Singapore Monitor, 30 November 1982

Total Pages: 43
1 43 Singapore Monitor
  • 14 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR M.C. (P) No. 19/5/82 Tuesday, November 30, 1982 First Edition 30c«nts
    14 words
  • 179 1 A GLIMPSE OF WHAT TOMORROW WILL BE LIKE MRT WE LIFT tha curtain today on tha Sinfjopora of tr* futura. ainoaporv wnn ns nrvi maaa napm i ransrt (MRT) Moa, carrying hundrsds of thousands of paopta from tha population contra of Toa Payoh and Ang
    179 words
  • 13 1 Smm? Vt#w rr #<n tte# %Mf*+ tvvtfy*"
    13 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 28 1 QUARTZ^ A light from the future/^ no rare. The best-selling dry sherry in the worii A perfect aperitif served M chilled, or on the rocks. Vfl ■■fl/uaoaAißDUQuo* mrnunrrofti
      28 words

  • opinion / letters
    • 194 2  -  IN LAND-SCARCE SINGAPORE, THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO LIE ALAN HOBL Singapore 0711 WHEN I die, please bury my dead body in a coffin vertical ly and as deeply at possible. As it will be in a standi ng position, I will occupy,
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    • 245 2  -  CABBIES NEED ONE MORE SIGN: NOT AT PUBLIC SERVICE PATIENT JOB Singapore 2151 LAST Thursday evening I waited at Stamford Road for a taxi for about 65 minutes There were taxis galore along busy Stamford Road but the trouble was that all of them displayed
      245 words
    • 35 2 SPRING Ma In ihoaM he provided at all "wet" markets tor toiaaiNliu to use to evaator-ctosek whether the ha when cheat SgA*" *****)8 IBS|K •ooa Ma this N. HONG Itogapin Mis
      35 words
    • 259 2 A FRIEND was buying durisns and the durun seller wss trying his best to make her buy more than she rosily wanted or rather could afford Is that all you want?" ha asked, disappointed "Yaa, ym, two m enough, 9 she said. *****66. he replied, without explanation and
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    • 248 3  -  Better wages Magical keasms Hssltk hnsnacs ANG POH INN (MISS) PRO, Mlaaatf) at 1 gjjgf WE refer to the letter by "A Worker's Point of Vtow" (NN, 11 Nov 12) suggesting that the Gov srnment sat guidelines for com pantos, which make profit,
      248 words
    • 118 3  -  MICHAEL CHEANG Ptrtaaatl Maaager Slaaiaas Ceaißeaaati Pt* Ltd HO SENG CHEE UWBBI (Sicajtat aVaace) WE refer to your newt paper report on Nov tt and 26 1982 and wis* to clarify the following points in order to put the record straight THERE
      118 words
    • 214 3  -  MONICA BEH (MRS) P«ai4c Relation Maaaajar. PSA WE reler la the letter, la gat ssjeee far three hoars" hy "Kaaa MaT (NN. II Maw ti). We are trnly sorry that Cat writer haw a try»*g wait al Hiflord Pier Daring the
      214 words
    • 264 3 The fwadaaiantaJ detect of fathers la ttMK ttsoy want fhjolr children to hm n credit to BERTRAND RUSSELL, English Mathemati-cian-Philosopher (1872-1970) Today In History Today Is Tuesday November soth tha IMta day of IMI Tears are SI days left in the HIGHLIGHTS in history on th»
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 58 2 'rjSt? Butter t¥IM Ul SJr» RMrmlll The hotel not 87 oun amiable bedrooms. a 24-hour oonee house, a kxjnge bar with dbJOO on weekends, and meeting facilities tor up to 50 persons For Enquetoe and ftoesrvadona Road. Singapore 0620 Tel: 02-*****56 TetSK RS ***** Bottsrwortn Martin Inn Tel: 04-*****2 (12
      58 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • home
    • 272 4  -  GANG SHIFTS FROM CHINATOWN TO TIGER BALM GARDENS K K FONG THK notorious pickpocket sisters are back till time et Use Tiger Balm Gardens Police sources believe the si i sister gang assisted by two of their brothers may have moved their operations from Chinatown to Haw
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    • 226 4  -  ■f YEOW MEI SIN A HUNGRY python has moved from the Shangn La hotel to more suitable quarters at the Singapore Zoological Gardens A newsvendor got the shock of his life whan be came face to face with the three metre long snake while making his
      226 words
    • 272 4  -  •v GANDHI AMBALAM PAKISTAN is reaping the benefits of Singa pore's move to phase oat labour intensive aad low technology indus tries. Two industrial yen tares have firmed plans to set up factories ia the Export fW ass lag Zone (EPZ) ia Karachi aad
      272 words
    • 331 5  -  JACKPOT TICKETS AT $2 EACH FOO CHOY FENG YOU will soon get a monthly chance to be come a millionaire for only two dollars Btf Sweep organisers will from Fsw/wary replace the current I*oo 000 draw with the $1 million jackpot draw whose tickets
      331 words
    • 141 5  -  •v SALENA SALLEH IT'S a email world all right at asa as wall as oa land. Aad paseenger liner Princess Mahsun which arrived ia llßOSpira on Sunday proves the point Three friends, who had worked together oa board the crease ship Rasa Sayang fear years ago and
      141 words
    • 177 5  -  CHUA NGENG CHOO BUS commuters can expect a faster reaponse to their complaints if the Singapore Bus tail he daisies to imple KarniatE The team of five girls which formed their circle, the Public Ralatioen Im provement Method (Prim), last March outlined to
      177 words
    • 216 6  -  ■t K.K. FONG A TOUGHER prov uuonal driving test for motorcy dt sod srooter riders will come into effect from jeaaasa I. Tho move follows a dramatic lump ia daaths of riders by nearly half thai year ever last year, said the
      216 words
    • 189 6 UNLESS EMBASSY TOLD OTHERWISE SINGAPOREANS who intend to stay more than a weak la tha Philippines will still aaed a visa until tha Philip pines imhioay here instructed otherwise. Its spokesman said: We have sent aa official massage to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
      189 words
    • 129 6 GENERAL Electric (USA) Consumer Elec Ironies in Toe Payoh is optimistic for next veer even though poor business has forced it to cut production by 10 working days for tab and nest month. Mr Lee Sioag Kee. manager of area iadeetri- el relations of the
      129 words
    • Article, Illustration
      33 6  -  Mire and story by GOH KIM HUI JOHN Ellis. 11 ,Js swtttag Jwhas brother J tan any Is. is alee selling oar paper The airtare shews Mm aad x^ t^ |^f
      33 words
    • 283 8  -  Hotel's successful job streamlining scheme YEOW MEI SIN THE Hyatt Regency Hotel, one of the pioneers in >ob uliigiarial, has managed la reduce Hi staff-to room ratle a It bow stands al IN pared with iuTprVrtoaa ratio of 1 1 The national V ln*lddiuon,
      283 words
    • 190 8  -  ■v SALENA SALLEH DESPITE recession, there wee c 1.1 per cent hsereeet in visitors errtvtng le Sincepore ie the total wamoer ou smvsis wife sense period of 1 Ml The growth root won what was expected by the Singapore T ovist ProSuK Beard (ITPB) whoa
      190 words
    • 184 8 SINGAPORE manufacturers and officials of the proposed Trade Development Beard will meet for tee first Ume in use middle to mote Singapore s International trade. Jjeejaaore Ong Laag Caeaa, said yesterday tee Department of Trade whose interna tteaal hM^oa^ lives from s couple of
      184 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 102 4 GERMANY'S BEST FIRST IN FASHION nbermain v sHaP I' B» .^^'"'''""^^^gfOj Sole Aosnrs. H.W. SHELLEY C(X (PTE) LTD. TEL: *****22 7M 1 Ivrtheluxurkmtouchcflather... Gold Medal Beauty Soap j^^^ Cicnrlr Smuxh At bath, and shower Subtly fco^ROsi^eß^n^^ fragrarxed for the fresh inorning seeling BWHHHHHHHaw Lamer luxury in a handy bar mac
      102 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 HERE'S HOW YOU CAN SAVE !ja£sss COUPON" $$^ql VALID TILL 2ND DEC 1982 I l Please redeem bearer's purchase I receipts with GIFT VOUCHER(S) I of $5/- for every $20/ worth of purchase. I MERCHANDISE ON SPECIAL OFFER I I OR DISCOUNT ARE NOT ELIGIBLE I SHU \±H 1 H
      51 words
    • 143 5 bw^^*bbbT HbssiH Baa aw *mmwMM* A 1 jr X atataVw ffISP VefXEJ SHARP Unique Table Grill for SMOKELESS Q)cskir*3 Smoke doesn't get into your eyes. Nor pollute the air. Or cause layers of (pease: on nice, clean walls; on your kitchen cabinet. Thanks to SHARP'S unique table grill which grills
      143 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 228 6 s. co*r<poo#ni j#p#n to-«p#«d btryew* ast3TK>NCRAFT BMX 20 MOIIOFeC tFT RRCX SO) Sitae Mod.l SOO SfSS Model MOTMEAItT RRM t*WWMWkwMM isea otv«r*> oavt* s*~. RALEIGH J*p*r> Shimano slloy brake, tiaml*. Japan Ou<omp« atoy brake* light .Soy waiOatl IW wsl%aaVWa) Sfratalar C,,.,lWi«| Model-SUPER RECORD SMS swwawwachafcw ehSsh Was ft aloy Sugno
      228 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 372 7 Everyone wins with 'technics' new slim-line system stereos. a You won t hnd aoc4h.i mcwnt.v* How to claim your prixo Walk crwtry with om» cd thm m%WmWMr^WL^^mW Bm m ZZaTLHZ h b.aoaawy Durtngthi. groat prim I A launching Wto *10 N bon l ***** vvUo I 1-tpwJ Sf^TJS rXT" mdl9t
      372 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 227 8 Dorit Miss Opportunity R-R-Ringing! Get the most advanced fully automatic microcomputer control A a MW m^ telephone answering Am and recording system m Mod* AT R330 TAC 143 81R20 Approved By Telecoms Delivers to you the recorded message by MOOERN REMOTE CONTROL DEVICE wtien you phone in from anywhere in
      227 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 394 9 i I I Z=: H" I li lo^l^LH j-H I H mmm\\\ sdH JllMMotiiJOnQuMwiit ofaucTV^ TC *****1 M« (JOn I in I I i i I T fu Now i the rime to own the colour TV set you've How to claim your prize been kNTging for If you buy
      394 words

  • world
    • 297 10 Reuter BONN, Tuesday A ROW erupted yesterday over the eilicsttoe of amenta neggsoting t senior politicians in ell fosjr major West German parties received bio un der the table payments from a private company Bom public prosecutor Fransbruou Ealonoamp told c news confer one
      Reuter  -  297 words
    • 126 10 AP MOSCOW. TUM NATO'S plan to deploy a aew gsaersuoa of mcdiMftClaMT eQiaVitaS ia Woatara Europe wUI greatly lacrases the likati hood of an saistssllnesl. all out nuclear war, the Novoatl News Agency said yesterday uu7 Weatere reporters in Moscow oa the opening da y
      AP  -  126 words
    • 43 10 UPI the rural arm of ■ana*adaah, boyo ear* by OSo oovoerwtuaect of LI Gan Hesjoooln M Ert*a*d oro eeaei worionocwnu, ntw pottery to o vCtopw market peace on tames tewand The) p»»oramont hes eaoo prorate ad to eeod lo<aaw)w>Ja»^Hiejll -UFI
      UPI  -  43 words
    • 220 10 AP RHONA Jeee Ritchie o former wflaaiit ot the British Iwlfciasy in Tel Aviv, was given a ninemonth suspended jell term yesterday for peasttng to her Egyptian diplomat lover confidential telegrams from Britains For sign Secretary to the US Secretary of State. Miss Ritchie St. a
      AP  -  220 words
    • 100 10 UPI LONDON, Tueo A CANADIAN university professor alleged to have ease* far the Soviet Union for 23 years met Soviet leader Yuri Andropov hi Moscow while Mr Andropov was head of the KGB said yesterday Tbe trial of Hugh Haeneletoo who ajajgojj not guilty
      UPI  -  100 words
    • 102 10 Reuter v^e^e*^L»»^wew^u^ f Tu^p*o^ioy THE trial of 7t iUi|i< WMto haaeOa twaThdoars opened yeetorday wao immediately pootponod because a murdered Maftooo among tee ac caeed is still officially alive. Too problem areee over Ptetro laeerllle, a member of 0 ootortooa New Jersey Family Mr Inxerillo
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • World Briefs
      • 36 10 AP bmt influential Pre* Demo crat Party has formally aplit from dissenter* who oppoac ita switch from Helmut Scam kit to cooeervath* Caaocollor Hedmwt Kohl cpaa? ,O TWaa4 oCeat Democrat* At a *««»*wd conjream, Ute^ree psa^pwa*^
        AP  -  36 words
      • 39 10 AP BYTOaA, Pokawd Aa esjiooioe fee metree enderground in tbe Dymitree mm* Irijhsd Uaaaaaasf tajrlad aaaa trhn i early Monday morning, a security official said A fae broke oat to the coal seam. 774 metres news agency reported AP
        AP  -  39 words
      • 89 10 Reuter BOOOTA The wife of Colombian Liberal Party leader, kid napped five mcaatne age aa Bogota, wee iwnrierad by ber captors early yeeterdey, police said Gloria Lara De Ecbeverry. wboee baaband Hector Ecbeverry is s former ccwaji ses president, was shot In the heed The body wss found by police
        Reuter  -  89 words
    • 96 12 AP THE US State DfMrtmenl yesterday rmurni mm jj M Untna HM two Sovketjju traces of vomiting and other symptoms While the US had prevtoualy charged that toiiaa war* being used hi Afghani stan it has only managed to prove it beyond doubt
      AP  -  96 words
    • 254 12 Reuter UNITED NATIONS, Tuee FOR tho fourth time since Soviet troops entered Afghanistan in December 1171, the (fannr■! Aaeambly yesterday called for the 'immediate withdrawal of the foreign troops from the country The vote on tho assembly resolution, ■aonoorod hy nearly M Third World Coaa*rtos,
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 94 12 AP MnMLft, Tea*. MILITABV oHIfUU af riiplism —4 mammmm mum mm PwJaaaaW fajf CsOaaik- a*4 fs aestaraay aa4 ISBSMSI SB ISSSSSB SB bmbmbTwlL tVBB MSI? sjsstawas mnmm tat aajkast "t^rScTiM CBBrSjraBBB WOT S BBSS* tary eracaajsarß at BBS** at taaet 2$ cWra, Baaasava BaeaaiTaa»a< BBlHtary aajra
      AP  -  94 words
    • 255 12 Reuter \jQMDOR, Tuet A HIGH RANKINO Arab off a 'b? cause Prime Minuter Margaret Thatcher re fused la receive a Pales tine Liberation Orgamaa tioa representative PftlHleel sources said resLarder A British government has been poet Cned We remain in ich with tbe parties The
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 145 12 UPI HOUSTON, Tuesday THE "Wind TwaawT a new, UStM.OM (Ss44,Mt) device similar to a walk through metal detector is helping the Customs Service sniff oat cocaine and heroin smugglers Customs officials at Houston intercontinental airport pat the detector in place six weeks
      UPI  -  145 words
    • 287 13 US EXPERTS TAKE A GLOOMY VIEW (i ll I LAT-WP WAJHMQTOai Tims. ww f vn, aswarwa, THE failure of the worldtrade ministers to reach a meaningful ac cordlast week st a bitter, bound ac^le^" teetlealot pressures arowad the world, experts iaaide and out
      LAT-WP  -  287 words
    • 168 13 UPI JAAAATA, Jit—amy INDONESIA faces a balance of pay meat deficit which will force it to dip couk/ into a ajMdar borrower tha paaajj mat said 5 oat or day A aoyaramaat report said tha fifth largest oil producer of the Organise
      UPI  -  168 words
    • 140 13 AP BtftfOlß. Tuoadßi PRESIDENT Ferdinand E Marcos has expressed concern sear the Philippines wnrsißSSg trade deficit aad said, unless it is corrected, the cowntry may have to raaort to belt Ugbtening to prevent economic collapse A Presidential Palace press release ssM Mr Marcos, hi BB interview
      AP  -  140 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 115 10 Copper Chimney rated 8 out of 10 points for excellent North Indian cuisine. ii i:ceeo6e<« bimbsssssss e^9M^mM^mUWm9^ New there s a new and /wink mi Norm Men, njnjewjnnj up at 903 East Com Rood, the Copter CKuiowj. Cety wiwkiiu. fiimfnt Mieejni mp.. and tMpetwßwe fooa at reasovtaMr prices, En*» k*jM>
      115 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 341 11 lk\m\.^ m m\\m\m\\ mm aw_# aatTafaTa mm\\ B BmrnW .aW m\m\\\m a m Mm .AmmmT AmmmJ s am. .aam. bbbk YLAT 4 aaaaV. A\\\m%\m\mm VaV *mm* LW/ #1 a\ L/aal V^W 1 Jmrnmrn^Lm^Lm^Lm^F With ovwr $200,000 worth of 'cure-to noanfC if you buy a ryatam stereo and a colour win'
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 177 12 PLAY THE SINGAPORE MONITOR BIrTTHDAY GAME MONTH PATE YEARS eey fun wai be ona money one dets and two years punished if aow brthdey can oa waaJo up fasts any IT** MARCH 24 ISSS 1f72 tar aeon ai ooon oowaj. Own, you on) eagtse tor a saJhy ohanoe to wm
      177 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 180 13 I .^ggga^Pj^saeJ^ H PriCar S7OCLOO LaVV C**> «aa* Ou«on 'i »«.r»nc program™.. MJ Noo-creaae button WO immi door toe* ajM»w«i» oonitop »«h fHEE installation atssoxlahwasjaxswg »an oaaaxaj■quips cvtoMnxwmMy BEBD n l f^^^^^^J^^^^^^*aagj Hal us dgggV mtmm L f assaais wa I 1 Bassos mmmic f^^*! eassj I OwaaSow SWOWI »c
      180 words

  • business
    • 511 14  -  ■v CATHERINE ONG DMCOUftT houses will have to stead aa their ewe feet is future aad not rely 00 the MmMsWI Authority of Singapore (MAS) to provide them with a captive market hi govern sweat bonds aad treasury Mils, sources clone Is
      511 words
    • 150 14 THE Singapore International Fair may become a biennial eveel. Fair eawaasasrs from the Singapore Manufacturers As sbcteuoo (BMA) is considering organising the major fair once ia two years instead of annually Aad in between the interna tional fair the SMA is keen to nrgsaiof
      150 words
    • 66 14 ANGUS Fire Armour of the UK is lOStl oUoihOf lit agency net 'tagtanri oosJ fcpjj jgJ»Mgjtjlp will bejipronatif from Dee 1 by s newly formed coaeseny Yon Loo Fhrwwetd Pis Ltd. a isfcilfsary of too Yuen Loo Group of Class sal as In Malaysia. Angus mill currently adopt
      66 words
    • Article, Illustration
      39 14 AP STOCK price* turneu downward yesterday, rwnotng into renewed telling after their ral ly of late laat week The Deer Jems Average of SO Industrials dropped beck 4SI to clone at I,Owl IS Deabout •1M million shares AP
      AP  -  39 words
    • 63 14 htEAT exports from Australia to Asian aanrtatt laat year Incrmii by n interim report of the A ustraban Meat aad Livestock Corporation. Tbe report said there were ssfsaf leant hacrwases in total exports to all mar tlht? E*%iiilWMlM?S Sin gepore Malaysia. Taiwan aad Hoag Kong Singapore imported
      63 words
    • Update
      • 77 14 THE Chartered Bank has announced that it w ill be ex tending iU banking hours from Dor IS. IMS. The bank will remain open from t JO am to 3 M pan on weekdays and from t SO am to II SO pm 00 Saturdays from mid DeToo
        77 words
      • 72 14 Reuter BUI I Ul WON IN A rust that oil docameata of goods imported into France must be written in French wss attacked by Malaysia today as devious protectionism Teeku Ahmad Rithauddwen Trade that he had UM has orratcra strong protest note to the French gov deplorable
        Reuter  -  72 words
      • 46 14 SHARK price* closed generally lower wa toes si fcMMfJMIW Bji let"live trading wits lower Hong Kong market advices mpi casing arntimeot further The Straits Tienea hsdwstrtal hades fell 179 points to 717 20 The UOB compoaite index cloned Ot 442.5t, down |.ll poinU
        46 words
      • 78 14 Reuter KUALA LUMPUR Too average owxossat rote on tl day Malaysian treaaury bilk rwas to I 111 Cw cent M list latest tender from IM teat week. Bank Negara said It accepted bads ranging between 1.112 aad VIM per cos* said received applications totalling Ml llt million
        Reuter  -  78 words
      • 48 14 Reuter MONO KONQ The capitalist system will be retained hi Hong Kong after (Tuna takes ewer, Buflsr iI m nuwasw, Lamam fc> lv a.rx U^Mtaw IwVe nWuwa| srfwl, CwawawVelnsTawal WM I sower Kong Factory Owners AosSClStlSw wno smveo ones irom a visn 10 oeijing. said Reuter
        Reuter  -  48 words
      • 49 14 Reuter sjajeQOON The Hiiaiii ltwS/fJ rke harvest will yield about It million toss, up from 111 million tbe piaihiea year, officials said Burma exported SO7 00© tone lest year compared with 421 000 ha 1980 and 724 <H>o the year before according to official figures Reuter
        Reuter  -  49 words
    • 774 15 Two main questions facing the group 1. Has it borrowed too heavily? 2. Can it pay back the loans? The Star INVESTORS and shareholders are probably fahtg through the annual accounts of the Supreme CorporsUoa Group with a fine comb, hoping to find aome an swers
      The Star  -  774 words
    • 169 15 OMPANY NEWS MALAYAN Brwwwrtot ■1i iid a $12 72 million extraordinary profit to rescue group results hi the year to Saptaeswar St. Tarnover was down from $440 77 million to $400 21 million aad tiadtag pror* from 2*2 II million to
      169 words
    • 185 15 DESPITE sliiggiah trad lag coeshtiooOact Chia Enterprises (Malaysia) l^lnUrt^ Group pre tax profit for the sis montht to Sept M aroououd to $1 SI mil lion about tha same level as the $1.1 million report ed for the previous corre Salts. however jumped
      185 words
    • 27 15 I mm lifts N|RI lttpi M mm 1 as ltt Sit •17 ttt tt.ltt Mil I .us ttt ltt ttt ttt ttl stats Mil l.ttt ttt
      27 words
    • 280 15 The Star PAN Malaysia Cement Work Bhd (PMC) has re|>orUd s sharp riae in in Group pre-Us profit for the six months to Sept M amounted SS $14 30 million, olssest three times tho previous corresponding period s $5 71 million After S tax
      The Star  -  280 words
    • 81 15 Your (Foreign Exchange) Your S* to or* unit of foreign currency TT/00 TT 00 tsm ism f:US ***** 2 1170 2 1t7t ***** 2 MM m m l.tTM 1 tttt of fornojn curroocy French franc Hoojtona I Yea P< Ringfit awus franc RanLnbi MlTtt 21.M1I 13S377 23 2000 •.Mat MUM
      81 words
    • 158 16 ONE of ttt most ItJipilifln political line-ups It address a conference in Singapore will be here in February to spent on investment and trade oppor tuaitiea In Soutb-East Asia Hip gggj mn Aaaaa aatkatt will ggf INDONESIA Miiuater of State and
      158 words
    • 275 16 Developing nations not to blame for banking crisis, says UN body DEVELOPING countries 58wammmSwa5 5 egabss te coal banks were told in Stags pore this morning It would asso be a mat take for landing iswtitu tasna ha show excessive caution hi r
      275 words
    • 86 16 TONGKAH Harbour Tin Dredging m In denser of beta* deahrted from the Knnln Usmnwr Stock Ex Cfc ThT company told its maaanc assets hi October lftf andor a acheme of rwconatxuction and its latest isssatts for the year to June SS show the turnover
      86 words
    • 45 16 Reuter COFtHHAQEM, Twae. DENMARK S National Bank annownced a longawaited cat ks Hi key dtecownt rate yoeterway, rea tsnaaruand Jn govern governing borrowing coots to 1# per cent from cent The result cheaper overdraft* for street. The dbxcount net wee
      Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 62 14 □Pi II MM □Pg 16 Asean investment talks .aa^waSWßaMH Jacob's Creek Claret. The Australian red that's vvinningthevvTHW. Chip, clean and elegant, and it travels well. A wine so outstanding it was voted "the top dry commercial red wine** by the Australian Wine Spirit Buying Guide. lii. ORLANDO JACOB'S CREEK CLARET
      62 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 85 15 Purify the air you breathe to 99% pure. Willi Dial-An-lon from USA a Negative ions from ***** V generator c Efficient capacity of up to 10 000 cv ft (3001 meter) apace aree c Adjustable km output from low to high c Practically maintenance free c For air con offices,
      85 words
    • 10 15 •CM r«BJktM WO** TV. Tifi IJMliifc:. rrmmw ~X mm\j j
      10 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 177 16 I T""—" .n m\tr nra am ss am aframmdl Lm J lP*h>tJaml ana "mm^^S L_Jkm«fJ MMftl kammmmmmmmmmmmfl mmmwemw l^lammmm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml Ea^^^^La Ly I 11 I i Vl 'mm- I II I SB I ojj ShAY 3 II "I r Ht -m k.'? iVJBf f-f la AmU L i ilm.lm«7mwl r emvJawa
      177 words

    • 207 17  -  00 GOURMU CIRCLE OIIIR EffTBlY VIOLET OON THE YEAR sad festive season starts hi earnest tomorrow and la help you celebrate and cut easts for your special ism Rfcse Monde is elf erase Sin aapirs Mom lor readers the chance to win 10
      207 words
    • 47 17 Tk* oft me right answers In tha Gourmet CacJa- Rcna Monde Contest 1. I Kjusurs ar« to t» drunk attar rrmmH True Falsa 2. Wlnos (xmpajment moots O Tnja Fataa 3. wJNch Si s (ssrmsn wtnel Lancers Fast Blue Nun mmphorm fltomtt lOthcm)
      47 words
    • 113 17 MARCX) POLO HOTEL'S Christmas Cooking Clan st the Br ass aril Is Rotoode on Dernnsiaf It st lit pen has drawn a let of response The 40 participants for Use class will be drawn by ballot today If yon re one of the lucky ones, you ft
      113 words
    • 306 17 I'VE JUST come beck from Paris to find that the French government and its strict language rules regarding imports are very much hi the news. It seems that the Preach are insisting that all paperwork on prodacts imported into France must be
      306 words
    • 106 18 Here's how you give Mum and Dad a morning surprise NOOK for KMCoota HELLO CHILDREN, Now woo your 100 party loot wootrT Today you warn to prepare moro IPPOfjIJ eaoul breakfast, Doctors soy It la she n^ost ifriporinni mw 01 mv my. Loom to
      106 words
    • Article, Illustration
      22 18 YOUR breakfast menu would read like this: Orange juice, boiled egg, French toast with jam, tea with milk and sugar.
      22 words
    • Article, Illustration
      385 18 THIS how vow make year hroasfest step by step First get year insyaawasti together Yea need Oae egg per persoa (e.g. four eggs for yea, your sister slam. Dad). Two oraaawj per persoa (e.g. eight for four persons) Two eggs, s little mils, b 6 tsblsspooas of sugar
      385 words
    • 490 19 Top it off with Aunty Tien's peanut-butter milkshake COOK NOOK i lor Kid Cooks A SEE HOW easy it is to make breakfast. Do you fool like cooking your lunch as well? Here s s recipe you can try. Do
      490 words
      • Article, Illustration
        316 20 and they are down-to-earth enough for you to cook lit g (10* ox) rice floor 570 ml (20 fl at) water H teaspoon salt Piack of pheag say (available at Chinese aaspensartes) 70 g (2H Ot) sago flour 55 ml (2 fl ox) oil ©Mix 2 tablespoons rice
        316 words
      • 250 20 (Stemmed Rice Cakes with Preeerred Salted Rsdmrn) 545 ml (2t fl ox) water lit g (5 ox) rtce floor 1 heaped tablespoon tago floor S teaspoon salt 1 ttillipilßS gi 171 g (0 ox) lard 2 clovei, garlic, lightly booked 111 I (4 ox) Chip 111, preserved, sorted
        250 words
      • 679 20 IMAGINATION, creativity, common sense and daring are the characteristics of a good cook, declares Mrs Leong Yee See emphatically. Perhaps it is Mrs Leong s habit of spending part of each year abroad that has made her such an expert at cooking Singapore favourites. I spend three
        679 words
      • 323 20 140 g(S ot) rice flour 2 Üblespoooi logo floor S7O ml (20 fl os) water Mj teaspoon tslt 2 tsAwespoons oil A 4 taewsspooos toasted sessme sossJs Crispy shallots* ©Mix the two types of floor with 255 ml (0 fl ox) of the water. Add A and
        323 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 260 17 'If one has the art the greatest delicacies of land, sea or sky will achieve a special nuance of flavour thats simply exquisite. 9 Winter Game Food Promotion Inn of Happiness 7K) December, 1982 WW 'Zi I w wBsT r m m\mm\ 4af S) \wJ* mW J Mw\mw¥ awßßr w
      260 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 132 18 mm w />■////' OW Every Wednesday and Friday at Lunchtime Fabulous fashion and food beckon. Every Wednesday and Friday In a different show and mood. Tempt yourself with our spread of epicurean delights while we keep you in vogue with the latest fashion in town. On Wexsiesday JANTZEN HEAD brings
      132 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 109 19 The Best of Christmas Goodies from... CSsr W£&«i? Cakeshop, you will find a sumptuous t .9 spread of traditional Christmas goodies ifts-th X* for your festive celebrations! h; X JLm\m\m^ Buche de Noel Christmas Log Cake. o> w ;jMJ >• Christmas Stollens. Ginger Bread Hearts jlfl LhLU with Almond Fillings.
      109 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 40 20 Double Nt l l W V Get two X mas Bonus Vouchers A VouchefS ,ncl >JcJe a free I > entry in our Bonus Lucky Draw It's your txg chance to a DO*? DQJ. Coooai Wear the nit. city jeans DORSPORT
      40 words

    • 875 21  -  Prospective contractors will be invited next week to make the first move towards tendering for the first 14 MRT stations YOUR SPECIAL 4 PAGE PULEOUE KEEP IE FOR REFERENCE •y YONG POW ANG SINGAPORE'S long awaited Maaa Rapid Transit (MRT) system moves a Knt step nearer
      875 words
    • 142 22 SOME of the MRT stations on the North-South Una ia Phase One have been re-named to better reflect their localities Those re-named art: San Teng (Kampong San Teng), Novena (Thomson), Newton Circus (Newton), Orchard Boulevard (Scotts), Somerset (Rilliney), City Hall (St Andrews), Raffles Place (Central)
      Pictures by CHEW YEN FOOK  -  142 words
    • 246 24  -  •y JULIE LIAU THE Msss Rapid Transit (MRT) system can provide s second service to Singapor SSSS S place to bui Id air raid ■helters, said Coloaal Gunnsr Ohman, secreUry geoersl of Civil Defence hi Finland Col Ohman. when asked
      246 words

  • good food guide
    • Article, Illustration
      19 25 ewXtsswAaswawaa IjMtty aWSSSI OUfCT AMO OOtYi l^aewhOwwwrwass *W>Oef efWaaWSjaj fW# WSSJwfu WSSBSjt BWawab GBWasiSSL. SO *aet^hwawawifUSOL eSM NKjtß) #M
      19 words
    • 1229 25 1 flX rMlE |lE 1 THE finesse of tho Preach food displayed in three of the floors aad tha international exhibits from ft countries oa tho fourth floor stand out most ia my memories of SIAL 1 International Pood Exhibition > France s pre auare food trade
      1,229 words
    • 419 25 Singapore is not represented Display piques visitors from XL THE most outstanding thing about the Asean participation was that Singapore was not represented at the SIAL fair. The other wss that Malaysian products were displayed on s shoestring budget by one company, Clouet, and this made
      419 words
    • 89 27 IT HAS become a traUitloa al Maadarui Hotel U> aeeclally iTuTtTinbWrrwTi a (Vtatmai a»tf> k> which to aerve Its cocktail rreaUoa lor ibr Thai year taw WSBSUtr U ia Uwshasw of a tree witb IBS) IM made as of tbe lop of the tree aad
      89 words
    • 197 27 FOOD NEWS AT FOOD Asia in May I was introduced to a very charming French lady from the Msasansi family of Alsace who introduced me to the delicate fruit brandies perfected by them over the dec I remember telling her that the delicious gentle would
      197 words
    • 30 27 stands about 10 esa tad wwh a wick on coat SS each and are avahawia from Whs Sin on tha second Boor of Lucky Ftum. Ttt 2MMM7
      30 words
    • 488 27 Caffeine culprit in your drink C AFFEINE is a slightly bitter and stimulsting alkaloid found ia tha leaves and berries of the coffee plant It vi also inherent in the alkaloid of tea leaves Caffeine is present in soft drinks, such as taa cola Coal is derived from a type
      488 words
    • 43 27 latrtiaea to Icara that PAUL MASSON VINT NEKS, t^mrm, rim mm aar aehtr what aad a kwrar alciail hrrai aa Noaathilaaa a what wwh has ha at Tat pSjaaj HaJaa that IfcfSSfa S Uchaolof leal
      43 words

  • leisure
    • 297 28  -  SBC S BtKRAIAS PANIUN 8? HNAI S •f PAT D'ROSE CAN you ma let wits in rhyme"» You must lav* a sharp wit spontaneity in rwspoose and be able to make instant your response sll the bet war Ist you That will add points to your
      297 words
    • 419 28  -  ay JOHN COOKE IPS by knowing in, top experts reveal Programmes Most people wstcb TV all wrong, the experts say they sit like sombiea ia front oftae serosa, soaking Informstioo that send their tensions Then and face the big^^i^ m Adds
      IPS  -  419 words
    • Diary
      • Article, Illustration
        223 29 PENANQ FOOO FAIR: LAST day of Penang Food Fair at Tien Court in King's Hotel today A wide war Mi* of sathaatlr food oat been prepared for the buffet lunch which include lor bah choon piah Pi a lag laksa otak olak -l $18 A la carte dinner of over
        223 words
      • 147 29 ON ORCHIDS: AN eshibitwn oa tbe latest orchid paintings oo silk ay Tang Juey Lao Is officially opened today at tac Lone Pine Gallery. Ming Court Hotel. Taa stwatwloo cwnaprtaos over M paintings which include Sings poret Hatisaal ftowwr, Vaado Mass Joaaaaav Lotas Flowers, Daisy It Will be opaa to
        147 words
      • 156 29 LOGO TO REFLECT Urn iiintllj mwi characteristic of the Union, the Union ot Telecoms FmplnySQS of Singapore (UTES) is organising a Participants may sUnd a chance to oral 0 cash voucher of $1 000 plus 1 trophy The content Is open to Telecoms smploysss and the public and will
        156 words
      • 104 29 NEED MOM exercise after eating so much good food? Join the Creative Keep-fit Dancing classes for children at tha Metropolitan YMCA Sessions for those aged between four and five will he coadncted from 3 JO to 4 BO pm. for those between eight to ten from
        104 words
      • Article, Illustration
        208 29 YOUTH CANOE CAMP: IF YOU are a member of PA Youth Movement you can loin the P A Youth Coojoo Cstnp to bo hoM ot Pooir Ris Holiday Camp from DitiOJbir Sto ft. Foe for the camp is $12 For more information, coll *****221 CHILDREN'S CAftflP: IF YOU are between
        208 words
      • 106 29 CONCESSION PASS RENEWAL: SENIOR citizen* must renew their Singapore Shuttle Bus Service (SSB) concession paswes which will csawYoa December tl. Renewals can be made at the SSB office at 140-B Lorong 19. Sims Avenue You should bring along your Identity Card, two photographs and the pasi Holders with
        106 words
      • 35 29 TODAY: High tide 935 am (ITa!) Low tide 4.11 pm (•wart High tide 10 31 paa <x*m TOwtOlUlOW: High tide 10 07 am (ltwa) Low tide 449 pm (09m) High tide 11 22 pm (17mT
        35 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements

  • 79 29 jfcjJßV «*OI i*gJ.»fC>;l 30. *****0 15 A^rfCV'3o 330 7 00 115 MjL. DiltSilllSlS. fO/11. iJO4«U| til fStytSl F«CH A*f*»(C>/l 30 4 00 4ft S 15 Oststll^ RtfjT 7M*!fi mm n>>r 14t> SSSit) Stutl Pwtf- Pmt Tmm StMffc* day) 1 00 3 30. aitiPtii 7 00. t it (Mm* C«
    79 words
  • 58 29 OSSSSOSO TW WmH Fy li i <C)/1 30 330 7 15 9 30 (TrTfffl) JJJ* 6) Mfcre- FHliln (CVH 1 30 400 645 930 TIM SSSwO* RotHM (CVI SO. SJO, 7 00.9 00 TlwMi 9IH Wplili i fCV 1 SO. SJO. 7 IS. SJS 0 nr Tto pfJOjSj
    58 words
  • 44 29 i in OM mmm*Omm -*>•**T%jv«cvi is**». (TTTtOOT) 7 JO. SJD Uwt OK Mmlw Cmm* Waftav T\mw» (C)/i 15 315 (*****44) 7 30 9 30 iJMM C4O ItJHOw C*rt> tCk<l 15 3 15 (2O2M01) 7 15*15 soar r«w o B mvi s&ar asr--
    44 words
  • 19 29 (2*3327) O** l«Tnil|CV'3o *****0 9 30 VMM Otto' •4*NI(C)/1 30 3 30 7 00 9 30 H*****7)
    19 words
  • 28 29 mm mmmm* (CVI 15. 3 30. 7 15. 9 30 !fti)i) WAT" 0-1 mm y m M < AMx •mmt 1 346 (*****00) 4 30 9 16
    28 words
  • 141 29 Omm» fm M» t*(t)/ll 130. 400.630 915 (*****50) UT WMM »>(C>/11 1 46 4 6 45 9 15 Om 077O3O11) OM MT«« HM *i(Q/l 15 3 15 7 00 9 15 (*****70) !r7lOOC)) 4 00 6 45 9 15 jjj,,,. I(l)/11 1 30 400 6 900 |M| (*****70) IWini
    141 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 72 30 I"eARH HQ MONEY ST^SaV I-, ~,r jpjj n, u*uj7TVi r I TV* Malayan *wj**a*j o*f*ja*l I a *V*ss JJJ *JJJJJJ" TRANS- WORLD TUTORIAL COLLBQE 4w*t* tawW^aJ^Ti^^al^wL tjmx] *■—i» ——J WELCOME TO 99 NITE CLUB sth Storey Sim Urn Towox Singapore 0620 T0r1:2934e39 •To dance and be pampered by our lovely
      72 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 1088 30 Lswk (C) (r). So* was r*s home he would m»«r Sv* •ny 440 Afternoon kSaOnee Tho WHd HMD (E) •§0 Pm: To Umw t4Hj NOVO*rPUj»jaf (f whtr* *WO (h/wV fsrtogot it rtured and her hope* tor auav Bndey Lord Dr*J**h»*ii Swbee Se* M*gt*ght» Boning wth a i**pot»sd iwaonat done* nan
      1,088 words

  • tv & radio
    • 368 31 Afternoon Matinee: The Wild Heart (4.40 pm) WHEN it first ippurid 1948. the David 0 aaiaaich jaridactiai Gone te Earth, hand oa the strange Victortaa novel hy Mary Wehh, was almost laughed off the screen Set in very rural fTafland, it hi about aa un tamed Shropshire
      368 words
    • 328 31 CHANNEL 8 HIGHLIGHT Taj j Master, fpinii j, (t.30 pm) THE STORY LAST WEEK: Hal Neag was esweewd Iraai taa tewapte when be aagered Jl Seen. Kong hfhsg edvtood Wai ta leave aad laafc BAO waats ta learn martial arts from Shi but be
      328 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 589 31 tut PM Your UmUMi 1 JS T.S. A 7JS Sdanoa Rtport A edanoe mmeNewa 1.1S Voir Lunchdeto loonM) 1JS ane SiM heepe you up to do* on now Mid-day Merfcet Raport US Your Lunch- dawalcpmonta m M Mdi of moMdne. redato (conto) SJS Pwsraeono Summaiji aoarch A tochnotoqy. TMa weak,
      589 words

  • leisure
    • 480 32  -  ART GARFUNKEL SCISSORS CUT (CSS FC *****) Review by LIM SEK ARTHUR (Art) (Jarfun kel is one half of th* lam ous Samoa aad fiarfwakol dao. Hal 11 year solo canter, before their recent reunion, r waited at three feature films aad sis
      480 words
    • Article, Illustration
      46 32 LETTERS from readers on TV, radio, tarns and other subjects published in our LEISURE section wai now be published under LEISUFt EBOX Please address your letters to: The Editor. Laajurabow, The Singapore Monitor Ltd. Unit 201 A Derta House, 2 Alexandra Road. Singapore 0315.
      46 words
    • 149 32 A BIG thank you to SBC for showing the Festival of Selsnick Classics I enjoyed almost every show telecast so far ia this slot, especially The Spiral Stair case These unforgettable good old black aad white classics make staying up
      149 words
    • 126 32 THE Indian TV sect ton hat been told many timet not to show the tame artistes within such a short period, hut it looks like oar pleas have been falling oa deaf ears What is the executive producer doing about aU thai? The
      126 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 71 32 UDO: NOW SHOWING! (jrmu) i tnowt at iiswv 1 tt tot tv t t its** Pmxm Cnacif t4 A STALLS ti w* Ft** U*t Al Tickets ON SALE NOW UF TO J OAYS M ADVANCE STUOEHTS CONCESSION St Mam, 1 30 A 4pm SHOWS ££tt*^o*st^Ußßf^^ Bsa'haw JADE: 12th JOYOUS DAY!
      71 words
    • 36 32 £*****0^ 6 L OPENS THURSDAY! 1 P THEY LIVED EVERY MOMENT WITH DANGER 9 P EVERY HOt'R WTTH DEATH' V i i I a O Xs\ v Sanad Su ShN>mi X g vSC/ Nonburrn Suzuki
      36 words
    • 92 32 4} (25n^i25r?^Q O *m A SAgS 6 X m X X X g —jo A CATHAY: HURRY! LAST S DAYS! 2 A (m*4ot) SNOW* 11cm. IN, 4JO, %M ft lipm A X Nmi OXOO 04-00 X X ewit oSmeofl J V m jmymt%\rsz» mt (1 X m\ m-mx'x **< ■«**>•».*
      92 words

  • Page 33 Miscellaneous
    • 454 33 |a>l»tsre> comics sstf Vi tavo a aswawaw Utkmn to ARIES: March 11 to April 2t make and may m*c a tecood Aa uaeasy atrriospkwre is ep- opinion Conditions beyond WwslCfc COSJIO Cw)ltw)C y a a. a fc^tatvwat strata. A bttk saore '""I 1 11 A persoa of the fxoea abr
      454 words
    • 152 33 BCRQEAWT PRESTON Of THE YUKON By Dow gggSgg B* StUfHrll 'ycxrVe mar it,*e v«HiTeHonac 1 I how fa« is Het«cowTe«| r wh**w» mmm m\~X{ AL6Q COWVCT ON Tr« N«A«eOT MOUNTifI/fWO* *WUTB M»JCNa WftAO* TrT *x ¥4 1> #> LOCAtION OF THB STOLEN STATOK "2??5*' ,tL OJ B U 'I -4
      152 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 81 34 at omm I mmmm froth ie lot awttwttta OH Si*^^]^"*"" W) Him tttjattt twttttj u| OmMmS 1 Ml oWaJaTaja.,M A 3 £5 ti tttvttoto o Ttkttm n\ "Tw-ru. lliriimiMM* M) IMM AM—U. M) CmcMm »a~c*« tt) tpsfki OmOb M| OflMtrji ta** •jPM) 4*wt m IIL NrMt Ml MMMm/>MI M) cTT
      81 words
    • 426 34 I U mjW i««m >nim km vA WOb MJ I AT mi mrvci ;iinn WMM IBJ mm »<•#*•» I YA AY r.«aa irnH< TA AY WA AY c* mm WA 'AT AY WA AT MOMIKi t am t b«i fM OMM* »ti»H U M WA m ftATUMOAV •wnl am ft
      426 words
    • 120 34 OMOP AT I O 0 OiMMitarMMI VMM tT*44»M7 i*M ji 7<r*i4«*'?r L* rr»mr mmf >M*»-m ■All MM MM UfM MMM MM MMM Mr mw mm »o- t« to m Amy PiATTfIM f»CTMT AT Tmm MMf MM TMM MM H 000 m% A MM tar MM MMf. MM HOOpil n«« wmW
      120 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 152 35 IT'S SO NICE To tile walkways, carporch driveways, but sad whan constant washing of tiled areas becomes a money spending routine. Be practical and use AICHI KOSKI'S non-water absorbent, non-slippery, non-dirt absorbent heavy duty ties for perfect flooring. And save the agony of cleansing SOLE AGENT A TILING SPECIALISTS: MTEI
      152 words
    • 90 35 70 Mum Qlofjo MUT IMrtMMAITN C* mm Mt fmsm Omm 00 Car* 0«M MM mm£ !T£ Maw Mi Mi Mm MMk mm TM aoa-aitr BhTSSo. «m m«j tOOI MOT IM OLO MJOO 0A MmOMMO MU MMM ATi MOT tOO, TOM) MWOMaiM MM tO. MM T* MM Mn QMM TOM M.
      90 words
    • 268 35 fPtoiJI^MM. M wni otto**" 1 Twm OMVTO44 /1 INI NM MjBM MMM ioto tot««« Ma-MM MM Sm ttoSh T«ii mm^m**"* c:-» p-i ~w, MM*Tf AMMmX MM' "*"ioT4*ttt»J ttMO SMf |7M ••74 M«MM «T«t«MM IMt SM» Road Safety Um| r i Just Airtod kl'lilfnl "MARSUStUN" t\/7/f WWWWWWVMVv m I!■>■■! all M
      268 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 78 36 aa a\ 00 m aw* 04 mai iafaiaa TaT oaajM^^r^Mjg a 4-fOOT MMM) a aaM aMaaaari m ltd. tmi imm aaaaaaaaMßMaaa^^^^ Born to be roMtteftai |A 924 •944 atoNMlnaMl Ss^rr«Mr Wat. iaV 14. (aWVaHoTtal T* •OO* aa»4MrMr| nn aO^ssA. Oa op BA .i> •ii*tlaihtaai OMMwa mTS mm am SHCIAL OPPIII
      78 words
    • 74 36 ATTMCTMTBMtt Uf TO MX FMAMCMG jMaPTAVRonr CALL US TODAY. TEL. *****77 is« i MMte| SaMy Itotaya IM MmmmfMm— OMMi Lo>p*ijMn I Ml StMMIWI IW)«r OCK LWH CftuM Sow) ly "T 0104 elpin TJj* •ysitefstissr ssS^rs^r 1 M Nmn 1»Mii t)M11l/ 7IM144 ttt mi. MM IN rsizxst •mn^mTfSSa *J£**EJL£F vMMMmaMajrMM, PISAM
      74 words
    • 90 36 sgrtg-jfjs T> Z!§s™ jjj iffll lutjXWIMi 1171 £FbsM«»8 .Si CMIM, Qmmm w Tftn nw SmSI q£S^ A MM i"iy VVHpW V< «OT> m Am BQ9P IM I1HDB Ti M taitr Mr (I) nlaniiM •lagl«S»'l tilii'iw, I mr>Mt frtl, l Uviag pM MrHrihi wttfc (t) a. jMMMju«M I III H«> I
      90 words
    • 55 36 ii aaieaal i n aaa> iaaaai *)at oaio^rwajwi ajaaajaaj at aaPwa* \mm\ trnm' pus iS n&it^ aaa)T. ia ■SfILTI aeev SajTiTi *T«t etaS** Cat 171 IM! to paw your ad mmXmTtm^^ nr.?? i ataS iwaaami urn—ii /StMMMaC Bavahp *aa*eart T#a*w TOA4 aTaaaaa a Tajsaff& S»aaaa aaaTiaS ■asMawt •aaaaaaan haw aM»
      55 words
    • 40 36 APMSMMT Jaa^pMMT^MaaSSaL?? UMMM TMM "■SK^gU^ A Nwt mm IMiMMM ggj ni&l HMOfKXl BStSigr MtaMM M WMHI M MlfWhftiN M mi *um n MM (St M Ml a SgJ 1 s j=S3r s |TELE-dDS jrr* SESsvsS an (Mimmmmi*. 2r^sSS3r55 j&SMUBRtt jossawJMlilMK.
      40 words
    • 62 36 in Pnpiim Ptrtah aar.rsgvrs \suttuk\ snStaarSv ttzrrrszrz iM? aAA pCLTJSLu #T t m %taNWM it m w$5TCCf n m RMBtMfM M 1«| CkMM Tax r m SWMihi «M II IS t-JB% m qnmi •SiSai 4 tv~ irrtfrrrrr aarS^sT/g MkiMMIMM. w. «"> i ii i "i »i H MilMlrita. Ai i5u7ssr"
      62 words
    • 54 36 >UllWJl<liArt AFARTMENTB AND MOU«tB M o*bTb 10 11, if ft 21 OT/MIAb PLf Aftf CALL TOT-ATM. rrm. Ltd. A Bml nil- fl Ii mi mm mb-mjbb rT. TIMACI, ••■TAOM .T^mXTJLTmW AfmwMM. TM MT-4VIA MJMJMbMI «AtlT«» UH •••TVT km B^** Ml 111 t n>^i"7i'Si*iJf4ll IBM •tm.T pjffj M*4Mj. »Vll.Ml*m mm* mmm.
      54 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 227 37 Save $2100 CToOaT S Chtkbiiatt toys. SAVI lU.BJ oa thop praai BABB yaw OBBj 01 *Of tha** Mreei oo"baW% p/opt* tiso* ■ojBBQM laaaOaa Order at I tawiai Qaj 800 Thaui OailO aamat »»o»r> V%a>ddrf>oS.Otrte w/oM ItSflK iKa* k.<h aOO lOobOJ houn of tua 0> an aart* Bed Owatmai toy thoppei
      227 words
    • 83 37 kMto. m m mm aw COHPUVIR OPtIUTOOt Too AAVBfOBBf 101 O^TafrtOim l LOOTED GROUP lovrtea applications lex topcajaof OAWK CiMmV TWLXm WoQuaotrawflo 4 QOE Xy kmrnj cradw Aoabaraißßii 17 and ?5 year* AbOtty to type Attractive salary end fringe benefits ahO ba bjbbjbooj Intaraatad covaOOaaoo ara to submit their appacaoona
      83 words
    • 80 37 Employment VApJ fAI IfMAH «fMll#-M*M.IH»> a-—Pali a HI mm Mm > ao jw 7g in —au^ MB ha OatA Hit UMTEO ovuisias (A ««twUWBi Oweraeaa Bank Qrauo We ara a lar§e aad MM t yaaaV Mkaa i»m iea> ■a, SjottS V «aa» mm m *iTr?T"Mi'| T a a waaaj afaaaßol
      80 words
    • 88 37 VmmmMo M Aae M* ■te, Teepaee *eear. Meaae Peieee Oaoit a«e«ejee»m^. Tea ere !■■■■■< te ccc aar Mil ter_a» VV'Jli^^ E^c^sla,• l Wit) SLaeeai* eiu,*a ra, aaaaaa 1 rpaa) Mat) ■i?iTliH*' > l<>l> li V**4) pteflte'iiT treeajTaTal TrT.'ael'teaa IH HOTEL WJLZA UoWTO II Mi *i T'l ''TT 1 M oummi
      88 words
    • 63 37 i* uma9mmmmmwmu9mmmuam iwbMMryol urooao iiiill mmm IM J^y > J jH| P°""« a *tt*Tli»? *tm?K> a-aa* mm. Attr»ct,v* MtAfy wtduomcj throe M4tH lOftMl im] ■hw LrM 0aoojw?oj"o7oa> •*c« La* at tied* tat 7m er ntf faaai ftjrj «c t» MJliawJ im pn la AO) a* appaMeaaM TOmtO LADttl Ywarwj armraeOc
      63 words
    • 116 37 iVr arr a large and expanding manufacturing company in the plastic packaging business. Due tb our expansion. we have vacancies In both our Jurong and Kallang plants Between $325 $1000 plus good fringe benefit! Don't delay Come now for a walk-in interview or ring for an appointment T«7"707e077 3 tt
      116 words
    • 43 37 EXPANDSI "Ij A* kMB Jm iCJl|BM|iflMHfl I lHMKSHiHVvp Jhi|MBBMBBmt(i|| RKSmBKOKESSH^ .yk |ri«2iii I IWTM cowona I ITEVlT 1 0 JW* *t" 4 J >" S55Tl foOWOWA 1 PMVAT1 LNMTIO UMtlto M4U #1-14 p Mm* t,M».«1S QM QMIMM £1 nv mi SIM (fhst^ UU'CUBrtt >!SW^
      43 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 301 38 "8 hi mh I 'mm M) k«*» MM4 Mm. 1 fw i ■inmn LOO Mmmm MjMJMf a MA no kiv A AOOOJTAATT •mmXL BBj I M, f, Oornponanl Sy»l#rr, NJBJbbI ff 1 2nd MRautMf* VCR Modal MS3O3E jjj BJ 1111 3rd Mrttobrohi fWlrtoarakor mWi z —'^^^^^^^AI AJfl Mitsubishi Biue Diamond
      301 words
    • 40 38 000 *0* IAMj 'MiaptoM tabM A t-' > xj'?! > "VT IT M MM. Ci i m AC* Lmi "I 1 ,fmmm AtMie'n mum Mt n Ih Mt MM) Jmm mmmV^im'V tMAMM) MMJ MM) MMM MMIMMMMA Mn t TYPfITt miaow tiuk O^ImmTOpIS
      40 words
    • 22 38 hank imox MMMMMMAWTt* MMM It MM «f O r*MMa%Ol lattVS t«a!oofiStS —Ma f« TWOMOOMIBOiAO MIT MMAA*4mO t*tT MMMOtAWATMVA MMMMptMMMWM MMAAAMMI n«M** 4
      22 words
    • 37 38 mpioy merit WjtTMII To aaa*4 •ngwvMr ,n "••cntnt amign and to mi m mm i i m n •no rtp#tr prwJucTion rnactunat ITC in MecnaoK* wanance aapenanca Plaeßa coU pertoneiiy or wrier »nlo u« ttAttng OPMUIUw M7U44.
      37 words
    • 200 38 1 cfi3 CAATTTBO AATUjT ortwpMna *QC(OLMI »> (VP* •> 36 mm mjmm»m s naav« oo «aß»»wM»y mm** mwj I»Jb IBBJB, M||ilia> «6W|h6oßw BBTTnj MMry (3 71 00 pn MMn oarirc. M MIC OOBi j BJB I BJM aAM o« fcßßjg ■> ■TBBB) Taa *****88 MBB^Baaßßßaaawaaaaa^ "cut"" 1 THIS OUT You
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    • 10 38 tm mmtrnm—m iM« wTttJSJtL CmST mu IM tm taT*' MMaatia
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    • 107 38 pSS tY-rSrV »»<• TTT* 6m VeVnToZj •iSim.^™ I*'1*' J«lt li o/ P*»M» MMJB •■•MM* Ml tn. M-M, bM mwm Am*. TM HI MM M Mi IMS I UP. Oft AN ILECTACNICS m ltd rMjuifM PRODUCTION OPERATORS (Mide/FemaJer EMory up M $382 upon confirmation NEW SALARY SCALE 2 ROTATING SHIFTS *Up
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    • 281 39 RESULTS! FOR SPOT TNI AO CONTEST NO. MA 9 1. Hoim Husrt ■■wlno Marhkia Co w ■aa wmm w i-Mwmmt w« wiinj >v«wa ccc wmw mmwvMw 2. 1981 Suzuki 800 3. Singapore Carpet Manufacturers Pto Ltd nouM nefTtover a i nartaponauon Mnncn 5. Ski Chow Jil Poh/Nanyano, Slang PSfi Travel
      281 words
    • 399 39 Advert isettiettt CENTRAL PROVIDENT FUND ACCOUNTS OF Names el Otct*ved MBfMPJI Acceeet Ne. I. Sal ee^m Abdullah Q*****3F 1 A. Bakar Bin Said *****74Z 3 AiißiaKeSar OSIM2SH 4. Lice Teew Seat S4SM44I I TtaTaaafMiaa H34S2IG 1 Aaf Saaa Nat SS72IMS 7. TBBVsffalta. ISS4S7IC I *****451 ft Vbb 6efc Saaf *****530
      399 words

  • sports
    • 380 40  -  R.k ifH < By BJ SMITH US Selangor Turf Club coukta t have hoped for a better field when it decid ed la give extra prise money lor a feature race far Class Two Drrssks One Stayers and what a thriller it should be
      380 words
    • 407 40 WANDER rNG Eyea is the sire of Claas One sprinter Cakrawala and Stayer Pegasus and his latest ar rival, Buttons N Bow is worth fol lowing this week At Penang in October taa Robart Ng trained Buttons N Bow proved a stayer by laat
      407 words
    • 300 40  - The marathoners A special breed By GEOFFREY EU THEY My that long dis few thousand runners will be attempting to prove ulooi ■in as they take to tha 42 2 km route of tha inaugural Singa par* Marathon For many jogging and running enthusiasts the marathon will be the cul
      300 words
    • Article, Illustration
      261 40 ANTWERP. BELGIUM Caacaostovakis's Thomas Smid and Italy's Claudio Panatta advanced ta the aast rotmd ysstsrday defeating American opponents ta SBBBjBB day Of tennis action at taa first Euror* aa QuMDsjtoas' rhsmpionshlp hare Smld beat Belgian born American Pat Dupre 1-6, 64, 4 Ha will meet meet Sandy Mayor
      UPI  -  261 words
    • 288 41  -  ASIAN GAMES FOCUS O ■y SURESH NAIR as Maw Data YOUNG sprinter Harun Mundir is a confessed day-dreamer but hopes to realise the reverie be had a few nights ago when be saw himself on the 200 m winners' podium. Not on the gold medal
      288 words
    • 103 41 SINGAPORE yachtsmen ther*did admittedly excel to breezy heights wboa the Asssa ueaaae Regatta ended Ot Bom hey ever the weekend We weren t lee good ear were wa tea bad. was S,O J D J^ x m •VirnnYry af the sis yechtemeo whan they retmgeat atthe Asian
      103 words
    • 123 41 AP MEWim^Taae. THE weighUifting com aetitiee at the Aslaa wiia more recoroa sat, China emerging as unofficial champion aad ceafaaedals that will he counted la the Games total. United Mews of India reported that the Games mUtee had**deoded °UMi t only oae series of gold, silver
      AP  -  123 words
    • 48 41 Reuter NEW DELHI, Tues. INDONESIA'S fourth seeded pair of Verawaty Pajria aad Rath Da rnayanti was knocked^oot as individual events of the Asiu Gamea badmbv way yesterday Unseeded South Kore ana Van Ja Rim and Sang Hee Ym took jtjst Jimin se^*ro\asd° V
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 18 41 49 49 19 11 99 99 19 10 19 0 2 20 90 29 19 14
      18 words
    • 44 41 Mando Suico of the Philippines (right) lashes out a terrific right and to receive it at tie other end it Delawar Mohammad Dossain of Baßfriadrih The boot wai oae of the preliminary rounds hi the Asian Games Welterweight class. PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  44 words
      • 83 41 A QOOD ssaa Js herd ta hrwah r aad Jaaaas 17--year-old veteran Shigenooa hfurofuahi proved hanvneT tfSetaiT fcmrth sive seaaoa at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium The 1 Mm, SS kg strongman, who h) the oldest member in Japans Newßelhi boand contiiigeot, heavaS a record ajatastii el
        83 words
      • 65 41 SURPRISE Indian Chemical and Fertiliser EShi j oa m. aj.afc -aioari la. —las* gfo.^l MMMaTMr VMIIH taM OinfClsJiy WIU 2HaMh am protocol, too. when be was denied entry by security men at the Talkatora Pool yeaterday at tka gates gfigp he swell j giviriansi Fort ana tely tka
        65 words
      • 72 41 FRANCE PYeaideot Francois Mitterrand, on an official visit to India, was also caught by tka Aaian Games "boa Ba was gtvoaa standing ovation by the capec rty 12.000 crowd at the Indrapraetha Indoor StadYam the third largaet In the world when he witaeaeed the Asian Games badminton cham
        72 words
      • 109 41 IT IS Intaatlias galore for Indian athletes who excel in the Asian Games and a timely reminder to fthagapnri officials that the financial "carrot" ia a vital factor in the motivation for success aad higher standards The Kerala government has promised af D VsJaasnasa. erne en the
        109 words
      • 29 41 Clubbed OVERHEARD at Use Asian Games village be you think for me to slay geld oa "The way yea play. it Is a crime to play oa aay any**.
        29 words
    • 470 42  -  D#BjfW|4Tl I BS4BSffSI ifj|||| A\d%>4Aßnfld SauSalsfl Oh*J OlWll|P« I WWIrVIII nO Ww WW If II •vwUhW Infill hands down with another 20 minutes' rest ASIAN GAMES FOCUS •r SURESH NAIR CfcM. TuMdvy EVEN flat lalirailliMl Swimming Federation (Fina) president Ante Lambaea shook his head disbellevingly
      PICTURE: UPI  -  470 words
    • 86 42 AP NEW D€L>«\ Tuoedoy TWO TIME Al EMUUMi c*aaaa4ea aa* ttetr* eeeAoa Urn Swot KAw of laOoaeria WOB fjs SSt Swot ■mi otofflM I ill 111 iievowt of tlw LJOOI boot Newel's PraAoaß) Rooo 11-7. 114, while eeeeoe seeoeo ale, mmv Malay*** Foe SUA Eeeog
      AP  -  86 words
    • 424 42  -  SURESH NAIR Ntw MM, Tveedey SINGAPORE'S walkout with five other Asiaa SSfJSSSM at tha recent Asian Hockey Federation (AMP) meeting had swift rsnorcsssloai with Be fan Parveen Atif, tha controversial Pakistani her new I y elected peat as AMP vice-president yeaterday Mrs Atif said
      424 words
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    • 74 40 ff picks you up! You're exhausted Your mouth's parch- Because Staminade quenches your ad. You can do one of thro* things. thirst, at the same time replacing tha Drink lots of water or an ordinary soft glucose and body salts lost through drink, which leaves you feeling bloated strenuous activity
      74 words

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    • 202 41 i jackpoHaaJ j Cut Oiit and staphs wtth other coupons I Posting instructions appear bssow. I I Nana* Sea: J J Ace waaansfaai M.t.lC TBI: I jK i n g|d|o| I I *S L I mImIeI 3K I T CHE 2roi»4| lISS,MO I a M A R I IN I
      202 words

    • 54 43 STEP MIO MM MRT FUTURE... CITY HALL STATION: This Is s tfwwa>*ln)vwl sAsAJofi Bwlow Stswilofd Road batwaan Si ArtdWww'a Cstfisdfsl sswJ RaffWs CHy. II saw b# onn of the) two foe tha WorthABOVE re tha artists knprislon. RIGHT is a vksw of w/hwen the)
      54 words
    • 218 43  -  'I'LL SUE YOU IF PENG SIONG COLLAPSES,' COACH TELLS ORGANISERS ASIAN GAMES FOCUS tf SURESH NAIR Ii THERE was drama out of the pool during Peng Siong s golden feat as well yes terday and Singapore chef da mission Tan Eng Back and chief swimming coach
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