Singapore Monitor, 26 December 1982

Total Pages: 46
1 26 Singapore Monitor
  • 13 1 THE SUNDAY MONITOR M C (P) No 20/5/82 Sunday, Ptc«m»tr 26, 1982 40c«nt»
    13 words
  • 36 1 PITS GREETING THE Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. wishes si Christians a Merry Christmas. We also wish to take this opportunity to wish our readers s Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    36 words
  • 49 1 This hummn Chriotmoa troo put up by tho Trinity Chrtotton Cootro Choir ot tho vocont lot bo twoon tho Monttortn Hotot ond Mpoo Ann n># choir wMf bo pfooonttno. o tpodol pot' tmmmm Imwm mmSm mmteat Tho King o« Lo¥o. Picture by NO YOKE WENG
    Picture by NO YOKE WENG  -  49 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • home
    • 209 2  -  Causeway traffic jams add to motorists' woes FAEZAH ISMAIL TTO RAJW ftoally atojpw>d^« itorwi aad for Bat floods la atolifali etoaai the eeat coaat road aorta of Koto Ttoav aad oaawpted traiiic oa Traffic fmm at taa Caanway atartad oa "Thursday eight, with ouewas
      209 words
    • 151 2 n* IS not easy to copy the saooaas of others, bat we these who achieve—eats oa the easy because we are small Success requires a strong leadership and a tough society, according to Mr Shank Saniff. Parliamentary Secretary for Trade and laoaeUj, and
      151 words
    • 51 2 THE Paya Übar htsthod ist Church celebrated ita golden anniversary with the oaeaamg of ita new church bwlldmg oa Chrietmao Day The old building, which waa built he Its! and a large part of which waa itamoliaiod last Jaawary. baa beea joined to the
      51 words
    • 54 2 THOUSANDS of people spent (Tiristrnaa Eve without electricity when a power failure felt Whampoa Drive, lalartlw RooQrjwj Keat Hood, Boon Teck Rood nad Laroag Lamae at 1105 in TOnanta complained that refrigerators loaded with Cbrtatmaa food were o> frosting PUBiakJ that by Mpm moat of
      54 words
    • 309 2  -  Ptcanw ana] story by CHEW YEN FOOK LOVELY Shirley Weag. IS, Beared Hke a fewd aw IS maaetea, thea caaae dewa la earth at the newest of the police Flytag deea act come naturally to Shirley. She was haraeased la a giaat awe
      309 words
    • 311 3  -  Majority of doctors who respond to survey favour a fees schedule JULIE LIAU DOCTORS think patients should be expected to pay about $12 for each visit, according to a survey by two medical associations that was conducted to find oat if doctors favoured a
      311 words
    • 573 3 "THOSE who cannot redstnead to repeat it. aaM George SanUyana Or do we remember the seat well end repeat It well toe? There an element ef tram ta It Often eery often, we take things, eapeclelly tee good ones, for granted And teas goes for the
      573 words
    • 237 4 SINGAPORE and Thailand gave their fall backing to all efforts of the Cambodian coelitioa governrnent which is maintaining diplomatic and political pressure on Vietnam to seek a solution to the Cambodian crisis and withdraw the 200.H0 Vietnameae occupation troops from that
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    • 226 4 THE Ramakrishna Mission is having trouble getliag boys to fill up places in its Boys Home. The arasidsnt of the mission, Swami Sastrsaseds, said: "All along, the demand waa greater than the supply But for the first time this year, we have more places
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    • Article, Illustration
      920 4 Are we feeling the pinch? RECESSION. It's an ugly word that coats soma people their jobs, yet prorides business possibility for others Is the world wide recession affecting Singaporeans? Yes and no, depending oa who you speak to. About the only certainty about the recession's affects on Singaporeans is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 114 2 If service w Fo/ doWjas write to A^gsßßß»ssjj« V jw' Lombard North Central PLC. Banking Services. Dept 508 17 Bruton Street, London WIA 30H. Englend Telephone 01 400 3434 BIRTHDAY GAME NO 5 RESULTS Ist Prize $600 Chong Huay Kuan, Marina Terrace. 2nd Prize $250 R Puvanenthiran Pillai. Bondemoar Road.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 132 4 I JL- f mW 9 1 Ctirywaißtioiiajrri Tee si VatH mode from ihe petals of fpe vl H Criryaa/idwrajrn btoaeorns _w eaan BMCBsBy grown n Shsjnghai W y» Yfl It S OOOenQ end ref reebtng M wM Each can a) head with the _a M sa» an! freajhneei of fregraot
      132 words

  • world
    • 234 5 Japan says yes then no to tariff cuts UPI TOKYO, Thura. STRONG opposition from Ja pen's powerful farm lobby forced taa government ta withdraw a proposed tariff ™*»cu*w meant u> ortkekifci The wttjjdrawal^r>^ aftot e£ economic min^sUrt^and'i Party had decktedjolower^tart/i cultural products aad IS manHiactured goods, as well aa oa
      UPI  -  234 words
    • 136 5 AP •ALT LAKE CITY, tut rr puddhnj artificial baari o redpsset Barney Clark has a milkpotatoes his first solid food since surgery on Dec 2 and Is planning a quite holiday with his family Dr Clark, who re "very stable" condition today, pai
      AP  -  136 words
    • World Briefs
      • 65 5 AP sVwuuWOK; The defence ministers of Vietnam and Cambodia s Phnom Penh Regime have signed a military cooperation agreement in Hanoi, the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported yesterday Vietnamese Defence Minister General Van Tien Dswag aad Cambodian Minister Boa Thong signed the pact on Thursday during s visit
        AP  -  65 words
      • 100 5 LAT-WP JERUSALEM Israel sssi nee rill thai it will begin direct negotiations with Lebanon on troop withdrawal early next week but despite the Israeli government! public optimism the talk* are being viewed here with W T?^" l Begin s office announced the start of the long
        LAT-WP  -  100 words
      • 88 5 Korea's Christmas gesture Agencies WAaewNOTCer. Leading South Korean dissident Kirn Pas laag arrived here oa Thursday for msdicsl treatment after Seoul authorities released aim from i 20-year jail term la Ma arrival statement, the 17 year-old former ißsidsallsl oaadsdaas thanked rVasaaaet Ronald Reagan and said M I want hi the
        Agencies  -  88 words
    • 218 5 AP tot AN ENGINEERING pcofsaaor says he copied the radar of dolphins and bats to create three-mnwxssional radar that can track aircraft and satellites, look into a brain or dkacovar buried tree The experimental system waa developed by Dr Nabil Parent and hat students at the
      AP  -  218 words
    • 48 5 The bodies of loer Christian ttjajaaxnhjj ■gttlian l gin ilin hj Oheh? coenjztaael car which wee reedeeex tile t b? Fighthmg between Christian rtghtiata anal leftkt Drexe gemmea has raged for nearly two snoatha hi laraiM ■las cesatrej Liaaaaa PICTURE UPI
      PICTURE UPI  -  48 words
    • 95 6 Christmas blues SAO PAULO (aVnrft, tot HOODLUMS muejH Santa here ta* <b?om atreeU lai lit pronMlo da H whan^arerod At twee one of ed Ueaatlaaj ham mmd then aa free* of I ijUMill'l, knocked him down, beat kirn, and atoie a* candiea and aboet
      95 words
    • 78 6 DALLAS: ft waa three days before Chrwtmaa aad aO taroafh atirraaj except the ball ia a charch nativity aoaae The loaghora eecaaed twtee Wedaeedav from its eacioaare at the charch Belli hi aad led po-red-faced peat or as a cheee which oeeewas trail "Itare were five
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    • 64 6 B CHMESC Now Year is round tho comer Slook up on apeciaJ rwespea by taking part in the Qourmot Cade s oooaawy class at Goodwood Park Hotet s Man Jiang restaur ant BWM dinner for ton at tho Mln Jiang And other attractive pnzoa Look out for news,
      64 words
    • 23 6 LONDON: The tetepaowe com twrawaja^ called ChatLV eaaathaj ap to nine chat merrily Bet it looted only two day* be-
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    • 27 6 BWaf Tawak Dwe OwaHa 27% AjaksflM ClflMßj MwAwTow Unoto AH mm mwmm Art's iMf* in th« ■I m*wn! Jm < l* l><t r
      27 words
    • 34 6 MODEL illl Milker sports t holiday do cotrrare in tke shape of Christmas oroarneats hi Chicago del Teeeday The deaifa is by Joha \rnico of Hair Pei foi iners, Chicago
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 142 5 JTS "STARDUST NIGHT AT EL MAROCXX) It's a non-stop party on Carrie models bring you New Year's Eve till sat dawn. Bobby To's brilliant American With sparkling Collection and add glamour to entertainment, fun and games. the occasion. Glow in the company Followed by a dareling of a glittering gallery
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 527 6 /^^^^^hjw J*m j| _aa C*ji*44 toTuHi 1. Jmm 3. *aetj 4. Pstaeid Ist Mm $4000 Que* LMEng, oQpaoj^^ 2nd PHmc $500 MkM D#vi, 3rd Mm (2): $200 Mjj Sartaeaxwe 1020. Sanowpore 1044. wh#if pftdT#s on WotjttWSdtey, OsotMvtMc 4tt 12. Mum §H oMcoo 00 Do9ww> MO4Ja)O), ROw)d^ OtstspnnOalt. 100 Runnera-Up who
      527 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 260 6 YOUB BIRTHDAY TODAY: The money you ley out Tee mey feel c keck of direction where your career is far expert advice is weD tpeni A ranaaWaai couid concerned Aa older relative offers valuable advice point out many angles you have overlooked Guard BsWasWaswasWal ua]|lA: your business seems and privacy
      260 words

  • tv/Channel 5 highlights
    • 355 7 Tttt Trott and tha Christmas Exprwss (9.55 pen) A DBJGHTFUL childrea story sheet tlx mbchievoea trolls trio oro tot to spoil fill! 11l I lor all little gfcrle aaa boys Trofto, Gaaaaa. KM, Trail. GaaaA aaa Ore, daajaased as areas, aat their magic ta tabouge laata's toy
      355 words
    • 549 7 NEW YEAR LINE UP Wolcomo '83: Now Yoor Vartaty Show (Friday St rnkStUoht) A STAR-STUDDED parade invites you to welcome the New Year at the final stroke of twelve. The line-up includes the dynamic Anita Sarawak, Louis Castro, Adlin Adnan. Maggie Teng, Chris Ho snd The Transformers, Juliet Ma tines,
      549 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • tv highlights
    • 477 8 Heartaches of a young couple Afternoon Matinee Made *or Each Other (Tuesday, 4.35 pen) WATCH out for this tearjerker Selsnick classic drama. It concerns a young couple who, after being married, discover the heart aches of matrimonial life The husband, who m a lawyer, begins to wonder
      477 words
    • 124 8 CHANNEL 5 HIGH HUH IS Bind Crosby: Christmas Uko tho Onos Wo Ueed to Know (Saturday, 11.20 am) CHRISTMAS with the family Kathryn. Harry, Prances and Nathaniel Crosby Also Joining in the festive celebrations are old buddies Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly. Roy Clarke.
      124 words
    • 222 8 X'IMS MY GtNBE CHANNEL 8 HIGLIGHJ China** Cinema Lova At Sunset (Saturday, 10.15 pm) ONCE again, scree* Mols Qia Haa aad Lai Feng Jiao are cast together romantically in this Taiwanese love drama. The story to a boat a yoang girt, Li
      222 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 92 8 2-Year Guarantee ssssassassanl Amateur Photo Store* (Pte) Lid. asaa aasasp d cowwwoo 4 aaeaa mmm hb nan t hit t« aasms itmt« ssvture For those who'll settle for nothing less than the best IS programmes AM band tuner, atso suitable for cabas TV 10 Watt concert loudspeaker Power consumption 59
      92 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 150 9 every room of your home ake Sony* Colour 3 System! KV-I42DME *X The 36cm (14-inch) Trmon portable lets you recerve PAL/SECAM broadcasts, or play back prerecorded videotapes from around the world on PAL. SECAM or NTSC Al in beautrtul. vvhßffJMSf you put it in your home! And for the roving
      150 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1180 9 Tv 10.00 Opoioncj Paßtead By "Tho Lion. Tho 7 JO Now* and Weather FsrtltM (tt\ 3 00 Opening lodoeied ay Chilians I BpeWBch aaa) The Wardrobe" (Port 1) 7 M >XJlajA lajjitfßjl aaa] Tho Mi til ekeTa* (Tho "OJve M of Chrwamoe) (r) 2La filE m rTl,,lf tills it. Thlt
      1,180 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 109 10 Just one touch National's latest NY 300 EN with OTR one touch timer recording. This moons when friends visit you while you're watching your favourite programme, one touch will instruct the NY 300 EN to record the rest of the programme and you won't have to miss a thing The
      109 words
    • 84 10 2 PLAZA THE HUNTERS and THE HUNTED... i THE QUICK and THE DEAD... /WHO WILL SURVIVE THE BLOOO and THUNDER SHOCKER Of 4%* V THE YEAR? mm J 5 T Ifl 111 ■14 Asi WIVIP DAUT-PKIJfIBR: ***** UWAOU-OCSAM: SHOWIIW (wrra waL/oww euannm Lwß LIDOt 30th UnforowtUblß DAY! (*****14) 11am, 140,
      84 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 91 10 HILTON MTER NATIONAL j THE LOUNGE R«Ui la your corner and let Louis Tan Three-O entertain you until t am Pint drink $17 M UNO'S HOTEL KING'S DEN Open from II am to S am Captor* the festive mood at the den as you linfor over your drinks and be
      91 words
    • 382 10 Christmas and en)oy yourself with u exciting evening of fun. gifts and games Open till! am. Adm lesion: Nonmembers |60 (inclusive of 1st drink) KABBAH Dance to the music by the Flybaits and the Larry klatias Band from pm to 2 am. Admission Mama guests (max. 3) at normal prices
      382 words
    • 371 10 55t77) sxxsrejwfsr*,,, sssr atsmvffm™ §5&o, 18.%--SSnsrs) assmt'Vir •Mm IMmUMmmJCVII am ICV1J0. 3 30 7 00. »1ft (*****7ft) Jhwe thwpai" 0*'ft(C)/7 30 ft 30 Mi> HHMM) KfaM Af*r ftMipaOl 11 (CV11 WW gllQjl'l Mm fCVI 30 3 46 7 00 (3t23ftftft) UlMW- 0mp»*"Mp*Mp(C>/11. 130. 4.00. ft.4ft.ft.1ft E 5xsagf,s" j °5r«.„. Mm
      371 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 529 11 i jackpcli9<l Cut out and staple with other coupons I Posting instructions appear below. I "z A§« wawQewaai mm m N 11C TIL: I TIT A ~*l I Ie M P| < mm T A I I FILL IN MISSING 1 Mn n F I LETTERS I 4^B_ D O
      529 words
    • 784 11 Moneywords results and cxxnments made by the judges No entrant submitted a solution which corresponded to PS.-1.-f A single glance can hardly show a man to be a all reapacta with the set of answers held by tbe judges to DANDY, M.. a habitually smart dreaaer BANDY is fully be
      784 words

    • 364 12  - The Mercenaries an X'mas gift? Fitter Bayan Lepas set to score again l SHOULD V\T*°^^\^^^mi BY B J SMITH LAST-START impressive winner Tee Merceearies. trained in Penang by Lam Hock Bee, appears ready to give punters a Christmas prtatat by winning Race 4 on his home track on Saturday This
      364 words
    • 223 12 0 J tOJTTH SM CHEW (Ms TOO) Race 1 )D*MUnN 8 Ra»or> Ros* 7 Peert RWer Ssssot Mssssry 8 Rsser. Ross* 1 Bo*xrty HunSsr 9 SwtWt MojcnofY 1 Bounty Hurrtojr Raca 2 5 RpJaj Commander 10 Dottns DoOot* 11 Ssssso LSSJOO 7 GoW Mass 5 Rywxj Cortwnanoar 11
      223 words
    • 477 12 CteM 4 Dtv 0 1100m \Nonncita itnui 3 0 4 VMT Okta) OIMM $13,000 tol«tto04<«7 Foo IttoOr to you MM HI 117* *w-1«u*« tow— ito mm too "SjoM* 87 V P W JMf«ttocS« UM Tm III lot 11*8 M l 4M0f1t C4-A HMO I140to SpM* Mntof
      477 words
    • 4047 13 3 2.30 Ciaaa 4 Dtv A 1100m (Restricted Tarma 3 6 4 Years Old) Stakes $13,000 1 87 Amancan EagM 57 KM (2) 4M* K)OAA 53° PdOncf* S1200g Mai Mia Bndgs IM 1.124 7* 9/11 C4-A 57 Lam >1400* Sptoa HmM IM 123 4 3 7
      4,047 words
    • 250 15  -  B J SMITH PEGASUS. who has an affection for Use Pesta Sukan Cap having won it last year and f iiiished a close second this year has returned to top form and can win Race Five at Penang today. This six year -old
      250 words
    • 235 15 JO CMm 4 Dtv D 1100m (HMincwa IPM 2ft3YMrOlds) Mm $11,000 Sui S"?WW» ****** Ml Mm 1« 1 jo I SSScffSJ!/c£>'nowSL 17 nMy 0» «n MM H11.171 MM omOtC V *m* imm Tmmm MMH MM 4 o r«tohm« hom m tMTuClO /jm fcno c*s v N"
      235 words
    • 141 15 JfJBTM 1 !Srp»w t»p<jrlw 7 StoQtport PaV* DdKXrvory IIAATYAMQ (QoaSan toy) 9 Hmm OMtMMVf ttMJMtM IMajMi 7 Satgapora FUvor 1 AiMxn° m nia 4 Fui Psyrrajnt i OlSini CH.Sinfjir 10 SoMr E/wyy 1 Aurora 01 ufmrr* Bon* J 17 5ixZ?""* 9C^Tr*jra2sr 11 Win Taa OaaM* 8 C?WT«MrlOT 14
      141 words
    • 4024 16 S3 2.M CtoM 3 DM 0 1200m 1 ***** MioMol 664 Lpm (16) Mtmc MM Gapmwa /M 17H0 C3-2S6H Lucas PI TOM Etoor lal 1441 M 14/11 C3-4 MH Lucea Si400g Tim Fortune lal 1444 4atomo Tap CaMM mm ***** C3-4 M* vaap Si200g Tea*r Honor
      4,024 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 112 18 aj bmm ■■■i.i i jSi^^yg^yy^;, a n\ c^mi tTI MrM) IMI 111 Ml Mr MM tt! t»MMMj m| i^M^ot^^i.^'..a., i. M "Mlt^MMMw Mi MM •1 LgtMMjj Mi Wmm a boy M| MHO gjlinlm m r S ir' 'L j HI ||'SSL I m| S=L£~ sEEr: M) gj*»JM nil* 701 a?Mr
      112 words
    • 203 18 The staff* of the Classified Dept A A Art Studio of Tho Singapore ft A Monitor wish all their clients A A and friends a ft H I 1 MERRY CHRISTMAS •uid a 2 HAPPY NEW YEAR. i I- Nanc y 9 HvJ Hu* Susan 7 MB Wardah A Kwana
      203 words
    • 103 18 TELE-ADS M »«V tMMt mm •mtm, mmm mm mm m—L U Wmmmm mmm, t mmm MM. TM M4-MM. 5mT mmm&m'tmMvtiri. M mmmmftrnmmmmmm>mmmm <* Or Z FLATS HOUSf S Z ■> rMMj M VMM. m IMllM> M M wmmmm m m mtmri m> m» mWrnm I MMil 5 TtU 2t#>2131 5
      103 words
    • 32 18 MM* IB 4 »MI II A «4>4i»IM«TIAk #4 M»mini i eWT T4MNI 04f»M«JCMl tATItTOOH Wit LTD Sgrr. 5 m? roun •100 V 91M tap PfMav t 00 o m tvKUMO<tM AMOOOOIO. >i
      32 words
    • 128 18 raTLC^aai^aßßT^BT.ißaßaaaTJ *****878 WgptJ ***** 91 ftjftjjft. ••haa*o\"aWW MaVtf r*ftT*ah. of M 8999 *****% mnoto /VoncO £raT***V ftMcCaltum Straa g !ra Vaa aauT malatBaa raaaa mult aaa a 8 MTT9VM Oaaaa Oaten 820/--waiajrOaaai 820/930 Spon» MaTiTw 820/ a 9 BMT9 1 *****9 Uaaaea Oaaaaa ti9»--oaaa»9*ach 890/Qanang St Lumpur I t1»--s 9
      128 words
    • 108 18 1«/«4»«*T«H a*aaMM*9 evaaaaae f*< teaaa at laV-tra*. lull am" Hj frpmn 111 aaia tiJiMwi at* I aja aaa aw. Vaa aarnai aaTioaa) mini tm MiMa*** 117 laa*«AiaM««M 00-TT YOURMLF I Cat, A tax Of ■iiaaa Fdanao H Ml Oajr taaraa CURB MB7ITUTV OO 82, 19-0, CMa Oaaaa Mead Otnaapara 0010.
      108 words

  • sports / yearender
    • 351 19 Tho yoor-ond) oporto rovlow LBM otvtoto oetof oa Itio ooifoiwiooiooo of our THE M |^y l p <te»toßW»4jM Singjpoce i top court though fast rising younfater Albert Too aaa crept into tbe headlines Mliliar, freab from winlig tbe Halt Eel Asia Games silver medal lest veer,
      351 words
    • 120 19 RUGBY'S only claim to feme this veer is through Singapore's winning tbe Malay slen Rugby Tjnlon Open Invitational Cup after Aye years and the Singapore Rugby Union shouldering the reeponsibility of baethag the Asian Clumptooships But their accomplishments See their value with the foul-ups, tlbt endless hick enng, clash
      120 words
    • 50 19 IRONICALLY, tbe highlight was Singapore s V tsrastianals hitting out st Tingspars Amatuer Boxing Association Five top boxers threatened never to fight for Singapore again The Singapore National Olympic Council stepped in Pour of the Aye rsfsntsd. And the rest, is history which is likely to repeat itself in IM3
      50 words
    • 49 19 THE year in local cycling belonged to Manila South East Asia Games silver medallist Jamalludin Mohammed. Jamalludin won the Asian cycling cnsanston»4ottm individual pur bronxe, beating the Asian Oaaaaa qualifying mark with a five-minute 20 8 second effort Bat he failed to win a medal at the Asian Games
      49 words
    • 39 19 AFTER hitting the bull •eve with golds hi last years SEA (James trap team aad individual events, which incidentally won them the SMI Teem of the Year and Las Km Cheok the Sportsman award, Stofupores marks cutiaawseiy bus year
      39 words
    • Article, Illustration
      299 19 ONE of tbe few sports Hi which there was marked improvement this year After fail*** to live up to expectations during last year's Sowlh-Eaot Asia Games, tints pore's top heelers steejnrnlhwi to tbe top to win two golds, three silvers and one bronxe in tbe Asian Zone FIQ cnamp+onahipa in
      299 words
    • 85 19 THE year began with a bens and coded with s whimper for our )uoocaa It all began when three mternationan complained about tbe way tbe Singa pore Judo FsoVarstioo was relating tbe sport Since, tbe SJF regarded it a sin to speak to tbe proas. It replied in the only
      85 words
    • 253 19 WHEN PAS cbrirman Too ("bong Tea inherited tbe soccer baby from ci chair men N Q my bet is that he ***** know what be waa in tar. It Waa a time Of turbo •ence with reports, charges and counter charges of bnb cry and corruption filling
      253 words
    • 97 19 •y aad faDar* Faadi Abroad mm busy riirt iaf a coare* for fuirawli Oa* taat beeaa wtts a NmcS talaat acoat aaaloaaly areaa* oar top football property aed oar -tuck took turn to Hollaed to play aloes**** tbe fuenboyaat Jo baaaCnrff TaadJ coataeeed to make
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 67 19 Rackets Bring you a very newkham squash! A m Um 7A/ j^» PROBLEM WITH YOUR J i M Jk M| J ASK FOR PROFES- .a f J |J)r M SIONAL ADVICE FROM ■Write in your name, sS address, age, sex, problem on a separate > m m FmuisicowAiiY <5 79.
      67 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • Article, Illustration
      652 20 Except for this terrific threesome ANG PENG SIONG CHUA KOON SIONG ZAINAL ABIDIN WILL there be more bribery scandals aeafaihag neit voir? WUI toe doors of the Malaysia Ceo, sow hjsßjßod shut by red tape be open to Singapore once more' Or will tbe Football As aociatsoa of
      652 words
    • 135 20 WEIGHTUFTING Tbe year Brleeajsd es mark to Chee Koou Siong as it dM to Singapore Araeteer Wetghtltftag Freerstioe secretary aad reach Michael Keay Together the two lifted ocr spirits ia the Common wealth Games, bagging i bronxe in Brisbane For Keen Siong it meant liriashjg the
      135 words
    • 258 20 SQUASH: Squash orgam sation sod standards in Singapore have always been like a fairy tale amid the harsh reality of local sport it has always beau run aad played at a rnaaesiinuy high lev el. This year was no differswt. And Singapore s squash maestro
      258 words
    • 311 20 SWIMMING: Ang Peng Siong was like s shot of adrenalin to Singapore snort Bis determination, grit aad humility serves aa a fine example to our athletes and lan victory. a Maaan to tne cynics. Yes. the year belonged, without a shadow of a
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

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    • Article, Illustration
      0 1
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    • 857 2 AMID th« jingling cacophony of tha ctMfh registers at crowded department store* end reetaurants, Singaporean* are leaving 1982 in s better frame of mind then when they entered it. Seles in •hopping centres in the past few weeks hove been brisk despite the
      857 words
    • 541 2 Jew 6: Six year-old Noretta goes to school When she was three, ah* fell 10 storeys and survived. Jew 17: Government an knowledge a compulsory subject in schools Jew 14: Mr Lee Kuan Yew voices concern over in creasing number of young coupfoi leaving their aged parents to eve by
      541 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 8 3 j!!>syif!iiiSSi> IB MMSI* AW^^Ba
      8 words
    • 229 4 OVER the peat 12 month. Singa pore took the loloiiQaa raajor steps to prepere tteaW to bee aha future end raise standarda of tvteg Tha launch of a rational produc TraTatoal of a crucial effort to retrain aearkar* for near teckeasknjy Tha inrw ha iMi ef tha
      229 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 93 4 We'll treat you like a Maharajah. I Air Indu loves to spoil you From the AU flights provide convemrnt upcst ried eirsanre of our Boeing connections at Bombay to Africa, 7478, to the glorious curstne And MiaVle East, Europe. Lmdon and retexing music. New York. We ah»> fly twite weekly
        93 words
    • 409 5 Divorce: Now one every four hours THE BIGGEST story of 1962 for Singa pore involves Its people ha haadßns should road: "The Refining of a Peo pej." ft waa tha year in which a decision was taken to Introduce moral education in school, aa a national effort
      409 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 85 5 gf| C y*ri o ri n 11 fx aw ami ami m\\\m Everybody is going for the refreshing taste of Capri-Sonne The fresh fruit juice in a cool pouch you can take along wherever you go. A run in the sun. a tan on the sand or just fun Thirst
        85 words
    • 100 6 1982 hasn't exactly been a fun year, what with wars, murders, disasters and repressions all laid out in their gory details and pictures on the breakfast, lunch and dinner tables of readers. Not a pleasant thing to read about at all, even when you
      100 words
    • Fondly remembered
      • Article, Illustration
        31 7 SYGMA On Soptambor IS, Pttncoaa Qraco ot Monaco and hor wwtw trww nvmw tw rw/ m mwwwmiy accidont noor tho Ptincoaa Qfoco dtod tho noxt day ht hoapmmi SYQAtA
        SYGMA  -  31 words
      • Article, Illustration
        36 7 SYGMA Sha dmd ot down on Saturday, htay 29, to Pant, In tho home of har common law huaband, pro ducat Laurant Pa tain. Apparantty a caaa ot haart toUuro. Homy woo 44-yaara-old SYQktA
        SYGMA  -  36 words
      • Article, Illustration
        59 7 SIPA Sha died of cancer in London in August Ingrtd would have boon 68 she omd on hor birthday m this photo taken m London, tho loot bafora hot doom, oho poaod naxt to hor homo in Chelsea and said "I'm not oa young oa before, but I
        SIPA  -  59 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 99 7 W Effcßctive I LL Relief I {"offftv from I ■VflM Aches Pain I [Mm use I ■Tl Zhitong Gao I I Shangshi Zhitong Gao H I a medicated plaster H I that helps to relieve H I m t| muscular ache, sore H if^" shoulders H L I Simply stick
        99 words
    • 295 8 UFfI aad death, •noetfy death, were ueuefty what made taa paoee for the year 1982. "Iraqi troope khU mm 9M of Iran ten Invader*." "Thou--***** mm to (Afe*a*u*tan s) death tunnel "Kiner pel (cyaBSOs Irerl Extra Strong Tylenol) claims seventh victim." Then there ere eeeneetne- besab Meet
    • Article, Illustration
      129 9 The Beirut massacre Israel's demolition squads in the Sinai The bitter Guli war BLAUQHTtm WEST BKmUTi Tha world waa atupafkfd on Soot 17, upon homing that Labattaaa maWa mmnhMdi>m mmmamtra In tha r%|pit>iw ammwm carnpa of mm\m and Cfmmm\ at Waat 0 swiff, nuniwwum or rrnwn, wofnori, cnnorwfl ana
      PICTURES BY SYGMA  -  129 words
    • 14 10 Of heroism... Entrapment... And graves in the snow...
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 121 10 GET THE LATEST NEWS AT HOME WIN ATRIP TO LONDON CASH PRIZES Tvvo3rd p«n!§© EVERY INrrONTH sth PRIZE $25 bo etigibte, just anajnujr thai airnpta queatJon and fW in tha root of tho coupon. HH Skfe aSaSaP >ifl. i-ll ri II tin nlifM Bui «w I m M| 111 H*^P*^
        121 words
    • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 82 12 jPffILMTOKf JAPAN/ |aLL-JAERn[ TAIWAN 1983 l/rL •a ff» ORIENT w at."""si 779 U "™*'-S wn Moss (h i»i.Ch»*-.«o«lSingapo»<Ui6. «"jP|r '.'7 All TAIWAN/KOREA I ••V J I I \\/^./-HIOO jL~~ m mKmi gt* H9»> 45V Hajsw |2550 .hiflMiii,i j#afaW*BtrS. OffceHcx*. IMW«¥MJ»MI AU TAJWAN/KOAEA/ $1999 j 0*B«BM M l%W\ X —iHX" W
        82 words
    • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • Page 13 Miscellaneous
      • 87 13 LET'S HO?tz iKI MMTfYE %X 1 I WORKERS M6BP MOT WORRY A&OCfT "J]' TUC^A^/^^icAT^O WORK, LfcrT -(ViEM HAVE A 6pOP 0* V/lpErO 6AME PrSRLOQ*} "PAY'S WA4E ANj> A WnVt MO*E STIMULATING *****1 lJ v x aflfat.w Activities anp some EMPLOYERS WILL STOP vVO*RVCN<i %mmm irAr3OUT PROTECTIONISM, LA&OaR f l>M lftl
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    • Page 14 Miscellaneous
      • 114 14 \\\\mm /^^K^^^^ 1 >C b^b^blbW bIbIbIbB /—i bIbIbIbIK J r*^^ t "*^TRtTV Af /A V —A JbSBSbIq I 1 mmmmmmt m —my J> mm^Tkmrnr itr Ik. JB M IB I I .mm mmm Bbßbßbßbßbßbßb^B^B^VsT^ 9 I I IbNw J F _gf«\_ A J I /m\\ I Und4HQfOUnd bIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbL mj mm\\\W
        114 words
    • 200 15 i ma IJM.B i.4Ma ijmb -tn.4 i .m i l.iaaa imi 4JM.T 111 a HUM lti»tl It J44 7 II 7MI 17 444 I M7MI 14 171 41 MI 8 44 114 1 Will I 411 4 11 444 4 11 *M4 Ik IM 1
      200 words
    • 129 15  -  •V CATHERINE ONG MRS FONG LOO PERN brat* SO ymmn of May> Fona Co. 1 CVC Wotkj Mthtrm mmmhj tfM 21 HMfi on she to |m>tM*fy otoo Mn Fottfj fb M tooood the BMA four yoors ltt»Sh> |T L L l
      129 words
    • 461 15 INFLATION he* rnltnierl, un*n> pioyment It tow and n*w houatng and commercial prefTkie** er* merrily going up aa tha conetructton sartor boom. Singapore's raputatton at a financial centre grows by tha month, and tha locol dolor la strong Vat tha government haa
      461 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 55 15 The ALLIANCE FRANCAISE \V has been teaching French 'v*. ]f 11 for one hundred yean! kp a "v BEGINNERS COURSES START ON JANUARY 3 f^k register now am/ ft*/ your free 100 th anniversary file holder k Weekdays, 9am Ipm Saturdays, 2pm- 5 pm ALLIANCE FRANCAISE 4 .ORAYCOTT PARK (1025)
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    • Page 16 Miscellaneous
        36 words
    • 569 17  -  We have been lapping up expensive food in 1982 99\ VIOLET OON WE*VE hod to chew on sorns pretty on* pomeve food m 1992 but no one eeome to be bo cornpountng. k hoe boon o vintage yeecjbr topcwe* eat** $100 per person
      569 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 184 18 m JZIn. \JXr' JL UTOv£J Jeremy Tay, 24. asststsnt liaison officer THIS year, wtth the world wide ganjasefa, recession and f— the tightening of the job market for graduates. I'm grate W ful for being able to get the first job I have applied for.
      184 words
    • 82 18 Hashim Yahya. 27, civil servant SINGAPORE has boon stable during tho soot years when other countries were struggling with thear econow my. I hope that 1983 wtfl bo another year of stobtlity Stronger ties should bo developed with ASEAN to cope with the communist throat. For
      82 words
    • 80 18 June Tan, 13. admmistratrvc aeetstaAi 1983 Is going to be a year of commitment W for me. I fee) that I've received a lot this year in terms of support. I hope to be able to give more next year to my friends, work and to
      80 words
    • 106 18 Karen Tarn, 15, student At WHAT affected me this year wee the refuW gee problem. I wish we could do something for them. Sometknet when I reed about wars, I think, Isn't it better for them to sit down and talk things over? As for myself, I'm Into
      106 words
    • 120 19 Subblah Lakshmanan, 18. student HOST aseSgeggi Quotes sound artificial but anyway, Kara goos. I don't too any real significance In New Years mainly because unless you need to change sewnoirong In your Me, only then does It become meaningful And In my case, student Mo
      120 words
    • 83 19 Marsita Sinar, 23, commercial artist FOR next year, I hope that we will heve c more co-operative spirit especially In the workplace. I find that there little room for creativity In the workplace and local Ideas are not very well received. On my part,
      83 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 287 19 PLAY THE SINGAPORE MONITOR BIRTHDAY GAME it s tan to enter end eeey to wto w*h The Sng* t*j»Mpyowb>»em*or*t^ pore Monoor Brthday Oorne. Everyday from Sunday SSSBH to Saturday w* wm pubksh the compatition Every MONTH DATE YEARS day owe wt be one month. one data and two year* pubtahad.
        287 words
    • 1549 20 THERE'S A LARGE GAP BETWEEN PUBLIC AND CRITICAL ACCLAIM I \f.77 I II I II K it I I ftf S I IVf IOOU IT FILMS SllOlf X THIS YFlIt LOOKING back over th. EngOsh-ian guage dnarna scana of 1962 It become* very clear
      1,549 words
    • 870 22  -  By XIN YU COUrfTDOVVNt comedies, thraa gongfu iky long, two super natural and one docu mantary Together, they make up the ten •sCEroL Prilling them In a Top 10 hat it a rieky affair, eapecitJky whsn are suppoaed to be 'lii —i —i I■
      870 words
    • 17 22 Tm§ two mmm/ bonom m H tmkom Two
      17 words
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    • 51 24 THt SE are |ust a trwv ot the pictures whi< h vmII he eihibited .it this year s Salon of Photography About 300 selected prints will be on display from Tuesday to c md.*y Two hundred olowr sSdes will also be screened al the exhibition
      51 words
    • Article, Illustration
      740 25 It has no real trend, says designer Thomas Yeo AS DESIGNER Thomas Yeo says, fash lon In %tjaport has no definite band. People gorwraly wear what they went or modify according to what's In vogue However, the working Singapore woman is regarded aa being very fashion aajajajanj and
      740 words
    • 79 25  -  CATHERINE FERNANDO GEORGE Yaaa af Maacba galea aaya taaa yaar a tat aa ■Tat aaaaTaS t*"*f i Uar aaaa aaal gal at aaatf arhea taa TawarOe the Urtter laOf of the arttho oaJtet effect tmm rrnmH oi m atealeoo tmm •mmm iiraalaai back cteabaaj bmt by n*a
      79 words
    • Article, Illustration
      25 26 SIPA MLO m9Wt omm\m%9 O 900t 0%9y0 mWwWtWm %9WO Ot ttlO tWOOt tO9 OWO 9\f YmVt tKoo\ m OpO*f POfOMtf OOoot Of OwO
      SIPA  -  25 words
    • Article, Illustration
      4 26 SIPA
      SIPA  -  4 words
    • Article, Illustration
      16 26 SIPA Anjatuoaav* oxmoo at ww Wttctl of OaaoO aoaOfcOf 4Ykv 4Mb* on fat Fonoawoo.
      SIPA  -  16 words
    • Article, Illustration
      20 26 SYGMA HMw\f aoonoo 0%9 aauan* anonanf' Wwa? flowooojij/ lo caYnsa oao aVnnof Cap ooocar crawreaaonaap at ntodHct grcnoM
      SYGMA  -  20 words
    • 4 26 SYGMA
      SYGMA  -  4 words