Singapore Standard, 15 August 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
  • 16 1 Singapore Standard A. •>! X VOL. 11l NO. 44 FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1952. 12 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS
    16 words
  • 64 1 Bombs Injure 5 In New Village K1 11 I L I M PHI, 24-hoin perifen uas imposed i today at the EDagc En the iin district, alter se, includinu two c wounded dm ing ide and s,un it tack Ulage'a police post. I wen p .i.-'l the .> verandah ol
    64 words
  • 56 1 Reds Fire On Train DPUH Th irs I .<: ed m the I tay was amM>t by a police :ng an air erloh. Pa: who was m unii to escape after Hied on three entered a kam- Tr. ngganu u'.d tr.iin his b\ terrorists m the M isan{ district <»t
    56 words
  • 42 1 PUR, Thurs. I day I :'our j ps and a -Lipplies dump, I ed the preo camps, m the area of Perak, ted when the approached it. opened fire and this v the terrorists A pistol and r« recovered.
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  • 8 1 M icao scd as
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  • 316 1 rßj Special 1 brangemeiU with The Times, London. Ml MIMi. Thurs. Recruitment of Sea Dyak columns to fidit (ommuni.i terrorists is being considered by the Sarawak Government. Residents of the Second and Third Administrative Divisions oi Sarawak where mosl ol these excellent jungle fighters live
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  • 219 1 I ONDON\ Aug. 14.— Britain^ Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden, and Miss Clanssa Spencer-Churchill were married m Caxton Hall Registry CHRce here toda3 two days after the announcemeni of theii engagemen*. The bride's uncle, Britain's Prune Minister Winston Churchill. wai tha principal witness. Tbt hrcie leeined
    AP; Reuter  -  219 words
  • 529 1 Bus, Rubber Board Stall The Targets; Suspects Held Fair said the home-made bomb emitted a great de;il of smoke. It was put out by Civil Defence personnel, whose exhibition stall was next to that of the British Rubber Development Board. The incident caused a small
    A.P.  -  529 words
  • 26 1 FIRE raced undecked ster* rf iy through a copra wrareh iis m Cebt City, Phsippines catis d>4;i^e esumated fj 6*1,500,000.— A .P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 69 1 LONDON, Aug. 14 (Beater):— The Order of St. John is sending 25 welfare teams to resettlement areas m Malaya at the request of Gen. Sir Gerald Templer, British High Commissioner m Malaya, it was announced today. Two sisters. Miss Marjorie Miller and Miss Nancy
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  • 230 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Thaw. Announcing that War Damages paid out by n€ end of July totalled $161,--000,000. the acting chairman of the Malayan War Damage Commission. Mr. S. E. Chamier, said today that a second interim dividend is to be declared m November under awards
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  • 36 1 LAUSANNE, Aufl 14 (Reuter). Seventeen j ear old King H s spin I oi .I"? dan I >ld a press conference today that his return •'i Amhiimi had been fixed for Aug. 24
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  • 175 1 LICQ-ATHKRY (France), Au». 14 (AP)— A doctor went 1,000 feet down into the earth today to treat a cave explorer who had fallen and broken his back and jaw. The physician travelled tvvo-and-a»hali hours on a steel i able lowered into the Pierre Saint-Martin
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  • 73 1 BANGKOK. Aug. H K«''i ter-AAP). RnriiPioßi v ith rice purdiasißg nations over allocations for the last quar tet 1 of 1952 h.i\«' beea post poned until Septeibef after being originally planned for niid-AutiU^t The postponement has bern made because, ouini; to late rains, reports on the present
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  • 33 1 LONDON. A 14 'H t of Britain's b g&esi unobile maker.s the Austin Mot i pany, took out patents today on a gas turbine "jet" engine for cars and trucks.
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  • 69 1 Sul lan To Open Sino-MalayClub IPOH. Thurs.— The only SinuMalay club m Malaya, the Paloh Club" of Ipoh will hold a cocktail party on Aug. 17 to celebrate the official opening of the clubhouse by the Sultan ol Perak. Started two years ago, the club's first president was Dato Panglima
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  • 50 1 A TOTAL of 160 detectives ai d uniformed members of the Singapore Police Force took part m a two-hour raid on 60 opium den 1 m Chinatown and Beach Road areas last night. Also taking part m the raid were 30 police vehicles. Altogether "JO persons were detained.
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  • 56 1 A 45-YEAR-OLD woman, believed to be mentally deranged, created a scene m Amoy Street S c sti B1 passers-by nn the tad and snatching i te b titles of aerated v fj «l an \.<:er sta threw them into B coffee shop. Sh« itet de- 1 tamed
    56 words
  • 88 1 .JAKARTA, Ar; i quoting tht> B Fikn;iii Rakjat producii i ii ng clo ,-jovvu < pi ci a marl. "It these 1 down, it would n diltirul t and 1 'Mill idle hungry woik i feelings many sections I th< i ent will On llic
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  • 56 1 li'< >!! Thurs.- .1 S Ofl Pi H 1 tticfa Ipoh was 1' mrt, lyfl R. Whnn-.ter. n i ing <• ieee v ,nm Peng So on Jun< 21 I to si eh. Hackay who was i morning cla <• 1 was allowed $1,000 The vu
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 89 1 HG GH HF B^m/*n^N^ m\i^ SheaffejcS Sk/up 7«V\ ordered" to a avoid th« clotting, clogging and cory/^^Zr rosion coused by common _~JC\S^ can ye many dollors m costly repair! or complete replacement. Sknp never yW clnt* or clogi always flow« smoothly and evenly. Testproved the finest, safest writing fluid m
      89 words
    • 86 1 X/ERITAC W ELEPHANTBRAND W MANTLES Represenlatlxes W. G. THURSTON CO. Sinijapore K. Lumpur As Dependable as Ever OF ALL Imi 1 i —i^—^l Ik— r a-«BsHwljil 'WITT 'irti f %T '4 Mfil J[ $J< 8« »qua* feel J «l of ttoragt I 1 /V j »2 »Pac«. I J I
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  • 179 2 $61 M. Assessed For Last Year, $59 M. Collected Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPORE income tax collections for la*l 'year were 82.000,000 short of expectation* The [income Tax iVparlmrnt's annual report released yesterday shows eeHectiens at $*****,000 compared with 861.890.000 tax assessed. Bulk of the money
    Standard  -  179 words
  • 93 2 Standard Stall Reporter sir CLTJTHA Mackeav nv. op.siiltant on Blind Welfare f«f UNESCO, told the Standard yesterday that there was far less incideiice of blindness m Singapore than mother fdinitrifs. hoye 1 ■r, I d was a hool i them to bei-ome sc f-
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  • 26 2 Standard Stall leßOrtet Harbour the Boai ice n- i The memo which w; c of th his 1 d missed from the
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  • 23 2 $1,923,000 Sent To Red China c and Ux Federa- .iled -1.249.(X>7 I includes some b-v residents igh I 1 ees from 81.
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  • 55 2 THE B Road I 1 c hav< eird a number of Parker fountain pens, two of have the names Tap. Tei and Eng Ah Soon 4 ;ve!y engrarej on them.' hing to claim the pens should contad Q»€ Senior Del Officer < Chief in-' Sivj
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  • 151 2 MALPRACTICE i* suspected to be the cause of ihr o»-«^ sustained by I In- Singapore Co-operative Stores ioeiefj I .imii#'<l. ii i* stated iii ilu* I M.">l rcporl ol ihr onunisMoaer lor Co-operative Development. The report adds: ''This society is experiencing great di uity and i'or the
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  • 130 2 Standard Stall Reporter A YOl NC Indent's -ni ■ewspapet editor conh plinwd m Singapore yestfiday nf the meagre allouamr ol .0 mpiahs Djakarta authority permitied him to carry. He efcaagrd this at the airport <m arrtya] and rercjvfd v.'.SC "What ran 1 do with
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  • 32 2 THERE ill be a passingout parade of the 'Arc\. Corps Home Guards today at 10.30 at the FAKELF Traming Centre, Home Guard Wing, 1 6th oiile, Kota Tinggi Road. hore.
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  • 143 2 Streamlining of The Singapore City Council and Singapore Improvement Trust administrative methods is to begin soon. Mr. T. P. F McNeice, City Council president, toid The Standard yesterday that the secretary of the 5.1.T.. Mr. A. Greenhill who has been chosen to undergo training m
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  • 76 2 TEO CHEE YEONG, a sales clerk m a sundry-goods shop, \as committed yesterday lor I at the next Singapore *\>- on. a charge of murder oi So h Ah Wah. a trisha rider oh June 3 m a Geylang hotel. At a preliminary inquiry
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  • 106 2 HC Addresses Policemen KUALA LUMPDR, Tburs.— Special Constabulary staff officer? and representatives of police training schools who met this week for a two-day conference qn training, listened to an address by the High Commissioner, Sir Gerald Templer. The Conference which was he'd at the Federal Police Headquarters and at the
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  • 80 2 CHETTIAR WINS $2.172 CLAIM TIIK CHIEF Justice, Singapore. Sir Charles MurrayAynsley, gave judgment for 52.1TL ..^5 for the plaintiff, a Chettiar m a civil suit m the High Couxi yesterday, The plaintiff, V.N. Nagalingam, bused his claim on a promissory note for $1,400 and interest at 48 per cent, per
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  • 96 2 THE Malayan Pharmaceutical Journal originally intended ;to serve as a binding link among pharmacists m Malaya, has aroused such a gn at interest m Hongkong, that it is now hoped "to extend still further to Ceylon so that ultimately The Journal will be a publication circulating
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  • 122 2 THERE is "keen awarem of the importance of economic i knowledge m every day life among citizens of Singapore. i said Mr. Charles Gamba of the Department of Economics Uni--1 versity of Malaya, who is now delivering a series of lectures entitled '"Economics for the Citizen." Mr.
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  • 60 2 KIALA LUMPUR, Thurs. As an economy move and to avoul any unnecessary (.ill on Police and forces, the Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Nesrri Sembilan lias commanded that both the triennial ceremony and his official birthday celebrations be held simultaneously bee inning: on Sept. 18 and continuing
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  • 92 2 Food And Drugs A BUREAU of Standards or a permanent Food and Drugs I Committee for Malaya. is strongly advocated by the Malayan Pharmaceutical Journal, j In its editorial, the Journal says that if the Sale of Food and Drugs Ordinance is to be extended
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  • 97 2 FIXES totalling $30,250 I imposed m 407 cases od violati ing the Food and Price Control Ordinances m Singapore during J v I j .Nature of for which convictions were retained wt <- I tailing to display price tags 261), selling cigarettes above displayed price (129),
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  • 166 2 THE following new donations have been received by the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis AssoKamala Club (proceeds from Ba^a.irs 51.500. Ha'jy.i Publish :.->;: House si, ooo. The Sikh MoneyLenders' Association 55<>o, The S:.;L'.^nore Flower Show R ...i Jewel 5100 Rediffusion i Spore Ltd.) 570. Medical Hall. Donation Box S>o
    166 words
  • 120 2 THE 195? office bearer? of I Muslimin Trapl Fund Association's sub-committees are as follows: S.M.A. Alsagoff WakafT Fund Messrs. Sjed Hussein bin AJi Alsagoff; Mr. M J. Namazie and Syed E<a bin Hassa A;*r.r:iu:ir Orphanage (a) Care of orphans: Messrs. Syed Abdullah bin Shaikh Belfageeh and
    120 words
  • 151 2 Soldier's Wife Tells Court Of Attack In Her Room A MAT. AY woman, Liyah binte SuSamian. wife of a Malay soldier told the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday that she was attacked by another soldier, while her husband was away on duty m Kluang. Accused was Othman bin Mahimid who
    151 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 51 2 /iopuat tVeai I I ■Wi 'I TWO PIECE py mW 'm TROPICAL SUITS J^^ W «f 'I n Spun Rayon ]j LIGHT, MID AM) DARK GHEY i T|r AM) LIGHT, MID AND DARK nkm $55.00 M B *Jr lIPU^B MEASURE I t UHiITEBW^Ff (WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW 6- CO.. LTDJ 696 SINGAPORE.
      51 words
    • 191 2 ONtY THE CUPPER Wav OFFERS YOU SUCH LUXURY, SPEED, EXPBUEMCE! Ye; fi> by luviirious Clipper B hftvc vhocc of scei n lft rt to Rome son "The Pre de luxe imMt itllillLil "St: Direct to Istanhui. I r.mkfurc ami Rru i uropc, daily Prt nUnt flights Superb mak or, ill
      191 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 71 2 t mm W ICrtriF/T'-HOW V WHO CAM HAVE I\ EGAD.^-THERE I[ 7 BAZOOKA < /'.J Tr-.^\ i MANY TIMES < COUNT THAT j EVER "^V ARE MORE! < MOLE. IT WAS /,^A > PEALLY m ha/eis>wed\ high, ~S hesitated bullet holes meant top you love, about m YOUR LIFt ">
      71 words

  • 66 3 Colony Pakistanis Celebrate PA] iN flag m S Paki-' their Pak .tanis gathi t the i i Pak Tra< Han I Ai i V i rion fora ing v rtraii of Khuidazam, (the »lr. and< Mr. Mir gathering I >rk for a bett i understanding of th Pakistan and the
    66 words
  • 46 3 iHE i NIVI RSI Mala inviting app' snts 1 >r two lectureship m irmacy Oi >pse s. rg and the C Pi I} W. D. Craig thi Ri g -rar told The SI yesterday. tureship m p'-u: i is a new past
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  • 600 3 It's Immature Thinking, Say Leaders In Singapore Standard Staff Reporter THE PAN-MALAYAN Labour Party's manifesto advocating the breaking up of large rubber estates m Malaya, belonging to absentee shareholders, into small holdings of 10 to 20 acres met with complete disapproval from Singapore rubber circles and
    600 words
  • 126 3 DR. C. J. Pag'.ar (mem- 1 ber for Changi) will ask the C >nial Secretary at the next •ting of the Singapore Legislative Council on Aug. 19 what recommendations have .uated from the Singapore Government with regard to the statement recently made m the House
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  • 224 3 Standard Market Reporter j THIEF who entered the j x estry of the Cathedral of the 'Good Shepherd. Bras Basah Road Singapore, yesterday, stole a woman s handbag, which, with its contents, was worth $63. The handbag belonged to a Filipino woman who had gone to
    224 words
  • 111 3 MR K. SWAMINATHAN Singapore accountant, told the Coroner Mr. Giam Chong Hing. yesterday that while taking a stroll along th e beach at Marine Parade early one morning he came across the body of a young Chinese woman. M: Swaminathan was giving evidence at an inquest
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  • 174 3 CO-OP CHIEF STATES: LACK O! trained Chinese staff m the Department of Co-operative Development is delaying ihr formation <•! co-operative societies ami a central marketing organisation, for Chinese market gardeners m Singapore. Stating this m his annual report for 1951, Mr. T. F. Carey. Commissioner
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  • 142 3 Standard Staff Reporter PROFESSOR G. A. Ransome. professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Mak. commenting on the statement "of the possible relationship between the distribution of diseases and the environments m which they develop" said that he thinks il -very unlikely that this
    142 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 3 LITTLE Geraldine Hen- derson rehearsing her Kgyptian dance for the charity pageant "Rendezvous with Fve" to be held at Raffles Hotel on Aug. 15, 16, 20 and 21. Bookings for the last two ll*. nights can still jflßßgßßßjit !>♦■ made at Raffles Hotel.
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  • 246 3 Standard Staff Reporter PROFESSOR W. VV H. Tcrnll, who recently joined the University of Malaya as Professor of Prosthetics, said that students m Singapore when seeking admission into the Dniversity usually choose dentistry only as an alternative to medicine. "This should not be SO.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 149 3 PvOOTHER- OW I USE -in-one/ im ft SULFARTHROL BERNA sulphur m tablet 1,,! mi fT use m j J\ !>!>F ..\>! S HKiiis \t m El ZEM i ri 1.0-i> i S >R] \-is ETC. tM butitalc iiiid«r ■teal v nun vi t b.»ttie. Vtstafc M CHARI «c CO., I
      149 words
    • 126 3 r m r II JJ.P %r < i '-.v/ '■'''•'•'■*^>{M^^^^BWllfKßB I^9B§3G "^^^S^Wi I Occasions of unique and special enjoynient call for cigarettes made by Bexsox- HtDGfS to reflect the rare perfection and to echo the THt LAt{ KING OiOM&C »i »r^ BE,\±O\ HEDGES LTD OLD DOM) SIP!.: W taluJte lUu
      126 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 48 3 T— VV'^H roOZY \yr M PUT ALL THIS BOUT" YOU HAVIN' IC) i-T'J~r'- ZmARiON JL)6T GOt6 A>", t i y <Z&&%\ S?t' AOME- WED fK e»LOUSV DAMf. Y'KNOCKtD OKAY. W^?y^' I, Mr V VITH TERKC^ /jUOT CAN'T r 1 ■■I 4B V^ Ml\^e?g^;^w^j meamil^e no^ l^^A \^-—ir& iC^lh-V^
      48 words

  • 481 4 Rid Surplus By Smuggling 1 PENANG, Thurs.— The Director of Shriro (China) Ltd., A. 8. W. Penned denied m the i Sessions Court today that he instructed his former Penang branch manager, R.A. CoulsonGilmer to dispose by smuggling to Thailand and Burma surplus stocks of
    481 words
  • Article, Illustration
    94 4 THE HUGH Commissioner. General Sir Gerald Templer. paged to* this picture at Hint; Hmse OB Wednesday, with 11 of the 12 potential officers of the Federation Regiment. These potential officers are m their dress uniform which they will wear during the m ruitin.; tawpafgil for the Regiment. Sitting (left to
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  • 299 4 si i?*« i \TIONS m Singapore iiitiii' t> load shedding today: i> \Y HM X < M. tilt. hie. Itr.i.iilrll R»e, M-.uui) Estate. Island <.<>it (hit) Wjadaat l'.:rk. Seletar Pumps. \ir Soon. Seftetar ir<--less I niicii Rubber Plantations, M.-iit.i! iii>v|)it.ii. Frafalgar K-fatr. New World. IVr.ik IM i it!.
    299 words
  • 156 4 Sir Gerald At Rulers' Talks 'Important Items Discussed 1 KIALA LUMPUR, Tluirs.— Sir Gerald Templer, accompanied by Mr. D. C. MacGillivray, Deputy High Commissioner, Mr. W. D. Godsall, acting Chief Secretary, and Mr. M. J. Hogan, the Attorney-General, attended the Rulers Conference which resumed today. Fifteen items were down for
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  • Article, Illustration
    94 4 Senator Camilo Osias (sixth from right) of the Philippines visited the 1952 Trade Fair at the Happy World Park last evening. He was accompanied by his wife (second from left After the television show m the British Radio Exhibition. Senator and Mrs. Osias were guests of the Dato J. Pasrlar
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  • 48 4 2 Cases Of Polio On Perak Estate LPOH, Thins.— Two cases of poliomyelitis were reported ;it Gopeng I st.;te of Kinta m Ferak for the week ended Aus. 9, states the Medical and Health Officer. Fenik. m his weekly summary on incidence of infectious diseases m the State.
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  • 189 4 PEN AN G, Thurs. Th j negotiating committee 6t the Malayan Technical Services > Union has agreed with Govern- ment on the new salary SCi les for technical assistants, techni- dans, overseers and junior technicians, the President oi the Penang Technical Services Union. Mr. G.
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  • 182 4 2 Welfare Cen tres For Blind KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— Work on two important stitutions m connection With the work of the Malayan Association for the Blind will beg a shortly. They are the Princess Elizabeth School at Johore Bahru. construction work on which will start next month and the Gurney
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  • 47 4 MEMBERS of the Singapore Volunteer Special Constabulary attached to "E" Division are reminded that the next monthly meeting is at the Orchard Road Police Station at 7 p.m. on Wednesday. Aug. 20. This will also be pay night and ail Y.S.C.'s are expected to attend.
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  • 329 4 KI'ALA I.UMPUR, Thurs. A pretty l: :i -year-old English-speak-ing Chinese girl, former student of the Tpoh Convent today told the Second Magistrate tow her foster mother had tried to make her a prostitute. The Magistrate. Raja Chik Ja'afar, m acquitting and discharging
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 127 4 y\/>/i\ MOVIE NEWS In Tamil Engfikl ON CAPITOL, REX, BO\ i/" (V -'flJjv H-1.45-4 IH^_9p JPVfik: _-^fik___H___________Hfl-___H- ii^____l______________L n_s_K V /t ERFR CD L hlKm^p*' jHfj H !\1 l\l M I Kill j-HP^i^' n^ •^hwf I o_aHr T^ TOMORRO V WIDMIGHT H__B_ __V -7'>^ Mr^c x P^^ '^_B_?S r--* 5T
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  • 269 5 Licensed Drivers A 'Must' Far Fed. Learners Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Starting next month provisional licences will be issued m the Federat.on for a period three months and learner drivers must display on 'U plate and have a fully licensed driver f- him when driving THOUSANDS OF D&YERS
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 5 A \UC \K! I Siwinua I .).i •i\' iiu \m-\w select !•> Kn v\-.-- oHeice Ir. i ■;><». i|. iH Dd
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 5 ISS < O\^ TAN( X BE who [•turned by air i .;;ulun for kCf holii Malacca with her gcttieieal counlui municipal coun\lr. Ec You Kirn and i Mi,s F> is at •!it m si liristophfrs I ondon and will fly .it her holiday^.
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  • 300 5 WAR DAMAGE CLAIMS KUALA UMIHK. Tluirs.— Tin- $161 millions paid <»m i<> < Inimnnts by thr War Damage Commission ki end of Jidj w made n|> as follows: tin 48. i. rubber 23.7, seizure clainis 33.1. pidvate 15.U, All other claims _!.i. Mb risks
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  • 50 5 Peng hu lus Learn A bout Livestock MOB i and ttended ~e at X PR'! the Si OH era how prove I and to detect M D K. S Senior I: eel S speakii I emphasised school advis •v {Close p -o- couid bring about £ood attendance :i:id good .is.
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  • 52 5 MISS Th mg hockey t>':i' <■• and a ti the Meth tern«on S will be A r. Gana- the Viet Insti- itii o X lala Lumpur on Friday Aug. B T ii lage ceremony will take No. 2 Raii■a 17 Qi S ingei B r> i; \v
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 174 5 WASHINGTON. Any. 14 (U.P.t: Tendency m newlyindependent South East Asian countries to turn away from foreigners m finance and industry will have harmful effects on' the standard of living of those peoples. This warning was uttered by Mr. Charles .1. Shohan, Ex port-Import Bank economist
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  • 125 5 Join Police, Klang Chinese Youth Told \I VNG, Thurs.— Representatives <»r 31 Chinese lions hew met ai the Malayan dftinese youths tor Klaus District Police Force. Disi Olfl «r, M-". the meting igh I Uu« tbey thing for the < Uv c Chins youths] opportunity to to the coi: try
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  • 41 5 Adult Classes For Rembau T> :au h o' tl Aduli t.c v •;,>■ at g held ai I F. jponsored Su van G ed p C obin \i -'--r ri|> >ii!*vafc; "Secret iry. Mr. •^■>m-. Tn is r, Wr. 1 three cjm-
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  • 30 5 V M Baj i I il Abidh! bin R:» !a Hajil trict Officei X m has '< it loi sume duties as First fcss*tanl District Omeer, Larirt and Matang.
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  • 114 5 PEN KKG. 1 iurs Thirl teachei so\ Ponaj Ure ou| a graduation ceremony on Monday /ere told by the DiM id Offi< i Butter- worth Mr 5. T SH vart that education is o I dations on whi I future prosperity rod ength ol the M
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  • 70 5 BfiREMBAN, Wed. A Scremban photographer has discoveved a "walking" leaf which is baffling experts and large numIxis are flocking to see it. He bought fish m a loral market which was wrapped m a large jun/ile leaf. In that large leaf, he found another small leaf of a
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  • 75 5 KLAXC, Thurs A young Malay woman caught riding on the pillion of a bicycle m Telok Gadong Road, three miles oui oi Port Bwettenham, abused the sergeani ot the Police Mobile Etection who stopped and question her and the man who carried her. The woman
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  • 201 5 Many Sawmills Operate On The 'Dividing Line' BANDITS provide a special hazard to rorestn oi»<Mat«on> m Mala>u. tin- 6th Bnti^i Cammonwealth Forestry conferenec, now m session m Ottawa, was told. refwta Renter. X Btrnffoell, Cm w vator «>f Forestii foi the Fed r ition oi Malaya, told the nfereoee that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 m^^B Mor^ signal, less noise... I I > I' H i I r. """.■■■||H i he ll' 111 oiijp^nnnr o DmA f P 1 m perspex. ft l^"^ 11 ILi^g^g^L^^ SINGAPORE PENANG SOS #-^.f hP FEDERATION OF MALAYA $555 *^^^m^?L fSb By SINGAPORE PENWJG $170 \i^t#^^r FEDERATION OF MALAYA $185
      58 words

  • 86 6 Independent W*rni*§ i\eic*paper HEAD OFFiCIt 128, Roblntoß Roai, liitgopor*. Tttephoct Not t ***** *****. Cobfc ft TVegroph Addrcaa I TIGERNEWS, Singopor* ■RANCH OFPICESt LONDON Room 222. Th« Timet Building, Printing Hout* Square, London, EC 4. KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENANfI 45 Suffaa Street, 13 Cowan Street, t Laith Street.
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  • 612 6 Teaching Muddle -II I OUR leader yesterday we argued that one reason the sh< I 1 was the mainten; built along hierarchical lints. top are thi '.ion Off ho as the tine c unlimit* ricted for advance^ t T^he rest remain and end tl the letarians of ti ut the
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  • 1173 6  - THE DEFENCE OF MALAYA Alex Josey Maiayan Affairs By Malaya's first line of defence is m Ihe air yet less than a hundred men m the whole of the Federation and Singapore are being trained to fly. None of the planes used are jets. JT WAR came again, could the
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  • 286 6 Review of Views Sarawak Threat THE importance of Sarawak* lies m its oil and the Com-| munist threat must be re-j moved, the Chung Shing .lit Pao said editorially yester-4 day. The paper offered three, ggestions to combat the! 1. There should be co-opera- < tion between the Indonesian and
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  • 95 6 BLACKOUTS: NOTOUR FAULT Sir; Oni v a few nights ago, Mr. MrNeiee spoke over the radio urging every one to use electricity sparingly m carder to reduce blackouts to a minimum. Why should we, the consumers, be made to suiler from the inconvenience of the blackouts through no taut! of
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  • Wem the PEOPLE
    • 435 6 Sir: If is manifestly unla r to study and examine through a microscope the record of the two Legislative Councils m Malaya one m Singapore and the other m Kuala Lumpur since their reconstitutibn with more elected and nominated unofficial members for the purpose of
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  • 630 6  -  Harold K. Milks By NEW DELHI L'REE India ended its fifth year of independence today with more hopes than progress, but battling bravely against problems of a new naiion of 357.0U0.000 people. Politically, its fifth year re orded what was probably its greatest
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  • 8 6 "Yes, (tear He's had his walk!"
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 115 7 v ,\i \< lhurs— Mr. Justice Abbott m the \^i/»s toda\ remarked that he hoped to make idjion for future corruption cases to be a inr\. Be said this after a jury had by trdiet aeqpitted a P.W.D. technical assistant x X Sa»Wai of corruptly
    115 words
  • 32 7 Stole Tea— Jailed I tted that hi 7 ri- i I LADY TEMPLER shaking hands with a >iala\ L:iil of Kanipon% Genting Malek daring hei tour of I In SelangOf on Wednesday.
    32 words
  • 13 7 1,500 Flee Floods In NSW R colr v out m c I was
    13 words
  • 7 7 Fresh Border Incident a ;ncic: irians were
    7 words
  • 10 7 37 Teachers Get 'Laubach' Diploma Mr. B E rded Edudidate
    10 words
  • 7 7 r». i gene- ;i;).v"s I
    7 words
  • 107 7 \A.\G. Thurs.- 1 one d paper alleged to I ips on horse racing f $411.22 were found the middle drawer of the to. the chief clerk of the Gen< H pital, iieng Hock (37) on the afternoon of May 10. This was stated by
    107 words
  • 36 7 lANG Fhurs M Chee Feder; gislative Settlement Councillors and P lent of the MCA ;:11 young Chini to iat i m the recruitment Into the Federation gim< n1 In a radio broadcast tonight.
    36 words
  • 74 7 IPOH Thurs.— Mr. Chan Ah Fatl <62> a former head posti^ter of the Ipoh General Post Office passed away at his residence m 172 Market Road, i aiping, last night Mr Chan who retired from Government service m i!) 4!) leaves behind a widow, three -.ui.s.
    74 words
  • 524 7 L\S. Psychological Warfare Expvrt Says: Terms Terror' Clash Of Two ivilizations WASHINGTON, Aug. II (UP) m American professor, Mr. Paul M. A. Linebarger, an authority on Via and psychological warfare, >a'u\ today "I <lo not see how World War IN ran Iniw oided." One
    524 words
  • 224 7 Sakais Would Not Give In KUALA IJMPIK Thurs.— Because they were defenceless against an armed band of terrorists, the entire population of a Sakai village m the Teluk Anson Area, Perak, chose to mass evacuate it rather than five m to the terrorists' demand tor food. The Federation Government, praising
    224 words
  • World Newa Flashes
    • 70 7 SCIENTIFIC and military observers from most Commonwealth countries will attend I explosion of Britain's first atomic weapon m Australia. British atomic research h; been carried out for years m close association with Commonwealth nations like Canada. Australia, South Africa and India. The Canadian delegation
      AP; AFP  -  70 words
    • 24 7 LUIS T.\RC( supremo of the Communisl ffuks, was repored sighted m Manila on Wednesday but police failed to trap him.- AFP
      AFP  -  24 words
    • 25 7 BELGI U MS Conservi Gfjvei'nment has decided duce its military conscription j period from two years to 21 I months. A P
      AP  -  25 words
    • 36 7 A CAWNPORE message reports the arresl of more than 300 Muslims for organising protest procession at midnight on Wednesday againsJ the publication of articles m an Allahabad Hindi newspaper on the Prophet.— U.P.
      U.P.  -  36 words
    • 29 7 Hi-TY-EIGIIT Indonesian m surgents and 17 Government troops were killed during a day engagement, last week m the 'neighbourhood ol Ktiningan, I ;.->.-thc-;.s- H. --Ml AP.
      APx  -  29 words
  • 300 7 Speared 4 Times, Court Is Told JOHORE BAHRU Thurs.High Court at the continued trial of Ni <i of having murdered Peck Teow at ECampong song. Pontian. between Auj*. 1945 and Feb. 1. 194* closed thai Peck Teow was mad' to lit .nid was speared four times on the ord< l
    300 words
  • 14 7 HASHIM bin Mo! fined $5 b y U i identity o
    14 words
  • 96 7 Tin Miner Claims Trial IPOH, T.> irs A Chini t iti miner, Ire Chee I 1 nfi (36) who claimed trial to a charge under the Chinese Tin Mines Rehabilitation Loans Ordinance was allowed bail <; $500 by Magistrate Che Arshadthis morning. Lee was alleged to have between Aug. 27,
    96 words
  • 33 7 'i ii X Indonesian^ ta Kuala Kangsar Districi will celebrate the seventh anniversary of the Republic oi Indonesia on Sunday ai the prenusea of the Indian Association In J;i]an K.:i.;' or.
    33 words
  • 79 7 Standard London Correspondent LONDON Aug. 14: The following ore th« doting prices of rubber and tin on the London Morßet todoy LONDpN RUBBER Spot 26 4. Sept. 25 id. Oct. Dec. 25 id. Jon./Mor. 25 d. Apr/June 24^. Aug. e.l.#. 25* d. Marker: Quiet, slightly LONDON
    79 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 37 7 U's Gaskrft ft*/ -ft 11^^ flffifPiTCl /—r-JJ Mi Jlwl/li M f mMm < W*X* > vX)&£ r 0* mm' mm mlw'm M WM ~~—^C THROUGHOUT MALAYA AND TO SARAWAK, NORTH BORNEO. ailimS: WUiWmtD CO., LTD OCEAN BLDG SINGAPORE 1.
      37 words
    • 24 7 "^Kar^^^rV J\ PHANTOM jju* BS^k BWB7 HB »N THE NEWEST CANADIAN FASHION SHADES TRIMMINGS DIPT. DADI M C A li! Q (Incorforotaci In SnQopc-re)
      24 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
      40 words

  • 210 8 King 's Dock, SHB Impress Standard Shipping Reporter THE memhers* of the Pakistan Ci\il Semite Irani. whim j»ai«l a one-aml-a-half-hour isil lo lli«* >ini:ajH»rr Harbour Board yesterday, expressed a<linira!ion al llir t'ftirient way the S.H.B. was run. They were also impressed by the size of King's Dock, one of the'
    Standard  -  210 words
  • 86 8 UK SHIP STRIKE AVERTED SOITHSEA. Aug. 14 (UP)— 'Threat of a crippling strike m Britain's vital defence and cxi purl industr I verti ed for at least one month a- the giant Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engine* Union's authorised new talks with emp i The Confederation's annual conference unanimously tpproved
    86 words
  • 96 8 Cameronia Eases Bark LogOf Troops THE SECOND of three immigrani s that have been diverted to Singapore to ease :ie back lou of troops, the 16,033-ton Cameuonia. arrived m Singapore yesterday to take >■ /icemen and families back to the United Kingdom after their period ot service m Malaya. The
    96 words
  • 45 8 SHIPPING T dland and Qpmmunist China. suspended since Lasl N are bei g i sumed this The Mvi Hock. which left Bangkok, yesterday, ;ir,d the Davike.n. departing Saturday, for S carryim* between I I.IOQ Chine-, -j passengers, including I'M deporte Reuter A A P
    Reuter; AAP  -  45 words
  • 32 8 A WASHINGTON spokesman said thcit. since the I'.S Navy Klanus Island at the end of World War 11. it has not shown any interest m the island. U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 599 8 FAST REGULAR TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICI fan rr-ineisco Los Angeles All American Canadian Citie^ Penang P. Sham Spore Arr LAvSI r\tni< BCAI M ?r»Sept 27 !BSept r?Sei>i lOi t 82 Od Fo f ol D-y Cargo Deep Tanks and passtngej Bookings etc., A^en* 5 ANGLO FRENCH BENDIXSENS LTD. TtL: S i»ote MM
      599 words
    • 853 8 CHINA NAVIGATION CO., LTD. IFlflat Sailings to China and Japan from Singapore,, Port Swettenbam Penang. Also direct Sailings from Bangkok and Indonesia to China Japan. Due S pore Due Penang Frurr» "Funin:;" Auf? 16 Aug 20 Japan Takboi Aur 22 Aug 26 Japan Sails Sails Sails Penang P. Sham Spore
      853 words
    • 274 8 JAVA KEW YORK SAILINGS Koval Kolterdam Llo>d Holland America Line Nedeilaid Line ilmierdaiD Kotterdam Amsterdam HALIFAX. BOSTON NEW VOKR PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE MOBII t St\\ ORLEANS Spore P Siinu Peaaai AMPKNAN (RL) l*/25Alig M/ZlAmg fZ/79Bmg SLOTERDVK (HAL) 3/ISept BSepl HSept BANTAM (RL) 9 15Sept lfi ITSepi H 196epl RAKI (SMN) 17
      274 words
    • 368 8 EAST ASIATIC LjfjF S\lllNGs HHM KANtmAVI/l j **FIONIA" foi Bangkok., Kobe <t Yokohama v ■LALAHWA- (PBssengen r KOiVl JAH AN H< >N( ,X( >\( "PKODI'CE" for taffcot ;Vu< "BINIANG" For Banckf,k 2f, ?<iAug SAIILN(,S TO CONTINfcM S hIN M. For Colombo Aden. Port Said (ienoa U(«n I Hamburg. Copenhagen Gotlienburc
      368 words

  • 1335 10  - THE NEGATIVE— A SUMMING UP PETER ROBINSON An Adventure Called Photography I By 1 HI Uflfte b nkb 1( n H c ->h.»ll s.n t.iivw ell !bC P" tl «'^< >s l! l < u~ittention to Ui« linil P U iphit pitM CSS, Hie preparation ol print. Meanwhile, let bs
    1,335 words
  • 433 10 T CONSIDER the Linhof to be the finest view and architectural camera m tlie world. Although it is only one' of those cameras which can abh.i perform all the necessary tricks I discussed ill the chapter on Architectural Photography, t'ne Linhot is certainly the doyen 1 oj
    433 words
  • 442 10 MUSIC NOTES BY 'ANACRUSIS' gaporp, and one to which we may all *ook forward with confidence and pleasurable anticipation. The booking plan for Dr. Lo 1 1 h »v s c's September concerts w'j'l open m Ro'oin-oii's next week. rpHE Singapore Sociey's orchestra
    442 words
  • 148 10 TkM OI~SSORC«SK¥. Softl] the spirit 1 H*« up to Beaven; I irldu.ush.ii Death Borii hristofl (basM. Gerald Moore (piano). H M Dli.'llst another feather m the already well-plumed c-..p of this astonishing b i Hi.s performance ul these two Is characterised .don and dramatic liccn.-e inherent* only m
    148 words
  • 849 10  -  Bill Webb Jones By THINK congratulations are due to the backroom boys m the Radio Exhibition Studio at the Happy World. There his been a tjreat variety of talent shepherded with care and precision to the microphone, at the same time there has been maintained an
    849 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 108 10 PRESENTS FOR YOUR listening PLEASURE 15 MINUTES £Tsf OF POPULAR COWBOY A s^%, V -RIDERS Jr^^^i Or THE '\JZpior*'* PURPLESAGE' Is, combined an i qxxL'dered with dr.*' rins maltose and c rose added to protect the flava r. LISTEN TO THE SILVER NETWORK OF REDIFFUSION AT 6 30 P.M. EVERY
      108 words
    • 204 10 1 SlSt^t 'J MASTER'S A ju. ju, '-»■<* s&f^^^^r THE LATEST CLASSICAL RECORDINGS BEETHOVEN Ronriance No 1 m Gma -Jascha Heifetz (Violin) wf j Victor Symphony Orchestra Willicm Steinberg rj R y DB ***** j CHERUBINI Anacreon, Overture I The Vtenna Philharmonic Orch j by Wilheim Furtwangler DB 2i~ j
      204 words

  • 517 11  -  WINDSOR LAD By Should Be Watched At Selangor Race Meeting KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Je anette with Spencer astride provided the best gallop ot this morning's workouts of candidates entered for the Turf Club's August Meeting when easily disposing of the three" m 361 sees, m a
    517 words
  • 809 11 FIYI of the 2*2 neu eOaaMTS wh( "ill probabr Ih- making uhii debut at tht^ >eian?or lurl Club -> August Meeting at Kuaki Lumpur tomorrow Ausirahan bred. The- artGuilty. Cynosure. Preview (lite Saved), Bili^ Bee Cvelium> and Majesta.s. Tht- r? 2 st art- either
    809 words
  • 66 11  - GOLF Here's How Slammin Sam Snead S gcod goU form except one point which I le.; ihp mo lhi3 playe- s hat La.3 are Thai bad po. f from a sidn v as n siraigh: Hi xard n knees are lei~ag. Th jes on the ball H, hat moulder pqroc
    66 words
  • 70 11 Ebor Handicap Acceptors LONDON, for the Ebor Hi ■.nree-qu:. I rk on Wednesday, were published today. 1 mtrope Spangled Banner 9; Hoimbusn T :ftnunter 8.12 and Anamaestes S-". c Metatont Sporting Offer 8.6; Borde The Master Col _<; Rotca Whmsaire and White x. Cavour and I Glide T.I 1. Border
    70 words
  • 57 11 MOOR. He 13 nY I B ifa Open wfaen he carded a j 63 first the 1,540 Lotus 7_ hoie=: gofi Locke led the fie] stroke? at the end of the 1 ex: best being Johr. and Joe B on the sam trse. 3 Ayton header
    57 words
  • 11 11 Seremban Misses Penalty 1 B oearr ten n >• gnil D I
    11 words
  • 5 11 Muslim New year Sports THT
    5 words
  • 7 11 SA Footballers In Tour Britain I E
    7 words
  • 5 11 I H O) <
    5 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 54 11 In 1 5> I i 1 1 si 51 DE3fl JOHOB tor II IL O \PORf )e be- 2«m Qt tq md and B \-)b \NTED I] i f rani ITION Book-keeping eHi A rasi r.. TTJITKW Book B-siness Ccr Sc^na coaching --j;afr- sru r ar Pnncipa FECI »r V»lley
      54 words
    • 274 11 M6TICES SLNGAFO»i MfXICIPAL" 4: c c DEBENTURE STOCK 1930 70— OTICE gives 'na--1 -an^re- ..< o f the s ta :rorr. is: re -espect of rest due on the above 51 i7rr r B ttael of the closing of the rs. I > SCALES As City Trrasurrr and Rr^isirar oi
      274 words
    • 147 11 I! lllfi flvLltl BEX J«ihor» I. Now Show Liv: ?..\~> 1." tL M CVR \SO OF BEIU.FK IMH \N MOVII MM^ IN 1 VMII KN'.I ISH s\i i TODAI Mf> 1 f, r \THi Athnlir i Son Nf^v> r P| OPENING TO-DAY 35H0W53.61.U9.15p.«. 1«4il Tl.nliins 'THE MJIfilC i 76 f
      147 words

  • 4 12 SCOTTISH LEAGUE 1 3
    4 words
  • 15 12 TODAY'S Sport VJ 7 a UI 1 iatGi KML cSins Associai :>ipore I 5.30 P
    15 words
  • 69 12 BOD (C c Gover. BO DC A g\ < 3 BOD, i rom •naracter- on „ke no hendw j with a freq v fritted awaj gh their indecil I nterval. ver. BOD and H than j, their opponents. imin- c inscoring was lalf, a B
    69 words
  • 29 12 Ekl !R C final of st the Club on H- sai Stadium bp chosen Paul, Velu. PhilKalimuthu, G. S. M Kassim Nadarajah, S. I r K.:shnaMasla-
    29 words
  • 51 12 >iiT Di< KSON, Thurs.— r tern now been Lnl :ie school carrier tun >' ot the Government E h School, Pert Dickson. j 1 .:ne is p ayed exactly on M iIB C lines as Lawn T-?- t bit wooden bats are used lead uf the usual 1
    51 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 12 3*o Sia^pore BOD team, which pluyed draw i. the intersection soccer tournament yfsltrdiy.
    13 words
  • 601 12 ALL READY FOR RECORD-BREAKING CHAMPIONSHIPS AT IPOH TODAY THE 31st Malayan athletic championships begin at Ipoh today and it should be a record-breaking meet. Never m the long history of the championships have there been so many potential record breakers gathered together. The postwar years have seen a tremendous upsurge
    601 words
  • 149 12 CALAIS. A t 14 (Reuter)— l D r B ■;■> P-y--•vear-old fireman trOTB X Carolina, to the English Chan- v n :lay to attc lpl vi:n the 2(» mi!es to Eng- < He sti out from Cap h near here. Aboard a yacht following hi'.n is
    149 words
  • 123 12 IPOH Thurs. After a lapse f over six months boxing will lake its appearance again m poll tomorrow night when ittle Loone, Bantam and eather weight champion of 'erak. fights Little Paras. 1 [ghtweight champion of South last Asia. A win for Little Loone here nil
    123 words
  • 50 12 CALLING BOY CRICKETERS SCHOOLBOYS from over;eas holidaying m Singapore. ,vho would like to play m the Ticket team which is being )rganised by Mr, ATcDermott ire asked to meet at St. foseph's Institution padang m Bras Basah Road at 2 p.m. oday. At this meeting the :eam will be selected.
    50 words
  • 46 12 HONGKONG. Aug. i 4 (AFP). —Hongkong's leading table tennis players Sit Sui-chor and Fu Ki-fong. will accompany former world table tennis champions. Johnny Leach and Richard Bergmann, m their Far Eastern tour which will include Vietnam. Cambodia. Saigon, Bangkok and Singapore.
    46 words
  • 35 12 KINGSTON, Jamaica, Aug. 14. (Renter). British West Indies have been given permission to enter the Davis Cup international lawn tennis competition. It is understood that they will enter next year.
    35 words
  • 187 12 PARIT BUNTAR. Aug. 13 Burly R Sarmukh Singh of Bagan Serai, Perak's champion weight putter will be making a strong bid to break the long-standing Malayan record for the Shot Putt at the 3 forthcoming Malayan A. A. A. meet at Ipoh this week end.
    187 words
  • 431 12 AFTER A one-goal lead at balftime, Indonesians cracked up m the closing Maiies to lose their 9AFA Conununity League match to the Europeans by five goals to two at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. The game, which started late, was a colourless affair with the Europeans not
    431 words
  • 37 12 Negri's team for the Malayan AAA meet. With the Fijians as the main- j stay Negri are expected to emerge from its usual 'underdos' position and take top billing instead at the championships.
    37 words
  • 284 12 SINGAPORE'S Civilian team which is to pkiv m the All-India Rugby tournament, began training on Wednesday. It is hoped to obtain the services of Army personnel for physical training every Friday at the SCI and Capt. Reynolds and F O Woods have
    284 words
  • 168 12 Six Egyptians For Channel Swim Today FOLKESTONE. ENGLAND, Aug. 14 (AP) Six Egyptian swimmers plan to leave by tug tonight Nez. On the French coast, and if the calm weather ho begin this year's attack on the Channel swim early tomorrow morning. The trainer said. ''We must take advantage of
    168 words
  • 100 12 CLEVELAND, A g 14 Although on the srorecards. Danny Xaidiro of I pa, Flori a technical knockout over Lain Sabotin. of Warren, Ohio, m the fifth round of their srheduled ten-round boxing match last night. B ith weighed 17*1 pounds. Sabotin. m the second tenrounder
    100 words
  • 114 12 FIN A L TEST BEGINS ToM ami I,,:: fourth and final ■I tfee Ov;,l to.|.,v. t( I" '»t ll.lllt it rould b< when Sheppard tIM- «0..,| X H hard deep midoi Hanjrekai almost a superb runn li.tnd> outsti look Hi,- ban U I*S| it .luhlu-d il Use hut dropped
    114 words
  • 17 12 i mini. 4 r right int. I wing B i m a Busines cal Union
    17 words
  • 12 12 HONOLULU for has "not > right to a return
    12 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      69 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 282 12 First Da 9i *s Programme TH! 3 is the prog immei ts p.tu.— 11 0 ards Hurdles He .1 No I: < I s Keal Perafc I Bee il. ,i So Ng Liang Chia X Isa Perak'. T N 11, ,i n,. X Laxman i Pte. J X 3.10 p.m.
      282 words
    • 444 12 Mi-it No. R Ballerand e'. Maio. I SI lltt Negl Ke\ Johore), G.W.K ts (Sela gor). Major Edwards Se mgor). Sarmukh Singh iPt■ak). M..T Boxhall <Perak>. Sangat (Perak*. 3.30 p.m.— Hop-Step-Jump Final—L/C Ja:kol (Borneo). LO Store. Naidole (Negi KJ Brohier (Negri), Ungku Ib n:m bin Abdullah (Johore). S im (Johore),
      444 words
    • 537 12 (Selangor), Leong Wa: Cheng (Perak), and Wong S:e:i Lian (NS), Fay Siebel (Selangor), Leong Wai Cheng tPe.aki and Wong Sien L I I iKs) 1.30 p.m. —Javelin Q 11 a Ii f j 1 i) a Sgt. Ha per tore). C>'.. Mucunabisu NS), Pie. Chenkwong (Selangor), Pie. Kitur (Selangor), Lt.
      537 words