Singapore Monitor, 19 November 1982, Afternoon Edition

Total Pages: 47
1 47 Singapore Monitor
  • 15 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR M.C. (P) Na IWS/82 FfkUry, NovambtK 19, 1982 w m m m
    15 words
  • 43 1 Ljeaakea M Ste Mkee WocM Cocoheaee care/v, la Sere) epet ffjr Set UeAeej ifjnfj SSMAT*S UNUSUAL ABOUT IMS WOfHJTP SO PAOf tt mm World 82 Miri (otntrt), nm+md by runrw-up Sari (rig**) and third tpot wtnm Omm. PICTURE UPI
    PICTURE UPI  -  43 words
  • 154 1  -  SIT YEN FONG coeatriaa w traaaK peelta. Tito follows the 'Wteee coecere lipi leaii he eercotic offtciala from the two terrttortee orer the pretest safhu of aerosa from a baeaper opeem aarveet ta the uoaoae Ti aaagsa avaodttaijha blears of Thailand hlalay Taa dacaaoai far
    154 words
  • 45 1 Polish agents reveal pics and tapes ot lech AP NEW YORK, FihJjjy tttßt IttdtT, NBC MVI rtptftttl Ittt ttgAjt. wtttaetl, tootrtllta, tt NBC. mm w ■am w »-i«mii mms. mmw m trim Uemmi mime Heart tantm, taa report mm\ AP.
    AP  -  45 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 I SuPRDE SUVA I I JEWELLERS I Hi 01 It TangMn Sftoppme G*ntr« H StnOJVor* Tat 7S7MM B io»a J Canon lit Canon eutocnet ie fccueeiQ auto tHrri ectvanc* auto rewkxttnfj auto fuaert auto exposure
      35 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • opinion / letters
    • 321 2  -  THEY SIMPLY IGNORE BIG 'NO TRESPASSING' SIGN MR MAHTANI Singapore IMS I OWN a private flat ia Reae Garden Amber Road These are private flats pjat ia froot of tbe KMoae Shopping Centre I have been living there for tbe
      321 words
    • 75 2  -  HO PAU YUEN rX)*JR rTUENTSS) RECENTLY. Cathay aa varttaca hj the esaoaaa 11 HI laajf teafjasrapafar aha hay shows lay the Rhai "Qoest For Fire la Cathay at 4 pen to aay aha tickets far aha pas the lad>^ The lady's reply wee 1
      75 words
    • 138 2  -  JOE WANG LO Sincapore 2105 THE only reason I caa think of for a Singaporean to defend or condone skrv ■■Isiifaj oa the part of vieitors, hi that they themselves are packing up tbeae un I*ol aot conceited about
      138 words
    • 104 2 W0BLDMOOB Reuter LONDON: b Margaret Tlsßtchar oeateat to be Prime Minister of Britain or does ahe want to be President 1 Jgjgjg Jj| {JJJ* sffgtf |SblbV Mrs Thatcher, victor of tbe conflict with ArrenUns over Islands and borne, plana to set ap a Prime Minister s
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 51 2 Reuter UNITED NATIONS: Pessimism is rsfe la rich aad poor countries ftMLwC mm S of Sloo4w UN study. soase aa abeerate eecthae sa the ataadard efSSS Improvement that they had cwme to tabs far ayaahad, aad tar efaa ethane piMpitfa," UN laVishi
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 52 2 bwtThTswreaTslm proacb of winter hi tbe thick carpet of cabbage leaves lying on tbe pave The Chinese capital is now caught up in sn enormous operation of distrib In the rush to bring all thm health tribute it. a lot of cabbage Isawes in tvttabry fall by
      52 words
    • 171 3 TWO leading finance companies have been advertising about their attractive savings accoaati which credit interest ta deposits daily from the date a deposit is made iastaad of like other financial aestitettooa from the beginning of the next month if deposit is made after
      171 words
    • 118 3  -  HENG HIANG HIANG (•OSS) For Permanent Secretary (Nation* Development) WE THANK "Save Energy" (or lis letter oa the closure of tke U-turn at Marine Vista along Use East Coast Parkway (New Aaafaea, Nee JJi With Use passing of Use Changi Airport aad Use Benjamin
      118 words
    • 77 3  -  TAMMIE LOKE Head. Public Relations A Adv I REFER to the letter frees year reader heedasaed. Keep B ep. SBS!" pehllahed 00 12 Nov 82 We are happy to know that year writer. Mr Raymond Chhv has faaad ear has crew Bsasjajsj sach as these do
      77 words
    • 184 3 BEING a read user I cannot bat sympathise lashed la year paper ea Oct IS about Cfaco sou t riders whs escort large trailers without allowing other motorists to overtake oe tke right, therefore causing traffic jams On Nov 4 at 10 SO pm. a
      184 words
    • 48 3 THE Zion Road Food Centre to an eye sore The lighting to fsulty. there are no fans and the neon display for the food centre does not work The shrubs and trass there are not trimmed and taken care of. HEARTACHE Singapore OS 14
      48 words
    • 225 3 If rt Is natural to Mat, nrhy mm mmm have to mm Into Mast*! to lonm Ibowt JOAN BAEZ. American font singer and composes* (1941 TOOAY at Friday. Novambar lftb. taa SSJrd day of INS There art 42 daya left in the year rttHLKhHTt ta history
      225 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 188 3 lgw~^H %m\\\m V w^g^g^g^g^g^H BbJ 7 a^BaaaeWaaHeaaaeeaaaß "A creative collection always includes elements that are somewhat ahead of their time. It exists for fringe groups of people who are sensitive to fashion and aesthetics and who are not necessarily interested in the dictates of the majority Monsieur van Laack van/aack
      188 words

  • opinion
    • 405 4 SIGNPOSTS Wee's going to attack us* asked two office col leaguee almoat ilmul Laneouely Bath were journal aits, aged SI and St, 100 young to renumber the Korean War or the Soviet invaWorld War^Two. The conversation took place s year ago We were die national the
      405 words
    • 188 4 DaYvtxxu 3 A sumnidrv <>f some* of the main r.«*us items in morning papers GOOD aawa for Maanaaeraaae wiahanf to rant fbritaia. Tha antfah powad, which ia now a fraction of Ma aid aalf. baa weak anad farther aad la beverbaj ha* above stftftd Yeetarday
      188 words
    • 73 4 viewscan Vii'lVS from 1,1 n ill L. IN bit aoVhraaß at the openkafaf a aaUoaal prodacUvity w Ong jbarocjaoß coaatrtee as a the otaer aaad. tarrrhai becaea* it has opted far aatintlia LTreaorie laboar shortage derleg better days has seehaTeaaj ropean cossstriaa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 228 4 SPREAD ABOUND OFKERR^QLD BBbw BBhJT Kerryfold pure Irish fe^ butter fsprsssdi easily and /lv?J*T» Jf rtfi Iri lk retains that freah, smooth LjL sssiVsr I quality butter. G ENSEAL FOOD COEPN PTE LTD. 1. Secern) Chin Bee Pbsnl Wissssjiritßtt Tel: BBsflll Want to §et away tor a short vacation? You
      228 words

  • home
    • 217 5  -  •r. SEAN CELANG NEE Chssf Idhwr crkaa. wa will pitch in No big daal about that," aaa yoetb toht ass That m aot to say commwalty laadars will aot have s hewdacae trying to explain, recruit and trass volunteers organanag V "aeU j for tea?' m lf TV* ■■mini
      217 words
    • 67 5 OWNERS of If veaaab) have beae tahaa to court by tae rort of iwngapnro Autaonty cor pniiating ssnga-Tweatv-oaa of them were cbaraed seat wear and the mat in tha first tea months of thai year A PSA apnhaaman said: "The average fuse haaaaoed by the courts sa each
      67 words
    • 42 5 caaaa tha two herbal preparatioas coetala high wkach* Jmmitl sjj mXimV* of their ft stock aad te retire thea te tbe wbolaealar or the laapactarete Section, laaaatrv of v A* neena, eia ixoraj, cape*Tq*y| arg
      42 words
    • 39 5 Berita Harian (New 17) era. jjjjjjp 7 a aat'aanj nmUfmm ""Sl* IT) tiwf rifihiV Xaala^laaasa m> ta*> aaeea■ 4aTtfaaM §9 eta) B^ It a a rare aaaafe Caaaa beetles ■■■■■■j aaVaat a eeaaaatltlee attltaee ta hy paefaraaaaa aaaaaaar, a^aaare
      Berita Harian (New 17)  -  39 words
    • 123 5  -  •v CHUA NOENG CHOO in a maghttrate s coart thai morning charged with a total of 11 coeata of cheating a beak of $1 millioe between Aagaat IHO and Jaaaary INI Phillip Tan Pack Guan was charged with five counts of cheating the Ma
      123 words
    • 92 5  -  •V LAM MO LIAN Uoa from taa British Parmittee aa Trada aad ladaatry a ia Singapore They are bare to (ami uarae inemaaivaa wita trial aitaatioa in the raEmJ to aaaeaa taa ac ad pertonnance of firms aad com Tae groap. cotnprsnag mamaars from
      92 words
    • 272 6  -  Now shooting facilities at 110 schools provide students the confidence in handling firearms tf JALIL MISWARDI MORE and more boys are learning how to handle a rifle or pistol while still at school and before having to do National Service. Although the
      272 words
    • 64 6 THEIMUa ifmrtmm* Mort v Orchard Road lost worth more thaa SSA.oee, yesterday A coaple approached one ef the nhajhsi mwM P C aat ahoat SSS pen aahjadtoaee^ the bach of the ciaatir whan the The three later left without buying Bat when hlias Ong
      64 words
    • 42 6 MOTORCYCLIST Poll Eng Tong, 31. died this morning after losing control of Mi machine a long Use Nscotl High way Police say he waa travelling towards town jest asfeee 1 am when the motorcycle went off the road.
      42 words
    • 283 8 A DAILY hoeercraft service has started between linaaeoro aad the Indonesian island of Batam. partly meeting the need for s fast service created by the lapsing ef the ■■llraatar link with the ia load. The hovercraft service, from Finger Pier to Sokupang ia Bntam
      283 words
    • 190 8  -  COMPENSATION FOR LAND USED FOR GOOD CAUSES YONG FOW ANG HUNDREDS of thoa taa to CatTie Mia Caa Chinaee emmd deVrTTaTfTtmt to Urn lorn of lead aad decliaiaf stadeat enrol meat, will aaad ever fise eae thai aftaraooa at tae gdecatloa Mmatry to Beaaataai
      190 words
    • 97 8  -  LAM MO LIAN Project m aero m sec whet amajejaeehea mrnWm* Seas* of the Imm wUch have txini Dans Weerapaaa's satereet at Assassin are tha reiatsswahaas that have be— irtaSttalii hatwaaaj tha private aeetar af the ceeatrectsee tha geverameat, Aahamaajaj Dsree tar (PUaaaag
      97 words
    • 167 10  -  1 LYE YIN FONG SURGERY remains the main treatmeat for earner patients today despite the advaecas la Chemother aay aad radiation therapy. Nearly 70 per cent of ceecor patients who recovered, were cared after surgical treatment of tumours This will be one of tbe
      167 words
    • 166 10  -  ■v TO CHEE ENG THE deed bodice of a woman and a boy found waahed aahore near the East Coaat fMmti on May 5 thia year were recorded as a caoe of murm raw laJrldi If tin fornaor mm mnreaeg Tbe body of Tan Keng Huat,
      166 words
    • 293 10  -  •v YEOW MEI SIN THERE wm a lot of cor faaaaa Uaa moraiaa at th* UTA Praaca Ah-Oae of flea ha IShej Oaart Reset 'tra'v' al aaaat wara trytaf la aetve taa probsstn with UTA offlciala of bow to aat la Tilieadieei from Madras or
      293 words
    • 235 12  -  ■V FAEZAN ISMAIL aUNGAPOaUUkItS have been ■pi m base aharaaag Mai ta "iiilMty tfc r£c«i war* vital s Jaywasaauw Samassar af State for taa S>l> Jameaaaar aaad produc- ■mat It maaaa. We are all aware of taa amanrtaari of aaltnaal aafence The objective
      235 words
    • 131 12 \\a^^W Survey commends paternalistic style of functioning s very paternalistic style ■sftTSfCS heaaaheT tmmmmmy to aoTaa'atiracuve aa usat given ny padrone C 0 B anctad by Commerce shows that in the majority of the com Omurwnting on the resalts af ttat survey. Mr Oaarjs
      131 words
    • Article, Illustration
      262 12  -  fraa JOE PUTTI Daar Taamy. SO your fiieada want to know if productivity can be measured and bow to spot tbe raally productive people have wondered about JusThow me? sure whether a worker has aot tbe nrodectivitv menmrmmm w» mm SW*SPU %mWmW MWW** Wmwrnf mwm ▼aa T lllvw
      262 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 426 5 "IS* got m mmm m m more money than I PTfI thought!" W JfT J ft h vervdas. more and more people arc discovering that lho have more nwnry than they thcajght. How? V gFB I 16 yean oid lo appry M XT Then al you have to do is
      426 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 117 6 —*S?f One free Wuppet when you purchase a Rapa Burger, a Chicken Sandwich or A&W Fried Ovcken.* Announcing the Return of the Wuppets! Now they look even cuter and more lovable! Why not start collecting the whole Wuppet family today? There are four different characters a hard hat, a cowboy,
      117 words
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 436 7 The Bosch fully-automatic \vashing machine Y42S A house help that does everytiiing right. The Bosch V 428 offers you only an luxury wash plus technical T j i^i^i^BaslaalaaaaaeH reliability of the highest order, 1 sjbbb iH|HHfI but also a host of other special r mmnr W features about which you
      436 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 163 8 DRINKING CAN MAKE YDUWEAHTiY Drinking the superb, smooth VAT 69 *> ~7 Scotch Whisky can not only bring you great IB <* enjoyment, it can now win you casn prizes. 1 W /r^t^«>^\ To celebrate the 100 th birthday of this I 1 J Jsm*\j^^^ famous Scotch, we are holding
      163 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 136 9 takfl r S I.CXX) TICKETS? A CRUISE 2000^^^^3000 priw in our 25* Annivcmry Driw! —Ay There are 500 ofoubte-ockets to be I j National Panasonic or Technics products m?b™ 2 j£T tffi ll at- 1?\ I 13ri,NcA^lir^ I 4 \t\J 1 -4- i jS) Pte Lid, 900 Durearn Road, Smojporf
      136 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 90 10 TASTE ENTAL¥A\S □GATED BUDGET Shown >wi top to hi K(» >m aA\ Model 6)*****4 gnUplMtl with lONfrMrd Sracrln S$lV) (MSMM Model 642-KN)III V 4JH"rd intromcd hmelrt Ss4fto <Ms**l Model 642-***** plijlßM. wKh tnBJNMI hr»*trt SS46O (MSWM Model 2*o-***** gnUplatrd with IratHrr «rar -SSMO<MS»74> TISSOT SWISS So» Agont. «od S-tvk* Contrn.
      90 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 286 11 Buynow while prices are in your favour Invest in a Furama Singapore shopkrt today and be ready for the next property boom. Buy now when price* are low Ttwrewwbeiareefkxyiof diopt Law teal aad war Fwaaw, braujiaa fft U rhae aaaaaaaaaaaat I 1 1 Now is the best time when property
      286 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 259 12 mmm few few mmm A\ fern m<xj«i g Gnu too moo«i s2 us HO CBS HOSE I rwatanfa new °*i^r°* Caaaette Feu A-8 /^■k^"^i^a*a. s--B aaSßi «V no hOM portable l—^ewajj^J burner /tmj^^^f^^^^^^^^^^^T Over 11 Lii«»««mf *****^t Casatte Feu sets O^^XTc^^ already sold in Japan. No more gas hose nor
      259 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 63 13 BBbVbbbVbbbVbbbk CTQI bY BbbVbbVbbVbbVbW? .jMXK «> ■W 4 ■■■■■■■■■■■■195 BB» Bl LIIIIHb v *CibbHb» m\mm\\. mmW J*mm\\\ W BmBI i^atfl B\ By mm\w<mm BE ~^^SBVl BBlfl i #/flfi bT HP DfSILVAJiWIUJ'JWrriITDtiII ,12* JlSurw*,nrrW o*2* TH H*o»7. I*»J64* UM*l>o*M IbV!^/^******^ if DT mi %ai Mi SDN BHD Im FV«*. Weld huUn
      63 words

  • world
    • 172 14 A RECORD 1 ftdllioo nicotine addicts three million more than laet year day* to he* the *t*te*t^^ keout,' the Aaaaritaa Cancer Society The aociety said it baaed its figures telephone calls to 2.277 Thirty six per cant ef theaa reached said they
      172 words
    • 114 14 UPI POLICE at Ameterdam's Schiphol Airport found 3 kg of pare heroin ie the luggage aad cloth** of a IS-yeer-old A mjt l I W mm m nfcl imm dov travailing aaoaa rrom aaracai ai Pakiataa, a apnkaamaa said y eater day Two adults were waitiagtomeet
      UPI  -  114 words
    • 79 14 UPI WAStSMQTOM, Fit. DESPITE tot* appeals from Use Whit* Hoeae Romaa Catholic Bashops voiced stroag sapport COsT k\ sTweeoAA^ r of aaKhaar saeJt oa hey aapacta of US strategic poTscf That pohsted the United States' wan ouuy to the Aati coeYeTeaice oT Catloll! Bieboae deferred
      UPI  -  79 words
    • 285 15 Two workers allege abominable conditions UPI BONN, Fri. TWO Soviet dissidents forced te week oo tbe natural gas pipeline from Siberia to Western Ea rope seat yesterday they lived ia abominable' conditions subject to scurvy aad sesual abuse of female workers Tbe two Russians,
      UPI  -  285 words
    • 119 15 Reuter MONO KOMQ, Pel A TOP Chinese official baa reported o 15.7 per coat drop la crime throughout China in the first nine months ef this year, cisnesnl with the same period last year The Now China News Agency, monitor ad here today, quoted
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 143 15 UPI SYDNEY. Fri A TEAM of Australian writers trying to find the "missing pieces" of a World War II battle are trying to track down tbe crew of an unknown Japanese cruiser that raided Singapore harbour in IM4 Books have been written and
      UPI  -  143 words
    • 165 15 AP TOKYO, Friday IN what ia expected to be an important teat caae lor the legal protection of high tocbjoatogy aaiaa 1b Japan. a leading US computer software firm boa fuod suit against a Japanese company for infringing its copyright on a software programme,
      AP  -  165 words
    • 443 16 LATWP FUKA (Iraq). Fri. ALTHOUGH sporadic fUitttf conunuei oo i •0-km frost, Iraqi forces appears to have broken the latest human wave Iranian effeaolva and are now fMMM their defee*! ye positions along the border for what they believe will be a long war. Bat a
      LATWP  -  443 words
    • 81 16 Reuter Bfaf a\ SMuSaaatA Vtf*jftat W I m. A POLL af Aeaartcea attltaaka aa tke Mteslle Beat skewed a large a^caatalV "hi lL\ Hl.J^*^**^ *&mj»rmh*£g it lor §BB«ftJ»Jßfe«i eaeapprevea 1 of tke lava- OfaatlW 71 tar eeaalaSatf A?at*leta7^£V aat aa laraet, while 44
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 39 16 QUESTION: What m urnieual beouty who woo crowned Mloo doe? AMSbVKR. She heo set ow* oeceuee of her ■■■thej ro> oowtbiowco to knot yeeft oTVerloCie I***1*** U0 Judge for youreetvee... MISS WORLD 82...ALVAREZ LEBRON RUN LEON
      39 words
    • 55 17 Ooe)-bw*e octor ©I Wootorn Mmc, Rrooldont Rorto)M Roogon, otioutd bo forvwSor wMti tfvo erroy ot ommmmwMt mmm km mcowM during o tour of Urn South Rorkto Too* Forco offtoo In mmmL Ho wm In IKt crknt-proot dty for look tt tho vthoui tntl-cnm« moaiurti
      PICTURE:AP  -  55 words
    • 30 17 AP OJtAND MAAAJS I** m^JFfmwy DRAWN by ■inigM lrw» troooo wtMoTßcw of Nectkv mmm inmek,UX oo ilif lrlrtoo, Troi, Joot oojfoojoot of boro. gggggggSa
      AP  -  30 words
    • 215 17 CONSUMER ASSOCIATION CLAIMS TANTALUM STOCKPILE DANGEROUS Reuter KUALA LUMPUR, Friday THE Malaysian Government yeater day or dor ad teats oa controversial tantalum ore dumps hi Penang to determing whether they are a roshottoa haaard to people living in the vicinity Malaysia's leading consumer
      Reuter  -  215 words
    • 165 18 Preparations at Chinese border may have begun, say diplomats LAT-WP Msaaaaaa rrhaaw w mai THE Sovsst laadarakip may have bagao mm* last wmA Western diplomats 'a Mo* onlaaor miliury° Mr Breshaev caliad for lacraaaad military pcapsrsdassa ta taa faca of a raung American challenge and aa took
      LAT-WP  -  165 words
    • 6 18 0^ PICTURE: AP
      PICTURE: AP  -  6 words
    • 205 18 Reuter SYDNEY, Fit LINDY Chamberlain. for life last month c marder of her in fant daughter Aaaria in tha Aaetralian oatback waa today granted bail U pve birth hi a Darwin hoapital two days ago to another girl which was taken from bar by medical
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 183 18 AP UECOt, Fit AN ci policeman who claims his daughter was accidentally fresh aa aasrtßJiet m the Saudi Arabian city ef Jeddah heard at aa inquest yesterday that aha may have beaa gripped by the throat aad forced to have Ronald Smitb s daugh
      AP  -  183 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 60 14 LYftW r m m\ m Z Mil Mm\ \\mmm\\ 7 Mm pj k*- 'Mmi 11 Buy this DYMOQ M Homo/Office C Ij $29.50n0w... and Qot a ij Ccsptain Dymo R Labeiler worth $7.90 FRH^ I (Your children will love fl s^^l Captain Dymo) fl ■D 'Tape/writsr mocJ*)< 1610 PT *2
      60 words
    • 142 14 New skin closure device How surfjoXKi can uee the Pet iidilp" to ctoee a wound Sajmg rwT|| |P* n ft*'"—l| Bator* ctoeing. tw wcund. apply Oeney meert p»ns .mo wan. sect*adreejwo to tw edge* of tw mg homeoo few*/ m peace o Un<, CefoMy powaon pm heme as. wah ptaj
      142 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 293 15 aaaaaaaW, 4hJ V I*' Christmas, as always, our |L»' Pastry Shop has an array of goodies, mtk: Sweets and savouries made according to traditional rectpes. mmhA I Like our Buche de Noel t~ VT* Log cake and honey glazed ham. a Christmas you '11 always Hex. I rawawsha UaaroOaji reOeWBOa
      293 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 92 16 "DREAM" Automatic doors from Japan. Hi stylish beautifully designed and so very practical Saves you money, too. because it reduces air-conditioning losses Adds greater convenience to buildings, hotels, restaurants and shopping complexes Select the model that suits your needs bee whether it is of the swinging, sliding or circular type
      92 words
    • 26 16 ;#lofn H on all word H stamps for offices from Lion Stationery. H Only In the H H Singapore Monitor I Pon t miss ttl I
      26 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 130 17 The Best of Christmas Goodies from... CS^WJSbjrtt? FrofTi Deoamber 1, at the Dynasty IVhl Cakeshop, you will find a sumptuous spread of traditional Christmas goodies A X for your festive celebrations I f; m^mm m m V Z g> Buche de Noel Christmas Log Cake. 4 ml* *\4v Vi* (9
      130 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 111 18 JvJKH[ r^^mSJ w#H W a car must Wwlm have been a bng financial decision for m fflpjim ■jHjwM you Now let Kiwi Car Care help you ILyilEwllHlEHl look atter yt>ur investment. W E*»S With products like Glo-Wash to mmm W ■VBLBBV get the grime off your car Wash N Wax
      111 words

  • business
    • 296 19  -  ■v CATHERINE ONG ANOTHER group of Hoag Kong businessmen aaa moved lata taa gold company aa a veaiclo for up ml i la taa financial aactor BaaaSTa Marvellous Investment whsca a lasted oo all four stock srrhaaajsi la taa Hong Kong aaa
      296 words
    • Update
      • 14 19 UPI wmT Street* I taking dropped to 77 e2 million akarea UPI
        UPI  -  14 words
      • 34 19 Reuter HONQ MONO TW Hongkong nod Shanghai Ranking Corp aaidlt will aanwt sowadly ban*-? and waU managed dapoait taking corn paaiea taat eipertaace temporary Uq aidity probtema and bave iST banking
        Reuter  -  34 words
      • 31 19 Reuter TAJPfM Taiwan aaa scaled down ita real acoaomic growth target far IMS from Ms Cceet to 1.1 per tmm. Tae target for year ia four per cent Renter
        Reuter  -  31 words
      • 36 19 HONQ KQMQ The lour stock arrhaaeue suspended trading in shares of mmm International (Holdings) because the stock has bean moving irregularly Axons, formerly Alexandra Knittings moved in s range from M cents toHKSI €5
        36 words
    • 266 20 UOL buys 20m shares in Marina Centre Holdings THE Uaited Overseas Bank announced s reahuf assets involving the Marina Centre United Overseas Land has purchased from United Overseas Bank 20 million $1 shares la Marina Centre Holdings The stake comprises 12.& million fully
      266 words
    • 118 20 MATTEL Electronics from Use US if planning to Set ep manufacturing fa cilities in Singapore Tie company is one of Use leadtne masssf st Iswsi i of video femes and other rnsujemir ssactroaici as the US and also distributes electronics prodajcti. Its regional headquarters are la Hoag
      118 words
    • Article, Illustration
      24 20 AP A MISK start kicked off bueaneee at the long eureJked QBt Contract In the naaaaat aactiaaaja fjaa Lotidon Rnawrtaf lactaaraaa. Tha
      AP  -  24 words
    • 247 21 Board to reflect 'Asean character' SIME Darby has announced the appointment of four new directors which it said will make the board truly Asean The new members of the board are Mr Vincente Paterno. Mr Anand Panyarchun. Mr Horen Al Rashid and Mr Martin Smith
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    • 131 21 PROMET Berhad baa entered into aa agreement tbat wiU allow if a 20 per ceat stake in tke exploration and production of pc trnliam in Sarawak offshore Block 111 Promet's agreement is with Societe Natioaale Elf Aaaassai of France (SNEA) whereby SNEA will, oa
      131 words
    • 531 21 SUPREME Plantations Industries Berhad has informed the Stock Exchange of Singapore that it has acquired a a farther 180 000 ordinary shares ia P Hand Chemicals Sda Bhd (PHI bringing the total shareholdings of Supreme in the latter company To M l par cent The psrrkaaa price
      531 words
    • 117 22 HWA Hong aaa beaa asked by tbe Stock Ex caaage ror lurxaar eetaito of its propoaal la ■canes ffJaaapori PU tag sad Ctvfl Engineer fckfl far 111 M million, aa reported ia tbe late edition of Tke Singa bow tke figure of 111 M
      117 words
    • 398 22 Many unconvinced by 'long-term plan' reason The Star THE motive behind Kuala Lumpur •Kecr'sgs gaoaral offer for taa Bate Lintang aaarea it doaa aot alraady m continues to 'st' m\wn *m\ ■iplmtlii tin tlii mm P*M ap operation part •f long-term programme of expansion Tke
      The Star  -  398 words
    • 249 22 SINGAPORE ateeki asssaMsaV«a sad assaAaAaaaaa* MaKKS 4H utawKßal j Baaaaaad l^LST**"*" CewbralSaapurs 1171 8 Cold Storage 4 St/ 4 11 Cycks 1 H/l H F aad N I tt/ Mark? lit/11l BewJPW *****.1t lacacaaw 1 H/l 17 JC KPH ltt B Jaroag Caaaaat llieasni l H/l
      249 words
    • 402 23 GOLD is likely la irate at between US$4OO and USIkM an ounce next year If a coeeortod kid at world economic recovery ia made, analysts David Hargreavn aad David Williamson said in a survey prepared for Shear However continued economic decline aad serious
      402 words
    • 60 23 GOLD a gaining strong resistance at US$4l7 and is well supported at the US|4to level United Oveeaata Bank says The market shoaid trade la this range while waiting for freak nears ft mm 10 gm M mm Hot KMbotv 1M gm Hp 1 1M its fttl m M.1M UN
      60 words
    • 214 23 THE Hong Kong alack market will continue ta he nervous aad volatile with iiwaalli rha still eepeeeeet aeaaatially oa the ■cieaaci ef corporate insolvencies. Sun Hang Kai Investment says ib its monthly publication, Faces lulls I la likely to remain fragile and senai
      214 words
    • 94 23 Your (Foreign Exchange) Your t$ to one unH of foreign wirrency Buying TT/DO TT 00 OH fterlinf Australian Canadians New Zealand 2 XS1I SUM 2 0SS4 1 MM 1.M74 2 1110 2 Kit issue SUM SITU rises lTfTf ***** 1 letf l.MM S$ to 100 units of foreign curroncy Daetscsessnrt
      94 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 108 19 M-a-MIOtAPrY/ |in I* HOTSHOT lIM KkwaM Mfta« mm. MM MaSK-M TAftE-ATAftT MM Umxtmrn $999 I 1~-c .—-c „c ..--c-— -»-c gg, V rBBBsI Bfc MBjaaWMTIWWJ Mill «*MO N«1 Boity Flotation Davtr* W*#V S TtajCt*MT |M Tlw Supn fLnfrr Hood 9M9M *•«♦> r*-DI t*»t Body FVx-«k>n D-v* (Owy-Mfw-MMM) HOCK BWEE LEONG
      108 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 118 20 Excellent thermal insulation air ft water tightness SIGMA ALUMINIUM CURTAIN WALLING m LI The New Anode toot me* a deencts*e curtain wol that uses double gkued oturrwotum from Slo/no Metal. The curtain wol not only he* an aesthetic appearance but a peeormance to match it ensures oxcoeent thermal insutotton and
      118 words
    • 9 20 K^^laaa^W Ruffet UncH^Hpn^ ii '>!• <>' /<» iW '/<« (HJf rlonf t* 7iaoii
      9 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 169 21 Enjoy TkE Fun And Relaxation At TkE Merun Beach Resorts The sight of sparkling \4y waters and swaying palms, x > X The taste of refreshing fruit Kwrn. At The Merlin in iT7 •*een BaV. yja||p^3WßPf BraafK Bar tssl Laa \?aaaa»MßV' tm mm Ijl tfßn aw BalY aaa Bn ia
      169 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 211 23 Ph* |v W* aWstsßaC bbssbssbssbbVJsL «"af*haV "A ''Jm\mm\m aaaaaaaaaaaaasea I TaTar«arat% Q sTsafCfc V COMKMI Itl •V»TV saKs«*! fi**e I Yc*j II hrxJ a lucky coupon in every fWttt 800 'Qeaet E scans haaat UU I box of Lipkon Yetow Label Teatxapa*' <*M Ihw y SJM Tabs mm sn»w*iiu'asge 4,
      211 words

  • centrepiece
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 175 24 rklheU)ertus(k^sekctsit So should yrxt P^l^triaidiefromEscoffier. Wk m± Thm Hubertus Grsl at the Century Park Sharaton. m m m* 9^^mm m n rerraaaacenl of an old style Erajaah Hunting Club A cukane that features m L»V nrvs game. Seeks, sea food and fW* deaserts And what did they V M <
      175 words
    • 89 24 GET THE LATEST NEWS AT HOME WIN ATRIP TO LONDON SSlSdp^poo 0 CASH PRIZES TWO 3rd PRIZE $250 EVERY MONTH I TWENTY-FIVE sth PRIZE $25 To be eligible, sjet arurwer true sample Qjummoo end Ml in the rest of the coupon vvnen caa me otoy appro seonrsor new puonan an
      89 words

  • leisure
    • 373 25 These outfits can be worn over and over again 1 BUYING power in the fashion world is not lamina, but today s buyers now go for Invest merit Paahion, oaa of^ Austria s What pisswßhUs In *****8 fesßlss] will he ptaeeatad »t Austria Style
      373 words
    • 100 27 XIAO FANG FANG Kuai Bao VETERAN actress Xiao Faag Faag. 35, es Cyraaaaaari aw of a lead lag role Beat a fcrreiga film com aaay Formerly a chiM actreaa. Xiao Faag Faag a> MS MM BVVIIM IO •tar ia a Western film Bat after
      Kuai Bao  -  100 words
    • 110 27 MA MIN ER Tung POPULAR TV actress Ma Mm Er (of Chameleon The Roving Swordsman sad Destiny fame) was forced to do a springboard dive at a Hong Kong a charity night show. Initially she declined the invitation because of the cold weather Usually, she
      Tung  -  110 words
    • 141 27 CHEN YU LIAN Sin Chew Jit Poh ZHOU Ken Pa (Chow Yuen Rett) aaa said many times taat Chen Ys Liaa (pictarc. right) i mmspecial girl Chen Yu Uaa, too, has admitted that Zhou Ren Fa is her special hay. But it seems that
      Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  141 words
    • 168 27 YU AN AN Sin Chew Jit Poh POPULAR actress Yu An An says that she is particular about the kind of image she projects to her fans Her fans sue her as a sweet and gentle girt Many ef Ye An An s fans prefer her
      Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  168 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 211 25 MBfe Stars and corrscs Wmmm 93 PLAY THE SINGAPORE MONITOR BIRTHDAr* GAME t.hjnmndmo mmytomm The SaTtgfapore Monitor Ou stuitry Qawvv EvOfycJvy you th* ad Irx* oul tor your ba*> Oa*a r> MONTHS DATES YEARS bow aeacuae MM your* appaara off) tat ooupon taa. awearar a %mmm bmiilbh —j OCTO6BW t
      211 words
    • 95 25 FACES A SCRIPT HITCH: P 28 Hero's where you'll find Kolong Shopping Centre FOSMOfI Pork Show lowers Motion Deportment Shopping Complex People s Park Complex Jeon. Junction Ltd Aeninsulo Shopping Complex Kotong Shopping Centre Metro GotcJen Mtle beach Pood Penong Pood Metro One id at Sc ofts (Opening Soon) Hootnton
      95 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements

  • 97 28 pBB Beer* MwtrMM (CVI 30 3 30 700 tit (41M77) oeeu* Pm h'WV" no. 4 00.0.30,010 (*****00) t*lß MvMww <C)/i 30 3 30 7SO. 010 (*****71) fjQOfM UWy Man-* <C)/1 30 3 30 7 00 9 IS (*****70) janjn 9 30 (*****04) KrMjAr* TO*teat****osVl 30 340 700 010 hffcaw*.
    97 words
  • 45 28 CI MlHl Qui IeSBOSSe OBWI ft JO. 7 It. 0.00 (7T*****) (*****00) n"l"i) 400 ft'lTo 30 IQMJSOSS QUI PMSSSSSti OCWI m Mt 7 01, 000 (*****40) OISStSS Ovw MsOSSMSM Sty 30. Omiiiiii i OnsaSeeOvw fOH I SCVI 30. 330. 7 30. 030 (*****07)
    45 words
  • 55 28 0 ■mi Taw •Ml PUseS fCft/1 Ift. 3.lft. Mt. 330 (TTTSStT) (Mmm TIM) tMSt MHMJ fCVI 4ft. 346 7 30 930 K*t* tjfej MMI MMjjg (CUI IS. 3 1W 30 0 30 (*****44) (7t3040T) Mm Mmm TM* Seel PMswJ (CftM 30 330 7.90. 930 (*****03) Beat MJMNM SCWI
    55 words
  • 35 28 Nsssweee ears s*ee*t tei/i at. tst, rot. tso (*****04) mo ay in**a(Cvi» 330 /oo 930 (J»130t7) paajpjj ears teaeei icvi so. 3507 oo tat Vesaa oar. Oetweitcvi so 3» 700 930 (*****07)
    35 words
  • 31 28 aaayiUa Bto4 Usee 060/1.10. 330 7.10, 930 mm mm mmm fcyi 30.4 00. 7.00. ojo (*****72) m OJMMO SB OaOar of*ll. 1 JO. 4 ot. 0.40. 010 or mm
    31 words
  • 174 28 IjpßJ IM* Mmrmt (fV^ l 13° 4 00. 30. tl5 (*****80) T*.0M»(1)/11 1 45 400 045 9 1$ §JpJ MO taua4 (IV 4 00 700 915 (*****01) OranO tlMtOl 06*1.10. 3-10, 700, 0 10 (*****70) (*****00) ftTtt. §31 tV"" 1 Swoop) mn 30 4 00 30 915 «M Mwr—,
    174 words
  • leisure
    • 432 28 Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring manuscript rakes in a cod $1.1 million Newsweek WHEN Sothebv ace tioneer Roy Davids turned to Lot If lent week. there was barely s sound In Use crowded book-lined room. He started the bidding at US$l2,BOO (about SI1M.0O0) Alhi Rosenthal blinked It was
      Newsweek  -  432 words
    • Article, Illustration
      48 28 LETTERS from roeriaro rotating to TV. radio and Mtmnmrnoo and othar aubfacta ri our LEISURE aactton mM now bo nuMofajd undar IdaVJM I BOX. Plonoo addroaa your tetters to: Tha Editor, Leieureoox. Tho SmaaSre Morinor Ltd. Untt 1A Dalta HoutO. 2 Aiexandra Rood, S*ngapora 031 S.
      48 words
    • 30 28  -  N HONG PJfJPjpaWl till COULD SBC repeat tbe Mandarin radio programme Aa Ewtimg Cafe tbe followbae morntag or afternooofor abift workers aad students who have to sleep early?
      30 words
    • 20 28  - IRENE DAWN IHI WILL SBC repeat the debate final IMI for taaaa who bad to miss far good aVMwaYao o^
      20 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 102 28 The Mniil Office Typewriter Bleajauitly to the hlghmmt p-jrfe>ction for aU office 19" Carriage (49cm) Sss9o/Electric Model 19" also available. 2 CH«nwon cmwirion mmmmmm HBS«f SKNS S fTtLTD IH otßtjßßejfT pmsb II 111 opaai Pass II II fieBBTY BBBa II II M\\\%Dm I Bsajaaese MB Tea TSasvws M f^m U
      102 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 50 29 Anyway X mlf Nul»t« < /7 Maiakwm Mambftn <rv V liar Jrn v. wfi I > I A I 1 <-* Miiklkiii IB BJB Hi'ttuVii Inn H«4tuW> Imi I V oNHI 1 ManoFiJo •>»« vjuoa imm\\W§mp m m m Entries from S.H. A. Cocktail Comprrtnort. GAkUANO A9okA«M»: ASSOCIATED LIL}UOR [DISTRIBUTORS
      50 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 1610 29 Tv jSJiJBfJJ ■VTaT >a JI LrA IM OpiabejFtßeead fey those* Pcs mm§ too Dnt Euetwy TJt The QciOm Ceases fChaiiii »*f> (C) (r) froth* OiastWaot A rnaaonaae m search c 4 a draam chad taa). 4 is Tha World ipirtuwaa figS aaceahyy to tw orprayaoo to Saa Hightghta What a
      1,610 words

  • tv & radio
    • 262 30 CHANNEL 5 HIGHLIGHTS THE QOLOEN OUMK.% (7.00 pm) WHAT is it like to be old Many of aa have from childhood felt prejudiced against a group to which we will allbelong one day tha elderly A popular misconception is that old people spend their tune sitting
      262 words
    • 204 30 CHANNEL 8 HIGHLIGHT LIVE FROM STLIOtO 1 CJsen) THE highlight tonight in this musical is the ductivity Mime, staged in conjunction with the Productivity Month granhed by LysasVteheT a drama expert brought taws BanS Flee drama artistes are hueliod hi the nahne. Of course. Taamy the bee
      204 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 108 30 la aid of the SINGAPORE ASMK IA! lON FOR Ml lAR 1)11) HIIDHtN I he rra*er Jk Ncavc Group sponsor THE CHARITY PREMIERE of Ihe hos-ollkc he of the year UDO: 26 Novemberl9B2 at 6.45 pm fl jM OLD FRIENDS WITH NEW IDEAS JAP€ OP€NS TODAY Lam Baaa-aaaa-aaaaaa-v HsAj-Laa /Saw
      108 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 665 30 1MS PM Your Lunohdala MS Nawa-bwBrtaf Ml MuMc My Way tie lliln A raquaat proyama Nawa 1.19 Your Lunohdala (oomd) Ml IMvariH Ml Mualc My hOlM by VhMn Lm I.M Your 1M Mid-day Marfcat Raport 1.31 Way (oontd) LM RnanoM A Short Hoot Tonight Your Lunohdala (oomd) LN Pro- Martat
      665 words

  • leisure
    • Diary
      • 27 31 TODAY: Low UUa TNm Ma) High tide 1217 pm dim) Low um 7 M mm (•In) TOMORROW: Lm UUt T Slaui HuUUUt 107 pm (Mm)
        27 words
      • 199 31 SEASON Of THE HUNT: To celebrate tbt Season of the Has*, game bi new available at tbe Holiday Inn and Marco Pete Hotel. The cbels at Marco Polo s French^resUurant baa peeperad a spread of 1 rich game fare The menu incledea pheasant pete with Kiwi
        199 words
      • 126 31 TEMPORARY CLOSURE OP BRADOELL ROAD: A precast concrete beams for a sew flyover will be launched across Braddell Road aaar Lora Chuan from 10 pm y to 0 am tomorrow During this period, s short stretch of Braddell Road will be cloaad to traffic. Diversion roads will be provided
        126 words
      • 100 31 CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS The Qutseatows Community Centre Cheee Club will hold the Uth Open Cheee rhampinaahlp from Dec 4 19 and the 7th Open Lifhtninf Cbeas Cham pionabip oa Dec 11. Entry forme are obtainable at the Qaeenetown community centre Registration closes today. TALKS: A TALK oa How
        100 words
      • 35 31 Tbe Singapore Quality Reliability As aociaUon ia nrgissahnj a QC Circle leadership training coarse at the Me ridian Room, Hotel Equatorial from Nov 22 to 20. For more details, call 2J020M.
        35 words
      • 140 31 Do you want to teach adults bat do aot have aay previous training in adult education' If so, you caa tears from Miss Ingnd Pipke. s pro gramme devetoper at tbe Justice In stitute of British Columbia The coarse for adult educators will be conducted in two
        140 words
      • 49 31 Do your bit for charity and aat aa elegant array of evening wear by Joy's bootlqee next Wednesday at the Hilton Hotel. Tickets at tee ($27 50 goes to food; $33.10 is the donation) are available at Joy's Boutique at either Specialist Centre or Plaza Ssagsnars.
        49 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 132 31 i ORCHARD: 9th 'SCARY' DAY! g (*****00) 4 tMOWS 1 JO. 4 00. I N A t 11pm 8 Pilaaei 99& m 4 04.04) X th* j w A in7U 1 X Hal 1 9 PATOhheaa) PI OA 00 MOTCi w 6 MPOM A 9 \l TlOlftl WERE 0 X
      132 words
    • 45 31 PREMIER: OPENS TODAY! I (2J*****) Deny 5 Shews: 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 0.40 t l lSpee The Story Of A Thouoead 4 One Woncterel lM WLTHE KING OF ROGUES IS BACK TO nn> Jnffer BLAZE A TRAIL Of ADVENTURES) Jil I BsstV m mm\m»\^ m mM
      45 words
    • 66 31 CAPITOL: Mk Vloleat DAT $mmm nm i A *x% tM in m am urn TftO SUPBttJTIVE ONE tt NO WtCntflit N PMCESI Jim Bond in his most ferocious flaei ihowdewaa, never had to grapphi with a villain aa punishing and indestructible as the rsasicaass DAILY MAIL mWmm SIX: TenfcsM 4.J0
      66 words

  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 769 32 ggtgMgg comics jSERQEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON By Don fig jjgi tJWju/\ 1 1_ 71 FtthS MAKES I KoiL TANKCftd WITM < Ufk W t*OU*7V**VTH A HCtO TnC Full IOAOS I— AjllU M JACK' a WVINDfR OteOeL T»-IAT VtAlMlftM ■itfal'lNiHM Je^S^k^ii*3 asstsßsfesst Ariel or Taurus Subject then ill ft WfirasM-
      769 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 786 33 £KSS| BsUbw! Urge party busuww UUu over re I y I BBC 9 /Vassal cuisine to freshmenU or 4 quiet dinner (of I M I tempt even most fastidious two try some unfamiliar place I Bjß^^bß gourmet Whether your taste rum an appctiunf to the I knjsßfß to traditional cuisine
      786 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 100 34 as sssTSsyrsjaMTasaawT a tt SwaM/ AM)'' U »l Cat Aaa*» 2! &S Tt tf I N.M iiSam SB NrM 11 PMaaaMaiMj Nawaa Sato St IM *J SS AHi aMi aOTOTaSOTMv* PASS 41 Aaat CaMai at OM SAMM4MTV •51 A Ij 11 AwaMwala. its Ml OMMt t 1,, ius m mi*m
      100 words
    • 181 34 Z #3-9090 SELL TOMcZc!!^^^sß BT trftaaaa i>n«a*> Hllh* hw Lt\ WSB p« T.aea 11 V* aw ana Skw Hl« MNVtCt l/l MM Ifj Vj ■f Ona*a» cOT cot m*. WA*^^*^^l ■V (m i'nm TM .m 4 J// jujfcjf BY V P«F a* a*. WaLi* >" 4» 4,1 ;'iflfc SJOSvass saa>ss*
      181 words
    • 79 34 vmUJM »ACLa>ar tsm taaoitiom wM raw aSAJS. MM Maa. lac SaS aa> hi aaAy*waa«*MVM am wTTm CM*n C*wir' ur,t ■wTbaMSwa Cas'nawl It) BMAaaj SNSwM tmrratvSpS tsssNJawi BM sV**- «§•> tot%iAit*Amy. mm mmmmm mmm'% tmrnmrnm Cm* rti-t W7 tJ|Mt«L Tst mm*/ ItIMM 471 Aaasj AMSJ Aja»% Afj AwSMfwMAAMAA AM* a want
      79 words
    • 85 34 a **A»*ISSIAWSL SAIrOS/ OTjaM at MSrti atAAH-S Mncaj SAAWtCSA. wlmV TlTaTuta tT taaa* CM Olli ii nil MS-fMS AarawM%«M»a bMwMasal m rI iTTifTiTI SSSwMtAll*"*** OTf ».nlill Tat'sS4-»1» yMM mm aM>ss.rv SMy Si MotM Cotot6mT SMaa AN Tak SSAMM a*jOTOTt Tai: ry'slaV AAA fejjß ■Ban \j|Pjm s «m x v —iTj"
      85 words
    • 61 34 t«"VhOT*. Laa. trvSSU n*kw 4 a ot T wJll I II 474SSM f ia mm MAwot) Vat *44 nwa i«l mm^jmrnm aTfwMt'cM 1 wiiiMfwaMauaaaai raw*!* wawa la> a M*4-4Ma MSV Mw II I iSTI H*. aM Ma WOT. Ta* rTS-SSM (SM a* SM pas), HATwAAL IMMSA4SMTO 'AAyThijas i laiM**" SsVaMaaJ
      61 words
    • 41 34 •Mh/ fmm't *SaM* S Maraar*. AM. Mas Lawns SMx Aa#Aaa 9mm t km TMwotmlwM Ml r«iaf mLT itwTaaaW' Slaasa mTm? tmm Oaaai Mas. Mw'M*"nM Obim aUwy My. MXSS am SJußj SvM MaSw Ssr astsawS SSwSV-. sa wjai a* STM/ Uot» yawicWf
      41 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 205 35 aat aar taaa ftmt M r* H I Bras* Bed Model 1006 II Invest in I ggniv^^j^ some great i^K^LJl3vawß fumihirvW I SUV BbMßcd I it *v^^l $2,600/- j ITALY 1 PAC DESIGNERS DECORATORS PTE. LTD. I ill 11 shown Nam I nit 0319 0320, 3rd Hoot, Sngaporc dipping Centre,
      205 words
    • 91 35 m •>•*» t«u m»wi mm mtiw ut4bmmmi»4 on mm TAAfr YAAk ItMa WIMH A. AM ACT AT AAA) MM*) MM* •BAAAAAAAAA^ aataa?^»!^ ■MM" wM ffawA AAAM. AM to wotmi MMAy- ANA* ii A A A*■ 11?, AMAAAAM Mi mt jlajl, MWA, D«M Hww»», Si iTtStV AAA •MAhM f*W M tw
      91 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 180 36 tofts** a ToothpM»> wrtUiavwy aj* lte purcrtaM of LULU MoMcpol (Only wtvtts stocks Isst) HlifjU EH MOSACPOt-l aw H A aaaVY^lwl ■F* 7> Industrial Rosd. jmXm W Singapore 1332 Pr Tel: *****11 SUMCIM HOUM lAM M) fl (111 ml) TM M) fl (M Mt) aTaiilabli^a MNTAL (AAAHJ AAAtUNO PACAJTMA) MUi
      180 words
    • 197 36 S'rVirir iaTmi Aaawa At 4 Mam. Tnla?nrteiiM > riaie I l mmtmrn* AAA44TA I 4TA-AAAA. waa Aaak-awawM aaSwAAI Tw? MT MM ar MT AWT Cwwa < IMa < aM > l[? T M l" f'wy^Aw r»"jM'i vi t 9e4*4> tM#X4>MA)ff C#H Man m TMf" fa wai AMY TAHM OWAYw— Caal
      197 words
      332 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 80 37 m\m\V 33 Sew? w i i ea?4eaaa al awVPtPi fej BSAA 444 Can Pe* mmm c j*j£jg*g[ a al wawwaa ret* SJSwftM «eaaw* Oaaj seaja, aaaj jea,v, aaa wwaafc aa? eases tare aa» »cci awwai rm. row awa raw wjr i urn aata Maaaa east MA-irae aw a?" ©AAA MOawMeP
      80 words
    • 210 37 The dependable ®VYXKSWAGEN BHA/ll lAN PAN* I WAN Mod* ?1» Very Special Offer Limited Stock Only $8,900 Nttt CHAMPION MOTORS 'NICE PEOPLE TO 00 BUSINESS WITH' 241 Alexandra Road Singapore 0315 Tel *****44, I I IONOCAR Better air in your car with hit 4trW t w <t gAr, m toniw
      210 words
      128 words
      63 words
    • 33 37 I SUBARU 700M«NI I The special car at a special price with tots of drive *****6 *****33 *****72 *****82 mm tm 'Im? "'V**** mmm. La* dm tmrnm 7Z*. rm ISUw CT.T7L7"t-.7 tVftSg 1
      33 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 121 38 PP. OanrarlaM MP T*y*ta TOYOTA OaWOLtA aa oaa rana* aa oct t ere a \m\m*V mmm Ta. a raTHVnr* JSi^aoia iMaOX*Oaa ***aL TOTOT Jf l a^^'eaa 1 PJB WPJ PpJPJ Oaraaa clmm taaaaa art»a"*7i rVaT aaca Cal »l Mai ar at Ma ta. Uaaaajißtaaaa, Vaaaa Pm Q Pony For Unbeatable
      121 words
    • 122 38 T*VM» aj MWiJmT *a* un uvn taaa Mr*/ Para**** (mm aaa* •fcta IMMMMM ca« anany** Wa at— bay mm mmm owawiaw a* uaa* car* laaiarti caa* T faTTaVa Via*** »W-—tl. tar* waw'aiai L terr m i nm aaa tar* ■aaaaeaa na »t?4 Ml Mil, m tart n aat a? taJkeaPf
      122 words
    • 91 38 —TWJCT te •••ylltvl 111 •••»> Mm* m» aaW IMI mmm mafcjra* fl ti tuiniilir i M 1*• 1I f %)*•>•# Pi ##J P t tilJmllV' tufnit?A a"'*" t?T7i mT*ttn!*i!r" >T > 4 HUM HfkMMMH. Arcs at >.a*e ea. ft. tar I' M* aa*/. Col Hi 111 W >M '«M km
      91 words
    • 141 38 MJMtThW OMMfci m"WMTMWMMI WJMmW MMWMMWMI f) 1 ■mom mjM MW oft* 7 pS B MW IMb. IWt| Willi MO4MO* MOW MKT SarvtaM gWMMMMWI 1 •mmm^L^mmmmj* mmmm tm mmm fmmt Mmm Cm* 41A-ttt Mr LM* mt ttt-WM Mm Tmb. v?^^j^*y* A D rWW* MU,tI rOM LA Ml ft ItIMMLI 'OJMMWti HateM*
      141 words
    • 106 38 %9m wmmml tote) 5 ID to twy mimt 2 •> iIWU BCBijr oo you mw i r"c—' ton W« rum Cm* mmmmm mm%. 111) Gol9Ml&Gtmk&kf MMSTTTVTV OT OMMMWiMWM MAM-M. A. I. 01 II 4* Hmt. T«*j AA7IIAI mtimmo < imm OOtittOll^'aTa'V^ amjwtJ twmMj r MJjmm jM 1141 H^mßi'ir* 'n'ii"i»ji'''l"i i*uT"iiit|,
      106 words
    • 80 38 Interested in Part/Full Time Modelling for Photography, Fashion Shows, Calenders etc. for Local/Overseas assignments. All races are welcome especially Europeans/Eurasians. Seize this opportunity at: 18, Amber Mansion Orchard Road off Penang Road. Singapore 0923. Tel: *****50 mamauuauuauum ACUfHJMCTURE MStJtJICH ajio MMCTICAL COUfISI. cmmt* mtum cuw MTmrre TIL» tl-€*M Ii a
      80 words
    • 47 38 •MMkfWM OMPfT iPTWAOItwMM *>T« LT» •ri tin111T1" Mary MM UM »>-•> MaiMiM Mrt taMMMM Mt MMMavy Mf IMMJMWC»M i!»» T »i i Mil ItlflJ Mm aMJt IMMIII mTtym* jffTir Ift? mfmm m f8 immM apply tM mm Urn an tarita paat ak oca XT i^mmx %T"* m* *»m*7*»*
      47 words

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    • 152 39 181 I A jonM venture Company of General I EWctnc and Straits SteamWMp Co Ltd I att««« MR M«c'Va"" I I aY '9>*#l#4f I t*» iaaaa?aaaaaa/ I raa iwihim caMawaw I «mh tapan eaaaay aw fwwwj bwaawi waaawi a) mmm a ear ••taw*! al travaMMtf la I fatmni* in" aawbwi
      152 words
    • 275 39 j BJJJJJJMBJJJB] iwiinwii MOTICI INLAMD AIVINUI WkKTUEMJ Wrth effect trom 22 11 82 TW ISTATI DUTY, TRUST, PAYROLL TAX IMFORCIIJIMT SKILLS MVILOPMINT LIVY ■NPOIICIiMNT DIVISIOMS mm tmm: mmm^SmnVmXl^ I mini NOTICE NOTICE B HEREBY GIVEN that, I. Lim Saa Hionf of No M Caaaa Hoc Avowee. Singapore If**, aSM appliad
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    • 217 39 HAN »XNC t>TTWUTUeat (PTE) LTD. <WT ajj UwwaWaa) mmm huucby orv—« aaraaaat to SacUaa tTSfI) W taa tw Wei wsswTcwaaws -vi W WW at Wa OWtae at Taa Cbee Gbw Ca esa? Mb t_W taaaa > I. Te reeatoa We LWsfcWWrTi (to a__aar^ A^yuj?^ Urn proaarty <W Urn Oaaajeea peaW
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    • 209 39 TELE-ADS I Effective selling the I low cost way I Why pay more? I Use Tele-ads I Call 273 9090 now I WIN $200 WHEN YOU SPOT THE AD AM you rated to do m Wnd the enowert tolhoftoo questions betow about TWe-Ads appearing m today s paper and than
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  • sports
    • Article, Illustration
      217 40 IPSWICH Town s Scot twa international striker Alan Brazil W not for tale, manager Bobby Ferguson said oa W Manchester United bad made an official inquiry about Brazil's availability hat Ferguson said "Than is aa way wa are letting him go TERRY Venables. the Queen's Park Rangers manager,
      217 words
    • 63 40 Reuter WUT, Ywjiiwaa, mrnXf HOLDERS Chin* beat Sweden S 1 in the Ma's team quarterfinals of list Yugoslav Oj^ubk^ Quarterfinal results Men Yugoslavia beat France S-t. Huwgary beat Wast Germany S-l. Eng lead heat Csechoalovahta J-1. China beat Sweden S--1. Waataa: Yagoalavia beat Went Germany M,
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 351 40 f MANCHESTER United winger Steve Coppell. forced to pull out of the England squad for the European championship clash against Greece on Wednesday could he fit to face European champions Aston Villa In the English First Division tomorrow. Coppell wm told on Wednesday that Immediate war
      351 words
    • 390 41 r H< If HJ Reuter LOtaOON. Fn THE omU of South Korean buier Duk Koo Kirn. injured when he was knocked out in a title fight W Law Vega* lest Saturday has highlighted efforts from within the sport to make IMS lag safer Tbe lour
      Reuter  -  390 words
    • 127 41 Reuter SOtTH KOREAN baser Dak Kaa mm mm faaa aai itaaaajaa before kavtog far Bat Uaited States ac woeM wto ec ear la tae H will get bias or die ia tae rmg." aa sakt af laa lapiaiai. Key Maartoi Ktos, wka weat
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 266 41 UPI NEW YORK. Fri THE ring record boob, regarded as the most authoritative in boxing, lists Sit professional ring fatalities sine* World War II Three of tae fatalities occurred in cham ptonahip bouts and 120 were la the United The three fatal bouts
      UPI  -  266 words
    • 337 42 Arguello, Kirn incidents raise doubts on future of sport r Hi rvj k Reuter bnTW Vtnt%ML 10MB days before bis brawl with Aaron Pry or last rrtawy ka ketoeni, tbe eeoUemanly Alexie Ar fuello said that in lU ideal form boxing was rnhkm ia ballet
      Reuter; PICTURE: AP  -  337 words
    • 279 42 Reuter NEW YOPaX, FrUtey BOXING experts are of the opinion that calb far mandatory aaa of head gear, larger shorter fights ry^wUi^ as they*were •iter previous ring tragedies Nooe of those propoeals would automatically preclude boxing deaths er serious injury "Headgear is mandated in
      Reuter  -  279 words
    • 249 42 Reuter MIW YOW(.Frt. ■OXINC islhiilaiii •MM IH rival WOrW aa* tor WocW^.S^xWg Cmmmcu r M'""*! iweahleefjr fighters to title tie tee li/ieii ef pshalcal caaperawtttog tlww to fejto ■eeartor boxer* Uetil tbe IfWi. fighters rarely foagbt ia kmc title boett eatil after tbey
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • 593 43 TODAY S TRACK WORK By THACMTAM AURIC Stable'■ Taajooa Bwaaab 11. wbicb fUwahwd a ckwe fourth to Defaace i Braa Laat weak aaar lata aaabraa, abeaM rafjjbar Ma firat wba af baa aaaaaa ka Race Ptwa at BakJt Timab oa Seev tbe aTaV^erej^alta 11
      593 words
    • 140 43 Race 1 I N Cum 4 Dr* t 1400 m Lgk^"^J^PJ All Courage. Bundini Bliss, Race t 2 oo Claoo 4 Dr* 7 1400 m ZerxM, Br an tan Bur, Vsnds Crescent flSlsmA 111 Race 4-3 00 Class 4 Div 3 1400 m Metody Queen. Elegance Noir Indiscreet.
      140 words
    • 332 43 MtCfcM40fcl- 1400m 1M09C M Uta»% IT UNA samomamiM am* <n> »4ttt1 NMThlMMlU IM7QQ wm i M Mtotfw (3 XO07 iMki TO. U.I K*»<4) 7 p« Mm to IMi mli to, m, *CCt» Bm t«. Ma* Ul Mf (7) im"'»**ll.l Pi (i» 11ll?»Vmn M MHMM« V«4»(* RAMI Ml
      332 words
    • 265 44 r R.i< m<j PUNTERS and owner, alike are fliguWif. with tke exorbitant prices charged by the new ca terers, Boweters, which started operstions lent weekend al the Singapore Turf Club Cent ef laai ace skyr ocketed and drink prices have rinse spectacularly.
      265 words
      • 69 44 ITALIAN First Division dak Florentine has an nounced with relief taat medical teats indicate that aeae ef Ms other players Is affected by tke hepatitis virus that has floored (sa Argentine Bertoni v sew bemg kept hi isolation at las bonis, with only his wife permitted to
        69 words
      • 100 44 Agencies RUUD Krol, Holland s most experienced interna tional. may continue ata bstaraatlnaal career in aptte of soccer administration plane to drop him bat, a 11-year-old defender who baa played for Holland IT times, was expected to be omitted from tke taaaa after a friendly sgainat
        Agencies  -  100 words
    • 271 44 r THE agonies of Jobn McEnroe may bo or«r Tha XS-yenr-old (partare above) American loot bin WbwbMdou and United States Open titles, ns wall as bis world number was tennis ranking Bwt he showed by wtav nine tbe London brand
      271 words
    • 361 45  -  Ng settles for a silver but wins respect of Aussie victor Lovell f B< >wlinq R MANORAJ in htentte SINGAPORE would have made it to the top of the medal sUßt^oeJheJ^ Fig Championship had it won one more fold in the men i Masters
      361 words
    • 484 45 YOUTHFUL Adelene Wm of *sssnsori mint* not have qualified for the women s individual kins bars final but her exhibt thm of fish tine spirit and competitive talent masts bar isssf >hat of accolades for her noteworthy finisb In tbt seventh Bowling Assises,
      484 words
    • 24 45 S 1 2 Philippines 2 3 S Japan 2 S S Singapore 2 s 1 Australia 2 2 Malaysia 2 1
      24 words
    • 467 46 Singapore can win a couple of slivers and bronzes SUHFSH NAIK reports from New Delhi DONT be surprised or downhearted If the strains of Majullah Sin gapura is not heard not even once over tbe next fortnight en tbe ninth Asian Games gets under way this
      467 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 155 40 1 VfvO^^-™«—- Mm fJC \l/» IL shades bright colours and styles that are per email y M y f\ \X u//\N Smart casual ana trenay it s Oesigned for today s A 73f \\m\ fashion-conscious set who want clothes that reflect B VZy j\/m contemporary chic BBV> mfi Y***S 1
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    • 112 41 j Now. there are MORE prizes to look out for. Yes, more prizes, not only do you stand a chance of winning 10,000 but we will be offering six Waddingtons 'My Word* card games to the six closest entries to the correct solution every week. With effect from Sunday, 21st
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    • 124 41 bbbbbot A goodnm for your money. Here's two new shoos the aartoua pood stability and motion control runner stnctv can't ionore A aock anaxaswV afaasad in shockl Saw as aajv bjjbs t Saeww wjasw i s ma* wave saaj wot" ot" wi as* awaf Super Power and Standard Power absorbent
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  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 76 42 Where others are Ml far behind Titieist can justly Iff/ claim to be the No 1 gotf ball on professional circuits Look at these statistics 1961 NCAA Gotf Championship Official Ball Count: Titieist (164); Nearest rival (12) 1961 Mens Tour Official Ball Count Titieist (4107); Nearest rival (906) Hr* Kz
      76 words

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    • 33 43 \m Amm^mZW Bjv J ay*** fl In attractive colours fits both him and her «t reasonable prices fits right into yx>ur budget. >.4»».^saaslfl Sole Agents Neis* Ptua Four F E (Pat) Ltd. JB^ajaits#MW^
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    • 122 44 L»F icoimbHii arrtwaVlbe L arwsps) Sports WMhat. And is^ouidyrjurporx*»s» km, m V exceeds $100*. you get the BXV WB*k '.'SB Mr ntilnnn ■>! ■n Sjji nib m—ll—* 1 ■bmj# T QDtoog snipe oports wane*. BBb\ 'jaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBar P- _it n ■-11-, i. mm ■i■ m aaaaaaaaaaa IbbsbsbsbsY*sbsbs* footn watmts nave np-openers
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    • 52 45 LbBW m\\\\w mm m\ mw -'M A I HjL' A9J BY/ ffj HF Lanea* mw mm y. t^m %A\^m\i*A*'j JJ Ai'mtVl tttwfii 'W« i'/Z/ail aVarfnnaa^faa^Sannaaße^aai anaßUj (fopmrtrrtont ttotws tod bwttstf %port* shops ROYAL SPOfITINO MOUM PTC. LTO. xn ?«<i Floor Htf* sirwi Carera North artaaa 1 im i f»" Tar
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  • Page 46 Advertisements
    • 79 46 I Are you looking for top I I performcuice in a pair of I I jogging shoes? I lilKOt is extending la 10-day wear test I guaranteed to you. I UdohY limit. Try I lon an jAMfA today I land /eel the I performance I I a winner. I SCOMttrriLTD
      79 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 71 47 tM atari Lmb Swte Elag mm 4 Varawaaay Pajfa arc ■■■fan. TW AGF eaecatrre riajajtmi, alter a rai aai aaartang laat aagat, gar* aaa atoauaartaa AaairiaUta af laaaaaaaa a New 13 eeaaaaaa a aay aeaare aat •TO mTmm ttW cany al
      71 words
    • 88 47  -  Sy SURESH HAIR may renagir Pang Soon, however, did not aaatain the ■ccteawt that coat him eiahtsUtchea oe hW right toe amid the Ii ightanaag waa damaged Bat B*as*en* bom gaaahhl aJtar ruabbag the tlwjflM Hm\ def watery out for 10 day* aw wm oUwrwwe
      88 words
    • 71 47 PUN See ggg^g "*TW IrwHt, aa aaprmiislil act of aae*e"ef\e aaa* my ctoee to tae Sandal attaaji Ham HUN ta aat arem froax of Iraq. wtetea it aiiiaaiftoeoaaa^taa rwTaa?; agTssst H waa ra?^^r^syia^^ba ITwa^^^tT'S X if lialtTa Otiaajli fail MiatiiiTCaßiwwiMm TW n> ■MBl
      71 words
  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 59 47 Hie at Robin's Tavern While away happy hours from 4 7 p.m. with sounds of sweet musk from The Limelights pop songs trom the hit parade and songs for everyone! Relax, unwind enjoy your favourite songs, your favourite drinks at Robin's Tavern. Happy Hours: 4 7 p.m. 25% Discount asfaVHOIB.
      59 words
    • 10 47 FOCUS ON 111 AIM IN IHI KING PAGES W 43
      10 words
    • 118 47 MCKY HkXJL v during the a«hib«tKX> held V in Singapore on 20th Oct 1982 So* Ay»nt ek W/7M Ctn«y Bttta SmOKI T* 3»mM Tokmg superine pdures c ouldn t be easier than w*h the Rk oh Af-2 Hs many automate: lectures do almost everything lor you) To start with, there's
      118 words