Singapore Monitor, 24 November 1982

Total Pages: 39
1 39 Singapore Monitor
  • 14 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR 30c«nts M.C. (P) No. 19/5/82 Wednesday, November 24, 1982 First Edition
    14 words
  • 328 1 SEVERAL IN CONTINGENT OF RED TROOPS SENT TO REPAIR DAMAGE KILLED DV MINES Agencies ISLAMABAD, Wednesday AFGHAN rebels blew up the main pipe ■M WmMm oil to Soviet troops in A f ghanistan. W ester n military sou ire* said here yesterday The act
    Agencies  -  328 words
  • 185 1  -  By SALENA SALLEH SINGAPOREANS who intend to stay more than a week in the Philippines now re quire a visa Ptiijsaatj, srjnrsssg to l^po^n?we^^l**to^itj^ n there for three weeks without a VMM. An embassy spokesman aaM too bow ragolsttoo
    185 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • opinion / letters
    • 203 2 ON REFLECTION, there is something wrong In the songs sung in our schools during the assembly period Prom the song sheets my son showed me, it seems oat every song stressed heavily on love. I quote a few examples Come and sit
      203 words
    • 280 2 POLYGRAPH DOES NOT ONLY CATCH THE BAD GUYS BUT HELP SAVE GOOD GUYS, TOO WHEN I was in Ma sals last year for a Lisas International St Mayor of Manila ajar Ba gates isg. sad his police chief They wore consider Sag at that time
      280 words
    • 92 2  -  LIM SIAM KIM for Permasxsat Secretary (Home Affairs) WE REFER Is year news report aa November It In whack it was stated that 4,000 men* women and yoaths had voiaateered for Civil Defence training la the IS pilot areas, and that the
      92 words
      • 108 2 YURI ANDROPOV may already have begun Mat lag up Moscow s communist bureaucracy Accordaswan nansvi nw*» T ravvwi v/ ing to one Soviet source Andropov ordered the arrant of several corrupt party officials last or. Among those raportsali arrested were the director of the Yell
        108 words
      • 87 2 THE WORLD'S bankers are forg as new tool to help prevent credit as such as the current ones in Poland and Mexico that threaten the international banking ivstem The t>«Akers trt^M^L^^ "saTs or^banker* The only comprehensive data on short term loans outstanding in Mexico is published
        87 words
      • 68 2 NEWSWEEK MOBIL, Shell and several other rompaalss are isstistiag tests of falTo hay petrol, s motorist will put his credit card or caah into a machine on the petrol pump, then pump the petrol himself Can tko absence of human at tendants and paperwork make a
        NEWSWEEK  -  68 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 289 2 BF ®(z)(§)<s)®o Snoopy Canon makes a home to Singapore j For children of all ages The Snoopy Canon is your wonderful sity Mathematics comas akve and it way ot helping a chad master basic wM be so exciting Children remain mathematical concepts engrossed with testing their talents Thai bright muti-cotoured
      289 words
    • 37 2 atacirisiTO 1* alt The Ultra-Modern Electric Typewriter that it specially desiptcß with eight repeating operating keys for greater efficiency. 19" (48.3 cm) carriage $1,400.00 EKBlefien b KMiZSSSFTI LTD aaasaaaaai m mtm mm t \m -mum- mmm mSm
      37 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 224 3 Introducing The Qtizen Quartz ANAIXXj-ALARM Another Cffizen awl Law* as! Liwm aiaaiaaaaaaaaaiaaa I j-awß Another world's first by Citi/en. This H P This is a landmark in watches, time no alarm setting pointer to break X And what is more: this new Citizen the symmetry of this superb timepiece. B
      224 words

  • opinion
    • 466 4 'Opaj sjatr' ptllcy tap cttJztu starts aw sV^,^g_aTt__ it MstnTC Newsweek BY CHINESE standard*. Zhang ShJyuo bad everything The Beif star wasa darling of the earned* T nTonth** more than many Chinese receive la a whole year la April. Belling even allowed Zhang to gojU> Tokyo with
      Newsweek  -  466 words
    • 244 4 Newsweek THE thnmsnae of CMMM studying overseas could become aa even bigger headache for Beij Only 10,000 want abroad during the entire 1049-1978 period, bat 8,000 Chinese bow study in the United States alone Among them are some of China's beat and brightest including
      Newsweek  -  244 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 140 4 CLEAR-VIEW Printer Calculators Wmmtf A\\m\mW \\W\\\\ AWA-\W CHAW AWAY Wmllllll* Out be< ••fiii for any oMoe wanting to do away wad figui twort womas i nay ottbt cokx pnrmng ana ny, panoramic csafMys wnn a capane memory function, sizuubie problems grow arnaOer and, with a jomoo key layout. it i
      140 words
    • 46 4 RATSVMICE? ml. Tfctft 11 %fsci&st4 Flck trtitiJWtl tof tfct cMlffl •REASONABLE RATES •OBLIGATION FREE OUOTES •PROMPT SERVICE EXPERENCED SERVICEMEN QjH y§Bjf Mcji Flck Mm nw *****4 ***** PEST CONTROL PTE LTD 28 TANQUN HALT CLOSE, (2ND FLOOR) SINGAPORE 0314 REMEMBER: Off* Hck and f#N»y nt oon«'
      46 words

  • home
    • 309 5 OUTCRY OVER IMPOSITION OF COMPULSORY USE OF FRENCH IN TRADE DEALINGS SINGAPORE businessmen yesterday urged the French Government to reconsider its decision to make French the compulsory language for all business deals before two-way trade worsened. They warned that its insistence on the use of the
      309 words
    • 72 5 THE court judgement in the civil suit brought by Mr Teng Suan Los, 74, against the PUB for alleged stflhjsnr> la dsicossiscting utility sapplies to his house, has been adjourned to Dec 9 Magistrate R Gangs tha ran asked for written submissions from both parties
      72 words
    • 251 5 HOUSEWIVES in Ardmore Park not only have a swimming pool, tennis and squash courts and an aviary, they have tbo chance to earn some extra cash as well They have been offered a cash gift of up to $1 000 if they introduce new tenants
      251 words
    • 127 5 EVER hoard of a re-run Of a seminar 0 Did you think re-runs were only st the cinema or on tele vision*' Well, the Health Ministry is going to do last that: re-run its seminar oa productivity la tbo nursing service Tbo rerun is conducted
      127 words
    • 303 6 Singapore's pickpockets turn to razors PICKPOCKETS have started using razor blades last aad of fsafari aad a police source thinks they may have got the idea from a Csaloaass televi Several women have complained to Ust police that their handbags have been slit
      303 words
    • Article, Illustration
      70 6  -  Picture and story by CHEW YEN FOOK PLASTIC wrappers may be eNe IN ttwoo,, but toe 80-year-oftd KrwHaJah QurujtJ. ownpoh loavoo found in abundance at Kampuntj Borah, Lim Chue Kenp,, are sue bl She baa been cohecttng those leaves for almost 20 years and she makes up to
      70 words
    • 242 6 \W^M^ PROOUCTTVTTY It a tfisasaimaal function but it involve* iw/HI in the organisation Management must be willing to accept and implement suggestions and employees must be motivated to give of their hoot. This is what NTUC'S htaanant Secre aQeneral Othsnaa Maron Euaofe mi ail in
      242 words
    • 149 6  -  Dear~"» TEAMY... JOE PUTTI to hear that your friends wonder how they can pre pare thsnssoUss to tanprove productivity Of course, preparing people for productivity improvement doesn't Jest stop at creating awarePeople must be prepared psychologically and physically as well Psychological prepara Uon means
      149 words
    • 471 8 THE mv claasif icatjons (or marine engineers, likely to be introoncod by the Maria* Department in 1M4. will reduce the pay and status of hundreds of ship engine drivers. Mott of them have Uoo partment to act as chief cause
      471 words
    • 80 8  -  Picture and story by GOH KIM HUI HCMXiANG ESTATE No, lean stagiag lav pCOaiptS Sellf 1 oa Ice witi wmymwmm Pong Che* Yong frit lean, the toner eestoa of ke with hto Not hi Mi rooiia. Koh Pot Tie. I, twirling
      80 words
    • 169 8 HAVING successfully implemented small group activities for blue collar workers, list Anwtcsa multi national electron kcompany National Semi conductor (N8) is prepar mg a psrfcssa to suit white collar workers. Mr William Urn. NSs Human Performs**! Coordinator said the white cellar workers, from
      169 words
    • 339 8  -  YONG FOW ANG THE People i Association is stepping up its Retirees Sorvscoa Schsmi to find employment for the old so thst they can live independently, with dig nity aad self respect A total of 5 000 brochures will be •■at to em
      339 words
    • 148 8 FOR YOUR INFORMATION TUB stretch of now carriageway from tbo Tanglin Roed-Napiar Rood hnsction to tbo Cleay Roed-Rol-land Road Junction for Clernenti bound traffic will be open to traffic today at It am. It will replace Holland Napier Road which are currently
      148 words
    • 303 10  -  Warning by principal based on survey By FAEZAH ISMAIL OUR children are becoming TV junk mt" wMrsnaj m to II bean s weak, aad aaagggg have beea sdvhssd to try to break the habit now before it becomes too late. The warning has been
      303 words
    • 132 10 MR TAN 111 HOCK gave parents a aat of simple rules to follow to help coairol the TV habit of their children O Aval* oslog the lelovlsloo ss s SaSTiitlrr You would sot leave your child alone Is the care of a Mranger
      132 words
    • 56 10 Lock They are'sass*- la ear* oM The eShsw^Srwa^ UaSSSS Sum. Sate beet to ISM aa* isss aYe aesßtieJVC esssVj 4)1 tats? $2SS*C*Tt otaiy last year usreufh a srteae Bessf aa love oaeassf taesa aa to Isae eat what heeSs sre laraeS aas) hew they EhJuwi! Osssnsjsesni VoetSlli
      56 words
    • 246 10 THE PUB has gone automatic in snessnef ing gas preaaure la its pipelines with the instal laUon of a tele metering system at the Kallang Gasworks phawtf JLhe helps to ensure there si correct gas pressure in taaalpsisaa. The system, incorporating
      246 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 211 5 f v For the girl who has everything, something different- g 0 LET YOUR MAN GIVE YOU A < XMAS P*YCKAGE THIS YEAR T X ChooM an aooroortata oackaoa X «T. MM M Mm knowf 7 i# h« (or you) can buy vouchw X for your grfl from tt» »alon
      211 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 55 6 SPREAD AROUND THE CREAMY GOCOSIESS OFKERKTCOLD. H w aaV K% BaY nay ana .^ei BBa \M Smooth and* fctgEcftannnnU puw hia* Cn2awT^s^ spreads easily and retains that yjUXiaVljlA'LJl^l^jtt fresh, smooth taste of only the highest quality cheese spread %i I andean* GENERAL FOOD CORPN PTE LTD. 1. Second Chin Bee
      55 words
      7 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 361 7 taper btV new MKaubkahi Canter lone-er. wider. 3298 c.c taaaaaattaei ~*v' _i—i- tiiaair r ii mm Cambiaaa high pe»irwithfud ana and lower OeCKIOr °J«»^^ aJ^ln s efficiency Amor* .v feature* JkX J*** fjVAiw iinrurrY seals deoc aww mxw. capacity and easier wading ana arr kr* maximum rpm JM m\\K 2L?
      361 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 16 8 I C iiintninl C ioklgmpv. I INC ol (imiiiin nine-making tradition in every bottle. sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssk *ef
      16 words
    • 55 8 WELCOME TO 99 NITE CLUB 9th Storey Sim LJin Tower Singapore 0820 Tct1:*****39 •To dance and be pampered by our lovely young ladies. To be entertained by our leading Taiwan and local singers. Buslimss Hours:4pm to 3am daily. Full-house everynight Come early to avoid disappointment rsecjusre hjl and part- time
      55 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 239 10 mum WU* rtfOOV CUmPUTkh c J -IH» HIHV V PUD UHhtt drITHB OflCraCIE. M A I Wwtk U rftHMZUL. OATHS hkflilV HJN. I f^jTV. n>r» /T vvooa I raoe uentre /y —_M ew j 24th 28th Nov 1962 m^m A The Kkkry Computer 2 mm *mm*r m mom than a
      239 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 213 11 J^^l^^^ FOR CHRISTMAS RftnVauaT 6- NEW 7 YE4i?. V Make a date Lee Kong Chye. I jl B One of the oldest, auauauauauauauauauu B established jewellers in Singapore. B you ever wanted to with gifts, is possible at B B Lee Kong Chye. We have s tradfcion of making B
      213 words

  • world
    • 248 12 AP (ttasw^y)* POLICE said yesterday that officers forced a speeding car off the road with gunfire and freed oas of Italy's longest held kidnap victims who was bound aad gagged in the trunk Police said thst on Monday night they res cued Mauruio
      AP  -  248 words
    • 69 12 Thieves make off with the pride of a village its toilet! Reuter VARTEC (Wales), Wednesday THIEVES have stolen the pride of this Welsh village a cast iron public Lavatory weighing several tons Local snjnstnfsM Hushed with anger say the ornate iron structure was a local landmark for mora than 100
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 111 12 Reuter LONDON, Wed. SHARES la Brttoil. the British State owaed North Ses oil cowipaay asM to the private tec >ftj»s if per essst yesterday whoa they Deslera reported *t 'n peace each, II peace SSSSSt price pekl oa Frt•elected buyers The shares cost
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 313 12 Moves to curb liberalisation comes under fire (an »2 Reuter QEMEVA, Wednesday ASEAN representatives, along with those from the United States aad Aastralla, j aster day criticised Earopasa Community attempts to weaken moves to liber sllso trsdo st the Geoersl Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
      Reuter  -  313 words
    • 104 12 Reuter BRITISH aed Swedish scientists say they have performed experiments on rata Which luggssf damaged brain functions could he restored by Us- doo Tineas reported. The sciaaslsts, at Cam ties, iatiojii the biepocampua. a part of the brain thought to help rats find their
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 334 14 KPNLF fear Hanoi may concentrate on wiping out smaller non-Communist factions Agencies B€ UHNQ, W ednesdny THE Khmer People s National Liberation Front (KPNLF) is con corned that Hanoi might concen trate its offensive against the smaller non-Communist forces in Cambodia hi an attempt to wipe
      Agencies  -  334 words
    • 106 14 UPI TOKYO, Wednesday A BOEING 717 fa* carrying 47 people flow into a of eolcsenc debria minutes after takeoff yesy, emerging at 10,000 foot with three cracked cockpit windows that forced the pilot to land Imme diatety, airline officials said Air Nauru officials said the fhf II ajajgaj
      UPI  -  106 words
    • 153 14 AP MOSCOW Wad ww wmw eseanl THE sortsi Useoa_ yestarday condemned President Reagans plan to demmm ai SMS fang it a new dan IwSTor nuclear waT*" hi the first Soviet reaction to Mr Reagan speech, the official news tae sir contineeUl MX missiles at
      AP  -  153 words
    • 89 14 UPI MANILA, Wed FACED with huge rice stocks and s budget defi cit. the Philippine gov giving out *****1 of rice cash as Christ employes The Business Day newspaper, quoting gov era meet sources, said President Marcos had in istry to look into the possibility of
      UPI  -  89 words
    • 249 15 BEIRUT THREATENS BREAK IN DIPLOMATIC TIES AP BEIRUT, Wad) THE Lebanese govern withdrawal of Iraaiaa voluateers from the country hi the wake of an attack oa a Lebanese army garrison. Foreign Ministry sources said Foreign Minister EUe Salem summoned Iranian ambassador Musa Fakhr Ruhani
      AP  -  249 words
    • 133 15 AP NEW YORK, Wed "A VOYAGE Round My Father starring Laurence Olivier and AIM Bates, from Britain, has wonaahaat sfranM^^tha al Emmy awards gala Winners In four televi aten proersjnmo calogories received awards st the ante Monday night from the International Council of the National
      AP  -  133 words
    • 134 15 AP VATICAN CITY, Wsdnssdoy POPE John Paul 11, following a major banking scan dal that luu touched the Holy See, set down firm and unusually detailed guidelines yesterday on how tbo Vatican's finances snonld be msnsgod In his moat corner ahanalii policy statement on the running
      AP  -  134 words
    • 162 15 Reuter WARSAW, Wednesday A SENIOR government official said svsrythhsg in Poised pointed to s lifting of martial law on Dec 13 exactly one year after it was imposed. The official's remarks, during an interview with a group of Western reporters, were the
      Reuter  -  162 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 140 12 II m\fm\\ gajtjßvssjjfjfl Often, ordinary otT-the-peg trousers can have '^^___j_J > m a "^J O1 drawback. I /WW i»BIfILML«HHNi HI 1 But not when you buy II aHI Brentwood. II I II 'I mm Im come in a very wide choice lIH II I aid I I of fabrics indeed.
      140 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 69 13 "It's a mystery to me Holmes, how they got in and out so quickly." I LbWawß m mm m m. B i LL. I tL I X I B>vV«n BY BbT th Watson, they didn't. -?S Somebody else did. <V -**L? "'^v But that's another story..^^^^^^^ BJust say l oh-say'
      69 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 221 14 Cam I I Con<M*ierjbrci&/ hair in one. I I Have the Ural ol hair that's the 1j P 1 I I envy ol others. g~j I I Helena Rubinstein has Domed the answer to fl H H hair that's bouncy and to dfl I manage is an efficient care V"J
      221 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 70 15 jjMH Bcrat Bwppe de Rothschild Mw<mtilal^toyoii Champagne Henriot, reserve Baron Philippe de Rothschild A very special cuvee long enjoyed by ill the Baron and served only to the most privileged II X of guests in his magnificent chateau. II Nowjt is available in an elegantly designed -->1 bottle to the
      70 words

  • business
    • 479 16 Prof Jayakumar calls for improvement beyond what is legally required SINGAPORE'S repetatioa at a financial centre would be enhanced if local companies upgraded the sMsrsaatlsa they gree shareholders to the level found in rival countries Mlsaetar of State for Law aad Home Affairs Profassor S.
      479 words
    • Article, Illustration
      114 16 THE Dow Jones Industrial Aver age dropped below the 1.000 level for the first time in three weeks yesterday in response to grim economic news. It was Wan Street's third straight setback A 4 9 per cent drop in October durable goods orders, indicating the recession has not ended,
      114 words
    • 88 16 SAMUEL Montagu Mer chant Bank from the UK hat announced that it will be starting a full branch in Hong Kong and Sing* port Una waul. The bank to M per cent owned by Midland Bank Ltd of UK and 40 per cent
      88 words
    • 125 16 SINGAPORE ■locks ft* a heavy bout of profit on and The StJJits Time, index lost 11 OS points to 717 U. while the UOB Com posite Index hsst 7 82 points U» 449 44 Trading, which has beea qua* this week after the hectic sessions earlier in
      125 words
    • 75 16 PROFESSOR Jayakumar named no names but below an example of a lesi than comprehensive conspany report extracted from our files During the year the snrowss X£atr? lis IsTr ***fio explanation was gtven of how this would im prove productivity, whet was wrong with the oM system,
      75 words
    • Update
      • 95 16 MArffL/S The Asian Development Bank approved a US$22 7 million loan to cover foreign exchange coats of a Malaysian Integrated agriculture development project. It will be repaid over 20 years including seven years' grace, at a Crly Interest rate of 11 per cent. gar. FOLLOWING the success of
        95 words
      • 43 16 Reuter BANGKOK Singapore placed an order for l 000 tonnes of 100 per cent Jasmine white rice (third grade) from s Thai ex porter rice trade sources said. The shipment at US$355 dollars per tonne, is due nest month. Router
        Reuter  -  43 words
      • 96 16 Reuter MOSCOW Soviet industrial production this veer will rise by 2 8 nor cent, the lowest sanasl growth rata since World War Two, State Planning Committee chairman Nikolai Baibakov told a meeting of the Supreme Soviet This compares with economic goals for 1983 of a 3 2 per
        Reuter  -  96 words
      • 34 16 Reuter SEOUL Foreign construction contracts won by South Korean firms ware worth US$lBl billion In the first It months this year, up from US$lO b billion in the same 1981 period. Renter.
        Reuter  -  34 words
      • 34 16 Reuter FRANKFURT Poland has paid Use first instalment of interest oa its 1982 commercial bank debt, complying with the schsdnls sot oat in its recently sigaed rescheduling agreement, banking sources said Renter.
        Reuter  -  34 words
    • 483 17 The Star BANKER Datoh Saw Choo Theng has dis rad of bis entire sUka Allied Malayan De velopment a towel and yarn manufarturinf The AMD shares were sold to two parties who are also major share holders of AMD The price, ho we
      The Star  -  483 words
    • 271 17 The Star THE rationale for Timah Langat s purchase of all the shares in ftsntssggi from its pa root company. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor (KPS), is being questioned is financial aad buasseas circles. Tie XL Stock Ex change is snaking an explanation. Questions being asked in
      The Star  -  271 words
    • 80 19 sat UMJa i lahnasssn j^f?^™* 4 JJ^JJ 1 The ftgttrc includes extraordinary profits ot H i ■Billion. The extrsordinary profit ts the result ot Sim L.m aokttngs in Nadefinco Ltd fasssenstaVi OsnhfJssf of Malaysia made after tax profits of 94J million hi the year ended SeptM. eiaiairii with til t
      80 words
    • 27 19 m9M Iff* 1M ltffBi m M gm m %m m Ufttbar It Mft m§m um Men 1.414 lei til m M4 I4t 4tf M7t» on 1.414
      27 words
    • Article, Illustration
      9 19 nxMrnmilii*. seeing at iJC7t, m loweetasnoo itrt PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  9 words
    • 59 19 Your (Foreign Exchange) TT/OO TT DO Not lotton* I ill* tint HIM l»Mt 19*90 19*19 ***** 1770* tlllllr Wfwcy Dnrtjcnern*rk Hofjfkoo« Indian rap** Y« Swi« franc Bnftt Renminbi iMppliOyMOnV 87 1712 SUM? 1171M *****9 •.wt *****1 101 2H0 9 7119 110 MOO 8* 0712 QJo.oJtt M.MM *****4 it.Mn aim 11*000
      59 words
    • 67 19 t*» mm VM«f BrindMTnKM MM Dm I 7 fl Gr.«d BMJ tedOiygM ll.Mam Dril K "|r u wr MGIM 1115pm DK II Johof B*m AmRftMiTta ll.»*m Dm 17 KmU UmpM S>or«Lmd mm Om ITSHMj K«m Hmm AMrHMMilta DmH «<*«■* fcg KmMm TmIom D*r n «**nm D*r IS IMUJBotS
      67 words
    • 422 19  -  ■v N BALAKINI-INAN Pesanai aasareo Systout (Fed) hi the Ua h» cat Ms SWcawat rote by ffanfW UHaTat WaaT aW ft GanWQiasawf sTeMsT cmt taatt Frtday TWt attvt no sshoi b> b\ Shst the cuaso The eanwctatssus of tbo usseatt were usahod by too Pod
      422 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 90 16 ENGLISH AT THE BRITISH OOjJNCjL Registration for ail course* 27th Nov6ftib6f 414 th Doc4MT)bor 9 am to 4 p.m. Latt test at 4 pm GENERAL COURSES AT ALL LEVELS: DgHieirthsy hilftiina tight' Advanced SPECIAL COURSES IN: EngMforB«Pßl^ Repofl-WMtlfsy avid Business CorTeepofKtence CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION COURSES FaTVt CwYoHlcflAe In EnQsnWt m^^mmma
      90 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 236 17 GUVS &GALS saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bkV J sk 1 satV |N- J m Y ■nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Bw sH unast Bnl F nsl pn? asnlar P. H BnW 887 Bn Bnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Bar BnV ssn NM /.err Cotfon snort ueeve sfttft. 117 80; Stonewaen cotton jacket end khato froosers, $3? eecA Centre Potyester cotton sh,n
      236 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 40 18 JORDACHE* Now available at all leading m department stores and jeanenes isssssssssst^ 4SSSSSSSV mSk Sow Agent for S E Asia Ml*] f J ■fNJAMIN SONS m LTD 1101 1104 Toog Building 11th Floor 302 Orchard Rood Singapore 0923 To* *****56
      40 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 90 19 mm&Am\**m±\*mt uil«AaA you'll find ►Catoog Shopping Centre tasruonhorkthow Towers Reninjuta Shopping Compimr People s Pork Comptex Jeon«Ju«cex>n(T»s)LW Pentnsuio Shopping Complex Kotong Stropping Cenhe Beach Rood Penang Rood Metro QsusicJ ot Scone (Opening Soon) Roo4nsonaCo(s)We UdSpecohsts Shopping Centie Bo vol'i Deportment Show Centre Peninsula Ptaza and Peninsula Shopping Centre Singapore Shu.
      90 words
    • 27 19 l\ L— ll:si:!i2i T6wrA I BORNEO MOTORS tnmamm IJMBJJI ■IM Mil 111 I—l 111 HWirill 11 111 HI" I mjn~j*mom*moULt* oMWiiwwMorowiimiiTp aan*unv»m mrm iM*Nnr»sTwpni «he mo worn
      27 words

  • centrepiece
    • 529 20 Newsweek FOR year., the small, loose knit hand of British economists known as the Cemoridfe group stood out like punk rockers at a tea dance Few listened when they warned thai the free-trade policies advocated by maanatreniii ocooxsmaata wouldlnnd to l^ow^ P proved them right that
      Newsweek  -  529 words
    • 450 20 Newsweek a toy* detectable stuffed cabbage and for the fact that tta crttaina witassttf a heroic battle against the Saracens IIH centuries New Poitiers la again en the battle the French caT^ideo^'^cot^ (VTHt). Late last month, the Paris governStSßt ordered that all imported VTR's
      Newsweek; Picture by Sygma  -  450 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 93 20 \\\m \\e9m\^^ Jm\\\\\\\ The Nasal Decxxigestant DURATION contains oxymetazoline. It relieves nasal stuffiness and sinus congestion for up to 12 continuous hours. Just one use gives relief up to 12 hours up to 9 hours longer than ordinary sprays and nose drops. Unlike most other sprays or nose drops that
      93 words
    • 220 20 PLAY THE SINGAPORE MONITOR BIRTHDAY GAME l m tun and to cosy to win waft The Make up your brthdott from this tnWkmvjn. Stogspore Monitor Btlhdny Qame Everyday Seawuaai ft4TCt vcabme you see tea ad, took out tor your birth date m nTwTfrTW BiVLU laValß box opposes When yours appear*
      220 words

  • leisure
    • 95 21 i' IV 'urrs h SYI ,MA Two years after Lennon's death YyOOW, in H**_Ql**o< the end cHttctee%e she hos often received, hee nionoQOd to her Me In c woy thet permits her to remetn rtereeff, end to give her •onjlee^ She received the
      95 words
    • 432 22  -  But she feels it's time to quit singing LO TIEN YIN WHILE others straggle ■o cat their first record ill Chee Jia had to do was ssed a tape recording of tar songs a racordtag M mm\ years all she had
      432 words
    • Diary
      • 533 23 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY FAIR 82 DO you ■laariaaci headaches every time Christmas la round the corner aad a need to shop extensively bat have time to do aa? The Christmas Holiday Pair 82 could be taa cars to all those headaches and you might get all you
        533 words
      • 165 23 ART AND CRAFTS JOIN the Pre-School Proframme for children between the ages of live and til at the Tot Payoh Branch Library at 11 an today Proframme will inclade story-telling, finger-play, songs, paper folding, film shows ano games ENROL for the aero-modelling course for beginners at
        165 words
      • 109 23 FASHION MODELLING DO you envy the glamorous Uvea of models and aspire to be oaa? Join taa Fashion Modelling Course organised by the Sennett community centre youth group aad find oat The fee for the $so Qasses be coodacted every Wednesday from 7 10 pm to I JO
        109 words
      • 180 23 NEW CAR PARK SERVICES GOOD newt for motorists' You may now find parking easier with the opening of IS new ear parks hi several housing There will be six car parks at Ang Mo Kio and one each at Jalan Bukit Ho Swee, Jurong East Avenue 1, New Bridge
        180 words
    • 39 23 TODAY: Low tide 10 28 am (1.0 m) High tide 402 pm M Low tida 11.2 ft pm pJm TOMORROW: High tide «48 am (2.1 m) Low tide 12 07 pm (lim) High tide 554 pm dim)
      39 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements

  • 94 23 fC)n—«**rW 30 3M ;oo is *ggg mmmmm (C) ft— W i 30 3 307 00 tl5 i —11 fjyit. torn 4m m > n •f* Miwirnii |C|fheta>yvm JoWtVQ «W» 30 3 30 7 00 I IS mmm a Mm* mmmj (C) <km» 4*9* l 30 930 4t.»>/1 30 346
    94 words
  • 34 23 T»» Wefctw* (C>/1 30 3 30. 7 15 30 (*****11) *0»'»»" (CV H I 30 4 00 6 45 9 30 jgjgy Ti»iiJooii«^^ too wmw nmm ecyim torn r.m mi m 0,,.
    34 words
  • 15 23 •444*401) iVHLvtV"" 1 (I* ft— *n>/1 15 3 15 7 IS 9 15
    15 words
  • 27 23 Bptf ••^•••■joiicvin Jgj»Jg» OOft OcfcM* (C>/1 30 *****0 9 30 ICVM 30 *****0 9 30 OOTa OaftJMi (C)/1 30 3 30. 7 00. 930 (*****07)
    27 words
  • 11 23 fj/ff* «»*4"4"»ICVI 15 330 715 930 *m iio«oj6w»fcinm4 (*****72)
    11 words
  • 155 23 CjflMJ <IVII 1 30. 4 00. 30. 915 (*****10) C«nM(CVIV 1 46.4 00 6 45 9 15 Pm •■■•■wi»i mpmrn rmx Ml (*****I1) WWWJ C4MMMW(CVI IS 3 15 7 00 9 15 I7l| itjowjr too mmm fMWmt mm WM mmmm \.m\ 440, mo, til 0JW*»»l«n/11 1 400 6 30.
    155 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 64 23 Wwyvunelfa bouquet of .frjfe freshnesseverywhere m\\m\\m Sancße^XXHi All Sw> frxtgrxtnces of your I Harden, to hnrqr $pvtr^freshness to anywhere itm wmt 09 evtry rocm our tome (P! v) rv Chtxtse the quick convenient aerosol pack, or the /A\\ nswawn 11,1^ nt^otmrl twmiwmtnMlf mlhin\*pmckfor (Jj A tfl the cm or cupboards.
      64 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 91 24 MICRO SEIKI Total Musical Performance™ There is only one best—and we have them all. Am9mm SOLI DISTRIBUTOR A 1 AUDIO SYNERGY PTE LTD m\\ I ftW-Nt PAH* LANt MOTHNC MAU mmm miuKMOMNUKXi o?i» M I> UMh MiTU MUMUI MUAI* AUMOITAMMaOM KM< I IK 18. mjob. mom mrmm .n*u<n. AKAI AJ-C1
      91 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 1611 24 100 Opening looowod by The Jew* (C) 700 Benson (B>. ■T 7 1H ■■IPllll WW* QhWlB fh> Knowing that thwa is plot against cv Wrm 4 Theckefe Wortd (I >. eryone at the meneion tfw Governor or •*arranee the cfarnpan/ees gontaa ders that everyone w assigned s body KjHKOM ||VJ
      1,611 words

  • tv & radio
    • 173 25 5 HIGHLIGHT j VICTORY AT SEA (10.15 pm) THIS is an absorbing documentary about tho battle for sea power durwej WorM War Two rroauceo oy row. so years ago, it consists of a series of documents r hM put together from MMWMI footage The
      173 words
    • 244 25 CHANNEL 8 HIGHLIGHTS MENARD SHOW 7.35 pert. UN FENG, the dynamic male compere of the Menard Show will sing a tone lonif ht TVee Taiwanese stars Liv Hao Yu, Ye Man Si Loo and Cvi Shoe Pksg will alao be portoHnsog on the show Hongkong
      244 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 723 25 11.00 m Your LunohdH 1 JO to-Brief Mt Muaic My Way UO 7J0 Foroee 46: A requeet proNewa 1.1# Your Lunohdate Nw» In Brtef gwno tor toe SAF pereonwel (oont d) 1.30 MM-dey Market Re- M Mlimir M w preeenlod by Averyo Aerto A port r1 Thorn* Jacob UO Your
      723 words
    • 106 25 monewords i Cut Out t/xj staph) with other coupons Kosttno, Histructtons appear dssow si Neaar Ssa: J Ace MJ.I.C TH: 800 J TE R \m\ FU. IN MISSING 5 b"T"n I LsnriiMj I M ACROSS USING n Q u._lIJ cluesmlow I HyH] B I CUT MBM MM!Ms Mo Ma^
      106 words

  • leisure
    • 241 26  -  TWoipj mfmun* List Asasrtesw Virgin Pxwydoc 2311 133 Hostowod oy LIM SEK THE movie it a carbon copy of those in the Gobag Steady and Lemon Popoiclo tor lot. The only difference hi that this movie features o number of relatively up to
      241 words
    • 217 26 Local Pressing BmVm 20 QraafcMt HOB EMI a sen On*** tons Of BiibMi CoafM Diana Roes SOi BMt Caps* E rough 00. Jrm IOfA KM CapSd Gerry Raftarty SBSSp Weßiing Übarty C fa ■inn h,..- rfc Jl o BBHun Mwnm Monay •no mwc cm ON Juhn IM
      217 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 75 26 X (smiseishow* rtwa, iAUtuiiiHti 1 9 m i m J 9 Milan. \Mm*mm*ym%o*iV 0r- ~—~j I 91 I 1 01 Wmm I 01 I 1 *J v ■< 9| L 1 I 91 LaVr- \W 6 CATMAYi 14tn 'MAOtCAL' MVI A urn ii i swjwo, isae, issse 1 SI
      75 words
    • 128 26 JADE: NOW SHOWING! rssssws) nm\ us.«, s»» ijsj* mnum >«m\in t. a• n1 m\wW^<\£' ■vi IN MitmiiA SUrrHiMAXSUI I HtlJ> NSUHJJJ ttHKIK yWsHP' UDO: NOW SHOWING! (TTOm, I SHOWS W 11—, iA*\ COS, 4S, t II ■SSlf LIDO: FRIDAY 26th NOVEMBER Mtran: CHARITY SHOW %xum*vd by ERASER A NEAVE Gtuurt
      128 words

  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 471 27 leisure comics sssftsssf sw£ ir but 0011 et 100 c ,T,ed away. If you stand sp for yoerARIES March 21 SB April 2S self you will be rsspsctsd by Take a food look st your sltaa- BBBsWaOJ who is Imparlsnt to mm as It may bo boot to cot you
      471 words
    • 167 27 SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON By Don Shafwood gjiggjjgtjl 3C Mr. jack SBwSa 555 en BSgPHI F<*^**^-|j trvfwievATro the -me laot op me oto aoocx 6nowa*ow4l* iMy >§7/ *V I MUACKIN6, Of CANAOAN MOUNTIf fl Mlft Ift A MATCM WL 1 IN TMC YUKON ANOTMCK 9K».LfI MONfO TO A PfAK
      167 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 165 28 ml —Im,, I m ml I I I ENGINEEUNG WOOatS The PtofeoOonoH for Aaj Awphnarfi* fjfm Aiu Sadlng Gam Mom Partmon Panting Bon Awning Roooog HydPOuNC Swinging Gat* Opens* ken GnMev vtck Fencing ALL CONTRACTS APE WELCOME 6tlfitmZlaliiMi Rood Botoiftor HO Shopprtg Cmnhm foom 1212 TEL *****43. *****16 TuSSaST WITH
      165 words
    • 98 28 Bright Cheerful... today's style of living leading MOCfuai for all kmdt of distinctively Onajraad hajh quality woven wood bands from Japan USA Rapubac of Crane S Stngepore MJMj ranga of oackanwa heoomeda ■ernboochefcs afSSOal dMlpnad to suit your requirements SB SIN HUP SENG WW BAMBOO CHICKS A BUNK oa«a «a
      98 words
    • 157 28 MOTE SHOWER SCREEN It's practical stylishness at top quality. r™ ,P, ,^S!^|HB I vvry HNllfmniTM hitn «pt\lfMjlly >tt .1 lo gi\t muaimum |nrfi.muiui Hurt j sryli jrvl ioimii ihmih joJ t-ntunu- thr tk\i* irf BMW hjihr«««i Abo wmmMv: SUMUNE BUND K< >l I I P ft ADJUSTABLE TRINIDAD AWNINGS
      157 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 70 29 a) MMMmnirri I «"»T f l Mil 4 ImWwIXImIWMII IpiiNi si CorfNMA S| NM T T1 art Pvtktwßwwr Mi MMI m www ■wrrMMow Mi *W> EwsmwSw Hf| wISS m W» 3 mS§ W| M*WjN ■i I 3 ?V" g Jf*! '/y''''' ?5 Daaw» Wj wumti a num Aimiiiii'liiM* S i»sws^*
      70 words
    • 169 29 W »p* Tiuwawci in ww VWlIw! ml My m i«r WMW JLw J mwiw 4.'* w»v W P ,L Trw*"»TWw' waV tR I %W m ■■J co 4 cm WJ W7 now Mi mm %mm WJ VmrnW WJ WjW tATUHOAT »•«■>>*•■> WJ ■•i- O.MM«» MM W WJ AW 1 *iii
      169 words
    • 41 29 cwtri nil »t— r— Ullllll *W» MM T..UH y. "fWawWM i 1«| liHartaeimawt 1 way ana walMWag waJw^io^« r iTw%,. Pnw AaM ijv r.aa pw, mi fag-gigg. 1 P'AYA LfgAN HO (JUNCTION OT Of YLAIAO NO ft t>AYA If BAM NO)
      41 words
    • 101 29 Ww. WW <WW w »m i ESw.'Sr* Bit Cmtmmmm 6w> S H i« am. ftw. mmm, Wwt 1. rww WW. TW MM MM Wi 'cw iHwl Mr WWaw!* 1 TELE-ADS For the most effective results wHether buying or SOwMfA^e* Call now on *****90 i MBTWM)4t V, lJw£«: wwWr' wwiw Swt
      101 words
    • 241 29 MM *W taM •■VWAWWWWJ-MHwWJMMM < —P /mW—i KjW i LW^Vl*T^^LW^^y I i I Save $2100 on your chiefs Oiristmas toys. SAVf %22M on thop p»« when you tend m lot ihrsr grejl oMfft Irom thr Stngjpurv MonMot Ordrt <M 1 %otm% jn<l uvr THrvr (jujlMy ftjmr\ trom Wjdtlmalunt «mM itmiM
      241 words
    • 109 29 cawtw a »ap>>gw t*M ca!wU"t aSaa*!! 0 1 >E~n mmm* t» T—o WWM* Om* wm. yr- CW WiWir bWaetawwwW ATTWeTW*J AAA. taaAagapareegg g lAaaßg a lewiT am oa^tva •aWWiWJniWUA ATI I THE BEST OF I ITS CLASS I WM "Shanghai" Ptanofj mn> not I VJ oprjhwyy ones. Thay POSMSS ptvciaa
      109 words
    • 24 29 mi n&SSaiMrii. js. 1 JijIFcrswSm MMIUiWnMmH'*' erssnayst aj^BSSs* £SSS535>c TBI TMtIUMI MOMCMT TtJt wrnhniv iwiirt Why pay mora? Use Tele-ads CaH 273 9090 now
      24 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 242 30 Sl| Raioaaaaa lean 9 fMaaiaa Unsecured personal bans up to Up to 36 months to repay. 7% p.a. discounted. 6%% p.a. if you have an account with the UOB Group for over a year. Contact our Personal Banking Dept. at Tel: *****8 or *****5 ext. *****5301/5302 for further details. JLr
      242 words
    • 196 30 CUT V«M»« eWTHM Cmi «aM T*t it* m-ara aWSWawawaWaWaaaaaWaWßW aawaawawawawaWawaM Ho**f># Swdwwww** H»» Awf>©fl f aWWaI O#M)H W a)AaM£*B*ta) mn MAM Call «M ItMll4X.ll Mf*JSa_ TRANt •OOIT AT lON Mnw*i WaMMfO aWasTsW ■■JiUJUII. 1 ITHrtt Eg whvr\ Of LUXE TOURS PTI LTD 01 16 Ruby Shoppngßa/a SOS. Baanuar Road. Smgapora
      196 words
    • 194 30 eaai *to« test et*T iss ate teee c c aeiewaTW Ceaaeaa mm Tm PAM MfAH MiAJSM* ste.oee/ ma. CALL AICHAAO AT tie-errt MMMcI aaa tare pesMssasl mat taa. tare aavesssTM Oeea ler BeAieeat Me* or m\ 9 m mmm mm m!mm eeeMerM el MAenoeo ••AerAer Mccc fmmmm eeajiee. eeee* Pat
      194 words
    • 297 30 wh>*ta t ape~ jjs a ft wfiaW aaa. WATaeSssß* RESULTS! FOR SPOT TNI AD CONTEST NO. MA 1 1. Anglo Franch Travel 2. Yamabuta Japanese Language School 3 Tho brand Io Aramis 4. Tal. no *****11 belongs to Colter Propartias 5. ThO company at 328 Telok Blangah Road it Kappal
      297 words
    • 12 30 saw teee vacva a teat Oae bbmsW win, etr-eeeP, MM reS H>aj»j
      12 words
    • 7 30 wi mm m 7?mm ntf mm ~,LJrll
      7 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 128 31 0 1 toprol-thw-llrw) luxury modol by RENAULT 5542,800 a M M fc t mm mmmA an na aaaapa m yaa §*J 9 N I)OttIJaWAUIOPTIITD (A MjaMfl haW> Ml eMftM 111 it NMaMaMM laajaaaoni Ta iMHM TaMMtaM luaana iOJ« tai t»ru WtWrU ay aMoajtMiat ON*' tmmm'Maaat aw'a> CaCMaOitaMi taaaja i»tv Nwi
      128 words
    • 103 31 Itheworlltsl i greatest i i name in i I SHOCK I ABSORBERS I I SpeaP fJ S*im MP I I WwX tIAW VO ffOewOf I I MeMy. IMawT a*J I H ompaMol cat toMMt, I a Nrtoeaiico hMM to I Hal aatot at can aM bjmomb M toMap WM aaa
      103 words
    • 100 31 i Miw PvJITS 4b KNOCK -OOWII ¥*****18. UNI, Wlll»OPW), LIYLANO. ■TC. MLWCn UK SIMS AVI. SINOAPOfIE 143S rai74Moot 744V4331 tt%- mi elpin Tha Car PJeatal Caa»»aay mm^JmlmW. 9) WWaWweWWW OWaw" WWJaWi oW*Mto/4, oihii i igg i i 24 Mian landi■ *****11/ 737-1144 777 IHT. aa*WNp aNiMitorppijr. aBjWM 4 morwey Tat
      100 words
    • 91 31 WaMttftaeAMaMe m wr*w 2 aMMaTeaigaMe* aS and acrap MM «t Mff Mff|M fPP UT Iti* TJT ITM MltlNlllßl ll*Cl'. WW A YHIT*! La."" MIN eAVMB)TJ|M j|»M c*ate*T\jr mJi M MINN Male? eT»l«et D»r.«V"o«Mi m^AMA. l FOUNPn INM TK£*Pb 4iifii»llijM-i i'*l*m SeTTIi "ihT MeMeata At AM Alt AMMI MM. TM tM-ATOT
      91 words
    • 83 31 •AUTiAIIV TAPj PPP»TeP4 imAmTm' lu^'Virri' MM M M Lmt"**** iMMiiii, ,?yx t y*ffr mi b*m* ti M*t ■eA-ewal PMt twMeßeO- BaMst t»— TK >v 4>n pm MMM MMM (MMM A* •MMM*) SjtwjttiM »mmml In*A MJM «TA UM I APMMMI MB piwi'ulll <" *iiiwt lwCwt>*w, A**4 n#wf UMUJfJM MMW A v
      83 words
    • 110 31 |Mp,WWW|, MMAVfTMrVJ 1 MMMM IL IM«| Willi yMMA^AMM?M*MvS AM ■ytoMN MM»t CMlll j MMMMM Ml MA-AT4T !amWVm\S JmT M mmSm mam m mmm mmmS AMMBMABM AAMW ••II m "l tT \\{*l uwm AMI LMM WW ACCOMMO OATICM^BTTJ^OBMAMMtT MMM AmV-m!" ajeM^~»ey' S IXIVNS at attractive WjfTTW Up io 80% ot
      110 words
    • 117 31 1111 "1 *T- {*m?*m m Urn tm«» •m M.. vjwi Imi dim *AAJBJBI JJJJJJJ CM MMM VKTWiMMM T*Lj ai mm mamj *M ANO* PIMNSIM.A [i*tl OfVIIOfMINT AMD IWT A»?!■■''"' T ft AA4A AAA a+aja)tt#44a T#T 4M TAI9 /AMnMA MAnaaaa* MjA* AjMMM AM •a. A laMtei ti 1 mßm,. OmMA MMaMkan
      117 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 134 32 MAMMMM Ma** tot M*MM*. M l TVi^' J ■?^!^■T? MMMM^feTS*! 1 J cla TA)A MA VMM L4)AMMMA 0 t-#**a* MmTToT rMMi*^^* > MMMM. MMaaaw avanmm. s-swamj i .I <Km noo Jwio'ootoO *****0 coll 44AM ri 44* MM •wtyy amaw *T eMiVsaiM*aTa^ t oal pOwOOw) OOw) wOeVwwaM wOtVww^ar 1 4Moi^4M*M^ Itlltaa
      134 words
    • 73 32 *«a*tMMC«»«. SUPMIM NOUM I AM Oil t ml) TW mj ft iM nil ASMTAL taawta IwawM fwwawww] rMA a.juMpar lira |n 2*2 a Hl Mk aw PWW T* wTafta^ TM Ml MM or HI MM miimimita mmfm J^ t^J m MaMMM M Mam. Mmm Ma MIM lit Pi I« MM
      73 words
    • 222 32 [SHORTHAND Rapid A NornuU Courses I Oaasss IB? day /any time I (Saturdays A Sunday* aiao) I Ip«>d3o-VM Specml LOO rUvwaoa mil I tAiAVOOUaW I 37-C Brat Baaah Cotnpin I Taj: CCaW»LITIO YOUR OCI O' A 'A' EXAIPP4ATION AND... MaMaeTtN Qi t Foe FNaTI Cocoer tilt —71 j"TI +9* A
      222 words
    • 135 32 ASIAN DfVELOfMtNT BANK ■MM awO I *****1 l 1 1 mm 9m mmi ***aaße*n)a mutj mm 1 eaiofc w lwi pa?«J£ wl>n?iMiMi) OfWCCP) |PTA#» Ml ITWJII n m*t*c»m HIIWBI aillpUM Of* tOTMI tro***** M» >»KV^^ wjl twncMoee (eg raawaWcor*piwMWo«f m a taraa^er--0-4 aWaMNty^la^^ aJMdatyto anaamn oetato e*e«pe«ee«>aJ loteMßiißlapo lejMpw *»p*TpaSo
      135 words
    • 116 32 f ■tabs* ss week aa port WAP bebyemer pop. tor ■Of It tOfj po'ont 0 w/ith baby from I W 4 years SBseaPap W Bvaaoap Rase tea*** Wool Oeeos) Meet Mvaa* aoap to eppp. TIL? 445-4032 *Oo" l tAa4A4 r |^.TVT* reaaMee orissaapTajTwaio Te* 11 MA-Km* far""* sur HOTf L
      116 words
    • 262 32 cc ?BM«aXw *h55 "aaa MM im 1t MpaiMlianl IXl*l M-lIMMIMm TIEN WAN PRESS fTEI LTO APrTONTICESMIP TRAINING IN |1| OfFStET PRINTING I?) GRAPHIC REPRODUCTION BBS tttt'" 11 tni FWoWWAfOOI It it a 3 year Iremmg prr> li.minvf Which IS 'tivi'fc il mlo taro parts The l**l year cower* a basic
      262 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 66 33 mm 1 r A ttU>o "^mmmrn EXPfINDS| HsfaVsU AT NEW PAY RATES H you are laaMrpj «or aalappapaaapM aaAaPßaa $401 $421 apHva aaaaßtaaaaSaai $401 $6H »^»Paaaaay twill, ■^iiiiriaiaaa^raaa. 17 JO S-A 444 pa*) rNaat I o*IT) •WllUaaahPHaajap OIJMO toionrtowist risMii SAM TMOOOONA FWTVATI^yiTID *m mm SI. 4t. 220. 00 pHsfMll)
      66 words
    • 108 33 ■eIM E UROPEAN ELECTRONICS PTE LTD require* PRODUCTION &Q.C. OPERATORS (Male hcnuk-i Salary up to $382 upon ceaaPaaraetton NEW SALARY SCALE You can chooaa to work an NORMAL HOURS (5-day aaaakl or 2 ROTATING SHIFTS i FREE TRANSPORT (For ehitt arorken only) "Up IP 2 ISJSJSjpSJSI s yaar Shift Allowanep
      108 words
    • 39 33 A* hii m iai iiiiwwiwctwii Or at mmmt 2 y*ar» practical taapawwjnro on lo»*tw? *rwa»Wig Tr«wwigwHb» provided ppi ■■til in TfT n m4lteti UiiM<iii< S4aywoita«*a* 2 routing «h#»s froAilW% mcentivr *VoVal tnaurance mm\%M awti proapecfa laajalaaaßaN wtaa-T 3pw» ■aa*^
      39 words
    • 26 33 iMlatl aaa ITJiif« RI VTTtTjHsTITT lt«f) ftotoe Pay paivaak aa gßSaaaCa? i 55 to •a-a aaa* aaa eear aa aaal eatey aaaae M. e44>A4P/ /ssaviarA. rsA-im.
      26 words
    • 112 33 C*U MA «OWI 111 HI. '\muj papy run ''Smm?Bmmmm* Tmm H»M1I di In*. 111* t^otoW TELE-dDS Coal In A OMh pi !>9r«auPfv«lM« jgj TtPJ ■> tpjg pmjppjfj Z Z tZmtmrn?* Ntt a-ay g Imm*UU P IV ■> 4m mj Ot*mX% m m mmWrnX m, m m r» i'u'i'iTi i U
      112 words
    • 121 33 CSm ■"••to ri i>niii »ta I Olivetti I luttvettl. ritrope'i I aaTpJat manufacturer oaf ofTic* equrpmeni uiviteiapplicationa for tbafoßuwauj dartcalpoutioaia I*GCE IT araaj P •At Uaat I year |gj Mmaax capacity in a I •iiCt t) hreal No workinc I tlioaa with previoua I Masjpaoyw Marl paraofiaaly or write axportoace.
      121 words
    • 95 33 1 ttta) 555 I y—T r /ww I ]om%»U araynoor m nTactvijaj daaejp and to meanta**! and repair production machines ITCaiMachank* Enapnt-a/inaorNTC? •nXlAwaanonc* F^tth^^lto2ya>ari uu UMTIO UaMD UaCTID i. aißßTwaaiaaii JeSTe-eia^^ ajaaaataaaW mi taaaa. aaaj)aaaa*T»M aaasaaaaav wmmmmmjmm aaa* 11 apgaj m Reel sag aj eaaeca an i M| aj aaaaaaa,
      95 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 418 34 A We are a progressive and fast expanding k Company, m\%WM in machines and ma- H I terials, offering challenging career oppor O I tunities to successful candid at at for the H following appointments H I Sales Administrate I I This it a tanlor position and candidates I H
      418 words
    • 442 34 NOTICE NOTICE B HEREBY GIVEN that I Peggy Pl**j Kse Kaaa of BU l No ItS-L Dover Road, aeaaapare fJtlt, save ummi far a first dasa IsssM/t Plasta MaMls RastassaTS FIMjIIi Towers, Ml. Orchard Road. Singapore 0523 and tJatt rats saoucsttoa will se hoard la Csart No a, |sAjaaaSjJ| flggggk
      442 words
    • 120 34 HOTICI S OFFICIAL NOTIOt ptyojux to wm Oree* INkw of 22nd Roo» CPPord Can ot. Kara*, wmm, s«o* port SoftcMom for Man •wo Bumtwm Corporaaon P%» LW of 326 Boot Quay, Itoopppfe 0104. repair fpm -mmm tap 0 rPended oircteee pi Pw ta tha of 3a) < jS •pact of
      120 words
    • 180 34 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE OF SHIP'S NAME We, Diamond Concord Shipping Co Limited of 12th floor, Hutchinson House If Harcourt Road Hong Kong, hereby given notice that in consequence of the intended change of skip s name, we have applied io the Registrar of msjppnri Skips, under Section 417
      180 words

  • sports / racing
    • 494 35 Tuesday's trecfaeork by HUCKITA*. THE George West trained Hand some Guard, still without a win in six starts has coins right Ho showed this in a sparkling wor koot oo s soft track at Koala Lumpajf yesterday With a riding boy up the five C
      494 words
    • 290 35  -  M.t< iri(j B J SMITH IRONIC that is local jockey S V Leong s threeon Sunday for failing to rids Ms horse oat ia Ike For only two days before, oa Friday, the MaLayan Rac^na^ssocu^m Use young rider would be granted a profaaeion.l
      290 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 42 35 hi oM of mt SINGAPORE ASSO< IA l lON K)R RETARDED Mil l)Hr N The Frascr A Ncavc Group tpomor THE CHARITY PREMIERE of the Ikix-office hit of the year LIDO: 26 r*overnberl9B2 at 6.45 pm flit OLD FRIENDS WITH NEW IDEAS
      42 words
    • 195 35 aanalli 3& wawjwewvjt, vaSBSvJVJrV BV4W NB MAQLC for convenience Scfcitafcaty dldomri inw ty \%m\M mW Study the design feel the mm* designs have several special features material Check the quaMy c Tot cap and upper r«nloro»nwnt« c Ankle sprain prevented by firm heel counters 2IISiSi!2Sii "<*l the heel ow m
      195 words

  • sports
    • 188 36  -  HOMO KONQ It TMAJLAKDt GEOFFREY EU THIS was strictly a no Tho bigger more skil foil teem of Hong Kong eipats overwhelmed Thailand in this lop-sided match, scoring 4 goals 3 tries and a penalty to 1 Pe For > *the Hong Kong players, it
      188 words
    • 514 36 PETER LEW SPECIAL FOR MONITOR THE fsisoshas and the left banders took tbe beck seat on tbe opening day of the World Cup bowling championships here lest night the first eight pieces after the first round af eight frsmes going to right Two big surprises came in this
      514 words
    • 428 36  -  SOUTH KOREA 40 MALAYS* 11 KEN JALLEN Jr SOUTH KOREA contin ued their way v, Sat ur day night flaal coafroatation with defending champion* Japan wit! thai four goals and four trie* to four penalty goali wia l over Malaysia at tha JfA* leruay Bui
      428 words
    • 120 36 aaMwseOMAM, wed ENGLAND Under 21 soccsr international Steve Mackeosie, who has played only one First Division game for West Bromwlch against Liver pool, m out for the rest of the season He is to un serfs aa operation ea s troublesome pelvic in "seeeits of Englwh
      120 words
    • 372 38 Controversial goal gives Japan 1-0 win in women's hockey match fuitctH NAM report* ASIAN GAMES FOCUS O HARD lock. girls That it too only phraaa to de scribe Singapore i un lecky 1-i Asian Games hockey defeat by high nylo| Japan ot the Shi
      372 words
    • Article, Illustration
      43 38 Plm Poog ptoyof Tong Ung's tongue oregs during this wvh Asiod contest In Now Dothl on Moo* (toy, ond there most be soriwttilng 900*9 for hoc South Koreen Mi helped win Chine s goto model hi tho women's loom PICTURE: AP
      PICTURE: AP  -  43 words
    • 251 38 Reuter JAPAN'S psooifol fuasaa snkoi men and China s aimbeTrirl gym oasts dotnasetod the fifth day of the Asian Games here yesterday picking| upeight gold medals between tnam The two Asian sporting medal seereenacy sod by the end of
      Reuter  -  251 words
    • 90 38 Reuter GOLD sjaafaa faismtsss Iran, and Kuweit have entered tJs* InsocW quar ter-final round of the Asiee Oataao foot hall tosrsssassn altar easy victories, asnaast lowly tM rS frssss scored aa esey t-S wjssry over Nepowered its wsy ss a 4-0 WnsC wTlrafan took thshssj
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 77 38 SINGAPORE'S kmc Asian Games cyclist Jainaluddin leVsaetissssd moaned in disappointment at his 400 m drmtnatton ot the Ysmosss VssoJsmsJseV&Twtvow ss down with flu and fever was knocked sot hi tho quarterfinals by India s hometown hero Slkseder Singh who returned 521 92 sec 872 OSC
      77 words
    • 100 38 ruTW QfJgJt, afrfmiiiss SINGAPORE'S Or Lee Kin Tat wm reflected secretary general of the took advantage of the current Alien Games here to hold Its general meeting, announced yesterday htssswhiU, Indonesian star Ussa Swie King aad his team mate Verawaty Fahrm ware yesterday cleared] by the Asiaa
      100 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 30 36 tjavß^^Elaava^ In attractive colours ftts both him and her B a 'easooable prices f m 9W w^ fits right into your budget sot. Agent. Nawk Plus Four FE. (Pat) Ltd.
      30 words

  • MONITOR sport
    • 61 39 slam clusters through screen TV projectors and colour TV sets Vet the IJ"Sjis rapni (about s$S4O ooo) government scheme hes gone down the drain A them Some have never heard of it despite public THE Asian Games hymn composed by Indian mestcun Pandit Ravi Shenaar kt s hit
      61 words
    • 211 39  -  ASIAN GAMES FOCUSO *9 SURESH NAIR in NEW DELHI ASIAN Games rssmplis Chi na wUI not find Singapore an easy meat la swallow fa today's decisive waterpolo semi final clash at the Ta Iks tors Peal hare. too fhwaCttsal sun Chsam, ranked No 10
      211 words
    • 44 39 SINGAPORE will not boat neat month s Asian Youth Soccer Tournament Final Asian Football Coafederatton secretary Peter Ye Issssaa aeasseeced that the four ceojstrtos Canon, North Korea the United Arab Emirates and Iraq have agreed oo Bangkok as tho venue
      44 words
    • 211 39 Ploy to win our first medal SWIMMING star Marvw ate haa been scratched from two events in a teccwh gapore's first Aslaa Games medal this afternoon ot the Talks tors mmt r ooi nere Soon Bee pulled out the Sportswoman of the Year from tha
      211 words
    • 133 39 SINGAPORE sportswomen be ye been warned to hojsary of strangers village A Singapore offlclol seed that mirssag that the heeeedrhwjd not to walk in* urn case tnvoivea s top archery official who wee confronted by an Indian liaison officer who
      133 words
    • 14 39 Omm at 17 Japan 17 11 South Korea 4 6 12 10
      14 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 60 39 ITT Only $64/* per month ITT B Color 3303 ENQUIRIES PLEASE CALL: UNIVERSAL TELEVISION MAINTENANCE Block 154. 01-36. Met Ling Street, Singapore 0314. Office Tel; *****96 MARAH REVITALISES Sjr r (^^jnJPP^^^ caywom and MM oMwrw. WW(><>l <Ml< <>J^t^,„(>^g tArrta* aneewarawusfvi Ogn be) wewsYwnWOf nwenjrswirj (to. oMa* mxmm* «smsm* een ww
      60 words
      16 words
    • 32 39 vjqqQQV UMiMh MvmLM Cmttm trnmrnSm. t »»i i ism. m rmm. rmmt fisher-Price Toys Work Like Magk Fisher Price r< •v s hi l| >i tnlil s i(n >v lli INC
      32 words