Singapore Monitor, 29 December 1982, Afternoon Edition

Total Pages: 27
1 27 Singapore Monitor
  • 14 1 F 2m i;i)ino\: THE SINGAPORE MONITOR IvtC (RNo 19/5/82 30cents Wednesday, December 29, 1982
    14 words
  • 368 1  -  It could be the reason for his tragic death In a gas-tilled room which also wiped out his family OEI SIN GIOK FORMER state cricket er, Mr Henry Victor Seal ly was heavily indebted and that may have been a
    368 words
  • 192 1  -  ■y JULIE LIAU WITH th* success of the world first artificial heart implant the United States government hat given tha gohead for at least another eight implants in the new year, says one of the pioneers of the artificial heart Research Professor Clifford Kwan Gett. formerly of
    192 words
  • 66 1 LATEST TELEBANK. Siagapore's Brst bomf baakiag service, will be svsilable from tomorrow This "remarkable aad revola tioaary" aew service by the I'aited Overseas Baak groap will mean thai castomers cm p«l sal rift of hlliraaf traasactioas at aay time from aay piles with a pesh betloa The
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • opinion / letters
    • 617 2 EDITOR WE should be most grateful if you could publish this letter in full and. if possible, with equal exposure as your Dec 20. IMS report We learn of your newspaper's h> teattoe to run a story on the toilets st
      EDITOR  -  617 words
    • 267 2 Anderson Spoc\r PAKISTAN'S BOMB During bis recent visit to Washington President Muhammed Zia Ul-Haq met behind closed doors with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Some of the senators were waiting in ambush Tht lawmakers had beta srovtted with Intel ligence reports which suggested that Zia it Congress
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    • 268 2 German proverb TOOAY hi Wednesday Dec 29 the 363 rd day of 1982 There are two days left In the year. MKJMLh3MTt in history on this date 1170 Archbishop Thomas Becfcet is murdered at altar in Cathedral of Canterbury England 1000 Lord Stafford of England is
      268 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 152 2 lE3be illebaUicm Wink' < MM* t(IM*MS tHK >> llw Stll f I n Ii sj m s m 1 g*J! v m sjslit m-. iif I try i.tjf i \>i iih\» Im is i u.ini fi m «l« is In mm Us.i Y«i> \u n wiling Atfrrx y paaaa)raj itw*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 The Qtizen Qua^ Another Fi^ A p| mWm \\mm saanaanaf mXtrnXm ]|l Kfl I W 7 aaanrisnaanaa!l H^^d Another world's first by Citi/en. This H pP This is a landmark in watches, time no alarm setting pointer to break I And what is more: this new Citi/en the symmetry of
      229 words

  • home
    • 277 4 DAT. run* A summary of some of the main news items in the morning papers RAFFLES CITY'S 1671 million third phase has gone to Korea's Saangyong Construction This it their third successful tender for this huge project This latest contract is for the
      277 words
    • 871 4  -  Job-hopping by foreign maids: Isn't the fault ours too? aflf"afa eajaj ■Fh^aTasaaaaTi if JACKIE SAM SO. tat Ii smiles arc at it. Jot bippang. SUp them dewa; they doa't deserve the privi laft of workies here Give them a hefty kick
      871 words
    • 365 5 viewscan Berita Harian, Dec 28 SEVENTY per cent of tha popalaOon are now living in Housing aad Development Board flats. Although there are atiil many applicant! aa tha waiting list, the nature of the housing problem hi ■aw different from that of the
      Berita Harian, Dec 28  -  365 words
    • 284 6  -  By CHUA NGENG CHOO RECORDING companies here are feeling the pinch of recession end have cut down their sponsorship of Chinese programmes on SBC radio Three of the four recording companies contacted reported a slight drop in business this year, and their forecast
      284 words
    • 168 6 FOUR staeeats aae three ass tree tors Irom the Ayer Rajah Vacattoaal lasti toat tpeat throe week* of their veca laaa, waaahaj torches ia haasL to preeece a pair of dragoa tx easterns. The 1J antra knag eraaaaa are mace of scrap metals aad weigh a
      PICTURE: HAIRIS  -  168 words
    • 103 6 SIX bus routes will change when Norfolk Road and Jalan Kebun Limau are upgraded into the Central Expressway. Prom Jan 2, services 130 and 141, upon reaching Moulmein Green, will proceed along Balestier Road and Lavender Street, to continue into Jalan Baser as at present Services 120.
      103 words
    • 95 4 A MAN SMtched a ring worth $11,844) yesterday areas s giliisslth taop ia Tea Pay oh Prosaists ess Chang Lee Lee, St, said s man walked into her Haa Hang Cillisjltl Shop at Bat 177, Larwag 4. jest before 1 ram. She said
      95 words
    • 217 7  -  Students face room shortage when NUS gives up Jurong hostel •V LYE YIN FONG STUDENTS at tha National University of Singapore will (ace a greater shortage hi hos tel accommodatloo neit year, when the Jurong campus hostel si returned to Nan y a ng Techno logical
      217 words
    • 131 7 SINGAPORE'S two mil Uontk visitor, Mrs Iris Harris will be beck in Singapore for her third She and her husband had seat a Christmas card to tke chairman of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, Mr Tsa I Tong. informing day visit
      131 words
    • 297 7 ABOUT a quarter of tha parents who snaght child care through the Ministry of Social Affairs' day care schsms were matched witk care givers in 1001 About 70 par eeat of the children were aged three years or below according to the Minis
    • 174 7 A THAI national waa aaid aa ac aeetafeee ta alter has visit pass was convicted today of three ceeats of pas- A A MM m J •ess too of for gen documents aau oae count of overstay lag his visit peas. Sirs Peruisaagaf
      174 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 58 4 SPREAD AROUND THE CREAMY GOCOVESS OF KERTCICOLD. BBS BBaeßk a IbV Siroot^ delicious. KerriJ pure Irish Choose Sfßo\ /fl^^Pl^lT^ spreads easily and retains that kki^kkasessfe« fresh, smooth taste of only the highest quality cheese spread GENERAL FOOD CORPN PTE LTD. 1. Second Chin Bee Road. Singapore 2281. Tel *****51. OPENING
      58 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 447 5 dm mWm- "I've got MHI more money thought!" Smm bbbW -assa! LaS tver >' da >' more people arc discovering that thry have more JL\ mono than tho thought How f V Say« As You Fare Br I ssnpie. First of all, you should be at least 16 yean cad
      447 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 298 6 SUPER OFFERS Either way, if s a winner. The Surufcl 800 ii now oven more e>cofKyYucal tram tvtT, Whats mora, Mate are two version* of tha Suzuki 800 j J j for tha taMng and afthar ona to a winner J L. /J However, you mutt hurry, becauee twae two
      298 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 210 7 HPt 130€ Digital Synthesizer TuoerMmpr»hefTr«pe Dec* CONCORD AiiyUwiy olso is 8 ccMiifMtNiiiso Important features thai tat It apart a Quartz Dtgftai Syntrawaaer AM/FM four gang tuner (meat other brands are three QanQ) for wrsyuved tuner MlachVtty. Also electronic acan and KVetatton preset marnory. Pre-arnp loa> level front/rear fader permitting perfect
      210 words

  • world
    • peoplewatch
      • 81 8 Reuter PORT LAUDERDALE (Florida) Olympic hroose row tag medalist and brother of the late PrUKass Grace of hloaeea, John Kelly Jr. was recover asg ia hospital today after surgeons removed a ballet from his groin after a robbery atPolice said Kelly It. lost hi*
        Reuter  -  81 words
      • 72 8 UPI FLOfItOA a judge gave multi millionaire Peter Pulitser custody of his twin sons yesterday aad awarded his wife her ■ports car. har Jewelry aad a peltry US*t*.at» Roxanne Pulitser ac ceasd by witnesses of making love with a hooitymoa, a Ft sec h
        UPI  -  72 words
    • 34 8 TTI f lh m§ kartfrriaisf anrf g mm §mmfmttt mmm pSto!? k DmWor has baavt covioe***j* aewja aha CMminst btaZZt* esara abanxaeo 4 anxf rsvo ruvtwaya havw PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  34 words
    • 103 8 UPI TAiOU freak* mmm% WlsWllahw A FAST MOVING fir* raced through a six story towlet hotel this mnrsaag in South Korea s third largest city, killing at least 10 people aad injuring II others Polios said the ftoe broke out in a SSCSQd
      UPI  -  103 words
    • 243 8 LAT-WP PfUiasQ, Wednesday BY solemn order of the Sear erne People a Court of China, Mao Zetong s widow aad a chief lieu tenant face execution within M days for capital crimes committed during the lHe-71 Cai taral Revolution Bat there are atrong doubts
      LAT-WP  -  243 words
    • 397 9 Japanese mountaineers fail to make contact after conquering Roof of the World Reuter KATHMANOU, Wednesday JAPANESE mountaineers Yasuo Kato and Tosaiaki Kobayashi were missing today on the "roof of the world after Kato became the first man to climb Mount Everest in winter. Tho Nepslese
      Reuter  -  397 words
    • 282 9 Agencies LONDON: Some of Britain's disused railway lines will soon be carrying traffic of a different kind bicycles. The government has alloted £1 million (S|S 42 million) for a pilot scheme next year to convert some 100 kms of closed down track into cycle paths in
      Agencies  -  282 words
    • 276 10 UPI WASMNQTON, Wttf. A YOUTH who returned US$3 200 (Sff.4oo) he found in a supermarket parking lot before Christ mas said yesterday be had been taking a (ot of kidding from friends for not assping the cash Yeah I've been crowned
      UPI  -  276 words
    • Article, Illustration
      32 10 Fireman and security man battling flames and smoke that engulfed the presidential palace in Manila yesterday during a 10-minute fire at this ceremonial hall, injuring two palace workers. PICTURE UPI
      PICTURE UPI  -  32 words
    • 193 9 UPI NEWPORT, Wed ENDANGERED giant Leatherback turtles arc dying at an alarming rate from eating discarded plastic bags t hey mistake for jellyfish, rssasrcbsrs said One expert reported that up to 44 per cent of the Laatherbacfc popula lion worldwide baa ingested plastic materials
      UPI  -  193 words
    • 175 10 LIBYA: UPI TRIPOLI, W#d. COLONEL Muammar Gaddafi is learning that oil can't bay aim love, aad Ids people are learning it cant buy them happiness. Sigas of Libya's oil wealth are everywhere in this hard town by the sea Superhighways crisscross Tripoli, use Mcdi terranean
      UPI  -  175 words
    • 55 10 Reuter KUALA LUanfWt, Wednesday THREE erased robbers sices cash aad valuables worth about Ss«.sea from a Malayslaa hashnsssaaa aad kis family here despite the presence ef IS guard dogs SB his house, police said today Mak Via (hoy, SI, had shut these up ia
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 231 10 AFGHANISTAN: Reuter ISLAMABAD, Wednesday AFGHANISTAN recently printed a amounts of paper money w i thout a backing in the latent sign of its collapsing economy, Western diplomats reported yesterday The diplomats said the government at the same time took tha unusual step of
      Reuter  -  231 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 318 8 Scholl takes care of your feet and skin Rough Skin Remover Ph*v \r SCHOLL Rough Skin I^^. P Remover is the kindest way AjM removing rough, from the soles Ak llaaaal and hee,s of V° ur feet !t works so effectively im \v you can actually see the skin being
      318 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 113 9 Le Vegdoroe Lounge and Re^taura^^ Luncl)cop January 1 and 2 1983. Dynasty's Le Vendomc Lounge and Restaurant bring you a sumptuous spread of restive fare featuring seasonal favourites from around the world. NEW ZEALAND OYSTERS. SADDLE OF VEAL TERRINE OF SALMON. VENISON PATE. SHARK S FIN SOUP. SEAFOOD THERMIDOR CHICKEN
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 158 10 r Ring out the old Ring in the new at SUver Spoon UP Coffee House i^l wy IHos yourseM up in special style this New jL\W w f r e*]/-V Year irave the rest to us. +W "m J Silver Spoon has dreamt up special lunch m lit ***Oli c
      158 words

  • business
    • 246 11  -  CATHERINE ONG TELEBANK. the first home bonking service to be introduced in Singapore by the United Oversell Bunk group, will be available from tomorrow. The "remarkable and revolutionary new service", as UOB described it this afternoon at a press conference will mean that customers can
      246 words
    • 217 11 ASIA Commercial Bank is getting a new management team to enable the bank to "improve oa its performance, upgrade customer service and generally develop into a quality institution The new management team will be headed by Mr Ang Hong Choon who will sea
      217 words
    • 96 11 THE World Bank has made a public issue of a 20 billion yen (about Sf 172 5 million) bond in Tokyo yesterday. Tho offering for its subsidiary International Reconstruction and Development, is being made through a syndicate of securities firms headed by Tho
      96 words
    • Update
      • 78 11 TOKYO: The Finance Ministry has unofficially proposed to the National Bond Underwriting Syndicate that the coupon on 10 year bonds be cut to 7.5 per cent from 7 7 per cent for the Janaury issue, ministry sources said. The coupon of the December issue was shaved by
        78 words
      • 27 11 AP CUPERTINO, California: Tan detn Computers Inc. Use Califor-nia-baaed manufacturer of non ■top computer systems has announced plana to market its product in Australia AP
        AP  -  27 words
      • 55 11 AP SEOUL: South Korea's current account deficit in the first 11 months of this year shrank to US$2 billion from a year ago s USSSSS billion, the country's Economic Planning Board aaid yesterday The government board said the improvement waa due to reduced losses in both commodity
        AP  -  55 words
    • 491 12 LAT-WP WALL Street's year-end optimism was propelled by expectations of further declines in interest rates and hopes for a recovery from recession in 1983 On Monday, the Dow Jones industrial average closed at a record l 070 55 surpassing a peak it
      LAT-WP; PICTURE: UPI  -  491 words
    • 432 12 Stocks at midday. Market tone: steady. Buyers/Sellers Boustead 1 70/1 72 Cold Storage 4 44 4 46 Esso 6 30 B F and N 6 75 6 85 G I H 3 60 S Genting 3 32 S Guthrie Susp Haw Par 2 41/2 42 Hume 3
      432 words
    • 46 12 NEW YORK: After use record setttaf rally of Maadey, the Daw Jones industrials average sell oa Tuesday le 1.656 87 Dechsaw eetpaeed advances by ■heist nhroo te-two aa the New York stock Fxrhsngi. Vosseae tstshsd 56 61 ssllhoa shares, agaiast 64 69 million la
      46 words
    • 132 12 Your SS to ooo unit of for 0*0/0 curroocy Setting Buying TT/OO TT 00 USS 11S1S S.lllt title t sterling S.4SSS 3 4415 3 4205 Australian 2.SSSS 2 00*3 2.S4SS Canadian 1.717S 1 SS4S 1 6780 Now Zealand ***** l 5409 l 5209 SS to 100 undo of
      132 words
    • 600 13 MALAYSIA S SECURITIES INDUSTRY 81l I THIS is the sixth part af ear series oa the proposed llaJayssaa Securities Industry BUI. WHAT T Hfc Bit L SAYS THE clause* relating to special in vesications state that where the Minister of Finance deems it in the national
      600 words
    • 67 13 THE unaudited results of Bukit Katil Rubber Estates show it made pre-tax profits of $1 13 million in the six months to Oct 31 compared to g519.65€ in the same period last year Most of the increase in profits came from the increase in "interest and dividend
      67 words
    • 233 13 UPI TOKYO, Wed. JAPAN suffered a current account deficit of US$B33 million (Ml $3 billion) in its overall balance of payments last month erasing s US$l 43 billion surplus in October, due mainly to increased interest payments overseas, the Finance Ministry report ed yesterday.
      UPI  -  233 words
    • 127 13 AP MEW YORK, Wed. CHASE Maabattaa Beak yesterday lowii>S prills'? s?aWJiO|J rate to II per eeat. Its lowest since Aagast its*. It was the first drop SI the prime rate since asajar soaks adopted aa II.S per cent rate on Nov 22 The prime has been falling
      AP  -  127 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 117 11 □Fl 11 •ptMM Ii Wm) Strttf □Pf 11 KL't start*. Mi DSiiaii. ,mt w~~~~ With the Oral irrigator from WATERPIK, USA. r his powerful unit will send thousands ot pulsating |ets of Water to work gentty around teeth and gums to Nil and wash away food part teles that can
      117 words
    • 64 11 ?luspp»^Bg > iasr^^Ji^ s^^ili^TOW BORNEO MOTORS MST I OAS' Tfi 'NSSW UMD MJK) TCI /4KA..' BVMIT 'MAHADAi Tfi **»IPV> h'■ I AST COAST KMC Hi UAli i. t4H*)O4 itNUHCI ADAD Tfl 4'M)7l w MAtf w.AI 'Ii IJAtOH '■*>'»' im'li SWISS CDBBBwW VfHKHs.tWTWI TH 4.1 4NOAOI AUTHOWtSf O lAAIM Ot Al
      64 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 32 13 t 7fie perfect dieese am wine party i Cmsty ftwtih bvwd I I Vintage French wines I I Dsiicbws ftenen' cneeses I I some food I vvoHd find ftanGe in LpMrSMpaworfet I
      32 words

  • 782 14 Three years after Invasion of Afghanistan, end Isn't In sight centrepiece STORY: REUTER THREE years after Soviet troops stormed into Af gpsssstse, there Is every sign they are dog in for a 31 stay, with no end in t Despite Bints that aew
    STORY: REUTER; PICTURES: USIS  -  782 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 56 14 AKAI AJ-C1 Stereo 7 to HI f AKAI PPK3 822 ($1355) INo D Payment Monthly $135 X 12 AKAI PRO 812 ($1115) No D Payment Monthly $111 n 12 AKAI PRO 832 ($1605) Monthly $168 x 12 e~ BAN LEONG RADIO frt ELECTRIC CO. 331 te»7 Ang Mo Km *v«
      56 words
    • 319 14 PLAY THE SINGAPORE MONITOR BIRTHDAY GAME JMS S, ffLffS *5 wfr weh Ths Swig* PON) Monitor Brthdsy Game Everyday from Sunday to Saturday «c w* pubaah this competmon Ev«ry MONTH PATE YEARS day there teal ba one montn. ona data and two veers putaTslwd H your bsihday can ba nujda
      319 words

  • leisure
    • 372 15 Society tends to look up to taller men IPS A PERSON'S most vital statistics is kis height, according to aa expert oa the physical caaracteriatics that affect a person's life the most "Yoar height is the most important measurement you have becseas it affects
      IPS  -  372 words
    • 468 15 IPS LORETTA LYNN'S latest TV spec ta 1 was inspired by her enormous love for children and her horror at Use epidemic of child abuse that la sweeping America Loretta got the idea from two stories she read one morning in her local Nashville newspaper
      IPS  -  468 words
    • 163 16 NO ONE can be satis fled. aot even gongfu actor turned director Sammo Hong Kam Poh With a beautiful Korean wife, three sons eight dogs and one big bungalow, as well as working simultaneously oa five films. Sammo Hong still desires for
      163 words
    • 331 16 But three girls with potential are chosen to train with Asia TV NONE of Urn MO over hopefuls who auditioned for the role of Lady Wee (Yea Niang) in Singapore paaaed Use test accord Msg to latest reports
      331 words
    • 152 16 NOT even frequent long distance phone calls can bring aa emotional relationship to flower Tils was what g<»ngfu star Jackie Chan confessed at a recent meelin with tie Hong Kong press when they asked him ab Hit his relationship with
      152 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 49 15 TV ft MM P&NfM lift It lHatllCaaftthp2l THEATRE REST. NITE-CLUB 4th H„ tomtmrnw Homi, (Umnnmn St., S4tHM»poc§ 6. %V performance from a croup of little people m from the Philippines' Ivy Wmtch mem vmm their ma etc */f mt C 1%m% sensational sounds, JUL manor* *tm^gemmmhipand a uoutkful warmth
      49 words
    • 7 15 Hive a laugh bafara bad: Paga 18
      7 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 52 16 Lai Jacob's Creek Claret The Australian red that's vvinniiigthevvxxW. Crisp, clean and elegant, and it travels well. A wine so outstanding it was voted "the top dry commercial red wine** by the Australian Wine Spirit Buying Guide. «e*jWa ORLANDO JACOB'S REEK CLARET Australia's award-winning wine a ASSOCIATED UQUOR DsTntlaVTOas (SNGArVjRF.)
      52 words
    • 95 16 a Where to eat 3f,3 V i CORNER FROM AMD NKSHT... KEAKFAST LUNCH DINNER ffg"J ocal favourites like Chicken Rice, fried Live' Fish. Prawns, lee Siam. Chinese Hor Fun favourite Crabs and Lobsters loodles. Lontong Chinese dishes a la (steamed, fried or S*.io*m aeon Eggs (or Ham carte. Muslim Curry.
      95 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 81 17 Anyway TKrtmprr.K I, m .4 mc I .*> n S*i« DmMf ManJMin iHwt.« Iwprrtal SKw«»La Wintrt Praam Mandarin S~\ J Shan*, I, I ManJann Vanab Mat loammn mm UM C«u A—riann Oalluni. Fantx. I H.*Ja> bin HokJav Inn I I H.«tt Rcfti«\ MWjPaaaatlsfl v HirriM Imp*i i*l 4 w mk
      81 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1153 17 ftv 'JSTaug Jam <c> 4.M Theekefe Wert* Mppee and Rhtooe B* Thecker looks at two of the largaat mammals on land, tha rhmooeroua. and tha hippopotamus Thar taacftng baha- x Jk H| 1 viours and their features are mo dis %9 M 1 1 MO Tha Electric Campany (IL flQK
      1,153 words

  • tv & radio
    • 235 18 CHANNEL 5 HIGHLIGHT T J Ha abort Save the ChahJ (145 pm) At Sergeant T J Hooker. William stasia IT plays a vastly different role from his last television series aa Conutvander Kirk in Star Trek Donning his blue uoiform sad exhibiting s tough
      235 words
    • 169 18 CHANNEL 8 HIGHLIGHT Hotvl, EptuOdva 7 11, 0 20 pen Loot waits Via to be feels that her place ts aot safe enough durtnf tho rainy season Altough Yin objects. Long tellaher he will get Qi to make arrangemenU for her to move out PM
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  • 1 18
    1 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 19 18 JADE: OPENS FRIDAY! jm9a at^^k\ mW AN EROTIC FANTASY ABOUT T>«ANbVvAIINUSAU MAuOXJyiMrJWtmi JOHNHIAM) gggWljl 1 >rt<i»M OWWiTf lT»|p»it susussjsssss^
      19 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 212 18 VssXlnU IftJt PfJ Your UjrwhrJoui 1.00 Nowt by Summery 7.1f Evorung O--1.10 Your Lurchdott (cornd) 1.30 MW-dey gest 7.30 By Rodto PucfegogtceJ Merket Ropon I.3ft Your Lunchdete Pop (Prog *****) A oorbuj of English hnv lOjnsOp 1.00 On Tho Houoo hootod by oono booed on lyrics of poputor songs hi
      212 words
    • 519 18 mW aeTa^aa 1 aaV M m a I*J»PM Frcgrsrnme Summery 12 Of Cornpceers And Romanoc Agony 1 Tchoeiovsky Mejdrod Symphony Op 96. NBC Symphony Cecheetra/Arturo Toacorslni 1.00 News A Weetrwr FofOJC Mt 1.11 Cowspoeors And Romanbe Agony (contd) 1. Mahkar Songs of Wayearar, Bt> tncn FssChoi -Dksskau (be/Hone) Bavarian Radto
      519 words
    • 383 18 OMk KM (CViM 0*) 1 JO OJO. 7 JO. 010 jjwgg Om«I MMr (OffM! My) 1 JO. OJO. 7 00.H* ssau aw- m im 4 Mb OaaM MMr (OffMl My) 1 30. 3 JO. 7 00.0.10 (4MQ3/5I 5****** AMM HV7 J0. 030 RMtoAvw Willi i fCVI JO. 9 40. 7
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 104 19 T f^^OOlCr^^ 9 (3J7iii4)iii4rjara; nam, v». 4eo. a t ii** i 2 THE MOST TALKED ABOUT FILM 2 INTOWNI SS) UCIAIO CIENNA j urn am »a. CATHAY; HUWtYI HUMIY! LAST DAYS! 2auassusssV a £^3aa fll^W xf [E L waTTmtsata-HCe«ac« Isomsi V Z kfA] iwaiesssnajawaJl >Oun WOB ami ucvt 1 J
      104 words
    • 237 19 UDOi 33cd DAY! (*****14J 11am, 1 Jt, 4, 444, tit Ma *M Ual Pnoaa $4 A S3 CASH bookatas up to 3 DA YS in advance tniMMTt 1 4111 am, 1.J4 A 4am atmma Prteee A tt CUPJWIff DAY tAilt ONLY Enter *S*Q**S? 1 (MX PACK I 1 Al you
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 67 19 THE LETTERMEN THE UUirmtB, world's most popular vocal group will present two shows at the World Trade Centre Auditorium at 7 pm and 9.90 pm today. Tickets at ISO, $40 130, 920 and 919 are available at the Goodwood Park Hotel and Tangs Superstore. MO ATTENTION all music enthusiasts! II
      67 words
    • 44 19 Under the baton of Choo Hoey, the Singapore Symphony Orchao tra will prsasnt an additional Familiar Favourites st the Victoria Theetre at 9.19 pm today. Programme will include My Fair Lady, Irvine Berlin's White ChrTstmaa, Scott JopUn's The Entertainer and four compositions by Strauss.
      44 words
    • 87 19 Tickets at 919, 919, 97 and 94 are available at the Victoria Theatre, Tangs Superstore and Cold Storage. WORO GAMES PIT your wits against other children between the afss of nine and twelve at the Word Games ssssinn held st the National Library at 2.39 pm today. ASIAN POLK AND
      87 words
    • 329 19 tioa, you can join the on the spot imafinative writing competition Jointly organised by the Lioness club of Singapore, the Lions Club of Singapore Raffles City and the National library Buklt Merah branch. The contest will be conducted in four languages English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil and will be held
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    • 250 19 Admission tickets are svsilable at the Children's informstlon desk. CMNESE CALLIGRAPHY A PAINTING AN exhibition on calligraphy and pointing featuring 90 works by students of various schools is now on st the Audio Visual Room, 2nd floor, Bukit Merah branch library. Exhibits include Chinese calligraphy, watercolours, oil paintings, woodcuts, papercuts,
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 316 20 lelsura comics ***<* By Don Shanaood and Stan 8tuoeM A AH I iTMouaANoe oa tmk countekpcit cow« cvewr-PI foToouwZlou TlP" wncwg nopooy can out »wnewc can ou. on me Bt J j NfH 125*** CQHWflMOM' NOWOMT...A NCMT FO« ANY ml H •ocitary COIN., .TMATIS A»©I©TANCE YOU AMD; KUrd 21 to
      316 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 146 21 fl^^^f^ LNGINEEKING VVOKJtS El The Profeseonors for AKj Amplmaaw* Gniet. Aiu Siding Glass Ceilings Rortition. Pointing Bo» Awning Flooring Hydraulic Swinging Gate Opener Iron Grilles Brick Fencing AIL CONTRACTS AP€ WELCOME 6818 BA 2 Botesher Rood Botestief HR Shopping Centre S pore 1232 TEL *****43, *****16 RENTAL OR PURCHASE WITH
      146 words
    • 91 21 Bright Cheerful today's style of living Leading stockist for all kinds of distinctively designed high quality woven wood blinds from Japan USA. Republic of Owns A Singapore v\r>de range ot exclusive handmade Bamboo chicks speciady designed to suit your requirements mm HUP SENG oaae «s nm» ssno moao. ssWaSSSOj en
      91 words
    • 225 21 SHOWER SCREEN It's practical stylishness at top quality. r™"^^^ET3sHß mmamwmaamammwmmmm JbbhJP^■Jta^la I vtn, ioiii|».ih nt lt.i% Utii iU.ilk tk-MKintl >•■ ejM SSSSSSSJSSSSSSMSSSSSSS linn N.iMyk .iittl tokmr in mim .iikl i iili.iiki tlit' >k\«* irf v• •*if Kiihriami Akm .i\ .ul.thk M IMI INI BUND KtH Mfft ADJTVI AMI i KIMDM)
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    • 105 22 j j*** 1 L 4) tJM^«o/C«m4o«or>coo > QrooMao i LtrnVftmnt RMftWHHM »> 9oom(v Mi ttt Cor moot* It) Poo Mom 9omXmoo M) Wortoio tT) For 9m ooftootor x» For mmm !li Wo> tt) MII^MMII M) mOO^'o^CO^^WWoIoOOWO m mmmn M) Pmn 41) PmiOmM ♦4) WMM Ii fcNf Ml MO Ml/ M)
      105 words
    • 124 22 *73-9090 SE 111 tife^ somm Pw»n mm w v MBBl^enß ■Mwlwm Jimmm noo p., m M H9t cot cm EE MK>N tHi *pm TELE-AM b— «o co*** CMmm Mm to* Manor mmm Dmoo »ort» Como -W <ejeblej*ee? ejbeebe Tfjfc eta) $S4) /or*^4)-SSSS Kay m"» X Of SJMfcMO 10 M PIOOOO
      124 words
    • 13 22 c s%sjJs^^bess^s) 14 CtllUfi PIT? Pi»A«A n lW>^l>tA» •it 1 ~,Ul,i T^»rll««tl^ll*»- r,lll
      13 words
    • 181 22 DRAWN r HOUSE Welcome to PRAWN HOUSE for the best sea-food in town Our specialities are lovingly prepared by our very own famous chefs Business Hours Lunch 11 Bin to 3pm Dinner 6pmio n pm Supper Till 3 9m the next morning Ptbvmi Heebb Sbetebbl ReStBMfBFIt I No IB 17
      181 words
    • 72 22 m X t«M.' ™wm^mmm*? m m*\*. Se#se«Sss?4E) Settle* s£S^Ss4m?S ote'ri' MMi 811-9149 (mmm nUMMMI/l SE4 E«r 9«*o ANNUAL I CLEARANCEI k SALE at 2nd Floor. Unit 0329 Singapore Shopping Centre Clemenceau Avenue (0923) Tel: *****22/*****33 (Business Hrs: 10 am 6 pm) also at 193 East Coast Road Spore 1542 Tel:
      72 words
    • 32 22 —i. Cewtm 4« y>yr sit* WIH A MOM wmmU mmmmm) m %tM mm* mmm 7 M pja. an Tliunit| rrlMMar P.*** tSto. rat' p m mmm mm m±vmm»om c—» Stt NmhnlMm, fflMrifc.
      32 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 152 23 MM— MW MMM—IT MIT ■MM, BMW tMj *T# M-HM MiStSiMM tMMMIt»SS ySn—e^SLiiS SrnJJ* it*?iir irniiy WW. mm.. Wmmmmm m tt tiitin mm TJ»»m VMVBBMMMJPMJV! *">4T- rt, V4W iVMMk 1 eJ'St- imT M)g MtlMtttl WltL VMM H Mm |mm I—l OLUt M) M mmm mi -MMM mTmUS MMMMIMM.) Mt' mmm* M
      152 words
    • 61 23 r Mil w 4trv w n» CMT V—« H»TW< C—« tATItTOUW m LTD 1 NT TtW .5 Dot) B**>nj W#<J/ PfV S*jf* hv iM»>rtStmm ft—/ t«Mj L^iiw\rt < ftfrrfftr T km MWMUM tfWUU I PM MM B (MMMj* Lt—W) SaSSF- Ji 4 MTt a Mini RS MTI 4 MMITt KLJOmmjmm
      61 words
    • 29 23 Mir wtm miM ,>.. r^BfctjttMtM»«y •»«2 SSSL OMMltt •Nf •«>— «m» Mmm* Co fea MM* MMaa* AC MM 'mt* laitmawiiia *jp#cliliiti Audio Low 1 1 I 031» 77tttOtrOoO"Q»< S«wido>»^ Sol iMIMt
      29 words
    • 86 23 2_«mo> to* B^oMVt^ooottl •Z«»i!o*Vt?3^ sat •#i j, l Par tale T ?J P HOUSING LOANS Aleo loan taetutlae lor attnpa, yfttce aharaa lo auit your Fixed Temi OapoaMator 1.1,6, 'jLilSaTliJui RESULTS! FOR SPOT THE AD CONTEST NO. MA 21 1. Block 5, 2001, Uppor Changi Road, Changi Point, Singapore 1750
      86 words
    • 97 23 tit jJJJJJJjjj^ itTJ rtt. MB mm Pmmm mt aaaa Tat. ia aawwliiT^^ Tot ttt-tott mt tt l-mmw\* attti i aawaar i wnt j 5 Interested in Part/Full Time Modelling for Photography, Fashion Shows, Calenders etc. for Local/Overseas assignments. All races are welcome especially Furopeans/iiurasians. Seize this opportunity at: Hollywood Model
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    • 1 23 nft
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 68 24 I) CLINK TYT**JT (•Ph Scooter) 330"010 > T» BMtiMIPITIOMa MmMMi SSSS tail Oesee a w—i—oti mm tttttMlttttf A to—i Ow T*MM*J it M INNMMINJIIIMf Tbjhk 11 am t pat A ASS pan Dot* MVIaVOI ■mm oeMterno* 2*BvaM**^Ba*>Mik'*^ MttjIIMJ IMTTtt eatOHAMantit MMM IS pwß*. 7 PA r*MU««g C*M Mf Etiiijm ii
      68 words
    • 154 24 I'rarspcxc?) T#mpof ary Pfjf (mow typojt (Junta* 1 inlir) MCMfTAMit WAMO Wf» 111 SB A>WMAI£OFA BfcßfeAlN 1 Under $100 BARGAINS COLUMN M i efci **MUie*BM Mtoto* aWt nn una ii jOoj MVf inyuiiiMj wio jph pm i mow oavyiwawfj, and it i wortk tIM or mam, yoa caa aOvertaw at
      154 words
    • 91 24 f Tpi /tsawnw 1 MSMAPME Bankmf Hours on Friday, 31 Oacamber IM2 Notice it hereby pnren that member ben lit m tinpenora wMI open for bust nest et thMr utuel bmet on Friday. 31 Oeutmbai 1982. but up till ii 30 em only to en*b*a them to doea their books
      91 words
    • 152 24 W TMJ MATTU OP TmM OMMOAHtSS ACT, OOP. tee PJ THO MATTBM OP mm "cTJp"iV| MttMototo. tMajijaja m aw "MOOOCVOO tMet MM o i ao ~uje MmmTm jepeeeOMf to to M MmmS tpMOtotot LtotoaoM tor mmm mm, I*TTTM MATCMA M TtW MA i rmPJ TMS COO9PAM9SO ACT, CAM. 100 MPXKO
      152 words
    • 249 24 WIN $200 WHEN YOU SPOT THE AD 1 tooAv*s i***' <tS])ly jK~f)s m J^ All you need to do it find the answers to the five questions below about Tele-Ads appearing in today s paper and then simply tell why you like TELE-ADS rastCT A. Q2 m she first ad
      249 words

  • sports / racing
    • 397 25  -  TODAY'S TRACK WORK •v B J SMITH PENANG Gold Cap Dark Horse Betsy s Pat made his first ippaaranci at tke Batu Gantong track this morning looking a picture of fitness Trained ta Kuala Lam pur by Jaafar. this wellbred four ve*r old Irish
      397 words
    • 420 25 R V IfVj CAN Imperial Lord win this week to equal Star Prince's poet-war record of six wine In a row and remain undefeated on Use local turf This topic ia tha moat talked about in Penang since the Australian gelding by
      420 words
    • 194 25 AP PANAMA CITY (Panama}, f^tMMMMJ THE World Boxing Association proclaimed junior welterweight world champion Aaron Pryor as Box er of the Year on Monday WBA president Gilbcrto Mendoxa announced the honours at a press conference at the Hotel Marriott, where a special meeting
      AP  -  194 words
    • 176 25 WORLD SOCCER ROUND-UP UPI ROME. Wdwday A S ROMA'S Swedish coach Nils Liedholm denied yes terday that he had any contacts with Sao Paulo about transferring to the Braiilian club Reports that Lied holm was negotiating with Sao Paulo appeared loot week la
      UPI  -  176 words
    • 174 25 CHAMPION jockeys Pat Eddery (Ireland), Freddie Head (France) Leater Ptggot (Britain) aad former champion Joe Mercer (Britain) will be riding in Peaaag in February They will ride aa a European Jockeys' team against teams of four local jockeys and four expatriates at the Batu Gaatong Course
      174 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 191 25 THESPtatfOBE I n N I MONnuR LSI I Cut out and staple wttfi other coupons I Posting instructions appear below I Af* OcCMfIHII mm m N.RI.C TIL: D I [eJ I I 3■ R 6T Tsfl FILL IN MISSING Z I vl LETTIAS I XmrnmrnM ACROSS USING i[S A El
      191 words
    • 118 25 Cocktail Louna'e"' Presents Leo Brothers m It's great entertainment backed by a wide repertoire of sentimental hits, country western music All your favourites... to enjoy with your drinks cocktails. The service is impeccable and the atmosphere is corrycrtabry cosy for the relaxation you deserve HAPPY HOURS: 4 pm to 7
      118 words

  • sports
    • 433 26  -  Victory came only In socMd-holf Basketball R MANORAJ MARINE Parade, despite being hard pressed end Losing key player Chia Yin Seng in the secondhalf, refused to be denied victory when it doused Nee Soon 69 57 in the fiery inter constituency basketball finals
      433 words
      • 67 26 Reuter MOSCOW: Soviet international soccer star VrUry Daraaeiia has been killed M a car creek on a mountain read In tha Rspahiic of Georgia, the official Taaa news agency reported today Daraaeiia. 25 was one of the Soviet Union s best known mid fielders and played
        Reuter  -  67 words
      • 63 26 Reuter PARIS Italian World Cup hero Paolo Rossi has been voted European Footballer of the Veer ia the annual fie/Jon dXk (Golden Ball) poll conducted by the sports magazine France-Football Rossi received US points out of s possible 124 from s panel of European snorts writers,
        Reuter  -  63 words
      • 46 26 Reuter DALLA& John McEnroe retains the No 1 ranking in the new Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) rankings announced yesterday The top five are John McEnroe (US). Jimmy Connors (US), Ivan Lendl .Czechoslovakia). Gaillermo Vilas (Argentina) and Vitas Gerulaitis (US) Reuter
        Reuter  -  46 words
      • 69 26 Reuter MELBOURNE: England opening batsman Graeme Fowler has a fractured big toe and there are doubts shout whether he can play in the Fifth Test against Australia in Sydney which starts on Jan 2, an England teem spokesman said Fowler was injured during the Fourth Test
        Reuter  -  69 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 26 26 ITT Only $64/' per month ITT Ideal Color 3303 ENQUIRIES PLEASE CALL: UNIVERSAL TELEVISION MAINTENANCE Block 154. 01-36. Mci Ling Street, Singapore 0314. Office Tel: *****96
      26 words
    • 269 26 THE FIRST METAL WOODS AND IRONS WITH MINE ALIGNMENT Only PGA can design such a great combination: Spectol T Line Twin-Rail sole minimizes turt drag to the club glides through gross and slides into tight Mac Compoct heod and slreomiinad hose) deagn leduce drag and increase ctubheod speed resulting m
      269 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 98 27 LIVERPOOL'S laa Raa* (picture) aaal Baa Utctrior* af Swaaaaa, with IT BJawl aa>t4. mWm\m\mf eateSQAf IEW Eailisa Dlvisioa (rae laaaaaa scorers Aaaaag an altar matches played yesterday DIVISION ONE 17 mmm tiliftfcfi (S.m»m>. laa Hm* (LH iff liftII Mi Me* (Lata*) 1« Lattar Btaartl (Wartara). iota Deetaa <N*rwar»)
      98 words
    • 437 27 Closest challengers drift away from league title Reuter, AP LONDON, Wednesday LIVERPOOL edged even closer to the English soccer championship yesterday despite being held to a goalless draw by bottom club Sunderland because their fast diminishing band of challengers fared even worse. City neighbours
      Reuter, AP  -  437 words
    • 368 27 f w D L F A Pts Liverpool 81 IS Nottingham Forest 81 18 WMHmUmm St II Coventry itv 22 Watford 20 It Aston Villa 20 19 West Brumwirh 81 t Manchester City SI t Kverton 81 Notts Country SI Southampton St I Ipswich 81 7 Tottenham St I
      368 words
    • 181 27 RESULTS of English Football League matches played yesterday: DIVISION ONE Coventry 3 Manchester United 0 Everton 3 Nottingham Forest 1; Manchester City 2 West Bromwich 1; Notts County 4 Stoke 0. Sunderland 0 Liverpool 0 Norwich 1 Luton 0; Southampton 2 Arsenal 2, Tottenham 2 Brighton I. DIVISION TWO
      181 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 69 27 ]INKNKH 111 ■UJw^ w yhl ar I J MARAH REVITALISES the state a/r in your office iaV4BBJ£MaU Se» aawanaaaaaai ataPiaroaaaaaa HL JU ■saaj H moo*" .nou«tna*Mhon ufoar ▼dl ■fj H trarftc congsaliona and host of ottw air «m»w> any aoctaaad HflC aaaaaaaal can Da oWacOtay menme empty TJLZZI tfwpww* »<<or,
      69 words
    • 93 27 9® RSCKOti. imm Aofnt If S I Aim MftOW Ipirti Ct. uw s«»m T| mw (ft Qi IMBJ MJMMJ OmM» GMMtwaU 1 MMtMIM MMM iXM WOJ3 'M/ 034 I COUGAR Full-Grain Leather shoes for the Tennis Enthusiast ML V^UUUU*WW>»JIJtjOU|W^WWHWimHI' Ir Psooed «r»oi# Arch support On* Piece Paddedtongue sure grip sot*
      93 words