Singapore Monitor, 5 April 1983

Total Pages: 31
1 31 Singapore Monitor
  • 15 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR 30cfrf First Edition m.c. (p) no. tmm !88H0ai7-ia» Tuesday, April 5, 19t3
    15 words
  • 939 1 Vietnam and allies prepared for confrontation with Asean if offer to hold regional talks is rejected, says Mr Co Thach By MICHAiI RICHARDSON !he Age Newspaper Melbourne Reporting from Hanoi VIETNAMESE Foreign Minister Nguyen Co Thach has warned that his government and its allies in
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 ALL PIE 6MVE INK MJUIMEIILI SMAPPEI UP it cm. SBVMfffc Pap S The secret agony of Gary Coleman See Page 21 imMwttt tate V«af ZAINAL ABIDIN BOMBSHELL AT BAST ASIA SQUASH CHAMPIONSHIPS Back Pas* COOP FOOD GUIDE: See Pages 14-1S TV ft mmm PifM n-a Swlaalßl TMtt: Ptfji 28 StanaCMte
      57 words
    • 7 1 Th.ii jt»ts hit Viotn.imcsr troops: P.iqe 8
      7 words
    • 62 1 m 9 Iwl mmmwmTmmT uJ?* DOTsJMAY THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF TENNIS RACKETS J KJ aOAQPHO Snff end tltonn twm IBT cfnntnd *nd pwtoctnd o¥Sjrtv>y%\, ooty '■vel rT«o(M in th#) world nttM««HM«m»pui I wwMtog to how mm •mm mmnm rnolwt «fth both BaaeS hands do* to 24 cm nTu*r»»iii»iittoiMt I
      62 words

  • opinion/ letters
    • 368 2  -  YAP YROW WOON NMMNMB WVi I REFER 10 tho letter 'Foot pupils who wore treated bee criminals from 'Lara' (SM, March J) We have sstsblwhad that the incident referred to by 'Libra' occurred aa Feb 9, 13 st shout S pm. Three secondary
      368 words
    • 90 2  -  (MRS) LIM KIM CHAR Aest Pnhtftc Remthvnt OhTkcec, Nitlinil Unrnry PLEASE rotor to the totter by UnwawaJ' (Sat, March M). We wtoh to peast oat hWeh dw^'^t^^ad^S It w aanaJly wary hard to mntotasa aheetote pence and ejutof durtof this pertod. Attentats
      90 words
    • 277 2  -  FAIR-PLAY, Shrejnpere Mil I AGREE with the HDB that owners of subei dined public hosting units should not he allowed to reap huge profits from their resale However. I find the HDB's imposition of a M per cent
      277 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 41 2 OF MOK4THS, THarlS* WO*4'T .W«YOHfc 1 V I Northern Southern I AS I Indian Cuisine Meets for I I your pleasure at Ajanta I m mmmm m p\l I I 15th noor Chambers Building I I Cecil Street. Singapore 0106 I
      41 words

  • home
    • 197 3  -  All 48 units in Phase One taken up by civil servants By ANG PENG HWA PUBLIC applicants hoping to get an HUDC maisonette hi Phaat Oaa of the jsrestis>ous Pine Grove devsloptnent near Pandan Valley will have to look elsewhere All 40 units have
      197 words
    • 87 3 Pino Grove I Total number of uniU b) UniU for public officers c) Units for public applicants HosjBtng s Maisonettes 41 u Nil Apnrtaai m 1M 184 Pino Grove II a) Total number of units b) Units for public officers C) Units for public applicants i its
      87 words
    • 191 3  -  B? YEOW hall SON SINGAPORE AIRLINES sad tha Malaysinn Airline System have reeche duled their shuttle service between Kuala U TwTfirst d now las was at f 30 am instead of 04» am and the last flight to the Malayaim capital from Singapore is at
      191 words
    • 61 3  -  ■r K. K. FONG A HOUSEWIFE was cheated of ISO by a man who went tnhsr hawse an Seaway aad nrwasised ta get her waa a en heard a ssnp He added that The taken asawjo Swee Reed. The maw twee ewaeeeartd. He believed to
      61 words
    • 834 4  -  CAUTIONED STATEMENTS OF ACCUSED READ OUT IN COURT ■y SIT YIN FONG OBI SIN GEOK TO Mr Adrian Lam, the principal accused hi the Ton Payoh ritual killings trial, the killing of small children was his way of taking revenge and getting even with the world
      834 words
    • 92 4 ADSUAW LPS, 41. SS> taß* MUI CHOO. XS. was af Last, aneswntnyed HOC KAH HONG. 17. aeaerSjad as Law's njriSrtend Sen Is She wiaew af Mr Law Nana Haa. XI. Taa Shear Tsa Payee Bat as Jaa 7. ISSS. Tiai joasrr ottajiaaia THAT they eeesssltted ■arder
      92 words
    • 200 4  -  ■y JALIL MISWARDI MOSQUE committee members haws welcomed the idea of using money collected from Muslims for the Mosque Building Fund to furnish new mosques as well as build them. But aourcea in the Muslim Religious Council (Mais) say it Is not able to
      200 words
    • 127 4  -  K. K. FONG POLICE sre trying to JdesAJfy oftwo The first man. aged be*wees SI snd 7i. was fovad under ts* pndestrian brklge in front of tke People's Psrk complei st shout 11.Si pm on Sunday The man. who bad an- Pobct/ lnrHiil him as
      127 words
    • 126 6 THE Prime Miasslir, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, met s 14 member US Ownjrsmlonal delegation at the Istaas yesterday Mr Lee. accompanied by Dr Tony Tan, the Minister of Trade aad laaaatij, aad Dr Yeo Nbsg Haas, the Minister af State for Defence. Ran hour diacuaaing
      126 words
    • 125 6 PRESIDENT C V Devaa Near j lit ii icy prafcHi reaadag fivefold. Urn .km |||.r r 1_ wvp uvi rati mvi primary and sacoadary Taa PniHial, apeekkag at the oaaaaaj of taa laetitute of KdacaUoa i lath aartvarMry coaror TeacherEdecaUoa, aaid aad and Til of It
      125 words
    • 131 6  -  •t CAROLINE BOEY NEWLY-QUALIFIED liarhin ofton find that awhw from the woAdo? htaet rnmplahi that the trahwag they get w leadmmmm *> cwjnwj 10 uonunaarauve lasts, aatpssj^scav rUaaar^aM^ A paper aatiuad Follow-up Stadias oa IE Students, PrasantsJ by DCs deputy director (Academic) Dr Ho certtficate
      131 words
    • 80 6 GRAPHIC aad ulterior liileairi om find work ia Saattpore at ranawaars, rtod^u^al^ 7 Mr Yoom Ak Soo. bead of the Babareddia vocatioaal laetitete's Appueo LNwaraneat, aa y» 17 OMtav fered aa wjmSi aa kaao-a-mowtk etarttC oaatawara are tke first la araaaaafftaai tke Vocatioaal aad laaW
      80 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 158 3 ,MM LARGEST I HOME SHOW! f Jm IX HaU 3, World Trade Cealra K*OT 9-17 AprU 1983 *****011 10 wLW F Everything for your home pkii valuable prt*« to be won. and lots of Am far the whole hmly> Admleafan Free to chldren under \2. 9*** 12 •how you taw
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 141 4 ALL YOU NEED IS A LITTLE WALL SPACE AND YOU HAVE A NEAT ALL-WEATHER CLOTHES AIRER. MM rr— ax »nmmim W 1 jHLJ lyfJl aasssaasx L [jfl m* %l I I BiWasasasasasaaasL 1 mLi VJ ~JEKsi!i I ARTWEGER TOVVfL RACK I Pleasant decorator colours Sizes 60, 80.100.120 cm DecoritPlus M—
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 211 5 Canon Feature for Feature The little extra time spent comparing will save you so much time In your work I f]b~' v i' The typewriter Write down its features you intend to buy and compare Canon APSOO World-beating Features m\\\um mm-mm m Text storage of 32.000 characters m urm (cepprcwimate
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 187 6 MM From outside fms mm osrtcub/ duplicator Mm may same Mm wuh mm dupmzator Mm there is a vast deference Mm If you MM quaky and performance Mm that other comes Mm close to it MM The Germans have Mm given Roto Offset the Mm SMuprnzity m operation MM control
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 49 7 Alitfle sweetness v adds atottolife. rMilm \HfMi lb Life without a cookie? Impossible. Love without chocolates? Never. mmm A world without sweets? Unimaginable. TM^^mjyjy A party without a pastry? m Wk m j Mdji WOUld never aIIOW it. pISH Wf't* fcrri matin* tyfe a /im> suwfcr since 1916 m
      49 words

  • world
    • 437 8 HANOI FORCES TAKE O-SAMAK, 25,000 FLEE UPI, AP AAAMYAPftATrCT, TuMiay ROYAL Thai Air Force P IE fighter )ets bombed end strafed Vietnamese troops holding s narrow stretch of Thai territory yesterday hi a ma tor aacalatioa of the fiveday old border battle. Meanwhile, about lie
      UPI, AP  -  437 words
    • 91 8 UPI NrCOSIA: Pears of aa oil price war have "faded away pretty definitely hwa the background, following Opec's acceptance of new British prices, the authoritative oil ie Sui-veyfhfEES) said yesterday It said the proposals by the state-controlled British National Oil Cnip lay which "clearly have
      UPI  -  91 words
    • 60 8 Reuter BONN. More than 400,000 anti-nu clear demonstrators took part today in 11 rallies la major West German cities, peace naovement organisers said. Despite the large numbers involved, the day peaaad without major incident Police, ho water, cast doubt oo the figures issued by the peace movement, saying
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 62 8 AP RANGOON: Government troops killed 285 rebels and lost 90 of their own in a dry season offensive from Jan 1 to April 4 against the country's welter of insurgent groups, the state radio announced yesterday. The radio said that in S4» clashes. Including II major engagements. 24
      AP  -  62 words
    • 36 8 AP BCUtNQ: Thai officials from the Prime Minister's Secretariat yesterday met Chinese Foreign Minister wu Xueqian, China's Xinhua news agency reported. The group, led by Mr Uthaiari Kohkongka. arrived in Beijing on Saturday. AP
      AP  -  36 words
    • 159 10 AP AJftMAN (Jordan), Tut* KING HUSSEIN will not offer to npfiil Psles tinians in talks with Ura el hased on President Ronald Reagan > peace plan, sources clone to rllecussinns between tne Jordan monarch and Palestine Liberation Or ttlatioo chief Yasser at said yesterday
      AP  -  159 words
    • 31 10 BmW VErV TnfeafrV pOOplt WnWV Off StWVtwn?)' MnWltvepy wtMpf uWw# w*tw*#ofve%n#Of ffl# SO€l*m\hO(W Ce'WwfCwJttl* off e^eV^swTdenT 1 w9e9Wwv* iwwWwt wT%w9 ow*eV€wa m m}fw\\W cV ffN4ws? 4Je%w*W PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  31 words
    • 124 10 AP MAMLA, Tueedey PRESIDENT Fir lata< Marcos indicated yesterday the Philipaaaaa baa a right to freely ace wtthoot ftmanraa control the "aid" it gets for allowing tbe United States to keep military bases ia this country This and the powers of Filipino end American
      AP  -  124 words
    • 275 10 UPI, Reuters ABU DHABI, Tuoodey THE chief of tbe US Coast Guard arrived yesterday to join tke fight against a massive oil slick threaten bnt shore installations snd marine life in the Persian The arrival of Mr Charles Colbert lo Abu Dhabi came
      UPI, Reuters  -  275 words
    • 204 10 Police open fire at militant mobs AP NEW OEUt, Tuea TWENTY-TWO people were killed end nearly 100 no anil I when riot police opened fire at 11 places acroaa India's Punjab state isotatdaj to scatter militant Sikhs blockading highways, reports said Thoussnds of Sikh
      AP  -  204 words
    • 37 10 UPI BELFAST, Tuesday THE swtlewed Id* Biaaalltaa Amy (IRA) yesterday ■piliejiit km bJUwm •£jmr-mM Pretests*! aad aanilh Mr Jaaaaa McCsraaeet waa gwawed dawa ay sestet tie jglTgf Ll/ L'Jaai SREM «!< Obm ■JrL HcOaraMck Ufi
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 401 11 UPI CAP! CANAVERAL (PftMwtaLTwM AMERICA'S second ■pace ahadtli flnwaWJM or, rocketed into s safe ISVkm higk orbit yester day on Its mallen flight, carrying tbe world's largest nnd moat powerJgT aat- "Challenger hi wader way," reported veteran mission commsnder Paul Wests as the ship
      UPI  -  401 words
    • 187 11 UPI WA8HM0T0N, TMM THE Jastice Depart dajTuiat Ouwnw'teanM star He Na, who defected to tbe United States last July, has been granted asylum In the US The government s decision ends months of nncertainty for the lt-year-old woman tennis player who defected to
      UPI  -  187 words
    • 192 11 AP NEW YORK, Tueeowy GLORIA SWANSON, the silent Amen cnn movie queen who became the epH ome of Hollywood 1 long-none golden years, died yesterday at New York Hospital after a brief illness She was M A tfTW**- for the hospital said tbe actress died ia
      AP  -  192 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 100 8 SEC COtOWVEmNG PAL B/G PAL D/K BECAM D/K SECAM B/G NTSC M MTBC 4.43/336 VCR No other colour TV takes more systems than NEC. And no other colour TV makes them all look so good. a NEC TRUE COLOUR FROM THE LEADING EDGE OF TECHNOLOGY Sat* §4pM 100 Pasir Pan
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 359 9 Otfkxal FkYn of OWdalFfcTnof the Los Angakrs ™VttT' 93 THE SINGAPORE •Bg|| Jfr MONITOR k Who vviU be the 12 th SEA Games champion? Track the winner 1 in the FUJI/ 1 m Singapore Monitor is mm Jm $20l)00/- Big Event. jprn^WaSeWl Rnt Prize &<tay tour to .iXx^ 50mm f/1
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 110 11 rK)LAPR<X>F" Look for the Titoni quality mark thars going j places. Watch out for the unique POLAPROOF* quality seal on the back of each Titoni Watch. As the watch is lilted, the Titoni flower trademark appears, changes colour and disappears. It's your guarantee of genuine Swiss quality. Each quality Swiss
      110 words

  • business
    • 156 12 SU planning for St SS million la capital expenditure la tha ISSS-S4 ftnan cial year Almost half tha money will go on six 8747 atratchesj upper deck aircraft snd equipment while a third will provide for four ASS* Airbus aad equip- The total approved coat of
      156 words
    • 386 12 M G sees higher insurance earnings MALAYAN Motor aad General Underwriters (M A G) protected to reap insurance earnings of betwsea $2 million and $S million annually If It comes under the MBF Holding's group. Investment analysts noted that Malaysia Borneo Finance Corp (MBFC), the group's subsidiary which w seeking
      386 words
    • 195 12 The Star THE MAH-MEGAT group's deal to buy 1.9 million shares hi India Malaysia Textiles from the Birla Group of India ia off. leaf tax said the two sides failed to reach agreement oa tha purchase af tha lt d per cent stake la DuT despite
      The Star  -  195 words
    • 293 12 Fuel and oil cited as main culprits THE outlook for IMS--84 remains weak. SIA says in presenting details of its budget for 1903-S4 Global recessionary pressures hare not eaaed while fierce cornEm en us, the airline says la the latest banjo of Its bouse magasine
      293 words
    • 206 12 GREAT Eastern Life Assurance has proponed a one-for-one bonus issue which will increase the company's issued capital from $12.1 million to $27 0 million The Stock Exchange of Singapore has also been ask fid to approve the Incrasas of Great
      206 words
    • Update
      • 53 12 CYCLE and Carnage has complet ed the tale of its Q.% million ($ll million) loan Stock in Newman In taatriss for CI million la cash The reduction la the provision created afainat this investment will be dealt with aa aa extraordinary gain hi tha accounts for the year
        53 words
      • 44 12 SINGAPORE share prices closed narrowly mixed with prices moving uncertainly oa buying support aad profit-taking la selective moderate trading Tha Straits Times Industrial index faU ltd points to Mi tt The UOB Composite Index closed at Jit #7. up 6 71 points
        44 words
      • 46 12 THE Kuala Lumpur Stock Ex ckange haa asked Rothrnans of Pall Mall (Malaysia) for tke expected of. fact oa its profits of aa offer to partlriaaes la taa ssvislmial of m> proximately 111 per cent of Car Uar ktoode for US$2 I million
        46 words
      • 55 12 SELANGOR Properties says Malaysia's Foreign Investment Committee haa approved Ma restructuring proposal subject to the valuation of assets and pricing of shares This will be determined by tha Capital Issues Committee and the proposed allocation of shares under tan special iasue to bumipair ss being approved by
        55 words
      • 33 12 Reuter BANK Nagars Malaysia said it awarded MfSO million of 11-day Ttssaarj bills at an average discount rats of ft.ttl aar cent, ap from 5 077 per cent last week Reuter
        Reuter  -  33 words
    • Article, Illustration
      84 12 AP STOCK price* gave ground again yesterday In a carryover of tbe selllog tbat bit tbe market late last Analysts saM there was nothing especially striking In tan economic news to account for the pullback The Dow Jonas Average of M Industrials slipped 1.42 fo close at 1.127 fl
      AP  -  84 words
    • 306 13 It proposes to take over a property firm and two construction companies IPOH Garden proposes to make a special issue to bumi putraa and to acquire s property company and two contractors. Although its shares were auepaaded at tha company's re quest pending the laafiaac'rgoTwind
      306 words
    • 144 13 Rights and bonus issues by I P BLAND wad PeeJaeular Develoeaseat pcoRW rights aM henna kwaes after re pact-Pre-tax. grtxw scef* was Ml 11.2 sailllaa mmm 2 Mil 7J asilhwn. to P revto vw After tax. greep profit was MS*. I sail Iteasgateat Mf II I mUitea nrevteas Taa coasaaay
      144 words
      • 94 13 JACKS International taw turnover fall and losses rise la 1982 which it described as "a difficult year Sales at $111 95 million were 6 per cent lower than the $118 2 million in 1981 The loss attributahle to shareholders rose from $1 44 million to 12 46
        94 words
      • 109 13 INVESTORS who have taken SPK Sentosx shares up 11 19 so far this year found little cheer in the results for 1992 Group loss was up from II 78 million to 12 52 million. All except 17.000 was incurred by the company, which lost $1 55
        109 words
      • 42 13 TALAM Mines shareholders get a second interim dividend of 5 per cent despite s loss recorded for the year to January SI. The company was $113,000 in tke red after posting s $312,000 profit in the previous 12 months.
        42 words
      • 40 13 PAN Malaysian Cement Works has been asked by tne Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange hoe much it paid for its stake in Cycle and Carriage the rationale for the acquisition and the expect ed effect on profits
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 86 13 I Qs€eartiest 6bnsmtulations a i PUVARIA PACKAGING INDUSTRIES Cft 1 lon the Official Inauguration of the Company (6th April 1983) a From the Board of Directors of 3 CX Ernest kino ■esss? pte ltd 1 I 315 OUTRAM ROAD. #1506 TAN BOON LLAT BUILDING SINGAPORE 0316. *3 NEW YORK HONG
      86 words

    • 162 14  -  SBC's new TV series titled What's Cooking? makes its debut on Sunday BOB IT VIOLET OOH Dear Reader, Art yoa oae af taoee people waa has always waa ted to leara to cook bat coald aever dad time ka SBC has got jest the aaawer
      162 words
    • 466 14 RESULTS of the Watties, Air New Zealand aM Singapore Monitor Gourmet Circle Coataat The First Prise of a return air ticket to New TealMi, fear eight's accnmrnodatinn, a tear of Auckland aod a surprise tour la won by FLORENCE LEONG of Bedok North Avenue
      466 words
    • 167 15 MAKING its debut lest week was a aew Thai restaurant (above) called tat Thai Seafood Centre on tbe fourth floor of the Tanjong Katong Complex Seating let. the huge restaurant offers five private rooms complete with television sets for the comfort of
      167 words
    • 233 15 ONE would think that cooked-at the table dishes like fondue and the Chi nese steamboat are tbe fsjlhaat things from people's minds In thai hot apeA But where food Is concerned. Sings poreaea lost dent care about the suit ability of weather This must
      233 words
    • 79 15 IP you r* a cook who s always hatad peeling and chopping, garlic, there's help at head Do you know that bow you can buy pure, fresh garlic concentrate In bottles? Mawafactered by Hilroy Poods of Australia (pic tured above), this fc supposed to be pure
      79 words
    • 1231 16 SBCf MW CttttHJ Mtswj dm aJp Bl "I'VE got a wary I good gut feellag abowt una aeriea. TMre's a warmtb aad frlttdliaess abowt It tad I thto* I cm A m m »W— saieiy say inai toou waa aw universal laagaagt that hrnogbl as all togatkw tM
      1,231 words
    • 676 16 HTHJS hi what tne particinating cooks have to say shout What's Cooking: Mrs Dorothy Krwhnasamy, St, home family M <»**M She baa sppserad on television over ltd times dating from tea 1 fid's, and It nnd always^ been to demonstrate cooking on Laat
      676 words
    • 657 17 WHERE TO EAT WHAT better way to start off a day than to have a good breakfast? We have lined up 10 places for yoa to have a hearty buffet breakfast. Thoy are restaurants in hotels within tho city. Tho prices include 10
      657 words
    • 710 18 HELLO CHILDREN, How have yjQMu cooking experiments Thai weak why not ho more practi cal aad learn something that caa be aarvud to your mother, father and family for aa evening .sack or for STUFFED DEEP FRIED TAUKWA v a very aaasuswjaj
      710 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      112 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 280 15 awawawawaV fa saw. W Wtt^ wantS* sVA XV Wm\ g^gl^nf^oK *ji rj?m&3m Faawl L Tw^^aaa. 4 1 ItgW dawPsan' m Thai Royal Seafood for a king's palate. Now majestically prepared for you. f |HBBB^n The Sea-Food Theatre serves by our delectable models. Tho Luncheon Qfl ;W j tantalising seafood and
      280 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 79 16 to Shaßiusk —AT 'wwn. Sink iwse ■•#1 slwsr hi ymm own mm* mmm. a mm* vnlwiv. 4/nf wtmti tfm itwt&B fimotty hit yoa, lot your tiSoumhtt mWf N**e SW AN** of Wf THUNOEtt BIRDS Mm your hood. Drop m 11.00 mm to 1.00 mm mm mmmkmmyt mm to 2.00 mm
      79 words
    • 81 16 LI Experience our speciality traditional Ri|sttafei fourteen exoec dishes served m a regal ILJ manner by a bevy of lovely maidens The complete course include fish cooked m bumbo IIH or special sauces, your choice of mutton, beef or chicken prepared mas many ways I^H an spicy and excitingly delicious
      81 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 145 18 I ll' I i ii| Wednesday and Friday at LunchtJme Fabulous fash ion and food beckon. Every Wedrwjsday and Friday. In a different show and mood. Tempt yrjurseff with our spread of epicurean delights while we bring you the latest fashion in town. I BwVsfekA mm%\\ mtmmm■ i I -SS
      145 words

  • leisure
    • 780 19 Agnes Chen has come a long way from the time she popularised Joni Mitchells Circle Game to getting a guest role in the television epic Marco Polo. Her friends ted us that she is a simple person, easy going, warm, sincere and still
      780 words
    • 604 20 IPS CLOSE friends of Onry Coleman (pictured left) hare wasted taa agony the haa been^going postpone h% second transplant just two days before his 15th birthday friend who works with the youngster aa Dtffront Strokaa He had waited for this day for so long
      IPS  -  604 words
    • 180 20 CBsf Pwataf mMtUmt aajwatafj trom NBC tor new TV tUrn SIPA Press ITS been II yean since secret agents Napoleon tees and DJya Kuryakin saved tie srorld for NBC fas Tee Man from UNCLE. New, another network. CBS, has grabbed tha agents
      SIPA; Press  -  180 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 108 20 r Has Purify the air you breathe to 99% pure. With Dial-An-lon from USA. Noaolive ions from ISOOOV «e«eralor Kf finent i Hp* ii v of up In 10 080 cv fl (900 cv meler| apnea was A«l|utul»lr ion iHilpul from low lo high Prm llcully maintenance frM Remove* dvii
      108 words
    • 42 20 I Annual Sale! I 31 MARCH to 30 APRIL I <$Cu\ U P to 3°* discount I I 4m\m\} on garments and I I 100% CWnese Silk II y0 f/f i c* Open from IH I vrtl frit *m to 6.30 pm
      42 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 161 21 Ii 4 1 I now 4rvtßtabit at tpocW -ONLY oftMpffe^ Controls heat, glare and fading Raduoaa alrconditioning coats Makaa glaaa araa^-raaistant Improves outdoor beauty Maintenance free Easy application seff-adheerve 3 colours: Grey, Bronze, Silver SUH-X r&fjg PTE L7TJL 471 Uop aararHjoon Rd S'porv 1963 Cbr SUNXFILM CMI 2****** Tlx RS
      161 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 863 21 tv tN Opening MtoMi fey IMgem |r) (CV tertam you wlto Keap SmBng Ul Afternoon btonn Ow Vio and Tie Y eSow Rtton Nb(P). Twotoemeerfltry loeolvetoeceeeof Sm HiQhlyhti tfn BMv BibyiMV. j 1 mS^SITIS B^ l^iffJl^|,, un t>lll iq, >?»■ >mn?* "yf, 'Mwwground boketetomkastad laptt(custard levered pics. Toploo fto week
      863 words

  • tv & radio
    • 276 22 Channel 5 Highlights anatawwawanafcanTwA 4m awwaawnted) wW«Jweewwe BTv v wTfla^ru (11.11 pen) THIS it th* hfunaajaw of a six part aerial which combine* mystery, ro"TThj by Claire Clifford) weddinc day She is a quiet, sen siUve girl and haa doubts about want hag to get married The
      276 words
    • Article, Illustration
      130 22 Channel 8 Highlights P4nrto To T!f»teot*» To4eoc f £otdwOf, (10-JO p*n) After Hart s sbibi i mfsl sttempt to taka advanLsjjsot J*dy (ValartoCurUn). Hart is op to his old Ho a of eoors* working ■swhaal Viohst, Doraio* sod Jwiy Roa, his infatuated any. is on the look
      130 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 319 22 tYYY'VTan 1 aeT^aa 1 awhk ***** P9J Peopla. Ptocea and Wees hhade and topical talk 1.00 Nbws 1.10 Pick Of Tha Pops Wrth Lynette Loon. The tope In pops horn tho start that make today s chart along udtt o phono In and our toaturts 148 Focus On Woman: with
      319 words
    • 407 22 1190 PM Your UOaanMal 140 Newt lowed by FYop/anuno Summary 7.11 1.t9 Your Lunchdate (cored) 140 Mtt-day Everwig Digeet 7.10 Scara Report 7.40 Market Report 1.99 Your Lunchdate Your Special Day Requeet programme (contd) Ml On Tha House 1.00 Nawu-hv hoahsd by Arthur KJong 0.10 Your Hoot Brief lot On
      407 words
    • 412 22 TMATM PUMNOVTNU (*Wn* Mb MMM««M<M»/1S0.4 00.00O.01» (*****7) omrnt o» lot m* (Cyi so. 3 SO. 7 00. 0 00 (4MUI3) CfMf TMMMMK1t.1SO.4 0O.OSO.O1S (*****00) •Mi OMMMlMdM(CVSSO 7 00. ft IS (*****7$) Oil<» TM MM MMM |C)/1 SO. S SO. 7 00. 1ft (S*****0) *■—I NMH MM (CV7 SO. 0 SO
      412 words

  • leisure
    • 342 23 Discard that old bikini and choose from this new range of beach-wear i TEXT: Pat DHose PHOTO*; Ckew Taa rook MODELS: Aodrey, Andrea, Leslie, Kelly aad Waa ARE you wearing that same bikini you bought warn afo at a alack clear anci aabt? Aa our wmnun" ara perennial,
      «*•(** <mtA  -  342 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 54 24 :i plaz a"^T5 j j j g swam LwaVwawar awl awan \^snaw buvtafwahw-bwlicto* SJ BJ IT TO TM LIMIT' LUCKY DRAW pj W\ 2iMwa. Oa~e~~d by B^l/JJJJSf;!S \m\ Tf mm ■sii^iiiiiiiM uMK: oWHYI WMYI (iIIIOMI t OMOwa at ttwa, 1 JO, 400,0J0 0 sJOaas iAN f UMfIGS "Diamonds Are fOtVVOI*
      54 words
    • 170 24 A (7)*****) !&gt;&gt;•■■ Mart V*" 4 eo*t A Xr— —~out to ooiiTnACTtiAL^to ©I— WATCH OUT POO no PJfTUNM BaiAOCtatMT. 'P I 1 a^ 1 ACADEMY X AWARD B X NOMINATIONS I X Qiuioir miiimwiA lawiiK aa -«..«.»«*»..&lt;•- eseeaaai^ws^BHU^M^^w «tt«AMTw«T« I A QRAMO OPtiHma, TrOJRS., APRIL 7 A X WINNER OF
      170 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 380 24 Tickets at IS, $3 aad is are and Chiaoee. available at the Caatral llnnkiaa The exhibit loa is open from It Office (Victoria Theatre), Taqp un to P 01 Sunday. SHONQ KEY Superstore aad CoM Storage. CISNATOWN Admissioo is free FOR Moor oartotj oatartata- ARE yon totarootad in tko (ro«ta
      380 words
    • 673 24 CHMFBC QKOMANCY tattoo by parti rlpaali FIND NUniM Ckteooo f*o- •«*&lt;*&gt;*" maacy at talk ol tko NaUoaol Mao- lor n urn tkaatntii Imiiimkim you aro interested, call Mr noMa Enohra U9 will talk on tka Mb- at MT4IW dart* o«lco Joct at t.N am aad If am. boun TWa la
      673 words

  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 153 25 wwura/oonmcs jgRQEAKT PROTON OF THE YUKON iy Dow gtifwood md 9*n HunH IAnchorA6f 9sr. jack rweeroN I that's on* thm# you Icatcmin® sad uquon AMP CPL RMietA M0«ec0»pc... I CXDWT 00 WCLL peoote«s is ahotnbk', 3J our A horoscope N ■y&gt;MiCU.JI -..&gt;**■ V J «2?£?«£* |Bi i tv |p|p X
      153 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 458 26 Am\\\ IpS?" -1 SSoT V mmm. .mSmmmW .mmmmmmW .mmmmmml Ammlmmm. i ,&lt;- ©mimm*- m**" —fl m _fl Ifl ST!»r" rLAV IMI»«mIi&gt; Mmm BJ I mmm! A ATI B I &gt;W r i mi Lavfl mmm- Lf ah Lm Lm I mb. nm V mpw« nmh vfl I Tfl H A
      458 words
    • 119 26 Orror B£Sbow mTTmMHi i a» in ill ian, SaV* p4y^4MMo^S^aipaT^4Tpo^ apra^^wa^tor (act TM 004 &lt; m 74 007 May and pMM} tor fay OMce Emmpm+nt 0 ftOla»4»l •Off roMO mm+rmm earn, mm. Otoy a ptor aapar oopar Mo4T77o^'* M?4OM &gt; P^ AkSoVO aTf AOOWOVV 4?^a«MajMrtoMPM^ &lt; aail»»to SVaS PtJ&gt; SOO
      119 words
    • 85 26 OBITUARY 1 \gmrn tor VP SCAM SAN MQJAT AM 41 on fmt tmrntn mmmh Loo Quart, Cottn CorMu, movoo 7, jWgjjll SWMjg «tr Mo»jm Vemort CtiMrtirwM tw Tuuriiuy, 7tH Apr! Itt» at 1 pm. m Mimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mmMmMmWmmimmmmimm IMtr $111 BARGAINS COLUMN If fom taw* mMm wkKi Mf—«ci. Al yaa tan* w
      85 words

  • sports / racing
    • 286 27 Singapore punters will not be able to receive 'live' telecasts of race meetings in the Malaysian capital THERE is still no likelihood of direct telecasts of races from Kuala Lumpur despite an assurance given by another newspaper, and tbe $100,000 Saltan of
      286 words
    • 378 27 XII stum s b\ l» I SMI I M VERSATILE class oa* geldlßf, Whodaalt. is worth foUowtag after Ms Trained ia Paaaag by Yeah, Wlbsdaaat at only five years old, has had a loag career. Proas ST starts he haa five wtaa, tare* seconds and
      378 words
    • 371 27 SUNDAYS Sanaa af S*&gt; UMajor OoM Cap carrying prtao money of* U a battle of the ckampi oaa wttk a glsmour fleM Lad by last seasons Horse of tke Year, CMMMMI Special tMs liberal nasi wttk foar Eagof aaMaaTaMMaea m* It
      371 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 258 27 273-9090 ATMDITNm ssbmbssbssmb^ RSMABMJTATIVS IN T aVIMISCS 'ppMritliM art anrMatj frotn aaMaMi awlotlit atrataa Mr mm hliwaaj iiHlii WORKSHOP INSTRUCTORS (MALE) Osnsfsi Wtjidkig Ctocwicsl S/lrtwQ for tat Caraarattaa 1 tirHhail aaaaaaa far iaaaalta. tiiwJta ta taacMag AtUat, Wiriaiip lattractort aaay aa ISpMW| aarfana pwSMMM eatJas. Maaeef Wetfe a? m^lLtomUfaJl (l)
      258 words

  • sports
    • 1030 28 Ranked third in the world behind McEnroe and Connors many think Lendl is the best ■urrcariEWß. STORY PICTURES: IPS IT WAS a eight aot many peoate ant ta aaa: "Ivan Lendl the Tat 11 baa af llaa tenuis cnurts, tha
      STORY & PICTURES: IPS  -  1,030 words
    • 389 29  -  But will join Singapore team in tournament WOMETO CUP 1983 •y SURESH NAIR SINGAPORE skipper Meianie Marten* travela to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow morning, for the Inter Continental Cup women s hockey tournament, despite a recurring ankk injury Tie injury worsened, following a nasty head-on clash with an opponent
      389 words
    • 451 29  -  •y PAUL TAI JFTENDRA KAMDAR, Katenna Tatgamdes and Pctra Reinecke am three of the moat lm preasive junior tennii players emerging from the Cttiaan Cup team tnarasmaat this year Kawasaki a team unpicked aa a serious conleader, walked away with the team champion
      451 words
    • Article, Illustration
      52 29 JOGGERS, bath men nnd women, young nnd oM. frees Philips Singapore taking part ha awalk ond run event. Organised by Philips Sports Club, the half aa boar Tho oMoat walker/runner woo C 2 year oM. and the ysnngut 17. Tho picture shews the nftornoon event atarthag off
      52 words
      • 132 29 THE selection of the Singapore teame to the Nomura Cup and the Putra Cup will be booed on throe tournaments, it was announced yesterday by the Singapore Golf Association This month's Singapore Island Country Club Open championship at tke Bukit Course, which is open to oil golfers
        132 words
      • 89 29 FORMER Singapore soccer captain Seek Poh Leong, who left on Saturday to attend o nine-month specialised soccer cooching course in West Germany, is learning to spook German aa well Before joining the Physical Education College at the University of Cologne for the coaching course, he
        89 words
      • 121 29 RESULTS of the second round matches of the Inter-Constituen-cy Netball tournament played on Sunday were: Serangoon Gardens bt Bedok 26-13; Punggol bt Tampines 35-9; Tanah Merah bt Jalan Kayu 33-9, Qwaenstowß bt MacPherson 19--15; Toa Payoh bt Siglap 12-4; Potong Pasir bt Ang Mo Km 27-8. Whampoa bt
        121 words
    • 470 30  -  NFL"83 ir SURESH NAIR KAXJ BUKIT: 0 CBBBBB to Tiong Bahm* Good bye to Kaki Bokit! Such were the emotion! to this National Football League First Division snatch st tbe Ja lan Besar Stadium last night between two teams hooding totally different High
      470 words
    • 288 30 HIGHLY fancied Malay sis Ctp holders Selangor ore, not whw'woro tho first to book their respective quarter final berths over the vmekend In tho Peninsula's moot prwjtigkjus Tie three "early birds" who have aanured themeervea of a place In the last eight are Penang,
      288 words
    • 87 30 FOOTBALL Association of Singapore council member X 8 Msntrtstn mm 11 elected aacretary of the ntagjaiinfi Business Houses Football League for the record tSrd year at their recent annual general meeting Tne otnar SBHFL office-bearers for the IMS-is season Dr X C Koh
      87 words
    • 26 30 P W D L P A Ptj f. TecrHary SS M 27 24 SS SI St SS SS ts 22 24 24) S9 St
      26 words
    • 166 30 FIRST DIVISION P Ttaag Basra CSC IS Tuhwl 14 F P Dysassss IS ChMfi CSC IS PwSa&A Ferrer Part IS CsfcrssBI PC** IS fcafcj Basil tC 14 W D P S4) St IT 14 17 It II 14 II A S I 14 IS SS 14 II
      166 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 52 29 For an annual subscription of $110.00 you got a fMr Polaroid M5OO camera (worth 1129.00) FREE H f r&gt;C\\ you S4*b*cribd now to Tho I I in oak I H Of nw wHscn rs a trip foe two to H I &lt; —Pincn your ntsnacrlptlon ot&gt; I 9Mw now nrttfi
      52 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 175 30 I MLWIUR IJ^aJ Cut out tod staple with other coupons I Posting instructions appear below Meats: Sea: Age awaajttaa H N.t.l.C Tit: i WW j||L Dl FILL IN MISSINQ I asmnF "'Ti LETTEIIS m\\\l* rd ACROSS USIMQ j J CLUES MLOW CUT HIM CLUES FOR QA-3 1. Part of one's
      175 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 211 31 I AST ASIA SQUASH C H AMPIONSHII'S MN lAI II H Jr ,-.p t ff ..m POR T MOMI SO V A STORM ia brewing bare over tho seeding for tha Eaat Aaia lathi deal men s championship which beBoth Malaysia aad Japan
      211 words
      • 65 31 Reuter RIO DC JANEIRO. Tuesday: The Brazilian soccer championship seemed destined for Sao Paulo state as Use second round ended Inst night with Corinthians, Sao Paulo, Palmeiras and Pole's old club Santos the favourites All four won their qualifying groups, as did Ferroviaria With
        Reuter  -  65 words
      • 82 31 Reuter MUBmn Five women's world record holders from East Germany will take pert in an invitation swimming tournament starting in Nanning. southern China, on April 6, the organisers announced yesterday Four East German men are also competing in the tournament which has also
        Reuter  -  82 words
      • 111 31 UPI htOtfTf CARLO: Mats Wilander. showing his potential for replacing Bjorn Borg as Sweden's hero, scored a flushing 6-1, t-1, 6-1 victory over unaeedad American Mcl PurceU to capture the US$6O,OOO (about SfltOOOO) first prize and the first Monte Carlo title of his tennis career
        UPI  -  111 words
      • 64 31 Reuter DERBY: Champion Jahangir Khan of Pakistan, the world's leading player cruised to a 9 3 9 5 9 3 victory over England under 23 international Steve Bateman in the first round of the British squash open here today. Jahangir. It, has not been defeated
        Reuter  -  64 words
    • 201 31 SINGAPORE aquas* ace Zainal era of Use crucial final claaa against Malaysia whan fee complained oTpaia in his right srm here last Zainal. Singapore s No 1, aad o certainty for o point in every match, cut his right hand whilst opening a tha coo oo Sunday night
      201 words
    • 180 31 PUP open a a copy of Taa Singapore Monitor! Ii l■ lug edition Later today aad chancea ara yoa 11 bo reading abowt Singa K retaining tbo Eaat Aaia toam UUefor ilxth time witb a win over Malaysia But tbe text and tbe
      180 words
    • 126 31 LONDON, Tuesday LIVERPOOL overwhelmed nfiartiHir Clt* 44 to move another inexorable step closer Ue t bsenr ,Uifc mmmm Graeme Soennss net them hi front with a 2Sm drive into the and M *denetSv ing for Welsh striker ianFtuah, made it 2-4 en the stroke
      126 words
    • 146 31 pwnr APM Mm IM MM PotmI Wm* "Urn On win Mm Or/ MM I MM 77 MM 4 MMM M MMII «MMM MM 4IIMM M MM IMMII II MM IMMMM MM IMMMM MMMIIM4I M MM 7 It MM M Mil tMMMM Mltll MMM 41 MM 4MMMM MltM IIMMM MM
      146 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements