Singapore Monitor, 3 July 1983

Total Pages: 54
1 54 Singapore Monitor
  • 15 1 THE SUNDAY MONITOR M C (P) No 14/5/83 ISSN 0217.1325 Sunday, July 3, 1983 40cents
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 l&'pore chief censor suspended ynwY on p a p* 3 IRBCMIVBDI i i k v iiwli 1 HUnICTIOMSM AND R RACISM: Htw tM trMt MfMiM Reports on P36-37 -ffjW America's TV hoarthrobs a n t<t<tfl>lßn :iaaaaaaaaaa JuiSujS ISTiS*Two tof) Mo4rywo»d 3 pK«A l 2fi of MM) mo«t TV SMMS, Would
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  • home
    • 181 2 POLICE have MeatsSed tar womaa waa waa isaad ■erdarod lagslher with a 42-year-old maa •I Seletar Reservoir last Thursday She was her waitress Oag Aa Hoag. SS, a Malayeata waa lived aad worked here la the east twe years. Her family caaee dowa
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    • 451 2  -  GO ABOUT FUND-RAISING QUIETLY. EMPHASISE THE CAUSE, NOT THE CLUB, SAYS TRADE UNION LEADER ROTARIANS UNDER ATTACK AGAIN SIT YIN FONG A TRADE union render yesterday said that tae ■■■kiiantimajority la tae community regarded Kotarians as aa "exclusive group of selfish, wealthy snd snobbish individuals Ipaafcasi aa guest
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    • 154 2 THE university is not the place for the jMaaeatally timid or the mentally inhib- With theee words, the National University of Singapore's Vice-Chancel lor Dr Lim Pin last night advised new students attending the Students Union wakome convention at the National Theatre
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    • 427 3 He is alleged to have committed an act of some impropriety while in service THE Chairman of the Board of Film Censors Mr Chiou Chee Pern, haa heea seaaandad from his duties According to government sources. Mr CkJoui interdiction by the Public Service Commission (PSC) was
      427 words
    • 190 4  -  Under him they became cream of S pore soccer Picture and story by CHEW YEN FOOK ALL of thorn canto. Tho croam of Sin* gaporo's soceor plsysrs who had boon undor tho nation's Braataat coach, Choo •ong Ouoo, canto to pay thoir last ro* opocts
      190 words
    • 190 5 ASSIGN a co-worker to each of the drug addicts Cm are now employing to help them to rehabtlite, boaaaa takiagnert n the Adopt an addict ache me were urged yesterday The Singapore Ann Narcotics Association, oa its part, would assign a voluntary
      190 words
    • 377 5 Primary school teachers who are now... PRIMARY school teachers tend to be textbook bound They are overly concerned with covering the ■yllabasai aad meeting the examination requirements Even when extra classes were conducted schools were too ready to accept that the children had not learnt because they were
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    • 112 5 POLICE have decided to drop all charges agaiest the Basis Assembly, whose anashirs were arrested after police raided Ha priwaiM la Wareaaaa Bead The leader of the group. Mr Arthar Fax, §4. heaved a sigh of relief when police told aim lest Tharsday
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    • Article, Illustration
      370 6 Two bright ideas that bear fruit TWO ideas using durians and bananas praaaatad to Singaporeans bore fruit both ware immediate hits Although French pantry chef Denis Audouard hates the taste and smell of his latest creation a durian mousse cake it lit up tae lives of durian lovers.
    • 67 6 A SS-YEAR-OLD manager was fined $500 yesterday for shoplifting two pieces of underwear worth $35 from Metro Orchard last Friday afternoon. Son Heng Hong had been spotted by s security officer entering a fitting room with two briefi. He then left the department store without
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 Keeps your Qiaiiss up m ..Tm\ m] Leaves no ugly red marks on your aWn. Uniform weight distribution to avoid slipping or riding CAN YOUR FRAME [Ml PASS WIS TEST? f J||i Safiio Elasta can. Because only Elasta haa spring Break-resistant to grve you hinge, assembled (not soldered) of eight
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 42 3 v FRgDPERFY A it you game enough? "Who'll be urn pi re r "Juxt had it reHtrung" t rtH at ten n m rfrww m Anotherm?tof Virginia' m gm fV "Not *urprunng double* r after that ixilleu.' "I remind uttu (>f Mm)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 233 4 ANNOUNCING THE RETURN OF A CLASSIC LENS. HHH The one and only Zeiss TESSAR. HHUHUH Renowned for decades for its ircomparabJe razor-sharp definition and high contrast the Zeiss TESSAR is back again. Better than ever. Because it's now T* (T-starKoated, tike all the latest Contax-system Zeiss lenses. What's more. It
      233 words
    • 170 4 ttDATWA/UCTC^^ IIXPRjEN) US A /Conodo Nyi Kfy *H. $40*# I li« Mt* Ml KVMMf Anaheim/In\ Vrqa\/f r r\no/Son ftQixnto/ BBJ ■It DAT UM l*rtli4 tZSTfI Voo<ouv«f/MonQKo«g Dap: tv«ry >H. r M m TNI MAIfTIRH 114 OAT NKMTIEI WIST SlTtf ,A, r „> n „v« $Slt#l ImmAWUI "hlf IT t« v>go%/
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 81 5 PHILIPPINE PLAZA AT4f)O/»OFFT Bj The Midyear Bonus is Back! June 1-September 30,1983 The Philippine Plaza brings back the Midyear Bonus, now on its 4th fantastic year! 40% off on published room rates! A one-of-a-kind offer from the one-of-a-kind hotel. Come, share in this great Westin tradition. WtWNHOTIIS Phtppte Ptozo
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 118 6 EIGHT WARNING SIGNS THAT COULD SAVE YOU FROM DEATH BY CANCER^g)^ 1 A sore which refuses to heal J 2 A lump or thickening in the breast I I or elsewhere I j 3 Any unusual bleeding or discharge 4 Any change in bowel habits V J 5 Any change
      118 words
    • 45 6 Get relief from colds I with specially formulated Rbs coldtabto^>&F> .....FebS Febs contains: a decongestant to clear runny noses and sinuses m paracetamol to relieve pain caffeine to combat that depressed feeling vitamin C to build resistance Another infernal ional product from Boot* WfiV^^L\\ I
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  • world
    • Article, Illustration
      267 7 Manpower training the priority rather than the types, says navy chief Navy seriously studying buying the underwater warships KUALA LuMPUB, talus da| MALAYSIAN nary chief Admiral Madya Dates Mo named Zain Salleh said the Nary is seriously study ing the acquisition of submarines According is s report
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    • 106 7 The Star KUALA LUMPUft, Saturday MALAYSIA it oa Iks verge of aethers teg oa its first domestic anna proewctioo project with the menu facture af aa aaaaalt rifle Tenders have been called aad IS firms rsnging from established arms manufacturers to relative newcomers, have
      The Star  -  106 words
    • 74 7 A now woofcty column of witty sasswa tyy Ma, fasnays aessl tho not faswauo ASIAWEEK magazine in its latest issue retold an anecdote about Malaysian newspapers that Malaysian Foreign Minister Tan Sri Ghazalt Shafts often mentions at pubsc and private gatherings A visiting foreign dignitary asked Tan Sri
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    • 194 9 Moments of courage, desperation and foolishness J THE foibles of human beings, the toosariooes of some of their endeavours or tha amazing courage they display in nx)ments of dsajpsrstton are often seen not m the mam corridors of power and influence but m the side
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    • 45 9 Reuter NEW DCLHi, Saturday A WIFE killed betas* ssStj her year daeghter U Ossass Ist ttw westers laafcaa state sf Gajerat TW im dag l» i lm to neapi to* M wtow to Ttof to toiipito totortrt. susetss^^
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 107 9 Reuter LONDON: Magging victim Stephen Grace has been jaDed for nine months for I vine to protect his attacker Grace, a IS-year-old chef deeortbed es savins, a beert of goM told lies about tke day be waa rt>bbed In tke street attar takinf pity
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 73 9 AP Crswhard Dewfckss, Bj was r sentenced as late laaprieeeaaent yesterday beceeae she retnsed le wash his laaadry Prssnslw David Paget teed the OM Bailey crksaktei eeert DowkJae sseasressd frees Ms wßa, Lerthse, 4S, shortly after they were married, bat at jhw
      AP  -  73 words
    • 88 9 UPI fKXJmaiasOUTH: Mrs Rita Peake knows )s bargain when she sees see and so trad ed in her IS-yeer-oid Aaatin far USII.sSS car traders, F English and Co. wete aot so The engine and radiator of Mrs Peake'i old Austin were
      UPI  -  88 words
    • 74 9 UPI TOKYO: The average life aaea of a Jseaaese maa hi ISS2 was 71.22 years, the asngest re the world, according to a Health aad Welfare Ministry report released today The average life spaa of a Jaaeam wocnaa hast year was 79
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 346 10 MANY FACE FAMINE WITHOUT NEW AID UNCTADB3 Mlc UAl)l AP BELQBAOE. Set MANY of the world poorest na Ueas are famhse stricken and may go bankrupt without substantial aew aid, UN officials aay Tae plight of tke poorest af tha poor has been the
      AP  -  346 words
    • 108 10 HERE a a ass af aw af ass paw" aad atoir IMI trade aad aaaaaae HiSjiwaan aaaai aa UNCTAD tuu» ttca (aS Basra* ai US SaSsr*). SHUT AN Per rapata frmm ■■■■it* afsssst (OOT) tISk ispirn 111 assY haa 111 at par eaotta, haSSfSJ MS aaas|M-ajT
      108 words
    • 138 10 Reuter asBUMAOf, SsSurdey r laV.Tw stotk UN Voaierearr oa Trade and Develeeeaeat (UNCTAD) ssjggested that the "Green ef 7T awveiophag cows tries were aew ready reinctantly to accent s Baal package of ecoassaae reeoßsasaas falling lor short of their ailglnal Third World delegates lanetled
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 380 14 REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS AGREf ON NEE D IO IMPROVE SCHOOL SYSTEM BUI DIFFER ON THE. HOW AP NEW YOAX, Sat CX)IfPLAINTS over the Quality of American public education beset by srhat a presidential com tide of mediocrity become one tae hottest issue*
      AP  -  380 words
    • 161 14 Insect ventriloquists use Voice 1 to deceive pursuers Reuter Bftfllflft. ldM% CRICKETS, nature s violinists, arc also ventrilo- quists and may even act aa thermometers, according to research workers at a northern Philippines university Entomologist Michael Alocod said research teams at Mnaatasa State Agricultural College found that crickets
      Reuter  -  161 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 24 7 mm SIR INTERNATIONAL CHAMPACA mmm mum \\\\\\\\m mmmmmmmmmmmmU VMM. HBv The romantic male fragrance ofChampaca. I |1 In 111 Available at all leading department
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 161 8 mm rjfc m\\ Ba I BBBk '.iLt'Jstt BY IBY Barvf aB»« kir mr*P- t L^^BbBBbbBBBBBBBi km I BBk* W .gfJB H m»—W daWimmu m*-mmmm\\\\\ I J p^LV BBBffB 8888 aBBBBBBBniIBBI mmmf Jmm\ H PN II Mr* I I I PUF \bbbbbßßßßbW BBBBBBBBaw Bfl BbT >' 4W I v" .< l
      161 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 207 9 aHlTKttUaNOirl aaaBBBBBBB BBBBr eßjT""^nfßs BBBtaseVi W v ■era J ijv "nflfl |>9ri |U[ i life fl Li Mffl Hjbbbbbbbsl LibbbbbbbbbH LaTel BbTbW bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb tB *»^bbl Bm '^•STli.'■ -4BBaBaBI \__^^BW^^^\ w afl wag Caasirj al IM M4*Jl XSEC-S— t-j. •MrwaHprt 111 Iff 17JMf *-*w/ CS Haaaj SIS 7M SUMS mm MrwCS
      207 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 354 10 Look who thrir tTOftCTre at end af our raiiilxw SOME 07 THE WIHHXBB MBmm mmmZ Mm Pw| Knaa Mr Oh*** Bn< Quan ,WW C ICIBOI7BSA IC *****320 MSaa BwMtjßl sta Adas Mr Low Oaeh WhM Mda U* TU IC *****601 1C*****788 IC *****64 D Mlaa Oaf LUa Bag Mr Htliw
      354 words
    • 41 10 Keep Burr*Oa handy in the house! mm far a Lsrej J Lsasssk. IBomol't yesow mocscme Eutievios a an eflsctrve soofhrng antiseptic cream that protects as it helps heal minor cuts burns brtes rashes snd few**, mum-oni abrasions •»©auei **m \J)*p3r J
      41 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 316 11 One Day Specials KIWI aaaaaaaaaM mmm m W (3.7.83) meenaW MVMI B M Ammmmm m Toilet Cleaner PHI II K i(tf \&4 =—mjl 'Hi -2? ffflfl Only bottles per laaaaeiaeiaJ .ear*^sV a^ an f. S 1009 s'>2o Save $540 AAA BanS At Fitzpatrick's, Goldhill Square you could jw,*, B fi
      316 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 215 12 aft'* 1 f.j^lijyl »»Jf »->*»'WW LIMITED j*> fiodle-head [CO-SPONSORS J7*\ 4f v BIISSI syjE^TJ»«™^w« V \"BI EXPORT I arftK^ AwwJ I SHOWDOWN TOMORROW r I LB afl'i AT THE MOVENPICK RANCH month 3 A I I The trail cook don't take kindly to anybody trying to steal hit thunder Especially
      215 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 143 13 f^^ffMU m, warn. ,h, JT |tf» JT'^^Vnra,I ft *T» fck TO GET YOU GOING k\ fJ" 1 jfl wW <mi 0 CWumtaf 5«torf wit* jo«r iTN*t £M dmsi*u m WMl I fl M Vwl »*A 7»m—«rf /i4w«/ dmam*) \\u Br! W^E^fX. fJNPiQQ Ufl SB or OWr curt *«V unary /Yr
      143 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 206 14 M -AT Ml attLsaßiaTw *n 1 AW .aTaW mwtwmm^t i f'lT Jta «V X aW AmmmW m\\\\\\ \\f I Aw X i<W»> BBBawAW Am\\\\\w i.•*f > ■bm Lm Mm mmr J km m\\\m awtr. StaWssaaaY l 7 At At 1 At M^bbJßj| y aTA, M*^ Jtn *aT SH i AT
      206 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 43 15 WWW M m\\\\ m\\W m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^mm Mr- mmmW Lwr «bw! Lwr ■WbWbWbWbWbWH ■WbWbWbWbWbWH jfl Lv ■>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>■ mmm ■>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>■ Abb bw I LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVJ i mm WW mm ■bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVJ m W M LwbbwbbwH B 4sflfc. I LhhhhhH fl "fj m mm LwbWbWbWbbb! < TmW I swsbH <*WS)WS)WS)WS)WH 1 LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 42 16 Available from: Metro; Orchard. Gotten Mile, Supreme Yaohae, Orchard, Katong. Thomson Tangs Superieorr OG Elite Singapore Shui Hing: Robinson Qsfferd Centre FJ Benjamin Fashion and Leather Goods.* leading specially shops: Sole Agent BMI Pte Ltd Grand U*skPte Ltd Kon« Ming Merchandise. Crocodilarium
      42 words

  • weekender
    • 297 17 DIFFERENT AS NIGHT AND DAY BUT THEY ARE TWINS IPS btosw with teg Ms* syss Ami mm br*bsr brgj «ym "No os* caa actawny irtLd AJaartraaS^ "Passat taa atraat atop ia tasar tracks aaa* have ta Tks cswpot who Hvo Lstjh, snat white hath wars ssvvtae hi tks Roral Ahr
      IPS  -  297 words
    • 181 18 COOL IT theft pan of the me phMoßOohv of Professor X R Rao. a buildingt physicist at the National Univefsitv of SinaaDore He's a specialist whose work is st» 1 mTm mm mm %m —i —a* mm iO mm mmmm m wmm i ciosoiy invorveo wnn arennecture but
      181 words
    • 457 18 Improve building design and save An expert on energy conservation talks to our staff writer RAY MILLER about the cool buildings off the future STATISTICS about energy consumption in Singapore art ■adlanj But tbey all ■oil down ba a law choice aad hard facta. We are totally
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    • 565 18 Air-conditioning will hove more oonetthro controls. I IM 1 Lignong win do coiiuueeu try light-sensitive sensors which wiM adjust lighting intensity ss re Quired. Revolutionary gloss wW let Nght through but keep hoot out More double gassing win be introduced. Thoiiiisl insulation of
      565 words
    • Article, Illustration
      76 20 f^rtS^^Hi What's being done to conserve energy Singapore is becoming more energy hungry each year. And energy wasted on inefficient lighting and air-conditioning Just adds to the Mil. Our graphs show how much the PUB fuel bill hat gone up since 1971, how much it accounts for a
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    • 177 20 WHEN the Public Utilities Board (PUB) started in IMS, fuel oil accounted for 21 par cent of operational coats and taa bill waa a mere $11 million By IMS that figure had risen to 65 per cent of overall cost snd the
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    • 150 20 pritfittai far industry The benefits are obvious It can save millions of dollars and increase efficiency aa well. Two Anns in Singapore save made striking achievements in energy saving Siemens Components Ltd has managed to cut its fuel consumption by SO per
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    • 876 21 Despite Singapore's clean and green image, X X CHEN questions some people's gutter habits W Q>NE n CITIZEN'S VIEW ONE hot sunny afternoon. I was alroHhag among tha lunch-time crowd, quietly savouring how the seafront has changed since I was s child Giant buildings towered at every
      876 words
    • 562 21  -  A 54-year-old woman queries the value of exercise HEAUHWISE •f STEPHEN LANGER IS IT assrasßn far woesee aver as to lag. de Jonapesg Jacks snd htsap rope* lllhe friend toM me her harsabjj over fte. She takTa have Sidney aad bladder troubles, sine
      562 words
    • 691 22 Hard times are here for this poor little rich girl f IPS POOR little rich girl Tins Oaaasw is reeling under yet another chapter of setbacks ia the Greek tragedy that ia her life story. Latest heartaches, for the thricedivorced, still-childless heiress are
      IPS  -  691 words
    • 27 22 Arfatotlo Ontiwi 0 btoti0fi mm. Chnttms Ommmm. Tmm't mother gave An a big fottun* Brother Atmxmnd* dtmd ki« mjfiMoy *r
      27 words
    • 1433 25 Trade barriers race barriers fjfcffc B v^|§m r aS^ r «S <aSMBt<SlS**nW #fcna# nri-.f awi#ittß>»l SISnW tfjAfsvavM 4VH SSSSSJS> ■flfc mm! amsvtfi. ftUft tfsttM m«bM ullias Utt tissTil hif lit ItW host wsy Mk wlii suppA* fof pfotocttoiiisM doiti4stic««lty Mid to ■glint tha "•mmy" In trad* wars In to whip
      1,433 words
    • 126 25 IV. IntroJuc. an occasional series by columnist Thong which look* mt tho lighter side of lit: m Sign on shop earmarked for urban development Demolition sale. Everything must go. AT Even if night soil removal can be mechanised, it will still be manure work. ml The coming symposium
      126 words
    • 186 26 IPS ALTHOUGH ha has bnn band for 14 years, Hugh Mogorry haa Ms own apodal fntOM of eoeing tho world: photography m ms Rvnm nviywouniooa. ww wwy ww iwn rvcwuiiniun irvm uunn iw ntw iwi. ghndod) hnj c ia iSSS, aha* gerry, 39, ia probatory tha
      IPS  -  186 words
    • 546 26 «"> IPS IT WAS a race ■gasp* time to (roe the man entombed ia a trawler's upturned boll. The divers knew tbo boot waa slowly sinking and tke air was fowl. For 4ft agonising hours, a fisherman lay entombed ia a babble of air beneath
      IPS  -  546 words
    • 780 27 Italian banker's death still a mystery despite two inquests and a probe on his links with the Vatican MYSTERY 11LE Reuter A year after "god's banker' Roberto Calvi was found hang lag from a London bridge, deepite two inqueati hauative invntrigations into hia ties with the Vatican
      Reuter  -  780 words
    • Article, Illustration
      377 28 Why they arc America's heart throbs IPS HOLLYWOOD has traditionally been the htMrfiaker of America It v famous for its beautiful women from Hedy La ma it to Marilyn Moo roe Bat its distant cousin television la faat catching up aa a beauty factory, too. Aa American paper,
      IPS  -  377 words
    • 946 29 IPS lo«n TW« ajuta wtl t*41 y«u uutiat yaur ofcaaa*** 1. A large local BBBBBBJ aisaitaias for staff Pay aad coadltioan are good aad you re keen to get the job Before the interview do you a) Bom up on the company
      IPS  -  946 words
    • 213 29 Occupational biomechanics IPS A little known area of knowledge celled occupa ttoaal htnmerheMce" ceo bo need to design and ana lyae jots to make them more comnatltU with workers' physical f bMorlef hdlra Baaed on tee capabilities aad limitations of tae human body aa applied to
      IPS  -  213 words
    • 194 30  - MIX MATCH wmwem Restaurants are turning to winning combinations «EA<TING with VIOLET OON FIRST It was tho Amaricans who cama up with tha idea of chain restaurants lie Donald's. Oranoe Juaew wmm owe lees' nvwwvi www*rmm mw% aw* ww« wwwww www lius, Burger King, Pins Hut, aaafl jkAjeVj I aw
      194 words
    • 404 30 Jack's Place THE moat MM i aeefel Earopeaa type restau rant in Singapore fa run by a Hainanese who gives Singsnorooas |aat what they want Aad what they like is a good Juicy steak Bat what they like best ta to eat tale
      404 words
    • Article, Illustration
      82 30 Dish with a difference EVERY restaurant needs s gimmick to seU snd the SOUTHERN VILLAGE RESTAURANT has the beer crab' Mast be a aew cousin of the oYenken prsws. Fresh crabs are bathed in beer hi a claypot covered tight sod then steeined till cootred In the
      82 words
    • 516 30 The Village Group FIVE years ego ea Indonesian Chinese baa in seaman decided to opes sa Isdoeseisn restaurant along the East Coast Parkway with a distinctive South Sees romantic atmosphere. The place was nice but the food did not work. It took two years
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    • Article, Illustration
      532 31 An office career may be good for middle-aged women Your Family IPS FOR many people, mid-life serves as a time of reflection and selfevaluation, and can sometimes lead to anxiety over lost opportunities and unatUined goals. But s new survey shows that employment may be s stabilising force
      IPS  -  532 words
    • 355 31 A couple's life with a handicapped child IPS THE vast majority of couples who find out they have conceived a child with a genetic defect opt to terminate the pregnancy instead of bringing a handicapped child into the world But a few choose to have
      IPS  -  355 words
      • 430 34 COMMENT There's hast no plowing ssjasj people. Some f** years after the introduction of HUDC housing, ansae oaaaii have protested over the asses ef whether or not their homes Actually, it really does aot matter whether or aot they were subsidise*! (but read the
        430 words
      • 388 34 PROPERTY LETTERS YOU appear to have accepted the argement of the Ministry of National Development that beceeae HUDC Phase I flats enjoyed lower lead, lueeti eilauu aad administrative costs, therefore they meet be subsidised (SM, Jmm) 19) A those is aebaesaesd only if ita selling
        388 words
      • 600 34  -  NO insist the HUDC flat owners YES says the Ministry •f CATHERINE ONG THE Sunday Monitor in its Property Talk column laat month late* aaasSaaujoaolly iwvtvod a once-raging controversy over a aenaitive laaue The item in oar column aaaaaaaa "Bet your heart oat, taxpayers sascloose
        600 words
      • 311 35 AN EXPATRIATE who drives past tke place every morning on her way to work rang to ask as to probe into tke matter A stockbroker also rang to tape ass concern that if it tree, it'll deal a sbatterms blow to the property market and will have
        311 words
      • 132 35 THIS will be oae of the largest privately-developed Industrial estates in Singapore Henderson Industrial Park, at the junction of Henderson Road and Jalaa Bakit Merah. will have five terraced factory blocks, three blocks of flatted factories and one amenities block. Unlike
        132 words
      • 305 35  -  PROPERTY LETTERS PfcaM U Owmt nets should hove beaU sokl cheaper than the price I paid for a Phase II flat in 1971 St $110,090 For that price I could have acquired a private terrace house at that time except that I lacked cash aew bad
        305 words
      • 51 35 I NOTICE that the term "landed property haa crept Into common parlance to mean the category of immovable properties comprising detached, semidetached and terrace bouses. In fact, the term "landed property is wider than that It is another term for immovable property or real
        51 words
    • 120 36 TITLE: The Jazz Singer CAST: Nee* Diamond. Lawrence Olivier, Lucie Arnaz, Catlin Adams, Franklin Ajaye DIRECTOR: Richard Fleischer A REMAKE of s remake of tae Al Jolson original A choir leeder't soo discovers that show baiinesi is his llaa. To persuade his archetypal Jewish father Is
      120 words
    • Article, Illustration
      88 36  -  All reviews by MINGSY OUR RATING SYSTEM: w w w w w Worth missing the FA Cup Frues hx w w w w Worth missing ovvwr tor w w w Much bettor than window shopping w w Much better than Sesame Street. You I benefit more from Exercise
      88 words
    • 114 36 TITLE: The Swarm CAST: Michael Came. Katharine Ross. Richard Widmark, Richard Chamberlain. Oavis de Havaksnd DIRECTOR: Irwin Aeon AN ALL STAR disaster movie that is gradually depleted of its stars by African killer bees that meaece the US A pointer for this movie is
      114 words
    • 99 36 TITLE: Paradise Aeey CAST: Sylvester Stallone Lee Canahto. Armand Assante. Anna Archer. Kevin Conway WRITER awd DIRECTOR: Slyvester Stallone THREE brothers. Cosmo. Victor and Lenny Carboni struggle to survive and hopefully to leave the ghetto of New York City, 1944. Tke story covers
      99 words
    • 102 36 TITLE: The Producers CAST: Zero Moatai, Gene Wilder. Dick Shewn, Renew Taylor, Estate Win wood P9MCTOR: Mcl Brooks A BROADWAY producer seduces elderly widows to obtain finance for bis new play. He sells 25,000 per cent of the show, expecting tt to flop. As
      102 words
    • 119 36 TITLE: Bom to be Seed CAST: Lynda Carter. Harokj Goutd. Donna Waxes. Ptmv Starting. Ed Nelson WRECTOR: Burt Bnnc*erhoff THIS is a typical movie made for TV. It runs along the same lines aa the book. The Baby Brokers by Lyons McTaggart
      119 words
    • 312 36 THE late John Lennon wal be further immortalised in an euthoneed biopic Voko One gave rights to the proo\jc*ons of famous ta* show entertainer, Johnny Careen. Jane Fonda's exercise ptcyarnrne was a rave m Paris on her visit to the city It seems a
      312 words
    • 1118 37 [LWk uthor I 1 ■Um tlthot J PAUL ERDMAN hat been caNtd tha "Junti Bond of intamatlonal flnanc*'" and America's moot audacious financial novelist Tho IO-ytar-oid Erdman, Dvyin nil tuivi ii in# mv nnifs wore 109 is in inisrvisvoow ocooovvtisi foe uvS UWI 9fnfvyvig VOffifwHHi
      1,118 words
    • Article, Illustration
      334 37 TITLE: A Woman of Her Times AUTHOR: G J Scrimgeour PUBLISHER: Pan Books CATEGORY: Fiction THROUGH three continents, through two world wars, through love and pain and betrayal... Elisabeth Wlagate to a woman of her times... And you know it's going to be a long story. Scrimgeour's novel looks
      334 words
    • 85 38 Animal Antics SIPA Snowflake, the ten-year-old gorilla is quite unlike his peers his skin it a greyish pink, and his temperament usually "blue" when it comes to humans What the 1 96--metre, 91-kg albino gorilla just can't understand it why everyone has to gawk at him
      SIPA  -  85 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 31 19 v service W For det*4» write to F^^ m \mmmmmmwmm*' Lombard NoMh Central PLC Banking Serv<e» Oept 504 17 Bruion Street gafffj BSajew London WIA 30H England Tejfcapnone 01 409 3434
      31 words
    • 272 19 COOL IT how we're saving energy: Page 20 Buy now! And get this special Boncafe mug FREE with every offerpack of two 100 gm jars of Boncare Instant Coffee gHhv .edannnnnnnnsN ainnnnsftannnnnnW nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns BnnwJ^Wi nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnW aw nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnT 1 Junnnnnnnnnnnaw**' Bar wB hnr^^^^^el nnnnnnnnnnnx 1 Huv I W Cash prizes of
      272 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 41 21 You've enjoyed it in Irish Coffee, Why not enjoy it other ways? J.J. WITH *j| WATER fiS SODA W% ROCKS j j etc* I \K\ALSON* Jk 1 MWJtl»« ,t Jameson IRISH WHISKEY YOU LL NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOT VF FRIED IT
      41 words

  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 107 23 <mm i I 31 m€m\\ W ARE YOU REAPY, 1 FURRY 5155 V? I F F REAPY WHEN I ,^^^^^^^^^^f^S^ll>ni UL YOU ARE, J f Q^ZJ wimp J W WHAT SAY WE CALL IT I ft A PRAW, GARFIELP?! f M I'LL LET YOU 1 ■PTrl OFF THE HOOK 1
      107 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 176 24 ?R« E H L E «PTBUD H Dep (Every Monday ummmmw rmjm*s/rmm<m J mq •«■*»m c days $1260/$ 1550 S Zkib Office Hours: m a 2L -P—,. CM, CH t, B AVS $1499 W ANAHEIM/OISNEWLANO/ Sssl7 Mnr* Mo„Fn: 9AM 6PM $859 TAMAN/PENGHU/HONGW* LANOSCAPE SUN 9AM X JAAKATA/PUNCAK/ BAN6A6A/FATTAVA/ .2 days
      176 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 52 24 L«naßnßnnßnn%a%W m\\\\ I mW mW nave -amstormb. an' sterns, an* JK^flH^Vl j jyrTw 17 1 I bp*»SjSS J B I r r^^fS 2 I sT we'p like tz? «stum "awice ft« bucks I Hs it***** '-k^bbP^osbbl I L^^^^^^BB^^^BBj IV I j f \\\\m Kg TWO HisnlHß ■V^ k C WA
      52 words

  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 7 27 gfijrirflw wss tGS^F; %n^ ocMm wiyywiiSwwM? VBnhhhh^Q^
      7 words
    • 561 27 Sunday, July 3. IMS YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY: Tha president of tha Continental Conor cm, Samuel Huntington, and the marvelous film rogue George Sanders were born on thai data Also sharing your birthday: former astronaut and US Senator Harrison Schmttt, Uui musician Pets Fountain, playwright Tom Stoppard and the Texas Rangers'
      561 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 33 28 mm IhV LhV. Wjt r Casual comfort in black, white and neutral linen from the Gucci Spring/Summer collection. Available only from fJUOCI, Tong Bmk*ng Ground Floor 302 Orchard Rood. Singapore 0923 Tel *****28
      33 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 112 30 FOOD FOR r JADED ■J T PALATES! I I When you 're tired of mediocre J cooking, when you re bored with M M the same tastes or if you /ust want m R to spice up your food and give I ms a lift to your palate coma for
      112 words

  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 42 32 j IVMrKi KlKiwCilV TfOjtM /1 WL£^ r 4 P\ Jtj /nicer, Youre J i TIM PAr <A I km aaaaaaaß* Jk\\mV Laaar •> aaaT^HaaaD J I aaaawr^^a^^laaaai -T OLD MASTER CUTE S^-OA*. mm i^|H|QnkaW Setting tha scene -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW 1 ,—J» IM* U*«JM W^''n^
      42 words

  • Page 33 Miscellaneous
    • 41 33 M Every morning thousands of Singaporeans trudge to work or school on buses. In occasional series, artist Raymond Lee has made light work off this daily routine^H Atwi If Sia OTS 555 5 too 55 55 otw*te>e 1 prifclem SS I
      41 words

  • tv guide
    • 54 39 Vincent Tho Dutchmen (Tuoo, Ch 5, 11.10 pm) Michael Gough plays the ill-fated Dutch pointer Vincent Van Gough. who become Insane through despair bee sees nobody liked his works. He eventually ended bis life. Cough is also the narrator of the artiot's life story Mai
      54 words
    • Article, Illustration
      160 39 NEW SERIES The Web Ch 8, 9.25 pm) aartal Ml In Hong Kong, It MCi Mm offorIng of Rio Mtriopulor CMnaaa aoapa, Mo ttmo tram MKTVt Tho olory rwoNoo wound tho Hvoo of two young womon ond mon ond hoo a lor md dod cost thot hwktdoo Corol
      160 words
      • 432 40 'S HIGHLIGHTS THM HISTORY OF MR POLLY (Ch 5.25 pm) ALFRED POLLY Is s daydreemer sod s lover of books, bat unfortunately bis education was stopped prematurely in favour of an apprenticeship After some roars of being aa incompetent store assistant, his
        432 words
      • 288 41 THE WEEK S I I HIGHLIGHTS j Tnersswa Feaaere tpaosel The Craah of FMejht 401 (The, Ch S, 10.10 pen) THE giant L-1811 was doctored the safest aad moat advanced plane ever built. Yet oa Dec 28. 1872, it plunged into the swamps of the Everglades
        288 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 101 40 Just one touch National's latest NY 300 EN with OTR. one touch timer recording. This means when friends visit you while you're watching your favourite programme, one touch will instruct the NY 300 EN to record the rest of the programme and you won't have to miss a thing. The
      101 words
  • Page 40 Miscellaneous
    • 641 40 Lm aaaa? I.SO Opening followed by Happy Oa mwmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaajaaasaBSBSBSSSS l a§s^^ CLOSE-UP This week the cv* W./a/d has nventod nTM| Id Peas^KTaal strong storm powder n an attempt to mmm mf i KJ mm destroy tha Smurt y«age. but thts ■T. i|#J I kw| M%J wA I Wej U
      641 words

  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 108 41 mm H < eaeaaaaaaaaaaal #9 m Sony's Natural VeVjnder It's a Sony. The world's only television with the exclusive Emmy awardwinning one-gun. one-lens colour system. It gives you the brightest sharpest most naturalcorouryou can imagine. Natural colour. It's what distinguishes Trinitron from ordinary television. 114° wide angle screen 9 Econoquick
      108 words
  • Page 41 Miscellaneous
    • 457 41 3*oo foßoupod by fno Advon,,.EHSS!IW CLOSE-UP 4.50 The Way ta Judo: And AS For One. W 1 Ons day. Jian Quang approaches VI aSsaaaassV -^mm%. Jian for* a match and the letter wins Hi, A9M BY JM Angered. Jian Quang schemes to H eaa Lam .^Lee^'aeaaßWNeaw hove Vi Jian exposed
      457 words

  • what's on
    • 132 42 WOMAN PARACHUTISTS AND FORMATION FLYING TO HIGHLIGHT SAF MOBILE DISPLAY 1 aa> W 111 awa%% /in mm m mm k* a <*'«*- «a* a»a J FOR the Singapore Armed Forces Day, the SAF has organised s series of The Mobile Display is the highlight. The Display
      132 words
  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 96 42 Not* Tip***: 11am, Lit, I SO. 41, mm Fr*a LMM BEST ACTRESS I Mn zamm\\mmmmmm^K m^ l^m^ l*W v«ra LLataaaafjOßtft* AnwAA* Inrt Ma.W X CAPTTtL it« SOCWMi (*****40) 11am, 1 30, 4.00, 30, til No FYeo Uot Meet "Mr. Cool who rwide his fortune by turning a mortuary into a
      96 words
  • Page 42 Miscellaneous
    • 524 42 0*e«fe VMM iMtn (€1/11 MM (*****7) Old mrn a Own (C)/1 36. N. 7 00.6 II (*****63) QtH «Su» Own (6)/1 30 3 30. 7. 9 Carry an Onto (I)/' 1, 1 30 4 00. 6 30 9 15 Oata 0*1 aMS Own |C|/1 30. 3 30. 7. 9 IS
      524 words
    • 380 42 their families immortalised by either om oi thpc talented fcctltiinu ■iiiillUlfiflHHHi 8MQAFOHK QUWNQ THE SINGAPORE ARMED JAFANMI OCCUPATION FORCES STORY FIND out more abort life la Singapore VISIT the SinciDore Armed Forces JiPlim Occupation (1042StSV tSSZdSZ rt exhlCSTat twCatoee Wax um end get to know more abort oar y** 1
      380 words

    • 484 43  -  SYDNEY JOCKEY JOHNSTON GIVES A STRONG POINTER ferV PREFERRING TO RIDE HIM OVER MANY OTHER OFFERS ■y B J SMITH TODAY'S running of the $76,000 Queen Elizabeth II Cup over 2.000 metres st Bukit Timah. should be a thrilling affair with many challenges
      484 words
    • 171 43 BJ BMTTM MA ZMJM TAN MA TAN (MONTTOII) (ZAO BAO) (WAN BAO) bal 2 Oatf Muti 2 QaM Minim 2 QaM Mi IBjBM 7 Mm Mow 7 ftaaa Maa* I Li#VjdMrt Swordl SEndwMr. 5 Endaaa Mar. Mawl 2 Tmm Far %mmm IOC t 2 Tmm^ 10 CoNwwnd 4
      171 words
    • 1055 43 1 2.00 CteM 4 D¥t 9 1,200m (WHnjt 64-54) ttakM $15,500 I ***** NMrtoTMaatf 67 Y K No (11) 40B« WBM-K U (40 BBMM /JM 14/10 CM 041k T«mMB PlOOOi So MM Iff 1 IM «M 10/11 CM Mlk TmmM *****b VbrM MMm Jobm*" iff 1 120 «M 10M CM
      1,055 words
    • 4535 44 3 3.00 Class 4 Dt* 3 1 J«0m LmkIl (Ratings: 44-94) 115,500 SmQS i M 2^ E C^T57Tao»I^200g l M^ ValT«t0 i M 5/3 C4-2 M* OonnMy SiaPOg LmMmm IM 1J70 /M OM C4-3 SO* Soo Sl400g VMM IM 1 30 1 2 ***** OHM
      4,535 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2504 46  -  Peace Now smashes six-year-old record TRAINER ALLAN AND JOCKEY LUCAS SCORE A FINE TREBLE B J SMITH TRIOMPHE STABLE'S Peace Nam justified IM Ml favouritism by brilliantly win lag Root Poor and am—h Msg tM six-year-old course record In tM pro rata Riddeo by champion vmting Sydney tockey
      2,504 words
  • Page 43 Advertisements

  • Page 46 Miscellaneous
    • 35 46 FIRSTl *****8 ($4,414) SKCOMDl 1$1$0$ ($1,244) THIRDt *****5 ($$32) STARTERS <H50): *****4 1S4407 *****$ *****9 *****1 *****4 1$0$71 *****4 14$474 1$4442 1$4$73 1$$$30 CONSOLATION ($100* *****$ 1$S$7$ *****3 1$$$27 1$$434 182$$1 1$$$$$ *****J *****1 1$37$3
      35 words

  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 870 47 •\\—W IMMJ uniaci MT mw mm\ mW mm mm mamw tmw mr rum, is mm Paws** nn^iu mkt mmm m M ftw /JJ -mm, Mr mm\ mm m mmMW »im»*.. <•.•.....! »>«>,•• aa* Hf PgVM V V "JM bj km mm mlm ctnvri a> mmi wvmay V M*# J W
      870 words
    • 251 47 Or ace Florist 114-0319 itoneyiand Ftawora/OrH*. 01-19 Parfclana tPppS tAaM 139-3544 Joaons Ftorwt 000-0200 ~9Qmm9 spißßsT Capua) Bast 221-3309/221-391* Garden City Bost (Garde Ice cxasm) Otk 21 Owlrom Pork #07-221 *****43 Adrian's Cane Furniture Ca P/l Bm 4005 Depot lane. #01-91. t 0410 273-0229/273-0234 Sock lim Ind A Co 747-2347
      251 words
    • 286 47 Kwang SfOthnrt 445-0475 Kirn Joa Hunt TrdS Co 214-4917 tons Tack OMs Const *****91 (specialise in leak as* A ronol voii. Interior Doc or 447-1042 (Hwctaeao mi portit A ran Wtpp LOP inter 440-2490 Power at* Agency MO 9100 Profossrono) launWy 217-4M12 Mag.r 0 Novelty Shop 331-0090 fisa Taa
      286 words
    • 217 47 Ah Fu Optrcai Service Ow. 21 #01-221. Out ram Park. 1(031*)??? 3730 Ai Mu. Optical 753-714* Feoerai Opt.en Co Pta ltd M Orchard Sd. #02-17 Plata Stnpapura. Si 01? 31 337-7011 140 Ocotts 80. #03-19, 3rd fir. Scott*. *****2) 211-9131 170 Orchard SO, #02-03. 0(0971) 733-5222 Foo ta* Optical
      217 words
    • 239 47 Ng Instant Print** «ll Tanyap Co 774 4J44 ;i4*o;i Alia* Security far* m-f*7* Mlimoil Pta ln««ttiaat'On |> Security Ag lllil'l lllll" (?4 hi ant war in a 337-ms. aaa far Harmon Singh mt*«t*c Pi* Ltd 773-074* M Salomon Sec ur m-*M3 Ma.nguard Secur TPS-SOO! 13 Prep Invwtl Sa* I 447-3*ol
      239 words

  • sports
    • 403 48 Suspended soccer trio are left out of the national training squad WORLD FRONT PENANG "S impiolia soccer sUrs Chen Wooi How. Ahmad Yusof and Haa aamuddin Hassan novo been left out of ttw notionsl training squad pending an appeal by tho FA of Malaysia The throe, who Last played
      403 words
    • 20 48 MALKEEPEfte, Aruiauaaja», WaafOd ■MoWsldsrs Q Toeawafe l^eraa^veesan., Fo*warde Fund Hasssn, Weatwdl afeaart. NUirojow, mo mi mm\\ mmm mmm
      20 words
    • 212 48 PAHANG s Zainal Abidin could be back in a Selan far jersey in the Malaysia Cup next season Selsngor team manager Maslan Datuk Harun haa offered Zainal a "very well-paying job to lure him back from Kuantan Tho Malaysian daily. Now Straits Times, quoted Mr
      212 words
    • 87 48 Reuter STOCKHOLM, Saturday US Masters champion Sever iano Ballesteroa of Spain and Britain's flick Faldo hit back fen style yesterday after a di laotiuan start to the Scandinavian Open gab! championship BaUesteros. seeking bis third victory in the event, improved IS strokes on yesterday s first
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 87 48 AP 0C» *ie^e^Joa»Oe^^ar l *e(oatn4o*aatOY BRAZILIAN soccer star Pal cae said ta a pettished hater view yesterday ho won find to renew Ms contract with Italy s Renaa Ctnh becaeae it s the only team that caa make mo wocM champion "I believe if 1
      AP  -  87 words
    • 84 48 Reuter NEW ZEALAND'S All Blacks clinched the Rugby Union toot series against the British Lions bore today, outplaying tho tourists 15-8 in wet. muddy conaxtipaj. Tho victory gave tho All Blocks a 1-e lead in the four teat series All Blocks captain Andy Daltoa said
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 32 49 I OOLT WORLDFRONT Four month pregnant goiter Nancy Loom* la put m an ambulance at tha Baaconaftakt Qott Club, Montreal, on Friday attar hawing atomech pam*
      32 words
    • 54 49 PROTEST f\m mm i m %ft m t- n mir4 m F tmmm K)6mnmU*mmi AiWim f 4#W mmffmfmftl l/9ffKMtmUWmW9 pwVmwMm #sWOTWf r JOwMftf OUt9Ht9 COwfHfntOft 9 LrWtWttOfTmmMwUi 9€9iM\Mlf ttunntj opwrnrmg cwi mtmjimmm rv» www Lffwrwf WI/ Uf/nfi on rnamy. vmwimwn nmm m conanamtit or mnuwntm fMm> in.
      54 words
    • Article, Illustration
      447 50  -  Squash and Zainal Abidin synonymous with Singapore fe COMMENT by KEN JALLEH Jr MENTION Singapore in Port Moresby or Tokyo, and they will think not of Bugis Street, but of squash Talk of squash standards in Malaysia or Hong Kong, Indonesia or Thailand, and they will inevitably draw comparisons
      447 words
    • 413 51  -  Indonesian ace aims to qualify for the Grand Prix finals MALAYSIAN OPEN BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIP SHIRISH NADKARNI LIEM SWIE KINO hopes to win the Malaysian Open Badminton Championahip, and thus keep his hopes of Qualifying for the pro Kennex Grand Prix finals alive la this, the inaugural year
      413 words
    • 144 51 WONG SHOON KEAT and com aoay got their firsMUwte of what when they haTea extenalve practice seaaion kx ant aeernkeg. the 10,000 capacity sta dsam. which ban a circular sky lighted reel, threw ks eieaty of sal oral an the squad had
      144 words
    • 235 52  -  DUNHILL CLASSIC ■y ERNEST FRIDA THE Poh family aad a field day yesterday when they walked away with the professional and amateur titles at the Dunhill CUaaic golf tournament at Warren Golf Club Poh Eing ('hong 27. the professional at Parkland Driving Range, came
      235 words
    • Article, Illustration
      119 52 Erica Gieson flexes her muscles and +4 beats 8 others Ist ASIAN WOMEN'S BODYBUILDING C'SHIPS IN the struggle to reach the pinnacle of female mascularity "Supermom" Erica Gieson from Australia emerged the winner of the first Asian Women Bodybuilding championship held at the PUB auditorium last
      Report: PAT D'ROSE Pictures: MOHD ISHAK  -  119 words
    • 170 52  -  •y PAT D'ROSE SALBIAH MORRIS, who was booed off the stage by an unruly crowd in last year's National Women's Bodybuilding Championship, returned In triumph last night to come out first in the second national meet held at the PUB auditorium.
      170 words
      • 61 53 SPORTS reporter* are getting as )ad ed as tennis players la an attempt to liven up their reports they are resorting to such special effects as 7 Though tho Labour Party is out of favour in Britain, the left will be heavily favoured when McEnroe
        61 words
      • 57 53 THE no-nonsense Wimbledon off! rials are at it again. In the latest Incident, a private from the Royal Engineers oo centre court steward ing duty during one match eased hia way through the crowd on tho terraces and demanded that a youth hand
        57 words
      • 58 53 WILL Billie Jean King. 40. ever quit? Quipped the spirited veteran Ask Nureyev to stop dancing, ask Sinatra to stop singing. Then you can ask me to stop playing The oldest player in Wimbledon haa given her much younger opponanta a run for their
        58 words
      • 57 53 1 mS/)y. AUSTRALIA, which dominated Cup competitions for the better part W of the post-war decades, will play I Romania in the world group second I round from July 1-10 in Milton. Ana- I tralia I John Alesander Paul McNamuO, Pat Cash and Mark Edmondaon have
        57 words
    • 531 53 The trig M gtuat" are silent, and now the tattle for the Wimbledon Men's Singles Tennis Championship Is between a gutsy New Zoalander and a feisty New Yorker. MEN'S SINGLES FINAL: PRIZE MONEY *****,000 LIVE TELECAST AT 9 PM CHANNEL FIVE TONIGHT JOHN
      531 words
      • 117 53 AP KAMOBt Bator day SOMALIA km dissolved the East African country s No. I soccer team and suspended Its players from competition for one year bee suae they instigated a nationwide play erV strike. Mogadishu Radio reported today. Announcing the move. Youth and
        AP  -  117 words
      • 104 53 Reuter LOS ANGELES, Saturday UNDER a barrage of photogra Siers flashlights Los Angeles ympic officials yesterday sent out invitations to the athletes of 151 countries to attend the Summer Olympic Games nest year. Under Olympic rules the invitations had to be sent to tha
        Reuter  -  104 words
    • 188 54 Navratilova ruthlessly demolishes Jaeger 6-0, 6-3 WIMBLED AN &i TENNIS 83 MARTINA Navratilova. tke defending ckaunpioa aad top sued, completed one of the most ruthless Wimbledon cam aniens hi hastory today when she urn afjihnii fellow fiwliaa Aadree Jaeger M. t-S In the women s sfcagtss fkasL
      188 words
    • 30 54 MARTINA NavraUtova'i only pritlii awfcag mm mmm tmt •ecetuf gaax laat as H m*4 eariieVta .m-mmZvmmt kta place eeaeVaaasae aaa aae eaaae pirlieaily ctoa» ta aaftauj naaaaay mHm ttto
      30 words
  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 239 48 cl««»lfl»d DURIANS GUARANTIED FOR RICH TEXTURE AND DELICIOUS TASTES Wa dwwvtK My OHmt of 10 *f aood mwt, LAU TMPtlifl COMPANY TIL 470*11 §4/***** M aaaa a*»r marnvtOMMOLt oanmwr\ un* Oenon racorrtoWyw gJGßjftg fc* *no"oo* okth* MbTww awr trntevaaawa vau* 1100 tar a» and too to, 146 ea> rooaa pwow
      239 words
    • 8 48 Accotrwtmotution VmXMMt %oJa" ca?aiaiiao^ Property few Soh? APMTIeBIT
      8 words

  • Page 50 Advertisements
    • 200 50 SPOT THE BALL TtlSfw WWfO HO OUt- 1%%%%%%%%%%%%%^^^^%]^^ rigjht wpTtoof in cootaat AO which mm\\m ran from Juno 19-26 f^^^^^^BHM^3p*^Hns Tha conaolnSow prize of Ba»**»aas! $500 ww ha aheswd by Biß the following people oxaSoj A fL wm^r^ m who marked dwv epot ctoeeet to #w) exact can- w H
      200 words
  • Page 50 Miscellaneous
    • 661 50 E Spot-fhe-Bali Contest 3 r SlOOO 110 be won! j I Cut out and staple with other coupon*. I Potting instructions appear Detow a IHitu I I NIK TO.: J ml I Is a. ana CUT MaTM It's so easy! Starting today. Tho Sunday Monitor and Tho Singapore Monitor w*
      661 words

  • Page 52 Advertisements
    • 113 52 For that top of the vvxxld feeling... J"—* GRANDSLAJvf|Lj j Mr'mmA Msds mi AustrsiU) i_ MSt''*! Th« •allusive spoM shirt* in knockout rsnoc ot stylet I anVaw a°d fine knit tjorm mill Jlm9§£ at Joe Sport* 4 t Jakarta ttnompon SttnUy S Co »0? ?1 PtnrmM Sporting HouM '< p
      113 words

  • Page 54 Advertisements