Singapore Herald, 7 October 1970

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Total Pages: 24
1 24 Singapore Herald
  • 15 1 THE SINGAPORE herald No. C 7 Stagapore Wednesday, October 7, 1970 IIC(P) 2207 15 CENTS
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  • 407 1 March date for defence talks BRITAIN SAID TO BE WILLING TO KEEP MODEST MILITARY PRESENCE LONDON, Tues. Five-nation talks on Britain's future military role m the defence of South-East Asia will be held here next March, according to informed sources. The date was set, according to these sources, between Mr.
    AP; AFP  -  407 words
  • 252 1 Discovery that goes to explain what cancer really is TOKYO, Tue*. A Japanese professor has made a discovery which was a big advance towards explaining the mechanism of cancer and could be useful m an early detection of the disease and its treatment. Prof. Setsuro Fuji! of Tokushima University In
    AFP  -  252 words
  • 31 1 TRADE MISSION LONDON, Tues. A 50-man British trade mission leave for Peking this week for a 10-day stay after which some of them will go on to the Canton Autumn Fan*.
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  • 227 1 Riad: We won't move a single rocket from west bank of Suez CAIRO, Tues. Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riad said today Egypt "will aot move a single rocket from the western bank of the Suez Canal and does not accept discussing this subject," the Middle East News Agency reported. He rejected
    AFP; AP  -  227 words
  • 97 1 NAIROBI, Tues. Twenty-four Muslim religious leaders from Dar-Es- Salaam have signed m their own Mood a petition to Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere appealing to him to intervene m the affair of the young Ithnashri girls, of Persian origin, forced against their will to
    AFP  -  97 words
  • 66 1 BANDUNG, Tues. President Suharto officially opened the first conference of the Afro-Asian Islamic Organisation here today with remarks criticising the disunity of the Arabs m their struggle against "the military aggression of Israel" He said: "With a feeling of shock and sadness, we are greatly worried
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  • 273 1 TWO RIVAL JUNTAS TAKE OVER PRESIDENCY LA PAZ, Tues. Confusion reigned m Bolivia today as left and right-wing military officers formed rival juntas following the resignation of President Alfredo Ovando Candia, who infoimed sou -ces said later, sought political asylum hi the Argentine Embassy. First move went to
    AFP  -  273 words
    • 68 1 KABUL (Afghanistan), Tues. A man with a grudge against miniskirted girls roamed the streets of Kabul, shooting several of them m the feet before he was arrested yesterday, police said. The man, who was unnamed, allegedly told the police he had no intention of murdering the girls but
      AP  -  68 words
    • 33 1 DQD MOSCOW: French President Georges Pompidou arrived m Moscow today for an eight-day state visit and was met by the top Kremlin trio President Podgorny, Premier Kosygin and Communist Party general secretary Brezhnev.
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  • 332 1 Language rampage: Govt hits at use of force KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Malaysian Government said today that it disapproved of the use of force by members of the Malay Language Society m striving for implementation of Malay at the University of Malaya. In a brief statement on yesterday's demonstration, the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 169 1 FAST EASY CLEAN AND ECONOMICAL! There's no messy- clean up the Melitta Way, simply discard the used filter bag easy and economical too because Boncafe and the Melitta Way of filtering, brews up to 80 cups per pound, whereas ordinary coffee produces only 40 to 60 cups 1 9 BBB^l;
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 622 2  - Unrest among 'tame' Thai undergrads BILLY BRAY From Bangkok OBSERVERS m Thailand's official circles are still puzzled by the student disturbances which practically closed down the country's leading Chulalongkorn University recently. Official warnings to students from Thai leaders and police have become almost daily occurrences m the wake of the
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  • 413 2 By A Special Correspondent Kuching NO-ONE m Kuching is particularly worried about the claim by Brunei's former Sultan, Sir Omar Ali Saifuddin, to Limbang m Sarawak's Fifth Division. The Sultanate's external affairs are, after all, m Britain's charge, and it hardly seems likely that
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  • Viewpoint
    • 263 2 WITH reference to your editorial 'Painting out the English language' (S.H. Oct. 6) I would like to provide some additional information which I believe, would help to put the subject m a proper perspective. You wrote that the students "smashed first and talked
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    • 99 2 OUR statement that the studeats "smashed first aid talked later" referred specifically to the defacemeat of English-laagnage slgaposts aad aetices. Prevloas represeatatioas on the geaeral question of the nse of Malay at the aaiversity hardly excise vandalism. Malaysia has jast emerged from a period of racial strife. Pressure groups of
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    • 110 20 WE Victorians were rather surprised when we attended workshop practices at McNair Centralised Workshops on Monday, Oct. 5. Some of the teachers seemed to be very angry because one Victorian wrote a letter to the Singapore Herald to complain that no practical work m
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    • 65 20 ODD I READ with interest your front page report on Sept. 30 that from next year the STB may charge 10 cents per call after the first 100 calls m one month. The STB is showing a profit and the Government is collecting a tax of 15% on every STB
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    • 197 20 PROTECTION BECAME PERSECUTION AFTER ACCIDENT AS traffic m Upper East Coast Road has increased, the principal of Sennett Road Secondary School asked for a policeman to help the pupils to cross the main road. Everything went on smoothly till, one afternoon a pupil had an accident. It happened when there
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    • 770 20 TO HELP relieve traffic congestion which, as we all know, is rapidlyworsening, I travel by taxi to keep my various appointments, leaving my car parked m an authorised parking lot. Last week, after one such appointment, I walked to the corner of
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    • 550 20 Tourist stopover or regional travel centre? THE Institute of International Affairs has a good spokesman m the person of Mr. Ho Chao Chang, who speaks well of his trip with an HA delegation to West Sumatra and Java. As director of Queen's Hotel he will understand easily the potential that
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    • 237 20 NOWADAYS it is mighty hard to get a taxi m town. We Asians don't pay tips and so whenever we hail a cab, it just passes us by. The only way out for us is to go by "pirate" taxi. C-o to a coffee house
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    • 259 20 The noble, neglected nursing profession THE issue of the trained teachers' dissatisfaction over working conditions, is receiving attention from the Ministry of Education. We, as trained nurses, are worse off than they are. Our working conditions are more irregular and we are more poorly paid as compared with them. The
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    • 512 2 The Singapore Planning and Urban Research Group is to be congratulated for drawing attention to the problems of leisure. So much emphasis is laid m our society on the need to work and build that it tends to be forgotten that people also need to rest and
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    • 179 2 THE report of the Presidential Commission on the shooting by U.S. National Guardsmen of four students at Kent State University might well be made required reading for those who mindlessly equate "law and order" with forceful police or military action. According to the report, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 50 2 Come to Singapore's First Health Store For Natural Remedies such as:Heath ft Heather *~*m~. nT^MttS VtUM^. '■<'•— tMm /WtMl— ct. tutp.ttc Healthcrafts JjS^SIrSS-. wn-t vit«im« t. •tc. Hotels <urt*c F-rt^ mm. -*ht. s— satnsga Baoaßass Robinson's SjSTnirtlllml'cJurrh. ImmnM, falpaUtto* «te. Robinson's S£SLsTii^ «22* w»w"-**c. 32, TANGLIN ROAD, SINGAPORE 10. TEL:
      50 words

    • 120 3 NATIONAL serviceman Khoo Chee Soon of Jalan Dua, Old Kallang Airport, was fined $400 m the Second Traffic Court yesterday for dangerous driving. The court was told that Khoo drove a military truck m Tampines Road on May 22 m a dangerous manner by overtaking another
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    • 593 3 Parking fees net $6mil. a year but no sign of profit still THE GOVERNMENT'S Car Park Division is collecting about $6 million a year m fees from its 20,000 parking lots located throughout the city— but it is not showing a profit. An informed source explained that this was due
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    • 111 3 THERE have been some "serous inquiries" regarding Mr. Michael Mahoney's Cessna 408 the plane that covered the Oakland to Singapore trip m 50 hours and 20 minutes. Mr. Mahoney said yesterday that for the time being be will use the plane for
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    • 128 3 SOUTH Australian's Premier D.A. Dunstan said last night that his state Government would do all It could to ease tariff restrictions which may hinder trade developments between his state and Singapore. He was commenting on reports that Singapore faced difficulty In penetrating Australian markets
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    • 239 3 EIGHT BRITISH ARMY BOATS FOR THE ADVENTUROUS THE BRITISH Army presented eight fully equipped sailing dinghies to Singapore's 1801 Sea Scout Group, students of the Teachers' Training College, and the Chinese YMCA yesterday. Brigadier Denis 0' Flaherty, (at right m picture) who handed over the boats at TyersaD Park Headquarters
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 161 3 >*■ ■'j^lj **"^v^^» '^^^J^^^^^&"^^ «.^^^^^^^^Bh^^b^Bß^^P^Ti^'* -^ja^ j "^^dt^^^^B&^ffi^ r' 1 s^^ B 9 ij^BP^ -<'^'^3sß^Mß^^^^Bßßfßr^fWraißffM^^ i i '^^r^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ii» v -^^3 Bwl i '^^^B v :^Bfc j^B Bo^ "^^Bl '^HP^ J^^Bk. P *^B mm^MtE^F BMi^n i^^Bfcw r*» ...The Sound Of Silence I Who wants to keep cool, noisily? Silent coolness
      161 words

  • 247 4 Two 'East meets West' girls fly in to an orchid reception TWO Trans-World Airlines air hostesses •a an "East meets West" exchange programme were delighted when they flew m to an orchid reception here yesterday. The girls. Miss Senia HMlam, 25, and Miss Patty Hattler, 23, here on an exchange
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  • 195 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Shopkeepers and business houses are free to use other languages on their signboards apart from the National Language provided they give the national language prominence, the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Kadir bin Yusof, said today. "There cannot be prohibition
    BERNAMA  -  195 words
  • 210 4 MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE Airlines is looking for a easterner relations officer to deal with the number «f complaints It Is receiving. An Informed source said yesterday the •Ulcer would study complaints by easterners about the service •f the airline's various departments and make
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  • 215 4 $24m. venture for 'Made in Singapore penicillin THE Beecham Group, a British pharmaceutical firm yesterday announced the setting up of a factory m Jurong to manufacture penicillin for Asian markets. The initial investment will be $24 million. Construction work on the factory is expected to begin early next year and
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  • 118 4 THE Public Utilities Board has awarded a $2 million contract to a British Arm to supply and Instal generator transformers at its Jurong Power Station. The equipment, to be supplied by Hawker Siddley Electric Export Ltd. is for the second stage of
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  • 43 4 ODD OVTRAGh OFFENCE NINTH Magistrate E. C. Foenander sentenced Sim Hock Choon, 90, to six months' jail yesterday when he admitted outraging the modesty of a eight-year-old girl on Monday at the landing of the staircase of Block 195, m Gagak Selari Barat.
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  • 256 4 ABOUT 90 shopkeepers and stallholders near the Singapore end of the Causeway have been resited at the 14th milestone, Woodlands. Most of them had been occupying illegally since 1958 land which belonged to the Government, Malayan Railway and the Shell Company. Most of
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  • 141 4 RESULTS of the recent speech examinations, conducted by Mrs. Meryl Goodson, an external examiner from the Trinity College of Music, London, were released by its local representative, Miss Raghbir Kaur. yesterday. A total of 290 candidates took the examinations from initial grades of Speech and
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  • 34 4 A SUB-CONTRACTOR on a motor-cycle, Loh Paw, 35, was forced to stop by three armed men m Bukit Timah Road on Monday afternoon and robbed of $4,245 and bis $30 watch.
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  • 417 4 CO-OPERATION TALKS IN KUALA LUMPUR KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Asean officials today began a three-day meeting to discuss co-operation m the fields of transport and telecommunications, which may eventually lead to a regional live television link. The meeting of the Permanent Committee of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 191 4 NEW $100 CAMERA DEVELOPS ITS OWN COLOUR PHOTOS (Finished colour prints m seconds.) The first Polaroid Colour Pack Camera (No developing tanks or liquids. You do was sold m France m 1965 for $255. not develop Polaroid pictures. They de- .iii* velop themselves). For the last 4 years we have
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  • 318 5 DAP URGES GOVERNMENT TO PAY ADEQUATE COMPENSATION KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Democratic Action Party today called on the Government to solve the problem of squatters m view of its development plans for the federal capital. The statement was commenting on a Government plan to demolish
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  • 188 5 Ecafe seminar calls for a UN youth body BANGKOK, Tues. Youth representatives from 15 member and associate member countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (Ecafe) have urged the establishment "as soon as possible*' of a United Nations youth organisation and the creation of
    AFP  -  188 words
  • 165 5 KUCHING, Tues. The Chief Minister, Da to Haji Abdul Rahman Ya'akub warned civil servants m the State today that he would no longer tolerate anyone failing to perform his duties efficiently and sincerely. He added that he had seen some
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  • 547 5 BANDUNG, Tues. Tunku Abdul Rahman today outlined his plans for the permanent secretariat of Islamic states, but warned that they could not be put into effect unless it received support at the proposed conference of Islamic nations m Karachi m December. The
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  • 148 5 PAYA LEBAR Airport will soon have a new satellite tracking system which wfll greatly improve its weather forecasting, according to a spokesman for the airport's meteorological service. The additional meteorological tool— a $150,000 gift from Australia— will be set up by the end
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  • 75 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Taes. The Garera»ert taday lifted the baa ea pahHcatleai af psiHleal parties iMpesed last year after the May 13 racial riets. The Secretary-Geaeral af the Mhiilij af Have Affairs, Tma^l Sheika Ahdaßah said today the lifting of the baa did ae* m***
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  • 93 5 TAIPING, Tnes. A sawmill worker was struck last might by a ballet fired by a tree. The worker, Cheat; Ah Kew was hit ia the left arm whea he was worUag with three other mea to saw a tree traak with a
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  • 23 5 THE University of Singapore Accountancy Society will be holding its inaugural dinner and dance on Saturday, at the Seaview Hotel Skyroom.
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  • 258 5 Forces kill four Reds in Sarawak KUCHING, Tues. Security forces shot dead four Communist guerillas and captured one m the "Lada pedas" (Hot Pepper) operational area m the Third Division m three incidents m the last four days. The latest incident occurred yesterday when a security forces ambush party moving
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  • 117 5 ANTI-RED STAND BY AUSSIE BANKER SEATTLE, Taes. Australia Is prepared U lacrcaae Its aritttaiy streacta ia Slagapare If Brttala awir«s •at «f the area, Bar Esaert Nwiaaa, Geaeral Maaagar af the Baak «f New Seath Wales, said here last aUht M lt U say atrs— view that we shaaM staad
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  • 35 5 THE Jurong Towa subcentre of the St. John Ambulance Association will celebrate its first anniversary with a tea party at Nos. and U, Block 20, Corporation Drive at 530 p.m. on Friday.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 243 5 A You can pay less for an engine. Or more. But if you buy sensibly, you'll get a DEUTZ diesel. Some promise early delivery... and then leave you waiting for months, DEUTZ diesels are "In Stock" and we can deliver a standard unit of 30—600 BHP m 24 hours. Some
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    • 281 6 Guerillas begin pullout from Amman AMMAN, Tues. The Jordanian Government announced today that large numbers of Palestinian guerillas were withdrawing from Amman under an agreement worked out by the Arab peace mission Information Minister Adnan Abu Odeh said the withdrawal began on Saturday night when 138 guerillas left and continued
      AP  -  281 words
    • 222 6 Nasser promised Arafat top Job in new Palestine state ROME, Tues. Al Fatah leader Yasser Arafat was told by President Nasser shortly before his death that if a Palestinian state were set up on the west bank of the Jordan, he would be its head, the If lan newspaper Corriere
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    • 32 6 OSLO, Tues. A total of 38 candidates have been proposed for the 1170 Nobel Peace Prize, but no names were divulged. Last year's winner was the International Labour Organisation.
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    • 20 6 BRUSSELS, Tues. President Tito of Yugoslavia and his wife arrived here today for a three-day official visit
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    • 325 6 LONDON, Tues.-The Government today disclosed plans for a sweeping new law to curb the wave of strikes choking the economy. Key provisions of the law are based on American labour practice. Pro-Conservative afternoon newspapers quickly labelled the Tory package as a tough battle plan
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    • 477 6 PRESIDENT Nasser's death and the eulogies which it produced only serve to emphasise the pathetic lack of leadership m the Arab world. Even m hto own country it will be some time before a new figure emerges from the ruck of
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    • 433 6  -  JEAN MAURICE BASSET By AMMAN, Tues. Peace has finally come to Wahadat refugee camp, which for 10 days was the target of thousands of shells but it is the peace of the dead, and the smell of death hangs over
      AFP  -  433 words
    • 153 6 TOKYO, Tues. Japan's three major Opposition parties plan to ask Prime Minister Eisaku Sato's Liberal Democratic Party Government to stop supporting the "important issue" formula for dealing with the question of China's admission to the United Nations. Government officials said the chairmen of the three parties
      AP  -  153 words
    • 32 6 BATON ROUGE (Louisiana), Tues. —Two men are scheduled to die m the electric chair early on Friday morning m what would be the nations first executions In three yean.
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  • 210 7 EGG THROWN AT NIXON'S CAR AN EGG throws by aa Irish leftist spatters on the windscreen of President Nixon's car as he arrives at Dablia Castle m Ireland. Aaother demonstrator crashed aa egg against the side of the car. Tired hat buoyant, Mr. Nixaa arrived home oa Monday aight at
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  • 122 7 NEW YORK, Tues. King Faisal of Saudi Arabia has threatened to cut off his multi- million-dollar financial support for Egypt if Cairo does not come to some kind of peace agreement with Israel, says Newsweek magazine. It says the king wants Egypt
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  • 182 7 HONGKONG, Tues. Chairman Mao's health has improved over the last few months to the extent that doctors allow him to smoke cigars, the Peking People's Daily revealed. A huge photograph frontpaged by the daily on Oct. 2 showed Chairman Mao smoking a Churchßlian-sized cigar
    AFP  -  182 words
  • 302 7 Sadat chosen to succeed Nasser NOMINATION SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY REFERENDUM CAIRO, Tues. The Arab Socialist Union's executive committee nominated interim President Anwar Sadat as the late President Nasser's successor last night. At the same time it warned against the presence of "reactionary elements" m the country trying to shatter
    AFP  -  302 words
  • 243 7 U THANT ASKS FOR RECORD 1971 BUDGET FOR U.N.CLOSE TO US $200 M UNITED NATIONS, Tues. Secretary-General U Thant yesterday requested a 1971 budget for a record amount close to US $200 million. In a report to the General Assembly's 126-nation Financial Committee, he asked for approval of an appropriation
    AP  -  243 words
  • 115 7 STUDENT UNREST PLAGUES MANILA COLLEGES MANILA, Tues. Student unrest plagued several Manila colleges yesterday m protests ranging from firecracker tossing to a list of 57 grievances read to the president of the State University by students who, reports, said occupied his office for two hours. Police arrested eight youths m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 169 7 On their way to London, Peter, Paul and Mary are staying with friends. On a BOACVCIO. t Today Peter, Paul and overcome them. Mary are flying all by Maybe with a friendly chat over an themselves to London. orange squash or two. Maybe with a -^a*^,^ But they will never
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 862 8 K.NEPTUNEMIEIITUWSIIB. K»BUIU»Na2SHENTONVVWSB>iCAPO^imt^^ U.K. EUROPE SERVICE LOADING FOR LONDON,H'BURG, R'DAM, HAVRE, A'WERP.BREM. P. S'ltom PonoMS 4MNWES NCPTUNf AatfTHTST 9/13 Oct 14/18 Oct 17/18 Oct LOOK IS/11 Hours 18/1 1. R'dam 20/11 Havra 22/11. B-mon 26/1 1 NBPTUNfZIRON 28/24 Nov 28/28 Nov 28/28 Nov Looa 2S/12. MomoS/1. H%Hil/t A-«or»B/i raw 8/1 rowo
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 1527 8 11l /I Ny/I KEY FOR EASY REFERENCE: The shipping schedules I "I I ]\l >. beginning on tWs page are given m four parts for I I '1 X f ships westbound, eastbound, southbound and coastal. L/ Ix A*^£^Sm CEelVlillV%lan Each entry gives the following information: NAME OF ml iaißjaWTint'^aißM
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  • 107 9 LOCAL shipping companies or agents who want advance immigration clearance by radio must submit lists of their passengers and crews at least 18 hours before the vessel arrives m Singapore, according to a Port Master's Department circular. They will have to submit the Master's copy of the various
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1085 9 Westbound continued STRAATVANDIEMEN Oct 17/19 E.London. P.Eliz. Capetown. RIL/KPM TORONTO CITY In Pt/Oct 8 L.M., Rio, Santos. FRL/AUS STREEFKERK Nov 21/23 A'werp, R'Dam/A'dam. Hamburg, TRAUGUTT Oct 24/27 Adam, R'dam. H'burg, Gdynia POL/CFS Bremen NLL/KPM TREVAL OR Oct 26/27 Durban, C'town, P.Eliz.. E.L'don, SCHELDE LLOYD Oct 25/28 Bilbao. A'werp. R'dam. B'men,
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    • 137 9 Ships m port THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY HAS MADE THESE BERTHING ARRANGEMENTS FOR OCT. 7. OUT: Moonie 6/7, Daikai Maru 8/9, Shirley Lykes 10/11, Sletter 20 west, Soon Bee 20 east, Petaling 21 west, Hano Maru 23/24, Esso Orion 25/26, Radnorshire 33/34, Benloyal 35/36, Denebola 42/43, Mikuni Maru 4
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    • 126 9 Gambali, Golden Country, Yuen Chau, Burudjulefed, KoU Panjang, Offshore Beaumont, Atlantic Endeavour, British Glory, Esso Port Dickson, Jason, Takari 111, Lennia, Discoverer 111, Karat a, Eijyu Maru, Bonzo, Vysokogorsk, Sotviken, Bagushkin, Kyoshin Maru, Englishmen, Tong Jit, Hoegh Elite, Musi, Cattle, Iman Smitlloyd, Petrel, Petro Dua, Bombala, Shindono Maru No. 1,
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  • 346 10 TOKY O STOCK EXCHANGE There was good buying support at the opening yesterday. Machinery firms related to public hazard prevention ,nd instructions were m good luting the afternoon, movements were fractional, except m shippings, petroleums and other low priced stocks. Nippon Yusein Kaisha, Mitsui-OSK Line, Kawasaki, Shows Oil and Daikyo
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  • 625 10 Mining shares turned back sharply under a wave of profit-taking yesterday. Speculative nickels were among the hardest hit. International fell $1.30 to 17.60 on a very large turnover, while Peerless ended the day well down at 95 cents. Southern Cross lost an early gain to close unchanged
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  • 189 10 The market was quiet but steady yesterday. Prices mowed narrowly either way m another slow trading day. Jardines were firm, and trading at $54. The day's turnover amounted to ks. 1 5 million. Metal industries closed at 9 6.80 compared with 17.30 on Monday. Oct. 6 Oct.
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  • 203 10 LONDON, Tues. -Grain shippers fixed cargoes from the U.S. Gulf to Japan at USS 14.60 fd (free discharge) for Oct/Nov. and at USS 14.50 fd for Nov/Dec., and also from the same loading area to the Netherlands at USSB.7S fio (free m and out) for Oct Miscellaneous
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    • 131 10 Electronic plant for Penang PENANG, Tues. A fS million electronics factory will be set up soon at the free trade zone m Bayan Lepas here by a Hongkong firm and Malaysian businessmen. A five-acre site has been acquired for the joint venture between Carter Semiconductor, of Hongkong and an Ipoh
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    • 227 10 PEOPLE in business Rank Xerox m Singapore has announced the appointment of Mr HENRY Y.C. HUA as manager, field services m Singapore and Malaysia. He will be responsible for the technical services of the Xerographic copying machines, warehouse and distribution services and the refurbishing Workshop. Mr Hua, formerly customer services
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    • 62 10 M Spencer LONDON, Tues. Marks Spencer announced an interim dividend of 23% per cent (against 12-1/2 per cent m the previous year). Pre-tax profit was £23,065,000 (£20,337,000). for the half-year to September 26, 1970. Sales for the period were £190,285,000 (£168,775,000), and trading profit £25,712,000 (£22,490,000). Depreciation was £2,047,000 (£1,765,000)
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 458 10 ROTHMANS OF PALL MALL'S Consolidated pre-tax profit increased by 22 per cent to 53,570,942 m the year ended June. This was despite the company having to absorb increases m import and excise duties on tobacco levied m the second half of the financial year. The chairman, Tan Sri
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    • 61 10 The directors considered it prudent to retain funds for future expansion and diversification programmes and have, therefore, recommended an unchanged dividend of 17V4 per cent. The profit carried forward was $2,071,564. The company launched a new brand Pall Mall Export m June and, according to Tan Sri Nik Kamil,
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    • 25 10 KHONG GUAN wUI pay a first and final dividend of eight per cent, tax exempt, to shareholders on the register on Nov. 9.
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    • 171 10 Kaolin may bring $20 million foreign exchange KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Malaysia can expect to earn about $20 million m foreign exchange annually when a factory producing china clay for paper coating goes into full production by the end of 1971. Hie factory, a joint venture between Kaolin (Malaysia) and Sanyo
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    • 104 10 BANGKOK, Tues. The second maize crop m all major growing areas m Thailand has been totally destroyed by the downy mildew disease and the whole of next year's export crop is threatened unless a new strain is produced, official sources said today. The sources from the Ministry of
      AFP  -  104 words
    • 570 10 A marketing board to regulate pepper trade KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A pepper marketing board will be set up to improve cultivation, grading and sales of the growing pepper industry, chairman Dato Haji Abdullah bin Mahmood of the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority announced today. Pepper is grown on 8,000 acres by
      AFP  -  570 words
    • 24 10 PARIS, Tues. -French gold and currency reserves rose US$3O.2 million m September to a total of U554,571 million, the Finance Ministry said today. AFP
      AFP  -  24 words
    • 262 10 SINGAPORE-MALAYSIA Merchant rate* today, fixed by the Association of Banks in Malaysia-Singapore. Local dollar* per unit of foreign currency. SELLING BUYING T.T./O.D. T.T. O.D. Sterling Pound 7.3725 7.3400 7.3276 Australian Dollar 3.4476 8.4060 3.3860 Canadian Dollar New Zealand Dollar 8.4676 3.4100 3.3800 South Arabian Dinar 7.3900 7.3176
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    • 336 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Finance Minister Tun Tan Siew Sin said today he would study the rubber situation but would not say whether the Government wx>uld start buying. "There are many ways to skin a cat," he said on his return from a three-week European tour
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    • 1594 11 Closing prices/busines s done STOCK EXCHANGE OF MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE TRADING m the Stock Exchange continued on a low key and prices generally eased. Total transactions for the day was 1.287.500 to which industrials contributed 1.083,000 and properties 12 0,000. The industrial section saw 33 counters lower and 15 better
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    • 76 11 (Managers' prices for Oct. 7) B. S. ASIA UNIT TRUSTS MaLlnvLFund 1.24 1.29 MftLPtOgMM Fund 1.00 1.06 CHARTERED UNIT TRUSTS Singapore Growth Pond 1.03 1.08 SINGAPORE UNIT TRUSTS Second Singapore 1.80 Thfcd Singapore 1.14xd B. S. The Commerce Ind. Fund .97 1.02 The Saving Fund .98 1.03xd Singapore
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    • 376 11  -  Patrick O'Neill By I HONGKONG, Tues. Taiwan steel industrialists are m the process of scoring a major export success m the exploitation of Hongkong's unprecedented construction boom. The feat is being regarded here with some astonishment and more than a little trepidation, since bars
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      • 321 11 RUBBER cents alb. (down seven-eighths cent). Morning trading yesterday started at 47% cents traded for RSS 1 October. Consignment releases caused hedge selling which made for easier conditions. Intermittent bouts of shortcovering was the only support for RSS 1. October eased to 47-3/8 cents traded with November at
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      • 62 11 (Yesterday's official buyer/seller prices, m pence perlbX Tone: Uncertain; CIPs Oct 16-11/16 Nominal/buyer 16-15/16 Nominal/seller, Nov. 17-1/16 17-1/4, Dec 17-9/16 17-13/16; Spot 17-7/8 18-1/4; SetUements/Nov. 18 18-1/4, Dec. 18-5/16 18-9/16, Jan, 18-5/8 18-7/8, Jan/Maich 18-15/16 19-1/8, April/June 19-13/16 19-15/16, July/Sept 20-1/4 20-3/8. Oct/Dec. 20-1/2 20-5/8, Jan/Maich 20-5/8 20-13/16,
        62 words
      • 64 11 TIN $Mt.C2% Pica! (Dp $1.»). A rise of £1 a ton of the London overnight price was followed by an improvement of $1.25 a picul m the Straits tin price yesterday. The Penang price was $660,62%. Estimated tonnage was down 20 tons to 270 tons as fair buying
        64 words
      • 27 11 (Closing buyer/seller prices for Oct 6, m sterling per metric ton). Tone: Easier; Spot 1530 1531; 3-month 1530 1531; Settlement 1536; Total turnover 5050 tons.
        27 words
      • 153 11 (Yesterday's 1.30 p>m. m sterling per long ton, unless otherwise stated). COPRA (U.S. dollars per long ton): Philippine/ Indonesian Oct 208%. Nov. 209%, Dec 210%, all resellers. COCONUT OIL: Straits Nov/Dec. 137 quoted; Malayan Nov/Dec. 148 quoted; Philippine (U.& dollars per long ton) Oct/Nov. 305 resellers; Ceylon Unq;
        153 words
      • 45 11 (Yesterday's closing prices, m U.S. dollar* per ounce). Singapore (1) 38.276, (2) 146.00; Hongkong 38.95; Beirut 37.06; London 36.836; Zurich 36.758 36.855; Paris 36.66. Note: (1) Export price to non-sterling areas m U.S. dollars. (2) Local dealers' price m Singapore dollars per tad.
        45 words
    • 347 11 Stocks rallied m early heavy trading yesterday. Stanpoors industrials picked up nearly 40 cents after 16 minutes of trading and the Dow Jones industrial average was ahead more than four points. Volume was neatly two million shares with the trading pace so hectic as to push
      347 words
    • 595 11 The market was very firm but off the top yesterday. Profit-taking m mid-session dipped early gains m line with the overnight upsurge on Wan Street. Buying was seen m all industrial sectors although sellers appeared at the highest levels and prices reacted slightly. The government's proposals on
      595 words
    • 168 11 AMSTERDAM Internationals were mixed m a quietly reserved market yesterday. Royal Dutch firmed on continued institutional investors demand. KLM Airlines was again very Him due to the gain In Wall Streets. Plantations were very steady. Among shippings. Van Ommeren firmed on foreign speculative demand. PARIS The market was
      168 words

  • 35 12 ODD JAL'S JUMBOS TOKYO, Tues.— Japan Air Lines has ordered its 12th Boeing-747 to be delivered m 1972. It has already three m service. Five would be delivered next year and the rest m 1972.
    35 words
  • 155 12 A CUSTOMS officer having a punctured tyre repaired at a Kaflang Road shop yesterday found a pile of smuggled Malaysian-made tabes at the shop. Duty on the tubes was estimated at $€33. The Customs car pulled up at the shop after
    155 words
  • 113 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.: A Singapore man was charged m a session court here today with possession of eight bars of gold bullion prohibited from import. Wong Tiew Seng of Outram Park, Singapore, pleaded not guilty. He is alleged to have committed the
    113 words
  • 17 12 HELSINKI Tues President Ludwig Svoboda of Czechoslovakia arrived here today for a four-day state visit.
    17 words
  • 224 12 MADAM Ratna Sari Dewi left Singapore yesterday, still undecided about being a Shaw Organisation film star. "If it's going to be amusing, why not?" she said. "But I'm not going to take the film offer too seriously. I shouldn't make
    224 words
  • 61 12 LONDON, Tues. Two West Indian brothers were found guilty today of kidnapping and murdering Mrs. Muriel McKay, 55, wife of a wealthy British newspaper executive. Arthur Hosein, 33, and his 21--year-old brother, Nizomodeen, had pleaded innocent to the kidnap slaying of Mrs. McKay, wife of the deputy
    AP  -  61 words
  • 42 12 JOHANNESBURG, Tues. More than 1,500 students have? unanimously called on all judges m South Africa to resign immediately following the banning and house arrest orders served on the 19 African detainees recently acquitted at the Pretoria terrorist trial.
    42 words
  • 374 12 Solving a school problem for the expat community MORE foreign businessmen will probably accept posts m Singapore and other countries m the region now that a good international secondary school is going to open here. This was the comment of Mrs. T. A. Cowley, principal of the Tanglin Preparatory School
    374 words
  • 225 12 Ticket *****01 wins first prize of $400,000 TICKET No. *****01 won the first prize of $400,000 m last night's Singapore Sweep draw 10/70. The second prize of $150,000 went to ticket No. *****88 and third prize of $75,000 to No. *****97. The other prizes: JACKPOT NUMBERS ($10,000): *****68 *****48 *****13
    225 words
  • 132 12 MONTREAL, Tues. Police have temporarily halted their manhunt for the men who kidnapped senior British Trade Commissioner James Richard Cross from his home early yesterday after receiving a ransom note from the kidnappers calling for "no police action against us.' 1 Mr.
    AP  -  132 words
  • 300 12 SMA'S REPLY TO HEALTH MINISTRY: THE SINGAPORE Medical Association said yesterday that private doctors were already providing night service to their patients, but the government could do more for non-emergency cases at night The SMA was replying to a Health Ministry statement which said
    300 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 48 12 October 1 ■HRUMl^xiM^ftHi^i^i^i^ifl H Wednesday All B^B^Bgß^B^^^^a B^bl^^^^Bl B^^^^^^^^^^^^H B^k B^b i B^^^- BB i L ■v^^ B^b^b^H Bb PP>^3 V*"*» B bTCj b^b^^bl Bb h sHk^ BfIB^BrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH jh BBU^^^^BB^^u, BH^^^S BBt vii AW BW. BB bTb^^. _^B**^^*^r^^^™^^^^^^^^B^ BB fc>< *ss w Bk kW^^^^ i; WET WILD Ib|§
      48 words

  • THE SINGAPORE herald Section II
    • 212 13 TWENTY-FOUB sea cadets, all m their first year at the Singapore Polytechnic's School ff Nautical Studies, spent an Instructive two hours seeing over the P and O liner Or unsay at the weekend. Leading their guided tour of the
      212 words
    • 351 13 Employers' duty to protect workers counsel $10,000 DAMAGES CLAIM THE High Court was told yesterday that it was the duty of employers to protect workers of "dim intelligence' from their own carelessness. Mr. H.E. Cashin, submitting m a negligence suit, said that the modern trend was for legislation to be
      351 words
    • 58 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Partai Sosialis Rakyat Malaya today appealed to the Government to release its assemblyman from Pahang, Inche Dzuldfli Ismail, now detained under the Internal Security Act. The secretary of its propaganda section, Inche Halim Ali, made the appeal following the release of Mr. S.
      58 words
    • 215 13 COURT TOLD OF TWO ROBBERS WHO RAN INTO ARMS OF THE LAW TWO robbers making their escape after having chased aad subbed their victim ran late two police •Ulcers who were naming by at tie time, a emurt was told yesterday. Prosecutor ASP Sta Maria said that shoemaker Ng Khee
      215 words
    • 397 13  - Where the biggest problem is lack of space NELLY KOE By I COMMUNITY workers at Toa Payoh face a major problem lack of space for carrying out their projects, some of which are play schemes for preschool children and tuition sessions for primary school children. A Toa Payoh Community Development
      397 words
    • 227 13 Cultural group leaves for Ceylon today TWO cultural groups from Malaysia and Singapore will leave for Ceylon today to perform classical and folk dances representing the various civilisations of this region. The trip is arranged by MSA to commemorate its Boeing 707 services between Kuala Lumpur/Singapore and Colombo. The groups,
      227 words
    • 113 13 SINGAPORE'S team of five Karate-Do contestants and three officials will leave tomorrow for the First World Karate-Do Championship Tournament to be held m Japan on Saturday. Mr. Othman Omar, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Social Affairs, presented the State flag to the delegation leader,
      113 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 26 13 °«>&£*? People '"%«> CHWHm who know !J^S£r 1 /the difference Jcy s choose /'BLACK WHITE the Scotch that's BIG on flavour iw If^mm v^ii > Agents: THE BORNEO COMPANY
      26 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • 195 14 WHEN taxi driver Tan tag Bok, 42, was served a maintenance iimni, he cangkt hold of a kaad of the persoa delivering It, snatched It away and tore It np, a district Jndge was told yesterday. The taxi driver was
    195 words
  • 64 14 Ambassador m Kuwait, Mr. S. Falle, has been appointed the new British High Commissioner to Singapore m succession to Sir Arthur de la Mare, who will be taking up another appointment m the diplomatic service. Mr. Falle was deputy High Commissioner m Kuala Lumpur before his
    64 words
  • 697 14 Revolver was open on bed, Coroner is told INQUIRY INTO FATAL SHOOTING A SHOT rang out m the Marine Police Station officers* rest room m Empress Place one Sunday afternoon. The Duty Officer rushed m and saw a coffee powder dealer slumped on the floor bleeding profusely from a head
    697 words
  • 48 14 SOH Bin San of Lorong Samak was fined $50 m the traffic court yesterday for careless driving. He drove a lorry along Dunearn Road last March 3 without keeping a proper lookout for vehicles m front and collided with the rear of another car.
    48 words
  • 216 14 THE First Lady, Puan Noor Aishah, will declare open a grand fun fair carnival at noon on Saturday at the Geylang Serai Industrial Training Centre. The fair is being organised by the Malay Youth Literary Association, whose patron is Puan Noor Aishah,
    216 words
  • 49 14 KOTA BAHRU, Tues. Kelantan police today advised the people who live along rivers to make preparations against floods. The warning was given after heavy rains flooded several kampongs m Ulu Kelantan last Friday forcing 200 families to evacuate. Two men were drowned, police said.
    49 words
  • 136 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A cashier with the Empat Nombor Berhad m Jalan Silang here has reported to police that his trousers containing $i,soo was "fished" out from his room through a wiL*kw. The cashier, Mr. Lim Chin Teck said when he woke up yesterday he
    136 words
  • 112 14 SEE CHER, 13, was one of seven handicapped children who sat for the first of their Primary School Leaving Examinations at the Red Cross Home for Physically Handicapped Children yesterday. Two of the others were from the Home, two
    112 words
  • 165 14 CARPENTER Leow Chin Poh of Lorong Kapok was sentenced yesterday to six months' jail for refusing to register for National Service the maximum for the offence. Fifth Magistrate Anwarul Hague also ordered him to report to the Central Manpower
    165 words
  • 55 14 A TRADE and industry mission organised by the Lee Clan Association of Singapore and Malaysia left last week for a two-week tour of Hongkong, Bangkok and Taipeh. Among other things, the mission intends to study the trade and industry of Lee clansmen abroad and to promote relations
    55 words
  • 186 14 Two who stopped a thief are praised by police THE ACTING Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr. Yeoh Bin Chiat, presented Commendation Certificates yesterday to two men who helped m the arrest of a snatch thief m Orchard Road two months ago. The men are Mr. Lim Lye Choon, 19,
    186 words
  • 138 14 THE HIGH Court yesterday dismissed a $9,000 claim for damages by a 13-year-old student who was injured m a road accident m February last year. Miss Tan Gek Luan claimed that she was crossing Kirn Seng Road when she was knocked down by
    138 words
  • 24 14 JOB REGISTER ANOTHER 51 pirate taxi operators registered for jobs yesterday. Pirate taxi drivers whose cars bearing numbers 7000 to 7999 may register today.
    24 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 149 14 Advertisement you are needed Everyone wants to be useful and needed. And everyone CAN be when it is seen that the purpose of man's existence is to express God, divine Love. you are needed You are invited to hear, 'You Are Needed', a Lecture by Howard H. Irwin, C.S., a
      149 words
    • 42 14 Aqua Manda \K M After Shave Lotion \J[ Cool, fresh After Shave m with a masculine fragrance from the tangy aroma of mandarin I V and herbs to stimulate I J and invigorate the skin I I Goya Aqua Manda K^^#| ECU
      42 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 114 15 I New from RCA I Laaan H jf "^M^BHtt^BVh^^r^aaaal BBBBBBBBBBBB^BB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf _aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaI The Tiros Model YY0560 j Records and Plays Back m Stereo H BIF^BbI BBU^^ai BIBk. X Ht^^bb aaaaaaaaaaV igv EpTflVJf F^^BBa BBHRP^aal K^^^^^r-w. A^^^^Br^ BBm j I The) Contew(Bor>ry Profile Model RZS4S j V 2-Send RaaHo VHWI Clock, MW/FM
      114 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1214 15 1 W=^M RADIO I view W 3.00 pm Housewives Matinee "The Regret" 6.00 pm News (Malay) Part 1 (Cantonese) 6.18 Pok Amai2 Children's Programme :v 3.45 For The Family Magazine series. 6.51 Science And Life "The Modern Turbine M 4.15 A Diary Off Event In Singapore This Week Engine" (Chinese)
      1,214 words
    • 398 15 'V^Kft.-'^w f SiL^ ji aH SS Doris Day m her own show Channel 3, 7.12 pm, ijijjx No hiding place! FACE OF a Fugitive is tonight's movie. fj^ mjm J_l The story is about |r Tri #m SS a man who was falsely I I JI 111 t^ Ii accused
      398 words

  • 889 16  -  V.K. CHIN From Kuala Lumpur Singapore's reptile expert is out to pit his prowess and skill against nine others who think snakes are man's best friend A "SNAKE KING" from Singapore, Mr. Chea Ah Teck, 44, is here to take part m a snake handling demonstration at
    NG EN KHEAN  -  889 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1 16 DFASSAFDSFD
      1 words
    • 523 16 a^aflaP a\ nMVC aIHTIa^aVI I Q LD last a Mrs— mo fas* ust tlaJ^l4ft,4jOS.SJO.ft.tS i (A SHAW PRODUCTION) 1 rwiMii i Raaart Riaiirt. Kataattaa Root M TtM HMHf Tlw H#Mvteri AaM Tlm OJ»r Catar-Scaaa (VH-SS). > TODAY 4 SNOWS 11 ■•«^»*._4 J 11, 1^4,4^0.«J«4«J«p.« Aatkaay Station "SVIAMOO TNI i
      523 words

  • town talk
    • 241 17 3,000 years of calligraphy to go on show THOSE who admire and love Chinese art will be pleased to know that an exhibition of Chinese calligraphy will be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall from Oct. 9 11 from 10 am to 6 pm. Although calligraphy is based on Chinese
      241 words
    • 155 17 A reception was held at the Supper Club of Hotel Malaysia, m honour of Dr Traugott Malzan, Director of West Germany's leading hotel china manufacturer, Porzellanfabrik Schonwald. Dr Malzan's visit is gain firsthand knowledge of the market and to hold consultations with its agents, Messrs. Food
      155 words
    • 248 17 THE Hilton ballroom was all a-gtltter with chaadeliers, beautiful women m the latest French styles and overlooking it all was the pride of Paris, l'Arc de Triompoe carved hi ice! Mr. S. Christofldis, representative for Basque Natiooale de Paris, aid his wife held a
      248 words
    • 215 17 Talk travels 46,000 miles WHEN you can shout at your neighbour, it seems wasteful to send a message on a 46,000--mile journey to reach them. But this is what's happening at Amoy Quee. The Royal Air Force has established a static station m the Skynet communications system. Within shouting distance,
      215 words
    • 166 17 LIFE'S been pretty hectic during the past few days for the former Miss Sylvia Evans. She was married to Benny Chan, the leader of the Garrisons, a local pop group, at the Registry yesterday. The wedding was originally scheduled for December, bat was brought forward because
      166 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 104 17 m^^^ml Lmamf^ml B^aYa^m^m^m^fe^m^mV B^BT^^^E^m^n^afl B^m*^m^B^mm IllmMifl aVat^B ■SaS'm^P'^^^^^^^^imEMmßß N K.^r P^P BjV j/ MODEL 44S I Bf jWW EST. 1860 aaH /">* fc-^ ft yfp > California, w^| NEW HOME THE SEWING MACHINE THAT GOES INTO HOMES IN 107 COUNTRIES NOW OFFER DEMONSTRATIONS IN YOUR HOME —POST THIS COUPON TODAY
      104 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
      186 words
    • 134 17 THE DIARY 9 am 1 pm: Annual sale of patients' work at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. 5.30 6.30 pm: YWCA folk singing group meets at the YWCA Hostel at Fort Canning Road. 7 pm: Night bazaars at Aljunied Road; Changi Village; Dunman Road (between Haig Road and Tanjohg Katong Road);
      134 words

  • 951 18 Casebook By Herald psychologist Dr A.B. Abraham Wolfe "THE CASE OP JOSEPH A ELLEN" HOW TO tell children about sex is an urgent problem m many parts of the dvtMsed world. Sex is linked to the adolescent protest against existing order m Society; it
    951 words
  • 331 18 Eat well and stay slim SUM down, trim down, shape up! Ills Is the age of the perpetoal diet..whea hetag eves sUghtiy overweight is a m? Jor "^"Sf *p v wVSSmH, e^eVco^eV LUlMa^lE?^^^^^^^^ right she said ia despair. **AII the clothes 1 admire are made for slim girls, aad I'm
    331 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 95 18 af H y^^Lsam^H i ''^u^^^uW fm£-- .^jt^^^ -"A Muumumumr */o> •> A "Live" steam pressure cooking the Prestige way is fast saves hours m a hot kitchen. Saves famuum| nutriments, food value and fuel IfOH too. Safe and easy to use. I SUITS* DRESSES I I BATIKS. SAREES. IMPORTED FABRICS
      95 words
  • 320 18 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY T ii 1 slice fresh 1 orange 1 soft boiled egg pineapple y 2 grape-fruit 2C V2 cup lo-cal cereal 1 slice dry toast 1 slice rye bread 1 slice dry toast Tea with milk Black coffee with honey 1 glass Fresh
    320 words

  • Article, Illustration
    197 19 ANIMAL prints are on the prowl this year, turning up in fashion collections all over the world. The great snakes, funky fish and tawny tigers have been trapped by summer sports and turned into body hugging cotton knits by Maglia of Melbourne. The Australian designs are co-ordinated
    197 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 156 19 k ROBINSON'S STOCK REDUCTION J I HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS I I MEN'S FASHIONS I g TerlenkaNet Handkerchiefs M Curtaining el OR ioo% cotton $2.95 per V 2 doz. box from U.K. 48 I width NOWvI.JJ H c Italian Ties Now $2.95 H Woven Curtain Fabrics c/| en a from Holland QH.3U
      156 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 381 20 B CHANCES TO GIVE YOUR CHILD A UNIVERSITY EDUCATION OTHER BURSARIES SINGAPORE m ESSAY i^^^i Herald Essay Compe- r\r\Ki m rr m r^ m r I O I S titions wUI be at three UUN Itb I IO |g levels for Pre-Univer- a A mA i, mW^-o^ sity students, for
      381 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 533 20 TWINSET CROSSWORD MaIIiJMJMIM ACROSS DOWN 4 Punishment that used to lie m store for the criminal? (6) 1 Girl has an obscure idyllic 8 We would round a traditionally place (7,2) vulnerable spot, having changed 2 Biblical monster, keen, we direction (7) hear, to encircle and attack (9) 9He will
      533 words

  • 628 21  - A motley collection- but some reasonable buys SHIRLEY MANASSEH APHRODITE'S CHILD "It's Five O'Clock" (Mercury 138 351 MCV: stereo/mono) THIS is Aphrodite's Child's first L.P. after three successful singles: "It's Five O'clock", "Let Me Live, Let Me Love** and "I Want to live.** (The first two songs are recorded on
    628 words
  • 193 21 CAN Hungarian gypsies live without music? We don't really expect you to know, so we'll tell you: No. We know, because we asked some yesterday at the Goodwood Park Hotel. Forthy Janos, 45; Boros Jozsef, 44; Radics Janos, 50; and Turo Tibor, 57; are the Forthy
    193 words
  • 270 21 JANIS JOPLIN is dead the greatest rock and soul blues singer of our time. We all knew she wouldn't last, thriving on a fast life of bennies, bourbon and bawdy night scenes. Even she sensed the danger, but didn't care. Earner this year, I was her
    270 words
  • 197 21 AUSTRALIA'S highest paid group will make a flying visit to Singapore According to their agents, Quill International Pte. Ltd., the group is not only the highest paid group but the top one m Australia. They also boast one of the oldest pop drummers m the business
    197 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 185 21 Starscooe m^B^H I J What you do today* may have a powerful J TmZWmmtßS^M n^WfffllHuHH nTTfPvHHHH influence on your future t I^LwwßnnLN loPlwn'PIRI IcAHnfIWiLM earnm^s* if I p^^^^^^^^^J^J ■Eg^^^^^^^J^^^Hj B^^^^^^^^^^^^H 5 Ask the help of An advantage is due Glamorous circum- Ij^PmHkSjkl f family, dose associates, you m financial stances
      185 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 449 22 7/t ADVCWTI>EMgHT3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. ANNIVERSARIES. AN NOUNCEMENTS. BIRTHS. CLUB ACTIVITIES. CON OOLENCES. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, FUNERAL, GREET INGS. IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAGES. MISSING. PERSONAL. P P.C. REQUIEMS REUNIONS. Minimum $8/ for 20 words, each additional word 40cts. All other classified advertisements: Minimum $4/ for 20 words, each additional word 20cts. Box Service charge
      449 words
    • 325 22 COOK CUM GENERAL AMAH required by Chinese couple with three children. Contact Mrs. Goh at telephone *****7 after 5 p.m. APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for the post of Typist ($187— 5395 basic) m the Public Utilities Board, Singapore. Qualifications Secondary 111 or equivalent m a Government or Government-aided school with typing
      325 words
    • 618 22 (P/JflpT^kOilßPi For our Classified l ln/M IMII F MOOI Tele-Ad Services RM|fSVFI!WPf!Vi!m FAtT photo-copying service ■■■■fIUdIAaSASjIj Chsmpion Copying Centre 5, Ground Floor, President Shopping ■^^^^^^■^■^■■■■^■■■■■■i Centra Tel: ***** *****6 AvailCORNER DOUBLE STOREY terrace SlfuS!/.^: EOSHS house m Katong Seaview Palace on 2.700 square toot land. Interior improvemenu done. $70,000/- No
      618 words
    • 556 22 DIPLOMAS. CERTIFICATES testimonials. Bring these to Motion Smith. 13 Battery Road and have permanent copies made while you wait EXPERT LONDON TUITION by airLaw: LL.B. Bar: Secretaryship: ACIS: Accountancy: ACCA, ICWA, A.I.A. Insurance: CM; Banking: A.1.8., School Certificate, H.S.C. LCC The Rapid Result College Dept. YFIa. P.O. Box 3173. Singapore.
      556 words
    • 478 22 ATTENTION GROUPS: Airconditioned Rehearsal Studio at Jalan Eunos. Guitars Drums Bass Amplifiers for rental. Reasonable Fees. Bookings from Macall *****. WOODEN 4 STEEL Office Equipments Steel-Shelving Safe Typewriter. Cash-register Recordcabinets, Adding, Calculating 4 Photo Copy Machines. Contact our showroom 88 Cross Street. Tel. *****7, *****,*****8. SPECIALIST IN COMMERCIAL, AERIAL and
      478 words
    • 370 22 TOURIST PROMOTION BOARD Applications are invited for the post of Asmtat Pillicitv Iff mr m the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board. Qualifications Experience Preference will be given to Candidates possessing a University degree with a good knowledge of Public Relations work. However, candidates with a full Higher School Certificate and at
      370 words

    • 100 23 California Athletic Commission suspends Quarry again SACRAMENTO, California, Tues. -Heavyweight boxing contender Jerry Quarry, and his trainer, Teddy Bentham, have been suspended again by the California Athletic Commission. The suspension, announced yesterday, was for failure to pay fines assessed as the result of a Quarry fight m New York m
      AP  -  100 words
    • 94 23 TOKYO, Tues.-Kenji Kimihara, Japan's bronze medal winner m the international peace marathon last Sunday at Koske, Czechoslovakia, and 18 other athletes have been chosen to be m the Japanese track and field delegation to the sixth Asian Games m December at Bangkok, Thailand, the Japan Athletic Federation reported. Officials said
      AP  -  94 words
    • 73 23 LISBON, Tues. -South Africa's Ewold Van Bergen withdrew from the international tap (all caps) car rally after his Datsun hit a donkey the previous day organisers of the race said yesterday. The race ends today. The organisers said Van Be r gen's car collided with the donkey on a narrow
      AP  -  73 words
    • 60 23 LO N DON, Tues. Manchester's Terry O'Neill, the 1969 Karate Union of Great Britain champion; leads Britain's team of six which left London last night to compete m the first ever world Karate championships m Tokyo on Oct. 10. Team: Hamish Adam (Edinburgh) 'Ticky* Donovan (London), Brian Sitken (London) Stan
      AFP  -  60 words
    • 61 23 BUENOS AIRES", Tues.- Italian- Argentine auto racer Andrea Vianini was m critical condition last night following the accident he suffered the previous day m a race about 130 miles (209 km) south of here. Two of his vertebrae were fractured, doctors reported. He underwent an operation early yesterday. Vianini's father,
      AP  -  61 words
    • 60 23 SEOUL, Tues. -South Korea is sending the Korean Development Bank basketball team to participate m the Asian Basketball Confederation (ABC) tournament m Manila on Oct 11. The team, comprising 12 players and four officials, includes four members of the Korean national team, who will go to the Bangkok Asian Games
      AFP  -  60 words
    • 58 23 PRAGUE, fue». Gorelov led the Russian team to victory m the 40th international marathon at Koske, Western Slovakia, with a time of 2 hr 16 mm 26.2 over a distance of 42, 195 metres. Second of the 320 runners was Kimlhara of Japan, and Australia's Ron Clayton, holder of the
      AFP  -  58 words
    • 26 23 MELBOURNE, Tues.- Jamaican middleweight Lloyd Duncan outboxed and outpunched New Zealand knockout expert Kahu Mahanga (of a clear 10 rounds points win ffljre last night AP
      AP  -  26 words
    • 195 23 ORIOLES NAIL DOWN PENNANT BALTIMORE, Tues. Jim Palmer, another 20-game winner m the American League season helped the Baltimore Orioles nail down the 1970 pennant yesterday, firing a seven-hitter m beating the Minnesota Twins, West Division champions 6-1 m the third and final game of the best of five playoff
      AFP  -  195 words
    • 374 23 Reds earn right to represent National League CINCINNATI, Tues. Bobby Tolan's tiebreaking single scored the winning run m the bottom of the eighth inning today and the Cincinnati Reds defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates, 3-2 to earn the right to represent the National League m the 1970 World's Series that will
      AFP  -  374 words
    • 62 23 Raffles Institution's Alan Lelah, who improved on the national 100 metres breaststroke event at the SASA Asian Games swimming trials on Monday. Alan clipped a tenth of a second off the record with a time of 76.1. It was, however, not .good enough against the
      62 words
    • 419 23 MILAN, Tues. Enzo Ferrari, the well-known Italian racing car designer, has put forward some severe criticisms of the organisation of race tracks. In an article published m today's Milan newspaper II Corriere Delia Sera he suggests that the International Sporting Commission should
      AFP; AP  -  419 words
    • 85 23 ARMED Forces Sports Club will meet Borneo Company SC m the F o»tball Association of Singapore President's Cup knockout Competition at Geylang Stadium on Saturday kickoff 4.30 p.m. In the other matches, Alexandra SC takes on Vigilante Corps at Jalan Besar Stadium (6 p.m.) and RAF Changi
      85 words
    • 232 23 S. Korea, Japan to open ABC cagers tourney MANILA, Tues. South Korea will play Japan m the opening game on Sunday m the five-nation Asian Basketball Conference (ABC) tenth anniversary tournament to be held at Manila's Rizal Coliseum. Host, the Philippines, and Taiwan clash m the second match of the
      AFP  -  232 words
    • 70 23 NEW YORK, Tues. Mexico's world welterweight champion Jose Napoles smashed Puerto Rican challenger Pete Toro to defeat here last night when the referee stopped their fight m the ninth round. Toro, outboxed and outfought, finished courageously but the referee eventually stepped m and ended the fight m the ninth round
      AFP  -  70 words
    • 107 23 KAMPALA, Tues. Kenya's veteran rally driver Joginder Singh and co-driver Chris Bates won the 1500 kilometres Uganda rally with the loss of 132 points m a Datsun. It was a double victory for Joginder, whose success also earned him the East African
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  • 210 24 European Cup draw for second round AMSTERDAM, Tues. Manchester City, the Cup holders play away to Hungary's Honved Budapest m their first second round match of the European Cup Winners Football Cup. Chelsea, the London Club play away to Bulgairs. Oska Sofia while Cardiff City receives Nantes, the West of
    AFP  -  210 words
  • 51 24 MALACCA TuesL-The Minister of Information and Culture, Dato Hamzah has? entered for the men's and veterans' doubles events m the Malacca Tennis Open championships, beginning on Saturday. He will partner Vie Nayagam of Selangor m the men's doubles and Dr. K. Dharmaratnam of Malacca m the veterans'
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  • 166 24 YEU NERNY snatched a one point victory when they beat McPherson United 37-36 m a quarter-finals of the Singapore Chinese MiddleSchool Teachers basketball tournament at the People's Association last night. McPherson started confidently with a three point le-»d but were soon knocked off their
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  • 720 24  -  JASBIR SINGH SINGAPORE Joint Services routed 28 Commonwealth Infantry Brigade by 29 points (four goals and three tries) to 16 (two goals and two penalties) m the HMS Malaya Cup match on the SCC padang yesterday. It was Joint Services' first outing m
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  • 209 24 THE First Royal New Zealand i Regiment Administration Coy (Lightweights) thrashed Singapore Cricket Club Colts by 11 points (goal, try and penalty) to nil on the SCC padang yesterday. The match, played as a curtain raiser to the Malaya Cup fixture, between the
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  • 71 24 MALAYSIA Singapore Airlines Sports Club will hold a two week festival of sports from Oct. 10 to 25. Hie events include football, badminton, athletics, netbaU, table tennis and a big walk. Field athletic events will be held at the airport field and the badminton
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  • 706 24 NANYANG Siang Pau emerged champions with a hundred per cent record m the Inter- Business Houses table tennis league played at the Monk's Hill Secondary School, yesterday. In the final encounter, Nanyang defeated Harper Gilfillan by 5 games to three. They finished the league
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    • 61 24 E*****H5!!^ RUGBY: SSC 'A' vs RCT (Padang 5.15 p.m.) SWIMMING: Asian Games trials (Barker Road 5.30 p.m.) HOCKEY: SHA Under 23 K/O Compt.: I A vs Schools 'B (Raffles Inst. ground 5.15 p.m.) TABLE TENNIS: STTA national championship finals (Monk's Hill 7 p.m.) Aw/a L\j^ V Good luck, Vicar give
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