Singapore Monitor, 23 December 1982

Total Pages: 35
1 35 Singapore Monitor
  • 14 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR 30centt M C (P) Mo 19/5/82 Thursday, Pacmbf 23,1982 First Edition
    14 words
  • 383 1  -  Unique Japanese management method of reducing work force practised here with much success by electronics firm By CHUA NGENG CHOO A JAPANESE management method of reducing the work force by offering employees cash incentives to resign has been a resounding success for a Japanese electronics company It
    383 words
  • Article, Illustration
    73 1 There ere apples snd then the to sre apple*. The moneter sppts g specially -yown Japanese brand of appla known for Ha slsphonllno proportions and swjswOiooe. Setting at $6 90 each. N la curiouaity rather than the* pleasant sweetness mat seas them Said housewife Madam Janny Wong:
    73 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 Wee Prince Willie Is blonde miter all HEW TEAM OF LEADERS MUST TAME O¥ER SY 1990, SAYS Phi: 4 High-class swine... Do pigs mm to ham it up when they travaf? Do pigs from Down Under have Australian accents 7 The first bunch of high Quality swine from Western Australia
      62 words
    • 149 1 NATION M IHr H I tjwyi J* lanfhn Rood. SinfaptKr 1004 1 Irl 21MMV TVMHI THEOCBC SINGAPORE DOLLAR TRAVELLERS CHEQUES WDELY ACCEPTED IN ASIA '-CV>^ S*K« then recent mtroduc V^av tron the OCBC Singapore 7* IfcWfcl Dorter Travellers Cheques nave t become widely accepted m T fjj *W> Asia v"V/»*'
      149 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • opinion / letters
    • 128 2  -  Smokers, burn your lungs black but don't burn others MRS IVY TAN Singapore 2573 AS A PARENT, would like to bring this incident to the attention of all smokers who cannot curb the desire for a puff in public especially in busy and crowded shopping complexes Some smokers
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    • 442 2  -  E.M. NICHOLAS Operatises aisasgrr far Geaeral Manager Cisco I REFER to the letter by "Another Angry Motorist (SM. Oar IS) com pliking about Cisco's oatridari and their mode of operation whilst escorting trailers or vehicles
      442 words
    • 158 2  -  HENG HIANG HIANG (MISS) tw Permaaeat Secretary (NatktMl Dn ilipiial) WE THANE Sesaa Tseag far her eefjesttoat aj isaslisil read hemps at Elite Park Aveaee aad la convert the teeead laae ef Siglap Read kale aaoteer laae far laralag right k*4o htarlae Parade Read (SM.
      158 words
    • 140 2  -  PATRICK NG Singapore 1121 HAWKER inspectors have been cracking down on unlicensed hawkers One of these raids in Too Pay oh on the morning of December II struck me as one worthy of attention Fruit left scattered on the ground by fleeing vendors
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    • 197 3 TIM worldl is a coanady ft) fdhSM wfao dun*, a tfssjiiy St) tlsoae trtsd) toff. HORACE WALPOLE English statesman (1678 1757) TOOAY is Thursday lumber 23rd the 357 th day of 1912 There arc I days left in the year HIGHLIGHTS in history on this date:
      197 words
    • 190 3  -  Rude threats and intrusion on family privacy, claims citizen INSULTED INNOCENT CITIZEN "~rr mi ON Sunday December 12. IN2 at 4 30 pm my father had a rude shock when he was confronted by four SJSSjnsjssst officers as his way downstairs to do some
      190 words
    • 346 3  -  POK SHEUNG FOO n■ 1 kdseal Mass RaaM Trawsport 1 ***j M S^ r A BRIEFER version of this Ms* was pubHened on Doc 20 In which salient portions wore cut. We reproduce the letter in full todey. I REFER to
      346 words
    • 182 3  -  ROBERT PREGARZ PrnttVit TV Rotsry Ctak of Raffles City I WISH to refer to your article "Raffles City Rotary Hub answers the President s call to help SANA (SM, Dec J). Your reporter called me to enquire about the above protect. I told
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 The sign of fine wine. Rom France, naturellement. nmm ASSOCIATED LIQI 'OR DISTRIBUTES (SIWiAPORB PRIVATE LIMITED Casiotone M-10 ELECTRONIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. if i h mill "m Haw |E*eady jOnjiH PBscbble at a vrfll (W) mmmmmm, TJSKiSIIL,
      36 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 B 'id H^^FV *<se BaßWawasaßWawasaaWawasß f <' satwaWatwawasatwawasaV 7 VVattiaW M,^^m m kV -^^K^l^flr^b^ %l£? aWaWaWaWaWSwS?" .."•*»>•• i« t« I mfl «awl safiSwaai' fclws \m\w If PWh mm m wattMsttti Mwm boos tMkto •mm U iprnVHsf p tat CaVMwT Of OsW. A MVlhslvaVißß l?l 1 VsWJOs Be pSwasWaw awß fJsaSjß*
      122 words

  • home
    • Article, Illustration
      670 4 New team of leaders will have to take over by then, says the PM PM'S SPEECH AT PAP k ANNUAL MEETING THE NEW team of political leaders will have to take over by 19N, says Prime Minieter Loo Kaaa Yaw. While tlw final handing over of the baton
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    • 46 4 The Prima Minister used an aeronautical metaphor to compare the performance of opposition politicians like J B Jeyaretnam with the government s younger teem of leaders One type of aeroplane used propellers while the other was jet-powered
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    • 76 4 In the 36 to 46 age group, we have combed, searched and researched. We have got the best of that crop, the highest helicopter quality or vision. "You have heard and read Jeyaretnam in Parliament. You have heard Chiam See Tons prattling about democracy. "They are like
      76 words
    • 83 4 "I know that the younger team can go up to 35,000 feet like a Boeing 707 and travel at 650 mph. They are not yet of 747 size, but they have the R 707 height, speed and range Unfortunately. I cannot tell what problems they will face,
      83 words
    • 381 5 Weather in Malaysia creates havoc with market rates but retailers absorb increases HOUSEWIVES wiU pay more for their vegetables for the nest few weeks because of the heavy rains in Malaysia that have also produced inferior quality graens. A telephone check with some
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    • 169 5  -  •v YEOU MEI SIN THE garden area in front of the World Trsde Centre will soon gat a face-lift, with s natural landscape replacing energy hungry fountains and fountain pools that never worked. Although details have not bean finalised, officials from WTC ssy that
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    • 228 5  -  By JULIE LIAU HALF the Intensive Care Unit at the Singapore General Hospital hat remained in the dark and unused since the hospital opened in August last year. A Health Ministry spokeswoman said this was because there has been no patient demand
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    • 131 5 THANKS to s saw resource centre at the National Library patrons of the arts can view art books, prints and slides, or listen to records st one location The Piae Arts Resource Centre, located within the reference division st the central 11- brary,
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    • 1292 6 The quills can cause an awful lot of pain, says Chok Tong ISSUES FACING SINGAPORE IN THE 1980s: DEFENCE MR GOH CHOK TOMG thinks we prefer to think of ourselves as a porcuCine friendly, no threat > anyone But if the porcupine is threatened, the
      1,292 words
    • 375 8  -  •y SALENA SALLEH SOME leading tour operators are complaining that their inbound tourist groups sre down by as much as 40 to to per cent over the same period in INI The drop mainly due to roc est ion, inflation and unemployment, according
      375 words
    • 172 8  -  Picture and story by CHEW YEN FOOK IT'S no ordinary guitar that you are looking at. If yon want one, queue up. hut be prepared to wait eight to ten years For guitar instructor Ronald Nguyen Van 800, If. it was a dream come true when he was
      172 words
    • 325 8  -  •v JALIL MISWARDI IT WON'T open until Tuesday but It already boasts s membership of 12,000 It's sot a new club. It's the Bukit Merah Branch Library But that didn t stop the library staff from selling their product, the
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    • 389 9  - PICK AND EAT SEAFOOD THAI STYLE Emporium Holdings to open restaurant complete with Thai manager and cooks •y YONG POW ANG SINGAPOREANS can soon choose their favour ite seafoods from a market asd kave them cooked on the spot in an exotic Thai way The Emporium Holdings will open the
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    • 188 9 GONE are the days wbea dog shows were exclasively for dog owners panting over championship title*. The Singapore Kennel (lub (SKC) it bring lag dog shows to the people. More sad more "limit" dog shows, where no championship certificates sre gives, sre being held
      188 words
    • 220 9 MORE than 100 I S sailors and marines who just got into port may not miss being away from home for Christmas quite so much due to the efforts of two members of the American Women's Association The women, Bambi Lindquist and Mrs N Colby,
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    • 359 10 AP PARIS, Thurs WESTERN Europe will remain mired in recession through 1983 despite hopeful signs of s slight recovery in the I S the Orgsnisstion for Economic Cooperation snd Development (OECD) reported yesterday In its year-end outlook for the organisation's 24 member
      AP  -  359 words
    • 87 10 AP MUSSELS, Thursday THE Common Market has reported a record 19.2 per cent unemployment for November and announced that its main priority for next year would be to put Europeans back to work. There were 117 million people oat of work in the 10 nation trade bloc
      AP  -  87 words
    • 185 10 Reuter ROTTERDAM, Triors CRUDE oil prices fell sharply yesterday on the European spot market following the failure of last weekend's Opec meeting to agree on a new production system to defend prices, traders said Prices of many crudes fell by US$l SO a barrel
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 73 10 UPI VENICE, FLORIDA, THURSDAY: Ronnie, a 35-year-old. 9,000 pound Ring •ng Bros and Sernum and Saaey Circus performing elephant la being prepared for cataract surgery at tha circus winter quarters In Florida. Tha operation, attempted only for the second time in the history of American veterinary medicine,
      UPI; Picture: UPI  -  73 words
    • 89 10 Reuter LOfaDON, Thur a PRINCE William, six month old son of Prince Charles, met the press for the first time yesterday and scotched speculation be might be a redhead by displaying fair, straight He gargled happily as his father and mother 21 year old Princess Duma,
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 328 11 AP KMUT, Thursday HUNDREDS of Lebanese school children were trspped in sectarian clashes that broke out south of Beirut yesterday near the site proposed for US, Israeli and Lebanese talks on the withdrawal of foreign armies from Lebanon, its state radio
      AP  -  328 words
    • 311 11 UPI SALT LAKE CITY, Thurt. DR Barney Clark showed off his improved mobility yesterday by taking a few steps to s chair aaar a hospital window. And his doctors ssid his recovery from surgery to implant an artificial heart three weeks ago was
      UPI  -  311 words
    • 121 11 UPI LONDON. Thurs. A JAPANESE department store chain, Seibu, Cesterday paid 5523.505 (SSSI.M*) for a gold record lag of the Bestles' Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hesrts Club Bead in SB auction of rock n roll memorabilia. Gold records, letters, posters, clothing Jest about anything aad everything
      UPI  -  121 words
    • 153 12 AP OXFORD, Thursday SIAMESE twin girli died in a British hospital yesterdsy after being bora with shared blood vesseb, skin tissue and muscle a kospitsl §P The"^le Wi st the chest, were delivered by cssssrnsn section oa Tuesday st John Rsdcllffe Maternity Hospital ia Oxford and ware
      AP  -  153 words
    • 255 12 AP MOSCOW Thursdsy A SOVIET official saki yesterday teat there Is aa immediate seed for a Soviet presides! to he earned to sacceed Leontd I. Brexbaev Asked at a areas coalereeoe ease the presideatial post will be filled. Comms sist Party Cestrsl
      AP  -  255 words
    • 321 12 UPI SOFIA, Thurs TWO Italian tourists want oa trial for spying yeterday amid reports they might be swapped for a Bulgarian jailed la Rome on suspicion of involvement la the shooting of Pope John Paul II Gabrtstls Trevisin. 26. and her boyfriend Paolo Farsetti.
      UPI  -  321 words
    • 163 12 Reuter PARIS, Thure TROOPS and rescue ser vices in wsstsni aad east era rYsBJSI aad around Park) ware put oa alert yesterday aa several rivers threatened to cause wide spread flooding officials said In western Prance, the city of Poitiers was threatened with virtual
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 428 13 Reuter T ftOfsV EL GORDO" (the fst one). Spain's 47 billion peseta (S|Bl4 million) Christmas lottery, showered drought-strick-en south-west Spam with prise-money today from what is ssid to be the big e lottery of its type in world Five hundred telephone workers la
      Reuter  -  428 words
    • 195 13 UPI THE food shops of Poland are better stocked this Christmas than they have been hi several X, but officials warned yes y that food rationing will continue next year and there could be a serious most shortage Materially if not spiritually Poles will be
      UPI  -  195 words
    • 38 13 Fommpmm Tmrnma awns a aa ha Josves ffhs Tokyo District Court a/aw Ms hVsf tostifftofty in the Lockhood acavsoaV trtoi gr»caMf77. Ho ooruod as ithWion) from tho Lockhood Aircraft Corp o/ tho PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  38 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 183 4 Wo provide fast and reliable laminating service of any size for any of the following TTan Deeds PWahssjnnsris Licenses bseurarscs Documents I***,"** C**P*ys and ExNbrts Drawings and Plans Menus and Tariffs C»snanation CerMcates a Leaving Certificates Diplomas s BssnSS Maps and Posters Passes Charges Plastic thickness 075 mm (a) 003
      183 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 158 5 Canon Speedier US Dollars, Yen in a jiffy, surer Deutschemark The Canon Card EX IQT ia a unique. versatile calculator that offers I fP3%rl£oA 'I immediate currency conversion, world time display, a time and calendar display, stopwatch and alarm functions in addition to its broad calculator capabilities. LufaS All in
      158 words
    • 235 5 SHARP AN for a happy home Our washing machines are nor built for housewiws only V out! be surprised st how many people other Am \^L\ than house wives use Sharp washing machines The wl single man. the married man. the single gid. the OB career wife old folks and
      235 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 89 6 Dine Sichuan <iok!m I*imh»iiLx Sin>(.i|> »rv's first Skhiun The m .11 uli i nt <>t (m >klcn Phi >cnix restaurant Mill rates thebest restaurant extends iisclf within tin* jintNtggtKirnK'tN Aji sixkitßis imprev»ivi excellent st'ltHHin |dj aAM sumy*jM at World Trade iWSwtf in Center. K. *mi sixiec ft>r v Am mr^
      89 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 562 7 i^^^^^^^^ i\W must i «uok>oub mum mkmomv mm* awlf^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^V t s 1 ■TAaannnnnnnn B J i i iv,.,. i i p j ■vjjjjjjj— 1 Ybu won't break your back carrying a portable video thcrtcarrt break an e 99-eVf=^ej^pm Fi Imi ng your own video movies can be using household power
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 120 8 Sfadv (hfflwlou so &*rly c eason of goodwill ierea7U^we re n^an^a CUniBmood. A Beautiful hand worn children'a t>aj? aM Wk worth $8.00 for every Sindy Doll or single ,km purchase of Sindv accesnorv (from $13- $24.96) II A lovely children's sling km for every vajft J^ m^m» Sindy I v>ll
      120 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 136 9 lami> 11 bc 9 ins with tne amazing new Kodak film, a unique wafer thin disc tnat res PO"ds beautifully to light and color. ajlJS^'^-jsBBBw/ Ss W V And because it's a disc, there's room inside the camera for advanced JHt com Puterized electronics. So everything exposure, motor drive, even
      136 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 82 10 Get a new slim look. Is your appetite spoiling your diet plan Just take one Mirapront-N capsule in the morning and keep your appetite under control all day long Mirapront-N is an effective diet aid which you can buy economically So you can lose weight faster For your diet to
      82 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 119 11 Lc Vepdoipe ai)d Re?taurai?t International Luncljeor) December 25 and 26 1982. Dynasty's Le Vendome Lounge and Restaurant bring you a sumptuous spread of festive fare featuring seasonal favourites from around the world. NEW ZEALAND OYSTERS HAM MOUSSE IN TIMBALE ROAST CHRISTMAS TURKEY. PINEAPPLE GLACED HAM ROLLED ROAST VEAL LOIN WITH
      119 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 101 12 Europa Wallcoverings sth Anniversary iWBWUSE^ CIIARAIKEgSfr 409-412, BMt 1. PSA Multl-Storey Complex. P—kt Ponjang Road. AW^*^ (3rd Dec. 26th Dec.)^ over 60,000 rolls'of wallpaper TFHH IT~ vinyl wallcoverings to be cleared at only $10.00 per roll rtf %kl with over 300 patterns and designs to select from. Hurry! don't miss
      101 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 316 13 Scholl takes care of your feet and skin I af/^^P^TaaV Rough Skin Remover Jj SCHOLL Rough Skin 17*^1)] sM Remover is the kindest way id InaWaW r rom tne j£ and heels of your feet. It works so effectively MM \r you can actual, V tne sk,n being rubbed away
      316 words

  • business
    • 326 14  -  Chemical industry will be major sector: Jetro survey Sy N BALAKRISHNAN JAPANESE msnufscturers in Singapore intend to invest an additional 8880 2 million in the 1982 83 period, a survey by the Japanese Trade Centre (Jetro) reveals But almost three-quarters of the new investment will
      326 words
    • Article, Illustration
      75 14 THE stock market held firm yesterday after Tuesdays strong rally The upsurge wss attributed to falling interest rates in the credit markets The Dow Jones Average of 20 industrials rose 4 78 to close st LOSS 04 Advances outpaced declines by about 4 to 2 on the New York
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    • 83 14 THE Japanese Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI) will be sending s study mission to Singapore and Thailand to look at the investment opportunities available in the two countries. The mission will be visiting the two Asean countries from January 24 to February 6
      83 words
    • Update
      • 98 14 Reuter BANGKOK Thai rice exports this vesr will reach a record 3 6 million tonnes compared with 303 million tonnes last year, the Commerce Ministry Slid yesterday According to figures released by the ministry, 3 4 million tonnes of rice was exported between January
        Reuter  -  98 words
      • 126 14 Reuter KOTA KINABALU: Sabah. the worlds second largest producer of tropical timber will not take part in a proponed international timber agreement between consumers and producers, s spokesman for the industry ssid yesterday The state felt that the agreement could not achieve its aim of
        Reuter  -  126 words
    • 326 14  -  Sy CATHERINE ONG SOFT drinks manufacturer Fraser 4 Neave will not quench the Stock Exchange of Singapore's thirst for information on a $15 million business deal In a tactfully-worded statement to the exchange yesterday, F 4 N said SES's questions in connection with the sale
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    • 212 15  -  FIRM CLINCHES THIRD MAJOR STEEL PIPE CONTRACT IN TWO MONTHS •y GEOFFREY EU HUME Industries (S) steel division has woa a $11 million contract to mannfac tare aad supply steel pipes aad specials to the Public Utilities Board (PUB). Tab Is tae third major steel
      212 words
      • 126 15 VOLUME of cargo passing through Use Port of Singapore Authority (PSA) and Jurong port for the first nine months of 1982 totalled 291 million freight tonnes, s 12 per cent increase over the seme period last year. General cargo handled daring
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      • 74 15 PORT Hill Wharf st the Australian city of Darwin will undergo s Asl4 8 million upgrading programme, the Minister for Transport and Works, Mr Roger Steele announced today. Mr Steele said the work was s part of an overall plan to upgrade Darwin's port facilities
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      • 66 15 NEDLLOYD EAC Agencies Ltd (Nedlloyd). has been awarded a contract to handle arangements for the visit of mv "World Wide Expo" ship to Singapore early next year. The Danish owned ship is carrying the "Expo Offshore Asia 82" floating exhibition featuring the latest in offshore mining
        66 words
    • 259 15 PEG I Malaysia group increased its pre-tax profits to $3 14 million in the year ending Sept SO. 1882 from $3 05 million in the previous financial year Operating revenue in the latest period shot up to $23 22 million from $11 75 million in the previous period.
      259 words
    • 1229 16 Malaysia, in an affort to anaura that tha nation's flag aa a commodity producar is leapt flying, has placed high hopaa on tha cocoa baan. Tha country will doubla Its crop yiald to maka It tha fffth largast producar in tha world.
      The Star  -  1,229 words
    • 249 17  -  by GEOFFREY EU PIGS may aot be able to fly, bat they travel extremely well by thip> At leant, that was the verdict reached whea aa expsrtaseatal shipment of 50 high quality pigs arrived here from western Australia last week. It was a modem
      249 words
    • 555 17 MALAYSIA'S SECURITIES INDUSTRY BILL The Star THE fifth pert of our series on Malaysia s Securities Bill looks at contract Botes baaed to buyers snd sellers at securities. ONE new clause in the Bill lists the particulars that must he included in contract notes issued to the
      The Star  -  555 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 153 14 Slta mtFM ftr Ntm Pi 16 i Mt4aysia s ctcsa nmtntn. P| IB PON OU SH Where to eat 686 I 'a?™** ss I 'Koondthe corner from I W I BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER we H Local favourites like Chicken Rice, fried Live' Fish. Prawns. fJJF IS Mcc Siam, Chinese Hor
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 161 15 SBXUBnni 1 SBT B^r ggj SmSS'ns an^r^^awjßßana^^rJT At OAS we specJaeoe In J quetVty spray phrn>ao^e^ fPGG Besst Beauty pa>nt deep 7W Remember how smart your car 1 looked when it was new 9 Wetl our experienced spray *n.. an a»j pi-arm- r 11 pva»VlNai iMeaeasN wsßWj painters becked
      161 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 173 16 11 AUDIO-VISUAL I ST^WT^ I I H you are bored, frustrated Of not vary well paid If** world of I Computeach novo boon training for tho computer industry for I I 18 y**r* ts courses ere used by the UK Government end ere I Jto Nationai Computing Centre/ C& G
      173 words
    • 17 16 ■liir nillim 25*4411 tat 17 7 7 (vfv) BHrM Royal Newton Road. Smgaaorr 11.10 I A 25.*****
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 78 17 THEATRE HEST. NITE-CLUB 4th fi., Panifw4gtjfei*l, Cot4Hrtan St., Singapore 6 iMm mmm 111 ffn 19 y( V r fr m ,m l >rt,m ,J vJ\\ *roupof little people vk) Jk\ frtrn* far Philippines! l(C Ware* fww uuwp» c'ip- *Viffc tensMtummi found*, smoofh stmgenmnshtpamla youthful warmth tkmt reaches out to embrace.
      78 words

  • centrepiece
    • 180 18 STEP Into any room In Hotel Victoria ia Nuremberg aad you will he fully rs sssarsd "Hospitality aad safety are omaipreseat through out our rtlahiiehmral," aays a note banging oa the wall Though you may take It fur greeted that the ssSsrsah of a fare ki
      180 words
    • 848 18 MUSIC and politics so together in Nuremberg. West Germany Not that one attracts the other Only that the music makers and the Ktical activists find the pedes n malls and the square next to the Church of St Lorenx
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    • 470 18 ALONG Mariaaplats In Nuremberg, the city where Nazi war criminals ware put aa trial after the Second World WenT, tWO MVUipsV OfftOGß rtanftCl a^dfe^vTHsa^Sate By all accounts, they should have bean deadly rivals The Number ger Nachrichtea (circulation towards the era tic
      Pictures by JOHN CHONG  -  470 words
    • 531 18 A YOUNG man sank on his knees in the middle of the road in Cologne, his hands thrown back. Cologne, Cologne' ke chanted A car palled sp, the driver waiting with infinite patience for the arid Cologne soccer fan to remove himself from the road, which
      Pictures by JOHN CHONG  -  531 words
    • 199 18 A SUP of a girl, with purplish snd orange hair sticking oat like porcupine. sits demurely In the corasr of the subway carriage. Per lipstick, she has chosen a bluish tint, for nail, green altemat ingwith yellow The trinkets she adorns herself
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 273 18 PLAY THE SINGAPORE MONITOR BWHrCAYGAME fr* l l *3 __fl Mate u» war sreUs^ pore MonMor Sulky Gums Everyday from Sunday to Saturday mm mm pubtah 9m ocrnpoouon Every ItfOffTH DATE YEARS day share mm ba one money ona data and two yours putauhod H your bMiday can ba mada
      273 words

  • leisure
    • 712 19 IPS PEW house plants equal the gaiety of bulbs which add a decorative note along with the foliage Aad if yea have a friend who is s flower lover a bowl of bains will make a welcome gift Any flower enthusiast will enjoy watching the bulbs
      IPS  -  712 words
    • 340 19 TWO small buttons stitched inside the bottom of each trouser leg 25 mm on either side af tha crsass will prevent trossir Vsgs frsytng st the caff The buttons stop the fabnc ruoouig againh ww- THE kashas of a banana skin is useful for cleaning brown leather, especially
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    • 722 20 Treating ailments that affect your pet Lack of Appetite (Anorexia): THIS condition is often a result of worm tafestation, but It may alao be s symptom of something mors serious Chech your r s temperature snd if is sbnormsl, cbock closely for symptoms of viral infection
      722 words
    • 203 20 WHEN ndmistering pilli aad taMcia, open lac dag'i Jawt and posh the pill at far down hit throat aa yon caa with the index aad middle fingers Yea will know it hat gone down when he swallows, hat to make sere geatly massage his throat First-Aid: Yoa
      203 words
    • 351 20 A DOG frequently suffers from shock after an accident or a severe blow on the head The first thing when this happens is to cover tha dog with a blanket or a coat. Keep the dog quiet, preferably in a darkened room, rest ing on his
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    • 236 21 ACTRESS Yao Wei waa in China t Sin iiang province recently for location shooting o( Man in the Wilderness (Huang Mo Ron). Thai tender looking lady had a taste of What it was like to be in a barren and dotty land, with water aa pracioaa
      236 words
    • 57 21 THIS year't CWhlfll rilltJll Iff* rather pathetic, says UM SEX. aa moat af them are heat oM nhniii. Over the years, ClihUin race*** have hjajaajajj so fast it Is Imsoseible to list, let aJaae review, all the Carhjraiii roceras avsishli i taa aaaaa, Niarasiliai, he frees a
      57 words
    • 173 21 NEW WAVE J HEADING this year short list of now raNed* w< y* r^ This would have been a welcome change from traditional Christmas fare if it had not been for a few disturbing snd downright nauseating tracks. On James White's Christmas With
      173 words
    • 273 21 POP, COUNTRY AND CHILDREN MANY pop artistes and acta have cashed in on the festive season with Christmas albums Some recent additions include recordings by Mickey Gilley, Anna Murray, Kenny Rogers. Emmylou Harria, Willie Nelson, Johnny Ma this. The Osmund, John Denver, The Chipmunks.
      273 words
    • 92 21 JAZZ ANOTHER outstanding Christmas album it Jingle Bell Jan. It ia the only jaxx album of its kind and with the recent srowth in tha teas following here, this alburn should be worth a msotios. Frwtnmliumfry ksstranental it features traditional Christmas ma terials performed by
      92 words
    • 95 21 TRADITIONAL J AND what is Christmas without Bine Crosby's White Christmas 9 Well, the record company has test rsissued new pressings of ling Crosby's clsssic Merry Christmas album, along with another trail loved Christmas album by Pat Boone, also entitled White tinwlssss Although buying
      95 words
    • 231 22 Pat, Tamara and Matthew act as E.T. Sygma THEY acted in the film, ET, but no one has ever aeon their faces. They are the ones, nevertheless, who made it possible for the lov able little extraterrestrial of Steven Spielberg to move about 'They
      Sygma  -  231 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 13 19 TV ft MM* PACES CtMKS: PACE 17 SEASONS 8FT of Chtna Kc'^BmIf/ < «ou
      13 words
    • 39 19 AMICABLE OFFER This amicable canvas carry-all (worth $6.50) is yours FREE when you buy an A MICA cosmetic pack. Only $17.50. Offer while stocks last! Jft\ ML Available at ----3»-- B ,18,188,1P Emporium Holdings, Robinson's and leading cosmetic houses.
      39 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 20 20 with Irvfj orrtortojnrnorrt from <jfc^C^^^^nfl^ M The mot roUuong muy to rooact on your ow/i toooom zW Mo oovor charge.
      20 words
    • 56 20 LhV«IiI Jacob's Creek Claret. The Australian red that's tta wo*M. Crisp, clean and elegant, and it travels well. A wine so outstanding it wss voted "the top dry commercial red wine" by the Australian Wine Spirit Buying Guide. ■siAa ORLANDO JACOB'S CREEK CLARET Australia's swsrd-winning wine fa ASS(X:iATF.DUQUnt I«s KIM
      56 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 184 21 Cut out and staple with other coupons I Posting instructions appear below I Horn* Ss*: Ace Occeswtw* Address M.i.l.C Til: 1 H I ill 111 I 1 FILL IN MISSING 5 sal sxsnsnsn LETTERS 11 1 1 1 ACROSS USING B 2 CLUES BELOW V--"——' CLUES FOR PL 5 1-
      184 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 111 22 Purify the air you breathe to 99% pure. With Dial-An-lon from USA. Nrgtilivt' ion* lutm IMOOV psSWUhM inn it hi capacity of up in in onm.u h [Xasji ssstarf spsea SfUS Ad|u<ilnl)lr ion output from lov\ In tuyh IV.m li< ally muinlrnanir lr*r Rrniovpi tiust. imokr odour mil p.illrn from
      111 words
    • 269 22 UNTOLX) STORY "■/OJetfaSt OF THE MAN BEHIND THE MASK W 7 I Tl IE I£< iEND p^^jpp^ worth of r Jeans rXMicters •^T\\ .jl^K^^^^L^ After seeing the movie, all you do ■LnatawCT. J7 is to answer those simple questions < i|^ Ul [Wmf 'J The Lone Ranger uses Silver rWm
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 10 22 FASHION AND ENTERTAINMENT I John Rothmon and hit girt t
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    • 239 22 FASHttN: CARRIE models will ahow off exquisite hand painted silk creations by Sakiso Fashion House at Ristorante Mario in York Hotel Lunch at $21 Showtime is 115 pm. MY PLACE Is also holding a fashion show Shanel models will pa rade fashions by Febi Fashion Boutique CAROLLING: STROLLING carollers from
      239 words
    • 143 22 VIOLINS AND BOWS MUSIC lovers, do visit the violins and bows exhibition now on at the Alpha Gallery, in Alexandra Avenue. The exhibition features the works of modern masters of violin-making currently working in Cremonia, Italy. Open from 10 am to 5 pm until tomorrow. Admission is free. MALAYAN AND
      143 words
    • 98 22 Highlight of the exhibition is the famous Four Maior Embroideries of China the Xiang. Su. Shu and Yue embroideries. The exhibition is open from 10 am to 10 pm daily until Christmas Admission is free. THE SSO CONCERT THE SINGAPORE Symphony Orchestra will present familiar favourites at the Victoria Theatre
      98 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 103 23 Anyway yos like it Ihrtmprox I a* ihr Tiaan Sr«» DrMMMt Maiuiarin t Hirf-a Imperial ShananLa nra«i»UUf>J jf mii t l>nr«m Sunun t JJ Mandarin Mandarin W I ><4drn SK««»ri J I I ShanariLa I I (•ardrnl if> I 1-* l.k apri V Mandarin fJJ Vanda Mm. fJJ >■!'Amariaix'
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 1490 23 Tv 3 00 Opening FoMowed by Dynasty (C) (r) Iwu% soccor. ride S marry (English Subtrees) ■fLJH op-round and puff tmy vehicles 3.48 My Floating World Miyuki Tanoba Yoga for ctogs and cats? m Tokyo. Ja Miyuki TancOe. a Japanese painter has jm pen. Guru Sfwjonon Nasuda dornoncnosen to make
      1,490 words

  • tv highlights
    • 232 24 CHANNEL 5 HIGHLIGHTS THURSDAY ENTERTAINMENT SPECIALS (Ch 5, 10.10 pm) CHERYL LADD: SCENES FROM A SPECIAL YOU'VE teen her act in Charlie s Angels, now you II tot the lady sings and dances in her own special. With guest stars Carol Burnett and Rick Spring field this ia
      232 words
    • 398 24 SWORDSMAN CHU, Episode 1, Channel 8, 9.20 pm 8 HIGHLIGHT J THIS 65 episode aerial is adapted from one of novelist Gu Longs famous swordfighting sagas The hero Caa Liv Xiang is an oriental version of the legendary Robin Hood, one
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 750 24 12.00 PM frcyamms Summary 12.00 Listening 1 Hits Iratrumental 2 Tha Ray. Compoaors And Festivities i J S Bach: mond Stephen Grand Orch 3 x mas Chnstmas Oratorio Part 4 Amaahg. Pass Qnaanhga from tha Mantovam Orch baender Laubenthai. Pray Bavarian Radio 0.00 News In Bnof 0.00 Easy Listening Symphony
      750 words
    • 523 24 TMBATM nUM/OHOWTMMO (Mtona) Ma L*aa Oy M*tf (Cy 130, 9 30. 7 00 IS (*****7) Oil* II Ha LWM By MpM (C)/1 30 3 30. 7 00 15 *****303) CaMay THaPaaaMMaHa«aM(0>/11. 1 30. 4 00 6 30 ftTftXwn 91| •MM Mal*M»yMM*|Cyi 30.330. 7 00. 15 11 oorn i -I Oraga
      523 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
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    • 118 25 S DALIT HOLIDAY AITIUCTIOM!! premier OPENS TODAY I OCEAM rWTTN BUUJCIOM SUBTITLIS) I 1 PLAZA OPENS TODAY! 2 (*****72 Textikt Cs>ntrs>) 1.30, 4.00, 7.00, 9.30pm J BRAND In the tradition of J NEW PRINT OTM "The Dirty Dozen" jiL j IT lS n sujt»vLj H»■ E THE BLOOD, GUTS, LOVES
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      136 words

  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 624 26 I»l»w comics I SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON By Don Bt»fwood end Stan tSSSJI mx. mx mi (V iv o at \U, 1 T A*JS)T AAIWC. Aim A »^SB E*ss*£E*s Am 1 ARIES March 21 to April M LIBRA /^sWdaaaW/// fcljlT sTliis: ~Y*!fcii LwM Jlilt M Restrictions which have imped
      624 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 204 27 I iiti •1 SMaßßwa jW wt a. \mßmmmt sssr sss 141 C—aian SB) llr«MMrwt »ti BaaMy Ban Mj C«f^i*j^_^ mi fSmm tTir r rrj f.wcmcio. Ml Far mmm St) pI I B N| BMarMiraaa* mi awaaatai mbsmam mi Bb •o) b*m 411 Paat ClllSa) 99*| 99jBeBSWBjBMSS/VejSjS^ 44| SMwSM Bay •>{
      204 words
    • 166 27 ■aaaaaßJfJfjßjßJJM BSjjjajSßjajiAa A BtNGT o 0 AY 273-9090 sell tomo 0^ OU/ ■W i <n«M« »ws p»< YS YA Wi tern. »>»Mi l» oo p*> §mj murW^mJ^ 'km d.»«> 4«, cv c« mm m\ Af Ml CM M '4? MOM-PM Iwvlai M HUH' 1 M BATUAOAr TELE-ADS "b—^ > ™99b19j8»»
      166 words
    • 206 27 "*npr -pitted"*Celebr*atz /U e 1 i fs?r s \.CocM^b 1 A '1' r .> $6 O' t r i <■'■'' y 1 V. V > I Mi n i \I t i I\< M in H i 14 OBIIPBM o! i ik*i "^CaaMaS^^ 74a%7M M aAv C4**BBl-11M Ss> ,Ur tmm
      206 words
    • 361 27 Bjßt taav By mmm} bbjbjl m ■mmmm M yaw tamca Baa- '^Mrwrnt* For ai II i I. ataaaa aaa. Ml OT, BBwippßaa BBaO Dmm at Tai BBMBBB 47t-47M to ▲**********44 4 iaawtall tIMM'MI 4 i taWMB) Hepstßßl4 I TraMßft tWpBTBSkT Bkra teaa* J T NBMMaky. t f MHbb! Tai im
      361 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 212 28 Bew. Piopti'i OaMM. 44 Ua>aW JMOO Hi a)*||o>ri Atlf a)Ctl*# tM«*4 "imTAj"* t M ■mTamO*^ MM.'oOt m»m* m mmm^lmZ* m mi mm* Laa at *****01 aMar 4 a a* a^oa»wl T oota oaa i POOMoaj 9mmt mm OaMM bTmo oTrClU'oaa M 1 7704 ml'immmmm M 4 0* Tat *****00. aalf
      212 words
    • 119 28 aa M THa tat lOni. am Baa 117 «/a TO* tua i lA»»*ar UA 101 A OallaMauaa. mkmmv mm AaaA. M Mil tacl'J'Vo Bat TaV cltanX. Caun Paat OrWca. Itoajun In; aa* owin $ItaM ombAo) $9JO f> a Tat t4O aat i m. 030) OMapa mST Ty^l?*^^ Tai 00*4101 PoaOaHooJ
      119 words
    • 191 28 mm ot r **ff w lM ©MT TOtfM OQ»TIW Caat TMaa•T'ca" 'fi'a Ttfc 1 KM, *****00. piwaTi^i^anM^ Ha)oj*jo) 8iw«WBll/ r*ojA AoVfjaajf, taJlkl ob 4 474-14»?0?lMt 71 T4H^/Tr4TW4>l tATISTOUR rri LTD M4-437M 1 MT TOOK MEJMMJ 414 HOT* TM44>4M 411 KUHUO' OA4AMI Aa4MAA4, PORK 000 DM twy WX M sun Oaa
      191 words
    • 68 28 -■^r-fv:::.",.. Miwißuy ■ntat* 4 V" Mm\» t p.m mmTM 533 II 1— ■■■jaiwiaallia PaaAT^paaasßM im"*** »»»'le»i« m* pmtmL l 44e»i." c IwaaKZ TOM aei-eeii ••1 4,11 w; 1 fi*** waarrio a asssi i mm m mmm mmm T44 Ss, fa rWIaS M»v TeaaataSM T4* 1441 100 Pi sq s ilf
      68 words
    • 270 28 RESULTS! FOR SPOT THE AD CONTEST NO. MA 18 1. TangUn U**d Car* Co. 2. 1 11 4 m niili— taafaka*aVa*ai 5. 4 I Mko TfjfE-Adt b»ciuM It bfwios In monsy foe ma) in good taTREJ* TtMwftmarte Mr Y*o Sang Chy* (l/C IM4fl«/Z) I WIN $200 WHEN YOU SPOT THE
      270 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 84 29 I^l lUUfttt) SOOfITV UD» HOUSING LOANS 90% (MM&Xrumr. m*mnM>Joj*A your Ompmwmmri.X% tor It Et I w —1. PWVATE SCCPaITAHY CERT •MMj *•> Ban. 4/1/43. 1 44 4MB. OOtjBVTEPJ PftOOMAaaWaWtO ■48V484J 4* fajft, 4/1 AtS. 4 34 SMORTMAM) crt 14• •!«v J,,, iT2 «-m TYPf WMTMO 44Mip4gVj^^ •Ml 444% 4ft 7E4JO,
      84 words
    • 221 29 Mr 1 Lswiaag to ad? look tral few less. WNiy psy nuui? C«i *****90 today ft*** air tick* a -a -lijaii I M i t on Bno \jmi iiiipy MiQTiityKn |nl ITM 4*CCOmOCw m *ot*o, Hotel. •ANY ANG SI ANG PAU TA 315 TrUmOIRT SIN CHEW XT POH TA 363
      221 words
    • 376 29 •MATS Hi n H THAN V*tXD tUJUMNC* SPEED LEARNING >l M fl i 'Ml H Mil Sn|< iN Lairaaag rraJanag aa**** rraaaag m t•« >t> krar* bw ■Mr mm ■Mini la rtrr>B»**g peSaaaal —r> m n*B*Bg ibbwm **»0 Mat afaiaa ■I i o**oi rianaaiag i Bai ll— ingtli I \A
      376 words
    • 108 29 111 ■lasajliiwiiwl W\ 1 dßj finla ii tCOoOfTIIC HfJfffJt Coi Trvto Oiffl Ho aat tailli > Of M wmr99WW) Hornor>o ltd tOOSaochtooo Vnoopora OMS 1 PARTOf A l^a^ OC^Ka(St^B^ TEAM Of TCM**! >»awTaawa»» HaVV*) a* •VttM'g^O ar (aHsßat) OVfM aVOaMI yOM** alii lHfa\ •rvd roCAtion Voo M fM( to wocfc
      108 words
    • 522 29 jCmmH VKimAti flOl *uxvzijor%itm AUTHORITY AppataScne art ruaad worn watatxy »e*»ad Stngapur* C«uan» tor ap BOsßSaaO] M (A) UMTAMT UaaaOO ioi riciwwciL ornctn ttLICTIMCAI AMD atOCItAIMCAL WftttfTf HAftCt) Oagra* tram a racograaed Unraarwty c« ptjud Via tmmmtnu CiavwwMn of me Royal inaMuta of Char tared s*»*veyots 9mn mm, f*,m m
      522 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 221 30 1t1«J ■iwiraJ »f'"j*** t V" TLT mm mMmmmmmmt. 1111 Sa*a« i^wiusi ICaTIL St) Itlfl lMilß>H«l> The next time you go aaaBBBBBBBBBaaaaBS aßa¥ W Appointments |i§ Hijl SKILFUL PASTRY and BAKERY CHEFS, I ASSISTANT CHEFS and APPRENTICES!... I Grab this "Once-in-a lifetime" opportunity I to work in Singapore with the world-rerumned
      221 words
    • 19 30 111 A Thwhlisil Itt i Wei mxtmm) Mi-erer 117 I Illl'JWllsTl I*a4v It£2.•. 99Mmm\9Mtm%m jMPi*c Ma. seeieesAF) af Ma.
      19 words
    • 65 30 MAKE YOURS A VERY SPECIAL GREETING ON CHRISTMAS MORNING The timing will be perfect your seasons greeting will arrive on Christmas Morning. For a minimum ol $10.00 for 4 lines you bring hearty cheer to all loved ones, i fTtends and business associates. Additional lines will be charged at only
      65 words
    • 430 30 LATE CLASSIFIED f i jS 4M P>W now avaii \hi i in /or FACE LIFT inngiPralinc rrJu>etuil»««Ji »uh NEW 1 SPACE AGE TEC HNOI CM.V Hm. (Oil) BEAM I AM X •pp«WalH*m I courw \m%*lm JTj I court* *4«4 rNOIIHIKSC All *****7, ATTENTION ALL CAN OWNERS! DO YOU NEED SOMEONE
      430 words
    • 81 30 TO LET Ground Floor shopioi at The Regent of Kuala Lumpur H JOMIIAN lit m MAMN fmm. EM. Chartered VHmtw Swweatm vatuxt t*'upa*v tira*!!***. MM 4* Hear LM Ban* tuackng Maaan Paaay Ki«m Lumpui Tat wrnia' maas mm. aVtSSa aafa* tkaVa State *0H 4a> »aw *v*aa**nt Howe* Jeten Susan lamaa
      81 words

  • sports
    • 338 31  -  •v S J SMITH THE Penang Turf Club only offered meagre sUkemonev for their feature sprint race to be run taa first weekend bat a ma singly It has attracted a higher standard of horses than those entered ia seat weeks liovooo Penang
      338 words
    • 166 31 UPI EOMOifTCet Thsvoowy CHINA will send 230 athletes to the World Umversi ty Games is ■oeSSJhao next July making its delega lion ot athletes and officials the largest Beijing has China s ■mhaossdor to Canada an Ambassador Wang Tung said yesterday more em phaais
      UPI  -  166 words
    • 364 31 AP POUR AMlriiiui advaaced to the aaarter flaats of the Soeth Aastraliaa ■Ma t mmm toaaai aiajfliiialp i to another day af aasets at the Memoci aj Drive cearts here yesterday CMi Jsaaslnar was use first A as traliaa to secare Us atace aad
      AP  -  364 words
    • 267 32 WITH tfttt National Football Leagae haviag ia be rs-plslsl before May* South Fail Asiaa Games bare. Ike IMS taagapors ■■ihiiii Hiasn Football DivKiloa Omm programme will aot begia SBHFL secretary X S. Maalcks- uM ibis wu beeaaae SBHFL Divtafoa (foe matches are oaly
      267 words
    • 300 32  -  JACKIE'S ORCHARD GOES ON-LINE FOR TOURNEY r Btjwhnq By R. MANORAJ JACKIE'S Orchard, the venue of the 1943 South East Asian Games bowling programme, Is being transformed into one of the moat modern centres in the world at a coat of 1400.000 This
      300 words
    • 200 34 AP NEW YORK, TnursOey. JOSE Luis Clerc of Argentina and Yannich Noah of France are the final two players to qualify for the 12 man IMS Volvo Masters Ten ■hi riismptotushipa, it was aa> anear nd on Tuesday by toernament director Ray Benton Heading the Madison
      AP  -  200 words
    • 288 34  -  Sy R MANORAJ WITH preparations for May s South-east Asian Games taking priority, the Singapore Hockey As soctattoo, will start ita 1913 St robe I Premier League only in June But on Feb 6 the oneday national aix-a-side competition will be held just
      288 words
      • 97 34 UPI PARIS: Rumours that Michel Platini will be quitting Italian league champion Juventus to return to France to play for Paris St Germain were false, Platini s business manager Bernard Genestar said yesterday. Mr Genestar told L Equipe Sports daily that Platini is happy ia Italy aad
        UPI  -  97 words
      • 110 34 UPI ATHENS: The UEFA has threatened AEK Athens with a three year ban if it does not promptly send PC Cologne of West Germany the U5512,400 (5f27,280} it owea it from the abandoned UEFA Cup match played at Athena In September. The game was stopped
        UPI  -  110 words
      • 130 34 UPI HAMBURG: West German interna tional Horat Hnibench, who wants to leave title holder Hamburg, ia ronstd ertng a move to another defending champion club. Standard Tne Bildzeitung newspaper said yesterday that Stjuadard had offered the 31 year old striker a 3 year contract and an annual
        UPI  -  130 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 44 31 #y' li t7 Ly 1/ /A Gfeat ,ta,ian Styling m Sup& lightvveight \VM Nabuk u PP ers aVarVdaaaaaaaaaaaHaaal comfort T>\ V assar Sole DvinDutor I *s\ Stooapc*© Mokiys« > nrun»., 2018 MAxos Singapura. Orchard Road. "ii in iiii 0923 Tet *****54 e*^goaaT^o^3f^oraa^2i^WTJOpSuxs C 2 Hl^
      44 words
    • 60 31 The genuine SWISS ARMY KNIVES The new SWISS ARMY KNIFE in its present appearance, less bulky and more compact, metre adapted to our time without visible rivets was invented by t\VEMTTEJI m (r) e late fifties of a this century. Jj The largest SWISS ARMY KNIFE or the smallest J
      60 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 182 32 THE RRST METAL WOODS AND IRONS WITH T UNE ALIGNMENT Only PGA con design such a great combination: Speck )l T hne Twin Roil sote minimi/es turf drag to tho dub glides through grass and slides Into tight Nee c Compact head and streamlined hosef design reduce drag and increase
      182 words
    • 160 32 L J le^UfltT ■kvV m J sfssjjs CdoiU Weflsjl AiiJ m\ r Jm < ou d V*** purcffses mW tnDMd $100*. you get ttte Sports Wallet Both Waftets neve ripK)psYsirs and are made of waterrepel lent material M \l Hurry This offers good only V while stocks lastl mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw W^^V—»
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 118 33 BBaßSSfaa Gifts of Good Cheer... In the spirit of the season: a combination of Blue Nun, Baileys Original Irish Cream and Le Piat DXDr fine French red and white wines will nuke superb gifts #tt-wrapped in wine racks. Gifts of Good Cheer. Seven bottles of fine favourites, available in m
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 108 34 Children oil over the world wj±. love Ps«« Jm V .£*4jbbbbbbW 9*r>gapura lAalays* fcuna. ifff'l UNCLE CHOO SPORTS CENTRE vlr^ l*vrt23? TndFtoOf PkiihnKiiil Orchard «oad S.og»por.a«3 1« nr»TM Sjfcfc n* Autf>or»a«d Plate, tv City Sport* Shop Ga/uOa Sports Glory Sports* Mavarerh Sail ra**«n ApoMO 4 Orchard Manly Sporting HouM fFS
      108 words

  • MONITOR sports
      • 73 35 Reuter NORWICH: Former England soccer international Mike Channon joined Norwich yesterday from Eng lish third division club Bristol Rovers Oceans, 34, baa initially signed for a month and will make has debut in the first division match agaiaat Ipswich next Monday Channon said: 'Every player needs
        Reuter  -  73 words
      • 58 35 AP ATHENS: East Germany defeated Greece 3 0 yes terday ia aa exhibition soccer match played by the two countries Olympic teams Kuan gave the visitors a 1-4) half-time lead with a foal in the 21st minute aad added another in the lata Schuls shot taa
        AP  -  58 words
      • 49 35 Reuter WARSAW: Legia Warsaw midfielder Andrxej Buncol has been named Poland s footballer of the year in a poll organised by a Katowice sports paper. Buncol. with 90.94)2 votes, heat his two nore widely known international team mates Grangers Lato and Zbigntew Boniek Reuter
        Reuter  -  49 words
      • 48 35 AP faIAAfJ BCACH: Top-seeded Pascale Paradis of France was apeet by aa A marie aa oa Tuesday hi of the FI lease Orange Bowl junior Anne Grousbeck. the No It seed, ousted Paradis 3. 9 0 in a snatch at Miami Beach's Flamingo Park AP
        AP  -  48 words
      • 60 35 Reuter AOgLAhDC; Eighth aeed Jeff Borowiah of the United States waa beaten by little-known Australian Greg WhJteeross hi the second round of the South Australian men's open tennis championships here yesterday Hard-hitting Whitecross. 21 won 3«. 7 7 6 to roach the quarter
        Reuter  -  60 words
      • 34 35 Reuter WELLINGTON: New Zealand s moat prolific run scorer Glean Turner ia to receive a USt7.2M grant to play cricket for his country this season, it waa ■imoanred yesterday Reuter.
        Reuter  -  34 words
    • 351 35 Inaccurate shooting, poor finishes seal Iraq's fate AP SOUTH KOREA and China advanced to the Mexico final of the World Youth Soccer Championships, after smsrsjsjf a t the top of the table in the 23rd Asian Youth Football Tournament which con eluded here
      AP  -  351 words
    • 248 35  -  R MANORAJ THE much-awaited Agung Cup showdown between defending champi ona Singapore Malays and Federal Territory finled out laat night when continuous heavy rain and poor visibility forced the organisers to postpone the match till today (7 30 pm) at the National Stadium.
      248 words
    • 41 35 sre tSe aaaJ jV'J*j'X J m Ammm v a«ek SOUTH KOREA S s t 1 7 I CHINA S 1 t 4 s 4 IRAQ s 1 t 4 I t U A B s t 1 7 1
      41 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 71 35 IU ntmm* taw*** vmm frts ticMft Hm SJ The Ffeaiiofa iKiklay I rvv p«.-t 11iitf-ti>-Ki« -w V< nilK s Hrr» htr- umr uurtunit) fcr abjrt fcn> frw rruaroi _y As an Mntwn atm- tm 'M' «ni— a fiw »»J«l»' rmhlfl Y«j h. ikr rtMnl mmtltm iimm* aW a* mil til
      71 words
    • 120 35 I SB*? 1 The silver smooth woridcfetectoaiic gee even smoother. Talk about smooth typing! Tha Silver Rood oan type up to 80 CPS (muoh faster than tha average eleotronlo'o 10 to 18 CPS). And operate 8-line corrections from memory, at the touch of a button. Results deserve applause. With the
      120 words
    • 2 35 new balance
      2 words