Singapore Herald, 25 September 1970

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Total Pages: 24
1 24 Singapore Herald
  • 14 1 THE SINGAPORE herald No. 57 Singapore Friday, September 25. 1970 MC(P) 2207 15 CENTS
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  • 523 1 Jordan Army on top FIERCE ATTACKS BREAK DOWN PALESTINIAN RESISTANCE AMMAN, Thurs. Fierce Jordanian Army attacks were reported to have broken Palestinian resistance m northern Jordan today and Amman Radio said 5,000 guerillas have surrendered. New fighting broke out m Amman and m the outskirts, but the fighting was not
    AP; AFP  -  523 words
  • 102 1 BEIRUT: Reports reaching here said the Jordanian Army and the guerillas remained locked m a tough battle teaight for control of Irbld m northern Jordan. The royal forces were keeping up a fierce artillery barrage. ODD GENEVA: A representative of the Palestinian Red Crescent said the passengers and crew
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  • 191 1 IT WAS all a bit mysterious Miss Linda Sheridon, we were told, was flying m yesterday. Miss who? "Oh. she is Bliss London Stores.'* Well, after a meeting at the airport yesterday, she left us no wiser. She was met at the
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  • 90 1 LONDON, Thurs. An explosion ripped a hole about three feet by two feet m the fuselage of an Irish airliner bound for London today, but the Boeing 707 jet carrying 122 people made a safe emergency landing at Heathrow Airport. First reports said some
    AP  -  90 words
  • 150 1 CPIB MEN OFF TO QUESTION S'PORE EMBASSY OFFICIALS TWO senior officers of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau flew to Jakarta yesterday to investigate reports of malpractices by a number of Singapore Embassy officials there. It is understood that the officials had imported goods from Singapore under diplomatic immunity and sold
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  • 62 1 HK to join in S'p ore Britain air service talks HONGKONG, Thurs. Hongkong will participate for the first time m the new round of air services negotiations between the British and Singapore Governments. Hie Hongkong Government will be represented by Mr. T.R. Thomson, Director of Civil Aviation, and Mr. David
    AFP  -  62 words
  • 44 1 TILL early this morning, engineers were working on a a power failure which blacked out areas near the 15 m.s Jurong Road from 7.35 last night. A Public Utilities Board spokesman said he were unable to say when power would be restored.
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  • 25 1 JAKARTA, Thurs.Thirty-one people have died m a cholera epidemic m the Indramaju District of West Java, the official Antara News Agency reported today.
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  • 284 1 EDUCATION POLICY BY NEW MINISTER KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The new Education Minister Inche Hussein Onn, said today he would continue to implement a progressive education policy with Bahasa Malaysia as the main medium of instruction. In his first statement since he took over the job yesterday, Inche Hussein
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  • 273 1  -  BEN D'CUNHA FROM Kuala Lumpur, Thus. MALAYSIA, under the new Government, will vote m favour of Peking's admission into the United Nations, official sources said today. As far as Malaysia is concerned, there is one China and one Taiwan,
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  • 86 1 PARIS, Than. Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew had a 45-mnate meeting with President Georges Pompidou today after an official luncheon at Elysee Palace. But Mr Lee could not make a scheduled trip with his wife to Varsailles Palace near here, because of a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 ISRAELIS give four reasons for Syrian defeat still no news of the hijack hostages China defends Syrian invasion: Page 6. c Pictures m Pages 6 and 7.
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    • 103 1 It never turns its back on you. TV sets don't look so good from the back. So we made sure this one will never turn its back on you. It revolves on its swivel base, always showing you its Mack screen face, wherever you sit, stand, squat or lie down.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1902 2 The Nantah ambience through western eyes THE writer a graduate of Strasbourg University m France, doing a second degree at Oxford has spent two months at Nanyang University on a vacation visit. In the article below he compares the atmosphere at Nantah with that of the Western universities he has
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    • 414 2 Jordan war All over bar the weeping THE «ghHng m Jordan has been fierce and gory. From the outset, the Palestine guerilla organisations can have had few illusions as to the final outcome. Even if pluck on their part, and demoralisation on the part of sections of King Hussein's army,
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  • Viewpoint
    • 465 2 PESIARAN Keliling Housing Estate was one of the Government Housing Board's earliest projects. The flats were meant for rental to the lowincome earners living as squatters around that area. The engineers and architects had one main thought m mind to build as many blocks
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    • 150 2 IT APPEARS that the AntiVice Department can do nothing m respect of the arrest of local prostitutes, procurers and brothel keepers although provisions therefore are laid down m the Women's Charter. It has been reported m the local newspapers that action has been
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    • 129 2 Way-out names are for kicks WHILE K.K. Goh (S.H. Sept. 17) shows a certain depth of understanding on the subject of Asians adopting Western names, one cannot help detecting a certain harshness m his attitude towards those whose views differ from his. PREPOSTEROUS If people who refer to themselves as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 331 3 Direct HK trunk dialling: What's holding it up. THE first direct trunk dialling system between Singapore and Hongkong is being held up by only two factors a suitable timer to log the duration of the calls and the conclusion of a reciprocal agreement with Hongkong. The timer for the Malaysian
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  • 56 3 WASHINGTON, Thurs. Disturbances, including rock and bottle attacks on police, broke out for the second straight night last night m an area about a mile from the White House. Police went to the area m 14th Street after bands of youths were reported breaking windows and
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  • 239 3 A BUILDING construction labourer cried m the Seventh Magistrate's Court yesterday when he was sentenced to six months' jail for attempting to steal from a Singapore Telephone Board coin box. Tay Ah Chwee, 17, of Jalan Paya originally
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  • 62 3 WASHINGTON, Thurs.— The United States is to resume deliveries of heavy military equipment, including planes, tanks, armoured personnel transport and helicopters, to Greece. The State Department said: "Greece offers strategic advantages to the Nato alliance and to the U.S." The U.S. had placed an embargo
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  • 166 3 A NORWEGIAN underwater diver, Mr. Kant Ertresvaog, 27, Is la a "critical coadJUoa" after his E type Jaguar was lavolved hi a head— calMataa with a taxi hi Stevens Road early yesterday staff bjb>. His car was thrown agalast a tree after the coUlsioa aad
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  • 162 3 Another first for Sembawang Shipyard "CATAMARAN HERE FOR REPAIRS THIS 5,594-ton catamaran, the E.W. Thornton, belonging to Reading and Bates, is being repaired at Sembawang Shipyard. It is the first catamaran to be repaired m Singapore, according to Mr. R.A. Hooker, general manager of the shipyard. The catamaran is here
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 176 3 dli^^^BiWj^a^a^alSlv^" /%^^B^% > yJ^B^^F^lP^PP^fT^ a^^^^^^^^^^B **^I^^B ■^■r'"! V :-J i ■^■T B^Bv B^B' B^BV B^B B^bl B^BT T- SSP^^B^bl B^K B^Bb B^BB H B^BF* nJmB^B^BIB^B^W B^BF '^B^BF^BT There's only a little more room at the top! Join the top people who've got themselves m a good tales or professional position.
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  • 577 4 THE END OF THE ROAD FOR THESE 500 CONDEMNED VEHICLES SCRAP FOR STEEL MILL THE GOVERNMENT will register pirate taxi drivers who need help to find jobs, said Minister of Communications, Yong Nyuk Lin yesterday. And all who register at the two
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  • 206 4 TWO Russian trade fairs here next year SINGAPORE businessmen will get a look at Soviet-made machinery when the Russians hold two industrial trade exhibitions here next year, Soviet Union trade representative Mr. Jury N. Primerov said yesterday The first exhibition of Soviet-made goods was held m 1968. As local businessmen
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  • 120 4 A PUBLIC bru en how to improve Singapore's bus services will be held at the Redlffoslon auditorium oa SMday at 2 p.m. The forem will be chaired by the Vice-chairman of the Commerce Sab-commlttee of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Lam Thiaa. There
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  • 342 4 KUCHING, Thurs.-Malay-sia's new Deputy Prime Minister Tun (Dr.) Ismail will arrive here soon to find out how to rehabilitate more than 500 political detainees m Sarawak. Chief Minister Dato Haji Abdul Rahman Yaakub said Tun Ismail, who is also the Minister
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 212 4 HB^^^*^^^^ If you cant decide between a family saloon and a snorts car -4bv3^&SL^bb^mbVb^^^^9ms«a j^^paJ^S|^ii|^*^fli^^ BBfeHai^,^— .^^^^^^Bß^Bß^BßM ImLW>"B»"^^^^^^^^^^ I BV I .^BbV^ iiS? IB 7Va bb^bblßbb^bi bbt^^^lEV f f/ buy the Escort GT and get both True GT performance, with a power- (when you win as many races and So
      212 words

    • 1502 5 $30 million -a- day war: Israel under strain THE PROBLEMS CONFRONTING 'MOTHER FIGURE' GOLDA MRS GOLDA MEIR'S status as Prime Minister of Israel is now sufficiently well established for her to take the temporary setback caused by the nation-wide disappointment m the result of her recent talks with President Nixon.
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    • 229 5 MANILA Ik mystertoas figure kmg described as Ike ratkless aid coaalag stroag maa of the okUiae Hak rebels stows himself la captivity as aa ageiag, atamt cberabk figure who says Aatericaa military bases here are good for the coaatry. Faasttae del Maad«, kaewa
      AP  -  229 words
    • 402 5 MANILA The massacre of 14 persons, including the Mayor and other officials of a provincial town, has spotlighted again the deadliness and complexity of dissension m the Philippines' longtroubled Central Luzon region. Huk guerillas are the prime suspects, but as is often the case, officials
      AP  -  402 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements

    • 566 6 Israelis give four reasons for the Syrian defeat TEL AVIV, Than. The evealag paper Yedloth Aharaaoth cited several reasoas for the defeat lafllcted oa Syrlaa armoared forces la Jordaa. (1) Their performance had beea haferior to that of the Jordaataas, while at the same time they were deprived of air
      AP; AFP  -  566 words
    • Article, Illustration
      47 6 rafltphti A 13- YE AB-OLD Palesttaiaa girl (right) kkuu la pala vi ripe haaiagea tff her ttoaach wmi as her ■ether Uet la shack beside her aheard a Be 4 Crw aiercy flight ea Wedaeaiay. The plaae hreaght the wMaded treat Auui te Belrat far treatateat AP
      AP  -  47 words
    • 161 6 GENEVA, Thurs. The International Red Cross said there was still no news of the 54 hostages held by the Palestinian commandos. "We know only that the head of the Red Cross delegation m the \fidde East, Mr Pierre Boissier, is m contact
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    • 225 6 LUNA-16 RETURNS WITH SAMPLES OF MOONSOIL MOSCOW, Thurs. The Soviet Union's Luna-16 moon probe returned to earth today with the first samples of moonsoil ever gathered by an unmanned spacecraft. iHelicopter-bornene search teams recovered the capsule on the windswept steppes about 1,400 miles south-east of Moscow m Soviet Kazakhstan. Tass
      AP  -  225 words
    • 149 6 TOKYO, Thuis. China defended Syria's invasion of Jordan and warned the United States that if it got involved, 'it will meet with the same staggering blows and disastrous defeats as it did m Indo-China." The Chinese, who encouraged the Palestine guerillas to fight a protracted war
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    • 198 6 UNITED NATIONS, Thurs. China could facilitate its entry into the United Nations by the adoption of "a more reasonable attitude towards international society as a whole," Australian ForeignMinister William McMahon said yesterday. Australia does not share the "optimistic view" that
      AP  -  198 words
    • 34 6 PARANAGUA, (Brazil), Thurs. Twenty-two Chinese crewmen perished at sea last week after a refrigeration coil burst m the freezer of their fishing boat. The accident occurred on Sept. 15.
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    • 199 6 India to continue trying to improve ties with Pakistan MOSCOW, Thurs. India intended to continue her efforts to improve relations with Pakistan, visiting President Giri said here today. Mr Giri, speaking at a dinner given m his honour by the Kremlin leaders, said that the Tashkent Agreement of January 1906
      AFP  -  199 words
    • 186 6 RUSSIAN MISSILES CAN DOWN AMERICAN SATELLITES, SAYS EXPERT WASHINGTON, Thurs. The Defence Department's research chief said yesterday Soviet ballistic missiles were capable of destroying U.S. satellites. Asked at an Air Force Association seminar about such a capbtlity. Mr John Foster noted that some satellites orbit the earth at altitudes of
      AP  -  186 words
    • 74 7 PRESIDENT Nasser (second from left) walks dowa the steps of Kubbeh Palace m Cairo on Tuesday after conferring with Arab heads of state, some of whom accompany him. They are, from left: President Charles Helon of Lebanon; Col. Nasser; Sheikh El-Sabbah El-Salem of Kuwait;
      AP  -  74 words
    • 330 7 PHNOM PENH, Thurs. North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces have again driven back the biggest government offensive of the Cambodian war and have inflicted serious government losses. But the Cambodians' South Vietnamese allies claimed a major success m a six -day operation to clear the
      AP  -  330 words
    • 32 7 WASHINGTON, Thurs. The nationwide railway strike, due to start today, has been postponed following agreement by the two parties concerned to continue negotiations over a period of two weeks.
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    • 332 7 The million who face starvation in Nigeria TORONTO, Thurs. At least a million Nigerians face starvation while millions of others are without money or jobs, a Nigerian relief worker asserted here. Mr Emmanuel Urhobo, director of relief and rehabilitation for the Nigerian Council of Churches, told a news conference he
      AP; AFP  -  332 words
    • 167 7 MAN SHOOTS FOUR WOMEN DEAD IN OFFICE, THEN TURNS GUN ON SELF NEW YORK, Thurs. A New York state Labour Department employee reported for work as usual yesterday, pulled a rifle from a box wrapped m Christmas paper that he carried and killed four women employees, each with a well-aimed
      AP  -  167 words
    • 39 7 WASHINGTON, Thurs. Senate passed by 79 votes to 0 and sent to the House of Representatives a bill that would permit people receiving unsolicited pornographic, mail to return it with the original sender paying the cost. DDD
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    • 31 7 HONGKONG, Thurs. A delegation of the Vietcong Alliance of National, Democratic and Peace Forces has left China for home after concluding a friendly visit, New China News Agency reported.
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    • 202 7 HONGKONG, Thurs. The Hongkong Government has served notice on a Swedish student to the effect that he has been considered as a persona non grata and must leave the colony when his visa expires. The student, said to be Lars Ellstron who is studying
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 479 6 B CHANCES TO GIVE YOUR CHILD A UNIVERSITY EDUCATION MOTHER BURSARIES Singapore m ESSAY P^^ 51 Herald Essay Compe- PHMTCOT R 11l titions will be at three UUN ItO I I OJg levels for Pre-Univer- PHI I DOM L^b^b^ S sity students, for Secon- UUUI UIM S dary Four students
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 ■k EMM pPPI#- JM HL m •Jt ultra brite i^ mouth fresh appeal! New Ultra Brite toothpaste dazzles your taste, dazzles your breath, dazzles your teeth. Ultra Brite toothpaste has a zingy new taste you can really feel. And Ultra Brite's extra strength formula gets your breath fresher, your teeth
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 789 8 tCB BUILDING. 2 SHENTQN WAY SINGAPORE 1. Ta >83ft3^7 U.K. -EUROPE SERVICE LOADING FOR LONDON.H'BUftG, rTDAM, HAVRE, A'WERP.BREM. SinaApocc p S'KArr> PWMMM AWHIVtS NfTTUNf TOPA2 Sailad tattoo la Port LOon 20/10 M»w» 24/10 rrO2SBa#t R'Mn 26/10 Mavra 28/10 A'xarpi/li I'mani/ll NfPTUMt AaWTHTST 7/10 Oet 11/ISOct. 14/15 Oct. L1«a«IO/11 MfcJnjU/H. r*am
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 1393 8 111 /I \/I KEY FOR EASY REFERENCE: The shipping schedules wLJ V I N. beginning on this page are given m four parts for 11/ hM >w A ships westbound, eastbound, southbound and coastal. j^ fct I X m —^-**f2T' r maTaf^fc<fc<^*^» Each entry gives the following information: NAME OF
      1,393 words

  • 77 9 THE volume of cargo handled at the Port of Singapore Authority wharves and m the roads continues to rise. According to figures released by the Statistics department, cargo handled m the first six months of this year to- tailed over 20.2 million tons two million tons more than
    77 words
  • 167 9 LONDON, Thurs. Grain shippers have covered cargoes from the U.S. North of Hatteras to Antwerp/Hamburg range at U557.25 fio (free m and out) for Sept. and from the U.S. Gulf to Greece at USS 11.70 fd (free discharge) forOct Continental was reported to have fixed five cargoes
    167 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 247 9 I KINWA (3?) I'"" I HUB PACIFIC NORTH WEST SERVICE mmmaM Loading For LOS ANGELES, SAN DIEGO, SAN FRANCISCO. VANCOUVER B.C. TACOMA. Penang p s ham bmgaporr t Angen-s "JALAHATNA- 3/4 Oct a/6 Oct 7/S Oct 1 1 Nov "JALAMLAKA" 31 Oct/1 Nov 2/3 No* */*> Nov c Oac IST
      247 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1116 9 Westbound continued SUMBAWA Nov29/Dec2 H'burg/B'men. R'dam/A'dam, TREPCA i«d* PlmMl t, A'werp. Oslo. G'burg. TREPCA n Pt F amag urta. Be.rut. Lattakia. Finland. SCAN/EAC Trieste Rijeka. JAL/EMA SUNNYVILLE Oct 28/Nov 5 NY., B'more, Boston. BBL/HC TAGAYTAY Oct 15/19 N.York (5/12). B'more (29/12). BBL/HC TAGAYTAY Oct 13/19 NY.. B'more. Boston. Montreal.
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    • 315 9 Ships m port THE PORT OF SINGAPORE SHIPS IN THE ROADS AS at AUTHORITY HAS MADE THESE 9 A.M.ON SEPT 24 ■FORSEP?26. ARRANGEMENTS EASTERN ROADS: Slidre ev^JT,,!?^^ 3/4 JOhn S*^^ Nai«aW M^! everett 8/9^ Vishv. Kirti 10/11, Santa Fe Explorer, Thorsorient. oi?£ yM !J, 19 121 Ambarchi, Membau, Union Pacific.
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    • 329 10 The market yesterday was steady initially but lost ground later when profittaking set m. Thereafter, values drifted further on increased selline Matsushita Electric, Daiwa House and Kane- gafuchi Chemical were among the losers. Electrics were an isolated firm section. Pioneer, Akai and Sansui all closed higher. The
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    • 594 10 Some heavy profit-taking cut back the prices of speculative mining shares yesterday after another sharp advance during early trading. Many issues nevertheless closed at their best levels m trading, swelled by orders from Melbourne, where the stock exchange was closed yesterday. Western Compass moved erractically, ending the
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    • 198 10 Prices gained ground The total turnover rote $2 cents higher at $29.20. yesterday on improved million to $7. million. Worsted was marginally interest and an absence of better, while Banks, Kowloon sellers. Dealings, however, Humphreys gained $1 to Motor Bus and Lands remained small. $34.50 and Wharves
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    • 193 10 JAKARTA, Thurs. Oil has been discovered hi seven out of 43 areas where exploration has been undertaken by some 30 contractors and the state-owned Pertamma Oil Company. Pertamina spokesman liarah Junus said that three of the areas were situated off-shore and the others on-shore. The off-shore areas
      AFP  -  193 words
    • 57 10 ODD NEW YORK. Thurs. The price of no. 1 heavy melting scrap steel has risen US$l to U5542.50 per ton apparently due to the stroke against General Motors. Automobile plants generate much scrap steel and the General Motors shutdown meant that part of this supply has been cut off for
      AP  -  57 words
    • 466 10 LONDON, Thurs. Pepper exports from the main producing countries rose sharply during the first few months of this year on active demand caused by the fear of a reduced world crop. According to the latest Commonwealth Secretariat report on tropical products, total exports rose by
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    • 190 10 THE MITSUI BANK m Singapore is to request the Finance Ministry's approval to open a sub branch m the Republic and to operate numbered accounts. These are among the plans the new branch manager, Mr S. Togashi, hopes to carry out soon. Mr Togashi (above),
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    • 155 10 MARCOS' 4-YEAR PLAN MANILA, Thurs. Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos announced a four-year development plan to be financed mainly from loans acquired abroad. He told the Chamber of Commerce here that total borrowings required by the development plan for 1971-1974 would amount to US$l,l7O million. Mr Marcos gave an assurance that
      AP  -  155 words
    • 184 10 PEOPLE in business Mr DIETER KLEMME, managing director of Diesel Electric, has left for Germany where he will visit the Bosch Engineering factory m Frankfurt and other German factories. Mr Klemme said before his departure that many German companies were interested m exporting their engineering products to Singapore. Mr ROBERT
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    • 395 10 WASHINGTON, Thurs. A quota-setting trade bill, once thought to be romping toward House passage, has slowed to a walk as opposition mounts and both sides study strategy. One member involved said he believed many of his colleagues would rather not vote on the controversial
      AP  -  395 words
    • 289 10 STARLITE CERAMIC INDUSTRY incurred a trading loss of $396,000 m the first six months of this year Inspite of increased business. Sales m the period totalled $1.7 million compared with only $358,000 m the corresponding period last year. The managing-director, Mr Sterling Wong, attributed the loss
      AP  -  289 words
    • 332 10 The market lost ground this week (ended Sept. 24) by over one cent to touch 50% cents for R.S.S. October 1 with turnover at a bare minimum m conditions alternatively described as dull and inactive, said HOLIDAY, CUTLER& BATH. The apathy can be attributed to the continued
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    • 269 10 SINGAPORE-MALAYSIA Merchant rates today, fixed by the Association of Banks m Malaysia-Singapore. Local dollars per unit of foreign currency. SELLING BUYING T.T./O.D. T.T. O.D. Sterling Pound 7.3725 7.3400 7.3275 Australian Dollar 3.4475 3.4050 3.3850 Canadian Dollar New Zealand Dollar 3.4575 3.4100 3 3800 South Arabian Dinar 7.3900
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    • 104 11 Another timber venture JAKARTA, Thurs. The Philippine Illigan Lumber Company will invest US$l.25 million for exploitation of 100,000 hectares of forests m the Mamudju Regency, South Celebes, Antara news agency reported today. The agency quoted Mr Benjamin Andrada, president of Illigan, as saying that the project would be undertaken on
      AFP  -  104 words
    • 1522 11 STOCK EXCHANGE OF MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE KEY Closing buyers' and tellers' prices are followed by the business done. Figures m brackets denote traded lots m's. When the price is not followed by a figure m brackets, it means only a single lot of 1.000 shares was
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    • 437 11 World Bank, IMF meetings: COPENHAGEN, Thurs. Professor Puey Ungphakorn, Governor of the Bank of Thailand, voiced his "deep regrets" today over Southeast Asia's continued exclusion as a regional voting bloc from the high councils of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). "We have been trying
      AFP  -  437 words
    • 50 11 ODD MALAYAN FLOUR has declared an interim div L dend of five per cent, tax exempt, payable on Nov. 2 to shareholders on the register on Oct. 14. PATALING RUBBER will pay an interim difidend of 7% per cent on Nov. 6 to shareholders on the register on Oct. 12.
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    • 80 11 (Managers' prices for Sept. 26) B. S. ASIA UNIT TRUSTS MaL Invt. Fund 1.21 1.26 MaL Progress Fund 1.00 1.06 CHARTERED UNIT TRUSTS Singapore Growth Fund 1.02 1.07 SINGAPORE UNIT TRUSTS Second Singapore 1.78 Third Singapore 1.18 B. S. Hie Commerce Ind. Fund .96 1.01 The Saving Fund
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    • 148 11 Asian coconut producers to meet MANILA, Thurs. The seven-nation Asian Coconut Community (ACC), established two years ago to protect one of Asia's major industries, will hold its third annual conference here from Sept. 29 to Oct. 5. Items on the agenda includes expansion of commodity coverage to include palm oil,
      AFP  -  148 words
    • 46 11 ODD WASHINGTON, Thurs. The U.S. Government today announced a two- week postponement of a threatened nation-wide railroad strike m a dispute over the elimination of firemen's jobs. The announcement by Secretary of Labour James D. Hodgson came after a threatened midnight strike deadline had expired. AP
      AP  -  46 words
    • 674 11 SINGAPORE RUBBER RUBBER »ft cents a Ib. (Unchanged). Very quiet conditions prevailed throughout the morning session yesterday. Stale bull liquidation of RSS 1 October was difficult to place. RSS 1 October opened at 50-1/2 cents traded and then eased slightly to 50-1/4 cents a buyer. Most of the October
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    • 398 11 Stocks moved higher m early active trading yesterday. The NYSE tape was late. The Dow Jones industrial average picked up about 1.5 points and Stanpoors industrial average moved ahead 41 cents. Advancing issues held about a three-to-one advantage over the backsliders and volume was more than
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    • 572 11 The market closed firm yesterday after mild profit-taking was absorbed. The Wall Street upturn saw renewed buying, while the recent technical action of the London market encouraged further support. Towards the close, the Financial Times index was 2.4 up at 361.5, slightly off the highest level of
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    • 146 11 AMSTERDAM Internationals were steady to firm yesterday. Unilever and Royal Dutch, backed by fair overnight Wall Street gains, rose m fairly active dealings. Local industrials mostly advanced. PARIS The market continued steadier yesterday with activity fairly limited. Banks moved up marginally. In the foreign sector, attention was focussed
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  • 226 12 Hotel Malaysia gets strike notice SIX HUNDRED Hotel Malaysia workers served a week's strike notice yesterday when the management failed to reply to their pay claims by noon. The Food, Drinks and Allied Workers' Union, which represents the workers, said m a statement that the ultimatum was to allow the
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  • 34 12 A FORMER despatch clerk, Seah Kok Wah, 30, was yesterday jailed for six months for criminal breach of trust of $1,127 belonging to United Motor Works (S) Ltd. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 391 12 AN AIR INDIA Boeing 707 with 130 on board landed safely at Paya Lebar Airport at 9.30 last night after the Captain radioed the airport control tower that the aircraft was having "undercarriage difficulties." A full emergency was declared immediately and three fire engines
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  • 58 12 AUCKLAND, Thurs— An Auckland coffee-house keeper, Brian Wyatt, claimed a world tea drinking record after down ing 81 cups m 6 hours, 7 minutes. Each cup contained 7 1/2 oz. The previous record is believed to have been held by a Brisbane (Queensland) youth who
    AP  -  58 words
  • 186 12 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC PLAN WHILE SEWER IS LAID WORK WILL begin on laying two sewer mains along MacPherson Road between Happy Avenue East and Kampong Ampat on Oct. 1. For about 6 weeks, the following traffic arrangements will apply: City-bound traffic along MacPherson Road will be diverted into the northern carriageway
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  • 76 12 Another service from Tea Payoh Scotts Road, Orchard Road, Dhoby Ghaut, Bras Basah Road, North Bridge Road, South Bridge Road, Neil Road to New Bridge Road. RETURNING via New Bridge Road, Hill Street, Stamford Road, Penang Road, Somerset Road, Grange Road, Orchard Road, Scotts Road, Newton Circus, Thomson Road, Whitley
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  • 206 12 MUSIC and musician complemented each other so closely at Fou Ts'ong's piano recital last night at the Singapore Conference Hall that they were almost one. His performance showed a thorough understanding of the music he played. Even within its demands, he was able to
    NG POH CHUEN  -  206 words
  • 147 12 TEN years m the film business is too much for Hongkong film and recording star Miss Yoong Yoong (above), who flew m here last night. She is looking forward to marriage and being "a good housewife/ 1 Yoong Yoong, who is on her
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  • 74 12 AN EYE doctor said yester day that the cause pf the present conjunctivitis epidemic was still unknown but it was not due to fumes from motor cars. He was commenting on a leyter m yesterday's Herald which suggested that black smoke and
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  • 526 12 Public phones that don't work NOW whenever I wish to make a call through a public telephone anywhere m Singapore, I have to keep my fingers crossed. They rarely work. But if there is a coffeeshop nearby where there is a telephone, I would prefer to go there and speak
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 103 12 Herbal Ijff •1 Bath Oils- V? just a few drops V will soften and fragrantly protect I 1 your skin. I I Goya Aqua Manda 1 EN AM DIFFICULTIES Facing with difficulties m your Examinations? Hours can be wasted studying the wrong things m the wrong way. The Examiners and
      103 words

  • THE SINGAPORE herald section II
    • 283 13 AN ex-police officer was fined $300 yesterday, or three months* jail, for wounding a labourer m a struggle during which he fired two shots from his revolver. Amanur Rahman, 23, was found guilty m the Third District Court of causing hurt
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    • 118 13 SINGAPOREANS are switching from taking commercial correspondence courses to technical and advanced craft subjects conducted by the City and Guilds London Institute. There is also a marked increase m the number of people taking the Guilds' telecommunications, engineering, craft, and computer
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    • 94 13 AN INDONESIAN who stole a pair of trousers from a man who was bathing m a pnblic toilet on Wednesday was sentenced yesterday to three month's jail. Senior Inspector Chla Cheng Poh told Ninth Magistrate dam Chin Toon that Mr. Amir Badu
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    • 371 13  -  NANCY WONG BY 4 'INGENUITY, imagination and the use of every scrap material •we can lay our hands on sums up the spirit of members of the American Women's Auxiliary involved m making articles for their Christmas bazaar. Among
      371 words
    • 34 13 THE numbers picked m last night's Toto draw were: 28, 49, 16, 39, and 40. The additional number was 4. In the circles draw, the numbers picked were: 35, 23, and 18.
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    • 171 13 A MISSING trouper and a real trooper were features, of the new show at the Tropicana last night. The Continental Dancers from Paris went high-kicking across the stage with only seven of their number because one had fallen ill and been
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    • 328 13 A MAN discovered 14 years after his "marriage" that his "wife" was m fact married to another man, the High Court was told yesterday. Harold Krygsman, 44, a shipping manager, applied for his marriage to Lim Ah Tee, 43, to
      328 words
    • 212 13 THE MARINE police headquarters of the Singapore Police Force has moved house after more than 30 years m South Quay. The "new home" is an ultramodern $1 million two-storey building m Kallang Basin, next to the new National Stadium. Besides a charge room, operations
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    • 140 13 THE U.S. Ambassador, Mr. Charles Tenney Cross presented 800 volumes of books to the Teachers' Training College yesterday. The books, all published m America, cover various subjects on educational administration and psychology. "Most of the books "are very experimental and up to
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • 196 14 CHEAT WHO SOLD FALSE PAPERS JAILED A 28-YEAR-OLD unemployed man who was jailed for four months last year on 78 counts of cheating was sentenced to 18 months' jail by the Fourth District Judge Dalip Singh yesterday on a similar charge. Lee Kok Wah admitted cheating Mr. Lim Ah Chia
    196 words
  • 91 14 THREE YOUTHS were admitted to the Out ram Road General Hospital with stab wounds after they were attacked by a group of seven persons m Tfong Bahru estate at about 8 p.m. on Wednesday. They are Lim Aik Beng, 18, Lim Kheng Hock, 16,
    91 words
  • 75 14 Magic show in aid of Children's Charities A DOZEN magicians, including the Great Wong, will perform m the Singapore Sorcerer Show m aid of Children's Charities at the Victoria Theatre at 8 p.m. tomorrow. The First Lady, Puan Noor Aishah, will be the patron of the show. The show is
    75 words
  • 114 14 Firm moves to tap cheap labour A TOY firm has moved Its factory to Toa Payoh to be close to the abundant supply of labonr there, according to its managing director, Mr. Chan Put. The Bine Box Toy Factory will be patting on another lit employees to bring Its total
    114 words
  • 158 14 Divorce for wife of clerk whose mistress bore him a son A WOMAN told the High Court yesterday that a son had been born to her husband's mistress m February last year. The woman, Dorothy Loh Yit Moy, 31, a hairdresser, was granted a divorce by Justice Winslow on the
    158 words
  • 194 14 AN UNDERSTANDING MAGISTRATE A MAGISTRATE told a taxi driver yesterday that he could be disqualified from driving and fined up to f 1 ,000 if he drove dangerously again. Fong Chee Chung of Kampong Arang Road was found guilty of dangerous driving and fined $250 m the first traffic court
    194 words
  • 131 14 TWO ARMED men held up a youth at dagger point and robbed him of $1,465 worth jewellery and cash m Chestnut Avenue on Wednesday morning. Mr. Khoo Yap Seng, 20, was alone m the house when the two men approached him and claimed
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    • 479 14 With manner quiet and a magnetic baton... By NG POHCHUEN THE VOICE over the phone told me another cellist was needed for the Singapore National Orchestra and I was it! Just like that. So the following evening I manoeuvred my overgrown fiddle into the Imp and drove to rehearsal. I
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    • 311 14 LITHOGRAPHS, engravings and etchings don't seem to go down very well with the Singaporean public even when executed by such artists as Picasso, Matisse and Miro. The eight-day French art exhibition at the Victoria Memorial Hall, sponsored by the French Embassy, packed
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  • 148 14 Another computer course by public demand THE SINGAPORE Compiler Society Is organising another coarse on computer-appreciation for Oct. 3 and 4 at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Building m response to reqaests and a growing Interest la computers. For a fee of $25 for members of the society and $3t
    148 words
  • 210 14 Two companies fined $1,960 for not paying CPF dues TWO COMPANIES were fined a total of $1,960 m the Eleventh Magistrate Court yesterday for failing to pay Central Provident Fund contributions for their employees. They were the Wingker Lloyd Private Limited m Robinson Road and Mok and Company m Geylang
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  • 122 14 KOTA BHARU, Ttaurs. Kelantan batek manufacturers are now facing a lack of white cloth for making batek, the president of the East Coast Batek Manufacturers' Association, Inche Ismail Ibrahim, said today. He added that at present about 150 batek manufacturers could only produce 300
    Bernama  -  122 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 16 14 WELL JIFFY YOUR CAR AWAY FOR JUST 20 CENTS PER WORD (minimum charge: 20 words— s4/
      16 words
    • 124 14 "Dollook a machine?" "That's what I asked my boss after fiddling with figures all day long "For all the money I use up on pencils he could buy a real machine" "And I could go back to being a girl The Facit Cl 13 calculator adds. subtracts, multiplies and divide*
      124 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 37 15 H BRITISH FORCES RADIO RADIO AUSTRALIA 6.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m.; 12.30 ADr^ 3^ News, Comment and music p.m. to 2 p.m.; 4.30 p.m. to 1 1 from 4.30 am to 12.30 am p.m. (F.M.). (short wave)
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1668 15 Hill Kjvivi |^^H|HE^^^9^9^^^Hw!^H i snunsnann»CEa^Eßßny mm ima HiM^^^^^H P |n^».^^^ei q bH a K*^ i^ 1 lI H HeM i^^^^^Q^K w s yjiwifiM^Bc^ nnnnnnnn^B^nnnnß I i 3.00 pm Oiifil Hospital Stories involving 3.00 p.m. Juara Kugiran 70 Band Group m S^5^SX* ndtheP tl ttOf bUSy ZTL H.MbHHe, comedy A"«"egan,d«, wi,h
      1,668 words

  • 325 16 Wanderer Patsy makes a trip home HEARTBREAK and happiness have marked the amazing life of Patsy Lee. From the time she fled Singapore as a six year old wartime evacuee until her return this week, she has known more suffering and more joy than most people experience m a lifetime.
    325 words
  • 325 16 She was alone and lost until this Priest came to the rescue Nothing was done about it as communications with the Orient were severed during the war. But shortly after the war ended m '46 and Dr. Lee sent the newspaper cutting to her sister, Patsy's mother. She contacted Father
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  • 89 16 Bourvil the comedian dies FRENCH comedian, actor and music-hall star Bourvil has died m a Paris hospital aged 53. He had been ill for several months and had just completed work on a new film "Le Mure Atlantique" (The Atlantic Wall). He was born Andre Raimbourg. Father-of-two, Bourvil was best
    89 words
  • 240 16 A UNIVERSITY of California medical researcher says he has developed a new machine to fight cancer from inside the body. A prototype will be unveiled today at the university hospital. Dr. Carl F. Von Essen, Professor of Radiology and Director of the Divison of Radiotherapy,
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  • 139 16 NEW YORK film critic Vincent Canby has labelled the film *Tora, Tora, Tora" —an American-Japanese venture to recreate Japan's attack on Pearl Harbour m 1941 as "a 25-million-doUar irrelevancy" as far as film art is concerned. Canby wrote m The New York Times: "Most disappointing
    139 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 97 16 IttfilVynrilT showing simultaneously to-day. I I■.vßiux1 .vRiuxS l Sß9£f <n i«5. 3.30. 7.15. 9.30 P .m. 1 I ivl wnM Al -ww«J D) 1.30. 3.45. 7. J 5. 9.30 p.m. I I 2nd BIG MONTH see exotic harvest celebrations AUTHENTIC! SEE MARCH OF THE RED GUARDS I ENTIRELY NEW! SEE
      97 words
    • 379 16 4«MKll>«,Ut,lMlMlH> yAyig otaM 1 tfol MffAOttaft* 1 t«TH ACnOMPACIMO OAVI 11 ajB^.IJ«.«4»,«J«4«JM)».ai. "YOU CAM^ WIN 'fM MX** Tawy Curtta. Chart— Sriattw P—>>ai**. Ctf. Ca^umbia. 2ND MIONIOHT TOMOftnOWt TMS gr|ojg| AJ^B AAaflßM*' MaMarf. C*m. Smm CEmHIi 4 CHlmh SmWMm) OBTM VOWOMNO OATI »Wif». I^4, 4.14 4 4-M pi. MmMpe f 1
      379 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 360 16 r— nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni I Starscope ah ac^ 5 jl top could now be made to go smoother If finances are included m i ti^mmm rwESHM i^ift*i!i!H!iT:| ULmmimmm FnCBEQH Your extra work is See what you can do L_-IS&uuUnuuuuKll now closely related to abon working out a some dream, ambition, solution to
      360 words

  • town talk
    • Article, Illustration
      209 17 IKEBANA International Singapore Chapter 135 held the first meeting of their New Year at the home of Puan Runme Shaw m Queen Astrid Park. It was a combined coffee morning with the members of the "Inner Wheel" Rotary Crab. The programme included a showing of coloured slides taken of the
      209 words
    • 112 17 Elsic gets up and away The people, the fashions, the places. They've all altered dramatically m four years. So says Elsie Low who's spent those years studying accountancy hi London. We bumped Into her at Payar Lebar Airport as she returned to the U.K. after spending a holiday here with
      112 words
    • 284 17 SIKH motorcyclists have a headache. Must they wear crash helmets when legislation is implemented next January? Peshora Singh, a 19-year-old doorman at an Orchard Road restaurant tells us he's worried. "Nothing was mentioned about any exemption from wearing crash helmets," he •ays. "After all,
      284 words
    • 185 17 by our 'social spy 1 WE'RE not telling you who, what when or where, but the conversation went something like this: Chinese 1: "We've got three pretty and talented girls coming on November 1." Chinese 2: "Where are they from?" Chinese 1: "Two are from Hongkong and
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 119 17 B o Cut the cost of time H TIMEX A A chain saw reveals j^P^ one remarkable j^^^Z^ >■ feature that's m I every TIMEX wrtck- I jSm m/m^\ a chain saw produces /jl I^V strong vibrations If while TIMEX survives mjl these shocks and still \GM Wf/I continues to
      119 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 285 17 THE DIARY bl o nd| e By Chjc Young DAGWOOD, I KJEED WHO'S DA6^OOO JUST HOLD TMAlsi< YOU^L Z_ SAY, WHO IS THIS #20 FDR A NEW --AAY NAAAE IS rA. STILL A > V EVERETT y GUY EVERETT? f 8.3* am— B pm: Art v_^dress^-> everett j—^J am note
      285 words

      • 657 18 A true GT-just like a dream FITTING the Rekord Sprint engine on to what is essentially a Kadett chassis and covering them both with a stylish dream-like body, Opel has come up with its own version of a true GT. I managed to get hold of the only one m
        657 words
      • Article, Illustration
        104 18  - DRIVE IN JOHN ROBINSON -DRAWN BY Black for danger! If you see marks caused by locked wheels braking on an unfamiliar road, there may be a hazard ahead. Be prepared for the unexpected to happen. On a wet day, if you see a cattle crossing road sign, it is possible
        104 words
      • 1188 19 Getting hooked on speed OU'RE riding home one evening. I road to clear as far as yon can Suddenly, you get an urge to v the throttle wide and yon do so. our speed* needle climbs, to, 7i, M and then over the magic ton. oming round the comer your
        1,188 words
      • 25 19 LAFF A DAY K«c F«Mm S/»<hM«, be 1970. W.rU ■<*» mmtmA "It says, To cross street, press button to activate signal, and then run like sixty.'
        25 words
      • 902 19 The S9O: A real old faithful AN old faithful. That is the S9O Honda, which has been around for the last five years and is still the most popular motorcycle m Singapore despite the recent introduction of many ultrafancy, superfast new models. Despite remaining almost unchanged for five years, more
        902 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 159 18 Comfort Luxury Wjßmmdmk ii of a Saloon Car. K^^^^jf a»H m- |^^HpP^^^ E l^^k^B^|Ml _i'\JeW* a^a^Baßa^^^^^v 'WBA^^bV^ JA Engine Capacity: 2.175 cc. 115 bhp. SAE at 5.570 r.p.m. Fuel Consumption: 25 m.p.g. DIN Maximum speed 110m.p.h. Front wheel Drive. Steering: Power Operated Rack and pinion. Brakes: Front discs and rear
      159 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 154 19 Start them down lifes hifiliway togetto. The first few months ot to oct old before its time. to run smoother, cooler, driving are the toughest on That's why STP* Oil quieter, longer, your car's impressionable Treatment belongs m your When your cor's at the young engine. Those initial car's engine
      154 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 860 20 C/f ADVERTISEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. ANNIVERSARIES. AN NOUNCEMENTS. BIRTHS. CLUB ACTIVITIES. CON DOLENCES. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, FUNERAL. GREET INGS. IN MEMORIAM, MARRIAGES. MISSING. PERSONAL, P.P.C. REQUIEMS REUNIONS. Minimum $8/ for 20 word*, each additional word 40cts. All other classified advertisements: Minimum $4/ for 20 words, each additional word 20cts. Box Service charge $1.00
      860 words
    • 432 20 mßwrroli QJIfMH or our Classified InmTmt^r MM) I Tele- Ad Services NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Following expansion into a New Division the Promotional Department of a Large British Organisation has now vacancies for six Trainee Field Managers to develop new product m the local markst. Those interested andavallable for immediate employment
      432 words
    • 507 20 INVESTIGATION AGENCY Undertakes private 4 confidential, civil 4 commercial investigations. Room 16. 8-B Wayang Street. Tel. ***** Tan/Sim. Why bother yourself over ENGINEERING, SANITARY 4 CONSTRUCTION WORKS. Just drop us a line 4 we'll be there RICARD GENERAL CONTRACTORS PTE. LTD. Blk. 3, 4837 Bosch Road, Spore Tel: 361 953/*****1
      507 words
    • 474 20 DIPLOMA IN INTERIOR DESIGN by I correspondence course. Diploma I recognised by institute of Professional Designers for I Associate Membership. Those already qualified m certain subjects can have them waived with a reduction m fee. Free brochure by airmail from Dept. I STP Thedec School. BCM/Rhodec London W.C. 1 England.
      474 words
    • 413 20 SPECIALIST IN COMMERCIAL. lERIAL and industrial Photography. Contact Juan Photo Service. 177 Tanglin Road. Singapore 10 Tel: *****8. •HOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENTS 2oniult Cathay Photo Service 36. 3ras Basah Road. Phone ***** Cameras, films, developing and Hinting. Call us today. INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS ready m 1 5 seconds Call at New Rex
      413 words
    • 472 20 EXPERIENCED APPRENTICE ACCOUNTING MACHINE SERVICE AND REPAIR PERSONNEL Burroughs, a division of Plessey has opening for experienced and apprentice servicing and repairs men for their range of electric, mechanical accounting machines. Applicants should have a good secondary education, be able to speak English fluently and show interest m a job
      472 words

    • 752 23 TRAINER Mansor bin Matban's Gold Cup prospect Speechmaker caught the eye again m a workout on yielding going at Bukit Timah yesterday. With Subian Dalwee up, the Raconteur gelding finished full of running for his 3f m 38 4/5. Special Steel, an
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    • 270 23 BANGKOK, Thurs. THAI promoter Tiemboon Intalbutr has requested a 20-day postponement of the World title flyweight between Thai WBC champion Chartchai Chionoi and Erbito Salavarria of the Philippines from Oct. 19 to Nov. 9, because of "promotion problems." In a cable sent to
      AFP  -  270 words
    • 298 23 EDINBURGH, Scotland, Thurs. American master golfer, Billy Casper, fully justified his position as favourite for the first prize of £2,000 when he powered his way to a scintillating six under par 66 m the first round of the Willis SI O,OOO tournament at Dalmahoy, here
      AFP  -  298 words
    • 229 23 SINGAPORE'S multiweight wrestling foursome wound up their training for next week's friendly triangular contest In Ceylon. The team leaves for Ceylon tonight for the contest against Ceylonese and Malaysian wrestlers In four weight divisions. The Singaporeans are SAF Captain Chan Seek Sung (bantamweight),
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    • 368 23 Slender stroke lead for America in Ike Cup MADRID, Thurs. Tom Kite yesterday reeled off three pressurepacked birdies m the last for holes to give the United States a slender one stroke lead over South Africa after the first round of the Eisenhower Cup World golf championship for teams. Kite,
      AFP  -  368 words
    • 120 23 BANGKOK, Thurs. A total of 226 Indonesian athletes will take part m the Sixth Asian Games from Dec. 9-20 m Bangkok, it was announced here today. Indonesia, the last nation to inform the Thailand Olympic Committee of its contingent, has entered for all
      AFP  -  120 words
    • 83 23 LOS ANGELES, Thurs. South African tennis player Bob Hewitt will be able to leave hospital today, having recovered from a karate attack by a 70-year-old spectator here. Hewitt, known for his acid tongue and quick temper, was hit three times on the neck by a spectator after his
      AFP  -  83 words
    • 101 23 MIAMI BEACH, Florida, Thurs. Former heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali applying for renewal of his New York state boxing licence said, 'it's nice to know that you* re going to be allowed to perform your trade again." The unscathed Ali, 28, sparred five rounds yesterday, m
      AP  -  101 words
    • 280 23 LOS ANGELES, Thurs. Sixth-seeded Cliff Richey was eliminated and Tony Roche, the Number Three seed, barely escaped the same fate against an amateur player yesterday m second-round matches of the Pacific Southwest Open Tennis Championships. Unseeded pro Tom Koch of Braztf scored a
      AP  -  280 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 110 23 SPORTS W^m^A\ DIARY T WS3t\ BADMINTON: Singapore National Championships Finals (SBA Hall 8 p.m.) Soccer: FAS Div. 3B: Kota Rajah vs SAFSA 'A'; Peru Indians vs Singapore Fire Brigade; OCBCSA vs Telok Kurau 'A 1 Div. 3C: Sp. Constabulary vs Burnley United (all matches at Farrer Park 5.15 p.m.) SWIMMING:
      110 words

  • 329 24  - Aussie girls hand S'pore men 12-8 beating in exhibition softball MAX LANGE SINGAPORE'S invitation softball men's team failed to measure up to the all-round superiority of the visiting Australian world representatives m an exhibition match on the padang yesterday. The Australian girls won by 12 runs to eight. For all
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  • 564 24 THREE clubs Nanyang Siang Pau, Toa Payoh Community Centre 'A' and the Combined Schools 'A* maintained their unbeaten record m the Singapore Table Tennis Association senior interclub tournament at Monk's Hill School last night. Defending champions Nanyang Siang Pau scored their fifth successive victory when
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  • 129 24 SINGAPORE Telephone Board scored an upset 3-0 win over Darul Afiah m a Div. 2A league match at Farrer Park yesterday. STB established control from the outset and shocked Darul Afiah with a tenth minute goal by Ahmad Rais. Maintaining pressure, the telephone men went
    129 words
  • 875 24 Mark, Elaine set six records on final day PRIMARY SCHOOLS SWIM MEET MARK Chan and Elaine Sng stole the limelight again on the concluding day of the National Primary Schools aquatic meet at the Chinese Swimming Club yesterday. Mark and Elaine were responsible for six of the 13 new records.
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  • 244 24 HONGKONG, the Philippines, India, Malaysia and the Gan Island have been invited to participate m the Far East international rowing regatta here next month. The regatta, organised by the Far East Amateur Rowing Association, will be held at the Seletar Reservoir on
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  • 175 24 Mun Cheong clocks 48.7 in 400 m trials SPRINTERS Ho Mun Cheong, C. Kunalan, Yeo Kian Chye and Cheah Kirn Teck have a good chance to quality for the Asian Games 4 x 400 m relay event. In the individual 400 metres trials yesterday to pick the four best runners
    AFP  -  175 words
  • Article, Illustration
    12 24 By jingo, Carstairs this could explain a few things i
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