Singapore Monitor, 5 July 1983, Afternoon Edition

Total Pages: 31
1 31 Singapore Monitor
  • 18 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR M.C. (P) MB. 13/5/83 ISSN 0217-1325 Tuesday. July 5. 1983 P 2m < ►i hiiiox; 30c*frt»
    18 words
  • 144 1  -  ■y SIT YIN FONG IN OTHER circumstances, this 1 8 metre crocodile might have not raised eyebrows. But tha Kallang Croc," as it was quickly nicknamed, is something special. It was caught is Kallang River in the heart of bustling Singapore with its
    PICTURE: CHEN CHUAN CHEN  -  144 words
  • 423 1  -  Tougher penalties sought to curb sharp rise in employment of these workers •y BERTILLA PEREIRA TOUGHER penalties are to be sought to try to curb the sharp rise in the employment of illegal workers and to stop those hare oa work permits from "moonlighting" taking a
    423 words
  • 94 1 Reuter TOKYO, Tuesday HITACHI limited said yesterday its engineers have developed s battery about half as thin as a human hair that could power a wnstwatch for up to 300 hours. But the company said there were no plans to start commercial
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 Full story Off! Pago 3 Watch it! Crime is on the increase Page 4
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    • 116 1 Rodnnstocb The better golfer will appreciate these MacCiregor clubs. The rich copper plating visually frames the ball positioning it more precisely for improved accuracy And the wing-hack design concentrates the power to provide the solid hit prized by the better golfer Now these fabulous clubs arc available again. Improved over
      116 words

  • home
    • 464 2  -  SBS crew told of the damaging chain reaction that could arise from being discourteous to passengers By YONG POW ANG COURTESY means roach to the workers of the Singapore Bus Service It means having money la their pockets more profits lor the company
      464 words
    • 251 2 A 24 year old jobless wrth sent to lail for three years and ordered to re ceive six strokes of the m Akmi mi ft _j cane dv a aisinct court for robbery Ang Leong Bog of Prince Chsrtta Crescent pleaded guilty to robbing
      251 words
    • 139 2 A LABOURER was today sentenced to a day's toil aad ftoad a total of 14,000 by a district court when he admitted committing bigamy Ho Baa Heat, 44, of Eunos Crescent pleaded guilty to a first rhargr of intentionally making a fakM dec
      139 words
    • 448 2  -  CABLE CAR TRAGEDY INQUIRY 1 OEI SIN GIOK THE BjsWWjaf was suffering from such bad stability proilinw that even if it had sweciltll hi sailing to its drilling location off Trengganu it would probably have had to return to twßfjpnri, Ms master
      448 words
    • 412 3  -  But another crocodile is suspected to be at large •V SIT YIN FONG A WEEK-LONG Walt tar Um "CruraOb ofUliMg Rhrer" eadod early A IJjy^crociaJUi mbmiT the'epper reeches^o I tb« river, mcM by Upper Boos Km< Rood It mM a «Mk ol off-oa specelstioa vbttktr tkt
      412 words
    • 141 3 THE Cera tor oi the SlaCaawdraT said the CfHiall caaght hi the Kallaag River this asafwhsf Is almost earSSSWty wateype It is pleatifel" ia liter coaditioas la Use coasui iigaeas of tats part at the world, parurwiany iviaiayaia, uwoThey are mahHy ear/ la
      141 words
    • 76 3 TWO yonag m» were killed la two separate motorcycle accidents yesterday Kamlr llassaa. 21, died before rca< blag two aWWjwfwfl Gewerol Hospital oiler be collided with a taxi at a boat 8 07 am at the JowctlaW of Holland Rood and Napier Road CftWW Clowg
      76 words
    • 254 4 TENDERS for the first two MKT civil engineering contracts closed yesterday with two ten derers withdrawing and two others going into s joint venture The tenders for the stretch from Too Pay oh to Novona closed with competition reduced to sii rival grdwps
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    • 586 4  -  A helping hand is second nature to these 'dream' neighbours Bouquets for these nice people ®v RAY MILLER MRS Rovinda Kaur will never forget the night a OTwaksn man banged on tha door of her home at KelanUn Rood She was alone
      PICTUES: MOHD ISHAK  -  586 words
    • 311 4  -  •y SURESH NAIR SINGAPORE'S crime rate has stead ily Increased over the soars, primarily because of ordinary people's lock of tough message was delivered by Mr George Palmer, executive director of tho National Crime Preven tion Council, at a hsschton of the Gen
      311 words
    • 367 6 Mindef counsellors play vital role in keeping our soldiers mentally happy THOUSANDS of young men are enlisted into National Service every year. Although they bring the much needed manpower to keep the whole defence machinery going, some of them alto bring with them problems' which only people
      PICTURE: PIONEER MAGAZINE  -  367 words
    • 197 6 FROM September this year all SAF personnel going ROD will no longer receive a Certificate of Conduct It will be replaced by a Certificate of Service which will give a more complete description of a soldier s service. This new certificate differs
      PICTURE: PIONEER MAGAZINE  -  197 words
    • 372 6 IF ONLY ROLANO MAD ASKED FOR HELP AT I am one morning. Lcp Roland called the Hot line sod revealed his intention to end his life He was desperate Unable to explain bis problem to his superior officer he decided to call the Hotline for help
      372 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 99 2 China Machine Tools m On ckspKry at our 800 m 2 SlKrwroom ■wj I unnrwrsui anwunn^wj H I Machine I [Model IQW3O-6 I Q3B-16 Round Dor 030 0 45 SouMtbor 20x20 40x40 Angttbor 65x65x6 100x100x12 85 x 50 x 6 125 x 80x12 not dot 100x10 140x20 Max shaonng ft*
      99 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 120 3 The All American Food Fair T "he very best that America American Food Fair, we're featuring a h** offer it at The spit-roasted Prime Rib of Beef. RGTOSBoE Rotisserie from July 4th Follow it all up with Pecan or Pumpkin S******** till the 13th. Pie,or Strawberry Shortcake, and compteTry a
      120 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 49 4 Lm V S Ihr every Tuesday Studio M to the cut, colour clothes and Models: f±<* Clothes: La U Rnncn (12 Sponsors: BISQUIT BRANDY PHILIP MORRIS ASIA INC MD/£S' N/7£ ()n \f('n.. jvs .1 <.pn.ii/ »Mrpnv aumth the MOM fl Mr' Hi \i it«>>Mi SIM MMXI it Ml HMOII
      49 words
    • 47 4 OOOO notghbourllnooo to cotcNng on CdUEilSY tlwf paw. Hwi wo tooturo torn* /JriQ N moco of fto frtondly poopto. You con Hjf J HOI UNI: OlOO wtn prtxo from Movonptch H i mnrm Mi no** oooo A A>W r> 2 NiKMOUR OF THE WEEK Oood U?* Bpl>
      47 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 262 5 We put a second lens in our National colour TV so you can tell its qualify without a second glance. Trust National to do things in double \^m^^mmm\\^^*^ measure when it corner U) making a first rate f\ I I l^^^^^^eatawawV^ That's why we put an extra jAfJf I lens
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 93 6 For sheer comfort and Germany I Of WEST GERMANY Sofa- Agrnt Til ASSOCIATES PTE LTD. TH *****44/*****7* Avaswassafc CX. Taws Lai Klswm Lack* Has* 320 Orchard Road. Singapore 0923 304 Orchard Road. *Bl 19. Lucky Plata Baia Pwataaasa Psssa Singapore 0923 111 North Brtdf« Road #01 2~ SJasta YaYI 1
      93 words
    • 174 6 PORSCHE PHREAK j*.,*. The beat man to keep your Jlw la high performance car running saaßS. baautifuHy it tha man who haa worked with fine machinery J War B» all his Ida Zenn of Autohouse V Service Centra spent 2 years on 1 ReaW tha Sooth East Asian racing j|
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 27 7 RALX) WKTCH EXHffiTTION "83 RADO SFPVtCf CFNTPf SINGAPOPf }'> Setegie Rood #Bl 06 Porklone Shopping Moll Singopore 0718 KUALA lUMPUR No 6°A ta*OTi rftc*S PfNANG 44AA Penong Rood
      27 words

  • world
    • 794 8 Plans for HK Governor to participate Reuter PLANS for Hong Kong Governor Sir Edward Yoade to participate in talks on the future of the colony are a sign that Britain and China have made progress ia their negotiations, according to diplomatic
      Reuter  -  794 words
    • 60 8 Reuter LONDON, Tuesday WOMaW a^ chester I'ai versify The report says womea mat »|fn arf oader keavier stress from hone astd work thaa their hT'ftluTta atoraitai ere "missing eat ea good maaagement material." any* Ike report by Pulimi Gary Cooper aad Dr Marllya Dcvi lim ot
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 276 9 ...but rebels want more concessions UPI DAMASCUS, Tuesday PALESTINE Liberation Organisation Chairman Yasser Arafat offered to remove his guerilla loyalists from central Lebanon, but a loader of a PLO rebellion hold out for more con cessions before ending the seven week old mutiny,
      UPI  -  276 words
    • 54 9 Contestants to the Miss Universe Payaant to bo hold In St Louis on Jury 11 aisvrriDarHoa irom me nvvrooii Mississippi Quoon following o 4th of Jury paddle wheel boot rooo up tha Mississippi River Tho two booutlos in tho picture ore Miss El Salvador Claudia CHiva ond Miss
      54 words
    • 120 9 Reuter VCNNA, TuMday THE Soviet Uaiea will supply aeytcbed area jam to Vkium and Romania for aacher rmarta prekwHs seder mm agreement lagaii by the Mtcraetaaaal Atomic Energy Agency (lAEA), c gjuM today He taid the agreemeati. tigaed oo Jaly 1, were for the delivery
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 482 10 MOSCOW. Tuesday WEST German Chancellor Helmut Kohl warned that his country will deploy now US nuclear missiles if there is no progress la the Geneva arms control talks Mr Kohl addressed his remarks yesterday to Mr Andropov although the Soviet president and Communist
      482 words
    • 310 10 Mava llktiV tt cant nw strata hi Us-Earaaaaa das HWf aswawjaw W»w#w* ■■www wjm vvsm wmm www ww UPI A NEW blow-up hi relations between the United States sad its European allies is likely if the administration stiffens fts restric Uses
      UPI  -  310 words
    • 17 10 rOOCO nmnocun onm or 10 tMmmuitmmr pro non*o\ito&o tho US. PICTURE: AP
      PICTURE: AP  -  17 words
    • 402 11 A Widespread drug use Q Sexual licence Q Violence in society O Banal television Reuter LOS AWO£L£S. Tues PRESIDENT Reagan today blamed drags, sexual permissiveness, violence la American society and the banality of television for poor US othn athui ttewdorilt Addressing the American Federation
      Reuter  -  402 words
    • 44 11 Soviat vtotkMat Vk\toria Multova watta for har plana t dapartura at Hotaioki airport to Kuuaamo to Northom Finland. Viktoria datactad to Swadan from hot coocort tour along with a coMaaooa last waak Wiawamr of aavaral Sovtat and PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  44 words
    • World Briefs
      • 66 11 Reutar CAIRO, Tussdoy: Iraq sod Egypt save agreed to dlicuas closer relations aad U> boost military cooperatios, but they have stopped short of restoring full diplomatic ties The agree meat followed a three-day visit by Iraqi Foreign Minister Torek Am. who had talks
        Reutar  -  66 words
      • 94 11 UPI WASrttNOTOfi: Congress has voted to give Radio Free Europe an extra $21 million (8*44 million) tils year to reach the most rapidly expanding segment of the soviet Unions population the Muslims in Central Asia According to the most recent Soviet census there
        UPI  -  94 words
      • 83 11 Reuter TOKYO: A Jap in—i extremist group opposed to Tokyo's international airport at Nartta has claimed it made a bomb threat against planes of three airlines aad planted time bombs in lockers in the airport terminal building A man identifying himself as
        Reuter  -  83 words
      • 74 11 AP WABHINQTON: Factory output in the world's industrialised nation* root by 11 per cent in the first quarter of this year after declining throughout 1982 the International Monetary Fund (IMF) report ed yesterday Canada led the wey with industrial production surging 5 8 per
        AP  -  74 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 179 8 HITACHI POWER TOOLS HITACHI ■> CORDLESS DRIVER fIRJI mmW drill Ife m 2 speed. Reversible W HITACHI M »W CORDLESS DISC Orjm grinder _JS BB MfJB J v 1 00 mm fJJ HITACHI Cordless Power Toots Complete with r echar gee bie barter y 0 Hitachi ssirrsssc* na MEANS QUALITY
      179 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
      67 words
    • 134 9 Even In minimal light artificial or natural you can trust Sharp's solar calculators to go on working for you FREE. Anywhere, Pick the one you like g^ jr4to jL 9^ wWanaTOasF a Credit size A-dujit calculator /eon* tWm\*MMWm%* ke> MWM Percent and square root key s AT ————J Reciprocal on
      134 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 155 10 Hi i| f nu«ei niii m GENUINE FANTASTIC DISCOUNT on ail Chinese Classical Furniture, Screens, Tientsin Carpets, Arts j Crafts. Ist 10th July Main Snowrocxn Ground Floor Mean Entrance. World Trade Centre, Tel *****22 (3 lines) Weekday. 9.30 am 6pm Sunday. 2pm 6pm. Pwter •Ml MetweJ Win, tha ino/oltw artlstM
      155 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 121 11 •vrf Every Wednesday and Friday at Lunchtime Fabulous fashion and food beckon. Every Wednesday and Friday. In a different show and mood. Tempt yourself with our spread of epicurean delights while we bring you the latest fashion in town. Wednesday Spring/Summer collection 83 by Benjamin Tay of Hit Parade. Friday
      121 words

  • money
    • 631 12 KLSE member firms alleged to be assisting them The Star ILLEGAL stockbroktng activities are still being carried out in certain parts of Malaysia, despite the crackdown by the Government last year, a group of remisiers claims. They alleged that s number of unlicensed
      The Star  -  631 words
    • 316 12 THE stock market underwent a serge of heavy profit taking this mniwswg, with Malaysian second and third 1 tners suffering the moot, brokers sa id With wo load from the Dow Jones because of the Independence Day holiday, local blue chips wore still holding
      316 words
    • 187 12 INTERNATIONAL Wood Product's results for the yoor to Poh St have given a nasty shock to investors who stayed with the company during last year's take-over bid. The company has reported a loos of 17 5 million, four and a half times
      187 words
    • 195 12 HONG KONG'S Hang Seag Index gassed an ether 7.53 points at II 00 SBI this morning alter its biggest onenay ja m p of the year aa Monday The stock market index was 1.04.1 60 points after
      195 words
    • 312 12 GOLD deslors are watching which way the Americaos will lamp when the New York market opens after yesterday's Independence Daiy holiday they expect the metal to tost support around the USS4.It aa ounce level If the price holds, they look to an
      312 words
    • 183 13 That's the sum needed to buy Straits Steamship shares KEPPEL Shipyard says it is confident of raising toe $208 5 million needed to hay outstanding Straits Steamship shares in the event its take-over offer it accepted by all the remain lag holders of
      183 words
    • 321 13 Reuter TOKYO, Tuna UNTIL recently, say Japanese shareholder bold enough to oak questions at a company annual meeting often found a surly character In a dark pin-striped suit hovering menacingly at his elbow. Not surprisingly, few points tended to be raised at
      Reuter  -  321 words
      • 120 13 HYTEX is negotiating to acquire the entire share capital of Superluck Rubber and Singapore Express Credit, both of which are principally engaged In trade confirming activities and property in vestment The acquisitions form part of a scheme involving the relocation of Hytex s manufacturing
        120 words
      • 105 13 SOUTH Joborc Amalgamated Holdings has reported a smaller group pre-tax profit for the year ending March SI. The pre-tax profit figure of $787 672 Is about It per cant lower than that of $870,354 reported last year. Bat the current group net profit of
        105 words
      • 59 13 ASIATIC Development's l for 2 rights issue has mot with an encouraging response from its shareholders with an oversubscription of IS per cent. It ass received applications for SO million shares but the issue is limited to 00 million shares of SO Malaysian cents
        59 words
    • 395 13 islectsd stocks at midday Market tone: steady Boustoad 2 63 2 64 Cold Storage 5 30/5 40 Easo 9 80/9 90 F and N 9 20/9 25 Genting 4 06/4 68 Han Par 2 87 S Homo 6 80 8 Inbcape 3 46 3 48 Intmco 4 56/4
      395 words
    • 80 13 ■MM—Mp» i, Mt>M Ummr c*mm TT/OO nm IfftM l?MT Ml*1 IUW 4im TT OO nm iiim IMM J Uii IMM IMM i mi i ?t?i I MM I MM umm hum »im «mm gjMgMjj Y«a NatMrtMi pIM* UHtt M«T1 V>MM IM1 II MM MM tIMM »MM MMM MIMI
      80 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 73 13 m£L mU£ If r HmBI \W Wfi pot^jj^ Tonight, the "Rock Revolution" arrives at the Goldmine in true style With resounding hits brought back from the roaring "Rock V Roll" '60% we then make a spunky transit right into the "New Wave" Sounds of today/ Among "invited" stars are "Elvis
      73 words

  • opinion/letters
    • 359 14  -  Flimsy paper napkins for thought SIGNPOSTS By MASAKI WATANABE WHILE having lunch in a coffee shop with an American who had just arrived in Singapore. I was asked s question which was so simple, yet so complex in its ramifications, that I was literally stumped. Looking at
      359 words
    • 77 14  -  TWILIGHT TIME StafMorcMIS THERE are some oM Was Uvhsg tempo rarity la aai nil Bats at Black 71, Redbill I*o4lo Tae eM folks look lottery aad tae Mack Is deserted at sight Instead of having sa assay Bats la this Mock vacant, way can t
      77 words
    • 97 14  -  I'MEMPLOYED GRADUATE Samgapore 1144 ITS ironical that when the Government is phas ing oat fctMp labour, applications for professional poets M government departments and in statutory bodies are slwsys exteadod to Asean ctUzens Priority for Jobs should always be given to qualified Singapor cans
      97 words
    • 23 14 THOSE wfiOfffi you on mmkm likv OMP ffiS#lV#S l>#tt#f will, I prof¥ii*# you, Mtto you vory w#ll» -Lord Chesterfield
      23 words
    • 45 14  -  CHEATING HEART Singapore 9315 I AM an ardent reader of Mills Boon Harlequin books Bat I cannot afford to buy them regularly bocsusf they arc ex pen stye. Could oar National Library please provide these romaawtc novels for Use public 9
      45 words
    • 293 14 Hy Of I T A H( -N. THE John McEnroe-Chris Lewis Wimbledon final was only minutes long in most countries la Singapore it was even shorter because SBC showed 25 minutes of news right in the middle of the "liver telecast If McEnroe had played much better, it
      293 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 119 14 LETTERS on any aMbfact of pufeic MMR ilM oooaptod lor piMMtan. Ttwy #iould bo typod and ililiMfaWM moot bo ttgnod. Thoy muot in rxiude lo wttolonTlho 1 wrttodKrtn to uoo a pooodowywi in numty woddbo uapM .imoTJ Mwawfra M mHA. (MOMMO. ffjoppori 0315 Szechuan cuisine *t the Mcisan Restaurant comes
      119 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

    • 771 15  -  HOME ECONOMICS MAKES YOU INDEPENDENT IN ADULT LIFE, SAYS THE ONLY BOY FINALIST. orratY VIOLET SON CAN boys learn to cook? Do boys learn to cook 9 Should boys loom to cook? Aerion Yeo says yes to to all three questions Aerion. is. of Whitley Secondary
      771 words
    • 241 15 MANY Singapore women should be ashamed of them selves. They go through life unable to cool and unaware of nutrition They bring their children up without s proper Men of s balanced diet But not all is lost Inst end s ruing
      241 words
    • Article, Illustration
      352 16 COOK OF THE YEAR REVEALS HER SECRET RECIPE CIX SITI JAMILAH OSMAN. 37, won the First Prise in the Malay Cooking Section in the People's Association and Singapore Monitor Cook of the Year Contest, for her dish of Fried Mutton Chops. The judges said that they chose this
      352 words
    • 245 16 SAMBAL GORENG KACANG PAN JANG •Off long beans, cot koto S to I cm lengths I hard soya bean cord cakes, cot Into small cubes 4 pieces "tempeh" cot hi small pieces lSeg hoof ramp, diced small JOOg small prawns, shelled Some people
      245 words
    • 226 16 TO commemorate Bastille Day, which falls oa July 14, the Dynasty Hotel is preaeaaaag a weak-long feast, feat unng the best of French cuisine, from July 11 17. During this promotion, you can eat food from eight provinces in France. There is Meat Terrine
      226 words
    • 482 16 NOOK lor Kid Cooks HELLO children' KM cooks has boon taking a root and we make a second debet with the prise winning recipes of IS-year-old Neo Geok Hoon for a Sunday lunch Aunty Poh HONEY LEMON CHICKEN YOU NEED: 15 kg chicken IOOg hotter (soft)
      482 words
    • 173 16 For enthusiastic gourmets Of French cuusne. Chef Bernard Gouerec of Dynasty Hotel takes pleasure •n srtamg Sw rooXM tor Sw exquwrte speciality from Mantua Brittany wtach a located in the north western port of France Fish (mixed types) 1.5 kg Onion 150 g Potato 600
      173 words
    • 200 16 DO you have problems with blunt knives? Yoa knew what I mean. When yoa bay a knife, it is gleaming and razor sharp. After a few months the edge is so blunt that it can hardly cat through sn orange Some people may be
      200 words
    • 603 17 10 PLACES WHERE YOU CAN TOSS YOUR OWN MIX L ESCARGOT (Salad Bar) Oberoi Imperial Hotel 1 Jalaa Humbia 0923 Tel ******4 Hours 12 SO pm 3pm A 7 pin 10 SO pm daily Salad Criaaa I types. Dressing 4 types Comnumantary with any meal at the restaurant
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 127 16 ■f nana L m\m\\ Be mat I I 20% danjoaant oil en eWen earing I I happy Hours (Spin 7pm dnsK) I I Business hours: I I 5.00pm to I.ooam on weekdays, I I up to 2 (X)am on wteiineV I 1 r«K inf«»onjiMin <V I I > mcfvaaMMK, pic***
      127 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 271 17 More The Business Trailer at The Kuala Djmpur Merlin! Am\m\\W Tea Ksxsie I nsnpai Mwti has a reaVeuhhag And when you stay at The Kuala Lumpur aaw ahawaaaaaw aat ossh as appearance* and Merlin, you will enjoy the friendly, courteous asueuehes, bed aaw hi ha Wraaaahnwd operation* and attentive service
      271 words

  • leisure
    • 243 18  -  Co-ordlnatfrd by INEZ WEI Aoooooortoo: GALERIES LAFAYETTE YOU just can t miss the latest accessories in those startling, bright colours. They scream for attention. The colours oa their owa will danle yoa. Together, in bold combinations, they will knock yoa oat
      Photo: HAIRIS  -  243 words
    • Article, Illustration
      562 19 You don't always need silk for flowers IF YOU have ear old scraps of batik material, you are in business As Chui Phal Ling will tell voo, they can be mode into beautiful flowers You don t always need silk for' those delicate sprays or bouquets "Batik is
      562 words
    • 630 19  -  [CjMßjMMttj] •y JOHN CLAMMER Specie! to The Smo spore Monitor AH to be in the country, now that the summer is here! Just imagine it lying all day in your beach-chair by the pool, a glass of iced boor in your hand the clink of golf clubs
      630 words
    • 483 20 Out: The Latin Spitfire image IPS WITH bar new ait series, 9 To S, Rita Moreno has finally bid good riddance to her Latin Spitfire image "I never thought the day would come when I would got the chance to play someone called Violet Newstead. says
      IPS  -  483 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 225 19 £sP^r^nnnsmjP>B 100 JALAN SULTAN #04 19 ft 04 20 SULTAN PLAZA SINGAPORE 0719 TEL 2******/9 *****66 *****97 MALAYSIAN PACKAGES CHARM OF M SIA DAYS 5 NITES) KUL/QENT'EAST COAaT OEP 12/7 26/7 0978, 23/8. 6/9 20/9 4/10 18/10. 8/11. 22/11. 8/12. 20/12. 4/1/84. 18/1/84 EAST CHOICE DELIGHTS (3 DAYS 2 NTTES)
      225 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 203 20 *mmmVb'* JtdV mm mmmw I LTTt'bSSST' > mm JM7 SSSKSSm Of 111 f^gU ■V JW A% UUUU W JHjVjJJJJi mmm A mm m nSTXw^*'*Bl BBS Bar Of aw ■fffffffffffa M M A r 'he Gerry Cottle's Grcus, in conjunction Jr /II X with Motor leasing Pte Ltd debut in i
      203 words

  • 550 21  -  leisure Mviiwn PHILIP CHCAH THt#» lint mimtmr Starring! Hoy loh<ld»r, Warrwi Oatot, Malcolm McDowcM Dtrcctcd byi JofM Bsdkwii Cwwhn to CHf» Organisation dn*> EVER since Coppolas Apocalypse Now, the tiMllswat sound of helicopter rotor blades has become the metaphor (or the
    550 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 188 21 Co""W US* I I I Bk mjm "■■'■■■■^■wxfassssßi now BrVBa*at>le at ipaciai "Dort Yourtair offer prices ONLY $1.35 par sq. ft. (usual $1.56). Controls teat, glare arid fading Reduces ai'conditioning costs Makes glass shatter-resistant improves outdoor beauty Maintenance free Easy application self-adhesive 3 colours Gray, Bronze Silver SUN-X(S.EJL)PTELTD. 471 Upp
      188 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 475 21 TNtATNC nUMNOW TMMO (Phonal Md QM art* a Oaa |C|/1M. M. 1 11 (*****7) > 111 II <krt mtrn a Omn |C)/1 30 3 30 7 9 (4S4M83) 00m Cmny an data (C>/11. 1 30. 4 00. 0 30. IS (*****00) (Ma 0a»ca»aaa HV3 30 7.01ft <*****7$) OlUli Vaunt L«tri{C)il
      475 words

  • 335 22 HIGHLIGHTS Afternoon Matinee Save* You Wong Away (Pi 2. Ch 5, 4 45 mm) TUNE m this aitarraooa and eaten tae concluding pert of Since Yoa Went Away. Set against use beckdrop of World War Two, tkc film is a learjerker It
    335 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 791 22 tv Sk radio 3.00 Op>wte| foiowad by Entfma cloaca with a bnef summery of the 4 45 A ft •moon MMnn Smc« Vw leet two-and the haM decades Of Went Away (Part 2). pop mueic jt a a— a■. at, v>M nynngrits v.#9 ®tvtfi Dnotv tor vtvtn Dvwitfi Your
      791 words
    • 765 22 12 00 PM NowstrvßrWf M\mwt by fMmWMWm Sum- 12.00 PM Pioojtmmt Summery 12 .06 Muscat r**errmry ILM Your Lunchdete 100 Newt 1.19 Your Lurch- boob A 150 th Cekw>rteon 1 nYthmt: kWtrmeziO Op data (coot d) 130 Midday Market Report 135 Your 110 No .2in E minor Rudotl Sorbin (4
      765 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 251 23 nnrrtAi o3n n«> »mow» *J UUCIIrI: 10 30m. 1 IS. 4 00. •45 30pm C Admission: Circle $4 StsMs $3 1 BBOjW* A Amm\\\ Ream. 'SaaBBBBBan m\\m\ ■•W' bbb9 00E0N OPENS THURSDAY! f HE'S OUT THERE... FlyumUmmmm*lll* al ii »v«r ■■4» 2 TW Bmm> Th—SO OfMMisl 2 At m> SSOJOAJO
      251 words
    • 112 23 Mo— AgVttCD Tim** 11am, 2 IS, 5.30, 145 Hi ttfPy 0f tIH tnilMWlsjT SfJfMI MBHI HRHfffißlH LIMITED SEASON SEE IT NOW tI > NX INNhRo•V ATtM> AWARD rest"vt??ss Bg M g (UtJow S 15 AMThTj tovv s iSVYV^B^fW^aa^JS rfJSAI. lAJSLAI «M P I '^tW ATHEIST, ff SUGGEST f* fM <ffJ
      112 words
      73 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 232 23 m. pool. Tke atmoapkere la CAFE VIENNA 4 rdMd aid tkc food la Tkis coflef honr al Iter don accord log to yoor Holiday Ian offer* a dalreqaest. Every order ly apeclal wkick procome* wltk a aalad. com vide* for a good meal SSkS* oo tke cob, baked pota wltkoot
      232 words
    • 315 23 DRAMA THE Practice Theatre School presents the plays The Caucasian. The Cat and The Last Leaf tonight until July 7 at the Drama Centre. Ticketa at 93 and 95 are available at Youth Book Store (Braa Baaah Complex), Van Guard Store (Golden Mile), Central Booking Office and Practice Theatre School
      315 words

  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 643 24 leisure/comics I BERQEANT WESTON OF THE YUKON By Don StMMwood tmd 8f n Btufv»ii .A \jm\' W ami 1 Iks VVHITVHOrIfJe, 80>T. BILL I [TVtIRTY MINUTES AND TnRCe I I fm fm ai\ i ~-anj asanas*, mil pwc»ton eers an early miles later j'm fift r but I Nfflli HV
      643 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 249 25 classified tele-service: 273-9090 FMun Cemm Supply 770-00? 1 Beady tor m Otttco PrOOwCtt 773-oia* ?7)-OJ*7 Triaot 8.4 Syttemt 771 5*47 3 CornOytet Coma Supp 795 77?9 Changi Jmn* StOrt 344 4917 Funan Saßtry 737 3447 JU-t Aottajwaa 1V TWV T ana Hart* 737-4*41 Ttmliwton Antique Hae3*»*473 FStcoan flora BVarine f,w>
      249 words
    • 247 25 Fam.on Lods* 454*49* OftCt FatFMtWI HOuM Mwlmas M tO«» M/ MM M.»» Loot* 337-ltV comwLTAtm ITC Constant 750 99*4 ■Hm Liang tmorpritot (acrott Fu Lv Shew Cmpti on tna ngM) 47. Arbeit St SIS7IS) 13* 04*9 I 1 SSSSSSS Car Rental JSV77B4 745 7444 ?M IWI Aon• -Tram Sorvrcot 751*403
      247 words
    • 334 25 MONITORS DIRECTORY (attorn Ormng Sch 754 3*75 LrOOrty Auto Driving Sen ?*?*a*4 7*o 114) StamtorO Clot In) 79* **7* Hwang Brothort 445*475 IND| CMC *> *lumt>ng Sorv H999l** Patkara fnginoonng A, Ganvr*) ConliaClOTt 07-41 UppOr Saran 00" Shopping Contra. SOSS3) 741*011 744 4177 •oarly I' l i 4 TrraA 174-470*/
      334 words
    • 309 25 Orace Floritt 754-4319 Honeytend FMtvort/Oittv 01-10 Parhlene Shppg Men 339-3554 Jetent Fteritt 4*9-0700 Camlet ftett 771 3340/771 3514 Oa<den City ftatt I Oar do kecxeam) 0M Outram Perk #***** *****43 Adrian i Cane Pumitu.e Co P/L Bik 4005 Depot Lano. #01 95 S 0410 77} 4TT9 77 1 17)4 Bock
      309 words
    • 283 25 Hwang Brother* 445*4/4 Him Joe Hwel Trdg Co 754-4417 Seng Tech Bttdg Const 753*094 (ipecieMte 10 leakage 4 rone) I VoMi kitefkm Decor **> 1047 I (tpeciekta .n per tit 4 re* I OTiee Lee Inter Furng 440-749S m> Foot.ji. Money 459-9340 f.oftmon* Laundry TV 041? M«tfiK 4* HovfrHly S**»Op
      283 words
    • 260 25 LBOKAraC tiniAi.t p— ::u-:r sn— sszt: ttttVAV otaanAV PvMee* mm mm eel eat P*4vo4e Mt* aer mgm |7 70 cc, cat ere Cna I SIS.SS mm tm era auftiNC** Hotta* ttaa Frt tOO eai 44* pm tat: ttt aa* I pa* An F u Optica) Service ttk 71 #01-775. Out
      260 words
    • 256 25 H m Intteni Pimm 444 7*4* Ten,ep C« ??4 4344 714*071 Alias Security S#i¥ 794-9079 Hiimoni Pi*) ln»e»tigat>on A Security Af *****74 314*4/7 (74 hr en tor >n| temict 337-T745 ask Mermen S.ngh inter tec Pte Lit 773-0749 M Salomon Sec vi 790-4?*3 SeCiK 79* s** I 7 Prep
      256 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1028 26 cl«»»lfl»a*d tele-service: 273-9Q90 POR SALE DURIANS GUARANTEED FOR RICH TEXTURE AND DELICIOUS TASTE! Avaaakii raaea a* vwry na«iaabti pataea. MS3>3*9|R|J 4S*> *%**>4 SsMOjaß 4*343*4 OOS MMO> ROj>4a*J4S o>*j'S4B>JT Ws doMvor any ocdoc of 10 kg avrvd «3bova LAU TRAONIQ COMPANY TEL 47f-11S4/47t11SS mUUmmmmUaaa i Pscker* «V Mover* Slavery of labour
      1,028 words
    • 87 26 Corrigendum With 'eterence to the notice put»ir»ne<s by Mr Que* Guen Poh on 4 July the tine which veyt "I. Que* Guen Pen. hutbend of tho deceased «n*h to then* Mdm One Kirn Lien for her eoneronly m not purvuing the unfortunate unconditionally to which I em meet grateful' *houM
      87 words
    • 294 26 NOTICES Notice is hereby giver, that Mr. Roland Liaw Yong Khoo Liaw Yong Kam, l/C No: *****32/F hat resigned with effect from 2nd July 1983 and is therefore not authorised to transact or collect any monies or to act in any way on behalf of tha company. Vimco Marino Pte
      294 words

  • sports
    • 498 27 Beng Teong proves he's got what it takes to be among the best MALAYSIAN OPEN BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIP LIEM'S MAGIC TOUCH The Star ONG Beng Teong must have slept soundly last night The Malaysian shuttler played eight exhausting games at Stadium Negara to eater the semi-final in both
      The Star; PICTURE: AP  -  498 words
    • 126 27 UNFANCIED Pan Zhenli of China showed top seed Helen Troke the exit In the women's quarter-final last night Pan the second ranked Chinese junior, was in an uncompromising mood The English girl, the Commonwealth and Swedish champion, was lethargic against her Chinese opponent,
      126 words
    • Article, Illustration
      414 28 Only the fittest survive, so she has to be No. l f MALAYSIAN OPEN BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIP The Star IN Mandarin Oian moans money Aad top Chinese junior Qtan nag hit paydirt by win sdag the Danish Open in her first international tnarasmoat Now it seems that this youngster
      The Star  -  414 words
    • 310 28 The Amazon' may not make a comeback because of her baby The Star IF you have been wondering why Verawathy Fa j ria has not been in the news lately, it's because she's jest become a mother. Known now as Hajlah Verawathy, the former world champion and Second
      The Star  -  310 words
    • 282 29  -  Trainer offers to pay for info leading to the arrest of whoever is involved in the doping of his horses Iffijium m •r TRACK STAR IPOH trainer Chong Keag Leong has offered a flt.tOt reward for information which leads to tae arrest of a persoo or persons involved
      282 words
    • 631 29  -  TODAY'S TRACK WORK 1 B J SMITH ag asa m sjabirj ummtffmitMm year m Irish colt Ontario caught the eye with a dashing gal lop on the track hi I poh yeeter day morning Ridden by X Vela, Ontario was kept on a tight rein but
      631 words
    • 128 29 Reuter HOB Gage roc* 11 Safe to victory la tae US$3O,OOO (SfSS.OOO) Santa Anita Jumper Classic Gage won ia tist second jump-off when he aad Sage completed a clean series of jumps in 26 80 Second was Graeme Thomas oa ffhoadyasf, a sev
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 341 30 Soviets splash their way to record successes WORLD UNIVERSITY GAMES AP EDMONTON, Tuesday SERGEI ZABOLOTNOV broke the European 200 m backstroke record and Irian Laricheva roanelstsrt a remarkable fear title freestyle sweep as Use Soviet Union s grip on the world stu dent games
      AP  -  341 words
    • 41 30 s 16 5 4 1 6 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 7 1 0 0 0 4 0 France 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 BraxM 0 0 1 W Oacmany
      41 words
      • 76 30 MARK McCUMBER cam* from seven strokes be hind to win the Western Open Golf Tournament by one stroke over fellow American Tom Watson today Oa the final 36 hole round here today, McCumber swot 66 aad 71 for a four under par total of 284
        76 words
      • 60 30 Reuter Tmpeh, Tuesday NEW ZEALAND hoot Sweden »4 82 m s playoff today after battling Is a 78 78 draw fa a first round snatch of sas aaaaal WUlinsn Jones Cap men t has faastaj 42-44. Mow Zealand's top scorer was Sua Hal who shot
        Reuter  -  60 words
      • 58 30 Reuter FRANCO CNCINI. who was seriously hurt ia the Dutch Motorcyle Grand Prix, returned home to Italy today after in Masai tae last nine days ia hospital hi Groningen The reigning world rhsmpsoo was aacoasciooi for two days after falling from hat Suzuki and being
        Reuter  -  58 words
      • 86 30 AP NEWPORT (Rhode It). To-day TOP SEEDED Hash Pflster. the defending champi oa. created to a 6-4. 6 2 victory over unseeded Bee Tetter ma a la yesterday ft rat roe ad of tha Ctem H M# i S,2, M M ler Fame TMM>to Eighth
        AP  -  86 words

  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 204 28 I TmSPI&APOIffi I TUC3OAV I Spot-the-Ball Contest $1000 to be won! i I Cut out and staple with other coupons f Posting instructions appear below INI IC nt: I |aa ana ajj pan ajj a. eat CUT MIRtJ sen sen J Cosset at ate parti of tuj excftng oporto picture,
      204 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • Article, Illustration
      370 31  -  SHOON KEAT SAYS HE SHOULD HAVE KEPT HIS COOL MALAYSIAN OPEN BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIF ■T SHIRISH NADKARIN IN K.L. SINGAPORE'S SEA Games gold medal hat Wong Shoon Keat, earned from the Mstoystsa Open badminton quarterfi east here isalwasj, ease he had oaty himself to blame for his
      370 words
    • 107 31 WHAT DOES A SOCCER FAN DO WITH AN OBSOLETE CLUB TATTOO ON HIS BACK? BEST OF THE SPORTS FILES Reuter CMESTIR (Erxjtand), Tuaoday SOCCER faa Karl Feaaey aad Us dab's badge tattooed serosa Us back, bot bow tbe team Is rttsekjj Ha same Feaaey s brother used a aerate*
      Reuter  -  107 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 135 31 A Chinese Pi«y« r talks about the survival of the /i m\ftJo Oncj Bono, Teong talks about how he conouorod 1 w« Woncj Shoon V Keat in the nuattar final FRESH MANGOES Sweet, taahy. ctohoous and *acy etched (ram Vw bast Orchards. caraMy graded and specwSy AIRFLOWN from PAKISTAN idea*
      135 words
      12 words
    • 28 31 Knllflr Doping: $10,000 reward offered ITMTONPtWM ObObObObObObV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbO ObbbbbbbbW S *l<»r«Oja» IBPNt spwsr odcuUjtof wt &m loiwMt powibto ivioml EMPORIUM (PTE) LTD. 101 .Mf> ttr^S4n«apon>oBl7. 7m *****00. *****00,
      28 words
    • 12 31 BLACKJACK TMnbWtir %Ta^ /72mno mmmMm < TMf WOMLO Of WOUTS SMOwnOOM NriMSMK Bs
      12 words