Singapore Monitor, 30 December 1982, Afternoon Edition

Total Pages: 31
1 31 Singapore Monitor
  • 17 1 2\i> ►I lrl l lO> THE SINGAPORE MONITOR 30cent» M.C (P) No. 1675/82 Thursday, December 30, 1982
    17 words
  • Article, Illustration
    428 1 Two million Americans sleeping in cars, under bridges and on riverbanks INSIDE: YOUR Ufa —KIN VI DAI PULLOUT AP AMID rising unemployment and a deepen tng racaeMnn, am estimated two million Americans are sleeping oa riverbanks, un war bridges aad la hospital emergency rooms Many are living
    AP  -  428 words
  • 94 1  -  GANDHI AMBALAM Mr aw ■■■wj we bmsb| tup-ieirsri aseetsags to caeca ea me veracity as ""a Foreign> sanbesmss say Shssyfee' 1 teT™ Ur n' "We have la look aale use veracity of the reports eu^seene Tht totest' repwrta saM thai Prtece to wltheVs't htodi? leas
    94 words
  • 61 1 A DOO owner of seven thoroughbred dogs was charged ia court today with causing undue suffwbag aad pain to them by i nafuswg the dogs la three make shift kennels Mr Ngian Kirn Tee, SS. of Queens Street, was charged with the offeace Backer the Animals sad
    61 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 STOCKS! Pcgt 14 I FO4WX. Pago 14 □LATV ST ■NOLISM SOOOCt) StMLTSi Page 32
      14 words
    • 95 1 w Intotxfcjdng the new Tfca new Bo— 601 Series II Direct/ gj- ■SSm I i St *t- nt Louoipiwii i» \nm nr»i ma only spooker witri the Free Spece errey This revolutlonery technology treee the drivers mmWm m m M mm m mmS m i— rrom me connntt or me
      95 words

  • opinion / letters
    • 338 2 H, Uf I T A M )N(, METRO Grand made just one mistake when they displayed the SSW 000 Lam aorfhaai Coentach LP 400S as The Ulti mate Gift for Hin M They did not provide a salesman Beine aa impulse buyer myself, I looked round Tor someone
      338 words
    • 293 2  -  YEO TONG HAI Singapore ltM THE issue of moral educatioa ia schools has reached a worryiag stage. Moral values or moral truths are not objective values or objective truths and there are to laboratory tests to prove that some Chinese school teachers' objections have
      293 words
    • 371 2  -  WANG QIANFA Singapore UN I WELCOME the recent Government move to introduce Confucius ethics and moral education in Singapore Although it has seen much public discussion recently the Confucius System has been imbued in the Chinese educational systems for many decades Tat inclusion
      371 words
    • 258 3  -  WONG KING CHEN President Singapore Work I WROTE to the Traffic Police for awtsacas to be kept betweea cars at various rood speeds aad received their answer as follows: SS km/hr 24 metres SS km hr 24 metres 70 km/hr 47 metres SS km/hr
      258 words
    • 150 3  -  IH.IM irs KHONG TECK KIM for Director of Civil Aviation I WOULD like to clarify with "The Young Ones" (SM. Due leV that the majority of international airports do not give concession to children above two years old. If a concessionary rate were
      150 words
    • 210 3 Sue every nmmi mtiet get be Hnuv* •n In Ms own way Frederick the Qmat of Prussia (1712-1786) TODAY is Thursday, December 30th. the 144 th day of 1982 There is one day left in the year HIGHLIGHTS ut history on this date 175S French forces
      210 words
    • 122 3  -  MISS ANG FOB INN Public Relations Officer Ministry of Labour WE LIKE to thank "CANCER RISK (SM. Dec 2) for hu concern over smoking and Uttering by tan public at our Work Permit Division. With the large num bur of public calling daily at
      122 words
    • 100 3  -  CHAI YOCK ENG (MBS) for Permanent Secretary (Education) I REFER to the letter headlined Recongi tion for private school course" by Mr William Wee (SM, Dec 9). A private candidate sitting for the GCE O level examination for the first time must pass a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 176 2 Get a new slim look. Is your appetite spoiling your diet plan? Just take one Mirapront-N capsule in the morning and keep your appetite under control all day long Mirapront-N is an effective diet aid which you can buy economically. So you can lose weight faster. For your diet to
      176 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 191 3 awawaußWS awaP*^v*'' m 1 ggs aw sSlk' aawsSansl 1 0 J[4 Bv^^^^^^^WaawawsßsV KBVB jenkmj Sh j« fwasssss? gaa unMbi fcWvwawJl IsSarfMaaHi bsbbbwwl eSsst easse asssssr wPnawn jf uusMawwp IPawawawn** wweYgsW "wS*wwwSaw« as. ustawtt fwJuWwaWlt StwWTwtl fIW UatMlfJUl a AWJ \^BW dtM m a m a jßsk ßkßßSS^B^B^gSj|S daft astSkaeaV LaMaaMis.
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  • Home
    • 365 4 viewscan Vlwwu from ossr SEVENTY per cent of the population are now living in Housing and Development Board flats. Although there are still many applicants on the waiting list, the nature of the housing problem is now different from
      365 words
    • 674 4  -  [signposts' JACKIE SAM SINGAPORE children, our chil dren. know more a boot ASEAN in Japan Dent believe R? Check with SBC. Teesdey eight. MS aews ea the boob take. Bat doa t reach tor that phoae St check Some people caa be touchy over
      674 words
    • 316 5 mi 111 in .1 rii > si 111 <' th« m.l i n lit vi s itt 111 in t>« ru i>riii it <| (>• is LIFE her* It more expensive for use expat The latest Guide to Expatriate Living Costs says their
      316 words
    • 88 5 THREE police anti-vice raids netted another 111 people last night The operation started at I pin when SO woman ware picked ap at Raaa Sevang, Scotts Rd, and later referred to Immi (ration Department for further action. Later, officers went to Clifford Pier where they
      88 words
    • 229 5  -  •T TOCHEE ENG THE Port of Singapore Authority plans to build two more fire stations at strategic locations to cut down response time to fires In the port area. The two stations will be located at Pasir Paajaag and Keppel Wharves Construction
      229 words
    • 511 6  -  SEIZED PANAMANIAN VESSEL THAT WENT FOR THE COST OF A PEUGEOT *1 SIT FONG RECESSION has hit the shipping trade so badly that two ai rested Panamanian-registered cargo vessels have each been auctioned off by the High Court for
      511 words
    • 56 6  -  Picture nod atory by CHEW YEN FOOK THESE boys art tucking in rathe* hurriedly, for today mnrka •tt and of o ftva-dny cnmp at the People'• AaaociatJon campalta. ttudinta who flocfcad to tha cawwjiltj cama uodar tha wing of NetJonoi Ponce
      56 words
    • 148 8  -  K K FONG FOUR men. one armed with a knife, tied up a Japa neee couple in their house, blindfolded and gagged them before robbing them of more than $2<TOOO worth of jewellery and valuables Mr Yasuo Nagashina. 34 a manager, said he and
      148 words
    • 344 8  -  Trial of cop and VC FAEZAH ISMAIL THERE are a lot of gaps ia the proeecutioa case against a police constable aad a Vigilante Corn member, charged with robbing aad latin Hag to outrage the modesty of two Thai women their defence c quasi
      344 words
    • 295 8 A 33 year old general worker charged with attempting to outrage the modesty of a »v year-old girl waa seen wtth hat wife aad moth er in law by aa elderly neighbour at the time of the alleged offence, a court
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    • 105 8 SEVEN boys were charged ia a magistrate's court today for assembling aula wf ally ia Bedok in November IMI with the intention of beating up anyone who came along Zalkili Ramli. 14. a student. Zuraimi Ahmad Sukri. 14. unemployed. Axmi Omar, 14. an apprentice. Annan Asreas,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 61 4 IPyA I You'll find fashion at its best mix in Cacharel, 7v VV y*\ m Newman and a whole line of accessories at Jean Tonic. At work or at play, YOUR XXV CAW CLUB, gggasSwr Membership from 5247 Membership from $383 Membership from SIK7 Membership from $476 Membership from $337
      61 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 SHARP Ice Crusher Great for parties. Suitable for hotels. I HM**** ideal for hawkers. rOT DX SfJlTaeJ Of uTubu, The SSewawXßt neSbud of using r chisel' hammer knee, screwdriver F mmmf9 and what have you, to cms!) hunks of ire reo rest reedy lo ww m\\%\\m FASTER. CLEANER And wthnut
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 165 6 Stody so rI V A ft Season of goodwill Wk vjL is here and we're in Santa Cuius mood. tj "tfggggl anT* a\\ bbW cotton **V I I m\\\\\ Am m\ wortn fito ,or I S II I |>urchaseof 961 n*mL\ I !aae»* am I- W s|m>f ,w for aBB\
      165 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 232 7 A revolutionary new home bankhigservice firjmlhiitedßcUiks, W m \W mm Teleßank is a totally new concept from United Banks that heralds a new era in personal banking. This revolutionary new home bariking service puts a United Bank Branch at the aid of every push button telephone. There are over 500,000
      232 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 while you feast on our sumptuous cuisine! "vT' 1 ji Keep a date with our New Year Fashion Show, this Saturday V 1 mm j m jn* mm W It promises to dazzle taste-buds. I Dine grandly on our sea-fixxi buffet sip on of J U P^l Chic model?, your
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 273 9 THE BANK OF THE FUTURE S HERE. I Service, the keynote to operations at automated branch in Singapore. range of services and facilities can obtain POSB. We were one of the first banks to It's a complete self-service bank: POSB information from an audio-visual terminal, computerise our service. One of
      273 words

  • world
    • 179 10 UPI MaawMM I (Spam). Thursday THIEVES who cieaaed eat the vaalta hi a Beak of Aedalasia breach ever Chrlntaiaa may have takea aa mace, aa US*IS aakliea (SSU mlllioa). ma a lag 11 use eiggesi aaaa roooery hi history, ■■arm said yesterday
      UPI  -  179 words
    • 221 10 Agencies SAW FRAMCIBCO Thursday ATTACKS against minorities in California are almost "a way of life" and are getting worse, according to a state investigation released yesterday. "The level of frustration, alienation and distrust in many minority communities especially over perceptions of unequal treatment by public officials is disturbing
      Agencies  -  221 words
    • 293 10 MIAMI RIOT: UPI MIAMI, Thun. POLICE sealed off a 2f>o square block area of tae Over town ghetto and helicopters dropped tear gas canisters yesterday oa the riot rone to quell groups of blacks looting stores, burning cars and shooting at policemen Shortly
      UPI  -  293 words
      • 103 10 AP LONDON Actor David Nrveaa wife was quoted vaster day as saying rumours of Ids Imminent death are greatly stagger ated. Peter Tory, gossip columnist for London s Daily Mirror, said the 71 year -old screen Mars wife Hjordis told him by tiiialcni from the
        AP  -  103 words
      • 138 10 UPI BARCELONA: Mr Xavier Cugat. rushed to the hospital after being stricken with heart trouble at a Christmas Eva party, remained in intensive care last night bat doctors said his condition was imF Mr"cwjat the Spanish bom violinist who became famous in America as a rumba
        UPI  -  138 words
    • 446 11 They are not only deployed near US, new study says W ASHBSOTON, Thurs A NEW study says Urn So v»et Union dots not daploy big naclear missiles all ia northern regions closest to tbe United States, aa is commonly believed, bat instead baa many
      446 words
    • World Briefs
      • 53 11 Reuter PmXJmmMO: Gwamen in Palermo today swot dead two members of a family believed to be deeply involved in tbe Mafia-controlled heroin trade, police said Tbe gunmen broke into a glass factory aad shot Its owner Vineenzo Buscetta. 67 and his son
        Reuter  -  53 words
      • 59 11 AP LONDON: An IS year old deaf student, inspired by Beethoven s ability to overcome deafness, baa been accepted at Oxford University to study for a music J *Paul Whittaker, who plays tbe piano and organ, confounded an admittedly skeptical faculty at Ox ford's
        AP  -  59 words
      • 63 11 Reuter LISBON: Portugal's ruling Democratic Alliance appeared on the brink of collapse tonight after the resignation of Christian Democrat leader Dtogo Freiias Do Amoral, head of the second-largest party in the coalition Professor Preitas Do Amarals surprise resignation as president of the Democratic Social
        Reuter  -  63 words
    • 162 11 LIVERPOOL, Thurs JOBLESS teenage girls were getting pregnant to benefit from Britain's welfare state payments, a Liverpool gynaecologist told reporters yesterday Harold Francis sug seated that as a reason for a baby boom ia Britain's unemployment blackspots like Mersey side where be said almost tbree ia
      162 words
    • 348 12 FIRST DIRECT ATTACK LINKING VATICAN AND TURMOIL IN POLAND Agencies TaweaVajWawaty ACCUSING Pope John Paul II directly for the first time since the Polish turmoil began more than two years ago, the Soviet govern meet last night launched a sharp attack on the Pontiff ■anrtlag
      Agencies  -  348 words
    • 123 12 UPI ZAMBOAHQA, Thurt PHILIPPINK military aad police officials art calling ■a the gam af off-duty sot easrs aad piMciassa to try and prevent the merry but wild gunfire that tradition ally uilcdw tbe New Year bare Ad a provoatWi mea sure, all aoucomaa
      UPI  -  123 words
    • 45 12 AP ACTRESS ENzabvth Taylor rff##ts wllli L#b«n#a# solcHvr woufMtvd In Lebanon WTKJ It) DwWvfJ ITfMIfJQ wl I• I AuL. n, n-i mmm 1 M«tv r»oof#iiai. m i ayior aieo rTtvt with woundctd InYanM solCltffS during h#r hospital tour ysstsrday AP
      AP  -  45 words
    • 176 12 AP KIJNQ, Thurs. CHINA has appropriated I million yuan (\JSII 5 million) to renovate tae Shaolin Temple, famed for martial arts training aad tae subject of a recent Hoag Koag movie, the Peking Evening News reported yesterday Tbe paper said some of tbe work
      AP  -  176 words
    • 311 12 LAT-WP BEIRUT, Thursday A SENIOR Lebanese official charged yesterday that Israel had stiffened its position on normalising relations botousa the two countries in the first round of direct talks held on Tuesday "Israel Is hardening on norma lising relations waist Irtfrairrn Is
      LAT-WP  -  311 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 237 10 Pilot presents I Ben Kloezeman. 57, has won local and international acclaim for his fine I line drawings coveringthe changing skyline of Singapore well known H I r Singapore landmarks vanishing local tradesmen, villages and other H H H scenes of interest I I Ben draws the scenes as they
      237 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 369 11 aBBBaBaaV Bbbbbi i tar jfl |t\ BBaBBaBBe! jfj BT Pnc> M 45 OO^BaaaWai^aar Model 7 814 ffl Ba\ BBafeaawal fMcr p ■U ■SUaaaaaaß M E x iirawa »P"> tpMdt (LafcMt PMipn) *****81 (UTMn SB2S 00) 400 at» rpm tTAAAA **********1 *****81 CoW waah button .Mh.nflp.og-.mmM PriC«'. •700.00 ¥41 Ba^BBTfIBBa 1
      369 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 83 12 NewVfearfc Eve l)i nrvr mmmmmMmmVmmjm —Menu— Mf OAIiiONS Of KM OOCKUNO I OMAMOf QUA* AUK THuMIfS Vf.QfTAfH.tS 'OUR MASONS CONSOMMf TORTUf BSrOCMf POTATOf S i AM** I HAKXtOH mVmmOm OLACf CMAMTH.LV •Hilf T 0* THOUT MUAAT tTITS KK»W WITH AHTrCHOM •Of Mi TAfff •w Mv« $44 Pm chM Mi OMm
      83 words

  • business
    • 365 13  -  Offers highly competitive rentals too GEOFFREY EU THE govararuont m cutting into the saturated office property market with highly competitive raetshi Too Port Of Singapore Author ity (PSA) is too latest to join the rooks of thoos hi the pontic sector to offer
      365 words
    • Update
      • 74 13 UPI LONDON: The dollar loot ground against all major European currencies yesterday and bit its lowest point since mid-year in Paris and Zurich Gold was up la Zaricb, gold closed at US$44l |g an ounce, up from Tuesday s closing of USs4tt tt Tae metal closed ia
        UPI  -  74 words
      • 38 13 JAKARTA: Indonesia, whose economy has been severely affected by a drop in oil exports, baa asked OPEC to raise Its otl production quota to 15 million barrels par day. Oil Minister Subroto said yesterday.
        38 words
    • 138 13 LIVING ceets tar expatriate, km rtssa faster t»«ilirlWivntftS|| SsTtratteaaT Cfcaaafeer •f Ceaasserrc (SICC) TW Expatriate Price ay tat Sc aaeraaaai ay 11 1 par eaat treat April rtod ef eery 5.4 per ceat asr tae Ceaaaeaer Price Index (CPI), which snoaJV MCC
      138 words
    • 249 13  -  f CATHERINE ONG AUTOMATED Systems Pte Ltd. a member of the Computer Systems Advisers group, has clinched a contract to install a computer system for the Department of Civil Aviation Tat company bent IS other ten oarers including Singapore Computer Systems, ICL fftngapore, Honeywell
      249 words
    • 204 13 Reuter NEW YORK, T^Haredwy THE US braking- industry s key lend inn rate, tie prime rate, could fall to below 10 5 per cent by next spring, but an American economic recovery in IMS is still expected to be mild at beat, economists said
      Reuter  -  204 words
    • 71 13 LONOON, Thurs GOVERNOR designate of the Bank of England and current chairman of National Westmin knar Bank PLC Robin Leigh Pemberton said the intemation al debt crisis waa over though there was still s serious situaIn an interview with the FY also
      71 words
    • 808 14 Group made 96 per cent increase in pre-tax profits of $24.9 million over previous year CYCLE and Carriage Bintang Bad (CCB) a optimistic that its profits for IMS will be in line with those of IM2 The group made a pre-tax profit
      808 words
    • 149 14 Your 8$ to one unit of foreign currency TT/00 ■J sterling Australian Canadian New Zealand t iUN ***** 2 0t7S 1.7M7 1 5*34 2 1090 2 0990 3 4224 3 4014 1 4992 1 4432 ***** 1 5222 8$ to 100 units of foreign currency Australian schilling Belgian
      149 words
    • 270 14 Low cash growth an asset economist IF every person ia tha world shared equally la tha world supply of mon 7. each one would have the equivalent US$56O (about 5112J2). error dang to Bank of America (BoA)'s calculations That US$4O more than last year Translated into US dollars, the world
      270 words
    • 406 14 Stocks st midday Market tone: steady Buyers/Sellers Boustead 1 72/1 73 Cold Storage 4 44 4 48 Esso 6 25 B P and N 6 85/6 90 G I H S 60 S Genting 3 28/3 30 Guthrie Seep Haw Par 2 45/2 46 Hume Unq Inchcape
      406 words
    • 516 15 luttrvlew with Its mw chief Mr AMul Razak Un Sheikh MahmeM The Star Q. Have you laid down any broad guideline* to be followed by tbe new committee? A. Tbe new committee shall adopt tbe motto "Clean, Efficient and Trustworthy". Therefore, they are required to adhere
      The Star  -  516 words
    • 232 15 The Star MR Abdal Ratak bin Sketkk Makmood kai 8008 rkairmaa of Ike Kuala Lumpur Slock V.x change for Jest over half B moatth BOOT. Siace has election BB Dm 11, Mi immediate task bj to lajjaaaj tae KLSE'i image aad re •lore laves tors'
      The Star  -  232 words
    • 168 15 UPI RK> DC JANCIRO, Thurt, DEBT-STRAPPED Bra zil raised the price of regeisr gasohol 11 per cent to US$262 <555.66) per gallon (4.6 litres) yester day as part of its austerity programme Brazil adopted gasohol to save money on imported oil. and the regular fuel in
      UPI  -  168 words
    • 110 15 UPI LOaOON, Thurs. FORD'S share of tbe western European car market improved this year to a new high of 12.4 per cent from 12.3 per cent last year. Ford said yesterday At l 46 million units this year, total European Ford production of cars
      UPI  -  110 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 11 13 □Pi U: CCTt wfnmtm* twtciit □Pi It lt,fjrttiH wWi fclSt tttti
      11 words
    • 77 13 'THE BEST [J STEAK IN M of* VrgTlg] aw! gw P^^. RESTAUR AWT AGAIN I c j n fjhia rjirrri Com* in when you have the time to enjoy teen* Pet. Tel: 73*2238 some good steak can «wL Ttsaeh avaseeuuT ur mrm choice-cuts masterful I y done at Cenee. Tel:
      77 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 55 14 Valld 10 Sln9aPOrß 00,y 81X1 tOCkB 1981 [UsHE For years, children everywhere have been drinking 11 Dutch Baby Ft* Cretan Po*a»Jered Ifl* to help them _QsfflsH«l I grow 00 strong 811(1 heaJtn y You wW get the rich. gJMjfipi! I creamy goodness c 4 quality mUx from Frisian cows that
      55 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 344 15 Time you tell the difference Thar* m ttoaa mho mm can a racko clock a dock raxko and MM ar« thoaa who caM a dock For aw day twtVa tht m-Wt uNra-dan pockM raeto ctock irt a w» a iJ»g«B radio i radio clock W«HI thay ara tha tama e.capt
      344 words

  • 1201 16 centrepiece AT the PAP cadres' annuami awamatjVam#4Mam kam SlB ai rnejejung in riovomDer, ill ft rim aj ut#j KJiTTrw Minister nimoo •t "changes" the party might have to motto to ensure that several "bettor «>. jpm ■aankaaav a amaak ana aaata*** ana inofe inieiiigeni

  • leisure
    • Article, Illustration
      478 17 Sm orgasbord off ia Mgh& WITH SmoieMebord jest completed, star-director Jerry Lewis lies conva lescing ia a Lai Vegas hospital after a 2* hours af open heart surgery last Tuesday morning And according to doctars at Desert Spring Hospital the SS-year-old comedian is in stable condition with good chances of
      478 words
    • 511 18  -  Ntw Ynr stow Ims a mk\m way tf ctwtoctlM iMitiMs •v JOYCE LEE PERHAPS, the most in tereiting and heart warming event of the night s chanty show waa the unique way of collect a donations Yoa may It a gimmick If you
      PICTURES HO YONK WENG  -  511 words
    • 476 19  -  LIM ENG CHENG mXfmmm nst I WAS billhead to read film critic A***!* Herickx t article (Seaday 'Year Of Varied TaaseTit warn?"* While 1 totally agree wtth bar wait there hi large gap be twee a public tastes aad critical acclaim, 1 waa
      476 words
    • Article, Illustration
      44 19 LETTERS from readers on TV, radio, farm and other subjects published in our LEISURE •action now be published under LEIBUREBOX Please address your letters to: Tht Editor, Leisurebox. The Singapore Monitor Ltd. Unit 201 A Delta House, 2 Alexandra Road. Singapore 0315.
      44 words
    • 291 19  -  S S J SINGH SBC must be congratulat ed for producing proframmea ewMj to tbe needs of various see troupe There is Twinkle, Twinkle Utile Stars far children aad Friday nsckayoend for ■twits In tbe pipe-line there in teenage tcbeel-gelag Bat to make tbete SBC
      291 words
    • 60 19  -  N HONG Slagapore 0315 IS IT itumry lor SBC to aaaoeace to* time to frequently over Radio Oat every Cote mm the ereoiare af ytt natthir rat race day wbea oae bean the time aa Will SBC eat dowa the time ■aaiaaci meat to tay. every half hoar,
      60 words
    • 284 20  -  Trlle Benefactor Group Romeo Void Label CBSRC3BIB2 HI OHI) HI V II U Reviewer PHILIP CHEAH ROMEO Void means there are no romantle notions here Aad there shouldn t be. We are shout reality aot tae myths created by other artiata, explains Deborah Iyall, vocalist aad lyricist
      284 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 160 17 MM t It: O PUCES tt 1t« CMX* MB tt Dill T^flSS-Sl wttfi live entertainment from aj^^ya^'^^j^pfln* M TTw moot retexmo wey to reOoct on your days success No covef charge Cwtwfet Hafd IVwngnatM S-r-aapora 0*73 Tmt -J7V'' (SO Mw aeaaanasaj tfieOp rVeteei omm maeeae. ■Vaaaaaßßal With the Oral irrigator
      160 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 294 19 PLAY THE SINGAPORE MONITOR BIrTTrCAY GAME 10 mvimmf taawutfßxrtseat^ pore Monitor Bethday Gam* Everyday torn Sunday S-**?* «c pubeah I*, Evn, MQffQj PATE YEARS ooy www* Wm be ana money one date and two years pubtahed if your onhdey can be made up bum any fj tie datst, months and
      294 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 95 20 ROMEO VOID BENEFACTOR including Never Say Never/Wrap ft Up/Chinatown Fleehftood Orange P jasWawawawawl- y «aM awawawam dishes. 9 m^m^mmMau cost g 3/~ BPlffSiw fresh and Delicious mm /or BsseV BbV nTi^ffn)? BBBBBBBjfßJfjf^fgTW*^^ Taste Extra Ordinary BrocoliSliced Chicken Rice f (tender boneless chicken) aa| 1^ very economical Only *2/- per head
      95 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 563 20 FASHION skow sad MM hack at Um Msdslhna OrUI Room. CairakiU Hotel. Models from Eki Yoo Modslllag Agsacy will pe rsde Um lateet faoktoo and swtmwear Bv/fet luack at |1« Skowtime is at l.lft pm. CONTEMPORARY SStQAPORE AN avkiMlloo >-l«k| tko rocont works of M o» teadlag SSagepore artiets ki
      563 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 137 21 UP \v Doposrts Forward OvwfwM CrwdH LJrrtftwd JBBJ 44C2 OCwC Centre Chuka Sin** S**oaporeolo4 T* 91 »27^^^^*dBBW I BOTHERED I I Put as to the test aad I I we'll kiU 'ess pests! I I QuKkswrn hu ever s decade WM of r xperiencr m feeeral pest Ba H control
      137 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 1322 21 Tv W 3.00 0*sdng NlMMi By Dynaety (C) (r). ad eech yaar Many people InaM that Mi Chew. 3.50 We Wore Juat Too Voting. thay heve been kidnapped by aMana and The Komenbce. <>oanna and Sonny. The An enlightening documantary which mpnaonad on board UFOe. olhar doims Caatro Brothers Can
      1,322 words

  • tv & radio
    • 359 22 CHANNEL 5 HIGHLIGHTS Thursday F o o turo Special: Bee a v ac He's My Friend (10.10 pm) HOW do you handle a 12 year old child who has the mentality of a three-year-old "> That's the question explored in this touching story of
      359 words
    • 261 22 CHANNEL 8 HIGHLIGHT tworowosan Chu, Episode 2, Chan nel 0, 9 20 pm A gold dagger produced by Van. the intruder induces Vine to leave Ru Vi Shan Zhuang Jun challenges Van to a duel in which aha defeats her and forces bar to leave.
      261 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 806 22 \\\\w^ 11.00 PM Your Lunchdate 100 New* 110 VOUT N»*»m Bne I.N Muw My Wiy Icontd) I.M Fn.n 133 Your Ho** TrjrWJht MoiUjrJ by MS* Eftary wrth UOUiUJSSj toontd) UJQ Mtd-doy MartWt report IJO a* 4 Share M»*ei Report guest Ipttkw irom CASE ckscus* the Buyeig ol ENc Your Lunchdate
      806 words
    • 435 22 ■•Ml Pwf 6*»9«C|/1J9.3.39. 700 91ft (*****7) ■iDw»U W>n«cyi 80. UP. TOO. >15 w CflMwy TtertuMMtNMKHVII, 130 4 00. 6 30 (*****00) 915 Omta Omfa OnmaJtae (C)/1 30. 3 30 7 00. 615 (*****75) OJJ I IM Mum (C|/1 30 4 00 6 45 9 15 (*****76) I «MI IHhm (C|/7
      435 words

  • 683 23  -  STARRING: Charlie Qin Xiang Lin, Yua Hua DIRECTOR: Terry Tong Kay Ming SHOWING: Bedok, Broadway, Majestic. Regal, Gala leisure movies REVIEWER: Joyce Lee IT IS a killed and kill ing film this ia my conclusion aftor watching Coolie Killer
    683 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 23 23 JADE: OPENS TOMORROW! AN BJOTIC FANTASY ABOUT .-a****.., TH€ ANIMAL IN US Ail Of** mTm\\mm\ mHJJCOtmdXmm± jOmnhEAAO ANhTTTE OTOCXi |ssijSj|S«sMs^ CsvsjrVarof OMNtslSVfYbsjowtMNrjskjes* VHfswDH
      23 words
    • 123 23 PREMIER: OfiNt tomorrow uiotoosi wan» o ownaoi new, \Ja\ %m\ %m a a.iap» am Am ammmm Br aa answ eZ mm c Am BM|Msr wfa saWwanT mm snsnZS* m w mm a* "aSJai \m^mm^f^j^^^M m awasaK < GEORQE C. SCOTT TRISH VAN DEVERE j PLAZA: OMNI TOMORROW J (202MH Teiwe
      123 words
      140 words

  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 289 24 loalsssaroa comics SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON By Don Sherwood and Stan StuneN [In b«ap F>hc y Ibut. es«FO«e i o\o r saw some jv'iA |mac* a diocovcky... u»<e otmcb surs ca«ryin« sacks of W MP thcy ©Ave v mpavt off rne mjnc f J j^ T MINP ®u5e count^
      289 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 69 25 imXl M IjMTWMIIIIIIIT a m m! S*, 1 T>lll Ml 1 «4) m\bMbO M bay M) Cl'a'a.M 4 Ml oUTm*i, i 3 as VI MUMTf tTMVII n) mmmmmmm >>mWm V >IVi a Lam. vn taaaajMo a r'n'm'^aUlaaa Ml M. fis" M) Mm Mm ■~.aj i Par Baa* Ml M
      69 words
    • 170 25 273-9090 SELL TOM^^^^^J^| fW 1 11N aw t-w llnß V Immm I' M h"«< Raw na-1 MRvica »M taaa BMB IBJ I Bbbv 00 pa># t I BT oiaaMv aat cm Baaw Tfj'i .Jit JbmKEBbBbBbBbBbBbT BaaMßjaKiaßl I BJ T>a«a I7M aar BJ BJ BJ I '*9*JBamV cat cm mm 4&mVaV9BBAaAi
      170 words
    • 61 25 WJMili ll MM «fl««tb 11 Cm* mmmmX MIMM/ mini BfiMUMt ft BMB ?i? 3»!! »iHf «oi a<Bfc r MaVMJON ea#prroMu ■■I Ml M) a-Jf*. pun. ™aoo mut o£o«f TMVI 544-ST9I CAPITAL MITAUMHT **TTi^| C trij\V'^'iTiiij7 wV ««w toV£r.Hj"mi«»m 10 Kill < mini jjZrnriaa^^ ■ft, B*aa»a BTM Tafc BMVOBBB tM Mtwa
      61 words
    • 148 25 iMmATmm mmm Jm? MtiMlMftJMI BMmv ■> ajM i i i ii nni ii mm M M>M Vl** M»* MM £a" SIV mri!*i itTo^Jtlt MM l>M IIM TV MB-MM m* carry MMIW w i?**!. **rm?Aßm li^i>7«| T fLI M* CM MB-7MB Mr BMMMMi OjBM^BJI^^ j"f Oo Ym KM To Z Z
      148 words
    • 67 25 mm ZTiTlmTml 'nmVrm ttVBSSS. "Pwn'w mmmfrntr", BM. Oh*7 BaiaaAi BMMt^** tialals T#l cm mV MM*toftM» c y r« TIMTWBASMMftft ggJMTf Tat '|«V MBM** #1 aMMrVjj •wbT'sl S Mi/ OjmjJNPO Toft ttO"4MS TM mV-BBU™ ,Tl SLZJt M»"Aml2» •AMY* MMITTI MM jMJftMOJM IBJ BftftAOM Mm arT/lTi' 'i mmi im? fill 111 l
      67 words
    • 119 25 MM mmTm*m*mTX»»m*m» taaal M4AM OA—I A*|Ml»IWI»« IMVIT ATM>M OAMMS. IJJZSijMm^LM H 41 1 M A4JA4M) PACTW4TV WUTII Mil, mmm mmmjnmtm mpwM Ol pi MM? Ml 4474 I ITMBM. **> S3 SS fS «M*«4it 4M MMM Taa 744-1174. MjMk 4MMa mIw 0 miffSt M aMM aj tkWMTf m MM* 2m MM««'*Mri*r\4c
      119 words
    • 61 25 UTKTOWrTILTI Tad mi tmt m i i 1 fMJBM S~SMTS IMM4VMAV PMM) MM MIUT SMV- n*«* TM 4fvttiM. I mm m MUT lIH—JI MAITM C* 4* to. OfWJI ■■111 MMM Mto> MfV Sat** tMBV Pmm. Ofmm tm\ M) ut liaTH SMaMM J 5 ft lJmmmj UVJJT SSMMSSSBS SSBSB, "—1 i
      61 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 133 26 tt Car* SM* Now Honda Civic Sedan with 5-speed gearsautomatic retracting seatbelt and demister Nett price with 150% ARF inclusive of air-con $25,727 (effective 1.11.82) View the car many desire at the nearest shown«>m today. mEmf m^^ l CmMMMMM Lanr. (Iff (urnmunwraHh A»mur Straßuxir* Ml 4 1M l7 r Mft
      133 words
    • 51 26 BP! juurrtav tfjppi a*>*>amT' 4 tl»lara a jgjjjjjjjjj 'J m-1411 Mm N* IN FllflHl CMa m JJaira.tM MM rTiwtMliTT m* im* 1) MALI MINIMAL NJOfMMII iIMNTUAMRt 3) STOMNmNO* (No aHrtta.) 9\»mjmwmmmmMMt Af*M NJ MMI MMM). 9 to o>or% oes 3 tt*Ovvl M.B. Good lMrt>m MMVV. FrMl MMMMV tTWMIrI t rM«Mi^
      51 words
    • 167 26 PROVISIONAL MASS AUTNORJTY NNE S "VIM I V A faasaAtgsj Saastsi Mr as mwllaul i-. m EtTw S*tvoNtF*S vWMT |1| STfJNOOJIAPNSR •alary Scato fit* 11*0 p m LCO jsMjNts tt*Jf> caM of 100 mom, Mas 'O' Most psosss M 1 ■SNIMI BSftoJ fas SshUMjHses. (t) OFFICE ATTtMOAMT (MALE) SNmTSi ISA
      167 words
    • 287 26 RESULTS! FOR SPOT THE AD CONTEST NO. MA 22 AMMNN 2. 11 ads 3. 104, Pnntep Street, Singapore 0718 4. P.O. Box 2983 5. No. 01-00, The Octagon, 105 Cecil St Singapore 0106 I like Tele- Adt because Rit reliable whether you buy or tell The winner it: Toy Thiam
      287 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 604 27 *************** ANN TAJ ONI eraat BfOVNNI NNBaTTATON TSaa aaa aaa fea a aaaaaawr «S AjaeSTAJ-eaa mm**** mm mw 9mm mmm aaJaaa) Ta»-Cto CWaa TmrnrnTZ Tm a'i 1 Ci iiiii waj ea NNN aa aeja cmamq CUNS RaJBTTTUTI r-wJE Canaa pora OWL TIL 7J4 MM •hats ■rrnoi than m-» u> kwwnl'
      604 words
    • 186 27 OFFICIAL NOTICE PrWPOSAi TO RETAIN A tNIP't NAME WO, RAC-ASIAN OJgMjMNJ PTE. LTD. ■uiTin'Ti *^*Vjj?« > Mifii tv t*E)O SMp«, «MOOr S«oti«« 417 of IRe Moroßant SklpHßlftfj Aot NMrrNN* 171, 1170 tV) In r*> Ron, Jopan. OffloUl N«. uptatar lTnnßtiTl*?t, rrqr ur>f »wmR few Ywfjoti KotoNo < rrTi aTf m>
      186 words
    • 396 27 MINISTRY OP TNI ENVIRONMENT TENDER NOTICE CHaaOarta Avaruaa Rat TtN|CMV)OO/02/17 JMMtmomJ u> PJTDJHgRIiriI fjßEtoajOjj to Ova* PWD Raoaaorod Coatrartora Crvil (El) baprooamani, %m Mart a*M Ouato*. et OrMaa acroaa CRM Chu norm Rao* tt km R*V TEN(tNV MM/E2/M jSSNNNi PWD Raatoknrot OHESSNH to Ctoß ■EStoiiilßl IS il IficvyicTtT^^ mmm (V)
      396 words

  • sports
    • 652 28 World Cup top sports story ITALY'S SOCCER TRIUMPH OUTPOLLED ALL AP MEW YORK, Thaawawy ITALY'S victory m tao World Cap soccer toaraa meat has beea voted taa top sports story of the year in m world survey by tha Associated Prase. Italy's 1-1 triampb over West Germaay ia tba final
      AP; PICTURE: UPI  -  652 words
    • 565 28  -  R t i< ing TODAY'S I RACK WORK iy BY B J SMITH RBCENT arrival. Balmoral, who completed a battrick at bis last three starts, showed he has re tamed his sparkling form wbea completing final preparations for the Pen ang Gold Cap to be raced
      565 words
    • 129 28 lUet 1 2 00 Class 4 Dtv B 1200 m (Restricted Terms 2*3 Year Olds) Claaaic DoJKer, Red Cnddaeo Race 2 2 SO Class S Dtv S 1200 m Silver Striker Sports Parade Baca S 3.00 class 4 Dtv A 1200 m (Restricted Terms 3 A 4 Year
      129 words
    • 612 29 Left to right: Wilander. Borg, Navratilova AP NEW YORK, Thurs IT wm like old times for American Jimmy Connors, who captured his first Wimbledon title in eight years aad bis fourth I S Open It was routiae for Cascb Ivaa Lendl. who won a record
      AP  -  612 words
    • 176 29 Gtwnd Prix MAsters Reuter GRAND Prix tennis champion Jimmy Connors of Use United States and defending title holder Ivan Lendl of Czechoslovakia lead the field for the Grand Prix Masters tournament in New York next month the organisers said here today. Twelve players will do
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 210 29 AP MELBOURNE, Thurs. FORMER English Davis Cup player John Uoyd easily defeated Australian Wally Maxer yasterday to advance to the second round of the Af75,000 (SI 150 000) Victorian Open Tennis Tournament Uoyd, who has frequently toyed with the idea of quitting the international
      AP  -  210 words
    • 66 29 AP WOMKN'S SINGLES Anne Minter beat Bernadette Randall 6 0 6 1. Elizabeth Minter bt Kerryn Pratt 2 6 6 1 62. Pam whytcross bt Rebecca Bryant 6 16 2, Amanda Tobin bt Maree Booth 6 0 6 4. Karen Smith bt Helen Davis 6 3 6 4 NaUlia Leipm
      AP  -  66 words
    • 192 29 Reuter PORT WASHINGTON FIRST-ROUND reselts trees the IS sear old BilillS af (Yugoslavia) M gabriella caaero 0-0 t-0 Barbara Romano (Italy) M Catherine Bonnet (France) S-S t-1. Anna Maria Cecchuii (iUly) M Vaneeaa Binns 7-1 t-t. NCotetta Virgintino (Italy) M Monica Kowalewski (Canada) t-1 t-1 Chiara
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 850 30 The alarming slide can only be stopped if immediate steps are taken TVON ■NO TATT looks at tho etsrtw of tlnioport •oeeor SINGAPORE soccer is heading back to Use days of Use Deep Depression of the Sixties unless stem are taken to arrest
      850 words
    • 29 30 NATIONAL level standard has not dipped, but will eventually; LEAGUE level a drastic drop; YOUTH a poor level, too. Sfeven Ton Too Chong Too
      29 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 100 28 ■|aammmmmmmmfj» A. PART-TIME CANVASSERS 3t He s not afraid to knock on doors tots of them X """"j |FHe knows the only way to sen is to toll people J k^r about The Singapore Monitor, Evening edition. J i \T (wft Attractive commission, transport provided. Hours Z7| I —^fj[WL of
      100 words

  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 187 29 Cut out and staple with other coupons I Posting instructions appear below. I New*: Sm: Ace Occupotio« Address M.t.l.C Til: pBHinEM i i IB 11l ||l FILL IN MISSING lT"sannhrtr7l UTml LETTERS ACROSS USING CLUES BELOW \bHHBBTJ CUT HIM BBIR""™""^ CLUCS FOR PM-f 1. Any meoct, etc ttvat masonce 2
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 96 30 GET THE LATEST NEWS AT HOME WIN ATRIP TO LONDON PLUS. LUCKY DIP g^&JSIgS? CASH PRIZES TWO 3rd PRIZE 1250 FIVE 4th PRIZE $tOO bvtKY IVKJN In twenty-five sth prize $25 To tw sMojejie. just answer this asnpei ojuMhon and Ml m the ml ot tha coupon ess liAum j
      96 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 399 31  -  Project aims to form feeder squad for national team B< v. Imq R. MANORAJ THE formation of a youth development programme by Use Singapore Tenpin Bowling Congress Use first tame ever oa a national-rale la scheduled for March The major aim of the
      399 words
    • 560 31 I \ll S I I ISM SOC IN MINI l IS UPI LONOON, Thursday WATFORD moved up to third piece in tae English Soccer League First Division yesterday with a M win over West Ham, now fifth Aston Villa made a partial
      UPI  -  560 words
    • 137 31 IVK i T fttew*w)4je9y ENGLAND was the fourth cricket taat against Australia by three rasa here yesterday Scores: En*land 284 and 294 Aastrslia 287 and 288 Australia lead two-one m Use free-teat Scoreboard on the final day of the fourth cricket test Fnateni flrat saasags 214 (C
      137 words
      • 61 31 LONDON: Vladimir Petrovic. a member of Yu «via s World Cup soccer squad, finally signed nglish L mgns ftrst division dab Arsaaal yesterday Arssnal manager Terry Neill rsfwssd to disclose the fee. Petrovic, with Rod Star Belgrade, wm prevented from joining Arsenal under a Yugoslav PA rale
        61 words
      • 90 31 TEHERAN IRAN has invited five eosWATtm to send only men players to compete In its first Ijrvttationel International beaVninton teevnaaosat to mart the victory of Ms Islamic revolution and the founding of the Islamic Republic of Iran st Teheran next year The countries ore Malaysia Thailand, Bangle
        90 words
      • 35 31 HONG KONG: Hong Kong is planning lo sUf* a world invitation badminton tournament during the first week of April ia which tan stars from China, Indonesia. India and Denmark will be invited
        35 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements