Singapore Monitor, 29 November 1982

Total Pages: 35
1 35 Singapore Monitor
  • 16 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR 30cenU M.C. (P) No. 19/5/82 First Edition llniiiiliii *Ml IAiO MKHKMIy, reOVflfTlOwT IVO*
    16 words
  • 34 1 ISSFSSSm of downtown mm7m^9m*SES? Tno oaon, who woo running owoy from powcomon, fflonogtod to oocopo In the orgy of looting end rock* owovsng by enbV4Cu Kirn Klon doononcOfotors. PICTURE: AP
    PICTURE: AP  -  34 words
  • 274 1  -  MPs HIT OUT AT SOME HOB RESIDENTS FOR THEIR UNNEIGHBOURLY CONDUCT By FAEZAH ISMAIL certain HDB residents ia bis aaajggggaja,l for their lack of concern for their neighbours He laid theae residents threw pieces of paper, cigarette butts water and particles of food out
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 82 1 ANOTHDI PICTURE ON PAQE 10 fjßhw TkNtMwTY IHfsWavavflL! TV AND RADIO PROGRAMMES ON PAGES 22 23 TIRED AMD BITTER TRADE HAMSTERS BLAME EACH OTHER FOR BATT FAIUBE: P9 T wo-gokj pledge by Peng Slong and other Asian Games reports: pages 33-36 WMUfi CMMMH. t PMGMMMES We would like to apologise
      82 words
    • 143 1 'DR K'S FINGERPRINTS ALL OVER US FOREIGN POLICY' W f ftl HMfITOM Om analyst, James Phi 1 lips of the CoaooMoiiTi HeriHENRY Kissinger may tag* HmmmM says His ha ye laft the Stal* Depart fkajliprkwl are all over the ment but annoyed cower Reagan plan for the Middle va ti
      143 words
    • 124 1 TM€ WOMJTB LA MANUFACTURER OF TENNIS A- V^X RACKETS I Sftrk 1 •>MM *Ml iMdmu I 9 Jp* I As always, ICB gives you the better interest rate. And prompt, courteous service at any of our branches. 6% p a 1 month (minimum $5,000) 6%% pa 3 months 6Vr% pa
      124 words

  • opinion
    • 689 2 REPRODUCED ia full below is a letter that Major Pone Sip Chee. Minister of State (Culture), chose to tend only to lit Strsiu Timet It was published ia that paper on Saturday. We extend the courtesy of our columns to the major boctoat
      689 words
    • 1129 2  -  MAJOR FONG SIP THE points so far raised In your columns on Urn rote of the arses have been useful particularly the one by Mr Chua Chuan Seah (ST, Nov 14). There were other points which I shell
      1,129 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 46 2 Big Picture! Exciting Animated V V»U" lUU Br«M Loo*, out' flPJf*- > \N> Your btacfcahfcttd cycf do— •xactiy wt>«t you My DBr\. j j Can you boat tha compalrtion? yon ftrvl pn/s'' 7 P/Z A /Yy yl K> ptaoas par ciaas Plua 4 dNwaant Hoanat oaUajofWOraat «un
      46 words
    • 55 2 HERE'S HOW YOU CAN SAVE I VALID TILL 2ND DEC 1982 I I Please redeem bearer's purchase I receipts with GIFT VOUCHEES) I of $3/- for every $20/ worth of r purchase. I MERCHANDISE ON SPECIAL OFFER i I OR DISCOUNT ARE NOT ELIGIBLE I |k FOR GIFT VOUCHERS. dj
      55 words

  • opinion / letters
    • 174 3  -  YEO TONG HAI thigipiri IMS MAJOR Fong ts right to complain about the SissSS made by some newspapers of their Renders' FoI recently wrote in defence of certsin. to me sensible sod ess who work ss cor park atten dants who were
      174 words
    • 171 3  -  LIAW ROWLAND ffJagpjsra 12J2 I WAS snooping at Yao BOB) Orchard on November 11 and boarded a taxi from there to my moor Road"* 1 I was with my niece then and took this hjoL bearing number SH 4838 driven by an Indi When
      171 words
    • 211 3 Never stand begging for that which yea have the power to MIGUEL CERVANTES. Spanish writer (1547-1616) HIGHLIGHTS In history on this date IISO Francis Drake returns from circumnavigating the globe 17SS Ferdinand IV of Naples declares war oa France and enters Rome ISSO First Japanese Diet
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 178 3 When you're choosing a Fatek Philippe, m m \W m \\\jg Eastern Watch has the time for you. W Patek Philippe watches, each a handcrafted masterpiece, have been the choice of the privileged few since 1819. Today the privilege of owning one of these timepieces W can be yours. W
      178 words

  • home
    • 274 4 In computer programme competition STUDENT computer club mem ben are being encouraged to de sign computer programmes which may be used later for teaching in schools Thills being done through a cowujutitlia nriMliii by the Science Teachers Association of Si Tt P competitioo on the
      274 words
    • 104 4 FOLK DANCING to iklMcof Night tar Valley, Meaaai Tea Peek Hwa, aad Mr Tea Teem Eng M, after eertoraaed a tola eaacc at a variety tog mrisssay af the Fearth Seator CHlseas' Week, whack beAswTshe*pTMaSnal her eta* each cay "I will go aa eaartog
      104 words
    • 179 4 JOO Chief detectives ere raiding var torn know* hideouts to look for the last a series of thefts In The man Is believed to have gooe as to hiding after his five accomplices were attested early yesterday morning by antl housebreaking plain clothes
      179 words
    • 70 4 DISCOUNTS for bulk vehicle toots wort an nosnced yesterday by eoTftfJ* Kofc Pub when he commissioned three new automat ed lines, including a diesel oat. st Vtcotnt Sta Mm Road centre. The nilfi u> .tli Companies which tend la over 11 vehicle! a month will
      70 words
    • 349 5  -  ps4^P^ TON SU FEN IF YOU want your company to achieve higher productivity and your workers to work not just harder but also mora intelli gently, convert your managers first Too rood to higher productivity must •tart from tlst chief executive s office. Workers
      349 words
    • 270 5  -  Dear a TEAMY... FTM JOE PUTTI I>EAR TEAMY. YES, of course voir friends are right when they were saying that ft seemed companies should pre pare themselves for gearing op productivity by ex ansJakeg their structure Their objectives should be the following: Simpl if y
      270 words
    • 99 5 CLEAN and hygienic food will bring hawkers more business because Singaporeans ere not just interested in filling their stomachs Dr Wan Soon Bee. Political Secretary (Prime Mm wter's Office) end MP for West Const, said yesterday thet teste itself did not
      99 words
    • 85 6 SPOTLIGHT ON YESTERDAY'S FUN RUN MORI than 2,000 paoala Hsf^B^iLai of Arts Fun Run ornnwland by tun Fadana to tha National Till Ira and back to tha Fadana In ona and a half hours. Mara ara aoma ptoturoo of tho run by CHCW YIN FOO*. LtFTi
      85 words
    • 133 6 CHANGI AJrport is to install quid 0000 systems costing $2 9 million on Mi second runway, due to be finished by IM4. The two ground instrument landing systems end distance measuring equipment are similar to those currently being used on the first runway. The
      133 words
    • 120 8  -  Pictures and story by Chew Yen Fook STAGE frig* aad ahyaess Mr a ahow to a utaral III that Hum aan wrfcrin aaaklag Us or her Mat, tmtlally M they are chtMrca, aa caackl b ike camera <arta| the Aaaaal Caarirt by paffia of the Vlrtar
      120 words
    • 239 8 Man paid for goods with bounced cheques POLICE are looking for a moo who has cheated at least seven wotl tab hated agents of goods valued at more bm tin 000 since the beginning of vaoaaaa fOOfVes wmmwrn wa The man who waa known la these
      239 words
    • 240 8 THE Industrial Technl ciaa Certificate (ITC) Courses review committee has recommended that Ust over all training rTCjrourses should If ff This is because of the demand and list signifi cant role ITT graduates pkt si wMm moot capacity far ITC courses which are con ducted
      240 words
    • 135 8  -  JULIE LIAU A GRAND-SCALE medical supplies exhibition will be held in Singapore Best jeer Medic Asia 13. still be South seat Asia's third international medical and hospital equipment exhibition It will be held at the World Trade Centre from May 23 to 26 and will
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 SALES TECHNICAL SUPPORT SPECIALISTS POLYETHYLENE RESINS Bate: Singapore A MAJOR INTERNATIONAL PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY it extending to sales and customer service capability within the Alia Pacific area This expansion, programme has createda number oi Singapore hased career openings lor seasoned personnel with specific experience in the field of polyethylene resins. g*
      318 words
    • 7 4 T V. ANTENNA PROBLEM TFI *****90 *****43
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 239 5 v >: V For the girl who has everything, sow 2 I 0 LET YOUR MAN GIVE YOU A j < PACKAGE THIS YEAR J I U Me (or youl en buy voucfw fc\ 'T Aii^n«i^^| i Ci t^n,, LL-"~ -Jii %*1 t#*CCIAL X*MAS PACKAGES V fli Cnnstmas Bonus 1
      239 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 I The incredible George a o\w9^ Holmes Ink Spots are back m \\\w*^ with their magical brand of music that has mesmerised musk lovers through the generations. Their superb vocal harmony shines through evergreens such as "Paper Doll", "Cab Driver", "Up the Lazy River Java Jive Do I Worry and
      141 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 426 7 fidelity sound goes further. Mmm mm* S?' k¥ I m\\\\\\\m --i-bSbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl m\\\\\\\m VaonwE waw*. LnnnnV aw wawawl LsannW 1 V nana! LnnnnV sH wawawawawai wawai _autwf wawawawC l^*'** The new Technics COS Portable Hi-Fi Stereo System is so L\ VTecxuucal Descdxs flight it can be earned out of the living
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 126 8 *OW jC m AwmmW mSm m BsYWasnW ■w\lP Fair and Uadianl O^/ottess Scientific skin care from Kancbo. AIR RADIAN I Beauty I "1 T 1 An exquisite ranee developed from You «r invited to a Demofwmwron an rtvAnoi lanW Lm Lnw^^^snJ speual oils .md cssemes to keep your Fair and
      126 words

  • world
    • 314 9 Conference fails to reach even diluted declaration against protectionism OTT 'IV> UPI GENEVA, Monday WORLD Trade Minis ten tired and bitter after five days of nonstop negotiation failed to reach a consensus yesterday on even a diluted dec la r a t ion to fight
      UPI  -  314 words
    • 86 9 EXPLORER Tkor Heyerdahl. braving the jungles of remote islands in the Indian Ocean, has found traces of a loot civilisation that flourished as early as 3.000 years before Columbus discovered america The Norwegian discovered aa overgrown temple to the sua god aad remains of many other
      86 words
    • 37 9 Reuter POST office officials have loot a two-year battle against letter eating malls They are to close a peat baa near Bristol after greedy gastropods slithered inside and devoured a whole batch of mail Reuter
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 150 9 UPI GENEVA, Monday US senators attending the international trade conference here said they would push for retaliatory action m the form of dumping huge American diary surpluses on world markets We will fight fire with fire, they warned. Many ministers were unhappy that
      UPI  -  150 words
    • 263 10 Strategic talks to discuss new missile plan AP BRUSSELS. Mao. NATO defence ministers will renew pledges thai week to strengthen military power in Europe, while hoping for ceaciliatory signals from new Soviet leader Yuri V An dropov At a leer day NATO •trategviuwaion
      AP  -  263 words
    • 15 10 <ii<h^l—OflMrnnwiMKIi •mreral sterol, a****ndhtewe ehwno. N woo two w/et Kiwi PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  15 words
    • 190 10 UPI ABOUT II.W fe'of solid rocket fuel npioded llkoajjjj^^ffjj^ SSnf forcllf cor^ peering Development Centre located about M km HUth net of Nashville Tie only way I could put it in layman s terms was that it was like a fourth of July
      UPI  -  190 words
    • 93 10 AP VChhCE, Monday Homo! Serosa wailed twice darhsg Oat eorty oeorsnag to worn residents of tke swawkag high tie* toot swoops tke city to Mi and winter tsjearokic Maws ss the the wooeo way. IbT I*"*" 1 OcTs^t'i*?sa*m she soreeoi are so csoee to see
      AP  -  93 words
    • 107 10 AP ■ASM tSM rMSj WMOk WITH Use heart o( a 20--year-oM sailor, a 61 year-old Frenchman yesterday quietly celebrated the 14th anniver Sol the operation has made Vim the world's longest survivor Emmanuel Vitria spent the day with close family members in Marseille The moaotachi
      AP  -  107 words
    • 442 12 LAT-WP MEW D€LHI, Monday BESTBBLLINO aatkor Harold RoOOSOS may be pleased la know that his novel, Her riafldaathil Lovers is doing s brisk bus in ass in Indian bookshops except that ha never wrote a book by that title Similarly Irving Wallace might be
      LAT-WP  -  442 words
    • 297 12 UPI PtUonM (trt Lanka). A SENIOR United State* H ll 1 ll .111 I -A J aiptomai who preiuciea an ilailiia defeat for President Junius hm to MMVf* an I fl in the first rjgfMai of an AaMrkau envoy, a leading polhsral coium First
      UPI  -  297 words
    • 29 12 HONOLULU: The MIsdhusoawUs (SSN «7) Railed Isjto Kanl Jawlllwlll Hsrboar shortly after boob ob Satara'ay. ready to serve BS a temporary devastated by Harrtate Iwa.
      29 words
    • 122 12 Reuter LONDON, Man. A ROW bat broken oat in Britain over a Japanese made video game showing babies plunging to the ground from a blazing building Angry mothers and politicians have called for the game to be withdrawn More than 200.000 have been sold in Britain Players
      Reuter  -  122 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 426 9 \m\\\ Wmk tnoremoney than I ■Tn thought!" BWawawawawaW <aSO mvssV Mm\ Everyday, more and more people are dMCOvcnng that they have more gggggggggggm jggff money than they thought. How? Save It oa ram Rrutf BBWaVawV W Then all you have to do is idl us ho* rmich v»Hi d like
      426 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 157 10 MLM Caressing Capri I I IjettiaU&toyow kmgtk M M apri You make me feel so beautiful whenever MM Wk M M you touch my hair. Yours is a gentle caressing M M M touch. With you, Icm let my heir down with ML MM confidence and express my desires to
      157 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 175 11 it Ds_ji Mm\\\Vm We ham moved I From UIC Building, 5 Shenton Way to Robina House, 1 Shenton Way. Not far in distance, but we have come a long way in providing consumer ll financial services. i Our current range of services— Current Accounts, Savings Accounts, !l Singapore Dollar Fixed
      175 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 316 12 Jl [the MulthMcxle T Circuitry Power Amp X y° ur doorway to the world of real music 'i> Jk\ la. aal Lt^imasßsnaaawaaeßaaaaaaaaaaaam Prsal [pah**-* •<•»•- la»(iW- 1 aaaaaaTl .^am MA. bit m m\ aaaaaaaaaaaaß Bsssn**^^^^llll The right hi-fi equipment at the right price... You cannot expect to make a sound
      316 words

  • business
    • 71 13 The ASEAN Commit tee oa Finance and Banking will hoM a series of training work •hops within the ASEAN regie* en secern la capital soar sets kt 1982 85 The project Is faaded by the United Natasns Divilipmiit Programme with the United Nations Cea tre far Tranoaathmal
      71 words
    • 339 13  -  RODNEY HOBSON SINGAPORE'S visible trade gap narrowed slightly last month thanks to record ex ports to Malay sia But Imports from all countries other than Malaysia wore also a record Malaysia has taken the edge off our deteriorating trade position elsewhere With exports across
      339 words
    • Update
      • 75 13 Reuter BRITISH investors who lost nearly US$3 million on the US financial fu turet markets will meet on December 4, to ratify a plan to start legal proceedings la the US against Bar he Halsey Stuart shields, a statement on behalf of the investors said. One
        Reuter  -  75 words
      • 68 13 THE Hong Kong Government sale of the second 11,404) sq metre Victoria Barracks site on Hong Kong island, originally scheduled for January, has been delayed following the withdrawal from tender of the first 10 690 sq metre site on Nov ft. The two sites
        68 words
      • 38 13 BRITISH Tourist Association s Singapore regional office will be boat in London to 37 Asian travel agents, including seven from Singapore, at the Third Annual World Travel Market at the Olympia exhibition centre this week
        38 words
    • 289 13 YEO Hian Seng Malaysia Berhad (YHS) has entered into a poadkioool pur chaae agr limit to acquire Sin Hong Co The move ia tabiact to the approval of Malay sia s Foreign Investment Committee. YHS soya it intends to use the land belonging
      289 words
    • 117 13 The Star PREMIUM Holdings has failed to get clearance from the Capital lasses Com mittee (CIO for its proposed acquisition of Yea Development (M) Sdn Bhd through a share exchange psnTfor an issue of 7.1 million nasi premium shares at $1 M per share in exchange
      The Star  -  117 words
    • 395 14 BIG THRUST INTO WORLD'S FINANCIAL AND TRADING CENTRES Star MALAYAN bank lag plans to expand Its international operation! ia Tha bank i chairman Datuk Jaf far Hussein said in his latest annual review that tha plan includes another branch to Sena Br sail It ahw
      Star  -  395 words
    • 177 14 Star LOGGING oparstioas at South east Asia Lumber J S^ l U r a yt^Fjawirß Govoj unseat. Held by Seal M per cent owned subsidiary Great Eastern Mills (GEM), the concessions wees frsese eepersotly beeases GEM has failed to comply to a new ruling to
      Star  -  177 words
    • 133 14 Star TIM AH Langat hat given three rea toot for buying a stake hi Gentinggt They are: Psrsatsag Wiltagjnr proposed that Ttmah Langat acquire the Interest toiatwhtl a rssrgtattttlnt of Kumpalan Perangsang involving the allocation of investment opportunities proposed acquisition fits in with the corporate
      Star  -  133 words
    • 346 15 Reuter TOKYO, %mt the first eexxrtar of 1M), but thss has boo. reoJhss* sxmaasd another clowd of uncertainty shoot tho yen sfx*«re directs bee sovsloposJ tho ooiotMo for ossjr. eight ioMioij toeched 147*1 TOO thSS SfOOh sod UwOBSSX SO) TSSSTSOOt Of UStl» t*nt— (Sthtt Dooiors
      Reuter  -  346 words
    • 50 15 ***r1L*Brtri Dr l Not O rprC mix Dvi 7.»<CT)NmJ Oct» ftwtatwm Dri IUmm Oct M Ootmot/Pwj* toct Ifttal NOT I SBOTjfcKtty tori lll%AMi NwH o«rr tat Dot otmwj Not ll OhJOhot* *~*~OkI Motjotj DkI-T Sw nj Oh l-t top M Ok 14 IWjOm Oh I'll TMsrhib Oh M
      50 words
    • 236 15 Reuter STERLING may weaken (urtker despite nae in UK interest rates, but muck will depend on the course of US rates and oil prices, economists snd dealers said News of a oast point uv creaae in base rata by Barclays Bank helped dollars, before j
      Reuter  -  236 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 4 13 Business Calendar: Page 15
      4 words
    • 42 13 1 BORNEO MOTORS *fv coast m inwm aulmcd note tv mtv auwi tmahmodctii 4Moov>t> > aaj co*st«o»o m U9SMXOSOSS «miM omamoswlo i»ion To»»*ron m nmm nTmntncm vfuxuscrwi* m ssn awsau nasi osatiw osaa aaw asWJI POS Ml oouxurji/*ti. sssnaj u*c«e»siwnTU ssossj m-cmomm ssaasj
      42 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 97 14 —"jf |fj >by I -^'r*fcaataaaWß^"^ jS BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER "JSJ Z' D Local favourites like Chicken Rice, fried Live Fish, Prawns. F?3F |m 6 Mcc Siam. Chinese Hor Fun. favourite Crabs and Lobsters ITZmi Ifl Noodles, Lontong Chinese dishes ala (steamed, fried or ***m fiBBBEj Bacon Eggs (or Ham carte.
      97 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 197 14 > monevvvords S S Cut out and staple with other coupons. I Poatmg instructions appear below I Aae On- NJ.I.C Til: I TT77TTT 7~ I 2..L2L A-Lit JL I 3jIM P E R I W"JJ>" >illlQ ACROSS USJftG j O. _R__ CLUf 8 BELOW I I•1 B j RIU I
      197 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 182 15 TRENDS S*V_. m\\ Am BSSSSSSSSSSVKw > SSSSSSSSSSnS \\\f' (Bj \m wm \\m anCnfl Top Row Lett Pr**sd ranSC ahtrt $17 90 Centre Waged cotton Hurt $17 90 fhgnt Silky Hebutee stun horn $19 90 r COWoW m h prtnm maOL C mm ootton shirt horn $15 90 mght Po*/eefer cotton
      182 words

  • leisure
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 51 16 Stars and Comics: Page 25 I WALLPAPER W I CARPET DISCOUNT more I Evtny ftoiti must (/of I 29th Nov 82 Saturday I 10am 6pm daily I I including Sundays I I (ample parking space) I I. JIIH I 1389 S«iroMnßoid,(S 1232) V (Opposite F,r. Bnoede Station) BJ Tel *****11/3*
      51 words
    • 46 16 ■«mSB\cMMO om" 1 lKmr,: 1141,1 to A wKSm p j except Sunday t P y fIS9K renovated and replete Sundays to Thursdays A f 3 •jTtfJLTtjHpji with wooden totem-like Public Holidays I O B 8.45 pm lam g 0 pm RSra HL unssaa saVl MiJ B^J^|ljß
      46 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 492 17 mg m- fmfj IfTil H riou,d mof Irnpoflantly.po.Mit sound tntemaf structure mmW% m-rd QPRMGmWIISSS I x-«»^--^^------->--ffffMlD I Ul llllT" I I FOUR STAR mottross. with s matrix of MO Interlinked rOgh HHIIm fjjf 1 wT»" —I I tonollo strength cod springs for better stability end so ft noes. I W•j*
      492 words

  • 1485 18 Excerpts from Newsweek article by HENRY KISSINUEH centrepiece TRI leadership change in the Sovi et Union only the fourth ISSMtB3hIssawSZ taaltles for a break thriagh toward peace la aa age aaaotisj by tho threat of nuclear catas trophe, the hope as oat and as ft necessary
    1,485 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 98 18 78 6TH INTER NATIONAL TOY. GIFT HANDICRAFT FAIR 3-7 August 1983 World Trade Centre, Singapore TOYCRAFT 83 The 6th International Toy, Gift Handicraft Faff offers you the opportunity to establish now business contacts and to promote and market your latest range of products. Exhibits include) Toys, Dolls, Gift items. Fancy
      98 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 305 18 FILLED i WITH REAL j Ist prize $4,000 A 2nd prize $500 j ze winners) mV IW consolatiosi prises oi Waddity Hsjfl pPJ m i the )fjmf y»>u won >top ofJ m 9 \\z Lw(§m) You can win a Monopoly set filled with up to *^.000 in real cash in
      305 words

  • leisure
    • 481 19 Monsieur Philippe Guerlain speaks to CATHARINE FERNANDO on the need to strive for quality in the perfume industry "ANYONE in Singapore can set up a factory and manufacture their own products, whether it is perfumes or cosmetics,'' says Monsieur Philippe Guerlain who
      481 words
    • 134 19 IT may come as a surprise to know that there are only five or six companies in the world specialising ia the extraction of scents from flowers for per fume-making In Singapore, the only local perfsapor is Dr Dadi Balsara from Perfumes of Singapore, whose la
      134 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 246 19 PLAY THE SINGAPORE MONITOR EMRTHDAY GAME n tun K> enter and Mty (or wrtMhe Snge uo« op you? antvJee See it* ujH«eeau« *mt appaar fern everyday stn east! port Monitor Brthday Game Everyday from Sunday to Saturday »#e *a pubkeh this competition Every MONTH DATE YEARS day there eel ba
      246 words

  • 113 20 t**ono) Bases IMeleJ A*ea»tC>/i 30 3 30 7 00 su (*****7) jfasssiway reo of asajsr fcyt fa 330 root is MBL n n fgyu. tso4 00 so. .it mm Pwaoiajeawaswi so.| jo. 7 00. t it lIOtOITM OaSSea Pm* mt Sawar (CVI 30 4.00. 0.4*. 010 (2*44 US) dsssse,
    113 words
  • 57 20 OMaaM TM IOMotO MaMao (Cyt 00. 3 30 7.10, 30 (*****111 TM tfMeo MaMao fCyil. 100. ft, 30 mm Jmm TM fOMafe 'Hpmn <C>/1 00. 330 70S, 000 (*****70) •MOM TM Ml I 111 WflUlll (CVI 30 3 30 7 Ift 9 30 (******0) CMJONOMM TM MftJ
    57 words
  • 66 20 (*****07) 7 JO. 000 JmMm CM Me*er Cats VMer Tkjar (CVI 40. 04ft. (*****01) 7 00. OJO fOMj, OM tsaetar C*M VMk Tfcjaw fO/1 15 3 15 PBwj 700. too Me**** CM ataetsr CM* OMar TU*w *Cy lit, 010. (*****01) 7 15 *15 MMN CM MMtaw Cat* VMM
    66 words
  • 28 20 Qarva) v^CtevMbj 1 00. 3 30. 7 00, 0 30 MiM.Hi oaM'oekael(CVi 30 3 30 7 00 •30 0******) pSSST* BUMi^" 1 oa*. otaeai(Oi 3» 700
    28 words
  • 21 20 tmVKi OaMel aotn it. OJft 71ft 000 (•■OtTt) TftftTftOO 4 Maatar Oaw* mm Oa) MM (BVIOOO, Oft*. 7JO (*****00)
    21 words
  • 131 20 (33^0760) U TwMMla (CVn 1 45 400 9 46. 916 qmm mmrnm r mm** m,* oo 700 91s (*****01) •Mi UTt**JtfS(C>/1 15 3 15 7 00 9 15 IHhj tJaasSß TtOJSJ (t >/1 45 400 6 46. •15 0Ms»»tOIVll 1 30 400 630 »00 »■»*•*■•■*■■>■" (on/ii i 46 415
    131 words
  • leisure
    • Diary
      • 218 20 GIRL PIPER TRAINING ATTENTION ail young ladies' If you are between tke ages of of 14 and 21. able to read music and can play musical .nstru menu, you are Invited in apply lor training aa a girl piper Free training will be given in the areas
        218 words
      • 103 20 PA YOUTH CANOE CAMP IF YOU are a member of PA Youth Ml I If 111, do join the youth canoe camp at Paair Mi Holi SVn^nSke*" 1 avTXwSVSJo? caS 44*5222 PA CHILDREN'S CAMP IF YOU are betweea age Sub^UmTVa^ Ho4May Cotaaaaa from laaT* •ore huot, tabulated
        103 words
      • 29 20 TODAY: Hlf> tik tU im Lft tide 4.11 pm jfr tide It 11 pm TOMORROW JH tide 10 07 am Low tide 446 pm Hlfh tide 11.21 pm (l.Tm)
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      • 140 20 ON MINIATURE ART: AN sanitation of M miniatures by Dcvi Twnynakl, the world renowned Parisian miniaturist is now on at Alliance r>sea?essa Art Gallery SH to be the Prince of Miniatures Mr Tuszynski s works enjoy a place of honour in famous museums and private collections all over the
        140 words
      • 104 20 LADIES NIGHT LADIES Night at My Place every Monday Free first drink for ladies Non-members are also welcome to attend CHILDREN'S ART AND CRAFTS WINNING aad meritorious entries of tke DBS Bank mildjaa Art aad Crafts CotnaoUtioa IM2 is bow on dfcwaVay at the first floor
        104 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 80 20 At New gMM Master Awning Co., A»*9**Ma«ii7 you'll find the magic touch of Luxaflex I Luxattex slimline bunds Just like magic you can I New MttssY A Wiling Co let in the light or keep it out totally And when they «sg*«P"l 34 _c vaughsn Read are drawn they disappear
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    • 38 21 In"" Thoi Mairaal Qffloo Tjf jMiwTitor Slofsiitly mads to thm hijlioot poi'flocllon for all offloo 19" Carriage (49cm) S$59OA Electnc Model 19" also available CHpmpion EX mmsTSwm ssr ni ltd *-'——i ii ■iati i am vk i»iiM<u >n
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 730 21 Tv Amm\m\\\ \\m 300 Optwtwy Filuid By On The Water *om res grand-deughter and har hence PannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnTaTaTaa trent (C) (r). beceuee of hm poor heart oondMon. ha J^cilaas 1 1 *(Mr* dtMMar Mot> <*<«> asnnnnnlßnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnH egejnat «4derneee coW and darfcneea In MmM a m o JK an aftorl to save
      730 words

  • tv & radio
    • 154 22 CHANNEL 5 HIGHLIGHTS Bsntang Uftdengen: Suearman (7.50 pin) HE hi billed as one of Malaysia i faat riaing Sudirman Haji Arshad admitted in a recent interview that his work Lakes up a k* of But he still manages to find are Talentime
      154 words
    • 279 22 CHANNEL 8 HIGHLIGHTS Metro Oott WNL Ch 8. 7 OS pm. SINGAPOREANS who are interested ia the Mam Rapid Trsnsit lystem should watch this documentary programme It features tke underground ■j st mi 1 ta Rotterdam. More than half a million people travel in and
      279 words
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 583 22 12N m Prooramma 12NPM Your Li*whdata 1N Nawa 1.IB Your LunohSummary (CAE) 11N data (comd) 1N MkMy Markat Raport IN Your CompOMrt And WrNnga: urohdaia (oontd) LN Piugnnwn Summary totowad 1 iarfca: HaroW to Italy by On Tha Houaa AN Nawa-ln-Brtaf AN On Tha Houaa 2EJ| 8 5!2I!I 00 A
      583 words

  • 309 23  -  ONLY OOOO6YC Trew»u Ldsi■■meefß I rwy iiUeMiy Phßßpe *****01 RECORDS leisure Review by LIM SEK THIS record marks a triumph for Use local music industry Although the Kjor hails from Taiwan, the ma of tke prodartioa tram, tnclud i maoirlßßO aad singer are
    309 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 109 23 9 (7370*80) 4 8M0W0: 1.38, 4JB, f.JO A l.llsw* 6 Or- •»T03j30 OCIAOO norit —j X ilrtlllMlW'lMll O 0010b% Ittß DAY! lm POWtiVUL Ono A A o*7ll*o RRRRk Its*. IRiRUII tile» X X m L x X 8t IIRR>UM 9MM t>OWt O»CY 9 X r" (NtTROtfO OilaoB ROIOi J V
      109 words
    • 182 23 do you WrtTLe see? What you harvo to do I T1 us in not mom Ihon 80 words r\ your own I handwriting wtwro you would MOJO OR E T whet Hj oro tW dangers ho would hove to look out tor Sond In your errtry togothor wBJh tho coupon
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    • 82 23 LIDO: NOW SHOWING! (737*414) I OHOWt al How, IJA, 4JA, 144 A Alto* Mom: COCU 14 A AT ALIO AO No Pioe Uot Al TktwOl ON AALf NOW UO TO 3 DATA 01 ADVANCI STUOENTB CONCESSION at 1 lorn. 1 30 A 4pm SHOWS OrojßASgi^^jJW^ jgmsßmmmfMM Win (I) KUVwAHARA 'EX'JBMX
      82 words

  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 278 24 leisure comics I I SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON By Don Shsfwood and Stan jSjgel (55 NAeaT» S5 NAMun, •W*J«ANT MY I falO>nT...fauT Th* fOr» > I KcX»« MONCY 5 ALlV•OOO V vZ~ aaaan) 1 MfimieNO ano r cam* up rie«e from wohkin© tmp trcnolc J ©one «o*v >t motivC,
      278 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 87 25 n ■> mi I t~*l7m 4 liliMiMXmliriwii si asar 11) iMuty *MN nj c^Onnb^^^ NMM si s=rr~ WNrOj*> SjfarlWa M) SoNjhWQMNW, ONrft* 9mmm ssr vi noubnvo a vaasm 5 ftpNwXwJB 111 Ml Ca»»*Nft*> 88?"* W m wL ta" w> Niii oaw o— mm Nrftß* Ml aWJWJNNMW Pmru m S! omw
      87 words
    • 85 25 273-9090 f W LJ rsu ftaavcs irvasni Will I -*W i* cm Bjm fl AW BBftjSSaNI I m v *'*»**< w m §M Wt i m mVm jm > aW woww awSlFv?^ 0W«I taNMNMW M. -.'3*' W «iot, J SATgBOAT p~ vasanasn > ..*sa. saY .jsssansV get tr ro S
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    • 50 25 saw sea] ewe *m*x m e» mm mH mwtmmm. wmmm tm fe**«* L«4 mm I Jug WW>J BMW *5S see VJT*?ae'^m, 1 rmti Feae«es. < OATA iMM NO (JUNCTION OP <M VLANQ 00 ft Mfft IJOAfI 001 10 JJJTjw 0001 OKT UN OMM. OM T«NaWN«ONftw!lW^^ ta iiim ftftoa aa po»
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    • 62 25 yyjf|?a mm^n* TT mmX inm*Z*m* Cmt «ai aaif 00 IrtlHli JNpm/ fttaNTaftaaSftw) t|LJ|l |waaaaAw<N c£2 aCZT** >oto aar aoow aaVaoaa a^ftaawl VOWV TAN. m ow wo aaw a v aao) rmm mm jSmm aoW oiatt wiaj Vvn &w. la-i oaaw. T* Mtraaa. (him rat i mVm M ftv^^STw ftfta ■Ulna
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    • 136 25 Unsecured personal loans iff) to Loans from $5,000 to $30,000. Up to 36 montho to repay. 7% p a discounted 6%% p a if you have an account with the UOB Group for over a year. Contact our Personal Banking Dept. at Tel: *****8 or *****5 ext. 5300/5301/5302 for further
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    • 88 25 •TaTm mm a» t' >y«•< atai Ma J£J2££^ raaVwTa m mm PUiTTtt OAtTttJV AT Taaa mmmm M*« T«ttf <« «oi M* 1 I WlJl to* tfM i»Ol>r| •mm pkMM mm tnnrt m. amv fXATim y*«T—v. (THi.iii a—) C ajS PR r«t tTJBW »aeT»«T /aiaTTaa^tv tlHtjM *IlJ*l m— mmwm\ Cm* irairar
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 139 26 I IT'S SO NICE To Ho walkways, cjypofch driveways, bat sad when constant washing of Had areas becomes a money spenoing routine. Be practical and use AICHI KOCKI'S non-water absorbent, non-slippery, non-dirt absorbent heavy duty taaa for perfect fkxxing. And save the agony of cleansing SOLE AGENT A TILING SPECIAUSTS:
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    • 12 26 g INDIA #TfflNf VmmW Mm mm* Live in a 1 |$3090| 23*5
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    • 84 26 SB M Owe P%r %mnm WWJ MWM <MT, y^MMn MM Mj MM »»woa MM* Tak MV4M7 'Ta^'lM-MBS. •Ml MAT ifC fM. i«m* c.o MrfMuno M4A. MMMMI *Ti mmmCmmmmmm< mit im. mm jmjtmmtm) Q«»< l»i >■■!■■>> Mm of IMM MM: ImJm ,lM SJ. SS, »m T#4 M M.MM T«t mMH Rmtmm
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    • 179 26 Tan lM 111 l VmjMjlKjH MM '•*>• irT* ■ff^inMin' •mi mt*m Mm FREE ADS! Under $40 Bargains Coßumn If you have ANYTHING which you don't urn anymore, and it's worth $40 or Icaa. wall giva you a four Km advertiaement PRKK in the UNDER $40 BARGAINS column of Tm Singapore
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    • 50 26 SHINE! SHINE! SHINE! iV f TOUR CAR A N» to SHiNI WE ARE MOBILE Ctll now *****J8 ».,r ippi.,nlmrnl lUHrrt4 111 ultimtill r Road Safety UeoP Juat Arrived "MARSUSHIN" HejwTvete r Soto agent for Japen MARSUSHIN KIN SAJ TtAOWG J?I. lIP. rat waaSTSSaia L aeweai J TELE-fIDS Lev coat fee
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    • 48 26 Ithetyoru/sI i greatest i i name in i I SHOCK I ABSORBERS| I Sweat 0 smm mm I H UjAtMy tomtofl iMd H I •MMJtlMtl Cf iMMOMt I 0 Partif miki SalM aw I al aam a* c«t aa) I H Mfevcvdn mJ H I irtifws I W
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    • 86 27 •■•■"ioaeaaoMMMo oa a\fte*aoofttafcatfaoaam WlWweWTf nafffwfl m ltd. TIL: ******4 Bom to be restless.A 924 Etc] 928 W£/ 830 944 MUMS cornum 11« L eaaaaa* aaaawna kNN SMeatMreo/ia Tat aaVal 230. a 14, OaaaaO raw uaaaiOaaaTaaaaNaaal Tai aoMan It^ro^^gp^tear ••aa»- aa* >»— -i MktM 11» mt «aaß aa a«a» SMCIAL OfFIU
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    • 93 27 ATTMCTIVf TERMS UP TO 10% FINANCING fwaWT A EFfCKNT CALL LIS TODAY TEL. *****77 JSLJ twaee cmmnm aaak«a Cwaaiakan I Mi waim imtwm ocaccana* CHaMSaaM SMo*v«ot(M aJBiaSJjgL Saaaata^aT elpin ••>•• I a aoric. 14 ■—I lonHoo 230-3111/ 737-1144 Ifl IWi tar aa Hoar ar a ear, al a very 900
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    • 128 27 tm at mm** mm* mm N» tW| Jmm re*ete« t»t im *"*iiVrt* ji l*li' rTj*nLm r aa TeT jgr »1H vaarraa u«M i.ccc c.c OH ifti. Oaaaaai mlmmm mm ustear n» tare m atst 100 ''XJlj;' > mi TO lot oo looter toooc (I) km nil I*™ lifted »ingle ■Mil
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    • 126 27 ■tS Ul MMMM mtHJmUX •aaatifal I i i aMMM MaMa. *a» MaMM M M MO 01'Mf* p"M)rll»JfiW M wm% w mm m i PUmV MM to o, i*. Mitt. ■Nana, laaaa QaMa* OraaaMa* £a* £X pa mi •< MM Mb Laaa /Tyaaa RaaM •MMM May Tan Taat Taaaa. Imm »ar»
      126 words
    • 63 27 •MTMCT UMBMKM TOMMM A O omttftjfty ffc*ft>(#>fc>##J S >a» I liM mm i ■HH mm raaM aM Oaa M UHBBmirfikT* twafwwi mot. rm PnmUtUt H inn mTLrnvmrn* MM) NimZmlii n MM a*. M 4XOO AMM)MAM #f «M» CM»Mxa OM mm mm mmm mmm pmmmmm MM hMTMMpWM TJELE-£DS > iii»ur| tA
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    • 110 27 IN >i ■pilAj PMT tjMM IMAM NMMMMM Nm\AnT 1 mCT JTm 5 MMMMr"* II Smmmm mmm* •••'•lis Wi# WitDfJ #t ■>44V VmnmmVJMl mmKUI TOWVII 0T 90 •••MS LMMBfNBB MOT IM ÜbßmmmawM n SM ■•9mE N NS) ImMaj m) N 1M (aa CMM T«. 1 if Jm mmm MMJ 1? MB
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    • 90 27 ■MA MUU. IST ATI aMMa^V^^ "wajili? rnS maT mmm gT *y i <^J1 1 IMb n IMOOMC A4AM APARTMENTS AND HOUSES M WSTS NX 11. is A tl. ommwm please call 7J7-D7AA. AHOTICLO RCALTY m. LTD. rirwrrwij" %mV iii i SSS ISTI PM. A IM.i M» rCS *»M« 'KIIU fffs
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 245 28 Save $22.00 on your chiefs Oiristmas toys. SAVt lU.OO on vhop piKn whan you wnd m lor I haw ■rail often trom tha Singapore Monrlor Oder al J garwai and tava Thew taattaj |im from Waddmmora will thrill the k«h aan enrteM hourt at lun Br an early bad C
      245 words
    • 124 28 taM»M I *o» MM COMPUTER OPERATORS Tway ahaaM) ataa aaaaaa* aa«MWMa. Iw MM la aa% aa> i 'mli'l ■TMH l t ptlirf Tab ABnrtJiir 201 «V Of LTA HOUSE 2, aUfIAHPRA ROAD S PORE 0319 > t ft UNITED OVERSEAS BANK GROUP invites applications kx the posts of BANK CLERK/
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    • 86 28 I X* VAN tAI f IMfW N mm MM Mm mmm. DM a Mfc tar MM MJf ImMmmOwMj AMMy ta tjjpjpi in InmmUt Mwte>» MM a otmi Clabb J tJnvWeSJ ataaTeatfte^SML*" 1 m »t»Mi m. ll M|M d Iggan ill III! UNITED OVERSEAS LAMO UMiTfD Overaeaa lank Group We ar«
      86 words
    • 159 28 Employment MTUC atalcawv* nvN* 1| atone wa— Vaaanetea al *»a ato KM), T in|oni r>aga< Manna Pafada. •ebM MarabJlMaer and Karat saiaa assistants Vacantia* at An« Ma Urtf t anyona aad Too ■oota aafary e« aa ssoi aad apsa ooaatoaaaaa a raaraSWf rata, areea aaaary *aa ba afjamWßK Vau ana
      159 words
    • 95 28 wbwtory Of Ltnrwd O HUM Btnk iw "a poat al Apaacartts must poisMt a Caste M dnvrng easrwe and •nooio now* at toaat two years' driving aiporianca Thay trtouK) ba abb) to ipaah afMj undarVaral vmp* fng Tha tuooaaatm candtoaasa aa aNhar ba aaaajnad to a com awn car pool
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    • 140 28 hV arc ci /tfrgi' a/iJ expanding manufacturing company in the plastic packaging business. Due to our expansion. we have vacancies in both our Jurong and Kallang plants. LpnNtf& Between $325 $1000 plus good fringe benefits Don't delay. Come now for a walk-in interview or ring for an appointment Lew* a?
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    • 61 28 EXPfINDSI Ai result, mm have NEW PAY RATES It you ara looting tor SwaSpJle^^ $401 $461 $Stl pp»tvwv ItJBIIJMj lIIIHIMI. (TlSttT IkAt pm) 3rd thift <Fleml) tJMI TH-COHONA •RtVATt LIMITEO 7 Badea oeush Rotd ft-pf l" 1040 Tal: *****1 JJJI** 11.41.» OR (Hem ll) ■RIVATI LR4ITIO Unrt Me 01-01
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 309 29 WrnXmrnX mm* m hmmm Ml mm ml AaaMMk. ta* 1 r—' IMinnil LCXa nil i i mmmm dca xr tmmmt m i ilwlo i IrAWi Sri* Vtb mmm mm mm tW« kM Ml p laJT.Maaia.aaW B^2jjraßji9ava >JUa Ist Mitaobrehi Ht-Fi Component System VCR Modal HS3O3C 3rd Mitsubishi Refrigerator P'M*™"**' W
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    • 31 29 W ft* >■. Hill Vtt I i iitpi m *rm*m AWWIILiI n l itiTti^r 111 <Ma> JMa> mum*j m mam '""■""'i ,rl ixicunvi MCRjrr#Jutt tTiMOS TTHtTI TOJMtONI/ TILIX OPCftATOftS MY PUNCNtRf DRIVERS
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    • 26 29 RAMK XEROX mmm »t pM* 1 mmttmrn* mm Tlfcf> t4tof| mmmmmmmm wm mm mmmmt mmmm mmt IMM ••ff mw mmmm mmmMmmmmmj tM ■■■■Tftftfiii^ai Will KM f.
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    • 42 29 Employment 1 o aaaax vnyrrwv in rnocrwnr* doasgn and to rraxntarn and mpatf pr eduction rnachmat iTC.nrViachanica. Crsjpnaajring or NTC 2 H-al— M ofl **#o*wf4»f%oWX# Fliwp Ml potoowo»j or m-rto ,n so ua statinf salary 00p«X«jd and cc^^naa^^^^ -a •Ul TWJFttOIOI )37-fM4.
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    • 211 29 Ommwmt mmammm Hmmmi tnanano* m toPBW PPM** .ianTn act O LM mm, to lypa M mmm mm id partem, I rowan* CJIfLVv *»'2 oo pra OarOsWVATION CUM S VtpfiSTu ■> .SLtfr^^ MM ■PSnaTS wq on Marten) om«M aya ?aa3^ C«pananoa m rapranna arte •wasaanarma of oararOupra Otetera and aoaMOPO-S «m
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    • 9 29 woamanai ri'^TuV'Tr'Tsi' 1 CAIA MMIM wT* mm hdaaaa Ca
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    • 69 29 wf&m EUROPfAM rtjquirtM PRODUCTION OPERATORS (Male Female, Salary up ta $382 NEW SALARY SCALE 2 ROTATING SHIFTS *Up tO 2 mcrrjmsntt a yaar 'Shift Aiiowanea Attandanca Soout Productivity I oc#nt iv# Seniority Allowanca •NO SCOfC WORK •NO NIGHT SHIFT THOSf BETWEEN 14 AMD tg YEA'S A*E ALSO WELCOME TO APPLY.
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 177 30 We have all the help you r**jd For Competent Staff on a long or short term boom. OFFICE SERVICES Secretaries Typists Telex Operators Accounts Clerks Book keepers Drivers Receptions Office Boys. SALES DIVISION Product Demonstrators Leaflets Distributors E*rsl)raon/(k>nfoiaax* hostess SsJso Promoters COMPUTER DIVISION Programmers. Oats Procoaaiog Clerks Data Librarians. Computer
      177 words
    • 267 30 RESULTS! FOR SPOT THI AD CONTEST NO. MAO norrj nusji ot mojcninoj 3. SW>QopofOj Carpet Manufacturers Pto) Ltd 4. Hooeo R—novoK 4 Tranooortßtton Sorvicee 5. Son Chow Jft Poh/Newiyang Slang Pro Travei S Safe Travsl Tho winner io: M4oo Iran* Kum (l/C *****51 /A) WIN $200 I WHEN YOU SPOT
      267 words
    • 418 30 Advert isetnent 'CENTRAL PROVIDENT FUND ACCOUNTS OF heme* af Oecetted Members Act own t He. I. Abdul Roshtd Bin Abdulleft *****63F 1 A Bokor Bin Said *****742 3 AjißinKader *****26H 4. Liau Tsow Song *****441 6, TanTtonfHian *****21G 6 Ant Soon Hot *****508 7. TonYonfSoi *****71 C Sng Sor Moo|
      418 words

  • sports
    • 274 31  -  By B J SMITH KUALA Lumpur trainer Kitooa Leong proved that locally trained horses have aa advantage at Jalaa Aatpaag by saddling winners with his two horses entered for t he meeting Outsider Sayang Sayang won Kace Five and earned o promotion
      274 words
    • 196 31  - Worthy Cup final but where are the fans? TTONG BAHRU 3 f7 DYNAMO* 2 (after •t GEOFFREY EU worthy of Cm flul complete will good teases' eitra time, aad with the wmahag gaal scored hy Tseng Bahra hast Far rer Part Dyaamea J 2 m the fheal a< the Presi
      196 words
    • 611 31 FIRST: *****0 <*2.i7t) SECOND: *****0 (It.ow) THIRDi *****5 <S*4S) STARTERS (Mi aach): *****7 *****3 *****6 *****9 *****3 *****3 *****0 *****9 *****0 *****6 *****6 CONSOLATION: (S4S *****9 *****3 *****6 *****2 *****6 *****0 *****1 *****9 *****2 *****4 RACE 1 tXamwl-ttßta II AmmCOart It Urw <•) I I I t Oiliml
      611 words
    • 434 31 AJAX AND REAL ARE ALSO BEATEN LEAGUE champions Ju ventua stumbled to a hu miliating 2 0 defeat at Aacoli pa t day of sum pickings for the top teams la the Italian Soc COT First Division The Turin side s feared strikers World Cup hero Poolo Rossi,
      434 words
    • 294 32  -  ASIAN GAMES FOCUSe By SURESH HAIR Mstw DfUt, Msssaay XT the Indiana mm carried Belgium referee A B Fo«k« for lap of honour. Ilka they did their Australian coach Joan Bird after v eater Bay's sensational 17 glaß waterpolo at least, the a* ers^faaa*at*^Talka
      294 words
    • 153 32 MEW OfLrt, htondey SINGAPORE long distance chssaaaaa Kandaaamy Jayamani, who arrived here oa November 11, will have a long distance holiday hi tha Indian capital and will take to the Otymprene track at the Jawaaarlal Neare Stadi tries for the 1.400 m,
      153 words
    • 345 32 PETER LEW SPECIAL FOR MONIIOk ARNE added the IM2 World •hIS to^^le^ l won°m W7 in London It waa well deserved because Stroern had done his homework well He had come hare a fall week before the start to study the Lanes and has
      345 words
    • 231 32  -  By SURESH HAIR PAKISTANIS Befum election ci an Anan Hockey rtawoOaa vice president sparked a wal mw yemaruay oy sii wonaea s aaaocintioau, hv eluding Singapore s last night said she has decided to resign Singapore Women Heckey Association CtaatihUlaysia India. Japan, South Korea
      231 words
    • 66 32 DISCO WINNING CUSTOMERS AT LAST UPI MsTW rjCLrt, ssondsy THE snsraSeri el tae previously al save aaalhr tawed eat tew ss get tae MB jsa| adeaas- lee, bat we eeoikssed It aad aew we re getting pnpli," Mr ferri Henil. who raaa tae StadSa 2t easro. said east, deeps* Ska
      UPI  -  66 words
    • 333 34 INDONESIANS GO DOWN FIGHTING ASIAN GAMES FOCUS O Reuter UPI NEW DELHI, Met). CHINA yesterday confirmed Its world superiority in badminton with s thrilling 5 2 victory over Indonesia to take tke Asian Games bad mm ton men's team medal. But la a match lasting last
      Reuter & UPI  -  333 words
    • 233 34 UPI NEW DELHI, tSondey ASIAN Games veterans took over from youth in the athletics events hare ■MMMM with a Japanese hammer thrower winning his fourth gold medal hi career speaasag M years Winners of the men's 100 metres daah and 400 metres hur letes hath competing
      UPI; PICTURE: UPI  -  233 words
    • 117 34 UPI NEW DELHI, Mon. AT least two of India's 22 state governments are offering a $10,000 (SI21O00) cash award to aay athlete from their state to win a gold medal at the ninth Asian Games Tke south-western coastal state of Kerala was
      UPI  -  117 words
      • 120 34 HONG KONG'S boxers have earned the title of tke unlackiest team at tke Asian Osaaas Their coach Julian Coelho told reporters It was originally planned to send three boxers to the Games needier, before the seam left Hoag Kong one boxer broke his arm hi
        120 words
      • 66 34 SOUTH and North Korea made tare of a fistful of mertahi aa taey stormed through tke quarter final boats of tke Asian Games he/ffng competition Four South Korean boxers who won through to the eemi finals and assured at least bronse medals were Kwon Chae 0 (flyweight
        66 words
      • 75 34 SAUDI Arabia edged oat United Arab Emirates 24-22 hi a kaealy-foaght match to finish la the fifth place in the handball championships It was a ckea battle till the last few minutes as the two teams chased each ether to 24-24. Bat tha Saudis than burst ahead
        75 words
      • 65 34 Reuter CHINA'S giant kilter Liv Sbuhua yes second seeded Lee Woo Ryong* of South Korea, stunned the home crowd with a 7-1, f-1 win over Vasudevan in the quarter final. The Indian waa Only two of the top four aeeds made it to the eemi finals Topaeeded Nandan
        Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 58 31 tOT#» WOTTta/i fM\%%\ WM ABar aN, a wormni goat V swing owtsrantfooma Lm man's owing Tha* body dyr>afnics. owing opoad SB and powor dtffar dramatically That's why T| Butterfty clubs ara drffarant from a man's club bsbbbb^BwbbV oasomm a«W fif—m Sj»ST SHQeWNO ctwrwt jjBLj *m*£a* m mM mf* rS. "rvaaaTrj/tesa
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    • 1 31 KMMM||^HH
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 204 32 Quaßty jogpors for action foot Study the design Fee) the Ttiasstsimany tiuOL tiMi njl ijuiitulej nuJi rnsssraj Check the quality uppers tStfDresSie wef in hurrnj oonrJbons Senas ii sasty saieeasf Res disced wan good quaSv suede leafier around ewessanat *a* can aeta V few 108 caps tor ntjraaon r^ yen
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 792 33 When the 'Wheel' turns, where wUI it stop tor you? Lea Vegas? Monte Carlo? Hong long? BHennessy kvAA v art** l»> Inj sss sssssenseeeeesssssssssm 1 saT^^saanssaan the turn of the TVheel tfptf RQP^ He«inee*y otters you a BBBJBJ|3 Tke Draw oncs>-ln-a- llietixne chcmce to w/ln m saaaY Howinorb l^l l4
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 29 34 mm\\ \\W ky/ In attractive colours ,lts both h,m and hef !S at reasonable prices mmm %y (ight jnU) byfjga* Sot* Agent. Htmk Plus Four F (Pit) Lid. JUf^l^km
      29 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 526 35  -  As he qualifies for two events with effortless ease ASIAN GAMES FOCUSO SURESH HAIR In Ntw MM 111 GOING to win two golds, were the Sis words Ang Peng Stone said at the Tal katore Pool altar he hardly raised a sweat in qualifying far
      526 words
    • 5 35 gr I j
      5 words
    • 24 35 Poor IwlsvwaweJ rote S port of waterpok) bronze P33 China emerge srtuttte champs P35 Field day tor veteran athletes P36
      24 words
    • 188 35 WATERPOLO Har Aug Guan Hin had a wonderful aaaTgWl at the Asian Games village jSStwßni that he waa a father Thnlled by the news he has decided to pack his bags and return borne to join his family immediately after tae thsrej-placsag natch sgshsat laasa. SINGAPORE soccer referee
      188 words
    • 84 35 UPI NEW DELHI, Monday AN ANGRY Iranian footballer yesterday attacked the Indian referee aad laiared aim la a quarter final aoccer match of the ninth Asian Games. Tae incident occarred a hen referee Melvyn Please blew the final whistle to a hotly contested match which Iran
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    • 44 35 SPREAD AROUND THEO*EAMYGOODNE& OFKERKW3OLD ,*lv*V»^* a ss»ssssssß MB Bs BBBbWSmooth and delicious. mm\\m^ Kerrytmld pure Irish /2m\\\\^^ butter spreads easily and (m*il4*m^*^ retains that fresh, smooth vJ^^^^J^WLJ^J^IJW. taste of only the highest quality butter. GENERAL FOOD CORPN FTELTD. i niiiiiiiifTiwiM nbsjasjiw ii sWi rnnnni
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