Singapore Standard, 28 August 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
  • 13 1 Singapore Standard VOL. 11l NO. 57 THUKSDAY7~AIIGUST 23, 1952 12 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS
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  • 1397 1 —Says Ex-Bandit, As Police Guard Court IPpH, Wed.— Four ed bandits and a surrer courier yesterday identil ing 24-year-old Chinese > the Perak High Court as ranking Communist" m t One bandit said Le to a "murder Europeans 'Communist rank even to Fong, the leader of
    1,397 words
  • Article, Illustration
    84 1 photo. jj DATO Nik A K.iniil (right) Mentri Besai of Kelantan, returned yesterday l>\ Qantas BOAG after a four- months' i»v»-imm<, tOOi durins; which he travelled extrn- siv«-i\ Ibrooshoal the I nit^d States on a Leadership i I <•! ant I)at«» Nik sp« i nt a month m Britain. While
    Mirror  -  84 words
  • 28 1 No Change In Rate Of Cess IPUR, Wed. s lax :ed from i xports, since .*ional on er being over ontinue the market Ordinance i: ii ber ade-
    28 words
  • 12 1 Houses W ill Be Destroyed tnurI c its* 1 said Mi t
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  • 51 1 THE Sing is may send a i Cereon m London nex' l ed I a the S V C. yester- S.VC represented t the Size ot the conti I I viil be decided when pc will stay i lorn. PHILJPI > sa ts, carry- i
    A.F.P.  -  51 words
  • 207 1 Xl ALA LUMPUR, Wed. -The former editor of the Malayan Communist Party's publication, "The r Masses 1 Voice News," (ian Teck Kok alias Gan Kofc 1; alias Ah Kok alias Leong Chan alias Ah Poh, was shot j P dead l>\ a patrol ol the
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  • 33 1 Million S.A. Voters' Fate JOHANNESBURG A iff. 27 (UP i v paved 000.000 coloured c, s by ovei uling a Suernn t a m >wn the i i i t f Daniel .n.
    33 words
  • 68 1 LONDON Aug 27 (UP)— Air L ord De L'lsle and Dudley, who an ed ie c today a 17-day tour ol the Middle oid maintenance ol air ,er ea was ol prime importance to the whole tree W< L*lsie and Dudley said he had •>
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  • 38 1 yp :e-ADM f,.: es wards I m b his b< en appointe Com inder-in-Chief. Far East 51 m succession to Adm S>ii G Russell, A-M effect from 1 M irch- 19 i I AFP
    AFP  -  38 words
  • 25 1 OKI.NAWA-BASKD fortresses early yesterday bias c ,no a cre ol supply and storage B t one an*, tine Nortn lx can capital. U.P.
    U.P.  -  25 words
  • 338 1 Gen. Templer's Assurance To 'Unfortunates' The Federation Government yesterday began a country-wide distribution of thousands of copies oi a red-bordered poster m Malay, Chinese, Tamil and English containing a personal assurance of the Hiuh Commissioner, General Sir Gerald Templer to the peoples of Malaya. On. Templer gave the assurance that
    338 words
  • 47 1 pl/>| > «**.r.g through th* ar»i'J of Ma^c-g* U> 'k*t\- ...•vk.^--it f>r fri6or.^.-!ar. N«v«. Palru Ho*; PC Ifi which fv«j b*«^- snlsslng f'>r the pajn three d 9 >'» Ttie mining >i'.ioi j'»f'.'» last kr.^wn poeitloc »A 4 i'U»f. a.> flvt m!l«s '>ff Tanjon^ P.'/hor
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  • 148 1 PONTIANAK, Aug 27 CgP>.— A lisn p ,ti »l ship, the Margna re ta waj recently seized py ,n Indonesian patrol vessel m Indonesian waters off Wes B >r neo, the correspondent c Jakarta daily Merdeka re V(l ted from Pontianak todaj i rett carried i
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  • 352 1 POLITICAL EXPERT SAYS: Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Revision of the present Federal Consti tutlon was luggested today by Mr. F. G. Cornell, lecturer on politics m Oxford University, In a speech at a public meeting at the Chinese As sembly Hail here. He
    352 words
  • 32 1 British ne i <-d the nation s a n the ''iir '>" r by tic issing by a Canbi ovei 10 houi c r details of the interceptor,* '-Sin. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 28 1 T' T and Coi mist i I tors at iminai v ist i n g H 3 aye anol her r« c ii Sepl l A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  28 words
  • 16 1 to make fi m I• of the c r > ;.e released A.P.
    A.P.  -  16 words
  • 110 1 photo _.o_o_riji— i.i— DOCTOR Al.tin Kumliml tl limiim- Rrfca has fast Mil i <•(! m r.^ht (i.i\ uiiisc m tlw M.:iun i.uw.iii \m !'<•• shipwrecked prrsoas caa e*isl BothißC n- Ina* diet <»t sea water .»n:i Bsh, is irirtwel bet*
    AP  -  110 words
  • 169 1 X l 1 LUMP! R \\n\. i be vt. uni. »i ii li\ m^ m Mi!. i i were !i h < iimp 1 1 'ii uit Ii must oihei 'iiniii ics m smith Easl A^i.t l»i lu| I'm nil Mala iii < hiaese Association
    169 words
  • 9 1 H >: Hongkong C 10.000 Reuter AAP.
    Reuter; AAP.  -  9 words
  • 201 1 standard Market i:« i MAIA V A hade iinprowd mbsl m tiallv m Ju!\ although Hl* tinning to sfmw v ni\ ms trade balaiK« i i«>! the t(»ui lh diiiM'i uli\ B tmtnl i) export by rompai favourable li 100,000, impro i♦ i the II all
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  • 6 1 'Statehood Should Be The Aim' I
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  • 4 1 AP
    AP  -  4 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 f if I^22I!&E29tQDBI 1 HB A SHIELD FOR SHORT RATIONS Ckrhtmai without the trimming* IS NOT MUCH FUN to come smartly to the rescue with a FOOD PARCEL m A gift m goad time b wortk too" I 14 \t ilt j' COLD STORAGE l^^^^^j^gMMßßß^^^*^^^
      45 words
    • 13 1 Sin fin p<>i'<> iuh^ttt iPttvltl How c I II visvit* t'ayv 7 I
      13 words
    • 124 1 SHEU MOTOR OIL I I GRAND CHARITY CONCERT J m o d o* I S.A.I.A. C.V MCA. BUILDING FUNDS I Presented by I j REDIFFUSION SINGAPORE LTD. j on Wih September 7952 -8 p. m j ot I HAPPY WORLD STADIUM j j T-k-tj or.- no* on Mli at |g<jff«l|B
      124 words

  • 226 2 y outh On Attempted Robbery Charge I v.\ "help, robbers" nn a blackout night and he appearance ot two public spirited Chinese sent three u.'uUHk" robbers scurrying away. One of the v mea, tin- Singapore Fourth Police Court was terday, iras appreheaded by two Mbdays
    226 words
  • 34 2 I mom ia 11 l( ot r I>r-)ther D (.rail- r iSislei W ("•r.idp issocial* Mfit ci Offirri Sistei at <rr\n\^ Brothrr: D: 1 i ,>! ilr Sen
    34 words
  • 21 2 Mr C. F. t [an 1 aire. v BOAC I a five- 1 f ess 1 r last ►ore.
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  • 283 2 (Including One Man I Standard Woman Reporter REI ill ITMENT tor assistant ■arses m Ine Singapore >«)\ nrnent Mtdiial Service fa mow. but hopeful bCCaVM or the attractive, helpful and inralive nivfesSMß it offen t-> Sin^.innc t; i N and women between tin- axes
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  • 40 2 X RATXAMS ferocious dog, licence. bit a M n m the thigh. In i X court Ratnazn n is or not taking out a lice. 520 ./.'owing the dog told to pay $5 com- to the woman
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  • 193 2 LOONG PAN YAP, manager of a Singapore hotel In Armenian Street was described by the Singapore Second Police Court Magistrate Mr. 1). If. Chapman yesterday as a generous employer." T; ike up for his bar b<>v Wong Tai Kiow, before Wong was sentenced to three
    193 words
  • 82 2 A MAN, Tan Kirn Seng, tenced m the lower coiyrts to six months' rigorous imI r sonment for running an opium den m Nankin Street is refri I as a result of an appeal i re Mr. Justice Knight i the S gapore H i Court
    82 words
  • 461 2 GO VT URGED TO GIVE FOR Spore! King George VI Polytechnic B L Standard Staff Reporter V SUGGESTION thai the Singapore Government should make a| dollar-lor-<lollar contribution to the proposed building fund for a modem polytechnic as a memorial to the late Kin*z George I was made by the Colony's
    461 words
  • Article, Illustration
    153 2 ,jl. Standard Staff Reporter j V FURNISHED building to be used as ;i general mertmK place for all ranks interested .m the formation I of hrh«tian fellowship and culture, was dedicated i yesterday by the Rt. Rev. Henry Wolfe Babies, Bishop I of Singapore at the RAF. Station, Seletai.
    Standard  -  153 words
  • 149 2 HI REE men. Teo Ah Guan. Ahmad bin Ibrahim and Ng Koh B;;h. who had be. sentenced m the lower court.-, to lines and one month's Imprisonment each on charges or running a chap ji kee ttery heard the prison sentences quashed and fines of
    149 words
  • 77 2 SE FENCE of three months' r .;orous imprisonment passt by a magistrate's com I f'i a bicycle thief re^entlv was i increased to six months Mr. Justice Knight m the Singapore High Court yesterday. rhe man, 18-year-old F'M>.z Chee Chew, appea'e i against the conviction. rhe
    77 words
  • 50 2 PAX^: SWEE Lin, a f »rmei school mistress. \v: 3 charged m the Singapore Fourth Police 'Court yesterday th stealing jewellery worth $1,075 from another woman, Tan FV 4 Lian< on July 2G at a house m Orchard Road. Pang was, remanded until to- day.
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  • 35 2 A THIEF who entered I t bedroom of a Chinese living m Tanjong Rhu on Tuesday nighi stole $-490 m cash and property including a driving; Licence and a Singapore Turf Club badge.
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  • 90 2 A YOUNG man. Flo Chvvee ~eok, under sentence of six nonths' rigorous imprisonment imposed m the lower courts on a charge of carrying weapons i:: ;he Singapore H gh Court yesterday a free man Mr. Justice Knight allowed the appeal argued by Mr. [brail
    90 words
  • 65 2 ONG TIA\ T SEE, one of three men alleged to have robbed a couple at Marine Parade Recently, was acquitted »y Mr. Ju.-tice Brown on the jury's verdict at the Singapore Assizes yesterday. The rase was a retrial. Ong had been convicted and sentenced to a years
    65 words
  • 38 2 A SINGAPORE Government Gazette Supplement published yesterday authorizes the use the expression "Royal Malayan Navy"' instead of the M a .i > a n Naval Force "wherever m any written Law the expression 'Malayan Naval Force' occurs".
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  • 246 2 Standard Staff Reporter HONOURS graduates of the University of Malaya are eligible for direct appointment to A.S.P. eadetship m the Singapore Police Force, but so far not one of -i them is interested. Yesterday one of the hon- i ours graduates explained -All
    246 words
  • 132 2 Missing boy was drowned ONE hundred nnd fifty school boys Who went on a picnic t< Pongool beach. Singapore, die not realise thai one of thei] triends was missing until a roi call was made m the evening. This was told m the Coroner*! Court yesterday at an inques. into
    132 words
  • 41 2 THE .Malar Chamber of Com merco at Kelarrtan v.ill hold t tea-party at th« Govern men Rest tomorrow ai 4.45 p.m to mark the award 0! the C .M.G to the Tengku Mahkota and Mr W.F.N. ChurchilL
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 62 2 n(B have ju^t about best Selection m* of GOLF EQUIPMENT i f\ \k* y ou Hl^ fi n d anywhere CEORCE NICOIXSi "PINSPLITTEB" CLUBS j WOODS $27.50 each j IRONS TRUE TEMPER SHAFTS 24.50 EACH > < anvas GOLF BAGS WITH HOOD, OVAL SHAPE, SIZE 61" x SI" $47.50 EACH
      62 words
    • 78 2 A 1 i Y)4 ~W brtiiiDß HIRE ft m UASE CASH 1! P ITMI NI v <>F |7I C7O S FINAL PAVMEVTJS oi (31 UNIT WITH 5 YEARS GUARANTEE ADVT CF ThE CfSfM, ELECTRJC CO., LTD. i De WITTS COUCH SYRUPfei f&t CLUufar- 1 I '~~T t^TZ'\fi I g I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 84 2 fNC^OE-KOE, |S h^ v Msr i Jot m A RASH TWf V-h (Atlf APTCAHS HUTU \U\\ f. l/ V^HHOUTgtIMi>GC zmOtltugMfcr COCOA' >V>^ mW 'I r-»^'_ VAHHBOTtH-^* VAKHOUTEN COfOA C 'smisretffiAh** ;< Hs a treat ifeu'/Z/ovc tl l^\ *S «4j^^B^QH. f /-WMUT A HOPWBtE MtPACLE TT C Ti |r V /*T*""
      84 words

  • 468 3 Assets Exceed Liabilities; Balance For UK\ Standard Staff Reporter ALL LOCAL claims against German assets in the Colony will be paid in full before the end of this year, and the surplus realised by the Government will be transferred to Britain as reparations, Mr. W.
    468 words
  • 57 3 19-Point Memo By 3 S.H.B. Unions ii, PRESIDENTS of Singapore Harbour 1 uiiins ha\ c joint jy i l point mi'MMi.tnthe Chairman of ur Boa; :1 appeal- ti» ni i<ir a minimom ,»t :>o i rots daUj r lU^ories ol about f> mktnen tmplo} cm! the Board inchin SHB Lai
    57 words
  • 4 3 Kiwi Picnic And Social
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  • 36 3 Sin gai ter- I \R H i\ B Mr. Engelmann, I tho c<?- t 21 I the his up to the Club's 5 i." Mr. Eng ma- the R I I unch.
    36 words
  • 38 3 Stand Stall Reporter PORT^BLI amniniuiß posl alice i> expected n |Ua to »w Singapore puhlit- m eaHy l lr aeHitch, Assistant ControUe. ite, told The Standard yesterday. ffi c w is tructed
    38 words
  • 53 3 CHINESE irl be held at the Chin Cha l Sept 1. exhibition v. i sisi of the v. jr eight p nt Chii t artisl Fi H aagkong. Ov- JOO iten displ I the p II go towards the ChiYMCA building fund of calligraphy i s to
    53 words
  • 174 3 Services Fire-Fighting Competitions THE animal fire-fight-ing tion org r m by the RASC, irhich the Ro and Royal Air Force a!. <!. rook place at W e Fifteen teams from the three Services lined tip' on by M i L, G. o'('.:.-/-o/t Scott, G.O.C. Singapore District. Tec competed under coi
    174 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 197 3 Standard Women Reporter MEMBERS of the Tanglin Club will be hosts and hostesses tonight at one ot the largest parties eyei jiven m Singapore for the Other Hanks ot the British \rmv, Navy and Air Force. More than 100 men. largcl: those on leave
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  • 33 3 MR. ELMER Newton, Direi oi United States Inform; tion Services, Singapore wi give a talk on "Elections i the Un > States" at the Br tish Council Hall on Sunda 10.30 a.m.
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  • 55 3 COLOURED land's scenic beauty fo an interesting, after-luncheon Rotary talk yesterday by Mr Joe. Rogatnick of the Amencan Consulate who spent ovei three years there between 194; and 1947 as a member of th< U S Foreign Service, and pn v to that had toured Iceland
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  • 500 3 Intense Need For Psychiatric Aid In Spore (SAYS NZ EXPERTS) THE NEED for psychiatric aid is intense m Malaya just as it is all over the world and 1,000 times more psychiatrists are needed to deaj with this problem. Dr. D Bevan-Brown. the well-known New Zealand psy hiatrist. told The
    500 words
  • 203 3 ANOTHER child yester- diy tell victim to a Chinese Woman who has been prey Ing on children m S;n»apore and depriving them ol i their jewellery. This time it was a n year-Old Chinese yirl Her sold chain and locket worth SI 10 were taken
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 100 3 1 1 1- 1> S Him V" Sh <>PP< trs I #^"1 WIIS/ Ouality vVhite Bedsheets 54" n9O f ®J $10.00. S^ Sm.rtVhite Shirts $2 .25 eoch. rCwse Silk Gents' Singlets $225 C och CMane- Silk Gents' E/W»r.ef. $1 00 per y d. LoveU New Ptd. Crepe 36 f S
      100 words
    • 161 3 PAY DAY IS DUE I\ v DAY OR TWO Open YOUR Savings Account with <E3;eCbattcreb IBank of ilnbia, Australia anil Cljma. As little as $10 will open your acounr earning interest at 2\' per annum Enquiries invited at any branch m Singapore, The Federation, Borneo and Sarawak Ffe r "BEET.
      161 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 39 4 NG TSU KAI told the Kuantan Magistrate that it was safer to carry a small boy In front of his motor evele than to allow him to si at the back. The Magistrate fined him $20.
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  • 563 4 Shriro Case Hears End PENANG, Wed. Judgment was reserved till Friday morning by Mr. B.G. Smith m the Sessions Court here today, at the conclusion of the case m which the former Penang branch manager of Shriro (China) Limited, R.A. Coulson-Gilmer was charged with criminal
    563 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 4 ]>n<nu. THE NEW Commander of the No. 1 Lincoln Bomber Squadron, RAAF, Wing Commander, N. I. Quins (left), arrived Singapore from Sydney by Qantas BOAC to take over his assignment from Wing Commander K. P. Roberts (right).- ■Mandurn
    Mandurn  -  38 words
  • Article, Illustration
    110 4 photo. 1 BASON Van Rtersnm i' (centra new »>ep;:ty High Commissioner for l the Netherlands m Indo- l nesia, arrived m Siliffal pore by air from Korea i yesterday. He will leave i Singapore for Jakarta OB i Sunday. The Baron was on the l\N. Commission on Korea which dr.ill
    Standard  -  110 words
  • 138 4 Building Project Backed KUALA LUMPUR, Wed —The Health Committee of the Kuala Lumpur Municipal C i tncil are lo recommend Ihe proposal of the f Kirn Pong Realty Limil for the erection of a threestoreyed building suitable for a market or a depar; > I fore m Batu Road to
    138 words
  • 54 4 PKNAXG. Wed.— The general meeting of English language teachers m vernacular schools throughout the Federation i Malaya will be held >.h re on September 3 with the purpose ol forming a union. Teachers from Kedah. Johore, Negri Sembilan, Selangor, Pahang and Pens ng are expected to
    54 words
  • 353 4 MR. G. SHERIDAN LEA, Assistant Controller of Im ports and Exports, Singapore, yesterday testified m the I Singapore Third District Court m a ease m wl licfa a I merchant. Er Peng Yam, managing partner of Una IMong and Company. New Bridge Road, appeared on a
    353 words
  • 92 4 KUALA LUMPUR, ,Wed Remarking that he did oof beiicve the complainant's story, the President of the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court, Mr. J. G. Adams, today acquitted and discharged a 33-year-old Chinese tailor. Wong Poo Wang on a charge of causing hurt. Wong, who was defended by Dr.
    92 words
  • 278 4 Judge Hits At Corrupt Police SEKEMBAN, Wed.- u l Police 1 couatry, whether it be Regi stabulan? are cormpl or d will t;o inside :i Police station." the Sereml I giving an o a revision of sentence. -ed to strokes Special table ol ebu, Lim Mm Choy. who had been
    278 words
  • 26 4 Ho Quota If Hawkers All Pass Test H I d II,;. quota for haul i] I d m laauar) was raised i<< I tli.- I.V.IUi OS
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  • 8 4 23 Chosen In Malacca B 2(1 O and
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  • 102 4 339,381 wires handled by Telecoms THE T« iuni cations Dr aartmeni Sing i .indled total of 339.31 i m the Brsi 234.101 telef c delivei locally by r. 105.27 fivered by mi W::-(. for outward I ssion. Inland Lek trunk M rvice igbt m $165,858 m rex Januai seryic< ited
    102 words
  • 47 4 Williams, assistant instructor I Len to medical auth< ties K.u ml R.a I s blood "ai nnie r, by the Kua D ct Eiospiln!. Willian cadi if a pep m rh« Sinj t Sts id; rd tl < *'ie X Bloo< H.: lJk j. d-v
    47 words
  • 45 4 FIVE Chim be i Feng Ah S I Tek EQanc K< X vawuj Neo, I Tee Kian i Kam. w, i c o o! doom if I KBte ol Jalai A < Eiitam, Baki an mdi c r;, fined by |< M tai ItacistraU
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  • 47 4 A MALAY, Jaafar, m ad::;/ ted :'.:ii ECoanti n hospital with a st;ib wound witirh !i t ±nd he :r L f'.ivH ri.j in| <«j) He OfM I cd bis eyes hen stabbed saw Sakai i to i teldiof I short a-i^e;, run tMIMMm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 198 4 IVmmP Arrivals VANTONA BLANSHEETS j i .1 Pure I inish I ree from anj I iiiin- ol m Vanlona Blansheel enables it io x ill n.i Mi-- Hardesl ear and an) <•! I aundrrisg. In 4 smart shades to match every bedroom furnishings. Ava.!able m Sues 60 x 1 OS;
      198 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 144 5 Perak Union To Put UpKesolution 4 1 XL Talks menf 2 ed E^° for GovernX the P., i r W rkerS ore t0 be "«9hr Union Government Clerical Services' X 'i"" 1 h v;l oo moved by Mr h"""""* ClericaJ Services ffi^S k^t Lumpur this Saturday The
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  • 86 5 Is Scrap Rubber Rubber? >| RI MB AN. Wed. I oticc Abbott m fhc i -nh. in High Court to l:>itiiNsed the I i I hmcse. Yap cc, I h.ttJ been convicted the President of the lirsuMM ourt at Jelebu. A UK Sutherland and i to one yen ><
    86 words
  • 137 5 KUAJ LU IPUR Wed.— I Ii n itional C > started I n rapid expan and t')day its me" is over 160. More m I md are interested m its arti The me >f the ib are conceal iting 1 forts m sec,;, ing funds
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  • 30 5 Fedei it rs i;lfi jtab 10.000 od Malaya coi a din t the X fli the I pins spirit o\ ]■> kers' A tar kinl C
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  • 79 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— having stakes relating to j 'hee Fah" and so helping to run a public lottery, three L Chinese were today convicted i i l President of the Kuala npur Sessions Court. Mr. •I .C Adams and fined $2,000 each m default six months'
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  • 88 5 KUANTAN, Wed. Chcv; g Chew, a cotlee-shop emee. who stole a camera at, and then led a party on a wild goose chase search of a fictitious thief v rday given the chance of paying a fine of $400 or going Lx month-. the camera
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  • 61 5 JOHORE BAHRU v ite offer an mcrease their dai »tes of pay idebythe |ai 5 «ras ted B i iru cigar workers, who m SJadTp iou > k k ia X ies lay. I Ia the last stages n»tiaUons, t>mpromise ftftv rents ra c was suggestSS'brttte
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  • 255 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. -Abdul Hamid bin Molul a 29-year-old Sergeant In the Traffic Police, was committed to stand trial at tin* High Court, on two charges of receiving bribes, at the conclusion ol a preliminary inquir> before the President of the Koala Lumpur Sessions
    255 words
  • 222 5 JOHORE B VIIKI, Wed— ln a cheating case, which is beini* heard m the Sessions Court, a woman stated thai she did not reporl that she had ghen money to Ihe accused because 'she knew that the money was for Government Officers." A cused m the
    222 words
  • 49 5 of the S i i I •c a S Ikwi on the ipoh Dismffering from .t I the i on ibovc bag i lay .vhen the lt c ..mediate X I the i Mr. Ang n cr« diw miing I red to Ipi
    49 words
  • 63 5 COURT CALLS SENG'S BLUFF JOHORE BAHRU W< Seng Chan Seng was fined $5 m the Police Court today for moving 12 tahil of biscun s at tong without a permit. He produced $3 and ,11 rlip money he had. When told that, m default, he would have to go to
    63 words
  • 127 5 Malayans Snubbed In The Stales, Says Time Magazine HOW Mr S Th.ivi Bajrt, the ?oh«re Po>Ul J'.nH)loyer> Vnion and a I r,i verity of K% lecture. M talje United States L«JJ« Spe^list TVO ZZ .morsity lecturer went to f peopl> here. t 'v would only quote liar Globetrotters. a m
    127 words
  • 72 5 KUANTAN'. W-l. -Pima Kai Pong of Jabor m Kuantan was fined 525 for carrying goods m his jeep without a permil on L! 7 July. A while later hp was nailed hack and fined $50 for a similar offence committed on August 11. He appeared
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  • 40 5 THE Treasury Dep ttne I i I the Legal Adviser's Office at Kota Bahru m Kelantan formerl; housed m the main builcKng ur the Survey Department, have been removed to a new building just behind the Land Office
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  • 72 5 -Future fry I 111 KOI (i HOI I the i 1 Icderition youni; Chi- i ne^e sjirls dressed m their best attire wished for I 1 good husbands when they I, relehrated the annual 1 festival of thr "Seven I Virgins and the Cow herd'
    Sioag Studios  -  72 words
  • 101 5 PENANG, Wed. help »»>!le<t used postage (stamps" rain pi is; n has beea launched by the Pfnsnn Poppy l>ay \;>pr.»l committee as a mean- of raising more mumej i»r l\\r Poppy Day lund. The stamps are to be forwarded to In- land for sak It
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  • 71 5 G Went Off killed One KUANTAN, Wed. M Salleh bin Othman (20) a Sp i Coj table of Bal Sawah si ition whs yesterd i fined $100 m default 01 month's jail, for handling h bren gun so negligently a<« to I endanger human life. The court was told that
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  • 251 5 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wed. -The distinction rf being the first Malayan to pass out as a Full fledged flying instructor goes to 32 yi'^r old Basil Leong, son of the Ipoh lawyer, Mr. Lccng Yew Koh, who is now back here
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  • 22 5 Will Be On Sale Monday Vt. S# 1 I##*S THE HAH! R d c It P I I i office 11 i:n
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  • 21 5 THE B ih Eted s Penang w i i. ii i•■ W away Laidlaw tomorrow a:i<i Do Satu
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  • 25 5 JOHOKESI I I IN 7.1 ERICH THE Sultan <>f Johore I London tor S rich. The before left thai < short stay m Eoj w<>. Switzerland
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  • 16 5 A YC OFFICERS <i«-m of tl tagiu !•'<■! i Council Mi Kirn i> Christian. 1 I 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 179 5 SAMARITAN ron i i nssi b lac roll Wbl J »x- c. it p. 91 t soluble *nd Strong A VPI C AT A! I ri 1 < i nr*t fr.« VISIBLE CARD SYSTEfTI I w mtjtXdU ok a32a*& COMPANY i :*v i* STHtT. SHKAT9M TtL 5970 Eczema Itch KiiN
      179 words
    • 65 5 Save aH ways with this BIG CAPACITY VAN! Here Is delivery van that j i f)r\[~ ~1 unexcelled for the economical //y«J fined with sliding !.»:.> a 5 W^sittt^^'^^^ safety and tn* <s±\'\\\g U'j- o^C^^ Largest load capacity m a -A rft 150 cubic feet! Wide opening >.<-3r f^t^ doors
      65 words

  • 543 6 I 3 N he H] t every j dult Singa- f rice being increased S given by the Govern- -priced nee last year have been exhausted and, S gapore o nsumers than heretofore. at we have had the g thes< ns, and that we are The
    543 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1095 6  -  O. M. GREEN TROUBLE MX BRiTAIX'S YOUXGEST COLOXY B^ I LONDON. IJ*VEN In the generally disJ turbed slate of SouthEast Asia today, it seems against all reason that there should be a Communist rising m Sarawak, the one pla c m the area (with adjoining British North Borneo)
    1,095 words
  • 549 6 S 1 read 1 great and benefit Mr. Josey's article I 1 Malayanizai I the Civil Service. 1 am surprised, however, at the way Mr. Josey als wil the Malay's attic wards the subject. Mr. Josey attributes the Malays" reluctance to see the Civil
    549 words
  • 229 6 Review of Views Fighting The Skimp COMMENTING on the statement by Mr. I-. H- N. Davis, Member for Social and Industrial Relations m the Federation, regarding ''jobs for all workers during the slump," Utusan Melayu believed that the Government through Mr. Davis. had made an offhand statement which was beyond
    229 words
  • 12 6 "Ted! when you've turned it on mind bringing' my glasses—?'*
    12 words
  • 102 6 Sir; I think i\ is high time t-hat the Federal Government should provide some sort of a refresher I course for the English/ Malay translators attached to the various Secretarial s fo the Federation. This type of refresher course, I am sure, is badly needed m order
    102 words
  • 237 6 Sir; The problem of roaming cattle m Sentul Pasar has developed from being a regular nuisance into a walking menace m the locality. The owners let them loose m the evenings, they stray into dwelling compounds, < i stroy fences and vegetable gar< ens and
    237 words
  • We the PEOPLE
    • 661 6 S Aft( egular diet of political and lal >\ ang m the columns ol your paper lis reader find,- a rel res ing change hist Sunday m an article the peaceful East isi like nice bowl of irtle soup t too much However, t
      661 words
    • 256 6 Sir: It is on y natural for the public who know very little of the inside story to infer thai I came on; with my statement only because I \va? no' re-nominated. 1 have no complaint against this public but il M n ads again my reasons
      256 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 20 6 the BEST jj&fr V^T Fine \ii/ r^ f^ Si^^M^^ Jewellery IKWONG CHEOIUG LOONG LTD. H. High Sirrrt j.|; 7.~>71 *****
      20 words
    • 69 6 |I|V~/L<.> 4t *^H |L Reception on I V.v wtk^fM" S^ V^'^^B comporobl* i fUt f\ f\ Ft 1 f\ W m^[* J r~*~-^- T «NANG 5505 l^A^^fe FECTRATION OF nt v rph tj va tli*> Distributofs: PENANG: Lm Rod.c Co, 102 Bur moh \x*A IPOH: kadio b Gcncrol Troding Co
      69 words

  • 467 7 Clique Working For Their Own Interest— Lim committee which claim a t memorand wn by an il-man i Party J J <list members of the Labour i orandum say s that ;'<;• Lira and ail big support* J tablished their to the Party be n ured
    467 words
  • Article, Illustration
    96 7 photo. TWENTY-FOUR men and a dog, part of the crew of me 7,239-ton Liberty ship "Western Farmer," which san* m halves after a collision m the English Channel uere landed at Ramsgate, England, on August 21 by lileboat The remaining 13 members of the crew, taken ov ""'boat as the
    IP.  -  96 words
  • 139 7 LONDON Aas 27 (ftevter)' Ibe leeoritj refl uJs i i\> (I h» tod. iv on a new Britisk Jefl Ixbtei wbkk < t(J ||m s|l«'«d of sound iiii!<-n pel liour) and is efaUMICd be the only jir iH Ikal <m iiiman "Ihr '.'-ion barrier"
    139 words
  • 88 7 HONG KONG, Aug. 27 (Reuter-AAP) strict family system on which Chinese cty has been based for generations, will be ashed by a new Communist purge aimed at strolling the thoughts of more than 450,000,- 3 people. ■is by the all-powerful State Administra- informer system were an-
    88 words
  • 243 7 '1952 Show Business Is Tops ir c Dusinesj nwe will spot m nent and, g V( tinus ness winner on its bri_ s edition ted tops by a ig S g pore public. c good thii gs make it a spectacuv. this presentamixed fare, nut only ide and talented c
    O.H  -  243 words
  • 47 7 i A. H. Sect ol Health Des Section) I on a nine Health Visitors' c R 3al College I n. was given rdi Health Officer tools nnd Heall St tion) at the i Seel who has been 'onion ow en fhe E)
    47 words
  • 18 7 Sobbing Olivia Wins A Divorce odi a .r her enl fits reatened to ear-old lemy ay ss stai
    18 words
  • 57 7 Vei export r Gevaert 1 sel B r to a dinner c Holland Ltd .ii H g Choon v Great If orld I a 'our of P"j Easi He > I Wj ays •<>■■ 'hf iV '"ur weeka and will eve for Bant I ■< Da: s r
    57 words
  • 34 7 THE Singapore Fire Brigade led out .hi four occasions es t< iy to put oui three lallang [> me n Road. W i ey Road anri a I p at X impong Chia
    34 words
  • 27 7 HONGKONG revenue officers 5, ze d .mi taels ol gold worth j I i 125 m the 500-ton Pan imanfreighter Hanson.— Reuter- AAP
    AAP  -  27 words
  • 17 7 isti alia has begun negotia- s ror a Bsheri. ement| i Japan. Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  17 words
  • 192 7 A YOUNG Chinese woman told Ihf Second Police Court Magistrate. Mr. I>. H. Chapman yesterday that ii«r father-in-law ordered her husband to Ret her out of the house because vhe was a, tins*' to the family. Soon afterwards the room Which >>he and her husband
    192 words
  • 80 7 Standard London Correspondent LONDON, Aug. 27. The following ore the closing prices of rubbci and tin on the London Morkct today LONDON RUBBER LONDON TIN Spot 2ild. Spof £959 per ton buyers, Sc P f ll~ d £961 sellers. Oct cc *|*J Three months: £942 Jon./Mor.
    80 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 7 picture MR. J. H. DUNNING of Charlick ltd leadfag Australian firm m Adelaide which export's Hour (a Malaya, arrived m Singapore tins wreck and will lour tli«' country meeting his agents. His Singapore agents. Messrs \hk < Law, ester tamed him at a party at the Cathaj Restauraal v.hnc
    Photo Studio  -  69 words
  • 335 7 TEHERAN, Au^. 27. -An American oil man, Mr. Alton Jones, inspected giant oil refineries at Abadanl yesterday and Teheran newspapers said they believed an agreement would he signed with the Cities Service Corporation, of winch lie is the hoard chairman, to manage and market
    U P; Reuter; AFP  -  335 words
  • 169 7 Truman's Call To Workers WASHINGTON. Aug 27 (Reut< I -President Truman today called on American workers to safeguard national serin::- "by building strong defences at home d by working with other nations to keep peace m the v. »rld" He told them m a Labour Day statement 1 "We musi
    169 words
  • 21 7 THE 40-day Texas heal wave has killed 21 persons and des- i yed crops worth US$lOO,OOO,--600 UP
    UP  -  21 words
  • 38 7 BRITAIN'S active armed fo ces on June 'iO numbered 872,100. The total strength ol the Navy was 146,300; the Army 453,100, and the An- Force 272.700. Reserve and auxiliary forces totalled anothei 347,000. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 69 7 Sombreros vs The Fez CAIRO. Aug. 27 (UP Fez manufacturers rose m against a plan to p it Egyptia Into sombreros the five and ten gallon Texas models. Sponsors of the sombrero told the Ministry ol Affairs thai these were more practical than the fez because they offered protection from
    69 words
  • 87 7 carpenters See Saucer Crash Dive Nh.'. —1 1 i v ar pi saw vvhai I c ■"11;. .;ig I < tbcy top of a building on Mond; o they ."flying "like a b ghl ee\ if silver 11 i>\ (i the Hoi ison Lake. The craft suddenly no e-dived into
    87 words
  • 436 7 SINGAPORE substations liable i to loud shedding lodaj I»A\ I K. Network, I I I c lan, River Valley Rd., Killinej ml.. Capitol, Newton I and < liancery l.ane. lYayang satu, < bartered Itaiik. < liinsi Kanlc< .\-i;i Building, (»eorge v t static. I Pickering m I
    436 words
  • 32 7 THE f o c i > of the calligraphy i >• by the China > at thi Chinese S vimmi Club night- Messrs l v. f Han Wei Toon a d Seah Hen
    32 words
  • 147 7 Army Opens Farouk's Lush Third Palace CAIRO, Aug. n (I P) Iho sealed tali Oldest io al p il.c v n, i R t^»Uin p.ii N I western llexandrij irere d bj thr irw Further .it the h h life i Em net X i Mexand i i II th
    147 words
  • 51 7 Drainage Plan Pos tponed THE implen r anti malarial d approved m H i Payoh H.iv m« m i h<-<-ri alised that it would >cj prod veg< < aton the I Health Officer. Di < anton Payol i- Wiicn asked any out none that we I < l hei
    51 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 FAITHFUL— FOR ALL TIME I H j CLOCKS Hour trovillmq flß9j| ;i -Ka <-• j Lummoui »po i tro» tiling (Krcnclcrm 3" i^FJ quorc, luminous tpotl ftL'^ end hondi Colours Wk'*'?S SjS.OO :<i 565.00 Smith "universal" wall CLOCK Moulded wolnur finish co»c »hi»<, Araa^C numttali Ruit, »t«om, dv*»
      65 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 267 8 Walk-out Of Engineers To Be Probed PROTECT LOCAL MEN— OLD HAND Standard Shipping Reporter THE SECRETARY of the Singapore/Malayan Institute of Marine and Power Engineers (registered under the Trades Union Ordinance), which looks alter the interests of local marine officers, told The Standard yesterday that he was making a full
    267 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 8 Butting through the high i seas (sorry, High Street), past the ships (sorry, shops), came the 35-ton tug: Felicidade making: her 'maiden voyage" through the border town of Berwick-on-Tweed. She is going by road to Liverpool for shipment to Brazil. -Mirrorpic
    Mirrorpic  -  41 words
  • 35 8 AIR India and Air India Inter- >nal h.axc resumed domestic ;md foreign operations atter a iwdown by ;>.OOO workers ask- .>._; more pay had caused a day's suspension ol air activity. A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 27 8 War ships For Japan THE r.S. Navy is to band over i the next few days more than c 68 small warships it X to Japan. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 83 8 Move Against ILS. Cartels WASHINGTON, Aug 27, (Reuter). Senator William Benton, champion of anti-trust Legislation m the United i States said here that cartels j and monopolies are back doing business. The weakness is, we ourselves don't have enough e\perieneed business administra- j i tors m key posts," he said.
    83 words
  • 39 8 BAGHDAD Po ice c.:- si -cc:'s on Saturday m t;;e por B i5i inflicting slight casual j ties. The striking workers cv ofl water and electric supplie for Basra and ittacKed th power iii^r^' :i l >:^
    39 words
  • 26 8 THE Italian Government will •eward Sicilian fishermen who saved the lives of 50 persons m he British passenger plane ■rash oil Trapani. Sicily. A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 29 8 FORMOSA i^ to approach the Jnited States to charter '20 Liberty ships to strengthen the "hinese Nationalist shipping jusiness with foreign countries. Reuter A A P
    Reuter; AAP  -  29 words
  • 32 8 THE BRITISH cargo ship SI Thomas is loading 6,000 tons cotton at Buenos Aires. It is the first cotton sold to Britain by Argentina for many years. A. P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 190 8 BAILINGS from si \\ni.N\\i\ i k DONHnfi PAIAGONI.V to, Bang- kok Saigon K&ngkor.jz .",<i ttAtif r "MLONIA" tor Bangkok I? IfNSepl 13 iGfrS I -INDIA" for Bangkok Saigon Hongkong Manila i: WSeM IS [6Se* i*/i*c •TANAMA" for Bangkok Saleon Hongkong. Mania Kobe <^ Yokohama 22 'n.-jii 'is.-m
    190 words
  • 68 8 I AS l SERVICI For Los AruHrs San lr;tiuis<<. I'uttS.Hid Seattle 1 And V*mc*mvtr. Also tooeptimc carta f«i < .-nir South iihtii .i P«-n hi- P si. "WashisgtiNi Mail" <>s<-|»t <Sepl "Ocean Mail" .*> <, o, t :<;, EVERETT ORIENT LINI f \i i i I ?oi
    68 words
  • 17 8 GUTHRIE CO.. LTD. Phone S'pote Sl3l X Lumen P«'iiang I IM Mi v .< P. Dirkson P Swetteafcaai
    17 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 600 8 FAST REGULAR TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE l>irect Overbncl |jta Ti intU(O. Los Anseles Al] American CaßadUfl Cities Penans I*. SIuUH S'poie Air LA SI niiiii Bl IH .'1 MiSepl M SSSem 82Sepl lOd 82Oct f 0: f..; m oi Drj Cargo Deep ranks ana pa^engei Bs'ukina;s etc.. Amenta ANGLO FRENCH BENDiXSENS LTD.
      600 words
    • 523 8 CHINA NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Regular Sailings to China and Japan from Singapore, Port Swettenham Penans Also direct Sailings from Bangkok and Indonesia to China x Japan Due Spore l>u<* Penan? From ■S/rtliuni" Auff. 30 Sept a Hongkong Sails Sails Sails Penans; P. S'liaiu Spore Ftw Takhoi Aug: *H Japan "SBechtien*
      523 words
    • 552 8 JATA JNCW XUtllV 3AlLil*ll»a Royal Rotterdam Lloyd Holland-American Line Nedeiland Line Rotterdam Rotterdam Amsterdam HALIFAX. BOSTON, NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, MOBILE NEW ORLEANS. Spore P. Sham Penaag AMPENAN (RL> 2Sepl SLOTLRDYK (HAL) S/'JSt-pt KSepi P l BANTAM (RL) 9/15Sepl 16 HSepl IS li' Sept RAKI (SMN) 19/24 Sept 25 26Sept
      552 words
    • 218 8 MAERSK LINE COPENHAGEN I A. P. MOLL ER General Agents MO!.!. I H STEAMSHIP I NEW YORK Icreptiuc irp* t<u Yea k'wk IW**.lon Philadrlpliia \i lihrrtj t« <>i !mt ;i>>rN la I. rotjitkMi ~in>!. t ii< h.iii^c nitfc9ui s pure P I hun •iVI I MAEKSK* -.pi THE BORNEO CO..
      218 words

  • 19 9 CO\ 1!O\ ol a m < 138 I View fieldj d eted I Pi id A.P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 29 9 1 KRN I m a bid smui in* f it tea I pro as decided to 99*m*m border police '•^-ynrta.ion to India and I five AFP
    AFP  -  29 words
  • 226 9 TEL AVIV, Aug. 27 (AP)— The firsi Israel "Ado V llage* 1 (of houses of a i i 'ial earth mixture instead I of stone, concrete or wood) v ill be built m the Jordan Valley shortly following sue- ressful adobe experiments m Southern Israel
    Standard  -  226 words
  • 38 9 CHINESE and Japanei facturing interests have worked 1 out plans to begin a joint canned goods factory m Hongkong. The company will be supplier vrsietabies from Honukong. the Chinese mainland. NTew Territories and Japan. —Reuter-AAP.
    38 words
  • 66 9 PARIS, Aug. 27 (Reuter) (tension of the European multilateral payments area \o ither areas .-unh us Latin America is (nvis^ged m Hie annual report oi the European •ncnts Union published h( i today The Union v ::s formed two years ago as the centi clearing
    66 words
  • 52 9 Tl IE directoi I r I Banks Ltd. at the Board meeting m London declared an interim divid« nd vi the rate oi 2.^ lid. ptr share Hess tax at the rate of 9s 6d pei pound) payable on Sept 18, according to I c Manager ol the
    52 words
  • 109 9 Standard Staff Reporter THE price of Aclh t^P wonder dru K s thai «a I'vHo^d m the Hg~| 2i Malw» wid ita* it- (ion m price was ■adji passible by the in«™.j«-; „rodmtion m the Lmtrd Kingdom of this druff Actk UMlttCei complete rennv
    109 words
  • 116 9 Standard Market Reporter SINGAPORE, Wed— Business m the Malayan share market today was centred on the indtisfrial I section, winch remained firm. Tins and rubbers were uuiet with negligible business passing. Changed prices were INIH'STKIAI S Buvi-rs. Sfilrr* Fraser Neave Orel. '■'■■'■*'< i Henry Waugh
    116 words
  • 42 9 US, ITALY GET Persian oil HAMBURG, A./ 25 Pt-.-.-ia i.-s concluded her nrsi oil agreements wii <•■■■- and Itab and :u n 1 i a, 20 per aa\ world mar- j Secretan r f al r the cr Mi n tOn Katiooalisation Board.
    42 words
  • 85 9 Standard Market Reporief '1 1 1-. p< ■<<:.', mai ket m Sj gai dy m the copra but dull m coconut vii. ttle business pass Cop' indicated 526 pc picul and sellers $20i. with busieported at $26. i>nut it l l buyers indicated 540 cr picul
    85 words
  • 49 9 CANADA'S commitment under I -i. ial Wheat Agreenent I crop year 1951-52 has been over-subscribed by 3,--123.000 aush< s Figu C 5 issued by the Canadian Board show Canada's en*'s third year amounted to 241.613.000 bushels against an p x port t^ 490.000 -Reuter
    49 words
  • 61 9 TOKYO. Aue 27 (UP.—T he J-imnr-e Government derided to i derable a m un J „th the Bank ol France m Paris next month as < xv^\< U>v settling the debts Japan owes to France, the Kyodo News Agency reported. Japan recently deposited similar
    61 words
  • 32 9 PEIPING Radio reports the cortroleti i a 240 mile long railway linking Lanchow. capital nf X ins i Province, and Tien ;hui hitherto western terminis'of the Lunghai railway.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 28 9 FOUR British warships will pay fve-day risil to Bruce on:) Spain on Sept 15 as pan of c Mediterranean fleet's second LummiT cruise programme.- UP
    UP  -  28 words
  • 21 9 CHILE has authorised the shlpi>i( 2 106 tons ni manganese l 0 t h e United States.- IP
    IP  -  21 words
  • 16 9 i firm h:>? ri to I and sell 26 large oil rep A.P.
    A.P.  -  16 words
  • 17 9 JAPAN may negotiate liin ith Common ve ->' :il <^umi:.^ t :t !l Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  17 words
  • 49 9 THE Israeli Parliameni passed an oil-mining bill <j' <<- foreign and Israeli investors equal rights to exploit any oi found m the country. Four groups of investors have been sing the Government for licences to drill for oil following favourable preliminary surveys American and Swiss experi Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 23 9 ISRAEL now needs a second U551,000,000,000 for further development of her natural resources, industry, ''--id communication ii S. A P
    AP  -  23 words
  • 14 9 THE Czec! i /ak Oovern:i his p •ie country's pharmacies under State control. A.P.
    A.P.  -  14 words
  • 19 9 CAI iEX fa >>' P bu ii ilti-m lon pc i>- o L rrtinen ah th« Phiiippinei AFP
    AFP  -  19 words
  • 158 9 Standard Market Reporter RUBBER prices m Singapore yesterday fell by a further half cent per lb. to 78'j cents for first grade rubber, September shipment. Fair turnover of business was reported at the lower level but trade support was still lacking. Small factory interest
    158 words
  • 392 9 Colony Tr aders Are Affected By Fed. Poison Law WHOLESALERS m Singapore will be affc.tcd hj the subsidiary regulations to t!'c Federation Poisons Ordinancr, which will require them to have goods supplied to Fcdcrotion customer! suitably labelled. The Federation P >isons Ordinance comes into force on Sept. 1 and details
    392 words
  • 139 9 COMMODITY PRICES I <|sj \< i i ,(!)!tr t i i M M cf-nt^ P»t iti i m ■ir .i Jm J t -\t !lU J ntir i»;i\pi >> Sctiew \<> l Spol i Dose UK m Kale« Se|H No. I i;^ 71J No. 2 R.S.S *Z[ No. 3 r:
    139 words
  • 7 9 I I Sc-ri U.P.
    U.P.  -  7 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 wy v T ;7' >« SJI y* "**j f~-- r t sail V" < V VANS TRUCKS BUSES buY BEDFORD ior hie erformonce .'ing costs. BEDFORD Trucks ore unexcelled nd th< a mo k f o suit your po* I o« requirement YOU r>££ THEM BVeRVU/HERE 5 ton Sh.-.rt Upper
      110 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 369 9 SCAFORE ."1'}',.,,',,"^ 1 iim, DIAIO iiio\ Bdd c rami v r SER^ i< i. nbo BATW i w M }VA¥H Iron, )M IVY *'R H n: I A; ;i 3 -f,' 'k c,, ni c,■ .1 I row l( XIH^ ITS li F |koh SA! 113 a™ BUS SERVICES i
      369 words

  • We, the PEOPLE
    • 946 10 Sir; Ever since the 20 per cent consolidation of cost oi living allowances into basic salaries and increased expatriation allowances were j approved by the Federal Legislative Council on July 2, 1952, various Government employees' unions have protested' against this arbitrary action and
      946 words
    • 226 10 Choosing The 'Best' For Kirkby Is Not So Easy Sir: With reference to letter published on Aug. 21 on selections of candidates for Kirkby. Frustrate.; L Batu Gajah has been blind i to the system of selection. He also maintained that Mr. Whitfield, the Federation Director of Education, is entirely
      226 words
    • 192 10 Sir: Regarding the announcement on the formation of a Boys' Company, here are I some questions for the authoi; rities concerned Will an enlisted buy be I tauyht up to School Certi- fiVate m his present school m addition to military training. or will he be
      192 words
    • 386 10 Sir; There is no doubt a great deal which the he masters, principals and director.-; of our English and Chinese school.- can do to influence public opinion on 'he educational p ilicy oi tins country. They have a special duty and responsibility for the future of
      386 words
  • 548 10 By ROSALIND RATNAM HERE are the sewing instructions for The Standard Pattern No. 23, which appeared m the Sunday Standard on Aii«iu*i 24. Aou*? 1 Your pattern pieces will have certain instructions stamped on them When you have the pattern pieces ny your side the.-c sewing m!-
    548 words
  • 93 10 2 I have received a few j x anxious inquiries from readers about the delay m < the despatch of patterns. 2 *i I am back from a week's holiday and am rushing j through the orders which 2 2 piled up during my ab- 2 sence. In
    93 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 247 10 i- I-. n m j»_nj*Lrt i**i..n- r~i_i~«_ nj*Xf<JX ~>_»~ 3Exl i .^.=r=_ FRO M (,\\\]\T NOM I- THROBBING ALIVE TO THE WILD TOM-TOM OF If^^^^Kl^^te^R^afls i. I, I]\ \J '_^^^fc»«_. D«fo r you' »y#i SV \i Jf^m Ib j& Atbion .King Dtck... r j '^y^<; 'B^jßT half-jungl« world I R]
      247 words
      15 words
    • 207 10 11J.45. 1 6JO. 9.30 |Uyil![... M9sk A FULL LENGTH BEg£\ FEATURE about those ffmf^ Wizards of Basket ba!!... As IJI THE HARLEM 9^ GLOBETROTTERS SWASHBI CKUNG < \IM \l\ Or A CREW Ol ROGUES] J^a "the PIRATE'S f|| REVENGE" £S starring MARIA MONTEZ A (Her lasl film before hhre r
      207 words

  • 192 11 At*»"Lj< kItONS are vited a Cnie' i ►ng X on a sj ich i a the m tirr.e to Government to Governmetii i S appliili be provided with free X angId cd :o the B f Din rtors, Rici ild reach I y Igor I> A HORKIK Bu
    192 words
  • 851 11 Yorkshire Assured Of Taking Second Place cstoblhh^two nit 9 27 e L uter >-Su««y. the new County chompions, victory— the» L 2Oth— l s on. more than Middlesex claimed m their sue- f YM<;\ Billiards, Snooker Temnis THE ig are selected repre eni U YMCA tt
    851 words
  • 54 11 T oxnow Aug. 27 (Renter) ti lay's football results T ue i: Burnley 3, Stoke "ity 2. ie II! (Southern): Bristol City v. '1 0. I 11l (Northern): 01d- \th etic Darlington r Cup: Bangor 0. Lmfield I"; Glentoran 5. Crusader: KlfißV LEAGUE Club matches: Dewsbruy 7. I
    54 words
  • 70 11 \STOfI A1 tic Club officebea e« for the eurreni >c;>r: Patron Mi Low Tang Chans; president, Mr. Chin Yong Lock: presents, Mr. Loo Cbeni Sen* ere! Ml Lnn F k Hee: a*t. hun. secretary, tI Koh B Chit: hop. tre* Chua Yam Buk. auditor M Li
    70 words
  • 131 11 I \V SESSI Sept Tvpins A rexi Book FREE D rests a I si S ::nd Speed 120) B EnglL Pn I Vlll. E .j iflnstry. ol Maths 5- ench, I ry PrartJ- t. Law, Econ mils X Sec P-- ;tice, Snr AH teachers Regd lt "aCITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE.
    131 words
  • 337 11 Oyakawa. the Olympic 100---neter backstroke champion. :ook command at the start and lad a lead of two body lengths When he ended his 110-yard -win. Holau despite his previous effort m winning the 110-yard breast stroke title poured on the pace and touched Cleveland
    337 words
  • 76 11 CLENCOV E New York. Aim 27. (AP) Jackie Bnchant, Belgium's 22-year-old Davis Cup player, beat Don :.> :!1. seeded No. 4, 4-6. 6-4, 8-2 m the third round of th< Nassau Bowl invitation graa court tennis tournament here yesterday. Another Belgian. Philippe Washer, defeated Fred Hagist (US)
    76 words
  • 38 11 MOSCOW. Au& 26 (Rt i I —India won their second match Ln the men's v.orir) voUey b 1 rhampionship here today ien they beat Finland j >— <»• India beat Israel <»r> Sui i:i theur ftcsi match.
    38 words
  • 122 11 NEW YORK. Aug. 26 (UP)New Jersey Olympic champioj Skippy Browning of the Uni versity of Texas regained tb three-metre diving title he firs i won back m 1949 m tbe Na tional AAU swimming charn pionships today. Browning beat out title ck fender Bobby
    122 words
  • 34 11 PARIS, Aug. 57 (UP)—Ka: serd of South Africa defeate jTomioka of Japan m the tra( event of the world bicyc championships, which beg; here today. There arc 50 race from 26 countries.
    34 words
  • 53 11 MONTREAL, Aug. 27, (Reuter).- Johnny Greco of Mon- treai last night ro<,\ sed the Canadian welterw ight title defeating Armand Savoie of I Montreal by a unanimous de- cision over 12 rounds here Savoie book the title from Greco, champion since 1941 m a fight here Borne sever
    53 words
  • 104 11 PENAHX Wed B^irredl i; p mcceti «f 0« intrr r i .'v loceer con«x the I'.rKiMg Hock.v Association is con.' leering running a similar h^rkey tournament. Mr J H. Lambert who was agaaawws .a 'ho various eommunii c ?ad shown wch Bna a prop<,:ai tO rcvfve leaj^e Ithat
    104 words
  • 328 11 LONDON, Aug. 27, (Renter). Pankuj Kov who had been one of India's biggest battinc divappoint- merits ol the tour at last found Us hue form against 1 Middlesex at Lords today. His brilliant 131 was the I main feature of the India second Innings
    328 words
  • 88 11 i photo. I JOHN COBB, Britain's < water-speed king. I superiatends lifting i 1 operations as his ,£15,000 i 1 jet-engined ski -boat "Crusader" is loaded OB to a conveyor at Vosper Limited's shipyard, Portchester, Hampshire, on Aus;. 22, for transport to Loch Ness, Scotland. On Loch
    AP  -  88 words
  • 67 11 India i^t inrinir> -Jl'l Middlrsrx im rfmin^v India 2nd innp '"r d f-( Middle »i 'nd iiwtagi Robertson c Di i F,! Sharp bit 0 Edrit 129 ■■•)>i v Knighi Ih c 1 h I Titmus i out Extrai Ti Wid i and 2HU. 801 l LJXG R Diveci
    67 words
  • 82 11 ISTANBUL 27 (A Budge Patl i tereri ihe q finals <<i the Istanbul •<■ nnis championships I < -eating Turkc- I es Talay ti 1. ti— o. Other- qualifying for the quarterfinals: Armando Vieira <Brazi! > and Josip P;/.ludii (Yugo Vieira fcx at Heni Telyai I
    82 words
  • 32 11 LONDON. Aug 21 (Re iti i i thai S.C. Gr fti'h. Sussex i I England w etlceepei .pp A S« I Of 1 U P I his duties Oct. 1.
    32 words
  • 20 11 [AJ Reiff. o! B the i rk H 141 I I Q i j had \<l ran
    20 words
  • 43 11  - GOLF Here's How Slammin Sam Snead Ciy KJ I I < I find I I I hand I clo»e pointing down 1 I My right hand i d ■rs my rtg&l oi ready fo F'll tell »o« ho*c I iti a U:u r article.
    43 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 194 11 L irapur and a rOV^TrOTiLRDAM LLOYD' nun hi is" ngers n Ul J V TRADING N LTD. ■0! ifcRDAM LLOYD i DNBCBG" gCtdbLid i |M1B| "it*. 1 \t II S! rites i foil. 1 ORDINANCE II HIGB (OIKT itii COLONY \PoKi \\h m\ SING IFCHU 0 r m D.. f
      194 words
    • 28 11 1 ACCOMMODATION VACANT "shamrock iioTfi.. ii t\ A and co!d waxer. sanitation WANTED TO PUROjASF HOUSE of any ;vpc Jjjtjj pJO T9-n. Standard, b.-^ FOR SALE port 1.
      28 words
    • 130 11 STANDARD CLASSIFIED ADS. FC3 RESULTS Only 50 cents per line with c mm mum charge (approximating 20 short words) will enable you to piece en ad n The Singapore Standard (Daily Edition) under Situation! Vaiant, Wanted, Accommodation Vacant, For Sale, r ellaneous, cEox No. 50 cents extra. Domestic Occurrences:- $1.75
      130 words

  • 890 12 MALAYAN TENNIS TOURNEY BEGINS TODAY Ips Are Favourites By LIEW MOOK YOONG, Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG Wed. All eyes at this year's Malayan open tennis championships 'which start at Penang Sports Club tomorrow, will be Focussed on a slight, athletic looking figure who moves about the courl with the grace
    890 words
  • 17 12 Today's Sport SINGAPORE c i ■R FA Jor J B KML I gers at I 1 1
    17 words
  • 46 12 B Sui Kut. Sob l Wee Tiew H i j Lin and T.y Ec s pari tpate 1500 the S. I ..\v.g pub's ani i begins 1 s t iinmer, will be def t :he othr ■>• held on Sal events a
    46 words
  • 25 12 YORK Aug. 2H f .that South ight ed to O*Bri< p I Conr S .are i 3epl r I nal boul i Gil
    25 words
  • 18 12 5 of 1 ese I V Pool J 1 *****, J *****. 1 5 1974. 1877."
    18 words
  • Article, Illustration
    64 12 photo. Olympic Pole Vault champion Bob Richards wears an antiseptic sown he visits his wife Mary m Pomona Valley Hospital California, on Aim. IS to >«'<* Mis new son. bom the previous day. The child weighed seven pounds seven ounces ai birth. No name has yet been chosen fot the
    AP  -  64 words
  • 71 12 LONDON. Aug. 21 <\P) Godfrey Evans, Kent and England wicketkeeper, won a bet Of yesterday. At the start of the 1952 cricket season. T. A. (.rawford. Captain of the Kont Second Eleven, laid Evans £100 to ."> he would not score 1,500 runs In the season.
    71 words
  • 85 12 .DOX. 21 R( Boxi g Board led that I c arranged i: ph T irpin BriI pean champion I gelo. South Afri oy will as lor the vacant f weight cham- i Bght tween Teddy 3 British and Empire Byweight cham»nd Jake Tuli, non-
    85 words
  • 93 12 IN friendly badminton match Igainsi tl c Hwa Yew B P. play•l at l►■ C.U. Hall on Tuesday th» Fairwind B.P. beat the Ha/i V ■v BP, by 6 games tc i Ffeirwind B plajen menti > ed Brst). Sm'leN-. A:. mad bin Taik heat Koh
    93 words
  • 131 12 Schoolboy 'Find' In Perak Team IPOH. Wed. Oi Yoke Han. Anderson School cricket cap- j tain, considered to be a find of the season, will make his state debut for Perak m the interState match against Kedah on the town padang this weekend. The Perak team, skippered by ML H.
    131 words
  • 434 12 S'pore District KO Tired Indian Team FOR 15 MINUTES of league game at Jalan Bt Indians played like cha] District. Then they H'l 3_l. The cause of their dc of stamina. The players \i Singapore District full Every player put his heart after' defending well for thi Indians were leading
    434 words
  • 925 12 A TOTAL of 210 horses have been entered for the Singapore Turf Clubs Gold Cup Meeting on Sept. 6. 10 and 13. There are 97 horses m Class One and 113 horses m Class Three. i There iU be ten races ->n each day.
    925 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 12 FANCY PANTS I Fancy pants and strain- i 1 ins muscles— that's Cum- I 1 berland Westmorland wrestling:. Ted Tyson and John Thackeray are two competitors m this year's. Lakeland Games, at Grasmere. Westmorland. The picture was taken during a practice session. Ted's pants were embroidered with diamante i and
    54 words
  • 125 12 New World M-Cycle Records MUNICH, GERMANY, Aug. 27. (AP). Luigi Cavanna of Italy was credited officially with setting 14 new world speed records for motor-cycles m a series of dazzling dashes dow n the Munich-Ingolstadt autobahn yesterday. The International Motorcycle Federation (FIM> approved the marks which Cavanna set on a
    125 words
  • 125 12 PLAYIXG at the N S Badminton Stadium m a riendly match on Sunday I Badminton Party defeated the Sunnyside Badminton formerly known as Badminton Party b} 5 g mes 4. The were: SINGLES: Che A rhian Seng 15-2. 7-0 ißetired): Ciie Tinmun beat Yeo Kirn Siok
    125 words
  • 52 12 Hongkong Helps Flood Victims HONGKONG* Aug. 27. (Reu-ter-AAP). The Hongkong .Jockey Club today cave £500 to the fund opened by the British-owned South China Morning Post for the Devon flood victims. The response to the newspaper's appeal to '"all whc know and love Britain and its countryside" is nearing tiu
    52 words
  • 43 12 IN THE semi-finals of th< Kerala Samajam badmintoi tournament played at thi Singapore Badminton Hall las night, the Jansen Rangers de feated the Friendly Badminton 4-1. The finals will b< played at the Stadium oi A ig 31 at a p.m.
    43 words
  • 8 12 I HI m by Ha IN
    8 words
  • 374 12 Youth Boxing For Future World Tests By KF.N JALLEH. StaMbtd Si 1 i;,,,,, TTffi HUM ...anl. M I l 1 lion m international boxing champion* been, made l>> the Singapore \t flssociation. \i Council neetins f .I >\B\ resolved HI Imnl an annual k'oatli menl open lo all m Mala>a
    374 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 101 12 Ut MALAY- TALKING FILM IN \NSCO-TIXHNi >uiitli I a-1 \-i i i ilni < i»ni|»a moM .vis!):'. Mli I Prinsipe mi GKI ITESI I M "v PR F.MILRI! AT GARRICK Sjl: 30-8-^ai: Jn -A. V_^# r £#6AGf*l£*r SILVA4wA^ S.MI6H STRUT, SIMCAPWt Tti 7 3 ~^slEy lsjTti on a l
      101 words