Singapore Standard, 8 December 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 4 Singapore Standard
  • 18 1 Singapore Standard *?£FBI£& 3k )L *>! jL VOL. 11l NO. 159 MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1952 12 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS
    18 words
  • 100 1 \ki> > ran -l is w }'i> i> t<"" Art till crowi Qwei »)rh is .i -ttidd-d i unit uiU caM I ild> It ••<! i»i tii' Sewftt :n\ ■Mimrd: t»-|v i pata on t: tfptrc f > is i th- '«1 «»f B it IW
    100 words
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  • 17 1 inih the frnrae r the the De C" /hich S< letar. 14-da c Ifc \ciiniril-
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  • 435 1 Train Kills Two Workmen EIGHT MILLION PEOPLE 'LOST' LONDON, Dec. 7 Two people have so far been killed and several injured today m one-of the worst fogs on record that blanketed London and cut off its 8,000,000 inhabitants from the rest of the country. There were 300
    435 words
  • 230 1 ABOARD I'SS HELENA, Dp;. Jy American Presidentelect Dwight Mi John Dalles will begin talks aboard this cruiser tomorrow on intiire I tiled States policy toward the Korean war and the Far East. Mr. D lesignated to be iblican Se stai »i State will fly
    Reuter; A.P.  -  230 words
  • 49 1 BELFAST, Dec. 7 (R (it 1 ,-i! Sir Gerald Templer, High Commissioner Malaya now m Britain for consultations, took 24 hours off yesterday to fly to see his mother at his home m Armagh. Northern Ireland. He is dvi return to London this evening.
    49 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 1 A CHINESE cyclist on I way to buy cigarettes. was robbed of $300 by four C! who assaulted him as ho rude his rye c yesterday morning. photo. MX. PAl'li BKI'NNIKR, P res ideal of Rotary International nhotoitraDhed at Kallaiu Airport yesterday with bla wife. Standard
    Standard  -  48 words
  • 104 1 REMINDER 17 DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS Singapore. An ardent admirer of The Standard sent $10 with a wish that the would have a grand time this Christmas. Freda Hsu Wei-chin Primary One B of the M< I Hist Girls' School. Singapore broke her piggy bank and sent m her sa g
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  • 118 1 HAMILTON. Dc-. 7 (AP) A Cuban airliner ex] md crashed into the s< Saturday and 37 of the 41 persons aboard perished. Four survivors, bad]}' injured, were picked up. Rescue vessels were forced to return to port before noon on Saturday by 1 0-foot waves.
    118 words
  • 143 1 VICTORY GIFT FROM MRS. EU For The Children A MAGNIFICENT gesture on the part of one of. the successful Singapore City election candidates helped swell The Standard Readers' Toy Fund to over $22,000 yesterday. Airs Robert Eu. Progressive (West' Ward) thought of the many little children m her moment of
    143 words
  • 63 1 THE Ma ija of J el > Singap Qan: i -BOA( ycsterda I a week's holiday r tralia. He flies on to Bombay this m ng > nake prei for the f orti ng lof his 17 year-oi i taugl priOCf" Pi t 1 n
    63 words
  • 93 1 PENAN sui —Due to terday after-! [oth be ingij j Pena ng Flying Club i j ured landing v. hi h>p Big it over Dublin l :>; The ettempt i n•: so sueeeJ ,1 a n<J the ptone crash- estate. Ihe Q B. iV 0.
    93 words
  • 197 1 AT EXACTLY 115 a.m. oleven years Ago today. a flight of 1") Japanese bombers shattered the pie dawn stillness of Singapore and brought a major war to this country for the first time m its history. Toll of lives that first raid was *>0. announced
    197 words
  • 229 1 M r PAUL B on pr, /i i jix feet three I iches tall Pi >f Rotary Internati rnal J s.-:' jresterdaj i.,k .1 1 i. panted oj Mrs B Btunr v Is on a tour j m the Pa 8c He has J I Ito
    229 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 1 THE Deputy High <om mlssioner Hi n < Mai (.illi\ i .t\ < ongratulating Mrs. Devaki Krishnaa <•! the IMP, nrho is the su< eessful t.l sdid ite t <u the Bußffsar Ward m ih<Kuala lunip.M nunicipaJ «'l«*t tions <»ii Saiurdas night. Standard
    Standard  -  40 words
  • 36 1 Pressure On Nasan Lessened D ich Hit 1 I an, l!T mUe lanoi, had I lay. A strong i Sa ii day n i m v. ithout ■!«!ih guards, who were m the a: ea thn
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  • 6 1 A I point I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 DeSilva&Bros. I ;!!V x^- ft S^r ja^ffi^JK/p^ r— :1'.. a 4?^l '^m-. h^^ 1^ E*
      15 words
    • 65 1 /^^^[\PL ATI Nti 1 (Ph0 t /C%;: ■*b*"yz"S* *^m&&$& %Jt GRAND X MAS S. A B g w *m i^ w^ Record lor i FREE 1 s I^AUSTBOTON \l\t> tit sfn><itilfi/ i *'«(nt guiii's j Gorrard R C m Englah T.o^wood cabm ♦->- •> j Electrical DepL (The Premier Departmental
      65 words

  • 323 2 photo. Sennet t Estate Tenant-Owners Want Tax tut RESIDENTS at the Sennet* Housing Estate at Upper Serongoon Road will submit a joint petition to the President of the City Council on Friday protesting against the assessment levied on their homes. Under the assessment rates the owner
    323 words
  • Article, Illustration
    70 2 pnmii. s JAGANATHAN (left), Independent, chaired by supporters after his victory m t!u Siiui'i Ward on Saturday n ;^!it. (.i\ini; i helping hand i* .Mr. Lee C'hoon Eng (extreme left), Labour City Councillor. IBOVE RIGHT: Jubilation v.iv no less among supporters <>f Sim Bens Seng, Progressive candidate foi Rochore Ward,
    Standard  -  70 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 2 MCTORY DRINKS at the bar of the Victoria Theatre on Saturday Bight Successful ProirLlivlraLriate, Amy Laycock (Eas| Ward) and Mrs Robert Eu (West Ward being (Wratulated by party colleagues and supporters, m. hiding Chan Kum C hee (with tie). Progressive Citj Ommiilor. John Ed> (with glasses, extreme right), Party secretary.
    Standard  -  51 words
  • 133 2 All Set For Toy Fund Gala Ball Tomorrow ONE day more to go for Christmas j t\.-. Fund d.Ja Ball- and only a few ticket i left It :i't got yours t, there's just time to book at the Cathay Restaurant and that goes for dinnei too, which be made
    133 words
  • 46 2 X S. 1 ga Police Sports lion l hold Iheii annual Remembrance Day to- v it ■ie psual sen at th« V i C< Mt -i ai B dari. Another service will be held the Budak Diai Temple al Course Road.
    46 words
  • 132 2 Ir. J. D. J i ■rel by fifty of t>!leag sof the Volunteer Special Constal lio Polir Headquarters who v Principal of the Sii Trail I his death m Ofl nanding I c Volunteer •ial Kandang Kerbau during World War i [The meeting
    132 words
  • 47 2 THE Singapore Youth Council will hold a tea party m honour of the Mayor of RnnU Jtun Tin, at the G.H. Cafe tomorrow; The Council will ai the <-> me time welcome hack its president, Mr. Eric S. B. Wee. returning from his world tour.
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  • 410 2 WHILE the Progressive Tarty President Mr. C. C. Tan. yesterday expressed satisfaction over the remits of Saturday's City Council elections m Singapore, the labour Party President. Mr, S. K. Keddi, said he was, although disappointed with the results, not discouraged hv it the elections gave
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  • 71 2 .TOHORE BAHRU. Sun. "^ungku Abdul Rahman, President of the United Malay? National Organisation. told The Standard early this morning that he was happy over the Johore Bahru Town Council election results. "The sweeping victory of UMNO/MCA Alliance is indicative of the good-will that exists between
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  • 266 2 Standard Staff Reporter A WARNING that the Singapore Government would be held responsible ior any attempt to "foist upon teachers" Unified Education scheme that differs from the one they have agreed to was issued yesterday by the Singapore Teachers' Tnion. A Union statement says it
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  • 154 2 Standard Staff Reporter FOURTEEN members of the Belgian Trade Mission to the Far" East and South-East Asia, led by Mr Maurice Huvelle. Chief pf the Economic Branch of the Belgian Foreign Ministry, arrived m Singaoore by air from Jakarta on Satui for a five-day visit. The
    154 words
  • 102 2 PR Film Unil Fully Booked THE PtilVw Relations Mobile Film Unit has boon fully booked m Singapore for the res' of this year. For the coining week, film show.v will be given at the following places: Monday: R.A OC. Hone;. Chua Chua Kang Road. Pua v Semolon. Tuesday: The Gimson
    102 words
  • 75 2 TWENTY-! HREE i oiunteers from the Police Training School, and six ntw a fr m Ibe \TA.A.F. Sqdn. R.A F. Ten-.- h gave th< :r bl od to the S n^;. pore Blood Bank last week. The >. i c < Bank u:j to Hf-c
    75 words
  • 138 2 Miss Lion' To Call On S'pore Housewives Today Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S first house to house canvass to interview housewives starts today when "!N!iss Lion. a representative of Lever Brothers (Malaya) Ltd.. will tour the City on a. prize giving mi.s slon. "Miss Lions* task will be to enquire if
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 49 2 COMPLETE OUTFITS ACCESSORIES OUTFIT N o. 1 9.00 Bovko Set No. OX 3.00 No 2 15.00 No IX S 6.00 $23.65 No 3X $24.00 Spmtimi Uitis'BiKts AUrwttfmmm far 4hild,<n UiK\ dips FREE CINEMA SHOWS SPECIAL CHIKDREIVS I V Everj TEAS rATiifcji wi\s >!un. n ks, NN nn> i;\i;ia\vi:i).Ani:i:\O(hN
      49 words
    • 159 2 Gordon's Stands SupU-mi > BORNEO (MB Vv Designed for those who Ccmiort, Smoothness and quietnei Motor Cycling... Low Running cost and yet all the speed more then anyone normally requires Model LE Easy month'y pcyment: KEE HUAT RADIO CO LTD 111 124 ORCHARD FO/-O. SINCaK'I :23 6ATU ROAD KUALA LUMPUR
      159 words

  • 62 3 >« ii i m i>T it mrtei THE S »ap I II trbour i »tafl ttion is i I ncil and torn >r: :)proto >f its demand B jresterP C. Pillai. the said r> i nly re- ition m -tins? is also "> any response
    62 words
  • 94 3 d., 19s. 3d tral I Ber--1 c.d., *;d c Kuala Kan 9<l KJs. S <s t Lower ilga Tin of Nigeria )s Bd. X I i ill Bs. <Jr) »i-j R i 12.35 tS 6©. 00 B i I M Ms 4\d. to I. Kern Oil 17s. 9(i.
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  • 518 3 UMNO-MCA ALLIANCE TAKE ALL SEATS n i -ri .i Post-mortem On The t lections Standard SUIT Reporter JOHORE BAHRU Sun The UMNO/MCA alliance swept the Johoie Bahru Town Council elections \osterday by capturing all the* nine seats m the three wards. beating the nine- IMP and three Independent I and;
    518 words
  • 186 3 PENANC: VICTORY A SON FOR RAJA COPAL PENANG, Sum. It was a double victory for the Labour Patty candidate m Jelutong Ward, Mr. A. Raja Ciopul, for besides being elected a-, a Municipal Councillor, he was also blrsved with a son yesterday. His victor) m the Municipal elections, he said,
    186 words
  • 53 3 T il X tour successful candidates photographed at the Kuala Lumpur Town Hull on Saturday night From left: Douglas K. K. Lee I VINO M( A) Embi Ward; Mrs. Devaki Krishnan (IMP). Bungsar Ward; Raia Moh bill Raja Alang (UMNOMCA), Sentlll Ward; and Mr. Y. T. Lee
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  • 241 3 THE NEW $150,000 Government English Regional School at Towner Road, Raymond Avenue, Singapore, which has just been completed b\ the P.W.D. Special Services Branch. ui!l open its doors for 480 boys and girls when the school term begins on January 12, 1?)53. Mr. T. P.
    241 words
  • 125 3 Tin: Joi ore Govern- has made good its promise to the people of v town to give them elected representative qu' i the Supervisor of Elections, Itiche Ixwi bin Ismail, said on Saturday ai tlie end of tlie town's first elect' i i He said
    125 words
  • 203 3 UNTIL Singap >re ti^ n ftlllv e le rted Leg si ii c C mncil answerab s solely to the people loca 1 officers ol the Government '•will i 1 1 )k up t0 e'.t* •••<• i members of the Degis- nt j v f, Council
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  • 26 3 A MEETING o( the Executive Committee of the Singapore Children's Society will be held at Social Welfare Department's Council Chamber today a 5.15 p.m.
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  • 265 3 MR. A. VV. BELLAMY, the First District Court Judge, was a very amused person on Saturday. He was amused with the way charges were framed against accused persons m two cases, where such words as "being" and •employment" were misspelt m the charge sheets.
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  • 27 3 MESSRS. William .lark Company (Malaya) Limited will present the 1953 range of Philips Radio Players .v this morning at the new Adelphi Hotel root' garden
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  • 95 3 A Police welfare clinic catering foi the wives arv children of local policemen has been started n Taiping. Similar clinics are being started In Selama and Etrian, In the Taiping Police Circle. The Taipin™ clinic was Inaugurated by Mrs E R J Richards, wife of the
    95 words
  • 63 3 photos BOTH l\u> UMNO and MCA tttfers m Johore Bahru unit first places .n the T>un nunnl elections DOlliac the first two highesfl number or rotes. The) arc IM Ismail l n A. Rahman (left) and l>r M. Birchee <i»n Bah Cface) 'lhr? nr*> also jt>ini ChairMf
    Standard  -  63 words
  • 243 3 PENANG, Sun. The Chinese m Kedah should have a voice m the Federal Legislative Council because they number about 140.000 m the two northern states, said the Kedah Chinese Leader and Member ot the Kedah State Council, Mr. Soon Cheng Sun, today m
    243 words
  • 75 3 Two More Bandits Wounded KUALA LUMPUR S m the I tion wounded two tei risti patrol of the I Gurkha I m the Area of Kuala Kan li opened ftre on one terroi I and wounded him. Th- n m The othi rist j was wounded bj military patrol which
    75 words
  • 46 3 rPOH, Sun A ear, tWi \>\< ycle ;iu<{ a ti three children wriv in\ 1 m a collision a{ tin* junction t and Hugh Low Street tod i One eye t wa red. Ha suffered severe faruj] injuries and was rushed to hoipil
    46 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 jUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY -I i M I lON OF AM I MULATED SMHKS Of OUR ISI AL TOP I i;OOI>S rO BE SOLD 01 1 AT IS MAKES SHOPPING NEWS! ■i: i foi Tru SI M Ra><w< Tru N :.-;JtU;> si :>0 .;;i-uiti -J- N-i... Wetatc JpqiilMrtl ni i -Sieves) 12
      66 words
    • 65 3 THIS IS JrijXAJkONLY NASH HAS AIRFLYTE CONSTRUCTION See ALL 3 Great Series first wruner TUmaA. JbuhiiAAarfa/L RECLINING SEAT ~HoAA Stttfr/UMIUL 3 mpg ~7tnAA~7lajH&££/iL -FOR (Zconwtvu anoi J^eki&t^nziMCC J I) ..y ■■'.•>'■',:'■'..., ■///■'/*'/s>'>'" j/^^ .J KAMBLEK STATESMAN AMBASSADOR BEFORE YOU DECIDE <*S^F TAKE AN AiRFLYTE 3B IN THE WORLD"S MOST MODERN
      65 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 49 3 I i; \<'f?\j^j£t' < SINGAPORE AIR TRAVEL x IVS T(l i m I |V H I■ (X |MM>Ni:sf\N ÜBWAY9 IKn\| I i i p\« n n \li:\v n lIRWAT9 0 PtOGRAJMME M\l\\ PfMIl 630 rr.ent 4 News In i M n l i 1 i 5.U0 ?.oo m Ice I
      49 words
    • 89 3 Id I r- -i V iis Pc ins; 8 a i i M H e on P > c Share \>. I 61 sek: 7 1.. r3O Spot 1 m V. ItS At 1 Reg by Shov T i Tell WEATHER REPORT M.. 1 2 '5-_' Pen a 70 Kota
      89 words

  • 2183 4  -  HRH Prince Farouk Fuad We Lived On Cheese For By exiled King Of Egypt CHAPTK! Copy Reserved"- Reprodmriion n I Beat Plot To SiiikHo/jalYacht THE captain ot the Mahroussa had orders to sail out ot sight of land and then report to me. He did so and
    2,183 words
  • 726 4 I > DENT-ELECT Dwight I r's statement he iefi Korea has allayed lain quarters that he might take drastic steps Couched m itious terms. Eisenhower said ih;»t th< no panaceas'' for the X rean situation, at there are 'many limitations on «i vvai oi this i.
    726 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 46 4 I lsy A SALE HllW CHEAP i ir '#l l^vTX 'Mine and uxoni MMY ft\ »1 D ISAPPOINTMENT. \\JM IV W llaNt Mullifude of 5H£ I.W^T» Arli.lcs lo )o«ir la>te I JJsj**^>— and porket. i MAGANLAL NAGINDAS CO., LTD. I 2 «->/K7, Arab Sired IMione 3407.
      46 words
    • 101 4 ■'//Si v Doiit expect to Look mil if you don't Sleep <-// fpHOSE cired linei an I a;.. I may Indicate that 5 -ai i fetting ileep <^1 toe rfglif Your deep ihotlld be m i rest tui and restoraf iwe. It n esh body nervee and mli that voj
      101 words

  • 376 5 C "wealth Chiefs Discuss Spore And Atom Bomb LONDON, Dec. 7: (Reuter) Four of the Prime Ministers of the Commonwealth were engaged m highly secret talks on defence issues ranging from Britain's atom bomb to Malaya's guerilla war and Australia's uranium ore, today. Venue of the
    376 words
  • 28 5 US Firms Can But Iranian Oil But... Departn ni firms can I bjection ,;inst the m Iran nd m let J! M-e m i I I A.F.P. UNKNOWN
    A.F.P.  -  28 words
  • Article, Illustration
    82 5 THE Dachess of Kent arrived back at London Airport hist week, returning from her Far Fast trip. The Duke of Edinburgh accompanied the Duchess on the list lejj of the journey, from Kome. The Duke has been m Malta. Seen iv the group beside the plane ;it London Airport are.
    AP  -  82 words
  • 17 5 Chaplin's $5M. Shift W m m Weill as back w no reek, nment »>i- i bei he
    17 words
  • 72 5 France Keeps Up Boycott OIUN Debate ED >NS D resumed its I i debate on m an c tei aying oi Tuni- ler, Ferrl led f their -ion -Arab l I olude- pro- f i »nial I ate Abdel 'd the i France and a and \I »roccn i ntries
    72 words
  • 32 5 c quan- re f i on board a Panamanian sU some three hour? a! t i t <•; I! m«kong for tei were detained by the i for ie snip ned
    32 words
  • 76 5 v it, |AFJ l'r Minister Near* said ld.n h»- m p.tnud .it (OmtuiiniNt China's rejection «>• Korr n peac« pl.m .is l»o>tiir ;k tion" BUtsaM ewtim m bei efforts "^fcethei N Is llkf (l n- Df nul \d. iiiiiulr'-iIN of ih< tisands of M 9
    76 words
  • 191 5 PAKIS, Dec. 7. (AP). The French Foreign Ministry has denied what it said were false reports m Egypt and other Arab countries that the situation m lunisia bordered on revolution. Tile population m Tunisia is ''relatively <•;, -nd the < the Tunisian a id
    191 words
  • 139 5 Johore Govt. Has Kept Its Promise HE J thore Government had mad* good its promise to the people of Jobore Bahru town to give them their elected reesentative local government. said Inche fsmi bin Ismail, [Supervisor of Elections, m a] a1 the end of the first Johore Bahru Town Council
    139 words
  • 67 5 W A SHIN Gl O N Dec. 7. (AFP) Seven members representing industry on the Wage Stabi Isation B »rd resigned last night In protest :1 pre Ident Truman|s •> to override the Board's .j and grani miners a rise of US$l per (i
    67 words
  • 96 5 Standard staff Reporter AN AIRI [NER from Australia circled over Singapore for 20 minutes yesterday, landed squarely on Kallang airstrip and then came Lo a ad stop. It had to be towed to the parking apron by a tractor. This took more than 20 i
    96 words
  • 55 5 SEOUL, Dec 7. (AFP) President Syngman Rhee said m a statement l^s; night that President-elect Dwight Eisenhower had assured his government "greater assistance" m future during his three-day visit to Korea "I hope through his effort long and continued assistance will be rendered us m
    55 words
  • 174 5 M I I io\^ liable i<» load shedding today \t\\ X.iii liin. red Waterhouse, Industrial i.^r. Kilburu Bs| < iarlh'k Duuearn H'l i> Viuintce. Depot, furl < lull, I lit; \i v \\c. I tit Ik.. Holland im \dam I'U i nivcrsitj Hostel, «.;iii(»|) Hill. < hats\>!irdi Rd..
    174 words
  • 155 5 UNITED NATIONS. Dec. 7, (AP) Thi President of the 60-nation IJ.N. General Assembly published last night his personal appeal to Red China's Premier-Foreign Minister Chou En-lai to end '.he Korean fighting on terms of India's peace plan. The President, Cana d as s Foreign Secretary Lester
    155 words
  • 132 5 A COMPLAINT that ho was submitted to a double identity card check at the Victoria Memorial Hall polling station on Saturday last, polling day for t he City Council elections, was marie yesterday by Progressive City Councillor for East Ward. Mr. Chan Kum Chee, Mr.
    132 words
  • 75 5 WASHINGTON. Dec. 7. (AP) —A one-time newspaper boy has received the nations highest award for sacrificing his life m Korea by smothering ;m enemy grenade with his body to save a fellow marine. The Marine Corns said Friday the Medal of Honour won by Marine Corpora!
    75 words
  • 37 5 TilF, Ynuny Women's Christian Association will throw a Christmas pa rt y fur the r.tudents of the two Y.W.C.A. evening schools. The parly will be at the Havelock Road Welfare Centre on Dec. 13.
    37 words
  • 152 5 The Singapore City Coun •c Pasir Panjang Pow< i St tion m v yield s juice M any time. It is now .mst a question oi luck said the Council Pr< r. Mr. T.PF. McNeice yesday. H< a ij the first machine. th B apacity of
    152 words
  • 142 5 MEDFORO, OKLAHOMA. I (up) a 13-year-old Oklahoj .1 rl :i:e Bn >thet be au c her parent! tde n^ go to church" will c fiii irisls. ao-j oordiofl to authoriticf berti I Grant tounty A" y- >hn Amick said be was mi the girl's i
    142 words
  • 108 5 VIENNA. Dec. 7. (UP)-— Czechoslovakia yesterday demanded the immediate recall of A. L. Kubovy. Israeli Min[st< r to Prague, on charges he had "espionage contacts" with R idolf Slansky and other Communist Jewish leaders who were convicted of treason iast week. Prague Radio announced last night.
    108 words
  • 37 5 MAYOR U. Htun Pin of Rangoon, arrived m Manfla yesterday on his tour of South-East Asian cities to observe city administration and social welfare acti ities. H< and his party will leave tomorrow. A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 155 5 TAIPEI, Dec. 7: (AP) Free China's military strength had hern buill to a point where it continued, recovery of the Jost China mainland would he definitely m prospect, Nationalist Premier (hen Client said. The Premier a) o P dieted that Nationalist China's antiCommunist resist-Russia
    155 words
  • 176 5 LONDON. Dec 7. (Renter). British Colonial Office officials said here last Right Hurt the lisH Sir Evelyn Baring*, Governor of Kenya, i<> London next week, announced In Nairobi m i<:,i.i\. is m.i ot an emergency nature.* 1 a I 1 1 y A t v
    176 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 5 phol <• MRS I.O\\ VVI' Qfl Scm CTifl -vium-ll Vil Co« structioii Co i preseattag > locallj nadc w.tlkin.' i. i<» Mr II uinminns. KCCHNUU BepWßf tatfWf tfct Directoi Reaerml «^i the IN P««d iad lericultan Of eanisatioß. Standard
    Standard  -  38 words
  • 7 5 a and d
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 88 5 I PUT j j YOUR fOOT I DOWN AND SAVE ON HOUSEHOLD BUDGETS Jones fAßif MODft ELECTRIC MACHINES $3/5 C.S. HAMD MODEL $240 Jr,rti EleCffk Motors With N,»dU- p»iwl Light And root Control V j Suitable For Any Scwmiq Mvhr-, SFAJ<ES AND SCtVICf AVAIL/LLE JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. SING iPOKK
      88 words

  • 521 6 Sitiu.ijx:rr (old Stiragp Co., Ltd. ,onl inuing its policy < I expansion, t erprising concern maintained -ales volume m Bcull oriod to show a profit after tax of $1502 L 35 (23.3 per cent). Directors recommend payment of dividend of 10 per cent, and bonus 2 per cent
    521 words
  • 83 6 TOKYO. Dec. 7, (AFP)— Japanese manufacturers are urged here to ship their goods to the Philippines as samples to be exhibited a; the coming International Exhibition scheduled to be hel I m Manila next February, it was learned here yesterday. According to a report from
    83 words
  • 513 6 Fair Turnover Recorded In Share Mart By A Market Correspondent OPERATORS m Malayan share markets were keenly interested m the fate of the be leaguered fortress m Indo-China and m the threatened disorders m Indonesia but were not depressed by these developments. Prices were generally steady m all departments and
    513 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 634 6 FAST REGULAR TRANS PAC!F!C SJRVICE,-,-, O-ttUmt S^n Irancisro Los Angeles AI Araprit m Canadian it'r Penang t S'hitD Score An I A S» ALASKA BE AH 24 SSOcc tl/ZBV** V t»<-» I Lio 84 J»i WADA BEAK 23 -"16 Jan 11 JHJj:; I }xn 1 leb 24/ Fell I
      634 words
    • 635 6 CHINA NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Hem' Sailings lo China an Japan from Singa t >on Port Sw?vtenhani l\ Penanß. Also direct Sailings from Bangkok and liu 1 >nesh to Chiiui fapan. Due S pore Due Penanfi From C ho Dec U Dec 19 Japan H'kong "Poyang" Det 20 1 *< 22
      635 words
    • 555 6 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS Royal Rotterdam Lloyd Holland America line Nederland t ine Rotterdam Rotterdam Imsterdam HALIFAX PORTLAND (Maine) BOS lON NEfl YORK. PHILADEI PIIIA BALTIMORE. MOBII I NT \V OKI J \\S Spore P Sham Pen.insi ROEPAT (SMN) 10/15 Dec If! Dec 17 Dec SCHIEDYB (HAL) JS Dec/6 Jan
      555 words
    • 279 6 /ftp^ MAEHSK LINE COPENHAGEN A P. MOL L R General Agents m U S A. MOI 1.1 i; >| i IMMIIP < INC. NEW YORK AC( Illicit fa(K« C«if N« W %or NMStW iini Phil:iil« I p rn r« rla sufi S'porr I' *ii "ii f XIX- I i MVI
      279 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 263 6 tAST ASIATIC l(| SAILING FBOM S( kNIMNMM i s MfNj Sim P f -ROIUA" for Djakarta Ban^K. fc &i foil, H-k<ir, b Manila Ktibt Yoki.hama 13 I U. ii-i... "StI.AXIHA' for Bar.skok X i: |J| f P-i<>.L 3 M?ei v only) IAI.SIKIA'- for UaciKkol i, (p^^>?ncers onlyl kin A 1
      263 words

  • 170 7 TA YLOR WINS KL 25 MILES CYCLE RACE KIALA LUMPUR, Sun— Tommy Taylor of Selangor won the All Malayan 25 miles cycle race held at the Lake Gardens circuit here today. He covered the distance of eight laps m 1 hour 15 mm., being: well ahead of the second man,
    170 words
  • Article, Illustration
    12 7 Pictures of rate finishes of the first day's Ipoh races. List Saturday.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 696 7 NOTICES I GOVERNMENT OF SARAWAK Proposed Government Offices KUCHING TENDERS are f -m approvni Coutiactoti I I supply and Irtviac of pren I concre'e plies oi I.r 'he use of approved pi k ta i ysten ol pi ng m connection with the prop d Governrr.t I I Offices, Kuching.
      696 words
    • 331 7 SITUATIONS VACANT 9er i X 1 c m Sini "t i flaer, .<■■ l i 'i I t i X tl -X 4 i. n- v a villinx to m a eu U) bee t W -nan" Ar>; ita i d' I erlij c AjtM 'it H i too— Maiav,
      331 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 190 7 PO X CHOPS. C^ TV-. SHAPE X"""~~\* YOKUM.V-TH.S Li 'I- GESTURE T^ AH ISYOH !T'S NO SURPRISE V«tl^^^ CRSSCtNTS.'.' -.^uTA S~ f^ x^V DESARVES A GESTURE GONNA i TO ME., SUM//" DAiSY y r>ce J f FUMME. r r -SO,AH GtVE <\ MAE RGGERED YO' J > h^L. v\*^ VV^
      190 words

  • 766 8 FOG FROST HIT UK SOCCER Finchley Denied Of Certain Win LONDON, Dec. 7, (Reuter) The unluckiest team m yesterday English Football Association second round ties was the North London amateur side, Finchley, who were leading their professional opponents, Crystal Palace, by three goals to one when fog stopped play 27
    766 words
  • Article, Illustration
    63 8 |im> nt.iiii m Saturday's Siag ipi Mala] a ru.i)% shows Miller, Smith, i v -in.i 1 1 a-.-h> -im of the Services I i■! Ihe b D ■I Ast Bi iiwi < balm B II MA "li 1 v.: l i B LpptOfl -m,! 1 D thl errooad. 1
    63 words
  • 155 8 FOUR CRY OFF IN IPOH TRIAL IPOH, Sun— The Perak women hockey trial today \va> i farce i> four players. Misses Ng ()i Lin, Chiang Wan Vee, Audrey Fernanda/ and Mrs. Teh Gin Sooi, all teachers, were away m Taiping playing a friendly hotkey fixture there. Accoi ding r >
    155 words
  • 16 8 JOHA? Dec. a post- mpire veer. B 1 npion title I Gerald The
    16 words
  • 37 8 BARRANQUII LA, Co mj 1, Dec. 7 UP— l ted States 1 G T »ny Vincent a men's ioiib "s champi »ns 1 B 1 inte G t Holdei C hie ig 1 Mcxi( Gus
    37 words
  • 518 8 BELOW are the weights for the second day of the Ipoh rates «>:» Wednesday. HORSES CL. 3. m\ 8.11 Meteorite 8.08 r, F Cinder Prune 8.10 <>n»lellatton S.dT Badalona B.os Balmoral Callona Star 9.00 passing Mir B.os Bridge .so; Hen»n Wood XI hu Town 8.07 Pilot's
    518 words
  • 134 8 OXG POII LIM entered three finals after iasj night's play m the Singapore Badminton Asiati open mpionships at the Stadium In the mci s singles Ong moot mbles pai I 1 ill bin Marjan as both won the semi Marjan beat Lye Huaj 8-15, 17-14. 18-14
    134 words
  • 22 8 RAF' Selet 3 X] convincing 4-1 win over the Wanderers m a friendly hockey Se eta 1 yes c lay.
    22 words
  • 261 8 LONDON, Dec. (Reuter)— Fog tnd Erost virtually wiped out today's R^jgby Union programme m Britain. In London n it one fti st cl i>s match could be played. One of t i? few gam?^ to £T> an was the first England international trial i\ W >i
    261 words
  • 867 8 Results League Positions LONDON, DEC. 7— R. yesterday's FA Cup second matches, league soccer and up to date positions are. LEAGUE DIVISION I Arsenal Preston Won Villa Cardiff H ickpool 4. Manchester C. 1. Billion 4 Newcastle 2. j *Chariton Burnley "Chelsea Liverpool Derby 4. Stoke 0. Manchester U. 3,
    867 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 124 8 ttSi I inn iOTI"\ TODAY 'Ks^'iL'ilfil DAILY! |J a.m., I '•<■• 6.45 S p.m. [h v- Dm U Wcture oi theVear! j <> 1 f\\W KIRK I > 1 \g. j fit 4 Yf,/ I OIVJLNG 1 0 YOI ON V^ IM.S L'M ORCiI 1 i IBLE EMOTION j! HER
      124 words
    • 100 8 MOVIE NEWS BUMPER X\ma7]£J On Sale NOW! Still a < 4Q cfj ~2 pages I'll S :> CCM m; 11U|1 BACK FOR Mini! I >| 9 *f t tit i to fitt it BECAUSE YOU W M\mm m Hi- MM.lin Ilin.h.-I.MM p- r-^^^iSSM i" I (lll|( l« liic raih -hou
      100 words

      25 words
    • 714 1  -  LEONARD B. ARCHER, Jr. GGGGFG >i\ I K <>f Vfnml m Ike ti'>rlhr.i>t»-rn pjit of lh« I uitrd States, froni ii> i. x h.i> play rd hi iiii|inri.iir nilf m furlhnui.; *-A x\ development i moiit vi hith save I lit* 'I Stltrs its
      714 words
    • Article, Illustration
      25 1 THI patee, o f »he little patteato w«{j J^S^'SS^Z^U^^nm^^^tJiS^ frrou-,. his Mok« into the warcl But the visit, at «y^"""fhn «m >ure il»f> I«U »rtt
      25 words
    • 276 1 1 111 American .t r i i > i Rutherford Boyd. shows ui| h Mintr ci| his H orlis is noted for ln^ explorations oi iii it hem 1 1 ici I designs Hid concepts from an artist's point of iie w. Ml his s\ orks uc
      276 words
    • Article, Illustration
      77 1 cartoon inspired b.i lasl week's Press report m The Standard spotliffatinf the Singapore Education Department's policj t<» send the l>est standard students m the Colon] to three i»i i!> leadini schools for m:; her education"— allocation briujj based solely on the hij;ii marks obtained m examination irrespective of wliere the
      77 words
    • 476 1 r I 'ills week's Quiz is all about movie stars, .-<> here's a chance for those of you young readers who read screen magazines and frequent picture nouses to try to guesa th e answers mid win a prize. All you have to do is
      476 words
    • 98 1 - 1 v. ;i V m it birds melancholy m the morning? 2. In what island would ,iii e< going bachelor cboo live? Why do policemen nevr>r catch th e thieves they for? 4 Why wan Queen Elizabeth greater than Oliver Cromwell? 9. Why does a yonth injure
      98 words
    • 55 1 Winnen of last v eek's picture puzzle contest 'the i gfwer to wh;rh mm 'A p^-- hairbrush') were: MISS ANNA TAY. C/O R.-ulies GirLs SchooJ (Sed VIHA'-- 110 MASTER O! LOW KAH, Standard IVB. Ande School, Ipoh $5 and MASTER AHMASD BIS HAS AS of 6:<2-A Lo.iji.n lai
      55 words
    • 514 1  -  DEMI-TASSE By Jills ireeft I feel prone \m paj tribute to \\w muUI team of t'ai h<-i > .»nd stttdentl who li.n worked quietly behind the pCCSW9 Tor several months to bring out some \erv £Ood M-hool magazines |U| fear. I am not for one
      514 words
    • 43 1 jM\-I I I: \i > i i •> i■ i l i I iftftiMMM i BQt <• U lio I Standard I i toy i Fund ii'« i"> n hi i: laws ji 1.1 --I MCI k .1 Mil f.II -I i,
      43 words
    • 30 1 word Ham i< < \\< > SfauMM I'm I' (1 ,|l 1 d A'i id a n i i r) t.lkp 1 5 Ml. I I H v|S||\(| vhik tut k
      30 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
        23 words
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      • 60 1 tf?* or,gy s» Ofl**\o'4t\ > I ss dote copies of y wherever you arc Copies of The Singapore Standard Th« Sun dovStondard I r fg our Lood-. On^- Month 1f.75 6 Three Monthj S r y > 2'j 6 ife Si* Moi»tht Sl!8 ;0 £l| !6 0 Onf Yeor S2
        60 words
    • 1134 2  -  TODAK By it'vnVVi S ii_in.i.ii.i. nrwiw i—iin m n mum m IS IT true whvn you say 'I love you?' If you break my heart, I'll die; So be sure it's true when you say i love you. It's a sin to tell a lie. Tiie
      1,134 words
    • 611 2 THE BRIDE WAS NINE YEARS OLD DRAWLING tobacco farmer Charlie Johns, 37, spits into the dust of hi s Sneedville, Tennessee, farm and says today: "Man can <K> -i i» lt worse In this world than take himself ,i nine-year-old bride, ah reckons." That's what Charlie r"id fifteen years ago
      611 words
    • 526 2 Laugh AH with FON r l "»IIS happened when I was J a School Inspector. 1 was visiting one of those new schools staffed with student teachers when I came upon a classroom that was m an uproar of noise. I strode m and veiled out:"Silence!" The noise subsided. 'Ms
      526 words
    • Article, Illustration
      26 2 Four kinds of cats have hidden tihemselves m t lt i^ rebus but you can scare them oiit by using the words and pictures:
      26 words
    • 161 2 I LEAST GOO. OOO pc« pie m HOBC K<m{; vs«i;' dir<it!> luijx'd h\ ITODAf Mess 1 Christian <ttiw > i_ititni < YM( A irroirnwci (i. i im: 1951. ftoooviiac to Uw &SSOCiaiMM*S animal i j>< 1 1 The report points oi' that the variety and scope of
      161 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 92 2 K~£ w' BEE jHv *'?^VkSs fo& m lo\o!> Loy*« example tnd yoa, 100, a» lovely as the tilra ttar- >ou admire. Hie ft at. creamy lather of Lux Toilet >oap will bring the natural radiance and beauty uf you compfcxion. and l*-a\ e your clear and smooth. SunpK v. -b
        92 words
      • 59 2 Mm /BF B- ~ne// //ke a \**X~ 1 S H E A F F E FtlS^ WjwfiSSSSP^Hl^-- —^=~q=. end he'll particularly like r^~^~A the Sheaffer's "TRIUMPH" Ij&^~ Ij^ Gold-filled Ensemble illusrrct- <^r~r^~^T~^~ ed above. This ensemble is the star of the Sheaffer ran [I ft end. will make a beautiful
        59 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 30 2 A r"" p -£>=•«- >- y r ffAlL fifii^ r \\JHI i bright. Milo. morning, v/ neon and night. Milo gives <>£ v r o-% fe e vitamins and nourishto c~e and all.
        30 words
      • 103 2 7 8 S 1 i 7 I— I Q ''lii"^^b^B^J rt n //i i m .m i Try \<>iir B*C] m.itt* s Mi HUg simple .i.,,Clues 1. Your popular magazine I. What gi T A most a medirine for external application. n Q 9. Village 10. Girl's name 11. Yes
        103 words
    • 649 3 OFF TO AUSSIE 'JAMBOREE': THE 'QUEENS' ARE PICKED-] ONE IS CROWNED I rid I to iro- next L A Woodford, ncr for the tern Di>tiict. this be the laru* rth ambassad I ..ore to attend a camp. m 12,000 scouts from :r > es will be Thei :ne i jch
      649 words
    • 432 3  -  Francis Boey By I \K OLD school trachn Dennis I winner ol thf l'^l •■Mr. Sw poi >• ontest, ng gesture eek. ii»* wrote to I 1 1 i i Editor offferhis services to youths uho ba 1 c a better siqoe through weight training. body
      432 words
    • 33 3 1. .A. WOODFORD vßJack Bear') Contingent leadeT, LIM SOON CHYE, Asst Quarter Master A.S.M. LAN BOON HAK, Treasurer. SOU Tl PRO a nd Seen la r<j TANG C
      33 words
    • 853 3  - SCHOOLBOY PIONEERS OF BRITAIN A. K. ASTBURY By (a London Journalist atid feature uriler). i OPPORTUNITIES f r learning practical crafts and for manual work at public schools m Britain have opened up m recent years. Many schools lie»an farming and market-garden-ing schemes during World War II to help out
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    • Article, Illustration
      1 3 jhsgfj
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 12 3 y CHUNG KHIAW BANK, LTD^ I P \ID AT 24 PER ANNI>M
        12 words
      • 50 3 ITS A FACT! f^r/ Identified t» cicui x -^~SU w^g £A T 2 frionqulcr fifth »tt -~jaU'^ :^li!^^3y^ twelve inchct lenq €otly identified «i -^•~~**^^Z~~-~\\ -.nothcr iomoui Tl9l' A/.edtcmol Product, »h« —^^-r*^"? 4J& VM 'CHtE THONE SAN" i > «^>*^*" 4b- *H^ |g V Eoroch, Stomochoch. \\w<^^^^^A'\ Wj bl%o Po
        50 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 118 4 AN EXCITING NEW SERIAL Story So Far ill Wilson. ;i vn nsj I a tanks tbf 'Pw 1 1 j i." bound fot l*»t» I M c ptain com: Ac while the p T > rica and I short-hat:" v t Bit! s low Read On HISSING <>i the B«ill
      118 words
    • 61 4 fHERE was a thump m J c door. I H v duing. kid C po kir. g i I* ,ing ii Jbu> tC shirt, no a s p, come 11 a fe i P j i dov I < i >:iiuli om lher< hu Bin iih es v
      61 words
    • 81 4 I been E ring a bunch oi i fed. d i quickly to mi d boot. "So lo:.-. But Cheese was sorpris fn the truth. .v- minutes latei there a tap on the d v I i k ked Skapaci want> i«» have x n 1 with
      81 words
    • 188 4 NEPAL TRAINEE: 1 IF. latest country gI j 1 S and South-F i I > takl B i>f i portuni* by i a deal C -opera < E ;^o < U*e C '*>•'■ >o Pla I al. wing a v liv firsl md oesian 1 1 ainee bed
      188 words
    • Article, Illustration
      424 4 14 INVITATION 'A My B S t Mi P ■;•"> me ertainlj hupt- ->. S s.. pi ci smi ■d. and hu m" > up •\\>ll I've |MM m.»il h«r« f»>r von to t herr >ou up and I tope ll) xt r > <UI a !l.^rnf^^ m
      424 words
    • 531 4  - There's A 'Switzerland In 'Samba Land 'VOYAGER' KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOUR-9 I By 'THE first place that I visited m South America was Brazil— a country slightly larger than America with a population of 50 million people— and I duly arrived at Rio de Janeiro, its beautiful capital. The first sighi
      531 words
    • 89 4  -  I I \i is a children* t d!^<' tin < hi i nu M hilcii g mi D-. h.tN mi the m.- I !>• S Ihi i kk i is the d.<\ oi i m nld vvom.ui .i II I !iildr«n on .ii least tuc a
      89 words
    • 172 4 I^HE holidays had and Ge< i went to staj with his uncle a; Pjsp. Pan}iina.. He loved to watch the fishing b ng g uinds ever; and to listen to the in -coming tide splash ig nsi the racks and sea-wa his *in--onen e dark
      172 words
    • 139 4 l> VN \l SINGH, (.i 514 I I I Monk's Hill >( timii psrnlN i'iin Spwti <Jui7 »»I II QnestiOßS. \V!;«n \uu liavr di>n*- it. Ikm k with uiNu«!s Jt f«M>l «ll ll»ls INMFB. Una many did yon Wffflf to pH right? A fry toon greatetl number o/
      139 words
    • 51 4 VPOI M r Gnan oj Std i i Ifo Hill Schtwyi m tite tnaga: OK F Up On <-. I Ou!- voii i j Bei m s tudiei ■>.• or. 1 Principal |reeti M And thai cree: t k+■ h h >:! i I \V a. d ovr- k
      51 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 195 4 I THIMBLE THEATRE 1-: Starring POPE YE By TOM SIMS^'JJ^ ZABOLY -i m -r. S<±s A MIRR3R \f.!6E<J PARPOK!, AMSS^O'" 1 VJ(j}' Pf OVEC TmEGE iP^^/THAMk/ gLOLNe, I AM A YfWv^S^ U j jOk'l LOOM! IVhO ikJ -M£ I ffp r A&ADA&LE <5 T WHAT?? VOJ A2E J^" I I
        195 words