Singapore Monitor, 21 November 1982

Total Pages: 50
1 22 Singapore Monitor

  • home
    • 432 2  -  Swiss monorail system not ideally suited to Sentosa's needs All aboard for $4.50 joy rid*' ■v MICHAEL MALIK AFTER complaints taat taa $11 million Sentosa snoaoTail aaaa too tlowly. taa aontoaa Development Corporation looked Into the possibility of speeding it up. but say* it
      432 words
    • 343 2  -  •f SALEHA SALLEN A HOUSEWIFE paid deposit of 1100 for a semi automatic washing machine to a -salesman who came to her house to sail alsctrtcal ■ppasarw si lttl. Taa machine never arrived but tha man did and walked away with an deposit for s
      343 words
    • 50 2  -  h K. K. FONG TANG LIN detectives Tw^JL^ln. fcr to to» «»rty tort*-, tb*y say. tlrtv— wmm4 Il to tJtafti fltf ttIMIMMNiUi MtohrtkoiMi tor Oto p—« tw TW —yet It al tfi to hay U«fcU g iw to my Knm wtoe* mmd wmm toft tosfcto.
      50 words
    • 130 2 NUS Vice Chancellor nigh t"a galiraf'tbe extreme forma of "ragging which humiliate new ttedents, and urged kidneae as the way lo "break in" freshmen Speaking to medicsl students. PWeasor Urn said From the point of view of tae f realties, the approach mast certainly be one
      130 words
    • 421 3  -  Bras Basah to be tourist centre by 1986 ■V JACKIE SAM BRAS Basah Road will be Singa C's new tourist centre by IMS. c will then be 7 JOO hotel Tbe majority of these wiU be in three huge hotels Raffles City snd two
      421 words
    • 158 3 Orchard Road TURNING Bras Basah tre, rivslliag Orchard Bat* mm ba aa aaaat glorioaa trssafoi aasjtssa since but days af Raffles. loaded with rice er pawl ware healed bs by lasad from tbe bar With SS much activity stasias boohs, s road b>
      Orchard Road  -  158 words
    • 117 3 DURING the performances of the Sadler's Weils Royal Ballot on Wednesday, Tbarsdsy and Friday, Oerneuceeu Avenue la front of tbe National Theatre will be closed to traffic from 100 pm until tbe end of the performance Buses will also ba diverted Services 104. ISO. MS, I*4, 100. It*
      117 words
    • 178 4 SOME $3,000 worth of property at tha World Trade Centre has bad to be replaced aa a result of ettacks by vandal* The vandals cracked aa *r mour plated glass door at Lobby B on the ground floor and broke ail new tape fitted with water sa
      178 words
    • 258 4  -  By K. K. FONG AN EXPLOSION ta i Jurong factory yesterday morning seriously injured four peseta taetal Ing s Japanese general manager and his technics! adviser Ail ware taken ta the Sings pore General Hospital The gaaaral manager aad technical adviser were put In the
      258 words
    • 71 4 A PUJJOK poeeeeaw oa a motorcycle was killed hustassJy si sa accliiat juet before midnight la the Jurong area oa Friday sight Pottos atid Pardl asJsxoa, M, was on a motorcycle riewabyLobYaeaCboy, M. which was nafotiathsg s slip road from Jslaa Booa Lay toewther wr& a group
      71 words
    • 222 4  -  1 FOO CHOY PENG SINGAPORE may know this week whether It can go ahead with plana to build a National Productiv Twelve Japanese experts arrive hi ftageaore te* aay ior a lan-aay van to examine a proaucuviiy oeveiopment project unoer wnica tae pirn oeiKiing
      222 words
    • 172 4  -  •V LYE YIN FONG FRESHLY cultured packet of 1* kg*!.. Dou* ill mini cabbage, erooJoos In liquid nutrient Theee were just some of ttw attractions aa sale st the Primary Production Departments eihibition at tha Sembswsng field aaperimental ftattoa yesTha PPDs Agricul tare, Animal Husbandry
      172 words
    • 83 4 THE first phase of the Juroog sewage treatment plant that will serve 304,200 people will be opened by Mr Ong Pang Boon. Minister for the Environ ment, this miiMwag It has ttw capacity to treat about 82.000 cubic metres of sswsgaj a day. A ministry apntostTiaa said
      83 words
    • 346 6  -  f LAM MO LIAN THE Housing Board S first four block* tf Lego prefab flats in are expected to be ready far balloting by May neit year These ara among taa nine block* taat ara taking aaaaa in Tampinea, and are pert of the
      346 words
    • 78 6 wUlbny ■™ta*icau*e far %2T4 HDB will aJno take ever HtM 9 !Tmm i ggSaw? S technical staff ara stationed tan gaai at gat awatgffl ta gjggj overall operatise ef the eient Taa aaaat, hi Tasaeosri Avows*, ifitain ISJ hectares It hes been
      78 words
    • 252 6 DEVELOPERS should not complain of shoddy work if they persist in engaging unedu ceted" cowlractuis, aad find that their projects eventually fail. For a professional job. they should engage a aroliesluaal besider, mmm) Mr Laa CawS Wtm the first ftfj mpm%m af the ffiafapnrt Institute of
      252 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 Essence of Chicken with Ginseng... the easy way to absorb traditional values. Tradßjonei Chinese iwfbsssjs have afcwsys usedQnsengasslone Thsussof mmpotsmo Qnssngsss lone has now spread loth* "^^P^Bbaa^i-i^i^^b.— Now>. thabenelssof EisenceoiChicken Ifl I a and Qrtsang have bean combined m one botlW in each bc*ta ot E saence ot Chicken S&fl
      111 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 Pleasing you...amkist Malacca's timeless attractions 4nnnnnnnnnnnn\t AW \m Imin itiMdm, jt Hoes, aaaueja. ■etssarins and laosnrn saanwja asaawah/eaes^ wnjswaaofraf am oat TWi why Wat IH j in, uuswaaj; ssaaWan suds adveraUSS, M 'OOWe SSSeSWOnS^ Whoa you set > *ft a^n\^> ~~wo! pamper yoe weh on n**a tawedwne Wkh nscaarana WB
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 290 4 s Cggii n--»J MEET THE NEW MATH TUTOR For children of all ages The Snoopy Canon is your wonderful sity Mathematics comes alive and it way of helping a chid master base will be so exciting Children remain mathematical concepts engrossed with testing their talents This bright, multi coloured calcu-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 537 5 ■■■■■j f I I fl f| IM M I fl H If I SBBI m%\\ I LmmW Ba^BBW I II II II iff II M M i \m\Wm\\m mm I awawawawf II 111 mm II iff awawawawawawawfl I IV Bawan avail II I II I awaf II al I I
      537 words

  • world
    • 187 7 Population of world 4.5b With almost 60 per cent found in Asia Reuter UNTOD NATO***, eea^rdey THE population of tbe world by the middle of last year was 4.M8 bUlkm, a Uolted Nations raport released today said This was an tocreaee of 79 million orer taa middle of IMS, when
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 197 7 Reuter FORTY NINE African nations have urged a ban MrtcTand saidSouU? Af ric nucl r capacity bad been proved beyond wjirtawj far the Afri can group. Kenyan deleyesterday that the UN Security Council must prohibit all International nu clear caaaacstloa with South Africa Ba introduced
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 237 7 UPI HOUSTON, tefcadas TECHNICIANS finals' to work over the weekend to find out whet caused that printed the first snecewslk from the shut Johnton Space Centre spokesmen John hfcLealah said techni dsiw had shortlisted the t*mt Immii Astronauts William Lenoir Bad] Joseph Allen were
      UPI  -  237 words
    • 83 7 UPI THE Commit the ?3r eeet RoneM Reegee crealit lor c coat ef Mejaf hjerieei la social security CoeawJtt!!e*™ ctal ea ewrtreytaa "a feehsy eeetaaaa w^UVe?t r •OCeeaT aMBCwVaTfCaawBCwM taytag they hula 111 the 7.4 per ceat coat of livta* raiae that Pre«i owat Reagan prwanawal "la lect.
      UPI  -  83 words
    • 380 8 Premier Zhao in bid to allay fears of major foreign policy changes LAT-WP KijaeQ, Saturday CHINA declared yesterday that Ha efforts to improve re la t ions with the Soviet Union is aot aa attempt to re create the old alliance between the
      LAT-WP  -  380 words
    • 94 8 Reuter JAJCAWVAa Set ASEAN will ask facta lo allow Presfateat o< DesttocraUc Hasn eeeawa Prince Norodoeo Saaaaowk to e4 drew the New Delhi Nea Alined Saaamit hi MarcVlaeoaMia Maawter ■ijfe-M JlCneanal yesterday that Aaaaa weald aaa that Prtace the Noa Alined move meat still
      Reuter  -  94 words
    • 371 8 UPI, Reuter KAJUCMI. teturdey TEN THOUSAND people shout lag anti government slogans ethered in eeflaara of martial w today to sand off Prima Minuter Zulfikar All Bhutto s widow, who was freed from trOOeW esTfCSt tO aVBCat HsW?dtCall treatment abroad. and cars,
      UPI, Reuter; PICTURE: UPI  -  371 words
    • 240 8 UPI AS the new Mies World sipped champagne in her luxury hotel suite yesterday, sour grapes ores the order of the dsy among losing competitors who dubbed the Latin lines of the winning Dnmhsscan beauty, Mariaaela Alvarez Lebron. ugly ''There w something strange
      UPI  -  240 words
    • 163 9 ■Til* a I■ r n■■in i amUa Imm jIaIIw mmmMkmm. Binv Dnuin coiTirffiairfCroa in oaiiiy raaio contact to warn of now raid, says Express Reuter LONDON, Saturday ELITE British comnuwooa are operating in Argentina to minimiae any danger to Britain s Falklands garnaon poaed by
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 220 9 LONOON, Saturday A THREE-YEAR-OLD o/Tsixtl? ftoor beoVooenwh^ apparently minor injuries in a Sniracu They "had a mirscu loas escape, said a spokesman far Scotland Yard, which was called to a luxury park lane apart ment house yesterday afternoon after a report that Natalie
      220 words
    • 69 9 Reuter DACCA, Sewsrday BANGLADESH millUry ruler Lt Gee Hosssia Mohammed Ershad today called ea Ms rtoo-IoTWM couatrymea to eet more potatoes. Pressure oa rice ess oaty be reduced by diversi fyias the food habit, he said while bseegerstiag ea m jagsitkoa
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 240 9 UPI AawMOSKM fMerywaad* TH£ V t| y if. a lightweight rifle that has been tbe standard weap on for aeveral countries, includ sag Singapore, baa beea modified to make it more durable and give it a longer range officials aay. The Marine Corps,
      UPI  -  240 words
    • 68 10 DAVE WEBER, unemployed, tries to land a job by advertising himaelf at the side of Interstate 480 just to the west of Cleveland He said that bis own job contacts had not been of much twin, so he went public In search of any kind of work. A
      PICTURE: AP  -  68 words
    • 158 10 AP US P Hah!b "laencka^kto today la a eaawtowaea wtth Lib PrwtoOwat ajou/MaM a wMaarawei of Mr Hahth rafaaad ta talk to reporters aa ha arrived at Mr Qemayels hoaac hj Besrst aaa E WaT h uTYarwi lU ahS km east of tha
      AP  -  158 words
    • 47 10 Reuter SOPJUT, Sal. ?fi«aa«7&SS» tabes anata neat of Batret today after flawtaai lent cartty aoarcea aaid. The laraaua, who maintain poaitiona hi ttw area fOtftj Jean, mered awe Om vwanaa ef Aitat, Mr Aloy, aad blocked sarroandißi roada The Tillage h>
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 94 10 Reuter INDONESIAN Defence Minister Mohsnuned Jusuf hss declared West Kalimantan free of the commu rust rebels who hsve been active there since s felled coup attempt 17 years ago General Jusuf told reporters 7 sot or day after In sporting the province, which borders
      Reuter  -  94 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 27 7 C>J your trrvd agar* today Or caß Kutjfc rtaleaj Tet *****00 MBbW ->— Tmm, mm I- iS f» .^L^LbBBBBBBB "DBtu rennggt oeacn, renang .»M4tw*i Lamm v BW BbbbMLy*
      27 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 105 10 iVteybelline Fine Make-up At Sensational Prices! L Br '1 V.T I rdßl Lsffl 1 aS ft Jajawl I*v BjW a#j Blr' k \\\m BBBBBY BaW AW/ Reputed for fine make-up A H v i X!eP sensibly priced, Maybelline makes I I more sense between now and 31 December, Because we
      105 words

  • tv guide
    • 327 11 TOO AY'S SELECTIONS Crwnocr! 5 TlftfAlMllll fjl Youth (C.28 pm) determined sot to shape bar destiny J¥ mlawf Vers wW ■■BpjM a anlrerw^^ By shear determination and bard work, she hrwaka down al ijpiitilie CWryl Campbell piaya taw rote of Vera aggnnaaWa;
      327 words
    • 82 11 Bwiq Bloq Swig, Critwwiwl t, 7.06 pm TWO nf Hw three guest artistes for this local wonicsl are both finalists from pant rears Chinese takentirne They are Tune Li. now a recording artiste, end Zhen Ya Xisng The other guest artiste is a (Malaysian sheeer.
      82 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 566 11 CHANNEL ft fKX 0.08 0-80 EN 78 (CL Sot-t? 99 h tt OLYWfC lOMUTES (El It OPENING FOLLOWED BY CHIL- or-grwer *ra**r ast OtWBTt FEATURE (Ek Bind Man's 7JO NEWS AND WEATHER FORECAST ,0 J** 1 'SWATIfSR FOFKCAOT (whoee tsthsr owns Hunt- 700 DOLLY FARTON (EL Jjj ICL L eoT
      566 words

  • week's highlights
    • Article, Illustration
      44 12 Patrick International Squaah Tournament (Saturday, Ch S, 4.oft paa) THE two squash giants Jehsngir Khan snd Geoff Hunt fight It oat m the Men's Finals at the Festival There is slso aa match Vlcki Cardwell and British Lisa Opie in the Women's Finals
      44 words
    • 150 12 Tw» UMMI Hobo (toondoy. Ch 5, 5 50 pm) jmrr Hobo.«resourceful c«tsy G rn n be Ho fiercely ioyal and |ejpjjj|| Ho gets involved in aU kinds of orcwnstsncea cc be trots from one lOV—tutl to soother It s greet viewing for all the family This to tho
      150 words
    • Article, Illustration
      349 12 Aft#rTvooo M#on##: Tt*# T y, Ch 5, 4.25 pm) ALTHOUGH tail early Hitch cock thriller is heavy oa sua aaaaa, it w a rarity wtta some typically amusing momsatl It is the story A a couple of English spies who poee SS hu* bead and wife wtta a mwalna
      349 words
    • 211 12 MdMd wpscsar. CourAdow- 11 (Ft I) (wsDfwJwy, Ch ft, 10.18 poo) you will kwvtbt top songs tost hit the 20 to 40 plscings on the music btllboerd Aody Gibto snd htsrtlyn stcCoo wtll host this enterUinment extrsvsgsnss Among the hits tonight srs Ceiehrstion by Kool snd The Gong. Ths
      211 words
    • 142 12 Jepan «c USA: The Hkjh Tiiwwtltej Shoot Out (TeeeSey, Ch 5, 10.15 pm) WHO will profit moat in this high lichaillgy shoot out the USA or Japan Whoever www the cowapattttoe will control the economic future of the world Thai progrsmme reports cc the inteoae competi thaa between Japao
      142 words
    • 245 12 Monday, Now 22 In Soarch 0f... Earth Visitors (T), Charmol I, 6.20 pm. FORMER Nana space scientist Maurice Cha tela in says that there it no doubt aliens have walked among at By rnaaorllng tha sites of the ancient Chstelain tx. he'u'convinced it could only the reealt
      245 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 115 12 Just one Couch National s latest NY 300 EN with OTR one touch timer recording This means when friends visit you while you're watching your favourite programme, one touch will instruct the NY 300 EN to record the rest of the programme and you won't have to miss a thing.
      115 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 432 13 Buy-Sell-Trade £gffi VVell be b^n^wb^gsri^^^ The day after the U.S. mid-term As its name implies, the Singapore The Chartered Bank (Singapore) Trustee elections the Dow Jones industrial average Growth Fund's objective is to achieve steady. limited are the Trustees of the Fund, hit an all-time high. Reacting to Wall Street's
      432 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 36 14 fcM Sm R UIIB awaWafjJfc Vaafcßß K*»ong Yaohan BtAH Timah Yaohan Thomaon Jmm Shop* Al Aahab Bwxham Budrtn frothara Ooaafoad Jaananaa KWtmt Shopping Compt»» Coaaroad JwwM (Paopto Parti CompMno Mwrywaar Shopping Ot»w>a) Taf> Ai (r>ane iata»«V»ii
      36 words

  • showbiz
    • 284 15  -  •y JOYCE LEE VIEWERS may aot have beard of his name but yet. he may look aaelamif to many Ho 10 27 year-old Li Liang Wei. one of the leading actor* of ffaUajalf Beset and IW Hero Suave, good looking LI Liang Wei haa been called Chow
      284 words
    • 62 15 AJ EH, well known for brae laaely to rnn^Ce beee ordered to stop a week. \mmmT mm wket wee wrong with roe. I felt ont of aorta rooot of the tine end very tired Perheee tt wee b» uSaa* to Tel? roe reduce* weaght,"
      62 words
    • 132 15 CHAN Yak Laa whose name baa aaaa linked ra> maatically with Chow Yaaa Fatt for a long time, has decided to go to Kaala Lumpur far a spell She ia on vacatiea from Hong Kong'i TVB till next yeer Once and for all I aro atroonocina
      132 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 73 15 Hero's whore you'll find mm ttuMMku. KOTOOQ 3TIOPp(nQ QpjpjßJ PoaMQM aaak Show Towers Compltx PeopiO s Compfcax ftffj Juatchon OH»)l*J Penmjuta ShoppirtQ Complex Kotong Shopping Crnyrm Beoctißcod Mono Supreme Penang Rood (OperwigSoon) Bot4n«on* Co(S)We UdSpecofcsts Shopptng Centre ffoyali Deportment Shaw Centre Penmsuta Plaza and Peninsula Shopping Centre Singapore Shut Mlnp
      73 words
    • 6 15 KTT I rKEZ rm rOnecaiw* 4
      6 words

  • diary
    • 260 16 FOOO, FAOMWN AND ENTERTAJNAtATNT FAMILY BUFFET V you don t (eel like rooking today treat yonr family to irreaiatible fare al taa Dyaaaty Hotel A family buffet lunch (Italian style) has aaaa prepared at La Vendome Loaaan from 11 JO am to 1 JO pm Buffet lunch at $14+
      260 words
    • 87 16 FvtODUCIIVIF V DRIVE ity. a campaign held in conjunction with tha National Productivity Mooth 82 begins today and will be on until Saav Hen- Eva au^*. .alius law rYjesUOMl r rUtJajR Uwll J Health will declivity and Oar Dairy life and How to Keep Fit today CtaVPßajayg ART 4
      87 words
    • 49 16 PsLM SNOW zero de Ceeatatte and L Assess mat da Mere Noel, a double feature of two middle length French claasuca will be Ba&Mf paa BaS?* Zero aa CaaaMha (Zero for Conduct) aa aatotHographic film of the lata Jean Vigo, aaa al France s moat respected flam prseacari
      49 words
    • 81 16 FAStwON FOR CHARITY DO year bit for charity abaai at aag mm m goes to food, ill Se is the donation) are available at erUjer XIAAA HOUDAY FAJR DO yea have awTkeathaa baying Christmas preeeata? Taa Christmas mmm Pair jes* ta* right place U> get all that roe need!
      81 words
    • 83 16 THAMCMrWtB DAY TODAY m TWoAaghfcag Day, celebrated every last Thursday ef Novem Many hotels are ceeebratiag Thanksgiving ertth special menus prepared hast for ttw occa mm mum IF yea save ta aaaaa ha romantic ballads, you re in for a special treat' Engelbert Hamper dfaach, the legwadary Ring ef
      83 words
    • 48 16 YFC CONCERT TO celebrate Hi JSth An niversaiy. Youth (or Oars* is holding a musi cal concert at the Victoria Theatre today and toTaa pteaweanjne will include performances by the Goh Soon Tioe Strinf 2inC VmW II "ctSr', asaasat San Oaa and Combination Two, YFC's musical team
      48 words
    • 44 16 THE Singspoc' Civil Ser vice Snorts Owned ia or at The HaT aaaa to retired civil servants and enxpsoyeee of statutory boerda There will be en Prises will be awarded ta aaa aaaat Senior Pun SkmZ Tickets aa a first coaae flrat-enrve kaaia.
      44 words
    • Article, Illustration
      117 16 TOOAV: LowtMe Ml am (1.4 m) Raj* tide 137 pm (2 7m, llfpm (t.lm) Low iH*r I St am dim) Hie* tide 2 11pm (2 tm) LevtMe 124 pen <0 4m) TUESOAY Lav taia IN am (l am) File* ties IMpm (2 4m) Lwtm 10 20 pm (Otm)
      117 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 101 16 OOEON: 11th 'POWERFUL' DAY! X X (M7Hlf» I IMOW* 11m, I.JO, 4.00, •JO A I 11pm X X Aammaeaem Mmm 03-00) A 4.00 A A I COWitWT X X RARRAHIAN O I mi>»»• i»i»'•«• O Ca BmBaVA F^BZ» O 6 CATHAY: 11th 'MAGICAL' DAY! 5 0 (JJOJ4OO) I OMOWOc 11am,
      101 words
    • 28 16 JADE: NOW SHOWING! (SJMNIIUj*, iJa. 4, tM 4 4ja»a HihwlM 4a **^m /MaK?r^ [fBVj |kV HH x^fiitymaxwfjj,( M'liifU) ujatf-m MP LIDO: NOW SHOWING! (TtmU) llan. 1.44. U4UIHM N»IM
      28 words
    • 38 16 In aM of Ba* SINGAPORE ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN The Krasrr A Ncavc Group sponsor THE CHARITY PREMIERE of the box-office hit of the year BSSSSSSSW. BBaasawßyTswreeTes (anß^P^^^^ LIDO: at 6.45pm Q aM OLD RUEND6 WITH NFW IDEAS
      38 words

  • 50 17 (*****7) CV»,.^., tl (1)/ n 130. 400 30. BIS itSLr^iS'Vsr/oo»,i Mesa laaasy |CV7 30,130 3 00 L**"" tCV" i 30 400 846 15 OSBSXS (*******) 9U%mm rSo on B*7?,* m «m tm mi PJ*>«»» tllllfll/n 1 00 345 6 30 9 15 (*****10) SRo* Laß- J *****6 4 00
    50 words
  • 48 17 Sr7fs!l) MlTi■'OwJVLoMm V fCV/T» 330 7 It, 930 mmm Tmm MmH Pmmmn (C|/1i «r> (ttot4tt) Ml O— FiSh |Q/1 JO, 400 0 40, OSO M00OI7I) MMiOii O-cTiOh il (CI/1 30 *****0 9 00 *****40) 3 30 7 It, 9 30 5*4107)""'" IMbR 330 7 30. 930
    48 words
  • 50 17 (TTTsU') Tk!r»M( \l. fit. 7A ffSftl) STii 346 7309 30 PBtti STe** 'p*j»«TcCm ?irv so Mi Stiioi) mn IP's i s"t 1 s i s (3440t8P' 1*» ■w*»o *****0 9 30 TmM OMw Mm*w CM* fCVIi v« JB400II) Tfcs ■mi Pmmm |CVI 00. 3 00. 7 00. tOO
    50 words
  • 20 17 JJJJjg* aSTt Sato** fCVI 00 *****0 30 Msauaeaj oa*« a**»ej (C>/1 sso 700 iso SatetT) •^•*^W*»JA T At,aJa
    20 words
  • 22 17 (*****71'f l MM 4 309 15 pa&rt) 7*oo 9 oo OIpMO •>• OaOar (0)/1V 1 30. 4 00. 4 46. 915
    22 words
  • 146 17 Omß** mmm) ftwwrfCVll. 130.4 00 130 HI (*****00) 4 15. 6 46 9 30 *m TM tan rn/4 00 730, 011 (*****01) •Mai OolMftol 101/1 10, 0.10. 7 JO. 0.11 (*****751 iSSttaaoi <,l/ 1 45 4 00 30 900 JOWMQJ C«I««NM(C|/n 1 45 4 15 646 915 (*****T0) HHp.
    146 words
  • 547 17  -  TITLI OF FUyfc Moody Monty STAMMNQ: Chow Yuoti Fott. Un Jtao ond Chon Mtoi Kr DdHCTOH: Huong Shu Tono SHOWMQ: Loioioo Promt, Qoldon tuMon ond Jyrooo Difao lo movie guide RCVKWCO IV: Joyce Lee CHOW YUEN FATT. star of Man In The
    547 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 48 17 Colds bring discomfort and weakness Get relief with specially formulated Fete cold tablets Maa utasaaa A decongestant to clear runny nose and sinus ParooßßMnot to rattova polo Carfotoe to combat that rJepiaoaad footing Vitamin C to build resistance Pm earn aa» *jb& mmutwmm \m —i" Mr^ijr^SisSsß—i .■KMBBwaaaOaßßar**' —i
      48 words
    • 141 17 every room of your home like Sony* Colour 3 System! The 36cm (14-txh) Trinitron portable lets you receive PAL/SECAM broadcasts, or play back prerecorded videotapes from around the world on PAL, SECAM or NTSC Al m beautiful, true-to-We colours, wherever you put rt m your home! And for the roving
      141 words

    • 300 18  -  B J SMITH ONE win from It starts la net en unpreesive record hat today in Race improve en that tally to score hni second win of Has nto-yonr esd New Zealand bred gelding is are !Sj ciar^ ante success ea the local
      300 words
    • 172 18 B) J 33STM MA-TAN {3Mj Chanr) 1 5 Ambarty Court 4 Al SysMms Go I Ait i m C—rt 4 Al Sy»4ama Qo 9 Helo Daring OOjOaORfLMM 5 Ambarty Court 2 lOKJiMtx 4 Onset Way 7 I ii i r Movwig rfiyiwka 4 Sect Way 9 WwvEm-AI 4
      172 words
    • 395 18 1.30 Ctau 4 Div 9 1400 m (WaMIIMI. S7-47) Ste*c* $15,000 <5 tlfll o*4 iTSmmm SISSAj TI. pjj i Qeajß if i JfJ m%• o*4 oaa i cm* atata* amp tan to 4M AVt C 4-4 M i aSAJ KlSStn MM 1 M /ASttfii o*4M»Ua«| tA»»jlSkmjM
      395 words
    • Article, Illustration
      3502 19 2.30 Class 4 Dtv 5 1400 m (Ratings: 70-58) Stakes $15,000 1 Aaaa (1) 2 ***** VMMan (UOyagnv) $4.5 MM (9) Sdwg v Chong *ap Ma 4M29n»<>JM*CnaamKl2o%TntManWgd/hi I 4 2*viw-hc /Aft 14/11 C 4-3 59 Chaam SianV "MjAWaa IM 1.192 3 ***** 0/911■> I 99J MaM 99) C
      3,502 words
    • 194 21  -  B J SMITH SINGAPORE jockey Sain bin Saliman frtai win of ta* sssawa B s apaanafid' dM^ba/^^tae terday te^tatco*^ led aU tae way to win on sacond IsiOMSM Ftfhter H Trsaili in Singapore mm TVan in ta* neit race, lair is moißt. liUi, trained
      194 words
    • 31 21 FIRST: *****4 MCONDi *****3 THIRD: *****9 STARTERS *****6 *****9 *****0 *****0 *****9 *****9 *****6 *****5 *****3 *****0 *****4 CONSOLATION: *****3 *****9 *****9 *****9 *****1 *****6 *****1 *****6 *****1 *****4
      31 words
    • 1444 21 CLAM 4 DIV I 14MM ttotaa IH.4M I MMaTeTM Ma M AtMllM 111 PMtell 7 M4aM44q T-t" am in MMMJ niMifc Qlj 444 tear* (11) 111 4 Tha TaMPae£ i M 14 I 7 ml ii (It) 711 1 At Liberty 17 LMw(l) 47 1 II Tlgjar
      1,444 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 37 22 iMiauaoßMearrß lwy«M^ IZZ.V.M.'aTT.i,. m mm ■b •'Tflffif,^,^, MUMTI ft IMtm r> MMMM M) LMM MMM HI Can Fat mi Ml Mill 1111/Uiia.i Far MB) Ml MMM/takl 3 ssr nil teMMlaM* itl) t|Mte>w«wi m omcuii. IM MMMM OMMaeM
      37 words
    • 131 22 i n■. I, ...i ,»> p i ?«i J\ jJPrTnBftBBP'" 1 M 'a ,^M *TßMaaaMßaw«jk*' Z/J-»090 SELL TOMQ^T^^^W k\W timtn 11 it mm WJVM Wart HI AT tint iiwh<m "V 1111 VICI ,MWW YAwaWrJ BjhjWjbbtßbW c«> na M M I T %immm wM Lw WfJ I c M iM mun>ni
      131 words
    • 44 22 mmi mb LTM Omm, MM rpw MM aaa M M4M4Ma Sin acs if •M%ir?MaM» MeaeiM OmM IT! 4M4 M omm mmm M la I TELE-iIDS Ljjm coat for Wlw Mwy MoraT IOMIaTTIf^MM m JUl a^aaaT •jM^MjMaM^jM^ «mf Maa Ma Mrtaa vIM laa*aM7ar7aatTvaMf Mm UM-
      44 words
    • 100 22 -TT,: |2h2 mmmTmMmM hi mm ill i la* j 5 Mm*. MM mm i i C'mMIII m*m\m tMI Mr Mr' 'WW HUS INI SS H< >»•> M Vtf#l##)#l# l# |nfß OvMff I MM Lara* aM aaaM CaY MM MM, WwaiM UM HOMIIIW M Mw a/»'aa? ■MMM Mail Ma MMM MM
      100 words
    • 69 22 a TABM SBBBATWB) MMV>, Mm^Omm umii, vmmi j MaaJ *m I, Taa rra-iMa M tm^mlmTi 11 mm aw MMM MM tXaM jm aM CM WW mmm li>m Emm*^m*^mi^" CM'riamT MMf?eT».-T CWT TMM OWfVMM CM TILS-AOSt CALL t73ttto NOWI 1 mm9TITIrVXI >MMVMa"ImViMI WW wmi!I*'**''1 mthmi imyrjm nil M> ♦•TW 10T7 MTMM
      69 words
    • 100 22 MAT IMb MM MTfMMTM M• mm t>^m7m^m*m* MAT IM, MM MMILuTM TBUMI-tT4I I MM. MTT MAT M M M MM •M#<4#l Two MjfffGMM l #W#>#f* SMv?v4Mt*sl *#My*9/ MMM Mm ammj «ii.MI Cm Mm IMJM MVMM Mm mMM> JUWIT IHI ■IMIMI rSffl* MM TMM TOTOT A MMMAA S MjCmM 'Tm mmwMhmmm
      100 words
    • 100 22 mL> 02 ill is j I 00 U! > s ii r 3 sit I B 1 -few Ii i iii Hi Mm tOpKJf-UlfJ Mi luxury mod#l by RENAULT. S$42,BCX> IXIOUM/AUIOrTILTO IA Mtweei 91 l>W Wot >4t>i GfOMPI SHOWMOOMS 11 1 11. Panama saaaaaaai tiia»iwo7il t« Jiisto •17 TeeS* Mow)
      100 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 136 23 aSS"M(r at UB rBTB almost »ara mmm ai4. artMM. MMMM MM aMMMOM TmmTmM. 1 im iooo mvt i440l Om pMoM MM, M MMm MM MVA SJSMMMmV mM SSf wm > TM IM MM. is? 4 MTWMSM IM MM MMMM. MllMb MM M Sm SMS MMM) MS C.C 4 BMMMI 1
      136 words
    • 121 23 fSnifji, MM M Tmmj mm iaa Mr**^!*^ mmSsmTmmmmßC TMMMTIff 1 M M»^ •AMI •AVM««T M MM MM MM M mmm MM MM MM* M7-MII a* MT MM TmmmMa. Cranny* Ont 10O| MMMM MMMM? iTIM Vr/^Haaan MM tM MMM OM« M>tf MM MUckM I MMIiU i.l SISSMMSS> j >£^Sm^^M^ tMf m
      121 words
    • 131 23 mmmm 4M*X#Mm5 MMTTAAi M.MB vMSJt MSMMj 1 tSM2sMM)4> M 9) ajwMt lotatian MM 14-MMM A SMBMtHaOy tajf BlaSaS Pm MMMM) MMM* MM ummj m. ire TBU SIS-M lIMMIWIiII MMMTbMm EsmmTsm»V Im^?* OMM MMMM> Mmm MmMmM I'll MM? Mat fIMMMM Maal VI mMmMJ IMmW MM. T« MIMII Aii^iiiiiibJllm Ml MMM A>.^S
      131 words
    • 139 23 eM>MM (aarrvar) I o#| sWaaaMaT IMM| Mm ■c a» Ma aaaaaMM MMI s, »a. 11. HaMMa MM. Omm a e«a AMna MaMMM t «< ITS-MM MM M MMM MO TOW MA VS a a*aaaa*ty pMM mmmpmmXm MMIIHT MMMI Til MTMTS, M? 1 1 or r aa a"* Mr* •14S) aOTSTOM
      139 words
    • 159 23 ***** Smm IiIIIMMMMNTiriVII mMIw ""MMXa'MMM?"^ pl'wVtranaao't allooaTta and AM MO KM «T«ST imi'r"onj mi KALIS MfMUNTATIVSS raaaaMaa tw rr*i*XT. I*rn I 7" pis*?) If impofl RiiOManc• ln*J MMMsaJ aaa*** M MM NO RW MIT sVm 55 eSSS! MM tJPMMM) aWJRSPM nfllfMM ft|MM|M C MttMWfMl Vf|4 Cm* MM MM Ml 7TT-S»M
      159 words
    • 170 23 RYOOEN (mTMmFOM) FT! LTD issk*% fi##m* i%m> mm MM Ml for MMMM uru M IkMmmi Ma «a MMMM Mr MAINTENANCE a MjMjMMj mun haaa MMM aaronMry I and pnaaaaa own moiot rye la Plaa»» ronUcl Mr laf. torvtrr ul SMjAAOME mTKMAL MJTEMS (PTE) LTD A MMtJ»ng printing co#npMf*y ■TTVTtMM rO*M
      170 words
    • 285 23 m ""mC*mm*i %m- r«t ma-mm. Mwv |Vmw im ,n, tl ItUTirUl WOOOtM *>•!•• Ill* »hlllpBH»»» ou»««.< ••Ming pnca IM MMM T«t> *«4 rti mmmv MAUTt#LH. ON. MMMM <* Ho«§ Kong Ha'baur {aflhoyl MH MmM MMM mMm BmMm MMM M4-M7. Mmm. •LUM MMM ILICTNIC MMMM MMjmj m IM.M. M ••mmJ pfjfMMg
      285 words

  • sports
    • 197 24 TAMPINES Rovers to confront Singapore Armed Forres Sparta Aesocutmi tar Oa rieet fa poaeeea fat PreeidW» Caa tar fata Mr-Mh tae only «f tbe reeeJLa of Umldhts na lat^a*^ an A aUrmlr? of mm laaSaW ftary m 4 N Oa aemlftaabi beeto at ftii
      197 words
    • 141 24 IYYJNEY, leawaey JACK Nlcklaea shot a two-over par 74 far a total af tit at frniah in sec oad place after three rosasda of tae USS22ft.O9O Aestralian Open coif caamplnatbirj here today He is two strobes bo hind Aattraliao leader Tt tar a btiai tIT. America
      141 words
    • 79 24 TOKYO, taOaraaf AMERICANS Chris Evert Lloyd aad Andrea Jaeger wftl meet in tomorrows final of the US$24O 404 Lion Cop boating their Went Gar ST Lloyd, who at 27 has waa g UaNai jjgtt Open UU« »ii times and ts now preperinaj for Lac Aeetrafian Open later
      79 words
    • 480 25  -  MALAYSIA 11 StNOAPOfUE JAPAN 2$ MO**Q KONGO KEN JALLEN Jr IN A tnertiiaaa display of precision coordination nd tpeed Malaysia msuled Singapore into meek submission in the opening match of the Asian rugby champion ship at JaUn Besar Sudi «B yesterday And the boats humil is ted before
      PICTURE: CHRISTINE CHEW  -  480 words
    • 366 26 AP, Reuter NEW DELHI, Seturday THE president of the International Olympic Committee said here laday aa waa not satav ergantoars exclusion of Israel aad Camaadia far security naaaaa, but taat he understood very wall E Mr Juan Antonio Sa maranch also told report ara
      AP, Reuter  -  366 words
    • 65 26 UPI rftW fjaait, tedurdajy tee*. ia-t st raw mmwMmj^S Hoog leag bet scored lis second geoJ esdy at the IMb nsbsote. when ehhyper Xefesr label converted the fhrst of the three pen efTeaS^** ate. Sawhed atrect Ik* toarth aad faith gee* fee ladle cccl
      UPI  -  65 words
    • 268 26 Reuter NEW DEL*, aatwowy JAPANESE iwimmrri bottle with China lor top hOJVt at tho Ninth Asian Geenea which iwum into full «c Hon here today The two countries oeatfdy EEfcMiaß superiority in tabie-teo-nav beaketbell and swim mine and appeared weU o?*the other 19 ■■S3
      Reuter; Picture by AP  -  268 words
    • Sidelights...
      • 82 26 UPI MOST Aaiaoa like rk* ba* awt all of thorn Uke the oejao, kaafi aa laikan cbafa loomed Mr Haeayeel Saao, ao official of tko it*. G«rnoeTaak^ It opoot by tbo khad of rtco tboy oat. TW Soeth jj^J^ bi m hoearrhrw
        UPI  -  82 words
      • 85 26 AP THE of kwrnolMo, officials and svid fans wbo demand qmick results In events at the 9th Asian Games m corning true The Hnngarian computer and its Indian handlora hawo not made a stellar debet at the [awtehee taWflrMafoeate Gam'fot available
        AP  -  85 words
    • 155 27 DAY ONE API NEW DELHI, Saturday POUCE tightened the al ready massive security surrounding the Ninth Aaaaa Gomes today fol anrhafl s near the Soviet embassy ttw antra my ef aaatawr reports of a possible hi lacking attempt by Indi > mTn^ro i <^b carity Force were
      API  -  155 words
    • 361 27 eVAaatrTBALL China ft Iran 02 Japan 111 South Yemen 40 Woaaeo North Korea 194 India 99 HOCKIY India lfl Hoof Koo* 0. Oman 2 rUntln<W«h 1 LAWN TENMIS rfawVt'TiutTa^i*?!i m\ ISSt?" ka^ UfM China 1 Malaysia 1, North Korea 1 Syria 1 TABLE TEMNI9 Fartad Self 21 12 21-9
      361 words
    • 261 27 SI HI SH N MM Cv7^^ > Taarn J "rvff?u\? riin^?^ race ml fathat bs bat the Talkalora Pool this evening Pkwee lot aaa aaaaa Eat race e%/aaJaT mtV gtjhj||ar {hree m *nalTbakow*lier^aiV^"l Em* aaw failed to pacify the aggrieved 12- sea? with eyws CWWUaos primary failkag was
      261 words
    • 59 27 aWQAPC9IB wat aaaaaet lartaaa be ertSoaa*/^ Tha Paeans* Caaeeearation roochod a deadlock aa decJdhbf tho waaaaa whoa fate foot; re- North Koroa mot at the Aahoh Hotel in Now Delhi thai after Bat AFC aasaataat ear rat art N Raja banted after the meeting that Singapore will
      59 words
    • 128 27 THE telegram from Roy Manrhsl W tko grieving family of South Korean boxer Kirn Duk Koo oho died on Thursday was brief "It vi wMh profound grief and aadneea we ex press our condolences He WOJ) 0 brave snd dignified ghsujaggg Ho will always be
      128 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 407 24 j i 1 jackpot S Cut out and staple with other coupons. I Posting instructions appear betovv I »<mm: St.: Ace OcMpeiiee: mm m Nfl.l.C Ttt: aJd" I O L oo J T m ACROSS USING kV I CLU€SB€LOW CLUES FOR FH-1 1. PisNcSiS cmoSMmmm 2 itoTfSJSJ t —11 SEN
      407 words
    • 82 24 PLAY THE Sl^^ you mmm tva odJooS. out tor your rt MOtffltl DATES Ta^kfaf ntriitww 11 i9it 190* sosncy snd tvar eT^^s^anne^ea^^^^^ tsrrsnss sre rut seQCts tor Wo oontstt birth datss wth approprMSs idsrdetosaon 8 COUPON' Ju-10 yOM b rthda> nd an w «Mton "t 4 JO, 1 TV- (M-AMAM
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 50 26 2386 TORNADO 2197 PATRIZIA upwards V.J9W 2196 FRANCESCO 2365 LEOPARD 2376 TORNADO MESH Sol* Dletrlbulor. Singapore. Malaysia Brunei, Indonesia. Philippines 9 Thailand rSK-GW"A fvfi^\ UNCLE CHOO SPORTS CENTRE iC^fitJ^ Unit 232. 2nd Fkxx. Plaza Singapore, Orchard Road. Singapore 0923. Tel ***** M wQjoeaP 1 Available a authorised Oadcxa KtoJ daaaara
      50 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 95 27 r~We Extenc^^ The Singapore National Rugby Team... SEATED (left to right) David Quafc. rkwroah Mohd. Andre. Chin (CapOjin). riataher Bava (Coach). Dr Chan Pang Mun (Manager). Tao Han Chua (Vice Captain). ANrad Laa. Frank Kwofc STAHOttiG (Lafl lo right): fig Sam Met. Vao Waa KMn. Tay Hut Eng. Amran R
      95 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 199 28  -  if SURESH NAIR Mew Dea* eeturea* Mint mtmto totßj hTpaTteat the oewly-opcaed Talk* tor. Pool here aa Strata port stole tko limelight on tko opening day of tko Aaaaa Qeaaoa wsetr polo Siagapore, broose 117* rocord 27 4 victory tko laift-fcaVt t>y eU) y Sll^^nlpffTT team te the
      199 words
    • 153 28 Before toe Irantone boor bod toe boo yesterday evening ior me opening ceremony, wnicn iney noo oorUor three toned to boycott, they wildly deMeweii, with slogans aow banners, tbe United Down with the US" and Down with Israel' they screomed In an obvious show of their intention to
      153 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 44 28 t mutt for •coTe tTrri ltd IF A lON IS STILL WORKING AND AN MOI D A C Mil I) S Al II N I lON Al TKK 48 HOI KS IT'S \TR\ I IKI IN MADI BY I ISHI K-PKK I Fisher Price
      44 words

    • 4 1 Living MONITOR Magazine Section
      4 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 542 2 ffr^ vei THE instinct to travel out of pure curiosity it em of tho few faioarlss which ore unique to men Birds migrat. vast distances but only to find suitable weather end Isadora grounds Animals room (or food. Fish and turtles croot Only men.
      542 words
    • 601 2 AUSTRALIA la bacornhtfj mora and naoia popular aa a holiday owatknotton for SiriQaporaana. afloat paopea make for H, t-l— ilj* Oni-tnui trm org cvawa or wywnwy, nfejaoourna or Pat ttt. But 000 of Auatraka a groat effractions la fta vast 4s)f CINDY,
      601 words
    • 365 2 OUR COURIER, Malcolm Padgett. 22, wok* us up on the first morieng for a trip to Hook island by cruieer where from the gleee-bottomed boot we saw on almost unbelievable ar ray ol ftoh etriped, dotted end plein, rod, yelow, blue The boot port of tho
      365 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 489 3 Win an overseas hoHday plus and ether fabulous prizes. You can win for yourself a holiday in Taiwan, Over $4,000 worth of prices had been won m me first Japan or the United States when you buy GEC bS\ m draw heW eafly oc,ober 000! 1086 001 en,er ,he GEC
        489 words
    • 892 4 Street artists and artistes all over Europe The art critic John Ruskin once wrote: "All travelling becomes dull in exact proportion to its rapidity." In other words, ths slower ths better. And certainly, if you really want to sos a now place rather than just gst
      892 words
    • Article, Illustration
      367 4 My first mount* of tho usual kind como tho noxt day on my train journoy to Dovor. Ho was a a big man. Mora than two motrai tai and his naroa waa Abduaoh. m, i hu ft imi mkim km Fmmt AMm ITTJrFI cXJrnOBS el COS! AInCS.
      367 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 94 5 Remember how you felt the last time, ruin your day. How you'd rather be left alone. Take the improved Saridon from And how everything you did seem to Roche the company that cares about your turn out all wrong. well-being. Well al of us face the misery of Just one
        94 words
    • 796 6 Family travel is a new and growing phenomenon In Singapore. VIOLET OON has just taken a trip to tha United Statas and dascribas how travailing In tho Statas can bo a brooio. I SAW Bruce. Lee's grave In Seattle. e*M forced to take a
      796 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 57 6 TAMIYA NiODELUNG CCmPETmON'B2 Show off your creative skills andwin handsome prizes! Entry forms available at all Departmental and Hobby Stores Entries Close 6th December 1962 Venue City Plaza Shopping Centre Ground Floor Concourse Exhibition Dates Bth 12th December 1962 Sponsors is^jSI fTP l iliJ HuaHua(S)PteLtd City Plaza Co-sponsor McDonald s
        57 words
    • Page 7 Miscellaneous
      • 46 7 COMCS V e 7M 6 F4VOR A /OMV/M I/CVNTWA \e 1 I 'WHAVE A CYNTHIA i £ZL\ !g*XOMf* J 1 WZVHeVBK <30 LM WILL jl I IT jyj^^^^T^ 1 rjpv mm r-, I 7 I f f Arvtji(A<R^^« oxm+l U-t-X.4 J V 7 V J l^pSsS^)
        46 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 128 8 I on cmiw jit pom TiAva (no itd. jjjMHaBB^BS J U 1 I 151 Chin Swm Rcoa Siogopof* 0316. Ev»ryMonrJoy i>l//V 5 DAYS JOzU J I HtTA Tal *****77 *****66 Extn 463 6 464 R All TAIWAN/KOREA f QOArS 4 Q EveryMonOoy/Fndoy I I MLfjl ***** SCTPM CO/IRO f MfAHHHS9H
        128 words
    • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      • 18 8 llLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV I— JO BCRVf, AMD I F+VBUTILA HMLAAHI #OOPBVf Lbbbbbblbbbbbb! I Bbl Bat BBBBBBBBb m\\\\\ Bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ■bbbbbbbbV
        18 words
    • 736 9 Autumn or fall ia New England, Massachusetts, Is quite an experience for tho novice. It ia a time when tko bare branched treea mournfully wait for tho white •aow to descend on thorn. Hero N. BALAKRISHNAN captures the essence of fa 11... THROUGH Christmas card*
      736 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 74 9 gsß^bw!^»_. 4 -mm\\\ Everybody is going for the refreshing taste of Capri-Sonne The fresh fruit |vice in a cool pouch you can take along wherever you jjo A run in the sun, a tan on the sand or |ust fun Thirst quenching Capri Sonne. the quality drink imported from Germany.
        74 words
    • 522 10 CLOSER home, Malaysia always sounds familiar to Singaporeans. Yet it has its own secrets for the adventurous tourist. JOHN CHONG gives us a glimpse of trout fishing in the Highlands and CATHARINE FERNANDO offers a quick guide to more familiar spots. ffravel* THE SUN was
      522 words
    • 633 10 Your holiday fun-in-the-sun guide to Malaysia s golden beaches EAST COAST HERE tha main attraction la uaw incrsxiiofy tony sireicrws 01 firm, flat beaches. Turtle hunting is another attraction The beech, however, docs not alow for vary good swim irang as tha pounding waves ol the
      633 words
    • 1105 11  -  VA41N6 A LINK THAT GOES BACK TO NONYA KITCHEN with VIOLET OON HIS FATHER started off with a shop at 214 Joo Chut Road called Guan Hoe Soon and became well known as a Nonya food caterer Today Yap Kow Soon continues ths tradition, catering
      1,105 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 98 11 Lab ill IUI aaaV —1 aVSi Lvl L^ttaaf I faal BaW hara I Kaaa^^^^aa' m \w FnjaJlM IRuanuts have made the affllfaOaJ Hawaiian islands famous. Now on our m g i f I islands.... the famous Hawaiian Host I Im\ 11IIJI^^^.aa^ chocolates and nuts. They're Hawaii's best WjUmJJ* Jlr^ Macadamia
        98 words
    • 417 12  -  .ffr^± By OOI KIM KEE wp#ft) trC#n#cy snd so awasssjhsrs of wawauawtj. I rwmwnwjwr i (WCWta TO vavsi rough and I am glad I did. SS SSkJt «a«as.ffc4 **k* noiu s no owssw Mil of discovering s place then doing rt yourself gating, st temples, uuogaig across
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 26 12 SoUAmrmt CASEY ENTERPRISES PTE. LTD. H**B*mtOmmy% mmm mimm\Hm+m\ mm MM I CASEY (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. Mb RH AW fofcj Phmm tt Jmm hmmi Kmmtm Lmmmmr. Milirjiir,
        26 words
    • 2705 13 New research shows that the Japanese outperform all others in intelligence tests. Are they really smarter? Or are they taught haw to handle new knowledge better? And while some are still pondering over this, the results have once again brought to boil a long-stand-ing debate
      2,705 words
    • Page 13 Miscellaneous
      • 390 13 MIND BENDERS These rf o busline, fwilw art la the laa I par caa* aa standardised talfTlplinfl 'if mind St |aagj|pj WTSaS) SV Uoaa prepared my Maaaa. aa iraaal Menu neawlasaal D. 17*1 Waal saUaa made ap mt peopet waa scera Third street Brooklyn N V i i:u kraut and
        390 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 97 14 Silhouette. Dedicated to highfashion. J So rxi lusn-e t.irry pair is WM M spei uilty \t\led Id the last detail I I HMiltrfl. U Trrndsettmg, designs and hne B I fl workmanship are the hallmark HV r fl ofthe world \So 1 eye fashion K\ A ifl manufot turer. Silhouette
        97 words
    • 1412 15  -  PULSE ON HEALTH In the beginning, male university-trained physicians had little to offer witr 1 Dr Judith Mackay DOES your blood boll when you rood this statement (made by a doctor) "AM woman's ill man ara psychosomatic unless proved other wise"? What
      1,412 words
    • Page 16 Miscellaneous
      • 87 16 \l Lm^J^2J t'know how A#srp ex****: I m THS SMAAK I^Lb^LbHAlbMbj^Bj^Bj^Bj^L PHRPri who* ft hint /4| IL mj LiHIW IN HOW T'fIBOTECT I/I I All Lt XMQSC^'rVHfIS Mmm W LV TMe OTHER *ur/ I mmmmammm. mmmm. 1 J f WHAT OH, W W I Er ABBS ■■■■■■BI JL. BBBBBaBHLBB^BBBBaaVBBBBBBB^ A
        87 words
    • 634 17  -  f ROAD 1 with LEE CHIU SAN TOYOTA'S Ceaca was the first mass sating sports coupe to come out of Japan And it was an instant hit with the young crowd Now, 12 years and two model changes later, the now Ceaca has grown up, aa
      634 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 90 17 GET THE LATEST NEWS AT HOME WIN ATRIP TO LONDON CASH PRIZES TWO 3rd PRIZE 5250 cTnSwii FIVE 4th PRIZE $100 fcvfcriY MUNI n twenty-five sth prize $25 To be eligible. ust netr this simple question snd fill m the rest of the coupon Wnen d,d tne Singapore Monitor first
        90 words
    • 75 18 Sygma whn om H m bHytlM mm! ctMirtlM ac in M lug i|. Har Am NtarwcMMttyMniiovhMtfM ■unite Ifcj lal l, aDaaaeeUerSmKmlinl fkNtaTMd TWy C*a M« Bow a mmtttm at kmrnj h, Maa. aad At weH act la a |triall Hirum
      Sygma  -  75 words
    • 236 18 ERNEST HEMINGWAY (1899 1961). "GRACE under pre* •urn" WM American No bd Prize winning laure etc Ernest Hemingway definition of courage And It is a quality with which much off his writings are concerned]. Widely recognised as one of the great authors of the
      236 words
    • 323 18  -  By Michael Gartner "IS THERE difference between forcible and forceful?" aaks a render. Yes, and a third word, forced, also has a distinct meaning. Forcible means effected through the use of brute force. There are forcible rapes and lore lose evictions.
      323 words
    • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 357 19  -  I leart •villi NALLA TAN 1 HAVE just given birth SO S bsby »oy Intend to stay oa my own while my hueband Is ewey lor four sissy ssaso that I con go beck to I did teL be? 'met tincTber own daughter te
      357 words
    • 623 19  -  Psych-lines •y Wong Chai Koo TOGETHER, their surnames. Qtn Jian, literally means "money Association with wealth by name Is not the only thing Mr Qtn and Mr Jian have In common. They sre Chinese communists Before I met them on a studytour of West Germany
      623 words
    • 194 19 I AM It year* old. Every month when I have Bey period, I have terrible pain In the abdomen Ueuaily the moat painful days art on the Hrst anal the ace ond days of aay This worries aaa becasjee wheawver I have the pain. I cennot
      194 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 33 19 You've enjoyed it in Irish Coffee, Why not enjoy it other ways? J.J. WITH WATER B SODA ROCKS 1 I JL Jameson IRISH WHISKEY YOT I 1 NFVUI KNOW UNTIL YOU VEIHIED 11
        33 words
    • Page 20 Miscellaneous
      • 391 20 UNCUS ARTS j£% pjiJ^HH MATCH EaEH GAME Eg|H rr s/x m\mm I )M J AA//Al4/S rV//V 77V/S 3o» tt*%m gr««l pruw from Wsdcfcnglon* Mcxjm o< Game, ye awarded —eh wm*tk r —j aT G4*f£- ay /^i^rc/v/A/G KJ^Lnw y e^c//w<*4*t tv/r/v/rs ——1 Hi! iSsttU I AT> J AT &Or Z>/Ar^# S
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    • Page 21 Miscellaneous
      • 802 21 Business not so open COMPANIES listed on the stock ex Va< and con,,d n,ldl 00 to P ,ts Ut changes have a moral duty to keep the I m j m w\ m f aJJWai I est statement to the stock exchange I YOUR BIRTHDAY TOOAY: Your personal ex investing
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    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 47 22 Now available at all leodina Jfl department store* and jeanerft* Wmm%-- .t^EJS^LVJaiBBBBBW _m am m%X 3 L C I 111 Mm7m\ Sole Agent for S E Asia mffg| F J IfNJAMtN SONS FTf LTD 1101 1104 Tong 11th Floor 302 Orchard Road Slogapore 0Q23 Tet *****55
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