Singapore Monitor, 25 November 1982, Afternoon Edition

Total Pages: 35
1 35 Singapore Monitor
  • 11 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR M.C(P)*X t«W2 Thursday, Nov*!*** 25, 1982 k2 A%vtic#ntt
    11 words
  • 145 1  -  INSIDE: YOUR 12-PAGE KIN VI DAI PULLOUT ■r TOH SU FEN COtajTRUCriON brahahbj will come ender yaa^rwhoa^ 255 Tah'cawea* piiWUwlaU roaajeea that anaa^aaaaakwaheaeB 1 oaaoadl rui t a Ok ■in Ml CT*-*** eaaVMvOTl W ClwV 41 rrihVg tea £1 ■bmßt oa'tte H> aaa^T
    145 words
  • 18 1 4b minute wrangle at the U\ o*cr one »vord Reuter UWmP NATOta*, Theaiwnj v9vkTvl aaVwT* r^hgerta^
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 68 1 OUR Tmtt-M CWpynw* wm twimwd ojSh moe* own renders last weak. I nana were from eager perttclpenti taking part In the nrst Spot The Ad oontset. We raoatvad 5,647 Al tw perttespents had to do was anawer •we quaatJons tat on the Tata-Ads appearing
    68 words
  • 19 1 Reuter A MAgprrWATl m Budfj, &»*s j* w% ate Www) Snejaniy. §wH *lS»wfgi
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • opinion / letters
    • 367 2 I HEAR that since tha Orchid Inn chMtjait its name to Novotai X hat had tome problems with people calling by tele phone, especially Japanese visitors. A typical conversation goes like Uus: Operator (cheerfully): Hello Novotel Caller (politely): No hotel* So worry Caller promptly hangs up. 000 A
      367 words
    • 111 2  -  PETER SIM CHENG KHOON For OMMMMT ol 1»- "PERPLEXED" fTtsgs sere Msssssr, Nov It) wants to retain G for ground floor in tae nambering of hit office The new vertical numbering system it based aa a standard numbering of storeys la a building Tae
      111 words
    • 224 2 AUTHORITIES SHOULD CRACK CXSWN ON ANG TENG* CALL GIRLS I READ with interest Mrs Jill Campbell s letter iSeagvoore Asonifer, Afloe 20) and agree with her comment that someone should do something to stop the illegal immoral business
      224 words
    • 249 3  -  TEO ENG NEO (MISS) *S4nf«por« Ha—< i' *—rHri WE REFER to "Irate Custom er's" latter ffttaeswor* asnannr, haw 10L Savers Plus is the first snd only savings acceant that pays interest oa daily balances unlike other fy Baseness Like all ether ssvtags
      249 words
    • 319 3  -  C C HO Singapore SJI4 THE ■aaapirs Baa Ser vice is coaatantly Mying it will Ms aad' assar larTaa>S£ Beaters. nacewiiy. nowever. i witnessed aa iacideet a hick makes me wonder If the message has Mtereo oown to aaa driven One
      319 words
    • 114 3  -  TOH CHAI KEONG Whppnw 1438 I REFER to too letter "Give me a chance, pleads of feebler fa*eaaeere awjratar. Mac 22) by Petty Of "Petty Offender need aat worry that he might lose his )ob If hit boas finda oat about lv* prevtoea CID record All he
      114 words
    • 181 3 AQNEB DE MILLE. US CHOREOGRAPHER (1908-) TODAY hi Tharaday. November 25th, tha Stfth day af 1982 There are 24 days left la the year. r#OMLIOMTB la history oa this date: 1750 British forces capture Sen egal. 1871 Britain hays 176.602 shares la aaaa Canal from Khedive
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 78 2 snunani I AQWtWgWgWgWgWgWgWgWgWgWgWgWgWg ?no 5 aSSs n One good name V\\ deserves another. V A distinctive Waterman writing instrument makes a gift that is both functional and valuable. Put your corporate logo or \9*nV message on a Waterman And put hv your com .P an y foremost in the minds
      78 words
    • 21 2 TIOPEPE, The best-selling dryshemin the world. A perfect Sent if served \J illcd.oron m w m f the rocks ussssssH A
      21 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 178 3 Wanes *V K mM HI A. "Banarsw sn"^^ The symbol of your success With more than a hundtrcJ and fifty ye.^rs of watch making expels*;, Baume and «w» Mercwr's aaraanan of design and I minia runzed pracnaon, have arineved a pro- V erninenoe identified with the gracious teLahve touches gave
      178 words

  • home
    • 50 4 That's the business when dealing with =jSIOHPOSTg| policy the French OUR cartoonlotf Moyc, In Ids whot H would b#> Iftfco W ovory country had to 90 Fr#»i*li Cf ft wtehod to do bitoifioto wtth FroneoL m Jtto Fntmch policy that tho urn of tho French Wtttl FPOJIOOa
      50 words
    • 112 4 viewscan THE Government ts considering introto take care"of We ought*to commend the Governmeet for its interest in the well eseeg of seed pooeos. However, M weeM he better to cosufrct s ceeejejeheselee sexvey before enacting legislation forcing grown-up children to take csre of their **As*Uie number of
      112 words
    • 84 5 MEASURES to sscalcale Less r ssTss sll places aegaa stoat It papal sre haghtataa, ta tgaore them. Litteriag aaa re appeered. Mr Chaa Staa sticaaaetas, aoeatet Ma •wa, ta carry aat efteaaaYTae aaestiaa as ta •ati^k* 'ST tasaal level acads ta aa cersaawy ceaataeeesl aaraase there Ii a
      84 words
    • 102 5 A BRIGHT young boy in the top 10 of bis class faces s bright future thanks to a comes donated from the late Dr Wcasj MhM Yen* daughter in-law of Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew This is not one boy s gain slone We are all
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    • Article, Illustration
      12 5 ""by 'DAT MANY mmm** cave ■ever reeJlv regard wecfcer
      12 words
    • 116 5 SET o good example Stick ta Use rules aad principles of free trade. This was Dr Tony Tsn message to the ma)or industrialised countries when be ad dressed taa opening session of OATT meeting la Geneve The Minuter for Trsde snd Industry said this
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    • 223 6  -  91 JULIE LIAU TWO doctors have been suspended from practising for It and nine months by the Singapore Medical Council after they vara found guilty oa charges of infamous conduct in a professional respect Dr Uow V ear Lin. of Hong Kone Cliaic aad Maternity I loans),
      223 words
    • 266 6  -  OEI SIN GIOK A HOUSE et Tsi Hwaa Heights priced at m 1971 is the ■object af dispute la the High Court today, with its occupiers ctsseseeg that CnnaTsaai Pie Ltdlatl to meet to sell the house** (ioodlands claims that Mrs Coriaae La Brooy wee a
      266 words
    • 14 6 js| fVaVV«% km* OOrn^ vm\mw kWrm Picture by CHEW YEN FOOK
      Picture by CHEW YEN FOOK  -  14 words
    • 184 6  - Poser over Siemen's phase out •v GANDHI AMBALAN ONE of World biggest and eteclronici use skw in Europe snd US The 70 workers effected sre s una 11 number compared with 1,300 employed by the West Ger man giant in its two fsc tories. 00)0 lo Jslsn Tenleram and the
      184 words
    • 438 7  -  Night clubs helpless in shutting them out *1 SIT YIN FONG ALL EXCEPT oae of Singapore i taaat exclusive tnaanhenaae night clabs vetterdty admitted they have ao way to beep oat social aacerts reported to be hv thelThigfM^ A lawyer aad freqaeat claw-fear compiajsssdjTWpr
      438 words
    • 173 8  -  By PAT D'ROSE COULD this gsHis Mtfrtd giatlmiit be the once black haired Eagnttert Hum perdinck of the famous sideburns'' The Press corps that went to meet him st Chaoffi Airport last sight was taken aback but sura lanugh, mm was Ka quar n "My style
      PICTURE: CHEW YEN FOOK  -  173 words
    • 225 8  -  COPS SUBDUE SUSPECTED HOUSEBREAKER IN DRAIN •f K K FONG TWO T tnglin pwjwahtwaa oa bicycle petrel duty jumped into a mooeoon canal early this mnratag and overpowered a suspected bouaebreaker who attacked aaa of them Tke drama happened la Yak Thong Ate, off
      225 words
    • 128 8 SINGAPOREANS can stay in the Philippines for three weeks without a vita aa originally agreed among Aaeaa countries The Philippines Embassy ia Singapore has acknowledged that it wet a mistake amid confa- The Singapore Philippines Embassy in September advised Singaporeans that they aeaded t vita
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    • 57 8 A MOTORCYCLIST was killed yesterday morning when kit machine was mvoh ed in a head on collision with a lorry. Lee Wee Wak. 3d, waa riding along Bedok North Street 2 at about 10 10 am when the mishap haptwaed Hit motorcylce skidded and shot across to the
      57 words
    • 99 8 DO YOU recall cam plalelag elsaeet every ether day about Septem her's hazy sales? ft yea eM. yee had seed receee, wai omr SI years. Accord iag to the Meteorological Department, there were It eeye ef eeaet aaaa that moata Tae aate wa* caused by wttaa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 119 4 THE DYNASTY HOTEL mmmm LmM Lkl. I B)A Lbh bBBb ABBS LhLw A bubbfy foursome brings you your rbvourte nostalgic rxxnbers. counrry run end current chorr roppers Lm A unique blend orf rhyrtvTi and sound t\ Ntohfty except /vVxxtayy m--M-»t^Hl Ar The Dill DoileyDor ▼^T^LT veteran ftfreen mus*c is his
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 84 5 Washing with Sharp Ispftsvasf^ Oyour Ikfif soiled clothes inU W Ac, d detergent^^ Selecta aQH^^l programme V VTV I and a Uel button And let your super Sharp m m washing machine do the rest! mm Ruggedty built with an anti rust base the range Wi of Sharp washers wiM
      84 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 93 6 I -IAtAMRUMBIA OxilY RISE SS4GAPONE 09?} TTI '1716 M (^^^^M^j^^^ Indian cuisine a the Rang Mahal Exotic Spicy Aiiiaieejly varied, k starts with the bread. You've never seen so much choice The vegetarian dishes Tandoori chicken, fish and prawns. The finest North Indian and M rajhlsj censinc Authentic, mouthwatering desserts.
      93 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 164 7 Canon Speedier US Dollars, Yfen in a jiffy, surer Deutschemark —> The Canon Card EX IQT b a unique. I vers ul calculator that offers I H immediate currency conversion. I world time display, a time and calendar display, stopwatch and I sierra functions in sddition to its I broad
      164 words
    • 13 7 r ,apj}ie|ttple^ 1 \x 1978 Jm I ALITATSWEIN A I KHCINHESStN I I
      13 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 43 8 la every $20 tWM yon spend at Shei Hint Only in the SIC TOYOTA I BORNEO MOTORS I MSTCOftVTCI '*V** M*IS BUB* Tt*M«OiO fl US' COAST MOM) Til MMI> ItNblCf HUM)'(I 4'VJl'l H L i ij—hmmwiiwiw rmimsiniiwrnrairrrnn itxxn nv»'ti >si>v;> iMHonsiwrm mr.mnmom mm
      43 words

  • world
    • 175 9 KUALA LIaaPUR, Thavaday A CHINESE delegation left for Manila today after being told by Malaysia that "coaatraaats aad obstacles" still hampered the expansion of relations between Kuala Lumpur aad hwAJsag. Milayalan Deputy Prime Minister Datak Maaa Hi tarn toM resasrteri after talks last night with
      PICTURE: UPI  -  175 words
    • 45 9 UPI AN lii-nli. ••dlUcto. yirtirif B Mr SStV mm. Jwaa i Ptmm Mm ,ilerl#^^ e w,,l |t J°2i S Mr7&i£L hi «f m*m Mr T*j»ka'i »c*> mmj§ 4* Ir l ■««htc *a! M tit<Tr Party .SL UPI.
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 231 9 UPI, Reuter THE United Statea charged la UN General Mswtßahj tasjkajsC tke Soviet Uoioe had in creeeed Ma troops la Af aaeaaataa to ltlana and ciaeurlil over tke past year tke 'moat ruthless aad widespreed offen sive' since its ltTf invsPatrick sccueed the SoW eta of
      UPI, Reuter  -  231 words
    • 104 9 Reuter LONDON. Trwrsdey JEWELLER David Cos was shocked when he saw his new born daughter. He waa white, his wife was white bat the baby waa Mack. High Court judge Mr Justice Esstham yesterday agreed with Ms assertion that ha
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 59 10 AP faTMUT, Thursday MOaB ansa MfJ Idmii end PiliHliln wsoneu ■serened through the streets ef Beirut yesterday ef their Basebands end crackdown la predoasieeetly Moslem West Be/ret Tea wesnaa atrasii Mojf CliliSm aaahSaeasea from the Phalange Party ef tUsssepeeag deeewa >^^^^'^*^ b
      AP; PICTURE: UPI  -  59 words
    • 171 10 AP ■EMUT, Thurs. THE Lis ism govern ment. using its new emergency powers for the first (tee. plans to start drafting men for the army aspartof President Amin Gemayel s campaign to impose law and order, the state radio re- ported yesterday Rebuilding the army
      AP  -  171 words
    • 85 10 UPI twpou. nm*m LEADERS of the Organisation of African Unity agreed to a critical compromiae on the seating of the pro-Western government of Chad, moving one step closer yesterday to averting postponement of the OAU summit OAU officials said only Chad's Prialliat Hiseene Habre and three
      UPI  -  85 words
    • 298 10 Beirut massacre probe panel gives leaders 15 days to prepare defence UPI T€L AVIV. Thurs. THE < ommission probing the Beirut maasacres ia tiviag Prime Minister lenscbem Begin aad eight other top political and military leaders 15 days to defend themselves from possible
      UPI  -  298 words
    • 192 11 Strain put on free trade practices the main theme GAIT '»2 SI'K l \l UI IMMtI Reuter OfMEVA Thurs. NEGOTIATIONS on the future of mm world trad tag system wees est to move late a decisive phase today after initial coafereace speeches ■k
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 139 11 Reuter lANQKOIL Tliara. C&MMjhrsa^ sr* Bhywar*^ Jeep eeieg poverty, a seeior United Natioas official said Shah Kibrta. esecetive sec retarv of the UN Ecoeomic aad Social Commission for Srf "^tle^^el developiag countries ia the region had been thrown off efforts by the proloaged The prolonged
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 100 11 Reuter ITAUANpeIte mnm mm-co-rwwd m m \f. Tkoy nU tke rteg op«aM bektad a froat mt apparently respectable Msgtetrsto Carte Patacladiag two lyrTaa Dusinsssrn«a aad been Varea* oa chareee of II legal arrnt trafficking He named the Syrians aa Henry Arsaa, 70, and Alrruiradnl Muhamed Na
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 150 12 NETWORK ALREADY SET UP TO DEAL IN DRUGS AP WASMMQTON, Tlwrsdey A JAPAJmaVergaaawad cram aat work may have already aauslishsd X aeif in Hawaii aad Caitforaia to dkrtrtbBU drap. Ul Attorney Geaeral d airaody Saw coaatry be told growp of reporter* "Aa of bow,
      AP  -  150 words
    • 36 12 Reuter A CHURCH raffia waa ecrappad) lo tne Cispjflatt town of Pecteaiwsaiii rWOTawiawy vtew waowrry pwrwjtwofwjra sua a ojrwvw vww w w» |wi«wo itww nawrw 10 nw gossvwo bsiww issa> rww»OTw.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 138 12 AP THIS is taa scene af aaatfaclloa yesterday after a hurricane hat Hawaii with 177 km ph winds caus Sag millions of dollars at damage, killing one person and injuring It before rt swept oat to sea again About 4,700 people were forced into emergency
      AP; PICTURE: UPI  -  138 words
    • 365 13 Congress studying plan to reduce Soviet arms build-up Reuter PRESIDENT Reagan s MX missile plan is under hard scrutiny in Congress aad there are questions about whether the admin jetrathan really intends to build the missile or wants kt bargain It away hi arms talks
      Reuter  -  365 words
    • 175 13 Reuter BCMNQ, Thur*. CHINA, making its first response to conciliatory remarks by new Soviet leader Yuri Andropov, today called oa Moscow to make aaw efforts to eliminate obstacles aiadering tke normalisation of their relations Mr Andropov told a Communist Party central committee meeting
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 243 13 LAT-WP DETROIT, Thursday ON the eve of Thanksgi v ing Geaeral Motors Corp. said yesterday that it will send US$3OO ($640) to each of 100,000 laid off aaaa waraari waa have exhausted all jobless benefits OM aad taa United Auto Workers Union agreed ta
      LAT-WP  -  243 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 168 9 FOR TJE CAR THAT HAStEVERYTIfINg ADS AUTOMOTIVE m ACCURACY. POWER. ADS 300. is an automotive T/» -sponse a liiiJliJlll ***** I 111 UHliti speaker system that has been and clear right out to IA designed to be the most the ends^twartit*^ thoroughly thought-out and r^ k l^ lta Tea J
      168 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 92 10 Spodalltts Shopping Centre In ceteuTtwon with Hotel Phoenix Itth Anniversiry aasT aasm^av Models by Imp International spunwwn or we napptesi colours in niwimn pnniß Sun dresses piaysurts and cocktail dresses in bright green, sizzling orsogo, shocking pink, canary yellow, royal purple Whet c beautiful way to show off sun tan
      92 words
    • 121 10 IfiH Flotillas IB EaWy WesikefS, ft Ugnla Coirifortaatile, ft He%iXl-Wf>eKrfrfJ H A new cooetruction from Clerks al I to bo eomethino. special thooe shoes ere. Technically it. w bsbw niyn noxiDnny specification, fine piovo-eoft leather uppers ano no stiff f>, |j, ,11. Hi-, m m m t1 m m f
      121 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 68 11 The Gourmet s f| I Rice Cooker/Warmer i With Hitachi s special built-in V thermostat to keep rice warm ,J| and at peak flavour for up to •^-^^■"^asng 1 12 hours. An airtight lid seals in iT^a^^ the goodness during cooking. Choose fly wwi io««« Airnond Green Hnrve*C^ ft* tti
      68 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 366 13 thought/" I Everyday, more and more people arc discovering thai iho have more money (han they thought Him 1 m .*T~m\mm\w 1 A* Yea-Earn 1 M so simple First of all. you should he ai least 16 years old to apply Wssnaeans! W%mmm\ Then all you have to do is
      366 words

  • business
    • 111 14 Reuter TOKYO, Tnuredey THE yen reacted strongly Uus to Use selectionVhlr Ys sohiro Nakasone as Use nest prune minister of Japan extending gains Hi Hit 111 IjTJttm The US dollar fell sharply lo 247 SS/7S yen hi early active trad ing from tUM/M as
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 39 14 SDvGAPOBJX aaaaah gna^awi '"be Dhabi, Dnbei and Oman won conbone*! eate'Vaaeretod ssJ*i°ol $1» mittMjfcy aaaTjdercb aassnal feed. Jewellery. wikh received a pertieslnrty good response on tae first visit, waa repraaaated both
      39 words
    • 478 14  -  CATHERINE ONG RENTS al Aala Chambers as Cecil Street are going aa by tlsree times, taa tag office fhrt notwiUsstaad thoaaaad dollart** nnore every saaatty ha bat aarty pert of P aext Itl.aat^yaar^ dost save to pay aaaat U extra far every sqaare foot
      478 words
    • 55 14 Reuter KUALA UMPUR: Tae Interactional Nataral Ru*> anssssZ since taa rubber pact ctue unto force two yean ago, "UMa^f*tk« S—"—lSs fc aarauea ot tae lateraauooai raauarai rtuooer Agreeaaaat (TNRAk aaa to give six mouths notice under PffaO Ciaaill rwans. ifm mm mm^ tor ante next
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 156 14 THE first thing Singe para should do If aaa wants to get into the soft wars business is to ex plore techniques which ceaspater expert said At tke NCB Distinselling autkor ofcom puter books Mr James Mar tin said PToejamrnera and analysts lake to automate everybody
      156 words
    • Update
      • 52 14 LEONG Huat ahareewere wiapeoded tkat Mr HoTCok Chooof kaa found a borer for kia 13 per cent stake Mr Hoe akarea were removed from tke official list of tke Stock Ea change of Siiigapore when be failed to make a eoneral offer for the reet of tke
        52 words
      • 93 14 THE Dow Jones ujdustnals averaee bounced back to tke magical 1.000 mark i aster toy after these strsifkt eaea at looses Tke Daw Jones aver age of SO blue chips, regained 01 points le close at 1,000 exactly for tke second time this week This It
        93 words
      • 31 14 THE Miaiatiry Aatkority of Sisga pore invited tenders for a total of $lfte nUllion of f 1 -day Uiaaij btlka, a > j stat WIUI VvtavQanat CnOaaUapf IvVtwiTWi a»W#
        31 words
    • 245 15 Acquisition of Jacks will help diversification JOHAN Holdings teas the acquisition of Jacks International as s chance to convert late a "toga aho* toaaaa/aesm its circular to skarehold era. Jacks, whoae principal activities consist of in dastrlal and technical trading, manufacturing of
      245 words
    • 199 15 PROFITS of the Chemical Company of Malaysia fell sharply In the year ended September 30 to $4 8 million compared witk $119 million in the previous year The company has declared a final dividend of 7 5 per coat less tax. The company blamed the poor
      199 words
    • 110 15 APPLICATIONS total ling $57 167 million were received at tke close of tke public issue of $50 million It per cent convertible unsecured loan stock by General Corporation. The company gave the following breakdown ef applicants employees and bnehseas sssocistes, $442 million, preferen tin! applications of
      110 words
    • 182 15 SINGAPORE'S official foreign reserves rose to $16 45 billion in July from $16 22 billion s month earlier ens $14 38 billion In July Inst year Monetary Authority of Singapore fig ores issued yesterday show Holdings of gold snd foreign currencies rose to
      182 words
    • 594 16 Exchange of secret tips nearly impossible to detect ALTHOUGH the phrase unuofT irsaing wmcn constantly used, consists only of two a pear ently simple words, the law does not use the phrase in dealing with tae tab)ect. One academic def lni tioa of
      594 words
    • 591 17  -  N BALAKRISHNAN WHILE waiting patiently for the lift at tha ground floor of a iky scraper for five mianlss, have yea ever wondered whether tha elevator should not come to those who hare aaaa wsiting tha long eat lather than floor by floor? In this
      591 words
    • 68 17 ARAB Malaysian Devel opment Beak aad Its wholly owned leaaiag sebstdisry Arab-Malay SSkS Credit has arranged leasing facilatkaa totslfiag $20 millioa for the Rim heaaa Hijaa greap ef companies of Sarawak Tke facilities will en- teat the Rtmhangta Hijai which it engaged her extraction aad processing,
      68 words
    • 375 17 Selected Singapore Stocks at Midday Market Tone Slightly Higher la Quiet Trading QeMSkaryo m 8 P aaa N 4 55/6 60 Genting 3 52 /3 54 Guthrie 3 04 /3 08 Haw Par 236 B Inchcape 2 50/2 51 Intraco 3 10 /S 20 laetan 462 B
      375 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 24 14 PLAY LEARN RACING CAB J R I^P^l foe* Racing car Soto Oetributor DtCO* TRADING Tal: *****62 Tens* Btangah East P.O. Box 262. Zoospore 0100
      24 words
    • 86 14 Purify the air you breathe to 99% pure. With Dud-An-hm from USA. c Negative ions from ***** V generator c Efficient capacity of up to 10 000 cv ft (300 ci meter) apace eree c Adjustable ion output from low to high c Practically maintenance free c For air con
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 72 15 Once etw^a^by Champagne Henriot, reserve Baron Philippe de I Rothschild A very special cuv6e long enjoyed by ill the Baron and served only to the most privileged .f| lof guests in his magnificent chateau. //1 Novvjt is available in an elegantly designed J bottle to the connoisseur who truly appreciates
      72 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 139 16 fft4S OW-tIPP }6t£T Id THE Stfitt AMP &XT V^^^^P W m\tm\\\W LVsSHBS BSSSSW^^BSSSB m. saY 9 1 asanasl •J! B9jp9«jV assaaßi3BS' ssn Bar Wmr\M\ At today s new car prices it pays to give your car the best LP M >^ sttention gel And you get I* ni'tJi SB Our
      139 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 60 17 Hurry to the X'Mas HoKday Fair'B2 November 24-28 World Trade Centre Iff BY I BBaßa^ BB Bw jesjl"*^—^mg Beoutdy your homo yet witten your budoot. Proreessonal urorhrrxaurap and offer-srjkss service fsoorarrhsjexf. Al home furrasfanQ and rojnovohon products under 1 roof and at attrochvw «Acronv ejSj essssas bbbsjl asassaaj am akv
      60 words
    • 63 17 i Artistry In Time a. M From the meker'i of the world's rrarxoest Quertz watchWLf mmm 1 *■.> Jeaeefcd llmni 'ctaatir^^ Eterna, header of more records for wotchtnaldng than W anyone! m ETERNR <wrr tttyrJ! mmm uae Paa ■a mm ifo, taj tv a— t n— en us u» ity
      63 words

  • 357 18  -  BACKSTAGE ■*aaea«F' aaW aaal WITH SADLER'S WELLS STARS centrepiece ■r MICHAEL MALIK THEY drift across the stage in the pale moooilcht beside thelake Btlaareal creatarea hardly seemli* to touch tha fjtaaad, Uaht as thiatk-oown b thfc the ballet? It hi tha aapact ire the psjhUc see
    357 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 288 18 PLAY THE SINGAPORE MONITOR BIRTHDAY GAME p J 1 J 1 WBjwnpwwnwgw^wK Singapore Monitor BkrtrtrJny Game Everyday SSS ji_ you tea aa look out «or your btrtfi onto n IaOHTMS DATES YEARS bo* oppooee When yours npponrs cap Iho coupon tnnt. answer ssnpfto question and JULY 3 1917 1947 send
      288 words
    • 207 18 BBBaaaaaaaßßaW '/t\ X. I JrJ BB—^mw r mmmX+^jr iBBBjBB BBBBf) ft M PBB%B IjBBBBJB Team» BBt> PuiWhinfl to tha faat Chooamg a aSoa far a tough T £j^*^" or Mi BBBmSbJBI Nate know* al about tt and hava uasd al tha* axpamar to davatop tha TERRA T/C to gtv» yon
      207 words

  • leisure
    • 119 19 Getting to the root SOONER or later the roots of a plant in a f naihsaai will fill all taa available space and the plant will become root bound This causes growth to slow aaaa or sans romp let ary as taa roots become coiled and twined If
      119 words
    • 83 19 NOTHING la ssdder than to aa* a beautiful plant beaten down by a storm You can svoid this disspprtntmenuf you follow these illustrated tips oa flak When buying garden stakes you cannot do better than bamboo, which m cheap, reliable and attractive Bay one inch-square green painted
      83 words
    • 100 19 Zmm*A There sre dosens of colours and forms of this Star ■■■nil, whack coo roach three foot m ht It likes s position with ss much saa ss possible really comas into its own in hot weather PCTUNIA: Several colours Good in borders Will do well hi sunny
      100 words
    • 115 19 GARDEN took will last longer aad da a better >ob for you if they are properly aillatllail At home clean aad wipe the metal surface af tools with an oily rag after each use Shears, saws sad la winnower blades should be sharpened about once s
      115 words
    • 200 19 IPS LIFTING A HEAVY PLANT TUB with ths hack hunched seems instinctive to many people Yet tha hack strain that results from thai wtsssj way of hftlag can be a prssssry caaaa of asrSwesag fstigue Tha right wsy kt to keep tha Sack vertical snd let
      IPS  -  200 words
    • 205 19 Mi H SI HOI I) I IPS YOU cent hast walk Into a store and pack out any old onion Yen have to he stfcsctivs Moisture in the seek of the asanas, for example, tadlcatat decay IF YOU are still storing your candles hi s
      205 words
    • 563 19 IPS YOUR home pet reveals a lot about your personality. According to a noted animal handler from Ana Artor, Iteaigaa, C. Lowell, taw aitimala you live with aay everything about tha real yoa Lot's take a closer look and see if yoa
      IPS  -  563 words
    • Diary
      • 355 20 ENGELBERT SHOW MEET d J^^g i| rt> t ballads Midi m Release Me. Tee Last Walts, Wlnterworld of Love. others. 11n<T <3Trrl raß *3 r roifstTlNmU «4mi for resections FASHION SHOW FASHION show at taa Mistirts, Tat Maasssssa Losssss. st 4 pen today Models from Msnoeqaln Arts
        355 words
      • Article, Illustration
        142 20 CHILDREN'S ART A CRAFTS DW^»Ta^wri"S^ dktpl lrst floor concourse. The lehlahiia till mm until next Monday Admission M free ON WATCHES AN wW P > 9 uad at flft million ia on* display *at taa Hyatt Hotel today aad toanerTae aigaiicat of the exhibition is Phoebus, one af the
        142 words
      • 51 20 CONCERT ANO X MAS CRAFT from" L*e*Keo P Cl^^%£2 > *to several favoarite children s pieces The concert to on at the Toe Payoa Branch Library at IM nan today Crit 'season dran at the Qaaaanwowa branch Ii brsry at 2 pm aad learn to make a Sanu
        51 words
      • 48 20 CHILDREN'S FUN PARTY IT'S school kolidays now and you the* Kiddies Fwa PartTirgaassed by the Young lean's Christian Assoc! state of Singapore ea Saturday at The programme will include w?Ureceive seats The cost for the party hj ft ear person Per more details call UTTtaj
        48 words
      • 39 20 TODAY High that a.4a aaa (1 las) Low tide 12 07 pea (l am) High tide 5M pm (1.1 m) Higk tide 744 am (2 2m) Law that 1.41 pas (Mm) Hash tiat 7 M pat frawi)
        39 words
    • 185 20  -  S S J SINGH ON behalf of ardent sports fans, I wMtoupMl to SBC to rectify •sorts tth Asian Camas ia New Dalai First, for taa live" telecast of the ooening precoaid not hear Iks sports commentator's voice clearly Possibly the Indian
      185 words
    • 41 20 MY friends sad I find cksßy yaar Lsanere see* thus. We have s suggestion Why ait print the l^l^fc onfy grvTas'Se count* down of both US sad Drltwk charts. lovers. Wa would spprecssts It kt ear suggestion StUSIC LOVERS
      41 words
    • 26 20 I LIKE jrow leisure secmm mty mmm. Do mm uus* II Ii butter to uv our kjcsTmaie aod remess fsssuous weeeJy' LRsn/RER SINGAPORE 21M
      26 words
    • Article, Illustration
      45 20 LETTERS from readers on TV. radio, rams and other subfects putoesned in our LEISURE section as] now ba pubaatsad under LEISUREBOX. Pteaae address your letters to: Tha Editor, Leieurebox. Tha Singapore Monitor Ltd. UnK 201 A Dana House, 2 Alexandra Road. Singapore 0315.
      45 words
    • 96 20  -  YAP YEOW WOON PRO SINGAPORE WJ^g 1 REFER to the letter titled SeleUr robbery Is rokblag police linage" from Investigator which •ppearad ia the iww rwauswj wr rwvwanoei 2 tkis year We thank Investigator forJhteconcera that sss Robgood Singapore Police Forces, that say threat of
      96 words
    • 63 20 I WISH to point eat saw glaring mistake ia Issue ITonUato A TV Times The memo in that issue tasks about the Write-A-Pop Song Scheme The Isit par straps anas' Vat. Rsßuwd AwOQt law€ lent* est eight compositions SBC Ja*h^klnd' Tke When I turned
      63 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 98 19 ■TV Radio: Pgt 22 &23 Stars comics: P25 m\\ 151 as. ill 11 IF TMf pam ajsugyaji that also WMBOsW infteiTiiittitkMi a\asVaVas*aal \\a\%\\ 14% anaansYßalaasss* awtk aauasssskalSßsVaßa wniie ii rMiovos pwii, fovsr and flu. M uackf taneion cauana moat hoerJeche pain. InftnrTvruvtloo often comaa wHfi body pain. m\ asaaaat« n*
      98 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 47 20 snaensw Jacobs Tre Australia wiimingdie Crisp, clean and elegsnt, and it travels well. A wine so outstanding it was voted "the top dry commercial red wine* by the Australian Wine Spirit Buying Guide. saalLsj ORLANDO JACOB'S CREEK CLARET m r Ausrraba'* swsrd-winning wast ASSOCIATEDLIQUOK ISSTSTIS rrtetS(SNt.APtSU)PTF LTD
      47 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 112 21 Colds bring discomfort and Oct relief witli specialty fcHTnulated Feb. cold tablet* at^annV. aY^V^Laaaaaam A deoongeetant to clear runny noM and sinus fhwaoeasmol to relieve pam Calttaaj to ccmbat mat depressed footing vitamin C to bund iaawaaaW r^ i taaaaaaaaal t TAKE NOTE 2 \mM.a\A lo N0v.26 12raDon~4pfTrn<«KVoTayi r*».Z7 to
      112 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 1693 21 Tv mm\\ sssa. 3.00 Oponauj foevwed few Dynasty (C) (r). I Meet tho Human Rubber Band Corv 3 M Tha Paper Cheeo' Voice of awance (E) I I tortxjmst Rudolph Dei Monte, tho man if\ I with the worlds moat twwted torso we Ekzabeth Looan baoomee emotxjna#v If 1 A
      1,693 words

  • tv & radio
    • 141 22 r CHANNEL 0 HIGHLIGHT j Urn Feng Show, S pm TUTS unawTaanjasl musical variety sincer. Geo Lin Fenc is well known for Us flashy sor foi njaoxos snd out landisk stage outfits Ihmm omi aaM thai 10 miliar bear be Map Mi nap.
      141 words
    • 447 22 S G IN REUNION TREAT FOR FANS CHANNEL 5 HIGHLIGHT Thursday Entertainment Specie!: Simon and Geftunkol Tras Concprt in Central Park (10.15 pm) A REUNION of tarn old friends who once played and sang togeth ST, going back ever their memories kt sounds like a simple domusical event of the
      447 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 846 22 ISjM PM Your Lunehdeto 1 jSB MM— US Nowo to totof MS Mu- marwortaa of ou Senior CMzane A Nowa 1.1# Your LunohdoM (oontd) aic My Way Ui Newa-to-Bhef Ui raqueef lor too goMw olUS MU-dey MuM Raport 1JS Muaic My Way (oontd) Ui Financial Tow<B 1 lu, >,Ll Vow
      846 words

  • leisure
    • 139 23 AT the start af bar career, Taiwanaae singer Paag Fei Fei used a guru Tuck to make aa aa> prsasion hats went, not only on the streets bet while staging on stage She made s tremendous collection of hats aad managed to
      139 words
    • 106 23 Newsweek THE costume if a departure from Savik Row tailoring, be* ao one ever aaid tkat being 007 was easy la Octopussy. Junta Bond must infiltrate a circus IlieaMid as a clown, which meant defacing Roger Moore s elegant profile with white pancake
      Newsweek  -  106 words
    • 81 23 Newsweek BEL* sanfe win the Aim critics His Istest mevie. "LAs aaa As" (~Champsaa af Canaspisns"), shoot s Nssjt-eeshhsnl trsiasr a It be It 34 Berths Oryssptrs, drew mastly meckiag reviews. Yet it seat three mil uoa tickets m aaf first hag a
      Newsweek  -  81 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 54 23 3rd SENSATIONAL WEEK! ODEON ORCHARD CATHAY 11« m, I M, 4, MB, tlifM I I 1 Jl, 4JI, fJB 411 if« iitHK, vjo, AMX t» m t it***. BtfgjMPftflM QJ IH WAIT Dry*v AND ♦fur PHfjCNT BARBARIAN >^OrCL^ ATAftfttttON f-ftCCtV 14 t tl f*» tj»t Uttttl BBtjary fcMfctafMt (My) r-
      54 words
    • 100 23 surr„H(MAx»rut *j Lnrxn wi Him tofto yV«fJP UOOt LAST 2 DAYS! THE YEAR'S MOST EAGERLY AWAITED MOVE! LIDO'- TOMORROW NIGHT Mspm CHARITY SHOW spirsnrvd by FRASER A NEAVF {Immm In ad si SI NCjAPORE ASSOCIATION PGR RETARDED CHILDREN •ISrAfJI* fsnsntial IVt-llnnnsnstwl PMBsnsft IwpjtwJ* swawawssjawj lit naw*ww*a*w iwawaawsswj ALL TsCfOnTt for
      100 words

  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 496 24 Iglglggg comics tgrKa€AHT PRESTON OF THE YUKON Py Don ghtywood a \f tm*tCTco thus. Hrts run out op X] lour rw*e we |2apxE a lon*] Ft* *A 6 6Qt« Of TMAC AgQ KSwl.. < ar«AKe«ts ive wtveN rue *nc«v i; T~ N P minutf T Jfl Br* fJIMm TMINWM W
      496 words

  • 117 25 pnoiw) Mm -mm Wm Tm OftartM fCyi 30. S SO. 7 00. t II (41M77) PJBJ Hj 1m) mmm» (CVI3O. S3O. 7 00. 011 JKf u i" «f" Mi Mi OHti hww On/l 30 330 ?00 9 15 (30*4170) OKHII 7 30. 9 30 JOHOOi) nnm Ay« onnw mmm
    117 words
  • 54 25 Oamwm* Tnm m EiMifciii fCy\ 30 330 M> 9 30 (*****01) •gj 60| TH> IfMMfcJ WMilWl «C)/11 1 30 4 00 6 45 9 30 •InrTOM Tfc» lOfuefct I (C)/1 30 330T00 I 00 T»» IOMM» WMili ifO/1 30 330 MS I 30 •nillll Tnm IMM (CVI 30
    54 words
  • 38 25 11l o*l MMter Cut) Wmvm Ttjar (C)/1 15 3 14. (*****07) 7 It, I 30 4WJHN) OM HMN Cute W«*»r T*., (CK'45 345 *****401) 730 1 30 SSoT, <CVI 15 3 suar in i rt u
    38 words
  • 37 25 MjjP OOTa 044MM4 (CVI 00 *****0 9 30 nuaaili Oar. %mmmm (CVi 30 330 700. 930 (*****27) rpOOIOoi r 044taal fCyiJO. *****0 9 30 Waaaa mr% Oataaal (C*l 30. 3 30 7.00. 9 30 (*****07)
    37 words
  • 34 25 >J9*JpyO 15 3 30 7 15 9 30 mm 099* tOaaaw O (C>/1 30 4.00. 700, 030 (*****71) PwjaJar <mmm Wt* Tnm WM (I)/i i i 30 400 545 9 15 (mTOOO)
    34 words
  • 151 25 CmM IMitaMr|i>ll 1 30. 400 ft 30 915 (*****99) fjfjL C«mOM(CVIV 140.4 00. 040. 010 COW Laws COnn (CV4 00. 7 00. 919 (*****01) OJMMtf CWm 1944(C)/i 15 3 15 700 915 (*****79) m gg tm Tnm 9w| |o>l 40. 400 040. 919 lap* Ovwjm I <*.)/11. 1 30.
    151 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 176 25 uw e JT IM1IW IIHM m ML* IS?S •aWMMMMMMMMBwjwjMM, 4 St y Toaar !i»»j*oo!i2 aorwota MMJ*. TwOa-at aaa aw* Taa Mi-MM M V wan TWAWA na aaa MM 0W to oai MMM* oliwoMi MMMV •aa aoaM Ma la WOara yoa ■BBJam* aaaa mmjn m» •aaOX aaa aaa aaa aa mmm*
      176 words
    • 184 25 m Pa* anaa Save $2200 on your chiefs Chrfrtnwß toys* SAVI |atJon«Mppr«n% w/fapn you %«?rvfj an to* f hc\r VOtf oHajr* from tha? StoajafjpcM f* MoftJitOf. C)» dr** Bw) J AO<l tatvf* T"n#"\ f* gjmtn fcoM F*•KJUMfSpOnI WW* fTwPPJ irwr la* *«h rodfcm hour* of lun St* aa) ••arty wWtJ
      184 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 72 26 MMtthf BEST LOOKING ENERGY SAVERS in town at ya^| WJ ■3A*BW 9S B B B B |m L«wJ 4, W. t,i» |M ■m m oppiwi Cmmm if*. CW)»winc4«u Amww, tlwtnor* OW3 Tot >Jt73SO l»w»Otf IlllWl, Hw Of, OfctMM mmmrmMmmmm, z JL\Z~ W MtteMMPtvflTTß* < v«ar nmiT iat«M TtJa** Tin to
      72 words
    • 118 26 •wj*«>w v «vjw Clil C DO-IT-YOURSELF J#alLwC PRODUCTS Space -aaver shewing a units that add extra uoßor-anajll elegance to your home* Multi-Sot From $14.00 < n to $49.00 par aoi la I combitigA 3. $37.00 tol |$57.00p«*urWtj aaaaaaaaaaaaW Sole Agent I lOWdtJjl TfaViaTM Co. (fat) Ud. 1013.10 th Floor. B*
      118 words
    • 88 26 a%#at) %*JaW e)9> a\. k"* ■aaa aaa. w*» NMIM a.a wawmb m mTm. M ia? raaST Cat tre-trsr ana* tea »a> 1 taw ■■■iiHnf WwcaNauaaa RMXAIM HCMUt Otaaar' ptoaaa a* tar ieaeat. taaaat t»M -TIJM «w Cat lit WtJ atat 14* am rao aaaa aaa.* *m aanaaaa ara ataa aaataßta.
      88 words
    • 20 26 LafaaV. aaaißr ■iJM.W*MLI« f mt taa, itr« MnitMm OAU aetata** ATI rr c**4 tar wS^l'im tWj. A lIP J| jpjj
      20 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 155 27 i Honda Civic Sedan Nett price yvith 150% ARF inclusive of Sanden Air-con $26,327.00. FREE Automatic Retracting Seat belt Demister with every purchase made while stock last I (< awn. «'ifflH't?Wi^Ts,n«mpurr <"l< TM 475M066 (IU hnaal UN. Noaaaa Villa, mtlaaaaaaa Baal iaaaaaar* 11* Tal aM00« tm. mm\ Karaa Raai MS
      155 words
    • 177 27 aaeaaraaaa aa aerr. tare a Sjß »ai /Ta. a mm aaSaMaTaaUa laataa MIMU Better air in your car ■ran una SI I HMO IVMJOjpOJr, Mr IOfIMOT l~~J>M.t^ i I lonisers generate negative ions resulting m dust, fumM. cajaratti inioaa and tianieXf) particles in the air precipitated to the ground leaving
      177 words
    • 84 27 Am aaa*.. aa*J laa. aaaaawa, aajaaoe tare aeaaaaaai aat. wjaaal aaata aaeaMta* at-M •mmJ^tSSSt* ■KTaajaSb Smb^*«*m>S?^' I 1 Yeag Yew Aote* m ft, J it*. Ur I, 1m Pmm Tml Pk. Spore 1111 Tel: 2S4MM INMMMM)IiMM> mobile body worki, i IMIHM VMM evetiw MMMMMV 'TiiMpTm M<o r"e? k sssi *e»
      84 words
      40 words
    • 71 27 AT. TtAi m-TMI AT Mv«i>AM< MMM m. i M-trr* VMI T»4-1711 I TM-tIM. C 5 *Tf?TirmT'T*rTii'r > rrr^?^* < i its :aer£L its *g S 1 :r«A*M*s isss i, rmmm t*j£ fftaftSkSjtftSS ■TTMVTIfI PIIIIMI tf) IfM. SftSftkftftVPJ'S tmmtftl. tSStftfftftftftfJ ##C*lm>o pi— wi i tiiii, »»>T. f MW »WTI toft. m
      71 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 68 28 «tti mt «n sty sal• > 55 «W s,iaji i aat taMMM it a aaaaanTaoA It mmmw Taw IS rsa t f^^aj^yjßUßaaat* •MaWaaaaTaTMiM •ar aaaaaiaa. aaeaa aa* A aa— asa. taa. lea. la*. OMaa raa«w Ofaayaaa am. eaaaaaae at aa> Meet Estate tpatj Wo offer apaohaajoa)a)ol In real aetata a
      68 words
    • 116 28 TOWNHOUSE IN MET. 11 PON RENT. root"" tVmmmUfmt% uNoV "wlii •aaieli In 53.800 dot month. s g BBBBaOOBOOMOa APARMENT IN MST. 10 POR RENT. i $1,900 por month. lojftomlMl S MARSHON PTE. LTD. TEL: 737-2711 Far East Plaza Phase I GroundFtoot Uinl Area 1 60bbq It (leasee* saM Buait T»m»h
      116 words
    • 197 28 HONG LEONG BLDG Prime office space with breathtaking sea and city views alike Strategically situated beside the Tetok Ayer Market" it has the most up-dated services, which include a paging system built into the car park. Only limited areas are available at very reasonable rates Two choice shops of 42.29
      197 words
    • 120 28 I 'mm Mm\ 1 I I f*66ja»a*»Jtt MIME OFFICE SPACE IMC lUUMO AtMaVTON WAV IM) fm, urn /I,4St ea, a, IM KAI NOUBB IfJOOLI ROAD tALI AWfTi I m,lil l,n i i fJtHJrfJi BMLf TOWI6 MACN MAO < i BALI IfmwTf: Nhft "mt M6t ea> Hat Rmt tM a <
      120 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 47 29 i j ImVUMI O L9A***** BUYMOm SWAJtSCA N***** I W4tll(tU9M>9| j ummim vtm COM ROiT* o i SS,! t'lltTt jlll<> PUAM CALL TtU 794-1711/ 794-1999 939-9199. MT. M, 9MM AVAMJMKA Iw «H. I to mt toMOM E^riS-toS ••I *"vi' l V to! '■■Ijtol Som S Tto mTmB
      47 words
    • 57 29 990 LOnf> Per mm nam mm *tOTt or C *!oS«^iSrTuli«^ mmHlWmmmmml VMTMIMM «99 Piopii+J 'trWt SUU m»«mm?mH r 1 <IHOM TataptMM oto-ore? iMiii Maj at MMyMOk MtOMl ImMm Am* 1109 sr m MovrMVoTf mm^mmS pto* pJI MmoTmTm mmomo w*» Otra.Oot. OM 99) 9J9tß9)t mmjm •9tfjlt>to) "ciJlto" wOVp i»r MMjOQt SmS
      57 words
    • 75 29 WaSaaeT ilfwm'eTV*?? ifeTR OWMtaS FVIASf CALL 737-eTee. ETtoSaT rSLeaTawito"** tsevesaa. Iplllf %Wtm9tttmW OCaWHTS BaVTVJBiaaWT* aa mm, mmm to aaaa* a. m^^KS\mtmm9m%Sm Of aassVTtoaataa aSaasl mmm* >m rt str-aiH-ejAaraa APAarajaMTa bb aßjaaa*B9t If aa veo aaaa m *j n—< ia>i ia sskslm wee AOoeeeaaeoATtoa mesa? to* Seeea aj aaaai I, a—»
      75 words
    • 173 29 We have aN the help you need For Ccrrtposant Staff on a long or short term OFFICE SERVICES Souetssssa. Typists TtJax Operators. Accounts Oerks Book keepers Drivers. Receptions. Office Boys SALES DIVISION Product Demonstrators Leaflets Laavtousora. fcxnejtoon uonTerence hostess. Sates Promoters. COMPUTER DIVISION Programmers Data Processing Clerks Data Librarians Computer
      173 words
    • 75 29 TENDER NOTICI •cc 9ao eejeaod 1.4J93 aa 91.9.94. Reft T899f9VfV)8)9y9)9V91. •V) The "/n? rIT iTTtn Pl/l!ui''Jli "3 OLP9BM9 MIBk (Thuredey at 10 30 am) Nam I aad 9 12 a? iaarmNl.fVandV-19 12 92 Fui pereaeere may ba aaan and obtained Norn the pw» •»w wiwiwi Mnon, Mnevy w we arm.
      75 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 179 30 WIN $200 I WHEN YOU SPOT THE AD (L* cam*& ('"^oo****^'* P *<3TM Y /^"TniJi I AM you need to do w End die lo %im Ejej ojussMons below about Tote-Ads i appaanhQ m today's paper end ttan sanpty «bN why you eke TELE-AOS 01. Where m Tee tpni Wnsim
      179 words
    • 381 30 OFFICIAL NOTICE FfiCPOSAL TO CtiANQC OF MAIM L Jimmy OT. Taa of SamU Flo. Ltd, hereby give notice that in consequence of oar Purchase a motor vessel from M/s Sameiet ski be A/t KarUnder of Norway I have applied to taa Registrar of Singapore Ships, under Section 417 of taa
      381 words
    • 161 30 OFFICIAL NOTICE PfsOPOSAL TO CNAMOE OF SHtF't MAIM We Siong Hwit Marine Pie Lid of 73, Kallang Road, Sport MM, hereby give notice lhat in conaeqoence of hat aa did change of ship's name, we have sppUsd to the) Registrar of Singapore Ships, under Section 417 of the Merchant Shipping
      161 words

  • sports
    • 343 31  -  •r R. MANORAJ as S JAPAN'S year old team manager Tadao Kobeys, said before thu niatch that it was but a •tepptng stone for the more im porlant tie with the South Kore "BuThis wrecking machine did not (or a moment relax la carving oat this
      343 words
    • Article, Illustration
      375 31  -  IL KEN JALLEN Jr •OUTMKOHiAtt SINGAPORE uvea the Wtji hsst, grewej a SetajTKoree^^ B by one try to f oar l aad two tries f faaal eroltaahaary jßjoap match at the Jalaa Aad with that defeat gapore had of fCaing amoesj the top foar ■hbßSpiri took oa
      PICTURE: CHRISTINE CHEW  -  375 words
    • 45 31 SINGAPORE kockey mmmt Farauk Mariraa aaj) eaecfc Last Ykt KeJ will kt Nil ky the Seaffaeere nscmcy Aiaoc/iaiias ia aa wtci aatmai ittncy i* aa* aeVS m frees TWy wUI tk*a retere ta ptipari wtaal tae MA laaanb a **-■> May Sawth-eeet
      45 words
    • 267 32  -  TRAINER NG IS ASKED TO EXPLAIN r FU .ru, ■v B J SMITH IT im bM coftflrrned tbat tae former AMrieta "Weeaaer Boy" jock ay, Steve Caataea, wil not be ridine on t*e local tarf aaalection will aaw pore traiaar Robert rig furore ke
      267 words
    • 127 32 Race 1 2 IS Class I Div 4 1200 m Handsome Gaard. Lacky Jays. Ben Otaaa, Malaysia 111 Race t i 45 Class I Div 2 1200 m Setiawati. Boom Town Charlie 11. Yangtze Kiang IV. The Msrchssst. Stall nliiism Race S 111 Class 2 Dry 2 1400
      127 words
    • 595 32 k r r SHE'S A Lady 11. who fin isked a fair flftk ta Isyaag Sevang oa soft track at Ipoh in her last outing, looks perfectly fit to re aatar the winning list in Race Five at Kuala Oa tke track aster day, tke
      595 words
    • 511 33 PETER LEW SPECIAL FOR MONITOR TAIWAN Cheng Tsaag Cheng was all lira here again last sight la main tela his lead in the World Cup finals Cheng, the only bowler to throw a spinner skat Unas of 21S, BS, 144, 111, 111,
      511 words
    • 62 33 ALL THE fttSULTS: averts* Moscow 0 Valencia (tf>s4n) t hi Tiwawfc An dsns cist ltwa|m (Yumtovia) 1 In aVuaaeaa; Bordeou* 1 UrnWettosso Craiova (Runsersss) 0 In Socdeeua; Oung M t Waiajar nVnimn fWjjl Qsreajsniy) 1 j Ptssdaa; InMgl 1 Isniloa 1 in ZwIch: ierVetSe 2 Bohemians Ptacaee (Ciochoolo
      62 words
    • 358 33 Reuter LONTJOH, nujraday ANDERLEOfT of Bel a Yugoslav holiday in two weeks time when they threshed Sarajevo s-1 in their European Football Union (UEFA) Cup third round first lee tie in Brussels Lsst night The Belgians, winners of the Cnp-wu»ners Cap in 1 t»7l and ltTs, left
      Reuter  -  358 words
    • 251 34 Japanese girl sets Asian Games mark SURFSH NAIK reports from New Delhi JUNIE kef's swtmmina record was crated and sadly for the last time from tke Asian Osasas For the second time in three days it was snother no prises for guessing Japaaaas who claimed her
      251 words
    • 43 34 ASIAN GAMES FOCUS MgjfJJMI Pweasjd mmm pwhVot^ tw lb* Game*, haveee beerd thai certaes eilaaeabi were rife ka Indus. 20-bed Ibaapetal el the where ly eeerneje mmm %ease»s7lwTe^aTaw^^^e^f"aaeebW M gejaew'e aaaVeAaW einaai Anoener Autoeee and a PICTURE: AP
      PICTURE: AP  -  43 words
    • 134 34 AP NEW OfJUt, Thurs. NEW DELHI police and Indian Army troops, who are sfcaring the job of protect ing the main Jawa harlal Nehru Stadium, almost came to blows outside the 75 000-seat arena oa Tuesday when tke soldiers tried to report for duty The police,
      AP  -  134 words
      • 79 34 SLIM and petite 14-year-old Lv Wei of China won en upset fold in the women platform diving at the Asian Glim, amaasing an impressive Tally of 111 17 bronze medalist Zhou J thong 17. who secured the silver with a scare of Japan's
        79 words
      • 76 34 INDIA brought off a major upeet in the golf event yesterday, bagging two golds and a silver and inflict tng a severe blow to Japanese pride. 1 ifcshsnsa Seagh who won fits kaaaWidaal event, coat basis' has steady form and car ass* a two-over par 74 to
        76 words
      • 64 34 JAPAN'S Saito Kiyoehi flattened world chatnpion Gee Yuehua of China by a laamillathng II 11. 21 It. 11-1S margin in just 40 minutes yesterday to wia a place ia the meni table tennis singles semi finals The 2f> year old Japanese stude»T inflicted his sec ond setcsaaivr
        64 words
      • 75 34 Reuter INDIA'S Byram Avari and his wife Goshpi finished first la the eaAerarlae dass in tha yachting competition Tha Indian couple now has two firsts to Ms credit Japan s Hiroahi Inoue and Hideo Babe finished second and tha Indian pair of Jejaa Unwalla and Pall UnwalU
        Reuter  -  75 words
    • 117 34 MELANIE Martens, hockey j version of Fendi Uksry so bedly wests to play today sWtom-off tbe-ta tot Asian Games worn en s clash against Hong Kong at the Shivaji Stadi The 22-year-old Singapore ace striker has been idiieeil by medical officer Dr Giant Choo Keong
      117 words
    • 48 34 AP BADMINTON: mens and women s preliminary EQUESTBjIAN* individnal ahow iumpina BOCKEY: men's: India vs Oman. Hong Kong va Baeajiadeaa. women i Malaysia vs Jspan. Hong Kong vs Singapore TAM ™N» men s and women s individual wTJOBTnJFTING: 12 5 kg class YACHTINO: Arabian AP
      AP  -  48 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 118 31 THESMMPag mmm t m \T m I MpWfluß I II i Qsmgyworrc i Cut out and staphs with other ooupoos J *aass: Sea: M.I.LC TaV I [Tl ■M 1 I IGI *A «S I mm. aBBaBBBsI e^^o^e^*a^w^G^J ~m Ie c"c LITTIUt I m M l ACROSS USING m Tl Is
      118 words
    • 147 31 THIS WH fc S HOW MANY WORDS CAN YOU MAJLE7 NOW TO PLAY: Form as many words as yoa can from taaat letter*, joining them Horizontally vert ically or dtaoonalry wit hovt repet it ion hi the aaaa word. No proper nouns or abbreviation* allowed HOW TO SCORE: Score I
      147 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 36 32 THE m\\\w as as aS 1 gaaj BaalaaH \\\m asaaaaasswataaaaaaamw ffsM tfILW oi<* ""ir«^r» II •SB- atsT 1 /k\t*^^ Sole Agent Markrna (Singapore) Pas Ltd w 56-A Tetok Ayer Street Singapore 0104 Tat: *****32. *****61. *****1
      36 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 24 34 Mas* Beauty U P. $125.00 saw Plus f—\ aX i^^^ssssssß Hp Bowling Bag worth $30.00 <The only brand wish—— >w LimsMdrf UfcgM Waffifawatty IMVifiWfKjWVMV
      24 words
    • 35 34 In aid of the SINGAPORE ASSOCIATION tOK Xl TAR 1)11) 1111 OKI N The Frascr A Ncavc Group kpomor THE CHARITY PREMIERE of the hox-officc ha of the voir LkOO: 26 Novemberl9B2 at 6.45pm Oil:
      35 words

  • MONITOR sport
    • 84 35 "in r id ie« lout. Km ween the Indian or seaaTtbe nuorea X T ta* ajsikiais thirdjpleciac before UM umi fiuli wor* played yesterday at tWTaJkaotra Pool f)aVjfc iS Mthe E bets while bests will take oa fcaaaj ara for third alactaa; la taa official important Singapore was
      84 words
    • 5 35 taEfci PICTURE: AP
      PICTURE: AP  -  5 words
    • 106 35  -  w> SURESH HAIR in Now DsN ANO PENG SIONG wul make It kt the Aaiaa Gamea today Siagapore National Olympic Coeacil secretary-genera I S. S. tkat tae t7year-okl Hoastoa Physical Edocation aadergradnate will arrive kere wttboat aaw kitck at) Past Auric aa Vlmmt mm
      106 words
    • 114 35 Tae "a si sa Games freestyle relay team, who of 7^hJLy^s^ei J r at the TaJhatora Pool oV* Lai May May, Osaasa Ckee, Mevts Be and Chaa Mai caaee wtantag the first after foar "^werTrs^fsa. japan wor^^of^cba^^ faaaed tbe embers of tae pa^^lt^odd rr^ l Tssjgtf^ > Stale
      114 words
    • 34 35 Matfats tabts at tfw and af tlia sixtfi Aaiaa tiafa yaatscctay. CMm 25 25 Jape* It It North Kofwe 7 10 atoulrt Korea 6 t 3 0 J 0 It 1t 11
      34 words
    • 37 35 ASIAN GAMES FOCUS 0 Reuter, AP kaTW OCLHL, Tlaara NOftTfl KOftEA, Caaaa yeaterdey A»leTjoT»ea j^eejrer waaeb fa aat Brat aaal eaared aae' aaaV aaadal I tip Baagtea Gaasee, nalM fteaa a twe-enasl
      Reuter, AP  -  37 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements