Singapore Standard, 19 March 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Standard
  • 15 1 Singapore Standard VOL. 1 NO. 262 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1951. 8 PAGES TEN CENTS
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  • 112 1 KL Chinese Take Action Standard Stnft Correspondent Ki Al A Ll MPI'R. Sun. A Chinese association iala Uunpnr consisting largely of members giving rull Hqflptri u» the Chiang Kai-shek regime, decided at k ting M>ierday to cable to British Prime Minister At: lee.
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  • 200 1 LONDON. Mar. 18 (Reuter)—The diplomatic correspondent of The People, a close Mipporter of the Labour Government, today said that Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison has received an uru.nt pica to fly British airborne troops to Basra (Iraq) \i> a warning to Iran, where the
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  • 23 1 Lady leg Ll >yd Ge ge MP d f B 's Firs Premit s launched a cai es I F
    F  -  23 words
  • 346 1 Standard Staff Reporter THE Singapore Government has applied to the World Health Organisation for three lecturers— in Industrial Health Applied Physiology and Health Education to teach at the University of Malaya. Recruitment of these men in the united States is to begin at
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  • 147 1 PARIS. Mar 18 'UP'— The French government was reported to be divided today on demand bv Gen. Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, French Far Eastern Com-mander-in-Chief, for the immediate dispatch of 15.000 to 20.000 additional troops to meet an expected new Communist
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  • 121 1 Standard Staff Reporter SOCIALIST delegates from India. Burma, Indonesia and other South-East Asian countries will shortly meet in Rangoon to formulate an International Socialist policy. This was announced by Mr. Satyadevi Shastri. the Indian Socialist leader, addressing an election meeting in support of
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  • 25 1 >s.^!}: v *j Corner. _Hertfordshiri from 1906 until his death in N >v ember last year, was opened yesterday to the public. Reuter.
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  • 32 1 WASHINGTON, Mar. 18. (AP) Seventy men and women had been arrested in a two-day- blitz on an alleged dope ring supplying the nation's capital. Raids are continuing.
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  • 45 1 K \I.IMPOXG. Mar. 18 (Reuter'' The C-in-C. ol the Tibetan &rmy Kunsang Tse, arrived here today on his way to Peiping at the head ot a peace delegation He hid conferred with tne Dalai Lama on Ve Sikkim border.
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  • 30 1 EDMONTON (ALBERTA) Mar 17: (Renter)— Eleven people were still missing in Alberta today after a fierce blizzard which raged across the Canadian Prairies for almost two clays.
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  • 28 1 CASABLANCA, Mar. 17 (AP) Turko Westerling, former Dutch leader of the "Army of the Heavenly Host", was reported today to be in French MorocC > -—mwmmmm
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  • 46 1 VATICAN CITV. Mar. 17: (Reuter) The Vatican announced today that Pope Pius XII will broadcast his blessing to the world shortly after noon on Easter Sunday. The U.S. Eighth Army spokesman has denied that tJ.N. forces had Uosd poison gas iu Korea. U.P.
    U.P  -  46 words
  • 57 1 picture. Picture above shows the Seagraph Echometer installed in the Singapore Fisheries Department fishing boat, the Pukhat. which makes trips out to sea to find out if this fish finding device can be adapted in tropical fishing The serang of the Pukhat. Ahmad, was at wheel when
    Standard  -  57 words
  • 121 1 Standard Stall Reporter ONE of th«- most modern devices used by fishing fleets of nations who are already very advanced in the fishing industry the "Seagraph" Echometer is being tested in Malayan waters, r^— iu- 1 i-l I ofl I accurately jl then I revolutior.i/"
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  • 98 1 w /-__»t.» <>.■«-, nam. n (neuter) British Parliamentary Secretary for Air Arthur Henderson said today Britain's future air force would have both fighters and bombers moving almost as fast as sound and "later perhaps even supersonic". He said in a speech here
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  • 118 1 Standard Staff Reporter THE 12,000-strong Army Civil Service Union of Singapore, at its Annual Delegates Conference held at the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday, rejected the interim award of $10 a month as increased cost of living allowance to those employees receiving basic salaries of
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  • 46 1 LONDON, Mar. 18. (Reuter)— The political committee ot the British Communist Party declared in a statement today that the British Government's talks in London with Italian and Yugoslav Government representatives were a si^n of new "war plots" being hatched In the Eastern Mediterranean.
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  • 60 1 LIVERPOOL. Mar. 18: (Reuter)— The British Government's "sudden insistence on ships to import coal at short notice resulted in dislocation ot other trading operations on a wide scale," the 1950 report of the Liverpool Steamship Owners Association said today. The report was referring to Britain's
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  • 35 1 Two young women, a Chinese and a Malay, of about 20 years of age. have been reported missing from their houses at Lim Chu Rang Road and Henderson Road respectively since Saturday.
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  • 34 1 Quadruplets four girls have been born to a coloured woman at Rooigrond in the Maleking district, in the northern tip of Cape Province. They are all reported to be doing well. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 31 1 The R.A.F. Touring No. 2 Regional Band, composed ol 34 musicians, is scheduled to leave Hongkong on March 22 for Singapore returning to England at the end of April. Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AP  -  31 words
  • 309 1 UN Permission To Cross 38th Parallel Likely WASHINGTON. Mar. 17. (UP) United Nations countries, opposed to deep strikes into North Korea, were reported today to be willing to allow General Douglas MaeArthur to establish a strategic defence line just north of the 38th Parallel, if necessar\. Diplomatic informant-- said Britain
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  • 101 1 Rau Sees Chance In Stalemate C TAW A, Mar. 17 (Reuter) Sir Senegal N. Rau, India's permanent delegate to the United Nations said today that the current stalemate in Korea might offer an opportunity for an approach by the United Nations or the Government of China towards a peace settlement.
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  • 90 1 LONDON, Mar. 17 (Reuter) i The Central Group of the International Materials Conference is to be expanded to include Australia, Brazil, Canada, India and Italy, it was announced here today. The International Conference was set up by Britain. France and the United States to secure
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  • 37 1 TJILATJAP. Mar. 18 (ReuterAAP>— Police in this southern Java port town have caught six members of the "Senpati" terrorist gang operating in the Merbabu area. The gang has a strength of one fully-armed battalion.
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  • 38 1 PARIS. Mar. 13: <Reuic-> Twelve Yugoslav deputies headed bv Mr. Mosha Pipada, VicePresident of the Presidium of the Yugoslav Parliament, ar: ived here today from London for a four-dav stay at the invitation of French deputies.
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  • 40 1 A four-year-old Italian girl collapsed in front of Pope Pius XII at a Palm Sunday audience and died shortly afterwards in hospital of heart failure. The Pope finished his audience without being awara ot tha child.; death. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 1 Photo. THK Chinese driver of the car pictured above was injured yesterday when the vehicle erashed into the "Keep Lett" pillar on the traffic island at Keppel Road aiu^^endec^un against iron railings the side of the road Standard
    Standard  -  38 words
  • 150 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar 17 (IP) Inited Nations Secretary -General Trygve Lie has been sounding out Western power delegations on a new Korean peace formula calling for a simple ceasefire unrelated to other Far East issues, it was learned today. Lk plan appeared on the surface
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  • 81 1 UK Hopes For US Accord On Japan LONDON'. Mar. 18: (Re 8. is F eign Offi. e are optimistic that Britain and United States will achieve an almost complete identity B when they consider their draft pro] T tpanese peace tre I B draff proposi ll *or treaty, it is
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  • 33 1 LONDON, Mai 16 I Reuter Press reporti tell of the proclamation of a state e- ergency in Albania alter discoveries of a ''well-orgai i i plot to overthrow the Communist regime
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 76 1 fif S'pore Meeting Ixed IM <>dd ipure I nese an* teas for t pi tesl meeting oscd enof tio- 1 .mg (iovfrnmen: > l; i m ielega■■•n to i -to inves- > the t tions of per* I d hiaese in •■■> bottle itself a new jj ii process in
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  • 198 2 Standard Staff Report* r A 47-YEAR-OLD German painter, who has neve attended an art school but ye: sold hundreds ot hit paintings to people all over the world, passed througl Singapore yesterday in the Dutch freighter Almkerk. He is Mr. Karl Schmccken becher, born
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  • 101 2 Standard St afl Reporter THE GOVERNOR oi Singu- sii V: in Gimson will visit the Immigration Depot at Ea Wharf today to watch the kg f the 235 passengers from the Royal Inter 0 ngi, v. for the rtnighl al St. John's nd. lined
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  • 71 2 DEATH OF MADAME LOH KWEE NEO Standard Staff Reporter THE her tt 43 TV ok Ayer Street at 6.35 p.m. ji ster I .lame Loh Kwee Neo (Mrs. K i B. D Chye] Madame Loh leaves behind ,v sons, Messrs Koh H r K n, Ken H.-.n Kiioon and ter*.
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  • 35 2 Standard Staff Reporter THE CHINESE YMCA is planning to provide the Chinese speaking boys of Singa- >ro 'A ith c r.:n .:i trie lines as the nine boys' bs in the Colony.
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  • 104 2 MR. EL MER NEWTON, new-ly-appointed Direo.t- ol the United States Information Ser- B qin j52.£W s ngapore yesterday by plane on his way to Manila. Mr Newtoi si sl tger S pore I 6 ere in [ebi v. lasi year, when he tded a
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  • 185 2 Manuara Man Reporter "MISUNDERSTANDING" of the 70-30 per cent barter agreements with Indonesia. may cause the call-off by Singapore timber merchants of importation of logs from BenIgkalis, Sumatra, a Government spokesman told The Standard. "At present there is nothing to ston local merchants
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  • 360 2 Standard Staff Reporter MR. M. P. D. NAIR yesterday won the presidency of the 12,000-strong Army Civil Service Cnion of Singapore by one vote. In a most keenly fought contest, Mr. Nair polled 55 votes against 54 of his opponent, Mr. S. S.
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  • 16 2 [tack Qi S3-2QO .v rth of stolen from a store in R F Seletar.
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  • 83 2 Standard Staff Reporter AN' THKR HOTEL will make its aj pearanee m Singapore In a fe v d hen the Render-. Hotel in Bras Basah Road <;■ its doors to the public. Located on the second floor of the Rendezv is R sta irant
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  • 54 2 THE SINGAPORE P probing \Mxe h t. bo swallowed s thing in his i at Kim K R ;.-•>:,.-. The boy, Tan Ah Hu u .ished to bis i Ah Hua g bed with his little I suae. I i si U I There
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  • 22 2 THE FINNISH freighter Herakles called at Singapore yesterday for bunkering. She is on her way hum Tunusia to New
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  • 142 2 Whi: List' Out Today Standard Staff Reporter THE WAR AGAINST profiteering retailer* in the Katong area >vill Ixirin tomorrow vJi«n the Consumers Resistanee Movement will issue it* fir*t "white list"' of reliable shops and also an up-to-date price list of certain commodities. The lists will be distributed
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  • 120 2 WATSON HYATT OPENS MESS FOR W.Os. SGTS. Standard Staff Reporter THE SINGAPORE Vc unteer Curpv warrant officers and sergeants mess— the first mess to be formed in the history the Singapore votunteerj .«> opened on Saturday night by the Commandant ol thi S.V C, Lt. Col. R. \'Z V. Hyatt.
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  • 51 2 AT the a gem eetinf of thi "i tciatioi Heart» office-bean i the year 1 9 1 w. President Mr. Cue Kong I vice-pi U I ecrel Koh K tani Mr S hon. r— M R tnd DTts 2 Hen si rook; Con Mr. Ra ben vence Lee
    51 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 66 2 i^— MMMM mmmUm mmm mmm \fl .fid o X Ifc^&lf^^ TOD A V SAIES SERVICE DEPT. US -.Zrjs THE FAMOUS j[ If Il'".V /f\|*)f i Vrl nt n HH I-/ rvN D C A P P ra JM P P A P P cr%a#i _k i r* ii i/*iiiiip_f> {h#
      66 words
    • 130 2 UfoMoi P. LOOSE LEAF ttl AND .EDGEPS I E351 A. i The orien:ai~optl^iC^ Examination u ;h i x Model M, Ki in J nj >l o4s. noi: in nUDGI lh>. soi -in B| hi Era >! P 0 BOS Singapore. P< ani< o it I IH\ UilM. pbioiouh i#»jfjc .1/
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 12 2 f '"iV T A ZZjZJlk'' "1 4/ -t^ > TOGETHER J^FEEL? J«^Jl|£^ HEAM?pAPg<y««C|
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    • 270 2 $100 CBOSSWOHD No.! (New Series) 123 PI 4 ill 5 7 8 HH XX x"^ S^^ iw-«" lin wm^^^mmm M-__M__-______i__M m^mmmmm MMHti mmammtma l^"" amwmmr~m MMI| I l I These crossw* ids a p pear fortnightly, and carry with them a $100 prize which will be awarded to the all-correct
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  • 154 3 800 PROSPECTIVE CITIZENS FROM IPOH DISAPPEAR Standard Staff Correspondent IPOH, Sun. More than eight hundred prospective Federal Citizens in Ipoh are not traceable, The Standard was informed today. Their Citizenship Papers are stacked up in the office of the Federal Citizenship Registration Department awaiting claim by their owners, some of
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  • 88 3 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. A Special Constable was killed and three other Specials were wounded, one seriously, when a large bandit gang attacked a tin mine in the Gunong Taku area of Kedah early this morning. Special Constables from a nearby post on
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  • 130 3 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Kuala Lumpur's "telegram boys'* absented themselves from work yesterday following an interview earlier in the day with a senior official of the Posts and Telecommunications Department, Federation of Malaya, on wages. At this interview the "boys" were told
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  • 87 3 Standard Staff Correspondent ALOR STAR. Sun— Mr. Syed Z. Abidin. Information Officer. Kod.ih. said today that the Sultan of Kedah will be leaving for Kuata l.umpur by air today to attend the Rulers' Conference. His Highness will sail at midnight. March 23, from Penang to
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  • 31 3 MR. and Mrs. Chase Currier of the Khiang Detention Camp weir hurt and admitted to hospital when their car was involved in a crash along Jalan Hospital.
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  • 133 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. There were 10,144 scouts and cubs and 225 scouters in Selangor. last year an appreciable Increase over the year before it was stated at the annual general meeting of the Selangor Boy Scouts Association yesterday. The meeting was presided over by
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  • 153 3 Standard Staff Correspondent IPOH. Sun.— Mr. P. P. Narayanan, president of the Malayan Trade Union Council, told 150 delegates of Perak Trade Unions at the Clerical Hall today, that the MTUC has started raising 550.000 for a Special Fund, part of which will be used
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  • 153 3 Standard Siaff Correspondent TAIPIXG. Sat. The War Department Civilian Staff Association North Area has decided to reject the COLA increase to be paid to monthly staff drawing over $100 basic pay. At a meeting held on Thursday, the committee resolved to request the executive
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  • 122 3 Kelantan Not Planning More Girls' Schools KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. There is no plan as yet to proride more English uiris sefcoo s i" Kelantan, Major Hau Che Mahmood Mahyu'S was told tnthe state council in answer to one of the several questions he asked in connection with education. He was
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  • 66 3 PENANC* Sat-The Supervisor of Local Elections, Mrs G' Hawkins, will address memJ£„ and guests of the Settlement Youth Council on M DemoSacJ and Free Elections at the Anglo-Chinese School Hall. Pykett Avenue, on April 4 "The standing committee 01 tne Settlement Youth Councr is nlanning to have
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  • 28 3 THE "Defence Medal will ne nresented to Are brigade personEe 1 «n Thursday. March 22. at 4 p.m. in front of the Penang Municipal Office.
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  • 64 3 Standard Staff Correspondent IPOH. Sat.— At the conclusion of the inquest, yesterday into the death of a 17-year-old AngloChinese schoolboy, Yim Peng Kong, who died 'from injuries sustained in a car- bicvele crash near Falim on Jan. 10,'the Coroner, Che Bahaudm. recommended that the car driver,
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  • 120 3 KUANTAN, Sun. "This man received about $30 from Government in August. He is a Police informer. Now we kill him." This note was recovered from a corpse and read out at the inquest on Chan Kou, a kepala of Omgenesh Estate, and Lam Siew. Lam Yin
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  • 66 3 M ur der: 4 Acquitted Standard Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Sun. Four Malays, Talib bin Dollah, Dollah bin Silam, Abu Bakar bin Arop and Osman bin Bakar, charged with the murder of a compatriot, Abas bin osman, were yesterday acquitted by Mr. Justice Abbott. The Judge stated that from the notes
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  • 238 3 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sun. The highest praise is due to the schools whose increasing interest in this exhibition is one of its features, said the Resident Commissioner, Mr. A. V. Aston, when he opened the fourth annual flower show of the Penang Gardening
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 651 3 I x >. Kl SM.AK TRANSPACIFIC SLKVICE Direci Overland ißllin Lo* Angeles All American ft Canadian Citie> Penans p Sham S'pore >> PHILIPPINE BEAK 23 '23 Mar. 26 27Mar. /31Mai Vreptin <: earso for Mom; k on? Kobe. Yokohama M M KEtillAK SERVICE ISA (WES! COAST) rtRSIVN CCIF via JAPAN
      651 words
    • 91 3 ROYAL ROTTERDAM LLOYD Aden. Port Said, Rotterdam and Amsterdam. S'pore P. S'ham Penang MODJOKERTO 20/23 March 25 March SARANGAN 19/20 Apr. 21 Apr. 22 Apr. ROTTERDAM TRADING CO. (M) LTD Shipping Department Tel: 5071 Ext. 19 10 THE EASTERN SHIPPING CORPORATION LTD. S.S. "JALAGOPAL" VOY. 7. To: Port Swettenham. Penang,
      91 words
    • 50 3 LLOYD'S ESSE SERVICE Official Booking Agents for Steamships, Airways and Railroad Companies. We are in a position to arrange bookings to and from any part of the world at offioial rates. Further information and reservation apply to:— AMERICAN LLOYD. AGENCY. LTD. 64. Robimon Rood, C.blu: "AMERLOYD" Sintaporm. n Tclcpho.c: *****
      50 words
    • 638 3 SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA UK CONTINENI -KVERNAAS tor Saigon B.ngko* B ham P r R,!usr B A?**i? J 23 24 Mar I_M_IU_W. Ia Port >«»kijv i-si for Hooikoni K "be V Yokohama 24 27 Mar •vJ^l^m J 81 Bangkok 1-1 Apr 30 31 IMar 29 W Mar Nori»h\Al" for Bangkok 20
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 71 3 Federation Diary SELAyGOR KUALA LUMPUR HINDUSTAN: Laila Majnu. 2.30 5.45 and 9 p.m. COLISEUM: Rio Rita. 3, 6.30 and 9 p.m. ODEON: Stella, 3, 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. CENTRAL: Meena Bazar (Hindi) 3. 6.30 and 9 p.m. PAVILION: Broken Arrow. 11 a.m., 1. 3, 6.30 and 9 p.m. REX: Woman
      71 words
    • 290 3 Hawk .7 and 9.30 p.m. REX (Kiang): Kanmka (Tamil 1 3, 6.30 and 9 p.m. CAPITOL: (Kiang): Huit Hee Tit Oi Chin (Mandarin'. 3. 6.45 and 9.15 p.m. LIDO: (Kiang): Baba Ariss, 3. 6.45 and 9 15 p.m. REGAL i Kiang': Fan Koong Cheng Lui (Cantonese), 3, 6.45 and 9.15
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  • 276 4 |X mei gency which has claimed severa nd eds oi lives and has caused no ven :e tc lhe im ci nt, it is heartening .r«| h i pie ting to %i\ e a few several days a week serving In se days en terror strikes than ilians
    276 words
  • 364 4 'THE Bi iti G vei i been a -wd bv the Peking to allow a party of mw Malaya to inquire into what it alleges to I persecution of Cl v as." e public bodies in Si:.. re and the F /.ion have voiced their opposition to
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  • 672 4  - India-Pakistan Trade Pact Welcomed In Delhi RAWLE KNOX By I THERE is almost unalloyed optimism here over the 1 benefits that will flow from the restoration of I trade with Pakistan. Not the least happy aspect of the whole affair has been the quiet tribute of 1 Chulam Mohamed, the
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  • 64 4 1 ":>: [P, EN JLAND. T between 12 18 have foi I their own i id ttee here to pro v (traffic resI il iiity among young I pie. appoint their own offi the position of President will be held by the local Council cl in and that
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  • 646 4 We* ZZy <^ Sir 1 v request aid in respect of a diffiI in with Boys' 1 vn, A misunderstanding hai paoplt reading oi acti% ities in coi tion Boys' i under the name i Home for a Rel IS I. which is
    646 words
  • 254 4 Sir:— My attention has b< n drawn to an article which appears in a recent issue of your paper to the effect that "negotiations are now going on between the respective Clerical Stall's Unions and the Government" and that "the General and State Clerical Services are
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  • 22 4 Samkins, this sort of thing will have to stop'. The waste of good food in this restaurant is simply scandalous!"
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  • 495 4 Sii" —As an employee in one •.<..., for the eleven years I can onlj that the announcement of an ise in the cost of living .-.nce for civilian employees in the Services in your issue re ent date has met disappointment from kers and myself. Govei nments of
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  • 44 4 Multi- Racial Problen In British East Africa Bj SPO IM. 1 OKKESPOMJ t LONDON, J r |'HE visit of Mr. A. the (Bril nial e Secret 1 Ken; 2 Uganda in 1 5 recently, has 2 cam for he is 1 y L c
    44 words
  • 296 4 PIGEONS FLYING OVEP PARIS WILL BE SHOCKED PARIS. FOR hours Monsieur Robert Rey stared hard at sparrows and pigeons taking off and landing in Paris squares. When rain poured down and thunder pealed he murmured to himself: "If birds are not troubled in the air by bad weather, then why
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 4 "1 1 1. a's internil airport Kalians as s< the air ill on I I on< a tidal sn i np, K is a m I•■ a Bghont the world. Its good I bavins I spread bj ail trai I rs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 16 4 -|->. READERS JJigest February Issae Now On Sale Cole Distributors: BAJ GOPAL LTD. POST BOX 257 SINGAPORE
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    • 121 4 Cl 1 v oiisnei 114 l There is s r nt her C B Intelligence and reli al and fettered by an hat:' Teacher- know tl they realise that the trouble kes in faulty Children differ in Um i do r emands. Some neea more tain food elements than ot]
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  • 398 5 Iraq Latest To Hit At Britain <>\|N>Y Mar. IH. Foreign Office circles were trloedj watching what now appear to be we ll ntinated MOTCfI a-ain-t Britain in Iran, Egypt and Special attention is being paid to ihe "lute-flying" in lomicrtion with reported plans to
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  • 24 5 UN Food Arrives In Seoul Reuterrice for the dtj batti t the now I bags of ed in I I 1 With are old
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  • 16 5 Stupendous New Star Discovered 13 (UP>: 1.000 3 t the so was detect- S apley bbcn
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  • 25 5 The Y.'_. is taken a step 'towards reconciliation -.vith Mexico by promoting the Papal j envoy there to the rank of A; ig
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  • 175 5 'Def end Yugoslavia With Atom Bomb' d» LU^ y Mar 18-<fP)-The chairman of the mZnwl Armet i Services Committee, Senator Richard Rus fnr t that if Yugoslavia is 'on our side hL g ?i° d, rT P, es J ldent Tr uman ought to announce now by Russia S WUI
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  • 235 5 j CHARLOTTESVILLE, (Virginia), Mar. 18 (AP):— Republican Congressman Hugh Scott oi Pennsylvania called upon President Truman to ask the Inited Nations to demand that all Communist forces withdraw Irom Korea immediately "to a point well behind the I Manchurian border." i "If they refuse," he
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  • 88 5 DETROIT, Mar. 18 (IP) —A man is "a fool not to drink after 40" and should take three ounces of whisky daily. according to two physicians. Dr. Harry Ungerleider, Medical Director of the Life Assurance Society of New York, and Dr. Frederick Swaru. Chief of Medicine
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  • 43 5 Ten countries Australia, Belgium, France. Western Germany, Italy, New Zealand, South Africa.. Britain, the United States and Uruguay have accepted invitations to take part in the wool committee of the International Materials Conference opening in Washington on April 2. Re:* r
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  • 131 5 'UK Making New Type Of A-Bomh' W ASHINGTO X. M; r. 18: 'Reuter* Senator Edwin J son (.Democrat, Colorado), member of the C Atomic I Committee, believes that Britain's b<>mb may j be a 5 pe. "It would not strike me being ne< tel iate g of the 'orthodox' •ady
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  • 130 5 'Fearsome' Atomic Weapons BOSTON, Mar. 18: (Reuter)— Senator Brian McMahon (Dcmo-j Connecticut), Chairman of i the Congressional Atomic Energy Committee, said that the United States had created an "imposing and fearsome" stockpile of atomic weapons. He said this stockpile had kept the Communist armies out ol Western Europe. It was
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  • 195 5 NEW YORK. Mar. 18 (UP): A Columbia University scientific team disclosed tonight the successful transplantation of teeth from one animal to another. The animals involved are cats and there is no assurance yet whether the technique can be tried on human beings. Dr. Harry Shapiro, Assistant Professor of
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  • 569 5 Blocking Russia In Middle Last LONDON, Mar 18 (AP):— The Atlantic allies are building barricades in the Middle East to protect the world's richest oilfields and their own right flank against any Communist thrust. Western officials said today I the strategic defence of the region eventually will involve: J (1)
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  • 371 5 LONDON, Mar. 18 (Reuter) Mr. Winston Churchill, Britain's wartime Prime Minister, !»ai<l that the dangers facing the country today were greater than during the Battle of Britain in 1940. He added, "Then vw were a united people now we are absorbed in party
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 94 5 i m%f t^^mm mm* No more worry about the safety of important papers and valuables because they ore protected against <^id theft and yet are readily accessible at any time during u:~a! banking hours. These Safe Deposits are open to the general public, and it is not necessory to
      94 words
    • 129 5 BRUBCLEANB 0 PASTE DETERGENT 0 Othe ideal cleanser jj x FA^V TO APPT V x rv £(/\o l 1 U Ai iLI A 0 REASONABLY PRICED Q Q $3.50 PER 518. TIN Q 0 Specially Recommended For:- 0 0. fl X CLEANING PAINTWORK, X q WOODWORK, Q Q METAL SURFACES,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 36 5 f HAVEN'T /SURE...BUTWHAT L-____^/ LISTEN.' AJS>V^\ /JS .;y| §r E R o vr^ RTH /V^r ?feJII Sc^^T^f VV QVJ^^ '^^2 fi^~^ v //Avl S Vl _i J L| \Siwtt9M«TV£*M«tV'CE.'WC T. W. Rfco's. PAT OPP 1/ J
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  • 1086 6 More London Bias For Sterling lins By A Special Correspondent COMMODITY shares on the Singapore share market were steady at the commencement of the week, with tin shares inclined to advance. Tuesdav, however, saw a 1 distinct easing in prices with buyers extremely cautious and i it was not until
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  • 154 6 Anything can Happen, Say Speculators Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sun.— Tin speculators here, who made fortunes during the peak price period, are now not so eager to buy as was generally expected, in view of the further price gains recorded in the last lew days. "Anything can happen now", is
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  • 122 6 Messrs. Osborne and Chappel advise particulars of interim dividends declared bv the following companies for the year ended Sept. 30, 1950; Killinghall Tin Ltd.. 174 per cent Hongkong Tin Ltd.. 174 per cent., both payable on Apr. 4. 1951. The directors of these companies do not propose
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 6 photo. HAPPY gathering who attended the anniversary dinner of the I. ian Hup Tobacco < <». ltd. at Ihe Tai Thong Restaurant. Happv World, on Saturday night. (From left to right Mr. <.. W. Paul. Mrs. A. P. (irov.s. Mr. (1. W. Patton. Mrs. W. Paul. Mrs. Ci. \V. Patt.m.
    Standard  -  54 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 "FRIGHTENED CITY" Starring EVELYN KEYES LAST DAY ggWMB iia,l.-».1.A.:t«-'J.3U Tomorrow THE MARX BROS, will be <^___________ _________|f- r "x *^____!'W _____F mi '7' ______H _____H^ 'iLtni At <__*■ Wm^A—mAj a JAV j^ TV mi df mWfIA%m m^ m 7^ m tf^Skm^*^ "^AumK. m T-W IP^ ___<"^^n_M______________l C_i Bi fir T
      198 words
    • 61 6 NEW ALHAMBRA Phone 0909 For Reservations TODAY U a.m. 1.30. l.(K). 6.45 and 9.30 p.m MANKINDS GREATEST AQV£iITURF.I\I Eagle-lion*! MsoThls I&MW I Modern Age Series: A "TURKEY, OPENING SHORTLY!" 5 mmmmrn^^ mtJflTtr fwWml frfirammmm. A^jxWMk^mmmmmmWm^^^^ ft*.."^! I A Jr^_S|H IPy^^ wauM^ IB MBfoY^F^^M <-*?* 06"^*'*nS>_?'« m mAWymZ mm B- Zmmmmmm%
      61 words
    • 152 6 last l) w gfl |Jt T J Bff ■71 I 1 1") h ::m ui p.m A Story of Adventure in the Engtiah < hannel MU PAWCtf (Mr. Knowall of TRIO FAME) Opening Tomorrow The Drama Of A (iirl Threatened B% Her Past Bigamy Blackmail Murder c 'jt 1 «)Thui
      152 words
    • 659 6 DEATH j MADAME Loh Kwee Neo (Mrs. Koh Boon Chye) died at her own home, 43 Telok Ayer Street at 6.35 p.m.. yesterday. She leaves behind j three sons. Messrs. Koh Hor i Khoon. Koh Han Khoon, and j Koh Hai Khoon, two daughters. Koh Chwee Hoon and Koh Chwee
      659 words
    • 232 6 FO_R Siu" POROSON 1.'.:; Launche Appiy Seng Kampong B ngj pITROEN engi overhau,-; shield, radi deflector Excellent Ring 8472<i A Pi MISCELLANEprr v. ky' Method. I NOTICES^ TRONOH MINE'; TED (Incorporotcd m England 'THE Boai I 1 declared a:. vidend of share less shillings in of the I year I.
      232 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 633 7 !F SINGAPORE^ISLAI^ L COUNCIL ELECTIONS I ukui> \>CL, 1947 (Section 33 (3) I NOTICE OF CONTESTED ELECTION I P 1 of ROCHORE I given to the electors ot the electoral district aforesaid thatl .r tue election now pending for the said electoral dis-1 sucfa Pui Wfll be opened on the
      633 words
    • 831 7 IHE SINGAPORE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTIONS ORDINANCE, 1947 NOTICE OF CONTESTED ELECTION The Electoral District of SELETAR NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of the electoral district aforesaid that a Poll has been granted for the election now pending for the said electoral district and that such Poll will be
      831 words
    • 877 7 BTHE SINGAPORE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTIONS CMtfllN l\fF I QT7 L /fl QQ em\ m (Section 33 (3) NOTICE OF CONTESTED ELECTION The Electoral District of TANGLIN NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of the electoral district .-foresaid that a Poll has been granted for the election now pending for
      877 words

  • 237 8 LONDON, Mar 17 (Reutei INTERNATIONAL MATCH England 5. T.y CLUB MATCHES: jj 3 Bhi td Park 3 H equins 3 Newp 0 > 1 H :n :i S 5 N■: thern o n,H tr PoUc l 2 old Edwardlana 5 Old c leghans o Manchester 3 tmond
    237 words
  • 240 8 Asian Soccer League BANGKOK will be the venue of a soeeer competition which might well be the forerunner of an Asian Soccer League. The soccer association in Siam has plans for a meet this September for which they will invite Malaya, Indonesia. Hongkong, and Manila Dr. Halim who with the
    240 words
  • 229 8 ROVERS Sports Club snatched full points off the Singapore Cricket Club in a SAF A Division I match at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday with a snap £oal a few minutes before half time, the only goal scored in the til H to ballo< I
    229 words
  • 469 8 the s^cdnd°^l NG i re t,,e wei hts for an the inp wees 01 PmkT!f 'k^ S? e e ,V' nt on the third day, of the r< rak lurf Club Easter Meeting:— CI. 1 Div. 3—51 F. St. Permita Dor met 9.00 Tudor Pride 8.13 Oregon 8.12
    469 words
  • 521 8 Tour nament Cricket Starts Ch ua Eng Cheng Scores First 100 A CENTURY and some fine bowling by SCRC's former Sel. and Soutb player Chua Eng Cheng, a close tigiit between the eliapipion Recs and the Indian Association on the Padang and a whole crop of drawn matches were features
    521 words
  • 1064 8 SCC r. YmMCA s. c. c. Ede b Gurdial Singh 39 Price b Coulthread 5 Ewart c and b Ro.-s 6 Heard std Wilkinson b Cooke 26 Nelson b Gurdial Singh 4 I Cashin Ibw b Cooke 0 Murrav b Cooke 18 Rees Ibw Gurdial Singh
    1,064 words
  • 227 8 TWICKENHAM, M ch 17: K:_4_:ir_d '..<•'■ I I Calcutta Cup from Scotland wil a narrow victory by five points I > three a goal to a try in the Rugby Union Internati al match here today. England just de serve I (heir win I
    227 words
  • 74 8 DUNLOP Spo.;. Club drew 2 2 I with Bata S.C when they met ■in a Business Houses League game at Gej lang yesterday. After an uneventful first half Dunlop SC. scored through Ah Chye. Bata equalised through n penalty taken by Peekwhv. Soon alter wards
    74 words
  • 74 8 CBE N trth) drew with Rl C: ians in a Singapore Cri Association W B" tournament game at Tanglin yesterday, each side scoring 148 runs Ferreira took the last three RE MK wickets in out- o\ er no runs thus enabling CRE share the points with REME. Lii
    74 words
  • 218 8 i 1 KNA.NL, Sun. K. Munusamv who represented Selangor last year, turned in a remarkable bowling feat when he played for J. Andres' team in Tenants state cricket trial held over the week-end. I' SJ 'he captured seven wii three run>. routing the opposing
    218 words
  • 57 8 Richards Vaults Over 15 Feet CHICAGO, Mar. 18 (AP) Don (iehrmann, after three straight defeats, won the Banker's Mile at the Chicago relays on Saturday night with a blazing finish and defeated his arch rival. Fred Wilt. His time was four minutes ?>.7 seconds. Bob Richards won the pole vault
    57 words
  • 195 8 LONDON'. Mar. 17: (Reuter After 49 games without defeat, Newport Rugby Union team at last lost a match when the Harlequins heat them today by a penalty goal to nil. There was no doubt about the justice of the result. In the loose the Newport forwards did splendid
    195 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 243 8 B—^ ssswwiw 3 SHOWS 3. 6.15 «!v 9.15 p.m. I'niversal's 11 T H E DESERT HAWK" Starring I YVONNE DE CARLO RICHARD GREENE IN TECHNICOLOR —OPENING TO MORROW— Warner Bros' "UNDER CAPRICORN" —IN TECHNICOLOR— mow ni ***** mimWrnT Nay: 3.00 >;.:;<) ft U5 p.m. Bob Hope Lucille Ball in Paramount'*
      243 words
    • 33 8 P L A N S EZZ2& IvctcUUctUil I^CV TRAC OH S.P7H.dc SIWA M IW II J. A J v'Tj a* 7 QldJrtcrTl ADD no *C s HAND t ELEC MODELS I AmW k\a\Lfl
      33 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 29 8 timeSSß HIGH TIDES at the principal resorts in Malava. TODAY: A.M. P.M. Singapore 7.10 9.5t> Malacca 12.01 11.02 Port Dickson 10.42 10.43 Port Sham ZM 3.13 Penang 11.19 10.51
      29 words
    • 315 8 Radio Programmes KADIO MALAYA CHINESE PROGRAMME SINGAPORE an,. lfctfK.l ENGLISH PROGRAMME RSaSTISJSSS (4K4 metre* and li.;;s Metres) Mandarin; HA. Mumi.ii lit bit- in BJU Nr.he ieh-b: 9JU; Am-T^i W .«d W |iKS"S 0 a.m News; 10.45 lor the Schools pert in An, t-w'^ p.m. Monday Matinee: IJg x,. M
      315 words