Singapore Standard, 7 August 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Singapore Standard
  • 18 1 Singapore Standard m -7 AW VOL. 1. NO- 36 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1950. 8 PAGES TEN CENTS
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  • 281 1 TOKYO, Aug. 6 (AP) W. Averell Harriman arr j Vt and immediately conferred with General hur on American Far Eastern policy. sources predicted solidification of American Asian nations opposing communism as a suit of the visit by President Truman's new snecial absistant
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  • 133 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Aug. 6 Indications mounted that the Russians will In the fall General of the United order to reinforce propaganda offensive Korea. Nation* sources rethat Soviet delegates Jacob Malik has written Secretory General Trygve Lie ask- ;<> "ru>h" the transla- ;>!• Assembly
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  • 43 1 Standard Staff Reporter GAPORE police kept unI a detained Austra--0 arrived in the Colony midnight in a Qantas BOAC Constellation, from the United Kingdom. The Australian who was under escort will continue his i Sydney this morning.
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  • 30 1 BUENOS AIRES. Aug. S(UP)— Mrs. Herminii Stephens, Dean of the Salva tion Army officers in South America, died today. She wa: 78 years old.
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  • 51 1 The Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, is seen here delivering his speech at the annual dinner of the Alumni Association of the Kin* Edward VII College of Medicine Singapore, held last night at Raffles Hotel. On the right is the President of the Alumni Association! Dr. N.
    Dr. N. Mootatamby  -  51 words
  • 145 1 TOKYO, Aug. 6 "(AP):—Soviet Vice-Premier V. M. Molotov was reported today without confirmation conferring with Chinese Communist leaders at Peiping on an invasion of Formosa. The invasion was described as "imminent." A Japanese anti-Communist organization reported that Molotov had been in the Chinese Communist capital
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  • 172 1 HONG KONG, Aug. 6 -(AP) Shots were fired at the American freighter, Steel Rover, near Hongkong harbour entrance this morning. No damage was caused and no one was injured. The 10,000-ton ship returned to Hongkong harbour and will resume her voyage to
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  • 53 1 A EUROPEAN, reported to have been seen waving a pistol about in the Jalan Besar area at four o clock yesterday morning, was arrested by a police radio patrol. Inspector Cheam Kim Seng, who effected the arrest within seven minutes of receiving a telephone call,
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  • 288 1 Standard Staff Reporter THE Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson. last night paid a tribute to the Alumni Associa-j tion of »King Edward VII College of 'Medicine, Singapore. Replying to the toast by Dr. i W. A. Nir-holas during the Alumni Dinner and Dance at Raffles
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  • 129 1 WASHINGTON, Auf. 6 (UP) The 12 North Atlantic Pact Foreign Ministers will meet in New York on September the 15 and 16, to deal with the urgent problems underscored by the communist attack in Korea. Diplomatic informants disclosed that this defence meeting
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  • 46 1 TAIPEI FORMOSA, Aug. 6 (Reuter AAP) Chinese Nationalist bombers and fighters today attacked Communist shipping concentrations off the Chinese mainland opposite Formosa. According to a report from; the Nationalist news agency, over 100 junks and other light craft were destroyed.
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  • 166 1 Standard Staff Reporter MALAYA'S top pilgrim officer, 38-year-old Haji Abdul ißahim bin Tahir, flown from I Cairo in a state of paralysis, I arrived in Singapore just after midnight and was driven straight to the General Hospital for treatment. Haji Abdul who supervised the
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  • 154 1 NEW YORK, Aug. 6 (AP) American cities may construct large underground atomic bomb shelters which could be used as public garages in peacetime. Mayor O'Dwyer has received a report outlining an immediate programme for the construction of shelters under parks and buildings in New
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  • 346 1 U.S. EIGHTH ARMY HEADQ UARTERS IN KOREA, Aug. 6 (AP) North Korean patrols across the N a k t o n River, main allied defence line, are "being contained and driven back toward the river," the U.S. Eighth Army communique
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  • 223 1 SUISUN AIRBASE, California, Aug. 6 (UP) An Air Force B-29, its tanks loaded with 8,000 gallons of gasoline, crashed and exploded here on Saturday night, killing at least 17 persons and injuring 60, the Air Force announced today. The flames which followed the
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  • 199 1 OSLO. Aug. 6— (AP)— Two! unidentified submarines have been observed in the waters of northern Norway, a report from Tromso said on Saturday.! On July 22 Norwegians who were fishing for salmon in the| Tana Fjord, 75 miles east of' the North Cape. Northern:
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  • 72 1 JAKARTA, Aug. 6 (AP)— Fighting flared up between Dutch and Indonesian Federal army units at Macassar, East Indonesia, on Saturday, it was reported here today. J Colonel Simatupang. chief of, staff of the Indonesian army, and Major General SchefTelaar, this evening over Radio Jakar-l
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  • War Briefs
    • 55 1 TOKYO. Aug. 6 (ReuterA/VP) Allied warplanes hive been finding- and destroying Communist aircraft in greater numbers in the last 48 hours after searching for them in vain for nearly a month. Since Friday. American bombers and fighters have destroyed at least 21 Communist planes on the
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    • 41 1 'Fighting Ready DUBLIN, Aug. 5 (UP)— Brigadier Eric Dorman O'Gowan today called for a military alliance between Ireland and the United States, and offered to seal the pact with a force of Irish volunteers for the Korean war.
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    • 39 1 ISTANBUL, Aug. 5 (Reuter) —A contingent of 4,500 Turkish troops, selected for service with the United Nations forces in Korea, were warned today to be "alert and ready to leave, about August 20," it was learn-
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    • 62 1 NEW YORK, Aug. 6 (AP) General Mark W. Clark, chief of the U.S. Army field forces, said today the Army is about to start "new, unconventional methods of training" which will shorten to nine months the time needed to ready a new division of troops for combat.
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    • 34 1 PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 6 (UP)—The 4th Naval District announced yesterday that it is taking the light carrier Monterey, veteran of 12 major Pacific battles, out of 'mothballs.' to rejoin the active fleet.
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  • 49 1 CHERBOURG. Aug. fi— (UP) Four American freighters, carrying arms for France supplied under the stepped up military assistance pact, ar-. rived here on Friday night. It was the first ti^ie so many shipments of arms had reached France at one time. ,mjkl;juiojj
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 30 1 BS^S>3 t TVI t~ ANCHOR m 8r fwed matured and bottled in Singapore by Ap CHIPELACO BREWERY CO. *****) LTD. *ttt*«H4 k> r ale| b NeJVC Ltd Singapore and Brai»eh«».
      30 words
    • 89 1 STENO6UMV mmm SOB UNmV SQWTtWC ItWTHM T**T SWIFT J U CMTIFItO TIACMM SUNBEAM MIXMASTER *-—-ZSSz> DIAL YOLR Vi-, i VOL RITE A <^1 Ut wu an lp) I sit V mfc I^^^ I MVES IOI r nil Ih<> adruntayvH Automatic juice extractor Mix finder dial. Automatic speed control. Automatic bowl
      89 words

  • 712 2 Rubber Companies Losing Despite High Prices: Reason— Forward Sales From A Special Correspondent TO MANY estates in Malaya the rise in the price of rubber by 56J cents to $1.72 a lb. lasi Saturday is not an unmixed blessing. It is estimated that over 40 per cent of the total
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  • 50 2 Standard Staff Reporter MISS Dorothy Drain, correspondent for the well-known Australian magazine. Women's Weekly, arrived in Singapore by Qantas Constellation yesterday to write a series of articles on the life of the Royal Australian Air Force personnel in Malaya She will spend three weeks here.
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  • 201 2 Standard Staff Reporter TWO SINGAPORE musicians were seriously inJund and a dance instructor slightly hurt early yesterday morning, when a car driven by a European allegedly drove into them after hitting a lamp standard in Serangoon Road. The injured are Mr. Nathaniel Anthony,
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  • 93 2 Standard Staff Reporter PORTUGAL'S famous statue of Our Lady of Fatima, the Pilgrim Virgin, will be flown to Malaya in October for a 14-day tour of Singapore and the Federation. The Pilgrim Virgin will be on its seventh pilgrimage since 1947. Recently, it was
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  • 120 2 Standard SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— Four "crash wagons" of the south-bound train were derailed in Negri Sembilan yesterday. The cause is being investigated. Special constables guarding a mine in Perak last night shot dead a bandit. The man's body was found this morning.
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  • 43 2 THE Executive Count il of the Army Civil Sevice Union yesterday entertained their President. Mr. V. K. Nair. on the occasion of his promotion to a senior appointment in the War Department at a 1 tea-party at the Cathay Restaurant yesterday.
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  • 63 2 VISITORS TO THE STANDARD photo. A party of students from the National Language School, Kamponff Kapor Road, visited the premises of The Singapore Standard and Sin Chew Jit Poh newspapers d urine the weekend. Accompanied by two teachers, the students were shown round the printing plant where they saw at
    Standard  -  63 words
  • 94 2 $70,000 FOR TWO HALLS Standard Staff Reporter TWO RURAL District Comnittees in Singapore are to get lie community halls they had j isked for more than a year igo. Land is being acquired to J mild these halls, which will be itilised for recreation and ocial activities, us well as
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  • 77 2 PRODUCTION of rubber In 3ornco during 1949 was just •ver 19.000 tons, representing i small decrease as compared vith the 1948 figure of 20.000 ons. The rehabilitation of the arger rubber estates and to a esser extent, of small holdings tas continued throughout the ear, states
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  • 184 2 In Search Of New Home. .Freedom Standard SUIT Reporter As a KLM Skymaster sped to Singapore yesterday, a young Dutch couple bound for Australia derided to change the names of their two little daughters to Joan and Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Van Dijk have a one-year-old baby called Johanna Jacoba,
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  • 171 2 Standard Staff Reporter WHEN' Mr. Lee Siow Mong leaves for the United* Kingdom on Thursday, he will I take with him publications ny\ the China Society of Singapore < for presentation to varous so-' cietijs of Oriental culture' there. Mr. Leo. who is Assistant Controller
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  • 47 2 Standard Woman Reporter YESTERDAY afternoon, a laliang fire broke out in the Alkali Gardens area. A fire engine fmr.i the Geylang substation put it out in a short tirre. The timely arrival of the fire engine prevented the flames from spreading to nearby squatter hOQMB.
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  • 38 2 THE US military survev mis-ion, which Vial expected in Singapore yesterday, whs unavoidably delayed in Saigon. The mission led by Ambassador John F. Melby and Maj.-Gen. G. B. Erskine. i^ now due in Singapore this alternoon.
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  • 50 2 THE Rev. A- R. de Alwis, who claims to possess healing powers, will hold evangelical meetings at the British Council Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday. The meetings start at 7 p.m. He was a delegate to the World Pentecostal Conference in Paris early this year-
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  • 525 2 company Reports From a Special Correspondent i REPORTS of company operaions are sev^n below Kramat Tin Dredgln* Limited nade £126.087 (76^ percent) or year ended 31.3.50. Final i lividend of 25 per cent is recommended, making 50 per cent otal for the year. Net
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  • 137 2 $30, 000 Hongkong Carg 0 Disappears From Plane Police Asked To Help Standard Staff Reporter A CONSIGNMENT of watches reported to be worth ml about $30,000 Malayan) disappeared nom a Calhav i> a lane which arrived in Singapore over the wft* hr **n The watches were in a box which
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  • 155 2 SUadarl Staff Reporter FIFTY persons attended the inaugural meeting of the Singapore Tenants Association yesterday and drew up a scale of subscription rates for members. The subscriptions fixed are as follows: $1 for those payingnot more than $50 rentals. $1.50 for not more than $75
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  • 10 2 To Help Women Is Her Aim Mis- < one* of I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 133 2 FAST REC.ILAR TRANS-PAC IFIC SERVICE Dir^ci Overland San Francisco, Los Angeles All American Canadian Citie* S.S. "J.L. LUCKENBACH" Singapore Hongkong Kobe San Fraacitto M2O Aug 21 23 Aug. Wim AU* J Sept 13 Sept For full Particulars of dry Cargo. De?p Tanks. Passenger Bookings etc. Agents ANGLO-FRENCH BENDIXSENS LTD. Tel.
      133 words
    • 320 2 SAILINC.^ FIOM *C \\niN4\M v U r IK ■■■■■■IH BJ "MEOSIA" due abt Auf 1: f\,. for Sucon ,Sl: Ban^kuk. mj 'fWUmM** due «bt au« 12. for B*ru'knk m^ KVC&SW due «bt Aag Jl I \okoh.>.T!ia T»r -M» BBS "IWBUDK" du« abt 6cl>l n for B-mxkok. Mar.. H-.« "UfflHl e*
      320 words

  • 190 3 Standard Staff Correspondent LUMPUR. Sun. I iao merchants in Malaya r charter a "new trade v" t i help Malay com- wbm re\ caled by the pre--j of (he newly-formed; Indian Chambers merce of Malaya, Mr. Übaidullah, at a teaj -day at the Eastern] re. illah
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  • 27 3 The 1 I Methodist Church; p tea party at Short 1.30 p.m. today in Dr. and Mrs. M. rth who are leaving r USA-
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  • 449 3 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— The High Commissioner and Chief Scout for the Federation, Sir Henry Gurney !in opening the first post-war session of the 69 Rover Scout leaders' conference at Castle Camp, Kuala Lumpur, today, described their proposed "Rover Plan" as
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  • 113 3 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG. Sun.— The Penang Hill Railway revenue from passengers and goods reached a new high for 1949, according to the annual report of the Municipal Hill Railway just issued. The total revenue was $120,549. an increase of $6,764 over the previous
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  • 28 3 The Commissioner of Lands, Singapore, Mr. J. A. Harvey, yesterday opened the English night class for adults at the i Owaiyar Tamil School, Semi bawang,
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  • 19 3 The Singapore Lay Teck Society held its first anniversary dinner at 84 Kim Yam Road last night.
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  • 544 3 standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. Addr^W the Cey,on Citizenship Act SSa^SAS^SSTwiSSvS ■—Sh on BfcSSS- SSh saf^ uncom The Ceylon Commissioner was snpakint* nn +k« by the British Nationality Act of 1948 Lrt%i estion of h ow the status of being a Federal
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 3 photo. me itesiaent Commissioner, Penang, Mr. R. P. Bingham, formerly Commissioner of Labour, Singapore), receiving a prize at the St. George's Girls School society fair held in Penang last Saturday morning. Standard
    Standard  -  32 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 3 pnoto. r &sa£r&srz ssisvsyr 1 tte e to Standard
    Standard  -  9 words
  • 89 3 Girl beside the statue (right) is Miss Laura Rajamma Sanjivi from Ceylon, where she is a Sunday school superintendent. She is in Britain for five years to study nursing, and still wears the red bordered white sari and crimson blouse that form the Salvation Army's
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  • 228 3 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— The early formation of an association representing all trading communities in this country was urged today by Mr. C. Thornton, President of the F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce, speaking at a tea party given by the Associated Indian Chambers of
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  • 150 3 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG. Sun. It is suspected that retailers are distributing broken rice in excess of the dej clared percentage. Housewives and purchasers of rice in Penang and Province Wellesley are now advised to re- port to the Food Control Depart- ment. bringing with them a
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  • 178 3 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— Indian Chambers of Commerce in the Federation were merged into an associated body today at a meeting held in Kuala Lumpur. Representatives from Indian Chambers in the Federation and Singapore attended the meeting. The Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce
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  • 274 3 Standard Stiff Correspondent PENANG, Sun.— The Federation of Postal and Communications Uniformed Staff Unions at their fourth annual delegates' conference held here today passed a resolution to seek affiliation to tne Postal. Telegraph and Telephone International. Speaking at the conference. Mr. Osman Siru, said that
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  • 42 3 TAIPING. Sun. The Police have arrested a young Chinese who is suspected of the murder of a Chinese woman whose body was found recently with stab wounds on the chest and neck. The suspect was arrested in Bruas.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 248 3 ATCO BOAT- IMPELLER $325 Only^ipll V Brief Specification: V/ Jj En 9'"e 79 c.c. Atco-Villiers 0 0 Length Assembled 64 ins. 0 J Length Dismantled 34* ins. Q A Weight of Engine Unit 39f lbs. m a Weight of Propeller Unit 5| lbs. X| v fuel Tonk Copocity 2 Pints
      248 words
    • 58 3 HAND OVEN TABLE GLASSWARE JUST UNPACKED*A selection of this world famous transparent. Oven Table Glassware Casseroles (Oblong, Round, Oval <fr Octagonal in Various Size«A Pie Plates Pie Caps Padding Basins Costard Caps Meat Platters Ramekins Sauce Boats and Stands Roasting Dishes reeding Bottles Shells Soap Plates Utility Dishes UIHITERUIRVS (WHITE
      58 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 256 3 SELANGOR— Today tfißttflZS x> Odeon: 'The Vigilantes Are Odeon: "CindereHa" MS. 3.15. gffSS <teria 2 60 and 6.45 and 9.15 p.m. Pavilion: "Cinderella" 1.00. 3.00.' 2 S un V| 3aya Kumari" (Tamil), 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. 230 630 and 90 P- m Rex: "Buccaneer's Girl" 3.00, Ta 7 z o
      256 words

  • 641 4 JUVENILES are very much in the news. There is the news of Bertha Hertogh who hit the headlines. In the world's Press; the case of the Pahang girl who committed suicide because she did not want to marry against her will; the slaying of a child-wife, and the
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  • We, the People
    • 153 4 Sir,—Since it is felt !n responsible circles here that the social and 'moral aspects of 13-year-old Maria Hertogh's marriage, "are matters for legitimate public comment", allow me to state through the columns of your widely-read journal what the feelings are, in general, of the educated and
      153 words
    • 462 4 Sir,—Your comment in your editorial column on Municipal jobs for Singa-pore-born candidates and your quotation of the Municipal decree that a candidate must show proof that he was conceived while his father was in Singapore recalls to my mind a case that occurred 25 yenrs
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    • 226 4 Sir: May I bring to the notice of those interested in the latest move in the formation of the Federation of Indian Organisations whether the General Committee of the Selangor Indian Association was quite correct in committing the association to affiliation with the F.1.0. where the
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  • 705 4 It's The Talk Of The Town Why Not Join The Police? THROUGHOUT the Federation of Malaya, the Police authorities are conducting a campaign for Chinese recruits to the police force. The Malayan Chinese Association has been approached to give every aid and all branch, associations of the M.C.A. are giving
    OBSERVER  -  705 words
  • 715 4  -  Richard Crossman Grossman's Column Bv M.P.; T>Y defeating Mr. Chur- chill's attempt to make the Defence Debate a secret session, the Government ensured that the British people should know some of the grim facts about the military situation. The fact is that, except for atomic
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  • Review of Views
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 9 4 Jl^^ j|^^^3^^^^^,4aMi^^ T ?i^^^ar^^y*^^KasSi^ I *J~- 3 J J
      9 words
    • 66 4 LOBULINA BERNA For organotherapy of light and medium cases of diabetes mellitus, and esptoi ally diabetes senilis <swftw o&-U«»i and l acci >*< Iric »^.j» Chaii^Co. 1 BROT!:^ C j FOR RELIABLE SHIPPINI AND KIIAM I SPECIALISED IN MMUK OF 1 DUTIABIF GOODS j i 60, WINCHESTER HOUSt SNB PHOJIF
      66 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 60 4 flay*— Believe R or Not! Vtl Wt^L LINE WITHOUT LIFTING A V/^^^ K PENCIL -RETRACING OR -'f W* CROSSING A LINE 1\|| fcfcfi ML v^^ji 1? I A MEMBER OF The SEMANG TRIBE .ialT^ 1 00 Zm£ WEARS A Bl^ LEAF A5 A TURBAN- BOLSTRJOGEof /W^ UNTIL The SUN HAS
      60 words

  • 244 5 LAKE SUCCESS, Aug. 6— (ReuterWMr tw« t er.l, declared today that a successful conch^^o^th^TT^ nS *«taiy in Korea had ''first priority now." <^"<-iusion of the United Nations action In a radio broadcast on the occasion «f *v*<± i
    244 words
  • 415 5 I.™, o, s3*»« SEsr md Prnriii^fir. m t ie fiisiative confusion Production lines in many industries never had a chance ihe'M as they ran ar u^ There were more workers employed than ever before Industry still was calling idle men back to
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  • 274 5 US Working On Plan Of German Army 1 WASHINGTON, Aug. 5— (UP)— The State Department I said today that the United States is working on a plan to ensure that German man- power, as well as machinepower, can be employed in the defence of the North Atlantic area. They said
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  • 48 5 Girt G«i** of «U nation cathead In 7L* Z JiraK^MraSBSfflRi yd also to celebrate the ftomll&tS^J*^*** 13th WorM ConferencT Baden PcweH with the Berum SaidI AbS Hatui *5f 1^ Photo «*^mSS5 L he USA chairman of to cZJteSS? MfS Swi/t Newtoa f INP
    INP  -  48 words
  • 266 5 tS > fe^ 8t St f ateB officia said to^y that Chi Minh are preparing to step un thS Zn or the rebel lea< er Ho government of Bao Dai They Lid PflSt fl I ?fTSf Ign Bal nst this French
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  • 227 5 British Navy Bombards Red Target TOKYO, Aug. 6 (Reuter- AAP) Two British cruisers supported by two British des- trovers bombarded military targets at Inchon for two hours on Saturday, according to Gen. I MacArthur's communique No ,209 released at 12.13 p.m. today. I The bombardment result was described as "excellent."
    227 words
  • 316 5 I SAIGON, Aug. 6— (AP):~! jlhere was widespread speculation in responsible Vietnamese political circles last night that former Emperor Bao Dai will not return from France to reassume his duties as chief of Vietnam, principal country of Indo-ehina. (In Paris, an official spokesman
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  • 116 5 SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. (AP)— Harry Bridges, longshore union leader, was jailed on Saturday. The Judge cancelled his bail and denied a, defence motion for a weekend stay of execution. I The Australian-born labour > leader has been free on U5525,000 bail since
    116 words
  • 139 5 Special To The Standard HONGKOXG. Aug. s— Com- 1 munist leader General Yeh Chien-ying, Governor of, Kwangtung province, narrowly missed three assassin bullets; on August 1 while returning' from a public rally celebrating the Red Army Day. according to Kung Sheung Evening News.
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  • 129 5 HONGKONG, Aug. 6— (AP)-.«T© Let" signs are appearing on walls of houses in Hongkong for the first time la rears. This is the first si?n of an easing of housing Shortage in this crowded British colony. European style apartments or rooms In these apartments are
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  • 164 5 WASHINGTON. Aug. 5— (Reuter) The International Bank for Reconstruction and j Development is discussing a possible investment in the Australian economic develop'me n t programme, it was learned today. 1 A bank spokesman said negotiations were going on for a loan of
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  • 292 5 Up}^ E ISt S AVALR Y DIVISION. August 6 sticks as the first wave of their attacking forces Alter them, said Gay, come 'green troops', followed bv seasoned communist fighters, and at the rVar ar^oups of officers, who shoot anyone
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  • 285 5 i/Ml-M. AMg (AP) The U.S. Navy tanker Cimarron unloaded a full cargo of gasoline zt the Forrr.osnn port of Kecking for warplanes guarding this Nationalist headquarters island against Com- munist attack. .u^f tanker was escorted by the U. S. cruder Juneau and two destroyers.
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  • 130 5 No Doves Of Peace For Hiroshima HIROSHIMA, Aug. 6 (UP) j --There are no doves of peace fluttering over the resurrected ru:ns of Hiroshima to<iav. the i fifth u anniversary of man's un- l5 a fJ in^ Of the le!hal P'-^cr i of the atom. For the lost four J22
    130 words
  • 21 5 Syrian reports sav the as. mtfnattoi of Col Mnhamroed ccunfed A r Forc Chict 'imscK and Army eaowund n
    21 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
      64 words
    • 51 5 'English Crystal t S j. SHERRY LIOUtUR CLAPTT 2 I, PORT JJ COCKTAIL COLLET O TUMBLER 8.^.95 SFTERRY $1.2.1 LIQUEUR S3.f>o CLARET $6..™ <> PORT $1.25 GOBLET $B.<K> J COCKTAIL 55.25. DECANTERS |tt.M JIGS 518..10. ■II I^B ~l I I I I tp ff* (r »w E l^r SINGAPORE -KUALA
      51 words

  • 799 6 l!=By Man Ha worth ==JI Married A Third Time, Woman Is Harried By Husband's jealous Antipathy To Her 10 Year Old Daughter By Previous "Union DEAR MARY HA WORTH: Four years ago I was forced to divorce my second husband after 12 years' marriage, which left me at
    799 words
  • 476 6 United Nations Of Mothers RANGOON, (AP) An earnest Kentuckian flew in to Rangoon one day last week with a hope and a prayer. The hope was for Burmese support of a plan for i abolishment of war through a "united nations of mothers."
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  • 342 6 Keep your Balance By NORA W. MARTIN (INS Staff Correspondent) PARIS, Aug 2 (INS).— Are you on the level or navigat-i ing at an angle? In a word, are you awash listing? Pere Balmain, famous Paris couturier, wants to know. More exactly, he
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 6  -  Ed Reed k By "Dear, the n«e> >.. n h.»ve given up on the car! What do t«ie doctors say about you?"
    24 words
  • 66 6 WHARTON, TEXAS. Aug. 4 (AP)— Gild the lily, Why not wax the watermelon. That's what's happening here. Object is to improve appearance and thus increase sales. Also, it should help to preserve the melons, as waxing does some fruit and vegetables. The waxing machine is
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  • 618 6  -  EDWIN P. JORDAN Who'll Marry Magaret? THE DOCTORS 'a^^M Back Pains Caused By Ruptured I Spine Disc Can Be Relieved I By \t ft Written for NEA Sen,,, LONDON, Aug. 4. (AP>— AJ handsome young commoner whose step-father is an American, moved to the
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  • 53 6 Dudley. England. (INS* Rev. E.A. Naylor, vicar of Si Augustine's Dudley, Worcestershire, claimed in his parish magazine that only one couple in twenty marry in church for religious reasons. "In most cases a chur^ti wedding lends itself to a cial splash and bridal
    53 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 189 6 V>- y? A WONDERFUL I BL)WSTEAOK .K VES > BJ^n)' DOESn r SEEM 1 I <rV I Si y J^ Al) r r/. I AA J j /A' J^*^\dk. II ,i H i II I 1I I JUST MADE A NEW) I I TTIJ lc t^ e r^oM SLIP COVER
      189 words

  • 264 7 I o on top in the tank match between the Combined sr^an scoring 29 runs on e s the club won i fame by 60 runs. Ist innings:— R. M. j Delilkan 22. Ewart lbw »t. Heard lbw b Wintoo c Yoon Delilkan 1, Green
    264 words
  • 542 7 Standard's RACE CARD 2. 410 ATOM BOY J J?J X ea P Hock Hoe I buhl. M om^^ |S'="" B s 1 3WBIil B^^f pfe ;.ral I wimm mf^m RACE 2:-H 0 «e, Clo M 5 VwZ^ t T i. 201 alpha .9M c D 2 S J.OO P.M.
    542 words
  • 81 7 IPOH, Sun. Johore has been disqualified from the Foong Seong Cup competition after having defeated Negri Sembi- lan because she fielded seven i players instead of six as stated [in the rules governing the competition. This was revealed by a member of the standing
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  • 254 7 SOUTH IST INNINGS C. Thu raisin gam b Seneveratne 1 G. S. Walker c Jerram b Suppiah 7C Khoo Ong Lee lbw Seneveratne 4 I Ingleton b Seneveratne IIS Cheong Thiam Siewb Appuni 11 W. Ratnayake Suppiah 7 Lall Singh b Senevaratne 20 S. K. Sundram lbw Andres 1
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  • 148 7 MUNICH, Germany. (UP)—' Riders from seven European countries are expected to compete in this year's international "through the Bavarian Alps" amateur road cycle race to be held from August 13 'o 15, it' was learned here today. The race will be divided into three legs.
    148 words
  • 649 7 l wo cnes !n D a r k Brocade and Miss Nathan, both of whom are in the pink of condition, and another in Bright Eyes, trainer •Doc' Rodsers of £nan* holds a strong hand in the main £r7n?"ve2 Both Dark Brocade
    649 words
    203 words
  • 481 7 betwe£ H Jp S -?m~;..rf stabborn last wicket partnership oeiween J* am and Andres saved the North from a SwlT/2 I end Of thc second day's puy^he Thlcifi^ 15 rons wlttl wick «ts in hand. The South resumed play this morning
    481 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 162 7 PHDNf HO ***** HYUM Bl^ T'.dav At 11.00 A-M. "LUIS OF THE ISLANDS" PLUS LAUIEL BABDI SHORTS J.H, u.M) Ac f>.ls PM. Rod Cameron in "STRIKE IT RICH" Ti.murrou: "ESCAPE" IA^T DAY TO-DAY 3.15, 6.30, 9.15 p.m. -Sbyjni— Yjkub "PATANGA" tin Hindustani) -JOHOKF bAHRU l<^t> 2 Shovi at: 3.00 8
      162 words
    • 141 7 Forest £'££*SEr r A COIUMBIA HCTURE tI TODAY a.m. -You're My Everything" TECH. NEXT CHAiXGE Ipip RN |m 1111 s rSIL RA EP > lIIUI IIUT H JL SIWCf 'Johnny beuwdai 1 j-J S LAST DAY TODAY T j J J 5//Ors: U.1.i:>.t.6.:i0.9.:i0 rw chariie Chaplin m Cny Lights np&*4
      141 words

  • 647 8 Standard Staff Correspondent IPOH, Sun. Showing impeccable form, Wong Peng Soon virtually swept Law Teik Hock off the court to win the right to defend his Malayan title against Ooi Teik Hock, who was equally merciless in his match
    647 words
  • 96 8 NEW YORK, Aug. 6 (UP)— Eleven players were nominated to the United States Davis Cup team. They were Ted Schroeder, who was unbeaten in Davis Cup play since the war ended. Budge Patty, winner of the year's Wimbledon title, Billy Talbert, Gardner Mulley, Tom Brown,
    96 words
  • 730 8 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Federation and Singapore will clash in the final of the men's doubles tomorrow as a result of Goon Kok Lem and Timothy Lee ousting the 1938 champions, the veteran Singapore Malays, H.
    730 words
  • 294 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Perak or Penang will be the venue of the next Malayan lawn tennis championships. This was agreed to at today's annual meeting of the Lawn Tennis Association of Malaya, presided over by Mr. J. A. .Dean. Perak accepted the otter
    294 words
  • 115 8 PENANG Sun—The S™; ang Chinele pSStball A^JSS" t£n, defending chamri^ fn t^^^ftovSSSSu^ n^ 1"^ 1 Playe i d this •'te ?h? VWo? a r^ large Cl2 wd on wSoStKpCFA n'th..? y th^ si suited Fn Chuah Poh Ann plf Pregnable while the most outstanding forward on
    115 words
  • 1738 8 i SKILLED driving and riding, thrilling racing, spectators in unprecedented numbers and first class organisation were the highlights of yesterday's Johore Grand Prix motor car and motor cycle races organised by the Singapore Motor Club at Johore Bahru. The
    Standard  -  1,738 words
  • 356 8 Standard Staff Correspondent I IPOH. Sun. The first and second unit! HU* pair;, Teoh Seng Khoon and Teh Gin Sooi md I I I Leong and Tan Jin Eons, were nnrisingly beaten in the semi-finals of the Malayan Badminton < hampioo- ships here
    356 words
  • 62 8 Australia' s Davis Cup Team SOITH Oh I Jfcnty, Au| I I Hopman, U»€ I tain of AustraU < I t;\im, annou I of tho foui I will play s 1 I Inter^otM Hn Y«<rk. OQ A (B I Thty are Fi John Bromwfa h r thingtoti md K 0
    62 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 226 8 NOTICE As Sole Agents for The Singapore Standard in Selangor. we wish to notify all concerned that we have removed from No. 2, Perkins Road, into the new office of The Singapore Standard at No. 45. Sultan Street, Kuala Lumpur. We are now in a position to accept advertisements and
      226 words