Singapore Herald, 28 September 1970

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Total Pages: 28
1 4 Singapore Herald
  • 14 1 THE SINGAPORE herald No. 59 Singapore Monday, September 28, 1970 MC(P) 2207 15 CENTS
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  • 235 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Annual talks between military officers from Malaysia and Thailand begin here tomorrow on joint border operations against Communist insurgents. A Thai military delegation, led by Lt. Gen. Kriang Sak arrived tonight for the two-day preliminary discussions. This meeting
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    • 167 1 NEW DELHI, Sun. At least 40 men of the Burmese Army including two officers were killed in two clashes with Kachin guerillas last month, according to reports from Imphal on the India-Burma frontier. Some 7,000 armed volunteers and 1,000 Burmese Army and police
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  • 96 1 NEW YORK, Son. If all goes according to schedule, the 38 airline hostages released by Palestinian guerillas, will arrive here at f p.m. tomorrow, a TWA spokesman said today. The Popular Front for the Libera- tion of Palestlae aauouaced yesterday that the hostages wmM be tuned over lint to
    AP  -  96 words
  • 430 1 BEIRUT, Sun. Palestinian guerillas have freed all the plane hijack hostages captured by them three weeks ago. Reliable diplomatic sources in Beirut said the last six American were released and taken to the Egyptian Embassy in Amman today. There were no immediate details on the circumstances
    AP,; AFP; AP  -  430 words
  • 55 1 NEW YORK, Sun.— Mrs Averell Harriman, wife of the former US representative at the Paris Peace talks, died yesterday in Washington. Details of the death were not known immediately. The wife of the one-time New York Governor and veteran diplomat was the former Marie Norton Whitney. She
    AP  -  55 words
  • 27 1 TOKYO, Sun. Japan successfully sent up a twostage, rocket, Kappa 9M-32, today for scientific data gathering from Tokyo University's Uchinoura space station in Kagoshima, Kyushu.
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  • 20 1 NEW YORK, Sun. The Coast Guard has suspended the search for three missing balloonists in the north Atlantic.
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  • 408 1 BEIRUT, Sun. Jordan's King Hussein arrived in Cairo from Ammaa today for a meeting with Egypt's President Nasser and other Arab leaders who have accused him of violating the cease-fire la an effort to "liquidate the Palestinian resistance movement/' The King was
    AP,; AFP  -  408 words
  • 131 1 THE THIRD round of talks on a new air services agreement between Singapore and Britain begins this morning at the Communications Ministry in Fußerton Building. The first round was held here in January and the second was broken off by the Singapore delegation
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  • 13 1 VATICAN CITY, Sun. Pope Paul VI was 73 yester- AP
    AP  -  13 words
  • 149 1 Embassy man returns to help CPIB in probe A SINGAPORE Embassy official in Jakarta flew back yesterday to help the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) investigate alleged malpractices by a number of embassy officials there. He was accompanied by the Bureau' s assistant director, Mr. Ronald Naidu, who had flown
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  • 63 1 CANBERRA, Sun. Australian Prime Minister John Gorton today rebuked Australian news media for failing to publicise the visit by a group of pro-Lon Nol students from Cambodia. He said: "I have not noticed them appearing on public media. I am sure if they had come here
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  • 50 1 NEW YORK, Sun. President Nixon's popularity with the American public dropped from 40 per cent in July to 35 per cent in the latest Harris poll. In April IMB, three months after he became President, Mr. Nixon had 61 per cent of the people supporting him.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 149 1 HiSpot the Printer's r-> Errors: The Winner Miss S.H. Lee, of 337B, Jalan Membina Barat, Block 24, Singapore 3, has won the first prize of a National Stereo Tape Cassette with a built-in radio in the "Spot the Printer's Errors Competition— CC*\ jointly sponsored by National and the Singapore Herald.
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    • 106 1 on the cocktail mystique the cleanest WvJ Wl\ L^ll I The immersion of lemon rind in a cocktail imparts too fruity a flavour jfl |fck but the squeezing of a sliver lßH|w of rind into the glass adds a fl B subtle tang. And a good olive or onion is
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 524 2  - Four letter words and the brolly brigade GRAHAM SAGE IN ENGLAND it all started a few years back when there was a spate of 'kitchen-sink' dramas on television and the script-writers put into the mouths of the characters that hitherto unmentionable word "bloody". "Ok the shame of it," was the
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  • 775 2  -  JILL CRAIGIE By THERE is much more to the Women's Liberation movement in America and Europe than bra-burning. The neo-feminists are agitating for the extension of the ballot box equality won by their suffragette predecessors into every area of work and life. This article explains some of
    Statesman  -  775 words
  • Viewpoint
    • 204 2 Public call box is like a piggy bank THE only public telephone at Henderson Crescent is more a piggy bank than a public amenity. The other day I needed to make a call and placed a coin in the slot, but before I had finished dialling the coin dropped into
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    • 80 2 RECENTLY our daughter was warded in Ward 51 at the Outram Road General Hospital. She was very fortunate for she was tended by a group of very efficient and dedicated doctors, sisters and nurses. These are the kind of medical people who can really command our respect, restore our confidence
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    • 252 2 VISIT MOSCOW? SNAGS THAT I ENCOUNTERED I READ with interest your report headed "Russians Complain of One- Way Exchange" especially the reference to a lack of Singapore tourists visiting the Soviet Union. In June this year, I was invited to deliver a paper at the UNESCO Symposium on "Man's Role
      252 words
    • 132 2 Lesson notes mystery A CIRCULAR of the Singapore Teachers' Union, dated July 25 and signed by MR. P.L. Choo, Asst. Secretary Publicity and Information, states that at a recent meeting between officials of the S.T.U. and the Ministry of Education it was agreed that Lesson Notes would be considered a
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    • 450 2 Jordan: After the war, the politics ALTHOUGH skirmishing continues in some parts of Jordan, there is reason to believe that the new truce will hold. The guerillas have taken a pounding from the Jordanian army and further Syrian intervention is unlikely. Ironically, the successes won by King Hussein's troops, while
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 165 3 Derailed: Railway wagons carrying liquid ammonia KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. -Malayan Railway staff have been working non-stop since yesterday trying to put right four wagons containing 100 tons of liquid ammonia. The wagons were on their way to the Chemical Company of Malaysia plant at the Batu Tiga industrial site, 16
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  • 74 3 'Employ more Malays' decision JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. The executive committee of the Johore State Goodwill Council urged aU shopkeepers in the state to employ Malays to work in their shops. This was among three resolutions adopted by the Council at its meeting here today. In a statement after the meeting,
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  • 37 3 THE SINGAPORE Armed Forces will conduct military exercises in Mandai/Marsiling area from 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. today and in Marsiling area from 10.00 a.m. today to 10.00 a.m. Oct. 1 Blanks will be used.
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  • 127 3 ABOUT 200 people representing the hotel and restaurant business of 10 countries will meet in Singapore on Oct. 28 and 29 for discussions and an exchange of views. The meeting, which is organised by the Singapore Hotels and Restaurants Association will include delegates from
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  • 355 3 46 COMPLETE 'TOUGH BUT REWARDING' TEST OF LEADERSHIP TWENTY-SEVEN senior civil servants who completed a three-week course at the Outward Bound School in Pulau Übin were told yesterday that their participation and performance in the course will be taken into consideration for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 300 3 B^Kb^bl BBHB^bI BBB^fli^B^^ bP^^P'^li^B^B^Bß^SbbS'^^^^ ;^^^^^Bß B^B^^^B^b! BT^^^B^W ■bb^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^bVs^bW ««P^H bmP^bl^ bbbM^B*^ B^^Bbl BflK^ BBH- '^'W^^p- BIF fl B M^^ V bt^ B bt I mSwilk Mm aBBB^r *Tr M «K^Pk^BK fl^B BHT \fllflH B^B ,^BbB B^Pr^ B^B^Bf ulUkfl B fl B B^^BBk_^f ,^BBr^ BhM Bb. Vfl^Bl B^r BB^H^B^^^/^ il l^m
      300 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 277 4 THE 18 tenants of Prince Building, which will be demolished to make way for the new Ocean Building, are demanding much more compensation that the $500,000 offered to them by the owners of the site. One of them said: "$500,000 is a paltry
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  • 70 4 LEADING industrialists and bankers of Columbus, Ohio, will be sending a five-man trade mission for the first time to Singapore on Oct. 1 to look for agents or distributors for their products. The mission will represent firms producing mining machinery, conveying equipment, technical instruments, consumer
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  • 148 4 INCHE MAMAT Samat, the former Secretary General of the Singapore Malay Teachers' Union, yesterday urged teachers in the Republic, especially Malay teachers, to play a more effective role in society. Inche Mamat was speaking at a farewell dinner given by the union in his
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  • 707 4 The slum pastor in a haunted house MINISTER STARTED MISSION AMONG GANGSTERS REV. Peter Ng Eng Hoe, 39, is a "slum pastor. He started a mission in a slum, and he lived there himself. Six years ago, he heard about a haunted house in the Tanjong Pagar Constituency where two
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  • 186 4 HONGKONG, Sun. A retired Malaysian policeman was held at Hongkong's Kai Tak airport briefly last Friday because "he tried to board an Air India plane without a confirmed seat booking," police said yesterday. A newspaper report that he was
    — AP,; AFP  -  186 words
  • 124 4 RED CROSS PLEA TO HELP INDIAN FLOOD VICTIMS KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Malaysian Red Cross Society is appealing for food, medicines and clothes for flood victims in India. The chairman, Tunku Tan Sri Mohamed, put out the appeal -after receiving a cable for help from the League of Red Cross
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  • 259 4 THE NATIONAL Trades Union Congress is carrying out smoothly its "check-off" system under which members of affiliated unions will pay higher subscriptions. NTUC vice-president Seah Mui Kok said this yesterday. He said the unions in turn will pay higher fees to the NTUC. This will
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  • 194 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Gerakan Ra'ayat Malaysia chairman Professor Syed Hussein Alatss suggested here yesterday that Malaysia's new Education Minister Hussein Onn convene a national conference on education. He said education experts and representatives of all political parties should be invited to discuss and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 299 4 S^^^P (SPONSORED BY THE NEW ZEALAND MEAT PRODUCERS BOARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SINGAPORE HERALD) New Zealand Lamb Curry New Zealand Lamb Stew New Zealand Lamb Casserole New Zealand Lamb Shish Kebobs IST. PRIZE: B^LV^IIBiMttMH ee tne m o u th-watering New Zealand iamb a) National Gas Cooker i»P'.»^*J<L^wW dishes
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 146 5 r iP 9"^T 5* "^f W¥ M W J£ Jj. A -Ji ■Aa- v^ vluViviW \L» on* 0 w^^/pt^%^'^"^' ixx 1 1 m know it as soon as you spread it New Dorina. The con^letely different luibiy margarine. Find out for yourself hist how cdmpletdy?dflfere!it it is!' Wten you taste
      146 words

    • 381 6 LON NOL'S TROOPS CLAIM FIRST BIG OFFENSIVE VICTORY PHNOM PENH, Sun. -Cambodian soldiers stood atop abandoned Communist positions in die village of Taing Kauk yesterday and claimed their first major offensive victory of the war. In the end, it was massive American air strikes that had helped swing the tide
      AP,; AFP  -  381 words
    • 151 6 WASHINGTON, Sun. Administration authorities said all but one B-52 strategic bomber had been removed from Kadina air force base on Okinawa and the last of the giant aircraft would fly out when repairs had been completed. State Department officials said removal of
      151 words
    • 604 6 ALGIERS: The Algeria* Embassy la Ammaa was half destroyed daring the dvU war ta what was officially described here as "premeditated aggresstoa by the royal farces*' BEIRUT: Gea. Moaamed Daoad, former Jordaaiaa Prime Miaister who resigned oa Friday, issaed a statemeat supporting Palestinian leader
      AP  -  604 words
    • 53 6 LONDON, Sun. Seventy per cent of British schoolchildren are undernourished, according to a survey published here today. The survey, by a group at Queen Elizabeth College, London, and involving a sample of 4, 00 children, found that the worst fed children were ironically those who lived in more
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    • 28 6 BRAZZAVILLE, Sun. Former Public Works Minister Stephane Bongo-Nouarra was sentenced to 10 years' jail for forming a movement likely to endanger internal security in the Congo.
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    • 286 6 BRAINS TRUST THAT THINKS NIXON'S ANSWERS FOR HIM WASHINGTON, Sun. A major force behind the making of American policy in the Jordan civil war is a little known government panel designed to develop answers for such crises before they erupt. The name: The Washington Special Action Group, known in
      AP ;  -  286 words
    • 377 6 Hussein losing his grip, says Israel's army chief TEL AVIV, Sun. Israel's top army commander declared flatly that King Hussein was losing his hold on the throne and asserted that Israel was ready to take unprecedented military action to combat any "state of deterioration** along its border with Jordan. Lt.
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    • 107 6 MOSCOW, Sun. The Soviet Union refrained today from joining Arab leaders in accusing King Hussein of personal responsibility for the bloodshed in the Jordan civil war. Instead, it continued to pin primary blame for the conflict on the United States and Israel. A Middle
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  • 1061 7 Marcos orders full probe into murder bid on Congressman MANILA: President Marcos threw the full weight of his government behind the investigation into last week's assassination attempt against an opposition Congressman who miraculously survived a blazing sub-machine-gun and grenade attack. The President said all the resources of police agencies had
    Ong Kee Hui  -  1,061 words
  • 34 7 HONGKONG, Sun. Chinese geologists have discovered a huge salt mine in Kiangsi Province Central China big enough to supply the provincial population for thousands of years, Radio Peking reported today. AFP
    AFP  -  34 words
  • 430 7  -  SUDHAKAR BHAT From Herald Correspondent in New Delhi PRELIMINARY steps are being taken here for the mammoth decennial census due to be held early next year. In 1950 the population of India was only 360 million. In the two decades since, it has
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  • 287 7 30,000 UNDER ARMS BY END OF YEAR, BOASTS PRINCE SIHANOUK PEKING, Sun. Prince Norodom Sihanouk said here today that he would have 30,000 under arms by the end of the year. It was the first time that the Prince had made an estimate in the number of forces fighting for
    AFP  -  287 words
  • 68 7 THE NAVAL BUILD-UP IN THE MED A SOVIET missile carrier rides alongside the American aircraft carrier Independence under the nose of Phantom jets sitting on the flight deck. Russian and U.S. ship activity in the Mediterranean has increased since the Nixon Administration ordered the Sixth Fleet to stand by 150
    AP  -  68 words
  • 133 7 BANGKOK, Sun. A secret meeting of Thai, Laotian, North Vietnamese and Vietcong guerilla fighters took place a few days ago in the far south of Thailand, the Bangkok Post newspaper reported citing high military sources. The meeting is believed to have discussed ways of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 121 7 DF DDDFD AUSTRALIA'S K.r w A display of the latest Australian metalworking machinery plus many kinds of metal products. Shears, grinders, forgings, castings. Building fittings, pumps, boilers, industrial chains and a range of other items. All ideally suitable for local conditions. If you're involved in the metal products field either
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 826 8 ICB BULDING. 2 SHENTQN WAY StNGAPQWE 1. TB. f3t33-7 U.K. -EUROPE SERVICE LOADING FOR LONDON.H'BUftG, R'DAM, HAVRE, A'WERP.BREM. Stnoapora r>. B'ham Ponan* AaajWltNCPTUNC TOPAZ..... Sailad 6aMad M Port Loon 20/10 Hourg 24/10 fTOSStaat H—m 26/10 Havra2a/IO A*««r»2/U I'Mna/ll NCrniNC AMCTNTtT 7/10Oct 11/13Oct. 14/15Oct L'a*n 10/11 H*kjnj 14/11. R'damU/ii Havr. 16/lV
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 1433 8 I1 I /I X KEY roR EASY REFERENCE: The shipping schedules II I Y I N. beginning on this page are given in four parts for 11/ /n| >. A ships westbound, eastbound, southbound and coastal. y^ Ui V X ite^rr, *±mmmWH*H* Each entry gives the following information: NAME OF
      1,433 words

  • 220 9 Higher labour costs in Japan likely to divert business to Singapore JAPANESE shipowners expect ship repairing to be cheaper in Singapore from next year, according to Mr. Rodney H. Towers, Overseas Marketing Manager for the Swan Hunter Group. Labour costs at Japanese shipyards are rising at the rate of 15
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1073 9 Westbound continued STRAAT HOLLAND InPt Mauritius, L.Marques, Purban, SUNNYVILLE Oct 28/Nov 5 NY., B'more, Boston/ E.L'don, P.Eliz. Capetown, B'Aires, Montevideo, Santos, Rio De Janeiro. RIL/KPM TAGAYTAY Oct 13/19 NY., B'more. Soston, Montreal. BBL/HC Mauritius, L. Marques, Purban, TARANTEL Nov 13/19 NY., B'more, Boston, Montreal. BBL/HC STRAAT HONSHU Oct 26/27 E.L'don,
      1,073 words
    • 115 9 Ships in port THE PORT OF Fernandoeverett 8/(; K imams SINGAPORE AUTHORITY 21; Auby 20 East; Kinriki HAS MADE THESE Maru No. 8 40/44. P E R T H I N G S IN: Seia Maru (after ARRANGEMENTS FOR Sept. Thorsorient) 23/24; Nicholine 28. Maersk 38/39; Mozaffari (after OUT: Borussia
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    • 336 10 The Saturday market eased on profit-taking following the recent gains. The stock average fell 28.98 yen to 2,065.02 yen. Electric home appliances, constructions and housing-related stocks eased. Toyo Toki dipped sharply with dealers discouraged by an unconfirmed report that it would issue 9.S million shares of new
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    • 429 10  -  Taurus Reflecting the continued strength of the heavyweights, particularly C.R.A. and New Broken Hill, the Sydney all ordinaries index rose 8 points for the week ended Sept. 24. On Thursday, C.R.A announced a 3 for 10 bonus and two cash issues; a 1:15 at $10 and 3:
      429 words
      • 86 10 RUBBER TIN (perlb.) (perpicul) Sept. 21 51-3/8 eta. 9664.37% 22 50-1/2 cts. f 661.00 23 50-1/2 cts. 9663.62% 24 50-1/2 cts. J 668.75 25 50-1/4 cts. 9666.00 On Saturday, the Straits tin price dropped by 14.50 a picul to close the week at 9661.50.
        86 words
      • 62 10 Physical values drifted with source advices to end the week (ended Sept 25) about a quarter to a half cent a Ib lower on balance. The market remained quiet and featureless throughout as factories, as well as small dealers, remained on the sidelines because of the General
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      • 160 10 THE Singapore produce market held generally steady last week but business was on the slack side. The arrival of 700 tons of copra from Sabah and Indonesia did not affect the market much as the bulk of this was committed shipment. On the pepper front, the black varieties
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      • 39 10 (Saturday's closing prices, in U.S. dollars per ounce). Singapore (1) 37.70 (2) 143.00; Hongkong 38.29: Beirut 36.375. Note: (1) Export price to non-sterling areas in U.S. dollars. (2) Local dealers' price in Singapore dollars per taeL
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    • 2308 10 How to save rubber from the stranglehold of shipping monopolies? THE conference lines serving the rubber trades have, on the whole, been able to ensure the efficient delivery of rubber parcels and cargoes to their destinations. There have been deficiencies, and it might be
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    • 390 10 THE following three weeks will see a series of crucial meetings, in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, of rubber producers, shippers and consumers. The discussions may lead to certain decisions by the producers and shippers which may* change the entire pattern of the rubber trade. This is the
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    • 331 11 BUSINESS on the Stock Exchange last week was a seesaw battle right through between buyers and sellers. Prices opened the week lower and then picked up the next day only to ease slightly again the following day. Total transactions was 8. 1 5 million
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    • 160 11 MALAYAWATA STEEL: Today, 11 a.m. at registered office, Prai, Province WeUesley. SOUTH JOHORE BUS: Today, 11 a.m. at company office, 4% milestone, Jalan Scudai, Johore Bahru. MALAYAN CREDIT: Today, 3 p.m. at conference room of Hotel Singapura, Orchard Road, Singapore. AYER HIT AM PLANT ING: Tomorrow, 2.30 p.m.
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    • 378 11 LONDON, Sun. The International Tin Council and the American General Services Administration should get together to solve the problems of world supply and price of tin, one of London's leading metal brokers said in their latest market review. Metal traders STRAUSS wrote on the problem
      — AFP  -  378 words
    • 158 11 LONDON, Sun. Hudson's Bay reported that earnings after tax were £869,000 or 1/3 per share for the half-year to July 31, (compared with £1,644,000 or 2/5 per share for the same period last year) Hudson's declared an interim dividend of 22 cents per share, payable on November 2.
      Reuter.  -  158 words
    • 1430 11 STOCK EXCHANGE OF MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE Jan/Aug. Price Closing Prices Yield Weekly Turnover 1970 Compeny +or— High Low on week Buyers Sellers Divid. Earn. Ready Delayed ♦000 +or— '000 +or SINGAPORE INCORPORATED INDUSTRIALS 2.60 1.42 Acma -.02 1.83 1.34 11.6 10+6 4.50 2.66 Allied Choc. -.02 2.76
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    • Overseas company reports
      • 143 11 SAN FRANCISCO, Sun. Two of Utah Development's three coking and coal mining operations in Queensland, Australia, are to be greatly expanded, according to the parent company, Utah Construction Mining. The blackwater mines were listed for an increase of one million tons to an annual production of four million
        Af  -  143 words
      • 63 11 TAIPEH, Sun. Titan Manufacturing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Australia's Broken Hill Proprietary, has started operation at its U*****,000 factory in Northern Taiwan. The factory first Australian investment in Tiawan turns out a wide range of tungsten carbide dyes for the local market. The company said it has already
        AFP  -  63 words
    • 130 11 NOTE: (1) Interim dividend; (2) A dividend; (3) 43rd. dividend; (4) 97th. dividend; (5) Final dividend. Current Date Total for Total for payment payable the year previous year Steamship (1) 3 8 PMilk(l) 2%% Oct. 25 7% %TE Muar R. (2) 25 Nov. 11 25 18%% A. Amal
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    • 193 11 The market moved ahead in relatively active trading during the past week (ended Sept. 25). The Wall Street uptrend, hopes of a ceasefire in the Middle East, technical action of the market, US prime rate cuts and hopes of early government action over the economy all encouraged
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    • 21 11 LONDON, Fri. (Changes in brackets) Industrials 365.2 (+3.1); Tins 62.82 (+0.16); Rubbers 144.03 (+0.53); Oils 279.39 (+3.45).
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    • 26 11 NEW YORK, Fri. (Chance* in bracket*): Industrial* 761.77 (-1-2.46); Transportation 145.23 (-0.15); Utilities 106.86 (-0.16); Composite stocks 242.66 (+0.32); Bondf 65.69 (-0.03).
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    • 355 11 Drilling for oil in Central Philippines MANILA, Sun. Drilling has indicated the presence of oil in the Central Philippines, Republic Resources and Develop ment Corporation (Redeco) and Cleton Associates said. Two or three more wells will be drilled to determine if the oil is in commercial quantity, said Thomas L.
      AP,; AFP  -  355 words

  • 89 12 Course for executive officers THE Executive Officers' Branch of the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees will conduct a course on Government Instruction Manuals at the Fullerton Building canteen from Oct. 5 to Dec. 12. The course is designed to help probationary executive officers who are preparing for their confirmation examinations
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  • 49 12 MR. JEAN SIMONDET, 51, will be the new Commercial Counsellor to the French Embassy here. Mr.Simondet, who has been in the French deplomatic service since 1943, was awarded the Military Cross during the Second World War. He was married in Paris last month.
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  • 73 12 THE TAY KOH YAT Bus Co. will start a new service from Kim Keat Avenue to Anson Road via Woodsville Road with 26 buses by Oct. 31. The loop service number will be 18. FROM Kim Keat Avenue, New Link Road, Lorongs 7,6,4,6 Slip Road, Jalan
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  • 360 12 New bus company to give priority to pirates CHINESE bus owners have accepted a Government recommendation that pirate taxi drivers who register for jobs in a proposed school bus company be given priority. The president of the Chinese Bus Owners' Association, Mr. Tan Kong Eng, said this at a public
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  • 151 12 HONGKONG, Sun. The International Air Transport Association (lATA) will hold talks with civil aviation authorities in Taipeh early next month on the standard of air traffic control and air navigation aids in Taiwan, the Sunday Post-Herald said. Quoting reliable sources from
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  • 72 12 Road, Maxwell Road, Shenton Way, Parsi Road to Anson Road near Tanjong Pagar Road. RETURNING via Anson Road, Tanjong Pagar Road, Keppel Road, Anson Road, Maxwell Road, Neil Road, Kreta Ayer Road, New Bridge Road, Hill Street, Victoria Street, Middle Road, Selegie
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  • 198 12 BOMBS HIDDEN IN SUITCASES PARIS, Sun. Two bombs hidden in suitcases exploded today in Paris two main airports. One exploded shortly after noon in the automatic luggage deposit at Orly Airport. Police said a worker was slightly injured by a splinter. The second blast occurred at
    AP  -  198 words
  • 569 12 I PROTEST! In every other way I love Singapore, from its tourist-ridden shores to its snake-infested interior. I love it. The climate could not be more to my liking JL wouldn't change even the soggiest Singapore day for one
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 105 12 NATIONAL "SPOT THE PRINTER'S ERRORS COMPETITION CC" RESULTS FIRST PRIZE: National Stereo Tape Cassette with Built-in Radio Miss S. H. Lee, c/o. 337-B, Jalan Membina Barat, Block 24, Singapore, 3. 6 Consolatiofi Prte— National Pocket Size Single Band 1 Transistor Radio Mr. Roland Ang, Mr. Francis Goh, 33, Fidelio Street,
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  • THE SINGAPORE herald Section II
    • 208 13 Long 11th hour queues to see culinary art and food show THE two-day culinary art and food exhibition which ended at the Conference Hall yesterday was such a success that the organisers are already talking of a bigger show next year. At least 3,000 saw it on the first day,
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    • 226 13 Outbreak of sore throats and sniffles after sore eyes SINGAPORE is having a mild outbreak of colds because of the current conjunctivitis epidemic. According to an eye doctor, some organisms which cause the eye condition can also bring on a sore throat and sniffles. Some people may get the latter
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    • 45 13 REPRESENTATIVES of the Singapore Food, Drinks and Allied Workers Union and Hotel Malaysia will meet this morning at the Labour Mini- stry in another attempt to settle their dispute. The management has now put forward fresh proposals for settlement.
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    • 269 13 Missing swan found— but still free THE MISSING white swan from the Botanic Gardens has been found but not yet caught. It was spotted yesterday morning in Jurong Lake by taxi-driver Koh Fok Yuen. Koh said: "The bird attracted my attention as it was the only one swimming about in
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    • 148 13 ST. JOHN CHIEF'S ADVICES DON'T JOSt POSE BUT PERFORM THE Commissioner of the St. John's Ambulance Bridage, Dr. S.R. Sayampanathan, called on volunteer workers yesterday to put in the work they had volunteered to do and not just "look big." Dr. Sayampanathan was speaking at the annual inspection parade of
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    • 95 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Malaysia may soon launch a campaign on the use of safety helmets for motor-cyclists. The secretary ot the National Road Safety Council, Inche Mohamed Noor Hashim said today the Ministry of Transport was considering the move to bring down the
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    • 133 13 More sales of Malay edition of constitution KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Only 44 copies of the English edition pocket-sized Constitution out of 15,000 have been sold so far. Of 10,000 copies published in Malay, 3,088 have been sold. The editions containing all amendments up to June 1 this year are meant
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 289 13 DON'T WAIT TILL YOUR EYES SEE RED Use MURINE Eye Drops To Prevent or Relieve Red Sore Eyes CARE FOR YOUR EYES use mum* eye drops /'V Murine is an exclusive formula of 7 ingredients j m wi including Berber ine giving it the wonder yellow 4HIMC colour, and is
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • 209 14 Stage clubs badly hit by pullout STAGE clubs have been badly hit by the British puDout. Active membership in some clubs has dropped by as much as 50 per cent. Another reason given for the falling membership is "insufficient local interest." Mr. Fong Hoe Beng, chairman of the Sceneshifters, said:
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  • 153 14 Three from Singapore do radio course in Sydney THREE educationists from Singapore are among 15 trainees from nine Asian, African and Pacific countries attending a 14--week coarse in Sydney on educational radio broadcasting. The three are Mr. David Urn Kim San, Assistant Specialist Inspector of Schools (Music), Miss Eileen Loong
    153 words
    • 714 14 Pep pills: The answers we must seek... I SUPPOSE those of you who are inveterate smokers will liken the craving for a drug to the craving for a cigarette after you've not had one for the day. Well it isn't. It is something a hundred times much worse. My first
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  • 389 14 PEOPLE who want children but have fertility problems can get help ranging from artificial insemination, fertility pills to marriage counselling at the Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital. According to a doctor, ten per cent of married couples have difficulty having a child.
    389 words
  • 204 14 A DOCTOR SAYS S'PORE NEEDS TWICE AS MANY ANAESTHETISTS SINGAPORE, like most other countries, is short of anaesthetists, according to the president of the Singapore Anaesthetics Society, Dr. Fred Pais. Statistics show that 70,000 operations are carried out every year in Government hospitals, but there are only 24 Government anaesthetists.
    204 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 14 'Isn't this dinner speech just a bit long unless a midnight snack is served, too?"
    17 words
  • 108 14 A COURSE to train professional masseurs and masseuses, organised by the Chinese YMCA, will begin an Oct. 14. Mr. Peter (hooi. programme secretary hi the Learning and Living Departs eat, said: "The coarse provides the trainees a thorough nnderstaading of the stractare
    108 words
  • 92 14 SINGAPORE guppies won a total of 37 awards— l9 first, 8 second and 10 third prizes— at the 17th International Guppy Show held in Berlin from Aug. 30 to Sept. 6 this year. Most of the 50 fish, entered by the Singapore
    92 words
  • 73 14 THE Housing and Development Board's telephone number will be changed from 371-144 to 911-144 from Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. There will be no change in the tie- line numbers. AST EXHIBITION THE chairman of the Kwong Wai Stew Free Hospital, Mr. Leong Yuo Chee, will
    73 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 77 14 Vir Lingering lM| body fragrance Y£ made from oils V of Mandarin. Jasmin, hj Coriander and other I I aromatic herbs. I I Goya Aqua Manda ■VTI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE CHAIRMAN and BOARD OF DIRECTORS of AMATEUR PHOTO STORES IPTE.) ITO. thank all their friends, customers, guests, and business associates for
      77 words

  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1904 15 1 SBSBSB!^SSBS^ SSSS If Lt I i^tr^r IB 11 1 111 I '«vx t/§ > mm*' I S"-"*. >*•* *Xv k>' I* *Xv ::is::iA A :¥Sft A^^ 11 Iwm] fvii 3.00 p.m. General Hospital Starring John 5.50 p.m. United States Open Tennis V fl^^^^HH^^^^^^^B Bernadino and Emily McLaughhn Championships: Men's
      1,904 words

  • 705 16  -  CATHERINE BREWSTER By New York. WITH all the "antimovements" creating furor in the U.S. today, the antibeauty and fashion trend has attracted relatively little public attention. But it's beginning to concern the billion-dollar cosmetics industry. So far, with only an extreme segment of the
    705 words
  • 565 16 Safety in the home.. ACCIDENTS can happen when they are least expected and to the most vulnerable. In the* daily running of a household, parents are unaware how lethal, harmless objects like toys could be in the hands of a child. Outrun Road General Iltal statistics in IMi MM reported
    565 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 415 16 Figure on 1/2 the price The FacitCA 1-13 does everything an equivalent electronic calculator can do. And for half the price. But not quite as quickly. The Facit CAI-I3 electric calculators featuring all four arithmetic operations and automatic computations using a constant number. It is cheap. Easy to use. Reliable
      415 words
    • 88 16 'J Dili tSf*f^ ~^k MflMfiiUi SHOWING SIMULTANEOUSLY TO-DAY. I .HttSl&^siSS!? J <p> 3.30. 7 .15. .30 P .m. I imrßiFMoiiTrr" 1^" (0) I'3o#*A*'fMk*Mpm1 30# A fMk M pm I .htuputipi SEE EXOTIC HARVEST CELEBRATIONS I AUIrIbNML! see march of the red guards I ENTIRELY NEW! SEE CHINA'S CULTURAL REVOLUTION
      88 words
    • 482 16 I^ CAT BAT i t4SMlxnMkta>'4 M«M»*ail Ila!ai,lJo.4-OS.SJO 4*Jop.n. CAKT WIN CM ALL" Ta^ C«rtt* Chart** •raaaan rWMM CdM* CatmnWa. OPENS TMUMVATI (Color) •SCREAM AND SCREAM AwAIH I Vtncant Prica. Chriatophar Laa Aw American Int*rnatiana4 Plctura ISTTOWERIN* DATI 1 Admiaaian SI. 60. W»0 4 UOO 1 "THE AaWSMTURaar- (Par I f
      482 words

  • town talk
    • 185 17 A WIPE selection of costumes from many different countries will be shown at the residence of the Ambassador for the Netherlands, 23, Ridout Road on Oct. 3 at 10 am. People residing in Singapore from various countries will be displaying their national costumes. The
      185 words
    • 76 17 If you have green fingers, then this is Just your cup of tea. The Chairman of the Singapore Orchid Society, Mrs. Amy Ede, will give a talk on "Gardening in Singapore" at 10.30 am tomorrow at 65 Shelford Road. Mrs. Ede will also give a demonstration
      76 words
    • 590 17 TEA AND HISTORY AND THE ART OF BREWING UP. Mr. Chaa Wee Meng n, is a teetotaller in every seise of the word. Not only does he take half am how to brew Ms Chinese tea with meticulous care bat he bolls It in an ancient pot where tea leaves
      590 words
    • 325 17 Handicapped children have their abilities too. This is what Handicapped Week from Oct. 30 to Nov. 8 is out to prove. In the past, isolated events such as sports days were held. But it has been decided that stringing the various events for the handicapped
      325 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 45 17 Cal IK W& .^l is^^ BcD a% a wP 4 MIRANDA'S I MODERN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE I 18 P/R, Battery Road, ***** Principal: M.Abdul Hamid, M.A. (Econ.), 4 8.C0m., LL 8., F.S.A.A. 4 Starting October J Accounting; Accounting Revision; 4 Book-Keeping (Intermediate) I Commercial Correspondence.
      45 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
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    • 113 17 THE DIARY 8.30 am 8 pm: Art exhibition by Moira Scully, Jane and Anne Wakerman of Katong Convent at National Library foyer. 9.00 am 8.30 pm: Exhibition of primary science teaching aid at the Teachers' Training College auditorium, Patterson Road. 7 pm: Night bazaars at Balestier Road; Jurong Road (7%
      113 words

  • Living
    • 138 18 A gold for Japan in the top gems awards J E W E LLE R Y designers from Japan swept the honours at the 17th International Diamond Awards Dinner, considered the Jewellery industry's equivalent of Hollywood's academy awards. Winning pieces Included Small diamond clusters, rings, bracelets and broaches. The event
      138 words
    • 703 18  -  JANETTE CHAN Tenants agree: It's catching on IT WAS really refreshing to come across a group of middle-income tenants expressing nothing but praise for their flats and landlords. While housing problems abound for others of their kind all over the island, these lucky people have just
      703 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 32 18 UUUUk. .^baV^ 3UU3 A^**^b>. t^W Mk/\# la 1 Lur Ofll^ v a I I MfTRDTEX JLA I DEPARTMENT STORE^T. av^ I I LIAT TOWERS 541 OWCMAHO TO SIGAPOWt TEL *****4 BjH?IT,R4t 5J
      32 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 389 18 *\&SUBi ImIMMI I^aBMIW RivEWIW t J Forget anxieties jl J each day. Earmark JSrJhS."* *ill" ft Ho«« J l 8 ir 11 I^-!! *Tuesday for any l££iS? m ZL imß-S-T least one of yoor hopes 5 Important meeting or £teZ^TniarriSTTor •<»«'l*«r* "<" "e 'e"" B tt f discussion affecting your
      389 words

  • 371 19 Housewives have you seen the new competition we've cooked up for you on page 4? The four dishes that are pictured in the entry form are all cooked with New Zealand lamb, so if you'll put on your aprons and sharpen those cooking knives, we'll give you the
    371 words
  • Article, Illustration
    83 19 HUSBAND-wife team Masao and Kazuko Mizuno, broke all the traditional rules when they presented their new maxi-look in weeding dress. It's a one-piece dotted stripped dress in soft multi-colours with a bridal veil in red. )t was presented with AutumnWinter 1970-71 Fashion gala in Tokyo. SLICK TRICK Make
    PANA  -  83 words
  • 742 19  -  VIOLET JOHNSTONE By THE job of air stewardess used to be surrounded by awe and glamour; thousands of potentially suitable girls applied, very few the cream were accepted. But the worm is turning, and however much airlines may deny it, the job has
    742 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 242 19 LAMB STEW I V2 Ib boneless New Zealand cubes 2 tablespoons salad oil 1 1 /2 teaspoons sugar 1 /2 teaspoon salt Va teaspoon black pepper 2 tablespoons flour 2 cups bouillon 1 large tomato, skinned 1 clove garlic 1 /8 teaspoon thyme 1 bay leaf 8 small whole potatoes
      242 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 115 19 I JftELP YOURSELF W* Everything you put in :-e N>me freezer Unecasseroiesor mouldswith aluminium Handle soft fruit like raspberries as little S I «iouid nave a clearly m.^ e c label show foil befofe filling them When frozen. as possible before freezing, and pack it B ir >q the date,
      115 words

    • 235 20 In-camp training: Too little notice' A NATIONAL Serviceman in the Police, I was recently summoned for my annual in-camp training with less than 12 hours notice. I was told by the police officer in charge the night before I was required to report to the Police Academy at 0600 hrs.
      235 words
    • 165 20 WHAT is the Policy of the Government? I am a regular and have served in the SAF for more than 10 years. As a regular I find that the implementation of the new pay scheme in the SAF is haphazard. The Married and Ration Allowances have been done away with.
      165 words
    • 254 20 WE are still ignorant regarding the basis on which one may be granted deferment from National Service. All we know is that Science students have better chances of getting deferments than Arts students. This discrimination is very frustrating. In our school, for example, many Arts students have lost the incentive
      254 words
    • 87 20 GETTING TO GRIPS WITH THE MOSQUITO MENACE I REFER to the letter from "Frus Dead" (S.H. Aug. 20) complaining of mosquitoes in the Corporation Drive area. Our investigations confirmed that mosquitoes were breeding in several places within the Jurong Town Housing Estate and also within several factories in the vicinity.
      87 words
    • 64 20 I FULLY agree with "Anon" (S.H. Sept. 18) that quality is important in the selection of staff. Let him be assured that the University has always kept this in mind. The University would naturally wish to retain good staff and feels sorry when they wish to leave. However, it will
      64 words
    • 371 20 I AM sorry for having caused "Ombudsman" such pain when I remarked that he lacked comprehension of simple English in the interpretation of my first letter (S.H. Sept. 10). As Dr. Lim Boon Keng has said, (S.H. Sept. 7) "While there may be some School
      371 words
    • 181 20 I REFER to Enche AH Bin Abu Bakar's complaint (S.H. Sept. 22) and would like to add something to it. Ever since our Government promoted gardening and landscaping, Tiong Bahru has become a very beautiful estate full of plants and flowers. In the process, the poor
      181 words
    • 65 20 I REFER to the letter "Charity should Begin at Home" (S.H. Sept. 21) As your correspondent has not supplied enough details, it has not been possible for this Ministry to make a thorough investigation into his complaint. It is, therefore, requested that he contact the undersigned and either furnish further
      65 words
    • 97 20 "REGULAR" (S.H. Sept. 22) is upset that the SC. Volunteers are eager to wear the new uniforms. The main idea of having one kind of uniform for all police personnel is so that they will not be differentiated in the eyes of the public. After all their jobs are identical
      97 words
    • 198 20 Uniforms for volunteer SCs and the laundry fee PERMIT me to reply "Regular" (S.H. Sept. 22) We SCs were proud of the old uniform and the 'V we are wearing, until the change to the new uniform. If "Regular" were in our shoes, I am sure he too would feel
      198 words
    • 120 20 Teachers are NOT know-alls I REFER to the letter by Mrs. Chan Kok Seng (S.H. Sept. 23) about teachers participating in quiz programmes and making fools of themselves. What does Mrs. Chan think teachers are, walking encyclopedias? If we are suppose to know everything can you imagine how rich we
      120 words
    • 100 20 In your report on the Seminar on "Sex, Love and Marriage" held at Beatty Secondary School (S.H. Sept. 21) Professor Leonard Cohen was referred to as the Head of the Behavioural Sciences at Nanyang University. Although Nanyang University has on its curriculum courses which may be labelled as subjects in
      100 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 386 20 B CHANCES TO GIVE I YOUR CHILD A UNIVERSITY EDUCATION MOTHER BURSARIES SINGAPORE m ESSAY Herald Essay Compe- gfe AAKITCOT 1 1 S titions will be at three UUN Itb I I Jg levels for Pre-Univer- AAI inAKI Luuuunmuuul £t I sity students, for Secon- UUUiUN g dary Four students
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 360 20 TWINSET CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 2 Regret (In the French way) (2) I A penny for his thoughts? 2 Go in, possibly at the end of Presumably not! (11) 22.....(5) I 1 sound observant (2) 4 How about a couple of pounds it It could be a great help to to
      360 words

  • 209 21 ITS like seeing tv's Combat played for laughs, and Kelly's Heroes pull every trick of die trade to get the maximum chuckles. Bat it is done up on the wide screen and packaged in colour and this is where it scores over the television
    209 words
  • 281 21  - Cut-price culture at Pearls HERALD BY REPORTER CUT-PRICE culture and comfort. That's what the Pearls Opera House claims to offer. At least that's what managing director Ho Kia Tong hopes to give. He said so after the official opening ceremony in People's Park Complex on Saturday. "Films were one of
    281 words
  • 136 21 AT THE MOVIES WITH WALTER SHOW Kelly and his bunch off toys are most of the time nuiig behind enemy lines to rob a bank of It million dollars' worth off gold, and they get what they are after in the end, which appears to to against the Motion Pfctare
    136 words
  • 556 21 HORROR 1970 style is the theme of Scream and Scream Again and to give credence to the game, it has three master ghouls in the cast Vincent Price, Christopher (Dracula) Lee and Peter (Dr. Frankenstein) Cushing. But the special talents of the last
    556 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 112 21 6th Oct. '70 J I MEMORIN &|;j P9PH3B3M I Rld depressions, giddiness, sight blsckout Pil I j SSSPfBU I nd B lve y° u clear thinking. Is a natural protein preparation for nourishing I fl^vAw6)^ th brain nd rw C I y^yi^P^ Prepared in Germany. It is well known I
      112 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1628 22 r/Al£iOrii.QJlCol F or our Classified lfi/n imfr "QPP Tele-Ad Services UJ ADVERTISE ME UTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. ANNIVERSARIES. AN NOUNCEMENTS. BIRTHS. CLUB ACTIVITIES. CON DOLENCES. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, FUNERAL. GREET INGS. IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAGES. MISSING. PERSONAL, P PC. REQUIEMS REUNIONS. Minimum $8/ for 20 words, each additional word 40cts. All othor classifiod advertissmsnts:
      1,628 words
    • 553 22 MING'S PHOTOCOPY SERVICE. Black and White, Colour, D 4 P. Colour Scenic Slides. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 131 East Coast Road, *****8. •^^•^••8*b»» w^t^FaiW^B^PW^^H e^Pv ITN wjrV swamlnatlas). Consult Foe Yaw Optical Company No. 41S Outram Park Singapore S Tel. 77SS1. Alii CARGO REPACKING SERVICE and Transport Agents. Contact
      553 words
    • 508 22 DIPLOMAS, CERTIFICATES testimonials. Bring these to Motion Smith. 13 Battery Road and have permanent copies made while you wait. BEGINNERS' FRENCH/MANDAMN/JAPANESE easy and fast to loam. Second Language Training Centre. 198 Lorong 30. Geylang. S'pore Tel: *****0. BEGINNERS SHORTHAND, bookkeeping, commercial correspondence, principle of account L.C.C. Intermediate and higher, shorthand
      508 words
    • 663 22 DON'T SAMtLE with destiny. Palmistry reveal the veil that conceals unfathomable future and predetermined fate. Consult UN. Anachy L.HY.. M.1.A.H.. F.C.S.P.P.. (London) G.P.O. Bo« No 1 Singapore. CHEONG 4 COMPANY Flag A Mil-makers. Canvas tarpaulins, awnings, tents, tin-ore bags, life buoys. life-Jackets. National flag* eta... 16 Chulia Street *****. YOUR
      663 words

    • 2187 23 BIG SWEEP 1— N: IS7W7 ($4,7M) 2— N: 1M122 ($1445) 3— S: ItMOT €72) Starters (sls* each): Nos. 1M444 1M275 1572ft *****1 ISSM2 *****3 1*2155 1515M MM C«as«latioa (sltt each): Nw. IMCI2 U1347 *****2 1*5331 153tt5 1575M 1C2117 IC4BBI 1N214 *****3
      AFP  -  2,187 words
    • 307 23 THE visiting Australian women ballplayers were in run-scoring mood when they thrashed a Singapore Invitation women's team 29-0 in another exhibition on the Padang. The world representatives, fourth in the world series at Tokyo last month, maintained their unbeaten in their exhibition games
      307 words
    • 148 23 STRONG contenders Public Swimming Club trounced defending champions Chinese Swimming Club by 11 goals to four in the Sasa's division 'A' waterpolo league match at Amber Road yesterday. PSC proved superior in all departments and kept Chinese Swimming Club on the defensive for the greater part
      148 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 44 23 —SATURDAY'S BIG SWEEP 1 No. *****4 ($4,483) 2 NO. *****5 ($1,281) 3 NO. 1*3152 S4t) Starters ($154 each): Nos. lttZSl ****** 152MC lMl3f IS7M2 1«5i27 lC4Blf 1«1«58 1C227C 155M1 157#5t CoasolatiOß (sitt each): Naa. ICIIM *****3 1M7«3 *****1 It4BBt 15C571 1C283* 1M214 H4t42 15»47S
      44 words
    • 83 23 <SP x3)peraA p/arls House ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PEARLS OPERA HOUSE (S) PTE. LTD. THANK Mr. Chua Pho Tiong, Managing Director of Asia Commercial Banking Corpn. Ltd., Committee Member of Chinese Chamber of Commerce for officiating the Opening of our Pearls Opera House at No. 201,
      83 words

  • 828 24 Liverpool lose unbeaten record —and star man Alun Evans U.K. SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIPS LONDON, Sun. -Manchester City and Jverpod, both playing away rom home, lost their unbeaten English First Division records esterday. City lost 2-0 away o Tottenham Hotspur at rfhite Hart Lane and Liverpool .lipped 1-0 away at The Den,
    828 words
  • 323 24 Seven wicket victory for Padang Club A SOUND second wicket partnership of 56 runs by Mike Scrutton (38 not out) and John Martens (30) paved the way for the Singapore Cricket Club to score an easy seven wicket victory over Free Foresters in a friendly cricket match on the Padang
    323 words
  • 52 24 KEPPEL Golf Club beat Singapore Island Country Club 4-2 in the Singapore Golf Association's inter-club league at Bukit Cbermin yesterday. Keppel Golf Club are assured of winning the championship for the third year running with their victory yesterday. In the social game, Keppel and SICC
    52 words
  • 311 24 IF YOU fancy yourself as a skilled driver here's your last chance to enter the Singapore Herald Driving Tests at Police Academy ground on Oct. 4 starting at 9 a.m. Thirty entries have so far been received by tht Singapore Motor Sports Chtb, the
    311 words
    • 160 24 Keino clips 0.8 sees off C 'wealth record LEICESTER, England, Sun. Kip Keino of Kenya ran the 2,000 metres in 5:05.2 yesterday and trimmed 0.8 seconds off his own Commonwealth record. The 30-year-old African, who has just started a six -months physical training course with the British Army at Aldershot,
      AP  -  160 words
    • 167 24 BANGKOK, Sun. General Torsak Yomnak, president of the Football Association of Thailand and FIFA vice-president flatly denied rumours that he would contest against Malaysia's Tunku Abdul Rahman for the post of president of the Asian Football Confederation. "1 cannot understand how this talks started," he said in a press interview.
      AFP  -  167 words
    • 96 24 MADRID, Sun. -The United States yesterday won the world amateur team golf championship, while Victor Regalado of Mexico captured the individual title. The American team total for the four-day event was .857, twelve strokes better than runner-up New Zealand. South Africa finished third with 870, while Australia was fourth at
      AFP  -  96 words
    • 97 24 SOFIA, Sun. Just when it appeared the powerful Japanese had a certain 3-0 victory in hand, the Bulgarians created an upset to take a 3-? win in their match in the final Pool A of the Men's world volleyball championships. lapan won the first two sets easily, IS- 10 and
      97 words
    • 64 24 NEWPORT, Rhode Island, Sun. a 40-foot power boat was reported to be sinking yesterday after hitting rocks in fog near the America's Cup race course. The U.S. coastguard reported the Paula Elaine was 'sinking fast' off point Judith* Rhode Island. It was not immediately determined if the boat was one
      AP  -  64 words
    • 65 24 LEICESTER, Engalnd, Sun. A British team broke the World's Junior record for the 4 x 400 metre relay in a meeting with West Germany. Their time of 3: 10.8 was fow- tenths of a second faster than the previous mark, held by the Soviet Union. The British team and their
      AFP  -  65 words
    • 21 24 HONGKONG, Sun. An Albanian basketball team with men and women players have arrived in Peking on Chinese invitation, Radio Peking reported.
      21 words
  • 1027 24 The regulations for Herald Driving Tests on Oct 4 SINGAPORE MOTOR SPORTS CLUB 1. Promoters: The Singapore Motor Sports Club. Sponsors: The Singapore Herald. 2. Date: Sunday, October 4th, 1970. 3. Place: Parade Ground, Police Academy, Thomson Road. 4. Type of Event: Skilled driving tests, manouvering at speed. 5. Officials:
    1,027 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 311 24 ENTRY FORM Entries close on September 29th, 1970. ENTRANT: Name: Address: Tel. No.: Qub: Membershq) No. Vehicle: Capacity Year of Manufacture: Registration No: Class DRIVER: Name Address: Tel. No. Club Membership No: I am/am not a Newcomer DRIVER: Name Address: Member No. OlUD I am/am not a Newcomer LADY DRIVER:
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 59 24 SOCCER: FAS Div. 2A: IBSC vs Bakat Baru; Darul Afiah vs TBA; Div. 2B: Rajaji SC vs Vigilante Corp: (F. Park 5.15 p.m.) TABLE TENNIS: STTA senior inter-club final: Combined Schools 'A' vs Nanyang Siang Pau; Senior inter-team (Women's) league: Yap Transport vs -Chinese YMCA (Blue); Nanyang Siang Pau vs
      59 words

  • THE SINGAPORE herald
    • 12 1 THE SINGAPORE herald I FOR SECOND DAY Singapore Sunday, Sept. 27. 1970.
      12 words
    • 1405 1  - Rain or Shine back Silver Spray in Gold Cup CAVALIER By SELECTIONS RAIN or shine Silver Spray is my choice in the i555,000 Gold Cup over llf (Race Seven) at Bukit Timah tomorrow. Trained at Ipoh by Cup specialist Rinus van Breukelen, the Pall Mall gelding has won two races
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
        87 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 34 2 I R<i< e One 00 p m Cl 4 Div i fit (S7.500) pi<p^wl|WMip^^ KPN* 1^^ 5H5HI rfplPPMiPliMi^^ iit<#p^Wwwil!^ II I Race Two: 2 30 p.m. Cl. 4, Div 2 6f ($7,500) BtaMiMWJfP^^ ■■I
        34 words
      • 1101 2 IS. 57 JOVIAL (Good Brandy) fA 04dd*2 KT T.o/M«n»or Rao (4) F 7/12 Pg30/8 dlc4 8.2y 5Vtf; 1:8.8; Vz. 3, Vj Rao. S/8 Pgl2/7 dlc4 8.2y 6f; 1:15-4/5; Vi, 2Vt, Rao. Scratching*: lovely lady, vcrocette ir 1. ***** SUN RAGE (Sunny Hour) IA I.00O3 h Foo, Fun| I. Ho/W«it Kanf
        1,101 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 26 3 Y U R c O u N D A Y C A R D A N D F O R M G U I D E
        26 words
      • 1092 3 t. ***** THK BLISS (Guitavi Dor.) (A •.<>•♦ 1 a (BF) Bliss/RS Breuk PK Leong (4) 4/10 Pg6/9 dlc2 8.5h 61; 1:20.6; 6, Vt, n* PK Leong. 1/12 P929/8 02c2 8.13* 6f; 2. Dollar Seeker 8.7, 3. Tai Pau 8.6 1:15.2; Sh, lMa, Vi PK Leong. 3/12 lpl6/8 dlc3 7.12h
        1,092 words
      • 1071 3 II. 0IH1 LANDMARK (Ruitm) 7lr 7. 1 2ud-S AiU/OinW. PK Lion| It) 1/12 Sp2S/7 d2c2 8.3g 8f 2. Super Picture II 8.6. 3. Rustic 7.6 1:39.2; 2, 1, 3 Kang. 9/9 lp7/6 d2c2 9.09 9f 1 :55; lVi, nK, %h Mitchell. 9/10 lp31/5 dlc2 8.7 9 avtrf; 1:49.2; 3, 1.
        1,071 words
    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 968 4 It. SOMERSET ROAD (Nullabor) «A 7.1 II Alltanee/C. No or din Moran (It) 9/12 Pg30/8 dlc4 8.6y SVtf; l:B.t; V», 3, V* Moran. 17.+***** SUMMER FUN (Or 9 ogllo) SA 7.10-13 EC Ong/Tth m (ft) 11/11 Pgl9/7 dlc4 8.9 9 BVif; 1:49.2; Vi, 1, lVi Johnson. 4/13 SP21/6 dlc4 8.29
        968 words
      • 786 4 17. ***** FLYING FINN (Klalron) SA 7.0ludl 7 9 (BF) Baauty/Bpugour. Mitchall (3) 3/11 Spl/8 d2cl S.lly 8f. 1. Special Steel 8.6, 2. Mount Paterson 8.7 1:40.2; lVi, 2, nk Mitchell. 2/11 Sp25/7 d2cl 8.4g 8f; 1. Ad Valorem 8.5, 3. Mastrel Boy 8.8 1:39; lVt, Nk, nk Mitchell. 7/19
        786 words