Singapore Standard, 12 August 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
  • 17 1 Singapore Standard 4* A. W X VOL. 11l NO. 41 TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1952. 12 PAGES FIFTEEN^NTS
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  • 338 1 Sarawak Is Without Any Troops Standard Staff Reporter THE question of the Federation and Singapore governments giving a hand to the Sarawak government m strengthening its emergency precautions for safeguarding internalpeace and security will be fully discussed this week with the Commissioner-General Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald.
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  • 131 1 Standard Staff Correspondent IPOH, Mon. The winning of the people's r.arts and minds was as important as fighting tfa bandits m the jungle and the two battles j to be fought together. Gen. Sir Gerald Tompler, the High Commissioner said this today ncn he
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  • 95 1 squatUn e*ally on lai ton G nent moved them. As a res ingtj with Government LTiej the Brii Jh element m the Chinese represented about one-sixth of I■ ie Chine bwh m this country.. II I to chan people r hearts i ter to ike the n
    95 words
  • 131 1 ti, „i the people on to thr sid<- of (...\rrn- u.kl h,w *tT*4 Ur^-lv the problem m thi« I'hr onl> »i) to set at their hearts and mind* -^SW m -g (people trf i activities. From one I all for the good. From another point SO B
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  • 47 1 KUCHING (Sarawak). Au?. 11. (Beater). Arim-d and uniformed Communists have definitely b,.««n terror^ activities m hitherto peaceful Sarawak, it was stated oftu.alLibe The o Uk3^an add,!: TU. h ~t V^ of armed thugs extorting money but It is a threat, open and nak«j. ol
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  • 42 1 SOME OF the Cambodia contingent who arrived at the Kuala Lumpur railway static* on Sunday. They will attend the Sonth-East Am* Patrol Camu to be held at I aslie (amp. Kuala Lumpur this week.- Yong Peng Seong studio
    Yong Peng Seong studio  -  42 words
  • 168 1 Xl ALA LrMPI'R. >lon.—T\vo of the lour terrorists killed m the Federation yesterday were shot down by a patrol of "A" Company of the 4th Malay Regiment iii the Mentakab area, Pahang. S irity Forces m additi m wounded one bandit, while another surrendered. An
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  • 125 1 'CREEPING DISEASE KU VLA LUMPUR. Won.— The chief Scout of the Federation ot M i aya General Sir Gerald Pen ;»ier. addn I 300 scouts at the opening of the South-East i Patrol Camp here today. sunke of "some evil abroad that eta youth with the most de- ictive <>t
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  • 89 1 TEHERAN. Aug. 11 (AP>— Persia's senate m a complete about-fare today voted Premier Mohammed Mossadeq authority to govern the country for the next six months as he sees fit. The Upper House gave final approval to the sweeping grant of power which on Saturday it
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  • 49 1 COLOMBO Aug. 11 (Reuter^Th e Polish freighter Hugo Koilataj, was today loading 2,400 of rubber here for deUvery to China. This Ceylon* eighth shipment ol rubber to Chin. further shipments to ChUia and Eastern Europe can be ex- shortly it was stated m commercial circles.
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  • 32 1 \M.\IAN. Aug. 11. (Reuter):The Jordan Parliament m .an extraordinary secret session today ended the regime ailing Kin Talal and proclaimed tvs son Prince Hussain as n= oi Jordan.
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  • 152 1 Mr T.nn Yew Hock, Presi^ 'of Siuyapna-'s I.abuiir Party will ask for a vote of mfl dence at an emergency meeting of the party, which^ he lemanded should be called without delay by the partys General Councfl. In a press statement last ni-ht Mr
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  • 43 1 Madame Chiani Kai she* bis arrived ir Honolulu from tor- -protracted treating )M »kin disorder. Her face ap- s iighUy swollen, P^';»; from the effects oi her ,skln disorder which luw iffected he-. tor tba past ten years UP.
    UP.  -  43 words
  • 29 1 REGULAR jet pi* service he-we-n BriiMrt mvi C >n was ft:m£?»ttd yesterday. BOAC gj ready operatt-s a j**£l c jn pervice between Londoa maa JoUaoaeft»urg.— AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 118 1 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG. Mon.— Am appeal to all Malay* t« support the Federation Regiment and thus to hflP putting down terrorism, was made by tne PreMdent «f I'MNO, Inche X. Zainal Abidi* m a broadcast talk over Kadio, Malaya tonight. "We all know that
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  • 571 1 Police Scour Jungle For Killers KUCHING. Mon— The ony's limited police force was todav .still scouring rough jungle and rubber country in the Kuching region for live persons, including one woman, responsible for last week's outrages. It was feared thev may have made -their way to the Indonesian border about
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  • 51 1 photo THL Commissioner of the federation, (ien Sit GtTtM Templer seems to be m a deeply contemplative mood, speakinu to Miss .ilhenne Sik of the Methodist Youth fellowship, who is puBCS instnn tress at a ne« village s< hool m Kumpoim X tpat. Ipoli.
    standard  -  51 words
  • 227 1 National Health Scheme PENANG; Mon. The Director ol Medical Service-; Federation of Malays, Dr. 11. M. O. Lntef said today that it was Impossible to contemplate the creation of a national health service here on lines similj. to the one existing m the I'nited Kingdom
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  • 65 1 > i SYDNEY, Auk. 11 (Renter) F m p i re middleweight boxing champion Dave Sands died today alter injuries sustained m a lorry accident m Newcastle. New Soul h Wales. Sands, one of live boxing brothers, had dominated the top di visions m Australian boxing
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 > v /j^fORTM BRIDGE R s t SPORI& aAe. appVe^^t^ JA\m
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    • 115 1 telßfiißlillSi Icelream^^ COU) STOOAGI ff^^^ jcsttAMefties tTa >^ _r i BR *NDSPRtAD radio fiktirlfrl'f and naerdnfttttliktrfih... US! PRH i 8. Bingaporr IV'inig I d»*i itfott MODI I .-.II! for V<. VI un-% 1305.W I-' »<• MODI I iII for M DJC. Ma.nt |10."i.M I *H MODI I. opt-ralion t:UO 'M»
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  • Article, Illustration
    148 2 I OIK members of the Federation of Malaya Air Trainin? Corps, who have been on a month* tour m the L'nited Kingdom returned to K. Lumpur yesterday. They are pilot officer S. Anthony and F Sgt Loke Kok lye both of X.1..). Cpl. Noel Ogrle (Penanff) and Cadet Wan Zahir
    Yong Peng Seong studio  -  148 words
  • 272 2 'Franco- Vietnam Army Can Repel All Comers' MX. MALCOLM MaeDonald, back from hi* 12-<Lj\ \i-it to lii<lo-< hiiKu *ai<l at a piv^ conference m Singapore yestepda) that tin* FrancoVietnam nilitarj strength has grown "so strong that it ran reftel both > irlniinh and Ofltside And 'he government under Bao Dai.
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  • 333 2 Valuable Future In Society MacD On TV rs I an v b, many .>ion future m humj i dc mm .ing to remain up-to-cr. r afford to ibout ii Malcolm MacDanaW imissioncr over Ra I F.x'r.ibi- Happy Stadum '\,ed for the wrong r poses, however, it can become < n
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  • 37 2 KG KIAX. Gar Tenf Ben? P. RajaniariiKa:":i. KrLshnan SUM Ponnusamj were each fined Sot) or one wedt's rigorous imprison 'ne:it :or brea&ing the curfew a But? Estate, Salak. All the fine a ere pa:c».
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  • 240 2 A WOMAN who used the word "kling" m th« Singapore Third District Court yesterday was told b; the Judge, Mr. J. B. Jeyaretnam. that it was not I proper word to use. 'Will you make use oorf r the proper word as far as
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 2 THIS PICTURE of Chons San San. a songstress, taken by Chan Cheok Weng the first prize m the rerent Selangor Photographic Research Society's photo contest m Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 65 2 ALOR STAR, Mon. --Four prominent Kedah were enteriained to tea by the Kedah Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Chinese associations at Wah Keow Middle School yesterday. They were Dr. C.K. Cheung. Mr. Lim Teng Kwang and Mr Lee Thean Hin. who were recently appointed Justices of
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  • 83 2 PENANG, Mon.- The interim committee of the Chinese School Teachers' Union, Penan i* and Province Welle.s)ey has decided to hold the first general meeting of the union at the Rubber Trade Association. An.son Road on Sunday. Aug. 17 at 12.30 p. in The interim
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  • 355 2 By The Times Singapore Correspondent LONDON, Aug. 11.— The state of emergency declared m Kuching applies only to the first of the five administrative divisions of the colony and the Sarawak Government has given little information about a gang. Reports of extortion and distribution of
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  • 89 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Mun.—The request made by the United Chinese School Teachers" Association, Federation of Malaya, for substantial contributions by the MCA to maintain Chinese schools m the country, has been turned down by the Association Mr. Leone Yew Koh. the Secretary-General of the MCA. i j
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  • Article, Illustration
    62 2 photo. SIR CLUTHA Mackenzie. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation consultant on Blind Welfare (left at table) at a meeting with the committee of the Singapore Association for the Blind held at the Social Welfare Department Building yesterday. With Sir Clutha on the table are Mr. (i. A. P.
    Standard  -  62 words
  • 243 2 Say Engineers DENI A L S of victimisation charges of their workers at the Pas'.r Panjang Power Station site, were made by Messrs. Babcoek and Wilcox. the new stations structure engineers iM a state-merit to the Pre^ yesterday. j They referred to a recent report m
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  • 141 2 NEGOTIATIONS between representatives of the Singapore General Labour Union and officials of Messrs. Babcoek and Wilcox m an effort to settle the dismissal of a labourer reached a i*eadlo<'k yesterday morning, the President of, the Union told The Standard yesterday Although the company has agreed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 8 2 M B^"^ Mf s fIP jV sy^S^U'S ■rv_^^
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    • 212 2 atchelors Chicken Noodle So-: r i f*^9i*L>delicious chicken broth, DOMmdo^ nour- |fc^ I iihing egg noodles, garni h-d intfe H" parsley. It's so easy to serve; you v- JS the contenrs of the packet into H S| f M/rij ol boiling water and cook for 7 mr. EL? <J[ Enjoy
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 83 2 t'~ |l«l>m<r/lm > (tlkWTf- IT DONTMEANIYftE THAT! \SHOREI. r -r«t<*r!r r AH-s%^ WILL.^- N£7 M "foDAV^Sf^PER, W^ 1 HOTWIN'.7 IT'S -XMAV; &F^OTHEP^ CAJNT DO ME NO TO*. HOW *rZTt/AL£ At.i M I FEARLESS RDSDICK TH' USUAL GOMJCAL <l HAR^. r r DAISY TH/S /SfT-TH'SJOO^ i ?i N PROPOSEUANJ' r>\
      83 words

  • 258 3 GAVE USED TICKET, BUSMAN IS JAILED Serious Offence Judge Standard Staff Reporter REMARKING llm il was not llic amoutit I. nt tlu* mi— iMCM of the offence which the Sini:a|MMv >tM-ond District Court \j,. It. livhqptene yesterday sentenced IrjrliiMi < ompany conductor to >i\ risoroOS imprisonment for imunflE a used
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  • Article, Illustration
    90 3 MR, HO KOK HOE. eldest son of the late Mr. Ho Kwong Yew, of Singapore, who was a well known architect, has recently re urned from Australia after obtaining his A.R.I B.A. decree m architecture. Mr. Ho is the first Chinese to paint Australian scenes on Chinese scrolls m the
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  • 90 3 I Police < a urge a fotu ta :,7 belonu -i a B r X i the a pen I :our m I c S x nion Ii Mi.- M.i..(i -n.- Y.iP u?m i> tasiUc t ben -»t the eharjti mt, 'Krndf/vous w,th It b«-
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  • 80 3 Judge Helps Woman C MARC. ED In the S I.' District C wri j esl jrday ••i failing to prod i c ler ntity card to n pc ice officer. ite woman, R<> (25) told the District J' g■■ j b. Jeyaretnan I r she no money ta g*t an
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  • 37 3 CHARITY toe i j the Umar Pujavar S bool will be held m Bi »s' Theatre Roj i m 3 ;apore on Aug. 24, popular film "Life (ft I OK s »ned at 10 a.m.
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  • 251 3 Standard Woman Reporter RECRUITING tor the Civil Defence Singapore Hospital Reserve under the control and administration >l Dr William E. Hutchinson. Assistant Director ot Medical Services, is expected to start at the end of this month. Actual training will begin m the latter hail of next
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  • 99 3 Have You Lost A Bicycle? THE SINGAPORE Police h ive recovered a number ot bicycles and spare parts following the arrest ol m Some owners of the bicycles have been traced, but owners of six Hercules and one Raleigh bicycles whose frame numbers are given below should contact Detective Inspector
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  • 40 3 MR S K. Reddie. ■<t\:\.\y ted to the Singapore Bar by the Chiel Justice. Sir. Charles Av.-.siev. m the \\y^\ C..nrt yesterday. Mr. J. K. Gale m;ide the application for adImittance on behall ol Mr; Reddie.
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  • 102 3 Standard Staff Reporter THE Singapore Land Office is not against cheap housing. However, certain health standards have to be maintained, a spokesman said yesterday. Commenting on complaints lodged by would-be house- j builders who have had their plans turned down on certain estates, the spokesman said
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  • 99 3 A DANISH. Jergen Jensen (29) was charged m the Singa;>>;e Second Police Court yesterday with Cheating George Tobitt of $150 oa July 10 at Lavender Street. It was ailesed that Jergen Jensen dishonestly induced George f> deliver to him a casn cheque valued $150 on
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  • 63 3 A THIEF or thieves who broke into a nouse m Wilkinson Road occupied by a European, not only stole the victim's entire wardrobe, valued at SI.OBO, but also a .38 automatic pistol and some ammunition. The front door of the house had been forced open
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  • 45 3 A ROMAN Catholic priest reported to the Singapore Police that his wallet and his j identity card was stolen from j his clothes m a dressing room j at the Haw Par Swimming Pool, while he was swimming, on Saturday.
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  • 64 3 A CHINESE woman i e reported to have snatched away a gold chain and locket worth $126 from a nine-year-old Chinese schoolgirl who wan waiting on the five-toot-way outside the Chinese j temple m Waterloo Street. The girl was waiting for her mother who had gone
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  • 37 3 AX EMERGENCY general meeting of The Singapore Harbour Board Staff Association will be held on Thursday. August i 14. at 6 p.m m response to a 1 petition signed by 14.") member:
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  • 89 3 A JAPANESE sword was an exhibit before Mr. Justice Brown at the Singapore Assizes yesterday when a Chinese was found guilty ot murder but insane at the time he committed the otlence. The man. Ton Ah Kirn, Stabbed a compatriot. Woo Ah Choy, with
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  • 67 3 PROFESSOR Frederick Heaf will address members of the British Medical Association and the Alumm Association ot the Kin? Edward VII College ol Medicine and the Faculty of Medicine. University ot Malaya on "Recent Trends m Tuberculosis" at 8 p.m. today m the Physiology Lecture room Faculty
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  • 201 3 THE charge that certain Pro-i »ressive diehurds are trying to break up the Havelojk Estate Community Centre by forming the Delta^Ganges Welfare Association us lin fair and unreasonable says the Secretary of the interim Committee ofl> (j Welfare Association, Mr. 1. X »< r nandez.
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  • 202 3 Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPOREANS may picnic on the many small slands around Singapore, most of which belong to the ndonesian Government, on application to the Indoesian Consulate. Permission will be granted to them if they wish only I i make pleasure trips there. Many of
    202 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 3 the MEW 5:.?.>0.00© Nurses Hostel at the Singapore (.enrral Hospital m tli*- process of ronstrui tion. The hostel vs ill a« < -ommodaite -.">• nurses m li."> rooms. In addition, there will »>e 10 air conditioned room^ for nicht nurses to slem during the day. It is e\|H-ct ed to
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  • 127 3 Labourer To Be Tried For Murder M. RAG HAY AX (36) and P. Bhanu (26) were committed yesterday for trial at the next Assizes on a charge of murder of G. Sreenivasan, a former employee at the Naval Base, o n April 5 at West Hill Road. At a preliminary
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  • 46 3 THE formation of a com* miltee empowered to Listen to complaints again>t the Singapore Traction Company members of the public, will be suggested by Mr. S. S. Miuyam, City Council or, a* the next meeting of the Vehicles Arid Traffic Committee,
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  • 124 3 Penang To Preserve Its Fort PEN \.N M<h le gned to coi i ive re- said Settlement S Dodwell, m a statement issued tod ly. Ed by 1 i I t monu lei m the v. -1 and eru 4> i i h 1 Scout Headqu the For! led In
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 air-conditioned AH si T $14.50 rYMPF frr v l^» Half sleeves /^i i ti-iif dppvfi m rust. Dlli^/ One pocket, nair siccvcj FOR LEISURE AND PLEASURE as- UIHITEBWBVi S (WHITEAWAY. LAIDLAW CO., LTD^
      33 words
    • 47 3 fir IfhTh 1111 1 1 1 II I ||i UJI II J Pjß| WORLD'S LARGEST fe»*w«wwig£ SELLING TOOTHBRUSH ■ni FOR THE 20ih iJri corsEcuTivE year L. D. SEYMOUR CO., INC. f Off DRAWING OFFICE EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATED INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS ltd 30 1, OrrfcaH RmJ, Mn«:a|i»r« -9, l«l. I2tlt.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 38 3 s•: -^>S3^ I f OOP.YOU \YEH...I KNOW I SHOUi-Piiy. fe^Vi SEE AJMVBOPY EVEnM^'NG^^ '<' r^ygZS^S IOITt,>OU U-DONE 'T, BUT WHEN6HE SEE *NYJHJV J0 oBl^ e rV>^ f J\ <^^:> f KNOCKED JBUgrePT^T^RON^ I WHJN V^TCON n^^ rHAJ B^^ypß^^Ug^- gr/ M—
      38 words

  • 93 4 Plan For Penang Teaching Hospital PEIfANG Man Tht Wtdtr- tent woi. to t,' one of the rot:-. J nitals, m Pen an 2 into teaching hospital. I Mi D eren i extenci I iier iaaB< I the c id it did not m v.. nment o aya. i >r I
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  • 395 4 Sir Gerald Praises People Of Perak irOH, Won. Tributes to the people of Perak and the Kinta alley Home Guards were paid by General Sir Gerald Templer, the Hi^h Commissioner of the Federation of Malaya, before he left Taiping tod^y. with Lady Templer, after a lour of more than 600
    Standard  -  395 words
  • 30 4 BUKUT MERTAJAM Mon Mr. Chan Boon Teck of Bukit Mertaiam has left for the United Kingdom by the Carthage from Penang for higher studies at Manchester University.
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 4 photo. U.S. SUPREME Court judge, Mr. William Douglas, who accompanied General Templer oh his Perak tour is talking to two Burma campaign veterans, who are officer instructors at the Kinta Valley Home Guards training Camp. They are Mr. Huang Chong Shen and Mr. Yee Tian Sqong, both of whom fought
    Standard  -  57 words
  • 240 4 rwi e\±j\ i.{ AiFLh. Mon.— Among the Scouts from many parts of the world who paraded on the Padang this evening when the South-East Asia Scout Rally opened were two members of the Royal Army Educational Corps stationed at HQ .Malaya here— Sergeants
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  • 77 4 Boys Standard Staff Correspondent KLANG, Mon.—The followj ing have been elected offireI bearers of Klang High School Old Boys Association: President —Mr. M. R. Rajadurai, Vice-President Mr. Bobby Lung. Horv Gen. Secretary—Mr. Sioh Goh Boo,! Asst. Hon. Gen. Sec. —Mr. Ng. Kong Thiong. Hon.
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  • 301 4 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, iMon.— Three hundred Scouts from all over Soutji-East Asia assembled at the Federal capital for the South-East Asia Patrol Camp, which is being held from today to Saturday, Aug. 16. This is the first time Malaya has
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  • 281 4 PENANG, Mvii- Confidence that the Federation*! medical service would be given its full share of doctors iron-, the j United Kingdom for overseas service was expressed by the Director of Medical Service-. Federation of Malaya, Dr. Rl O. Lester, on his return I after
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  • 276 4 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LLMPUR, Mon.— A former probationary Police Inspector, who saved the lives of two Europeans during the Singapore Riots and who is presently the headmaster of the Sebak Bernam English School was charged with impersonation m the Kuala Lumnur Sessions Court
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  • 185 4 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— The Federation Regiment affords a golden opportunity for Malayan youths to live and work together and, what is more important, to take up arms together for the defence of their homeland. Mr C. H. Yin, President of the Malayan
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 132 4 M-G-M s -C-£ and LAUGH RlOT' I >» GLENN fCfiD ROTH ROMAN DENiSE DARCEL U>jg££' OPENS TOMORROW! i I -MR. CHEN vs, MR. CHE*T Han I» I KirnS WAH Irr \\\\i, 1 I I I sm&jv *!i. Mil i tir-Year-OM WIVVI f/MYf, \.u Sensations! child o!or i>\ I ednicofor Tfarring
      132 words
    • 51 4 OPENING TO-DAY 3 SHOWS 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. Distributed by Shaw Brot. Thrill Packed Adventure! "TOM BROWN'S SCHOOLDAYS Starring? John Howard Robert DA VIES NEWTON GALA OPENING TODAY IIHJgIjBftIDC^D^PHQNe 3446 g DAILY SHOWS 3.30 7.30 p.m. "Andhaman Kaithi (Tamil) Starring Thikkurisi, K. Sarangapanl, T. S. Bal!ali t and P. K.
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    • 141 4 LINDA OARNEII "CUT iron mi ln SATURDAY ISLAND' j >-'.-li"ala I||||.M1 ||||.MX M urn *J h wlj9rU t .i\r > 1 HJPATAH HATi i hi: pram of mi TiT FROM FRIDAY! k^ H[WY HUU FRfu u^k* \T A DTK. $%*%b*B& fi i -7 ODAY l&ggZiiEztJi^ HEDY LAMARR m 10 INJOV
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  • 281 5 r f TIT f alays Not dolent, Says ndian Envoy Standard Staff Correspondent 1 KOTA BAHRU, Mon. Mr. Gopala Inon, Representative of the Government of g ,n Malaya, had a pleasant surprise during -our of Kelantan when he saw bridges, roads and schools built by Malay hands
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  • 82 5 Kuantan Keeps Up The Score lard Stall < atta i Xt \M W M« Ihe \J. 1 1 ur\' of the ...ifuftci at the i ,n Police Statioa i risea lo 13 haadits M fir m l»,v[ bj the ciniibim-d Farces. M.-.ntv ol the 'kill-' t,, the l
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  • 40 5 Miner Gets Four Months For Cheating ILJ Irwin, 32, kj today, cuf.vifl- lent t the Ku i Couri and sentenced tnpi >nment a ntled guilty to a! 2fl be deliver by pre.M ti mount. be similar mannr t of the
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  • 61 5 u l M.ilV ltt-D.trt.r i Robin R rertoa Rre •he office ol Sauce Associati I only to find kused by a I had a v:l efore their arriva |tc A m iarking on In* p l flame nking re would spread the F.-v Bri«r» HENC CHEONG
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  • 203 5 -I B> i\ 1 lONS n Singapore uid shnldißg t«»»i.i> h Piu,. Kh.-.-m. I or.i Bia w ir Vl^h. r w l> Quarry. r.nk.t I' ii prim «■-•< i Dalrj l.iru\. t 111 lurnng I. ami I uih illaßf. I nit**" Kilblxr Work-. I a«l mntry, l-;»m
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 5 photo. f .....i ii Mr Malcolm raac_wnaiu H„.nv World Trade Kan last alght.— l G. Goh
    G. Goh  -  16 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 5 Photo Service pictures. Preceded by one of his ADCs (m plumed helmet), the Sultan of Kelantan inspects the Guard of Honour provided by detachments of the Malay Kesinient and the Federation Police. Walking beside the Sultan is Che Wan Ihrahim AS. P., Officer Commandine the Parade. Ama teur
    Amateur  -  48 words
  • 55 5 RS the Klang Übr »ry a l(ll) K>ks valued $1,500. I are fifteen volumes oi encj and the rest American and books tor chi re Mr MiUer, President o X ing Library, thanked Mrs Y,v. O i and appealed or r adults to J ;>:tl
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  • 92 5 \dventure"— a rharter,.<l York aircraft became Urn lir^t trooixarrymg plain' to arrive m Singapore last nisht ynder l Scheme lo fl> British servicemen regularly out to The plane winch landed at li.ingi airfield brought r> v i Mi:, and R.A. personnel under charge Ol irr nil Officer O'Neil. The tli^lit
    Standard  -  92 words
  • 337 5 JOIIOKfc BAIIIir. Mon.-Vvv Milages »ie -concentration camps, but are composed of groups oi people learning to run their own ailairs m the pro pir idministrative way, said Mr. J. I). Hod-kmson British Adviser, Johore. m wekomiag :>9 villagers ot the Ne Villages In Johore at the-
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  • 110 5 A POLICE Lieutenant of No 2 Federal Jungle Company, Johore, claimed trial to three charges m tho Singapore Second Police Court yesterday. He was Thomas James Devally (27) who was alleged to have u-^(\ criminal tone on a woman. Lim Poh Cheng with intent to outrage
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  • 122 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mnn.— The Federation Court of Appeal, today, reserved judgment m the appeal of a Chinese, Lam Hah against the sentence Of death passed on him for being m unlawful possession of a Japanese rifle, at a rubber estate half a mile from
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  • 167 5 KITAT.A f.IIMPDK, Mon.— Remarking that '< as a very bad as" the Chief Justice Mr. Charles Ma he v President of the I .deration Court of Appeal, iSSr&SSSm sentence of three lgfi*fiZ imririsonment imposed on an Indian. Abdul fanah Din SSSTSIM Abdulkhanan. to seven
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 225 5 Dial Secretary*! Office tomorrow. Earlier m the day. ho will Dr. A.D. Williamson, Ophthalmic surgeon and physi- a t the General Hosj ital Today he will visit the Tock Seng Hospital and General Hospit vili bo visiting the Sisters of the Poor at then Home
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  • 71 5 MALACCA. Won.— Plan! I >t staging Malacca's lirst fashion show during Mai i a Carniv:il Week at the end of August are well on hand. This social function which is i under the patronage of the R* Isideni Commiss ioner, Mr, H. G. Hammett and Mrs. Hammett i
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  • 28 5 A 20-YEAR-OLD Chinese girl. Ho Sook Lin, wa-> admitted into the General Hospital Singapore, last MV beUeved to be luffering from caustic soda poisoning.
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  • 314 5 Scouter's Arrival Date Was Not Know n Standard Start Reporter SO information had been received from Kuala Lumpur about the arrival of Mr. A. L. Da.^senaike, Assistant Scout Commissioner, Ceylon, otherwise, the Singapore Scouts would have made arrangements to inert him Mr. R. E. Ince, the Colony's Chief Seoul Commissioner,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 jrt a fact! j^^ Identified by »Ktoui -i_ fat triangular teeth $«t JC^~ rr^^r m an undershot |awt, la»Hy W#ntlfle4 V f^^^i^ 25==*===^^vV Medtcinol Product 3 I Announcing I I 14th ANNIVERSARY 1 It' < Commences Tomorrow—Wed Aug. 13th PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. J Eng. Printed Hoif I p 60 o
      155 words

  • Singapore Standard
    • 675 6 i\ nflE oursc peech he made at the opening a frade Fair m Singapore, the Mr. JJF. Nicol] said that -Singapore should rely entin her liv d on handling goods and manufactured elsewhere. She must for the production of manufactu i I then for a great deal of
      675 words
  • 1346 6  - Should government servants take part in politics? ALEX JOSEY MALAYAN AFFAIRS By YF'HAT is the position of the Government servant m Malaya: can he take a real part m politics or can t he? Strictly, he cannot. The General Orders forbid him. Whether the General Orders can, m fart, legally
    1,346 words
  • We, the PEOPLE
    • 410 6 Sir; In last week's Sum lay S andard there appeared a letter from the representative of the Jehovah's Witness* qi< I ioning the action of the Secretary of Stats for the Colonies. The ban on this group existed before the War and therefore, it is not a new
      410 words
    • 80 6 Sir; With reference Annie Tan's letter m The Singapore Standard of Aug. 6, I, being a Charley's Mailister, am very happy indeed to wead what she wrote. I should be pleased if Miss Annie Tan and others will come over to see me as regards the contributions of few
      80 words
  • 9 6 Told you! Around here I command respect"!
    9 words
  • 438 6  - The Case For Television In S'pore A New Powerful Force, Yap Peng Geek Says SIXGAPORE is a centre of entrepot trade m South-East Asia and a great potential market and distributor of the products of British industries not only of tiie common consumer variety but also of her more highly
    438 words
  • 360 6 An Indispensable Amenity- Observes Lee Kirn Chuan WHAT actually are the functions of television? First, it enriches one't knowledge. Jn a television programme, we may not only hear but see events. Such events we may sometimes hear m radio broadcasts, but hearing alone does not give us such a deep
    360 words
  • 6 6 Review of Views I i 1
    6 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 358 7 Egypt PM Ends CensorshipWarns Wafds \IK»>. \n^. II Prime Minister Mi „i* |>i orlamalion la*t night* lluit politimosl id ilwir booses m order or be ronflidered a severe l>l«»w. particularly j lt 1 11" 1 Party, —mhl wrti-Britisb political !tion m Eg) pt. A: Maii»-r announced the p Xl pi
    358 words
  • 77 7 pi:yri is %oi 1 1 img magistrate m barge of stigattoas urt« t"** British scientist I h I),-:;::::-:. Mill .»H(l Ui said he Ike kJßet was iter. vi Prries said thai the ku-.^ Qm m ;i;-rn;i;i car iniuui i! v Urn bodies, sure tl kiliir had not
    77 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 7 The Singapore standard yesterday wsccived this latest picuuc ol beautiful Miss Ami Kuusela, "Miss Dniverse oi Finland.
    17 words
  • 29 7 BAH; A n, act- said s iggesi n [NO's policy to ;;,,V -Mdependence ol ,lays n will be < general meet- d at Butterworth m
    29 words
  • 296 7 Ex -Manager Started Panic Sales, Court Told PEN \SG. Won.— Evidence ot panic sales at which goods were sold by the former manager of Shriro. IVnang branch, >ir. K. A. Coulson-Gilmer at one tenth below the market price was given by two top executives of the firm before the Sessions
    296 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 7 She's patting hcv best foot forward before trying out a new method Of transport Doreen Dawn, an Englisß i girl on holiday at Cannes, m fitted with foam-footwear by Rene Schoebal, who's an expert m the art of waterskiing.
    39 words
  • 82 7 Fakir Claims Fast Record PALERMO. SICILY. A "Burmah the uled oui »co»; vern here last nigni aitei t he world Win/^ 67 days to 72 days 3 i s ninutes. Forty-five Mo S asps and a python which SSTke^fng him comply were also hauled out— dead aU- Burmah, who refused
    82 words
  • 52 7 PANMUNJOM. Aug. It (Reuter-AAP). Communist negotiators at the Kon i truce talks today i Uj an Allied reg test for a further seven day recess m me meetings. Today's meeting the 1 after a week's recess, which also requested by the United Nations lasted
    52 words
  • 19 7 Fuvntian Army General m« aaquafters issued a communique today stating the army wjj i j'n February 1953.
    19 words
  • 27 7 Establishment ttc JJn&Jtas vision station m the Pn lippine.s at a ccfct of U553,500,000 i, a present under censiflpi-.i'.-.-n o President Quirino.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 57 7 Cairo Army To Hold Exercises r MRO Auk- Gt n Naguib's headquarters announced today that Egyptian army units will carry oui manoeuvres m the Cairo area tor seven days this week Mechanised ">rces Sere sIS moving throu^the streets of the capital »nee dawn tO^S Naguib today Euaranteedl safety ol foreign
    Reuter; AFP  -  57 words
  • 19 7 Thievea broke inu» t!uhome oi Britain's D«fen^Ministpr Earl Alexander dunnß tne w^ek-end and escaped A. P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 200 7 HONOLULU, Aug. 11, (Reuter) A plan of action to meet "the threat to Pocitic security" if the Chinese thrust into Indo-China is expected to be the first consideration of the strategic planners of the new three-power Pacific Defence Council. The planners will meet at Pearl
    200 words
  • 115 7 BUENOS AIRES, Auj (Reuter). The body of Senora Eva Peron, wife of Argentine's president Juan Peron, is to be embalmed so that it will never decay. This is being done m fulfilment of her wishes. Two million people have thus far viewed the lying-in-state until
    115 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 7 photn Kiv< PHDMirHON tdaUel >•> Biaw i""^ *< ,a. b.,rn IS rtta Slritß«H_W, I succession must be Biale belt i, The Goveraineal at Siaai ierlaretl I tkree-daj holm Troops tix'd .1 'l tun salute AP
    AP  -  33 words
  • 58 7 P\RIS. Aug. 11 (UP).-Gfn. M itthew Ridgway, Supreme Allied Comm;mder m Europe, disclosed today that the Western powers are considering arming their forces with atomic and new "super weapons." Ridgway made the disclosure m answer to a question at first press conference since taking
    58 words
  • 31 7 TOKYO Aug.. 11. \-> Kyodo ported from Kobe I Japanese lawyers wh ed the two Briti ((1 lor robbery will tomori I an appeal against the district court decision.
    31 words
  • 41 7 PARIS. Any;. 11. (UP). The chief of Burma's visiting mission I to Fiance, U. Kiaw said h< the presence or 5,000 C itionalist troop s m the int< if Burma raised the risk oi a Rod Chinese invasio
    41 words
  • 125 7 IPOB Mon. An English-educated M *l:«v. M< mcd n«hr bin Hashim (2S) who Emitted be** £t teacher "teaching Chinese bandits to read aid i H la ay; was May ttdeted to be retried "msuitino cW by Mr. Mta pfcjj agreed with the Blidtacs ol
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 102 7 DURBAN Ai- II— saucers are repoi Japan. South Africa Peru ,:ding to "witrw S hu, "bright circular objects were -fen twice flashing i the Nky. faster than a pIJ i ild go They "could not believe bjects were shooting si i An almost illiterate
    Reuter; AAP; UP  -  102 words
  • 13 7 the i v geg of a i drought.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  13 words
  • 21 7 A FLEET of 150 d >>'■' Korea a1 i struck ;i Coramui mica] plant and troop <<" ol Namsok.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 41 7 w w^mffTTFfTFW r\T' ~rr<^3~£*W- mm [t m W umla I MM C\ f <*S>-~~% lv' Mm mim m m^Mm *>^ "V d Z mmmmmmmmW^mmmm^Bm^^^^^^^^* *^ff iJ'.^ TO SARAWAK, NORTH BQ«Wfa V '2S^'%VT > INDONESIA. JHAILANO. iMm* t. CO UD OCEAN BIDG. SINGAPORE I.
      41 words
    • 60 7 IOfBESTfiNCLOSING PRICES London Correspondent 11:— Th« following arc the closing LONDON Aug. Market todoy P-c of rubber and tm on LONDON RUBBER 5^ r932 pfr ton buyers, OS !/D«C JfJ bu.ers. £932.10, .cUer. Jon. /Mar. JJ.f Settlement Pnce: Apr./Jun« JJ-*} 10s. Auq C it. 2:>;d. Sole Morning 75 ton, jv
      60 words
      91 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 35 7 [>; Jf CUnill Pi i v/PD -—t rr»>». Kttr r*\ V I >^ W WHY DON'T YOUBM GET OUT Jv RIGHT X^S V^LT^SHU^ FT^mm\ MORE SOCIABLE?-; AND X t^> lp^PjS|iS;i ALWAY^T MINGLE Y^ L ==r=l i ftw^y-^N
      35 words

  • 335 8 By J. <;. DARBYSHIRE, Standard Shipping Reporter I llh reported worldwide slump of the shipping industry as reported From Washington recently, i> completely untrue as far as Singapore shipping circles are concerned. Local shipping circles, admit that carriage oi
    335 words
  • 75 8 BREMEN, Auff. 11. (AP). The German Kocket Research Society made its first post-war tests Sunday of rockets, which the experimenters hope will some day deliver mail from Hamburg to New York m an hour. Sunday's tests were disappointing as the aeronautical stability of the rocket
    AP  -  75 words
  • 150 8 New Ship For P O Will Be Ready In 954 Standard Shipping Reporter TO BF. launched next year and into tha service of her Owners m 1954 is P. and O's passenger Liner, the 28 000-ton Arcadia. The Arcadia is under construction at the Clydebank pyards of John Brown and
    150 words
  • 200 8 New Jap Liner Completed Standard Shipping Reporec FIRST of the 31 which five of the [gest Japanese shipping lines are now building m Japanese shipj the 7,731 ton Ma a tiima Mum. belonging to the Kokusai Lines, has been completed and is expected to go into seivitv shortly. The 31
    200 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 473 8 FAST REGULAR TRANS PACIFIC SERVICE p\uii< BEAI H SSSepI Vk SSSepi ZZStpi lOt 220 d I particulars of DjCa S Deep Tanks and passenger ANGLO FRENCH BENDIXSENS ITD. fI I v pure BSBBI 9 X l.umi ur .'ll. I* Sham 895. BENZINE S*porc P. ShaM ftiia&c Benunn for Havre, Kotteidam
      473 words
    • 462 8 STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. WESI COASI MALAYA I (flerlimaa foi relok riequeui sailing n i\iuar Nibung Aog 19 VI a I act a Pott Die k?or> Stiu for Bel a wan Aug IT Sumpitaa t«t Port Mentakab for Djambi Aug IS lim» vm^fnt iiate^a An> SARAWAK &N. BORNEO l?*« ,S!,
      462 words
    • 601 8 CHINA NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Regular Sailings lo China and Japan iro m SueaDOK Port Svvettenham Penan-. Also direct Sailing fr.m, and Indonesia to China ,1 Janm Due Snore Our Penang rr( .ir "PaWioi Aog 22 Ao?2fi KEH Sails Sail^ SaiU Pcn <""< P Sham S pore |-„r Hhn n a
      601 words
    • 311 8 EAST ASIATIC li 'N 1 1 mm m V P IS I 'IMMV fol Bangl Son Hoockong Manila i#^:p a I Kobe Yokohama m/m inuMiiv pa;L!ers^; i l i IKOKICE In B«Kkuk M M\,,.. ■5HAM,,.,,, ,f)2 ■KAMHODIA So x' Calls Beyrouth. London (nasv. Helsinki Frederikss,^ kx) Calls London fpasseneef For
      311 words

  • Article, Illustration
    111 9 TIIK Sultan of Brunei. II H. Omir A li Saifuddin. who is* m&W back m Brun<-i visited Shell*! refinery at Stanlou. k !«-shirr during Mi uml visit In the I niterf Kingdom. Pirture shows f f mm left): H. L. I). P. Mentri. OME. < the Sultan's private secretary). Mr
    Shell  -  111 words
  • 25 9 A £700.01)0 ground and air MW Ch tor mine: a] dl posits Africa his been announced by the Mutual Security Agency. A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 29 9 .4 tbe Govern meat U.S. capil been signed m Jerusalem by both governments ited assurance to American in\ el from cvi tibility and < n expropriation and E
    29 words
  • 266 9 No Drop In US Trade Expected NEW YORK. Aug. 11.— There is no basis for talk about a recession m United States business conditions m 1953, according to the authoritative I .S. export publication "World's Business." i':.Vss there i£ a cc nnit'te reversal oJ present Govern- ies \m ikelj during
    266 words
  • 41 9 THE freighter Hal Lun| to be ftying a Crnnese flag l W reported to bo drifting oft Indo-China coast with rudder trouble Sne has asked for tuss to be »ent to h— fr IT1 Hongkong. Reuter A.A.P.
    Reuter; A.A.P.  -  41 words
  • 39 9 soiTH hMcm Ministw of corned a fre€ m.r.'.r- m because it meant greatei ttabii?av* a fillip U) the production of SSLial wool wbsUtutjg aad these could bero-ne if MBMT J Ito iht uoA iiitiusuy.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 35 9 THE PtHistiiiii Na vy has placed m or der for one ii.oou h.>rsepower tut: with the Dutch Iceland naval yards, ir will be equipped wi" 1 n M»erf»a fi-e--fighting unit.- A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  35 words
  • 25 9 JAP\N and the United Slates have sxgu>6 ehrfl trm»Dort agreement to come v w Sfect immediately, n penn.ts .j tpanese aitttoew io America AAP. Reuter
    AAP; Reuter  -  25 words
  • 180 9 Standard Market Reporter THE RI'BBER market m Singapore remained steady but quiet throughout yesterday at around 87] cents per Ib. for first grade rubber for August shipment, a rise of about cent per Ib. from the weekend level. Small interest was snown m i he eftgrades
    180 words
  • 198 9 This Lamp Diffuses Daylight WEST BERLIN inventors claim to have devised a new type of lamp, the size of a thick pencil, which cascades a ri >m with artificial day The lamp came out of laboratories of ti e Osram Company, one of the biggest m Europe, after 10 years
    198 words
  • 84 9 US Technique Boosts UK Industries WASHINGTON. ktlg- *L (UP). The Anglo-American j Council on Productivity today claimed notabie achievements ior its four-year effort to boost the efficiency of British industry by acquainting its leaders with American pro- duction techniques. The Mutual Security Agency released the final report of the I
    84 words
  • 201 9 MALAYAN shipments of rubber for the first seven months of 1952 amounted to 527,586 tons compared with 707,112 tons for the corresponding period of lust year. Official statistics showed thai during July Malaya hipped 71,922 tons of rubber (72,479 tons m June) against 85.428 tons for
    201 words
  • 13 9 CANADA m:iy try 1o it a I c pron i Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 112 9 COMMODITY PRICES CLOSING rubber prices (cents per lb.) m Sinyapore yesterday were Huv««i> Seiiers No. 1 Spot Loose 87 87 FOR. m bales Aug. No. 1 K.S.S. 87 87] \o. 2 R.S.S. Bli 83! No. S K.S.S. 7fJ', 77 Tone: Steady tjuiet. LONDON Xl 881-.X No. 1 R.S.S. Settlement House
    112 words
  • 67 9 iiongkong. Aug. 11 (Reater\\p> China has abolished her Ministry Trade and created Ministries of Foreign 'J rade ana ic-c* the first and m^oik ministries of mechanised i i us ••■ie.s, aid ministries oi arcnitec-u-al engineering, ecology nd food, says Peiping Radio. Observes acre believe the new
    67 words
  • 40 9 HONGKONG. Aue. 11- Special Standard Service Clpßing pnrcs on the Hongkong E^^S V JS'. r'nv were %15M to L\ sterling 5565 to U.S.Sr. SI 824 to MaSysm $1: $0.3880 to one [ndpSSan RiwSS Gold $199.6tt ta one taeL
    40 words
  • 29 9 THE West German Economics Ministry has refused to MW« hcet.ce for a U.S rrnlhon fade contract between Kerl China nnd a group ot Oernwn inn*.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 396 9 Burdon Refutes Jap Charges Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S fishing methods are not primitive, said Mr. T.W. frurdon, chief of the Singapore Fisheries Deportment m reply to j Japanese businessman, Mr. F. Hayashi, who is here on a traoe survey. Mr. tiayasrn tiaa Biaw a.
    396 words
  • 115 9 SINGAPORE. ..ion.— i Malayan share market opened the week with optimism m the tin section, where sellers were holding lor higher prices. Industrial share were steady within quotations while rubbers remain* d neglect* d. Chang< I prices were INIK'STKLILS Buyers Mien Wea'-i" Bras 2.05 2 19 MINIM. Ampat
    115 words
  • 43 9  -  Arnold Brackman Rn Tin B i m li i Wn< r full pi early < Kitpul o1 The VtnxAl'i Mine will I* the iikim hnn a!l> ,u\\ >< rd m IndoiH'sia employ iv tht uutsl moii'-i a <-\iil(i.i mi iiuipment
    43 words
  • 15 9 Small Trading In Produce i i i i i ti; 1 (1 i Mum 1
    15 words
  • 5 9 DGRTRTi AFP
    AFP  -  5 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 101 9 i» is jb Jb iv Ws&L c I j/ \OU i vcly^t^moo'h and spr,:.qin 3 to protect p JL I M MBL R A Mt M the lood, high ground-clearance for oil t',vcs of mfa Iftp^ roads, wide doors front and rear for quick, easy 11^ *#^4 HrJ^^i^^^T^ looding
      101 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 256 9 ....■■x^*gwji.n»«j»v« r uifiwaaMi»»Mj'j«'Wi.ii>i»ii r wuHKßifmrtiu'Wii n nm u^.^,.^^.^ fttkmn SINGAPORE DIARY .01 n n c:l. ni I I >. ,Mii:\t n 1 '•< M M fcNT^TA'.NMENTS h 11 1 .0 PROGRAMME 1 P -rime l m Th- I (43 S S 1 1 I RC I 1 me SHIW
      256 words
    • 337 9 PENANG RADIO PROGRAMME t UMO M\l \\f;Eine! -f- News 12" no 1 ij Prop mmc 1 t i 2 B As S •igapore S pi t;p Q I" Vll kei Repoi 1 64a 8... c H .-f OM <izz ly Time; 7 a lazz b USA ted I p f
      337 words

  • Article, Illustration
    512 10 —After 18 Years I. H .ll l l r V\«;ir-«»l«l J i vu 1 1 Hornl>> lowered heneli in?<» ihc l);d!». I« warn rerj hot* She jumped oat. \n.l cried] "I <;»n §cc! I can Bee!* 1 DOING THE TOWN' This weekly feature will 1 be resumed
    512 words
  • 468 10  -  JOAN REEDER OFF TO BALMORAL BUT DRITAIN'S most important vouns working woman who run never stop work, turn the gas off. stop the papers and say "No letters to be forwarded" has started her summer varation. She is the Queen. She and the Duke of Edinburgh, with
    468 words
  • 637 10 THE SCENE OF TH$ CRIME LURS, France. )NE of the greatest manhunts France has known is going on lor the killer of Sir Jack Drummond, scientist who was Britain's wartime scientific adviser on food rationing, and his wife and ten-year-old daughter five miles from this
    637 words
  • 346 10  - WHERE MEN GO FOR THE BUXOM LOOK EDDY GILMORE by YTOMKNS styles hav.(handed a great deal in Russia, but not the styles of women they still preiei ample figures with full corves. Nowadays, the v --men in the cities have hjgh-heeled shoes, manicures, permanent waves, silk and nylon stockings and
    346 words
  • Article, Illustration
    66 10 iitiot< < Ittitaw l>« is 1 i iM-kt.ii! .la-iii. 1 ujv Ixti ti m Boml g I h.iv li Ll i an Irwh BMtthfi .i < herk v -m »id an i Irisk Irapri .t- I Bombay CWT) I I rur. slu- h.i- -.ii. :i, and I dune mu p.til
    Mirror  -  66 words
  • Article, Illustration
    64 10 This p<»st< .1! u fiom Domremy, cnti ill' wu^ >»rnt b.« I li/.ite her schoolmistr*" dajTS a^o bclon Hrn d»-r. "U> ii»- h.i\ ru i IOVCIy tmif i!i I in< the t hild ITfOtl s^ha\e just >:i I the birthplace ol loai <t Elisabeth 'i Bchotl tstt < !>»• book
    64 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 196 10 Visit Leo s Rendezvous \t The HAPPY WORLD TRADE rAIR t imous for canned g<»od% BOJ S'Uce Pre^»r\rd Gtetjei Etc AMOY CANNING Corp. ■SINGAPORE) Ltd. 1!* Crosa Street. >in»ipor? Tel: imOti EROSIA M7ST DE\ELOPIN(. CRI \M I .c m England) \pplied with gentle niassu-e iv Hormone content is taken into
      196 words
    • 59 10 vl r& /Jy' Everxthinv Swedish ball-bearing Roller skates, express md typ lighter and therefore fastei with reoowned Swedi b bal A i« reasons for the famous the Swedish precision-! ailllllEalT t^ i wiin> «i\ii isi •OLD A nI» SCKVICKP niKMi (.H"i WRITE FOR FOLDER DUNCAN ROBERTS LIMITED 18 BATTERY ROAD,
      59 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 386 10 RITADELMR 1" <> D (||ii|\||n\: i nrii vi tin- far hot i >n < i\ c uv i in- pyf> fi >\ r the trgt ihe ii. ihe beautj thai i^ i) 1 1 ->- i r 1 1 1 im I I >l» VN I OR I I K\
      386 words

  • 103 11 DUISBURG, WESTERN GERMANY, Aug. 11, (Beuter). —Pakistan Olympic hockey I i .j I a match nere yester- 1 by one goal »o zero when ed to a Duibburg side. Pakistan were on top In the ...t and showed excellent techniques but the turl seemed to affect
    103 words
  • 422 11 BobMathiasSets\ Hurdles Record\ TIIK United State* and Jamaica look most honours m the track events m the international Athletics Hireling held m Amsterdam and Berlin on Sunday, Queen Juliana and her family were among the capacity crowd which saw ihe Olympic champions compete m brilliant
    422 words
  • 153 11  - GOLF Here's How Slammin Sam Snead •2% /3 THERE are many atgWMeiUi a* lo how to atari jhc dOtOtUtOtng. As i sfe it ihr dou^iswinq i starts a!l-in-o7ie puce. .4s jhe i left heel ftarti dc/>rn the re- vtrst body pivot ttttttt v"d i Ike Irft arm begins tO pull
    153 words
  • 207 11 Chartered Bank Win At Cricket Chartered Bank won (be annual inter-bank cricket match against Hong Koag and Shanghai Bank when they scored a 64--run win at Paya Lebar on Sumday. Tie scores were: Chartered Bank: A.D.G. Harrison s t. Lydail b Sooghan 55; RE S Price r Handcock b s
    207 words
  • 68 11 Schoolboy Cricketers A meeting will be held this morning at 10.30 o'clock at the Singapore Recreation Club, of schoolboy-cricketers from overseas schools who are here on holiday. Mr. W. T. McDermott, organiser of a team of overseas hoolboys to meet the Singapore Combined School XI. will preside. He expects m
    68 words
  • 66 11 I MONTECATINI. ITALY, Aujj. 11. (AP).— There were no horseraces here yesterday because of a strike of jockeys and horse owners. The strike was called because the organising committee did not put enough prizes m Uie races. The 1.050.000 lire (US$l .3OO) Town of Montecatini P"* 6
    66 words
  • 191 11 PARIS, Aug. 11. (LP).-France beat Japan 41 to 29 In a two-day swimming contest ending yesteraay at Tourelles swimming pool with the Japanese Olympic team winning only one of six events. The French squad completely overpowered the tired Japanese team to win the 100, 400
    191 words
  • 118 11 SINGAPORE Municipal Ser vidtes Onion beat Breweries Sporti Club' by B Barnes to 1 m a table icnms Diatch on Sator Result«:— iStn&pa c M inicip.ii Services Qnion playeri BenLioned first). SINGLES: T.c w her Young I (Captain) beai H «ng Ah <
    118 words
  • 42 11 ST. (JAUDEKS, France. Aug. 11 (AP) Alberto Asrari. Italy, driving a Ferrari, won [the Seventh Grand Prix de France here yesterday. His countryman Guiseppe Farina, ai™ m a Ferrai, wm second. Third place went to .lean Befall (France) m iGordini.
    42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 11 The Duke of Edinburgh at the tiller of bJI >at ht oweshp during the Flying Fifteen rate for Isflt boats —at (owes, 1.0.W., last weekend. He *J-d his partner, yarht designer I'ffa Fox. wer e Bteond The Duke flew Straight to the South coast after landing it London from Helsinki
    50 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 11 photo. Picture taken before the Annual Badminton match between the past and present boys of the Ismail English School. Kota Bahru, when the Past beat the Present m a thriHing: game by 3—2, thus winning the Lim Teng Sun Cup for the first year. (Left are the old boys and
    Capital Studio  -  56 words
  • 124 11 KUALA KANGSAR Mon.— ln a secoad round match m the Ne- pal Cup Soccer League the 1 <; Gurkha Rifles defeated Gurkha. j Royal Engineers by four goals to three. Five minutes after the kick off Ravibhadur opened the score for the Engineers and Sambhu m Creased the
    124 words
  • 41 11 Results of the Island Club Ladies Section LGU competition played on Sunduy were: A DIVISION: Winner— Mrs. McMullan (84-11) =73. Run-ner-up Mrs. Morrison (90-15) =75. B DIVISION: Winner Dr. Tapper (!)4-22)=72. Runntfr■up ♦-Mrs Strickland (97-21) 1 =76.
    41 words
  • 95 11 IPOH, Mon.— Perak's most i important Malaya cup soccer match, again-t Penang, has 'again been postponed for the second time at the request !of Pcnang The match is now to be played on Saturday, Aufi. 130 at the Victoria Green ground m Penang. The original date was
    95 words
  • 42 11 MOSCOW. Aug. 11 <AP)Nina Roma hikoya. Soviet fttl who waa the discus throw at the Olympics, has set a new world's record, it is claimed here. Pravda today i Romashkova, competing at; Odessa, burled Urn dutcia ***** metre*.
    42 words
  • 209 11 AMSTERDAM, Aug. 11. (AP).- Fanny Blanker > Koen, the fastest woman m the world before her disastrous penormance at the Helsinki, brought her sports career to a dramatic close here yesterday l>\ falling m the 80-metres hurdlers and abandoning the 1 raci A capacity
    209 words
  • 60 11 CHICAGO. An?. 11: (R*u for) (ary Middleroff and Julius Bm s tied for first place m the "World (ioW Championship" here pesfcr- day. In the tournam#nt played j at the Tarn O'Shanter Country Club they each had a 72 hole total of ETC. 12 under par.
    60 words
  • 57 11 NEW YORK. Aug. 11 (APi— Gene Hairston of New York i and Carl (Bobo) Olson, of Honolulu, rated m the USA No. 1 and No. 2 contenders of Sugar Ray Robinson's middleweight crown, are to meet on Aug. 27. Their fight will open the autumn boxing season at
    57 words
  • 122 11 LANCASTER, CaHftw Aug. 1 1 (UP) Swimmei Bi Hughes said jresterday bifl romance with «i beautil ii H ingarian girl at the Ht.-iMki O:ym- iainos was ni| ped jh '■<' \nn\ !•>■ Communi! I oflßcials ki |;t net m her hotel rooi i Bvhen i ie was not
    122 words
  • 39 11 Sturgess Upsets Drobny HAM E ,Ai'i El (S hAi I vest ry t nan in' n hip singles pUy. i) and 2 comp!< Dorothy Head f< atini Gen Ei ptl for S iin the the worn with i I
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  • 20 11 I .1 ;it the Jai I i >> The s on Lechniq h (I m Nisbimura i
    20 words
  • 22 11 c< >P1 NHA A Olle world g hf<o minuto I improved ood do tbs reviews n Labi) shed r son.
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  • 21 11 FRANK!' i learn I- 13 to I i 1 m iho m L.2BQ (Jap; rd „.•.7 m a test
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 517 11 NOTICES I Ti.JK- INVITKI) ,Ki:NS£] HI ICT 1 X s, XT MAI V(( v RODROMC ;!d be fored i r for U) the < f C >f MaB IS9, X n Uw I be a< ash deposit of be returni eptam c of ng to enter into forfeited. Tenddeposits may
      517 words
    • 295 11 SITUATIONS VACANT i\^ ,re i::".i*«-d l Dis< iplii < M f- to Khuan 'Chinese' School Batu Arang Applic n1 may I kno edgi ish and have p I Senior bridae with ai One attend Course 1 c must i be prepared me en of physical training and 0r- es m
      295 words
    • 118 11 1/« or H*'it<*r Vmimm J3^\ Wmw lirtin<t*>r Stirinfj j£tm*<s. Shwiß «i1 wpetr Virs t Ann m rt§ Y^^^nmW^'^k r ?tll n Dressing Ofl»n. »IV !»0 fll.'.fi rrh J '■^y m .-.:7%v^^^7^^': t ;^3 Imbroidrrcd I.adi<-s P>» Suifn |!V :,!i 4 jjir ;^|g '^l 1 mbroidrred Satin Kimono* $3 Wt >i:2.<H»
      118 words

  • 94 12 X [PUB M n.— ln ::pal soccer cup ed today or ptHi 5e v ed Petaling b\ 3■■ •:o one. -ninute Shun ■^ened accounts '!S W 4 Pel i sed throug Sect 1 nmediate For the i ialf ended deB X bui -lie the b oar.
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  • 528 12 Services Cup Final GHQ FteH Records beml bl Company RASC twotM m the final of the Junior Challenge Cup played at Nee Soon before i lin;e crowd yesterday. It was a most thrilling encounter, the decider being: scored a minute before full tine *lter a one-all
    528 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 12 Group photo of Kelantan (V jerseys) and Trengganu who making their debut m the Malaya Cup soccer, drew tw«> all at K»ta Bharu last Friday m the Eastern Zone play off. The replay will be played at Kuala Trengganu. and the winners will meets the Northern zone finalists for the
    58 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 12 ■Unds with (h )L f, "v' J«>« I ouis. former world heavyweigJit boxing champion, »akSt th€ Brown IlluLr (left) and Chief eft Hand BuU a ceremonies August 2at ?li iuni^i m! hoßor yy Si ux Indian Chief. The ceremonies took place eimmemor?i« f;V lre S*SS± wow near Trenton, Nebraska. Thee»
    56 words
  • 69 12 THE EURASIANS XI to play; the Indians XI m the S.A.F.A. nunity League today will be selected from the following:— \v. Van Hulzen, C Nonis. P. C >' A de Rozai io. I. J. Vass, R He rs m B. Rozario. T. Vlission. L. Rodrigo, C Marshall. 1
    69 words
  • 562 12 ROYAL AIR FORCE, Singapore, beat the Indonesians five-nil m a SAFA Community league match yesterday, but though the victory suggests overwhelming superiority for the airmen, the result was no more than a case of accurate shooting by one set of forwards and a lamentable
    562 words
  • 373 12 to see a Cup final which was last played here 14 years ago." The Council discussed a request from the TPCA of Kuala Lumpur for two matches m Singapore on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1. It was decided to give the team, who will
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  • 82 12 SINGAPORES cfcaaces «f retaining the team championships at this year's Malayan Amateur Athletic Association championships at Ipoh may depend mainly on the Singapore AA.Vs ability to raise 81,500 within the next three days. Flag Day and other collections made by the Association realised $3,500 which is
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  • 37 12 HENDERSON, NEVADA. Aug 11 iAP'- -Jim Thorpe, the great Carlisle Indian athlete ot yesteryear, who suffered a heart attack last week, was home from the hospital today but unde: doctor's orders to take thingeasy.
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  • 194 12 SYDNEY, Australia, kmg. 11 (AP) Daw sands British Empire Middleweight champion, lied pital here Monday niijht Irom lajwies received automobile trash at Dundou. Newcastle, N< Wales. Sands, who held the Austl lian middleweight and heavyweight titles, won the British Empire middleweight crown by knocking
    194 words
  • 150 12 Sedgman Rivals Line-up N EWPORT. RHODES ISLAND, Aug. 11 (AP)— The 71s1 Annual Newport Invitation tennis tournament begins t .day weather permitting— with 76 players from 11 nations competing Eor the men's singles title held by Australia's Frank s nan. Sedgman, who will arrive late because of bad weather mditions
    150 words
  • 128 12 A I. OR STAR. Mon.— Ppnang again outdated Kedah m the Foonf Seong (up badminton match which continued last night, winnin? all matches and beating Kedah 9-0. The only opposition w^ s P ut up by Kedah's last doubles pair khoo Kng: Aun and Chee \Veng Hens,
    128 words
  • 38 12 KLUANG, Mon- Kluanj Police drew one-all with tin Detention Camp XI m a thrill [ng Kluano league fixtun played at the Town Padang Ahiwang scored for th< .Police and Ban Chuan score< tor the opposing team.
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  • 148 12 SINGAPORE'S A.F.A. are making efforts to have this year's Malaya Cup final played m Singapore. The final decision will lie with the Northern finalists who will be Perak, Penang or either Kelantan or Trengganu. The last Cud final was played m Singapore m 1938. SAFA Council members discussed this
    148 words
  • 252 12 IX A Business House "C" Division soccer match played at Farrer Park yesterday, Rotterdam Trading Co. beat Imperial Chemical Industries by two goals to nil. Both goals were scored by Blankenaar. Play was practically confined to the ICI side of the field, but Rotterdam players missed
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  • 325 12 HAIKOWYU SPORTS Club, maintained their unbeaten record when they trounced BODCA 'A' by six goals to nil m a SAFA Division 3B league match played at BODCA ground yesterday. It was Haikowyu's ninth victory, m a row. Their smooth combination, rocklike defence and a sharp.shooting forward line
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  • 5 12 The Truck Slipped l»\\! >\M>>
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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