Singapore Standard, 22 August 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
  • 17 1 Singapore Standard <f I/I. T3b VOL. 11l NO. 51 FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1952. 12 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS
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  • 786 1 Village Given Four Days To Name Killer -jo P N AN Thur The entire population of 19 families °'ii Z n P eo P le of the Federation's newest "murder village Permatang Tinggi m Province Wellesley about 20 miles from Penang were today given a
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  • 38 1 le I 1 ea I er pi ice rai ge v f] •■■< as will be re- met of 1 r rninou. i 2 rose? A -te er s we i report 1 city 0/ 4
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  • 44 1 i v. Moon Zulhijjah v.«> sighted last m?ht at •nit I ibei hv a delegation Hi- -Nin^.tpore Chief Ihi ii Bd Mi The > h jilted 7.08 p.m. .i,-.j!i^ tliat Hari Rava ir v ill be celebration 1 both m Singa- Dm I
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  • 165 1 Village's Evil Record I HERE is the evil record of Permatani; Tin 4 i since February this )ci f ji s detail ed by (ien. Templer to the villagers today: FEB. 'I: A Chinese contractor was murdered near the village. His murderer*, passed through the outskirts of the village hut
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  • 26 1 Xt-.v 4 f ilities for .md air be available n m Britai i. T iese schemes which were suspended late IT. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 182 1 TWO MEN, one armed with a revolver, held up a cigarette distributor's van at Woodlands, Singapore at about 1.15 D.m. yesterday and made off with SfJ.OOO m cash and cheques. The va;i belonging to Chop Kunng Guan Hin and Co. pi Bukit Timah Village was held up
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  • 20 1 Reuter Dr Kurt Schumacher, aged 57 West German Soci ilisi leader, died m Bonn on Wed- nesday night.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 15 1 A NEW contingent of Turkish soldiers ha* arrived ta South Korea. Reuter- A A P
    Reuter-AAP  -  15 words
  • 146 1 KTIALA LUMPUR. Thurs T^ member <>f a 12-man patrol Jr i II I 2 llurkhas have been, killed aid «sht wounded, some 1 "theni serious! v m an mnter with e ;in of tet rorSts m lb« Kota TinMi area r Johore. Two of
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 1 TORRENTIAL rains have ravaged l.vnmouth. a mm side resort on the north roast of Devon. A. P. photo ihows a swollen tributary poms down the hillside into the town. Furniture lies irhere it settled as the spate ol flood waters subsided. Wrecked cars flop wearily after their battering.
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  • 21 1 President Sukarno on Wednesday afternoon received m audience British CO'Vunissiouer General for BfiUth-»Eait Asia, Mr. Mdlcjan MacDunald. Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 374 1 FROM Sept. I, the Singapore price of Government rationed rice will be five cents per katty more than at present. This will cost the Colony public an extra $1,000,000 monthly for their main food. Employers of large] labour forces were con- cerned
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  • 199 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Thiirs. Three terrorists. for whose capture the Government nat ottered Sfi.soo apiece, were among the five killed by Security Forces yesterday. Three other bandits were wounded and one was captured. The Bi anch Commit 1 1 Membei to ha killed j tei dij was
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  • 173 1 Tempter Bouquet For New Village AFTER delivering H* ultimatum to tii< i old "rran <irr (Tillage*' Pc Itang Tinggi yestei daj 11 High Commissioner, Gen Sir Gt'iald Templet wen\ on i the Pei tnatang Ti Mew Village, only tew J;;;:;<i! Ed \\iV(\ I 11--; m ontra ed out bouquets to
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  • 59 1 S'pore Gift To UK Flood Sufferers Xirol I. p, n to tlw try <>i States I'M nies: "Would you please r the people oi Lynmou others nrho rece ;i sympthy ol i Singapo .11: Of r S i n i H I ii<- $inga.porr Standard will receive and arknowledc' nations
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 83 1 PI R M ir iffh^H g£WL f£t* lf4 Ot^t^* V SHEAFFER3 7mS\ clotting, clogging and corJs^> rosion used tc y t l° m co^ly repoift oi complera yjNT replocement. Skrip never TT clots or clogs olwoyi How. pToTed Y the finest^ tofest Flush youi pen with woter, then refill with
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    • 45 1 IOOKFO« T^ GRE£N BUTTO« OIL" LAMP R^prescntativrsr W.O. THI KSTON CO. Singapore A X lumpur i H i it>v Si hi ft ft* A iEftitihii' O/ni mum iito>i'i»*.s titnn' ft* hi'ut 1 GarrarD AUTOMATIC RECORD CHANGER Models Available: Electrical Department Gtiut Sincks GIAN SMNGH Co(lTD.|
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  • 319 2 Photo. Urges Central Fish Market, Store Facilities Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPORE is twenty-five years behind m its fish marketing system, said Dr. C. F. Hickling, Fisheries Adviser to the Colonial Office yesterday, on completion of his fireweek tour of Malaya and Borneo. Dr. Hickling left
    Standard  -  319 words
  • 41 2 JOHORE BAHRr. Thurs.— A charge of attempting to commit suicide by drinking washing soda was preferred against 17-year-old Tay y,- Tho. m the Police Couii today. The girl is at present m hostal re reiving treatment
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  • 44 2 A TELEPHONE caller who gave his name as Ten .Jeng to the Singapore Radio P i< c informing them of an affray at Chulja Street, is asked to contact In pc rtor Cecfl Chang at the Marine Police, Cavanagh 3: ge.
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  • 271 2 SPORE EDUCATION SERVICE Standard Staff Reporter TIIF Singapore Government's acceptance m principle ot the proposals ot the Public Services Commission tor a Singapore Education Service will be an incentive for the risht type of young: men to join the teaching profession, said Mr. Thio Chan
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  • 85 2 40,000 Bldg. For Jo hore Boys Club ►RE B \:>\i" trs. n ..table pren 1 been dr.r. p in coni with Soci; Wel- S ipore, f ernmem An-hi: I Johore. at led cost »r the proposed InBoya :b for ■re Bahru. at ion of this dub nsored i\v Mr. Chiei
    UP  -  85 words
  • 33 2 •TOHORF P, rs.— nan ■ed tri. Police Court she was taving secretly body of a dead S*.-oe Lan Estat con- I h birth. She I OC m ng
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  • 28 2 TWO rases of urban typhus were reported m Ipoh while one cast- of scrub typhus was reported m Chernor for the weekending Autf. ltj. i
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  • 241 2 St ind.ird Staff Reporter FOR the first time m the history of the University of Malaya a course of social studies will be offered to warn students for genera social work including youth leadership, industrial relations, almoninc and work m the New Village*, the Australian
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  • 271 2 Poor response to the 'white stick 2 BLIND MEN TAKE h JOURNEY Standard Staff Reporter THE majority of Singapore people are apparently not yet aware that a "White stick' carried by a man is a sign that he is blind. For when two blind men, Mr. Reuben Jacob and Mr.
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  • 397 2 GIRL FRIEND PULLED HIM, SAYS INSPECTOR Birthday Road Tragedy A Singapore Police inspector, Ronald Arthur Lawrence, who was driving the cor m which his girl friend was killed, told the Coroner yesterday that his girl was resting her heed on his shoulder with her arm around him when suddenly she
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  • 152 2 THE SINGAPORE Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. L. B:ythe. I has written to the Singapore Trade Union Congress asking them to appoint two representatives to meet the Commissioner for Labour to disj cuss two '"objectionable" paragraphs m the T.U.C. 's constitution. Tiii 1 matter arose
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  • 86 2 TWENTY-YEAR-OLD Ram Das ,:d fitted m the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday thai he claimed a pair of sharkskin trousers which did not belong to him. from a dry cleaners shop m Hi.i Street. The Court was told that Rain Das c':d not produce a
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  • 98 2 THE water supply m areas stretching from the Singapore Turf Club and Maadai may- be affected when some repair work will be tarried out on the JohoreSingapore water pipeline next Tuesday. Houses situated on high ground within these areas may experience a reduction m pressure between
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  • 246 2 —So Lawyer Is Acquitted A FEDERATION lawyer was acquitted m the City Police Court yesterday when it was found that there appeared to be no law m Singapore to prevent cars registered m the Federation from earning any number of people into the
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  • 24 2 A film entitled "Gadis Dem" was shown at tr.e Lido Theatre at Kota Bahra yesterday m aid ol the Ktlantan Welfare Fund.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 74 2 V^^B Br^|3 ByM^ E?^ "ss?w'^' „>" < mmiii iTTjM»cjiT7T7nT7; i t r i j m i r r^:~^~~ ■-■Jf-" c^ t*f6*iM &8 mm FILMS i I UNWANTED HAIR I1U( HO XIKH .No. I and then if TKfCHO WkTUL NO. 2 is i->e<J hair r.jots die] atid hair growth stopped j
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 75 2 f^j C'MOH.MIRACiX.r^^ GIT DRESSED, U'L ABMER-AN'QO ON NORE I f^OW, THEY HAS Yll ABNEft£^ P lT SFE^^ i UAPQCJLIf^Lr^I^/ t^^ MOON rf w mae,evrv I both qrowcd cc S«f^^ PMnhXi^ig*^^ DOGfATCH rAMBLV«CfTTAHAVEA < I OP. SOTAKE IT AN' A7 rS Vy^ll 2£* P^ 7°^a^ I.Z I ►UN-MAP^W JIWBIV f©«^TCM HAM.
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  • 313 3 Make Police Your Career, Youth Told Standard Staff Reporter THERE are 100 vacancies for inspectors j m the Singapore Police Force, Mr. R. W. 1 Calderwood, Assistant Commissioner of Police (Training and Personnel), said last night when he spoke at the V.M.C.A. m one of a
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  • 131 3 Battle Of The Tractors Goes On mI M.iff K< nrt'T „m otion of allowtors with trailers to r public reads m ll areas of Sinua- I- lengthily discus- 1 :!i»- Singapore Rural v monthly meeting J H J Godber. un- j that for ast *»>en ra on J per- c
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  • 132 3 S\n \MIH r A>'( T. had i<> stnnmoned to the Sinsap. < ity Poli-. c uui t d.iv to take a Chinese iii to the fof u'lit-iit on the testnictMMS Magistrate, Mi. X J I I !i? w omjji. Ns Ci w «'<* Khr hi
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  • 48 3 UVI ICATIOIfS Io? 1952 > 5 -:i"iarsh ps Bnd Telpa nisi be sul kitted i) rector i I Educal P.O. B x 748, Singa >'- j 31, 1952, on I i tamed from the n I Bdu Fitth i Pullertoo B l> i a Govern neni press
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  • 212 3 PROPOSAL to supply fresh water to some inhabited islands around Singapore was brought up yesterday at ihe month!) meeting of the Singapore Rural Board. Inclu m the prop there ai c ib i! 600 people A suggestioi tit* to send the 1
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  • 209 3 Standard Staff Reporter nil Singapore Kmal Board yesterday agreed to t more liberal policy when dealing with the 1 rasing ol eatUesbeda m the rural area. i At it> m m meting, it was pointed tu^r the owners of the sheds bad been ordered
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  • 80 3 STOPPED by VSC Sgt. Chan Eng Guan at Kampong Java Road, a labourer, Govinder Singh, tried to bribe the police officer with $3.50. m the Singapore Thud District Courr yesterday, G winder of Newt m R »ad, fined $500 for offering the bribe and $20 tor
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  • 149 3 THE Singapore Rural Board, at its meeting yesterday. agreed to bear the cost of repairing a private road running between Tanah j Mereh Besar and Wing Loong Road, because it was being used frequently by the public. The road is used by bathers who picnic
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  • 49 3 CHE Isahak Abdul Hamid, Kelantan State Information Offtcer for the iast tour years, win be leaving Kota Bahru for i Kuala Lumpur at the end of the month to be attached to the headquarters of the Department. Che ZulkihV from Ipoh has arrived to sutveed him.
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  • 22 3 AN OFFICFR attached to G.H.Q., FARFi.F. yesterday reported to the police the loss of a spare mo. or car wheel.
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  • Article, Illustration
    79 3 Mr. Harold Noble. SouthEast Asia correspondent for the Saturday Kvenins; Post, arrived m Singapore by air from London yesterday, accompanied fov bin wife, and nine year old daughter. Joyce. He plans to make Singapore his headquarters during his two-year stay here. Mr. Noble was the Post correspondent m Japan immediately
    Standard  -  79 words
  • 343 3 Standard Staff Reporter I' B fa no S D J v •»m iter tel< vi lion, w Wch wi be i qteciaJ Ual ire al the Eai a Court, i odon, Radl i Exhibition nexl month. •h )u!d not be succi
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  • Article, Illustration
    66 3 MR. VERNON C. Palmer (27), a broadcasting assistant attached to Radio Malaya (Recording Programme Section) who will leave Singapore by air for London on Au§. 29 on a special training course at the BBC. Mr. Palmer has been with Radio Malaya sine*' 1945. and was a former pupil of the
    Standard  -  66 words
  • 121 3 A SHOP assistant, Neo Lay, Sin (25). was sentenced m the Singapore First District Court i yesterday to 18 months' rigorous imprisonment for unlawful possession of a terrorist docul ment entitled "Nationalism is the spirit" and written m j romanised Malay. Neo was stopped by
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  • 67 3 WITH IX a week there have been two cases of far thieves operating m the Robinson Road area. In one instance, hooks and cloth were Lifted from an unlocked car. In the second case, the thief riot only broke open the front door of a Locked
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  • 112 3 Princess Elizabeth Estate THE Singapore Rural Board yesterday approved the operation of a new bus service between the Princess Elizabeth Estate at the 9th mile, Bukit Timah Road and Queen Street. r~ The buses will be run by the Green Bus Company and will serve
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  • 171 3 MR. K. M, ENGELMANN, immediate past president of the Singapore Rotary Club who was spending a holiday m Sydney. Australia. with his wife, died yesterday of a heart attack. The news was cabled immediately to Mr. Engelmann's firm. The Malayan Wire Mesh Co.. Ltd., by Mrs.
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  • 113 3 Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPORE watch thieves have a new method of operation. On Wednesday, a Chinese walked into a shop m North Bridge Road with a watch for repair. Another man then walked m and "advised" the first one to buy a new watch
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 310 3 i r Ready-to-serve treat J -D i 1 1 1 1 Hetnz Vegetable Salad m Mayon- 1 1 is a dd^hrfu! mixture of choice j y vegetables, diced, cooked and blended \i with Heinz delicious Mayonnaise it cahhccnedhv.^df^horsduvu.rrs, I > with lettuce and othcj greens as a co«. <(
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 84 3 ff > OH OH OOP HERE IT CQMKS AN ATTACK Jf*' fcJQ^jfrfcJ fOH .YOU'LL SUKVIVL I Hfj M hAJK y uftKfW AWKIGH I UVfc W WTV. TS^W^k 131 IM WicrE BY MAWON'S BUMSI I'VE /^BUT MY^^Bl »^HT. I'M TH' ONL I Btl |li TH>6 ib TH' bND <* Th/ j
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  • 636 4 Standard Staff Correspoiident PENANG, Thur. Making his defence before Mr. B. G. Smith m the Sessions Court today the former Penang Branch Manager of Shriro (China) Limited, R. A. Coulson-Gilmer, who is charged with criminal breach of trust of $6,152 said that he gore
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  • 77 4 MALAYA'S three-man delegation to the London meeting of (he International Rubber Group returned to Singapore by Qanftas-BOAC yesterday. Pictured above are Dato Onn bin Ja'aiar, Federation Member for Home Affairs, right and Mr. Khoo Teik Ec, chairman of the Rubber Producers' Council. Mr. Oscax Spencer. Member for
    Standard  -  77 words
  • 211 4 Xl ALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Fifty thousand acres more will be added to the Federation's increasing acreage for padi cultivation when all irrigation works under the Tanjong Karang scheme are completed by the end of this year. The Director of Drainage and Irrigation m the Federation.
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  • 266 4 Is He A Federal Citizen? Boy Who Was 17 Months In China Standard Slaff Correspondent SEREMBAN. Thurs.— A comnittec ot inquiry the first of its kind m Negri Sembikm sat today to hear evidence and make recommendatioßS to the Huh Commissioner as to whether a certificate of Federal citizenship granted
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  • 201 4 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. ThursL— Mr. Justice Wilson at the High Court today reserved judgment m a civil suit m which jE. Vettyveiu. a 54-year-old j Indian clerk of the Malayan I Railways claimed S 15.460 dami ages for injuries sustained m la motor
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  • 57 4 tPOH, Tfrars.— A man who claims to be 114 years old is to give an exhibition m calligrai phy. He is Mr. Yong Chao« !L-it'n who hails from Szechuan Province, West China. MISS MONICA 11OZARIO. a former strident of the Kuala Lumpur Convent, who has been selected
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  • 289 4 Standard! I Xl A U Ml'l K. i" ti M, D relary ol lh«- (iitcrn;i!i«>iial < <>ni< <i. ralion u\ Unions, lo«la> Hodprd a q tuition could rail on workers m bnrrtra f<» »o on Mn strike vitl» mMwr iwrkcra m Malaya ihout* <!. vrlop
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 4 KONG C.IAP alias Chan? Kv. \ip (,j.. h platoon commander of No In iui »> Communist Terrorist Armed six killed by the 2 10 Gorki Johore last uefk end Bcferc Lh Emei < n was a rontractor on the Pwliew I j On< pictured ab<ive with a friend Ihc <
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  • 109 4 Warns Of Red Int fi ltration KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— "We will win the shooting war againsi militant Communism nmi I hope soon but that will not necessarily mean the end ol the struggle." said Mr. W. C. S. Corry. British Adviser, ParuiMg, when he spoke on world ronditions today to
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  • 38 4 MANG Siew .Tun who was found to be moving m."rr ne and cigarettes out of Pent?:; ''an Bukit Estate, a restricted area, was fined $50 by the Muar Magistrate Tuan Sheikh Abdul Rahman h.n Abu Bakar.
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  • 39 4 Hong Seng Kong a sawyer emp lined by Ho Lim Sawmill. T:»ntrkak. who .sustained injury to his finger while working m the sawmill on May 31 this year has been awarded $7680 under the Workmen* Compensation Act.^
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  • 303 4 PENANG, Thtirs. The hope that before the year :s out free ■ehelarshipg would be made availably to ex-Servicemen to enter the Trade School, the Technical College and the Agricultural College m kuala Lumpur *a* ex preyed by Mr. H. B. van Praagh. president of
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  • 39 4 Villagers W ant Housing Scheme PENANG. Thui Tl <• Lerrba v X..: 1 i k Tokoni! (ViHaue Cbu •<•■ I Tanjong tokongl < the < airman of the Rural B<- I interview 'o discuss t i for a housing Tanjong Tokn:. g t
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  • 31 4 KOTA BAHRU I" found :>*. X I Botana. Tumpat to have kiiicd to regisU i identit card wit I p pre«crilw i period Saltch bin M a Qi $150.
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  • 150 4 Two Men Chea ted A Merchant Of $5,000 'KUALA LUMPUB, Thui>. 1«», rh.-aiiuj: a Chfwur merchant from TanjMUj Karanii oi 5.~>.000. i\%<» (.lim<**'. Lee Ah Bah and \*j KwtT fVnjr. WW« Imlm romirtrd Uy ihf President of the Kuala Lumpur ScMiniM (;<»url. Mr. J. G. Adams. :uu\ fined $ZfiQQ m
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  • 47 4 Mission To Malay a KI'ALA T.l'\lP''R Thur.-. Mr. P. Kungat, St retury the uiteniationaJ Ctmttdrrztion of Free Tnuic Unioof aounoed hew today ihat t. [CFTi: would K«d out a Iwo man survej miasion to Mm m Noverahi i to mate a &r band stu<% t/2 wuikeiV pr^-
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 4 photo. After General Templer bad. lssued his ultimatum information or detention t > the people of Permatang Tinggi, he travelled a lew hundred yards to a New Village wh.'ch has been open since Ju!y. He wished the New Villa tfers 4 *i;ood Luck" and *aid i wanted to make New
    Dept. of Information  -  53 words
  • 13 4 Exams For NS Police Clerks tnd SEREMBAN the Exa. I The the D
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 129 4 NESPRAY POWDERED [W I LX. The purest, richest, full-cream milk with only the water extracted. Your grocer sells Nespray -milk m its most convenient form MADE BY NESTLES FAMOUS THE WORLD OVER FOR MILK PRODUCTS hfiiH THE BULL POO ANT JM^^ Suspended by its feet on Australian Buifdog Ant can
      129 words
    • 78 4 FACT A j Srtx Bed I This is m >i Mtei Mi.. m h,.'. lias been ci.M iiiti< <I nul •it- il the h m -1 ni'.vfinfiit. i n ouufl shafl iv- „t n ;»m< ,u;iif murarrt Ha* >P« terajw mri W» iit-t. .< J ..I BMM M hiiilini ;i
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  • 113 5 VACCINATION THE island-wide vaccination campaign which entered its second day yesterday saw more i people taking advantage of the trtv treatment. A total of 3,540 people were vaccinated yesterday m the City area as compared with 2.239 on Wednesday. In the Rural area 3 824 were vaccinated
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  • 70 5 NG KIM KOCK, was charged m the Singapore First Police Court yesterday with riding an unnumbered bicycle suspected to have been stolen or fraudulently obtained, foi which he could not give a tory explanation at Fpper Weld Road on Aug. 20. He was also charged with
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  • 410 5 ANT TO BE A HANDWRITING EXPERT? A SCIENTIFIC experiment with handwriting to find oat to what extent the average writer is able to alter deliberately certain features m bis writing, was started over Radio Malaya last night by Mr. A. C. Brooks, Director of
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  • 27 5 THE Sultan >>'■ Kelantan rmd Tengku Seri Maharaja. Acting Mentn Besar, have returned to Kota Bahru after attending the Rullers 1 Conference at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 105 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. During July, 49 societies were registered bringing the total at the end of the month to l.y.T.'i with a total membership of 808,569. There were 571 societies with a membership of !)2,18.'^ given exemptions from registration. Applications for registration from 508 societies
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  • 66 5 A DIXXER was given by the various communities m Kmn; m m honour oi Cne Wan Abdul Aziz bin Ur:£;ku Abdullah, who La 2,0in% on transfer shortly to Temerloh: Che Mahmud bin HJ. Omar, Police Inspector, \v v > is going to U.K. on .study leave; Tuan Haji
    66 words
  • 256 5 s|\(;\POKF MilMatiom liable t<> louti shedding today: CMtsvertb R«l Peiroe Kd gommrnllte Kst.. l.wdon Rd.. ittorla Ik.. NaMlni hrn. IJa|noraJ k.i Dalvey Kd P«t'«>»» IM <.t World. Ho lIOIIK Oil Mills. \U-\. Im inerator, ItH-k Kd Malayan A A.n.t. Breweries! DletbeTm To.. Ta»£lui Kd Alexandra Kd. h
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  • 395 5 'Purge Bad Elements In Public Services' KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Backing allegations of corrupj tion m the Public Services, Mr. Tan Tuan Boon, President of the Federation Government Officers Division II Association today said that "a purge of undesirable elements may be necessary m the public interest." PERAK v. as invaded
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  • 132 5 Fund Donations Reach $2 Mil KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Provident fund contributions from workers all over the Federation for last month totalled about S2! million. This total was likely to increase as more contributions for that month were coming m, Mr. F. A. Nichols, accountant attached to the Provident Fund Scheme
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  • 194 5 A DAY after his arrival tn Singapore from London, Dr. j Victor Purcell, British expert on Chinese affairs m Malaya visited squatter areas m three different sections of Singapore. Me was accompanied by his political adviser, Mr. Francis Carnell. Early m the morning, Dr. j
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  • 188 5 They A ll Wan ted His Flat PERHAPS the must troubled man m Singapore yesterday was Derek Coopec, Radio Malaya Announcer. At least 600 people converged on him both m his~office and at his residence, either personally or over the phone. They all wanted his three !)>• Iroom furnished fial
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  • 71 5 MR. MM YKW HCK X P deni >■ the Si gapore La bour Party told The Standard last night that I c memorandum submitted to I committee representing 2,275 Labour Part/ members wiil be discussed at the Party's general council meeting tomorrow. The memorandum waa sent
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  • 68 5 Family Taken To Hospital A CHINESE f imi y of e.«V. people m Tampenii Road were removed to hospital m an^buiance yesterday evening vhen they were found Buffering frooi giddiness and i u-h. The Stand ird irai told thai they \rjd used r cooking writer fro i v. el i
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  • 58 5 M KGC 1 i. Co v i have ■•4- eed to I i] i ships a course a1 the j c bnical C •>;>,;<-. Kua a I. <mpui one every three eart— <• i senior student through the Senior Inspect jr i .s. Malacca. Preference
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 162 5 POIM OF A THOUSAND DANGERS' I}^> A Pricelesf Idol &u4 toWs Their Uves L\&/k\ ln lts J w *l«<i Hands! i"lr,.(!i,, m- h\\\^ \\<. Hi I#00U00 it it 00 11 <*t Mi io\i0 m n B! \CI ASSIGNMENT TOO I>\Kl\«..: \«> risi rob 1 uiinn i\!. M Era un Vl
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    • 214 5 lU4U fliCJlMiil V#> V/#o#/f #i s^^B^^ (TlLllKAlMlsHlllloMMill \K H Cripple ■H dreeK fl iW I "4 11 mV^^^H mmW. GEORGE MONTGOMERY Karin Booth Jerome Courtland William Bishop Plus f A "3 STOOGES" COMEDI TOMORROW MM li: fj Swashbuckling captain lg^ o/ r/ c;yv/' o/" rogues 5 B^B the PIRATE S
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  • 717 6 n very popular subject for discussion. It is one < the 'strong points m the platforms of political parties. It is something we hear so much it, but s ich, alas, sc few know much. The be thoroughly grounded m the 1 nsibiln- If-rule entails. One of
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  • 1208 6  - Malayanization Of The Civil Service ALEX JOSEY MflLflYfllM AFFAIRS By Sooner or later if Malaya is to become a self-governing nation made up of all ihe communities here, the Malayan Civil Service must be open to all and 4 not reserved only for Europeans and Malays as is the policy
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  • We the PEOPLE
    • 359 6 Sir: I hasten to answer the statements made m a letter appearing m your issue Aug. 18, by Mr. Tang S g rluat. Chairman of the Havelock Estate Community Centre: 1. I am a Progressive Party member but please te that the Association will not be
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    • 539 6 Sir. The Company's statement to the Press was interesting to the members of the Union. It appeals that the 60 pany wants to shunt the defaults to the Union's side and such a statement will only force the Union to disclose actual facts that
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    • 246 6 Sir: I have read with great interest m one of the local pap< rs with the heading "Health Officer 'Dist ourteous' to XL Councillors" ar)d I agree entirely with the retort made by Mr. Douglas K.K. Lee. 1 gather from what the SeJangor H.O. said. the shortage
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    • 281 6 Sir; An event of farreaching significance was commemorated very recently, namely, the centenary of the arrival of the Christian Brothers of the de La Salle Order m Malaya. The impact of the cultural and moral education fostered by the Christian Brothers on the Malayan mind since
      281 words
    • 190 6 Review of View Food Policies THE food policies of the Singapore and eral Governments should be free from. tradict the Sin Chew .I.t Pt)h commented eriitori- yesterday. The paper said that on the problem of rice, there has been consistent i ilarity between the two Governments; but on the question
      190 words
  • 241 6 T ONDON, Auff. 20.— The slurs on the i Malayan Chinese were refuted m a i letter to the Times this mornint. Answering Friday's letter by Lady Clementi. the London i correspondent of The Singapore Standard 1 wrote: "Your indignantly pro Malay corres- pondent. Lady
    241 words
  • 13 6 •T» s v' 11,.,,: Shame la i.tki i on »u< li \<>\ <
    13 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 43 6 SOLI AGENTS THE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO., LTD. i lih .>n>or.itrd m Singapore > PO. BOX 92- SINGAPORE. THE TOMEY ORGANISATION JOSEPH TOMEY SONS LTD. Pre« v c Gouges. E ure ko Hercules Gauge Glosses Vacuum Gouges. Eureko Hercul.s Glass Cylinder* CATHEtINI STREET. ASTON. BIRMINGHAM.
      43 words
      10 words

  • 336 7 Move To Curb Rioting And Mounting Unrest TEHERAN, Aug. 21. —The government yesterday reimposed martial law m Teheran and suburbs for one week to combat mounting unrest and rioting which included Communist attacks on two American military men m 24 hours. Radio Teheran, making the
    336 words
  • 134 7 1,000 Ruined At Lyn i)MK)N \w I Remer).— month, wrecked sea urt nt) ccstrc of ml Somerset bodies of its .mil boiidaj makers jvt urrkend's ft baTe now All but have be n identified. -i of miss m a; b«* d ,i has hrrn It 11 but a supple list
    134 words
  • 8 7 i is uM- nal copy.
    8 words
  • 210 7 WASHINGTON, Aug. 21: (Reuter)— The United States Council of the International Chamber of Commerce today called for a wider opening ol the American dollar market for European goods. I .Co mcll s Chairman, Mr. G< rge Sloan, said: "A considerable increase ol imports into
    210 words
  • 65 7 IPOH. Thura A total of 71 turn- ping day on the nd day o? recruiting for the ation Regiment lese 36 ere i ejected on cal and educational grounds the 15 taken 9 were Malays, 4 Indians and two Chinese.' a. id the day after
    65 words
  • 40 7 THE C -in-C, Far Easi Air Ma x L returned, to i nangi yesterday by air from Hongkong after a two-day visit. -x tn Aug. 1R carri- s. infantrymen as fording a kni leep >,-. K',..*^:. Four b"' es
    40 words
  • 48 7 SAIGON. Aug. 21 (UPI French forces rushing u> the rescue of an outpost m Tv. ><" besieged by Red rebels 25 miles west ol Mimol m Eastern Cambodia, fell into a Vietminh ambush and lost 15 killed and 13 wounded, a French military communique said today.
    48 words
  • 75 7 \v VSHINGTON, Aug 2! (Reuter> A report on alleged monopolistic practices m !he world <nl industry, suppressed for a year alter the State Depa tmenl said it might have had dipiomatic effects, has been partly rephrased for publication shortly, a Senate sub-committee d today. Dr Walter Adams,
    75 words
  • 65 7 NEARLY 10.(t00 people m Walsall (Staff i on Tm-sday watt-lied 23 -year old Vl« X 'vet diw*' alier speiHM"? 31 *-\rn hours t*Kh9* m »>€ fop barrel. He claimed «urlil pole equalling refor*. Becvei «>aid he accepted a <liallin>re from a restaurant proprutor to l»r«*ak llif American
    Mirrorpic  -  65 words
  • 113 7 T1IF! former Miss Mary Martha San-yin F<>. Imericanborn, of llongkonu. married Kenneth K.n-vin Chan, eldest son of Doctor S. hau. a member of Hongkong's Legislative Council, at St. George's Church, Hanover Siju.ire, London, Aug. 15. The bride a Westernstyle fown of heavy silver «-.itin for the
    113 words
  • 112 7 LONDON, Aig 21 (AP): B. ::;i::/ I u& clea ed i iming !'J >c;i!e n t; ith Eijypt designed ig 1 ichy count I d i ed Middie Easi nee allia Two moves announced by the Yoe gn Office I I ied to please
    112 words
  • 88 7 11 0 N G X O N G, A iff. 21 ti AAP): Mi A B Haw, millionaire Cl P ier and businessman, <■< ied here today i supd aid to iuo Japai i bu.< r»f<iomic relations with South-1 H as compietei eport that h< had
    88 words
  • 180 7 WASHINGTON, Aii*. ti P) riesld€»l Trvrnaa said today that Governo! idUJ Str\cnM>n 1111 M run lor president m the record of the Roosevelt and Truman administrations Th T v lan told I i txmference, i l i^ I) :at tc Pai had The P lent c
    180 words
  • World News Flashes
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 136 7 Walayan airways^^ ANNOUNCE A FURTHER INCREASE IN SERVICES SARAWAK and NORTH BOR^IO WITH EFFECT THURSDAY 21st. AUGUST THikE WILL BE 5 SERVICES EACH WAY PER WEEK T Wednesdoys b Eriduys. Vondoyi fir Thursdays. 1 u«saoys. 3n Uf S.ngopor. 0630 hr. DIP. S.n«opor« 06 0 hr. v X^ hins Kuching Kuching
      136 words
    • 114 7 RUBBER, TIN CLOSING PRICES Sfondord London Correspondent LONDON, Aug. 21 The following ore the closing prices of rubbci end tin on the London A^orket todov LONDON RUBBER LONDON UN Spot 26 d. spof5 pof f9£2 pit ton buyers, Sept 25. d. 9 £3 sl tM Ocr./Dec. 25.d Thrtt months £941
      114 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 54 7 •WTst ISN'TSLUGGO acoih LONESOME REMEMBERED-^ .rtP <^^"«- T^-^ JOINING YOU ImiS^u^ WITHOUT I MADE A I >t UK'C Sarfv for soup 7 so Auci HIM >^ Recording when CAPffJG -YJ TODAY fV mUCH j X u-^ HE DINED HERE 1 y\ a. J ill i i^ <^^^,^^^,^^^^^^^,^__ gt **^^\^e ig<
      54 words

  • 246 8 Passengers Will Benefit From P O Innovation Standard Shipping; Reporter THE giant 24,215-ton passenger-liner Chusan belonging to P and O has recently been fitted with a new type of funnel top, which ensures that no smoke horn her funnel will come over the deck, or prove to be a discomiort
    246 words
  • Article, Illustration
    57 8 Photo Siimapore-bound from Australia to join the anUfcerrorism campaign m Malaya is two-year-old Alsatian "Tinker" pictured aboard the Blue Funnel ship Orestes, which bs p<'(ted to arrive m Singapore at the end of this month. He's one of eight additional Alsatians and four Labrador* to be attached to the Army
    AP  -  57 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 625 8 -AST REGULAR TRANSPACIFIC SERVICE Ov«*rhtnd lehrfl I"- \iur!.-> \1! \m<Mir:m Cities, HUi| P, "N'h^m STyrt Air I. A SI. m of U:y Cargo Deep Tanks arJ passengei B :■■.-;> etc.. Agei ta ANGLO FRENCH BENDIXSENS LID. U spate S.'.'Sl 3 K. l.umpur 111. P. Slum 293. Mtlin .1 156.
      625 words
    • 769 8 CHINA NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Regular Sailings to China and Japan front Singapore, Port Swettenham Penang. Also direct Sailings from Bangkok and Indonesia to China Japan. Due Spore Due Penans From 'Pakhoi" Aug 23 Aug 26 Japan "Sxecbuen Aug. 30 Sept. Z Hongkwtg Sails Sails Sails Penang P. Sham Spore For
      769 words
    • 368 8 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS Royal Rotterdam Lloyd Holland-American Lin? NeoYrland Line Rotterdam Rotterdam Amsterdam HALIFAX. BOSTON. MEW YORK PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE. MOBILE NI W ORLEANS. Spore P. Sham Penang AMPENAN <RL) Gdn 33 34 29Ang t£ <u Sails?.^ 8 SIOIIKDYK (HAL) 3/7 Sept BSefri 9Sepl BANTAM (RL) 9 15Sept hi ITSepf
      368 words
    • 404 8 EAST ASIATIC Li SAILINGS FROM SCAMOfNA%|^ l l »l^ kok Salgoo Hongk g Kobp (X; Vf)k*^harriH gg M MEONIA" toi Bangkok "INDIA- toi Ban K kofc ron rloogkuog Manila X' be ft Vckohama I Kobe Yokohama 1 L A' \M»I FKOM IM'.A.N llOM.kon,, -ntODUCr toi Bangkok to v "BINTAN(i' For
      404 words

  • 60 9 US Freighter Breaks In Two LONDON, g Th* 1 j 19-ton s I v i m with Noi nker, Bjorgholnn n 1.7 2-1 Chnnnel. the crew were rescued from nearby Do ci d Ramsgat^, which the doomed h n and p erewmei; up aa she sank throe the crash. The
    60 words
  • 70 9 A rt 'P O nese tnar ru ppin| expert] b eavin Fo nosa on a tic. 28 for Japai i li r th Japanese shipping and na\ igatii i p iwa by Vu Fei peng. chairman c board f d rectors ot China Bferc umta
    70 words
  • 40 9 New Allocation For A viation PARIS, Au| 21 fcPl The Cab has decided to c a eiTOon.uoi) m bu U'- -M aa to prw enl beirii; slowed ■v *pped i:i rhe i ition factories during ie c I ;^e year.
    40 words
  • 46 9 HONGKONG \i 21 Sp« r i SI and< rd Service dosing prices on lb« Hongkong K\- {t tod \f t |15 89 to L'l sterling 56.***** to US$l: -1 838 I Malayan $1 3880 nan R:^ ih Gold -j 18 U25 to I M
    46 words
  • 40 9 THRF.F HUNDRED towns In :o central valleys of California arc beiiu ringed with clouds ol DDT and other chemicals by planes and land equipment to kill mosquitoes winch arc bl.imt -d for an outbreak ol sleepinf riddiess. AP
    AP  -  40 words
  • 174 9 Standard Market Reporter RUBBER prices ruled steady m the Singapore market yesterday at slightly below Wednesday's levels. Comparatively more interest was shown m the lower grades than m the previous days, presumably to meet 1 overseas orders. Small turnover of business was reported but trade was
    174 words
  • 63 9 AUSTRALIA had a deficit of A£57t>,000,000 biggest m her history En her b.-ilnnce o! payments during 1951-52. Falling ofl of wool exports and an increase m the value of imports were given as the main reasons for the fall m the bali unce of payments. Australia
    Reuter-AAP  -  63 words
  • 21 9 BUENOS aires sources say th it has bought 2:>.ooo tons of c:ist-iron from Japan at US. VJ3 per ton.— UP
    UP  -  21 words
  • 16 9 UP THE deadlocked trade nego-•ti-iions between Pakistan und jjap.'.ii may shortly be resumed.
    UP  -  16 words
  • 92 9 CONTROLS, restricting Jap ese exports to Hongkong, wil be alleviated. starting next month, it is Learned m Tokyo. At present, Japanese exports to the colony are subject to the same regulations that rule shipments to the Communist Chinese mainland. The Japanese Government p'f Icided to
    UP  -  92 words
  • 114 9 Pepper prices on the Singaj pore market have fluctuated I with m a range of $550 to £<;oo j per picu! for some weeks <Mun- tok white) with Lampong buck a1 *560 per picuL Small business has passed ,-n around these levels m the pasi j month and
    114 words
  • 91 9 Timber From Malaya Aids UK Save US j MALAYA i l^ among South I East Asian chantries which are assisting Britain to save ctollars by providing the country with wood m substitution for what previously was ob- f irioii from America The dipterocarp fiorests of i Malaya, which supply the
    91 words
  • 96 9 TOKYO. Aj£. 21 I M J Japan has D4>v\ Rationed about i i small, tightly -armed patrol cr:ift m tnr C;».st China Sea and the nort i' i iraters sep. rating Japanese ;ind R:: ia ie d is- (i Kj'odo Mewi Agency said today
    96 words
  • 51 9 DELEGATES ftn i 4: nations a i now meeting m Genera to work out ;i new if worldw£de copyright protection for [ai^hors. Toe OTFESCO ponsored I cojDference m expected to draw :>p i:f a convention to coordinate the Elturopean and Ami lean cooyrig) I ilenii
    51 words
  • 34 9 f ne Intel r.r*l tonal C U Ay. I '.„<»> Organisation meeting m Montreal v la i» world- .>. d Btl .uutiqn 0 ea afr aa\ Ffeatioß I .<! procedures bo aii > t R< iter.
    34 words
  • 35 9 MALAYAN K..'-:.^.- Banks' A ss« elation selli n ratei T.T./OD.) to verefaanti (pet $100 Malayan* are Be*j lan francs 1.618 and BoU den 12; i. Other r 1 tllPft ratal *t mtiia> unaltered.
    35 words
  • 148 9 PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 21 (AP) A new antibiotic, known as lio!\v:m, has shown encouraciaC results m a wid« variety of infections, research srletinst Dr. Robert Anderson teld tne Americaa PharmaceiltiCfi AiiOCiation yestertu# d»ug. uot yet available comme:vi;il!v, WU first found m 8 sample of soil Horn the Philippine
    148 words
  • 147 9 'No Tariff Complaint From Frd. Standard Staff Reporter FIVE Nateyai McfHi t\ re factories, dairninK !o have the capacity to meet all Iteal demands ha\ stopj>ed product inn. A ling manufacture r thai ':v-m:ul,--■re not i i From f tie e tactorfc Ft i of
    147 words
  • 104 9 Standard Market Reporter SINGAPORE, Thurs. The Malayan share market was firm m the industrial and tin sections, with fa:r activity recorded. Rubber shares continued neglected. Changed prices were: Buvfr? "filers Robin.-ion ft: Co Orri 3 57 3.67 Spore Traction Ords 12/- 13/VV. Hammer 2.27 2.35xd
    104 words
  • 72 9 MYXOMATOSIS has killed millions of rabbits m Australia but experts believe .successive! generations of the pesi will be; immune to the man-induced kilter. Minister m charge of the Com-i monwealtb Scientific and Incus- j tria Research Organisation, Mr. H G. Casey, has appealed to the
    72 words
  • 47 9 A GROUP of 121 top provincial Indian agricultural specialists will arrive m US today for *a two-month study >>f American farm extension methods. The visit is sponsored by the Ford Foundation whirh is supplementing the '"Point Four" programme m India.— AFP
    AFP  -  47 words
  • 250 9 By T. J. LIM, Standard Market Reporter DIFFICULT conditions are befng experienced m the produce market m Singapore which is passing through a period of inactivity on a declining market brought cout largely, traders say, by the lack of overseas orders and the uncertainty of
    250 words
  • 27 9 RED CHINA toothbrush manufacturers are using bamboo J for handles because they cannot obtain cattle boi>c< due to recent restriction on slaughtering. A P
    AP  -  27 words
  • 74 9 WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 (AP) —The Cordage Institute f America's plea for withdrawal of all trade agreement concessions on hard fibre eordJ ;.)>"' twines manufactures will b« beard on Der. 1. Under reciprocal trade :iE fi ments the duty is row L 5 per cent, of value.
    74 words
  • 30 9 THE lndo.-U S. trade hns n «n from Hs 1 .750 rmi!:u:: .wixis (US$367 million* m 194!)-">o to Us 4.200 million rupee* (USfttS ion) m 1951-52. AP
    AP  -  30 words
  • 73 9 (01 <>Mim lag. DP).— Japanese tapital t<*r iMdsdrial prajedf m v <>uili laH Asia will BOOH be .t v .iila!'!,. ulxn the .l.ip.iitrvi li.i nn-nt at fh<- next iessfea raieada rxlsti tag leglsl Kbor, id liilaro Uagaki, leaser sf U<< t— <iwill IBlJU'iasm ironi
    73 words
  • 39 9 THE national 'i lie ission at its sion m Ar. opening Sept. will rtmsidcr a proposal for agret I ards oi interc of c'< and mditi lv Lv ed most countries I i world- AP
    AP  -  39 words
  • 62 9 I Unem: amoni ugrant m A catest among w>se 'a:io c.ii!,.;. speak 01 understand English, according to an Canberra Departtneni r>l Laboui i Une-Tip ent among Australians is c mftmtJ largely to unskilled workers alder ers. t)c nple ith n!r tea d i abilities M «c vith
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 46 9 f totttte "weu f^' Trul> the most Mp-ro-dot« >« r cat of its class i j! Unsurpassed m riding comtoit Six months §u«r«nrc« t Ample stocks of soor«f o«d C^ tyres •voifoble. i MOTORS llD.«c HAI>O w. $.ngapo«. WEARNE BROS. ITP. www |fIW »p»s t s < A..vis
      46 words
    • 112 9 CI.OSINCi rubl»er prices (cent* per Ib m Singapore yesterday were Buyers Sellers No 1 Spot Loose F. 0.8 m bales Sept. No. 1 K.S.S. 864 861 No. 2 K.S.S. 81 XI! No. 3 K.S.S. 7<; 764 Tone: Very quiet. LONDON RUBBER Thursday's opening prices l>er Ib. were: No. 1 R.S.S.
      112 words
    • 155 9 V^ou K vo W r,,Ai IOMi n .i, ix it en ,Ym i**^* know you ran trust (Jictn utterly. B I .la i *,T youkfKKv?«*atilyby ins( pai partly from cxpericiu<-. With ii ->'"'*-^V quite iraiisparniJ. v «>u ,m »-pt i J^ t --r^ accepl [t is like that with Craven
      155 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 148 9 llyy SB SINGAPORE DIAR* i xi i■. I D. .1.1 CA Mi: Mtr^ta ENTERTAINMENTS < 11 am. i d m Ru f 1 45. 4 »i w j-.v .'llam 0 PROGRAMME i\i «-im; xpoki I KJ C 6 IS :r R UPS IN HAREOUR UN >ii\ i 4 2 M
      148 words
    • 118 9 «.XR«I>V INDONhsiVN kttWAYfl ARRIVALS "|V,,,V XN IM| WA»I KBVICEfI 0 ki.: m, tai i -> <!-.'■ ant a k X 'a' '-Ml. r v ;1 J^....> Lab riOM MXXX R r Hl X V^;,. n J ik m» "iVmuV a »««jai i mnxu i j Bangkok 4 m MALAYAN RAILWAYS
      118 words
    • 577 9 WEATHER REPORT an if. D a! Malayan lownr MINIMI M IKMPKKVH KB: 7 L i() Singapore (75« T^v> Lumpur PIJ Fr i K•■ Unnpui ■■< bia •■»>■; Kuantan SURFACE MAIL m.M>\mi,> ceyhw and Pat iv ;i:< only) at h a.m. by No rtstjernam: Sarawak icxcepi akki\.\|>: J-Kierahon oi \l.i'.r.,i V^.:o.s
      577 words

  • 1402 10  -  PETER ROBINSON a\ \im mi ni i \tA*:n photography By I(, MW. Fl <i >o o! .1 br< utt.f i I n!V m Ike luumls "i t: a,:i i* if hut. ctn-hiilv <if rw i oai »t will tavariaMj tai imi t Ike ultimat.- Qoalitj oi ike ■emthn
    1,402 words
  • 388 10 ~^EEDING no introduction to any -person, even remotely civilised, is that famous product of Ernest Leitz. the Leica camera. Some months ago m Pliotochat, when introducing Perutz film which was the first film ever to be made specially for a miniature camera. I told you how the
    388 words
  • 1265 10  -  Bill Webb Jones By AN ESTIMATED figure of one hundred and fifty thousand who uuid to see the British Radio and Television Exhibition at the Happy World is pretty good going:. It certainly reflects the great decree of interest displayed m these scientific marvels by the
    1,265 words
  • 891 10  -  ANACRSES WEEKLY MUSIC NOTES By WHEN SPEAKING to a friend the other day I was surprised to learn that he, an ardent Wagnerian, had not heard of the discovery last year of the score of Wagner's last opera m the washstand drawer of a small back bedroom
    891 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 82 10 Pyi e^^ ace off£rs you ■■^■•^■■■■■■i*^^^^^^" MUSIC RHYTHM RENDHZVOUS 'I Featuring r\ V^/,J THE RAY ANTHONY fWrSf^] ORCHESTRA .A jfijpj^ x i •\A an^ that singing roga _^y V^^V A M i PATT! PAG€ V t *{T "O 5 f f>t solid*, co" hined '^^X J N^'Vfe^* v firi^ er
      82 words
    • 377 10 i m I KIU OM KlRiifitt), j r.itm* Rl MIM I J■• i T I ir.r v 21 C \t.i i i v Dei 21— D i trrhtinine i. „i s CLASSICAL RECORDINGS B\ Iferaiag >!n\; H Maj i ime vi >n^v,\ ii irrii i < ohm i piano >
      377 words

  • 589 11 Good Times On Yielding Track By WINDSOR LAD Xl ALA LI'MPIR, Thurs— Variety Revue, Tulloh astride, did well to finish ahead of Academy Award (Jones) and Tahiti (Padek) m a testing spin at this morning's workouts of candidates entered ior Satur- day's races— the concluding day of
    AP  -  589 words
  • 555 11 By JIM CHAMBFKS LONDON, Aug. 21 (AP)— Surprising how quickly you tan get re-acclimatised to British sports after a month away from thrm m a place like Helsinki, isn't it. Here we are back m London m the d\hi£ days of a
    555 words
  • 206 11 Tulyar Is St. Leger Favourite LONDON. Aog. 1": (R«Uler) The ACT Khan's crack <«>lt Tulyar winner of the Epson Derby and his live other races this year, was made a 4 favourite for the DOBCastex St. Lefjer run on September IS at the first caBOTCr on the race held at
    206 words
  • 66 11 PARIT BUNTAR. Wed.— The Krian P.W.D Sports Union will be holding its second annual j athletic meeting on Sunday, at the puolic pa dung, Parit Buntar. he spi irts I co nmence 10..'{0 ;..m At .night fhe President and members of the S] orts T T nion bo
    66 words
  • 115 11 Xl fcNG, Tues.— The Kalanilyn Badminton Party beat the V.O.C. Sporti Club by .seven to Oil m a match played over the eek end. Results CKalanflya players meniioned ftrst). 9j ri; t s _s Mimianny bent X Suppiah 15-6, 11-5, 15-8 P. S. Maniam beat M. S.
    115 words
  • 358 11 KCALA LI MPIK, Thurs.— Weights for eight races on Saturday— the concluding day of the Selangor Turf Club's August Meeting are: Cl. 3—l] Miles Quicksilver DO3 Red Wolf Bto2 British Film B.l'--16 M M 8-1 Payenr 8.07 Winter Scone x.o(> Evergreen B.W Temujin 8.03
    358 words
  • 137 11 Ampon In Running For Title TOROXTO, Auk M 'AF j I Little Felicnno Anipun pi the Philippines stopped Canadian i Davi.s cupper Henri Rochon oi Montreal, ti-2, (i-l yesterday > I stay m tne running for the Canadian tennis championship. Dick Savitt and Art La. -sen. the two United States
    137 words
  • 76 11 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, Aug. 19, (AP).—^ Defending j Champion Billy Maxwell and the j 1950 winner, Sum Urzetta. were major upset victims m the first round of the U.S. National Amateur Golf Tournament yesterday. Maxwell was beaten at the 21st ho^e by Ira Grube Duke, a university
    76 words
  • 315 11 PARTI BUKTAR, Thur?.— Tin •oooe lawn <>" Kn:in In**" scored a creditable won when the? beal the Taiping Chinese Recreation Club by 3 poals to Z m a friendly muicl) played on the public padang yesterday. It was the Imi.. os 1 ft-ie dc^»ce Ibai tvaa t:iem
    315 words
  • 22 11 CLANG. Thu Entrii Klang Mala ■> > iun ton this y< d com g i secretary, 'i I iod Con Offia I.
    22 words
  • 54 11 \K a d Ml n D H 1 he htf c r 1 1 m 1 Hig.T plans to s* t IT f at H -r [14 potti i i !i c taking a R H and Dr. Cahn sat< 112 2 pom f on
    54 words
  • 28 11 Attempt To Offset Joe Walcott Bout VGO, A?: Maxim go tt li I bed 1 t would I i i lid it offset ano i :n. ■i B
    28 words
  • 12 11 Muslim New Year Sports at c it S I I C .1
    12 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 415 11 NOTICES uT"«'ITV (OIMIL X DKPARTMCNT J\ -ITPI.V ***** DOWN m (ONSIMIIKS rrlai mA n on 1 and I r Boad ab. I U ro I Road, R a Ptv' R ah Wai B ikh Ti lah Dun X i«d R I and R promises m pequested I epai ai tanks
      415 words
    • 462 11 MALAYAN BREAKS RECORD MELBOntNE, Aup 20 (Renter- A AP) a Malayan I n i versity student tonight broke the 20 -year-old Victorian bantamweight ri^ht hand snatch weightlifting record by one lb. after only two years training. He is T. K. Lai, 23, present \ktorian junior bantam weight champion. Tonight he
      462 words
    • 136 11 STANDARD CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RESULTS Only 50 cent; pet fine with c minimum charge of i 2- for 4 lines (approximating 20 shot t words) wiH enable you to place nod m The Singapore Stcndc'd (Daily Edition) imdw Situations Vacant, Wanted, Acr ommodation Vacant, For Sole, Miscell eous, pic. Box
      136 words

  • 250 12 PWD Win Cup Tie With Record Score Xl ALA LUMPUR, Iliurs.— On the Cheras Koad giwnd today Urn PWD scored a record m first division soccer m XL when trancing the SCAA by II I m the fir>t I A (up match. M put Hi) a \crv weak side, six
    250 words
  • 68 12 TOKYO. Au?. 21 (AP) Old Prince i i, the Empe. !»er bi > ts 1 tnese tgbv 1 earns to be si be kviour when the University is Fall. Chichibu. Preside I Japan Rugby Asso ition. advised the Jap eckle the visil s
    68 words
  • 100 12 THE wing c results of matches played last ni^ht m the Singapo c Table Tennis Association junior inter-club t >urnaChinese Printing W kers 1 Un beat J >Uilads Sporting Assn. 5 2 CYMA Golden beat Chinese Eng lee g Merchant (Yellowl 5 i Sing ip >re H
    100 words
  • 65 12 'Bang-Bang' Womber Beaten PORT CAWLJI WALKS Aug 21 (AP):— Danny "Bans Bang) W tmber ol Chicag lost a narrow decisi m m points last nighi to Cliff Curvis of s.. insea. the British and Empire Welterweight champion. Tiie crowd greeted the decision with cheers and boos Wonober did practically all
    65 words
  • 227 12 SYDNEY, Aug. 21: (Reuter A AP)— Dictation by the Rfaryleboue Cricket Clvb supreme body of British Test cricket was suggested m court here today as the probable reason for the Australian Board of Control's rejection of Sid Barnes after selectors had chosen him for Australia. T::e
    227 words
  • 92 12 Father^ whose sons are schooling overseas are invited to form a cricket team, or if the response good, two cricket teams, for a game on the Padearly next week. They are asked to telephone Mr W. T McDermott of the Ocean Park Hotel. We've had the
    92 words
  • 2 12 TODAY'S Sport
    2 words
  • 10 12 SAFA Div i Brani on a: R s I
    10 words
  • 130 12 Furuhashi Be a ten In France EILLES, Aug. 20. m t he g match Meti s i rees^ le: A■ 57.9 »cs 2 Japan. 3. Goto ol m Hi Ires i reestyle: I T m B oce 4 mins 4J i ol Japan. 3. »rdo of Fra: •1 1 Metres
    130 words
  • 70 12 T IND 18 A 5. 20 (Reiner) tkmakers were to- g Childc Harold as i second favourite I Elizabeth's Gay n the Doncastcr St. I ger. ove followed Childe m th€ Volti--4 S- at York to< ay. Pre the colt was 10 1 is favourite but
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  • 34 12 I j.—The Railway 1 ingstera beat sevtn goals to > m a f:\endlv soccer match p the B Institute padang. vere Veerasamy <2\ 5 ?am <2), Shanmugam, un and Tom- for the jfounastera
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  • 219 12 PKN \\G. Thurs. With w*'ir splendid win over Mrs N Lindsay and Moses Tay J. v trii ti 4 tod ay. mn. (heth Wat Sun and R'^rt CUa qualified to J^t Mrs H. i>e W and Goon I ♦ni m the final of the rr,' v'u übli>s
    219 words
  • 667 12 THE FABULOUS TROTTERS ARE HERE Skippers j Meet BASKETBALL AMBASSADORS THE WORLD famous Harlem Globetrotters, known throughout the world as the Clown Princes of Basketball, came to town last night. And with them came their own chewing gum, basket balls, halftime entertainers, referees and even their opponents the New York
    Standard  -  667 words
  • 105 12 Perak To Hold Soccer Try -Out IPOII. Thurs. In preparation for the coming ""needle" match with Penang m the Ma- lava Cup soccer competition j on Aug. 30, a Perak XI will play i a friendly game with the 12th Royal Lancers on the Ipoh padang on Sunday at 5.15
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  • 329 12 ROYAL NAVY knocked the Singapore Grided Ohrii out of the SAFA Cup competition at Jalau Bc8»r Straliy yesterday m one of the closest inalehe* m the ronipetilion. On the defensive for most of the time, \a>\ eluiig on to the slim first half lea<l. eanie
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  • 31 12 CHH \<,o l(p WcUrrwetctl i; ham played ..II th P Ktauuai I •m lush lullabj mm festerdaj m-ht dun n, liasilio tak" uui ifcisioi fix i idium.
    31 words
  • 679 12 PENANG, Thurs. The draw for the Malayan Open Tennis championships to be held here from August '>(> to September 1, was held last ni^lit and resulted as follows: MEN'S SINGLES TOP SECTION:— X. 11. Ip vs. Anake Duang Mudom, Arthur Lim vs Hammond, Hussain vs.
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  • 125 12 BATAVIA, NEW YORK. Aug. >1 (APi One of baseball's rarest feats a double no hit game was turned m by two (lass I) Pony League pitchers last night with Bradford defeating Batavia l-o. i r.uik Etctaberger a Philadelphia Phillies farmhand, gained the decision over Jim Mitchell as
    AP  -  125 words
  • 164 12 Brown In Fighting Innings LONDON, Aug. 20 (Reuter) Freddie Brown. 41-year-old former England Test cricket captain played a grand fightm<* innings to save Northamptonshire from the danger of cheap dismissal m their home county championship match against Glamorgan today. I Coming m when his side had lost five wickets for
    164 words
  • 98 12 HONGKONG, Aug. 21 (Reu-ter-AAP) The Hongkong! Cricket Club has invited an Australian XI to visit the colony for four unofficial te I matches beginning next Octo- her. The players invited are W..T. O'Reilly. Arthur Morris, Ray Lindvvall, Don Tallon, Colin McCool, A. Waller. A. Davidson, R.
    98 words
  • 35 12 MEMPHIS. TENNESSEE, Aug |21 iAP.'-Ben HoLj;m. the ii"iter. says it i.s "extremely doubtful" that he will tyke pan m any more big-time golf. Up is i>3;d to leel he is past toil b*>t.
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  • 22 12 LONDON, Aug. 20, (Renter) Football results: Glasgow Clip (first round): Patrick 2 Clyde 0 Ulster cvp Culeranine 1 Crusaders 1.
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  • 55 12 HELSINKI, AuiT 2 In the last round of the Olympics preliminary tournament today S. Gligoric of Vug< tvia boat Emgerman of B m the second group and M. Oven of Israel Deal X Thiknopoulos oi Greece one to zero m the third srou[3. The final lournameiit and placing
    55 words
  • 80 12 31 Bn. RAOC ARE SWIM CHAMPIONS CHAMPIONS 1 MIX 1 the ai pionsii p Gillman P dividuals 221 Amm Pt;. Mi dier C.H of Oi ftk i g 0 B OMadc im, Doe) }>, WviM -4% ft? a Veb,. Bn- Time Fr«-e sui,. H.-I. I 1 L1 V v rights
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  • 14 12 Colony Wins Rifle Shoot DETAILED Ove I B N Bi 18 1<; 24 ""=1
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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