Singapore Standard, 3 September 1953

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
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  • 82 1 J hollowing upon continued protest J from the Chinee* Ckmmkms of »mI > merre against what they frit lo hr a J very unfair husiness registration tax. J J the federal Legislative t ounvil yes- terday fixed a new maximum tax. 7 he largest tax lettable
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  • 624 1 Templer Sees The Speaker Take Office KUALA Ll MPI R, Wed.-The Federal Legislative Council's first Speaker, Dato Setia Wanna, Mahmud biti Mat, was installed today m a short, simple but impressive ceremony. Speaking at the installation, the High Commissioner. General Sir Gerald Templer pointed out that this was tangible evidence
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 1 Dato Mahmud bin Mat was escorted by thc (Jerk of thc Council. Kaja Ayoub. o n hi> arrival at the Legislative Council yesterday.
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  • 1112 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— The F c d c r a I Legislative Council today accepted an amendment proposed by the Financial Secretary, Mr. E. Himsworth, fixing the maximum tax leviable on a business m an urban area at $300 per year and $75 per year
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  • 263 1 xi Ll MPUR, Wed I deral legislative todaj decided to •■the tint> «m cinemas ..tli' i cnt« rtainments j ibis ear. on the introduc--13, with a nendn Dato Tengku to the mber, Foui supfoi abour i c. It mothrough Mr. and mend the rates of
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  • 15 1 SC 2 nmunisi prison:,r.<i 200 Two Ameria re
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  • 111 1 Standard Staff Correspondent JPOH. Tues.— Police Inspector Abdul Ra/ak bin Abdul Rahman, with 13 years service m the Force, was today sentenced to two and a ha f years rigorous imprisonment tor criminal breach of tru-t ot $7,743.20 and $3.384 21* worth of canteen coupons.
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  • 31 1 THF. Madras Government hai refused to lend the Britishowned Madras Electric Tramways Company 108.000 rupees to enable it to resume city tram services suspended since April 12. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • Article, Illustration
    68 1 SCENE at yesterday's installation of the Federation's first Speaker which \va s presided over by (i<*neral Sir (ierald Templer. Mr. Speaker, Dato Setia Waagsa Mahmud bin Mat. m robes and full bottomed wig (extreme end of the front bench) listens attentively to his instrument of appointment which is
    D. of I.  -  68 words
  • 20 1 *'This is nothing! You ought to stay m some time and see how he behaves .when you're out!"
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  • 73 1 SEATTLE, Washington. Sept. 2. (UP).— A DC-3 wiih at least 19 servicemen and sn undetermined number of crewmen aboard was believed down m western Washington today and search planes were poised to hunt for the missing airliner. The air force at first said 21
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  • 21 1 GREECE is to appeal for aid m lhe rehabilitation Of the lonian islands hit by earthquake recently Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 13 1 PIERRE Boizard has been anpointed French Resident Oeneral m Tunis'a. AFP
    AFP  -  13 words
  • 51 1 PENANO. Wed. On? Chin Woo: (44). of.' ~*g* '-von Stseel was phar^*^ sion^ Court ti)(ii/: ;y Vv. I!y exporting $20tT^/ motor vehicle any r» mr ne, om V it- m vie* One rlaUvH (\\e higfa was postponed t 0 ar e_t rnak hai! of $200,001 waj Mr.
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  • 49 1 LONDON. Sep. (UP).— Two more top Cai nis'ers dined with Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill to- to continue what informources said were cons >ns oi 'ung his Conservative government. Chanr*ellor of the Exchequer. B A. Butler, ano Cant. Harry Crookshank were invited down to Chequers.
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  • 96 1 CAIRO, Sept 2 (AFP).— Egyptian Minister for Nat,onal Ou id ance Major Salah Salem said heie today that there wai ho hop- tbat Bri|oja would fcc^t tlie Egyp? tian demands for the evacuation of the Suez Canal Zone. Addressing a meeting of liberation govenunent leaders
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  • 89 1 LONDON. Sept 2: (Reuter) A spokesman for Mr. Norman nartnell, the Queen*! dressmaker, said yesterday that the tirm did nut intend to compete with Mi e short hemline oi If. Christian Dior **Our s^uts are the length which fits the n lie said emphatically. Mr.
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  • 48 1 COPENHAGEN 2 (AFP) King Fre leri< k i I l) nark and Gustav vi ol S inied by Queen Ingrid. a jhter of J I on the Danish it a Bornholm this mor. ung on board the B>j i Danish acht, j Dannebr rg
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  • 24 1 A special postage sta will be Issued to commemoi the Queen's stay In Jamaica ti i m November 25 to 27. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 227 1 Maestro Dies BARCELLONETTE, France, Sept. 2.— M. Jacques Thibaud, 72. the foremost French violinist. wa s anions 42 people killed when an Air France airliner on its way from Paris to Saigon crashed late last night and burst into flames on a 10.700-foot peak m the
    Reuter; AFP  -  227 words
  • 65 1 TEHERAN. Scot. 1 (AP) An authoritative source .-.aid today [ran wants the U.S. to Intervene m Uie British-Ira-nian oil dispute witii new proposals aimed at a quick settlement. The informant told newsmen any U.S. proposals will ba welcome it they arc able to bring Britain
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  • 65 1 ALOR STAR. lues.— Two of thiee crewmen of a junk, (which .-ank during a itorm two mile* otr Kuaia Kyesterday afternoon, rescued afte< spending an afternoon and a nigbt clinging to the hatch ami tail post of th sunken cci The third man vanished during
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  • 49 1 BURBANK. California, Sept. Is (Reuter) French film itai Claude Dauphin will star with Karl Maiden m a new three .dimensional colour film "The Phantom Ape" based on Edgai I Allan Poe's "Murders m lhe I Rue Moi gue" Warnei Brothers] studio announced bera.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 47 1 "J o'f,r"it;t.\sst^r Sftt'fti \S JI. AND TRADING CO. Priaee Streei-— lv\:-:\.,. r, You know its g00d... _/a\ M A\ /I \IWI> AI'STKAUVN *••\r i J >"<. or both lo mrY^r-^2 .-"ii list- they're ■IJ^JF 'he BKST you B^IYV l eau bun!" IRJ lm SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD.
      47 words
    • 60 1 V 3 StP 19*3 _H_a USE THE vv'tT" "j^"a*»fc "err 'ff^»-V Shefftox 4^> a tfr&a#t of a fame SS.B6 JJ— Made rrs f I re/rtffnplors hare |Ac po '«r i i \Qoman i hea full n i»/ r /i .$»/>». p )r>'*»*er <}>,•..! full i h O/'d f»rirr l,irg^ tJM<
      60 words

  • 11 2 run 1v r •i li. n J ht.
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  • 110 2 n'CERT party of < Mirers, men and women of i Ka I Mr Force, will tour Service units m the i :.i for the third year m succession. R.A.F fel it tour of Navy of two o.'licc i omen and n units on I
    Standard  -  110 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 2 I Si) les aho will (axe part m Oriental jl light" to Lr the Singapore\ Club on ti the Happy World Stadium m air! of the I l,rpros> Kel t I u :»<l Ibovec the I:!,> po "Tinkling ,1 B'i nb i Dinn iad Burmese dance by i t*
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  • 38 2 k BAHRU, Wed. five rayaats ol Oi i rah igat have the unfair ting zal more than the n v Majlis Tuan Han Isahak Moftl the ous officer said be would ""k into itter.
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  • 119 2 COMMODITY PRICES C I OS I N Ci rubber prices (cents per Ib) m Singapore resterday Tooe: Stead] quiet. MN PKICE lhe price ot tin \esterday was $310« jx-r picul lp 111. LONDON llt BBER No I K.SS Settlement IJoior i>rms Wednesdays open ing prices per lb were: I.UNIIO.N lIN
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  • 37 2 HONGKOXG, Sept 2. Spe Standai S< .".ieo c pri'-t the Hongkong Fx change tori -88 Jo £1 ing IS 1 dohar: -l 82. to M Sl: 05 to one Indonesian Rapping Gold 25 to om
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  • 24 2 A WATER mi ter valued at $30 wa s stolen from the \urHoste] i»- the Singapore General Hospital o n Tuesday morning.
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  • 169 2 1 Beer Sc Whisky In Latrine WHEN Police, broke into a latrine behind a liquor shop m Keong: Siak Koad, Singapore one night, they found the proprietor and his assistant adulterating hundreds of bottles of liquor and pasting counterfeit labels, A. S.P. Mr. J.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 17 2 ff f n^ tab ets _I__9_H_H_K H Sole Exporter i^tSK m^e^ mmmmm W^ mm I I _^_1
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    • 239 2 m **»"«*"S»»V« MAJESTIC THEATRE I' El) -TONC. SF.N MUII I. II 1 .1 .PHONE I 2 SHOW* DAILY 7 9.30 p.m. ADMISSION $4, St, S2, ■a Ala __^_t***_i _L Ug& 1 > Ba^_^_M_H _^_n I r _^______________________________B [^■fea_^fl IR y^flß^Ba_.^*aH Br** **S^J TMf SWllTMlla»TOf MAC«C 1 V ___r i__i y
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  • 77 3 S'pore To Relay Queen's Message Standard staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S importla i link m the Commonwealth will be emphasised when the Queen's istmas Message is broadcast from New Zealand. It will be heard by the Commonwealth peoples through t Im* relay service m the Colony. vill be m New end of
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  • 6 3 1 a Chulia >7.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 3 Air Marshal Sir Clifford Sanderson. C in-C. FEAF presenting Mr. Koh Piah Kee, Storekeeper Grade 1 employed at R.A.F. Maintenance Base. Seletar with a Testimonial for Cood Service.
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  • 29 3 Intern aI rive m 8 on I ed by Kai executive of the D' '.B lr.i _•> Union pecially Karl Kua la w i 1 1
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  • 103 3 SINGAPORE'S 500 uniformed postmen wiil appeal to the Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. A. C. Goode, not to add any red stripes to their new uniforms. V______.__.t____.__.__J Yesterday, representatives of the Post and Telegraph Uniform.- i Stall Union met the Government's Uniforms Committee m an attempt
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  • 142 3 More Funds From City's Vehicles A MODEST increase m re- Irom this year's revised ited by the oi Veh 'menf m 1954 The draft budget of the Department which will be preI for '-i iideration by Vehicles and Traffic Com>i the Singapore City •il today estimates the il st 104,000
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  • 50 3 THF. 15th meeting of the agen ot the Intel I r Transport open m SingaSept. 8. r Ur India Intei B P"> BO V ruda Inm KLM. Mallys, North "1 ATIANTAS. SAS TEAL, v V. and i H BOAC Mi V A i m S tee.
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  • 96 3 THE Sing lore R imakrishna Mission's annual report for 1952 records m excess oi expenditure over income i I $1,991.64 m the running ol its schools. The report that the enrolment m the Vivekananda Boys' School was 127, m the Saradamani Girls' School 144. m
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  • 95 3 MH T. P. F. McNEICE, the City Council President, uas elected presi lent of the Singapore Clitv Council Employees' Co-operative Thrift and Loan •ry, at its 24th annua! general meeting yesterday. The fol 'owing are the other offlre bearers: Messrs. J. C. A pinall, W. I.
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  • 73 3 THE l3*>year-old ichoolboy who was last week tentatively charged with the murder of a jaga. Ram Singh s > Bachan Singh had the charge against him withdrawn on the instructions of the Deputy PublicProsecutor. He was told this when he ■■as brought before the Singapore Fifth Poli v
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  • 73 3 DACT KHADFR. a mem of the crew of RF A I R sa ie was Rne i $1 m the ipore Fifth Police C irday t ir sm iking a ciyj.- while on b i the ship loaded wi'h ammunition. By this i the pro^e
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  • Article, Illustration
    69 3 photo. JOURNALIST DAY was celebrated In Singapore on Tuesday night by the editorial staff of the Sin Chew Jit Poh. .sister paper of the Singapore Standard at a dinner held at the Tai Tong Kestaurant at the New World Amusement Park. Among those present were Mr. Aw Ikow, Mr. Aw
    Standard  -  69 words
  • 152 3 Raj Seeks Vote Bar On Councillors MR. C. R. DAS AR AT HA Raj. will move an amendment to the Labour Party', C >nstitution at the Party Conference on Sunday that will bar City and Legislative Councillors from voting at General Council meetings. At the same time he will seek
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  • 72 3 THE Singapore Coroner. Mr. Choor Singh, returned a verdict of death by misadventure at the conclusion of yesterday's inquiry into the death of a woman. Ng Soh Khim (28), who fell from i bus m Aug. I, at Tiong Bahru R near the junction
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  • 151 3 He Will 'Sell' Our Story To Britons MR. JOHN BATTEN, thc man who is going to England to w selP the of Malaya t) the English public, left Singapore on th Canton ye his new at l Inl to 1 the i all this "In Britain." he c I, here
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  • 516 3 Big Increase In Cost Since 1947 CONCLUDING his evidence yesterday before Mr. Justice Buttrose m the Singapore High Court m the appeal against Government acquisition of a large area of land at Bukit Batok. M. Maurice Demets. manager of the Credit Foncier D Extreme
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 3 photo. THIS ear ran into a small ditch m Mackenxie Road m Singapore late on Tuesday night but neither the driver n'»r the passengers were injured. Standard
    Standard  -  27 words
  • 84 3 TIIF.RE are some vacancies Part I m the Inrome Tax Department Singapore Mr. W. H. Tudor, the Comptroller told The Standard yesterday. These jobs carrying a minimum basic pay of $•>•».» rising to SKOO are open to candidates who a re success ful m the
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  • 43 3 PARIT BUNTAR. Wed Ram over the weekend averted a serious water shortage here as the reserves at Bukit Panchor wore running low. The authorities were prepared to ration arater if the lh >rt 14.. was not remedied by rainfall.
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  • 131 3 THK low productive capacity <>f the fishing industry m Singapore can be remedied by mechanising the island's fishing fleet, said Mr. T. YV. Burdon. director of the Fisheries Department, betore he sailed for home on leave m the Canton yesterday. Mr. B;;r I m, with
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  • 11 3 if 1 h e A I rf< w
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  • 20 3 THE Klang Club have ari inged i )i' a repeat perforI mance on Saturday of "The Prancing Yeara**.
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  • 76 3 TWO men, Tan Fe Ch n and Toh Ah Leong, were tentatively charged before I i Singapore I if th Police C Magistrate Mr. D. H. Chapman, with armed robbery. They were alleged to have robbed the occupants of a house m Kampong Lima at
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  • 89 3 CHENf, AH KHENG. a woman. an i Lim Ah P>n were jrettei liv I '(it to prison by tha Singapore Seventh Police Court Magistrate, Mr T. Kulaaekai un, i>t pi epei ing opium. The court was told that Chen and tried to H iki
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  • 127 3 rHE S nked at hy a h > h i mitted no I Ing but at temp to iin justice through the pi li inne > i. now tion under tha Colonial Regulations with i> tsaibility of facing fon ad rvtirtmenl irith Mf chai fa
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  • 9 3 I H. D I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 195 3 /ft s- < %t3_S_K^ 41 Tr^mm^^A-H I ARDMONA I CANNED fRUMS Foof Etch Healed m 3 Days yng or i n't -> diaN the l i hfl Ii ne the Plin•Ml of return A i hernial for Nixoderm Nixoderm j 'or SUm Troubles; ,s Asthma Mucus Dissolved First Day gasping,
      195 words
    • 349 3 _J_ 3 ''.xiftttiftl itt ***ti. .7 s(^fr^ \ta J'sss'tistT I \li»ss*sttea tint tttttt't* B*rit*t» tiftlsst'titttt ttt H. S. S. 2nd CAI C Bu¥ Pr fit Anniversary _)ALC -»X P»mw^vs>*>s«x I nrrpi aled Bargains I iilu-alaM«- \aliu«. -*s^s*s^^__»s^___^ Satin %T lin l! l.ovelr ManhalUo win* shlr|s Is 50 earl.; 1
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  • 74 4 Headman Gets 3 Mths Jail Used Office W.oney JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. ii bin I hak. penghulu of mvicted m tl Court, Mersing, on ntenced I '■nt for breach of sion 11 d that ori .Tidy ted with Dist t Ofl of and He ga S I I p.iv the ie
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  • 25 4 BLOT TO ading dalmal m England today, was reported a 1 1 Hi ome people m her iy man aid poi ic<
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  • 140 4 Ml* BOON HAW'S proposed home for the aged uxi m orphanage for «irl s in Ngauchiwan. Kowloon. has not materialised vei because the Hongkong Government still has noi granted ih land upon which tlie buildings ;«rc to stand. Appli a nd uas to
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  • 57 4 Julie appears to he floatin« on air as th<> great illusionist. Virgil, fools thousands including the letis of The Standard a mci anian. A sleel hoop was passed over and undi i the girl. Virgil appears nij;hlJv at the Majestic Theatre and thousands saw ins
    Standard  -  57 words
  • 12 4 V FIVE of I :i a lin Lane on l
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  • 197 4 A SINGAPORE City Council cleric, Soon Kirn Siong, told the Sixth Police Court yesterday that when he objected to his wife going out with a detective she threatd him with: I. Assault, say ins; that siuuould get a gaag to kill him:
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  • 113 4 TWENTY li i.i- I pany i I from t< i Th ir. 1 K<>k. Nt of 1 ated ipple Union who said thai i which ie dism is •v irkers' lucti i by iii c offi ial negotiator, .Mr Peter M W Th 'i m a r
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  • 87 4 Big Gale Sinks 2 Lighters Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG. Wed. Flour and copra, valued at over $50,000 were severely damaged when j two lighters, lying alongside each other m Penang Harbour, collided and sank during a v gale which occurred m j hours of tliis morning. One f >f the
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  • 24 4 INCHE Syed Ibrahim bin Ja afai ha.s been tra,-. from Johore Bahru to X tta ringgj bs headmaster of the Malay School
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  • 106 4 Gurkhas Accour For 5 Reds Killed KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Seven Communist terrorists hove been killed ond other wounded by security forces m thc Feelertion. A British soldier has been wounded m action against thc terrorists. Two terror! I were killed an I Miothci by
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  • 239 4 Kelantan Unemployment KOTA BHARU, Wed- Kelantan, where 40 batek factories employing 3,000 workers have closed down is lacing unemployment problems. Largely responsible for the situation is the fall m the prices of rubber and tin. Mr. J. Bruce. Kelantan s Assistant Commissioner of Labour at Kuala
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  • 232 4 Misguided Woman Gets 1-yr Jail Term PENANG, Wed. When a mixed Police patrol discov- j ered a bandit camp at Paya Terubong Hill on .May 18. a hand grenade was flung at their party In the followup operations, Securit. forces found a wounded woman lying m the blukar around the
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  • 188 4 PEOPLE living m three small houses m Rangoon Road, which had been condemned ag unlit for human habitation, were alarmed yesterday afternoon when thc> felt their houses shaking violently. They rushed out to see n demolishing gang at work. The men had come
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  • 85 4 KLANG, Wed Kanniappan. a rubber estate tapper on Sealeld Kstate. Put-hong. has been admitted to the KJaag district hospital with serious wounds inflicted by a wild boar. Kanniappan vi s bitten on both hands, gated badly m the stomach and on one of his thighs when
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  • 48 4 .TOHORE BAHRU. Wed. A Si tirm whieJi is adIhe Singapore Govern* menl on Organisation and Meth engaged by Johore Government fo ar purpose. Investigations will begin I it is expei '..rtments I Will he the S ■he Medical Dep the Town Council nnd PWD.
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  • 122 4 MALACCA, Wei.— A .Malacca Aaatac i«n *"<■•»> unanimously tound a former ruhher estate conductor Kassim Tahir. guiity hut insane, on a charge ot causing i!ievious hurt lo I Jasin rubber estate contractor Wong Quek Kone trom Ka l ie jury 1 Kassim .1 ol s
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  • 83 4 120 mines closed in March Standard Stall orr<s| omlcnt KUALA LUMPUR Wed. s the end M 12<) tin mines iti the Federation havi i down Dato Nik Kami] ber toe Land, Communication* i n t h I l toil. But. he added the period H nh i lines i He
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  • 4 4 J I
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  • 65 4 Stondord London Correspondent. LONDON Sept. 2 The following o, c the closing prices of rubber ond tin on thc London morket: LONDON RUBBER LONDON TIN Oef/n \Z,i Spot £625 P« '<>" »>«yOct./ Dec. 19id. en, £627 sellers. Jon./Mor. 9,d. ThfCe monf Apr./ June 19 id. buyers.
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  • 84 4 Peng Tat. c. of the Singapore E ections dttee of the ayan Chinese Association, I rd yt terday I on the Decen Council elections He added that any decision the U.M.NOMA' A Alliance will co: Singapori eats will have to iance. In a atemeat issv.t-
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  • 165 4 MANCHESTER Sept. 2 (Reuter) Th c Liberal Manchester Guardian «aid editorially yesterday that "too many of the weal thy '•so of Malaya a re kick;gainst accepting some 10 civic and so. «a which arise m v NaI OfiiiM-iunity." To Illustrate this it rll* 1 rear'
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 4 WHEN occupants of three condemned limisrs m Kansoon Koad failed to comply with a court order to quit before July 30. a demolition gang went there yesterday afternoon and started to pull down the houses. Standard photo shows the back part of one of the houses with debris on the
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  • 77 4 A (ar ii ,>. ii nto a pillar In South Bridge Road. Si pore, at I yesterday, two men m it. (J Marcus Lua Oah. were rushed to pita! and the atter wai mitted. Altogethei involved m road accident! terday and 0 admitted to The 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 142 4 Q glimpse oi Chutes* history Y C^AHC^^^ HAN GENERAL iMi^KWm^ Kwon Yun Chiong Ml i W X&j&^^SmV* r«'pularly known os Ijl \'JI HH r^^f^ tf Kwon Kung, one of ffl I --<-*, fff/3 two lorn,„, JM g.nerols ol the ,'ff 93§jllfe»? "-*^*9 1 n> on c c of thc s>2_fs|
      142 words
    • 187 4 Arc You Coming w to the pre** hts II? at RAFFLES HOTEL Saturday, Sepi r 5 -co who wiil be Sincjopo" S Kftl New i r Qusen. Al.o sneppy tlcor shows. And a I the 'Newspaper ot th s yo HURRY! HURRY! (i.'t your tickets HO a da 4 and
      187 words

  • 156 5 Exports Policy Is Tied With London KUALA LUMPUR, Wed— The Federal Legislative Council has not the sole right to decide to which countries it should export itl primary products without reference to the Colonial OfTice m London, the Member for Economic Affairs, Mr. Oscar
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  • 646 5 Income Tax Evasion Is Rife I < *g*« evasion Maloya have been recommended to the Federat.on Gorernment by experts from the Inland Revenue Department after a special investigation on tax evasion m this country. 3 m <**»£•* m the Income Tax law are recommended
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  • 167 5 $1.5 M FOR TEACHERS' TRAINING KUALA LUMPUR, Wed Kirkby College training of Malayan teachers costs the taxpayer $I.r> million a year, the Member for Education. Dato K. R. C. Thuraisingham. said today m reply to Che Abdul Aziz at the Federal Legislative Council. Expenses are made up by staff salaries
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 5 photo. 1 MR. GKORGK CARTER, (seated centre), a leader of the World Assembly of Youth, photographed with members and guests of the Kuala Lumpur Hindu Youth Organisation at the Sentul Thambusamy I'iJlai sdiot*!. IVir. Carter who is liom the United States, is touring South-east Asia. Standard
    Standard  -  46 words
  • 85 5 THH Government of singspore ig still trying to set i i Income tax investigation expert from Britain to look mto evasions of income tax payments m Singapore. Mr. W. < Taylor. Financial Secretary told The Standard jrestei daj lhi s expert will he asked to make
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  • 153 5 1 ENANG, Wed.— A witness, Tan Leong Bee, told \s>ize (ourt today that one night m January this year someone knocked at the door of his house and said thcv were "Government people" and that they wanted lo search the house for liquor and
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  • 118 5 KIALA LUMPUR. Wed. Under the Medical Registration Ordinance. 1952, it is compulsory lor every medical graduate of the University of Malaya to undergo provisional registration, implying one year's service as a house doctor at an approved hospital. Some IU medical students graduated last June.
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  • 77 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed A sub-agent of the Social W ire Lottery tickets m Penang has been ordered to cease compelling people to buy tbc tickets, the Member for Industrial and Social Relations. Mr. F. V. Duckworth. said m the Federal Le tive Council, today. He Bed
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  • 70 5 Hanging trousers about m Singapore today Ls risky business. A painter m Amber Koad who hung his trousers m a locked store room found that $15 had been taken I'rom it. In house m Waterloo Street a man awoke to flnd that his wrist watch
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  • 470 5 How The Money Will Be Spent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— Several million dollars were approved by the Federal Legislative Council today when it ratified the recommendations of the Finance Committee for supplementary ex- 1 penditure. The money will be >pent as follows: 52._300.a00 to mcc: all known outstanding commitments m connection
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  • 176 5 KIALA LI'MPI'R. Wed. -The Chief Secretary, Mr. D. C. Watherston explained m the Federal Legislative Council today why there could not be identical salary scales for Government Services m the Federation and Singapore. ►ring a q tion by Mr. p Chong Kong, be said j c
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  • 99 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The report of the select committee on public holidays and vacation leave for governmen* daily-rated workers was tabled before the Federal Legisla'ive Council today. The majority view of the committee recom mended that workers should be given four holidays for
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  • Article, Illustration
    62 5 MX CHBONG SUE KHIM. Asvt \.teri*ar* K. search (Mirer attached to th e Federal Veterinary Ke search Institute m Ipoh. h<lps hi* hruie Miss Vivien Oh. to cut their wedding ake at the rerrptio,, hHd m the Station Hotel. Ipoh. They w-re married oa Satin day at th c Wesley
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  • 143 5 Move To Probe Welfare Dept. Fails Xl ALA LUMPUR, Wed— The Federation (iovernment rejected today Che Abdul Azizs suggestion of setting up an inquiry into the workings of the Social Welfare Department m view of the "number of occasions m which the Department was queried m Council." Answering, Air. F.
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  • 55 5 IPOH. Wed. A Malay labourer Meor Osman (32) of the Electrical Department was electrocuted today whoa he was cutting bamboo which was obstructing some power lines at Kampong Kapayang. The bamboo which Osman was cutting fell on one of the lines. At that time, Osman was still
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  • 117 5 MAAF Planes Join In Drive To Stop Racket PKNANG. Wed.— Aircraft of tho Malayan Auxiliary Air Force squadron co-operating with th c Customs Department To prevent smuggling out of the Settlement. Regularly now. MAAF p m Tiger Moths Sl ard Advanced Trainers. fly along tne I detect imugj s or
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  • 32 5 Kl'at LUMPUR, W—The Chinese Aff a vi< c is now to the Ma Civil Sf r:e-e ann It il t matu n a co;- r to n govei
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  • 13 5 .IR M T N M. P efi r Irnua recent
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  • 11 5 I i j aiU tttei i
    11 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 77 5 WE SHALL SUPPLY YOU WITH High quality pumps for the most varied purposes m t lnmost up-to-dute types: industrial, agricultural nnd household pumps. Slow -running SLA VI A Diesel motors of the following output 5 H P at 900 R. P. M. 8 HP at 800 R. P. M. 12
      77 words

  • 721 6 'J 'HERE is a tendency m tliis country to look upon income tax evasion with some measure of indulgence. Income tax is never popular with most people and therefore those who have the wits enough to escape the dragnet of the tax gatherer is treated with undeserved sympathy.
    721 words
  • 1209 6  -  Hugh Latimer i MEASURES designed greatly to restrict trade aM unionkm among native Africans are contained m the Native Labour (Settlement of Disputes) Bill, now before the South African Parliament. The key to the Government's concern with this question is the statement made during lhe
    1,209 words
  • 154 6 Review of Views Dato Sir Onn DATO SIR ONN BIN .lAFFAR. "Minister" for Home Allairs Is m for a disappointment if he thinks that the Malays cannot see the difference between UMNO and IMP. the Malayan National Conference and the National Convention, and the interim report of the working Committee
    154 words
  • We, the PEOPLE
    • 387 6 sir: In "tnsidering the case of Mrs ...mi Kian Chye. I wish to emphasise Ihe value of org raised public opinion m tnis autocratic country. In democratic countries, not to speak ol England, hut even m Ceylon the force of public opinion prevents officialdom from acting m
      387 words
    • 307 6 Sr.— Thc letter publi m your paper on August 27 and signed "An Obsen Kuala l.umpur. an.l "Young Malayans" may mislead your readMr. Alex Josey's article was mainly based on quo tions Irom a talk given by Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald at a meeting of the Joh Bahru
      307 words
    • 129 6 Sugar Ants i it la be bia ed ihe prest nee of Mprotowhen sun-bathers i c 'OVinQ tht ■r, a n.s led ia The Snndau Standard. J'< rsonallu I won't put the hhtmc on them. Who does not wani to r ii cc ./'df *trip ShOlO? StrifMeOlC ghotfl m
      129 words
    • 96 6 I Sir, L oc, t Sunday's article on Dato Sir Onn by S. Raja Ratncm wos truly convincing end admirable. I fully endoise his summing-up of the former nationalist Mclay leader and would even go further by saying that the Dato has now become a national mockery rather
      96 words
    • 222 6 Sir: It is deplorable thaf Mr Puvirajasinghe m ettei io The Singapore Standard hist Tuesday, (himseit a WD employee >, shouid oiler suggestions BS to who should and who should not be employed m the department when retrenchment takes place m the near future. Perhaps he
      222 words
    • 169 6 S r:— -With reference to Mi. Puvirajasinghe*s art! In The Standard af Aug. 24 t I ea oo justification m his nr that women iypists m the Wai Department i should be tacked and the r m >!aced by male I I do not know whether idea
      169 words
  • 182 6 HOLLYWOOD (API Fa_fcleei lc I Coir, the iwimstUt manufacturer, m era m barene s" on Ike beach Co'e >^> (here •v be more Iwo pine ban- midrii. sii t v- .f i but adds thcv won't be a, bare I B ll "The average woman's fiivnc. vi
    182 words
  • 3 6
    3 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 166 6 SI\r.APORE th."- STANDARD I.NUEFKNUENI MORNING NEW3FAPKR. I HEAD OFFICE: 128. Robinson Rood. Singopore Telephone Not: *****—***** Coblt 6 Telegroph Addrett: TIGERNEWS, Singoporo. BRANCH OFFICES LONDON Room 222. lhe Times Building. Printing House Squaro. London. EC 4. KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENANG •5 Fulton Street, 83. Cowon Street. 8. Leith Street. m,
      166 words
    • 1 6 HRjjj^j_L_y!lS-jf_l
      1 words
    • 17 6 A' f^^. _^_Bf^^_h__> j _^^j i^_^ M/>'a&^ W€j> >»**w.»-***MK '^V f» >?^" fci ZyanmLVoe**s 'f,HOHIH MM*'** *%r anus*
      17 words

  • 110 7 I.ONDON. Sept. 2 (AP)— The Bi ft Three allies called on Russia today to join an ear!, four-power conence "I foreign ministers on the future of Germany and Austria. notes wi re sent by United States and France ting the four rs work o l.
    110 words
  • 13 7 Si H I v 28 I il
    13 words
  • 22 7 i y I 'arno < lommunists n eapli it his on I m a valiant on m Korea m
    22 words
  • Article, Illustration
    94 7 -MILS CLARA HALL, year-old Kossian-born wife of i Hntnn. and ber siv ear-old son Nicholas John, seen on arrival ia We t Berlin rerentl.v. Mrs. Hall arrived by air Iron Moscow. She landed at the Soviet Zone airfield and motored into West Berlin en route to Lcndon and Ottawa j*
    AP  -  94 words
  • 81 7 7-Yr. Separation MONTREAI S 2 (RevUrl Mr. C Ha!! tod hu Russ and six-J < a: -cid .-on at Montreal aiipoii alter a ration of nearly Russian authorities rel used her an exit Mis. Hall arrived here from London where s he alter being allowed tv
    81 words
  • Article, Illustration
    73 7 photo I SIXTEEN Canadian Air I Force Sabre jets trail I I streams after taking off I I I from Uplands. Ottawa. \t 1 1 during a final inspection jl before starting a flight to I Goose Bay from whence I they left for Baden I I Solingen. Germany, to
    AP  -  73 words
  • 82 7 Ali Has Faith In Nehru KARACHI Sept 2 <AFP>— In his monthly broadcast to Pakistan Premier '"cl Ali said he had great faith m Premier Jawaal Nehru's statesmanship ;i.-id he wa.s convinced that Nehru would honoui agreements both m the letter and the spirit. i on the Kashmir Mo immed
    82 words
  • 49 7 R ANGOON S EU uter) A of ;^(ki gueri as I a twin attack *rip of Thaton. of Rangoon on Burmese War OthVo relay that tight ing go\ cram -ot forces and insurgen ing on, ackers had with- ions ahout two i-wesl of the town.
    49 words
  • 135 7 Opposition Loses Vote In Ceylon COLOMBO. Sept. (Reutei) An opposition vote of no i confidence m the government was defeated m Ceylon's House of Representatives (Lower House) last night by 50 votes to 26 Tiie motion accused the government ot ignoring the universal opposition of the people to the withdrawal
    135 words
  • 85 7 Thais Free 4 Held In Govt. Coup BAN. '.KOK Scot 2 (AFP' out of tl persons ar- W lesday m conn with the a nn it pot were ie* yesterday Poiice said they would obtain from the criminal court indictment against the other persons, including era; Kach Songgram. who will
    85 words
  • 162 7 TEHERAN, Sept. 2. Usually well-informet sources said yesterday the United States has offeree Iran immediate emergency aid which may total nearb USslou,ooo,ooo. But the United Sta'es Embassy m London denied reports that President Eisenhower has determined the amount of American aid contemplated.
    UP; Reuter; A.P.  -  162 words
  • Article, Illustration
    76 7 photo. Ot SANDS of sodden banknotes salvaged item Captain Kurt tarlsen's "rlynis i.iiii r pisr-" aie dried out over hot plate s m the kitchen of the ff. tuque de Bruxclles. Brussels. I ;imi. Watching the operation and helping to !a\ out the —leg ore Mr. J. Sevraia (I fl),
    U.P.  -  76 words
  • 48 7 i India plans to compiete the construction ot its first atomic reactor device m ahout three years, Dr Hejqdsabha, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, said here today. He said the Rovernmom had a" oca ted th e necessary funds Ija ihe pta^^tf,
    48 words
  • 341 7 Conflict Would Ensue: Dulles ST. LOUIS, Sept. 2 (UP)— Secretary of Mate John Foster Dulles today warned Communist China against sending its forces into IndoChina lest they risk broad conflict throughout the Far East. The Secretaiy. addressing a convention of the American Legion Veterans Organization,
    U.P.; AFP  -  341 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 7 photo SHAPELY Hebra Paget wants the world to know how proud she is that she was chosen recentl> as "Miss Eleventh Armoured Car Division by members of that I ime,| I S World War II outfit at their convention. Miss Pngel is aaa makin» the movie •Printr Valiant U.P.
    U.P.  -  49 words
  • 73 7 BLAN T V R E N y 2. (AFP)— Rioting broke tgain on the Zomba i tired on strators 18 miles trom Zomba. An African was killed. A police patrol wss a nl cd on 'he road and thf p opened fire lmm were no
    73 words
  • 28 7 ADMIRAL William Fi leer. new C i nmandi r-in-Chief of the North Atlantii Treaty Organisation's S Europe command, left A' by air yesterday for Ankara Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 96 7 AUCXLA N D. Sept I (Reuter).— Sir Edmund Hilary bald today his party Ol New Zealand Alpme Club climbers may choose another peak if the Nepal Government refuses permission for them to attempt the unconqm 27.790-foot Makalu next y» I Makalu li m the vicinity
    96 words
  • 14 7 PRINCESS ry 1 it ol the Butish Dair> 1 toi l!»."> Reuter
    Reuter  -  14 words
  • 147 7 Harding On Asia OTTAWA, Sept. 2 (UP)— Movement nf Chinese Communist troops from Korea to other Asian battlefronts is a possibility but would be l big problem for the Reds, the Chief of the Imperial General St.itV said yesterday. s c nf er* ng
    147 words
  • 6 7 Th A num.
    6 words
  • 19 7 LOI B tui m I will < < t. i' I ii", I i
    19 words
  • 4 7 V
    4 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 58 7 V^k 111 gy%UL i /7^/-\ 7» c/ i'< w *w m PLAIN DUPION AND J? Ij POPLIN BLOI IS. Slccvclc Bfl nnd y length sleeve I i\.-if black, emerald, gold, lilac, bottle, gWJ and la:;. GEORGETTE BLOUSES trianed witb (•uipiiic and Broderie An gin ise. White only. Sizes S2 M
      58 words

  • 171 8 LONDON, Sept. 2 (UP)— Communist union chieftains called fresh strikes throughout England today and tlie government hurriedly asked for talks on the wage dispute that threatened to idle 5,000 workers m the nations atomic energy programme and elsewhere. The Labour Ministry sum-; moned
    171 words
  • Article, Illustration
    74 8 WHILE a technician stands o H the vessel's tower until the last minute. Prof. August Piccard's Bathypshere starts its first deep sea plunge ia which it touched bottom at a depth of l.lta meters Experts aad emergency rescue personnel attended from aboard Italian navy frigate Tenacc (background) and cheered the
    U.P.  -  74 words
  • 76 8 Sydney. Sept. 2.— Australia will .-oon send surplus military aviation equipment to French for.c.-, m Indo-China. ma] Affairs Minister R G. ey said yesterday. X f said tiie equipment would be a -free gift" from the A stralian Government a formal re- for equipment from the
    U.P.; AFP  -  76 words
  • 51 8 THE I'.S Navy has told 1.982 reserve officers that they will no longer be needed on active duty. AH of the officers receiving the notices will be released m January. The Navy said that under current manpower and budget restrictions no additional reserve officers will be forced out.
    AP  -  51 words
  • 151 8 U.K. Pilot Smashes Record LONDON. Sept. 2. (CP)— The Royal Aero Club said last night that test pilot Neville Duke broke the American-held world's air speed record by more than six an hour while fiving Britain's 'a:e-t Hawker Hunter jet fighter However, it appeared that the Duke's unofficial time of
    151 words
  • 93 8 NEW YORK. Sapt 2. (UP)— The Periscope Column of ■ok (Tday 'The current ny B-36 manoeuvers o\er .lapan are another phase of D*i Secretary (Charles B.) Wilson's plan to make a strong military show m the Far East. The I first move: Shipping «ne Third
    93 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 781 8 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE AND NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD JOIN! SERVICE To (.enoa Marseille*. Antwerp. Ro tte rda m Hamburg He Bremen. Spore P Sham Penang TS Weserstein (NDL) 8 l.»Oct 13 UOet LVlGOct TJ Braunschweig (HAPAG) tt/ttOct/ 29 30O< t 30Oit 2Nov Hong Kong, Manila. Kobr Yokohama Penang P Sham Spore 1
      781 words
    • 1187 8 Tel- 211 mutm BLUE FUNNEL LINE mmm mmm MANSFIELD CO., LTD. J££ fe Incorporated In Singapore irritr^ option to proceed via other ports to load and ill-. liir K r nrp IAJLINGI to Ll\ Lif POOL. CiLASOOW. LONDON St (OMINLNTAL POKTS. Due Saila P. Sham Penanß \iii<»i>ius for Liverpool and
      1,187 words
    • 312 8 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS Royal Rotterdam Lloyd Holland America Line Nederland Liae Rotterdam Rotterdam Amsterdam HALIFAX (MONTREAL) BOSTON NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE MOBILE NtW ORLEANS via SUEZ Spore P. Sham Peaang FRIESLANIy (RL) Cnds. 13 14 sSept tiSept 7 KKent AMSTKLDYK (HAL) 9/15 Sept ISSept 17/lft3ent SLAMAT (RL) 19/25 Sept
      312 words
    • 757 8 "EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIN IK (ON||N|\, Spore PS'ham Prn, nf •\MAGDALA" For Bangkok .9 1 ISept k s m "INDIA" For Bangkok, Saigon. Hongkong. Manila. Kobe Yokohama <icl z z ucl *»obept "SELANDIA" for Bangkok 10 HOrt 9 9 Oct "KOREA" For Djakarta. Bangknk Saigon. Hongkong. Manila. Kobe.
      757 words

  • 65 9 EIOSI cancer cases treated m Singapore are so need thai all that can be done is to relieve the l mnc of the other, more terrible, symptoms patients may die m peace. v J.r. a a heir the an m c
    65 words
  • 134 9 .JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Johore Bahru Hospital Asritici ed the suggestion put up by Mr J. i nurse tutor Kingdom, sl their name** should led to male nurst informal discussions was presided by Mr. Watery -Aho i out the advantages of being male nurses. Male
    134 words
  • 13 9 a is from Oct. i kwang Mr. Ma
    13 words
  • 16 9 Sepi 2 m 14 lio m D ie Phi- to- pgro-
    16 words
  • 5 9 B Sii the
    5 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 9 photo. Brigade Officer P. Wanstall setting the Red Comet -.uii-rt automatic fin* extinguisher for one of the tests n "<l out In a hut at Civil Defence Headquarters, Kolam Ayer vpsterdav. Standard
    Standard  -  32 words
    • 78 9 '1 HE rubber market m Singapore ruled quiel yesterday at prices well below 'l day's levels, first grade rubber foi September shipment closing at i 54 cent per lb. (64] cents per lb. the previous duy). Opening at rents per lb.. half a nl < price fluctuated around the
      78 words
    • 68 9 s Qgaporc Chamber <>? Com merce Ribber Association nnnn prices im cents per ib.> yesterday. Bayen Srllcrs No. RSS spoi loose 63J B3J FOB m hale.? RSS No. 1 Sepl M 64J No. 1 RSS Ort Ml 843 No. 2 Sfpt 62] No. 3 S. 61] tiH R\lA
      68 words
    • 126 9 THK improved tin metal price encouraged better bids m the tin section of tbe share market yesterday and small gains m quotations, cording to the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. Indusshares were st Rubber continued neglected cept for f< Bu\«rs Sellers re Cold Sto: 44') 4 4."i INDISTRI M > Hitam
      126 words
  • 145 9 A NKW TYPE fire extinguisher— the Red Comet containing carbon-tei Ira-chloride m a scaled glass bulb-like container, was tested out at Civil Defence Headquarters, Kolam Aver, yesterday. Made m the United States, tlie new extinguisher is being sold by Spot Kadio Ltd., Orchard Koad. Commenting
    145 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 9 MR. 1). Rrennan. Qwurtenaastat Civil Defence, yesterday tested a couple of flares which are likely t<> be used iv Civil Defemcc training or demonstrations. Standard photo shows i Bare which was lit oa the ground. The flare fives out a strung Mlgf IJam light accompanied by dense white smoke.
    49 words
  • 141 9 British Cars Roll Out At Five A Minute BRITISH car production is running at a rate higher than ever before, with almost five ari a minute Of working time coming oil the assembly ies. Announcing thb. the Soc of Motor Manufacturers and {Traders adds that dv average! 'of 13.200 cars
    141 words
  • 100 9 THE produce market m S ;iore wp.s easier yesterday with only small b passing quotations m both opra and coconut oi! heing r than the previous day. Copra buyera for September and October shipments quoted l ar.d >.U per picul with 1 50 cents per picul ier. C onut
    100 words
  • 114 9 some 10 oat partem from thr slum arras j n «v,n Juan. Puerto Kua will move into lhe neu XO a»r r Uatem Torrr s Heoeiaf project when it is completed within the year. Apptleaats for the Ino apartments jr r MlllOtJ hy public booslag aalelals. sad
    UP  -  114 words
  • Article, Illustration
    3 9
    3 words
  • 102 9 U.K. FORECASTING DEVICE TO AID FARMERS I.OXDOW Sept. 2. (Renter)— radar device urate high altitude j ".ier forecasting, will soon' vailable for aviation, shipricultural purp A "radar sonde" station c the World's first aut meteorological ror weather observaupper air is n< ing completion at Crawley,] south of London. Eg lipmenl
    102 words
  • 29 9 THE -'vtii international Dutch industries Fair ha? opened m Utrecht tor ten days. The fair will include pn nting Ihe 2.576 is from -1 nations. AP
    AP  -  29 words
  • 112 9 LONDON, Sept. 2 (UPl— Britain ha„ lost more than £40,000,000 worlli of trade this ycci because of the embargo on trade with Communist countries, it was reported today. Informed h "firm orders" [on iC list C Hungary, Bulgai a and Cz rf
    112 words
  • 15 9 v tSHIN Ti 1 1 not mi I m.
    15 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 53 9 AT X Aiiffif 1% £Hn rH Inn, ab_J^. i^i-_t >>>-^ v s_; iLJ a^^___. ■WH ___T jmEa Eotßl VM_fl__2 .->••-• f'___TT»*K n** IE fl" mm^m^zrmmMmWmWmmmx Mobilubricafion SERVICE STATION ■'■..syyyy n//:,//;, OPENS TODAY l V__-. TQ IPOH IROM KAMPAR W STANDARD-VACUUM OIL COMPANY j iisinitroKMii) m is\. wun I mill innnim
      53 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 71 9 Weather MINIMUM Temperature: from 7. ,5(» p.m. S. pt. !nd to 7.::o .i.m Sept. .Ird Singapore <73F_; Penang (7.71 i; Kota Rahru (75F); Kuala lumpur i7lF>; Ipoh (73F); Kuantan |7JF). Mix mium reusperature: from 7.30 a.m. Srpt I to 7. .10 pm. sineaporr ISSF); Penang (84F); Kuala lumpur (92F); Ipoh
      71 words
    • 299 9 I f&HlraL "^ST^iy^i gjsgfc||&*. W f*m^^^m^^^^S?^g^^^^ izzSaEßFt** 1 i f f f 9 tt I I§!&ffiSr/L W f t f I i el b*Btttss3k ■<^aasmn^sssiaei^»^\mjdßss^s^i^^t£ iMmitlfimmm*miA»m\t^mßiSmm faEgfi^?*-'S***g* B y*-^^ f IBS ii iiii—mwiiniT^-nriiiiiiiifioiiin ■■niwin'iin i_nw«r_iiii n »»i_.fci___*rfi_^_«__friir___________________________________iiii ini____i__________________i___i «i Spore Diary V.M.c Judo Bei i.< v Class, 5.30 m Body-building
      299 words

  • 676 10  -  DAVID RAYMOND By ALL Egypt is worried obout its most precious treosure. It isn't gold from an ancient tomb, nor o crumbling pyramid. It is a dork eyed woman with dark, silky hair. A crooner. Her name is Om Calsoum, the Vero Lynn of the Middle East
    676 words
  • We, the PEOPLE
    • 656 10 Sit Recently h police strong action against bookshops foi selling books which were deemed to have an immoral influence on the people. Play m t cards having nude fi c»- Iro~1 ro~ printed or > the back also drew the attention of the police. It is.
      656 words
    • 386 10 Sir; In your issue of May 8. Mr. Loe Cho Wl Eng. lhe Labour represents ivo for West Ward, gought to reTute the charge of anl i i made by me. This gentleman agreed that the reas m for tbii charge arose out of a conference
      386 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 240 10 H CATHAY ORGANISATION m *4t> ATTRACTIONS _^gp r o >i:ns r i, V* 1 1 J|A TODAY i \l m\m. 1.30, I, 6.45 A 9.30PM-^mmJ LOVE I LEI Ol I OF TIIK WINDOW lil N A (.I.\M(M'(M S inl'IMA \!\lh KNTKRED THE SCENE! Q* c mX the m(in and SHOCKED
      240 words
    • 75 10 iT *s a **_A ija A jr *m^\ r JBR Mrs 1 «J*| A 1 *>t vJ*m ITHE COUPON READ THIS I£FOR€ YOU ORDER YOUR PATTERN You i ust enclose three ten cent stamps if you want your pattern cut II I don't get the stamps, you don't get th
      75 words
    • 91 10 Siar Coniesl No. 31 Can You Name These Stars? Alt through ihis Vrei in** Singapore Standard pie scnts its thirty first star conAll you vi- tm io do I* If* ■-•'•:<- v si_?*!lSi. colleci (be I i puluri-> md ?f^^fe£>^. flic ir respective coupons m.i send them lee**-*»»t with the
      91 words
    • 357 10 RITA PEL MAR Y°y tH m \iio\ I i 11. ixc you c\. r noticed i Hi it the people v| M u MM iii" 'roiihic s.i.ioni hi-lp Jnn out-"— \non> rnoiis nn RtfD.u mv K\K«l i OM jj *>"' li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
      357 words
    • 175 10 B ■A 1 1 im. 1.45, 1.00. f,.:;ji B fc,| llir ll_Nl<»r\ _____Bf >£_______> t_kS__»%>>iw-SK__V 51 xt_b_B\ '*__^^B'"- l y% wj y^ E^H_______MhHk r George MOfloir s2^'* S llliiilll I/A/// oi llAl oi i:i:n of v RENKCADI i \n; now y^iiiiS 'iiw 9th COLOSSAL DAY! SAVAOERYI SPKTACI.3? SINI t TTCHMIf
      175 words

  • 56 11 BIH 1; Smith -ode Doug Smith, younger of the two Smith brothers has now ridden mi winners this season only one less than Manny er who is sei nnd iri ionship 'to S:r Richard Three 6t Smith's mounts to- favourite buj m accumulator on his live
    56 words
  • 761 11 Lanes Fail So Surrey Keep Title LONDON, Sept. 2 (Reu(er)— Surrey retained the County cricket championship yesterday even though they failed to take a point from their same with Sussex who collected the four for a first innings lead. Lancashire who m such circumstances had a slender hope of catching
    761 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 11 rnoto hy Up* Indo Ceylonese Young Men's Association soccer team, uinncrs of tho Klanj; District Football League (liampionship shield, trom left to ri^ht. front row: Naßamuttu. i '"V S Man,a captain), Narayanan and Sinn.i thamby Centre row: Kurasehavam. Sabapathy, Pernmui; Bark row: Edwin Gabriel, Kensasamv and Theivrndiram. Ching Seng Poh
    Ch'ng Seng Poh  -  50 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 84 11 OP I NINO *<> D W i.15 9.15 pm. >• tare lai Western Ac lion "MONTANA TERRITORY Starrint |oB \\..M(l.i Preston iicndnx Foster In Jcc hnicolor 15 •..:<>— p.m. irfnl I antasy «»f ,i.mi Nights' rale! 'HAZAR RATEN' m Hindustani) ba I < Hamari Hindi) > f K[ 3446
      84 words
    • 29 11 NOTICE ar advertisemenl B. M. Fernando has ceased to be cn n Si ptember 2, 1953. author: act any on GEN ER AE MANAGER. SINGAPOBE STANDARD PRESS. 2. l.r_)_-t.
      29 words
    • 189 11 NOTICES JVOTICE is hereby given that the engagement between Thean Keng Yew of No. 63-B. MacAlister Road, Penang. and Miss Liew Meng Chee of No. 10, Babington Avenue. Penang. has been broken Off Dated this 31st' day of August 1953. TENDER NOTICE r TENDERS will be received from Class A'
      189 words
    • 592 11 Acceptance of Private Can didates for the University of Cambridge Oversea School Certificate Examination, 1954. 1. A QUALIFYING Test for .f" private candidates wishing to enter for the above examination wilj be held al 9 a.m. o n Saturday 9th January, 1954. lhe fee for the Qualifying Test is $3
      592 words
    • 507 11 Standard Sor\ hr For Tho Unemployed •m. ami m m., |n h.i-. .'"'i lo fin, l u«,rW Mm- -mil Mi n<l iril In, iii|»).im„, ni {l|f «»u-rs you free >n column Just .m vvril x |lir -I >t in. l irrt ..lit. f,„ ration lunn MM i rtturn
      507 words
    • 114 11 i i i fir ATM i i MYA t, R BITLATIO \< \vF MlVU'Mlh Xi ii mh d I I II T 1 I I Pa 4 r the il I m.i (I 'and i PO MOIIAMI i» iun r.i\ \i i Mum- m it Sec -«Ui R R B
      114 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 122 11 ■gKeart Ot Juliet Jones By Stan Drake i Itey Pop By M.T. Hamlin tn Abner By a/ Capp I ftcj_BLE NiDD --NORMAL HAs'.WERiCAM 1 I BuT j'GH.'- THE ONLY A ta -THE. AC'S TmE GORL _-_J p,p *'GN LELCOFF, GORL TO BE SRARP.MG POTTnER NORMAL GORL IN ALIA •OF MV
      122 words

  • 231 12 RA Win Jr. Cup Final i.v. \r m > Junior Challenge i an liml pruda <l keen and thrilling match .it lhe end ot wliii li flic Rwjral Artillrry wire fi winning idde l» v B*l our Arm*. Depot Police. lin- game opened a| a crack* i i,' pi< t-
    231 words
  • 478 12 Extra Time Seals Fate Of Selangor Rangers KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. TPCA scored a well deserved 3-1 over a formidable Selangor Rangers XI m fhe semifinal of the senior knockout soccer competition played of Princes Road ground today. The winning goals were scored m the
    478 words
  • 258 12 Hogan Not Greatest -Mangrum CHICAGO, (UP) Lloyd Mangrum, golfdom's top 1 money winner of all time, said recently that some of the praises being heaped on bantam Bon Hogan is "hogwash. Mangrum. who sought his se ond '"world championship" at Tant O' Shanter Country Club, where he has won the
    258 words
  • 129 12 i.ondon. Sept. 2. (Re ter) tor Sa Derby j winner. Pin s ol the hottest 1!" for the i Saint Leger. is a doubtful run- j g to Sir Victor's Pin i ilightly strained the manager Mr. Jack i i bus morning. A dettnil don about
    129 words
  • 280 12 PENANG, Wed.— A vote af censure was passed by the Penang Hockey Association at their annual general meeting on their hon. treasurer Mr. Khoo Phin Hong, for railing to submit tbe statement of accounts for the >ear. Mr. Khoo failed to turn up tor the
    280 words
  • 153 12 SBHI ,i Cap Ue en Shell 'A* and D A at Paya 1 ofl IS S ed to fleld a d< last mm I 2 1 Sn t to and b I "i-: -cl Ah E at no '•it and ed 1 -J .loh,
    153 words
  • 22 12 MELBOURNE, Sept (Reuter) The Hongkong C hinese soccer team today beat a Victorian continental side (migrants) 5— 2 i
    22 words
  • 67 12 LONDON. Sept l (Renter).— il t s lIRST DIVISION Arsenal 1 Sheffield U 1 SECOND DIVISION Oldham 1 Notts Counts 3 THIRD DIVISION SOITH! RN Bristol City 4 Walsall 1 S il nd l Reading 2 Watford 2 Millwal! 1 THIRD DIVISION NORTHERN Carlisle 'A G.imsby Southport '•<
    67 words
  • 24 12 JAKARTA. Sept 2 AFP>— The Yugoslav soccer team, m their final appearance here. juried thei: fifth victory over Jakarta team by 3-2
    24 words
  • 147 12 IPOH. Tues. The foi lownig is the draw for the Lim Seng Fook Cup knockoui soccer competition. Sept. 5 Combined Services v PCRC m Taiping. Sept ♦> Tamilians v New Sunlight Club on Ipoh padang. Sept 8 Rambler, Sc v Cheng Wah AA o n Chinese
    147 words
  • 26 12 The gffA Div 2 match bet BODCA Xh v a i 8 f '•—I and wodca yesterday was postponed aa the ground was unfit
    26 words
  • 87 12 The BCheduie Of racing for the Singapora Turf Clubs Gold Cu 0 meetina is Hs followsHRST DW Cass X! i 3 51e Lfis-, 2. d, v 2 _i m i le SECOND DAY Claae 1. div i I f ril2 A lv< > 4 r > BJ
    87 words
  • 114 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Malaya District .soever lina: for Th FARELF i hal;p (the I '.< dbeck Cup) will be played off on Saturday on the HQ Malaya ground bori the 12th Lanci rs. al present of Ipoh. and the Gordon High* landei
    114 words
  • 17 12 LONDON. Sept. i CReuterV— Rugb- league results Keiahley 3 Castleford 12— Rochdale Hornets .">»>* Doncaster 5.
    17 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 12 Photo. De. I: l»ui n. Tottenham Hotspur's versatile goalkeeper, leaps into the air to punch clear of the goal faring an attack by .Middlesbrough, m their Football League Division I match played at White Hart l.ane. U.P.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 1073 12 177 Entries For Singapore Cold Cup Meeting A TOTAL of 177 entries comprising 83 from class 1 an f J *)4 from class 2 has been receiVed for the Singapore Turf (Tub's Gold Cup "V' ct on Se *>- M and IJ. Below are the entries. HOKSF'S II \SS 1
    1,073 words
  • 356 12 SINGAPOKK Recreation Club, last years hockey league champions, showed promise of another successful season this year when they scored a 3-1 win over the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club m their open- j ing SHA Div. 1 League match played on the Padang yesterday.
    356 words
  • 23 12 \i-.HH MJS 1 i APi G Icon ..j Sweden Russia by qualification tournament lhe world pion*»hin hei c Wn'im H iv
    23 words
  • 239 12 ivyu upsets took plue m the Singapore Bailminton Association junior championships when a school iri Jessie Ong from the Town Convent and Teo (live Hoe (lairwind BP) beat the favourites for the mixed doubles title, Cheong: Thiam Gee and Doreen Kiong a i. fter three
    239 words
  • 8 12 CABI 'A m I > B winn*
    8 words
  • 19 12 THE H B t N B Khim Aixl ii dorm I l. 11l :i f S I
    19 words
  • 447 12 F N Show Their Superiority In The Second Halt FRASER and Neave muted thr Sin Storage b-2 for their SBHFA sit ond round cup tie at Jalan Besar Stadium jresteriUj only m the second session that thr I- X their superiority over their opponents The fust half was an even
    447 words
  • 45 12 CHARTERED M i M h I For the I t Boiiil.c 11 other foi Banker^ b groui I ir mm ites son\ head e i the b i l i by M r I bartered Baa* M I Sim 1 B
    45 words
  • 8 12 B I p
    8 words
  • 12 12 Forsi Hil S (R< Mpioti ai B s <
    12 words
  • 6 12 s R Oh I
    6 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 50 12 Lakzamana Beaten KOT TINGGI. Wed.— Police be V mana 3oin v soccer m itch hen Pelican M. PRAGER LTD. PO BOX 1051 TLL 6938 SINGAPORE MIKIMOTO CULTURED PEARL MxkLAt »;sa EARRINGS TO MATCH S. P. H. de SILVA 45 High St. Singapore C Tbe rmh^nkmnit X l.umpur Station Kd. Ipoh
      50 words
    • 10 12 iR y-» ll^dr FAI Di COLOGM I IfOII /Or FMHUOI
      10 words