Singapore Standard, 11 November 1953

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
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  • 269 1 r ih«> hut, irch of Found a mi i Imml. h indcuffPolii e stidriv- her 1 l :^a- Sr^.c came to (he Colony nn ac;o and hi working as a waitress i-i a -.1 in Upper Picki ring Street Cot Um last seven months.
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  • 274 1 GAMMONS TO BUILD A $5'/ 2 M. COLONY DOCK Standard Staff Reporter AN important phase ia an 511.000,000 expansion scheme to make Singapore one ot the finest ports in the world, be^an yesterday when a $5$ million eontract was signed for the new Queen Elizabeth Dock at Bukit Cliermin. The
    Standard  -  274 words
  • 26 1 BRITAIN, France and the U n j tes hav< ondemned for *^e ma .sacre of A- i i:i t ho Village ot Kihya. A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 65 1 CAIRO. Nov. 10. (AFI Prince I print* »of the former Egyptian r I mily. whose property has incri confl jc i by ene r a 1 N iguib'i government, will have to pay rert in future to the government for the palare.> they occupy. Many
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  • 140 1 Slumlord London (ones. LONDON. Tues. Trade to China is likely to be 01 still f irtl er if exporters m Bii:jiii. Hongkong and Sin jap :ii tintain or i then business sourcei bere in e i in cd. i Tucy bc;ov§ tlie xefuaal W
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  • 267 1 DEAL BY BRITAIN BREAKS THE ICE LONDON, Nor. 10 The British Board of Trade sanctioned tor export yesterday £750,000 (approximately Straits $6.3 million) worth or contracts brought bock from Communist China by a group of businessmen whi visited Peking last June ond July. Ari.j t
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  • 302 1 Britain Firm On Trieste GHJGHJ LONDON. Nov. 10 An aronsed Britaia yesterday. plfd 4 t d it will resist *"Viol»*;ire from any quarttM .in Trieste amid a fresh lurry Of diplomatic attivity t«» ease tensioa in the troubled territory. Foreign Secretary Anthony E i ght suddenly i ira at the
    UP; Reuter; A.P.  -  302 words
  • 92 1 A DONATION of S2 from i A Rea i ol The Singapore Si in lard to The Christmas Toy Fund yesterday brings the to'ai of the Fund to ST.!J?i.'i. .V_\ A ish donation? should be i »nt i The Christmas Toy Fun i. Singapore Standard,
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  • 278 1 Won $6,000 In Sweep— Only Given $6 Standard Stall Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— A Malay lircman in I" Dickson, hurriod to Joh Bahr.i one? day with \hs thought of returning h< with more than $6,000 in his pockets He hcid struck th* seventh prize on thf third draw of a
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  • 9 1 "Blimey! will nothing keep yinii mother away?"
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  • 20 1 FRENCH t Rmi inia, H in, I. n ime i ambassad r Ij I liuluuc iia. U.P.
    U.P.  -  20 words
  • 231 1 MR. HAROLD WILSON, lea liiis Socialist left-winger, tonight criticised Mr. Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, for acting as "Parliamentary Private Secretary to Mr. John Foster Dullc It was high time Mr. E res i that his position ini >lved something more than just working for
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  • 10 1 i I 'I 1 i I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 ti.EA\ refrlgenil«t M,»dfl UJMI »l hi 1 1 n»vmrni ol i^W (i n K« HASt *H«K) 1 1 pafOteMf of $?u Central Electric Co. )irrJ K.I Phnnr K!.t<>4 WORLD'S FASTEST PRODUCTION CAR AT ;%M9%J 171 II CHOSE Hcolcy driving f\\ <JL <- n Bcnnct, Cooper, 9^ Spcor broke over '^^■p^^
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    • 51 1 lIAKKISONS lIS |>K KN' ITU Kuala Lumpur Sine-* (Hire Prnjrn; c How happy could I be with cither 1 kB BIS i Kl alHP^f MhR u NIB. There's nothing like a Guinnessi except another Guinness WOLF (t^) BRAND Sole Distributors MtALISTER CO., LTD. {ISIN<;Al a Olte. KUALA ii\ii'ii:. iron, n
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  • 23 2 < V EK HUAY. i man Ibrahim bin 1 "f an 1< 1 f I 1> I urea. Muar,
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  • 231 2 PENANG, Tucs. Exports from Penang to Indonesia during the third quarter of this year amounted to $345,000 but there was a tremendous drop in the month of September when only $14,000 worth of goods were exported. In July and August the
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  • 43 2 MISS CHIANG JUAT PING a tearher in Sultan Abu Girls' School. Muar. was the winner of "Miss Muar" title on Saturday at the Muar Club. There were 23 contestants of all nationalities for the Beauty Contest for 1953.
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  • 38 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Tutsi— lias b< en swun Jecui the Fed< n of the Security; n wounded in terroi II i am!:. in I l f rep lOth Gurkha suffered of the in p
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  • 116 2 COMMODITY PRICES a ft CLOSI N CJ ruhhfi prksea (<ent« per ib.) In Sinj,\t|>ort* veal<• r d a v wereBuyers Selli rs No I R.S.S Spot Loose >''s Si,. 1 R.S.S. :»<>: '^i No I R.S.S •'>'>! No k.s.s. :>:;* lmi«: Steady TIN rKICI Ilic nn« <»t tm M'stcr d.i
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  • 65 2 Kl 1 t I MPI It, Tucs. General Manager of the I. ilian Gold Mines, Mr. L. A. Crozier, today m: ts circulating lien* that half the mine's :o!;i has been stolen every month. 1 ed to < A had v Raub Austrarnitted
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  • 31 2 AIR CHIEF Marshal Sir Arthur Sanders. Commandantdesignate of the Imperial Defence College. London, arrived in Kuala Lumpur by air ye<^ terday for a brief visit to the Federation.
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  • Article, Illustration
    59 2 photo. PICTURED at Kalian? Airport yesterday from h'ft are: Mr. A. K. Foster, QANTAS sales controller, (iroup Capt. H. M. Birch. QANTAS manaser in Sin.';apore. and Mr. H. (i. Plant. who will be QANTAs representative in Bangkok. They leave today for Bangkok to make final arranyemrnt* for the new stop
    Standard  -  59 words
  • 23 2 JllSt £6 1 p e a k ■> >m Ro'ary Club lay. Hii •rill be "i'ruo'.t-ns of a Docu mentary Finn i'lodater."
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  • 113 2 ALOR STAR. lues. 800 Teik Swee, driver of the van which delivers The Singapore Standard here daily had rough passage today. At Bakar Arang. before entering Sungei Patani he overtook a lorry. The lorry followed him, and in a traffic jam. the lorry driver
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  • 46 2 Added Water To The Milk BUTTI RW< H. Tut —A milk v; L K fined s! M i his ion i 1 tor, rtl he bought 50 ci from the it to the Senior ang, for II l :<) contain 23 per The defendant v be '■>■■ leavI
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  • 253 2 QEA PLANES TO CALL AT B'KOK Standard Staff Reporter QANTAS Empire Airways is adding a new stop at Bangkok for their Syd- 1 ney to London Kangaroo route, on Saturday. Croup Captain H. M. Birch. QAXTAS manager in Siafa- pore, told Th,» Standard yesterday that the new Bangkok Constellation service
    Standard  -  253 words
  • 74 2 ENANG, Tuci A M Chinese, lie Oi, was chai In tb« Session; Court, {<)<>. ,y with xporting mith j too:s, 1 ro\ Islons and h are alleged prohi >s. on board the M. V Henong at Pcnang harbour oi v 9 He further d vilh
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  • 288 2 Standard Stall Reporter WHILE an unauthorised attap house at Koon Seng Road was under demolition orders, the chief lenant rented out four rooms to two persons for $2,800 "tea money," Inspector T. S. Zain, said in the Singapore Second District Court yesterday. Inspector
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  • 152 2 PENANG, Tues. A fitter alleged in the Sessions Court here today that while he was walking along Cintra Street someone embraced him from behind, and stabbed him in the abdomen. Turning round, he saw Lau Loke Kan, whom he had known for six months,
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  • 40 2 B R. WAT.SHE of Xa!!ur 1 Roa.l. pleaded guilty before t!ie Singapore First Traffic Magistrate Mr. F A. Chua yesterday, for driving in an Inconsiderate 1 manner a'ong East Coast Road on June. IT. He was lined $25.
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  • 37 2 Acquitted Of Cheating His Old Friend ..uv.v Kim] 1 1 e Sei an 1 in his i red Tr. be (Tan) i Ang Mr. C. S. list m Ang. B 5 it T n had th if
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  • 49 2 SINGAPORE City C Trafl I Vl Corn?:. will tomorrow wh< There n?> I ready (a n nn f more w\ under esent thos< T rvi < town. i ■<■ ting R( exti iof S.T.C. i th- 1 additional rt 1^ [a Paya I nr bus
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  • 82 2 RETAIL prii«s in teats per kati of VegetaMei (iir^t tualitj sold >«-strrd.i v in Sinv ipore'i E^ach Knacl. Bfeaborougli anrf BHfeMi K«).j(i Markets rctpeciirclf u<rr: Ce .tv 1.00, i 20; Sun 35, 35, 30; Kan* Kona 30. 30, 15; I.fitii'e 8'). bO. (JO, and Pta U)jc aO.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 168 2 iVot#' fVi Sterling Silver Off! Ht« NOWSrt.M «<.h •'Swank- Cuff I.j now s:{.:>o pi pah Swank Tie I NOW $?..5« n Finest Quality- Bin i»h Make NOW |MLM rh. R.iv<»n and Bed.vpit.ids iH> I NOW $a.»O BA I A I TEXTILES HJMJ LI SI. RAFFLES PLACE. S'POttl I I j^
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  • 406 3 Anti-Corruption Squads Are Too Busy..., in dard StalT Reporter [Ml "orrupt Practices aigation Bureau set up Singapore Governfias too much work 'more cases in hand ,n deal with adeaccording to the th<> bureau, Mr. Lyle. the bureau is on action mi n boh in
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  • 189 3 I VIION of restrictions upon imports and irougfa Singapore in the last year ha s pio(I steadily. The number of applications for imexport licences is not a true indication of the on because these are a necessary part of the for recording .Malaya's
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  • 98 3 AN'OTHKR traffl improvernent was recently carried out :n Singapore roads with th. 1 >moy il it centre traffic fighl opposite 1( Capital building street corners. A spokesman of the Traffic Policy said that eventually, i 1 tre traffic lights on one v. ly -'s will
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  • Article, Illustration
    104 3 A BHARATHU song contest, which attracted many entries from as far as Johore Bahru. was held with success recently at the Chettiar Temple in Tank K>id, Sinuapore. under the patronage of Mr M. Gitpali IMenoa. Representative of the (iovernment of ladia. and Mrs. Menon. The first prize, a gold medal,
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  • 92 3 THE Muslim College (Ma laya) Fund has received a ;um ot *1 1. '>•>:! in donations. The Singapore Appeal Com mitte^ ot the College acknow- U >-; with thanks the following donations: Messrs R. .lumabhoy Soils I. I $1,000; M. S. Ally >^ Co $1,500; Naina
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  • 64 3 ROXY THEATRE in Sinfa pore Will liold a charity show in aid ->t the Kat;m^ Boys' Club on Saturday at 11 a in. The film 'Young Man of Music" is donated by Mr. S. QureshL Ticketi arc obtainable at the Club House it) .100
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  • 136 3 BODY IS RECOVERED IN RIVER IPOII. Tues— The body of Tan Kk Chan? (25), a mine tlerk. who was thrown off his motor cycle when it trashed near Chemor last Friday was recovered by the polire yesterday. Chinese farmer first saw the body floating in the Sunuei Chemor behind the
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  • 158 3 Standard Shipping Reporter A JAPANESE .snip's captain. T. Kamigauchi. whose ship was torpedoed and sunk during World II is Master of the m.v. Kyoei Maru which calied a' Singapore yesterday on her maiden voyage to New York from Japan. He looked smart as he itood
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  • 97 3 FOLLOWING a lubmission hv detenc'e counsel Mr. C'.H. Koh in the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday, that hi•li Mit had been improperly brought before the Court, the Magistrate Mr. D.H. Chapman discharged a detective. Linn S'x> Hoe. The discharge d:<i not amount to an acquittal. Lim
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  • 93 3 LF.OW CHOONd KIM. an unemployed, was sentenced r| the Singapore Fourth Crimin i District Court yesterday to months' riforous imprisonment on two charges of extorting sum of $289 fiom an old woman Chua Ah Chak. The prosecution stated l.cow had put Chua in fear of banishment
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  • 84 3 Their New Uniforms photo. Photo. FOUR Singapore Harbour Board Office peons pictured here in their new uniforms. They are (left to rieht): All bi n Atan. Mahadi bin Mohd. Nor Othman bin Wahab and Omar bin Sidin. Standard MR. Choor Sinj;h < above) left by KOAC yesterday lor London to
    Standard  -  84 words
  • 250 3 Missing Men Have Forged Identity Cards, Court Told JOIIORK BAIIRI', Tues.— Two hinese, who wenissued forced identity cards by a clerk employed at the Registration Office here, are now missing aftcr*oh taining official replacements from the .lohore lluhrii and Kuala Lumpur registration offices, it was itated in the Sessions Court
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  • 181 3 THE Department of Sorial Welfare in Singapore has begun a survey of Jiving conditions of a clj^ s of family in the City area to find out now (he e\ktlng welfare schemes should be rationalised and along whj| lines they may be developed.
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  • 103 3 PENANG, Tut i x rear* oM boy returning to bit homo >;i\v his el >r hm'h.T who had left the bouaa ibout three months ago, coining out through an opening above the front i> )r .)f the locked hoUM. He ran ack ami informed n s
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  • 22 3 Shaw t 3<*o! >-!i »t, t\ into Sing ipon by 80.\(.' c Mnei iv. at the invit itioi I tion Government.
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  • 41 3 A DISI i »Sl< >\ i i >r i f meeting tomorrow t f it re Umi: lln „f S iety. In I r Hei non ind thi x% <t the Univei i>. In the di »cu i>i
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  • 26 3 TAIPING I U pit| rh'-u f mi ition tin;) a ill bold ind fun fur it the i Sal tn •-r will i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 iiEST WAY TO KEEP YOUR g CL FUNDS V A pp H Whon yiu rravel, if's never sate B'*^SSS^^^S*\ to C3fr V more in cosh thon you can afford to lose. That's »')iy m jrj and more people rely on th* absolute protection of American I«pf«M Travellers Cheques i j
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    • 161 3 £^^^r ti4iiiir/'' '^^Wffla^^^^^^^^Ss^ a^B^^^^^^^fe^B^B^^^ h**^* blf *^J L^B^B^B^B^Z^^^ i^v AIW 7 L^b^b^b^^j .^r >^rse-' fJiw^ new T) i "ri" /wT^Yfmr^^rf^i THEGIFTOFLAST|N G Y(k .J^yi>^^ USEFULNESS AND JOY! W HAThVtR l ie occasion— whoever is to re- System vvhich makes Rllinj easy t writiag ell >n VV ceive your gift, you
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  • 167 4 Gallant Gurkha Wins A Medal Standard Staff Reporter SKILLED tracking followed by a very gallant action against Malayan terrorists, has earned for Cpl. Bhimbahadur Pun of the 2/2 Gurkha Rifles the Military Medal, which was recently approved by the Queen. Cpl. Bhimbahadur, picking up the trail of two men in
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  • 111 4 A "WEEK-END VARSITY' course for adults, planned by i the i ve Committee of the Sing ly Group Move--1 merit, will ho held at the Unii versity of Malaya, Cluny K fiom Friday. l)< 18. to SunI 20, this 1o ained the Sen i
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  • 120 4 TAN KWEE HIN, a 22-year- and former membei of a secret society, was a quitted i:i 'he Singapore Assizes yesterday on charges ot murder a:id attempted munk r. Tan was alleged to have stabbed and wounded Pen Ch.n Kiat it nd fatally stabbed Lim Ah Yee
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  • 53 4 TONG Im I r n. proprietress of a restaurant and bar in Geylang Roaci. was yesterday fined a total of $iOO by the Singapore Second Traffic Ma gistrate, Mr. Howe Yoon Choiig, for driving at excess speed, driving una- companied by a licensee! driver, and driving without
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  • Article, Illustration
    1 4 HGJGH
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  • 260 4 MIDNIGHT SHOTS AT MAN IN A CAR Standard Staff Reporter CHEE AH NGE, 51, a vegetable dealer, and his towkav named Tang Chin Meng, 33, were shot at just alter midnight on Sunday as their motor car was overtaking another vehicle along Sembawang Road, Singapore, on their way home. The
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  • 153 4 Photo FOR a 3 $70.000— half the I re- g tiio P*. rumai 1 Si-ra:i.qoori R- I -Mr. V Pakirisamy. temple committee and u u Sta 'l\ Mr. W. G rman of the 1 Hindu s re could i Oientl Board would n that
    Standard  -  153 words
  • 84 4 THE VEHICLES and 1 Commit tee of Singapore City Council will decide tomorrow if the City Council ihould $18,000 to the Singapore T tion Company for laying i head lines when the i south one w (Tiled. This scheme wi Stamford road one-way north-bound traffic Bras
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  • 56 4 SINGAPORE Police aTe probing into t h e strange disappearance of cosh from I he office of a hotel in Rochore Road. The manageress of the hotel told the Police that in the last six months. nearly $;1000 has disappeared. On Saturday, she complained, 560 were stolen.
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  • 189 4 Standard Staff Reporter THK wane dispute between the Singapore Naval Base Labour Union and the Admiiality may be settled soon. The dispute arose out of an arbitration following a ten-day strike by the 10,000 base workers early this year. The sole arbitrator Mr. John
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  • 51 4 MR. TOM S. Ba\ in, plantation workers expert of the In- j tcmational Confederation of IVec Trade Unions, th e In- ternational Federation of Food i Drink Worktr-' Associat and the International Land Workers' Federation, left f«^ r the Federation yesterday to study problems confronting estate
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  • 17 4 Tuc^.— The Kampong Bahru Maiau Lenga Village, Muar, will soon hav e a village council.
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  • 175 4 Ratepayers Study Colony Land Law THE Singapore Ratepayers' Association ha s formed a mi'iv committee to study the Land Acquisition (Amendment) Ordinance 1953 which was introduced in the last meeting of the Legislative Council. The Ordinance, designed to stabilise land values in the Colony to help development under the Master
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 206 4 jn CATHAY ORGANISATION^* ATTRACTIONS Tgjr SHOWING! _f|||j_yij_i 4 I Paramount'* Military Policemen 808 MICKEY MARILYN > <^b kf^ HOPE-ROONEY-MAXWELL '^y OUR NEXT BIG CHANGE! M-G-M Brlago Forth a Great lra«je«l> fium Shakespeare*! Preafture Chest -^fery /'S K I JR ißi MET JS^^" 'I 1 MCM prv.en»t f/IAMON BRANDO-JAMES MASON- JOHN
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    • 183 4 RI-XORH. WEEK fk pffCtCfllfl biewart SALOME I wit nif »o 11a.m. 9.:top.m. "TARZAN V. SHE-DEVIL" Tomorrow Lawless Breec r ROCK HUDSON -JULIA ADAMS 1 _^^L. jrm SAT. MUDNMECfn* VICESOUAD RAID NliS B IiiRLS in K "VICE SQUAD" Urfawed Him \l 1 1 h IRTIBI.S EDWARD G. ROBIKSCN PAU'.LiIE GOO
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  • 115 5 Make It One Man Job, Says Paglar v id .i«l *>t.ifT Reporter PA< LAP P i for Cha .ill nt at a Li .1 meel ing n ippointI .-it Chairman Impi I eis now he d by the < he is asking I Her thi dutie iriifi out >y the
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  • 12 5 I I 1 rn o v. as Mather i K
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  • 151 5 PHOTO NE WS OF CANTON ARRIVALS photos. .MORK than a hundred pass- engers disembarked in Sin°a- pore yesterday when the Canton < berthed. Among them were:— Or. LeeU Thorat, (above left) wife of Major-General P.P. Thorat G.O.C. Indian (us- todian lorces in Korea, en route to Japan where she will
    Standard  -  151 words
  • 316 5 Boost Indian Goods Delegates Are Told THE Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce urged the visiting Industrial delegation last night to open a permanent trade Exhibition in the Colony to popularise Indian products and promote trade with Malava. V handed by Mr- J Dorai Raj. the ChamSet retary. t > M
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  • 148 5 TWO FACE BRIBERY CHARGES LIAN re<k <"• w and Yoi g v. ti wtrie on Mon with importing raw opium into S.'i^jpore tnd Nov. 10 made appearance in the Fifth Police Court jresterLian faees throe tentative charges of giving briber totnlling $2.20(1 to Acting Deputy Superinf 'ndenl ol Police,
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  • 72 5 >l INIM I M Trmp«Talurp: from 7 p.m. N«»v. 9 lo tin \o\ M». Sinraporc (751), l*rnan e (7SF), Kot,, Bahr« t7.M>. Kti.ii.k l.umpur (741- !l»oli iTSF), KuanlJn (71F). M.ivinuim irmpcriture: i r..ia 7.::o a.m. t o 7.30 pm. \o\ io Singapore (871), H4I- I. K«U B;ihr« inisstii::
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  • 152 5 A Parking Priority Problem To Be Probed THE question whether tar parks should be reserved tor the exclusive ns>* of rrrtani seettoas of Ihc motoring puhlii will be derided tomorrow when a te>.t cav is di* UN>ed by citmmilti'f of the Singapore c 1 1 y (oun til. I'lie Aetinij
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  • 82 5 Standard Staff Reporter ADELAIDE, Nov. 10 (Reuter) A six-year-ohi Malayan boy with "new face" arrived in Adelaide todav or» his way home to Malacca. He is .Tantan bin Kolop, wh.. since FeU. 1\ had l>een in the Royal Melbourne Hospital where plastic si rgeona
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  • 33 5 PORT SWETTENHAM, 'I Mr. Rengasamy, son S.ickrapany, an engine driver )f the Malayan Railway-. Port Swettenham, was awarded i C ororiation Med ii Queen ?>r "long and fa I servii e
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  • 146 5 st indard Staff Reporter The Massed bands of the three Services and the Polirc f»««t i»»e retreat in Miliimi iiihut^ to the war dead tfl <' prese»c« of thoMsas^ls on the Singapore padaag yrstrrday. KoiukK <>r ftppfaiase srf***t rd thi- li.niflsmen tli»v yi.i>t-a SchteicWj famous
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  • 212 5 Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S Education Department hos just completed Ope ration Transfer" to meet staff requirements of 19 new schcols which will function from January 1954. Nearly 300 teachers have been shifted including 130 who have been recalled from teaching English in
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  • 43 5 MR. E.M.F. PAYNE, I), Director of Education, Federation ol Malaya, an ived in Singapore from Kuala Lumpui last nifhi t<» attend a me< I ol the entrant e board of the I-i» »m y «>r Malaya, to be held
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  • 11 5 ADMIRAI Feli SI I f !m S .;:n
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  • 195 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Locol Moloy leaders will soon launch a Federation wide campaign > stop the "alarming mcrco*c of prostitution among Muslim women" and fo gel them off the streets. "These women ate a disgrace and << thi tin 'social structure ot the\ community
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  • 16 5 'Mosquito' Editor Is Fined $300 I I .1 Ml t .1 4 t 1 I Hi
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 77 5 RITERIUM I I WillemK I W M from tht- l>t->.t »fid mi»si expeasivi i3 x< I. ird toh.u I Uj Do as your doctor docsput your trust in DETTOL j^d Rheumaiism You Sleep i>. »i.«t.»>if.e pala*. It shnwt n..,( ill/ tint- d Ki<l ".V Bi. „g N M B*tV
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    • 157 5 3 months' hammering! A Tudor Oystei Prince— the r»»" ae perfe< iccuracy i pd winding watch commissioned b\ Rolex Even <"•»* ol (he i- ol Geneva— was strapped to the i parti is then checked n I the wrist of a stone-cutter whose task it pquivalei part <-i ne h
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  • 667 6 real dV.<] o! what Tungku Yaacob, Member for Agriculture, h;id to say hi the a conference foi nior Agricultural Officers n Kuala Lumpur. officials that agi [culture a majoi I try. It a. he aid, th< country's I it should be kept up it the people arc
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  • 1276 6  -  PATRICK O'DONOVAN By TOKYO PROBLEMS crowd upon Japan like debtors, but a reasonable solution to Hum nil would never quite satisfy the Japanese people. Admission to G.A.T.T., equality in the world trading community civilised instead of insane relations with South Korea, freedom to trade throughout the
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  • 256 6 Review of Views Close Breach UTUSAN MELAYU urges th< Federation of Malay Tea-* chers 1 Associations to close the breach which i« gradually growing wider between, the A iation and its mem-< bera m i Normal C rs. e says that compla by Normal class teachers that their ca-e for
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  • 211 6 It was When Raub experienced an acute shortage Of water supply that the only swimming pool of this rich gold mining town was kept filled with water from a nearby stream and functioned properly like a swimming poo). Now because Raub has become self-sufficient in water supply, the
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • We, the PEOPLE
    • 682 6 Sir:— "MA." who \va s the nrst to answer M. G. Ferguson's letter can be thankful that he had only to rub his eyes o n rradiny it As for me, I had a hard time keeping mine from popping right out! I should have thought
      682 words
    • 288 6 S v. of Britaii West foi Bi area, bi thai she had sp i defence. I did not Brills^ taxpa ing up" Ma aya now 01 ins? for troops out here, bill If past experience of 'he Independence rack* h aiy criterion he ■fter Ma aya get
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 215 6 CAPE TOWN. LARGE-SCALE ex pedition whuh hopfv to find more specimen*; ot coeloconth the fi^h which, until a frA yeori ogo, was believed to have been extinct for seventy million yec: If being planned in Africa bv the c Council for A: of the Sahara, it P'Obably
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 SINGAPORE men STAMIARII INDEPtNUkNI MOHNING NLvV'J/»>tk 28, Robin%on Rood, Smgoporc Telephone Not *****—***** Cable 6 Telegraph Address. IIGERNfWS S.nqoporc Room 222. The Times Buildmq Printinq House Square London EC 4 KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENANG 45 Sulfon St.. Hi Cowon St. 8 Leith St. Tele: 4588 Tele 829 Tele 1055 NIWS
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    • 5 6 W4§& STREET. ****^V fey' M"
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  • 57 7 SHE SEEKS ROMANCE IN N.Y. i;\ KOI T S l»l<mdo Kathteea rntlj quoted win,! (olummsts lomplainiac she i t pnougfa dates film <.i pital arrives at 1.. i (.ii.iiili.i Airport to try her luck in N< w V«»ik. Kathleen, who won stardom solely i»v aopearanics in thr%C novies. lias
    UP  -  57 words
  • 58 7 i.uiikw. Nov. 10 (AP)— Screaming, sobbing exVluhammed Mossadeq attempted to walk out nt martial trying him for his life today alter a swinging scene climaxed hi N attempts to disi i appointed lawyer. damn I the B rg 1 and i the e iit vip
    58 words
  • 33 7 SEVEN HURT IN TRAIN CRASH roi.oußO \\>v. in (Reuter) Seven proof including woman were seriously Injured when a passenger train and a shunting engine collided at Kankesanturai railway station in Northern Ceylon today
    33 words
  • 194 7 LONDON, N«.v. 10 (AP) [nformed sources last night i epoi ted an Allied move is under way to break the deadlock with the Communists over membership of the Korean peace conference. a propo-ai to pai ley to the Bi£f •i i ii4 Red China and N'oi'i)
    194 words
  • 179 7 Cut In Arms Is Urged UNITED NATIONS. New Vork, Nov. 10 (UP) Indiii yesterday proposed P'iva I c disarmament talks among the Bi&> Pour powers India proposed thai Canada hould }oi n lh e B-jj Four the United State Russia, Britain un<\ F; anre in the talk The propo al
    179 words
  • 57 7 TAIPEI, No* !0 (UP) •nalist China today re- '■< of a strafing k by one ol i'- planes on a fn ehter ofl Amoy Sal lay mornms. The British ngi tered ship ock Hashed a signal on Saturday morning e had bei -k< d "thrin by
    57 words
  • 60 7 JEDDAH. Nov. 10, King tbn Saud of who at th< age oi 72. was two hours al Saudi Arabia's lew sovereign King Saud Ibn \bdul Aziz announced today hat Saudi Arabia wished to i an arnica ttlement >f her dispute with Britain Dver Buraimi oasis
    Reuter; A.F.P.  -  60 words
  • 66 7 photo. QUEEN Frederika ami Kinu Paul mi Greece (centre) ;md Mom Vijaya I.akshmj Pandit irkhti. President of th«* I nitrd Nations Grncral AsaeMbly, seem to Im* < n.jovin;; a remark niad<> by U.N. Secretary Geaeral i>.«i: flammarskjold. Tke mo iuent of lauuhter (»«< tnrrd during a
    UP  -  66 words
  • 337 7 Tetnpler In London LONDON, Nov. 10— Gen. Sir Gerald Tempter, Malaya's Hitjh Commissioner and Supreme Commander, attended a meeting of the Chiefs of Staff it the Defence Ministry here today to report on the military drive against Communism in Malaya. The Chit i> 1
    U.P.  -  337 words
  • 171 7 BIG-3 TALKS SLATED FOR DEC 4 Cold War Will Be Reviewed LONDON, Nov. 10: (Reuter)— The Bermuda meeting of President Eisenhower Winston Churchill, M. Joseph Laniel, French Prime Minister was announced from the p rimc Minister's residence here today in a statement which said they would discuss various matters of
    171 words
  • 36 7 LONDON. Nov. 10. (Reuter) Queen Eli/Mbeth visited the toyland of a London departmerit store yesterday and boughi two boxloads >t toys for Prince Charh s 1 and PrinAnne*f Christn ;is stock-
    36 words
  • 39 7 SALISBURY modern bud< i I (In i .i sw< pt-wing marine Swifi The Sup* rmai ui the i tied a v. I of 737 3 n in th Africa [on j |et Skyray with an hour.
    39 words
  • 47 7 LONDON N 10, (Ri ;uiy eight attended a tra litional ban< marking the ii i"ii ol the new Loi don. Sir N Bo ater in i In the heart of ti of 1 (»n--don. For the e i'.»:R (fce Lord the Boel
    47 words
  • 11 7 NIXON SEES N' LIST TROOPS N idenl R ionali ttn I
    11 words
  • 87 7 PLOT QUELLED BY LOYALISTS IN BOLIVIA LA PAZ, (80l via), Nov. 10, (AP) -Forci loyal I• Pi ideni Victor Paz E Monday crushed a revolt aimed at taking over major Bolivian ing the Pr< captive, the Government announced. The described as members ol the Bolivian s list Falange (FSB), with
    87 words
  • 75 7 Stondotd London Correspondent LONDON, Nov. 10. The following are the closing prices at rubber ond tin on the London market: LONDON RUBBER LONDON TIN Spot 17 d. December 17 d. Jan. /March 17*d. Apr. /June Mid. July/Sept. 1 7 id. November c.i.f. 1 6 d. Tone: Quietly Steady.
    75 words
  • 144 7 MANILA, Nov. in (UP).F.arly unofficial returns tonight f Nationalists presidential candidate Ramon M;^ ;i wide lead *>wr Presiden Elpidio Quirino. Firs T complete pre rind returns in Manila gave Magsay.iv .1 four t*> one majority. Tlie first provincial returns from Di»\ ;io City on Matidano
    144 words
  • 68 7 .JAKARTA. Nov. In i|{ iIlm) For tho first time Hie Indonesia Air Force was eU into action against gui ius on the southern part Celebes island in eastern lndonesia. According to the fleer of the local Army C< mand, the Air F. af< d concentratioi
    68 words
  • 94 7 LONDON, Nov i ßen: r '"a Lord tie not cl I/ear-old son and of Uir wealth 11 Scoti si Earl 1 Breadalbone -land, tea j yesterday 2$ daj/s la i>(iv €80 tenance arrears u> Lady Glenorchy or <j<> ut \<\>\ iar
    94 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 56 7 //e />« comJcfcf- ut tietfctmaxce The New re-styled VAN GUARD embodies aM the provements introduced into this famous model since it was first produced in 1 /*47, and many new improve- Ith rear window giv j f^« t extensive ri on. %«ot change Mechanism. FEDERATED MOTORS LTD. ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE,
      56 words
    • 44 7 DAMASK NAPERY BLEACHED /g SNOW-WHITE. M^*f*sr* A PERFECT BACKGROUND FOR I COLOURED CHINA. GIJSTENING SILVER. \M> SHINING GLASSES. TABLECLOTHS 54" x 54" $10.75 corh 70" x 70" $1525 ccd> 70" x 106" $24.50 coch NAPKINS 22" x 22" 1.50 coch ROBINSON Co., Ltd. Singapore
      44 words

  • 79 8 TOKYO. Nov. K» (AFP) The trauier fleet <jf Kyokuko Hogei company, operating in tin* Ea>! China St i a since November, last year, in a tieup witJi East Asia Fisheries company ol Hong Kong; will shortly iea\'e for iiome. it was learned here yesterday. The company
    79 words
  • 77 8 i v V tube. r;o rger I a normal si/ed founta r pen i> the latest device for keeping H- iin*« i ocket-fii ing Hghters i theii target w ith an a ■i y hithei I ighf impossible. tiny t:. I).^1 i. the •t 1 pilot
    77 words
  • 25 8 THF. A isti a an >\ ern- is being \:;gt»<l to p'are a immediate ban on the exof on and >:ee! to AFP.
    25 words
  • 109 8 BRITISH Airtralt Inciiistry's KxpoHs passed the total lUure exported for the whole ol last fear (hiring: the first ei&ht months of this year. In 1952 Britain export* u C44 million worth of and equipment, which figure had been p i Jed in the P January to
    109 words
  • 156 8 WASHINGTON. N i (I'Pi Authoritai aid last night that the Vv, State- and Indonesia still deadlocked in their tioxis concerning l>o American purchase- of li. 10 ncsian tin next year. Am Indonesian tin delegation has been here for more I weeks trying to re:)
    156 words
  • 48 8 WASHINGTON. Nov. (Renter) The Japane^ 1 t emment ha ed in i strong j > worded memo: ind .1 t* I d i 'A »c.*i' i\ "disci h y and stringent* 1 trade rest Imp i ed by the B' I monwealth *'"d <: '<? United
    48 words
  • 71 8 MAPK \S N 10, I V Canadian Mi::i I F S veiling with his wrife retui od to Bombay yestei da .1 i I a flshi conducted (>r |u> coast undei Norwegian i Mr. Sifir 1 i v, ,j h(» impress^ d i'h the work in
    71 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 802 8 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE NORDDEUTBCHEK LLOYD join 1 si i;\ |< 1 ft ..lonitH l«eaoa Marseilles Inl^erp Kollereiaai Hamburg >< Breaiea S pore I* s liarn I'irt.ini; I S N iljoh (Mil 1 I Drr HHn I! •'•>" 1^ l.i-vcrkiisi/1 (HAPAIfJ ll WUt-i 17 \x\ut l»/2ll»« 1 •|<iri t h« 1.
      802 words
    • 1294 8 1 BLUE FUNNEL LINE MAN>I II LI) A ro., LID. lt i 1 A ated in ol uarrlrn opilttn U iKOCtcai vi;» iMtori uorl^ Ui .«»mi ,u o liirharcc < <re>«> >\IIIN(.*« In ilMltl'om l.i \-.n\\ MINIKIN (OMIVINTM ntltl* M la:I* I 'Jt Her am i aleaait fo: -a l/indon
      1,294 words
    • 415 8 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS R »yal Rotterdam Lloyd Holland Ameriu l.inr .Wdrrlmd l.inr Rotterdaai Mtlefiaa Aaßtteriaaj HALIFAX, BOSTON. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE. MOBILE, NEW OKI! \NS via SI K.Z. •S'porf P S'ham I'nun? SJ2SS JVSSi SOMMHSOYK (HA! |sDec ISDee 17 isi^T KOTA GFDF (RL) >; M )r, Vfaii Utl 1
      415 words
    • 619 8 EAST ASIATIC LlNt iAIUNUI 1 i:i»m s( \m»in\\i\ i K I part MHINM Pot B^r.gk.k '•P(M)NA' for Melboui Sydney I*ol Kembls liMdinc >o<ai cargo) <.<lu i< M Ml KW h* Bin k Saiiiori licfick( ri« Kcl>- S 1 I 1 1 |tr 1 \i trnu fc r n t/i it,,
      619 words

  • 134 9 New Rl Rules Fail To Arrest Price Drop standard Special oi re spondt-nt diirnM..n; XK 1 S V i I0 lhe announced iniiikrf V 6 Kc<momit Ministry to stimulate i.>\\f'r rubber quotations. rjiis is based upon lat< and Djambi, the two ma on Sumatra. It is record the aft< r-eff<
    134 words
  • 13 9 I H Bril I in 1 week period _bi i Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 106 9 DOING THE MARKET RUBBER STEADY 1; I.BER prices in s. i inly high* r yi ten first gra c iiltx r for Novenvat closing ."";'i; r Ib, a i quarli uf a cent from M day' 1 wai attribu- lack uf e bn.vii moved prices up from ;il ts per
    106 words
  • 105 9 LAYAN i n sti; firmer nn irk< I y »t< industrials were a ires r( d The i >lume of I IN HI STRIA I s Hnver* v Darby 1 8? irai 2 72 >IIMM. A ,1 Ama!. 13/- 1 4 y 2H 9 29 :< 14/ 14 6
    105 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 9 rui.NIY FIVE leaden of m operative mnvnt nits in > tmm o.triei i tfcem Malaya tvcenU) 1 1 I eiKht-treek Iraiaia* tomnt \m Ueaauirli. Thin I s graph shov. Mi 1 1 < »i rx (irfll af Malaya iel 1 1 f«w pointers Froai i local
    58 words
  • 69 9 ALTHOUGH r E I U har- JB5 lbs. for the I to April 30, 1953, I the I rofitg amounted to tl 11,082 compart I B2 tor the pn i oce in the pro- the i< vere in the price of rubbrr during the period
    69 words
  • 53 9 IKRON, (Ohio), Nov. hi (Renter) Ml I < ally 4 Pn lent of B. F. Goodricli Company urged tfci I .it revoke the dins live of rabbet consumption] <»:ii in i n c ot fen( 1! nll pose nth* 1 1<• m< 1 rate of
    53 words
  • 6 9 B i I S
    6 words
  • 2 9 i
    2 words
  • 7 9 1 f 1
    7 words
  • 6 9 I r
    6 words
  • 9 9 NEW COINAGE IN PAKISTAN PCt v. i. t be
    9 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 207 9 j jr A By A/ Capp ruin ,r- stiSr?^ I rv^X/ K^r2_2_? :v° I/k -^^00?^^ m^ mmm^^^—* u• C-) jt^ i-_^ M \W 111 HA\F T\l* WO' y I "> t > s,ft'--v/ O J. ••< SWF'''"*- >■-■•' 1 1■ I W_Sl_ »-»^<v_fi_3^^^_____J^__ _g_^___ 1 c '•-*)>t>«»W..i TW l 4
      207 words
    • 433 9 1 :..,xk",v.,:. 1 va,i«.na.. „,'^x.. l ?i >'■ KLUANG KLASG Hall 6 15 to 8.15 p.m. fMTPDTAIii'VitKJT V\\c\: Devotional meeting at CklTCDTAlklkiCklT r<»*v^crM I Raffld Quay 10.30 am tr* ILK I AINIVILPI I LHMI "J.AS? A Good Shepherd "Speak- cOBONAnOX: Putin H r%Plt«»| m a 2lw Amatu i fMaiayj 730
      433 words

  • 413 10 Two More Damsels For The ]>! riKEII at their best i art 1 two more fit ti ints foi the "Miss Max I >: v i" beauty roa t ->i which < ioscs this Sun- i > I he tvso nirK arc Mrs < ii i tfcD 'mutt above)
    413 words
  • 2518 10  - INSIDE FRENCH NORTH AFRICA: 1. Morocco PHILIP DEANE By )N August 20, 1953, there were reports of riots in Morocco. The mountain tribes were taking part in what some messages described as a "French-sponsored rebellion." It was claimed that tanks had surrounded the Sultan's palace in Rabat for two days
    2,518 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 33 10 jfAv world famous family of TIGER medicinal products BALASHIN SAI (I'M Kl I Very effective for Couqhs. Indi gestion. Seasickness. Nausea Tiredness, Stomachache, Foul Breath. ENG AUN TONG THK TIC EH MKDICAL HALL
      33 words
    • 61 10 'HI COUPON REAO THIS BIFORt r f «N° R y" VOUB PAI itKN Yo« mutt enclo»* ♦»»»ee ten cent .tomp, vou .om V oui pottern rut I» don t g«t the -tomp. you don t qot the pott, rr A "umbet order* hov cotre te m« without th, <tomp« The*,
      61 words
    • 80 10 I I I I I LANKA JEWELLERS, (j I I MI MfH SI M m i m'i 2J BATTERV ROAD, SINGAPORE, I PHONf son* 1 1 j tame ia M»or »!ofrcn o ncorlv and eifto obio»bc«<» wo»etpioot backing to, contid.m. Bi »u. I I »h« toluble tani» ar > tow,
      80 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 428 10 1 1<? RITA PEL MAR T" >> V n t OTATMftN: V," n f: V" J f> !<> 1 "lilts and not fry to V\II»N r>| )NV FOR IMKY- N M >rning and early offer the II u ->i the da) e f? wtructive il 1 1 'Ss in i
      428 words

  • 235 11 We Are Going Do Your Worst' WONG PENG SOON, the unofficial world barl- yesterday openly defied the Badminton ol Malaya Co do its worst in trying to an d his team of three others from accepting ol the Chinese Sporting Association or there. a1 a fence at
    235 words
  • 4 11 NY Body Suspends Turpin
    4 words
  • 3 11 I
    3 words
  • 162 11 JOHORE English College (past and present hoys) scored a convincing 3 l win over Singapore Combined Schools at hotkey at Victoria School ground yesterday. The C being 1 Si A I I the first J ih re gcl i the B ire I time. Has
    162 words
  • 116 11 DJAKARTA, Toes. Tigers football team of Singapore l« s t (heir unbeaten record today in the seventh match «f their tour when they were beaten 2 o by the IMS Union Makes Strength). Tiger were without Chu Chee Senji. injured. However, the tourists atta< ked almost throughout
    116 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 11 presides! of the Johoi> B.A. wfaUag Wonff Pent Booa god speed n <* good luck lavt nfcht.
    16 words
  • 260 11 TIIK Singapore Amateur Weiffhtliftinf Federation will sta^e a Miss Singapore 1953 contest in conjunction with the senior national Weifhtllfting championships at the Happy World Stadium on Dec. 13 and If. The last winner in I!W> was Miss Pamela Bach. There was no conh'st i" 1951
    260 words
  • 62 11 KUALA LUMPUR, TuCS.— The annual rugger m i n the Selangor Cl ib one! the Singapore Cricket Club will be held on Saturday at Si:ii;;ipore. Selnngor Club's lineup will her Holland, A. Cooke, Bume. Hi!!, Tarry, J. Pinkerton, P. Edington, P..T. Tjrrrell or D. Dean,
    62 words
  • 18 11 SINGAPORE Lawn Tenms Association will hold its annual general meeting,' c;i Nov. 26 at the SCRC.
    18 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 18 11 tf Kf mf J^Sr^ -^^jjj^^^^ '_l^___i i i T*"^ nii-f i* r rl—^-^^^**—^— mm^ a^^ m^^ m^ am
      18 words
    • 608 11 NOTICES CITY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORE TENDERS WV7ATER DEPARTMEI I ply of Cast Iron Spe< C]o? e NOON 20.11.53. D posit $50/-. Forms from Tender Room. Second Floor, S retariat (K;om 235), Cit v I! CITY CLEANSING DEPARTMENT: Supply of !.v,our. tools, etc. for daily di Of specified drains within Citv
      608 words
    • 448 11 UUNTKOLLBI OF SUPPLIES. SINGAPORE. lENDEK NOTICE IDfDEI No 10 I N'DERS Will be received at I- >'. .'ore. up to on Monday 1 6th N ember, 153. for the purcha e of appi ly 2.000 Tons of Siamese Broken Rirc "1" G: 1 I. Super) as one lot or in
      448 words
    • 282 11 SITUATIONS VACANT \V ANTED. Tcr.i ar Of I L. y: A* Government rat h Iftii to P cipal Si S 100] 178-23. 13| m/«, SIAPORE IMPROVEMENI in 1h e Technical Timescale SHW 5474 rmti.'d salary ?iop p m I f I imcnti $|BRB'>- School Apply stating dntc and M
      282 words
    • 104 11 Standard Service For I tl€ I Unemployed Al \K)\ K SI K\ |i Arr y»« HIM nipJiixid ml hi n f,. >"U »<• Iliu! work ||n Sll tnd «rd In- iHftl ni RnreaM •jllth \ou if »par< u ihi^ r'lFumn. lii^i r >r wrii, *..,ir local sf.mditd ».f 4 n
      104 words

  • 819 12 Standard's RACE CARD RACE 1: 3-3O S, X>lv. 3—6 Furs. i M3 Oregon II Iv 1 v' 1 McCloud :»i Sky rider I. <: i ite Stal s .1 Lansd >«. 1 KMI C'hini low n i\ <> Ellen woodh 3 Den tuiic ."»<• *I > M Mid
    819 words
  • 28 12 K" Indian ton com India i i arr m 'i ee cvenl mix »'d d«i iii eacn J. P 44 Race Course N'ov. 30
    28 words
  • 248 12 BREAK OF DAWN DESERVES BREAK Race 4 presents a good betting card with Break of Dawn, Bright Sagittarius, Fair Sir, Sir Climax Barborosso and Pilot's Point holding strong claims 'i like the chances of Break of Dawn who ran a goodish secrai to Ihe Magyar over 8\ furlongs at Penan*r.
    248 words
  • 198 12 Ly on Queen To Win R. 5 Lyon Queen, should find her winning turn in this race 5. Essentially a staying sort, I. yon Queen suffered a slight check in the straight and in the cirdid well to fini.-li fourth to Pi Mrc Fan and Company with half a length,
    198 words
  • 436 12  - TRACK FORM POINTS TO RED HAT AS THE WINNER WINDSOR LAD By TODAY'S SELECTIONS Windsor Lad j Gay Krvrllrr Goodwood 1-KVKIDKR oKKIiON II SICYBJDEB llregiM II skyri«lrr l>emoiii«ll.»ll>u.nnl star l»KHi«mir \l.i.-onir 2! M. l'H n lU. \IKHI Vlt WBW VK»» PaMtora M Pl**l«re Motion Picture i iui.i> lata >i\\.»n Woir
    436 words
  • 76 12 Ti a Juan a. Gii kirma 1 light out main h moun n H I. like Pride >f Burma > tah gelding, i Pri le of B showing 4, ii ls i,, morning workout ■tnc« hit la Timah i ri April. Ginseng will providf s*i!T
    76 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 41 12 "sERIRfIB 1 EXPCSoRt fTIHERS B. T. CHEW CO. 7KB K«.»>it'M n Knart »ore Tel: mi jy 23f7f Gifts That Outshine Other Gifts 2.P. H. de SILVA 4-> Hifh ■< r FTinfipari K, Stalii f. R«ad Ipok i Embankment, hu.i| a i umpur
      41 words
    • 70 12 I Lfjmm 0n,.,.,, I \y g/ o o r J^j T lit £> s J r/ *7 r/ J f SUPER-UJRTERPROOF RUT: BTESL n'l., imiii ii STEEL c;ou> TOT s!k:, I iik GOLD Seamaster's accuracy remains as p*. as ever. SOLE' fiGENTS" FOR MRL& SUVA LTD (INCORPORATED IN SINGAPOK*
      70 words