Singapore Herald, 22 March 1971

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Total Pages: 20
1 20 Singapore Herald
  • 15 1 THE SINGAPORE Herald No. 206 Singapore Monday March 22, 1971 MC(P) No. 2525 15 CENTS
    15 words
  • 71 1 J a T*V r Vf i y Sun The Laotian operation had, in V^ n^^yTl proteeded m a sat sfactor y manner, but A icVtabrWroblerns would be remedied in the future Saigon's troops under the Vietnamisation scheme, a U.S. military source said. In particular, there had been many errors due
    AFP  -  71 words
  • 465 1 Headlong retreat SAIGON, Sun. Saigon's forces in Laos are in headlong retreat toward the border under heavy attack by the North Vietnamese. The South Vietnamese campaign began six weeks ago with American support and the Americans are now sending every available aircraft into Laos in efforts to protect the remaining
    AP; AFP  -  465 words
  • 56 1 VATICAN CITY, Sun. The Pope said today "certain sad defections" within the Roman Catholic Church were "scandalous and a dishonour for our community." Vatican observers, however, said his remark was a clear reference to the priests who leave the Roman Catholic Church in defiance to
    AP  -  56 words
    • 137 1 NEW YORK, Sun. A man who ate an eight-cent doughnut while waiting for service in a supermarket was arrested and charged in Richmond, Virginia. Wallace Carleton Thomas, 37-year-old father of three, said he went to the store on Fridav to buy a dozen doughnuts
      AP  -  137 words
    • 31 1 MANILA: World smuggling syndicates are now using more Asians as "carriers" of smuggled gold in this region, the independent newspaper, Manila Daily Bulletin, reported today quoting "intelligence reports from Hongkong." AFP
      AFP  -  31 words
    • 24 1 HONGKONG: Hongkong has been officially selected as the permanent seat of the Asian bishops' secretariat, Cardinal Valerian Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, confirmed today. AFP
      AFP  -  24 words
    • 21 1 DDD KUWAIT: Kuwait is going to set up diplomatic relations with China, Minister of State, Abdek Ariz l announced today. AFP
      AFP  -  21 words
  • 454 1 Actress Rona will be a star of the sea AHOY there shipmates. Look who's just popped up in the galley. Her name's Rona Dennis and she's the shapeliest seabird that's ever likely to set sail She's a pretty useful addition to the crew of the good ship Sea Star who'll
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  • 51 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Singapore won ll gold, five silver and eight bronze medals in the second Asian tae-kwan-do championships which ended here tonight. She finished second in the overall Asian nations championship in spite of winning top place in the medal tally. Malaysia, with 2,930 points, won the
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  • 144 1 Arsonists and looters face death in Ceylon COLOMBO, Sun. Prime Minister Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike today ordered the death penalty for arson, looting, trespass and damage by explosives. The order came twelve hours after police and army found a huge ammunition and explosives cache on the University of Ceylon campus. By
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  • 57 1 PEKING, Sun. The new Chinese Ambassador to Burma is Mr Chen Chao-Yuan, who left Peking today for Rangoon, New China News Agency announced. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were restored in November. They had been broken off following antiChinese riots in Burma in June 1967
    AFP; AP  -  57 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 [Mli WHY detention laws are necessary Page 3 DDD MEET Mr. Wong, the artist with the divine eye Page 4 DDD ROUND the world tour of massage parlours Page 5 DDD A DISH with a taste for the sweet life Page 5 DDD RUNAWAY bus hits shop: Woman killed Page
      62 words
    • 55 1 IV/nflil li v ffl a a.# I n. wji ■> iff E^ I il fl -*"***B \\\\Mkr r^~ ■r ir/ „'\> v WW /<am^^^^^>*m. /MM W S^ V x- mm Wm m. I '-""v. S£IKO *fT*.^B B ll 'wfIHH v its m *^K. 7m .^fi mr*K V; /J m mm
      55 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 724 2 from the lecture on "Association, Profession. Adaptation" by Mr. Yahya Cohen, F.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.S., F.A.C.S., at the opening of the Third National Medical Convention at the weekend. He was speaking of the medical profession in Singapore, of changes and adaptation that must come with change. These are his concluding remarks.
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  • 541 2  -  FELIX BOLO r ßy 1 Saigon. Sun. A YEAR after the overthrow of former Head of State Norodom Sihanouk, the new Cambodian Republican regime is firmly installed in dry rot. This is not the opinion of American spokesmen here, who speak in terms of the "progress"
    AFP  -  541 words
  • Viewpoint
    • 182 2 WE are shocked at the extravagant use of the words "shock," "shocking" and "shocker" in your coverage of the Travelling Health Exhibition organised by the University of Singapore Medical Society and Students' Union (S.H. March 19) Whereas it is our intention to de-sensationalise
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    • 231 2 A vote of thanks from base workers MY fellow workers and I at the British military bases wish to thank Dr. Augustine Tan, MP for Whampoa, for devoting part of his speech during the Budget debate to our plight after the closing down of the bases at the end of
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    • 371 2 TOURISM is an important industry. Its increasing importance to Singapore as a source of revenue is apparent from the growing number of tourists. The efforts made by the Tourist Promotion Board to boost tourism at home and abroad are commendable. Sufficient tourist facilitiessuch as
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    • 230 2 THE rising cost of living referred to by certain MPs in Parliament, is, like air-pollu-tion, the price we have to pay for progress. Short of reversing the progressive process, one cannot see what can be done to arrest it. A Commission of Inquiry into the matter
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    • 236 2 I REFER to A.K. Lee's article "Of poetry, drugs and culture" (S.H. March 16) The pragmatism implicit in his disparaging remarks about the poetry of Coleridge and Wordsworth is really laudable. But his covert repudiation of the role of imagination in life is rather disappointing. If
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  • 464 2 Monday, March 22, 1971 THE SINGAPORE HERALD The law and mental attitudes LEGISLATION against jaywalking? Yes, unless Singaporeans who shudder at the idea can persuade their careless fellow citizens to have more concern for the lives and limbs of themselves and others. When the question was raised in Parliament on
    464 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 102 2 M w VACHERON w m Tr CONSTANTIN 1 Symbol of Perfection Vacheron Constantin, the oldest watch-makers 1 I in Switzerland, presents a select range of their I latest models. The elegance of styling, and I the precision of movement have gained for I I Vacheron Constantin the world-wide reputa- I
      102 words

  • 180 3 MR CHAN Chee Seng, ■grtlgaltglary Secretary (Social Affairs) and MP for Jalan Besar, began a threeto four-month tour of his constituency yesterday to see what problems people in the area face. He told newsmen yesterday that he would be visiting
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  • 157 3 Consultant's view of Malaysia's tourist potential KUANTAN, Sun. A European tourism consultant said here that Malaysia had tremendous tourist potential that would attract tourists here. "The country is beautiful and its people of various races are friendly," Mr. Leslie S. Dickens, general manager of Travellers Consultant Service Ltd of Britain,
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  • 34 3 THREE young girls took their first vows yesterday after spending three years as novices in the Canossa Convent. They are Sister Cecily Pavri, Sister Elizabeth Tham and Sister Mary Lau.
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  • 365 3 POLITICAL detention laws are a necessity in transitional societies such as Singapore's, the Minister of Home Affairs, Dr. Wong Lin Ken, said last night. "1 have not been able to find any such society without such a law, nor any Government in such a society hesitating
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  • 205 3 Dancer and siner Suman here for a two-week stay RAM CHANDRA SUMAN, 39, an Indian classical drummer and dancer who is on a world tour, has arrived in Singapore for a two-week stay. He has been to Great Britain, South America, South Africa, United States, New Zealand, Australia and Fiji
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 348 3 OUR RANK XEROX 660, YOUR PAPERWORK- THERAPIST! !f I I jJfff^B^iJß Ml m mm mx m JLmmm ll .^m '^^^K^K^K^K^K^K^KK^ i > Jff m wjaw/MMmmm^^^^^M m\ dnjnjjn^^^ l^ lL >^ nm. nm Iftm v^^ K 'x HHHa '*^^y^3@SR IHk! nV\ 'fl h\ 'i < Br*^ I*v1 *v Ibi P^c"!T- 77^nTC^Ti.IllttnW
      348 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 30 3 LAFF A DAY I Feature* Syndicate. Inc. 1970. World right* teaerved. "Let's put it this way I wouldn't sell you that dress if you lived in my boy friend's neighborhood."
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  • 185 4 KUCHING, Sun. Foreign trawlers from Thailand and Taipeh are allegedly fishing in the rich fishing grounds off Sarawak and annoying local fishermen. Officials said the Marine Department received an average of one complaint every month during the fishing season alleging that foreign intruders
    AP  -  185 words
  • 105 4 JAKARTA, Sun. The vice-chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Defence, Security and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Chalik Ali, has warned that the IndonesianMalaysian Friendship Treaty should not be used to involve the two countries in a military pact. He shared the views of the secretary-general of the
    Bernama  -  105 words
  • 243 4 A VISITING Chinese artist, Mr. Wong Lo-feng, 59, who has carved 341 Chinese characters on an ivory the size of a grain of rice, will hold an exhibition of 60 selected items tomorrow. He is the sole survivor of four "divine-eye" artists
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  • 200 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Television Malaysia is looking into the possibility of engaging commercial recording companies to dub foreign films as a step towards the implementation of more Bahasa Malaysia programmes. A spokesman of the Ministry of Information said today that
    Bernama  -  200 words
  • 84 4 TANGKAK, Sun. The Johore Government is to introduce legislation soon to prevent water pollution, a member of the State Executive Council, Inche Mohamed Salleh bin Haji Tahir, said today. Speaking on behalf of the Mentri Besar, at the opening of a health
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  • 39 4 TALK ON DRAINAGE MR. P.W. Lingard, export director of the Hepworth Group of England, manufacturers of sewerage pipes, will talk on the The new and revolutionary concept in modern drainage at the Chinese Swimming Club at H p.m. today.
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  • 55 4 MR. NG Long Kee, a past vice-chairman and treasurer of the Queenstown Citizens' Consultative Committee, who was fined $4,000 for offering a bribe to a policeman earlier this month, has been deprived of the Public Service Star awarded him in 196H. Notice of the revocation is
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  • 152 4 KUCHING, Sun. Miss P.G. Lim, Malaysia's deputy permanent representativedesignate to the United Nations, would do her best to put forward the country's new foreign policy regarding the People's Republic of China. She told this to reporters here today before leaving for Kuala Lumpur. Miss
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  • 279 4 Chit fund wind-up: Only one firm seeks extension KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Only one of the 16 registered chit fund companies in the country has so far sought an extension period from the Registrar of Companies to wind up. The registrar, Nik Hussain bin Nik Ali, said today that his department
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  • 171 4 DAP WILL IGNORE PENANG ASSEMBLY ORDER PENANG, Sun. The DAP will disregard the notification that questions, motions and adjournment speeches from private members cannot be brought up at the Assembly's first meeting next month. The DAP members in the Assembly would go ahead and submit questions, table motions and make
    171 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 213 4 mf IBaa^^Baaaaaaaaaaaaa^BaaaaaaaaamT mm vll Jka. 1.1 am attai mW aat ..■%s£< aaaaaaaaaal M mCI M aVaaaaH aaaaaaaaaM mmm\\\ aaaaV Vt *!^L» aaal .^m\W Hi aat''. "t .^—^aaaai '^^aa^^aal late J^ainS^' aaBBBBBBBBBaI aaaatV .^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLaa aaaaaaaaaaaVal LbbbV ««aw 1 X* v"■ S aaal Baaaaaaaam gfl ;A, -J \m\ 'jfl bK >***^*-lB BBaaLaai
      213 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 41 4 BEETLE BAILEY By Mort Walker 1 J LL A TA 'I f WHEKE'PTHE fl C337 C^V 7~7^1 TUlSiSrae \/I I4IM A LITTLE LITTLE DICKENS j T/%*^ U A SSr cmlianA f X^ E -roADjjrr Wet tq anvwa> J r<^2rv>> O jutfe!
      41 words

  • 519 5 FANCY spending a few hundred dollars and nearly a year patronising massage parlours all over the world to learn new techniques. A Canadian, Mr. Lester A. Smith, 51, is doing just that. Himself a masseur for over 15 years, Mr. Smith holds a
    519 words
  • 153 5 FILIPINO singer Aida Canlas, is one dish who cannot resist Chinese food especially sweet and sour pork. Now appearing at the Tropicana, the huskyvoiced singer whose real name is Zenaida Canlas, shapes up at 38-24-38. She started her singing career in
    153 words
  • 65 5 FACTORY worker Miss Koh Poh Lian, 16, of Block 14, Kampong Arang, died on the way to the Outram Road General Hospital after she fell from the 11th floor of her flat yesterday. A neighbour believes that the girl was trying to dry some
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 519 5 sony the clock maker Sony's Digital Clock FM/AM Radios when you think of docks good ones that is, you usually think of Switzerland. No one would really expect a company like Sony, who makes such fine radios, to start making clocks. But we make clocks with a difference, Digital Clock
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

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  • 275 6 Three-in-one map today TODAY'S map shows three services to be [operated by the United I Bus Company (colour yellow) when the reorganised transport system is introduced on April 11. Service No. 173 Princess Elizabeth Estate-New Bridge Road/Neil Road: Elizabeth Drive, Hillview Avenue, Hillview Road, Upper Bukit Timah Road, Dunearn Road,
    275 words
  • 106 6 AN EXHIBITION of South Korean goods will be on display at the Korea Trade Centre in Robinson Road from May 31 to June 3. The exhibition will show construction materials, Ginseng products, raw medi- cines, fabrics, clothing and electronic goods. The director of the centre, Mr.
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  • 206 6  -  S.C. CHAN F r om SIBU, Sun. More than 1,000 Foochow community leaders from all over East Asia, including Singapore, Hongkong, Taiwan, and West Malaysia, converged in this timber-rich town to take part In the two-day celebrations commemorating the 70th anniversary of
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    • 602 6 FROM THE MEDICAL, NOT MORAL, POINT OF VIEW... THE Rev. Father Keane, editor of the Malaysian Catholic News, was not exactly pleased with the panel of experts at a recent forum on sex education held at the Beatty Road Secondary School. This is not surprising since both
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  • 503 6  -  Herald Knight CHESS.. .by RICHARD Seah defeated Norman Lim in the 7th round of the SCF Annual Tournament to take the lead with 5*4 points. Right behind are Norman and Mathew Gwee (5 points), followed by Lee Kam Fai, Stig Lundgren and David Tan, (4V6
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  • 67 6 Singapore Chinese Swimming Club Chess Team will meet Johore Chess Team in a friendly match of ten boards at the club's premises, Amber Road, tonight at 7.30 p.m. CSC will be represented by Giam Choo Kwee, Peter Seng, Tay Cheong Ann, Ng Cheng Onn, Seet Cheng
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 114 6 NOW ON SALE! JAPAN'S Top Fashion Magazine DRESSMAKING tflNffflffli EARLY W* 4M Contents: SUMMER Z';;,l::Jm >T New ln te'P'etation ICCTTT? M from the Far East J.OO UHi .a The Frost-touched Color V Pond of Tricot, or Cotton? A l^X^T*^ Breezy Bridal Dresses Complete 112 pages ;<tV 50 Young Smart Set
      114 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 33 6 MIbHTML 1 I.TM ya^^V <-<c^.a. 'C' »>.„„ t..t„i>. -„.J..*„ ,s /0 ,IJ j "Of course I look worse than when 1 went on vacation. The worry over leaving YOU in charge of my desk
      33 words

  • 264 7 TOKYO, Sun. A total of 790 Japanese firms have applied to take part in the Canton Trade Fair in China starting on April 15. As many as 1,513 representatives of these firms have applied for permission to leave for Canton. The
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  • 172 7 Premier booed by former colleagues ANKARA, Sun. Turkish Premier-designate Nihat Erim was booed by young leftist members of his former Republican People's Party and accused in the streets of this city today of betraying the party. Mr. Erim resigned from the RPP on Friday to become "an independent Prime Minister"
    AFP  -  172 words
  • 412 7  - A crucial stage for Dacca peace talks BRIAN MAY TOKYO, Sun.— Six hundred people, mostly Chinese, marched through Tokyo yesterday carrying banners and placards in a demonstration against the participation oi Communist Chinese players in the World Table Tennis championships here on March 28. Some of the players were due
    AFP  -  412 words
  • 162 7 PREK KDAM, Cambodia, Sun. Communist saboteurs blew up and sank a ferry across the Tonlesap River at Prek Kdam early today, severing the key highway line to Cambodia's North Eastern frontAn official said an explosive charge ripped out part of the 75-foot-long vessel's prow.
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  • 248 7 CANBERRA, Sun.— New Australian Prime Minister William McMahon brought four newcomers into his 26 man ministry tonight and made a major reshuffle of portfolios. Former Defence Minister Malcolm Fraser, whose resignation precipitated the leadership crisis and downfall of former Prime Minister John Gorton, was not given
    AFP  -  248 words
  • 84 7 CAIRO, Sun. The Sudanese Foreign Ministry has denied a report that the Soviet Union is building a naval base at Port Sudan, The Middle East News Agency reported today. The agency said the denial came in a letter from the Ministry to the editor of The
    84 words
  • 179 7 BURBANK, California, Sun. Lockheed aircraft officials and representatives of the British Government and RollsRoyce Ltd. have exchanged continuing Rolls RB2II engine programme for the U.S. aircraft makers Tristar jetliner, it was disclosed yesterday. Si r William Nield, Permanent Secretary of the British Cabinet made the
    AP  -  179 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 119 7 STARTING APRIL ALITALIA LEAVES FOR ROME BEFORE MIDNIGHTTWICE A WEEK I Starting April Ist. I\ _J We introduce our new departure time to Europe. From Singapore at 10.00 p.m. Bedtime. A good time. Mondays. Melbourne -Sydney-Djakarta Singapore Bombay Athens Rome. Thursdays. Melbourne. Sydney Djakarta SingaporeBombay Rome. Arrive Rome in the
      119 words

  • 127 8 LONDON. Sun. Swinging Princess Anne and a handsome British Olympic horseman were reported more than casual friends today. Buckingham Palace denied a Belgian newspaper report that Queen Elizabeth 11 and Prince Philip were planning to send their trendy 20-year-old daughter on a
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  • 56 8 It's a mad, mad, world HONGKONG. Sun. Hugging an old friend can be expensive, a Japanese tourist ruefully reported to police. Isao Koide unexpectedly met an old friend and impulsively dropped his briefcase in order to throw his arms around the friend. Greetings over, Koide discovered the brief case with
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  • 245 8 FORT BENNING, Sun. Lieut. William L. Calley Jr. said yesterday if he were acquitted at his murder trials he would go on a worldwide tour, delivering anti-war lectures. "I'm against all wars," he said. "I'm going to talk about doing away with all wars for all
    AP  -  245 words
  • 380 8 There'll be no more cheering for Enrico's soccer stars LIMA, Sun. The miners of the tiny hungar mining camp had formed three soccer teams and practised daily after work on a small field near peaceful Lake Yanahuarina, high in the Andes mountains. Despite the 14,431 feet altitude, the miners most
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  • 445 8 Search for new Ulster Premier BELFAST, Northern Ireland, Sun. The rival wings of Northern Ireland's ruling Unionist Party were trying today to find a successor to Prime Minister James Chichester-Clark. Mr. Chichester-Clark resigned on Saturday night under mount ing pressure from his party's right wing for a tough crackdown on
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  • 276 8 Italian police hunt war hero Prince ROME, Sun. Socialists and Communists claimed yesterday that a Roman Prince and Fascist war hero wanted on charges of armed insurrection against the state received money and "advice" from abroad. Meanwhile, police extended the search for Junio Valerio Borghese throughout Italy and even abroad.
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  • 126 8 MASSIVE CRACKDOWN IN CEYLON CONTINUES COLOMBO, Sun. Ceylon's troops and police, armed with sweeping emergency powers, have made arrests in their massive crackdown on the insurgent "che guevara" movement, an official spokesman said yesterday. In the past 24 hours, 25 suspects have been detained. Prime Minister Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike said
    AP  -  126 words
  • 238 8 MOSCOW. Sun. Moscow has warned Peking's leaders that they are playing a dangerous game by plotting gradual rapproachement with Washington and striving to make China the world's third superpower. A new Kremlin review of Chinese foreign policy, the first to appear here in more than a year,
    238 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 528 8 3 fl4 HP bbbbF I 10 ~ii Mm I bbbbbbbbT^ bHbbH 17 *^^8 I bHP^ 20^^H bbbbbHl bbß^ II Bl Hi HI bbbb( bHI ■bbbP^""^! 2A~ aafll H| bHbbbbbP^ EmaWWaWatJEEM ACROSS DOWN 1 Infer the nature of the French 1 Ice-breaking in river to the Mussolini'' (6) south brings sudden
      528 words

  • 439 9  -  S.C. CHAN From in KUCHING NEWS of the killing of 13 communist terrorists in a single contact came as a shock to many people here, especially since it happened only 18 miles distant. The coastal village of Muara Tebas, near where the contact was
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  • 482 9  - V.K. CHIN From in KUALA LUMPUR THINGS are looking for Malaysia's 144 Members of Parliament with the passage of the Bill on pensions and gratuities in Parliament last week. The various state assemblies are also preparing similar bills for their own members which are likely to come up for debate
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  • 357 9  - D.Y. CAPARAS From in MANILA SENATE President Gil Puyat bewailed over the weekend the recommendation of the Re organisation Commission seeking the dismissal of 31,714 casual employees. "I consider it most cruel to have these Filipinos laid of dismissed from their jobs at a time when prices are continually rising
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  • 204 9  - BILLY BRAY From in BANGKOK THAILAND may lose some of its international airline flights to Singapore according to Mr. Robert C. Allen, Pacific Vice President for the Del Webb hotel chain. He cited fears of increased landing fees and inadequate facilities here as possible reasons for the shift but refused
    204 words
  • 448 9 B Y NICK LUDINGTON in ANKARA, The kidnapping of four U.S. airmen was the last straw in Turkey's general unrest which preceded the recent toppling of the conservative Justice Party Government of Premier Suleyman Demirel, Leftist urban guerillas released the airmen unharmed last week but the
    AP  -  448 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 91 9 Kit's oil you're looking for, we think we can help C% bbbv Jfc \W .^B^Bwrn <_^ Mmmm Immr Ibb^^ B bbbT vP Tit bbbl 888 X V^^J *BBi a> JMamm I £^&r*f \Jk B ■B /*^j»vb^. \Pfl bB a bB l/^4 f '^Cvl Abß bbbV "^^"fr /^"aß bbb I J^/r
      91 words

  • 172 10 RAF charity walkers lose their COOL... IT was no act when this mobile merchant caught up with some strolling players yesterday. They really did want to buy his wares. And working on the theory that charity begins at home, he gladly accepted the cents from RAF Changi Theatre Club's chairty
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  • 311 10 Centre to help test for health hazards ASSESSMENT of health hazards in the manufacture -and release of new drugs, foodstuff and chemicals will be one of the major services offered by the Huntingdon Research Centre, Singapore. The centre, which was set up this month, is a branch of one of
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  • 146 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Sub. Sharikat Amanah Bella Sdn. Bhd, a youth trust company wholly owned by the Malaysian Association of Youth Clubs, is expected to be in operation by early next month. The MAYC president, Tengku Abdullah, said today the company would be run on
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  • 135 10 'We're not getting all local cement' say builders BUILDING contractors said yesterday they were not getting all the cement produced locally by the three manufacturers here. A statement issued yesterday by the Singapore Building Contractors Society in reply to the manufacturers that sales during January and February went up by
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  • 178 10 MOSCOW, Sun. The Soviet Communist Party has decided to provide the people with more extensive information on world affairs in order to break the monopoly at present held by the British Broadcasting Corporation and other Western radio stations, it was learned in
    AFP  -  178 words
  • 98 10 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Johore suffered a loss of $6 4 million as a result of the recent floods, the Mentri Besar, Dato Haji Othman Sa'at, said today. Speaking at a tea party at his residence here, he said that $2 million worth of assistance
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  • 84 10 KOTA BHARU, Sun. Police here have detained seven men in connection with the death of a shop assistant, Khuan Ah Peng, here last night. Khuan, 18, died at the General Hospital here from a stab wound sustained in a brawl with a group of
    84 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 163 10 A*W\ Bfe&rißl VPbBBBBB Ik tC- ■KV.-^'tbl™^ fl B Vfll BBkSl RtaßßiKk m *mßB&™™Sß3tiNMrmm^^ L J*W *i^. *^g iant puw ifitiDfial HrToF M WtmW^ 'NATIONAL' Hi-Top Batteries give m \W Wm fantastic "GIANT POWER" and last as long as two ordinary batteries DOUBLE LIFE! 'NATIONAL' Hi-Top Batteries are leak-proof and are
      163 words

  • THE SINGAPORE herald Section II
    • 12 11 T HE SIN GAPOR E herald Section II Monday, March 22, 1971
      12 words
    • 576 11 Going modern in Singapore— Our students' views OF RELIGION, CHANGES AND DISRUPTION A SEMINAR on Modernisation held at Singapore University last Saturday reflects our young peoples' views on the modernisation process of Singapore. Some 130 pre-university students from 31 schools took part in the seminar organised jointly by Sang Nila
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    • 74 11 CONTRACT labourer Leong Kun, 40, died yesterday after tons of earth collapsed and buried him at a construction site in Boon Lay Road, Jurong, yesterday afternoon. The incident occurred when Leong was digging a 10-ft deep hole at the site. About 10 other workers
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    • 391 11 Do you own any of these stolen articles? POLICE appeal to owners of the property, which have been recovered from a house in Lorong 21A, Geylang, to come and claim them. They are asked to contact the Off icer-in-Charge of Crime Branch or Inspector Yeo Khah Lee of Joo Chiat
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    • 31 11 THE Singapore Medical Association will hold their annual dinner and dance at Golden Lotus restaurant on Saturday. Defence Minister Dr. Goh Keng Swee will be the guest of honour.
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    • 291 11 The chairman of the Singapore Malays National Organisation (SMNO), Haji Ahmad Taff, said yesterday that his party would certainly contest the next elections "if there is a healthy environment." "By this, I mean we would like equal time on radio and
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    • 37 11 DISTRICT Governor F. Okazaki of District 355 of Japan Rotary Club will present a set of equipment for the Nutritional Anaemia Research Laboratory to the Director of Medical Services, Dr. Yeoh Seang Aun, on Thursday.
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    • 306 11  - RUNAWAY BUS CRASHES INTO SHOP: WOMAN SHOPPER KILLED V.K.G. NAIR By A WOMAN was killed and four others injured when a bus of the Changi Bus Company crashed into a pork seller's shop in North Bridge Road early yesterday morning. The bus was travelling from Geylang Serai to Capitol Theatre
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    • 134 11 Youth stabbed to death outside bar A 20-YEAR-old youth, Low Song Lian of Segamat, Johore, was stabbed to death outside the Philippine Bar in Lorong 12, Geylang, early yesterday. At about 12.40 a.m. passersby saw him lying on his back with a six-inch knife stuck in his chest outside the
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    • 58 11 THE president of the American Export-Import Bank, Mr. Henry Kearns, will arrive here on Thursday for a two-day visit. During his stay, Mr. Kearns will have meetings with government official and business leaders. Mr. Kearns is on a tour of East Asia discussing American
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    • 124 11 A 58-MEMBER Canadian trade mission arrived here yesterday to study Singapore's investment climate and to look into possibilities of starting joint ventures with local industrialists. A Canadian High Commission spokesman said the mission was one of the direct results of Prime Minister Trudeau's
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 92 11 CINEMAS/Psge 12 ECONOMIC AFFAIRS/Pages 13/16 LIVING/TV/TOWN TALK/Pagos 14/15 SHIPPING/Pag.s 17/18 SPORT/Pagas 19/20 In AprilXJWjpi^ we bid MggQ^ you a warm welcome. With a spacious Island Ballroom, peerless service and incomparable cuisine, Shangri-La will provide anything the occasion calls for. Be it a Wedding Reception, Party, Ball or Cocktail Function for
        92 words
    • 337 12 IT MAY look like an ordinary sketch of a warrior on his horse, but it is an original etching by Salvador Dali, the Spanish surrealist painter. The etching in which Dali has captured the nobility and grandeur of the legendanry character,
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    • 127 12 LIGHTER man Lim Chye Huat, 60. died of head injuries in the Outram Road General Hospital early yesterday in a fall on board a ship in Outer Roads last Thursday. According to another lighter man, Tan Ngua, Lim was unloading cargo from
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    • 43 12 PROFESSOR T.K. Tan, chairman of Nanyang University's Economics Department, will leave Singapore at the end of this week on a tour of seven countries to study their smallscale industries. He is due back by the end of June.
      43 words
    • 199 12 Jurong factories 'do their bit for community' MOST Jurong factories do contribute towards community projects, Mr. Ong Leng Chuan chairman of the Jurong sub-committee of tht Singapore Manufacturers' Association, saic yesterday. Mr Ong was commenting on Mr Chor Yeok Eng's criticism last week about some factory owners who would not
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    • 279 12 $7,600 stolen from four shops in hotel THIEVES broke into a row of tourist shops at the Lion City Hotel on Saturday night and got away with more than $7,600 in cash and jewellery. The shops robbed include one belonging to a former MP, Mr. Bernard Rodrigues. It is called
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    • 37 12 JCI CHIEF COMING FOR TALKS THE president of Junior Chamber International, Mr. Graham Sinclair (above) is due here on Thursday. During his two-day visit he will discuss with local Jaycees plans for extension and development of programmes.
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    • 68 12 POLICE detained a youth for possessing a stolen radio -tape recorder in Sixth Avenue, Bukit Timah Road, on Saturday. At about 5.30 p.m. a police detective on duty noticed the youth, carrying a travel bag, behaving suspiciously. When questioned, the youth could not give
      68 words
    • 391 12 DESPITE TREBLING OF WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION PAYMENTS INSURANCE circles do not foresee a rise in premiums for workmen's compensation policies, although the compensation rate is expected to be nearly trebled under a Bill going to Parliament soon. Most insurance companies said they regard workmen's
      391 words
    • 75 12 Goh to watch Nantah film premiere DEFENCE Minister Dr. Goh Keng Swee will attend Nanyang University Council's premiere of the Mandarin film The Invincible Eight at the Cathay Theatre on March 31 at 9.15 p.m. The proceeds will go to meet the cost of new buildings for the Graduate School,
      75 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 97 12 S ODEON: next changes i mmtmml "BORSALINO' SCORES! 1 aggf Delon and Belmondo man their J J m\\tm^B' a tommy guns with engaging I £m\Vy MM flippancy!" -Playboy Magazine I A~*\ > Kflk ~lX!y*»* JEAN-PAUL ALAIN I WmrW. kk^*+- BELMONDO/ DELON I s rM W* a WfaW*** 9 I '^''^^J^mmmllmJ
        97 words
      • 54 12 i IEEP i THE following numbers were picked in yesterday's Toto draw No. 22/71: 37, 42, 45, 31, 44. The additional number was 32. The three circled numbers: 9, 39 and 31. The cash jackpot: $119,999. TODAY: 5.09 am (7.5 ft.); 9.97 pm (8.9 ft.) TOMORROW: 7.12 am (7.7 ft);
        54 words
      • 533 12 organisation; NOW SHOWING! J 11 a.m., 1.45, 4.00. 6.30 A 9.15 I ij Brian Keith. Helmut Gr em 1 "The McKenzie Break" color (UA) J J NEXT CHANGE! 1 James Coburn A Lynn Redgrave J 'BLOOD KIN" Technicolor (WB) J J* NOW SHOWING! I 11 a.m., 1.45, 4.00, 6.30 A
        533 words
    • Page 12 Miscellaneous
      • 525 12 li a.m. 8 p.m.: Cultural art exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall. 7 p.m.: Night bazaars at Balestier Road; Jurong Road (7V£ m.s.); Jalan Bukit Ho Swee; Lorong 3 (Geylang); Prinsep Street; Queen's Crescent; Siglap Avenue and Tanjong Katong Road. 7.3i p.m.: Extra-mural studies department starts two new courses in
        525 words
    • 519 13 i r j i i r. 1 1 1 ai i auk i JAKARTA, Sun. More than one-third of the U551,340 million of foreign capital investment in Indonesia since early 1967 has been invested in nine mining projects, costing U*****,514,000. Twenty-two countries had invested
      AFP  -  519 words
    • 243 13 PUBLIC TELEPHONE A REVOLUTIONARY public telephone, designed to outwit vandals, has been introduced by Associated Automation of London. The new machine does away with the usual handset and dial and uses push button numbers instead. A wall-mounted grill is the receiver and transmitter for listening and speaking into
      243 words
    • 265 13 LONDON Reported Malaysian Government buying in the East sent London prices sharply higher in the past week but lack of followthrough generated some uncertainty. Reports later indicated speculative buying was largely responsible with the Malaysian Government making only small purchases. Prices eased uncertainly on this news but
      265 words
      • 204 13 LONDON, Sun. Rank Organisation chairman John Davis said Rank would need additional funds to finance the current year's marketing programme and capital demands but he believed overall requirements in the foreseeable future would be provided by the company's own resources assisted by more overseas loans where necessary. In his
        Reuter  -  204 words
      • 88 13 LONDON, Sun. British-American Tobacco said it has agreed with H.J. Heinz of the U.S. that there is no basis for further conversations about a possible "association" of the two companies. BATs, confirming a U.K. press report, said that the companies were approached by an intermediary concerning a possible association,
        Reuter  -  88 words
      • 153 13  -  TOKYO, Sun. Five major Japanese firms, including a leading metal refining company, have signed a contract with Metals Exploration of Australia for a joint nickel mine development venture in Northeast Australia, the large-circulation Japanese da fly Asa hi reported. Asahi said the Japanese firms Mitsubishi Shoji, Itoh, Nissho-Iwai,
        AFP  -  153 words
    • 323 13 The stock market closed slightly easier after a steady opening on Saturday Trading was fairly active. Toyota Motor, Sharp and Sony lost early gains on profit-taking. Daiwa House, Mitsumi Electric and some popular issues also gave ground. The stock average eased 5.85 yen to close at 2,336.05
      323 words
    • 188 13 PEOPOE in business Mr MICHAEL N.C. CHUA has been appointed managing director of Paterson Candy, Malaysia and Singapore. Paterson Candy is a joint venture between Harper Gilfillan Bhd and Paterson Candy International of London Mr Chua was previously general manager and director, Kuala Lumpur. He has been with the Harper
      188 words
    • 249 13 AUSTRALIAN stock markets have taken a definite turn for the better. Interest in mining shares, particularly 'penny dreadfuls,' continues to increase with volume substantially higher than that ruling a month ago. On the mining boards, the relisting of some of the Mineral Securities subsidiaries, and the announcement
      Taurus  -  249 words
    • 245 13 The market was quiet last week, ahead of the U.K. budget, with prices tending to drift lower on lack of interest. The national engineering strike against the Industrial Relations Bill induced caution for most of the week but prices firmed latterly following the TUC's decision not to
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    • 23 13 LONDON, Fri. (Changes in brackets): Industrials 321 1 (+0.6); Tins 63.24 (-0.35); Rubbers 170.27 (+1.22); Oils 269 66 (+4.06).
      23 words
    • 26 13 NEW YORK' Fri (Changes in brackets): Industrials 912.92 (-3.91); Transportation 202.28 (-0.03); Utilities 125.42 (+0.42); Composite stocks 300.38 (-0.57); Bonds 71.57 (+0.11).
      26 words
    • 94 13 HONGKONG (Rates in Hongkong On New York TT 6.***** On New York DD 6.02 Gold (99% fineness, per tael) 291.875 Note Rates: China (per 100 renminbi) 180.00 India (per 100 rupees) 47.00 Indonesia (per 10,000 new rupiahs) 154.00 Japan (per 10,000 yen) 160.50 Philippine (per 100 Pesos)
      94 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 682 13 h CMIWB I ADVERTISEMENTS Personal (Marriages, Births, Engagements, Deaths, etc.) Minimum $4/ for 10 words, each additional word 40cts. All other classifications: Minimum $2/ for 10 words, each additional word 20cts BOX SERVICE CHARGE Si .oo property PROBLEMS!!! Please ADRIAN'S CANE FURNITURE of consult David Pnoa Sons— distinction and furnishing
        682 words
    • Living
      • Article, Illustration
        345 14 Gla mo ur Garden A TRIUMPH of landscape when a big garden becomes rolling, undulating grounds filled with verdant greenery. In the heart of Bin Tong Park exists such a place. The house sits atop a hillside partly hidden from the road. In fact you would never guess the triumph
        345 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 81 14 GET RID OF DnifflfiUFF USE SELSUN r J M itf fl nV afl mawmW iE a* a^Ba.^^ OaHa^alftl MtS%. '■av j^4\\ OaWJ^^OON Nat *a&w. m \\W I ORB* P^^^. 4mv^ \^amm\W ACTS QUICKLY.. y TO CONTROL DANDRUFF V SELSUN CONTROLS SYMPTOMS.. RELIEVES ITCHING. CLEANS k\ THE SCALP AND WHISKS AWAY
        81 words
    • Page 14 Miscellaneous
      • 192 14 HE LP YO URSE LF u nblock in9 a drain r 36 Frst Features thTt c™ n ,ro.^.a. ,S B lif* Ja,IV "I** S? I***** 60 ith fi k 5 If v u have no drain plunger, it ,s Fold the towel, work it quickly in and olumb*^Lr££L Wo r?«i
        192 words
    • 334 15  - How one lawyer made a profit from crime A.K. LEE By CYNICS say that lawyers are the only people who consistently make a profit out of crime. So the cynics might be amused to hear that a lawyer with a prominent firm had his house burgled recently. But in fact
      334 words
    • 276 15 fiociai Wotti DATO S.I O Alsagoff, ConsulGeneral of Saudi Arabia, held a cocktail reception at his home in Chancery Lane on Thursday evening. "It's just a friendlygathering,'' he told friends who asked whether there was any special occasion. About 200 guests showed up at
      276 words
    • 143 15 TRAVEL agents and the senior staff of Aeroflot.the Russian airline, were invited to a cocktail party on Wednesday at Hotel Imperial to meet Mr. M. Mahajan, Chairman of Delhi Express Travels (Pte.) Ltd. According to Mr. Vladimir Kulinich, District Manager of Aeroflot, Delhi Express handles a large
      143 words
    • 49 15 THE Bahais celebrated their new year yesterday at the Baha'i Centre in Hartley Grove. The Baha'i religion dates back to 1863 when its founder, Baha'u'llah claimed to be the Messenger of God of his age. There are about 200 followers in Singapore. f ONOMH am aims
      49 words
    • Page 15 Miscellaneous
      • 1379 15 l|||lllllllllllllllllllllll|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| a||||||||| ||||||||||||||fl||||||a|||||||||||||||||||^ *5 M Lf ll (1) LONELY DAYS aaIa^NNNNNNNHB m ma 11 111 Bee Gees ZZ ■NNNNNaNaWNNNNNNk 2 (2) MY SWEET LORD ZZ SNaVNNNNNBNNNNNNNaV^NNNNNN ajam. mam Na^aaNNk George Harrison ZZ NNNNNONNTINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNi ZT 111 (3) YOU DON'T HAVE ZZ tNNNNNNaNNNNa^NNNNNNNNNN) mUm m Hill TO SAY Y °U LOVE ME
        1,379 words
        134 words
    • 339 16 THE previous week's quiet and listless conditions spilled into last week's trading in the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore and prices continued to be eroded. There was no real buying interest and the number of transactions fell to 5,968,500 compared to the
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    • 216 16 KILLINGH ALL TIN: March 23, 11 a.m. at 70 Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. HONGKONG TIN: March 23, noon at 70 Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. MALAYAN CEMENT: March 26, noon at registered office, Rumah Harimau, 468 Jalan Ipoh, KKuala Lumpur. YEO HIAP SENG, March 26, noon at Room 301
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    • 238 16 LONDON, Wed. The Sino British Trade Council (SBTC) announced plans to step up British trade with China. The privately-sponsored council that includes major British companies said it is sending four executives to China in April and May to find out what sort of
      238 words
    • 1504 16 STOCK EXCHANGE OF MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE Jan/Feb. Price Closing prices Yields Weekly Turnovers 1971 Company or High Low on week Buyers Sellers Divid. Earn. Ready Delayed '000 +or '000 +or SINGAPORE INCORPORATED INDUSTRIALS 1.43 1.36 Acma +.05 1.41 1.45 10.7 4-1 3.00 2.70 Allied Choc. -.03 2.78
      1,504 words
    • 495 16 RUBBER TIN (per kilo) (per picul) March 15 102.75 cts. $645.62' 2 16 104.75 cts. 9 646.25 17 105.50 cts. J647.37Vt 18 106.00 cts. $648.00 19 106.50 cts. 9 645.12V* On Saturday, Straits tin rallied to wipe out Friday's loss, gaining 84.50 in a very steady
      495 words
    • 296 16 BRUSSELS, Sun. The European Economic Community (EEC) Executive Commission has submitted a plan for duty-free imports worth US$l,OOO million annually from 91 undeveloped countries twice the amount the Common Market now takes and charges duty on. The Commission hopes to get approval
      AP  -  296 words
    • 141 16 More Exim loans for Philippines MANILA, Sun. U.S. Export-Import Bank president Henry Kearns has expressed optimism about the future of the Philippine economy, and indicated Ex-im Bank would soon expand its loan programme here. Kearns spoke at a news conference on Friday before leaving for Hongkong on the third leg
      AFP  -  141 words
    • 91 16 LONDON, Sun. The Secretariat of the International Sugar organisation (ISO) has released 27,000 tons of sugar from the hardship fund. It said The Dominican Republic get 17,000 tons and Thailand 10,000 tons. Both together applied for 230,000 tons. The new export quotas for 1971 for
      AP  -  91 words
    • 111 16 THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY HAS MADE THESE BERTHING ARRANGEMENTS FOR MARCH, 22. OUT: Nienburg 3/4; Kyoshin Maru 18; Heiyo Maru 19; Kunak 20; Patagonia 31/32; George Vergotis (tanker) 36/39; Shosei Maru 47; Santa Ana 48; Tapah 21 west; A neo Swan (tanker) 13/14; Margaret Cord 5;
      111 words
    • 27 16 FRASFR' S INDUSTRIAL INDICES Singapore Malaysia March 15 655.86 433.03 16 656.93 431.38 17 656.93 431.16 18 658.47 430.61 19 658.55 430.51 Changes on we <* 1.26 2.15
      27 words
    • 85 16 Current Date Total for Total for payment payable the year previous year Setron(l) i O T E April 21 10% TE P VIOUs ye Kesang Tin pref. 15 iV Aokam Tin (2) 7'/,% May 11 lr, Sei. C'nuts (3) 5 April 21 ?n K.L.-Kepong(l) 15 April 23 20
      85 words
    • 80 17 KEY FOR EASY REFERENCE. The shippmg schedules beginning on this page are given in four parts for ships westbound, eastbound, southbound and a .!t a EaCh entry g,ves the following information: NAME OF SHIP, date of arrival/departure, ports of call, name of line abbreviated/name of agent(s) abbreviated. At
      80 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 623 17 II barberOteg SAILINGS TO E. CANADA, L.S. ATLANTIC hngapofe P.Sha-. Panang N.Tark Batalon N'Faak B'mara Montr.. FERNLAND Sailad Mar ;j <!4 Mar May b Jaw I I aa»- ia TARANTEL Ma. 29 Ma, i, /M M. 5 May Ma ■RONXVILLE AprS/l May Ma, 2/ Z May 29 May 18 FERNGATE
        623 words
    • Page 17 Miscellaneous
      • 960 17 iA/AOiKAI ir^a^i Including ALL ships bound for the Americas, e.g. Coast nnrt nf M^rtn ran»r,i c V V t?b I DOUn a sail log ezst ou, of Singapore to Pac,£ Sgjg tLggngg tetjg p^etc. ALASKA MARU Apr 14/16 P. S'ham. Durban. L.Marques. C'town. P.El.zabeth. ORI ENTAu QUEEN Apr 10/12
        960 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 326 18 flS 1 MALAYSIAN INTERNATIONAL mMm SHIPPING CORPORATION BERHAD m N<> uil Jin Ampang. Kuala Lumpur LM H The National Shippinq Line of Malaysia FAR EAST/EUROPE SERVICE »'»|ii*. ■'.S'taam ■*■*>•• Baß— BUNGA BAVA 2S tl Mar 88/SI MAR mat/i Apr Havre 28/4 Loono.i JU 4 Hamburg b/b R dam 8/b Antwerp
        326 words
    • Page 18 Miscellaneous
      • 916 18 mmm iQCtr^iOl infl ,nc, Lid«nQ ships sailing out of Singapore for Far ■—CAOllwxyLaJl *\mJ East ports to the north east. ANNA TAYLOR Mar 30/Apr 4 Saigon. SSV/BA MONT BLANC May 19 Saigon, K'som, Bangkok. MM/MM ASTRID BAKKE May 11/13 P. S'ham. Penang, Hongkong, Japan, Vancouver. KNUT/SB M.S. TAIPOOSHAN Mar 29/30
        916 words
      • 2408 19 FOREST JIM WINS THE DERBY INCOME Kongsi's Forest Jim, ridden a confident race by Johnny Miller, won the $30,000 Singapore Derby at Bukit Timah yesterday. Handily positioned behind the pace maker Speechmaker all the way, Miller sent his mount after him and after a few strides, Forest Jim hit the
        2,408 words
      • 43 19 Ist— No: *****8 ($4,615). 2nd No: *****7 ($1,318) 3rd— No. *****8 ($659). STARTERS ($l5O each) Nos: *****0, *****0, *****2, *****5, *****4, *****3, *****8, *****6, *****5, *****7. CONSOLATION ($lOO each, Nos: *****7, .*****9, *****4, *****2, *****9, *****4, *****5, *****3, *****2, *****3.
        43 words
      • 160 19 MANILA, Sun. Albert Poon of Hongkong broke a sixyear "jinx" today, when he won the Sixth Asian Karting Prix with a spectacular display of driving power. The 33-year-old Poon led from start to finish, routing his challengers with a dazzling speed that left him almost without
        AFP  -  160 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
    • Page 19 Miscellaneous
      • 73 19 DAVY JONES By Sam Leff F^*^ v^ I —^S3^^ ik^M i < jftW T yeah, bliss. ..irs as. f the llhmv^. V m^ <2Ss«^ Am^Sr 'xY OLO GIRL'S TRYING TO TELL US I h';7 <t^^^ > 'l^W^T xV X X //<L <m| V SHE'S GLAP SOMEONE'S V V-„^...^M^ T X
        73 words
    • 594 20  -  LIM TIONG WAH FIRST COMMONWEALTH TABLE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS SINGAPORE qualified for the semi-finals of the First Commonwealth Table Tennis championship after a controversial 3-hour 50 minute Group "A" match against Nigeria at the Singapore Badminton Stadium yesterday. The Nigerians protested over an alleged "copped" service by
      Chia Chong Boon  -  594 words
    • 109 20 ZAINUDDIN Ishak, 17, won the Singapore Age Group Tennis singles title for Boys' 19 and under at Tanglin yesterday. He beat Alan James in straight sets of 6-3, 6-2. The Boys' Under- 14 title went to Seah Huay Keng who breat Charles Andrews 6-1, 6-4. Andrews won
      109 words
    • 957 20 MEN'S: Group A England beat Malaysia 5-3 (England first): A. Clayton lost to Loong Ping Sum 13-21, 23-25; A. Hydes bt. Leong Tak Seng 21-13, 21-16; T.T. Ayder bt. Soong Poh Wah 21-5, 21-14; Hydes lost to Loong 21-15, 19-21, 18-21; Clayton lost to Soong 18-21, 15-21;
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    • 105 20 MATCHES for ninth to eleventh positions in the men's team event today: Pakistan vs Canada (Table 4) 9 a.m. For fifth to eighth places: Australia vs Malaysia (Table 8) 9 a.m.; New Zealand vs Nigeria (Table 7) 9 a.m. For ninth to eleventh: Pakistan vs Ghana (Table 8)
      105 words
    • 13 20 LONDON, Sun. Result of yesterday's men's hockey International: England 0 France 0 AFP
      AFP  -  13 words
    • 158 20 RACERS READY FOR GP For the first time in the history of the Singapore Grand Prix, local competitors were permitted to practice along the back stretch of the Thomson Road circuit. More than 50 entrants completed their practices and notable among the competitors was the Datsun team led by Harvey
      158 words
    • 124 20 NEW DELHI, Sun. Gra ham Marsh of Australia overcame an upset stomach and fired a four-under-par 69 to win the Indian Open golf championship by one stroke over fellow countryman David Graham here today. The four-day tournament was decided on the par-four 425-yard last hole,
      124 words
    • 299 20 Tinnion takes five wickets for three runs THE ARMY lived up to their reputation as champions when they trounced the Rest by 104 runs in the Singapore Cricket Association annual Champions vs Rest match at Gillman Barracks yesterday. The champions owed their splendid victory to their pace bowler, Tinnion, who
      299 words
    • 573 20 LONDON, Sun. There were no changes at the top of the football league yesterday. Leeds United defeated Crystal Palace 2-1 and Arsenal pipped Blackpool 1-0 at Highbury and the gap between the two top teams remains at six points. Arsenal 1 Blackpool 0
      573 words
    • 190 20  -  JASBIR SINGH ARMY INNINGS Darlrymple c Pritam b Davey 31 Fahey lbw Sivalingam 17; Morgan c McCall b Davey 1; Howard Dobson c Muruthi b Sivalingam 19; Eccles b John Martens 28; Springer st Pritam b Fuller 12; Roberts st Pritam b Muruthi 0; Chandler not out 18; Raybourne
      190 words
    • 111 20 COMBINED SCHOOLS *A' held Singapore Recreation Club to a draw in the Singapore Cricket Association junior league match on the Padang yesterday. SRC: 159 (T. Cheah 60, Yunos Valibhoy 25, Balbir Singh 17, CampbeU 16, Martin Edward three for 27 and Fazal Elahi six for 39). Schools: 89 for eight.
      111 words
    • 52 20 TEXAS Instruments went haywire on Saturday. Their trouble was caused by The Singapore Herald's freescoring forwards who took their side to a 6-1 win. Herald have now netted 17 in three games. Jumari and Sulaiman each netted two goals, with Benson and Rahman contributing the
      52 words
    • Page 20 Miscellaneous
      • 101 20 TABLE TE NN, l.| Min g Court v chartered Bk (Farrer Commonwealth C'ships (SBA Park, 5.15 p.m.); Div. 3B S'pore Stadium) Hilton vG. Waugh 4 B' (F N 5H HOCKEY: SHA Div. 2 SRC p.m.); Hume v S. Tobacco V^er 'B' v Schools 'B' (Padang, 5.15 Park, 5.15 p.m.); pm
        101 words