Singapore Monitor, 14 December 1982, Afternoon Edition

Total Pages: 40
1 40 Singapore Monitor
  • 13 1 m THE SINGAPORE MONITOR 30centi Tuesday, December 14, 1982 M.C. (P) NO. 19/5/82
    13 words
  • 446 1  -  MBTTS HJUpf SUPPLY OF WU PMPCMTY H MtCBIT MOftTHS •y LAM MO LIAN RENTAL prices for older sport) outside the coaxal area of Uken a Estate sfeats jtX the bUme oo the in oetf^property, particular- tartMt Ml aa tfcay faa wtttt earnpetition from nawar pfoperUei
    446 words
  • 73 1 Reuter BRISTOL (Ertglend), Tuesday CHEERFUL Debet Keylock fWW fSjrt urVVI W1 VI IffjTf Iff aft JOb beO£Ov*sr tttfst ba9£asVf}9 thought alia waa too, noisy has cofteugues said today Mow they have started a petition to get hoc reioetnted Doom, IS, sane worked for eight
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 161 1 UPI NEW YORK, Tueedny MASKED bandits cut a bole In the roof of a security firm, handcuffed a guard and fled with at least US$O ■iDtos (BflT.f mtussa}, making it the largest cash robbery in US history, off! date
    UPI  -  161 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 ■i^KiinwimwiiniiiiviCTsn'jamKniiiiti^iiDiiHiiituMuiiiiiHiiiiiiM Many faces of a HK bbWfS Unhke ifsfjny of her peers, it It the sheer abdrty of Wong Hang Sou ho portrsy marry drffererrt roles thet has endeared her to movie fans SHOES THAT CAUSE BACKACHES REPORT ON PAGE 6 Delia Is nSMKLTI not y| bowled M OVW
      49 words
      7 words
    • 80 1 mum ■■T^PTTjTTC^PTiCBBE'B^jBI DOTJINIAY THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF TENNIS RACKETS Kj BORG PRO \m\%%\ A SHfi and strong CO<Tip»titton trarr>e CIWSWd and paffactad y aad f_ fn aocg. haari —f^- HSj rain tof c ©man t wl th SSSSSSS 'ib*f ovaftay* only 111 nIOOW tn the world AvattaMa at a"
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  • opinion / letters
    • 213 2  -  O TO ERADICATE V.D. O FOR CONTROL AMOR PATRIAE Singapore 0311 YOUR report ia the Signposts column headlined "Prostitution: Time to weigh the proa and cons" (SM. Dec 19) suggest ed that legislation to control vice may be s solution I for one agree that
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    • 43 2  -  ROBIN HOOD Singapore 0314 THREE cheers for Use Anti Vice Enforcement Unit and to Use CID officers who took action against the csllgsrls at Clifford Pier I nope there will be more sweeping operations to clear Use area of rice.
      43 words
    • 265 2  -  'SET THE STAGE FOR OPEN-AIR FESTIVAL OF ARTS PROGRAMMES NEXT YEAR' ART IS FOR SOCIETY Singapore 0316 I AGREE with your writer of the sMMSgtJ column Needec* Bettor audiences (SM. Dec i#> Singapore audiences (fortunately, not all) need to he educated on how
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    • 126 2  -  CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Singapore 1026 CHRISTMAS is Use time not only for receiving gifts but also for giving especially to those unfortunate ones. Last year. I spent Christmas in Australia and was moat tmpressed to see how children there do their hit
      126 words
    • 95 2  -  CHAI YOCK ENG (MISS) (or Permanent Secretary (Education) I REFER to the letter headlined "Concern over the love songs they sing ia school" by CONCERNED PARENTS (SM. Nov 24). The Ministry of Education encourages school children to sing all types of good songs, such as
      95 words
    • 188 2 Tmm lllnslnn that Hsies were better perHORACE GREELEY US roumaest POaWlCeesTi TODAY is TMday, December 14th, the 34«th day of IMS. Than are 17 days left ta the year NnHUQHTS in kistory oa this data 1941 Accaaaion ol Mary Quaaa of Scots following death of Jamaa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 48 2 Big Picture! inciting Animated Br** Looi X, f Acc #ra,e fcpjV* /A Youf Wack shiried cycle does exactly you say Pg>V Vv Can you beat the competition? Win first prize? 7 /'Ww J swasm 10 plaoee per class Plus 4 drnerent Woenee f categories Qroat fun' /ea^Twjßinlassjwjwaa tw*
      48 words
    • 76 2 t LSTTffIS on M MtfMt of puMc Not! to aoeapM tor puMooaon. Th«y tftould OO typod 0«d MUOt bo IIONW nM MiTow wrttor OnMm to uao imudonyw to print A contort Wfrom nuwtoor woUM ho u—M. W» iwrw iWl to od» IWB. Ad*ow wur Mtoro to Tho Edtor. Tito Iwm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 Rado Florence. 111 iH I I ■a RAOO SERVICE CENTRES 9NGAPOPE LGo. PofWorw ShoppfcTQ Mot 3& S«tog» Rood 07» KUALA LUMPUR No 69A. Jctan Hfcki PENANG 446 A. Pvnong Rood
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  • home
    • 140 4 viewscan COMMUNICATIONS and Labour Minis tar Mr Ong Teng Cheung s suggestion that motorcycles and scooters should ha inspec ted regularly ia good. The Government is now trying to make roads safer for users Witi riders making up the largest group amongst accident victims, thai
      140 words
    • 158 4 WHETHER a child Is given breakfast before going to school may appear irrelevant to some parents But Dr Tay Eng Soon's suggestion that a survey be made to ascertain the extent of the problem Is as laajpsltna of how serious the problem is Dr Taj's view that breakfast
      158 words
    • 359 4 ■E I J- L =jBBHP0ST8! ■UNCI Chun hi Ttoag Basra will rhilwg Mi •Mrs hw goad »t thfl rmd of tha. sswath. Victim of TVawd vwW II ,MII TTwl.» bra, Psvueaw, Isarsseswsgh, aad adsssass Net aaeeraed ssssd TVw wWM ail they had hw aaicriahv Of
      359 words
    • 101 4 By WrTSOA PflWrU IlllllltSl plans Ss intfiasei a aarwet assaasw service ta Saba a and Straws* hay« ted ta be postponed because of a technicalfault The service, which will tor, Tetacowvs spokeamaa Mr Eddie Kok decliewd to say what the faalt was exactly ar how
      101 words
    • 128 5 TRAVEL agents may soon have a new insur ance policy whack will Incorporate, under one scheme the existing covers offered to them if the policy is accepted by the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore (Nataa). The policy provides coverage against fire. burglary loss of
      128 words
    • 306 5 ?3 DAT A summary of some ol the* main news items in the morning papers INFLATION Is creeping up at a slower pace says the Ministry of Finance The forecast for the year four per cent against last year i 1 For tha third quarter of
      306 words
    • 252 6 BE CAREFUL of those specials,' fantastic offers' and discounts in ausm insihsli and newspaper advertisements They can of tea ha ssrsivlag, says aa article ia Consumer, CASK'S monthly bulletin Consumers are advtaed to distinguish be tween genuine offers and sales gimmicks Aa item marked aa 'special' in
      252 words
    • 238 6 BACKACHES aad digestire problems caused by ill-fitting shoes? According to CASE'S bulletin, the Consumer, ill-fitting shoes sot only make your feet ache, bet caa contribute to the development of circulatory problems such ss varicose veins and backache. Cramped aad uncomfortable shoes can eren interfere with digestlre
      238 words
    • 348 6  -  By YONG POW ANG THE Kepp«l Shipyard Group is adopting severs! measures to cushion the economic recession so that workers need not ha retrenched Some workers are being reassigned to carry out maintenance work such as overhauling machines and painting buildmember of Keppel anipyara
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    • 104 8 A FORMER principal of Chung Cheng Hifh School. Mr Chm Thiam Soon. JO, claimed trial to a charge of giving false informs tion to the Permanent Secretary of tho Ministry of Eswxttlw hi June IITI. Ho is alleged to have given information to
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    • 112 8 A SALES manager of Golden Ea gle Fashion Co in Whampoa Drive, wist was entrusted to col lect payments from customers, embezzled a total sum of 1M.715 aad spent It aa gambling. family expenses aad medical fees, a mafistrate s court was told toTsu Sim. 34.
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    • 128 8 SINGAPORE hi not aajw/sMd by Indus move ia not Whsdhsg Cambodia amowg those Invited so far to the asoosWfc Now-Aiiawod la Now Delhi wast ThW w to he es bached IndUa an in viUUon to Cainhodia is hewed on the fact that ita
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    • 287 8  -  if FAEZAN ISMAIL OWNERS of the Red Lantern Beer Garden at Collier Quay were granted an application lar ceatawaed ee> tension of Ficensing hours till S am by the third quarterly session of tho Liquor f Irioatof Board this Naidu representing the Commissioner of Police,
      287 words
    • 38 8 a m- m mm waawnwa asrwei mmm ootto o hrw tolas ss sea. him ly the Sfe iMuT'chr chTa flltl wiMl Metfcadist lt«S! Vhir^»a>aa^aari*\ ragerepair wart Picture and story by CHRISTINE CHEW
      Picture and story by CHRISTINE CHEW  -  38 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 94 4 The Fine Art of Being A Hostess SeV 'twAbW LaaSsUBUBUBsuu ID oyal Worcester is supremely delicate j^^^H AVtunctKxiai and practical Modem and H^H contemporary in appearance, yet it shows all i the pamstakmg craftsmanship expected of I Worcester ware It adds finesse to a good table setting ROYAL WORCESTER Maker*
      94 words
    • 14 4 L>imu^QnTließD(±s And you thought there was only one way to drink Drambuie. mm\ HL
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 219 5 ■fl C onilnuoua llvr miak now at Bar I Hr •pritoourid by Juilrt V. prrformamr atranipanlrd by Thr Tbpa Her rcndl I km* of Broadway tunny Jan. P^H WLWi m\w baßada Mid rtiythm n rwk will haw you W-WM VjEV afJfcV jtsatßV awßylng and stomptru] to thr beat of WM
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 142 6 f Spociol Of far^ I Luxury bedroom offer at lowest price. Completed IJr* 1 bedroom suite consist I A one piece double bed rr-f Bsja^-ij Slumbertand red seal ■LM mattress, 3 door wardrobe, Isttiasawaww dressing table, one bed side aSf I iiiiß Z Z table, double bed (without book shelf)
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 401 7 fit mr A\\ I Ja wA m /a Be. mm JaLt Ma I W Why We Will Dominate Retail j^^ M w in Affluent Katong. BIGGEST BY FAR AND SOUDLY ANCHORED jf% i«ikttt«iMiHtirtiittmtiimm»tfimtHit |SS« (va^,_ HtttllHtHtrtlNilrltMltttMttlKtt fttt4« fej twtrtrtitHiMrtiMrtl«iWiiliilii MitttlittmtllthmMHiiltiMtlfMtttJtti nhnars iitiirtrm ti*ttH«m»mtmWHrtrtitii 5S§& HI i.tttMtmmtitmtM»tit»i»rtMMM« AY *>* C „SL
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 140 8 Don't Miss Opportunity R~R-Ringing! Get the most advanced fully automatic microcomputer control M eM ammmmm- telephone answering Am M and recording system. I Model AT-R330 TAC 143-81R20 Approved By Telecoms c Delivers to you the recorded message by MODERN REMOTE CONTROL DEVICE when you phone in from anywhere in tho
      140 words
    • 31 8 TOW up to 50% discount > i k f TOV TOUin .M-l ;M'i /rid \i« l u< H. 1/ t ()r < r 1 f S rv) ip ft O' < 4 -i i )(>•
      31 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 ■VaVJSjBW S*S*S« I HsiiV^K tftflLj|Lj(BßSS* *-«-ni»sssw Inlbuch with tteTimes. -HllSF' reliability. Without W AquartzA has been Wf W AIBA~ a X Soles Service: Tsssssj lAS. 04 00 ThorusMa Hldg .30 Bldeford Road. Singapore 0932. I*l 737 6122. ffSMSSSJ SSo SMS*. smsL 45 Jin Tuonku AOduf Rahman. Kuala Lumpur 01 OS.
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  • world
    • peoplewatch
      • 112 10 SALT LAKE CITY: Artificial heart riclaaial Barney Clark watched weekend football with his wife, and doctors said y star day Ist waa slowly recoveries from post operative problems that caused him to suffer seizures nearly a week ago. But he remained ia critical condition,
        112 words
      • 72 10 WASHINGTON Actress Katharine Hepburn suf fared aa ankle injury yesterday when a ear aba waa driving went out of control on a snowy road and hit a utility polo, police said Miss II ipi era, 75. was driving oa a anew severed route near aar summer
        72 words
    • 430 10 AP ON New Year s day IMS. Poland M BMilioo people will martial law. milder than what they confronted a year before under a rigoroea military crackdown, yet stricter than on Jan 1, IMI, at the height of months of labour upheaval Many
      AP  -  430 words
    • 280 10 Agencies ajIUSSELg t Tueedey THE Earopeoa Community today moved another step in Ms trade war against Japan It was asking the Gen oral Agreement oa Tariffs aad Trade (Gatt) to set up a special international panel to examine its claims Consultations held so far
      Agencies  -  280 words
    • 224 10 UPI LONDON, Tuesday EARL JOHN SPENCER, the father of Princess Dions, ia rapidly selling family treasures to raise cash, worrying Britons concerned wtth preserving the nation's artistic heritage The Earl s face became familiar around the globe when, on July 1 19S1. he
      UPI  -  224 words
    • 80 10 UPI TOKYO, Teas. PETITE a protracted a Tae NsMmf Tas'Adto S 3 trtlltee yea (SStS httliea) slightly lees though* £4 Uilhoa yen Zewko Seswki approprtat ed to buy wan poos over the next five eutertoksnsoet expeadltwres" far IMI was a SJ C
      UPI  -  80 words
    • 100 12 SCIENCE WATCH SAN*UNMOO.TM rftlMmVEIIfcta ft* yeeaafway a/ST Aaaotwaaa Qw» awyokaJ Uoioe wwotbaj m Sao Pimlill Bwtk wwrk the Nairkwal I irmiwri mm* lpwe> A4■fcHpWirin Ami reMarck Tt vnU akw be worthwhile to bTeaftd 4boro eooad bo aht'aaaac bar
      PICTURE: AP  -  100 words
    • 261 12 Brainstorm of crazy fireworks designer, says journal UPI LONDON, Tuoedoy US aeronautic technology has entered the realm of pure science fiction with aa experimental tat fiahesr flown by the pilot's voice not his hands the authoritative Jane s 'AM The World
      UPI  -  261 words
    • 151 12 AP THE HAGUE, Tuoedey FORMER Surinamese Vice Premier Andre Haakmat charged yesterday Oast Cuban edrtoers dreVopTuaTof in the executions I think that they selected the kstoiligentsia. the tarhniaiii politician said in a telephone interview with the Associated Press, and claimed that the executions were
      AP  -  151 words
    • 33 12 Reuter NEW YORK, Tut* cup■UU| ILttj IbJiitJ"! K^y^^y.pi? They MM about M people chased Edwin Flfueroa. 11. after he stahbed^o Pellce charged Fi jjueroa with murder.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 220 14 WW YORK, TtiMday JAMES LEWIS, charged wtth at temptlnf to extort Utfl million (SfS.IT million) in tha seven Chi cage-area Tylenol poisoning 6**y% Lewis M tha subject of a na tiaawMa bat*, waa aiiaaul at a branch of the New York Public Library Authorities said a
      220 words
    • 226 14 Reuter hAHRAtft, Tueedey A POWERFUL earthquake struck North Yemen yesterday killing or induing more than ted people and fUttesdag scores of villages, the official Sanaa Reese east Tae radio, monitored in Bahrain, Quoted s rescue committee as saying SIS people ware killed
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 238 14 The 'SinoSoviet thorn' AP NEW YORK, Tuea. CHINA M anlikely ha sig nificantly improve relatiOM with the Soviet union witnout nra receiving c conceasion ii out tnc new aoviet ieaoerahip a high-ranking US diplomat said yesterday Mr John Hofdndae Aa awaa vvuii a ivnii waawKV. r^mw sistant Secretary of State
      AP  -  238 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 49 10 Masgood as going to Bangkok. H^ Woc t \!J' > y MB -ff, $15/-** per person (mm 4 persons) Siamese Seafood Restaurant Cat*** MsM NMl|*MtapM««|T«rMlliaM« I ■"earn big money SS^m^i TRANS-WORLD TUTORIAL COLLEGE P.O. BOX 42, JERSEY, BRITAIN. I aacrr ams coawawcuu. coseajr/. sum m. m w*ooa. I sweaaeaseaa -I
      49 words
    • 159 10 Ts3e -NitiDr mM 111 MemesosLai lLm* Smmmm The hoM hat 87 cxxnfwtabki bwdroccn*. a 24-hour coffee houee, a tounp bar wtth dbxx> on woofconrJo, and meeong taclaJiu kx up to 40 parsons jmwsmm m —i mmm knhwtwjtnl neeerv awoiie Syakam PreeirJent Merkn HcAei. 181 Kitchener Rood. 0620 Tel: 02-*****56 TekwßS
      159 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 555 11 \bu cant see the etectraiics SHnWWWWWalsnnnnnnnnSm BBa 'rJI SHI BUnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsnns ■WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ pWBBe pWJ pBBaHJpBBBBBBBBBBS snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnß pn p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p BbbM Bai tß\ snnnw Bbbbbbbbbbbhhbj snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsu bbbb! Bl R sua BrTsnsa I Lnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnw ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■V TA BJ jAY B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bj Bußwfc'wsP** WnM A Lt fIaVV snnnnnnnnnnnnn'9B'9 Ba^r^HnHK-*^ If 1"# Bb^Bb^Bb^Bb^Ll BBBBBBBBBBBBjBBJ LTduwvw// «a Yh m
      555 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 133 12 l UUNrIuK I w-ajl Cut oil and staple with othsr coupons. I Posting Instructions appear below J Ace wwawjagaa NS.I.C Tel: I 4 I A i hTTaB L«T7¥Ji? SS,MO mm 11 1 I B ACMOSS USING CUT NBM awl-"-"-"-«^ a r« a ewawjotfa «>«^toMrw^er.i>«iio«iid« re c wwaaaaa eet a Whot
      133 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 421 13 KVH BjM BHi HNboM bftottl ajvj ■■J ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbß M I bituotul Colour TV*. LyM iS I B I Lbbbbbbß EaoeJbjnt quality and toted ■B ■JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ reflet-jilt fry too X I I I couldn't rraafce a better book aa choice And thara'a never bWBWBWBk SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBW SBST aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI WWW V MFW*
      421 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 527 14 Christmas at the Hilton is an exciting time ol year. The halls are decked. White Christmas trees and the season's glitter sparkle in every corner. Everyone's in good cheer. Join us won't you? You'll enjoy carolling by the Hilton's own children's choir. Christmas specials at the cake counter and gift
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  • business
    • 519 15  -  Datsun dealer sells two showrooms and office building to help repay loans •f CATHERINE ONG GEOFFREY EU CHUAN Hiang Motors, one ef the oldest aad most istifchahii car dealers in Singapore with over 20 years of profitable business, has more than SO
      519 words
    • 105 15 HONG KONG The US dollar rwae <^realctes < its late j 5 fry she unexpected annowacemeat ef a eat ss Us dsscowat rate to 1.5 per cent trees to per cent saw His I today. The US waller gained te l.cult/M Deotscbemarks from
      105 words
    • Update
      • 35 15 AP LONDON GoM f tniahed In London at 43t.7t dollars a troy ounce, up from 457.M cc Friday In Zurich the metal cloaed at a median 434 W) up S dollars. AP
        AP  -  35 words
      • 35 15 Reuter KUALA LUMPUR: Nearly MflOO million will be paid in dividends and bonus units for 1 m Af JJj[j vs g n ham Naaional. Deputy Prime Minis tar Muse Hitem said Reuter
        Reuter  -  35 words
      • 64 15 THE Now York stock market showed some gains oa sionday altar a weak af declines The Dow Jones average of JO indu trials roar 5 51 to close at 1 014 It ooUst Now York Stock aTirasagaj Volume totalled IS 14 million shares against at 41
        64 words
    • 153 15 HEWLETT Packard Singapore (Pte) Ltd will reward 549 employees who have completed tee years of service by issuing them wtth shares in the US parent company They will bring the total number of workers to benefit under the scheme to 914. The
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    • 266 15 INFLATION ka Siafaaore foracaat to average out at 4 per cent for the whose of thai year, a full point less than the official 5 1 per cent forecast at mid year The latest forecast
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    • 383 16 Multi-Purpose rationalisation plan for plantations MULTI-PURPOSE Holdings baa anounced a rationalisation plan for ita plaatsttea interests which will be held through Dunlop Estates Bhd. Dunlop Estates plans to bey a IS 7 ncr cent stake in Malay sum Plantation Bhd (MPB) for mjMion
      383 words
    • 29 16 RENDONG TIB more than doubled profits in the wear te Jane St. from lI.IS million te $3 79 swjjhaa M after tax are lion this time
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    • 95 16 HONG Leong Credit Bhd continued tew skat ski a high growth rate whan it reported a pre-tax profit Of 94 48 million, com pared wtth SS I million previously for the year Green profits over the aaawa period, meanwhile, sscslnfsil to 919 1 mil lion,
      95 words
    • 242 16 OTHER COMPANY REPORTS KILLINGHALL Tin will be di verthsg more Uwi 20 per cent of completely different from* Us principal activity hi buying a 23 2 aar cent stake hi liatiaiß Bank bag. Killinghall says in a circular wO aw^ewaX^wß^Ow^CTaa 1 The company says profitability over the
      242 words
    • 182 16 HUME fmtmmmf (Ma- layesi) wholly-owned subsidiary Federal Paper Products (PPP) bat afreed to buy ttw entire luTti Product Manufacturing Sdn Bhd (PAP) for $8 4 million hi cam The agreement is subject to the approval of Malaysia s Foreign In vestment Committee PAP la
      182 words
    • 239 16 THE Amalgamated Steel Mills Bhd (ASM) public offer of IS million shares is said to be receiving good i exponas. Application forms for tee shares of $1 each offered at $1 15 have been reprinted twice since the first batch of 100.000 forma ran out.
      239 words
    • 282 16 THE Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES) has granted approval to Hwa Hong MggOJggl IWBBg Ltd (Hwa Hong) for luting and trading of 7 3 million now shares that the company propoeas to issue to acquire the entire share capital Of Singa pore
      282 words
    • 455 16 ssr^r^- 1 Boustead 1 77 1 78 OoM Storage 4 52 4 54 Ease 4MB F and N 4 85/4 »0 G I H 3 42 S Genting 3 42/3 44 Haw Par 2 31 2 32 Inchewas 249 2 44 Intraco 3 04 B laetan 5
      455 words
    • 21 16 KV(«Bn) II.MftA ummrnk lltlim JEA Late it.M am AlMCWer II Mam tett rw t? DkO KMbLapw RwaU Lwnmm TtajMabTlM
      21 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 50 15 S tw 14 April ltfJS mfm I 4 I MaflLlßßW** For further intormatton and tour package details contact ITEM Pte Ltd 1 1 -324 The Plana 7800 Beach Road Singapore 07 19 Tol *****02 Allison Law. Aawooialad Tours (S) Pt. Ltd 904 Wellington Bldg BwUlora Road Singapore 0922 TeL *****22
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous

    • 187 17  -  Take this chance to win food vouchers J CO EMTBIY VIOLET OON ORANGE JULIUS Ail fwTiMgte jHMggL Use two queetione above cor rwctly end tbc Ant Mb) out ioc I www en will be given the coupons In addition, Orange Julius, a leading American faat food chain mrpm*?
      187 words
    • 180 17 OUR Gourmet Circle Cooking Oase boated by Marco Polo Hotel was a great success wtth it traders learning the secrets to a perfect Christmas Roast Turkey and stuffing from chef Mr Hatt The class waa conducted at the arsesarli la Rotonde Res taerant and after
      180 words
    • 372 18 10 ways to avoid over-eating DR HENRY JORDAN, director ef tbe laeUtat* for ■saeriseral aMwcetksa at tbe University ef Pennsylvania, baa base Wvsstigstiag tae bebevioar modification ap sroacb to weight control W Here%ooT?ood Gnkfct extracts the It rakes ka follow from Tha Doctor's Yoa may bow
      372 words
    • 81 19 FOR Re.Uur.nt Chez Bidou i third IMIfUrW), Chof Bidou aad Eaecu live Chef Herve Khobti are preparing a tot dianer leant to coounemorate the day oa Dec IT. BIDOU cut* Mi Anoiveruy Cake too (La gateau d aniuversaire) and lUcas of it will be
      81 words
      77 words
    • 406 19  -  1 LO TIEN YIN TODAY Mr a change we are going ka try preparing a traditional Malay BANDUNG: Tha per rented have keen very clever The drink tastes good, m full of nutrition and yet is simple to make It is made
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    • 687 19 LAST week we gave a round-up ef cakes yoa caa order from hotels for Christmaa Besides hotels many cake shops around tbe island make a ayarlil effort thai season to hake ap some seasonal fare. We wear ad some cakes from the saber ha
      687 words
    • 984 20 Marco Polo fan cooked at homo wi at a fwwMw «f ttw Swajjaew Pwa» aVawt erawaw**4 a Mr 4f rwjwanwa%wr It iM cfctf Peter Hatt law ot ttw ttrwrti M l". 1 staffteg that was *eelaref a wiaeer eat ■hawwi ttw away haw ta aaai Vwww
      984 words
    • 126 20 figs or Juice Sclkmon Juice scf mixture ot Greed AfamJer Angostura Bit tmr brandy and Kirscb Io€g mixed nuts 4 sceep* vanilla ice tbe hairs witk a needle with 1 slice of gJia^rTka^^ malised snd goldea browa Add orange Juice, lemon juice aid ail the liqueurs Add
      126 words
    • 231 21  -  The taste lingers long after Christmas IVY LI THIS week I'd like to show you how to make home mode tweets 00 food gifts for Christmas Hone made sweets, yoa aak? Yea, home maaa sweets which will leave a sweet taste lin fcring ka your fHeads' mouth
      231 words
    • 133 21 balls. J B *jj p rmtl>t and almond brittle a few dayi before and keep in < wwteu"can be ta fwMwad VIIIdas). Price* range from $2 00 10 $10 00 Ckristmas stickers, candy striped ribboaa, cellophane aad paper boxes ar* aeolleaei at Paper Moon mas decorations are available
      133 words
    • 31 21 l cum JTJi frj sasiJiis w You cm mnmcsted coconut to Add nuts 4) Peer ever Rice Krtspies Mix well Form into balls Roll ka Me£bs aaade a f*?Maorv^
      31 words
    • 53 21 I cmp bmtter, I cm? csmtor Mm*, 1 cup Mlmoad tlirers 1) Moat butter in iron skillet Add sugar and slmonda 2) Stir over medium beat for 15 to 20 wakes fill mixture brown S) Poor out mixtures koto shallow pan Spread candy out thin. 4) Cool Break
      53 words
    • 105 21 4 os cooidmj chocolate m mitt ■if 2 ot fcingr sugar, sit tec 2 09 seedless raisins finely chopped 1 ear cawerxsarahj soaked in 2 Tabsp 1-2 Tabsp apricot Jam, sieved 2 os chocolate rice 1) Put the chocolate pieces Into a heatproof bowl over a pan of
      105 words
    • 182 21 1 mmmU egg wkitem Shorn ft Tabmp gromad cinnamon grated rind of lemon 1) Put the egg whites into a heatproof basin Whisk until frothy, then add the icing sugar 2) Place the howl over a pan of ahrurif ring water and continue whisking until the meringue is
      182 words
    • 64 21 9 os icing sugar Sift the icing sugar into a howl egg white te forrrTTsUff paste Add s few drops ef pepper mint essence to taste bated the paste lightly ka tbe bowl, using the fingertips Roll the paste out inch stick or erased paper. Stamp eat 1
      64 words
    • 341 22 FOOD gifts are alwaya appreciated bat they teak to much more appetiaing if you present them attUacUeaiy. Why not add fiat distinctive touch by sen hag preaentation pouches, bottle top covers or even some table matt tad napkins 7 Housewife Mrs Julia
      341 words
    • 243 22 MATERIALS: 1 piece of small print cotton fabric to cat a circle II cm in diomeier. 1 piece of whit* cotton fabric to cut to circle of II cm to diameter 2d cm of v, cm wide matrawag satin or velvet ribbon for
      243 words
    • 338 24 Philiapsaas, late licJo** cakaa aawlceokiea to Skagapor eons at Dynasty Hotels Cakaahep Ol course oo wveid late yee fee buy one of tbona iilnUlli cakes hoi posing wtth for your Clrkrtms* party but kaowhag ha* haw aauch tho poraoaaJ touch cowata hoi storks*
      338 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 17 17 I Tke easy way to tvkey: Pate 20 How to have a real sweet HEm|^^^^£i X'mas: IHSnH|L
      17 words
    • 190 17 Want to get away tor a short vacation? You needn't go further than a 7-minutc ferry ride! Apollo Sentoaa hen so much to offer. Come for the outdoor activities. The Monorail, the magjjril Musical Fountain. M mmM Mgm ahaaaawavat** Atad ao much more. Esland Stay at Apollo Sentoaa, m a
      190 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 111 19 a Hoi 5333 118 VafoaMt Pris« mart I* w<m. j|t»Miof CHapy B»d t»w Tou oan ba lucky winnvof tftNM Xat Frisfi! 8 its* tetf Priat? Appfct N Plu» 40K Tom.yo r*rror. 317T3 I/»OFX Scot* C«n»uttr wr*\ 12 in* AAonttor ScrM* toeing Cor witfc Tomiyo Ni Cd I OtWw f Q***k
      111 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 36 21 H W gV. *Mst snd W»Wn to your l*vour*r Mmm. r« aa- I ga twi fmm Happy Hours gteaeeeeteaew. 4 < I 5 7 P m LkV am_J I stows**** |l Q I dES^. 20 /AtfK If
      36 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 388 23 In 1978 a car \xoi the Grand PrixTrkxnphe cfExadlence Eurcpeenne. InKSOa^tdiNx^thewinner: The car \was a Rdls Royos. The an Eterna. LI Trntj fMrti I mttckms m aaa www/ I m »osp** r l hmwmuiy kSaaaaaSHBSSEv *0t B sVJ I /<• IJMT mv u^iii I >M Bht I I Wtth ims
      388 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 147 24 LVBat I Or Every Wednesday and Friday at Lunch time Fabulous fashion and food beckon. Every Wednesday and Friday. In a different show and mood. Tempt yourself with our spread of epicurean delights while we keep you in vogue with the latest fashion in town. On Wednesday CARRE PAS BOUTIQUE
      147 words

  • leisure
    • 573 25 It's either Rachel op God hi Ms new role LAT-WP THERE'S a imiebit of magic> aabag on in the are the suburbs freshly minted tract homes with the way's* mam m9m mmm en But as you drive s little farther, suburbia dWiaaasrs^ y^^ w>
      LAT-WP; PICTURES: SYGMA  -  573 words
    • 22 26 The many faces of Wong Ha ng Sau IN ONEJkviMMltc 1 emm ma 9» gm? Bart mm"*** mmt ator tftftt wu -*7~
      22 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 82 25 HI toft* ftps27M Stan Cssfe* ft* 1 (Honeymoon S M«k in Hort| Kong fA\ S» STYLE PATTERN J MATERIALS B J2 •DELICATE J g WORKMANSHIP I If J I a Am m%. M >-< a a I r H s mmw m ■>«*< m «pR#V w*w«h a Tkt manufacture goods
      82 words
    • 67 25 Sh6 COOS With bor soft h-wi silken voice: LMP Pago 26 Jacob's Creek Claret The Australian red that's vvinningthevvrxM. Crisp, clean and elegant, and it travels wdl. A wine so outstanding it was voted "the top dry commercial red wine*' by the Australian Wine Spirit Buying Guide. A\l ORLANDO JACOB'S
      67 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 148 26 PLAY THE SINGAPORE MONITOR BIRITCAY GAME 1 taj ihww aaowawToWwJors tgfj tnasag Jyn* 2t 19*4 IM7 owason of each osnw. tion. you aro etotae far o Oc*y <*wnoa to va* ossh arts* If your brevJey j pon oJOJtSfMtTwj Stigopwo IworOtor Trwreare W rwwOojOOevwyenyEnaaroomanySwanaa you aw lllflii*SßOO L ~RULES £^^1 m
      148 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 34 27 wfrtl>»»» mtiilitii w»la*j»»» Colour Tefevfaion with a 2-year gitturaiitee from a nigtod name l£SHi(slcv) WMDo«r>7«MSIM 1 Monthly SS) x 24 raoMhi CALL TELE-ADS TODAY *****90 I Vbur Optn Unt To A R«ady MaAet. I
      34 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 1053 27 tv IO Ctoiittog FadaaadToon Aft*.Dbdd Ang. Nogtoo Johnoon. (d>(rV «J^Bf' H l 'l Tlnw to dao 0 3-pari lucky drow. 4Jt bwl0* ONohaw Doom Ml >A*% BL* J OJO Pomoc Tbo MlOut(B). •■I programmt w w #wjf w iw /s mwn mhhb iocQpiuflv o§uUCvuf§ OO ulv WOfwi dM 0® II
      1,053 words

  • tv & radio
    • 265 28 Tho Myatortone (4.80 pm): THIS science fiction fantaay is about race of gig antic ecientific intellects whoa* planet Ooatroysd by on atomic disaster and ao iodoioi mind to take over Nations of the world put aside their dattorwnuas to unite againat an invader sent by the race
      265 words
    • 192 28 Tad J Mfanenr, Bp f. (C k Cwaawlil BJt Bfw The story laet week: 800 is bawdry merwyied aa Tee dtertsde sdtor he had eaajwdswdfahihi^Cteelg-bawaTewt she hyfwrhatl lar four of larsanßiraag 800 faad her draw a portrait of Zhou at the market place Back at Cheng's residency
      192 words
    • 352 28 1 4Ub Programme 3 Victoria Concert Hall •nm Tlckefar $b, $10 $11 fjoaxy of tlrajapnri Programme 1 Victoria Theatre Ipm Ticketseg, M. $10 *XMmwMpmt mmmammrrmwmrw. Singapore Conference Hall DBB^lwturo pm Ticket* $5 fit. $11 WoewawAaysttth Vivaldi The Four Seaaona Jtoaeini Sonata for Strings Mo S
      352 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 534 28 SuSea And Oancea 1 vwjow to Ova From oS4want Pro* Oanoa. Op 66 2 VeraY BaOet Music from metheu (Own Poem) 2 Lea Preludes (Sym Aa* Ad 2 3 Wato*auteJ Sketor* Wata .Op Poem) 3 Feeduanga (Sym Poem). London Phi 163 4 Watotowuw Podoj torn ScTiwanda. OroVSoW tha Bagptpar 5
      534 words

  • leisure
    • 622 29  -  More on heavy metal sound •v R MANORAJ Britain, the birthplace of heavy metal still has much to offer although it has lost much of its earlier drive Bluet Sabbath, part aaa nev eMaHtor than on their two ear ins ParanouJ (ltTt) with
      622 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 66 29 LIDO: 18th lrT*f4stftbte) DAY! (7172*14) llasa, 1 Jt, 4, t4a\ til wa Fwje Law O CASH boofcab* «*> to 3 DAYS n adwaw twaeaDlM awjlttQaiV" 1 JAM: HURRYI LAST DAYSI HlMiatl t t*OWt at 1 lew. 1.30,4J0, CJO t^Jth^ *.wJ/ a* Bfc y t^^<^^^s^%aasT»assaaaT» I n <*«n»«\iA\»TJJ.< m im iji
      66 words
    • 6 29 I x tiitpw jr JK w
      6 words
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  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 110 29 TOftAT: UviMi Utpa <•«•) lhSSpai(SJa) Uw USb IM am (I Ja) IMTa«ate) UviMiUSp.*.*•) TO celekrate Christmii, Dynasty Hotel Ims prepared a special festive fare at Hotel Le Vendome Lounge Buffet lunch Is at |24 for adults aid 912 for children wider 11 from 11.30 am to 2.M pot ideas of
      110 words
    • 25 29 BBJMG VBUs THE 41F TICKETS AVJULABLE ALTHOUGH U ttefceto tor Ike iinlit uickl have Im nM cut, ian arc •tli MM tickAihrDat njM, apdrajMl wais
      25 words

  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 475 30 Isalsauroa comics mmf IP*? ipsf ARIES: Marck 21 to April M LIBRA A parting between yourself aaai September IS ka October 22 someone close is indicated bat Some kind of restriction ia lift this only appears to be tempo- od from yoa aad you are able to rary You may
      475 words
    • 119 30 SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON By Don Sf>#fwo<^ r weeo to know all you oawo« mbvm^oabkxit tmc J Ir- -yT ■mcNOce mine tmat's in aooition to tmc tracto*-owa¥vn >=i *,R\v /V TakVJk^ P_TX I AAaN TELL. A*C A6MN Age i^^^^^^^^ii FRANK AND ERNEST By Bob Thtwfjfj 60W LMIAILIL ©P AE^OL^ojj
      119 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 89 31 »^^omB!B i Imiiihimi laraMaana Canlaiaiii.ii 0) LaaA/PawMa oj RMaawooraaw ■■>,iaa,,^ It) ftaanly AMa |o! tt) Na*taa ta** M) MaaVtMVrMaawil "■niaaj m uaaaii 3 Fata Ojl *MlOaalM_ 3 -jr'i* '11 WMaMM^ 3 J^TlU'o^, m, SS: —a Ml 8 SB Mi OMaaTTii ii ft 71) AaawH l^Tuiaailtii 001 CaraFar Mat SI tfc,
      89 words
    • 546 31 iIZiT B *jj i w tin hrvci m-aaaa ¥IB aW D.»»X»» col cm VM Mj Wa\ ■7 Traaa IfOOaaf TA M mm co> tm Wk Mm MOM-FM t aai-i mm B M o.%pi; TA m ftAUWOA* %mm\pm FB TELE-ADS b— Uoo Tata ado Com 173 fJOOJO M»w to y,i Y
      546 words
    • 85 31 «MMd> mtm* mm < m «wr •MMMNIM MkMM.ll 000 imiWlii rwj mn%%m» Wnn C«Mrt OMca Ow«Mir«HW Ma •Maaa hmle/mK AllMllMtMWOl** MbjXbm MftOcll!ii Ot—«■ i tWIItI uoojtiin Cm VALMUM »MI«M > iHij, 000 OB Cin»ii c»it. mo mm, n •JM ■TM II MMOMM MOOS, M 0 mm ft mm* Mw MM•
      85 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 113 32 aawß SSSiJTa^ M- rr CAIAj MM MTI mM MM MM mTawUIM aa'VVi'ft M> ■m mm Oiih i turn M tt •14 MMM*, TM *M-M)77 §MX IMIIIW MMM TMM mmm M M* A MM MM* IMM M IM 1(7 Mm TM Ml MM I A MMM MM MA. FT MMJTMfJTI MMVMM*
      113 words
    • 34 32 7t Tmmtm/Tiamml ~AMCMCA~ TA 003 7uS»m""* il B AUSTRALIA. MJM wRaATJM BJ MM MMWVMOMJ I I MMTMATMMA mm\? £2T rmZm*otmm M OMtolM |Klo||| ajjay 1 f I 1 4 I I I < i 1
      34 words
    • 52 32 N toad Safety Urn Just Aiifvad "MARSUSMN" X Somj agtxrt for Japan KIN SAJ TIAIMM6 Wl. lit. tm^mViVm^moi T INI Tta TIT I 1— IMI Ctmmm mmm I*MM 14 QMa IMTT Cmfmm Am* ClfMt MM AJM- 10TA fIM-IWT »j*M»T*tf ■jiMim ImViTVmMVj»V Vt* IMMQ4.X. 1,1,1,1 •Ujfc"ss!? TM?"««Vt»t7/ ftoMMteMj^lajr^MMM HKI »»TIM«^»., «jnr«A
      52 words
      71 words
    • 89 32 I CAM AtJMO tYVTVi ■MMMI ilt" MA <W»J* MM liano urrtMrmiccs M»*?*mmm**S w *j a^avat. MiiM lt»M MM. AM mm. km T* m CTii TfJLi 111 lIIM w LOW MTU AMO ATTRACTIVE TBMK U»TOtJ% mmntmS 5555 EWaßr CALL US TOQAV TEL. *****77 mmJKmJ iiMiMH M Owhm Cmbw MM**. C«p»)«Mp) I
      89 words
    • 76 32 SmJH -<j7rv# tpf 4mbV •poKBafJ grv □Illy elpin •4 Mmmjmj lirwin 133-3111/ 797*1144 777-4M«r7. Potiy Express Rent-A-Car Service gives you more mileage for your money a Tel: *****48/9 A Ml MIT mi-tips .^MAMABBMABBBaMAaMMMMBa^^^B ATTMMCIIWM OAAM MAMMA) MAT tM MM*jf MMAJ MAM iMM t&f% TI MM M_ MMM OMM OM. TM
      76 words
    • 66 32 (*N Tium MMTtMCT It CTfT MAI. MATATI WAT. |Mt.UA»AA AVAOA MA-Mll. MMM* TM CSI MM MM MMaM MM Mm* MMM Mm i«*m Mm TMU tTAAIM —1. IMf. aiHAVITIM MMMM4.M ATMMAT MMM I I^MM 4*5 TaVj AAA- TAA? »T*» (MM AfM S *"mmmTM^lLTaaaajMMf MaA •OfJ PaaWT. S> AmmMMM Kmm LtJCAy MMtumom
      66 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 152 33 Jmma mmm M l MMtmmmM %sMo\*ff #OM*J SOP*ViMT*4 A fOJAMJOk LMM MM MM AMA. Immmj aJMmrm aWO34) MM MM IMA) MA MMM Oo«pylOl 10 OJMaTowsrt-la vicinity Ooawj 9 mvmOs o)o> -OomasSi 1 ##jMM^4#jAwy mmmmmMmmma UMMTAMC AMCMCV ~n mmm om mi 101 0010 I MMM MM. A Mmm 'f!mIMWA%> MM BPlMm^^
      152 words
    • 188 33 MM) tOOATMJM MAT M» AMMNJIA M MA i MA 1| MO MM AMM Ommm l| •M AMMMft PA** MA MMM I TAiam AM* MJ AAA oCiVmSST IMA PAM VM* 11 ion Ol Tamm M A M mm 1000 MMr bmamMmm AMM M AM MMM MBbV M»aMw»*MM I m*m*m* mmMM> «M
      188 words
    • 155 33 ■■■■■I I—n IMAM CIMIP«M AM AAA Imm MUM r-t'tUjMi AM AM MM*anwTrC«r MAMA AMbwmA M«m MAAM Oi■ imi HMa MAAM J— Mm M l.lm AMMMM^^ •MMM VAUJT 1 Aammmm mmmmmm ammmma mM M i tn'»»■ M^AMjj i■ MAaIaM*S AMATMJCT 1000 SO) pWo>3)Oa43Mj^ mTm m.amT U MWTMACT It I llMllt I
      155 words
    • 157 33 ■Oft INt gftMAN APARTMENTS ANO HOUSC* M OI*TS t. 10 11. IS A 21 OWNUPJi PIE AM CALL: *****33. \m\%tWm MALTY WTI. LTO. P*"* P*MM*A| mmmv Wa am MM m mt3)M#* •'•■c# T#l#a>m#a# 4414%11 4300 COUPLM LOOA IMA PON a MMM MirMn* m MM 1». ML pm mm ama Mamma
      157 words
      198 words
    • 220 33 MAKE YOURS A VERY SPECIAL GREETING ON CHRISTMAS MORNING The timing will be perfect your seasons greeting wi arrive on Christmas Morning For a minimum of $10.00 for 4 lines you bring hearty cheer to al loved ones, friends and business associates Additional lines will be charged at only $2.50
      220 words
    • 49 33 OMroi mSbLiS \rmmmwmt tjIMMII*- M MuMmf, NM Qrw"mm? MM MALI KITCtOCN LTfTUTY WlttMlM O AMM\ M A MMf OMM MMMMM Sf M MMM. wArrms WArrMtui MM 3 pMH M* 4 Smmmma mi mMMt MMMM. MMMM 5 MM. AMM MMry Mil M 3? MMMM MM MMMM MA MMMM M MOTCL
      49 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 98 34 MMMMMMMMMMM. MUD ANfW J00? LIT US NIL* YOU HmmSmSaT Crty acaao AMCfAMMM (irOO 7M» 9lo*»o T yporAl (1000- 700) m MtATAMTj mm nm mi/PmO fmm opinur QMOOf M^NTOOM't oiy y ■?i^ ,> v a?I laSu' MjMMMM Mjr MMACASUCCtSS AT mWHw VIA, BOTH PMMMB 2!»MtmR9. TMpOMfASMtM ALBO MMMOMMM 0 Cam m
      98 words
    • 97 34 WANT A TEMPORARY JOB maM N m or'mm MA Ml MMM M MA.. os^Sm|| 0 AOOOtwoTi OlmmM 0 TgOOOO. 0 TYygT|^^ OggOOTO o trooi^gxwj^ Cam U7 IM4 TM MM) A M) M A M •ART OT A PfIOFtOSIOIUL TfAM Of TIMPOi MMmlmaM TmtJS M MM* M> OMI MAM OM MMM
      97 words
    • 113 34 TMi DAWN Of &OMETHING f XCITAAO I MAIMIM Em Aook mm ommnrnt mmmm to mm MM At M IM OAAAI AAJAMWAfMAIAMj MM •BMBOMOIIL DCPARTMBNT WyMIMMAA MM' k« AM M AArtMM MM MMMIAAIAMMMA MM MMMM M» MC*JBBKRRf M M<} HmWmW AM M AMA am m amm mm mm mm tmajmimmmm m?mTammmsT'*'
      113 words
    • 99 34 <5> TMf OAWNOf some tmm» ixcrrMS I ■M MMMM? *mMh Imi Ohm Am* Omm M M) MMMi ....MM* M M) I MMrt w Mt ImJCmN BmS M M MOMS) M MMMJ MM pMMMMJ fjppjOJOJ DCPARTAOCMT I -ii 11 *M|"m M?tMM» MM* MM MMM. MM m MM. A«a MMMM MMM. H
      99 words
    • 222 34 Jk YftCftlTPtlf FOM LIFT MCCMAMIC OP*IUkTOMS MtMAAaMfMM mMam*Qmml. 6)00*1 AmMMA. ApjMjpjMJ M« LIFT MKMAMCA m m mmm MMAMMMMMM M» MMJMjAM ar !?wltm"l M TAMA OJMMJML MMMJ tTTMMfMwt -—mm it mm m **m\ mm ■PVOTWf/ #W VI ALA~VAYAA TMi 41MM TIAmAqJ Of OOOaMJfT TmmAlTo4o-0»» MTOt 35SmS. Under $100 BARGAINS COLUMN If
      222 words
    • 74 34 ESTIf LAUMft Jw«w M» •KAUTV ADVISORS ■Mm* JimTcmrt mmm mmmm mm *£Jg*lm mmm 5 "^wTS MManToT pMM m> TiMM Ml M pMMAM' IM •■J"" •MTEMftTID APPLtCANTt. PIXAOC CONTACT Mtt TAN AT:TTimi —I m ft aw irAinHiw aaMMMMwiMwt t L^liTal I AAA AMII MMMA MAJMI AAMM MM MM* %A AWJ MT*
      74 words
    • 28 34 AtoAVMVMMja, fMMMMM MtAM MAM OtaMMkM TTMMattMmt. lit Aw MMMMMM MMMMMA. aju m m. in. MM AM mm^mmMm mVlm m^ Mw» Mmaa 'I' AAMMf A» mmm AMMMAMM. MMTZ?^iMMT*»ir"** 1
      28 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 140 35 ■MM>MI tm AM AMABAA AM» atl*aa Imt Mm lellewlMa DAAOQMTSAtAN (CWMtI OAIIIH m HaaHAWICAI EIMJMNfWI Of It* rS^M^M M« I MfM»*C« M dAAAjn Of MMrth WOrA. concraia taoAa. Aratnc^M MNJOft DfIAUOIfTSiaAII rrc a» Mi Nn wini mtwm and Of artong •■psnaoca m* m EIJCTRJCAL /MECamJEJCAL DtIAUOMT IM AW LoJSaaai inw?AAA
      140 words
    • 135 35 Ow Cibmjawm, MM ataaaj Shanton Way AM mmm at AM't mmm Tour Opara Has s vo>CoVvcy foe lt*# oioiigm pnwiiw mt.COWUrXrTUJ. AEQOMIE MINTS AAA) b* isqiawad to ratals and to m##l witiS S)M kvv#4w > ol biiEAi MM cMnt. AM lIIIIIN I apaoda at 100 mp m and at.p*Aii aaaaa^AaAAvAjf.
      135 words
    • 126 35 CLERK/TYPIST Mr t to S months. WnTmib 770-o*2l mut iaa A PUIS SECRETAIRES 1) miPiaoioaT 2) clear typist accounts clerk (LCCI Cart MAAJMMO 4 FAMUfcLA Mm PMWeMWMM ta* C I H«.Air| SaJSSag WATT A AKKERMAMt CakIMC And SANAA) tmnAAj Ce. lnl ELECTRICAL EllttWtEEW Th« la ELECTfMCAL APPRENTICES Af mm I*yM
      126 words
    • 128 35 1 1 OPtHMTUIaTTIf 1 ■on MCPJITAJttAL STVMNTf tacralartal tleAeale aaaawal (Pan Bank Mua4 aa peed ta tavaap ana aa unpßi Good apaajraaaißaa far f©u to gatn practical tweaeeefwl tiMdenta •111 ba aapoaed aftlaa aiark and at moepnere and ba ptven (•MfrMMM an day la rW»B 1* N«tlot-t«lBfl| Kin in mil
      128 words
    • 111 35 Meet the BESTLOOKIMS ENERGY SAfVERS ABB _^^mB« BBHAAiM. ■m\\ ECTSbB am Ln\ an! LanW Lam EvTISabI mm mmm\\ BBb^^^^k^^mAßbl bvta\!bbl HB BBBmw AjJ WH LbbbbbbbbU UCHTCRAFT L r?* 4 Q1 lin tape" **QP*»»P, Cerwro HO. H^Lt m IKXi aw AWO rtajO-wDftang. pra pand to Imp* fcwn bottom oomaandaaa ua OaOJP*-
      111 words
    • 6 35 39 aaam CALL 17>tO»0 HOW! J
      6 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 606 36 I ATI CI ASSIFII D i T~n Z I m J r m m ma *^r^ mm abbbbbbbbb! I hui saf J Lbbbbt The Conn LaWwi 1 rwnownefl tor its *tktty to satsN V| |J any<teo«MOtpteyrtgsfc« its «*iacanv*rteness «s»sAtnoi km after* and teteures Quashes raw*/ toonrj m an organ *«tir-
      606 words
    • 88 36 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING COURSE rORBBUNNrWt* OTHERS Tf#» ml Cm ran tMMk Introdur lion lnUrm»dl«l» U) OtS&MBMSSWaWaM POaTOAM MkOSAAMHMO 7 New Ilaaaet «Hkl| at aach Branch have baan icrtedulea from Monday to Sunday to lull Individual Sty Sam aTTarT'studertl will be RRSR a Cotnputer <Jurlna practical wulon Free application of Com rjler
      88 words
    • 242 36 RESULTS! FOR SPOT THE AD CONTEST NO. MA 12 1 Occuoational Safety CiKwneer 2. Tsn 3. 122 am wick Ait rrwonvnvr 5. tsx doner* Ads mm wieesrnii resutt at Th# wifiOSf is: Metiers! Bfcite NoOffJifi (l/C *****20/ M). WIN $200 WHEN YOU SPOT THE AD /the y^^^rj^ All you need
      242 words

  • sports
      • 164 37 Reuter BUENOS AIRES: Cesar Luis Menotti. who led Argentina to victory in tbe World Soccer Cup four years ago, was quoted today as saying be was seriously consul ertna ss offer Is coses the Brazilian club Atle tico Mineiro He told one dally pa
        Reuter  -  164 words
      • 177 37 AP ZURICH: The general secretary of the International Football Feder a tion (commonly known by Its French acronym rUM\ Mr Sepp Blatter said be and other Fifa officials mot over tho weekend with Mr Antonio Samaranch presi dent of the Internatiooal
        AP  -  177 words
      • 138 37 AP PARIS: Frances Van nick Noah qualified last weekend for the New York Masters tennis tournament, but could find him bumped from the competition without playing a stroke. Nona's win oa Seaway in the Volvo Grand Prix tourney in the sonthw n city Of Toulouse
        AP  -  138 words
      • 96 37 AP TOKYO: Mexico s Ger man Torres, the World Boxing OMandls No I ranked weight. 58 t baanasanl aaannV out in the sixth round of a scheduled 10 round hesjt here yesterday The TKO came M seconds hate the sixth when Torres, who fights out
        AP  -  96 words
      • 93 37 UPI HAMBURG: West German League champions Hamburg, which has played M matches without loss hi the 1 lawns since Jan 17, plans te mmm a i a risei 111 recora •gitneu soccer campion the women i team of SSG Bergtoch Gladbaca Club manager (iuenther Netier
        UPI  -  93 words
      • 64 37 UPI X ASTORIA (Greece): Pint Division esse Kas* U>ri Ckr**^ 3Te?Ste?riaJl y, accwawa aim ef rtolo Ilea ef tesMisil seel est lag fer US$4 soo (Stf.fSS) In damage* Accordii| to tic keTolesed a ceaatraet sosero irireat mm tae sfr aiUoa of coeck to tke no Uoaol
        UPI  -  64 words
    • 99 37  -  MOHD SALEH Singapore IMS. AT the recent Asian Games ia New Delhi, China emerged as Asia's No 1 sportSßg nation, thus dethroning Japan, which dominated the Asian Games since ltSl my friends toM*nw"the total medals tally of the two sporting giants is lev ol I
      99 words
    • 177 37  -  FEEDBACK ADRIAN CHAMBERS PETER GOODALL Perth WE here Jest iif aid from a week filming the First Merlion Cop soc tralian television, s took we received from one of your sports reporters. It wes cc experience neither of us would have missed and one which rable
      177 words
    • 262 37 TOOAY'S TRACK WORK CELEBRATION, who hied in its last Mart aad finished last, ohewed nothing amiss with a strong gallop at Ipoh yestardav Ridden by la-form ncaey Aruiia, Leseorelion seriated smartly dewa the metres rtoekaag a atimaiag St 2 eecowda The New looland bred appears to have
      262 words
    • 240 38 MAZDA knocked out ttw opposition to finish first and second in the final round of the Caatroi/Al puke Autotaat Champion sMps held at the NotWasl Stadium on Sunday With this victory the Masda toaai gathered enough points to take the top two places in the five The
      240 words
    • 383 38 Winning goal comes in last four seconds Reuter Tune SMART thinking by newcomer Ms reel I Gomes helped India swatch a 2-1 victory over the Netherlands to take s vice-like grip on a semifinal spot ia the Esenda world hockey tournament here yesterday. Gomes s alertness
      Reuter  -  383 words
    • 93 38 UPI SYDNEY, Tuesday AUSTRALIA'S Young Socceroos completed a clean sweep of the World Youth Soccer Championship Oceania play-off in Port Mor- csby, Papua New Guinea earlier this week, beating New Zealand 4-3 in the final after extra time The full-time score waa two-all. necessitating 15 minutes
      UPI  -  93 words
    • 280 39  -  •V R. MANORAJ SINGAPORE'S Delia Milne, a 176 average bowler, says she will not agree to o career in the profeaaional circuit of America until she sees a legal agreement that says she will got s fair deal Delis returned to Singapore from a
      280 words
    • 503 39 THE resounding success of tke Crystal Palace Kallang All-Stars bowl mg rhsmpinaahip which ended on Sunday tke sixth bat moot well at tended hi the series Is clear indies tion taat tke sport is generally healthy aad growing ia Stnga pore Bat a number
      503 words
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    • 94 37 rmwXf-Vm swaeeeeleeßW^^ B *Sßew etaeE sweet Assist our nowsvottdors to distribute Singapore's onry English lemguago evsning nowspspor Ths Singapore Monitor, 2nd Edition. If you sre:oovor 17 and below 00 years old. pnyaieaay nr. c rjrepored to work from 4.00 pm to 7.30 pm doily. No work on Sunday, o Posssgg
      94 words

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    • 83 38 /**'****Jfe"~ IbV Hfflßß aaflBBfl! 1 mW*T Wj wJ J Lflfll"' Aw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfI B mm' Lw hREbt isY L a^V^aaaaaaaaaV B _HP it; I aaaaaVfltL m ml\\\ m Wr ft ■> Lwf ft, :VI I Xt LaaaaW* vjfl Baft LaW* I I W* BW aal aaV' f'*"' Ba> Bl BM ft
      83 words

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    • 270 39 Plimn Power WaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWam saw! aY LwaWaWa**. awl aw Wfl La 7 aw! Mr Puma Air Rider Puma Lite Rider The design was deuotoped using rsgh speed camera techniques and A superkght logging shoe Featuring a washable insole which alter g meters, to determine exactly the forces acting on a logger
      270 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 133 40 Reuter NIGERIAN boxer Youag Ali has died ia hospital here ess ftgbt against Irish-bora isssTinnn A Nlsjeriaa Boxksg Board ef Control (NBBC) onViai said Young AM, 24, use Want and" la W |aeair nfawannsssM Ul after W was knocked out hi
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 176 40 UPI SEOUL, Tuwedwy FORMER world heavyweight fSiT'aT e^Sh^rTbout 1 late urn month la aaa try af the lata South Karwaa boxer Kirn Dak Koo. the Karaa Boxing ConuTUsston said today Ali has proposed that ii per cent of the proceeds from the aaasch
      UPI  -  176 words
    • 133 40 Reuter fcSEXICO CITY, Tuesday THE World Boxing Council (WBC) has issued oa ultimatum to leading boxers submit fight aad medical records within SO ears or be banned from true boats. The WBC said yesterday that unless tbe top SO boxers in each
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 288 40 14 Sri Lankan rebels without a cause Reuter THE cricketing recess who defied their government in order to tour South Afn ca return home without a first-class win and with a bleak ajiilaWj career ahead of them seven-week tour ha* coat the 14 They bare been
      Reuter  -  288 words
    • 102 40 UPI ZURICH, Tussiay THE International Federation of Soccer Associations (FIFA) executive committee will decide this week how to go snout choosing a host for the 1986 World Cup finals, origins Ily scheduled for Colombia Contrary to earlier statements from FIFA headquarters following Colombia's
      UPI  -  102 words
    • 171 40 European Group 3 tie against Luxembourg UPI LOfsDON, Twaa IT HAS been more than a decade since Luxembourg last won a fullscsle its chances of ending tbe drought ia tomorrow's Group S European soccer championship match against England is slim IrSi ifwiMnns- tho chopping Mock
      UPI  -  171 words
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