Singapore Monitor, 17 November 1982

Total Pages: 39
1 39 Singapore Monitor
  • 12 1 THE SINGAPORE MONITOR 30cents M.C. (P) No. 19/5/82 Wednesday, November 17, 1962
    12 words
  • 395 1  -  Proposal by Ctllafe of GPs includes Operating theatres In polyclinics to do miner sargery X-Ray and lal services Training facilities oy JULIE LIAU ROUND- medical centres all over asseapore which accept efnersssscy and nonemergency patients may become a reali ty. if a proposal to upgrade polyclinics It
    395 words
  • 133 1  -  No motion passed at canine council of war on landlord s threat of fine for doggie accidents SALENA SALLEH THERE wea eeare berk thee hMc at lent nights nsectsag ef Aideaore Park dog with a 111 lee if Fhte hjMe asahc to to a hat Oar*
    133 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 FROM THE ASHES... A NEW BEIRUT: EXCLUSIVE PICS ON PAGES 20-21 3 NEW CARTOON STRIP! Three greet new cartoon stripe start today High adven- 5/flslfc tore with Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, that lovable mug Marrrtaduke and domestic todies with Eb and Flo. SEE n^^^^^^flfA UVftl TMtPS UfT CMPSES I
      71 words
    • 88 1 L 4 c I Grays■ INfew Generator W Squash Racquets B MAKE IN ENGLAND M i Grays does X agem Two new models GXS 80 and GXS 90 are further prod of esceient Cambridge craftsmanship Perfectfy bolanoed and crafted from the fmest Hickory and Ash woods those new generation racquets
      88 words

  • opinion / letters
    • 924 2 Singapore hotels, which enjoyed extremely high occupancy rates reaching as high levels as fS per cent in their heady days of lt7*~M, are now sawing their occupancy rates plummeting to substantially lower levels While many luxury hotels claim that their occupancy rates
      924 words
    • 224 2  -  MAURICE SER Manager Luna Coffee House Apollo Singapore I REFER to your reader. Mr George Chin's letter (NN, Nov 5) Firstly, we would like to clarify that we have never advertised or served Nonya food for dinner either in buffet style or otherwise.
      224 words
    • 60 2  -  STEVEN LOH Singapore MM I WOULD like to extend my sincere thanki to Mr S H Wot. majMftr for Premier Theatre Pte Ltd, Or chard Tower* for returning a POSB pMasMB, UOB Gold Card. Identity Card, Singapore international psaannrf aad MM to caak by registered post
      60 words
    • 182 4  -  CHRISTOPHER SIM CHER KWANG Singapore 1134 RECENTLY I attended c talk ea cancer given by the Singa pore Cancer Society a lot ot people are ignorant of It waa7riha>ly the flrot taeso the audience heard of the eight warning tips of cancer Often
      182 words
    • 86 4 I REFER to the letter Civics hi school poser by Concerned (NN, mm 1a Civics is not taught In Pr J but Moral Educa tana kv Tha taachor who wiowi mora i cantcathan (in Claim) to Pr S pupils uses storlesjrom Confucian teachings. lies from the
      86 words
    • 213 4 WlWfi ttupkl man Is djgdjigj 9om#ltwj>g 9J9liew7i9)d! of, ho) #Jw#jys o)#)Cl9)fw9 inatuyom pfywnght TODAY is Wednesday. Nov 7 the tllft day ef IMS. There are 44 days left la the year Highlights In history ea thai ante in till England and Spain form of tensive ■lliaane
      213 words
    • 250 4  -  NGIAM TONG FATT Skagaenri IM2 THE Prime Minister said in 19M: "A school kf as aood as its teachers They asaat fill a boy s Ufa and mind with val I now refer la your report headlined Bal pulaory (NH, Maw 13)
      250 words
    • 116 4  -  FRANCIS SEE Registrar S pore Society of Accountants THE tetter from Blacklisted Desperado (NM, Nov 4) contain* insufficient information especial ly in respect of Mi qualifkation and experience for admission to the Singapore Society of Accoun taata. Nevertheleea, I would encourage him to submit hit application
      116 words
    • 94 4  -  TUMIRAN BIN BINI Singapore 1)14 WHEN I read the front page of Sunday Nation (Nov 7>, I was surprised to learn that there would be no more Sunday Nation or Now Nation from Nov If, I was frustrated over the thought that "no more would I
      94 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 227 3 Citizen ANA-DO Wkch collection \bftS Kiwi m\\ L '<nttht>~JM Siu 1 All I .11 1 r 111 I■! ill- -In II SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSm '^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^a^B^SS^Bw^ h —-At y r~ J lW aal asssssssssssssssssssssssssa r T» BBBJE. vBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSn iV, easl *las^sssssssssssssssssssa aeasan^BanS^S^ 1 •> "—ZW irvi. Bit*!--" ¥>VB6 .L A VV4I4fF% 1 BBBBBbjvT*
      227 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 38 4 SPREAD AROUND THE CREAMY GOCOVESS OFKERFftGOLD wtnmfrmmlj M*r«*mthMt H a^laUiL kik all ft fresh, moot* taste of only the highest quality etoese tpreed lL,l# GENERAL FOOD CORPN PTE LTD. 1. Second Chin Bee Road. Singapore 2»1 Tel: *****61.
      38 words
    • 18 4 t£ $70 on I m Blaupunkt car stereo. Only in the Singapore Monitor M Don't miss ttt M
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • home
    • 312 5  -  It will be built by 1987 In Marina City •f LAM MO LIAN SINGAPORE to get what Is believed to Ike the largest auditorium in the region The auditorium will take 3 000 fixed seats, •lightly fewer than the number of seats la the National Theatre It
      312 words
    • 161 5  -  •y K. K. FONG THE «.500-stron| Sin gapore Police Junior Officers Association (JOA) will hold a twoday forum ea disci pline next month This is the first forum conducted by the association for la geaeral aad the force la particular Sources said the JOA had been planning
      161 words
    • 91 6 •fiin uif (fuwwij |m^mhmiy wi i Bum ana i mwu rami, viovo wwrwrivo mivi■ inwu tmftww w such Mpm can bo hired are being eot up. This one in Heotinoj Road has 700 tapas and) can provide tha letoot Mint for hosne viewers. Tha fthna
      PICTURE: HARRIS  -  91 words
    • 245 6 EDUCATION BEAT THE Ex hi to introduce two new subjects science end Hiteersted science for the General Certi fteate of Education Ordinary Level exTheae will replace pnyxacai xcxexxoe ana general science, which will be umifchnil for the last time in 1984 Prom Iff*
      245 words
    • 71 6 THE Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore has drawn up a list of audio-visual materials to be seed to help teach maths in primary schools. They are for use in Primary One to Three, Four (Normal) and Four to Six (Extended). The Education Ministry has urged
      71 words
    • 50 6 SCHOOLS which tend their pupils for treatment at government outpatient dispensaries during school boors have been asked to provide their birth certificate or NRIC number These will be used for clinic registration purpoees. The numbers can be written in the referral chits issued to the pupils.
      50 words
    • 144 6 THE past, present and future of culture in Singapore will be examined during next year's Singapore Youth Festival. The themes of the festival will be folk culture in Singapore, cultural evolution and towards a future culture. The programme of activities for 1983 will
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    • 109 8 NOT only soldiers but the irjwi rents and civilian tag to the SAF 33 counselling service The service, started last March, wat set up to help soldiers during tha transition from civilian to military Ufa. Tha centre has received more than It
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    • 52 8 LEE HAI CHOEK, 88. was not taking a break friend to make a SSsTVSI of the crowd visiting tae Uppor liriignsThap. nseg Coat, s. His verdict: Open shop la Ike aftermooe siaay •w LOO kooping a tonoty vtgH PICTURES: GOH KIM HUI Mr LOO
      PICTURES: GOH KIM HUI  -  52 words
    • 343 8  -  •v GANDHI AMBALAN A NEW contract system aimed at getting better quality aad iß completion is ospoctod to be adopted by the coantnsctioa laaaetrj hi fthtgaeni under tha negotiated contract aa oppoiil to the conventional system of competitive tenders, tha developer, through direct asajotlstluaa. selects a
      343 words
    • 175 8 THIRTY par cent more Singaporeans visited Britain from January to July over taa same period last year The total number of Singaporeans who visited Britain last year was 30.000 the majority of than being SSMSBSasSBSn, followed by holiday makers according to the British Tourist Authority
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    • 351 9 NEW SET OF LEGAL FEES MAKES IT MORE COSTLY TO BE THE LOSER THINK twice if you want to gat involved la any civil case la taa High Court from aezt month, for if you turn oat to be taa loaar. a will have to pay very
      351 words
    • 227 9 Work improvement: How some firms do it ore contrthsisod hy MB>A onadooto at the Wsvhonnl many of whom are escarried weekly. WHAT does a leader of a Team Improvement Programme do? He schedules meetings and records the problems offered during tha meetings Ho encourages the mombofi to
      227 words
    • 179 9 LIFE has been made who want to register their buses with the Registry of Vehicles (ROY) thanks ta a Watt Improvement Team (WIT) Tha team has drawn sp^e5 U d *the bus 10 M applications for their turning circle toots and This was
      179 words
    • 87 10  -  mmt 111! II HAIRIS bssohsooo foe tfte l^ofi •oo) mmM km Loruf Road In tha aaJSLjgS^SB ■ffßligowtS Cat MVW etioe) CM tHo first floor of Zhu Jane bo the nesv Buff 010 TMo) hi fsowtly duo h» the fact that hoface tttoy moved tfsoyy
      87 words
    • 258 10  -  YEOW MEI SIN ACCESS to information is one problem many of us fact everyday Get ting to sources can ba time consuming and frustrating Wbile Singaporeans are preoccupied with productivity, few of as know bow wa can cat down time spent
      258 words
    • 80 10 THE NTIS aa* a collectioaj of I.S mil MSB titles covering marketing, agri raltare. eagiaeerißg. Iraaaportatloa (Miinvrn raa teller tjne, foraa Um'frJmTvariety of services rrofirbe. limpr ihmlvi UtM end directories la Singapore, these aajbli emmmu are avitliOli at the National Library. Piano are also eadrr way
      80 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 123 5 POSB-plllS-CPF Housing Loan Package: Easifyihenwst attractive in town CALL 221-9522 mm -Jam i Bar tt Our housing loan package offen: •Mwimurn repayment pcnod of 23 years. •Use of your CPF monthly contributions to A loan to lop up your CPF savings to pay service the monthly instahnents. up lo lOfXt
      123 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 40 6 /auw* JE^Bk M /jfl k ■f*^ saaal Baw BORNEO MOTORS «*ST COAST TU ;»Wtfc ajfAfJWOOD Til MS***. BUNT TWDMNOWTCI 4MOOM/V 7 U6T COASINQM) TU M») 11V MBMXM I CMC MCI MOM) TfX 4^M3M «inanaau essMM suao aaaaaaaaaoiisi (ua#unw»m uMoaßsnoTru. saieseeva
      40 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 512 7 "^Stnzleh your budget this season miss our Jantastie money- 1m isavingcfzr. J| ■■■fl Am ■W > lip the coupon below ami bring v along with your mu^MT *fl B I purchase receipts of the tame day to Shui Hing's redemption ctnirt for GIF! VOUCHERS of IVI 'afl Km tv«ry $2()/-
      512 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 111 8 BY BVSBi -c S> Bb. r^^^^BM JBbV 'f> «<»i »n *?SABBBBmkwBBT Bl m KwiMti »y BB Bf afl HiMwirtinii Vnuo BbLt^BB^LI Ibm U otaimj, if ytir Wtthts T fivt* yti a whale mailiaf list yea M mm ©•■'t OMBilfti DON'T WORRY! We'll word process your entire mailing list do the
      111 words
    • 87 8 I 3rT Tasty ®%jf/ Temptetbns Fantastic tastes are happening at the CREPERIE local apaclalKlae you will thoroughly enjoy; economical local eat lunch that gives you more for less: and a western a la carte menu to whet arty appetite. End your superb meal with an equally delicious pancake/crepe dessert. WEEKEND
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 272 9 When even a single hair is precious Neril. hate-reactive treetnwnt proQi dwitiivv, developed foe their rTurturvng hair A scalp Merit Half Reactive Tonic L^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H DraSe of Germany has been looking after ha* years and has smce continued to '^W^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H research and develop improved ways Mm Ltassssssxaaaassissl care haw And now
      272 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 241 10 PLAY THE SIVIGAPORE MOr6TOR BITTrCWr' GAME rsluwandao may to win mm gt Umm g your WMM tow t*s WBBK Sxqapof Monrtof B*today Gam* Evaryday MOMTHt YEAit*B bo» oppoim Whan your* ippwi c*p tha I cxx<wr (mi mm mmam am low and imm «aajg «tava ■and lo Tha m*JWm mmmm Voura
      241 words

  • world
    • 265 11 r THE AFGHAN QUAGMIRE J UPI NEW DELHI, Wed AFGHAN rebels bombed throe restaurants in the capital of Kabul, killing If government officials and secret police agents who were drinking liquor with prostitutes. Western diplomats said Time bombs planted at the restaurants in the posh
      UPI  -  265 words
    • 170 11 AP ISLAMABAD, Wed SOVIET troops looted corpses of haaaVsni of Afghans killed inside aa Afghanistan tunnel after a fiery explosion early this month Western diplomatic sources said, quoting relatives of vie Urn* Tha disaster first reported by Western diplomats on Nov 9. was said to have
      AP  -  170 words
    • 133 11 MONO KOftG, Wed THE Communist Party of Thailand's (CPT) strength has been reduced by bO to 80 per cent in different parts of the country over the post four years, according: to an underground document purportedly writton by s provincial cadre in the north east
      133 words
    • 94 11 AP TWO Chinese factory workers have been flead sad given suspended prison ssoteaces for shooting one of Chinas 12 known Ibises, an extremely rare bird, the People's Dotty reported yesterday The Yaag County Court to coaxial Chinas Shaaaxi Province sentenced Cvi Huiren to II rnooths to prison
      AP  -  94 words
    • 76 11 UPI A MEMBER of the Rod Devils Parachute Rocjiment drops I>A«M m\ BSk4BhSa\js>. Aflhljk* a rrom a none optor inio tha Thames River In a promotional stunt for tha 19«2 Beautolais Nouveau Tha London skyline includes St Jamas Cathedral at left. Ina wine Domes watvj
      UPI; Picture: UPI  -  76 words
    • 22 12 mW99 WOwma Anno mMorrio (dQht) vtow a, ,J„ mAnnctmtf'm auidod tour of London* nwlf Of %^uttmtmjn». PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  22 words
    • 230 12 Reuter THE Soviet aad Chinese Foreign Miiiiaters met in hfoacow last night in the highest level contacts s_ _T WlwMLi UM I wo cotm tries in IS years aad agreed their csaatriss thouid continue a pouticaMialogue to normaliae Mr Huang Hua aad his bar
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 79 12 Reuter LONDON, Wed THE Soviet Embaaay coodolonci book rirnroooo ■«■■■*!>■■ !>■ ft- n-L,. aaVsnnsdnV 1 J sympamy over nVMM oreiiiivvv i oeaui ckjmq vMterdav without the signature of Prime Minister Dubbed the Iron Lady by the Soviet media. Mrs Thatcher, in an attack on Soviet
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 217 12 UPI MAfJvBURQ, Wed of toe day, oodoojj i five-year l*i i oruJl spree of murders, boonhsagn oad oo ettonsptagalnat the US Army QrWoi rOor, ML woo captured by police oo he approached an anno cache hidden to a wood near Hamburg in the aecoad
      UPI  -  217 words
    • 341 13 Iran mounts two prong campaign into Iraq Reuter LONDOM, Wed IRAN mounted fresh attacks oa Iraqi forces on two fronts yesterday snng5 nng farther into I territory by capng strategic heijhts. Teheran Radio The radio said tha first attack was launched hi tha northern sector of tha Gulf war front
      Reuter  -  341 words
    • 116 13 AP ELECTION officials kaed jpjßjj votes yesterday in Sooth America's Largest country, and early returns put the government party and the leading opposition nock to in the most open balloting since the IM4 military coup. Partial rnuntkog from II of the country i SI states
      AP  -  116 words
    • 185 13 World Briefs Agencies THAILAND: Aa 8-year old schoolgirl is addicted to eating soap hut apparently has suffered few 111 effects from her unusual obsession, the Thai-lan-guage Daily Mirror reported The newspaper said the girl, Tippawan Samrekit, became addicted to soap after finding it made a "tatty dessert The
      Agencies  -  185 words
    • 150 13 UPI TEL AVIV, Wed A GAS leak aad not sabotage waa responsible for the explosion that lulled M people ia the military headquarters building in the Le baneoe port city of Tyre, Israel Radio reported yesterday The report, quoting senior Israeli police sources
      UPI  -  150 words
    • 294 14 Reuter THE danger of a potentially disastrous chain reaction of trade protectionist measures is now greater than at any time since tie second world war, too Secretary General of the Organiaation for Economic Cooperation and Dove I opment (OBCD) warned JfOOtordoy. Sposkiag just one week
      Reuter  -  294 words
    • 35 14 Reuter STATE-OWNED Air Lm J A My it expvCwM 10 lEAie I MM «t IM mluSln) kt*MNli (1242 Ptecre f ii itict ""J better ihapc aircraft orders alpro
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 124 14 AP BANQKOK, wad. THE radio of Cambodlo's oastad Khmer Roane regime yesterday United Nations lowest!* efdoa teem of isfaaaal eater guerilla held territory to examine aliened iriasaci of tone chemical attacks by Vietnamese troops in Cambodia The seven-man team arrived in Thailand on Oct
      AP  -  124 words
    • 88 14 AP WHILE accounts of the Beirut massacre havf concentrated on the rote of the Phalangist militia, survivors were reported yesterday to hove claimed that forces of Israeli hacked Maj Seed Haddad also took part hi the killings Dr Amal Shamma. an American citizen bom hi
      AP  -  88 words
    • 176 14 Reuter LONOON, Wodnoadoy BRiiian navy divers are recovering top secret codes, computer programmes and documents from the wreck of the frigate Coventry, sunk hi 100 metres of water off the Falkland Islands. Defence sources said yesterday This was to ensure that the
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 36 14 PRIME MINISTER Msuorhiaa fftegss ioohoag at the grove of Ms wow AJsos srHh Zeev, left, and of OjShres. Mrs Becss ased oa Saaaay after 42 years of QJiriliai. PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  36 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 251 11 Japanese only $560* Pan-Electric introduce a new idea in office cooling which rcalh give* you the hesi of both worlds Imported from Japan, our Cool Air Fan is cooler than an ordinary fan, yet less dry than air-conditioning. And it costs around two hundred dollars less than lis competitors, so
      251 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 110 12 l «V World Trade Centre I mdt Sichuan Restaurant J fl Singapore s first Sichuan restaurant is fl fl most in fl Ph< at >X < >rld Trade jb^P^^^^^^^PT Centre offers delectable Sichuan food m m mm Joj within impressive surrounding K( m >m l< >r a hundred tables Wit
      110 words
    • 28 12 A golden blffnd of aualky i reputmtioti I emrt of tk* fktmuon I I 0 blind of mmmtm qohoo mmmmmm pro. ltd «oe rvjLO>aio fv>jm i»b3»»owje on 7
      28 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 326 13 k\\ ttivv Lv VJH CBsWai bswl Or r H HI OLyBL I I I •ean>ha k I WMW I hum A PERSONAL COMPUTER WITH 16COLOUR GRAPHICS the painless introduction to computers Right now, for the price of an ordinary video Technical Specifications: game CREATIVIShON offers you a fully tune- <m
      326 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 138 14 AKAJ AJ-C1 Sf«rtX) I Cet&eWfto) AoGOfVOf I m\\\w 6566 I AKAJ FHO 622 ($1355) No D Payment I aamH I MonOtty 12 AAA! OHO 612 (tn 16, I No OPaymant MonOOy 6111 AKAJ OOjO 661 (*****) Monthly $166 MM BAN LEOMO RADIO ft WIN $200 TODAY^g Don't miss today s
      138 words
    • 49 14 The Ulrrm-Modern Electric Type writer that is specially designee 1 with eight repeating operating keys I for greater efficiency I \9~ (46.3 cm) carnage $1.400.00 I Far Eaat tow aaoejiaor I EX BSS3T S MUGSSS PTE LTOI BBaaa '•«•—> mm m*— m mm* mn V aaaaaasa wJsaaaaaaa>aai ■Oaaarwai aisssTwaaa 1
      49 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 33 15 "Great service Watson, and I don't mean tennis." In al 5> aflT Mmm\*£*K. B Just say Europe's new generation copiers \x OceHagemeyer (Singapore) Pie Ltd, 900 Dunearn Road, Singapore 2158. Tel: *****6. ami
      33 words

  • business
    • Article, Illustration
      94 16 THE flock market s retreat ci tended into a third straight aeaaion yesterday hot prices began recovering tower do too close The Dow Jones Average of M Issswstrlsls, down 33 30 points in the past two ■isslnis. was down another 14 points an hour before the close but the
      94 words
    • 88 16 INCHCAPE Berhad has turned IBGMS kola a whoUy-ownad ssxsssdiarv It has bought tha 3d par cent It did not already hold from Australian company Johns Perry Inchcape paying $441 000 in cash, a valuation affiled M aa a willing buyer ta willing seller ba lg|
      88 words
    • 345 16 MALAYA Glass is proposing a rights issue after producing a gloomy est of figures for the year to July SI. Hampered hy coastractioa work oa tha main farnaco, tha company saw turnover plummet aad profit turn to loss in tha year to July SI.
      345 words
    • 215 16 THE Big Four banks have realigned their orime rates at t per cent Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation, which broke ranks from 9.1 per cant to 8 25 per ccant took another quarter point off its Ovsrilsi Union Bank, taa last
      215 words
    • 45 16 THE Singapore Association of Shipbuilders and Repairers (SASAR) and five leading shipyards ore racrasanliag too regjbUcM*. BE The companies taking port ore Jurong Shipyard. Keppel Shipyard. Mitsubishi Singapore Heavy Industries, and Sembewane Shipyard all nip repairers, aad salvage operator Seko (Singapore)
      45 words
    • Update
      • 36 16 SINGAPORE share prices closed SUy lower oo lock of interest in selective trading with lower Street advices depressing sentiment further TOO Straits Times industrlai index fell I 25 points to 757 90
        36 words
      • 31 16 MR JOHN ALDRIDGE has boon appointed regional manager. Mnosniii and Thailand, for Private Invest moot Company for Asia (PICA). Ho retains his position as a director of PICA (Malaysia).
        31 words
      • 67 16 TOKAJ Banks s Hhsgspnrs branch is launching a USfJt million floating rate certificate of deposit ia the Asian market load managers Morgan Guaranty Pacific Ltd and Tokai Asia said The four-year Issue is priced st par aad carries interest at 0 1175 per coat above six month IThsgspsrs
        67 words
      • 42 16 Reuter KUALA LUMPUR: The Far Eastern Freight Conference plans an infor mal meeting m London with officials ef The el the Aaasclotioa of Southeast Asian Nations Shippers Council tn a hid to remove misglv ings over new freight rates. Reuter
        Reuter  -  42 words
      • 10 16 Reuter TOKYO: The Japan Iron and Steel
        Reuter  -  10 words
      • 126 16 WORLD ricsssion could knock SO Ct cent off Hume HsatrafJ (Ma ysia)s potential profit in the cur rent year, the company admits Replying to a stock exchange que ry on the company's proposed three for four bonus issue. Hume says it is still too early to
        126 words
    • 198 17 KUALA LUMPUR Industries iMp Detuk Tab Hong Plow and his related group of compenkea jyraed per The proopective buyers include Detuk Wong Kea Tai. who earlier thai veer called off an agreement to sell KoU Raya Development to XL Industries, but who now
      198 words
    • 257 17 INFLATION eased again la October, figures h> show lrtment Prices actually fall marginally from Sep tember. tha fourth aiiothly fall racer sad so far this year The coaoamsr price index stood only 1.1 par cent up on a year ago. cisnpiril with a veer oo-
      257 words
    • 154 17 MALAYAN Banking increased sroup net profits from HI 77 million to $74 27 miflton in taa year to Jane 2d Cotnpany profit waa ap from IsS tS miUion to |4S M miftkin A final dividend of 14 per cent makes a total of 22 per cent GUINNESS htalaysia
      154 words
    • 86 17  -  •v CATHERINE ONG HEWLETT PACKARD has bunched Ms saw HP imAA ii _J mmm i■>» mm mm t n—lii■■! mm tmm\ Lph. j'ulwtl WW lUX Of VBRSMnBS T» WWJCW Clillueffort ever The first 12-bit cnmpatir by HP, H ushers la a new t onspneortng
      86 words
    • 517 18 Newsweek FOR moat American and European carmakers, tin paat three years ha ye been a seemingly endless Off* But for West Ge? many s Daimler Bent, the manufacturer of too Mercedes, the ear indus try s long agony It little more than a dim Image In Us
      Newsweek  -  517 words
    • 404 18 jjm^gjjjj^ Review, a pebiicatiee of THE STERLING Front the UStl.Tt level la early October, the unbri died dollar has pushed sterling down aa Vow as UMLOS, Its weakest level since lots 197S before cor reetions returned it to US| Ltaat. thseah!" **I
      404 words
    • 572 19 Innovative methods to help corporate clients The Star BY 1978, s large cement project m hlslsysis was fast rwaabxg ant of time, having been allowed to run oat of technology management and money all at once. To save the project, the Malaysian government called on
      The Star  -  572 words
    • 122 19 PICA has transferred its minority stake ia Paa Century Edible Oil. Palm Oil Refinery and Kumpulao Kmas s palm oil engineering group, to its subsidiary Pica (M) The transaction was done st market prices with negotiations conduct ad oa aa anna-length beats.
      122 words
    • 130 19  -  By CATHERINE ONG TAN Chong has taken a bed turn in the liquor business end hot quietly abandoned it. It has given up the agency to distribute Renault cognac in Singapore for the French company a few months ago after a lacklustre attempt at
      130 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 133 16 Don't Miss Opportunit R-R-Ringing! Get the most advanced fully automatic microcomputer control mmmmmm telephone answering A and recording system. By Telecoms TAC 143-81R20 Modal AT-R330 Delivers to you the recorded message by MODERN REMOTE CONTROL DEVICE when you phone in from anywhere in the world. Keeps tabs on your business
      133 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 394 17 anMil9aW ln .mam mm f-\aYt fc- t. i 4— __i_rO_ ipufWKTi rIaWVJ DWn TraWWay TQr im COtrayUVaW inouwry lOr wars. Ha oouraee are need by the UK Government and are hjhjpaj Conaiuaraj QajnfrafC 4 0 aaaaaasatton soandorni. Cnwajaliaoh oTpanna aad aoawa ajajhnjjn the pea 2fOJ»j 4 QMhoa Oaiawoato are the
      394 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 123 18 Many great gourmet hunters air gather- aaaV. ing for The Big Game at the Bnusehe La nan, Rotondc For here h the most magnificent offering in game the finest of pheasant. part ridge, wild-boar, wild rabbit, hare, venison and Other game-birds brilliantly transformed by our expert chefs into a great
      123 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 124 19 hwaM 5091 I MM I sin I 5114 I SMI I Other special benefits include: Model 51 cm (20") 51 cm (20") 51 cm (20") 56 cm (22") c 3 y6 ar guarantee on the DiiiwfhajiMiiii ftdQ $140 tiff ttli picture tube. 24 mth. h p. > 40 s 42
      124 words

  • 408 20 centrepiece BKlrti T rsaaalßß the aasarial < ap iUI of the Middle East, said Mr As saad Sawaya, the prisldiot of the Assoriatioo el Baahs of I stasia. Who else weesa ears, hands a city ba rasas, make sera a oeclsratloe? He alone For Beirat is so
    408 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 98 20 GET THE LATEST NEWS AT HOME WIN ATRIP TO LONDON si&Eip? 5 CASH PRIZES TWO 3rd PRIZE 5250 ETWCDV/ h iKfvTTTJ 4th PRIZE $100 tVtnY MUN I li TWENTY-FIVE sth PRIZE $25 HAl* THE SINGAPORE r J To be eligible answer this simple question and fill in the rest of
      98 words

  • leisure
    • 678 21 Film depicts the horror of war and the indignity of a people forced to leave their land THIS Is yet another film that depict* the horror of war and the indignity of a people forced to flee their land The Boat People is as politics ridden as
      678 words
    • 371 21 MARLENE Dietrich, 80 yean of age according to her German birth re cords, 77 ■rrirOiog to her. has become o recluse A business contact telephoned her apart moot recently for an appointment and o woman replied This to Miss Dietrich's secretary She cannot receive
      371 words
    • 236 22 Kuai Boo TAIWANESE Ha Via money in hsr handbag because she loses it wlnsrever *c goes So for those who make appoint menu with bar. they may have ta put up with her arriving We The reason being that she ueually has to spend
      Kuai Boo  -  236 words
    • 221 22  -  VARIOUS ARTISTfS BUUHUIRAI h FROM SOUP FOR ONE (WIA 9t2M) fteviewhy LIM SEK THIS film aoendtrack feotares rrnartc by Nile which pet Chic oo the disco charts This is why three of the eight performed by Chic The title theme proves that Chat has not loot
      221 words
    • 565 23 teatanV*a)sjl 4a waatanVa9 VPaNsanw ans^aaTW^aal AS THE pianist gets into the swing of his music, the crowd warms up and some gather roaad with drinks ia hand as he belts oat his numbers some nostalgic, hut mostly teas. This v David Ng
      565 words
      • 85 23 UPI AUTOMOTIVE artist Harold Cleworth has created another <Tarf for oaej>( his eccentric Ferrari sports car into a SOcm hy Mem hy 120 cm cube for the base of a dining room table I think it a real good idea innovaUve, different and much better than watching the
        UPI  -  85 words
      • 96 23 UPI HOT, new fashion designer Gene Ewinf complains about male designers who "either remember mama fca lili/lklag they do or think of a woman as sn abstract form on which to drape extravaganzas The designer sold most designers place more importance on design than oo the woman wearing
        UPI  -  96 words
      • 61 23 UPI ANDREW Lloyd Webber, who bee three hit musicals rssjsjjasj shsjaJliai» aetyja CatM^Evits 4 People thought I wee tennlaaUv laaaao wtaja 1 ttarted working on the original London produc tarn I d never seen *o much sad shaking of beads as friends decided that poor old
        UPI  -  61 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 139 21 sprifafivshmssevetywherv V*mmt MvefmmTr Honeysuckle. Jasmine. o\§} Ji'' aaaafl S ane two °d- AH lnt fragrances of your I garden, to hnng spring freshness to anywhere you i La wml your Cflr every room in your home and to \N (h<*>se the qwk «>n\rnmrnt aen>.\4>J patk.<>r the ySHaC? rj set-and-forget twin
      139 words
    • 2 21 FILMS lW
      2 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 77 22 Get sHm 5 stay slim. ME With Dietvite. JM m mm, DaWTS» n the quick, cfJbctht way to achieve yen* ideal weight or simply aaantoin it. It's dieter'» saeel replacement that's nutritionally balanced with gt and numerals. Simply add jfdM i Wmmm water to Dietvite and you've got a delicious,
      77 words

  • 105 23 ■wjsk Dm in WMm day)l 30 330 7 QQ, Q IS IiIPJII ttWB >ll d vl *****0 7 00 911 < *J*» 00 om v own 130 400 tio. tu Otfe Orn yir (I.)/<imi day) 1303 30 7 00.1 IS (*****75) Oaaaaa POOj mmmmM day) 130. 330 7 00.
    105 words
  • 43 23 COMaaaO OJkjtfM Ovar |CVI3O. 330 7 1» 130 (******1) (30O0OJ0I JJg*"^^ WinOw 'mmnmt |C) I 30 330 7 00 »00 ■okata lOjaaOae Ova* NOMOaOBOIVi m 3 30. 7 10.030 (*****40) O IftMtfwy fCVI 31. 3 30. 7 30. 0 30 (*****07)
    43 words
  • 61 23 ■■■Ull OlMya PrnMrn 003/1 10. Sift. 7 30 9 30 imstftT) MM* Ouara fjf*l Oft 3 40. 7 30. 0 30 (*****01) KMf* MwSwyOii (CVI I>. 31ft. 7 30. 0 30 (*****44) mmnmmnm Oway* (•*>/' »4 315 Mill «> (*****01) Mm Hmm Mi Hi i Onilnni fCyi 30.
    61 words
  • 51 23 9gggf Haap Pajaj i nSi (Cy i QQ, 3 30. 7 00, 030 ISMvapMa Haws ftSSI SmiwumiSi 0m 30. 3 30. 7 00. 030 (*****27) PjpjpJMMj BJSJOJ B3BSJJ OaaiaaaaaSa (CVI 30. 3 30. 7 00. 030 Vwmm Haap Sans *JSMJMaaaBj mm 30. 3 30 7 00 0 30
    51 words
  • 37 23 ajajlOalUa MaMwy OaMaaaa (CVi IS. 330. 7 IS. 030 (4*44*71) piaja Mwowy a iimn {Cyi 30.4 00 7 00.0 so (2******) Paaaaar SBaaßaa Ovar PaSSanta S» 11. 130. 4 00. (*****00) 6 45 9 15
    37 words
  • 180 23 tjSjSj Ml NMMMW STJ/11 1 JO. 400 630 tit (337*790) CtWMfi *••«(•)/11 145 (MOrtOO) 4 00 44. 9 15 CtoM XI 7 <t>/4 00 7 00. 0.10 (*****01) OrwM ThtOrafMOMltt|C|«l 15 3 15 7 00 9 15 (*****70) Hoavar tvS UnOV Thm Own (f)/1 45 400 0 40. 910
    180 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 67 23 OOPUTER i -THE PLfrV a OMH6 CWOHXOE. M ErwwawfiG ElrTfHB v fun. mut tfM i* more than a catouietor ft is rjroQjramrneo" to SfJt basic arithmetical proolerns i wwifu nym answers wim en a seoorxi chance when a wrong answer is keyed Sole Agent And keep score of your M
      67 words

  • leisure / comics
    • Diary
      • Article, Illustration
        210 24 VAN CLEEF 4 ARPELS JEWELLERY THE Utest collection of Van Cteef 4 Arpels multi million dollar High Ranking Jewellery ia now on exhibition at their boutique at Pavilion Intercontinental Hotel One of the outstanding exhibits is the emerald and diamond tiara which Napoleon gave his second wife. Mane Louise
        210 words
      • 126 24 PA YOUTH CANOE CAMP IP YOU ore s member of the People's Association Youth Movement, here's your chance to learn more about canoeing The PA Youth Division is organising the 50th Youth Canoe Camp at the Paair His Holiday Camp from November 19 to 21 HOLLYWOOD
        126 words
      • 70 24 MICROPROCESSOR COURSE THE Singapore Institute of Standards 4 Industrial Research (SISIR) is conducting s course on microprocessors (Inter 8080 A Module 1) today. Registration forms are available at SISIR. 171 River Valley Road MAKING COSTUME JEWELLERY THE Department of Extramural Studies of National University of Singapore is holding
        70 words
      • 149 24 STORYTELLING IN MALAY IS VOI R child good at telling stones in Malay? If so. enrol him for the storytelling programme to be held on December 1 Organised by the National Library, the programme is open to children between the ages of five and seven who like to
        149 words
      • 104 24 CALLING ALL YOUTHFUL DANCERS FOR THE BIG TIME NATIONAL DANCE COMPANY DO YOU have yearning for a feci of the bright stage lights? And if you have at leant three years dancing experience or training, here's chance for yoa to get ap aad dance for the National Dance Company You
        104 words
      • 68 24 THE Annual Concert by pianoforte pupils of the Victor Doggett Studios will be held at the Drama Centre on November 27 at I pm and 7 50 pm. Programme includes solos and duets by performers ranging from six year olds to budding concert artistes Complimentary tickets are obtainable
        68 words
      • 62 24 ANITA Sarawak, the dynamic singer entertainer will bold a chanty snow on Friday at the National Theatre at pm. Proceeds of the show will go to the Council for Education of Muslim Children (Mendaki). Ail Ahmad will be the guest artiste. Tickets at $30 $15 $10.
        62 words
      • 81 24 DO NOT be alarmed if you hear booming sounds! The Republic of Singapore Air Force hi con ducting live firing exercises in tha Southern Islands Live Firing Ranged at Pulau Pawai and Pulau Senang between 8 am to 6 pm daily until Friday. The Singapore Armed Forces is
        81 words
      • Article, Illustration
        68 24 ROBERT Liew, a leading local guitarist will give a recital oa Friday at the Victoria Concert Hall at pm. The programme will include Bach s Suite in E Major BWV 1006 a. M Ponce's Sonata Romantica. J Rodrigo's En Los Tigales and Fandango. Tickets at IS and $1
        68 words
      • 39 24 TODAY Low tide 6.05 am (1.1 m) High tide 11.37 am (2.9 m) Low tide 6.24 pm Jen) TOMORROW Low tide 635 am (1 2m) High tfcne 12.17 pm (2.9 m) Low tide 654 pm (9.3 m)
        39 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 89 25 Anyway you like it M*treda**i»i i»k InaparfuaJ NKnttaw' I a h..u.,u..»i Sunun I Ma«J»c>«i ManJarin fr Shasta I I s *>an«r.l. I 1 •J Mandarin MM jMW V and* Mm )rma)li« MM WM Ci»u A wwumi (iilaniFtiMn I Huhlm 1..n HohftnlfM* 1 I fcg Ciaß-no BVnnßnni km J aWafP9JC)jfl V
      89 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 1385 25 Tv •If Oaenine roaoeed By The JtM. Th wo contesting tNmt ■P 'V f ww—. mm imanrTl u/uuu< r> are an A/yano and wansan r"en Exercise wen uaorta dria Singers Mana Bachok and 4 M TheckeCs World Ramae Ahmad wO witertam m-be-B* Thacker take* a look at soma of tween
      1,385 words

  • tv & radio
    • 139 26 channel 5 HIGHLIGHT HORIZON: Ttva Mot-BloodeKl Dinosaurs (10.15 pm) WHAT'S your idea of a dinosaur? A cold-blooded, slow moving reptile? Many people think so. Bat tonight such beliefs may be dispelled A group of scientists claim that dinosaurs were agile, intel Itgent and hot blooded crea tures
      139 words
    • 148 26 channel 8 HIGHLIGHT FRICNOS OF MAN Wild iiorooo (8.30 pm) THE wild horses of North America, regarded with respect and awe hy the Indians, have been hunted almost to extinction The remaining herds of wild horses fact a bleak future Prom a popalotion of several
      148 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 27 26 ITT Only $64/* per month rrr Color 3303 fl '^mmlM ENQUIRIES PLEASE CALL: UNIVERSAL TELEVISION MAINTENANCE Block 154, 01-36, Mcl Ling Scrcet, Singapore 0314. Office Tel: *****96
      27 words
    • 37 26 Insidirfdw SIV.APORr ASMM lAHO!* rOR RHAKDUX "111 DHfN Ihe I i.i vi A Ni.iu (iroup sponkor THE CHARITY PREMIERE i»< the hox-tdlicc hit of the year pnennannleyur«iT«o»«t»«w»*icti<»l»ctuw« ILewar^ UDO: 26 Novemberl9B2 at 6.45 per. Q aW- (XJ)ITUEhiT»WITHr^iIXAS
      37 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 579 26 1MS PM Your Lunchdate MS MS Mualoal Treata SjSS Naara* 7.1S Evening Olgeet 7 JS EntfNh By Nawe 1.1S Your brahdMe (oontd) trwBrtaf SJS Mualc My Way SJS Radto 7JS Foroee 46 MS Mkkdey Market Report NowekvBrtof MS Muelc My Way SJS Your Hoot Tonight SJS (oontd) SJS Rnenctal t
      579 words

  • leisure
    • 435 27 Director insists on not cutting film Hong Kong Star SHAWS' star Patricia Andres slammed film director King Hoilam for using a half naked stand-in for her new film The True and The Devil, featuring a string of young artistes, has 20
      Hong Kong Star  -  435 words
    • 56 27 COMEDIAN George Barm seems to have found happiness in being surrounded hy a bevy of belles on Friday night at a casino hare Tha veteran comic was performing in a show stages only for women Evan mala members of the media warn haired from tha performance. There
      56 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 101 27 TIM SUPERLATIVE ode at Mt MCREiISE Ml PRICESI James Bond in bit moot ferocious final showdowns, never hod to grapple with a villain as punishing end indestructible os the replicants leader DAILY MAIL. I I 'km ff". j Sj^ray^^^ttt f JADE: NOW SHOWING! Ihltti EipftanThly Mat ahsce Qowe ha^ WARREN
      101 words
    • 110 27 foDE^ ¥{W1 Mi 'TTmsTij 1 oo oT tM lip 0 V mm rr— U— Mm I—fry QmuH Oi<l>V 9 iTUOCHTI CONCI ttK)(it2k» 9 X at 1 M 0 4pm SHOWS ONLY X X TWOS* PttAtfi WOTI Tfc* MX x SMOWlll^!^^ 6 tfrnAitAy PAr O tminrwuifpii X X y yp, TM,
      110 words

  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 406 28 I«l«uf comics mmt mjt mmm man aethr* period tar m T^ ma M i f^^ mm f L. ua S- |i_ AJUBc MtfCk tl ta Apr 24 bored lately thn certainly wool You appear fee spend more time so your rinujlaial from now 01 tAee usual in the company of
      406 words
    • 176 28 SERGEANT PRgSTON OF THE YUKON By Don SJywood and Stan Stuns* TV* ruwoN... mxnpym •Qu*J»i I tOw. 1 eagygj-OWwciiT of rm IGolo.' and in rrc yukon there «UUZf> OF ■■KMjriTtiK.r TBWWTOWi Oil WCn McaOURCCfi rtA© OUAWM ta Always TMC luF* OF SXXD... WfftFC TMf BOKOE* BCTWCCN AN INFLUX OF ftTR
      176 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 167 29 1) OMM.IHMHI IMN I) ■■■■■I 111 4| »>V. ■C W I. I >M, gs I MM WIWJHM IIWIIII U) CaHwi 01 C f%9o>*?tovnffM9>fvt 12) Mtulf Aml« II) Cm »aat» M» RajMM TTl^ ,o^l, 17) 'W MO ce*»c to* SM N»m*> II ■liUl fJI m Maaaa Ml ♦0) Mjta «i) Pm*
      167 words
    • 750 29 1 1 1 S* 0 TODAY 2 J-9090 SfcLL OM OR^ AW Pi\»mm 2» po» P9 VIIVI AW '.mm |IUp»M till MPVICt 2MWW 1U If 9*f•VAtV 00 00 p#* km o*%t*»i cot cm V 4 Mt wA JJJ tcmm iroo»» m R M *9 cat CM MB mm MOM *IM
      750 words
    • 52 29 TaLSS" llU 111,11 «§ml MM* Ln aapAM CMUtl szr^L'y, 1 7 iU' k^H'A^"Mr "f. Ml Hm Ln at rum ma M pm m ihum SUMIMI HOUSK 1 MS a* ft (111 ml) TMajjMMnO) AM CONDITIONS) WITH KXC8LL1MT NKVICII AVMLAHI AT MMONMU AKNTAL (AMHX PAMUNtt FAOLmCt) •UMMMA MOLMMMA im TIL MO
      52 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 188 30 ami mm A MM lar M*M Mi jM Jm'IIm tmm mMUiN a*. n uamMMan mji M Mar i»m i.m a*. fL Ml Mar UK «JH m a IM Mar MM M M It IJITMMMTT MU Wllf >M» Mar AIM m A I1M Mar MS /14H a* A MMi Mar IM
      188 words
    • 131 30 AJa) Jgwlwrf IMMMINPN KAUJUM mi Ufa kmiwi MM *—*f| tar •m ar mm Nm iMkm Hm> M A Man Maar IK TAT MMNRTV "rsrsuEr"* IN it 141 5 H lar IK IIJMJK mmrn cm m-mr aM m mm tea iiMm riNprti PltAM OMMTACTi UM4T« 4TMM. A CMflHNTMli Offlcc l!iiI. l
      131 words
    • 217 30 —^^^Jal Ttt TMJW/Trawai mmumf FLYING HIGH THROUGHOUT THE WORLD RELIANCE IS AROUND EVERYWHERE TO SERVE YOU DEPARTURES ***** Days Al Toiwon/krHjook/ 6/7 Days CtXIO Ald fiTS-UuP Ko 9/ o<oiJ Espanol Philippines $1 115 4m«*Wo' Ivry IIWMr. H«iMhM«/UVifMalMliiil (Xa^W Hmmmam at 4w SouAt lv«i /.MimbvVi I •«■<< 11/14 Dy E*%plMi/M XoiSp^Ok^*/
      217 words
    • 531 30 [nam ho TftAVIL SIR VIC I |S) PTI. LTD. Haa9 OMm QI4 i 6 i| Hvii Contra. Eu Tong Son StraM (Vangtia ThaMral Srngapora 0106 T«4 *****33 1/ krvaai •ranch Oft)M: lit. Paopta* Part QW9MWA Ground Etoor New 9>Mga Road Smgapora 0106 T«M 911M1/01IM2/I1 1463/9115&2/*****4/*****4/*****43 L AMtRICA/MAOJAIi/CANAOA/MEIICO/TOKTO/NOHfiIIOMS |MACAU|I 19 day*
      531 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 206 31 7 jl^^^^^ ASIA v^PvoSLw^-^^^^^PS^^tt^^k^MA^^v^^^i^^^ r r i iBWq aM Aaoyonio Komomoto, A -lUC*** ;Ot*» 9 •I [sfi? mm ■HOTSHOT^ FROM stt.sno Pkis 7 rights Accc^nmodation I Yes.foronrySS2.3lo.the Arsoavailablefrom I return airfare to the West Jetabout are the I Coast of America we II A\ MpJ > W widest range of
      206 words
    • 229 31 atrLCf TOURFARE VjWi> f V INCLUOES: V 18T CLASS HOTELS fl ****55% WTj EXQUISITE M mil CUISINES' MORE tw SIOMTSaiNOS TOURWELL j-jJii-' OrVOf«t)€RFUL) PTE. LTD. UNIT 45*. 4TH PUt PENINSULA PLAZA, COLEMAN STREET SPORE 0617 DAYS 4Ai»tMIOK/f»ATT AY A f740 days ttii Of* Vtt, ft/18, 8/12. 14/12. 18/12. 21/12. §8711.
      229 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 428 32 Singapore-Perth carefree holidays 6,7*9 da ya i^\"X~^ow from only $950 (iC%M:W\\ Special departures: Dec. 10. 17.20 7\ m Singapore- </// \sALW Honolulu-ManilaM?J Jy executive package 8 raftaaaetfj days I For people who don't want to be tied down to hectic schedules j/ Sim« Darby Tnvtl S«rvK:« 401-4.4 th Floor. PooJnaulo
      428 words
    • 51 32 i i RENAULT QTX2Mreo f lop-of the-line luxury model by RENAULT PARFPrtc* SS42BOCV H#A* •ukHiWiy fry IXKLUSTV Al/TO PTI LTD (A mmm <* *v> Hmtk SHOWWOMS Gil 1 7 •%t TtngMl AMd SMflpM *0?4 TttT QWrVtS g AffOWTMim QUI V I CALL TELE-ADS TODAY *****90 Your Open Line To A
      51 words
    • 39 32 Bom to be restless... f* 924 911 928 930 •944 tt«<»t#fJf>' Mj r tiu m»< *fcHJJ% f» SPAWS com LTD Oil H,PimmtHojgmaMil S ingW o<toni t*. MMM 232. O 14 Oro«jnd Floor Upp*< Bokn Timcrt Rood Stngtw2iM ftj MjgOj
      39 words
    • 5 32 IS Is'i JJ (fi a <
      5 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 387 33 Go in Comfort and Style EconomicSß SUBARU 700 MINIS DOOR SEDAN M SUBARUHB ■^Dn |W r AN 1 Bt Al So)* OWfCXilOf aia^* SINGAPORE MOTORS PTE. LTD. V V Lang Km Boon Snoopor* ojft t«t 636*66 X Aulhomad Oaoia* A M NG KEONG CAR TRADERS PTE. LTD. Qnod f^*^—»VM*oom MB
      387 words
    • 107 33 •miirmr 11 T«y«*> UMm 1W van iirtfMtatM «toMi 11 TtrMUlMMlllOM* I waafcTy m hn. •ono-Urm hn arjIMMW apaoal dtaoount giv Chataaur oTtoan i«a< I t«* m»n/m«M7 V J GOTYCAU RENTALS (mots) •if mMaarja Ctaar f I* MM aa CMaMrjr OtUaa mmTltW ttimmrSmtT Caraai/CaMi ajara cmh un naiimji taVDrfrr Araßatta tar
      107 words
    • 103 33 I II 1 fM MM I I 1 W 'Mr.' I W 'W r IMfJ Manaaa ruwiimma mirwinaa 1 Bpanaarni PCS wmtt m nvmai warajcTt row amauMATt occur*Arrra IWttCMIT MMjtaMM MMT •an aaamMaaal «*a» UtaMaa Ajawwj >rt mm; ma-mtv SSTI»Tm *iVlT*r'Mi»r? 11 S Jatar L»— ur«i oat li tarr ataS
      103 words
    • 131 33 ••atrial %OJ$) Caaa Balla **aa MTT aa>* lf»»ca»»* aaWVtM for M Co (*%o| LM tT-e» TaaMtaj W*l»l Tat) 7aa7 aa i > i i^v^a^taCaaal Ta* au-ataa a** lajimi **a»AaTaoa> aa RV a \«i^taa) Mat t« Bmuum t-akvay aia*uta*d 4 baXJroorna Larga tetany and p*t*o adaoaang taodacopod gay a*n Covarod car
      131 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 88 34 ssS* «s5 5 Scfco#» Ml MM team OaiMft NgM »Maa ill I— Til rSji5u*m»%» 1«* INMMJ MNMMMUMM 5S5w e 2wT ,lw Flww s&iHtra&S •W K^M^liV W4e^ i VWP9 Oiii i L ilai; WHTaS pjm. IMMl>M|MMl m+ iSm/rSL Mi t »jm. ImTvMTaMyiML TyMaa awM Twlwlpta a« sirsiiMiMr ■Mil! Ml S4» ta
      88 words
    • 98 34 SPECIAL ENGLISH COURSES English for Businessmen c Enolish for Secretaries c English Cambridge O.C.E. 0 Level c Enolish Cernbrkkie First Certtftcefte V y RssjHtrstiofiNoun) tsfn iom mmm MAUNk I B Uw uTuT (JM M Bum* LOCI Uw H teal vim HHON'S trammq CCNTRK *—m fit, lit twr n»» 1141 "tSSSSSf*
      98 words
    • 131 34 NTC t»clnc« FiMfl 10. C*i«*te*..*r. Umm**'* 2) NOT INSPECTOR mm Vrs. LTm. MO IT. W4W %*MM^n*>mM MALA/ rtIUU iUlt MMMtintTIVII MM» »«-«ts t, J.T.C W«Ml< r%. opens on 17rJiNoMemberl982. BFO Liwagu opens on 1 OTlkTmll^lTCHlSt ShOW- 7.00 DJIL November. 1982 with "Senyum Show: 9.00 pm AdaUh Tang.s kV\ t*no m
      131 words
    • 18 34 \W] Singapore Kltotnuro IfKfustitot PtoLtd. fcipirtwo»no< At Ijbbl *N*NiUfaft*l/ OtN^KNI Hi» rim üb? i mi MfIJMBMH) OCMMItV TYVOSTt
      18 words
    • 105 34 I T^P^P I T^V9fVfYVJP^K^^I^'!^^SSI (A) Education Clerical Officer (B) Temporary Clerical Officer Applications are invited from Singapore Citizens between 16-25 yean of age who poetess the fosowtrtg minimum qualifications (i) 3 GCE 0 Level Passes including English, and a grade 7 or 8 m Chinese. Matty or Tamil; on (M)
      105 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 124 35 EXPANDS A* raaab. wa hawa MMII OfHUTOtS AT NEW PAY RATES l» VOM ar* lookinaj for tab ttun pmyt up to $401 $421 u*>o* ©o»*fWtna*io»» $461 $811 aNar 1 yaar ptaa food atlowwanea aj latent lU. Ottl#F ba>f*#f Itt, COT># |O*F) Uf Mn oaKaft •W "Mm 9 aW*v«i (7 30
      124 words
    • 96 35 pBJM IS? llfffflfH •mmmmm\m\ ■■■a Ff*»J*o*ndCoW*o kwcravr^sw^ a Cortdnuou* Sport* and w F OOTnfV *»W nTMarf swwu CaawAdaawc* KfisWsm |aa ya at aur FJMMaI t^Brbaiwlbdai ffSsJoVsvll 1 <Al£*AP PUU.rN6> 3 j GIVE YOURSELF A PROMOTION Oat a mm ww* pa o*n b* your own boaa and awn wwl youW S*vt
      96 words
    • 213 35 si ft* W# *v* m pf and ■Ml |i iMiiporaoaatoc jfj luluwtng puaittamt (A) PITTIM (G) CSAME DSTVEM gbj*»gL ba*) 2 yaan oi working aap*ft*Rc* In dn fOJp*CttV* trsda* Pita* to oaky, a trod* last int«rvWw «*f W conducted lo das*n*Si* SbS •aatV) riiibln Wwold m phy» bb% b —a*
      213 words
    • 222 35 I" *l VW] ■OSTMPOSI PAEAMOt'NT HOTEL ■iwi and fully computer i»fd hoi* i *lt ua tad at MARINE EAST OOAST ROAD ST* ait tookSwj aw yauag and anaht paspw te Jaw us> Tso bSMjSSdMwSI will to L fSOSTT SSSS omcsaa <attah< to to mimoN OOtTNTSSJ 4i Minimum QCI X) Earn
      222 words
    • 242 35 TELE-dDS I Effective selling the I low cost way I Why pay more? I Use Tele-ads I Call 273 9090 now I WIN $200 WHEN YOU SPOT THE AD AM you need to do find the answers to the five questions below about Tele- Ads appearing m today's paper and
      242 words

  • sports
    • 313 36  -  B J SMITH VETERAN English iocs, ey Willie Caraon wIA not team up with Lester Pig gott Pat Eddery and French rider Freddie Head aa previously reported for their Far Eaat lour to begin in late February Mr Tim Thompson, secretary of the Ma
      313 words
    • 460 36 Tuesday's Trsckwork by TRACKSTAR The Ivaa Allan trained Hallelujah, which was a runaway winner of his last start beating Do Yoa Mind over 1200 metres at this course, draw attention to his (nances of completing a double la Class 1 Div 1 over
      460 words
    • 281 36 HORSES which did poeewerh as the grans track at Baku Timah yesterday: Brahma Dancer. Dutin s Fancy (Lucas). Diplomat. Limelight (Wadi). Moral Support (I.enng) The Hornet (Sou). Gilano. Concentre ImHi (Masruhen) Be Ny Native (Khoo). Fei Chien (SK Ho). Fiesta Espanota. Kota K.nabalu Shoot Up (Alii).
      281 words
    • 43 36 LIXwSQTQN, Kentucky. a broodmare la foal to Keeaelaed November highest price paM for a Broodmare at poetic aac tlons It waa Bnrcnaaed S jptjM e> KwMtkowski, who saM he plana to breed her to Qmoeia tador Clala PICTURE: UPI
      PICTURE: UPI  -  43 words
    • 139 36 ENGLAND'S needed only IS minutes to boat Aastralla'o EvonneCawley«-lf-31n tennis clnssic yesterday Earlier, American taaaigar Andrea Leand became the first aeeded player to be eliminated. Wni 6-0 2-6 6-4 to the ltSt Australian Open winner Barbara Jordan, alao of the United States Australia s Wendy Twrnbull acorad
      139 words
    • 187 37 ATHENS, Wednesday by "Jeorgamnte teal liriNll lader 21 lofffr champions swajawj tambllag to tiaaiiaiv fJßJßjowil afgeMsswaW vf jtAVWT* fit match, a certain raiser be the sealer Faropeaa Champioa ship clesb. eever strati mm to expectationt aa* England at tacksag 4-1-4 jpaWawC pat tbc Greek deteoce sower
      187 words
    • 317 37  -  SLTA asks more local clubs to sponsor tourneys •9 GEOFFREY EU SOME things just do not change At the end of last year s Veterans Open Tennis championships. Dr Ong Leong Boon. grisHist of tho Singapore Lawn Tennis Aaso elation, ca 1 led for
      317 words
    • 122 37  -  By R MANORAJ from MANILA SINGAPORE, second at the half-way mark yesterday, biased to glory and netted Its first go Id medal in the Asian sows Pit) bowling i aaiiiulrianwJfj sere today when the Men s trio overcame early leaders Malaysia with a
      122 words
    • 194 37  -  v KEN JALLEH Jr A SPONSORSHIP wrangle within the Asian Rugby Football Union organising council, which was the subject of wliswi debate la previous meetings, has been settled with major spon sors Anchor Beer and Prwaaatlal winning the war for publicity mile The wrangle began whoa orgajuttng
      194 words
    • 162 38 Federation charges they violated amateur rules SUHESH NAIK reports from New Delhi NEW DELHI, Wed ARE Indonesia's World Cup badminton champi on Liem Swte King and reigning Asiea Games woman champion Verawathy Fajrhi ama tears"? Are the world ranked atari eligible ho play in
      162 words
    • 318 38 Reuter AP MEW DEL*, Wedneedey SIKH ludiri rowing to nrgasfss daily M ajlhag oa Friday said yesterday thou sands of their supporters were naossnbsOd hi tho lathee raphal Security forces mounted intensive checks of traffic entering Delhi to prevent SS influx of troublemakers ahead of the
      Reuter & AP  -  318 words
    • 264 38 DATELINE DELHI SINGAPORE'S veteran *>x international hockey umpire V Ramalingam was sent on a wild gooee chase around the Indian capital because of poor protocol. Rama, who ia one of five jury of appeal members selected by the International Hockey Federation for the Asian
      264 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 63 36 MrntW mW .^B^BBbI 9pChadran<E 1 ba ov«r tha world H Sl^B^sf^afVaf^BV^Bf^ 2 fl A %B» el Sla; 21-38 J Fof3yMrso4(l i^V/T^t^v F^l^" pwiifd8 1 <j j BBShw 2376 TORNADO MESH Available M authorised Diadors Kid dealers Ja^fl So* Distributor IT*S A PhSsiplnßi A fsMaM ■^/HsA UNCLE CHOO SPORTS lajjy Una
      63 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 262 37 Now, there are MORE prizes to look out for. Yes, more prizes, not only do you stand a chance i of winning 10,000 but we will be offering six Waddingtons 'My Word* card games to the six closest entries to the correct solution every week. With effect from Sunday, 21st
      262 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 187 38 '^^oasssssssw^ Sock it to <an with Gagells! Ceigells Britain's quality socks. Cushy, com fort able. Sporty and casual. In easy-to-match colours. Sole Agent A> Distributor: CEIGELLS IBOwan Road Singapore 0821 T« *****33 *****96 Cabla "CEIGELLS TaMw RS 2051* A Seftgat Avatlabta al John Lima S pora Shut Hing Pr—Ss|Bl Emporium
      187 words
    • 56 38 11 B* <w_fajf t *j*l»^ W r L-881 BnWßnaw B In attractive colours fits both him and her at reasonable prices fits right into your budget. ltmm#j»»J»^BaMesote Agents Nesvk Plus Four F E (Pat) Ltd. aaVWaaaaaf^aafWaa> aa c set aswt tear* aos so M»tr mxi SaTcaafSore BB T eaajstsone }3aBB
      56 words

  • MONITOR sports
    • 233 39 Reuter BIRfwINGHAM, Wed JAHANGIR KHAN, of Pakistan (left), dealt ruthlessly with an un oapoctod threat from Australian Dean Williams aa ha retained his world squash title by a f-t. O-l. W 1, W-l margin hare tut night Williams 26 battled bravely and skilfully during the 63 minute
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 336 39  -  Proposal made by Slnfapore and five ether countries SURESH HAIR hi Now Dotii A DRAMATIC late bid by si* cossntrtaa, iscJoding Singapore, to get the Domotrsfk Kampuchea (Mi■■lt Cormnittee invited!for "Ihe Asian Games here was flatly turned down by the Asian Genoa Federation yesterday
      PICTURE: CHRISTINE CHEW  -  336 words
    • 226 39 TAIWAN'S application to be reinstated Into the Asian Games Federation was not approved lost night The AGP executive council unflinchingly turned down the motion since "the relevant documents were found not in order,'' according to AGP secretary air vice-marshal C. L Meats. The Chinese Taipeh Olympic Committee
      226 words
    • 180 39 Reuter LAt VfQAt, WeJ A DECISION whether to remove South Korean boier Duk Koo Kirn from Urn life support systems that have been keeping Mb alive will noT be made until his mother and brother arrive here today Dr LoaaaM
      Reuter  -  180 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements