. Singopote Telephone Nos 8397 1—***** Cable Telegroph Address: TIGERNEWS Singapore. Room 222 The Times Building Printing House Square. London EC 4. KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENANG 45 Sulton St.. 83 Cowon St. 8. Leith St. Tele: .588 Tele 829. Tele
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    • 119 6 j "RAGS"" 2 Sir; I 5 "Rags" reflect the spirit of a gang of lucky boys, i Rags denote the poverty of lads who know no joys. Rags are used to clean the car, to brighten J up the floor. J "Rags" are used by those who hope to prove
      119 words
    • 18 6 XOVELWiS <mf flfj A of /h^tXP COTTO.\ P >A o *> >*. __E____b ___c \Z_ i.jej_.\* WASSIAMULLS LADIES' PEPT. HIGH
      18 words

  • 96 7 883,900 In Britain's Armed Forces < ,\FP) 531,000 09,- vice and 1 si for thi a< I'• i »00 offi i rs 27G 500 H a F and 141,500 for and SHAPELY hlonde mauieienne June McComb picks up an empty hat and out pops a white rahDit. It's magic. But
    Mirropic  -  96 words
  • 35 7 FORT BRAGG. North Carolina. Nov, 18. (Reuter) a [19 Globemaster troop nansport pane crashed on Fort Bragg reservation yestei killing at least seven people -he United States army a.nounci d.
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  • 73 7 Stondord London Correspondent LONDON, Nov. 18. Tho following ore rh e closing prices ot rubber ond tin on Ihe London morlccl: LONDON RUBBER LONDON TIN Spot 16jd. December 1 7 d. Jon. /March Mid. Apr. /June 17, d. July/Sept. 17d. December c.i.f. 16,d. Tone Dull. Spot
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  • 225 7 Neutrals: Third Party' Status Is Latest Conclusion PANMUNJOM, Nov. 18, (UP)— The Communists offered todoy to limit the participation of neutral nations in the Korean peace conference to a "third party" status in a move to bring them closer to the American plan for seating
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  • 191 7 WHAT U.S. WILL PAY FOR TIN Trade Circles tager To See WASHINGTON. Nov. 18— (UP) Trad lay were eag rly awaiting an American Indonesian tin contract < ee what the i Fnited State, would new n p iblir for the commodity nc>:\ year. ition.s between an Indon< ian t n
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  • 80 7 S Nov 18 (A. ikiato i. Mother r of a monastery in •h I<7 inma ben 20 and 80. are said to e died between 1940 and 1950, wag jailed for four year? terday after being fraud, embezzlemenl unlawful detention. The prosecution alleged that i those
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  • 96 7 CALCUTTA, Nov 18 (AP> A train steamed into an Assam station on Monday with a maniac perched atop* the engine, waxing a razor-sharp home made sword with which he had lopped off the head of a baby as if lay in the lap of one of
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  • 60 7 STRASBOURG*-, Nov 18 (Reuter) Troops, police aid firemen last night stood by helpless around a burning fort near her e while 200 tong of ammunition and explosives Stored inside it went up in a string of loud explosions All hope was given up for six men—
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  • 52 7 WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. (UP)— Secretary cf State John Foster Dulles emphatically denied at his conference yesterday thai the United States i_ engaged in anv nesotml ions with Pakistan for the establishing of American military bases there or the extension of United States militarv aid to
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  • 28 7 MANCHESTER, Nov. 18: (Reuter) Princess Margaret yesterday opened th e reconstructed portion of the Manchester Royal Exchange, focal point of the Manchester cotton industry.
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  • 17 7 DESPITE reconciliation attempts, actress Susan Haywrird says >he still plans to divorce le-s- Barker. AP
    AP  -  17 words
  • 283 7 EDINBURGH, Nov. 18 (Renter)— Four men on trial for plotting to overthrow the government were accused here yesterday of planning a campaign of terror aimed at bringing about a declaration of martial law in Scotland. i A detective told the Edinburgh court todav that
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  • 290 7 photo. .MANILA, Nov. 18 (AFP) Outgoing I [Upino President Elpidio Quirino and Lower House speaker Engenlo Perez today openly accosed the .Halted si.ii<-> of military intervention in the recent elections which resulted in a resounding for their Liberal Party Now vacationing in netown ol
    U.P.  -  290 words
  • 127 7 HOLI VWOOU \p, H B tih 1; he i 'I i I B ley, -'.i ifoi m. i rd foi I an film I i „d xot otr to h But th< B dropped t when a -ent I tar ii Volllptu A
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  • 95 7 DETROIT. Nov. 18 (AFP) A somewhat bizarre will take place shortly in a I>> troit hotel under the Carl Clarke, a collector ol art and archeological sourvenirs, who died recent'. B age of Tt). A clause in the will prescribes that more than 50 friends
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  • 64 7 LONDON. Nov 18 (Reuter) The film of an operation to separate Siamese twins being down from Canada to help one of Britain's top surgeons decide if a similar operation would save Nigerian Siamese twi n girls here. The film was made by a Canadian surgeon Dr.
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  • 64 7 HONGKONG, Nov. IR (AP) Rear-Admiral Gerald V. Gladstone took over duties as commander of Fifth Cruiser Squadro n and Flag Officer. i#eond in command. Far East Station in Hongkong today. In an impressive naval rer lemony. Admiral Gladstone's flag was transferred from H.MS Defender to HMS. Newcastle.
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  • 63 7 AUCKI AND, Nov. II (Reuter) i \'< w Zea an I A p Club have obtained permis the Pakistan and .\< < n's, lor a Hr: .1 a < dition next year, it r 1 1 ported h» iy. Jne par: v i ),y thr»
    63 words
  • 93 7 FAMILY SLAYER ALTERS HIS TUNE DIGNE, Nov. 18 (Rente.) Ciast on Dominiri. .7-vear-old farmer, said in hi prison cell here he had been "forced t<» HUM. the comedy" ot a routes, sion to the murder of the Drummond Until) a■ d added. "I am completely innocent." Domil i made Ihi
    93 words
  • 17 7 LONDON I i the Imjin Rh i ment anoth Five ther Hi it
    17 words
  • 46 7 NEW Y< >RK N If. i Plans for let cruising ipatd of have been anno:. United GM ii fact u i he Fairchild A don id the o two Wrn-ht J67 eti| WOU i) I a crew <>i ding Wl i en get
    46 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 118 7 O'&&Z44/l€ is coming! /^/> IT'S MORE THAN A MAGAZINE C_A f A AM IT'S APA PER fll'l DEPARTMENT-STORE laM jB n\\\]i paper "with bright art covers, FEATURE lar departments for fashions sport, movies, photography, motoring, household matters step right this wav, sir or madam. You'll find plenty of barPICTURES SERIAL
      118 words
    • 65 7 'Clydella' 9 ___F^_______l _M__r J m m ___b 'AwW v _r j a jv^> 'aa_Eta___L s ___________H__________________r _H 'Sc __l ____s Tp_ i i SCHOOL SHIRTS PYJAMAS Boys shirts, wool and cotton mixture with collars attached in white, grey, blue ond town. From SI 2 Boys wool and cotton mixture
      65 words

  • 237 8 THIS British ."iOO c.c. motor cycle, a product of the Waaler Company, was shown at the recent Cycle and Motor Cycle Show at Earl's Court. The motor cycle which is expected to be ready for the market next year, is a four-cylinder job that could
    237 words
  • 100 8 Scientists Heading For Antarctic CAPETOWN, Nov. 18 (AFP) Four scientists from Norway, Britain and Holland arrived here yesterday aboard the world's most up-to-date whaler, the Norwegian "Faieern." on their way to the Antarctic for a whale-marking expedition. The party was headed by Professor Johann T. Ruud. Drre. tor of the
    100 words
  • 100 8 LONDON. Nov. 18. (Router); Japan would soon be a competitor of "considerable strength** in the world bicycle marker. Sir Harold Bowden. chairman of the Ra-.cigh Industries Limited said here ve-ter-day. Addressing Raleigh representatives from all over the world at an export luncheon he recalled that a few
    100 words
  • 49 8 PESHAWAR, Nov. 18 fAFP) Anew KibuHCairo air service will gtarl functioning shortlv ot\ a regular weekly basis. It was reported here today. The service will cover Kandhar, Baghdad and Beirut on the cvay to Cairo, a contract between Afghanistan and Airlines iv tovo'ic i ready aexp
    49 words
  • 17 8 -PTAIN KURI A AMI. IN. 86, retired Commodore oi I American Presit fl B•• AP
    AP  -  17 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 816 8 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE AND NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD I DIM SERVICE To 'oloinhii Ueaaa Marseilles. Antwerp. Rotterdam. HamlMirg <V Bremen Spore r.S'ham Penang J* .Vit..i_> (Mil) 4/fi Dei IfDe. 11/12Dcc i Leverfcaaea lIIAPAG) II Ifllcc 17/lil»ci l»/tlOc_ •lont hit!" Manila Koh# V Vtihchama Penang P Sham S pore > N. K.irstiu. (Nlll)
      816 words
    • 1308 8'i BLUE FUNNEL LINE m iiaarn MANSFIELD CO.. LI 0* oSSt Incorporated In I rirrier^ option to proceed *ia *£l m f*2" a JTL\J!!ff .lixharae wirao sailings to mmkimm ( LONDON R CONTINENTAL PORTS. Dje Si :s P Sham Penang 1 .t<......|0n lor Havre Liver- >(| )t >{ Mr. tis
      1,308 words
    • 351 8 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS Royal Rotterdam I.loyd Holland America line Nederland I ine Rotterdam Rotterdam Amsterdam HALIFAX. BOSTON. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE MOBII E, NEW ORLEANS via SI 1/ BORNEO (SMN) feov *£&7 H/WIS K V r«K£ (KL> J) Vi v!an Mm ?/*Jm JAVA (SMN) g i;ij an |gj u
      351 words
    • 632 8 EAST ASIATIC LINt SAILINGS I ROM S( iNIHNAVIA 1 i. „v ,x N «i\|^ spore P MANCHLRIA for 13. Saigon Hongkong Kobe Yokt hama "lALstria* for BanaHok |/fB "LALANDIA* for B.tngkok |i r -PANAMA" for Bangkok ai Hoi i "JAVA" toi B.h. «kok. S Hor-.Rkons. Manila, K Yokohama l/f Jaa
      632 words

  • 138 9 Has Jail Term Cut By Seven Months LIM JOO SOO, a 45- year-old chief clerk of the Depaitment of Chemistry, had his ten month sentence for accepting a bribe, reduced in the Singapore Appeal Court, yesterday, to thiee months imprisonment. Lim wag earlier convicted in ;i Lower Court for taking
    138 words
  • 102 9 'V ote Labour' He Tells Why CITIZENS o Singapore were erday urged by Mr. Lee _'iioon Eng. (City Councillor. Ind. Lab.) to vote Labour to "undo all wrongs done by the Progressive Party City Coun>rs." He was speaking at a meetln French Road in support of Mr, S, M. Hussain,
    102 words
  • 112 9 A SINGAPORE police eonstable was vesterday cautioned by Mr. Howe Yoon Chons. the Second Traffic Magistrate "to tell the truth and not exaggerate", when he gave evidence against Lee rang Jian for allege, parking offence. The court found that his evidence did not tally with a diagram
    112 words
  • 133 9 chairman of National Savings Scheme of Great Britain and director of John Mackintosh Sons Ltd.. tofTee manufacturers, will arrive in Singapore on Nov. 19. i While in Singapore he will confer with Messrs. C. E. Morton (Malaya) Ltd.. agents for his company. Mr. Mackintosh, heir to
    Standard  -  133 words
  • 49 9 MISS Diane the only iaaghter of Mr. and MlB, Baseron Jumat. celebrated !■< r seveatfa birthday at her homo la>t nulit in Pennefather Koad. On her riuht grc bei brothers and standing around lier are some of the cue. ls uho attended the Part] Standard photo
    Standard photo  -  49 words
  • 306 9  -  PHILIP GOH By THE eh a nee pf I tree trip to "Celluloid City anr Metropolis Pf Make-believe"- Hollywood is in ever.. girl's dream. And last night tbis dream came true loi 18-year-old Violet Sleigh of Kuala Lumpur. the beautiful and statuesque Kuala Lumpur man
    Standard  -  306 words
  • 118 9 AN UNITED STATES Navy I > ion consisting „f the I'ss Daly. Sma C K. Broi eii I the Gotten S ch< duled to arrive in [apon on Monday Nov. 23. rheir Division which is under the command of Captain B. .1 ie_ Jr., is on
    118 words
  • 69 9 A FORMER employe, of a S gapore benzine kiosk who giv« n he U r for the nUht brok. into the manager's office early one morning, it was revea i d in the First District Court yesterday. He was 21-year-oM Tan Chong Bc-ng who was
    69 words
  • 40 9 NEW DELHI fAPj I ment valid unt 1 1 I iI under which Ind will ti Caachoslovak .< rency country I i purpose of import-. \n i' en ng. the iron curt; tr. nd mo tu
    40 words
  • 19 9 A "MODI E-AGED m iI i th c c ea ofl Mcyi Road terday He I
    19 words
  • 50 9 DOING THE MARKET I*l IE i t i 8 centi per t rubber for 1 t I Bet i and proved ponsible tor the F;nr 1 e higher arv< Pric e day's level.. I to be around r lb. the whole d y y mars BeMer inquirii h jk irted
    50 words
  • 9 9 Sin t Rubber n prici i FSADFASDFASF
    9 words
  • 22 9 i 1 i I I r I ren 6*l i an > festei .1 i i i I l'. I 114] .j
    22 words
  • 29 9 i; N I r i to f return i that I !o< k I I nil i > xePai s !n. q k rc_uvtfy
    29 words
  • 14 9 Tl IE in nro\ i in i 1 •i IMII MKI \l SFDSADFSDAFSA
    14 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 401 9 rjc\ Abnee f^^" KaVA/^YrTY GOM^S??;^ VOKUMS I UIGKTffON •\\L/^.l_riVV^^ ?*.W AFTEKAHGiTSAHO.ToI PAP^^^C__s MOOM^f TH NIGHT TH' \MOON C-CA.UT iCC^tkl WKI *T\ t "'\niDDERYO^.J^. Li kw^Tv^,^° r *AA_P?.. r MOON TURNS BOTH EP MAM f -JtW •*__S_T<tW _^-l VA). AHWONT S£^ uS U L*^^>V\ fcli* UPSIDE C>OWN J MALE VOKUMj Xl^t*
      401 words
    • 3 9 By AI Capp
      3 words
    • 99 9 S'pore Diary ItKM l-n t IN nmi rt1n Comn Hall. S i. A'im ss vm 1 1 n. I ihe Air" Q 1 1 i w t i A H meet at 5 n > m IMUCI. < <H II I M|{ MH I I IJI < XI ION i
      99 words

  • 1162 10 By A Times Special Correspondent LIVERPOOL RECENT achievements in radio-astronomy could be ranked with "the greatest feats in the art of experiment," said Sit Edward Appleton, F.R.S., in his presidential address at the llDth annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Before
    1,162 words
  • 230 10 400,000 TO BIRDS CHICAGO— (AI*)— Birds and dog- and rata mav gi, nearly US $4MJ99% worth of help from the estate of a MJhurlian Ivanston woman about whom a stubborn legend ol tra?ic IOVC grew and persisted for many years. eopy of a will ot >lrs Iheresa Study Porter waliled
    230 words
  • Article, Illustration
    83 10 AND they are designed by SchiapareHi. The one on top is a cocktail gown from the midseason collection and is of black tulle covering a mauve taffeta slip. It is embroidered with multi-coloured autumn leaves, the one at the decolletage being highlighted with a diamond leaf clip. The
    83 words
  • We, the PEOPLE
    • 243 10 Sir;— Mr. D. Robertson's letter is most astounding. Apparently he is complain ing that the Singapore Government has by judicious use of the Public revenue managed to accumulate a saving part of which has been and is being used for housing. According to him we should not use the
      243 words
    • 214 10 Dear Eaal Wai I Votei In yjur letter recent y yui vei v generously ref _ri to me, forced wi p, e d you in a quandary. May I very humbly tl you for your kin I t beg you with i earnestness 1 ran command to vote
      214 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 291 10 q CATHAY ORGANISATIONS ATTRACTIONS ajuk|||L/wi r OPENS TODAY 1 to»PtToMt£» Nfs__- l>aoi_]f J mnW99*m^9f +JS7^^^ 'AmT^^ JOHN PAYNE Wiilon Demarcst-lpies Mocr__e__ L>_ f J J A PAR WIOI'NT PICTURE <^ww<»%aJ a _^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^H|A|MtflH^B p '^^_HB_OHHHHiHH^H__HH_IHHHHH^B4W 5 SHOWS um i 1" 145 a mmmm 7th BFG DAY! VOW pM__MM MARLON BRANDO- JAMES
      291 words
    • 62 10 9m m m *****9M\\^ l \\W9 IHE COUPON READ THIS BEFORE rOU ORDER vqur PAT. TERN You mutt enclose »h»ee ten cent stomp* ,1 vou want your pottern cut It I don't qet the stamps you don't qet the patter* A numbe. ot orders hov< come to me without the
      62 words
    • 233 10 11. 1.1.1. I. 6...... 9..W IrtVMI.M. COI.I'MBIA prr.rnt, I jt^mmm _l^t______»_i 4 Ii i ff_-_f_____s_S_^f* Piaal Pathc > I'OOTBALI 'TICK i EYES" WIN Bid I lIONT FORGET roc; i fOI IQKMS WHLN BCTING Uu yC^\ MM*irfhl ■Wv ___a___r v \l hu*w,. l» »v >^;pN;It.V_Y LAST DAY TODAY i W_i Ilex
      233 words

  • 461 11 It's Unfair To Our Long Jumper s SINGAPORE Amateur Athletic Association are asking a big order from long jumpers in setting the standard for this event at 24 feet as a qualifying mark for the Asian Games, writes "Old Timer" in a letter to
    461 words
  • 60 11 (Reu- 1 Djun fi cns a com- J H ag Kong tour I 7—l I K XI yi .tfui in comp hi I Svi jot two go. photo. CHELSEA centre-for-ward Roy Bentley (No. 9) collides with Burnley left-back Harry ."Mather in midair during the first division
    AP  -  60 words
  • 343 11 [SrConald Bailey Rugby League LONDON, Nov. 18— McDonald Bailey, former ish sprint champion, now a professional with Leigh, the Lancashire Rugby League club, said yester- 1 i!.i thai he may have made a mistake in becoming a i.u_.ny League player. He has several differences
    343 words
  • 56 11 •TOO.S •'•re A knockhich have ►rd numb, r in the senior junior. R] iDCA have SI C ".V. on. S C RAI _i "A". S< B" RAF "B", RI. id -'B". VMSA, SER, P 1 I mi. St. i:.X: a, and ii Civi tans Club. end
    56 words
  • 36 11 S 'pore Team For Quad Hocki i I i Associativa 2. -„29: R Barth I R M IV s Vellupiliai. B. F/O R Con tis. 1' k S. :._4 Ene. S depar- will •-I S< vices
    36 words
  • 73 11 MA D .MPEZZO, ITAVP>—Rome Olyrai e given the' go i 'ion ol e r °r iter Olympic e in Malacca Commercial Ileuses badminton team who won ,0 3 Caaaiag Shield against the Government and 1£« s rvi ««s »ide. Standing from left: Koh Hoh Nee. I «I"i rn
    73 words
  • 51 11 THE Rest team to play the era on Sunday at Jalan Besar stadium will be chosen from the following: Yew Chang. Skinner. Boniface. Tcow Keng Hassan, Vass, Kok Seng, Yassih, Osman Johan. Hoi Meng. Omar Awang, Charlie Chan, Sharif. Madon. Kok Peow Ibrahim IfansOOT, Boon Leong, Rahim
    51 words
  • 24 11 Mersing, Wed— Tyros beat Lighting 4 0 in a hockev league match yesterday. Scorers: Sat.n »2>, Tan Buck Seng and
    24 words
  • 106 11 TITAN beat Mcvvytimc 4—3 in a badminton friendly at the Singapore CU hall. Results Titan mentioned first: Chua Hock lost to Benny Kee G— ls, 10—15. Chua Soon Siew lost to Chua Hock Choon 13 18, 6 15. Lim Seng Chong beat Othman 15 5, 16—17.
    106 words
  • 22 11 BUDAPEST. Nov. 18— IAP) Hungary's Olympic champion Modern Pentathlon team will participate in thr world chamhips t'Hirnament in SanDe Chile
    22 words
  • 265 11 OMAR bin Ibrahim beat Robert Lim 15—2. 15—9 last night to enter the semi-final of the men's singles in the Singapore Badminton Association >pvn championships. In an inter-club tie Ong Poh Lim. playing for Marigold, was beaten by Low Poh Hye B—ls '•■>— ll (retired).
    265 words
  • 271 11 i\ov. i» neuter)— Alter being held to halftime when they had a penalty goal replied to with an unconverted try the New Zealand rugby tourists ran away with the honours against Llanclly here yesterday to win by 17 points to three. Soon after the
    271 words
  • 73 11 Following were elected officebearers of the Catholic Young Men's Association (Portuguese Mission). Singapore. President: F.J. Rappa: VicePresidents: S. Holmberg V. Rozario; Hon. Secretary: If. Hendroff; Asst. Hon. Secretary: O. Olsen; Hon. Treasurer: P. Almonte; Asst. Hon. Treasurer: A. Puspalm. Chairman Board of Games: J. Rozario; Hon.
    73 words
  • 97 11 IPOH. Wed. In preparation for the quadrangular hockey meet among the Chinese Recreation Clubs of Perak. Selangor. Negri Sembilan and Penang at Penang during the Christmas holidays. Perak CRC are holding a series of practice games here. This Saturday they will play the Taiping CRC her e
    97 words
  • 60 11 ENGLISH jockey Davy Jones flew in yesterday to ride for trainer Jack Spencer. Jockey Athol Mulley who has accepted an offer to ride lor Shaw Stable will be arriving in Malaya soma time n Decern rieif. His departure from A trails has been delayed and w.ll
    60 words
  • 28 11 WARSAW. Nov 18<UP>— L Kostelev of the Soviet Union established s new world weightlifting record in the lightweight division with a snatch oi 264 9 pounds.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 318 11 NOTICES NOTICE TO SHIPPERS OF CARGO TO MAURITIUS AND SOUTH AFRICAN PORTS VOTICE is hereby given that certain types of cargo to the above destinations will from the Ist day of December. 1953 be measured by the firm of Messrs Ritchie' Bissel who have been appointed official measurers to the
      318 words
    • 1203 11 NOTICES ARMY ACCOMMODATION j REGISTER i f)WNERS of hotels, boarding houses etc. are invited to apply to DAAG I, HQ SINGAPORE Base District, c/o GPO SINCAPORE, for their hotels/ houses to be placed on the list of accommodation recommended by the War Depart- I ment for occupation by officers and
      1,203 words
    • 270 11 Standard Service For I he t'uom ployed Al vol K NKKVHI.: Art ran inemp!«i\«-d «nd In need: to ii.i D rou I.» lind _>nrk the Bii__-_p<>ro Nt^ndird I n» mpl.. .mrni llurrio MTers ioti free .pace in (his olumn. Just rail or mrrllp four oeal Sl.ind.ird office lor .n ipplieallnn
      270 words

  • 50 12 THE Ib yal Navy held tin •n Sports Club's "A" to i < draw in a friendly hoc key mal h at Balestier Roac y ?rday. S irers fer the Ceylonese I d Vanderpul m the Navy men equaliser thi nigh Withers and Mohd
    50 words
  • 209 12 'f \i- the s i- tries) (a try) in a and oi rugger .i S hreeq i mnt in tnii slow t which was characV" too frequent touch- j re is a fair i of the relative r the teams. Changi edg. the
    209 words
  • 58 12 Trabert Seixas In Doubles Final SYDNEY. Nov, 18 (ReuterVTon Trabei. United Slate* champion and Vic Seixaa, Wim l». l mi title holder, today enter P'l the Anal <>. the men's double: in the New South Wales lawr tennis champ <>:.-hips. In tl mi-flna] the-/ beri A'i.'i i': inn Mervyn Ros
    58 words
  • 622 12 Victorians Lose 1-0 In Replay KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— The St. John's Institution 0.8.A. soccer team* today wrested the Thomson cup from the Victoria Institution 0.8.A. in the replay of Ihe final on the YMCA ground in Brickfields. St J< <>n old boys, it will be rer
    622 words
  • 167 12 Medicals Win Cup Hockey THE Medicals won the Austin Hill Trophy for InterFaculty hockey when they beat Arts Science 4-0 at Bukit Timah yesterday. During the first few minutes the game was fast and thrilling. Half way through right wing Samad dribbled through to score the first goal for the
    167 words
  • 21 12 Taiping. Wed.— Women members of the Chinese Recreation Club here are also planning to -Otm a hockey eleven.
    21 words
  • 30 12 KAJANO. Wed.— The Happv- jrO-Ludcy BP by dote_!in« the |-angat Malaya BP g_i have mtered the nnals in the inteream championship for the Ho -im Fah Challenge Cup
    30 words
  • 137 12 MARINES -A- qualified for, the final Of the SCSA's Coronation Cup soccer competi- turn when they beat Police j A 2—l at Fairer Park yesterday. From the start the Marines swarmed the Police goalmouth *jnt poor shooting bv the forwards failed to bring them success i n
    137 words
  • 474 12 wii.yi mne gooa open rugger mere was in y esterlay's return encounter on the SCC Padang, came from ?AF Seletar who, with a far superior set of halves and hrees, used them to good advantage in their 19 point [two goals and three tries)
    474 words
  • 114 12 Johore Make 3 Changes JOHORE makes three changes in their second HMS Malaya rugby match against Combined Services at the SCC on Saturday. Webb, Tukana and Fulton have been dropped in favour of Ravawa. Fox and Cooke. The Johore team is Edington (capt), Kabuta, Roberts, Rayawa, Dawai. Rokoua. Naitini. Fox,
    114 words
  • 103 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed The Selangor's women's State Pleven had their final practice when they beat the Rest 4-2 on the padang today. The game was played at a fast pace in spi'e of the slippery ground. The Rest had a lair share of the game. State
    103 words
  • 327 12 A TRY In the second half by Omar Rajab enabled the Police Sport* Association to beat R WAS. Sembawang by three points in a rugger encounter played at Thomson Road yesterday. The Sembawang men, who took a severe beating at the bands of the Singapore AllBlucs
    327 words
  • 450 12 RONNIE WATSON WAS STAR OF GHQ's 33-0 WIN GHQ FARELF. a fast improving army team, scored one of their easiest rugby victories this season when they trounced a scratch I 8.0.D. XV to a tune of S3 points (three goals, two tries two dropped goals, and two penalties) to nil
    450 words
  • 844 12 FIRST AIRBORNE PROGENY TO MAL/ty A OF the newcomers who will be making their runs tt the Singapore Turf Club's November meeting, inerest will be centred on Airmark, the first Airborne >rogeny to come to Malaya. Airborne, it will be recalled, won
    844 words
  • 124 12 4 Class 3 Horses Promoted OaMca D II K 1 I in the i TRANSFERS I i. M\\ ii \->u i« .TMM c ].>x I ill'. ii lion Black r. in 10l Ml M 11 1 -v >K, lll<. ll I I \K tlSION, :> r. \ki: \< I i»\
    124 words
  • 11 12 KAJANG in VI •>: I in the i s ll
    11 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 52 12 In traducing SPRINGFIELD Farm TRACTORS w Ideal for Farms, Eatalea, Plantation-, Orchids, eie. THE BEST BUY OF ALL So'.- ita; SOON CHEONG LTD. M/34 Pekia Sheet, Siii»a|M»re. XeL <V)li2. Gifts That Outshine Other Gifts S.P. H. de SUVA M iii.h sir*.., MagaaaM M »l»on Ki.i.l |p„|, t> I iiiimiUiiiriii. Ku_|
      52 words
    • 52 12 IWfYjr Ko«r||nf j I 11 1 kym^ au. \vffe **^f\** F,T IXtSTiN.I \y ROL-17 SINK S,N WITH ___-v_ X__^-^^ SINGLE DRAIN- >V. BOARD. *^?r*^ "7^ RATES TO BUILDERS. .;--^^^V si* ti Coasall Malayan board Boraeu l</c'//to: ,499.9a/' 5S ORCHARD ROAD. /> (in&fYsf' SINGAPORI.9. i \V ai #o..V)| 7CI.SAUS gT S\SL^S/
      52 words