Singapore Herald, 8 October 1970

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Total Pages: 24
1 24 Singapore Herald
  • 12 1 THE SINGAPORE herald no. Singapore TfrursdajAyber 8, 1970 MC(P) 2207 15 CENTS
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  • 292 1 Leftist general takes over in Bolivia LA PAZ, Wed. A conservative attempt to take control of Bolivia's military government appeared to collapse today as forces loyal to leftist Gen. Juan Jose Torrez took over the Presidential palace without resistance. Yesterday, the situation was blurred as rival military groups one led
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    • 135 1 'CIGARETTES WITHOUT NICOTINE' CLAIM WARSAW, Thurs. Polish scientists have succeeded m producing a cigarette without nicotine. The Polish press agency said today that experts from the plant test centre at the Institute of Soil and Fertilisation at Pulawa had obtained a new type of tobacco which contained no nicotine at
      AFP  -  135 words
    • 33 1 ODD TEL AVIV, Wed. An El AI Airlines board of inquiry, investigating the attempted hijacking of an El Al airliner by Palestinian guerillas last month, has cleared the pilot of reported negligence. AP
      AP  -  33 words
  • 76 1 ALOE STAB, Wed. Safe ceeiaßct passes are aeißg Thai freatter f ladace laferatatlea aid today after heiag Briefed ay beTefaakeaw s asjrcaaiwgivai warfare plaas la the harder areas. The air drops hegaa a BMSdh aga aad the result was ■at expected to he kaawa
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  • 378 1  - Mystery of mad killer in flat PETER ONG GIRL, 17, AND YOUNGER BROTHER FOUND WITH 10 STAB WOUNDS EACH By THE MURDER ROOM A 17-YEAR-OLD girl, Tan Geok Lan, and her brother, Kah Huat, nine, were slain yesterday by a maniac killer m their one-room Toa Payoh flat near a
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  • 187 1 JAKARTA, Wed. Ten thousand angry students rampaged through the streets of Bandung, capital of West Java, today m protest against the killing of a student by a police cadet after a brawl at a football match yesterday. In the three-hour demonstration, they forced shopkeepers,
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  • 192 1 Bown with English' march again-to UMSU HO KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. About 1,000 members of the Malay Language Society today marfched to the headquarters of the University of Malaya Students' Union tearing down notices written m English. They were protesting against a statement issued by UMSU general secretary Jai Mohan which
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  • 361 2  -  STEPHEN BARBER By WHAT will be the substance of the new Vietnam peace proposals which Mr. Nixon will go on television to announce today at 8.30 a.m. Singapore time? Speculation centres on the meeting Mr. Nixon had m Ireland last week-end with Mr
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  • 830 2  -  ANTHONY MANN By PRESIDENT POMPIDOU'S official visit to the Soviet Union is the latest m a long succession of Presidential and Ministerial trips between France and the Soviet Union, since the day m July, 1966, when Gen. de Gaulle became the first Western statesman
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  • 450 2 A tiny drama that tells a lot A THIEF snatched a woman's handbag and ran away. A passing motorist witness to the crime pulled up and gave pursuit. Another passer-by dismounted from his motorcycle and joined the chase. Together, they caught the thief and handed him over to the police.
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  • 867 2  -  JOHN DEMIEH By By arrangement with the New Statesman IN THE United States charity has been big business for a long time. This is partly the heritage of the Bible, partly the guilt which shadows capitalism and makes many middle-class Americans selfabsolving. Recently Jerry Lewis
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 202 3 Singapore takes steps to boost production of fish SINGAPORE is taking part m more deep-sea and off-shore fishing projects so as to become self-sufficient m fish. This is stated m the 1969 annual report of the Primary Production Department, published yesterday. The report mentions the following steps taken to achieve
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  • 157 3 Ministry announces winners of photo competition THE Ministry of Education today announced the winners for its careers photographic contest. A total of 117 entries were submitted and 10 were awarded prizes. The winners for the open section: Ccfcwr Photographs Wun PakKai Black aid White photographs Ist prize A. Rashim Hussein.
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  • 94 3 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. The new Education Minister, Inche Hussein Onn, today said stern action would be taken against anyone who did not follow the national education policy. No change would be made m the policy which was laid down by the Education Act
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  • 292 3 Aussies see Singapore as base for South- East Asian market INVESTMENTS HERE TOTAL $22MIL AUSTRALIA is seeing Singapore, not as a market of two million people but as a jumping board for a market of 270 million people of South-East Asia, Mr Desmond Fennessy, the Assistant Australian Government Trade Commissioner
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  • 182 3 A LONDON firm will be getting the rights to a new technique for refining sugar developed by the University of Singapore because it financed the research programme. Professor Kelly, of the university's department of Applied Chemistry, who headed the research, said that Singaporeans preparing
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  • 111 3 Overcrowding in two of Singapore's six prisons, says report SINGAPORE'S two maximum security prisons at Queenstown and Changi are overcrowded, an official report has disclosed. The 1969 Prisons Department Annual Report published yesterday, says that a new centre had to be built at Moon Crescent to ease the congestion. Work
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  • 42 3 RADIO and Television Singapore has ordered about $98,000 (£14,000) worth of Pye monochrome and telecine equipment from Britain. Earlier this year, RTS had bought a colour monitor from the same firm to be used for training and familiarisation.
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  • 36 3 ANOTHER 42 pirate taxi drivers were registered yesterday, bringing the total number registered m the past seven days to 336. Drivers' cars bearing registration numbers 8000 to 8999 may register today.
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  • 136 3 $400,000 CONTRACT TO KNOCK DOWN OCEAN BUILDING THE $400,000 contract for the demolition of the old Ocean Building was signed yesterday by Mr. R.E.L. Wingate, Chairman of Mansfield and Co. Pte. Ltd. and Mr. Goh Sua Kui, a director of Wing Company, a local firm specialising m foundation and demolition
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  • 107 3 THE SINGAPORE Armed Forces will receive two Air Tourer aircraft aai a wide range of spares from New Zealand today. The total value of the gift is IISMOO. The High I •■■!■■>— fr far New Zealaad, Mr. H.H. Francis, will hand the planes •ver
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  • 86 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Employment Exchange found jobs for 23,875 citizens m the first eight months of this year, compared with 9,914 for the same period last year. The National Operations Council was also told at its meeting here today that 104 employers had been
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  • 263 3 INCREASED composition fines far saisky exhaasts from SSI to $M for the owaer as wcU as the driver of aa affiadhu; vehicle have resulted la a 45 per ceat drop la the aumber of vehicles booked by the traffic
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 IH "<r 1 &i I c* J HI D k I If 1 1 I t_ o o J October B|P|iPl9liPiPiPl9VK|iil9 Thursday j|| HIW ZlftLftMß LAMB CBNTEBT RESBLTS First Prize: Miss Candy Lim, D-2, Rochore House, Singapore, 7. Second Prize: Third Prize: Miss Margaret Heng, Mrs. R. Thambyah, 1 Jalan
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  • 923 4 Appeal for higher fine on MSA engineer and fiancee PLANT- STEALING SENTENCE WAS INADEQUATE— DPP THE High Court was asked yesterday to increase the total fine of $300 imposed by a magistrate's court on a Malaysia-Singapore Airlines flight engineer and his fiancee for stealing $66 worth of plants belonging to
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  • 369 4 Hotel rebuked for ignoring court orders THE INDUSTRIAL Arbitration Court yesterday reprimanded the management of a hotel for ignoring court orders written into a collective agreement. The Station Hotel Company m Keppel Road had reverted to a salary scheme based on the hotel occupancy rate immediately after the last collective
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  • 234 4 ALOR STAR, Wed Malaysian authorities will launch a house to house campaign along their northern border areas to find out the people's grievances as part of a stepped up psychological warfare against Communist insurgency. Information and Broadcasting Minister, Dato Hamzah,
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  • 182 4 City Hall: Police step up security POLICE have stepped up security at City Hall following an arsonist's attempt to burn the wooden door of a conference room of the Ministry of Culture last Friday. "We want to ensure that such an incident will not happen again," Police Public Relations Officer,
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  • 113 4 SIX MORE GERMAN STUDY AWARDS FOR S'PORE STUDENTS SIX more Singaporeans have been awarded scholarships by the West German Government. One of the six, Teo Ying Cheong, left Singapore yesterday evening for a 1 2-month vocational training course m precision tool industry. On arrival m Germany he will undergo a
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  • 82 4 A HOUSEWIFE, Wan Kamsiah binte Ali, 43, of Taman Jurong, was robbed of her jewellery and cash totalling $1,200 when she admitted two strangers into her flat on Tuesday afternoon. The strangers said they were textile salesmen and when she allowed them m, one
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  • 84 4 PORT SWETTENHAM, Wed. Containerisation will be introduced at the port here by mid-1973, Transport Minister Da to Ganie Gilong said here today. Making his first official visit to the port since taking over the portfolio on Sept. 22, Dato Ganie Gilong said the 2,800-feet wharf was
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  • 330 4 Singapore works with Malaysia to jam Red radio broadcasts ALOR STAR, Wed. Malaysian and Singapore authorities are working together to jam clandestine Communist radio broadcasts believed to be from southern China. The Minister of Information and Culture, Dato Hamzah bin Dato Abu Samah, said today some measure of success had
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  • 122 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— Communist guerillas have robbed 14 licensed guns from their owners m the Kanowit and Sibu areas of Sarawak's Third Division. The National Operations Council said this today after a meeting. Reporting on the Communist situation m the past week, an
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 72 4 IP DRY COPY Quality Copies. Sharp black copies on white bond -weight paper. Copies from letters, memoranda, photographs. ages from bound books and magazines —even copies from originals m all colors. D Compact. Fits easily on any desk top. O Dry. Uses no liquid chemicals. Demonstration? Ask us. Authorised 3M
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  • 747 5 A winner puts his stamp on creative design DOING THINGS IN STYLE... SO YOU KMd a stamp. You buy one and stick it on usually without even a glance at the d«sign. And even if you do note the design before you post your letter, you would hardly give it
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  • 241 5 Key role in packaging Singapore products MR. WILLIAM LEE, who holds a string of diplomas and degrees m design from Australia, Holland and London, also has a diploma m lettering and typography. As art director of his own agency since his return from London, where he spent more than 10
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  • 39 5 THIS set of three stamps on Singapore shipping was also designed by Mr. Lee. The stamps feature Singapore's national line, Neptune Orient Lines, the first container berth and shipbuilding and repairing. DATE OF ISSUE: Nov. 1
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  • 107 5 6 Not many people know just how many nations there are m the Commonwealth, let alone all their names. This stamp gives this information m alphabetical order. The sunburst effect also gives play to different colourings and shadings, which are themselves symbolic of the
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    • 219 6 MANILA, Wed. Philippines Air Lines announced today that a court had ordered striking pilots and other employees back to work and that the airline expected to resume full operations by Friday. The pilots' union said, however, it had not received a return-to-work order and considered the
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    • 21 6 "I suppose one day, dad, all this will be yours." "Thank God! He's turning off at last."
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    • 274 6 POMPIDOU BACKS SOVIET CALL FOR TALKS MOSCOW, Wed. President Georges Pompidou called here today for active preparation of a European security conference. Mr Pompidou's statement during a dinner speech In the Kremlin was France's strongest endorsement of the Moscow-sponsored conference. FIRST ROUND The dinner followed Mr Pompidou's first round of
      AP  -  274 words
    • 229 6 LONDON, Wed. An anonymous caller yesterday threatened to kill the wife of Sir Sebag Shaw the judge who jailed two West Indian brothers for the kidnapmurder of Mrs Muriel McKay, it was announced today. Scotland Yard clamped a tight guard on
      AP  -  229 words
    • 627 6 Nixon's search for a new road to peace WASHINGTON, Wed. President Nixon will make what he terms a major statement on South East Asia tonight m a speech dovetailing with a new U.S. proposal to be offered at the Vietnam, peace talks tomorrow. But the White House remained silent on
      AP  -  627 words
    • 170 6 BEIRUT, Lebanon, Wed. Top Palestinian guerilla leader Yasser Arafat last night charged King Hussein's army with "looting, raping and arresting" Palestinians m violation of the 10-day-old peace agreement m Jordan. In a message addressed to a three-man Arab committee supervising the 14-point peace accord,
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    • 118 6 WASHINGTON, Wed. Former U.S. Defeace Secretary Clark Clifford charged that Presideat Nixoa had ao plaa to get out of Vletaam. Mr Clifford, who served as Defeice Secretary uader President Johasoa la IMB aid IMS, toM a groap of Yale University studeats that
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    • 71 6 NAIROBI, Wed. Kenya's main Lake Victoria Port Kusumu has turned into a "refugee camp" as some 500 people who had reportedly lost their jobl m Uganda were reported stranded. The offices of the District Commissioner and the Town Labour Department were besieged by people claiming to have
      AFP  -  71 words
    • 85 6 KONSTANZ (Germany), Wed. The record-setting Soyuz-9 cosmonauts said that Russia's next goal m space was an orbiting laboratory and that Soviet spacemen would eventually fly to Mars. They avoided a question on whether a moon trip was planned. ana US$2 MIL. SUIT LOS ANGELES,
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  • 599 7  - The JapanTaiwan row over Senkaku Islands RAY MORLEY NEWS BACKGROUND From In Tokyo IN JAPAN, the Senkaku islands had never been heard of until a few weeks back. In Taiwan, the islands are known as Tiayutai and the entire population has been aware of their existence. But the raging controversy
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  • 472 7 CAIRO, Wed. Egypt's new rulers pledged to escalate the struggle against Israel and proclaimed their refusal to withdraw any of the Soviet-made missiles deployed along the Suez Canal. On the contrary, said Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riad, "if we had more missiles we would move
    AP  -  472 words
  • 70 7 WASHINGTON, Wed.— Customs officials seized cocaine potentially valued at as much as US$lO million at Dulles International airport on Monday evening and arrested two Colombian citizens. The illegal drugs were discovered aboard a Pan American jet on its arrival from Guatemala City. ODD ON THE AGENDA
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  • 234 7 NIXON ASSURES KISHI: NO US. WITHDRAWAL FROM EAST ASIA WASHINGTON, Wed. President Nixon yesterday assured Japan's former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi that the United States would not withdraw its forces from East Asia unless prospects for peace could be seen. D D D The assurance was given during a 7
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  • 90 7 TOKYO, Wed. -An agreement on Chinese economic and technical aid and a protocal on Chinese military aid to North Vietnam were signed m Peking yesterday. This was the first aid agreement to North Vietnam announced by Peking which mentioned the military aspect. Past aid agreements
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  • 148 7 PARIS, Wei. Mr. All Sabry, prladpal flgare Egypt's raliag Arab Socialist Uaioa, wID head the first goverameat formed by Presldeat-desigaate Aawar Sadat, Le Moade leported. la a despatch from Its Cairo correspeadeat, Eric Roaleaa, Le Moade said the aaaaimeus aoßdaatloa of Mr.
    AP  -  148 words
  • 364 7  -  WALTER FARR By BRITAIN might be allowed longer than three years for adjusting her agriculture to Common Market rules after joining the Market, negotiators for the six Common Market countries told the British negotiating team m Brussels last week. But
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 875 8 ORIHIT UWSDB. (rWCOPIPX)IUTIDINT>«»«P^BUCO» t BWOai tf-i>_ rCB BUILDING. 2 SHENIQN WMY. 9NGAPQRE I TB.= tMtM'* U.K. -EUROPE SERVICE LOADING FOR LONDON,H'BUfIG, R'DAM, HAVRE, AHVERP,BREM. S'Mm Potions NCrrUMf AMBTMYBT 8/1 S Oct 14/18 Oct 17/18 Oct Loon IS /1 1 H'otfrs IS/11. Adam 20/11 Havre 22/11. men 25/1 1 NfPTUNE 2IHON
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 1481 8 RMM B I ft S J ILL] V X KEY, 2"^ REFERENCE: The shipping schedules 11/ h N. baglnningon this page are given in four parts for w k X m. *vt h ships westbound, eastbound, southbound and coastal. -T^" 7S «L» ±*A2£2^m IPPlMfi lf5;S •jy «j v the following
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  • 155 9 A NEW Company, p and 0 forwarding, warehousing, Transport Holdings Ltd, has distribution and packing and been formed by the Peninsular retail travel, and Oriental Steam Navigation Director and Chief Executive Company to co-ordinate and of the new company will be develop the activities of 60 non- Mr.
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  • 241 9 THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY HAS MADE THESE BERTHING ARRANGEMENTS FOR OCT. 8. OUT: Gjertrud Bakke 1/2, Toronto City 6/7, Shirley Lykes 10/11, Boma 13/14, Pag 18, Musi 21 east, Hano Maru 23/24, Snavit 25/26. Denebola 42/43. Radnorshire 33/34, Vishva Tej 44. IN: Halcyon Days (tanker) 42/43
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1079 9 Westbound continued STRAAT VAN DIEMEN oct 15/17 E.London, P.EIiz. Capetown. RIL/KPM TANAGRA Oct 31/Nov 2 Havre, H'burg, R'dam, A'werp, D'kirk. CMCR/MM STREEFKERK Nov 21/23 A'werp, R'Dam/A'dam, Hamburg. TRAUGUTT Oct 24/27 A'dam, R'dam, H'burg, Gdynia. POL/CFS Bremen. NLL/KPM TREVALOR Nov 6/7 Durban, C'town, P.EIiz., E.L'don, SCHELDE LLOYD Oct 25/28 Bilbao, A'werp,
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  • Untitled
    • 204 10 No licence before Nov. for paper plant in Malaysia IPOH, Wed. The Malaysian Government will announce its policy on the paper industry m four months, Commerce and Industry Minister Inche Mohamed Khir Johari said today. Until such time, the government will not grant any pioneer status or licence to any
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    • 209 10 Britain's contingency plans for trade war LONDON, Wed. Britain is preparing contingency plans for retaliatory measures against the United States if Congress passes the protectionist trade bill, the Financial Times said today. The authoritative business daily warned: "The possibility of an international trade war is being taken more seriously now
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    • 147 10 PEOPLE IN BUSIENSS Mr KWANG HO AUN, former South Korean Ambassador to Tunisia, was appointed president of the Korea Trade Centre, (KOTRA). Mr Ahn succeeded Mr OH POMSIK, who was assigned a higher government post. In a message to th c Kotra office m Singapore, Mr Ahn pledged to promote
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    • 307 10 TOKYO, Wed. Ford Motor of the United States has begun buying up shares of Japan's Toyo Kogyo m the Tokyo stock market, financial sources here said today. The sources said that Morgan Guaranty Trust, a financial institution closely affiliated with Ford, has acquired 400,000 or
      AFP  -  307 words
    • 43 10 PRETORIA, Wed. South Africa has sold U5532,984 million worth of gold m the last week, the Reserve Bank said today. This large outflow accords with South Africa's recently declared policy of stabilising its balance of payments, observers said. AFP
      AFP  -  43 words
    • 687 10 ANTI-THEFT DEVICE A MOTORIST may soon know that his car is being stolen even though he is 100 miles away. And what is more he will be able to stop the theft. An electronic device, which made its debut at the second London International Inventions Exhibition recently, establishes
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    • 246 10 SINGAPORE-MALAYSIA Merchant xmtes today, fixed by the Aaodatton of iu«w Malaysia-Singapore. Local dollan per unit of foreign currency. SELLING BUYING T.T./O.DI T.T. O.DL HONGKONG (Rate* m Hongkong dollar., for Oct 7* On New York TT 6.1017 ft OnNewYotkDD 6.***** Gold (99% finenew, per Uel) 265.00 China (per
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    • 340 10 The market yesterday was easier on profit-taking and other selling m reaction to the rally for the past two days. Housings, electric appliances, communications and chemicals were lower. Major losers included Toyo Toki, Eidai, Sangyo, National (Closing paid prices m yen, w Akai Dec 415 (425) Aaahi
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    • 710 10 A late rally lifted share prices well off the bottom m all sections of the Sydney Stock Exchange yesterday. Most mining issues closed at their best levels of the day with several recording substantial gains. Kathleen Investments found strong support, adding $1 at Si 6. 50, a
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    • 199 10 Th« market yesterday was content to remained on the Jardines continued firm, well-maintained m dull sidelines. with final sales at $55. trading. Volume of transactions expanded slightly to $6.95 Wheelocks changed hands Price changes were few and million, or $1.8 million above at a steady $13.90, with
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    • 194 10 LONDON, Wed. Grain shippers have fixed cargoes from the U.S. Gulf to Cartagena at U5510.35 fd (free discharge) for Oct/Nov., and from the U.S. Gulf to Tilbury at US$9 fio (free m and out) for Dec/Jan. A cargo of grain was also reported to have been covered
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    • 251 10 Rubber prices: Khir to announce plans in 3 weeks TAPAH, Wed. Malaysian Commerce and Industry Minister Inche Mohamed Khir Johari said today he would make an announcement m two or three weeks on government plans to check the declining rubber price. He was speaking to reporters after opening the $2.4
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    • 254 11 SINGAPORE'S second merchant bank will be operational by the end of this year. This was announced yesterday by Mr C.J. Hayes, chairman of ihe British Crown Agents, which is a partner m the new venture named Singapore International Merchant Bank (SIMB) In SIMB, the Crown Agents
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    • 123 11 Oil palm in Solomon Islands LONDON, Wed. -The first commercial development of oils palms m the Soloman Islands, valued at £3,000,000 will follow the broad agreement announced yesterday between the Commonwealth Development Corporation and the British Soloman Islands Government. The project will be sited on Guadalcanal, where 8,000 acres will
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    • 1545 11 STOCK EXCHANGE OF MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE KEY Closing buyers' and tellers' prices are followed by the business done. Figures, m brackets denote traded lots m's. When the price ia not followed by a figure m brackets, it means only a single lot of 1.000 shares was
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    • 273 11 SINGAPORE now has a modern plant producing flavours, seasonings, colours and essential oils. The plant is owned by Keith Harris (Far East), which has a paid-up capital of $250,000. The company is a joint venture between Keith Harris of Australia and its local agents, Ong Boon
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    • 139 11 Oil transfer rumours denied LONDON, Wed. -The British Government and oil company officials have denied as "unfounded rumour" a report that Britain is considering transferring some Persian Gulf oil interests to the United States. The Times of London had reported that the suggestion was circulating as a move which would
      AFP  -  139 words
    • 104 11 C Barclays Simonds LONDON, Wed. Group profit of Courage Barclay and Simonds for the 26 weeks to Aug. 1, 1970, was £2,833,000 (compared with £2,249,000 for the same period last year) after tax of £2,200,000 (£1,771,000), excluding profit arising from duty increases nil (£74,000). The company declared an interim of
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 704 11 SINGAPORE RUBBER RUBBER 4T% ceils a Ib. (up sevei-eighths celt). Opening quotations yesterday were marked up five- eighths cent from Tuesday 's close. First business passed at 47 Vi cents for RSS 1 October and at 49 Vi cents for RSS 1 November. The market then improved one-eighth cent
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    • 336 11 Stocks were sharply lower Dow Jones industrial average m early active trading was off more than four points, yesterday. The Stanpoots Downside issues led the industrial index dropped gainers by nearly two-to-one nearly 60 cents after 45 and volume was about three minutes of trading and
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    • 28 11 NEW YORK. Tues. (Changes m brackets): Industrials 782.45 (+5.75): Transportation 159.88 (-L 27); Utilities 107.43 (-0.44); Composite stocks (251.90) (+0.36); Bonds 65.82 (+0.02 X
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    • 566 11 The market yesterday moved into a consolidating phase following recent strength. Narrow each way movements were seen although trading was quiet, ahead of the Wall Street reaction to President Nixon's Vietnam speech. Towards the close, the Financial Times index was 0.2 off at 378.2 while volume contracted
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    • 21 11 LONDON, Tues. (Changes m brackets): Industrials 378.4 (+4.0): Tins 63.22 (+0.06); Rubbers 146.81 (+1.51): Oils 292.73 (+5.04).
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    • 168 11 PARIS The market maintained Tuesday's improved position. Pinay m Rentes continued resistant, with banks and financials mainly steady. Foods were well maintained Stores were well held. Electric all resisted, notably LMT. Metals were well mwiitoin^ but Michelin m rubbers was hesitant. Internationals were mostly stable. Germans and Belgians
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  • 285 12 MSA plans circular tourist trips in S-E Asia MALAYSIA-Singapore Airlines plans to introduce "circular tourist trips" on its routes to attract more tourists to South-East Asia. This was announced last night by its general manager, Mr. David Craig, before he left for Colombo with two cultural groups from Singapore and
    Herald  -  285 words
  • 125 12 When vodka is in, sex is out— for horses TEHERAN (Iraa), Wed. latoxicated horses lost iaterest hi sex ami caa m few times faster thaa asaal, two Iraaiaa farmers fooad after glviag 1C bottles of Vodka to hones at the village of Balakafsh la the Caspiaa Sea real—. The aewspaper
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  • 97 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Umno and other component parties of the Alliance will hold public meetings soon to explain the Rukunegara to the people. The Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, told reporters this on a visit to Umno headquarters here today. Making
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  • 79 12 HONGKONG, Wed. The British Undersecretary of State for the Navy, Mr. Peter Kirk, said here today any stepping up of Hongkong's naval strength m future would be considered m a "broader context" m Britain's new defence arrangements m South-East Asia. However, he added, it was
    AFP  -  79 words
  • 22 12 VIENNA, Wed. Rumanian Prime Minister lon Gheorghe Maurer was under medical treatment today following a car accident on Monday.
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  • 137 12 Malaysia's merchant navy to have Dutch officers THE HAGUE, Wed. An 11-man Malaysian trade mission touring the European Common Market told reporters that Malaysia's new merchant navy would be commanded by Dutch officers. The mission, led by Mr. Teo Tiang Seng of the Malaysian Pineapple Cannery is touring the E.C.M.
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  • 127 12 BANGKOK, Wed. Thai Deputy Foreign Minister Sanga Kittikachorn said today the United States may have to base some of its nuclear weapons m Thailand "if it is necessary to protect the security of this part of the world." "I don't think
    AFP  -  127 words
  • 73 12 LUSAKA, Wed. Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda today announced that he was relieving Mr. Simon Kapwepwe from his position as Vice-President of the country from Nov. 1. President Kaunda said that Mr. Mainza Chona, who has returned from Washington where he was Zambia's Ambassador, would take
    AFP  -  73 words
  • 428 12 AUSTRALIAN seamen who worked alongside local shipyard labourers cleaning out the tanks of the 60,000-ton tanker Howard Smith have complained to the management of Sembawang Shipyard that it did not provide fans to relieve the 100 degree-plus heat m which they worked. Twenty-two members
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  • 63 12 LONDON, Wed. Mr. Michael Wilding, 18, son of actress Elizabeth Taylor and actor Michael Wilding, leaves Caxton Hall here following his flower-carrying bride, the former Miss Beth Clutter, 19, after their wedding yesterday. The new Mrs. Wilding is the daughter of an American oceanologist from
    AP  -  63 words
  • 358 12 Lee: Stop this futile and sterile pursuit LONDON, Wed. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew called today for an end to "futile and sterile" controversies within the Commonwealth. He told a news conference before flying to the United States: "I'd like to see the Commonwealth getting on the positive track and moving
    AP  -  358 words
  • 109 12 From Page 1 continuously since 1964, when Gen. Ovando and Gen. Rene Barrientos, the air force commander, overthrew President Victor Paz Estenssoro. The two were co-presidents until 1966, when Gen. Barrientos won a pres ntial election and Gen. CKando became commander of the armed forces. Gen. Ovando was
    AP; AFP  -  109 words
  • 67 12 WASHINGTON, Wed. A Spartan missile intercepted m flight a ballistic missile nose cone high over the Pacific m the second successful test of the controversial Safeguard anti-ballistic missile system, the Defence Department announced. The Spartan, fired last Saturday from Kwajalein atoll, was guided to the target
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  • 113 12 From Page 1 Mr. Mokaa said kls ergaalsatUa sapparted whsit htarteaHy that Bakasa Malaysia skaald ke Imptemeated hat disagreed wltk tke asciety's aieaas sf acklevtag this. Wkea ke spake la BagHsk ke was Tke UaUerslty «f Stagapere StadeaU 1 aalea last alght tosaed a stitesMrt cesjdeaMalag
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  • 226 12 Girl and brother stabbed to death in Toa Payoh flat From Page 1 with his books. His sister prepared food for the other boys and girl, but they had all gone to the cinema. At 3 p.m. the two turned on the television to watch a Cantonese film, The Regret.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 182 12 miDDLE-RCED SPREDD BENDS *j^t One of the penalties of v^sjP^ v success m business is to end up behind a desk, overworked and with insufm ficient time to exercise. m Now with the Slendertone V system you can keep fit and I 'm shape' whilst you work, jß^flJPKtjAif read or
      182 words

  • THE SINGAPORE herald Section II
    • 212 13 TOURISTS to Singapore can enjoy a unique attraction when a new marine park with an aquarium is ready. Plans for this project to be called the Singapore Aquarium and Marine Park are given m the latest annual report of the Primary
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    • 242 13 'Create more tourist attractions, but don't give them a phoney' "PHONEY" attractions will not help Singapore's tourism, according to Mr. Alfred Bloomingdate, the founder of the Diners' Club and its chairman for 21 years until his retirement early this year. He said yesterday that Singapore had enough attractions to keep
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    • 117 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Federal and Sarawak State Ministers wil meet here next month to discuss ways to attract West Malaysians to work m land schemes m Sarawak. National and Rural Development Minister Inche Abdul Ghafar Baba said today he would meet Sarawak's Chief Minister
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    • 150 13 EIGHTH Magistrate Tan Chin Tiong yesterday found a newspaper boy, Nagappan Gnanasekaran, 16, guilty of alternate charges of stealing a bicycle from Idris Road m June and retaining the stolen bicycle at Bendemeer Road on Aug. 13. Sentence was however postponed to Oct.
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    • 174 13 THAI PLANS FOR A REGIONAL ORCHID MEETING NEXT YEAR THAILAND it spearkeadiag a move to hold the lint Soata-East Ada Orchid coafereace la Baagkok aext year, the presMeat af the Thai OrchM Society, Prof. Rapee Sagarlk, said here yesterday. The aim af the coafereace to be held every twe ar
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    • 84 13 A WATCHMAN was awarded 10,250 damages yesterday for injuries sustained m a road accident three years ago. On May 27, 1967 N. Ramasamy was riding a bicycle m South Bridge Road when he was knocked down by a lorry driven by Ng Yien Swaa Ramasamy sustained
      84 words
    • 357 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. An assistant company secretary, whose divorce petition was dismissed m the High Court, failed today m his appeal to the Federal Court against the judge's decision. The Federal Court of Appeal upheld the decision of Dato Justice Raja Azlan Shah
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    • 95 13 THREE armed men robbed a Malaysian of bis Datsun car and $40 after they tied him and a girl up with wire at Kallang Park at midnight on Tuesday. Ho Ming alias Lee Keng Kong, 30, of Johore, had parked his car when the
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    • 244 13 HEARING was postponed yesterday m the case against two Americans and a Singaporean charged with passing US$3,lBO m counterfeit notes at the Goodwood Park Hotel on Sept. 26. Ken Bowen Peterson, 44, Charles Francis Safley, 40, and Mohandas Kishinchand Melvani, 38,
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    • 175 13 Clerk and family in 1966 accident get $43,300 damages A CLERK and his family of three were awarded a total of $43,300 damages by a consent order m the Ugh Court for injuries sustained m a road accident m IMS. Samuel John, 47, his wife Aleyamma, 38, and children Jones,
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    • 112 13 THE NUMBER of savings accounts with the Postal Savings Bank pasted the half million mark last month. The number of new accounts recorded for September was 4,207 making a total of 501,174. During the month, 2,704 new accounts were opened at schools bringing
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    • 58 13 KUCHING, WedSarawak's Chief Minister Dato Rahman Ya'kub today urged the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) to start marketing schemes for fish and vegetables as soon as possible. Speaking to reporters before leaving for a two-day tour of development projects m the Fourth Division, he said
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 122 13 ■^J /bTl^ *m itOoCfo NIOVvCwIUD y^7^ i Kjy.^B Originated from exciting Paris*! 1 M\KJ n i^K American, French/ German and I \^^|l English hommet et femmes 1 Tvl H^**- performing exotic Ballet. All m j x>^i fc^B T** gfl [A fantastically MOD costumes /Jr/^H ma^l bb^K Here now from a
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • 342 14 Welder saw 10 people attack friend WELDER Lim Juat Whee, 16, hid behind a coffee shop and watched his labourer friend Kadir Pachar, 20, being attacked by 10 people near the Macpherson Road Market at 12.30 a.m. on Jan. 22, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Lim, who was testifying at
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  • 123 14 resettled KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Malaysian Government has alloted a 40-acre site for the re-settlement of 50 squatter families which are facing eviction m Kepong, the Minister with Special Functions Tan Sri Ghazalii Shafle said today. The Minister said this after making an on-the-spot investigation
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  • 163 14 Ban and fine for Jaguar- E driver in crash A NORWEGIAN diver who was trapped m his E-type Jaguar sports car for 20 minutes after it had collided with a taxi and hit a tree was fined $400 for dangerous driving, m the First Traffic Court yesterday. Knut Ingvild Ertresvaag,
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  • 120 14 SAF step in and help scheol solve its problems THE Tai Cheong Chinese School m Track 5, Chua Chu Kang Road was faced with two major problems. It required an extension urgently to provide more places for pupils and a playing field for recreational purposes. Moreover, the school had inadequate
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  • 143 14 POLICE have been ordered to do everything possible to stop the present high rate of bicycle thefts. The order was issued last week to all police divisions by the CID. So far this year, 2,153 bicycles have been reported stolen. Of these,
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  • 61 14 Local grads can take AIT courses SINGAPORE graduates interested m systems engineering, urban systems, environmental planning or industrial engineering and management can take these courses m January at the Asian Institute of Technology m Bangkok. Applicants must hold bachelor degrees or the equivalent with good records m the appropriate subjects.
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  • 159 14 A REAL "blooming* year for the Botanic Gardens was 1969, according to its annual report. It provided about 76,000 plants and cuttings, including 4,328 tree saplings to schools, Government departments and quasi-Government bodies, to help build a garden city. Sale of plants and planting
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  • 88 14 MR. WILLIAM Tan of the Labour Department will speak to the Physiotherapy Association* on Oct. 22, on "Legal aspects and working of workmen's compensation with particular reference to hand injuries." The talk to be held at the Physiotherapy Department, Outram Road General Hospital at
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  • 212 14 A MAMMOTH choir of 144 are taklag part la a third all-Beethovea concert to be gives by the MetroPhllharmoaic Society at the Victoria Theatre ob Oct. if to commemorate the Gennaa composer** biceateaary. The choir, with soloists Soh Yea Chlag (sopraao),
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  • 170 14 The high cost of having four reels of blue films TWO MEN were fined $200 each m the Eighth Magistrate's Court yesterday for having four reels of blue film. They were salesman Hassamal Gopaldas, 32, and Lim Thiam Qwee, 28, unemployed. Insp. Chan Hong Fook testified that on April It
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  • 76 14 THIEVES broke into a provision shop m Jalan Geok Slang Ng and got away with $200 m cash and $900 worth of goods while the owner was away for a few hours on Tuesday night. The shopowner, Son Goh Soo, 43, left the shop at about 0
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 136 14 "Dollook like a machine: "That's what I asked my boss after fiddling with figures all day long." "For all the money I use up on pencils he could buy a real machine" "And I could go back to being a girl." The Facit Cl 13 calculator adds. subtracts, multiplies and
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    • 77 14 Advertisement you are needed Everyone wants to be useful and needed. And everyone CAN be when it is seen that the purpose of man's existence is to express God, divine Love. you are needed You are invited to hear, 'You Are Needed', a Lecture by Howard H. Irwin, C.S., a
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1942 15 BgaHHj".,,,^ a^B^B^M M ry i H iIH i Jh ill IS s. ssss nun l S^fn w ml 1^ H y nllll K^jlyL/l/i H l^i^T^ K2bV- y 1^ SBBL ST II ifliLiiJllmH Al I 1 1 1^ x'^ 3.00 pm Tarian2 Malaysia Cultural Dances— 3.00 pm General Hospital W^^^Sm&Z mR"
      1,942 words

  • 1549 16 The 999 trouble starters Julian Lauw takes a trip round town m a police patrol car WE HAD only been on patrol for eight minutes I when the first emergency message crackled over I the police car radio: "Proceed to River Valley I Road... suspicious person reported m house." Swinging
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 72 16 J WHY FLY TO TOKYO OR OSAKA FOR KOBE BEEF?* J MATSUZAKA t (Kobe) t t BEEF t J is available right here m Singapore. Specially I air-flown to you from Japan by Cathay Pacific J Airways. Exclusively prepared by Bird Bottle; Matsuzaka Beef costs lesser than you J Try
      72 words
    • 665 16 i'^a^MbmavnoAff/111 I? UKuniilJAllUn t i Hi J I LAST DAY— NO FREE LIST J Ji iia.m..1.45.4*«,5J0.5.16 ,i I SHEN VI 4 ESSIE LIN CHIA ,1 "SWOROSWOMEN THREE' (A SHAW PRODUCTION) I Mandarin m Shawacapa 4 Cofr J i OPENS TOMORROW I 1 I Rooert Radtord. Katharine Ross I I -Tha
      665 words

  • town talk
    • 316 17 MISS Chang Kirn Ngoh, M. P*Ue victim from the age of two, who once faced with Weak future, now looks ■*P*y over her success as an artist. She has st Batik P«l«*mgi t >• water colour paintings, 4t oil paintings and some it charcoal
      316 words
    • 188 17 A really light cake -with bulbs on Add 120 eggs, 501 b. of flour, sugar and butter each, 30 Ib. of dried fruit to lots of cake-making skill; 66 Ib. of icing sugar to a talent for icing cakes. The result a scrumptious and attractive 2661 b. Chinese lantern cake.
      188 words
    • 58 17 THE First Lady, Puan Noor Aisha, who is Patron of the Singapore Association for Retarded Chifdren, wll give away prizes at the Annual Combined Centres Sports on Saturday, Oct 17. The Hua Vi Intergrated Primary School will perform at the sports which will be held at
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    • 251 17 THE New Zealand lamb contest was hardly to his taste, but Mr B.R. Vakil decided to enter it because he knew he couldn't lose. Mr Vakil, the district sales manager of Air India, is a strict vegetarian who hasn't touched meat m 25 years. "There were
      251 words
    • 105 17 THANK YOU VERY MUCH... to the Post Office from one of the Town Talk team. He'd sent off a letter, by air, to the U.K. Unfortunately, oar office boy forgot to pat oa a stamp. That may well have been the end of the affair. Except
      105 words
    • 95 17 PATIENTS RAISE $5,000 PATIENTS of the Tan Tock Seng Hospital raised $5,000 m an annual sale of their handiwork yesterday. Among some of the items on display at the sale were baskets, lampshades, toys and trays. The Hospital holds the sale m an attempt to make the patients think positively
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    • 101 17 CHILDREN, hurry and send m your entry for the Colouring Contest organised by the Theatre World Association the closing date is tomorrow. The contest, which is m conjunction with the forthcoming production "Tales From Many Lands", wfll be divided into three groups. Winners of the 8-10 age group
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 156 17 '■iTH iowering ■111 WEEK! I OONT WAIT TIU^^C I THE ELEVENTH iWpU I HOUR! >^*|^V I HIIPPY/ =ifS3aWBKJ SEE ITl Ao¥BlT| R *>v| ORCHARO-71stBI6DAY! PATH AY PINFMA v^S^-<^7] Kellys Heroes 3RD EXCITING 16 Million m Gold Bars WJ^^JVmM &£Ktfi Metro-Gotdwyn -Mayer Presents a Katzka-Loeb PrcxJucton starring dm Eastwood. Telly Savalas,
      156 words
    • 185 17 2NO SCRf AMINO WCCKI ni.n. > 1.M,4.M,«.M11.MpKi Vincent Pric*. ChriMaph*r L*« ■SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN 1 patac CwakMMj Mi Catar An Am*nc*« lataraatiaaal ftctwra p^^^- M ««JaIT CMlQUtt"s^>^^, A "fatal Cfcaaaa" mil a* ftvaa la anyon* who taints dunna Ma /acraaaMMj a4 A.I.P* "SCAtAM )ANO SCRtAM ASAIN' Thu) **Fslbcll ClbAsßMol**
      185 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 93 17 THE DIARY 5 pm: Opening of- art the Turf Club, Bukit Commonwealth exhibition at Cedar Timah. Avenue, Jalan Eunos, Secondary School m 7 pm: Teochew opera Kallang Estate, Aljunied Road. by Er Woo Amateur MacPherson Road, 5 pm: Opening of Musical and Dramatic Lorong Chuan and St. calligraphy exhibition Association
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  • 713 18 Where have all the grad gir ls gone? one ...mi H aw m-tmi am ITS almost four months since the university convocation. The 370 girl graduates should have adjusted themselves to a new routine working life —by now. But many of them are still knocking on office doors...jobhunting. A degree
    713 words
  • 429 18 Serendipity TWO dozen sheets of wrapping paper, three rolls of crepe paper, two bath towels and lots of imagination. These are just some of the inexpensive materials that arts student Carolyn Wu used to decorate her room at Eusoff College. And look at the
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  • 662 19 You're all poor poets and don't we know it "OH MARVELLOUS!" we said. "Lots more lovely poems and essays from our readers! And then we started reading them and got gloomier and gloomier. At the end of the evening we were completely exhausted by the burden of miseries, disappointments, unrequited
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  • 1237 19 REGARDING Adele Koh's remarks on poetry, I find that I can write poetry quite easily and I find that poetry is one of the most beautiful ways to express oneself and to let one's deepest feelings be conveyed through the medium of words. I feel that poetic expression is
    1,237 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 124 19 CORNING^ WARE* 2 QT. SAUCEMAKER WITH COVER Mix, measure, melt freeze, cook, serve and store all m the same dish. Ideal for. .cooking sauces, fillings and frostings, beating egg whites, whipping cream, making instant puddings, mixing cake mixes and preparing soups. Handy measuring marks Has cover for draining Designed for
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    • 534 20 "SECOND thoughts on tighter controls at the Causeway" (S.H. Oct. 2) is good news indeed! With Malaysian and Singapore families split down the middle by this international boundary, one must feel that the people of either country are not m favour of the
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    • 358 20 MSA'S PLANS FOR 'THAT EMPTY SEAT' YOUR article on 7 October tends to create the impression that MSA is faced with an increasing number of complaints. This is not so. As part of a continuing programme to improve its relations with the public, MSA is indeed considering the appointment of
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    • 189 20 THE other day I boarded a taxi at the Capitol Theatre with the intention of going to Killiney Road. I was flatly rejected. The driver did not like the idea of earning an 80 cent fare. On another day, I boarded a taxi at the "up-town" end
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    • 74 20 SINGAPORE boasts of having one of the best medical services m the world. However, the actual situation is far from rosy. I have a hernia and was put on the waiting list for an operation more than a year ago. To date I have not been
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    • 226 20 BILINGUAL HEADS FOR INTEGRATED SCHOOLS BEATTY Secondary School (featured so prominently m your Paper lately) is probably the only school to have a principal who holds a doctorate. He runs the school well and he is respected by both the pupils and teachers. However, the situation m some of our
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    • 358 20 Holidays are planned with exams in mind I REFER to the letter by "Teacher" (S.H. Sept. 22) headlined "Or do they really plan them?" School terms are fixed after taking into account the required number of school days per year and public holidays. But each year, the School Certificate and
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    • 55 20 I LIVE m Serangoon Garden Estate and I find that gracious living is not possible here due to the mosquito nuisance. I suspect that they are breeding m the canal by tbe side of Kensington Park, which is always filled with stagnant water. Can the health authorities do
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 400 20 B CHANCES TO GIVE YOUR CHILD A UNIVERSITY EDUCATION MOTHER BURSARIES SINGAPORE m ESSAY P^"^ ffi Herald Essay Compe- PAMTCCT A 1 ill titions will be at three UUN I CO I *r 1 jg levels for Pre-Univer- aa i i n H M L^a^aV sity students, for Secon UUUiUN
      400 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 484 20 ID I I TO ACROSS 25. You have to make us return trust with confidence (6). l. Glass container for young ■*vww motor mechanic? (6) 1. A soft sheepskin leather with 7. Law one's certain to be after string round the front (8) me (7) 2. Loose coat m general
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  • 366 21 POLICE WATCH CHARLOTTE'S DANCE OF FEAR C H ARLOTTE Rout, 26, was afraid and tense. But no one noticed it when she came on stage with an air of mystique and mesmerised everyone with her big round eyes which stood out like shiny beads. Why was she afraid and tense?
    366 words
  • 202 21  - Sounds familiar so is the face JENNY LEW DO YOU REMEMBER the Manasseh sisters Poppy and Margaret? They were the talk of the town m the 50's. They started on radio m their teens. Although music came naturally to them they didn't take it up full time but sang whenever
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 801 21 JL Jt I I -■fiSßjn^- *^hLV^BB <„,!. in^rßßßv ?Bm U IBWilE^nfSi MimW m jl jl Hnl BtflftlnmlOJftlsKißum -JLXd^^ ilm > JL JL BBBBBBBBBBBBBn^ B&WJ^KdP^BsV^B^S Ba i < **~B«w y> J>^s w I Br™T^ n^^BnmmnaßßßrllVVßßn mW\ I Ju>Jjk& Q* v Jt I BBft. nnj BBtflßß' BBtVmaBBBBI I I •BBBBHr^BB W* 0
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
      496 words
    • 359 22 UNITEX SINGAPORE (PRIVATE) LIMITED has vacancies for Female Factory Operatives. Qualifications:- (1) Above 16 years of age. (2) Singapore/Malaysian citizens. Salary:- Starting pay will be $2.50 per day during the initial training period. In addition, other terms and conditions of service, existing m the Company applicable to the post will
      359 words
    • 298 22 MiSiflnk QJlftfti For our Classified Ul/n irni rMM I Tele- Ad Services LARGE PROPERTY COMPANY requires an Architect with recognised professional qualifications and suitable working experience. Attractive salary will be offered to the successful candi date. Write m confidence with ful details to Killiney Road P.O. Box 69. Singapore. BOILER
      298 words
    • 290 22 DAWN AGENCY. 27 Nunes Building. Malacca Street. Sole Agents for Aeroplane "515" badminton rackets, football etc. Call now (Spore). MST PHOTO-COPYING SERVICE Champion Copying Centre 5. Ground Floor, President Shopping Contra Tel: ***** *****6 Available 3M Dry Copy Machine "233" Cash: $420/- H.P.: Monthly $38/-. LAUNDRY PROBLEMS? For hotels, restaurants,
      290 words
    • 565 22 MOSAIC TILES Stock offers m large quantities from 35 cents per sq.ft.. Call at 37 Hill Street. DRAWING EASEL; Books (Two Vol.); Ukeiele; Complete English Course; In very good condition going at half-price. Write Box Hl l9O Singapore Herald. SOLID STATE STEREO amplifier, all silicon transistor 32 watts complete with
      565 words
    • 526 22 DRESSMAKING INSTITUTE by Mrs. K.Y. Lee. Morning, afternoon and evening classas at 3 18- A River Valley Road. Phone *****7 for enrolment. DANCING 3 HOURS Quickstep, Waltz, Foxtrot. Cha-cha. Dally private lessons 10 a.m. 10 p.m. Ghani's School of Dancing, Hindoo Road. Spore P/*****. RELAX DANCE STUDIO (airconditioned) offers daily
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    • 347 22 CIftNCE I TELWE MHHHI THE PUBLIC IS INFORMED THAT THE TELEPHONE NUMBER OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE AND THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS HAS BEEN CHANGED WITH EFFECT FROM IST OCTOBER, 1970 TO: *****2 lANB WANTEB Suitable for motor-car workshop. Preference for Queenstown, Alexandra or MacPherson Area. Minimum 10,000 sq.
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  • 246 23 Chandran, Choon Wah get Pro contracts? JARDINE CLUB OFFER HONGKONG, Wed. Muthuveeran Chandran and Wong Choon Wah, the ace Malaysian football players, were reportedly offered to play as professionals m Hongkong by the wellknown club, Jardines. Persistent reports m local Chinese and English newspaper said the performances put up by
    AFP  -  246 words
    • 653 23 THE Stipendiary Steward's report on the Bukit Timah races held on Oct. 3 4. SATURDAY BACE 1: Radiant Summer (Pod more) missed the start slightly. Then Podmore rode his mount hard through the field and held Badiant Simmer behind Triple Nine. In the straight Triple Nine
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    • 61 23 FOURTEEN teams are contesting the Ocean Blues Ten-Pin championships at Jackie's bowl. The teams: The Stirres, Nite-Birds, Spectres, Gogi Bowlers, Survivers, The Clowns, Charly Chans, Odd-Balls, Stayers, Uta French Airlines, Ten Time Losers, Aces, Porkings and Kwanites. O f f icials for the
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  • 93 23 Police Sports Association, the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association senior league waterpolo champions, after their victory over Public Swimming Club at Amber Road. The match ended m a 5-5 draw. Police skipper Tan Eng Bock's equaliser 2t seconds from time won his team the match on
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  • 254 23 SNGAPORE'S professional badminton coach Wong Peng Soon will lead a six-member Thailand Badminton Association team for the Singapore Open Championships at the Badminton Stadium from Oct. 15-18. Peng Soon, 52, is engaged by the Thailand BA to coach their Asian Games team
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  • 174 23 LONDON, Wed. Cliff Richey's third place finish m the Pacific Coast Open at Berkeley, California last Sunday put him -back on top of the standings for the International Lawn Tennis Federation's 'Grand Prix' to be awarded at the end of the season. The 23-year-old American's
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    • 48 23 RIO DE JANEIRO, Wed. The Brazilian soccer club Bangu, of Rio De Janeiro, left for a long African and European tour. It is scheduled to play its first game m Casablanca, tonight, against the selection of Morocco which participated m this year's world soccer cup m Mexico. AP
      AP  -  48 words
    • 50 23 NEW DELHI, Wed. Ramanathan Krishnan, India's Davis Cup Captain, and S.P. Misra, another Davis Cup player, will represent India m the twenty-second Asahi international lawn tennis tournament m Tokyo later this month. Krishnan said he would probably compete m the All- Japan championships beginning on Nov. 3 <n Osaka. AFP
      AFP  -  50 words
    • 92 23 RAWALPINDI, Pakistan, Wed. The next world cup hockey torunament will be held m Lahore, West Pakistan Feb. 12-21, next year. The tournament will be played among 10 teams: West Germany, Holland, Spain, France, Kenya, one from Australia or New Zealand, one from the Pan-American
      AFP  -  92 words
    • 76 23 Mr C.C Tan was elected president of the Singapore Island Island Country Club at the 7th Annual General Meeting at Thomson Road. Other officials: Vice- Presidents: Mr Wee Mon Cheng and H.M. Dyne. Captain: Mr Eric Gwee. Hon Treasurer: Mr Frank Yung. Management Committee: Messrs: Alan
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  • 233 23 IN the absence of A. Malcolm and D. Milne, either E. le Mercier (7) or H.R. Perry (8) should have little difficulty m winning the 'A' medal while Quek Meng Liat, a regular club representative should be the favourite for the 'B medal to be played at
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
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    • 35 23 TAE KWON-DO Spore Tae kwon-do tournament (Gay World— 7 pm) BADMINTON: Spore Open Draw (SBA Hall— B pm) ATHLETICS: Asian Games Trial BOWLING: Qualifying rounds World Cup Tourney Jackie's Orchard and Katong Bowls— 9 p.m.)
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  • 192 24 Bugner scores points win over Corletti LONDON, Wed. Britain's young heavyweight hopes, Joe Bugner, scored a clear out decision over Eduado Corletti of Argentina m their 10-round fight here last night. It was the South American champion's first defeat m six fights m Britain. The referee's verdict of 50-47 gave
    AFP  -  192 words
  • 202 24 OLIVER Oh (SRC) won the Singapore Billiards Association junior three-ball tournament when he defeated Jimmy Ng (Rubber s c> 250-203 m the final at Indian Association last night. Jimmy Ng took an early lead at the start but lost it when Oliver found his touch
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  • 648 24  -  JASBIR SINGH NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS TAN Khoon Hong of National Junior College won the Singapore Table Tennis Association National singles title after a thrilling five set tussle with Tan Kai Kok of Chung Cheng High School at Monk's Hill Secondary School hall last night
    Khoon Hong  -  648 words
  • 293 24  - Indians enter under-23 hockey s-finals R. NATHAN INDIAN Association trounced Combined Schools 'B team by six goals to two m the Singapore Hockey Association Under-23 knockout quarter-finals replay at Raffles Institution ground yesterday. Indians meet favourites Sembawang Shipyard next week. The Indians, who were held to a 2-all draw last
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  • 17 24 SANTIAGQ Chic, Wed. -The worid champion Brazilian soccer team defeated Chile 5-1 m an international game here.
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  • 331 24  -  MAX LANGE A SUPERBLY fit 32 Regiment Royal Corp Transport team handed out a 14-3 beating to Singapore Cricket Club "A" in a rugby friendly on the padang yesterday. The Regiment's points came from 2 penalties, a goal and a try against
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  • 88 24 POPULAR T.V. personality Ahmad Daud has been appointed to lead Singapore Malays against Selangor Malays m the final of the Rulers' Shield cricket match at the Selangor padang this weekend. Others selected to represent the Republic are: Hussein Shah (vice Captain), Mohamad Laily, Yousoff
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  • 404 24 All fail in Asian Games swim trials ALL THE eleven Asian Games trial ists failed to beat the qualifying marks m the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association trials at the Shaw Pool, Barker Road yesterday. So far only four swimmers have beaten the qualifying standards based on the third placing times
    AFP  -  404 words
  • 56 24 TOKYO, Wed. A Hasegawa won the All- Japan 1970 Karate championships held at the Tokyo Municipal Stadium here from last year's champion Yamazaki. Third was Soeno, the second place winner last year. All three are members of the Kyokushln -Kai of Japan which operates a branch m Singapore. Mr Stephen
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  • 218 24 SINGAPORE Cricket Club showed their class when to they trounced Far East Air Force (Feat) Wrafs 7-0 m a league game on the padang yesterday. The Wrafs were kept on the defensive continoudy. The SCC forwards combined effectively. Dot Pragnell, Elspeth Smart and Jean Langlois were
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 43 24 TRAINING SESSIONS SINGAPORE Hockey Association is holding training sessions at Singapore Cricket Club on Tuesdays and Fridays and at the Singapore Recreation Club on Wednesdays. ©Fntfeatms FOR y 1 I "i^mmmSs$j^ sale nm I fei^iSli^^t By the way sir... do you like golf?
      43 words