Singapore Monitor, 18 November 1982, Afternoon Edition

Total Pages: 39
1 39 Singapore Monitor
  • 13 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR M.C. (P) No. 19/5/82 Thursday, Nov#tnb#r IS, 1952 s*a 30ct>ntt
    13 words
  • 355 1  -  LESS THAN TWO WEEKS AFTER ANNOUNCEMENT OF SCHEME... ®r GANDHI AMBALAM LESS than two wwaks after taw an nowncement of pUns for the ChrU Deyouths two thirds of those needed The force la being set up at grassroots level to arovhm training for the people
    355 words
  • 125 1 Coma boxer declared dead; His organs to be transplanted LAS VEGAS, TrsurfMjgry DUX KOO KIM wm declared legally dead last night, aad the comatose boxer s mother said his organs would soon ha trumllMil so another persoa caa live." "My sea. Dak Kan Kirn, am paaaad
    125 words
  • 17 1 UPI MONO KOMQ, Thtsrs, ,y sZt J ss? m ihjiir j********
    UPI  -  17 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 The Tycoon Padre MAMLVM MeflME WAI Meet Rev Cenon Yip. priest and CMewmtS MEDIC-16 t"f£ng magnate He tots his shipping i4ts«««f Pages Of clients:''! see no reason for spending time arv Al i and money to entertam you. and in __T m y^mM Z Classifieds! particular, to provide you with
      80 words
    • 63 1 Tiger Shark Chtford *****8 The new Boee §01 Series II Direct/ Rortocttcwj Loudap«ohoc hi the first end oory ip saber with the Free srrey Thm reeohjttooery hK*wK>iofy trees the drhrecs from me ccatflnee of me lo tymem date am pejwwfm mm mMmm heme 1 %mm m mm lapirliwtii me mmm
      63 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • opinion / letters
    • 724 2  -  Any employee can seek help from Ministry of Labour ANG POH INN PabMr MaSai! PLEASE refer to your ttta October lft). bead hned "Es^ploitaUon. Embassy 1 an<f** When nTsrtlsas is oat: Minis trr-. Your report OB the charges by tbe Thai Em bossy, apart
      724 words
    • 113 2 I REFER to the Commis loner of Inland Rev onus's reply to my letter (NNNmTif om the Mod to renumber office build '"It ■■iiritiahlli to renumber fleers if they hsve been arsviouoli La belled LG 11. P. etc or the aernhers ef certain floors
      113 words
    • 83 2  -  WONG KING CHEN Stoat***™ MIS LAST Saturday I went shopping al YaoAan (Puna fron^E^Jeck rarpark°l! S It pm There WM a Stag queue aad can had to inch along I cleared the gate at SSS turn The reason (or the am Only oa* girl
      83 words
    • 184 3 How big organisations turn down sponsorship for charity show I HAVE discovered with sad neat, that there are some big or ganiaations In Singapore (to which tbe art of dishing oat money should pose no problem) have coast up with no ssdJraly
      184 words
    • 263 3  -  A. SUNDRAM Singapore 2364 WE WOULD like to show oor synwastby for too Singapore Tamil ieacners union, wmci concerned over the number of Tamil slu dents who foil" New Nmtmm, Semi II). The union laments the plight of Tamil pupils uTho are weak
      263 words
    • 55 3  -  N. HONG •■ppiri Mil ■iMtS hi II icmwmlcil to sutkm mm mm mmi beeJth loofwctor at every Miatetry of Em vliwomeet-eoetrollee! "wet" market WooM It wot be more MIOWttiM to mm ve owe tmmctor fborgo of my low or two morbeu ami moke rovtag
      55 words
    • 204 3 OmilllllH ft* the mmm* voice fJfefll warn* im a amah ab> mty be hsaaams> H.L Mencken. US critic (1880 195«) TOO AY is Thursday. November 18th. the 322 nd day of INS There are 43 days left in the year IwOiwJOMTt ia history oa this date:
      204 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 TIOPEPE. The best-selling dry sherry in the world. A perfect /^gvL Sent if served J tiled, or on **jLm\\\ the rocks. jM Im Lw* I t'l I meanest J Agj,,,,; onNOAfoat) rri iro wMf nfl aoonW. 1 .^awa •Sub-total/total are wAaw owwnw wlTn on* loucn BW/ 4-hey toooponoent Mewawy aoeoros
      111 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 196 3 SuMOM* mmS mwmm- mm** mm ummr- BBea"lLlasa! pmmj m> M mttmm AmmMmt m wmd $omi garni mmi MMiM mmi mm* L-»»»» aM-mmml tot mmammnm ami Üb> The symbol of your success With more than a hurKfced and fifty years oi warriwrauunsj expertise, Baume and Mercier* crafbjmen of dessgn and f
      196 words

  • home
    • 337 4 SIGNPOSTS. The wi» hythellii Hi 111 j mi uaadar*. for prorooOoe for oonnal will rahw the Baal root of Umm ililiiH Under the Mff llinUl criteria they will need to pus only vi the ftr* IwBJwBfO OMI two other xJbimcu thu will
      337 words
    • DAY by DAY
      • Article, Illustration
        68 4 sii *****1 r v nf sonif ol th** in.tin iifus items in th«* in 111 ii i n«| |>.i|i«is SINGAPORE'S Mwlp wttfA UN multina Uonal rampants* has all aloof boon food Tae theory that MNC'i exploit tae workers at not borne oat by oar ■apartaaci. Turn was stated
        68 words
      • 75 4 FROM Dac 1. ■amkadna cmwjm far awaits to Sentosa will be raised from tt 40 to M W) and for children under 11. from II 40 to $2 SO But the aaw charges will include island tramport by amwarial which will replace the 24 old Mam BOW being
        75 words
    • 124 4 viewscan ON Not I, aa aafarcaanaat taaa of ttw Traffic Pottec pttyrf tltegal pyttegja U* 1 «Ti^*U^rSL a first time tW Traffic PoMc* Ims acted agalaat illegal partial ka a paMIc Iwariag aetata bet oaty after latalilM a me af Dtegal partial aal Mag a aartaaa rflara, aaay
      124 words
    • 33 5 •m nr to rwy'llTtlifk. TV frmiMtl MttMlM Ml mm tmm gHI MMnpMti W) Ctft Win rtM fjf MM CM M ey«ry 12 pupli my lffl ■Hint w»Ininth riM ph.
      33 words
    • 227 5 AN INDIAN seaman aboard the pas aeagar ship Cmaatnbaram flai Tan Tock Seng Hoepital last year because of a bead injury received at aaa. and an allergy to drugs be was treated with The Coroner's Court today gave a verdict of misadventure ovwr tbe
      227 words
    • 143 5 A MOTHER of six was jailed a day and fined a total of $2,500 today for making a false declaration and bigamy Taa Tway Poo, 24. admitted mar rying painter. Tan Boon Hwßt on February IS, 1174. She bore him three children She
      143 words
    • 51 5 AW AIK Cbeong. 22. appeared ia a Magistrate s Court this morning on sis dmrgas of causing MjoTtl ears valued at $2,310 witk an iron pipe st Sin Mhsg Road oa August 17. The cam will he men ttonod again oa November 21. Tjfcttl of $2,000
      51 words
    • 371 6  -  Unpaid priest devotes more time to religion than business SIT YEN FONG SOUTH-EAST ASIA S ooly ChnsU«n prteat-cum million air* shipping magnate says ho sight yean in the priesthood to assume that living a reli life should prevent one Km BfifiU Canon Yip Tung Shan. is is
      371 words
    • 129 6 IF ANYTHING, the wonder is how Rev Yip men aged to stay away from the priesthood for so long Cocruna from a deeply religions family. Ms father wm the Rev Canon Yip Ceo Sang, a teacher and laallaM m i ti «r f■
      129 words
    • 307 8  - Lee Dal Soh to go off the air and on to tapes •f SIT YEN FONG SINGAPORE'S arc* pn* ligiawJasCsai dhslect has bM firm the boot because of tbo ruT^ampaigß*** Wsllkaewa Loo Dai Sob. 7S. wbo bos reached so audience of countless millions ab) 4f yoars ovor Rsdio Singapore (fOCWamT
      PICTURE: CHEW YEN FOOK  -  307 words
    • 100 8 A MOVIE advertisement PfieieSf ■race Ma Mtratmd taa wrsth of film censors Tae Beers ef Film j^jj l^^^" dUU?y o7f esSif advert I semoot of tae Pialaiali Film Dbrtri bution Compeny wss also asked to explain why tha advertisement was placed m the newspapers wltkeat
      100 words
    • 256 8 A GANG of II looiort hsve been terrorising Woodlands Nov Town in mSL ■'"ihanMf i mTT masJng Ib their ooriy Ms, they sre believed to be odd-)oo its when not working wot faowa to bo oa police records, bat some an botO 4sTva£ eldwttCwal Detectives are
      256 words
    • 108 8 IN OUR report entitled Tussle Over Banker s Vast Fortune (New Nation November I, 1912). we referred In tbe three btiilmbj ef Mr Lee Wet Nam aa defsndanti In the action to wind up Chew Investments Pte Ltd This hi W Tbe three grandchildren of Mr Loo,
      108 words
    • 15 10 retell eatowt two eeaaa a aa> An* ra^ Picture by HAIRIS
      Picture by HAIRIS  -  15 words
    • 107 10 AN 80 year old woman died from her injuries sustained in a rood accident yesterday Yoow Tai. who waa crossing River Valley Rood at 3 M pm yesterday when she was knocked down by a car. She was admitted to the Singapore Geawrai Hospital
      107 words
    • 263 10  -  OEI SIN GIOK A DEFAMATION suit arising from a iwhipir irfiitaummt aarmg Umt a director resigned without settling his affairs with taw romnaai waa settled ia the High Court today when both suit Chin ry^Ket^^irrnel"vice seversl r injury to his in his proles ben efrntawaro of Directors
      263 words
    • 262 10  -  1 FAEZAN ISMAIL PROLXJCTIVTrY is not a seven-day wonder to be resur rot ted at a given time eacb year It is and *mw\9 m V Otf Hf€ for •vwy wocHtiiif men omen Stating mat today Mr Lea Ybm Sang. Senior Parliamentary Secretary (National
      262 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 115 4 Jazz up your favourite drink with the LouisTanThree-O. f^ mflfc ===^^l \\m .[^[H Am\\\ Jm\\\ mm m m fl *m\\ m Here's a new way to jazz up the evening. The Louis Tan Thrcc-O. Lossk Tan is Asia's leading jazz musician, and he'll be bearing out the numbers every night
      115 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 168 5 Canon Speedier US Dollars, Yen in a jiffy, surer Deutscnemark "___]Jjjaaaaaaaaiiaaaaaswawasj T** Canon Card EX IQT ia a unique. BVJ versatile calculator that offers JI immediate currency conversion, XK H B Z~ HK^ HH Z^E world Ume display, a time snd calendar display, stopwstch snd I alarm functions in addition
      168 words
    • 100 5 BBBBBS #**ft BU Ii m mTJimi-- -L. waWaawai gJI Kawl SHARP Ice Crasher Great for parties, k Suitable for hotels, Ideal for hawkers. For the servinf of dnnks, cM-frmw cadahV, rwxi»uymjs etc etc. curnbcriornr tTwhSod of f and wtut hue you to aush dturm ofttsmneiWaff tossy* ■H ffe. hr" if
      100 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 338 7 fidelity sound goes further. mmm. mmm. km aawwm W aw light it can be carried out of the living room Into tha bedroom, 4 band tuner 7 bend graphic equalizer own to tho bench or taken to parties k\\ af A 2 Po T (30 x 2R I <S) Forget
      338 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 31 8 <a*iB^BB*BBBBBW Smile! BLUE Blue Nun, the delicious white wine that's correct with any dish. Goes anytime, any place with anything. Eh^^h BLUE NUN Icz^Ma Goes everywhere *^n4~s\ fMI 111 **********8 l
      31 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 75 9 mm "SmW MmY^mK. OuriMytng period la from A\\w LV _1« Octotw 19*2 to 3rd January MTTCUBtSHi \\mLmSw B^HM^wß^^BT^^nH^nl'tJ r**ATH er a /cirrcrAMCCCI tyre im pan dan cauwni pknav. road marine parade am. mo kjo w b dcalerm brihei JL ffj MT TaWwa> i minnl r #,hn Tvrl. tCmm' 1 IaWTMVIIHm
      75 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 104 10 FREE I TEN radio/cassette I PIONEER speakers I automatic aerial I COROLLA HHH I GLStXlmn $19,940 nttt PARF One of the world's best sellers, Toyota I $28,000 rMftt ARF Corolla with the bonus of a radio/cassette H system at no extra cost. H AlltO $22,450 nttt PARF Hurry' Offer valid
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 162 11 SINGAPORE MONITOR-BLAUPUNKT JOINT PROMOTION Buy a Blaupunkt New York SQRB2 between Nov 18-27: Save $70.00 and get a Blaupunkt/Adidas bag Thif offer if valid within thai period only. To quality, bring this abVertavjmeTtf to your dealer when you purchase your Blaupunkt New York SQR 82. Reoommended Price: *****07 m jkewawwwawawaw^
      162 words

  • world
    • 312 12 Soviets to US on offer to better relations LAT-WP Te^Mf'wV. JS BbCm swwsS Uve reUUooehip The Kremlin s top asKrt ea US affairs, Arbetov. said ba ye rawed new hopes that tehees oaeid move in a positive direction, hat said the question in Mos eew Is
      LAT-WP  -  312 words
    • 18 12 UPI "-*—"•*-*—'—i r" 11 t j «i mm ij imri tmrnmi mt PICTURE: UPI
      UPI; PICTURE: UPI  -  18 words
    • 59 12 Reuter lOfaWrtl. Tlesrsdwy THE Wsrssw Pact was cvei y where wawa tae North AUaetic Assembly, tbe parliamentary oryeaasstioo v- —in proneeu iw tae eafaeaisa st weanester Hail hi tae Brttiah Psrliamaat bwikdkae Testerday were all made as Haawwry. MerrWar of Parliameet Eric Oedae ssid He has asked
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 100 12 AP, Reuter THE iiswsaaai of US forcoo lo Iff leader, Ysri Andropov, offWab said Llesteaaat geseral Csartes DnaailTy, oa a leaders yesteraay^be aSsSS a aaaaa" waa •toad Oca Duaailly was cd aaa ilia by Admiral Robert Loan. US coronVaaSaT^ Pacific area,
      AP, Reuter  -  100 words
    • 62 12 AP ■ej of the WmmVm\ mmx*m Mckw mim aed oteer "COefhseecoBMOOereS mmrsmj tojinrw at*seta£tae to ill' LTwUI oai mm i Ug It^SS^to JJJJjJJ r "*J" ratitVeJtoa of te'SSl'll Hi oot to'aoiiiatlrlil Tho |r f asooch (fa* eat i 'thl ■Milt Party geaeral secretary aaa other
      AP  -  62 words
    • 99 14 AP LONDON, Thurs. THREE British businessmen helped smuggle thousands of dollsrs munition to Libya vis its foreign embassies tbe IrtsTst K£ don Old Bailey Barry lloaraaa, a 4a- yaar aid firearms dealer was described by srosecutor Alistair Hill as tbe front man al tbe Brit
      AP  -  99 words
    • 302 14 Reuter TRPOU, Thtaaawy COLONEL NiiMir Gaddafi Librae leader asdscated ia speech baf oca foreign nssstssars of the AJrv la aa hoar-toagStach, the teat af tag was reofVtciaT Libyaa 7 IJi Aa"if toprove the poast, ba sharply criticised many coaatries whooe praaeacc ia Tripoli made
      Reuter  -  302 words
    • 56 14 daughter Emily at husband plays with twin daufjhtf Fran©aaca attar EmNy waa ra4#aa#fl Mmmtmm "W «#onna nopaina noapnan m SaHhnoca yaatarrJay momlnQ to fofln hoc twin sistor at hotno. Dr Alox HoMof, loft, lod a rnodhcol tfio oiomooo twins, tno youngoot to bo oopocotod. Tho twins ocs
      PICTURE: AP  -  56 words
    • 279 15 No takers among refugees for Israeli firms' model homes UPI TtJL AVIV, Twaradaa ISRAELI firms sre try ing to aai homeless Pal esUnisn rwfugwas pre-fab-SwamafjTtba* Uraell the Invasion^rL^baMn 1 Three Israeli firms moved ap model homes to the Eia Hilwe camp oa Tuesday,
      UPI  -  279 words
    • 118 15 UPI WASNaWrOSI "There THE ASPIrUN asdwaU-y m% 41 ffOV^TawOla?©C plaa to require warnasg mmm mmmm ha mtm* fjaa aoosoflmes fatal be harmed Tha Un aa taa cars of children lad by doctors and backed by by dwatry money, ssid on Taesdsy it would
      UPI  -  118 words
    • 35 15 AP WAJNMQTON, TTBoodßf A MAN mpgmm m wfculcfciir m mmm* jl foor rears la prim aftar besnf coovtctad of borflar mmntmt iipirtniißt mt m okterly cwple ~j for tome barf lory AP
      AP  -  35 words
    • 146 15 LOS ANGELES, Thursday A DISTRICT Attorney said be will bjnathjala a former medic claim fmi Sa iarifad aa encoanckoas Mjrfr lyn Mooroo oaly to bo pushed aside by s doctor wbo injected bar baart baTdtsd* F Deputy District Attorney Mike Carroll ssid j Qatar
      146 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 492 12 NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY QUIZ frgerased (oswiy by National Productivity Board. Owwee Chernber of Cornrneros A industry Tha Sir arts Tenes Singapore Monitor and Srsn Mai Defy News 1 Tha mjm open to al Sewaujore cWtferwyrwrrtuswc* raaaSsrfls/work pern* and employment pass hcSrJnr* 2 Phjaaasswaj are sowsad to rand the arwctes f ■toted
      492 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 362 13 ANNUAL SALE OF SALES m* I usiaaannSALE Lr** las? ggrg.W SNrt USAI G«t the best buys from I sfafawawnT 7 M M ,u,, sUotssawaC CsV JS2L rwrtsiwsifT i^ l^ |t^,V^|* r Bj| Am pt»iw*rc»»en Bolster case* car-parking space at Clifford Centre I I sanyo box ten ao mm timer M
      362 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 96 14 THE DVINIASTY HOTEL ■X LPfl \\W v country hits and ajrreof chorr toppers AM m v rtvtvY> orx) sound WpajJ 1 AfThe DMI DoileyDor ts ho gome fteJax ro rtw? source* fl fl v I fl of AJfred or rbe r<eyboard 1 Nk/rfty except Sundays LA R Le Vendome Lounge
      96 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 193 15 Wm 1 'SbwMTw Ls Lt J-rTI VI Im m M j ■JU| m Im f»i sjPgw ft KuFil Ifaaf E al» illJ II amstll' fa I Iw aaaaaaVaV oaaa an aaT fWfaiound p BB, BB— Nouveati 1982. Flown in ill i Experience Duboeuf 1 specialty by UTA French harvest amotfsjeurs
      193 words

  • business
    • 62 16 TAT Lm Rook cut its prime rat* today to l ift per cent, bat fa still a aaartar point above bat big It aaa saw cat Its savings rata from 7 tt per cent to 7 par carat Fixed deposit rstes are down by
      62 words
    • 152 16 Shareholders to vote on December 8 tha'fbaek"ExcSeasja' 'at' thaU own reswasTpaaaiag the aa, Hoag Leeags rkdtts awes is savea law shares for every II tasks. A total of Of.! ssifuoe shares will be usuad, aad at aa boos price ef 1100 each
      152 words
    • 136 16 TRADING ia Hws rioaa ed at tbs roqassTS'tbe compoay ve a far SIMS nsnwoa. Tbaisiji ■likely bs stay for one to two weeks while Stock Ei chasgs approval la soagdst for tbs seaajbjfAbni Tbe co water wss y asterday ran ep to |1 00
      136 words
    • 132 16 PAPER Products (Malaya) fa to pay cans for Chandan Development Corp instead of buying the company through s The price of fit 5 mil lion Katt bedi •pocovwl by Malaysia s Foreign In vestment Committee Originslly. Paper Pro ducts was la issue IS mil lion new
      132 words
    • 41 16 MALAYA Glass Factory expects to show a much better performance far tan tan ant financial yaar to July SI, loss ft saveiagao that, barring unforessso laiaaasUaiis, it wHI trsde profitably during the year laWauAfssWOJ fia»Bs. tarf r
      41 words
    • Update
      • 15 16 WALL treat Joeas ladootrlal Average climbed to 1.M7.M daapita profit Uking
        15 words
      • 25 16 Reuter KUALA LUajPUK: Malaysia paid ood tnjjtm iirtiifi ram row to UttOl biUbsaMlit bsttao) t. Oeb> bor from UB|7 M bUlioo io SopUmbor
        Reuter  -  25 words
      • 22 16 THE Moootory Aotbority of tbippiri boo oaid rt boa tartted leaders for a total of |1M milMoa of 11-dsy treaeery
        22 words
      • 10 16 Reuter KUALA UJMPUII: A BRITISH partis-
        Reuter  -  10 words
      • 34 16 AP TOKYO: JAPAN aaa added IS rtaans to a Uat drawa aa ta May la a fhssl rarttoa of a trade po rises that will mV ass* halre JaaaaVt tariff rates ay
        AP  -  34 words
      • 25 16 UPI rawtses aa tM Myaassjs af Ms fereags debt, stsvtac off s three: af rktaal umi aaii j iffii nai mm im
        UPI  -  25 words
    • 460 17 Americans told of huge new markets in the West Pacific SECURITY analyst James Cowan Associates a ■dviikso. Amarlraaa to invest in tha West Pacific par ticularly Singapore The Westers Pacific most be tha great aew growth area of the wend. Jamas Cowan believes There sre
      460 words
    • 178 17 FIMA Metal Bos has managed only a small increase hi pre-tax profit for the first half of IMS, to $3 7* million from SS 59 million. Sales were up more strongly at SSS.tS million compared with million in the first six
      178 words
    • 169 17 LAT-WP SEOUL, Thureday DOW Chemical Corp., which entered Sooth Korea in ISSS and eventually became tha Largest single foreign investor here, hi pulling out with an USSSt ($187) million equity loss Dow waa tapoctsd to sign a contract on Monday to sell, for
      LAT-WP  -  169 words
    • 86 17 The Star PIAGET, the manufacturer of exclusive watches from Switzerland, is actively promoting its products oa tha Malaysian market m *****78?MwaCfS'will ba opening a swowroaan at Tow Causa Plata in Kuala Lumpur before Christ mas. One reason why Piaget is making a move
      The Star  -  86 words
    • 94 17 The Star DENTSU of Japan ons of too worlds largest advertising agencies, aad Young tad Rubicam one of the largest agency in the US. hove set up their first international joint yen tore company In Malaysia Yooog aasi Rubicam Doataa has s paid up
      The Star  -  94 words
    • 384 18 At export markets become more competitive due It worldwide recession bringing about a decline in world trade Tor the first tune after 13 rears of rsptd growth. ex port en are reviewing financial options more carefully Tbey are demanding much more of their bonks than before,
      384 words
    • 317 18 SINGAPORE stocks were steady in quiet trading this morning Selected stocks at midday Biajtui 1.17 1 Biaitiilti 2001 Central Sugars 1110/11 Of Cold Storage 4 20 4 22 Cycle s 00T2 10 Esso 120 S F and N I 70/4 75 Genting 2 04/2 04 Guthrie 2
      317 words
    • 197 18 ASIAN cities are not tae only place* where the supply of new office blocks aaa ■hops continues to raa ahead of the lamias' Its starting to happen ia America too Ami mmit■< I ■A U M V juL aia- rl n Xl«
      197 words
    • 587 19 THE haate sespoeo af the ity itself It 0) to enable investors small aad largo to supply funds lo a esrpsrstisa. wmi toy eiatiau directors, is expected to use these funds wisely to mske profits ssuss af which will bs available ta otvtdands lo
      587 words
    • 75 19 MR A H "Mike" boo been sppointad managing di rector ef Trsns Pacific Intersational Mr Stavsky ffsaTaadSoati soMAettl cations woTSnsloo, so* lie relations la reel as Geoeral Sales Manager He ssfj bo responsible for tbe local sod ex- range of Luxor i SIMOOM sod sssTlihol expansion of dealership
      75 words
    • 70 19 Your (Foreign Exchange) m I rtarfef m*m t •410 m)mmMu of favetajn ooneftcy ™2 urn i tm MM 1J1M lJfffM MM > MM ttTM 1 TOM 1 MM 00 MM 1 MM t MM 1.7IM 1 MM p raoci franc lOBOtaMjl iMpaBid by UOtV M.7M4 iitm UM»7 MMM MM M4S
      70 words
    • 34 19 i la Mt I mm IM it pi m M am IM %m m Kllrtir tfjtf IM pa IMS M pa 1.471 1 at Ml IM M7 ITS 444 tt.Mf IMS I.M1 Mt
      34 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 101 16 SpWMefe' SatWhal CVaftl V In wNh ■ewAeJ Ittinaislif Ifaws iisislisss aas n I twm risaTjnu .un fviivti y. B BW mt^^ B^sE^Bß^ewndß^Bsi Day dreooos. office coordinates snd casus! pent-suits m natural fabrics of From Japan's fsmous fashion houses, me swinp, a) towards lower no name »or bk wis. fuu bjutb
      101 words
    • 54 16 One good name V deserves another. A distinctive Waterman writing instrument \v makes a gift that is both functional and M valuable. Put your or laasikV For cktails, pleaae call sToV Philip Tang or BiUy Wong at 762-719 Ivtii or write to: Sdn. Bhd., uPinrnKßiHßfl^ Wr\\\\m instruments of distimxikm timer
      54 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 97 17 Purify the air you breathe to 99% pure. With Dial-An-lon from USA. c Negative lons from 15O00V generator c Efficient capacity of up to 10 000 cv fl (300 St meter) space area s Adjustable ion output from low to high o Practically maintenance free o For air con offices,
      97 words
    • 64 17 i Artistry In Time •4L y corned s > rsrsgc^^ mm mm* fU r Etcma, rtoider of more records for wstcnmsldng then rr anyonct m -.VETERNR fSm Smwimmw i WJ *^mm*^*T!w I arty fSmm\ mmm w-*»w*er*i* re mmm awe re bS ba two ww#a re bfj N»wi h fesdgsr It
      64 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 116 18 GET THE LATEST NEWS AT HOME WIN ATRIP TO LONDON gl^^il^ CASH PRIZES TWO 3rd PRIZE $250 CMCDW 'i evKsVTTTJ FIVE 4th PRIZE $100 bvtKY kVrUN I n twenty-five sth prize $25 Tt\o Sunday MonitOf 40$ ooly \m* m mw MjM m^^^^* m^w^J9 To be eiigibie just s/wwer this Simple
      116 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 169 19 EXCLUSIVE TO SINGAPORE MONITOR READERS SPECIAL IIOFFER! K)R HOME DfLIUfRY UAL L *****88 f XHNSION ?29 NOW I I Walk away with a sgm Gold Bar! It's to easy Every purchase of two pairs of wfoSiwoesn socks between 18th Nov and 19th Dec entitles you lo take part in a
      169 words

  • centrepiece
    • 742 20 ASEAN economic ministers mi st taon generslly flow smoothly The well- J planned aabjgdJsQaj sre usually cloaaty adhered to But the recent 14 th meeting wss dif As one delegate said It of have over attended The 14th meeting of tho Asean economic ministers
      742 words
    • 180 20 aharo'oT faaaa> Tho nsbwstars did see eye to eye oo ZZmimn^^ Ths nssst ssgniflcsnt sgroernents bs tbe area of trsde were Rnbswg the kesport cellksg for tosens eejoyksg tariff cuts from USffYk millioa to US$lO millice, (SS2S lUkUfig the max imam tariff cuts oo non-food items
      180 words
    • 98 20 tha throes* Unlike ths Asses iaduatrial proksets (AlPs) pat up by tha Govern moots, sa AUV project aaads only the least two Ths flexibility allowed for la the pact will so eosM apsed ap ths psea ulus there ere hi s project, (ho loaajse (4 takes to
      98 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • leisure
    • 324 21  -  SENIOR CITIZENS WEEK 1 PAD D'ROSE SENIOR Citisans Weak began oa Missey with hardly a whimper from SBC Yet tor Children s flay last month preparstiooa for the 7S minute extrsvsgsnxs in which 170 children participated, began la Jam Then there was the Children Day
      324 words
    • 142 21 DAVID Soul, hero of the popular American television series, SUrsky snd Hutch (he's Hutch), was recently sentenced to II months* imprisHe hi appssitiiit against the sentence but serious damage to David's imase as a good guv and teen idol seems to
      142 words
    • 81 22  - Love me love my doggie •y THRISHA McDERMOTT Drawing by ENDEAN It oTuvaaTW l HMlc way oooojte Wo to took Mao seraoso paw, there la the poo•etoe^ mm laaaassh aa the M Bi)MV WOMAN Mia to Does aad their Owaora amay ao4 foi roe ooot tae Kee oof Clot floor,
      81 words
    • 157 22 CHIHUAHUAS and their owocri always look aa tnough they ought to be iofnewhere else, somewhere warmer in fact say a hot a warmer, hex preferably Mexico And since you could get 10 chihuahuAt hi an liorbpo bottle of tequila 111 really bo wonder that they find
      157 words
    • 94 22 THERE are two sorts ef psedas and two sorts of caa be either clipped or poodles sre owned by ladies of an knsqaajly s/rskl of Urge^ large, y smelly male peoP*A Uocllapii aeeessß are owned by everyone else Miniature poodles come latent I baa Ufa bank
      94 words
    • 76 22 AN Aasbna to mmm ml tbe aTsU e£ tbail foJt)TvjSjpe ex«Ml Vsi aaßnaaaW teanT SB ii ii Mtw m lag tr«wy set whe. with ■rf JfiaaMMßM to Juli tit ussy have ■earned aeries at felats, sed4es swerves ssd dssbiag sweeps which, ia aaa ivisbjg at a
      76 words
    • 97 22 LARGE ladies and small asp team Is have aa afaasa aavar sat aaaa a Pekingese with saysee proportionally Its own nam It h) quite possible the dag ii iplm ass booofiU of^an j*mner with s to refer to themselves as Mother (ssJb Comt to mother. They are
      97 words
    • 55 22 DOBERMAN Puwchers and their owwsrs giro the ancinilirtilli then-"dog* Plisscher people have trim, taat, aristocratic bodies and tbe feeling tbat tbe rest ef ss sre oat of shape silly They do have other Interests; PtM they often frighten tlTcsntte assumption that bar kinky leather cicXhaTarV hiding as
      55 words
    • 74 22 BULLDOG people are traditional centuries tbe balktse has csrrtsd tbe weight of tbe British Empire on his doggy shoulders And slthoeghthe berdaa has been lessening gradually orer the still pared in homes where Queen Vie (oria H ensconced firmly In her rlghtfally commanding position over tbe fireplace
      74 words
    • 316 22 HOI SI HOI I) I IPS USEFUL TO KNOW RUN your ballpoint pm firmly up aad down a glass surface if the pen still baa ink but refuies to write Tae C trill not scrstck tae class, and ink will run
      316 words
    • 280 23 Teresa Chow turns down offer for 'personal reasons' Saturday Weekly. REBECCA Chan Sauchi has snapped up the vacant role In Gary Chow't Television Broadcasts drama Berks The rote was originally offered to Teresa Chow Yar-tse bet she has turned it down for personal
      Saturday Weekly.  -  280 words
    • 130 23 Saturday Weekly. HONG KONG actress Funs PoKwtll be out of the limelight for months She last appeared in a Cantonese opera clip on TVB 1 "Enjoy Yourself Tonight late last month Tie octrees' is four months pregnant and has decided that the time has come
      Saturday Weekly.  -  130 words
    • 192 23 Saturday Weekly FORMER Taiwan film queen Chen Chen has laughed off rumoun that her marriage ef foar years Mas song writer-curn-directorUu Chsachiang is on the rocks taecalalloa aaa been rife in both Taiwsn and Hong Kong that the twotime award winning actress has filed for
      Saturday Weekly  -  192 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 136 21 PLAY THE SMGAPORE MONITOR BftTTHDAYGAME ww rh. tVsVa up saw gggggnggggg ajfhooatof ftaTntataVy CaaYno) EvoaryrOajy >a s sa you »cc ew ad toofc out lor your Dr* ea* rt tfaOffHOs DA TP YEAftt txw appawli When yours appears dp Sw easaastofswuis atonal Wats fag own an— JULY 10 1014 1000
      136 words
      7 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 114 22 m 9 BOr ir^fmmr Mw Bar xruuimiNpy lat 9nd Prize c Ahni Video I Wr I AbolHl-FI M Recorder SyiamPro«33| njmuMm isju i Kiiianii OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM MSaWwiwjwi wwa»wyOMwa> 2) 1«» «>«r> IfWutO «W>Wxr»+f*T Eg "'OSa'Ono BwaweWT Aawnwawawy LawA nsw ePwxvawaiowacftusby HiSS saaOj 2 aasaj oxFOWO swJsfi aBSSBBasj 4\ ftShgasjlWoetofSje)
      114 words

  • 86 23 jJ*J* 7) fG>l 30 IM, 7 Mm. tit JJjggjV (C)/1 30. 330 7 00. 915 Om |ir(l>/n im 400 630 15 ]JJJ M7S| MoNBOM fCVI 30 330 7 00 til OwMM OkMOf mmmmy <C>/1 30 330 7 00 9 i» f***M 30 »30 atittjii jjgPP 30 345 7 00.
    86 words
  • 34 23 S£ss?i Om* <C>/1 30 tm 7 If. 930 (*****11) Mil o»9f ElOUnit (CWII. 1 30 4 00 6 45 (2096 tOB) 930 (SoostsT m <CVI 130 700 mv m m*m\ tm f.txtm
    34 words
  • 33 23 jJJJJj* 1) tCVI 45 345 730 930 too m—t **m*m) m*.*X M r 30. 930 MM (99|/1 15 3 15 7.11, 9 15 (ZSXMOI) Mono fCVI 30 330 7 Mm tJO
    33 words
  • 35 23 {fflKj** ooer •*oei (Cyi oo 140. ?009 so ctoiooVn mm |CVI ml3O 700 ,J0 Oonaoeort OMf toOool (Cyilo. 330 7 00. 930 Ooajoß Oa*/ OaftMt <cy 1 330. 7 00. 9 30 (*****97)
    35 words
  • 19 23 {■»■*> isi^ f*Pf? llO* Oao* fCVI 30. 4 00 7 01. 9 30 BBBBpO] lIMTOfJO) 111 M« say)
    19 words
  • 130 23 IMRMWIIVtI 1 30.4 00.C30.9 15 (337*750) CfcOO Or Ho (IV4 00 7 00. 9 15 (*****91) itJtitTt) HRS BQJJ| Iwiim C9ow» Umm >mo O—i«y (C>/1 45 4 00. (*****10) Mill 4p»»_ PMtffJVII 330 745 SaC BUT'"*"* W M>M> CWwP«(CVII 1 46. 4 00. 4ft. 915 (*****14) 1.11 C* A*
    130 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 93 23 The easy way to remowcorns, Colloniack For quick andcorreortkant laooe removal, kiot apply GohVxrtock twice deify to tfw affected ores. 11 1 1 Colhxnock relieves tho pom and P joW- softens tho corn, wort or callus C for easy removal No more cwtthnj. No mora ebreofvoe! O And Collomack helps
      93 words

  • leisure
    • Article, Illustration
      122 24 Diary ATTENTION all kwnalkfta! If you have five years working experience lo newspapers, nsegasines, news ■gentlin or hrnsitrostino media, owed between 2s mm tß j mt i_ Jli.l j asw so yvsrs sno pros icmbi wj shsdwo, yoo ore sstpioo lo apply lor toe n eaters reuowsnip. Toe Rooter
      122 words
    • 60 24 ALL male flbigipnri Cltisaas aad Per must regis*? foTSsReaistraUoo will be conducted at tbe Central kfaapower Baae. Dempeey Road, fOOSWoees according to dates of birth, rigaritlaw of whether ragWtraUoo ootift eaCwo reasssdsrs have boon received or When yoe report for rankers!loo, do oot forgot to bring your
      60 words
      • Article, Illustration
        49 24 Thh Lost Week Weak Toot Arts** 1 1 UaWkereWosweswj Jee Cocker A 2 14 Truly Uonoi rticiue 2 2 HoortAttsck fjfjbti rwsrtsn Joke 4 9 SBL. Leers ■rwskjsn 4 2 who Cos It Bs New Mob At work 4 4 YsoCae Ds hkusjc fgglt 14 14 Msssfcw Dions Ross
        49 words
      • 57 24 I 4 awnaaw As Uaeal Mm At Work I I Mirage Fleetwood Mac 9* 9 naknajl Braca Sprtwsteea 4 I Aassftam Peel Jobs Coagar 9 14 Lioaal Rickie Lioaal Richie 9 14 BaiH Par Speed Stray Cats 7 T EyelaTkeSky The Alan Paraoas Project I I
        57 words
      • 46 24 2 1 Do Yoe rteslly Want Csltare Cwb TO Hart 220 2 11 1 Daajt Waaaa Danes Eddy Grant 1 Mad World Toon FOr Peart 4 Net Year MCsWaw* Daddy ThaOaaaawa T 4 Leas Ms Da The Beetlae 1-17 LaWhw apaaasa Ballet
        46 words
      • 70 24 1 I Tbe KkW From Fame Various Artiste. 2 2 The Rbbj Press Psest Vsrkwn Arbaass 2 2 lawe OverOeM Dire Straits 4 4 BifllllllßS Vartosa Artistes 4 To Be Clever Culture Cksb 4 New Fstnoes Laat Wares Ssswrtrsnw 7 4 Tbe Sky Gone Out Baubeus
        70 words
    • 87 24 If you are bare batwooa May o, ito4 and bley S, 1000 yen ere ssfrwed ts re reaps ftajjam^^ The office hi open from I am to 4 pm oa weekdays and from am to noon oa You slsoaid bring your current identity card, two recent piWigTMhi,
      87 words
    • Untitled
      • 63 24 24 mernrUU »T4^rn* rtlay B DOr C"**™"* The Mrie will include swing, behop, scheffle, latin, prtsgrwnsive and new fwwon Jen styles The highlight of the evening will be the per/onnence of MosUphs by Urn Folk Joss Eawernble Tickets st 92 sre «vsileb*e ot tho Centre for Musical
        63 words
      • Article, Illustration
        154 24 THE Sadler s Weill Royal Ballet Is appearinc In Sin■spore from November 14 to SS. They will perform the classical Swan Lake with maslc by Tchaikovsky at the Na n ialap The music will ho played the laofapnri Symphony Orchestra The Swan Lake is a story of Prince Slepiried's
        154 words
      • 117 24 IN cofjkacthw with the International Music Pair, the Natiooal University of Singapore s Centre for Mosicsl Activities is presenting a five-day mosic carnival from November 24 to M at tho World Trade Centre Auditorium at I pm. There will ho aarforsnoojcea by NUS Orchestra snd Choir, Guitar
        117 words
    • 196 24 SWAPOOO DO yon love to oot ■■■food? If to. why not try fresh leoiood at the PUu Hotels Seafood Theatre A selection of 10 seafood items, specially prepared far laach. include! king crabo, tiger prawns, white snappers, aaaasahx river filitin. Price of hanch US NONVA FOOO
      196 words
    • 69 24 AN exnibitioa oa retrospective art by artist Dr Cbee Wee Hsfis now on at the NaMiaal Binasom Art Gallery frees t am to S M pm Tbe oslHsttioa feetarinc SM paint lop m a reaah ef M years creative which taciede Cheaeas brush, tab. wa positions Dr
      69 words
    • 118 24 CHESS chess ci*'" wis! bs Cheas from December 4 to It and the 71* Owen I Igbteing Chess rtiampionahip oa Pecoenbar 11 tr s Uons eases waswrraw C Btr WEE KEMO CAM* AMD aVMUMtCUE THE River Valley coenrneoity centre youth group hi organwiag a weekend camp and
      118 words
    • 43 24 THERE will be s blood donation session today (ram t SO am to S St pm at AVIbfO Swsjapore Pte Ltd, 14 Fifth Lob Yang Rood aad between 2 pm to S pm at Bank of Aawarica, 11th Floor. Clifford Cewtre
      43 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 60 24 M jfM sSa Las Lar Bs Jacob's Creek Claret The Australian red thatfe vvinningfJievvYji^ Crisp, clean and elegant, and it travels well. A wine to outstanding it was voted "the top dry commercial red wine" by die Australian Wine Spirit Buying Guide. ii A. ORLANDO JACOB'S CREEK CLARET Awnraha s
      60 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 85 25 D I9fl I Lfe^^Bsl x nsj BOW >» S*m«WA IhiiMm il rgrwirO VfWM unvwi aw V 4«02 OCOC C*rXr« Ouha S*r»* 0104 T* 912S2^^^^s*>BMi WELCOME TO 99 MITE CLUB StH Stoiwy Stm LJtvi Tasjrw** tancMsPOrw 0920 TfjtllllDf •To dance and ba pamparad by our lovary young ladies. To ba antatijMnad
      85 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 622 25 Ammmm Ml AMtT> The (sowcooane Ond that Owy are deIT^K^SJTL 7 MV*t%* on Earth lor tw* taedeupjwes r «P ,,OO TL? ofbytwatpeoeOaetah^ Shi'you osr7oo!n old •ht>yaO in Courv rufhJfthMT fIL ><^V^ i 0? 0 oi Hebeoomes to iraaonaJ that ho £5 <l y od tnonoo hThTaST 2"° of' U- r^awaTsre^
      622 words

  • tv & radio
    • 184 26 Tte WMMmS 1111 highlights channel 5 IT B a story sbout love but tragedy domi nates tbe plot Tbe story begins with too death of a rich man whoee two sons, Cesare and Ant esse Braggis, inherit bis property Before bis death,
      184 words
    • 186 26 QAO UN WWHQ ftHOW channel 8 J FANS of Geo Lin Fen* can look forward to a aorkw of variety shows hosted by the popular Taiwanese linger The first is toThe new series replaces Waa Sha Lane i By Too Miialkjhl Bay ft
      186 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 55 26 Colds bring discomfort and weakness Oct reafcf ovltli i pcd folly foiTniisoTtod Feb* cood tsbWets jasasaaa_ Sa*/ a decongestant to clear runny nose and sinus Pareoabsnot to relieve pain f> i m)t I mm hi ■Jul rlmnrmmmmei fAAlin/l oene«ne to corneas tnai oapreoaeo rowing Vrtamin C to build resistance too*****
      55 words
    • 37 26 PREMIER: OWNS TOMORROW mmm, »»i 11—s IJI,MI.M»t TNI KMQ Of ROOUf 8 IS BACH TO BLAZI A TBJUL Of ifsk ABVBItTUBjBSi f-^H y**horyQuriri DougkSl j? 4*x»w»n Ovtac JwF V **fjß> obobbl a Ab%> Bfe^^BAji! SftiUa The &i)or
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  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 318 26 mm\\\ kVBkl hWTIHBk 12.00 Phi Programma Summary (CAE) lIM Euphony 1 Franz Sohubart Octet m f inajpr 0 OOSfOp (So? OS) Pt^aaftoßT' monic Octet 100 Nana) A phony toorOOY I. Franccei Adrian BrjondW Cceioorto m C fnatar lor nana ani or cTojo*s (21 27) Nteanor Ze bekno gnjj> Tho Rooto
      318 words
    • 296 26 Am\\ BBa\ tUrn m Your Usxratoto 100 News LIS Your i lammasa (oorwa) i.«w MKVCMJy Market Papon I.JO Your UnchoOto (contd) 2-00 Progrommo Summary to*Houee (cored) 4vM What The Walrus Said sVSO Newshvßnef 140 Music My Way 0.00 rtowatoOStof 040 Muwc My Way (cxxWd) 040 FirwncwJ A Short Mark*) Report
      296 words

  • 426 27 leisure Newsweek COMPARED with spaceman Artbor Dent. E T travelled luxury class rob* that be ■oaeWßOd to have oa when the apoco lypes arrived (tbo Earth Tbo poor terrestrial m tmm.t km. aaa 1_ A a iwii it VoUiouiiy aufuciM wna a paraoowi roooc, a
    Newsweek  -  426 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 32 27 2nd STUPENDOUS WEEK! ODEON OUCMAUD CATHAY In bbbbbbbbbbV^aH BsVbbBBV Aw CjONJ&N LUn ißnn Efl papamount PiauofsroapryuTK> till s\^L B 4YRRRRRRRRRRRRRRVfI PfCSENT BARBARIAN >^C*SL**K LrrllAOSARSAOM FWVCCA S4 S AS (Mo Pre SeoMnss OMP/)
      32 words
    • 39 27 MM i»SIrWAPO«K ASSOCIATION KOR RETARDED CHI LOR EN The Kraacr A Ncavc Group sponsor THE CHARITY PREMIERE of the r*»xnifTicc Kit of the year UDO: 26 Novemberl9B2 at 6.45pm —mm aw mm m\\ wlrvlfc RuaaeaJl PMaLMT Q JjjNT ounuEMDswrm
      39 words

  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 108 28 kjjgMTg COmICS I SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON By Don Sharwood ggj Stan jgg| Jyl *Wo/V 11 I FTv JGOLD! AiANIB, TfVSC»TK>IAI_ I TODAY MANY COUNT**© [r*J>o<3U>MrreWO ALASM TATE TrOOC^PtV EB AND FLO ByPoulMlom ;r£risLr?fe Fgx sasfj /^a^) ■bo* Bccafjtßv; tt (or 1004 DR SMOCK By Q#oco# L#fHOfit ffltffltfflt AN'if
      108 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 42 29 M Mjrooo It i>l Mi I H—— MM 2 5 M M MJMMI l SS MMOOMTY 3 11. In SSSHT !IIIL fasT t~ Ml liiliiin/Mil MM liiii i i MM lll| lit) 8 I 1111 MMMmLj rti) ■Hi iii mi kmmmmmmn*-,.
      42 words
    • 47 29 [W» T« jW T,M* lIM p*. kM |jw Till WRVICt jnww I smom M> ■dmKZK L > f* ..A T*Jf MOMHM B I OnMm MM WJ C W MAL -V. W .M tATUMAV tM»-I»ra ■jT P% 4 Ml v^o'BBKO^BBY'IBO^BVi '"Tl SLt mojoot»»** ,> ootw**? |TELE-dDS o¥oTrtSjf>+* 1,,J l? z^*^*'-^SS.
      47 words
    • 208 29 1.1 Nl MA SOS ASToMy o j a^ a aßk^_jaa^B^ OjOBJOjOOOOjOL, OOJOIMMOW.-Ml 1 mmmmm On'toMj MOM MM* 7 OOM fOOfk. Cl fII Omo loOt SSMSM oOjv 4 pot •y^ y *!**^rrJ*ieg OOfOO ***** •tmmm^mmm •MX mmi l kmV T«k m-MM {iMmm* MO Ah DKtomvmmMOiMomoM SSf OooMOj Afcto l opyipi oooooi
      208 words
    • 15 29 g was QMM will W OM» M M »0. M. Mf. cJI OmmPmiMM OMjobom §11?.
      15 words
    • 45 29 mmmSmm? O mv^S** (""tMr o*7 /IJfM IJ9M mtj. ft mSmmv tM tM t% 0. MM MMf UM4 /MM M> MJ IMJ II MMM MMMMM M N MOMM TOMOMO ,JJ[ JJjJJJ > t Tmj TTfiTa MMM Smm^/Sm vm Mrffrl. ■»*> M*jMtJ*m mVmmW'Vmtm) mmV?MI m*B W v^MfoM?4. tIoV.MM.Sf cm^mTJp,?
      45 words
    • 34 29 mmmmTmmm^^ tBIV,MMM M?ta.% M4f% v I^^a^j^^MMMMMMMMMMt 4JMAT MmY?MM MaVTW OM. OB OM MMM MM_M»> MoT/«*rr •^^mmC? MMM) MJ| ICOMk MM Ma T^SoV^^SBV tOTOMMTM(*t»J I ti.Hl 1 M)MM MMM. MtMtfMMitV Tm T9JK mWv'^mmtmAV AX'S* mCßVuL'*'
      34 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 40 30 J ToothpMtowtthevery purchaM of LULU Motacpol (Only •Socks 1 ItHrt) fl BvbbbbllM sMM LmrAW H mm murm\ JB v a fl |F 8*oo*»Of» 1332. LATI IMI MTMM MM. #)M Omrpmi <mw. ■MB T« MTM SMU mmm Q' inn, ilr unt,
      40 words
    • 22 30 •Ml MSMMM) AT* iiTCTTf i MU BMMI mm> iaji HMRosaas mmb SM iHm mt.) mil i il, n» taM*V««Zr«M«IM. Nik yT*» *Zj*mm»
      22 words
    • 28 30 MWTWIWT. f I ni Ilia ijia lOp-vT*UNI kwvj luxury rnodirl by RENAULT. *****00 A ixiausrVAUforriiTD l«ffjipiM«rii ti tmm l •67 T»i»Btfi Mote Smmmtn I 0?« k Ta mYm
      28 words
    • 15 30 to g| ill i 1 m+mm» •mmm mi ■■■< —J Twoyii mi TTV4OM oftov Mi pom
      15 words
    • 123 30 Bom to bo rottlott.~ •944 •fOufM K> row ••Ctu»W» Ot SPAAS cam. LTD *****, PwWan l*H iwj MH 2XI G 14 Qroono CKkx ifooiport >1M T1 4*3011 700 MINI $16,800/Qrekatve WfJoIWtBW fee. Rood tax. No plate (tacJo) the special car hex a lot of drive Ta *****6 *****33 *****72 *****62
      123 words
    • 267 30 AU TAfWAN/KOBf A 11 DAYS ***** All T AIW AN/KO*f A/|AP AN 16 DAYS $3009 All T AIWAN/KOtt A/)AP AN/HONGKONG 19 DAYS $3249 Op 22/11. 29/11. A/12. 20/12. 27/12 All TAIWAN 9 DAYS $1839 TAIWAN/HONGKONG 12 DAYS $2079 fAIWAN/MONCAONC/IANCIIOII 14 DAYS $2199 Dap: 21/11. 28/11. S/12 Every Sunday, AU JAPAN
      267 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 324 31 om\W c HOLIDAYS 1 8 Opyi Pavth, At*rrpJp from $1580 I apaaM mmm* mm> l/ft, toVt* «Vf M/t I II Dayt AM Maw Zaaland Tom mmm. mm Ml f/tt £2535 I I 15 Days Ail Maw Zaaland Tour o-» MMiftM $2868 I 113 Dayt AM Haw Zaaland/Sydnay, AuatraMa $2898 I
      324 words
    • 46 31 RSIM SOOfl AUTO UM Dm. > llMllll WW o—y. VmMj A Maathly Itrr «j i i iii 5 ♦OT4 tPaWMtfaM MO t*?4 mi 11iii m Ml r*-- JTt T*7ri!*J! t«* raT-ataa/ rar-arw •)e%eMI PAVeTMMT P+ft o++4J 7mmmmm Fmm. lnjaa •TeaM^wa^awma till*" HIT 11, UM« MIVI iMajaJTaM raff"*
      46 words
    • 13 31 *A>li H ■<■>■»■■ —a». *M»yi« wwawfcw mjn mmm laßMlnakf wjhmblmmi aaaf**CAix rraarar mrrtm •jl
      13 words
    • 101 31 Mmm?*? OmmY V'/i'mmT*** 2Ji%jj^Mj*SmT mmmt mmmmmX LimY^m^ A e*4e)9lBio9jii9J f •># e)#e)cee)4B S MSMTMU tt^M> i aejMii are, in. TOLi IIMM MMMM,J^Mgg MM) 111 Mil I M MMM •mMM Im wM h aM MrW PV MvMMW MMMM) MMM* I IMJIII m tTM CALL TELE-AOS TOOAY WMW SOCefTY lid. HOUSING LOANS
      101 words
    • 48 31 ideal INmomi I VrTi in gßfott i mm**:?* mmVmm?™ 101) AMOOMMf ilMll AM AMOMIOAM STATteOJOe MM M WlMnil Ml I IQI «t mmm mmmV| mmMm Mm M MMM*) MJT lIIHBIiIMI M Ml Tm I Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm f > QALLEPttA Vi'iii, *Vmm W «l MJM^^M,- MMmSmT £m» JLm mm'iS ■ntT mmMaMj!!*^riji?
      48 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 166 32 ■aaaajta aaa*>TT m. its, CMI M MM» mmm mi. TM -aaMMM*<MMMMi SBmomm mnZmmmm ta m. «m TtOO Ol MIJMI lUMMM mlfiaMii rt MMM M My MMm Willi MO tarawt. mm LAND WANTED Rrl 'a t" mi ill i" "jut' muif 1 ALLIED APPRAISAL I CONSULTANTS PTE LTD TEL: 337-4615 MWMmMMmMJWMMM
      166 words
    • 169 32 FOR RENT 0 lackjaiv* Ptap 6.4.1 mmm owtaMttag pwwl S rmrnm. 4 aiaanwi mmm 1 S rNM. PuNy mkn.nmntmn.m. oar**to4, w«* tmirtumm -tiiT, i S S m%m paeoAlajhMaa RufcK TtmaM area #Of oMtat $4,000 par month 1 MARSMON PRIVATE LIMITED x I TEL: 797*2711 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXN r Offers Housoa /ConiowilP^MPiii
      169 words
    • 209 32 mmm mmm Far East Plaza Pha, i Ground Flom Uiut Area 1 bObsu, It (Least* oi Bukit Timah Plaza First Floor Uimls Area /lUsg II (Sale) Odeon Kalong Shopping Corrtpto x QfOMrSj Floor Unit Area 568sq It (Sale) Sorsngooo Rood Coriiei Shoprxxjse Area AppiOK 2 UUOsq It (Sale) Ml Ftbir
      209 words
    • 71 32 *W gyp IMI lua Mmm •Ml ■'Mi V MT**MM» TUTOO Oeetoa OOMTaTa fiyyMMMMn 1 M<M»IMM« ■■NT WI 00 IMI TTMTIOM Immmm T 2Smk r Interested in Part/ Full Time Modelling for Local/Over*e Assign menu? Seiie rhi» opportunity at v^Vcc^csßr«^r For fuitKer enojuiries OecMord Road off S4f^o^r°loo23) J"afc IJRttllO W OKctaa
      71 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 433 33 [Jfe -mm- jB M»|J IWIW umiimi EXPfINDS PRODUCTION HlSlsHto^^B ou Imttt mm OPERATORS <l I AMMStRO SO fM) m'MO'^R^PmWjW'O' FEMALE -Sri OrSnWB F a 1 Wtffl>H l SKT jfJiyt-fTMiI -Tt *mm**mmml llVinrVinvVj m'mmSVATm'w' SmmTR mm tawm. m^ Jjjjj M r MM% M MM) MMM). > MMM^IMM^ WMn inOkjOtTMj MgygflMM MpMMOOWMWt
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    • 64 34 I l j f l<MB) BAlltaTiMy (|UA>ltf lawi ■J ajoMtoi (A) Oirliil Inlili I QLIAUFICATIONS: Candidal** fl«n«rally aaoaM wmj a OCE O LtMd CMtaVM* «mW at mmm 3 OCE O Lmm cradMs mM m mm lo type Fof Paa A. cmmOmmm MMMjto aMMtowaaß SALARY: troM 1300 00 A Liimmmj mm*
      64 words
    • 128 34 O I-Ml O OdC MMI mmm Mmm mm mmTomW m oom-iV**. 1 •Site) TiibuliM Wean a large and expanding manufacturing company in the plastic packaging business. Due to our expansion. we have vacancies in both our Jurong and Kallang plants. GESSf Between $325 $1000 plus good fringe benefits Don't delay.
      128 words
    • 285 34 Appacoaont art irwapd from suitably QoaMftOd oandMpatoi *or ttw toaow COOf-IMfUTOW MOUMfMKNTt: 1 CompMrtaxJ primary Pa education 1. Hava good phyttqut and ayoaajht 3 Ba praporod to work arahdutiaa 4. Ba odm) to work at halohto. 5 Ba abk» to twan Expononco m rototod •ajtaty work mm ba an Candtoafcat
      285 words
    • 338 34 WATOM flnimi MM MrMMMTO* M«-l MMM»j MUIV MVANH ZTTIa—ZT lT mT« tM OM NMWj K«»iiM »0?a» MM 1000 tmmmmm fmmm %*mmm Uj, tTlinUiTii rM MO W Coll JW> 1 MT Im 1 MO MOTCM 9mm, aoOM) f 1 TtJT* MO-MOOaftw omm (MMI Mi MJli CoOOTO-TTOO •00 m mm T*» J|V-
      338 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 302 35 The largest U.S.A. seafood fast food chain in the world. JOIN OUR EXCITING LIS CREW IN OUR FAR EAST PLAZA SHOP We, a new USA seafood fast food chain, arc offering you the following: a BASIC SALARY $2-10 per hour for full-timers $1 90 per hour for part-timers PLUS Service
      302 words
    • 235 35 l^^-^waaaaaaasaaaaai in Tax matte* or TtJB OOMPANUS ACT. CAP. Ml AND PAIPTtILTOi NOTICE M HEREBY GIVEN a psaaaaat la •aataaa mm of lbs Oaav sssaas Aat Cap Ml taa saadaaaaaelaaaaaaajaf aM as MM at UattW OasaliOanaapavt PUT aa lilai tap. MO) Dsssaabar MM at MM mmmmm t m W mmm
      235 words
    • 266 35 I TIU'eUM Forths moot offfootlvo roouKo staying or Call now on *****90 I I (tjsV^t VaiJ fe* aa aaaxy mfr aoau l tor I WIN $200 WHEN YOU SPOT THE AD AM you need to do is find the answers to the five questions below about Te*e- Ads appaaytog to
      266 words

  • sports / soccer
    • 27 36 Switzerland 2 Scotland 0 England 3 Greece 0 Northern Ireland 1 West Germany 0 Ireland 3 Spain 3 Austria 4 Turkey 0 Yugoslavia 1 Bulgaria 0
      27 words
    • 353 36 Reuter SWITZERLAND, fresh from their triumph over World cham psoas Italy. turned aa the style ha the muddy Wanhdorf Stadium laat sight with s 24 win against Scotland ha a Esaipiaa soccer champsosawin Group One tie Second half goals from Claudio Sober and Andre Egli earned
      Reuter  -  353 words
    • 181 36 Reuter YUGOSLAVIA got back oo the winning trail with an important. If far from impressive, 1 -a win over rtuigana in taowcaropebeaton S>l by Norway hi Oalo hi their opening tie. had to win ta keep alive their hopes of aoallfyhag for the IPM finals
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 153 36 ■mi, *****9 2 10 12 2 mm* (mmwrnu 19 9 10 1 MM Match Baajturi SooOand. OicihQjii 19 2 tflijiy Jtmtn 2 T 0 5 2 •aaaaa 2 10 12 3 Si ii| 9 9 9 114 Natl Match England v Luxembourg on Oacornbar 19 T I mnoKmwoAm t>
      153 words
    • 482 36 Reuter SALONIKA, Greece, Thursday ENGLAND overcame Greece 3 0 here yesterday to move to the top of Group Three M the Karopeaa soccer ceaaapieaaaee. Tony Woodcock sent England away to a flying atari with a goa! after at seconds and added a sec
      Reuter  -  482 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 95 36 WIN $200 TODA^g Don't miss today s SPOT THE AD Competition in TELE-ADS. You could be $200 richer! Everyday $200 must be won in our easy-to-win competition. All you need to do is find the answers to five questions about Tele-Ads appearing in today s paper and then simply tell
      95 words

  • sports
    • 127 37 Reuter SYDNEY, There. US golfer Jack Nicklaus last night donat ed his W.OOO Australian dollars appearance tea from the Australian Open back tounia decision Lakes prise money for taa Ogam, which started today at taa Australian Golf Gab, from 175,000 to 225.000
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 633 37 TODAY S TRACKWORK TEH Chooa hwag-traiawd Teooro htae, wesch fh> whed a fair seventh ta aaar mm S^S^y^rar^S Taa fow-ywar-osd by Vaiata waa tahoa aat thai snorasag by New Zealand rhtarjßaa Vert ff)mm iaam?4 lT^He^ee^ The faaag waa mmi feel iror^doee alow
      633 words
    • 142 37 Race 1 1 45 Claaa 4 Dry S 1444aa: Street, Admiral Stall. Bhat Race 2 -2.1S Claaa 4DKS- 14e*arc Coeaay, Lear Btaaa, Patra Ba, oe> Race S 2.41 Ctaea 4 Div 4 1444 m: Star Ot Fruliai, WaalirSal aeractae Eeterorteer Little FAUnoero Race 4 MlCteaa 4 Dry 2
      142 words
    • 212 38 NEW DELHI READY TO THE LAST DETAIL SUIU SH NAIK r»-pur K tKifiTrji'A [J. h, THE Now Doom Asian Gomes will live up to ci aattatisaa es a super Asiad" hi the country af tM ortfta three decades This atsuranc* wss given by Indian Sports
      212 words
    • 92 38 AP. NEW OtUd, Tlaweowy THE Asian Games Fed eration execetive council yesterday directed Indonesia to prove the aawatewr states of its top aaaa and women players by Nov 23 to enable them to compete in the Asian Games The council endorsed the decision
      AP.  -  92 words
    • 165 38 JET LAGGED Asian Games and^eiaaperated**?ter "the* 3*ooo km haaraey here, via hwnahay, had a not too comfortable welcoming at the Asiad Village yea terday. Bet •■gap nri Chef Pa Mtaaton Taa Bag Back, diplomatically swmmed ap the experieece at the end of the day as
      PICTURE: UPI  -  165 words
    • 196 38 Reuter NEW OfELHI, Thurodey A PETITE young policewoman has been handed the hardest job oa the opening day of tbe Asian Games bare tomorrow Sao is tS-year-oM Karen Bedi. barely five feet tall, who will ba ta charge of traffic control ta a city
      Reuter  -  196 words
    • 298 38 Far from it it's so near DATELINE DELHI OVERHEARD at taa Jawaaarial Nehru Stadium during tha full drew rehearsal three days ago "Are those five rupee seats far from tha scene of action "Not vary far. Besides, they're light across the ■treat from a radio shop that will broadcast the
      298 words
    • 357 38  -  •f R MANORAJ In Mania AFTER catchinf boat li rraaTaarraataa Ka/ wiir-rie-teaae and taking its third place in the medal race. Seatam laaed ttaelf ear Mr bWn Roon nTJde* lene Wee complete their final seven fame* ka the ten semi finals at
      357 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements

  • MONITOR sports
      • 124 39 Reuter LAS VtOAft: Duk Koo Kirn the South Korean whose JatrTui iSe-* four dayt after he wee knocked out In a world He's exactly the same as he was yesterday Dr Loonie Hammargren told a hospital press confaUMMSM il-Oi aiarwila willii IfJI rwm B
        Reuter  -  124 words
      • 70 39 Reuter hCWCABTLI: Kevin Keegan (below), the former Eaujland soccer captain, la aaaacfaaj ha he eat af the game for a month after suffering an eye inhiry la a tiillaiiatal saaach at hwanV lesbrough last night Keegan SI. who baa scored n goaVin Second had a finger*
        Reuter  -  70 words
      • 79 39 Reuter PERTH; Two brothers were each toiled for ooe month yesterday for fighting at the West Australia Cricket Association Ground Stephen and Alan Green 14 and SS. pleaded guilty In nwiriirli conduct at taa ground laat Friday the day before a mass pitch invasion and fighting on
        Reuter  -  79 words
      • 11 39 Reuter tional here last night E Reeter R>>d>
        Reuter  -  11 words
    • 167 39 PtMCt MTtSt 40 awl awMVt tt CoTel oTPwfcltfCtttftt' Stftaut Reuter NEW DEUf, Thura pages v/ the state rsd?o in a tough action designed to prevent possible disruption of broadcasts during the Asian Games ■aaaaa here Tha strike ban. im- fol lowed af i ye-
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 95 39 Reuter MEW DELHI, Thure TWO Sikh lawyers I sol ST da j appealed to liidia a Supreme Court to nabs and eotace escrwtsav of Sikhs Sstortog Asian A tight security has been mounted to thwart threatened demon- **La'l U court, the lawyers uid the security checks
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 196 39 FIVE SPANIARDS SHOWN THE YELLOW CARD IN MATCH IROJWD 3 SPAIN 3 Reuter A SPIRITED fightbeck by Ireland earned It a J-S draw against Spain in en which five Spaniards were shown the yellow card here yesterday Tha Irish, trailing S-l with 26 mm utea to
      Reuter  -  196 words
    • 14 39 Reuter aw*wwUw,Tleww S X V sa leg wwwey* The eejnes^ef^the
      Reuter  -  14 words
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