Singapore Standard, 19 August 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
  • 17 1 Singapore Standard ■fo jL X VOL. 11l NO. 48 TUESDAY, AUGUST 19 1952. 12 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS
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  • 1170 1 Clique Runs Party Charges Councillor ALLEGATIONS that the General Council of the SingaLabour Party is dominated by a 'vicious clique' was made Mr E. V. Doxies, leader of the Labour Party m the City c ,i m a statement issued yesterday. aho was not nominated by the
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  • 7 1 (AP>:— A ■uncI pi
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  • 23 1 POLICE ARMY IN BIG TEST Police a island- of Singa- I countries rred pre- lor half-a-Ie are adv cc many it m varnd.
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  • 176 1 INVITED by the Sarawak |Go ent 1 its pre- emergency, Gen. Sir Rob lit, the Federation of iv. i Deputy Dfrectoi I I-,..- ii ,a, i inferred m Kui ching »tei lay With Sarawak's p. i C wnmissioner, Mr. Patrick Shannon, and the Chief s'■
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  • 17 1 U.S. Rubber Talks Go On Rubbei W firm. ekly. :.\<e order ■:.:■;•-•■> I -t-d m pro;iLso are day.
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  • 113 1 PFYRUIS S H them France, Ko found the boduv oi Britu nutrition expert Sir Jack Drumn nd and his «rife and daughter murde i to ::tnn n f|; Ed LO.OOO francs 0 I unmaiks the killer. dional which he accused ol having called him a
    AP  -  113 words
  • 320 1 Johore Murder Case JOHORF BAHRI. Mon.— Both Assessors brought m a verdict of 'not guilty" m the case m which Neo Ching was tried m the High Court for the murder of Peck Teow at a kaniponu m Pontian between Aug. 15, 1945 and Feb. 1.
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  • 44 1 THE BO. AC. Comet jot airliner now m Singapore will fly over the Colony's waterfront today between 8.1") and 8.4.') a.m. at a "phenomenal speed." The flight will take place at the low level of 800 feet, weather permitting.
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  • 110 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A tire broke out on a rubber estate at 9.30 tonight at the 6th mile Petalling off the main road. Fire engines sent out could not get near to the seat of the fire but devoted their attention to spraying the houses m
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 1 photo. Aly Khan is pictured here at dii.ner in the shortly after his arrival at Saratoga, New York, recently He is shown with (from left): Thomas Bell. (Aly), and Kay Bell his American representative. From Saratoga, Aly went on to Hollywood where he is visitin" his estranged wife, Rita
    AP  -  65 words
  • 41 1 LONDON. Aug. IB (AFP)— Prime Minister Winston Churchill today called for a Cabinet meeting for Wednesday. It is believed that the British reply to the Latest [rani tn i >te n the oil dispute will be discussed.
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  • 60 1 TWO [ndians received stab i wounds m a fight at the June- j tion oi Tank Road .md Oxlej j Rise. They were both taken to hospital One of them is believed to be m a serious condition. The other was later discharged from hospital
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  • 64 1 I. ICQ ATHEREY. French Pyrennes, Aug 1H (Reuter)— Dr. Jacques Manet, last man underground m the Pierre St. Martin cavern. reached the Burface safely early this afternoon. Dr. Mairet wenl down into the 1,260--foot cavern last Wednesday to give first aid to explorer Marcel Loubens ho ell
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  • 177 1 Standard Staff Correspondent IPOII Man Ismail, a young 1 m"n of the Ipoh District Office, today narrowly escaped death at the V hief settlement Officer's Office when two flam*, bombs exploded m his hands Ismail on ly S ii Ted a fen burns on his In
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  • 289 1 LYNMOITII, England, Aug. 18. —At least 17 persons were feared dead or missing today m t flash Hood which almost swept this coastal resort area and honeymoon haven off the map. Heavy rains again lashed the striken region early today and brought fresh
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  • 64 1 30 Bandits Kill Manager KUALA LUMPUH M i 1 European man tgei an esta m the Batu Ga ah i c i c»l Pera and six of nine special c-oi S 1 ,b ea accomp inying him wei i. Ed when theby about :'.O terrorists on tl estate today. 1■
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  • 225 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Hundreds of Chinese, Indians and others on the main road from Klantf to Kuala Selangoi yesterday evening sa« Lad Templer jump oui of her car, v.-> down into^a grass ditch by the roadside and give first-aid to a BOR, who had
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  • 179 1 J hiiiott KUAI.A LUMPUR F c more terrorist > killed md one I bf tritj Force In tl Fed* i tion. 1 killed :<nd platoon > "*<\ Hoy m tin- Tapah ai <* >f i' platoon we ■>•-'•■-. v tatrol unfit ;<■ Bagnall. M.C r Northam,
    179 words
  • 46 1 GENEVA, Aug. 18 (AP) A proposed meeting tor Sept I under the auspices of the Lni'ed Nations Economic Commission tor Europe to p: omote East-West trade has been abandoned the Soviet Union ani satellites failed to give »eU concur] gnce.
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  • 20 1 Rear-Adm Lament Sur-eon-Genera the U.S. N >d through iiongk irse Of A.Jt-.v.ctfii a jii-i lour.- U.P
    U.P  -  20 words
  • 5 1 NICI nori
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 24 1 LS9 WORTH BRIDGE R° 9i\MlUtMf yOuAS GOLD FLAKE I I /.>//.,„ v.'.aT per tin '«'■'>■• /rt N %apore: > 1.80 per tin 35 cts, f?r M* I }<
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    • 41 1 rote stobace Rn^eH^ffß'^R so soft! Cs I <~s i y il> FACIAL TISSUKS f" i V nimbly absorbent for removing f ace creams, 1 i p s t i t k, nail polish, and eye shadow ■IT* I i y *J
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  • 236 2 Colony Operators Make Up For Lost Fishing Grounds Standard Staff Reporter FOLLOWING this year's expansion m fishing by locally-based op-r37crs using trawlers, drift-net, long-line and moro-ami methods r,^ore is making up for the loss of fish imports from Indonesia a^J the southeast coast of Malaya. [imai< i
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  • 81 2 Mrs. Menon Applied For Leave St 'i.i.tni Stall Reportei Sii Men i tor ipp 1 1 Co the Council been granted kivei al Scan B Singapore police an- jgo that >t Of Menon on a »and yer. a nd a was India, a his mother-in- child. n everal allega--5
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  • 66 2 KUALA. LUMPUB, lion.— t« lera 9bo are n m c on b refresher course wiß ii on W< dni -f.iv from D. j M rHugh, Director at Inthe probie.iis m 'ing a new Malaya ed f uhich win b e h\ x u c Victoria Institution
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  • 174 2 Tests For 'L' Drivers Begin IPOH, Mi Driving tests for proi «nee bidders m Ipofa today after the F eration Governxneni had ended wdl over a The Bye newly-trained t trs assigned for duty m Pi "a* ire assiduously at their j today nod of f hose te 'od it
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  • 7 2 *<ea rep irted i V
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  • 280 2 SINGAPORE drteethr« hire*! laxi ami diased 1 man jwmprtl into ih«- Kechorc < anal and waded across* This story was told by detec- ire Abubakei n Mohamed c Singap re Fourth Police Court yesterday, at a preliminary b quiry m which Tan on Huat was
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  • Article, Illustration
    59 2 photo. Professor A, Lriijsjs. Reader m Economic* and History at the University of Oxford, arrived m Singapore by Qanats-BOAC. for a twoweek lecture tour to British troops under the auspices of the Royal Army Education Corps. He will tour the Federation, and fly to Hongkong. Professor Brings a*so p.^us to
    Standard  -  59 words
  • 68 2 Councillor's Call To Indian Youths 'H. Mob a ca;i to Indian i i: Ma ayu to join the ra :)n Kegiment and prove «te« .o, "worthy Indians'* «c by Mr John K:n i I SJJ5 1 v len of the Peralrt I— ,v c 7' rs Union and te <
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  • 60 2 HAKUM Aid and Chetan Singh were both tentatively charged m the Singapore First Po 1 ice Cox irt ye-1e rd a y wi t h causing the death of Jager Singh at the junction oi Dorset Road and Kampong .lava H >ad at l p.m. on
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  • Article, Illustration
    77 2 More than 500 people attended the sixth anniversary dinner of the Singapore Post and Telegraph Uniformed Staff's Union at the S.Y.C. Hall. Singapore, on Sunday night. Standard picture shows >ome of the g:ue<;ts at the main table. (From left>: Mrs. Goli Kim Sure, Mr. Lee Kwau Yew, Che .Mi bin
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  • 249 2 Standard Staff Reporter F. I G H I Kural Health Centres, which aim to give the 300,000 people n the rural areas of Singapore a comprehensive hoalth service, arc mow gradually being developed by the Government Health Department, Dr. V«.. Vickers, Director of Medical
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  • 217 2 Practise Thrift And Beat The Slump, Urges Mr. Aw Standard Staff Keportrr MR. AW BOO\ HAW. Governing-Director of The Singapore Standard, warning the Colony of calamities that can be caused by extravagance yesterday urged the people to save and SO fortify the Colony's financial position. He instanced the many business
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  • 62 2 Standard Staff Reporter ONE HUNDRED and twentyfive recruits from the Malayan Basic Training Centre will take part m a passingout parade at Nee Soon today. Maj-Gen. E. K. G. Sixsmith. the Chiel of Stall", will take the sal ate. O.i passing out the
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  • 24 2 A CHINESE trishaw rider wns robbed of $25 and hi^ identitycard by two unknown Malays during the early hours ul yesterday morning.
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  • 75 2 Standard Staff Reporter MEPACRINE, which played a leading part m Malaya and Burma as a substitute for I quinine m fighting malaria. i may prove to be a much sought after alleviation of one iof the world's most painful complaints. Two London doctors, In a preliminary
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 2 Men of the "C" Division of the Volunteer Special Constabulary, Singapore, who won the General Efficiency Cun presented by the staff of VSC Headquarters. Standing, left to right: L Cpl. Nicholas, VSC Rozario, Cpl. Ang Han Yong, Cpl. Raymond Tay. VSC Tobi bin Ahmad .and VSC Tan Chwee Kee. Seated,
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  • 330 2 By A Special Correspondent THE WINE LEVEL m my champagne glass did not show even the slightest movement such was the stability of a Comet Jetliner within a few minutes of its take-off from Chans i Airfield yesterday when, with a number of
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  • 163 2 Standard Staff Reporter IT COST me Singapore Government m 1951, 5i. 346.48 to maintain *.;j offender at Pearl's Hill and $1,188.94 at Changi, states the Prisons' Report. The rust for the year of feeding an offender -< Pearl's Hill was S2: J ,8.2G (£23.9.2)
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  • 28 2 THE present Bangkok rrimfr»?l code, wil] he supplemented by a revised ende. which will keep up with the international cnmina] conventions of democratic countries. -AFP.
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  • 15 2 THE Singapore T aval Base Labour Union now has a membership of 8.000.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 163 2 f j Swedish stee protects all i'ijl purl It i< Swedii '■< Bte< tJiat dish preeisio: tjrpi possible typeu ritei Swedish the world- md nfU d :i guarantee that J!. long as you need i liter. A FAC!T ftODUCT '^jJ MAD EIX S W EDEN j WRITE FOR FOLDeR DUNCAN
      163 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 22 2 tM V DON'T WORRY > <r/AH GOT FAITM >^ A^\ \T^° T? YfOSWCH X 'ft' I .CHANCE WILL PREVENT AvO^SMAhI^ V^/PA^ -2£S>iliftie||ff JSSjV SmSVjI
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  • 65 3 VICKERS DOUBTS 'POLIO CURE' he polio' (Texas), America d "much receiving i tory ribed a i btful by Dr. W. rd r i nference. I all the w hen c up to tk IC t tdMed. appli ti i B drug which -trd im the Colons. rn> iraC as effecstr.
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  • 18 3 is ng .\hen Sim i the and ne I. was to
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  • 3 3 dfgfglip[p'
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  • 220 3 Standard Stall Reporter Iv\ 4 1 BOBBERS, one armed with a revolver, the uith a dagger, took 51.500 m cash and jewelry i the hor- of a Chinese m Jalan llu Seletar on Sunday night. The victim, the proprietor of fact wry, lost $300 m cash
    220 words
  • 32 3 NICHOLSON, n and sur- MinisU A tua Singa] rompanied A isl C« ten ii h ture sac »usin of Ne -v Council f Nic Bin M i g]
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  • 45 3 Postal Union Officials been electe Singapore Tele- Uj ifonned it 1 lion a uanual i- bin Kahar Ilent, che secretary* Treas v ci rganiser, til mutual i bin S die i-: Enche bin I i .1 is, Mi M binJ I i Wahid bin Ir
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  • 26 3 Non-Hostellites To Hold Dance HE Orsanisa- nt filalaya Aug. 23, at I Hull at 'or members non membera t committee I the x HO. and ai
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  • 78 3 TUNGKU Zailan binte Zafca- the Brsl Malayau Girl G ide to re «ive a Queen B( c for efficiency, who is n (W attending the Internationa Gir Guides 1 Camp at Bea- ,nsfield near London, is prov i popular figure among the many nationalities represented. S'H>
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  • 140 3 RIENTAI l€»l Week for I n '.f ti University of l ..1 OB C> ct i tht Chancellor, v Came, uid the Ret Mr. V,. I). Crag will en n Oei Tiong the hjpQea wili- kaien round to the various faculties to enable them to gel
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  • 315 3 You Cannot Ring '999' Enough: Haines SINGAPOREANS cannot use the telephone call enough. This view was expressed by Mr C. J A Huinev Officer m charr*' i Radio Division. char^ fj«t that Operations Room gets nearly 1.000 calls a 1 month. ror the first seven months or this year a
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  • 385 3 World Experts Have Plans For Singapore Standard Staff Reporter TWO experts on tuberculosis will make detailed plans for Hie expansion m Singapore of anti-T.B. work along modern lines. Special attention will be directed to aspects of work which have received less attention m the past. One
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 3 photo. tradin? firms have be^t'.n moving into the ground floor premises of the three new nine-storey S.I.T. buildings m Upper Pickering: Street, and are busy arranging display windows and j putting up signboards. By the end of this month the buildings will be fully occupied. Seventy families have been
    Standard  -  55 words
  • 99 3 Land Fun Fair Prize W inners PRIZK numbers drawn it tl c Gala L md Fun Fur held at S Joseph's Institution ground on Sunday m aid of the Redomptorist Fathers' Building Fund Numbers 2735 4 J 4 7 2147, [4776, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. *****, *****
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  • 255 3 They Miss The Jap PoWs At Pearl's Hill Jail PRISONFIIS "of exemplary Dehuviour and progress m conduct and work" and tlassined Grade A. earn fifteen cents for each working day or part of a day, states the lf).")l report of the Singapore Prisons Department. The report adds: "An attempt t
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  • 280 3 THE "danger point" has already been reached In Singapore with regard to immunisation against smallpox which is already raging m some surrounding territories, said Dr. W. J. Vickers, Director of Medical Services, yesterday when he announced the launching of a $50,000 island-wide vaccination campaign tomorrow.
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  • 221 3 THE University of Malaya's new hostels at Dunearn Road will be ready lor occupation when the academic year opens on October 6, a spokesman of the University told The Standard yesterday. About 300 students and staff will be accommodated. The hostels which are opposite the
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  • 97 3 Standard Statt Reporter NO DEFINITE scheme for housing the rank and file of about one-fifth of Singapore's police force has yet been drawn up. stated Mr. J. V. T. Campbell. Deputy Director of Public Works yesterday. They are 48 single-storied houses now under
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  • 37 3 THIRTY-five* candidates will sit for an examination m first aid for the St. John Ambulance Certificate this evening at Headquarters, Stamford Road. Dr. C. J. Paglar will conduct the examination.
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  • 70 3 A $800,000 library building for the University of Malaya is expeded to be ready for use m April next year. the Bursar. Mr Lim Chee Poh, told The Standard yesterday. The library is situated next to the present administrative block of the University at Cluny Road. It
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  • 43 3 A SAMPAN man, Cheong B<><, Gee, was tentatively charged m the Singapo c Fourth Police Court yesterday with the murder ol another sampan mjn. Quek Kian Seng, u^- r 31. Cheong a a.s remanded m the Central lockup for 48 hours.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 232 3 i Iheinz Hrin/. r,n»k«-(i S|. i_iii<tii— M^Mtef^L^*^ JH nj-in-iii- i -.!:iti!. strands that have i!.i\<»:ir Up #%m»oo^^S^^^^— galore jmt as the) oomo 0 V^~ i■» from tli tin ll<»w uoii<l<t- I P^ ■'IL/^^^ ful Heinz Cooked Spaghetti f Co tJ-tr. .i! Jt\.l liovn v^ i! SOA/*M* it nrfnslea nith l-lt-*»\.
      232 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 111 3 I ■■.■■^m^ i s* NOT fK VOH YES I DO...6HE«S\C^ -ir^>y MAYBE T O >OU, 1 {*J&ts^jBM& 1 j^KtMtT AWRIGHT, BOYe/rHl^P ll^^^ Jj*2^™%\ BAD 6ORT FOOZY 1 HUSBAND- BOUND, AW, FER- \BUT I'M WILUN' \JS^ir^ '5 tr.ML^i£NCY/ tv>at Wf I SSRVWI IT'SJUSTTHAT AN' YOU'RE TH' BES /GET IT, WILL \TO
      111 words

  • 89 4 BUTTERWORTH, Mon.— When two auxiliary policemen stopped a young padi planter. 'Suhi'-^an. and asked for his identify card. Suiaiman took out a wad of notes amounting to $1,000 from his pocket. Snlaiman was taken to the police station and released the next day.
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  • 241 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— At least 250 nurses and 100 hospital assistants are needed at once m hospitals throughout the Federation, the Director of Medical Services, Federation of Malaya, Dr. H. M. O. Lester, stated today. Dr. Lester mentioned this m on appeal to
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  • 82 4 PENANG, Mon. Perspiring Mr. Ibramshah of Tiiipinjf, who visited the Waterfall Gardens here yesterday, could not resist a dip m the sparkling waters of a flowing stream. He took off his clothes and left them on the embankment and waded into the stream. While he
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  • 318 4 Xl ALA LIMPIR. Mon— Sir Gerald Templer paid his first visit to Tanjong Karang today m the^ company of the British Adviser, Selangor, Mr. A. N. Ross, the Mentri Besar, Raja Ida bin Raja Muhammad, the Dis trict Officer, Kuala Selangor, Mr. N. D.
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  • 126 4 I JOHORE BAHRU. Mon— A call had been made to people to show that they realised their civic responsibilities and he was glad there had been a good j response, Dato Syed Abdul Kadir. Mentri Besar. .lohore, j said yesterday m Johdre Bahru when congratulating
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  • 24 4 PENANG. Mon.— The Governin. Seameifs Union, Federation >: Malaya, was !'o:':ned i ol lowing a meeting held ai the Grlugor Sports Club.
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 4 photo. Mr. Aristide Papineau, Managims-Proprietor of Papineau Studios, returned to Singapore by Qantas-BOA( \estrrda\ after a six week business visit to Britain and the Continent. He is pictured here with Andre, his «.<>n
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  • 352 4 Evidence Was Tampered With, Says Counsel kl ALA II MPI'R. Mon. ■■■priflai itamm Singh, im«'sii««a!in;: nHic«-r m a murder <*«•»«' *.ai«l bet* l«»<f.;\ thai Scnmr Officers could direr! th«- Mif»j>r<"->ion »i certain evidence m a Ya-«\ He said this under cross-examination by defence counsel. Mr. R. H. V. Rinioul. at
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  • 260 4 KUALA LIMPIR, >lon— Tan Kit Lene, a 27--\ear-oiil Chinese who is serving a sentence of six niontlis* rigorous imprisonment for escaping from lawful custody about six years a«jo, was. today, acquitted ami discharge*! Iry Mr. Justice ilson at the Hijjh Court on two charges
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  • 89 4 Killed Brother— 10 Years' Jail KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— Re marking that he had been lucky m not having had to answer the major charge, the Chief Justice, Mr. Charles Mathew, presiding over a Federation Court of Appeal today, dismissed the appeal of Manii'kam who had been sentenced to ten years
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  • 138 4 IPOH, Mon. 'A resolution that Teochews In Malaya, m future, will be punctual m anything they do and to spend as little money as possible on marriages and funerals, was passed at the 18th conference of the Federated Teochew Association, Malaya, held nere over the
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  • 29 4 PEXANG. Mon. Burglars last nigh' entered b hotel m Market Lane and got away with cash and a wrist watch worth Si 85 belonging \o s lodger.
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  • 54 4 BATI' PAHAT, Govincia Rajfl||, 29, i I 'an labourer wrms stabbed road dajrlighl ia one of Urn street! at i i He was ..'i.i koed f with a Dickie. He had (I wounds, one of which }>< < trated his lungs, Ra.ior yt < I distance, and tben
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  • 40 4 Special Service For The Malays Mitten v r Radit Ma JUU3 S i gram: transmit i m 5. ka«poi th.. n netn m MHO* m south v, w,|l h, ib Br<iad( .1 i q -hantrd charge of I super cum;;
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  • 10 4 were c R Ahmad < Snbaratnam ci
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  • 9 4 $10,000 Bail For Ipoh Accountant IPO1 1 Transj 1.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 217 4 1 FURTHER REDUCTIONS! I m\ FURTHER REDUCTIONS r v. Thousands of items M V that are the talk of I C tO m '4 II 1st Anniversary j; HkSALEJ #/f#* wni>rv #/oif f#ff.y--. rii^ Ur^tiivr -J Superior Quality White Bcdshects ;>4" x 3 for SII.GO J r.p. s.p. Gents 1
      217 words
    • 29 4 DICK TRACY vs CEIM IN IN I lATTI < uMI EAKIJ D{. IfTMiM l> V BW 3 11 "Anvlhaman Kai M o I bm*b««H TMltaiiii I S| is ,ih aad
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  • 172 5 BLACKOUTS AGAIN THREAT IN PENANG Use Less Power At Peaks Call Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Mon. Unless all consumers would cooperate by making small reduction in their consumption of electricity between 6.30 p.m. and 10 p.m., it would be necessary to impose blackouts in Penang islond again, the Acting Municipal
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  • Article, Illustration
    83 5 The ,ii*«>v<* lour .student teachers of the >tart' of the Tcamggong Ihr.ihim < »irK" School, Batu VxhAi have been > elected for trainins; at the Kirkby ollese m E&gland. They will he feted at a tea part> by the head Mistress and staff before their departure at the end of
    83 words
  • 98 5 TWO MEMBERS of the SI John Ambulance Brigade, Misses Marjorie and Nancy Miller will arrive m Singapore tomorrow from the U.K. to work ;<^ Welfare Officers m the Federation resettled areas They are the 1 a number oi teams to be >ent out by the
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  • 56 5 MR Lee Chei g the stall the Education Department rerak, and eldest sun of Mr Lee Hun Chiang. Chief Clerk Central Prison. Taiping. is one of those selected for the Kirk by College teachers' training course IV VI 1 bo leaving [oi the United Kingdom by
    56 words
  • 34 5 BOX >' st: -i l "T c-.!;:-i M fire m the si re ■>' the United Engineers last nighl is quickly put out by the Sing p >re Five B:;^a^e E)amage was negligib c
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  • Article, Illustration
    66 5 Managing Director of The Singapore Standard Mr. A\r Row and Director of the paiH-r, Mr. Aw Chen* t'hje and the staff of The Standard entertained the paper's Pans correspondent, Mr. Noel Bar ber to dinner at th« Southern' Hotel la^l fliEkl- Mr. Barber Is on a visit to Singapore and
    Standard  -  66 words
  • 73 5 Standard Staff Reporter An 11 -year-old boy [brahim bin Kadir and a 21-year-old Chinese woman were saved from drowning yesterday. The boy fel] into the sea while lie fishing near the Ocean Park Hotel in the morning. A tew hours later the woman was fished
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  • 348 5 THE Public Works Department is preparing a comprehensive 10-year plan tor the development of its own staff to cope with the Government's building programme more effectively Thi3 plan is an attempt to obtain .-.onio idea of the total demand for engineer and architectural 1 effort over
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  • 130 5 Standard Staff Reporter THE FULL report ol Haji j Mohamed Khan, vice-president ol the All Malaya Muslim Missionary Society. Singapore, on his recent investigations on slaughtering methods employed m the main Austra] an centres, wiil be discussed by the Muslim Advisory Board tomorrow, Inche Abu
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  • 62 5 Standard Staff Reporter Trie first training course for r. .< cooperators was declared open this afternoon, August 18. at the Malacca High School by the Resident Commissioner, Malacca. Mr. 11. G. Hammett. Since the cooperative movement started m 1922, it has been greatlj expanded. There were now
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  • Article, Illustration
    93 5 SIR George Cribbetf (right). I)«*put> Secretary of the Ministry of Civil Avia tion. last nisht recalled the time when Kallani: Airport was declared unsnitable for Constellation aircraft land in«s. Sir George arrived In a Qantas-BOAC Constellation yesterday from London Is on hi> way to Australia and New Zealand for <!^
    Standard  -  93 words
  • 281 5 \v eai h connection, that escaped through the coil oi electrical drilling machine p ed through the body of the man who was holding the machine, because a connecting plug had been ioosened If the connecting plus had not been loosened the earth would have
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  • 315 5 Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPORE tax-payers, who do not" pay their income-tax within the time stipulated m the assessment notices have to pay an additional five per cent penalty of the amount overdue. This is fact many of them are not well acquainted. Mr.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 116 5 Jwl^ REAGAN mi mM SMASH HIT! introdoci^ DANNY CHAING y I!. H 111 IN HISTORY! me of Man...\\ iili I !«<• llmrl of a Ti^cr! MAR.ON BRANDO -JEAN PETERS j COMING A PITY SOONI JPt bill *RIIIIAR«T -LYIUCIAMf IS AUEK SOUTH SERS HOTEL LTD: No. 5, Jalan Htsar. > xurious
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    • 17 5 OPENING TO-DAY 35H0W53.6.15*9.15pm. Warnrr Bros. Emotional Dran«» KITH ROMAN ia LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE" WitS Rirhura b 7*v**TJ
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    • 169 5 !RRolHM3ir3 Xl 111 ;irn« r- Slomi- Swept iiilur p S"^ V 1 k^l mL.w f W m^ *JB itf ix W? a ft Jl ib*^^El^^^^^^3r EGTPTIAM HUSM \i I \nc LOVE IN DANGER IN EXOTIC COLOR < o-gUrriag i Moiih I /I S>#f If ill y #/#f# i siln y
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    • 28 5 Sun New World. Now Showing 1© 1". MIQI Al>l)\K' (Hinduttan!) Atlantic Great WorldL Wm Show m? 00 "II LAW ANDORDEE" i*U« •*STKAN(.K AH UH OT I HCLE HAKKV"
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  • 701 6 AVA democratic socialism" would have a cabu item ol government, would grant equal citizenship for all, would "Malayan:: its civil seri c, would nationalize it* key industries, would fix mum wages and distribute taxation on a "fairer" i < ild break -up rubber estates (and strangeot tin mines]
    701 words
  • We, the PEOPLE
    • 176 6 Sir: -In your editorial on Aug. 14. you refer to MCA lotteries ami elections, and suggest '"complete severance"' of the money raising activities from the political. Recently. I made it clear that our lottery proceeds are for welfare work. and our p itical activities will be financed
      176 words
    • 91 6 Sir:— l read m your letters column under the heading "Ami TB Patients'* about the behaviour of a matron m an [poh Hospital who catted the pa tie; us "pigs." It does noi matter whether one pays for treatment nr QOt, no one not even
      91 words
    • 143 6 Sir: You have published In a recent issue a report that the working and living conditions of postal worker* here are well off. I would be very much obliged if you will kindly inform your readers about my real impressions about the conditions of postmen m Singa-r pore.
      143 words
    • 72 6 Sir: Sarawak is seeking Malayan aid to fight the bandits m Kucfting. I am sure that most of the young Malayans without the required school certificate qualifications for entry into the Malayan Asian Inspectorate, but who have the .Junior Cambridge or the Bth Standard qualifications would be greatly
      72 words
    • 305 6 Sir;— l am sorry that Dr. D. Reid Tweedie of Perak, m his letter published m The Standard yesterday, considers that the former Governor of Singapore, the P antation Workers Union, the United Nations, and a '"political and social" agitator iike myself, are all urging a
      305 words
    • 198 6 Sir: —Your paper is doing n great service for the .Malayan peop'e by re-introduc-ing "Malayan Affairs" for the social and political enlightenment of the masses on v the moaning of real democracy. The Malayan workers were greatly shocked last year, when Mr. Alex J6sey, who more than
      198 words
    • 142 6 Sir: I happened to visil a relative living at No. 36 Moh Guan Terrace, which is one of the S.I.T. flats a1 Tiong Bahru As there are lour blocks of three-storey flats one behind the other bearing the Idress of Moh Guan Terrace, I had to
      142 words
    • 110 6 Sir, The controversy over moneylenders has nothing to do with the Chettiars and the Chinese who really perform a vital service to petty traders but to a type who transacts business jn coliee shops with ready made pro. note dated far backward with no receipt or endorsement for any
      110 words
    • 153 6 Sir:— Mr. Arthur G. Lefort m his letter stated that the Labour Party President, Mr Lim Yew Hock, had resorted to washing dirty linen before the public by making unwarranted press statements and thereby intending to weaken the Party's strength. The fact is we voters of
      153 words
    • 131 6 Sin— As the Malays seem to be rather .vary of accepting the generous gift of $500,000 from the M.C a.. may the writer suggest to Sir Cheng-lock and His committee to start a fund. wn< r< by needy and deserving Malayan Eurasian and Indian students cou'd
      131 words
    • 39 6 Sir: Muslim emp oy< 1 1 In Government Departir ntl ic allowed tr > leave at noon every Friday to attend the mosques for prayers. Is there any check that all these employees attend the mosques! INTERESTED Klanf.
      39 words
    • 58 6 S I haCourt m your issue ol Aug 12 gj rding the use "Kiing" and the J Mr. 3* nam, who sent* I 'ting us« This particular word ing a Southern Indian has long been used by M ana v-.-S /hern In to these shoi what
      58 words
  • 11 6 *'U'm any idea where you're f orma keep it?"
    11 words
  • 1201 6  -  ALEX JOSEY MALAYAJV AFFAIRS BY*y r FWICE recently there have been reported that big employers m Singapore have been intimidating the unions. There have been other reports from the Federation: some of them have even been about Government departments. What Big Business and employers of labour
    1,201 words
  • Review of Views
    • 19 6 to pron 1 ince the I> formed 50 nlcally and )< 1 the p ahi Japi allowed I '■>'■
      19 words
    • 68 6 IN A I A.v Boon people thi ging ;i The cou rubber a the outb war, resultii becoming ric quent ri» A i reck i ulativr old Baying I years" labou one M. A v years ago w import;. a ft© i There methods w\ < md.
      68 words
    • 2 6
      2 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 212 7 'Bow Arrow' War: Aussies Will Not Join M J 1 I^< >l K>h, \uk. 17 (Reuter-AAP) Officials X to icptfjcal "the Republic of South Moluccas" r tsfccd Australia lor help m their bow and-arrow gainst the Indonesian Government on the island I ExtefMl Aftairs Minister Richard Casev told i. tnniftht.
    212 words
  • 122 7 Cairo Rioter Gets Death < V \im IS. A i military court todaj sentenced ii >t oi 88 defendants ith t>v hangfaf for ole m It^t Wedneslextile riots at ,ir el Hawai near kind m ai of the l< c t i jn the a the I• R N !rong
    UP; AFP  -  122 words
  • 22 7 384 Ships Idle At Jap Port i entered kout in- ed up nion nn- i I until A inter- UP Reuter AAP
    UP; Reuter; AAP  -  22 words
  • 12 7 s of the -'..i.jli.s, 2,000 pil- i ek. UP
    UP  -  12 words
  • 37 7 CAIRO. Aug. 18 i Renter': The Education Ministry disclosed that many of 25.000 pieces of Egyptian antiquities which had been reported missIng from the museum have been found at Farouk'a Abdin Palace m Cairo.
    37 words
  • 206 7 WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 (Reuter) The I'nited States Air Force will cut out over 7,000 jobs this year, Air Secretary Mr. Thomas Finletter, disclosed today m a letter to the Senate sub-committee on defence preparedness. In a report on July 7. the sub-committee had said
    206 words
  • 88 7 PENANG, Mon.- An emergency meeting ol United Chinese School Teachers Association. Federation of Malaya, today, unanimously decided that the Government's offer "I new salary scales to Chinese schools could not be accepted m principle. Representatives from Negn Sembil'an Kedah, Pahang, Perak, Malacca and Penang attended taday's
    88 words
  • 56 7 BOGOTA (Colombia) Aug 1H (Reutei >: Hundreds ol people here .-aid they Jiuci seen a ••Hying saucer disappearing behind The hills two miles north of Bogota on Saturday nig ii Desc ■fptions vere all similaran oval-shaped object oi great D1 iiHance emitting tail smoke and flying
    56 words
  • 14 7 THE EGYPTIAN Gov< rnmeni yesterday lifted censorship or butKomy press dispatches-- Reuter
    Reuter  -  14 words
  • 50 7 P*ENANG, Mon.- Majpi D G. Ryan, head o! the Federation Regiment recruiting team now here, v disappointed with the small numbei oi Chinese who turned up at the M.A.A.F. nend quarter* m Peel Avenue fo recruitment Of 106 appncanU 8] were Malay*. H [ndiani and 11 Chinese.
    50 words
  • 81 7 Stondord London Correspondenf LONDON, Aug. 18 The following ore the closmy prices of rubber ond tin on the London Morket todoy LONDON RUBBER LONDON TIN 26 d Spot £953 per ton buyer*, po 26 d. «955 sellers. OcT/Dcc ?s!d. Three mO n»h.: £S4O jon./Mor. 4 ;j
    81 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 7 Portuguese police have ordered reporters and photographers to get out of the tiny resort town of Urgeirfca m order to enable British Foreign Secretary Mr. Anthony Eden and his bride, the former Miss Clarissa Churchill, niece of the British Prime Minister, to enjoy their honeymoon. Picture shows Mr. and Mrs.
    69 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 7 photo. Mr, Aw Boon Haw. govera-ing-director <>f the Sin Poh Amalgamated Ltd.. was seen oft at Kalian?,' airport by his family and relatives when be left lot Uonfckoim yesterday. Stan dard
    Standard  -  31 words
  • 351 7 LYNMOUTH, England, Aug. 18:— The disastrous floods have already claimed 22 lives m this Devonshire district began to subside yesterday. Seven persons are still missing. But the weather men pre dieted more rain, and soldiers continued to
    351 words
  • 32 7 BELGRADEI Aug 18 (API Belgrade i adio i epo I Josel Frank, memtx Czechoslovak P tbu has been ai rested, Frank puty to Hufjo!! SI Secrei who a purged
    32 words
  • 125 7 Red Bid To Block W. Berlin Food BERLIN, Aug. 18 (AP) Tin Russian sector has mobilised .'i huge band of inform* rs to catch anyone selling fruit, < L-t'taWit and other loor! VV. s1 K« 11l ers. Tiie drive is part of a campaign to choke off food sources for
    125 words
  • 123 7 'Don't Wed Bank Chief Faces Suit MANILA. Alf II Tii' anti-marriage I < yfanfla f the M City Banh f New n ilted m a VS.i :i' t till ■> n Simm r lefendant Manila Court by H husband. 1' > I t ed H<»rt<in la. Hw '•uit < I
    123 words
  • 32 7 II upon ,i vi itoi magazine printi m mmutr- ;i!iH h" i < i I I ted 200 000 I ped by hoi eid thi half -i thei
    32 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 110 7 MALAYAN AIRWAYS^^" ANNOUNCE #^|f A FURTHER INCREASE IN SERVICES TO SARAWAK and NORTH BORNEO T I Wpdncsdovt b Fridoys. Mondays b Thursdoys. Tue>d °?V n I■' nf;^o kr DEP. Singapore O6aO hr. Dtf S.ngapor, 0630 hr. DEP. Singapore 06^0 hr. v Kuchmg Sibu Lobuon 3O Lobuan Je«selton ARR. Lobuon ii>s
      110 words
    • 26 7 A full Range of shades m •j/ V& h\'^ i\ Per ounce /I 3 4 Means Patons Balaw ins Brltains Finest Knitting Wools ROBINSON CO., LTD
      26 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 45 7 J^F\rJ B_____a_a —^m__. ■k| pW I JUST SEEAA I I WELL. TRY IFT C___Ss=s===^r^^7^77: lU^ To pj^HT TO PICK A Sfe y\yo^^ f /f %^>W YOUVE HAD SEVEN FIGHTS WITH EVERYONE PLAYMATE %tf J g ff ||^hMtth. JTHIS^WEEK, NJANCV YOU CAN GET I I «< ff
      45 words

  • 505 8 RMS CORFU DUE IN SINGAPORE TOD AY Standard Shipping Reporter THE P. »nd O. liner RMS Corfu (14,293 tons) which is expected to arrive m Singapore from the nitod Kingdom today, has on board 149 passengers (including children), who will disembark from the iinci here. The
    505 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 8 grtyryg Lookiag tor all it* 78-fiMrt length like :i toy boat, thi«« \u«.iiiii.m n.i\.il launch v\;i» swepi t«» tii<- fool of n><Us at Ntrrih ji.m|. >\(hit> llarbour i»> ln-:i\> ~«-;t>- I i^hl men aboard ciiiiil)cii up the precipitous r<»( k>. )u ».ilcty. rh>- launch was bcint towed bj tlir Vaval
    AP  -  69 words
  • 50 8 Jet Transport Planes Next DOUGLAS Aircraft Co. plat to become the first U S facturer of jet air trari! planes. The company has i duced n wooden mode: po. c ed let which will co.>t about U5530,000,000 to dev<- B will not be read} market until 1957 or 1958.- A.P
    A.P  -  50 words
  • 23 8 A TYPHOON is centre:! of Shang tai md movin northeast along the ntune coast and Yello Se i Reuter A AP
    Reuter; AAP  -  23 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 671 8 FAST REGULAR TRANS PACIFIC SERVICE p im t Oreriaad 4< !r,rnis(O. UM AsgeleS. All Arm-u< m .V C.tM; Cities. I Peaaag f* slum S*pore Air I. A SLI p\f !i X Bl \R 81 BSSepI n SSSepi 23Sep1 lOi t "Z-'Oct I parti "s Bl D■■ Cargo Deep Tanks and
      671 words
    • 573 8 CHINA NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Regulai Sailings to China and Japan from Sinyapoi Tort Swettenbam Penang Also direct Sailings from Bangkok and Indonesia to China Japan. IMif S pore l>n» »*»rn;<ne rrcrr u Funing" A«g -'o Japan "Pakboi Au^ II Au^ Hi Japan Sail> Sails Sail*. Peiutii; P Slum S'poie tor
      573 words
    • 530 8 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINGS Royal Rotterdam Llo\d Holland America Line Neder!:* id I me Rotterdam Rotterdam Amsterdam HALIFAX BOSTON NEW VOKK PHILADEI PHIA. BALTIMORE MOBILE NEW OKI. LANs Spore P S'hum Penani 1 AMPENAN (KL> In Port :7\u? X S9Ang SLOTERDVK (HAL) 3/7 Sept SSepf 'St pi BANTAM (RL) 9/15Sep1
      530 words
    • 351 8 EAST ASIATIC L» •TIOMA' t>M H•2kk 1 •'INDIA' foi Bangk<;k Si*iH; 5 mill I.AI INDIA' ri geri fkom \\r\s m M.K(i Nr 'HiOimr Em ttanekok "BINTANG* For Bangkr k 2(i SMIIM.S ItJ (O\|»M m s AV Il|Nu lor c mho AAnd n i^ "Wi Banter* Oapeahatm UiMheaburc xv\ Cuilv London
      351 words

  • 50 9 ISB \k;. d< mandj I th ii her restitution treaty with west Germany include an ii suranct devaluation «w the deutschei a as payments. will bo made over the next twelve that if Gc I m; V l ji Israel will still ids she has been pron
    50 words
  • 35 9 BR] rAIN'S reprint stpcka m May increased by 8.700 tons 148,700 1": i stocks were 160.000 s, according to lie Ho, luction m May ioq tonsjand con--12.0 10 toi s. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 47 9 NINETEEN American-Jewisli car rying top WPJ sibtlity tor the salj "f SI R te bonds m the United States, ar Bying on Aug to make a 15-day survey oi the; economic developments ;;> Israel made possible witn Svestment from American dollars. j
    47 words
  • 31 9 MR JOSEPH DUDLEY Pr< A mt) tor c B cars m the United 5. ales Sn because the American S2bfic kea the nail, economi- Eng \sh 6 Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 17 9 IAPAN a Kartpr i Ch be led U.OOO tons g 5j »alien coaL
    17 words
  • 46 9 PROFESSOR Gc Xu riyan ol Madras I a versity «M I iternatlonal Gi «rasM al Conjresa meeting m vv.^.ur^t. n S3 the population growth i£ irrin must be checked thro ign b\' th wntrol if rood .shortage there is to be overcome. UP
    UP  -  46 words
  • 13 9 Tank er Mossadeq COUNT Di-Ka Zuneca Director of the Italian p< «jg- AFP
    AFP  -  13 words
  • 67 9 The Singapore 'Chamber of Commerce Rubber As.soeiition noon prices (cents per lb 1 yesterday (Aug. 18> were: Buyers Seller? Nn 1 RSS Spot Loose 8tl; 'Ml No 1 R?S Sept. 87| \ll No. i kss Oct. H?i a:;; No. 2 RSS Sapt. B 2 «2i No 3 RSS
    67 words
  • 33 9 HONGKONG revenue officers seized 3,700 ounces of opium aboard the British 5.000-1 on freighter Eastern Queen. The is estimated 1 to be worth opium HKs] 75,000. Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  33 words
  • 26 9 US oil companies m Hongkong will no longer supply fuel oi] to ships plying between Hongkong and Portuguese Macao.- A. P
    A.P  -  26 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 9 Mr. Chan Kum Chef, City Councillor, is sttn opening the "guess box" of the Marvel cigarette contest held during the Happy World Trade Fair. The drawing was held at the Tai Tong Restaurant last week.
    35 words
  • 170 9 Standard Market Reporter QUIETLY steady conditions prevailed on the rubber market m Singapore yesterday with quotations showing a small improvement over the week-end prices m the morning but cased m the afternoon on the news of CIO. United Rubber workers' strike at
    170 words
  • 141 9 SINGAPORE, Mon. The Malayan lare market opened the week with continued firmness m the industrial section today. Tin shares were quietly steady, while .rubber shares were neglected. Changed prices were INDUSTRIALS Buyers Sellers AW B-irks Pxef. 2.] :> 2 tO Fraser Xeave Ord. 3.77 3
    141 words
  • 266 9 NEW YORK, Aug. 18 (UP) The Port Neches (Tex GR S synthetic rubber plant operated by Nau-J-atiick Chemical Division, United States Co is being inverted from "hot" to "cold" synthetic rubber, the company has announced. Its production capacity will De increased from 70.000 long
    266 words
  • 59 9 AX ITALIAN firm has been engaged by Pakistan to build a 750-mile long highway ta eastern Bengal, the Pakistan legation m Rome announced. Necessary machinery will be shipped from Italy m the near Future together with a large number of specialized Italian workers. It was forecast
    59 words
  • 61 9 Settlement Of Oil Row Soon? TEHERAN, Aug. 18 (UP! Foreign Minister Hussein Nay i said that the possibility OJ :i settlement of the oil dispute, which brought Persia to the verge of bankruptcy, was greater than it had ever been. II is reported that Mossadeq had told his cabinet that
    61 words
  • 157 9 LONDON. Aug. Ift (AFP> Commenting onthe requi iUonIng by the Chinese Comma- 1 Dists Of two principal Britibhowned sh.pyards m ShanghaiJ the Times correspondent writes this actiOQ "varnas a stage fu^l jher the weakening of Britishj eonwnerolal links with ChinM." It ia "0 sttrpiise that the
    157 words
  • 104 9 COMMODITY PRICES CLOSING rubber writes (cent- per lb.) m Singapore yesterday were Buyers Sellers No. 1 Spot Loose 861 87 FOB m bales Sept. No. 1 R.S.S. 8« 87 No. 2-R.SJS. 81'- 81? No. 3 K.S.S. 76] Tone: Quiet. LONDON RUBBER No. 1 R.S.S. settlement House Terms. Friday's opening prices
    104 words
  • 165 9 TU Leaders To Grab PA A Plant GUATEMALA CITY. Aug. 18 (Router) Guatemalan Trade Union leaders plan to call for the attachment of all Pan-American World Airways I installations and equipment m S this central American republic to satisfy a judgment against the airline. The Union lenders made their announcement
    165 words
  • 52 9 Crops Outlook In Pak.. India Bettor The Financial Times says, "crops In prospect m Pakistan and India are <>n such scale thnt the chronic postwar shortage this commodity iecnM by now to be b oken, "it said m an editorial. It r.iiled <nt]ook the new season m various CTOPfI pn
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 388 9 By ARNOLD C. BRACKMAN, Special Standard Correspondent JAKARTA, Aug. 18. The Indonesian Government, m onofFicr Stunning more, has again issued orders to further slash imports and cur tail expenditure on foreign exchange. This action was taken amid a fresh welter of ru^~ urs
    388 words
  • 148 9 US$ Buys 55% Less Since 1939 THE pu C as er of the U.S. dollar represented only 55. .'3 per cent of its 1939 value at the end of June this year ac >rding to a statement of the "'National Industrial Conference I?oard" r< < ased m N< w York.
    148 words
  • 101 9 Trade Done In Coconut Oil Standard Markej Reporter PRICES on the produce market j n s t < r»ai led much the same as the week-end prices, with only small business passing. Copra was very quiet at $24J per picul buyers and $25 sellers Coconui oil changed hands at S.'iHj
    101 words
  • 72 9 MALAYAN ExcHa Bank.s' s ij i«g ...< to me chants "i" (l Mai* m) ire New y ii n; <T.T.), 32 1 16 'O.D.t, 32 15 L 6 on c b and 33 < I te bi ida 31 3 B fT.T.), 31J iO.D.». 3] 3
    72 words
  • 5 9 an the 1
    5 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 96 9 or scratches that may fester DETTOL IMB Help Your Piles r i>r< idlng Pile*, :it > .tnr.fy.,.- wlthou ing In C*■■ n .1 .1 1 it ting ir 1'.!,", in J »,,.s. 1 Itching. H< Ipa :r iim 3. H«lpa 1 branes. M« fy Ch n.iro.d MtlsflM > 'i'- C-
      96 words
    • 166 9 iKa|-PoiwdfWage ".-ENDERIZED' PRUNES These specially lected prunes c-* q and fuflflovoured m a ',cw, oirtighi foil contoinei I ieir quality mokes then large* t ond 1 1 merico MACLAINE WATSON CO, MALAYA. LTD Fitt&k and (^SS^ flappiel now! irlffi THE feelinK of well-being which \Jk $W f results from taking
      166 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 566 9 SINGAPORE B^i SERVICES hiarv H N v'.. x JV )kl x a 1. 4 r c a MALACCA I i\i:\h» N^e pBFA«Tt'»KH:* 7an EN "TERTAINMENTS I"''" »m Jm i «-5" a'n.| CXIMIO!.: .1,,,... f!lindi| u MX, ,o,vm, !^'Vn.M, t D Pe DFPAB -Ht»ii>; s v< 7_and BIS pin at B
      566 words

  • Article, Illustration
    739 10  -  OSWALD HENRY PETER ROBINSON erfafadfgaf I _Z7/_t/T IB TAYE-R' CHARMER IN«. \PORK. wailed an \nit-n. .m to M the other ni* i^ twice tS' si7c of New V' k> iinttT) lad !tn times i- dead!* 1 1■• mitt st sui h a remark Mil I h.i\ t
    739 words
  • 1034 10 Pencil-slim Use Bharucha, wife of Bombay's movie mag. nate B.T. Bharucha. President of the Exhibitors' Association of India. i> here on a brief vacation. Vienna-born. Use looks even more attractive m sari. Her pet pastimes are bridge and dancing. FMNC.SiDFRS at the Capitol: Two Franks Commodore Walton.
    1,034 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 79 10 the 9 P'!' a created for comfort by C f Cl vlicn hi- f<M-l arc sel ron<l«u I .i!v on the ground m Win. Joyces, rhese handsome (VallwrvM-inlH shoes arr adding appreciably to (he masculine joy of living. Try on a pair m our shoe depart men! ami yon*!! ■ndrrnfi
      79 words

  • 389 11  - Unaware, Calypso Best Trainees On Track WINDSOR LAD By KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— Penang trainer Jack Manning's candidates Unaware, Calypso and Grandeur (late Hunter Street) were the best workers at this morning's workouts of candidates preparing for Wednesday's races second day of the Selcngor Turf Club's August meeting. Unaware ridden by
    389 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 11 photo St, r t. W. Stuart (Singapore) clearing 12 ft. Oj inch at the Malayan championships at Ipoh to set a new record and be the first pole vaulter to reach 12 ft. m Malaya.- Yong Pens Seong
    Yong Peng Seng  -  38 words
  • 45 11 S 'pore Asiatic Rugby THE Singapore Asiatic! Rugby Union will hold its 7th I post-war annual genera! meet- ing at the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club on Friday at I 5.30 p.m. r Ai! Asia!) players and those interested are cordially invited 1 1 to attend.
    45 words
  • 226 11 ever he'd. Ihis was on the point of competitive excellence, number of competitions and nations participating, facilities. management ami the Olympic spirit displayed." NEW YORK, Aug. 18 (Reuter) Mr. A very Brundage, newly elected President of the International Olympit Committee and veteran American Olympic official, who
    226 words
  • 43 11 MEW PORT. Rhode Island. Aug. 17 (UP)- -Frank Sedgman today retained the Newport Casino singles crown by conquering hi.s Australia countryman Ken McGregor m a marsthon four-set struggle lasting two hours and 20 minutes. 6-3. <>-2. 12-14. and 8-3,
    43 words
  • 647 11 Who Was Greater Emil Or Paa vo NEW YORK. (AP>—Somehum we had gained the innoceni impression that everyone now conceded Emil Zatopek, the sizzling Czech* to be the greatest foot runner ol all time, an even more magnificent athlete than fabulous Paavo Nurmi. We have iust had our throat jumped
    647 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 11 pitotu. Sin^oores Olympic representative Tens Pei W:.h m the m,lre, hurdles vvh, M wwcS but m Mower lime thai her M a la record. Yong Peng Seong
    Yong Peng Seong  -  27 words
  • 31 11 "A Spoon Shoot for members of the Singapore Rifle Association will be held at Bukit Timah Range on Sunday 24th August. 1952. Shooting will commence at S.'M) a.m."
    31 words
  • 86 11 ZANDYOORT-ON-SEA. THE NETHERLANDS, Aug. 18 (AP) Albert Ascari of Italy clinched the world's automobile racing title yesterday by winning the Dutch Grand" Prix race at an average speed of 80.91 miles per hour. Leading all the way m the approximately 235-mile race, Ascari lapped
    86 words
  • 37 11 MANC H ESTER, Massachusett, Aug. 17, (UP). Young Maureen Connolly took top honours m the women's invitation tennis tournament loday when she defeated veteran Louis Brough 4-6, 8-0, 6-3 at the Essex County Club.
    37 words
  • 214 11 SUBSTATIONS m Singapore liable to load shedding today: Boon Tat St.. XljunhHl Rd.. Sims Avenue, Atlas ice, Happy I World. Albert M., short St., I New hr Wks.. Fir«« stone. Mar- Krn/.if Rd., Itukit Timah Pumps, I BateHUer Bd.. Jalaa 1 i BJH.B.C. Mcßltchie, Itraddell Kis»>. XNagoil's
    214 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 11 photo Pie. J. Kobisi (Ne^ri) third from the rigitf, already ahead m the 120 yards hifrh hurdles m which he bettered the existing Malayan record when v inning at the Malayan championships at lpoh on Saturday. Yong Peng Seong
    Yong Peng Seong  -  41 words
  • 184 11 PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 18 (AP) World heavyweight champion Jersey Joe Walcott will defend his title m a 1 .Wound bout against Rocky March— on Tuesday, Sept. 23. m Philadelphia's municipal stadium. Co-promoter Herman Taylor announced yesterday. Taylor, who \s putting on the show boxing's biggest prize
    184 words
  • 138 11  - GOLF Here's How Slammin Sam Snead mm* Tiic short oitch shot with a i lofted iron <■• lite ?/ valuable Today's ]>layers .flight with u ball that will on q near Die jiin. A ra mrod U hm without too mucl s vitally important. I pla r made a iliorl
    138 words
  • 71 11 The following uril present the Eclipse HP friendly badminton match of 4 singles and the Star!. ft B.P. <>< P i B tkom at the Clerical Union Hi I Rangoon Road, on F' daj ol 7.15 p.m. M» i Stcph< n George, Cheong Hfj'k Lock, George Lee Chan
    71 words
  • 24 11 i DL a trici I Po S v Hoong B Sei 1 nnd BiJk:' and Katong beal I 4 i
    24 words
  • 55 11 IP, —The l\ Autumn G will he li embi 0 l .-.I! I Satui A feature be I L Div. 1 000 I nriaoei the 5 1 ncr o\cr this Nat I v. Bet. 1 pn oners n for hoi div: I la I! 000 t
    55 words
  • 12 11 Mystery Cure For Polio Man I ectioi 'i sine VClinic < I i\
    12 words
  • 36 11 BOMBAY, U I .<.'■ I tcbeduled Bombay to L I have b ■>. < B poi. i ed i X con i b< i foil i i Eoi ome I He line* claim
    36 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 371 11 PERSONAL note d nation tested. Please 1 _!Ni:\GEMENT I i ann >d i Mr. n R I Etfi lava] i i SI i lONS VACANT ished Lmnpor to iea and Must be d >■■ res- ,md i lalary, I .ms- com I taly »ly Office -ibie with 's in •.veil
      371 words
    • 370 11 Sttß^aMdLattAAM -^e» Ik i^^ ty RITA DEL MAR '-J9&E& 4fGOU( j ujSPf, 't^ v^ ll keei i »<• mm to It-. jKVIoT Uhy r,m,:'";! iy JBSSe.-. \v. KBey. IIKM)VV Hrn EVEBY?reativ? eVO l l r <-.e.i..,e aid c sisa K r" busy; -SB pss. Evening: m t gS ln expend!-
      370 words
    • 121 11 STANDARD CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RESULTS Only 50 cents per line with a minimum r\ra<qe of (2/ kn linci (opproximaTing 20 short word^) v, II encblf you to pk I I en od m The Singopore Standard (Doi'y kd<\'>nj \jmdc\ Situotiom v _.nt Wanted, Accommodation Vacant, For if, Mtscellaneouf, StC Domestic
      121 words

  • TODAY'S Sport
    • 19 12 J Be r Stad Dt r v-. v Sing pore F ire o a« Gevlan Singapore X VM.A
      19 words
    • 10 12 R-lpoh Di* F°°tj •< < C on rpofc v <l(icil r
      10 words
  • 88 12 TAIPING, Mon. The Db- A— aation ting another league corns season. The as had a \ei iccessful ist .-ear. It reached the Perak inter-district rney (Bee-bearers for I•" President Mr. A F. Duraio President Ma >i Mr, G, L. Carson Secretary and Treasurer: Francis. Committee to
    88 words
  • 386 12 Base Dis trict, Eurasians In Fast, Clean Game A SMVLL (^ROW'D at the Jalau Besar sladiuin yesterday Mas treated! to 60 minutes of hard, rleaii and exciting soccer m which unbeaten Singapore Base District drew 1-1 with Eurasians m SAFA'6 (oniiiiuiiitv league. Base District playing
    386 words
  • 103 12 Newsman Swims The Channel OVEB Eng w Au^- JJ Abdel Monem, 27- Egyptian newsj iper,ied ashore near bere after swimn.- Channel from a about l«i hours^ em who left Cap On? v•• night battled hard un f -o !a>t lev. Igainsl worsening conw\ s -overed the di: v I les
    103 words
  • 30 12 Harlem Globetrotters will > i lour matches in Singap e "I itches will be a: the I!. W >rld Stadium and the dates: Aug. 2-',. 24. 25 and 26.
    30 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 12 pfcoto. Eyes dosed, teeth gritted the flying Fijian Dawai Orissi (second from left) bursts through first in the 100 yards at the Malayan championships at Ipoh on Saturday. Second was his cousin Levula (right). Young Peng Seong
    Young Peng Seong  -  37 words
  • 394 12 BUESSELSHEBM, GERMANY, Aug. 18, (AP).— Eight husky youns; men from Yugoslavia's Olympic rowing team disclosed here today that they are not going to return to their Communist homeland even if Premier Marshal Tito does say his brand of Communism i* not like Stalin's. T
    394 words
  • 326 12 Xl VI A LUMPUR, Mon. lii the inter-ward Municipal cup competition played today on the X.L Padang Sentul War<l heat Bunjjsar Ward by two "oals to one \ni\ only after a hard fight. The winners who were the aggressors for the major part of
    326 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 12 photo. Barefoot, southpaw Pte. Chepkwong of th> King's African Rifles who threw the javelin to a new Malayan record at the Malayan AAA championships at Ipoh on Saturday. Yong Peng Seong
    Yong Peng Seong  -  31 words
  • 208 12 KEEN TIES IN PENANG TOURNEY PENANG, Mob. Th<» Eurasian P^ir L. I. Robless and J. I). Scully beit Cheah Wat Sun and Dr. Lim Chuns Ku after being taken to the rubber >et m the Penans Tennis open championships today. Scylly and Robless lost their first set 2—6, but by
    208 words
  • 32 12 AACHEN, Germany, Aug. 17 (AP) Italian horsemen tonight won the team championships m an international Prix Des Nations jumping contest here. Germany was placed second, Mexico third and Argentina fourth
    32 words
  • 96 12 TAIPING, Mon. Rugger practices are m full swing m Taiping. The Taiping Tigers, a leading team m the District, comprising old boys at the King Edward VII School, which fielded the best school XV m North Malaya m 1951. have elected the following office-bearers for the current
    96 words
  • 285 12 PENANG, Mon. Thomas cup trainee Lee Hoo Chye showed greatly improved form last night when he beat former Penang; champion Law Teik Hock m the first round of the Penang open badminton championships, winning 10—15, 15—14, 15—14. Lee was the I fitter man and
    285 words
  • 124 12 SYDNEY, Aug. 18 <ReuterAAP) Alfie Sands, brother of Dave Sands who was killed m a lorry accident last week, said today 'that he would try to win the Australian middleweight boxing title hi« brother held. Alfie. who received minor injuries m the accident which killed Dave,
    124 words
  • Article, Illustration
    71 12 TOP: The Combined Overseas Schools team which beat St. Joseph's Institution by one run at Raffles Institution yesterday. Seen in thfs Standard picture are, back row, Lembruggen, Davidson, Calhaem Graham MiDermott. Mr. G. McDermott (Umpire). W. Hax worth. Grant Minns and Gordon Frew. Front row. Ralph Minns, William Minns. David
    Standard  -  71 words
  • 68 12 if i i Ii i t.» onh 63 fourth dax t l ttgtr si for 98 m re, first innm-, u>UI „f Six dodated 1 India v. needin? 228 I defeat, but I before lunch their second T: matrh Ingl.uirt I- 1 IlKll, Roy b
    68 words
  • 19 12 Teachers Union Sport Kuala Lumpui lla lya organised teni and tab:, On Tl team wi key on the VI
    19 words
  • 461 12 Overseas School boys Win First 'Test' By One Run A COMBINED Overseas Schoob XI. playing the im «»i cricket matches m the Colony, just numaged to heal St. fofepir« lim»i lion by one run m an exciting one-inning* einounter at Raffles li -iiluli yesterday. After both team* hail scored HI
    461 words
  • 96 12 LONDON Aug 18 < Keu ten (ieoifrey Duke, Bri tain's double world rhaiupion motor t yclist who re <ei\ed injurie> m (lermany a few weeks asjo will not Im* able to rate again this sea son. it was officially annount ed here today. Duke's dot tors
    96 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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