Singapore Standard, 2 July 1952

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Singapore Standard
  • 18 1 Singapore Standard X JL W X VOL. II NO. 365. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1952. 12 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS
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  • 145 1 ...ON PARADE These charmers from 29 foreign lands are seen here gathered at I. o n s Beach, California, for the MisN I'niverse Beauty Contest. The winner was b f o ti d e Armi Helena Konsela, 18-year-old Miss Finland (eighth from the left, bottom row). After
    A.P.  -  145 words
  • 226 1 Govt. To Give Advance To Pensioners on the grounds uf the increasThe iutrriui p.ivmt*ut will be PCI ifni. _tt!'. till P, winch v ill !><> paid m lump Mini m rtvsprtt of thf prriod .l.tnii 1 1 1 to Sfpt*" m t> SI tins \ru be i pens i i
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  • 95 1 EX PERT TO JOIN TEMPLER < h iMadh ;n > will OUt -c ol tcr 8 the s morning j kno tis job is 8 be. I i is that I'm Iviser." he said "presumin psychological ww fare Judyir.^ P record. < Jenei i Templer kno I > pick men
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  • 299 1 KUALA LUMPUR, lues— X. L. Devasser, a local lawyer. Municipal Councillor and president of the Malayan Indian Congress, was bound over for one year In the sum of SlOO, m one surety, without a conviction being recorded against him for giving false information to the
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  • 87 1 XAIPEH, July 1 ißcuter-AAP') pc Chinese Communist authorities m Peking w:is reported by Nationalist undei ground sources today to be stepping up experiments m bacteriological warfare m preparation for a "counter-move" against .-ilieged American "germ .i" icks The sources s;nd that experimental work was goint^ on
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  • 44 1 Mr. Anthony Eden, British Fo eign Secretary, who ia ill with imuiiH;:'*' k nrntfrKninß normally. Reuter Burmese currency has been switched to the decimal ite n I ne :!)^i v is to be called the "kyat" and the cent the "pya". Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 172 1 POLICE PURSUE INQUIRY BOMB OUTRAGE Standard Staff Reporter THE Singapore Police are pursuing relentlessly investigations to discover and apprehend the person 'or persons responsible tor the White House Bar bomb outrage m which Communists hurt four U.S. sailors and a British civilian slightly. So far a total of 1.200 j
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  • 46 1 SAX FRANCISCO, July (Reuter) Dato Nik Atjmed Kami!. Mentri Besar of Kelantan said thai the morale of the communist guerillas m Malaya wa- s cracking. He attributed this weakening of morale to lack of support from China and the So- j viet Union.
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  • 23 1 The armistice delegate- met or 2!) minutes yesterday followng a three-day recess and will v;: i et affain today. U.P.
    U.P.  -  23 words
  • 93 1 KL'MM. Tues— A motor cydist, (hew Pent Yew and his pillion rider Lim Wee Boey. were injured when a lar«e wild boar attacked them on a lonely stretch of road near here They were goin? about M miles an hour on their way to
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  • 372 1 TWO ELDERLY Chinese who •< '"A r y. attempted to exchange 500,000 "Roepiahs" for $20,000 m.i ayan currency) were committed m the Singapore F? ■•'i f Court yesterdaj to stand 'i ;i; ;i! «*P t:ex Assizes on a charge of trafficking m COUnterfeii currency. The
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  • 393 1 4U Fi4l/JR /N SINGAPORE Rice Stock Position Is Sound-Jenkins Standard Staff Reporter ONK .MILLION rice-consuoteit m Singapore d«i not have to worry, at l<'a«4 for the lime hein;i. about dearer rice, although m the Federation the retail prices of Ivm» highest <ji*a<l«*-> of Siamese ri«"e will
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  • 74 1 GovtMoveOn Wage Talks KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The acting Commissioner for Labour has invited the chairman of the pan-Malayan Rubber Workers' Union and the .secretary of the MPIEA to discuss with him the wage rates. which should operate while the price of rubber is between 90 cents and per pound Up
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  • 52 1 Premier designate Hu Sirry Pasha, yesterday informed King Farouk that he was unable to form a new government. The former chairman ot the Audit Oflice. Bahieddine Barakad Pasha has been asked try to solve the cabinet crisis brought about by the resignation of Hilali Pasha.
    A.F.P.  -  52 words
  • 48 1 BARON (lei aid Von ittersum, Dutch chairman of the U N. Commission for Korea, yesterday received a "guarantee of personal safety" from the Korean Government after he revealed that he bad received a threatening message to "set out of Korea—or else. UP
    UP  -  48 words
  • 258 1 Papers Back Sir Gerald LOND( »N y 1. r itivc London newspaper Evening Ne ti eral Sir aid High Commissioner for M m hi.- recent attack on i ban The paper said: "General Templer....has dealt m hU vigor mis and forthright t I .so:r.e si' worse than silly—racial exclusiveness and
    Reuter; A.F.P.  -  258 words
  • 122 1 Five More Bandits Are Killed THE HIGH Co i- Sir G lo miki a statement on bandit < ties for this month may f><- h peroi tl month I I c inatioii. Unconfirmed fin-. yesterday revealed W one I c;ii)iii ed, and bringi; j the tot elimin iU An oflflc
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 1 H-< I'D 1 .-.f I K'jA«.A IU«»»'« :>cm 'an j I NATIONAL MOTO CROSS, NAMUS I BELGIUM 6/4/52 Race Ist Sarolea 1 2nd AJ S. FCr 3rd FN. ff w IntC ri o* onal Race Ist Sarolea ft, 2nd Matchless I GOODWOOD MEETING B.A.R.C I ENGLAND, 14th APRIL, 1952
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    • 20 1 |>lmlribat*ri I CHENG MtMl inn c» 1". f I pw« 1 MSMisters THiT-iERRARD --> v J STRAPPING MACHINE SECURITY ECONOMY APPEARANCE
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  • 77 2 Gave false information to naturalize TO FACILITATE ihe acquisition of British naturalisation, a Singapore merchant, Leong Pan en, waa stated to have "deliberately jziv^n false particulars when making his declaration before a Commissioner tor Oaths. For doing this, Leong was lined $1,000 m the Singapore Thud
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  • 76 2 3 9- Year-Old King Crab KIN<. CRAB ißinnis o nativ** <»f Cscaa bi...!'!. v is'l'.t m pr.nvn pond m West < '>-» s t Singapore .it midn.xht on Miiiiday. It is one »f two iii< !i n»(1 vfr Chua hoon K'ii^ ,i» -v.iN m:»k;n*; .1 check af th»*
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  • 13 2 TWO RI of Street re n un- t r Po
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  • 51 2 v; i :v; :ov acts a bring graduat* s itc I >n. is been nbers i 81 its i 03 I Ie in\e been TJ 'esident, H »da): Ser P she Pepys S I ne ■•■lers: :> Jugoslavia M H. S E De \Tic:P; M. RamaSul iJ.
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  • 51 2 T r SKU M riumed pleaded g m S.::^.i;j c Fourth V i c jr«terclay to targfl f stealing two pain of shorts and tv.o p..:r< of toeusei »rth > from CS9I Strachan on June 30 at s arang Barracks. Ke was rei landed oatil W
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  • 146 2 CHINESE SCHOOLS WORRIED st.tnd.jrd Staff Reporter THE Directors and Headters ol Singapore"? nine k middle schools will hortly to discuss the flnan ia proofem confronting schools U Government should implement its decision to withdraw grants-m-aid to >r Middle 111 form students who fan m Govern* t-sponsored public examiaal his: D:
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  • 88 2 TWO :re:r.'ner.s of the legislatures Oi the Federation of Malaya, Che Abdul Wahab bin A1 .;i fiaa and Mr. K.S. Lim. are among those from nine Colonial territories who are :v>'vV attending an education me on Parliamentary mnt- r at We^' minster and Belfast The
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  • 244 2 "T<\ this case." the prosecuting officer; Inspector Matthews, said, ■"there can be no question of accused having made an innocent mistake. He visited China ently, and he could not have forgotten it. He deliberately concealed n m order to facilitate his g( tting the
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  • 85 2 BECAUSE she had a quarrel with ber husband, Neo Wah Mvi (26) '...eri ta commit suicide by drinkinfl a corrosive acid at Pecak Road on June 28. Neo wa.s found weeping m her room alter the quarrel with her lips swollen. A cap containing the acid
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  • 28 2 TWO Chinese injured m a fight, were taken to hospital i for treatment from Goodwood Park Hotel b an ambulance at 2 p.v.. yesterday.
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  • 60 2 Down Came The Roof photo. THE SHOPHOrSE m Fraser Street roof of which collapsed m the early hoars of yesterday morning. Through the windows can be seen the previous day's washing: and a curtain still hanging, but the centre of the first floor is a shamble of beams, tiles, furniture
    Standard  -  60 words
  • 82 2 THE Fijian Islands are one of the very few really peaceful spots m the worlJd, said Mr. A.K. Sen. retiring Indian Commissioner m F.n. yesterday m Singapore. Mr. Son is returning to Xew Delhi after a six-month tenure of pfißce m Fiji. The Indian
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  • 94 2 MR. T.A. SIMON, President of the Singapore Hire Car Association, yesterday told The Standard that his association will protest to the Ciiy Council on its decision to prohibit hackney carriages being hired out by the se ri ''WeHl lose most of our business," he said. Mr.
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  • 125 2 A I.IML action m which a local hank claimed to hare a sum of S 1,311.83 revalued under tfce Dchior ami Credito* Ordinance, 1947, was dimmed by Mr. Justice Broun m the Singapore High Courl yesterday. I It was stated that the defendant m
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  • 51 2 TAN CHOW HENG (2f>> a cashier employed by Straits Steamship Co.' Ltd.. c-laimed trial m the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to a charge of breach of trust of $54.5.35 belonging to the firm. Tan was allowed bail of $I,OUO m two sureties until July
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  • 192 2 THE Singapore First District Judge, Mr. Tan Ah Tali, yesterday issued a warning to all merchants dealing m belts and general goods m the Colony. "He said: "A large number of brits with imitation "Cameo" trademrok are being sold m Singapore. ]t is an oifence
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  • 42 2 Stole Fined $50 PEEUMAL s/o Koothan Samban was fined $50 m the Singapore Second Po'kv Court yesterday for stealing 12 pieces ol steel angles valued $15 from a b aiding site at the hmction of Somersog Ro?d and Grange Road < June 15.
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  • 243 2 FIVE Chinese families living m the first floor of an old shophouse m Fraser Street were rendered homeless when a large portion of the roof caved m during a cloudburst m the small hours of yesterday morning, killing a two-year-old child and injuring three other
    Standard  -  243 words
  • 69 2 CHARGED m the Singapore Fourth Police Court with attempted suicide by cutting hu throat with a pineapple knife on May 28, a factory hand, Lirn Ho Siang, refused to say a word m answer to the chasgi which waa read out to him. After repeated warnings
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  • 79 2 THE o: Singa[poream m giving to the city's many charities was again cornmen di-ci yesterday by the organizers of the FEag D.-.y held Saturday, June 28, when girlj went .jround for the Geyang Stfethodist Giris' School Bui ding Fund. soliciting m offices and bu< ness houses ig! out
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  • 44 2 EHIRGUSING s/o Banusing was sentenced m the Singapore Second Poiice Court yesterday i>> three jnonths' rigurous imprisonment for possessing $10 wi.r'h of ganja without a licence issued under ihe Delet< rious Drugs Ordinance; on June 7 at Johore R^..d.
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  • 48 2 MOHD. Kama] trin [sahak ww charged ia the Singapore First Puiice Cuurt yestc-i day with att^npting bo extort from A^sahab Miah by assaulting him ai Owen Road on Jtme IT. He was remanded m Police Custody untii July 'A. IS CASE IS PK3HT UP VOtJR At!
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 114 2 W j,» 'T *jS*^ Jtf^Kt I^^^B^Bn^^lßlß flaWf' ■Hill _^g- ~jt^ <■ f I tHII Kit ft B I *^kw 1 Itii*! MatfaH Mml fiaU 1 I t^v 'vi Bl ßP^C|^^BBtfoWW^j i^^yßl I I'li^^Hlf I^Hr^ obm^bk w^BIW^ r^nn^B^ aV^V9D^^^w^a^Ha^^a^MW B^^^^-^^ '^^^j]^^** M CONGESTED C/TY PHOTECT THEfR HEALTH Ull BiJllld^li 1 a
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    • 123 2 v'x;> <-^tSfii Ij That is why ye ri4|\r\ hi iiii iii 'Z, 1 A fully tKtftK (iltzcil s t >■ Ij elect ncall I I I il s*itixf*s*fg<*si. i| N>tt Csu* Pnif EASY PAYMIMS Month! v j! I ttmti > 4irttit4thh> eft wssff j (Ji Coi/ 'i demonstrate without Hardial
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
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  • 190 3 Standard Storii ftcipoi li llil MM -HV^ < l« Inalion* of the rrnlrjiarv of i.lTn ln-i i i u ti4»n in Singapore ami lit** arrival of h r 1-1 iaii Bmlfacri in Malaya began yesterday when lur of tin- *".J.I.. Brother Ijiualiim. introduced
    Standard  -  190 words
  • 111 3 KAT FA YE, i Tim- tographei i > n C wmcil ■> li on g hl pleaded not guili .i v ■■v Be of wilful tresp iss Me M W M .■<- ipp i1 ■i the tte, Mr. R..8. I. P the retui Sana's camera
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  • 369 3 FORTY si le tg m the Fac tv oi Medicine, University ol Malaya I ossed I»« Protesii lation for the De >f Bai hel tv A Medicine and Bai elo >1 S i J E eyei students passed Ihe F p ess n imin
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  • 231 3 SINGAPORE Police no* late away the identity cards of persons who leave the Colon) for Communist China without re-entry visas to preveiU Ihr poarible hr- of the cards for illegal re-entry into^ thejColony. Routine checks are now ing carried out by the Singapore police
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  • 106 3 THE ANSCO and Agfa Film Photo Contest and Exhibition organized by 'Tithes' Dental and Photo Supply Ltd., Singapore opened last night at the New World Amusement Park. More than 400 entries and over 100 copies. from honorary exhibitors have been entered for the exhibition which
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  • 654 3 k ar i e( l Reaction To Walk-Out Stand iril stall Reporter SINGAPORE City Councillors Have varied opinions on the walk out" staged by nine otimillors at Monday's meetiag of the City Council The nine Councillors five Labour and four lndependent protested against a procedural
    654 words
  • 140 3  - No Real Need For Vernacular Signs MR. HAXWORTH -SAYS Standard SlaH Reporter THE CITY'S chie£ of iFaffic police, Mr. W. R. M. Haxworth said yesterday that In- did not consider there was any real need for vernacular traflie si<iiis as the Colony's drivers were all tested on their knowledge <>t
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  • 364 3 Standard Staft Reporter THE election of aldermen by the Singapore City Council. m preference to a fully elected Council was described as "dangerous" by Mr. J- M. Jumabhoy. an Independent City Councillor, yesterday. Mr. Jumabhoy said that 1 election of aldermen by the Council will give
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  • 71 3 ONE or more burglars who broke into a house m Upper Serangoon Road and got away with a $1,670 haul of cash and jewellery after ransacking the whole house, left all the doors locked and bolted from the inside. The burglary took place when the occupier, an
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  • 82 3 THE following are the Luckj numbers drawn at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Fuf Fair held at the Catholic. Higt School, Singapore, on June 29: (1) 4002; (2) 4<ioo; (3) 1536 (4) 4321: Consolation Prizes: 4719; 1355; L 436; 3879; 1747 1320; 3
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  • 44 3 3 Months Jail TAX ENG SANG 120) was sentenced m the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday to three mouths' rigorous imprisonment, for fraudulent possession of one basket, buc piece aluminium, one piece lead one length cable worth SiO a RAF Changi on May 3.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 230 3 i snd South Molaya I T^i Hua Food Manufacturing Co. Ltd. J^^jsgff**? I 40 Pearl*. S>ow Bel: KIAN 6WAN (M) LTD. SING \POKI I'l N 1 %iw^ yr^ GENEVE 'H AUTOMATIC f\ i*l It* i- tin- Lrtnl l.ivrr I. nl>' 'Hi W HAJU/Ui Kov«« K<>l<»> in.-, h.iiii-ni niikiiiic Aia n
      230 words

  • 310 4 Standard! Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— A parasitic fly bred at the Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control m Trinidad for the control of sugar cane borers is to be introduced into Malaya to fight stem borers of several species which are the major pests
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  • 225 4 Standard Staff Correspondent IPOH. Tues. Mr. G. Bugbee Associate Director of the Washington Natural Rubber Bureau, told The Standard today that the Natural Rubber Bureau m Washington felt that the long-term prospects for rubb» c were bright. '■Tlie surplus which may ot'\ eiup over the next
    225 words
  • 106 4 Standard Staff Correspondent KOTA BAHRU. Tic. The Rural Industrial Development Authority has approved the building of 33 bridges and pontoons costing about $60,000 m the rural districts. These bridges and pontoons, when i completed, wi 1 connect kami pongs m the rural areas. Materials 'lor the
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  • 92 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Health authorities have been empowered by a supplement to the Government gazette to order the owner or occupier of any land within the controlled area or authorise any other perj SOQ to carry out any work ne- cessara tot the maintenance of go'»d
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  • 40 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The export at canned pineapple jimm the Federation is prohibited except by way of the Johore Causeway to Singapore on bilks Of lading dated today or any later date, unless a cess of 20
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  • 151 4 Standard st.iif Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. On the occasion of Hari Raya Puasa the Selangor Indian Chamber of Commerce distributed fruits and other eatables to the inmates of Pudu Prison j and charitable institutions approximating 1,800 men, women and children. This is the first orcaMun that
    Yong Prng Seong  -  151 words
  • Article, Illustration
    91 4 MANNEQUINS at the International Fashion Parade held recently at the Residency. Kota Bahru, organised by the Ismail School Old Boys Association m aid of MAPTB fund— Left to right Mr. P. A. I lain ing, Mrs. King m evening dress, Tengku Noor Zakiah m Malay Wedding Dress of kain songket,
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  • 274 4 200,000 Register For New federation Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Toe*. About 600.000 workers m the Federation are expected to be registered as provident fund earners by the end of the year under the tcheiae which came into operation today. This is the estimate of Mr. F. A. Nichols, accountant
    Lee Chee Ying  -  274 words
  • 9 4 I-Way Traffic For Three Mal Streets i 1 1
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  • 113 4 iPOH, Tues. Described by the Judge as a "truthful" man, Ng Chooi, a 59-year-old squatter, received a lenient sentence of 18 months' penal servitude from Mr. Justice Pretheroe m the Perak High Court today. The Judge had accepted Ng*s plea cf guilty on a
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  • 261 4 Xl VIA LUMPUK, Tue ment is to l>e tsked to i Mfl Ordinance, as mentioned m petition, ernment. A i i embers of the P ttuk- Chamber of Commerce. Pres lent, c the preBentai to the Sovi of India to ask him to use
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  • 68 4 JB Methodists To Hold MYF PJ^ANS to o-g .-i dbt Youth FeJU i P «1 J iure Bahru :<:e under way. tne Methodist c < -c »»r. nouocwl y««t« da^ Pastor B.a Che: ah said thai ard er.d a nj*ei i t at r |10-C i Bdu i Hail M
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  • 46 4 TWEE AH KM. 22. wai flned $100 by the ttuai trate. Sheikh Abdul Raman. U driving; a Lot o without a licence and '.<• giving m negligent m-mnrr .rsiiltmK 1 being involvwi m coll is I-. :th the petimetei gate kt Jj Qakn, Muar.
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  • 6 4 Postal Men Oppose Govt Pay Proposal
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  • 5 4 New KL Post For Brewer
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  • 5 4 Society's Loans Total $183.000 i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 149 4 IT f* r#4V I j'^'^jß^'ijpF^E-^ m an undcrsho! mmmr jow». th* mon-eotmg Piranha is usually only e»qHf to twelve \mtkm long. Easily identified os <^^^\\ another famous Tigei f-^^^^~<? ?^tv\ Mcdicinol Product, S-S^PxW fhe CHEE THONC f^\\ SAN" provides in/£r/^Ji7+ii^^ s&£) i itantaneous relief for SevenSeaS tJT PURE COD LIVER
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 369 5 1 VOTE ON VITAL MATTERS M VI A LLMPLR, Tues. —The I.M.P. Counfil GrClip iiirrtina here l:i-l nigh I «l«-«*i<l«-«i to preseoi our -.olid vote <>n matters of importance to the connIrj or its people m the Federal legislative (loun- decided that every nber haa the
    Standard  -  369 words
  • 207 5 NEARLY 300 friends of Mr. John Ford followed his coffir: 0 its resting place at the 9 ladari Cemetery yesterday. x Id v,i Gordon Righlandei ed the way, piping a Scottish ament. A the coffin 'was lowered into the grave. he at the foot and
    Standard  -  207 words
  • 284 5 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tue*. Cuis m -prosperity 1 rules m workers' wages which the Malayan Planting Industrie Employers' Association propose l<> introduce, probably from today, ar«» expected to result m an overall reduction «>1 L 5 tents per day
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  • 43 5 PORT SWE n ENHA U Tues The Port Clerical Union will hold its third annual general meetiiii; on July s,«srt the Port S'Vt ttenham Recreation ;> Office bi irej will be elected. A group photo will be taken to mark the ocrassion.
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  • 59 5 Winners Asked To Collect Prizes MR. RAMALINGAM ot Kuala Kubu. Mr. K.G.N. ot Seremban and Mr. R.S. Phyiips ot Bentong, the -holders ot the Central MLalaya Trained Norses' I.casue ticket numbers 8194. 9,V)2 and 4901 should collect, their prizes from the Vice-President, Training School, General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur before July
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  • 357 5 KTBSTATIONS HaMe to laa<! slkHiliiik on WntneMlay !nd July I !».V!. I>AV Xt P;i»(»h. BAT.. Trafalgar St.. A noun Kd Tiong Babru, sago St., K.irn:ih St.. Peoples Turk. Niiiison ltd Lain soon oil Mill-. Guan Ilin. I J£. mtwork. I JL Factory, Rlvrr Valley Rd., Kiiltmy ltd.,
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  • 133 5 Malayan Stu dents Surprised LONDON, '1 Lies.— Malayan students net" have been surprised to learn of the establishment of the all-Malayan Labour Party and the appointment of one of their former colleagues, Mohammed Sopiee as chairman, through the New York Times. The Saturday issue of the New York paper jus*
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  • 145 5 A l O N S [EU R BERN A X D GROSLJER, Secretary-General m Saigon for the Society of [ndo-China Studies, and Monsieur Alfred Ferrcol de FT.-.v Director of Archives and Libraries m [ndo-China, arrived here last night to take part m French Week. which starts
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  • 135 5 TUP: public of Stngapon soon have an opportunit I visiting shins of the Indian Fleet. Unit s >i the tn liau ted to arrive bj and /hiring theii I t band on the Padang as well mi t visiting of cerl The progra follows:—Sunday. Jul3 6
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  • 87 5 B\IL f>! II i>*>» as ■■le:e<i IB l\'j Seng Guan 121) Imo be |W charged la the Singapo c fm Police Courl esterday wta assistias m i *P lottery h< Joo r ::a: Plai jui i tioi 100 Chiat HOad J ;0 IJ pleaded Kuilty
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  • 34 5 IPOH. Tups.- Started y a p:;--vate j»c:jool and tsflctn over by GoverdflMtit, the Sultan Vu.vj! Schoo In Batu Gaiali nwt •i ■< ie fal oratory and libi a r .v tor 111 pupiU
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 256 5 \Si DAY H a.m., i.:jo. 4.6.1 ,k «)..;o i ir> GRAM -Jeanne ilt \IN j,. #'#;#>#»#./; will TAMM »Oth icntury Fox Picture TOMORROW! Jl f^NOTHING..., t'^^^^^m^Uß^^m spiring Jack BlF.Til Mala POWERS UII I I VMS K.lrased by !Oth .-.niur> lot. Un SALE— -Jl IV I lI. M \l U .1!
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    • 228 5 All MM Thrill* mm V fl I w STARTS JBI now a TODAY Sa^iailonoi Wfld-AnUnal Scen^^f Jungle PerH^ Whit© Killers! Secret of The Diamondil Situ tint, I I HMth I It DOROTHY HART introducing TOMMY CARLTON jll num. jT^-i 1 SHOWS: l.l~>. I. 536 ft 930 p.m. MAERICAN QUEEN DisHiUuiid
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 83 5 St. Joseph's Institution Gi Conceit by pupils at 7 p.m Public Relations Film Onit*sh< at Joo Chiat Welfare Centreand Buona Vista Road. V.M.C.A. STogi S'-iri Shuddananda Bharati address on 'Cio.-pcl c>! Service' 7 p.m. Singapore Chess Ciub. 5 p.m., Malay Conversational Class. r > :'O p.m, Commercial C" 5.00 p.
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  • 757 6 Singapore Standard Poor Old Bill! ftiifafMMHfritl Mormnft NtorajMfiev n np <hr- Sunday Times, is thrice- I ong •>. .papers m that Us editor I, a v. ndow which Rives him an I the sea. This happy location windo resulted m the editor bf rite an open letter to a Brit]
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  • 606 6  - Review of Views Hard limes j IT has been repeatedly stated by< Malay speakers thai the weak-< ness the Malays lies m their i apathy m entering into busi-i ness fields said Utusan Melayui c litorially. These speakers < h c said Malays should run import and export firms and,
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  • 850 6 ROOTS of ASIAN NATIONALISM Liberals to patronise colonial nationalism. During the period between the two world wars nationalism m Europe developed into fascism. Therefore a distinction was made beiween nationalism m Europe and m the colonial countries; the latter was regarded as a progressive democratic movement, and it was accepted
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  • We the PEOPLE
    • 693 6 Sir: The new si'a c of Expatriation Pay was approved by the Legislative Council a: its as- meeting. I do not think the public appreciate the magnitude of the inrrease, and so, I give be ow a comparison of the Old and new rates. Even on the former
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    • 343 6 Sir: I am a wagt^earner viii) is occupying a house m Short Street whj&ch is the property of the Singapore Government Land Office. A few days ago when I went to pay my rent for the month of June, the cashier drew my attention to a notice
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    • 174 6 Corruption In Govt. Departments USELESS EUSTACEJI Sir: The Federal Council move to ask for the appointment of a committed probe corruption it) government departments is ong over due. To my know edge there is corruption amours" the subordinate officia s in most of the departments d quasi government departments. Since
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 494 7 Plot To Work In 7 Stages SEATTLE, July 1 (AP) John M. Ulison, Assfetani Secretary of State for Far Eastern affairs* said here that the Communists have UtiA d#wn a seven-point "blueprint of revolution" for all countries of \*>ia friendly vrilli the West.
    Reuter  -  494 words
  • 61 7 M. More From New Stamp Fees <;.. nil !.l I -1.l |l Mil f! t 111: U .illtls tl, i mi i mint liofl R bi >■ t«tr |h« .u _< g I > eeting, v» (11 I gi at the mount tgage raU up tn i d $10
    61 words
  • 66 7 I'zndcrd London Correspondent ONDOM. j_l y 1 -Tht toSow.ig ore rht clciing r.d t.n en the London Market today LONDON MJtMfl LONDON TIN Hi* s po? £968.10*. per ton d fcu.tM £969 sillers. 21 d Thr.c month*: £965 2t< buyers, £965.1 Os. teller*. V r 254
    66 words
  • 310 7 Beilboy Says: LONDON, July 1 (Renter)— A small dark fcellboy, Dennis MoKtowney, 41, appeared m court here today charged with the murder of a Polish Countess who served a^ ;i British >t'tret agent m enemy territory throughout World War 11. c Skarbet war had used
    310 words
  • 100 7 Hot— So Wigs Are Doffed LONDON. July 1. «AP' Eumpe got anotßc? do»i of not weather ?.)<>;. British judges doffed theii traditional v. liiie l^v This whs special «'<»ncession to tht- 90 degree heat rrom the Lord Chifl Justic* Foresi Srti levelled 4.u00 acres In v..ith\\ e-stein France and sporai
    100 words
  • 193 7 8 Men To Run Stall At Bazaar A WORKING committee of eight leading Singapore Malays was formed yesterday a1 a meet ing convened by the Singapore Red Cross, for ihe purpose of running the Malayan stall at the forthcoming International Bazaar to be he'd n aid of the Red Cross
    Standard  -  193 words
  • 133 7 Labour Drops Bevan Move LONDON, July 1, (Reuter).— Left-winger Aneurin Bevan tos eel a clash with his Party's official leadership j>yer the Yalu River bombing raids at a private meeting of the Parliamentary Labour I., > As the climax to a stormy session the meeting rejected by loi vote» to
    133 words
  • 52 7 BRITISH Commissioner General foi South -East Asia, Malcolm tfacDonald wag received m audience by Emperor Hirohito ai the I nperlal Palace yesterday, Mac Donald was introduced to ;!ie Emperor \>y Ambas- >:«()();■ Sir Esler Dening. The cniperor shook hands with the two and chatted uith
    52 words
  • 33 7 COLON' I A I. Secretary Robert Brown Black yesterday assumed administration ol the Governm*Mil of Hongkong following the departure on home leave this morning of Governor Sir Alexander Grantham. Renter.
    33 words
  • 20 7 SCHOOL enrolment m fhe Philippines has readied a new high wjtfi 4a00.000 yeungrtenu -(I. P.
    20 words
  • 131 7 UK Trade In May Improved lIONGKO N G, July I, (Reuter-AAP):— The Colony's trade which had been declining since the early part of the year showed a turn for the better m May. Figures released by the Department of Commerce find Industry gave May's track' figures HK5532.4 million which was.
    131 words
  • 18 7 BRITISH bom Richard Jack, 81. one Canada's b«si known artists, baj clitd m MdntrcaL UP.
    18 words
  • 164 7 Hilaly 'Caught In Vicious Circle' rj\tii>, July l (llP).— The influential newspaper Le Monde said m a front page editorial today that Egypt's Hilaly Pasha resigned after being caught m a vicious circle between the Wafd and the presence or British troops m the Suez. The conservative paper's editorial said
    164 words
  • 166 7 London staff Correspondent LONDON, July I. "1 think c shall find that the cost of production have passed its pi k.'' said Sir Erir IVlacFadyen at yesterday's annual meeting !of Lanadron Rubber Estates Ltd. m a more optimistic tone than is his own. Uv t
    166 words
  • 358 7 Reds Warn Of Reprisals For Yalu Bombing l(m\(). ful\ Communist Pyongyang Radio last night threatened the Allies with reprisals "hundred* and thousands of times more deadly" than I afted States air attacks on Vain powrr stations. 1 bi adca !<■::. iat I I "■,>■■ .i I Ration I American rulers
    AP  -  358 words
  • 140 7 Briton As Clark 's Deputy LONI'- IN .1 iIJF tain Mir,.--. Lloyd made th< House o] fen:- e M Lord tour of the Kon and consultai ton. B ii to be madi the post of Depu I .c United Nation* J!"l K< n < ppotatmei nounoed m th, < said.
    140 words
  • Article, Illustration
    0 7
    0 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 48 7 ■<*'■ JBt '^tw <^HSr Wm mm i mm mm mW mm I j /Ac, low /^^/^^^^^y^^ j j "SPORTS LIGHT ROADSTER 21" $130.00 j k I mm f mm V^^^K I■ 4 J^^^^^lbF m^m^^^.^^^~~ i I y '1 1 \V^ mil ROBINSON Co., Ltd. I Si»!jiJi|»«r»- mid Kn«l« l.iii»i|nir
      48 words

  • 292 8 READY BY END OF YEAR Standard Shipping Rrjjorter IT H a capital of 200,000,000 Rupiahi*, the I*. T. INlajaran Nasional Indonesia, the Repulilic of Imlojirsia's own tthipping company, ha* under construction m various shipyards m Europe 50 coastal ships. which shonUl be ready for service by
    292 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 479 8 "]p!| __j^___a FAST REGULAR TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICI Ovt-iltnd Ponan« P -Sham S »r, SST 811 juiv lAM lAvs ars of DH Ca:go Deep rwki wd passeniti H < «a etc. i ANGLO FRENCH BENDIXSENS LTD. Malacca f3£sffm*lNE H)KIK CONTWDIT r p nJ ls it^-t u'u foi Havi o. (i *a J4
      479 words
    • 495 8 CHINA NAVIGATION CO., LTD. fteetifei to Hhiiw and Japan from SinsafM),** Port Swe'tenham Penanp Atojj direct SailißK* Jr^m Kanekok and Indonesia to CWm i*9»* 1 Due S'pnre l>»'" Peiw«l f r PXKiioi lul > Kawsinajt -Sterhuen July H J" 15 Hoaßkoag Sails Sails Sa;l> Ponang P S h am Spore
      495 words
    • 459 8 JAVA NEW YORK SAILINIiJI Koval Rotterdam Lloyd Holland America Line NedeHaiid U»e Kotterdam Rotterdam Amsterdam HALIFAX, BOSTON. NEW YOKK IMIILADLLPHIA BAITttIORI MOMI-t M W OKI 1 ANS Sporr P Sham Prnmg RADJA (SMN) ?0J tine ,">.! ul v Uulj 'Wall AXKLDLJR <HAL) I'ISJ»U II '-lulv II HtuO KONUO (SMN) 2"IJuIv/3Aus
      459 words
    • 346 8 Jar Jl M CSiesK^flHHyT^fcsT^*- I 111 SAILINGS IROV SCAN.-.NAWX S|«trr f s •KINA" for Bangkok Saigon, Efongk Kobe Yokohama (i. hh 'KAMBOIUA' for JBaiirtiit Saigon Hongkong Knbe Yoknhamb Ift lTJuiv 14 |ff^. "WKUOMUT fm Bangkok r.i (Ualj "FIONIA" far Bangkok 19/SUUu 11 << PATA(i()NIA foi Ba fg Kobe xokohama^ *<•
      346 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 28 8 Despatches No Boi neo, Labuau Brunei i Viii by Darvel. tido-C ■< by Kina. Arrivals > i letters and parcels ■i E?o N B >. Labuan Brunei etters and parcel*, by
      28 words
    • 152 8 Plsm m Harbour Shio Gkfdown Gate. Dtdcens. \!(wu)us 11 12 4 AHu-rt !><>rk Stanvac 1 i ing aenlawera 29 .>0 2 Akai Re«ina!d Kerr gnwyv 3:: 34 2 Vk-torU iWk Leists, PeU: Bradeverett IS '^0 4 aran Eurymedon 18 4 Laid up anch«r ,g.Funning 44 I Maneul. ghP* Philip. fCina
      152 words

  • 733 9 Pffß MORE SPORE INDUSTRY monufocture m Singapore of a featherweight material can be used as aggregate m place of sand, gravel or stone concrete and ploster has given the Colony a ne* try and made possible huge sayings m building costts. The renal
    Standard  -  733 words
  • 234 9 orld Rubber Output Rl M |>r <h I i< 1 1< ni oi natural rui>!>« r m lite fii>l l*> '.J expected to haw reached about KHMMH) <l v^iih >oo r«»»»- f»»r thf eorreApoadin^ U€nod ot Ulft| \<ar. according i<» 1 l»< Financial Hrnes. ption
    234 words
  • 109 9 COMMODITY PRICES ('losing rubber prices (cents per Ib m Singapore yesterday were: Bu.vtr> Seller* No 1 Spot Loose FOB. In bales JuJv No. 1 K.S.S. 9%i 91 No. 2 K.S.S. B*i 8»>; No. S K.S.S. 82 82| Tone: I'noertain after ureijuiar. I OMION Rt'ltlitK Tue>day's opening prices per Ib. were:
    109 words
  • 61 9 UNITED NATIONS. NEiV YORK, July 1. (AFP)—American delegate Isadora Lubin told the Economic and Social Counil yesterday th;it there absolutely W9S DO ftnr that an oconoini>- crisis would hit the United States as In the thirties. Flc the fear that a crisis hrente- cci the
    61 words
  • 105 9 THE Federation of Malaya imported *2 900.U00 worth <>t black tea and exported $1,300,000 during the first five months of lU.">2. according to official statistics. During 1951 $7.30t).000 worth of black tea was imported and 03.900.800 exported lrom tne rederation. Gieva tea imported was worth •only
    105 words
  • 364 9 Rubber Loses Another 2 1/4 Cents Per Pound Standard Market Reporter RUBBER prices continued to decline yesterday, a drop of 2f cents per II). being registered oft the Singapore market, making a total drop of (>} cents per Jl>. m two days of trading. Liquidation from vp T~ country centres
    Standard  -  364 words
  • 122 9 THE MALAYAN Exchange! Banks Association buying rates to merchants <pc- $100 Malayan) Bure:— New York 62 11/16 <T.T.) 32 l;:. lt> (O Dj. 32 15/16 on credit bills and 33 on trade bills <90 d st>: Canncia ".i H 1« (T.T.), 31 15/16 <O.D >. 32
    122 words
  • 37 9 THE U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board have granted Pan American World Airways ;>nd the Trans-World Airlines a wvenyear- extcn.sion of their pres< trans- Atlantic routes linking the Unite-l States to Europe 1 r! Middle East— U.P.
    37 words
  • 122 9 In the first By« i >>f the Fear the q i treated imo inted to J compared with 51.873 I tin corresponding pef:<»d <>[ THF Federation of Malaya 85 roronui oil milltreated 10,735 lons of copra during M.-\ rmrnqprnnd with 11.205 lons of
    122 words
  • 17 9 PRI SIDENT f imAti ha> v ed Bf price con r 1 19 mootiu U.P.
    U.P.  -  17 words
  • 269 9 Expansion Of Wharves In V. Borneo Slow Brown's Review Sayi: ONE of North Borneo's pressing n^eds is additional wharfage accommodation at the main ports and progress in this direction appears to iw» lamentahU slow Brown's Malayan Economic Review observes editorial!) in its latest issue. T!.e wharves il Sandaknn rod Labtiafl
    269 words
  • 95 9 IH RING Ma) the f efen tio.« ot Malaya*! 13 Map taties i>iurt.ic*"d f .'.'i («i^ g| soap, bringing the total |>i" duction for th<- ln^t h xr nionfhs nf 195 to SI 7SI ewtl .i< v ordinn to olt. aI -i < The.1 '.1 1
    95 words
  • 13 9 Trading In Shares Limited SINGAPORI f v. MINIS B K< S Uniu-d M
    13 words
  • 10 9 I 1 p i B I
    10 words
  • 14 9 4 H Sold to X em >*» British 3 I i
    14 words
  • 5 9 Produce Mart Is Steady I < <■ <
    5 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 190 9 f >r U i #i i« tj bras* and vnftprrtrnr^ J j 77m' quality v^" tuy "AID A" I pi Mai 1 m Germany HORMONE SKIN CREAM the B Pi- i wrinkled and w ■<-■- I m casts of -kin rruptio: I d r<w n one Skin tnt for bctti
      190 words
    • 19 9 j^tl^^m~3^\ X.L.M. constellations (Ifl mV I Itil LEAVE SINGAPORE FOR I'OKYO \"^""^"E. i t/^ Bi v*« BUI moyav dutch
      19 words

  • 876 10 People I Meet BUSY PERSON at present is Mrs. W. W. Yung, organiser of the Singapore Branch of the British Red Cross Society's Appeal to he launched on July 12 with Flag Day and ending o:i 22. Mrs. Yung, who is th« wife ol Dr. Yung of
    876 words
  • 126 10 ONCE-A-WEEK polishing iruh a damp cloth, followed by a quick rub-off with a dry cloth, is sufficient to keep chrome metal furniture shining. If commercial metal polishes ar? used. car c should be taken to avoid any which may contain a harsh abrasive. TO be sure that you
    126 words
  • 40 10 From Paris Fashion House conies this entrancing ensemble for yachting or country holidays. It consists of tight red cotton trousers »nd skirt with a striped red .tn,i white sun top and a white bolero with striped lapels.
    40 words
  • 563 10  - Seeing Baby Through That Sensitive Stage MARGARET SCOTT by MY SON is definitely going through what the books cull a "sensitive stage." Where once upen a time he would grin at strangers and play up to them, lie has taken to staring long and hard and then suddenly going red
    563 words
  • 187 10 I)UTTING travel on a personal basis means not only planning what you will wear when you reach the ultimate spot, but how you will look en routrv No matter what the conveyance, you don't really want to step from it looking as if you'd
    187 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 10 1 l'""i--4n..,lh.| j, Ll~l_n W > ><u <|
    7 words
  • 50 10 »1 GAWWHI NABDOX N milk is stiij firm jraout i m „X.. imporUjM n nc budget menu if protew :i „m br nwi i plarr „1 B milk tad i heew i!i j)n>til mi K't^e. S( <-N i, 2 I I I smool I with a
    50 words
  • 7 10 I Pi m ,i furnii
    7 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 302 10 /fffffitfi ./matt tCi hiil.l tin; "I •iMWiI- I j I lit- Irmit "I i i [hiv, Si Mil H»l- f I ir.-tl m n ii.:>- ,>.ine. i> .-tmiH-iniv wrai pj- las m ts 1 1 Jj i oiihl i! > i I V Rome les With London And Paris In
      302 words
    • 96 10 1 (i soothe <iv 1/" tell tale lines AIUIFW Ml \MI\ CRI IM mooths, wife di i line* mtfa istomditni I MAYNARD CO.. LTD 11. BVI II 111 RO. SIWAPOH i J < I \OH THE WORLD'S MOSI BOHOUItI MT( "LONGINES" Steel Walchei l<.t Ladi> anaC < LANKA JEWELLERS, 23.
      96 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 325 10 I TODAY'S Q I O I A 1 I o N; Kum..ur i, a pipe blown by BarmJses, j.-.i lousier, conjee- (urr-s.— Sh.iketi.par.-. Henry IV. WEDNESDAY I OK EVERYONE: Gain an cyly str.rt and .-rck to a lot accomplished. Make tbe most of your creative, executive '.t'icnt.-v skills. Evorii'i- favours
      325 words
    • 336 10 Today's Radio Programmes SINGAPORE PENAWG (4KI metre* A 41 metres) (MM kilocvcir» CM M«ttC*l 9.30 a.m. For English Schools; 9 "»5 ">" a.m.^-J p.m. As i'potc; <> p m Interlude; 10 a.m. News; lo.O."> Rendr/- Programme Sutnm.irv IJO2 Listener* vous with the Stars; 10.45 For English Calling; (;..~t5 7.10 As
      336 words

  • 1309 11  - SPORTING G. RUNS 3' IN GOOD TIME WINDSOR LAD By TRACK" torn i. FRANK FLANNERY, Malaya's leading jockey during the 1948, 1949 and 1950 seasons, who returned to Singapore last week, was out at Bukit Timah racecourse yesterday morning and ro<Je several of Kuala Lumpur trainer Neil Hobbs' candidates m
    1,309 words
  • 97 11 IN A UNITED Services League Div. 1 match played al Seletar yesterday RAF Chang) lost to RAF Seletar by the only goal scored. Both teams boasting equaj numbers of RAF Mafeya players it was not surprising thai the first goal did not materialise until the 45th
    97 words
  • 75 11 Gardner Retains Fly weight Crown HARTLEPOOL, June 30, (Reuter): Teddy Gardner. British European and British Empire flyweight champion. tonight successfully defended his European title here by defeating bustling Ote:!o BeJardinelli. the Italian champion on points over 15 rounds. Gardner, who is balding, spincile-legged and 30 years of age. won as
    75 words
  • 141 11 HELSINKI, July 1 (Reuter Ceylon's Olympic team th« 1,. arrive m Finland Brill move into the Olympic village on I; relay lour days later than I v y had been promised. Manager Perera is not too pleased about this delay which he feels has thrown out
    141 words
  • 45 11 PORTO. PORTUGAL, July (AFP):— England beat j Switzerland by four goals one m the world ice hockey championships here yesterday. In the same series Italy defeat- j ed Spain by three goals 1" two and Portugal defeated France by nine goals to one.
    45 words
  • 38 11 Pi S A F A. Third Div ision "B league soccer match id v due to be played at the BODCA ground between Bukit 'J imah Splits Club and Singapore Improvement Trust Sports Club was cancelled.
    38 words
  • 185 11 YOUNG MEN'S Muslim Aj '.ion scored an. nnimprc .<■ 3—2 victory over Seletar Vi Indians Sports Club W 9 SAFA Third Division "B" league km eer match played at the CYMA g 1 1 md yesterday. For a greater part oi the M minutes the game
    185 words
  • 117 11 HJr.KL are the events that led to the downlail of Sugar Ray Robinson, world m i(i(1 1 c v eight boxinjr cnamoion In his qwest for the light-feeavy-weigirt championship title against Joey .M.ixin!. List week. This series, made by the magic eyp vqucmT camera, shows
    117 words
  • 343 11 PH.U Ei K \M United til. l sol li.v.- la <\.,t themselves much i«> <<>!i«'< i f-rl jnur.s off the < kiiM*#c Casuals m ••> s \l \\r*>\ division match !ii Jalan lt«-*nr Stadium yesterday, Dae r«-u!i mtm <»<) minui*-- linll kirk and run
    343 words
  • 28 11 Army 'Bisley Meet Starts At Nee Soon PORE E .< tin Soon and lulj < v.' t i Catlin (32). Lt. Col. n Hilliard I <» Lt/Col. D J shots 1
    28 words
  • 6 11 aye S S
    6 words
  • 3 11 Ga rrison Sports
    3 words
  • 37 11 Shirai Gets UK Offer To Fight LONDON I I It wa f thai We.-t Hartlepoo) promote! Walter Hazeltine is sterling to Yoshio SI Japan's new world flyweiglii champion, to fight Gardner m :ii< Dortbeast of Eng -iMd.
    37 words
  • 245 11 The Singapore Amateur Weightlifting Federation U fighting a losing battle against turn They nustruggling to collect $4,500 to send Harold de Castro, middleweight champion of Singapore to Helsinki as coach to Cha.v Weng Yew. Lon bin Mohamed Won and Thong Saw Pal:. I At
    245 words
  • 47 11  - GOLF Here's How Slammia'Sam Snead Ciy I IJIVA! •'<■ I lOliCt the h i ily 10/ ted noni B* *h f 4 r our m r is mor( i, urn KM I fll I., r fhi t mar* thf A.KE r/ORE TiAAE ON TME TURVi FOR iROVI SHOTS
    47 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 346 11 AWARDS Te SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CITY COMMEMORATION PRIZE FUND Th« C .>e a«fi flaffcald to award the following prizes M.niird Subject Ist 2nd ti; H h*T >tue BoglJ $200 $100 A?, ourstancy 200 100 s<* retarial Practioa SM Sfa nrQHBd i r 'O CjiiUJiaai Blaga EoajU <2 izes] 150
      346 words
    • 428 11 Java Pacific Line Bj SAKWGAN" I TAS arrived from India and, Colombo and is dis- i charging cargo In godowne >'>'■ 7 Damaged packages may be tendered for starve^ on W- lay, '''v July. No fur- j ther sur-. fvs wi'l be held. Rotterdam Trading Co (M) Ltd Shipping Department.
      428 words
    • 521 11 SITUATIONS VACANT VfASTER with foreign going certificate wanted for British ship. Please apply to 117 Market Street, Singapore. \V ANTED teacher either sex. v Passed Oral English,! School Certificate, to teach English ni Chinese School. Salary $261 f- per mth. inch Box 1884 Standard, Spore 1. MTY COUNCIL OF SINGAPORK
      521 words

  • 451 12 Eurasians Take Full Points (off Police Depot) Mvi j iipi k Xiics. In a second round FAS league match V ir 0, V Princes ground the Selahgor Eurasians secured an!,I,!.V two Valuable points beating the Police Depot by two goals to one m a k en keen, and Fasl game.
    A.P.  -  451 words
  • 66 12 .v- 1 i two itches i:i S >ore. 4. ihe I' >re Rec: g and v 14 a SHAXI -the tee meet:; of tne will be on SRC com ing Sins re H has awarded o u rs a sea i the t
    66 words
  • 88 12 Four Events For Flying Housewife V 3TI RDAM, July I (AP) Blankers-Koen, Bying j> ewife, .igain Hoii i besi hope for Olympic will eater four Helsinki— the 100- 200HOQetre Hash. hurdles and 400-metre i In g national cham-l p ie set a world ret 100 metres m 11.4 -tenth of
    88 words
  • 35 12 ABERGAVENNY, -I ily i. (\P> British Featherweighi champion Ronnie Clayton defeated Wales' Dai Davies m a title fight last night, when Day retired with a cut c3 r e after the fourth round.
    35 words
  • 196 12 ONK of the two Choon? brothers who have made badminton headlines m Britain E. L. Choong arrived m Singapore yesterday, by uir. Choong is here on a three-month vacation his first since he left Penang four years au<>. He is studying law at Cambridge University after gaining
    196 words
  • 310 12 MANCHESTER, July 1 (Reiiter)— Brilliant seam bowling m a heavy atmosphere by Ramchand enabled the Indian tourists to achieve a sensational victory by ten wickets over Lancashire here today. In 15.5 overs, Ramchand, exacting "life" and "lift* to the full from the pitch, took seven
    310 words
  • 71 12 LONDON, July 1 (Reuter) At Bradford: Yorkshire bent Nottinghamshire by 10 wickets. Yorkshire 401 for three declared and secondly 82 lor no wicket, Lowson not out 54. Nottinghamshire 181 and -secondly 300. Hallidav right arm pflspin tour for 42. At Guildtord: Surrey beat Oxford University by innings and
    71 words
  • 248 12 LANCASHIRE Nt Innings 863. INDIANS i»« Innings Roy c Howard b Wharton 5 D Gaekwad c Wilson b Lomax 20 Adhikari c Wilson b Smith -43 Hazare Ibw Lomax o Umfigai c Smith b Berry 204 Manjrekar c Ed rich" b Grieves fi Ramchand b \Vharton 14 Divecha c-
    248 words
  • 399 12 ANOTHER CHAMP FALLS OUT WIMBLEDON,, July, (AP) Doris Hart, the singles title holder went out of the fight today, beaten by her fellow American Patricia Todd. The score was 6-8. 7-5. 6-4. In the other quarter-final Shirley Fry (USA) ousted Mrs. J. Walker-Smith oVßritain 6-3, 6-3. Maureen Connolly, of San
    399 words
  • 123 12 IPOH. Tues. Perak Chinese Recreation club scored their fifth victory when they narrow# defeated the Malay Sports Club by two goals to jone m first division league game on the town padang this j j evening. The Malays with only ten men. put up
    123 words
  • 114 12 JOHORE will hold its fourth annual Stale athletic championships on July 17 and 18. on the English College grounds. Johore Bahru. The events are:— Men's 100 yards. 220 yards. 440 yards. 880 yard--, one mile, three miles.' high jump, long jump, hop. step and jump,
    114 words
  • 103 12 MANILA. June :J0 (AFP)— The Free China Basketball Olympic team last night de- feated, 59—50, the San BcHa College Red Lions m an initial exhibition engagement here. The Sino quintet dropped the j first quarter. 6 7. but turned on the heat m the second
    103 words
  • 105 12 Delilkan Shines With Bat Ball ST. JOSEPH'S Institution beat Victoria School by 41 runs m their inter school criej ket match played on the Yl I ground .yesterday. St. Joseph's batted first and were all out for 84 runs. Top was A. Delilkan with 55 runs to his credit, while
    105 words
  • 62 12 THE following are selected to represent BOD. Civilian Ass nation to play a iriendly game ol netball against Fraser and Neave Sports Club on Friday 4th at the F N around. Misses: Alice Tan. Flora Raphael; Molly Tan. Molly Solomon: Lav Ying Choy, J Lee. Maroeret Tay; Mary
    62 words
  • 276 12 A BID to h«»l<! inter-6tate l>< rluun|»ioiit4iipi m Malaya i* being ma<lr l>> ih« Singapore Unateur Boxing Association thi* year, V ii««- annual general meeting of tlir association yestenb y it was revealed thai Penang has been invited to t; k«- part m
    276 words
  • 42 12 THE Annual A.l hleti Sp >'.' Meet o* the Methodist A noon School. Kuala Lumpur, 1 will be held on Saturday, July 12. Old boys are i- 1 to take part m the 220 y.n tug-of-wai and the *P* bicycle rare.
    42 words
  • 108 12 Perak Kedah Cup Soccer IPOH. Tue.s— Perak will be meeting Kedah m the Malaya Cup Soccer Competition on the Chinese Assembly Hall ground on Saturday. This encounter is Perak's third hurdle the State having beaten Selangof and Pahang earlier m the season. The State selectors hav«named the following 19 players
    108 words
  • 71 12 TODAY'S Sport SINGAPOFE SOCCER: S IFA C League M I Jalan Besar Stadium; Dir. '.',B. j SFB o SVSC at Gey D 2 IRC "A Wood pital al CYM I baiiie v Jacks Forrer Park. ATH! ETfCS: Presbytertaii Boyt School Sports ur Toiofc KCTA BAHRU SOCCER: Prisons SC D KB
    71 words
  • 186 12 SEREMBAN, Tues.— ning five events. Joseph Ponniah won the individual d pionship of St. Paul's Institution for the second successive year yesterday. Ponniah won the LOO, 220, 440 and 860 as well as the hop, step and jump and was -'"and m
    186 words
  • 29 12 PARIS, lune French middleweight Numez beat Tony Janiro of the United >■ m tit the begtnn of the ftfti round uf th duled tei at the Pa
    29 words
  • 16 12 POLICE OFFER GYM TO BOXERS ing J the S the Q| c also At I I
    16 words
  • 10 12 Teams For Hennessey Cup Match Mich) I .1.11. W j
    10 words
  • 4 12 PORT
    4 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 7 12 \**'&s%WQmJ T(h:r_ WITH tAI>rTV DCVtCC PftCVCHTIW<» pVSttWIWHftMIQ/^
      7 words
    • 84 12 ©MI 0 A SUPER-UJBTERPROOF RUTO»«^ 2G.000 aircrew ol lh«- K\ I neeenfMii letlci ti<»- Owei i few Further, tettWCt nintutn- IIK >"' s.,v m a IS* I nun tullow .-1 ra let mid b;,it, Hrn Impiw I > SOLE fIGENTS F0 D l(: SUVA LTD IMCORPORBTED N -E/LO^ SI^GR^PORE_
      84 words