Singapore Monitor, 9 December 1982, Afternoon Edition

Total Pages: 35
1 35 Singapore Monitor

  • opinion / letters
    • 189 2  -  ALL (TS TARIFF CUTS BENEFIT BUSINESS CUENTSONLY LML Singapore 1231 TELECOMS has announced another tariff cutjfor teles messages, benefit again Each tune whoa Telecoms innnnacn that rain will be cut. the domestic subscribers, especially tha tower lrjcome group, would
      189 words
    • 152 2  -  TAMMIE LOKE Head. PRO, SBS I REFER to the letter by CC. He amnfhasj "SBS dnv ers who fight shy of our bus stops (SM, Mcv 15/ We weuM Uhe very much to reprimand me driver concerned tf
      152 words
    • 204 2  -  E.M. NICHOLAS Operations Manger for General Manager cSBo I REFER to the letter by ET (SM, Nov 19) com plaining about CISCO'S outriders who eacorted a convoy of trailers from Bwkß Timah to Mantling oa Not 4, IMI st 10.M pm. thereby not aJMejfcbJ
      204 words
    • 284 2 c I HEAR that fast food outlet Orange Julius wasn't fast enough for its own grand opening in Sings pare. The invitation card to its open ing shewed that the ncrssssn wss originally schsduisd for two weeks earlier The date Nee lt was deleted aad replaced with Dec
      284 words
    • 234 3  -  MINOR TRAFFIC OFFENDER ftlsgipin Slog SINCE the start of the courtesy campaign Singaporeans espectally those who deal with the public hi their daily lives have become more courteous wTukst mststssts ■sprectati the duty of the Traffic Police to mstntahs lew and order on our
      234 words
    • 203 3  -  Tamil education la S*pore CHEW KING HWAN for PS (Education) I REFER to Uw tetter haadltaad 'Prooiemi of taking Tamil c^J*££g ££4"** lt) 10 Streeinang to the extended aad monolingual course is first cairtedoet at Uw and of Primary S oa taa baste of
      203 words
    • 129 3  -  WILLIAM WEE MY COUSIN wm awarded a certificate after completing a course of instruction in English Language, PrtecnVlea of fin nana* r i m»MWFx Mm A Art for the s s sssv.luitiß vi nvvvwiie, w eaasw «»a sws sssu. GCE in 1972 It was through
      129 words
    • 194 3 Tmm common cvrso) of mwwM-**-WmUy mmm llmmmmm WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE TODAY is Thursday nsrasnbsr t tht Mhrd day of IMI There are 21 days left in the year rwOHLrOHTS in history on this date: Itl4 Spanish array is defeated at Ayschaeho, Peru hy Simon Bolivar's forces. ItOS
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 97 2 TIOPEPE. The best-selling diyshenyin the world. A perfect *>amH aperitif served i chilled, or on the rocks. JM I i —aj Bsssna«ntoAfo«t> mTro CLEAR-VIEW Printer Calculators DR-120 CLEAR AWAY Wuitilpeda Clear bawe#» for They offer 2-ootor printing end big. penoramic (fepteye. Wtth a capebta memory function, sizoabkt probiama grow ■maSer
      97 words
    • 91 2 Purify the air you to 99% pure. With Dial-Aii-lon from USA. Negative tons from ***** V generator Efficient capacity of Up to 10 000 cv ft (300 cv meter) ■pace area Adjustable ion output from low to high Practically maintenance free For air con offices, restaurants, lounges, conference rooms, clubs,
      91 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • home
    • 91 4 P"n> n*i A sum mart, of som«* of the in.nn n**us items in th«> morning papers STATUTORY bodies will in future be seat to scoatri Isow wßawe* prior SS> pSJeSjeaf And SO appeal to court will be allowed A bill to bring Uuwe abewt are
      91 words
    • 103 4 ROCK music is not tee hanulsas form of entertainment tbet it has boon sswaosofts be Tbe harm mm store sterol oocoeasace, bet Bbystcel easaaee to tie system aa wen. Lob toots m Sjtwrics bees showa that plants expoacd It three solid hours of rock music every day for
      103 words
    • 31 4 THE fkat teat tub* baby car. be ci parted la April, if all goes well A lot beTEg'Eoet for this programme to belp woman who can"'Sortuad^ rw2w^
      31 words
    • 32 4 vision sbopa Save reduced tbe price of Thai rice They are One cent lees lor ISO per OSBA Tmm fragrant far $1 IS per kg), «WU Thai To* per
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    • 875 4 E:810NP0ST8J JACKIE SAM leeks at two sides of a coin There k§ nothing worse than a taxi-driver He la dishonest lazy lie thinks he's doing you a favour net aboard his Hejs not too up fares when he is moat needed during peak
      875 words
    • 149 5 VII VVS I ROM VI KM/\( I)I.AK PAPI MS viewscan TIME and time again we have urged the Government to monitor the activities of brokers includina ÜBssW snss*wa> w va mum wae>> waw wawn*aws m ss**. s*e*Muam those who deal in gold commodtties and properties
      149 words
    • 136 5 ONCE tapes a tanse oeneeoyers were allergic to trade unionists And as evil Inevitably, a tot of time aad energy were spent on cosafUcSs. The strike was a potent weapon for the workers But after lMb\ workers and employers esse o sored there were other ways to solving
      136 words
    • 285 7  -  Discos Inviting Sophisticated Crowd Only YEOW MEI SING HIGH dollar dtacotbequee u» husSSSasrs *MM to keep out tM scruffy young crowd Out cannot afford is SUM at least See to I*9 dollars a night The rationale behind this, according to tbe managecnent. is that
      285 words
    • 216 7 A 71 YEAR-OLD kewotler was robbed of 1200 000 worth of gold by o saatch thiof as ho walked aneotorted from aw flat to his market stall serosa Mo two-bedroom flat. Mr H P Tan normally walks oaoscortss from his Beo Crescent flat be
      216 words
    • 31 7 m% t as She hsagsssrasc s Owart wtsk rasas* a Thai weaaea ot amlsThn p Aojawawj Crwaawet, aa Bee caejwXstTkl alio Taßh beThW* heawaa, Abenl Beat baa Bbe
      31 words
    • 50 8 CLITFORD PIER CRACKDOWN THESE or* mmm of tho 240 Thai Not one of ttvern ptifcuUi M Marlai t0 ln# Anil-Vle« Pollco nt Poort o HW for TShSm worn 110 mooo onrngotor euepecto Thoy worn taken to tho CO in Wofctooon Conoco IMd»to mm*Lmm^
      50 words
    • 176 10  -  ByF, FAEZAH ISMAIL A JOBLESS 18 year-old yoetb. S Raaaa, waa flaed I2SS today by a magistrate's coert wbee be ad Battled asta X crimiaal force wlib ieleatioa as oet Ttbe modesty of S2O year-old waitress Raaaa plislll gailty to toocbiag Tea
      176 words
    • 270 10  -  CHUA NGENG CHOO IN the first case of its kind in Singapore, a Magistrate s Court this morning awarded $137 so in claims to s consumer who sued the Public Utilities Board for nagllsnnrr in disconnecting electricity supplias to his Ths
      270 words
    • 306 10  -  YONG POW ANG THE Government will make great nee of export credit taa loans from taa countries of taa successful contractors to finance a large portion of tat IS billion MKT project. Witi taa export credit financing, taa Governmeat need not rata la
      306 words
    • 173 10  -  if JULIE LIAU THE MacPherson Boys' Club will he the first of four clubs to undergo basic fire fighting training this a fternoon st the Centra I Fire Station. This is to equip them with the knowledge and skills to deal with such an
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 329 4 lift "ft this^mk*ifii m t l)ec*rnber 1 31 H Pll ■■■II ()ur gourmet rareje of homemade Christmas i Get the family together for a SPECIAL CHRISTMAS specialities available al the DELICATESSEN /I BUFFET FAMILY LUNCH AT THE GARDEN COUNTER. Place your orders now. BALLROOM. Other attractions include cartoon shows and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 L^-_'^Ll ji ITWW*WWII Washing with Sharp is rosy as QkwfjOf %4 soiled clothes W Add detergen^^ ©Selecta programme I d Ufl button And let your super Sharp M m washing machine do the rest! J I Ruggedly built with an anti rust base, the range Wt of Sharp washers will
      90 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 329 6 TOA PAYOH STADIUM December 10,11,12,1982 7.30pm nightly c DAN PEEK, former lead sinter with the popular group of the 70' i, "AMERICA", famous for such hits as "Hone with No Name", "Lonely People**, and "Ventura Highwayenjoyed the fame the group achieved. The mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt group had several "gold** hits, toured around
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 162 7 Canon Speedier US Dollars, in a jiffy, surer Deutschemark ammmm^jmmu m Tw Canon Card EX IQT it a unique. I versatile calculator that offer* faproediate currency conversion. 9 m m world time display, a time and calendar display, stopwatch aad alarm functions In addition to Ha broad calculator caparsTHtoo, I
      162 words
    • 24 7 NLaHk 3 al n. 1978 J^l LmW *m iti-wins" 4 #afl I wstwqw- I I I TATS W LIN A I at vox '^^Y^LW^JlL^^
      24 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 59 8 Amctlca, Europe and the Orient Feast on lurnptuous Italian cuisine Enjoy the ronrnrtic reoerlo«re of RssttxJ© Mendez Our series of lunchtirne (aehion shows promise you all these plus a chance to wm a return ticket to Pans. Uasaa:«ssjm Oat ta it; asm tats Owti AsMs fwwsM O— IS H: Wrtlisjiii'i
      59 words
    • 41 8 A New Year's Eve Dinner Dance Shangri-La Hotel Wand Ballroom Friday 31st December 1982 &00 pm 200 am $1107-per person Bering* dairy 11a.m. to 7p.m. SrtenQrMa Hoeal For details ealt *****44 axt 1560 m An Oz Promotions Presentation WIZARDS Of SHOWBIZ
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 231 9 Win a Mitsubishi Projection TV, or your choice from $150,000 worth off prizes! Wmmmmmym il Lnat I I fl .am I Just aim ths target nowL BitiyoMfea to this gam*! ]***MdeCwdetto Frcvnrxjwunol Jen *****3. we a very apse* dart I If -aW 1 N you paen on winning tha MSeubiahi
      231 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 280 10 Quit stalling. Let Singapore's most advanced electronic tuning service keep your car at peak performance. k^VWawH -BJKJgH Ibw .^swam T 17 .*mm\\\m\ GAS SpecieNses In fine PBB a P ßll Qswawal GAS Workshop >• Singapore* tunino and detailed fault awawaaw I l rOMt v h,ct maintenance and LW ra«arwJte fl
      280 words

  • world
    • 347 11 US CAR INDUSTRY LAYOFFS CAUSING SERIOUS CONCERN UPI MEW YORK, Thursday AN unemployed petrochemical engineer, unable to find work, shot himaelf to death at hia Houston home. An out-of-work auto mechanic in Mattawan Michigan kiHedT' One United Auto worker in California said eight unemployed members
      UPI  -  347 words
    • 261 11 UPI •ALT LAKE CITY, Twars. ARTIFICIAL heart recipient Barney Clark opened Ms eyes vaster day and showed signs of slow recovery frotn a {rneoJeece behwved as he tha cease of s series ef seizures that worsened Doc^^ajd^M^Clark rsetlißil that the Sl-year-old retired dentist
      UPI  -  261 words
    • 78 11 AP HV YORK, TNniqf DCMBPgrf7^Lu' y jTuiLiMrii TLwyShw, Yok* Om, anarfcad tha aaeaad ■rtiinj har bMbMd'i fef nl»*< vftdao Um offortag tkaaka "fcr al <U Im aad pndaa Ml I* lotto S&^wSffiSiS 53jTw tj» «—."mM o» zx t< 2tnr SEkSiST^ wm m»1i< wdlalar coariclad
      AP  -  78 words
    • 42 12 Woman to fire her husband from a cannon! Reuter A WOMAN wt» tkiaki tMterale driver aa« woa wnaetitioa la drr kkm Baaay laora will irle.Ctac rum which wOl hale a •aJety art at a pleaeere park ia Ceeeehagee aest year |a> ter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 208 12 UPI AN anthropologist exploring a cave in Tennessee has discovered a unique aeries of Indian drawings expected to shed new light on the culture of pre Cshambian North America, a team of ■CiSOtistS reported yesterday We have had no prehistoric art in deep caves
      UPI  -  208 words
    • 403 12 Viet refugees now training in the US, says former air chief AP TOKYO, Imm. NGUYEN Ceo Ky for mer Air Marshall and poMtsesl leader of South VsawatsaasawaVb snawaVns 1 i r mmmmrt mt-m- j\ §> v IwKisjwawameV emewua V Wm\ W4M Whiicli involved in the
      AP  -  403 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 272 11 When even a single hair is precious Neril. NOW, tThSflr IB m IMJW iptCiil BnaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBafI haw>fwßßCilve tTwastlThwfYt pfOQTBsTBiTMr, OfeVwiOOOd fOC people who are aware of thetr maturing hair scalp L^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ■J ej I—l- nm m nit i SB —MS fa rlewf nSBCIrVS I OCwC B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H cV Shevnpoo Oaile of Germany
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 211 12 I The Sin§wOcwc **0 I A 384 come with great big ■Am feature* maiding Singer* patemcd Apoho Hoot' WwM remarkabk device which J I thread debvery and jbj» Ii prevents jamming ■Sat jafl caxbaavc feature found only jar *afl sravaj aiacbaaw. Pha ayj built-in ng img stitch __mm, IwM pat
      211 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 216 13 SCANDINAVIAN FURNITURE FESTIVAL FINE FURNITURE AT FMTTORY PRICES. I _^l a i^ pßJ I I ShopPnc. $260 f f 1 Shop Pnce $190 "I "I 1 Shop Pnce $322 roctoryPrlco $103 I Shop Pnce $373 I rextory Price* $***** I rextory Price) $101 < m J e^i l e^4j l
      216 words

  • business
    • Update
      • 27 14 THE Monetary Authority of Singapore said it invited tan dan for a total of SSlfO million of 91-day Treasury bills, with tenders closing Doc lt.
        27 words
      • 51 14 Reuter SEOUL South Korea's Daewoo Corp has won s US$l5O million contract from the Singapore Housing snd Development Board for construction of an apartment project it Yishun Boer Changi Airport, a Daewoo spokesman said. The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of IM4. he added
        Reuter  -  51 words
      • 32 14 WASHINGTON Wall Street stock prices fluctuated uncertainly, bouncing back from early selling snd dropping at the close The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost I N points to 1.047 09
        32 words
      • 23 14 GENERAL Corporation's $S0 million 10 per cent convertible ssssscurid loan stock 1982 89 will be listed oa the stock exchange tomorrow.
        23 words
    • 383 14  -  That's when the SES agrees to certain conditions •y GEOFFREY EU MORE than half the shares of Leong Hunt Industries the com pony at tho centre of a stock exchange aoadaoch for more than 12 months, will he bought by the
      383 words
    • 369 14  -  By CATHERINE ONG THE Monetary Authority of Sings pore (MAS) has this week been pumping US dollars into tbe money market end gobbling up fhifSSßrs dollar in an attempt to bring the locsl unit heck hi relative strength against ether major cur rune
      369 words
    • 213 15 Diversification due to depleted ore reserves KILLINGHALL Tin (hlalaysis) has entered into agreements to acquire a total of 417 million shares equivalent to 23 2 per coat of the issued aad paid-up capital of Southern Banking Barbed for $1 83 million in
      213 words
    • 72 15 THE Kuala Lumpur $tock Exchange has queried hfUl aad Killinghall Tin over the sale of stakes ia Southern Banking Both have been asked the basts oa which the shares were valued at t« each. Mill has also been asked how it proposal to use the cash
      72 words
    • 482 15 The Star KILLINGHALL Tin's purchase of 22 88 per cent stake in Southern Banking; from Malayan United Industries (MUI) goes beyond the cues tion of diversification for the tin mining com- analysts are viewing the purr bass of the strategic
      The Star  -  482 words
    • 188 15 The Star THE sale by Malayan United Industries of its entire 22.1t per cent stake m Southern Bank ing was one of tbe condi Hons set by tbe author) ties when MUI sought approval tor the purchase of a 63 3
      The Star  -  188 words
    • 386 16 but Ongco advises selective buying if rate fall continues THE Singapore Stock Exchange may he mov mg into a period of volatility, bet if interest rates continue to fall it hi worth buying shares selectively, One and Company (Ongco) advises in its latest Digest newsletter Given
      386 words
    • 100 16 The Star FIMA Sapermarkets Malaysia aaa the Biatala Defilipsstat Aethofity have formed a least veatare company to operate a sapermarket aad ia store hahowned SS per ceat hy Flasa Sapermarket Malaysia aad 45 per ceat by the A a tbority. Is expected to
      The Star  -  100 words
    • 137 16 MR GtOffC Crabb has been appointed managing director of Boustead En gineering He aufxeeds Mr Roland Miller, who leaves Singapore in mid-Decem-ber to take up another appointment outside tbe Bousteedco Group. Mr Crabb is being appointed managing director ca? another croup pany. Boustead Electrics, again
      137 words
    • 113 16 SIGMA Metsl hss ac quired S4OOOO ordinary shares snd 1.000 convertible unsecured notes in Enacon. a public company listed on the major stock exchanges in Australia The price paid for the I. If per cent stake was $18 million in cash Enacon is s diversified company
      113 words
    • 390 17 Draft sees need to include productivity statements PRODUCTIVITY state merits hi company a n nua 1 reports should show val value added* per costs, and value added per dollar Invested In fixed aaaeta. the Singa E Society of Accoun recommends The atstsmsati
      390 words
    • 103 17 Your (Foreign Exchange) Ychjt St to one unit of torsion cuftsncy UkjMkM mmiamm M TT/DO TT DO US| sterling Anstl lists Cmilia I New Zealand 2 1S70 stees ISSM inn tint ***** sun S47M 2 4800 2 0788 2 0SSS 1.7SS7 1.71H tun lstn 8$ to 100 units of forokjn
      103 words
    • 374 17 Singapore stacks st irodday Market tone. slifbUy Boustead 1 12 1 85 Cent Storage 4 56 4 58 V ami N »15 so G I H 3 70 S Pant sag 3 44 3 48 Guthrie 3 54 3 40 Haw Par 2 37 2 38 Hesse
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 115 14 Pj n tmrnmrn-t mm m FREE I TEN radio/cassette I PIONEER speakers I automatic aerial I .awawal LoawVx\ Amm\\ anawhx B I Modd No. DP-646 COROLLA I GL Sedan $19,940 nett PARF One of the world's best sellers, Toyota (28,000 nett ARF Corolla with the bonus of a radio/cassette H
      115 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 92 15 I Friday December 1 Oth. That the opening day of Singapore s meet glamorous shopping centre ever With Parade*. Fashion Shown, Magic Tricks, hue Rediffutton coverage and off the children i favourites like Smurf. Sanno Ronald McDonald and Strawberry Shortcake Where me? In a magnetic new location that's Singapore* prime
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 78 16 Once enjoyed only by |H Barm iMippe ckßimschM SBP mdhkjrimk Ncwc^hHetoyoit Champagne Henriot, reserve Baron Philippe de Ifl Rothschild A very special cuvde long enjoyed by f I the Baron and served only to the roost privileged 11 of guests in his magnificent chateau. Jk Nowit is available in an
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 197 17 TRENDS Leant. I 'Bm mm\ n\i IVL 1 1 1 mm XmmXw wV m sb Bean SiIhBBIhBiI Baehaa wSsnl BBsSSBSSSpBI Top flow Left Pnrifed Hawanen *htrt $17 90. Centre Wetted cotton $hei $17 90. Right Silky Hebutee shirt from $19 90 Bottom flow Loft: Terry cotton jacket with print* $24
      197 words

  • centrepiece
    • 395 18  -  When marathon stopped traffic, The Little White Boat crew did a walkathon •y LO TIEN YIN THE production crew for the Chinese drama The Uttkt tmm Sailing Boat, made It ho the Victoria Memorial Hall last Sunday some without trsnsport Taa marathon was on and
      395 words
    • 257 18 UTTlXWastols^ formed from r>c«rntVr lt to 21 Tkrt will be oa adwHJowal two performances in Janeanr Since taa Singapore Arts Festival this isjaa first throated Aad X has dVatfn out many ma world One of uaem. is Mr Tay Bin waa,
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 170 18 PLAY THE SftIGATORE MWiTOR BIrTTrCAYGAME J!*t!E2L *wa»>pyatf Sevan* >^twooi.<«w>jwrw«a»wjNi>%»^v<« y oitw«»W be m £one\ m ow» anTnao yeerl I saATt YfAfbt pubSahed It you beevSay can tw meo* uo Irorr, any of ssass, asansWand p piessiisi. gfjjjfj tht JtwtMjyy I 1t37 197S durason of each game than, you art Staple
      170 words
    • 322 18 i FILLED i j/ WTTH REAL j 2nd prize $500 WUineTS) \w un> coMoiatiofi priaes of Waddiiyrtom (im game you stop mmW will) You can win 4 Monopoly srf filled with up t«> ■V m c* lomrnu simpareasy to- w m I /contest Allyou have to do in answer the
      322 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 149 19 V tit-'' -<S ROBALIRE When you choose Arcorrjc 'Rosalinef tor its lovely rose-tinted design, you're chooang a 52-piece service that lasts. The sheer delight of an exquisite table setting of glass is unmistakable. Together with the comfortable knowledge that it is as tough as it is good looking. Because it
      149 words

  • leisure
    • 214 20  -  JOYCE LEE SINGAPORE timger Ga Xiag Yn appeared la NHsVi Japaa Top Hits, oae of Jspaa top shows, last moath aaa caught the eyes of CBS-Soay, a Jotat Ainericaa Japaaese recotaasg compaay which offered ber a i^coraiaf Ga, laa letter tome, could sot coataia ber
      214 words
    • 206 20 Glitter stripped from the screen when three land in Hong Kong for their film tests Sunday Star THAT cbsnce-of-s-life- A. l m |f m UiTSC BPLI WMm (Hi ID las wa^ mmmwmwmt eSeSI da> illusiooing experience that stripped the glitter from ths silver screen. Doris Mok. Woody
      Sunday Star  -  206 words
    • 168 20 AP LOS ANGELES, Thursday TWO of Marty Feldman s favourite things in life Jess sad jokes helped brighten tha mood of the Hollywood cslahrltlos who turned oat oa Monday for tho popeyed comedian s fan oral "Marty was a great fan of comedy and lass, snd
      AP  -  168 words
    • 403 21 R Manors) continues with hit rundown on the Heavy Metal scene in the US FROM its early crude be finning in September »«4 when a group called ths Kinks cwTVou Really Got Ms which made the Number One spot in Britain's charts. Heavy Motal Musk
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    • Article, Illustration
      42 21 LETTERS from readers on TV, radio, film and other subjects published in our Leisure section will now be published under LEISUREBOX. Please address you letters to: The Singapore Monitor Ltd, Unit 201 A Delta House, 2 Alexandra Road, Singapore 0315.
      42 words
    • 140 21 I AM a new reader of your magazine RTV Times. I found it very interesting and informative. I am also a keen Radio 1 listener. I listen to programmes like Your Lunchdate. Oa Tbe House, Your Host Tonight and many others. All along, we have had
      140 words
    • 97 21 I WOULD very much like to know why SBC does not Kide Malay subtitles to it's latest programme, co Roto. •peaking of Malay subtitles I notice they are provided only to feature drama series. For s change perhaps SBC can provide Malay subtitles oa programmes like Horizon sad
      97 words
    • 43 21  -  N HONG SOME television advertisements have been telecast for more than one year aad vis wars are fed-up with thS same Old advertisements Will SBC or A SAS ask all advertisers to change their advertisements say, after one year'
      43 words
    • 68 21  -  GRANT W PEREIRA WE an? a group of keen saghrs sad oajoy watching the prograauns "The world sportsman on televi skm Unfortunately this seosjammo is usually shown at 4 JO pm and is usually missed by thoae of as st work. Taa spssodt shown on
      68 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 10 20 □r« i paw* pan a. m nan temp* p*k a
      10 words
    • 89 20 CAROLE KING: SEE PAGE 24 Vs?3ef ■\S§TWAAI BSSaSi BaSSsaßkasaßi aBdBB BBBBkBBBW 8 nun no more mtst on yoiv Polish your glasses with a moist Optinett tissue and they'll stay clear even when you go from airconditioning into warm air. For 12* an Optinett removes all grease and dirt, then, as
      89 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 62 21 mm LM L\Tjfl Jacob's Creek Claret. The Australian red that's winning the vvcrkl. Crisp, clean and elegant, and it travels well. A wine so outstanding it was voted "the top dry commercial red wine" by the Australian Wine Spirit Buying Guide. ORLANDO JACOB'S CREEK CLARET Australia'! award -winning wuwj B
      62 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 107 22 a The mot i Malna wy to nil ct on your o«y% auooaaa Ho oomt charge. OWliM NwnWtl wmWlKWimiaiw) PAOg mmm 'A '^H tV^I TM9 RAM RSLMVM THAT AL90 Reduces Inflammation Wnil® It iWlvVvS pHilf IwVBi and flu. MugcM tension csusm most hssdsctw pskv Inflammation oftsn cornsa with body piln.
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 1133 22 tv 9k rasdlo 349 Opening tedaamd toy Dynaoly (r) fCV tempt to ooaro away dw chttan bom Ui CaHwal OWy MS HadUprtReturn (Ik Seorat Veley §40 Yea Aakad4m N (I). Rod Uaht Reksn S «w phraeo ueed for tJI KMawadd A. I) OMng "birth" to a piano An inoido an
      1,133 words

  • tv & radio
    • 175 23 This liiirtary songstress is at her onslcal host CHANNEL 5 HIGHLIGHTS THURSDAY ENTERTAINMENT SPECIAL: CAROLE KING ONE TO ONE (10.10 pm) CAROLE KING (right) has warmed the hearts of many, through song and verse, during the past two decades in the music business. For many years she
      175 words
    • 102 23 KIDS WORLD (5.25) GARY COLEMAN has indeed made his mark ia the film industry, delighting audiences with huj stsasang acting abilities la this children's programme using a news magazine format. Kidsworld correspondent Anthony Psppas interviews Gary, the popular co-star of the hit TV show Different
      102 words
    • 241 23 8 HIGHLIGHTS^ On WM) Waterfront Episode 59 (9 50) Tianyuan makes his way to the forest to investigate the mysterious deaths ks ths village Along the way. he meets Fa Renjie. who tells him that he aad Us sasa are also there to find oat
      241 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 670 23 12.00 PVfl Your Lunchdata 1 JO Newa 1.10 Your Lunchdate (contd) 1.90 Mtd-dey Market Report 1 JO Your Lunchdata (contd) 2.00 Programme Summery tolowod by On The Houee Hosted by Peerl Lee 9J0 News-In-Brief 9J0 On The Houee (contd) 4.90 Whet The Wairue Said: A rapeet of momng'i programme •JO
      670 words
    • 387 23 TMBATM HLM/ONOW TWKS (Pho»») Tlw Aft«ar(C)/1 30 3 30 7 00. 15 TIM An«« (CV« 30. 3 30 7 00. 019 9MfM*'» MNM (9)/l1. 1 30. 4 00. 30.115 •ate PM«M|I|/1 30 3 30 7 00. 015 (*****75) QwjljNw M» UVM 9y MgM 4C|/1 30. 4 00. 0 45. t
      387 words

  • leisure
    • 358 24  -  1 ANGELA NERICHY JUDGING hy Firefoi detente be t ween West and Boot, film terms at least is dead I have not seen an American film for meets- years that waa so blatant ia Us eati Soviet message Serious political discussion and
      358 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 84 24 wamwna UOOt 13th SELL-OUT DAY! (Ttmta) 11**, I.SS, 4, AOS, Alt Na fteoUet Pnoaa $4 I S3 CASH tatokabts up to J rMTS aovanos sTtATSSfTS» ttttsst, IJO 0 teas ehewe fhtaaa tl 4 St CtSWaWT OAV AALBS OBAV JADE: HURRY! HURRY! (mJtSO) SHOWS at 11am, 1 .JO, 4JO, SJB A
      84 words
    • 98 24 fo*CHARD^ Z (TOTOSOJ) 4 SSSOWt: I.JO, 4JO, 1.30 03. 13dm 9 x CATHAY: 2nd 'ACTION' WEEK! 4 X (*****00) I SHOWS: 1 lam, 1.30, 443), 0.30 t.ltpan 9 if THEY LIVED EVERY MOOtENT WTTH DANGER X A EVERY HOUR WITH DEATH! X OrJ BbT Bj3jjlß X fWsS M«"'V Swwd* Sua
      98 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 516 24 W—4 wm4 filWiw Buffet lunch at CairahUI Hotel'* Medallion Grill Room. While vow enjoy your loach, modols from Dm Yoo Modelling Agency will model Um latest faahion and swimwear Buffet lunch at 919 Fnkioa showtime to 91.11 pm FEmehewe Two Oormao films will bo pr—ntsd at the Goe-the-Inetitut aoditorium today.
      516 words

  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 337 25 Imlssssrse comics m\ .m\ should pet everyone in a better frame of mind Mor* short dis and you are will be put to good use towards others Something yoa qKQSCcjfjC have hens hoping tar s long time could come true SCORPIO aj^MLi. gwaetaaaaeaaTS own biuTi iiiiw i Yd an be
      337 words
    • 167 25 SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON By Don Sherwood and Stan Stunell The omcctcm #«Ne-AL'» o#-tcc ncmf 1 |«000 cmap ju©Tt likb urn AOr 1 I{" jiV tmbn^ OTTA*MA r 70 A K SHOULD MC KCBP MIS NOSC LPT PuT r-J THAT LBAO CXIT OF IT PHeSTON P-oe-ABLY XTI -4 ~~C©TON
      167 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 58 26 5p 4 imm i/Ckiniiulm 0 l*W£B£W^ n cwrwa* M 'Mta a~**~. M »WMMB IT) Ff Bw r si saw 11 EbblCbiißbl Mi »i t» »s sbtw*** SwSbsb* 1 noumti a WMHm W »»»s»J*»«aa*» 6I llll^JU*^**^^ 4 mpmmtmmm*''" m CwN.*W mtmrn hi L r»7i.s t ..i. l Fart** w, mi ii
      58 words
    • 97 26 c- V' \m"^ LQ> tm Jf MOM-MM ••«I mm fJJ O-W, m M »*TO«0-» taw-IB* m mm mm fA AT C4>4t ft>#ff>4>«%4>WV Art CSMVS) Hsa#v W«k iM Cbnmßm SmbS) mmmm. T.I It* 411 l Chf M»a M* HH*M*t ?0 'm^mmm 1 aw'lUß*Wßat. S bot *1 «W Mb MUMM Swß.'ao f
      97 words
    • 15 26 li lattftfj Swill 10 IMwlilmmiil CUM TSBMIS MM ■-••<•• in* Mpjjpjj oiiUlSli iiViTi* m miiilni ii.
      15 words
    • 196 26 M MtJTMW mmmmWmmTmmW UMMMB pww iT? ajSBjS PSaSMa SBaBSSS BSaBBB S1 SB r*#t m4b mmmmt Owbbc )mm*bl»**ss7*)* bbbbb*bMb. tme mi mm m-ftsst rSMM SMS MM ILICTMICAI Wm^^a C>i> u r T V WbbMbb} Mbbßmb tmmlm MWSTIV' MMttMJ mmTa!*^^ MM OBH.T sim «m MM BSr T MMwBWMWBB B74MMMV Tmm-m mmmm *m
      196 words
    • 86 26 VVaST//*" T-fc WTUHM MSS4MMMSM WtTM m MJMtM Y#MT liltJM/ NtW PMMMMstT f» Ej"Mrys Mss»»sT ib, Ma*4> Mm OssrsT TMs rmm mmw%7 IMuSrttiM 5 sr Wsi ■n > J Z TMtftft TkM Mi Ys»*r p OIMMjT S Consult IMr •M» S\ PjMjhfßSM^Bft^Sj- bm*smjs4 MmMmmß z r bMmM aMwwBMMa. JMjjbb* aMßßajMaaaj bbmbsb.
      86 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 198 27 ICLEARANCEI k SALE at -lo 2nd Moor Unit 0314-0315 Singapore Shopping Centre Ctemenceau Avenue (0923) Tel *****22/*****33 (Business Hrs 10 am 6 pm) otto at Tropical Engineering Fie Ltd 193 East Coast Rood. S pore 1542 Tel *****51 *****86 ON COMPLETE RANGE OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Kitchen CatxnotV i>sS.g<ioloi V^mw Gas
      198 words
    • 176 27 aauUM VlaMO MMOTfi canon* aaaaa? aaa Data al l^*aTlta«a* i P m T«ro WMITI gfjgyyj »ar WJ 8 tar paajaj mmmi oSmCas 77«-tm v a a foaax pocbit aaraara aa» fciS al tM Oftiy r*t4)4f># l#l#(JkaS#ra4) AafM MB-MM ll+Vu* ■Mia Till a aaaaaa caa M 0 Mi t •oaanT*a!oa M
      176 words
    • 255 27 aaawMaaHaaw^ •te OWm coaoaiM. t Atrro r*rs tto 4*l aa* kwMaa, mo n aa 0 Cinm>i Caaai Mt aa> ax Moa Naa awaaaaj, ras oa, aaapaaaaaaa Maaa. SM an, a, ana aanno M jo p 1 MIIIII 1 A ia •iota* i" ma? "►a Ka*MMj Maaa, fmanS Oaar. tM aa,
      255 words
    • 241 27 aaa aaarat <aat.a maincy BlaaaaXfta*4tt i.' l, aoajoa (aot Gooao aooo^Sornora Ana j tar? OTtl ""nVys*" M#j*ao** T *A> aaaaa, Taa*Moft* a*oa a.ap.o, •V4KVK. T#>| ITM 2 s caarra aaa aarr MMJfJ coat) aasaj waaan 1 Na*« Can Lao Taaaj US-SSSI ua oioj •m>4 mmm tm%m pnMMa aa 1 oaSa
      241 words
    • 257 27 Now Honda Civic Sedan with 5-speed gears, automatic retracting seatbelt and demister Nett price with 150% ARF inclusive of air-con $25,727 (effective 1.11.82) View the car many desire at the nearest showroom today. Ohonsa > 1 uantana. niimiaaaa Hti4i NoWwrooa&j?ldtYira f7laa#a a*rt» 1. i ••mmnnamtlt h I-urn- (Ml I i*nrm*iwr»lth
      257 words
    • 263 27 lt» t»*iTt«3 aW#l'lar.ta Stan) mn„m» Caa JJ Cat Sanaa* JJO 1040 Mt» MITSUBISHI c»m to. •fit* c"l> J 'V>»»r>n < Cat VMfJMMS CARS MM tara Saalfawr Marc* aaa Bern JOa IM Vary faaaanaaaa 'aaaa Naaa aai Ml-MM a Ml Ml 7 a TTfiACTtva caaai earan ana acrap car* "Vany SgS
      263 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 184 28 /CQMPY- I |f Taj arajnd aaauNU t4a««aw Fata* m cam** USB, M»,m«i Pates M MmcNnj rteaaaJ Tnaana A-a4nlni •> «>u tafi mlMtu 1.. nun h ««J ntu« po»)AW rant Aai aaatJ aaa ask as OaaaJ AataAj laA Aaaaßeaaßaa —|aaa» mmy n**+ mum mm m aa a LOW AATIA AMO ATTRACT(VI
      184 words
    • 90 28 jtSSp I 1 The dependable ®VYXKSWAGEN HMA/ii lAN PAN*/1 VAN Mod* fl 1 Very Special Offer Limited Stock Only $8,900 Nett CHAMPION MOTORS 'NICE PEOPLE TO DO BUSINESS WITH' 241 Alexandra Road Singapore 0315 Tal 475A96* SUBARU 700 MINI 5-DOOR SEDAN f EfMRC OFF€t? $16,800/--(rnckjstve Registration lee 6 mm Rood
      90 words
    • 162 28 two yearn"warranty Protect* tires against punctures up to emm in diameter Protects againat teaks that lead to under infla Hon, blowouts uncontrollable skidding snd lower I;ss mileage nrreaaes I read life by 29 > io 30*, tTOf'-A-F'LAT ia fully warranted protection you and your family cannot afford to be without
      162 words
    • 157 28 fpfrfn tMo M HP* toooTtott MOT. i '00 PimOMI iM tt IMO 0«oo> iO 2MO TnoMtMff VNfe M aOM P*mmmmm W 0) MOO Mack OwOO MB) M MOO QjgQj ni to net TatlOkMW o(kt tt not wwiißi *tot tt tttt Ommw M MOO ffMLMia* M «M 0 ••«•>«* ft* it
      157 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 150 29 asm m+mt aaaMaaaaa LIMB TW AC AOSMOCT TSLi SBM-aMTB /SS I SSBT too oof Jh7T«r«| C **»*il Ucii'i'ida •Maaaaaß. M.MS I nam Too okMS UMji >n i |MM OtTV BBIAt, SSTaTS TtJU 808 BUI IMPV tTTiimi JlWiltnTl* Contact 448-SSB3 SB? OO^ I«*mT SSSBSB 1 Mt mmm, ttSB SB MmM a
      150 words
    • 101 29 (M Pi ijirfjjj too* Himiii MS TWO T t* CABAAMLXA IDMBMIOUBB l>c t i»oc»7*cJso^^ UMTS TO SMAAX FSXSJTSiS BOSTBBCT It BISTMMT IS m'olm tj*» imVss?"* Taattß bombs TO&f UTSSSJ IMA BMAA. SSTATS •sim tsßnjts, MtaSM AABB OSjrOTI mViVgiiV Tf < i'x*T ri VMBaTokMO t 080 LOCATMMI BOST an KowtMfM is
      101 words
    • 153 29 MMM VAAXBV ■'r^ioooXi^ BNOTSBOT t« I Sill IS 11 t I I" tMMOV mm m*mm Ksj i a—*. SWTWCT I -AOS* MOU.S !^^nl7iyiyi^ oSttsS SOS TSMOT SO Vl StM.SSS Lli A»f># tl«>rtttttot3 t>fp«#« taiMrto3)«*t OSjoj Oa Uta Ii M aasMa SOa US) no aaaMa ajOs Oaoaa) otrv vaaasssm OSMSBtJLTaatTO
      153 words
    • 237 29 AMD MOUffAS M DMTff t. 11. Iff ff 11 OWNIM PLfAftf CAAX 737<«7C«tw caatact Para'am al m mat m »«T« m Urn coMf>f imim •>•>■ Ta» a>» Vali MMMMM) CW MM MIAMI CALL •MMllMfitl AOC4JUM M AA. TT PTM LT» MAMl,t>j VAaaaa MATT CMaMV BUTATI J I Mitsubishi Ht-fi Component
      237 words
    • 15 29 set IN7) MiiAiiMMiiiiiiaiii I*XT.*^TmZmt MM ««P M. MklH. Ms ESSistt mmm C a O aaja
      15 words
    • 37 29 HOLIDAY COURSES OAT NpOMT CXAMtt AM AVACAAXA CAw-i Qui mimm AW T LOW Ffiltttl PI BMM ■II MMJ If 4 T«A) AAA»A)*Ai (TA JA»*J*l_ TM »4»»*\, MTITM MjMM MMM MAJW Mm IMA H»j Mr*Z£a»iw miiiJmJlC TMTMI ♦+■»AM
      37 words
    • 10 29 HOTEL Pf+OCMIX N— -nam —c—«t— tmr ml j* Tin** ll
      10 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 214 30 BREAK LOOSE Join Henen Advertising A« part of thaw ax pan»Kxi prooramma Hanan Advsrt ising M looking for 2 young arthata and 2 young sac/atartaa to join tham aa advsrt ising t rainaas If you ara tajanltd, hard working. wHling to accapt raaporajaV Mt y and chaJtonga. and pnaparad 10
      214 words
    • 111 30 WANT A TEMPORARY JOB WOfhsfetJ tofflpO**M>fY tVttfl JOAft MMsj aaa aa aa yaa aaa* to bS fust pßCtt mH# )Ofc NsWsV IsMM Sa* HOW BaS<Kt, H $]M d#p#fW^# an yaa... VfaNsjaat tf CMTAJIMt IXICUTTVt MCfIaTTAJHif aSOOOIJIITf C4aWstJ TtXIXOan. t TYPIITt t TlUAamom 08>t, MM«aSSm Of PICI BOYS Or aaaaa aad
      111 words
    • 40 30 I rrMctaos daasjjn and to I nManaaan and rapssr I production macranat »TC m MachaVttcM I in MAsrnananca I eassssßßßßs^ Yowrwj wwrwit •irajasMMMn rMMraj •ip*n*ftcad In |4»m/ MsMIBIMJ Ute cTl.fc.nyn9 poMßoo m top IrJBBll.BliL, local Caistaal OAVI a* MAIfAT 338M070.
      40 words
    • 71 30 E MLfS EXECUTIVE A LaTtß)l trVOaMl 1 MGMft* factoring industry in POS*K>W M talcs E Recutita writ mttlwM in mil msnd of English snd to tronol X— —.u^AA mmi t^atllA manufacturing an lUtTOI«Sm m. Ltd. aaaaeeaaeaeeeeaeeeeeee^ rati rtr-iaaa AJU PTE. LTD. BeO 808 A SwaS* Traaaaae taetoaaaaßMaß. TBvaa eeOTaSaOed aM
      71 words
    • 237 30 U.EJL U.SJL j|Sß,ii Vfci. IM invitoa application* ti uw Burtaaaa awa)Mfte>al canAlAataa for tha pßEaaSal OtiELICTIKMIC TECHNICIAN (tat onnt) aTT^ia«aiica MM al fTTeTraatc !T3 aaa aaaa**. aSTta a!awaaaaJM MlaXftAL ixScTIUC (UAA) iMaSTaaa rrVttv aaa, MAMtj^aaaoa IaBaaaVaSPMASI TEMfMMtARY CLARK/TYPI AT for X ta 3 wan tha. •Maa Tan ati 771 —AA
      237 words
    • 86 30 I Make yours a VERY SPECIAL GREETING ON CHRISTMAS MORNING The timing will be perfect your I seasons greeting will arrive on I Christ mas Morning I For a minimum of $10.00 for 4 lines I you bring hearty cheer to al loved ones, I friends and business associates. I
      86 words
    • 11 30 CALL NOW! >71 ••Ml. in (mm and Jwe*#. Tctopfcww Optnim SSmT
      11 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 161 31 VP THE OAWN Of SOMf THING EXCITOtO I rUUMOUMT MOTtL ntm mmt May eeaMMMMM* MM aae- MMMM iHI C|*M MM TOO M M eBMMM MM* m MM M mml M MMMf PROMT OFFICE DCPARTtASNT MM*te MM* w'rmtmm Mm MM w MM. AfV MMM tt M M. T Mji in i
      161 words
    • 236 31 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT TENDER NOTICE EHOHOEEHJNQ AER VICE 3 MPARTAtENT WW W *WAM ATM* AATI MTMfV 0) P^Ejfr TEW (ENV) 10/33/33 Aeasnctad to PWO EmMMmJ Contractors in BukAno/CK4 Efigtooaring ai cmmom aaana WooaAmmom Road Rot: TEN (EMV) A7/Lf/Et/31 pWwlTeCted to PWO RtQNltrtjd Corrtractori eh CMMaaVaMMMBMMn anf) wVVV cnyEnsjasnng 4VJ
      236 words
    • 217 31 NOTICt S OFFICIAL IJOTIOI PROPOSAL Tt) CHANGE OF SHIP'S NAME we Soon Be* OA In «■>>■ (Pit) Lai ef St Chan Oaaa Street. ta> iepore tStT, hereby give ■otic* that It) CtectEre of caaage of SAC •Off SssEBB IMSMART SsK*tAOfl 417 mi Btl Mi i SSR Stoto> ptM Att (Cbapter
      217 words
    • 320 31 AtWaaAtrof Tbt Cowajarasi Act Cap 105 EOJ BfAf aoEv of DELUXE PftOOUCTS PTE. LTD. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that Pa Creditors of the atx>vertamed OAWaWA eta* a bang wound up rAjeEß* Mt reqursd on or before 12* January 1983 to sand A tMf SBWJ and lAAiiin EAJ Pa partrMari of
      320 words
    • 268 31 RESULTS! FOR SPOT THE AD CONTEST NO. MA 10 1. Capital Restaurant 2. Two Thousand Dollars 3. Rod Cap Tour 4. 69 KMa nay Road, Singapore 0923 8. Tlan Yonsj Driving School I Nkt) Teas-Ada bocAAtoe II Is affacUva owv#rtlaing at low coot Tha winner is: Mr Brant M. Lao
      268 words

  • sports
    • 148 32 Race 1 S SS Claws S Dtv 1 1200 m ldominate Celebration 11. Proleaaor Winatun II Bold Pilot Scpuloh Sepu loh Singapore Sound Race I I OA Cmm 4 Div S 100 m Tidy Bam, Icabana 11, Tempered. All Courage n. Race i iSO Claws 4 Div 4
      148 words
    • 18 32 -r—*i. Mitoyli, CMm. S N«*fkwi iwnn iTdw IuTiHiLm at ii mm iUU-S ■MMaa wUtk hmT^w^eiie meHLr PICTURE: AIS
      PICTURE: AIS  -  18 words
    • 450 32  -  R.x iriq TODAY'S TRACKWORK TRACKSTAR COUONY 11, trained by X SI Noordin of Penena hai come right and abould acore bia ftrat win la race all tomorrow after •bowing striking ac una ba his workout at Ipsa. Tha SWAS year aid waa striding oat stylishly
      450 words
    • 508 33 MEMORIES, PICTURES, RECORDS CAPTURED IN BOOK AP LOfdOOfi Thursday THE stirring midfiald play of Danny Blanch flower the speed of winger Cliff Jonas and the uncanny goal-scoring talonts of Jimmy Greaves are hast three of the memories evoked in a aaw book hast pool island about
      AP  -  508 words
    • 159 33  -  •v GEOFFREY EU SINGAPORE cueb Taa PiklMkai plaas to ■■lltsH Hi ptaym, ■MlraWHriilNni cas't la itil star's So* Ik-east A sis Gtiwi Hi sal* *TW SEA Ot—jMi d bar ■iiTtn wtt bi utortii CNnvjf. "taMaHy. It was praptttd It ssatf dia a IbTUalld States
      159 words
    • 72 33 JALAN Malta Football Club wsntt under 19 players aad tboae inter ested are asked to turn up at Mount Vernon School at S SS aaa on Saturdays terested Ptoaaar Araaaal* awaaa st Ten*** Atr Base on Jan t should contact X Suppiah (2M1101) or Ah mat ttesdSAS) before Dae
      72 words
    • 375 34  -  b* R MANORAJ WrTH the race hotting up for the finab on Sunday' Jeffrey Tan leading the men with 1.504 pinfalia and Jean Taa taa women with 1.114 caa feel proud they have led the Qualifying list for much of the Crystal Palace Kallang All-Stars
      375 words
    • 164 34  -  By R MANORAJ FILIPINAS Lita Dela Ross and abac Watanabe Wtth 1.171 and 1.144 puv falbj respectively over six games, virtually aa ured tbemselves of places hj the women's Open mnoters final at the Palace KaUsn C at°^he"l>ewere^ TVay second and third nance reopectlvely
      164 words
    • 120 34 PHILIPPE DUBOIS, the Fitath ejathwwajar ha the Crystal Palace Kallaag Ajf Star 11 hag cheat BtBBBatB, teetiag MM tahea Bfth aiace aa the aaaa's Oeea natters eeelifyiag nnssa at the The llyw-ole wmd Caa aa IfffJ, aaa has ahsa tahea WorM FIQ stiver nsee
      120 words
    • 172 34 OLY rUformado. 11, the new Philippine* bowling sensation, kg likely to make a lasting impres sion on Singaporeans dur ing the Crystal Palace Kallaog All-Stars championship He arrived last night with the reputation of having beaten cotnpatrtot and two-tasne World Cap champion Paeng Nepomacaao
      172 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 101 32 irons ball YOU SHOULD BE KBUMG. NOT YOUR FEET. In squash, the opponent isn't the only one that gets run into the ground. That's why the toughest shoe in squash is now even tougher. From staggered eyelets to hi-rise toe guard, the new Tuffs TP is the toughest thing on
      101 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 161 32 rngngyvvxxxjs 5 Cut out and staple with other coupons. 1 Posting instructions appear betow. I Hmmm: See Aat wawswSaa B X44rm%t mm m M.s.LC til 101 RI E FILL SM MISSING rB 1 r"l E l USING 2 5 B R E BWRnB CLUES BELOW Valßßwlwl CUT HKftS cluis for
      161 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 59 34 t B j ßß^B B .^4 aSstH \\W Sa BBaßb- _-^assaas3* Ssaarfaifi £JUxjU<s something different Original construction and styling LsW Unique sandals with a lot of superbly X engineered comfort, So* Agent B.Q. PafTett A Son (PH) Ltd. Sir^po^ vrtl rv i Mt< wr»> •n_ j i 1 '»*»i'»«f <
      59 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 260 35 Goal rampage puts Portugal team in last eight Reuter THE European Football Union (UEFA) Cup often) hidden away oa Uw back shelf behind taa Champions aad Cap Winners li iifclii, racketed la value last night as Benfica. Anderlecht. Valencia aad Roma reached the last right With fear af
      Reuter  -  260 words
    • 101 35 Reuter UEFA Cap (secend bag; third riaai) SB Craiova, Romania Universitatea Craiova (Romania) 2, Giroodins de Bordeaux (France) 0 Craiova wta S-1 oa aggregate la Rons* Roma (Italy) 2. Cologne (West Germany) Roma win 2 1 oa aggregate la Laahon Benfica (Portugal) 4. Zurich (Switxer load) t
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 197 35 Reuter SEVERAL players nave threat ened to boycott the Australian SEI hwnVwSß Uwy l wtUbe forced to play two rounds of singles matches Tournament officials decided late oa Wednesday to stage the third and fourth rounds as best of three set matches in a bid
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 322 35 Y. Reuter LOraOOH. Thura. A BRITISH businessman is leading s a multi-mil lion-dollar campaign to end the century-old US monopoly of America's Caa, tae worlds moot ti'opliy America s Cup has the unique distinction af being the only major event lathe iateraotioaal
      Reuter  -  322 words
      • 81 35 Reuter BWAMBEA: Defender Jeremy nutrias was yaaHrati racaHed to tbe Welsh soccer aquad for nasi week s European Charnniiwaship group four claah to Yugoalavia after injury forced Swaanae teammate Alan Cur Ue te withdrsw Charles wss rehastated 4S hours after beaag esctodsd from maasaer Mike
        Reuter  -  81 words
      • 62 35 UPI BAJwSk Kent Kist. Paris St Garnaata's Dutch centerforward. has beome the eighth foreign baaed ftdr Sanaa la refuse la play for Hoi lend agamat Malta to their Dec IS Earopean Soccer Championabip Km sauThe bad told national coach Kens Ritvers that bit club baa a vital first
        UPI  -  62 words
      • 28 35 UPI ATrSEidB: Norwegian striker Roger Albertsen asalj aigatd by Greek wi? bcabtTt^ OQ S4%iosl As slOCvOf, even though Urn player bed to pell because" pakaf*UPI.
        UPI  -  28 words
      • 60 35 UPI SABAJBVO: Yegjostav toternetkmal Safet Suaic will play bia Laat game (or P X Sarajevo bafora sigsAs* for French Cap boldera Park St Gar main, dab officials said on WwAnAA- Lslc. 27. r IMI 111 ll by many to be tbe beat Yagoalav forward, makes sis farewell
        UPI  -  60 words
      • 70 35 AP on Wednaeday the "abnormal paychology that makes profeaauoaal boiing popular may contribute to uv creaaung violent crime .a the US "Some boxers, seeking instant fame and fortune, thereupon go out and nak their live*, said the paper s seen in Belong on (hsaJoTsouT Kun Duk-Koo ia a
        AP  -  70 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 16 35 Theftariofa holiday Hmn i.te mr m+»-i mm »i ■Us ftn HUM Ffeari Cruises M~ Rrtivvrry ho*
      16 words
    • 75 35 P xP<£ xV J ■BHI I Intensive courses leading to the Certificate and Diptoma exams of the JUNE 1983 EXAM y Taught by dedicated, experienced and I qualified lecturers. Model sowers, to past exam papers will be provided H CERTIFICATE LEVEL 1) Tuiiday/Trajradev 6.46 9.46 p.m. 14/12/82 2) Monday Woclnoedai(
      75 words