Singapore Herald, 16 September 1970

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Total Pages: 24
1 24 Singapore Herald
  • 13 1 THE herald SINGAPORE No. Singapore Wednesday, September 16, 1970 MC(P) 2307 15 CENTS
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  • 161 1 TWA guard shoots Wold-be hijacker SAN FRANCISCO, Tnes. A wsald he hijacker was shot and wonnded today by a security gnard aboard a Trans-World The airliner, with 17 pnsaoagem aboard, landed this morning at San Francisco airport and was Immediately snrronnded by police cars and two ■mhwUncf. Bat the plot
    AFP; AP  -  161 words
  • 52 1 Many office workers were late for work yesterday because this lorry, loaded with sand v lost two of its eight wheels m Geylang Road. It blocked one lane and created a bottleneck. Traffic into the City was held up for as long as
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    • 130 1 CANBERRA, Tues. Police have placed a 24-hour armed guard at the United Arab Republic embassy following a telephone cal from a man threatening "to blow up all Arabs." ODD NEW DELHI: Prince Norodom Sihanouk, m a cable to the Press Club of India, says he
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  • 108 1 DALLAS (Texas), Tues. Two commercial jet airliners, with a total of more than 200 people on board, had a near collision yesterday over Tulsa, Oklahoma, one of the pilots said. Both were Boeing 7075. One was a Braniff international flight from Kansas City to
    AP  -  108 words
  • 56 1 Hemp smoker's excuse LAGOS, Tues. Charged with possessing Indian hemp, a man told the court m Ondo, Western State Nigeria, yesterday: "I always smoke it to drive away mosquitoes at night" He said he did not know it was an offence. The magistrate was not impressed and sent the man
    AFP  -  56 words
  • 143 1 PARIS, Ties. The French la— sri Udaf pharmaeeatical firm has acretopta aatf-fcrtfflty pM that wwei seed take ealy •ice a week. It was a anther «f advantages ever existiag pills. Its makers claim. These teclade: It toes act preveat naiitt— sad thai dees net laterfere with
    AFP  -  143 words
  • 166 1 PARIS, Ties. King Hnssein of Jordan was ■.noted today as saying that a showdown Was nearing between the Jordanian Army and Palestine refugees m the In an interview with Jean-Francois Chanvel of the newspaper Figaro, the king said: "The situation cannot go on.
    AP; AFP  -  166 words
  • 543 1 HOSE HOSTAGES: TOTAL NOW GIVEN AS 54 LONDON, Taes. The ma data oa Sept. while attemptlag to hijack aa El Al alrllaer which laaded here has beea Identified by the British GoTerameat as Patrick Joseph Argaelle, 28, a U.S. clttiea who had beea llvlag ia Malagas, Nicaragaa.
    AP  -  543 words
  • 143 1 SPORT IN: FOUR NIJACKS IN AGATNA'S SOTH BOOK LONDON, Tues. Agatha Christie, Britain's queen of crime story writers, celebrated her Mth birthday today with the publication of her Mth book which features the hijack of four airliners. She wrote the book months ago. It is called Passenger to Frankfurt. Referring
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  • 142 1 AMMAN, Tues. Heavy fighting broke out m Jordan today and the rumble of distant gunfire rattled windows m the capital. A few hours earlier, the official Syrian news agency, Sana, reported Jordan's 40th Brigade had opened up with tank fire and heavy artillery against Palestinian
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 115 1 5 ,^^fl The ST. DUPONT collection of fine jewelry butane lighters, reflecting almost a century of superb crafts- I manship, offers the ultimate accessory for both men I and women. I The sixteen models of the standard ST. DUPONT collection m 20 micron gold, 30 micron silver plate and genuine
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1161 2 Accent on English at Nantah now Viewpoint By Singapore Herald Staff Writers NANYANG University has had its share of growing pains. They have been linked, one way or another, to the question of the role of the English language. This role was played down when the university was first founded
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  • 742 2 From the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Mr. Kwan Sai Kheong, to Inche Mohamed Yusof Ahmad: THE Education Ministry has agreed to revise a primary school history textbook which has been a subject of controversy since its introduction earlier this year. The title
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  • 272 2 MORE LETTERS IN PAGE 20 I AM writing to congratulate you on your editorial (S.H. Sept. 14) concerning Mr. C.V. Devan Nair's recent speech. It is the first time, to my knowledge, that an Englishlanguage daily newspaper m Singapore has spoken out m
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  • 349 2 Wednesday, September 16, 1970 THE SINGAPORE HERALD THE security situation m Sarawak seems to be considerably more serious than had been assumed. Last Friday's ambush (though unsuccessful) was the second to be announced by the State Operations Council m three weeks. In the earlier
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  • 173 2 The record of the United Nations over the 25 years of its existence can be accounted impressive only when measured against what might have happened if it had not been formed at all. Few will quarrel with the finding of an American Presidential Commission that the U.N.
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  • 152 2 university biology department to the goal of producing graduate brigades of, say, tropical mosquito fighters, or a physics department to the end of producing anti-pollution experts. Cram courses m language, they further point out, require a linguistic aptitude on the part of the student. Nanyang undergraduates, needless to say, do
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 301 3 WANTED: Drivers of skill and nerve for the Herald Tests DO YOU fancy yourself as a skilled driver? You can find out and prove to your friends just how good you are m the Singapore Herald Driving Tests on Oct. 4 at the Police Academy m Thomson Road. Organised by
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  • 175 3 RAF PLANES TAKE CHILDREN BACK TO SCHOOL CHILDREN of some British servicemen who had speit their school holidays with their pareats here, have beea flows hack to Britaia by Royal Air Force traasport plaaes because of the receat hiiackiag of several BOAC airUaers. Aa RAF spokesmaa said yesterday that aonaally
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  • 93 3 LONDON, Tacs. Tke Bnm Office said last sight that it was still iswHuiag a reqaest by tw« former detalaee* ia Stagapare far perwlmrt— la stay ia Britaia Urn Ckaa Simg aad Miss Wm| Caal Was caaie la this t— try a year aga
    AP  -  93 words
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  • 341 3 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SETS UP INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE POLICE have arrested two persons and interrogated several others m connection with the sale of drug pills and ganja to school children, a police spokesman said yesterday. Some pills and ganja have also been seized. TAKEN ILL School children
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  • 116 3 FIVE Singaporeans are among 217 Commonwealth students who have been awarded scholarships by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. All five will do post-graduate studies m British universities. Hie five Singapore scholars are Messrs Leow Slew Beng, Urn Chiang Peng, Lob Soo Ann, Ong Ho Sim and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 233 3 1 aaV^al aaV ml aaaaaa H Bwri*®^ BM MM M^ B^aaißa¥ IB WK^^S i I is ...with this superb low-cost,high performance convenience 'copier PJIgJ^W Not a printer. Not a duplicator. Sits on a desk ready to give ■»3^3 I anyone m your office finely detailed, sharp, black, PERMANENT copies at
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  • 188 4 THE MINISTRY of Culture has banned only one record the soundtrack of the musical play "Hair" since it began looking into songs that promote drug-taking a few months ago, according to informed sources. Bat the Ministry has "disallowed" about 24
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  • 285 4 THE 700 employees of the Hotel Malaysia will decide later this week whether to strike or take othef "appropriate" industrial action against the management. The decision to do so by secret ballot was taken last night at an executive 'council meeting of the
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  • 436 4 Still the prayers go on in temple under a cloud A DEMOLITION ORDER AFTER $100,000 SPENT ON RENOVATION INCENSE was not the only thing pervading the atmosphere at Poh Ming Tse Temple at Dunearn Road during a simple ceremony yesterday to enshrine a new statue of a Buddhist Saint. There
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 4 *1 am NOT a stool pigeon. I just think the boas is INTERESTED m knowing what goes on m the office."
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  • 225 4 SINGAPORE police are to be asked to help find two Japanese who are believed to have cheated a branch of the Fuji Bank m Kaminarimu, Tokyo, of 19 million yen ($l5 million), a Japanese Embassy spokesman said yesterday. He said some
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  • 63 4 POLICE are looking for Tan Ah Kok, 22, (above) to assist m investigations into the theft of railway communication wires near Kranji Bridge on Sunday morning. Tan's last known address was 53, Jalan Mashhor. Information may be given to ASP Nathan Isaac or
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  • 60 4 Fatal head injuries NOT dog bites A POLICE spokesman said yesterday that Kisud bin Slran, 50, died of head Injuries after falling off his motor-cycle and not of dog bites, as reported by another morning newspaper. He said Kisud fell from his motor-cycle m Binjai Park Road on Friday, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 266 4 A You can pay less for an engine. Or more. But if you buy sensibly, you'll get a DEUTZ diesel. Some promise early delivery... and then leave you waiting for months, DEUTZ diesels are "In Stock" and we can deliver a standard unit of 30—600 BHP m 24 hours. Some
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  • 622 5 Booming business in property market DESPITE SOARING BUILDING COSTS... DESPITE rising building costs forced up by a labour shortage and higher prices of building materials the signs are that the property market m Singapore is heading for even better days. Real estate agents said yesterday there was a steady demand
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  • 459 5 NPC may become statutory board THE Government is considering changing the National Productivity Centre into a statutory board, said the centre's acting director, Mr. Lee Ong Pong, yesterday. He said statutory status for the NPC would ensure that management and labour would abide by its recommendations. He added that the
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  • 78 5 THE BRITISH Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Defence for the Army, Mr lan Gilmour, returned here yesterday after a tour of Kuala Lumpur and Penang. He will be visiting the Jungle Warfare School m Kota Tinggi, Johore tomorrow and leaves for home on Frfday. ODD GOLDEN
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  • 56 5 Ha Baa famf accased ef aiarderiaf Us aeighbaar, IwjMfili fW, la hit tb«B m April 3, was c»mmltt«d ywtsviaj to staai trial ia the High C* Blach 34. Jalaa Baktt H« Swee, is alleged to have act the girt la a
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  • 101 5 Lee meets Nasser before flying to Moscow MR. Lee Kuan Yew had talks with President Nasser of the United Arab Republic m Cairo on Monday. In Moscow, where he arrived yesterday for a week's visit, Pravda published a front page of him m an article welcoming him. In a brief
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  • 144 5 Malaysia takes first step to control pollution KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Government today announced measures to control environmental pollution. Although it Is not yet a serious problem, long-term measures are being formulated to prevent it from reaching dangerous proportions. As a first step, the Ministry of Health has prepared a
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  • 60 5 DISTRICT Judge Dalip Singh fined a housewife $stt) yesterday for having 28.5 grams of ganja and told her that possession of the' drug carries a heavy penalty. Toh Ah Slew, 24, of Burmah Road, who kept 20 rolls of ganja m a wooden crate was
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 142 5 look twice B f 1 •^tfa>^L^tm^m^m^m\ only one is a genuine Dunlopiilo mattress These two mattresses look alike, but only one is a genuine Dunlopiilo. You can tell which one, by the c7trmii#»Ql^ Dunlopiilo label. So look for it on the mattress irO|HCal cover. I^Pr Mi Because it's Dunlopiilo, you
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  • 1646 6 CAVBLES WORLD WIDE I THE INSIDE STORY peWtAR ARAB extremists' spectacular coup m successfully hijacking the three aircraft blown up last Saturday came close to failure on at least two occasions, according to a commando spokesman. In an office m the centre
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  • 213 6 WASHINGTON, Tues. Vice-President Spin Agnew said that the United States could not unilaterally retaliate against the Arab guerillas who were holding as hostages some 55 passengers from the hijacked airliners. "We must bear m mind that people are being held hostages and that this
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  • 593 6 AFRICANS TO SEND MISSION TO NATO CAPITALS LUSAKA, Tues. All Nato countries will receive visits from the African foreign ministers mission protesting against arms sales to South Africa, President Kenneth Kaunda disclosed. Ekmnes matins tt arrest nllmrt Mir Wickers TEL AVIV, Ties. Foreign Minister Abb* Ebaa proposed aa lateraatioaal law
    AP; AFP  -  593 words
  • 57 6 LOS ANGELES, Tues. Dr. Timothy Leary, styled "high priest" of the LSD drug cue, escaped at the weekend from San Luis Obispo prison. Dr. Leary, sentenced to 10 years In jail last March for possession of drugs, was considered a model prisoner and was serving
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  • 70 6 CALCUTTA, Tues. —At least sixty people have died m floods m West Bengal and the situation is still grave. Thousands of mud houses have been washed away m the raging waters which have destroyed bridges, breached roads and submerged rice fields. ODD ANZUS MEETING CANBERRA, Tues.
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  • 411 7 (1) GIsCAN RETURN IN AN EMERGENCY; (2) BOTH SIDES TO SHARE BASE RUNNING COSTS WASHINGTON, Tues. The United States and Japan have reached an understanding on the joint use of military bases m Japan by U.S. forces but the question of cost has still
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  • 232 7 Tension in Korea and the danger of another flare-up SEOUL, Tues. Tension continues m Korea and possibilities of the outbreak of another Korean war could be excluded, declared an official report by the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea (Uncurk) submitted to the United Nations SecretaryGeneral.
    AFP; AP  -  232 words
  • 339 7 radiophoto PARIS, Ties. Mrs Nguyen Thl Binh, Vletcoug Foreign Minister and delegation head said on her retara from Lasaka that she was ready to hold private talks with the Amerlcaa delegation to the peace coafereace. "Evei though U.S. delegation chief David
    AP  -  339 words
  • 108 7 Malawi and Zambia dentente BLANTYRE, Tues. Malawi and Zambia are to establish diplomatic relations m an effort to promote mutual Mendly relations. The surprise announcement was made today by a Malawi Government spokesman only four days after President Kamuzu Banda condemned last week's non-aligned nations conference m Lusaka as being
    AFP  -  108 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 213 7 Kf ■Mb** '_^^S^^^riflt22ffl^^^l HBB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^BBBi B& HmBI I^K^>- *-Jji^^ jk B^g>^Bss9^B BB c 888 BttfeL^.^^l^^^^^^Jf B^k^h Pp^^^^BH Bfl E. Wo^^ w/fy ""^■■■^^^Bp l l^^SSl^Bi^f^ MB l^p kSp^&»J| E^. kL^ n fl Like Ong Beng Teck, successful businessmen have a BOAC VCIO behind them. Direct to London. £^W£ J The most pleasant
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  • 1 8
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 822 8 'A (INCO^PX)WATH>INT>atP«PUaUC<yS>Sa*i >*»»' ICBt>JILDING.2SMENTDNVy«S»iC^PX)WEI»B.«t3t«^ UK, EUROPE SERVICE LOADING FOR LONDON.H'BURG, ROAM, HAVRE, AKVERP.BREM. ■"tepew p. rham Pawawg 4WP)H«t "BmiejiTOP*!^. Jjy«JJ» It/20 sapt 21 teat f«ep ta/te R'«a» 24/10, HaweM/10. A'Mrp SO/10 I'm. 1/11. WtilUlalnajKTllHl 7/ioOet 11/tSOet 14/ttOet t"*ea 10/11 »Tfcaaj 14/11. r«a«i it/ 1 1 Havte 1 1/1 1
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 756 8 t^^^^~f I f> -a as* k ear*" k>s T-" assX^ /**<IUfWtiC Bssfl Lw *41*aal sf\ /ars^BT •"^asawBB %BJ*" aw THE SINGAPORE HERALD Wednesday, September 16, 1970 Including ALL ships bound for the Americas, e.g. ships sailing east out of Singapore to Pacific Westbound ALKADISIAH InPt Kuwait. Arabian and Iranian Ports.
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    • 507 8 x Illl BSg P*--9 Jm Ssti fhnihift &JI aJnl KOUDEKERK Sept 29/Oct 1 B'lona, M'sailles, Genoa, Tripoli, Beirut, Lattakia, R'dam, H'burg. NLL/KPM KOTA MAKMUR Sept 21/23 Dar-Es-Salaam Mombawa Aden, H'dah, Assab, P.Sudan, Agaba. PIL/PIL M.V. LAWANTI Sept 27/29 A'dam. A'werp, B'men H'burg. SL/SL UMBURG Sept 19/20 Bombay, Karachi. Brain (10/10),
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    • 225 8 KEY FOR EASY REFERENCE: The shipping schedules beginning on this page are given in four parts for ships westbound, eaatbound, southbound and coastal. Each entry gives the following information: NAME OF SHIP, date of arrival/departure, porta of call, name of line abbreviated/name of agent(s) abbreviated. At the bottom of the
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  • 294 9 A JAPANESE shipyard has received an order from a British company for a 447,000-ton tanker. The yard is the shipping division of IshikawajimaHarima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., which will complete the mammoth carrier by the end of 1973. It costs US$4OO million. One of the main trends
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  • 211 9 LONDON, Tues. Active chartering by grain shippers featured an otherwise rather quiet market today. A vessel was secured for heavy grain from Duluth /Superior or Milwaukee to Antwerp at US$ll.5O fio (free m and out), completing St. Lawrence at U556.75, for Sept. Oct., while three cargoes were
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 125 9 scindiaQ^jlinesl tmam pacific north west service w—M Loading For: LOS ANGELES. SAN OIEGO. SAN FRANCISCO. TACOMA. VANCOUVER B.C. Penang p s ham bmgaporp i Angeles ■JALARATHA- 29/30 Sept I /2 Oct 35 Oct 6 N0» ■JAtARASHMI" 2»/30Oct Oct3l/1No« 2/4 No. IDk IST CLASS SALOON PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE STRAITS/EAST CANADA GREAT
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 505 9 Westbound continued TARANTEL Now 13/19 NY., B'more, Boston.- Montreal.. BBL/HC TOBIAS MAERSK Sept 30/Oct 1 Montreal, Quebec. ML/AAC TORONTO CITY Sept 28/29 L.M., Rio, Santos. FTL/AUS TREPCA Sept 24 Famagusta, Beirut Lattakia Trieste Rijeka. JAL/EMA TAGAYTAY Oct 15/19 N.York (5/12), B'more (29/12). BBL/HC VESSEL A Se Pt 20 Basrah. Khorr.,
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    • 592 9 VISHVA DHARMA Sept 18/20 N.York Boston, M'treal, Toronto, Ashtabula, Cleveland Toledo, Detroit Milwaukee. Chicago. SO/JS VISHVA KIRTI Sept 22/23 Bombay. SCl/JS VISHVA SHOBHA Sept 18/22 N.York, M'treal, Toronto, H'ton, Ashtabula, Cleveland Toledo, Detroit, Chicago. SCl/JS VISHVA SEVA Oct 23/24 Bombay. SCl/JS VISHVA MAHI MA Sept 30/Oct 3 Rangoon, Calcutta. SCl/JS
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    • 119 9 Ships in port THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY MADE THESE BERTHING ARRANGEMENTS FOR SEPT. 16. OUT: Balarhikha 1/2, Vishva Tirth 8/9, Moonie 18, Djakarta Maru 27/28, Colombo Maru 40/41, Texaco Newcastle 42/43, President Taylor 46, Doris Taylor 33/34, Eastern Advocate 36, Margo 22. IN: Al Kadishiah 3/4, Mayasan Maru 6/7,
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    • 101 9 Lady, Oceana, Adel, Jo wood, Jotor, Kadina, Kunak, Tyon, Atreus, Dona Youla, Sincerity, Kota Sings, Gambali, Navasota, Englishman. WESTERN ROADS: Tokoyu Maru No. 15, Edward Wflshaw, Camilla Bay, Tanea, Soltulla. INNER ROADS: Bocho Maru No. 3, Bachtera BaktL Pacific Viking, King River, New Constitution, Pulau Anambas, Soupanaja XII, Telanaipura, Fargaras,
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    • 453 10 NEW YORK, Tues. More than 300,000 auto workers struck the General Motors Corporation at midnight Monday and a last-minute court order blocked a union walkout called for the same time by four unions against three major railroads. Negotiations m DETROIT up to the final hour
      Reuter  -  453 words
    • 656 10 Uranium shares again dominated trading yesterday. There was strong support for Kathleen Investments and Queensland Mines although both issues closed below the best. Kathleen was easily the most active stock, touching $14.10 on continued speculation on the possibility of a bid. However, profit-takers appeared towards the close
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    • 232 10 (CkMtaf hum fm»m vricm m Hon«kon« dollus) Trading was quiet when the market reopened yesterday after Monday's closure due to the typhoon Georgia. Activity was further dampened by today's public holiday, and the turnover was on the small side. Prices generally maintained previous levels. Hutchisons, which declared
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  • 975 10 DAC and Pugwash meetings: Japan supports untied aid move TOKYO, Tues. Foreign Minister Kiichi Aichi said yesterday Japan supports the idea that all assistance contributed to bilateral and multilateral institutions should have no strings attached to it. Speaking at the opening session of the ninth highlevel meeting of the Development
    AP  -  975 words
  • 332 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Toes. Singapore imported about 29,Mt tons of rubber m July this year, about 4,fff tons more than m June. According to the July rubber statistics issued by the Statistics Department here, Singapore's imports for the first seven months totalled about 17C,fff tons. West Malaysia exported 7lf,iif daring
    AP  -  332 words
  • 163 10 TOKYO, Tues. Japanese iron and steel makers have decided to set up a special committee within the Japan Iron and Steel Federation to discuss and gather information on the scrap iron market, the federation said. The officials said the decision was reached at a meeting of federation officials last
    AP  -  163 words
  • 155 10 DESPITE sliding rubber and tin prices, Malaysia's Gross National Product growth for 1970 should approximate last year's 8.6 per cent increase, says the Chase Manhattan Bank. The bank says m its biweekly bulletin, International Finance, investment activity m Malaysia— particularly m developing recent offshore petroleum strikes— is
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  • 203 10 WASHINGTON, Tues. Output of the U.S. factories, mines and refineries edged slightly lower m August, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board said yesterday, but the change m the rate of industrial production was insignificant for the fourth month m a row. The index of industrial production, issued by the
    AP  -  203 words
  • 241 10 TOKYO, Tues. Japan tiad a surplus of US$lBO million m international balance of payments m August, the Finance Ministry and the Bank of Japan estimated yesterday. The balance represented an advance of about US$lOO million compared with the previous month. The gold and foreign exchange reserves were estimated to
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  • 278 10 SINGAPORE-MALAYSIA Merchant rates today, fixed by the Association of Banks m Malaysia-Singapore. Local dollars per unit of foreign currency. ••HONGKONG (Rating m Hongkong dollars, for Sept. 15). On New York TT 6.1060 On New York DD 6.***** Gold (99% fineness, per tael) 283.626 Note Rates: China (per
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    • 249 11 HOTEL NEGARA is negotiating to participate m an enterprise catering for tourists. Its chairman, Dr. yap Pheng Geek, said this yesterday when he explained the overcapitalised state of the hotel. He, however, declined to give details of the proposed enterprise. Dr. Yap said the hotel had
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    • 130 11 BANGKOK, Ties. Thai rice may he asM at redaced rates oa the International market m order to remain competitive. Minister of Economic Affairs Banchaaa Attakora announced today* Mr Attakera said the Ministry was working on giving discounts to rice easterners abroad so that the present situation which the market
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    • 85 11  - PEOPLE in business MR. WOK KEE PAN, development manager of Far East-Levincston Shipbuilding, and MR. LARRY A. BAKER, SR., general manager, have been appointed directors of the company. MP. MOK Mr. Mok, a masters graduate m engineering, joined Far East m 1968. He visited the United States last year to
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    • 297 11 WASHINGTON, Tues. The House of Representatives passed yesterday, 177 to 140, legislation to increase United States contributions to international financial institutions by more than US$l,OOO million over the next three years. The exact amount of funds that would be disbursed by the Treasury remained
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  • 1475 11 STOCK EXCHANGE OF MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE KEY Tin ring buyers' and Milan' prices ate follow ad by the business don*. Figures, m brackets denote traded lota m'a. When the price la not followed by a figure m brackets. It means only a tangle lot of 1.000
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  • 79 11 (Manages' prices for Sept 16) ASIA UNIT TRUSTS Mai Invt Fund 1.19 1.24 Mai. Progress Fund 1.00 1.05 CHARTERED UNIT TRUSTS Singapore Growth Fund 1.02 1.07 SINGAPORE UNIT TRUSTS Second Singapore 1.78 Third Singapore 1.18 B. S. Hie Commerce Ind. Fund .96 1.01 The Savins Fund .97 1.02
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  • 731 11 SINGAPORE RUBBER RUBBER 50-3/4 cents a Ik. (up oie-eighth cent). Morning trading yesterday started with 50-7/8 cents paid for RSS 1 October. After this, there was a slight mark down with little traded. Some buying interest m 1171 positions exerted some influence on nears. October traded at 51 cents
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  • 397 11 (Paid price* at 1100 EST. In U.S. dollar*.) DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES NEW YORK, Mon. (Changes m brackets): Industrials 757.12 (-4.72); Transportation 139.56 (-0.46); Utilities 108.42 (-0.28); Composite stocks 239.31 (-1.17); Bonds 65.11 (+0.11). Stocks yesterday continued to slip under pmssurr of the UAW strike against
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  • 576 11 G overnment bonds were firm yesterday following the First Pennsylvania prime rate cut. Some buying saw gains of up to three-sixteenths at the long end of the market with smaller rises m the nearer dates. The fall m the U.S. Treasury bill rates also aided sentiment although
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  • 152 11 AMSTERDAM Internationals yesterday closed mixed m a reserved market m front of the Dutch 1971 budget m the afternoon. Hoogovens, Philips and Unilever all firmed slightly, but Royal Dutch was unchanged, while Akzo eased slightly. Local industrials were narrowly mixed. PARIS The market was generally easier m quiet
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  • 354 12 Mother and daughter hurt in acid attack A HOUSEWIFE and her eight-year-old daughter suffered acid burns on the face, shoulders, hands and body when four acid bulbs were thrown into their Jalan Pipit flat yesterday morning Three of the bulbs burst and burnt Madam Chan How Yong, 40 and her
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  • 129 12 LONDON, Tues. An Irish labourer threw two teargas grenades into the House of Commons during a debate "as an exercise m participatory democracy," a Magistrate's Court was told yesterday. The prosecutor said James Roach, 26, wanted "the Government to experience first hand" the
    AP  -  129 words
  • 309 12 TEN members of a gang of thieves and robbers were sentenced to jail terms of two to five years m the First District Court yesterday. The court was told that their loot amounted to about $230,000. Five of them were
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  • 46 12 A 24-YEAR-OLD factory worker, Toh Choon Lai, 24, died of severe head injuries at the Thomson Road hospital yesterday. She had been found earlier at the foot of Block 64, Toa Payoh. Her home was on the eighth floor.
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  • 440 12 'Step up coastal patrols' plea to Malaysia KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Thailand has asked Malaysia to step up her sea patrols to prevent the Malayan Communist Party from sending members to their common border, Tunku Abdul Rahman disclosed here today. Thailand's Prime Minister, Mr. Thanom Kittikachorn, had brought this matter up
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  • 220 12  - MARTHA: HIGH SPIRITS SAVE THE DAY NG POH CHUEN THE WESLEY Methodist Church presented the romantic comic opera Martha by Flotow at the Victoria Theatre last night. The basic story of a bored lady of quality who disguised herself as a maid-in-waiting to search for fun is a delightful tale,
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  • 230 12 THAT POLY CAMPUS ROW ALL SETTLED NOW THE Singapore Polytechnic Students' Union last night denied a newspaper report that there was a "petticoat rebellion" on the campus over a union bulletin article m which the author described the girls as "dump bumps/ However, Mr. Ang Chee Pheng, president of the
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  • 67 12 THE SOCIAL Welfare Department handed out $4-< million m public assistance to an average of 13,965 families a month last year as against $5.7 million to a monthly average of 16,554 m 1968. The department conducted a survey on persons from 15 to
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  • 250 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Chief of Armed Forces Staff and other top military officers here today called on their men to remain vigilant against the country's enemies so that Malaysia could continue to progress. They were speaking over Television Malaysia to mark Armed Forces
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  • 151 12 COLUMN SEVEN WE'VE aU heard of Hyde Park Corner. It's a spot m London where people who want to air a grievance or proselytise a cause ANY grievance and ANY cause leap on a soap box and hold forth. The Singapore Herald is setting up a miniHyde Park Corner for
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  • 57 12 SANTA MONICA (California), Tues. Dr. Rudolf Caraap, one of the most influential philosopher* of the 20th Century, died yesterday, aged 79. Though little known to the public. Dr. Carnap was recognised among philosophers as a founder of one of the major schools of philosophy m this
    AP  -  57 words
  • 60 12 DUSSELDORF, Tues. Gen. Andrew Goodpaster, Supreme High Allied Commander m Europe, said today U.S. forces were growing weaker while Soviet military strength excelled any tWng the world had previously This meant that the balance of security was shifting, the margin of deterrence was being reduced
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • THE herald SINGAPORE Section II
    • 565 13 Attacks on Phey: Three MSA men jailed THREE MSA employees, all members of the Singapore Air Transport Workers' Union, were jailed for nine months each by Ninth Magistrate Giam Chin Toon yesterday for their part m two attacks on NTUC president Phey Yew Kok. The attacks took place on Nov.
      565 words
    • 146 13 AN invitation and a challenge were thrown at local undergraduates by Lt. Col. Lionel Gregory, the leader of the Comex 4. Commonwealth Expedition yesterday Lt Col. Gregory said he welcomed the students to Britain if they had the "guts and the gumption
      146 words
    • 61 13 MR. Fred Emery, London Times correspondent for South-East Asia, has been appointed chief correspondent m Washington. It is understood that for reasons of economy he will not be replaced. The Times' coverage for this area will be handled m future from Tokyo by Mr. Michael
      61 words
    • 56 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Hie Selangor State Operations Committee today approved the formation of a committee to investigate the mortgaging of Malay reservation land to money lenders. Hie committee, headed by the Director of Lands and Mines, Selangor, Raja Shah Mb Raja Hannah, would also Investigate the
      56 words
    • 218 13 GAMBLING DEBTS LAND HOTEL MAN IN JAIL AN EMPLOYEE of the Goodwood Park Hotel who admitted misappropriating $16,763.50 was jailed for a year by Second District Judge Tan Hoay Djin yesterday. David Low Fang Hiang, 30, an accounts controller, said: "I have been with the hotel for ten years. It
      218 words
    • 176 13 WHILE parking at his regular car park m Stirling Road m May this year, a man drove over some floorboard mats which a man was cleaning. By the end of the month his car had sustained two deflated front tyres and a
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    • 355 13 NEW WARNING SIGNBOARDS GO UP IN CATCHMENT AREAS THE Public Utilities Board has put up new signboards with warning notices against bathing, swimming and fishing Macßitchie, Pierce and Seletar. In a statement yesterday, the board said that there had been a few cases of drowning and a number of people
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 390 13 a^BBBBB^BBBBBBBBV wSS^^^ affair 9 A •^aaaal blbbbW aaaaa! staam w 'H W "saam C BBBBBBV~*^Lf^^aV aaai i^^Ba^r*^ 1 Mi i M**"^ ft yt i a*k aß^^" jjr w 1 1 ™**^jM i ui. lK^ o%^^^ftl i aaH^* ft m M BBBBr'' ''^k^Lal BBBBbW W aaaak l .^*^^^^^^^^"**"*"*™"*^^?aa^^BaaV^aaaaT^^aaft^saaT^bbbm :^^^^^r At* I
      390 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • 381 14 MALAY SIASingapore Airlines has more vehicles on the ground than it has aircraft. The airline has 22 aircraft, but its fleet of ground vehicles totals 94 a rough ratio of one to five. The vehicles carry passengers, crews, meals, stores, internal mail
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  • 93 14 PILING FOR SINGAPORE'S FIRST FLOATING RESTAURANT PILING work to m progress for Singapore's first floating restaurant at Kallang. A total of Ml piles of lengths varying from 29 ft to SS ft. are being lodged permanently m the seabed. These piles will eventually carry three octagonal shaped ■Ingle storey structures,
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  • 54 14 THE St. John Ambulance Brigade will hold the finals of Its 19th annual first aid corapetition for the Haridas Challenge Trophy m Beach Road on Sunday at 4.90 p.m. The First Lady, Puan Noor Aishah will give away the prizes. President Yusof Ishak, the brigade's patron,
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  • 445 14 MR. JUSTICE Choor Singh yesterday visited the scene of an accident aver which a doctor's widow is suing the Government for $289,000 damages. A further $10,000 is also being claimed for the doctor's parents. Mrs. Rada Baskaran m her suit claims that her husband
    445 words
  • 191 14 A MOTOR-CYCLIST'S SEVEN OFFENCES A MOTOR CYCLIST was fined a tola! of $960 yesterday for seven offences committed JnstONE side. The Second Traffic Coart was told that on Jan, IS, Ng Tok Kin of Beo cycle down Handy Road into Bras Basah Road by catting
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  • 212 14 THE LITTLE ONES WITH NOT ENOUGH TO EAT NEARLY ALL the 180 children admitted last year to the Convalescent Home of the Singapore Children's Society m Nicoll Drive were suffering from malnutrition according to the society's latest annual report published yesterday. About 42 per cent had severe malnutrition. Four per
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  • 100 14 Oct. 1 3 last day for photo entries SHUTTERBUGS m Singapore and Malaysia are invited to join members of the Photographic Society of Singapore m an exhibition to be held here from Nov. 19 to 22. The society president's gold trophy will be awarded for the best colour print. The
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  • 189 14 THE following candidates have passed the Vicentiate Diploma Examinations conducted here recently by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. They were: L.B.S.M. Branch *B* (School Mute): Low Siew Poh (Section II), Chan Ethel nee Yeo Jit Ai (Section III), Cbionh Kah Keng (Sections II
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  • 127 14 Fish show and competition to be held at TTC A FISH show will be held from Jan. 16 to 19 at the Teachers Training College. Jointly organised by the Ministry of National Development, the Singapore Aquarists' Society and the Singapore Guppy Club, the show will feature stalls put up by
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  • 71 14 PORK-Aeller Ng Sai Tuck, 53, of Lorong 20 Geylang, was fined $500 yesterday for having 21 packets of prepared opium worth $16. Prosecuting Officer Snr. Insp. Othman Ambia told the Fifth Magistrate's Court, that Ng was holding a paper bag containing the packets of opium
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  • 158 14  - Volunteers needed for 'Friends of Woodbridge' Gladys Keidel THE VOLUNTEER committee of the Singapore Association of Mental Health, which started the Oasis Club m February, hopes to form an organisation to be known as "Friends of Woodbridge" to help patients of the hospital. Mrs. Gladys Keidel, chairman of the volunteer
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  • 88 14 Rotary dinner to promote goodwill THE Rotary Club of Singapore will celebrate "World Understanding Week" with a dinner at Hilton Hotel tomorrow. Members of the diplomatic corps will be guests at the dinner at which speeches will be made by Mr. Charles Cross, the U.S. Ambassador, Mr. Harold Francis, New
    88 words
  • 188 14 AN UNEMPLOYED man who admitted robbing the assistant manager of Jackie's Bowl of $7,504 on May 25 was jailed yesterday for four years and ordered to undergo* a year's police supervision. ASP Sta. Maria told First District Judge Abdul Wahab Ghows that Chan Kok Lam alias
    188 words
  • 221 14 A man's suicide note to 'most beloved' wife... A FORMER mental patient who died of barbiturate poisoning left a suicide note to his wife asking her to forgive him, a coroner was told yesterday. The court was told that on Aug. 14 at 8.90 a.m. Lye Soon Nam, 27, a
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  • 126 14 SENTENCE on three youths who admitted stealing from the Eastern Emporium m High Street on Monday was postponed by a district Judge yesterday pending probation and Reformative Training Centre reports on Oct. 6. Shaik Mohamed, 18, stole an electric test pen, Surjit Singh, 15,
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  • 25 14 PACKETS of cigarettes manufactured m the Republic have to carry the words "Made m Singapore" under an amendment to the Customs Ordinance, 1960.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 149 15 I THE LIGHTNING i Model RZG3SO ,^|i^ a New Flashlight Portable Radio, MW p^^»4^^^^ i Bright new portable radio lights the way to great listening HM^L* H afl Lh Features a built- in flashlight for 101 uses. Solid State chassis H for instant "warm-up" Slide-rule vernier tuning for pinpoint 1
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1445 15 tai nut _S 7 _-ta~afc_« &:S -Of «fl mW v*v nUUUUnUUUUUMF BnllnißlßTßl _T m ■■> tv. II SSSSSS 2 p kJVIA/ I i Limfe* 5 j? nmrmmVlmar am Jlli bu 3.00 pm Housewives Matinee "Eight 6.00 News (Malay) 'flnmnmnmnmnunmHr W Beauties'— Chapter 2, Part 1. (Hokkien) 6.17 Pok Amai2 Children's
      1,445 words

  • 267 16 Barren mumsit may be in the mind HALF THE women who •ought a cure for infertility beramn pregnant before any treatment was started, according to a study by an Australian specialist. The specialist said the result! showed that early ■HMtlfitlon achieved much hotter results than "platitudes, placebos and procrastination. 11
    267 words
  • 68 16 EAT WELL AND STAY FIT LADIES stop wiijlag aaeat yew flfvc aad eat all that yew heart desires. That applies to Males to*, whe Ifcad ac tiite or place ftr a short spell •f eaercif ia today's Mg cities rid «f aU tae #pea spaces #r A Tekye coatpaay d9dTB
    68 words
  • 348 16  - Queen's cousin plans to sell gems JAMES KING By THE Earl of Harewood, first coasia of Qaeea Elizabeth aad 18th ia liae of WWWoBfIW o>W UiV Dl I uVß^Fanl throw, is selliag some of the family JeweUery. The 47-year-old Earl has givea three reasoas for pattiag the jewels on the
    348 words
  • 635 16  - The lonely road to recovery FLORENCE CHONG By SOME of the loneliest and most social isolated people around are those who have recovered from mental illness. They need to be led back to a happy and normal life again, but the public is often prejudiced against them. Not only do
    635 words
  • 558 16 THE Japanese authorities are taking steps to discourage any development of the "hippie" movement. Hippies have had a short span of life They arrived, m Japan only a few years back and number probably only a few hundred m Tokyo, a city with a
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  • 43 16 Hands down It's the water gun LOOK, no hands! Paris fire brigade demonstrate their latest weapon the water gun. It can get nearer to the centre of a Maze than a fireman with a hose. Officials hope it will cut down on injuries.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 93 16 |tJ A lV|l|J4 19th Big Day! Don't Miss It! AUTHENT.C! T V gljg ENTIRELY NEW! SEE CHINA'S CULTURAL REVOLUTION 3 YEARS IN THE MAKING 15,000 MILES OF TRAVEL niA UANf) 23RD DAY 4 Shows g ■Mhli' j^fc CHIANG HAN sfl iiij ri rfii r, m fang hui m^Pyfl j 1
      93 words
    • 434 16 LAST DAYI I 11. 140. 440, 040. 040 p.m. i Fox "COVER MC BAM" Color I Robert Forstor Sandra Loch*. OPENS TOMORROW! GEORGE KENNEDY. ANNE JACKSON MOM'S "FALSE WITNOBO" Panavialon i Met roc ol Of i ■•^p^pT MV rfQ9 LJflv 11 a.m.. 1.30. 4.00. 040 44.90 p.m. "YOU CANT WIN
      434 words

  • town talk
    • 341 17 A GRAND Old lady by aay standard Is this 1§35 Beatley. Aad she has qalte a Usury. Breaght over to Perth, Aastralia treat Eaglaad after Werld War 11, she was seid to a family who fell la love with her at first sight. Thea the Howes family
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    • 150 17 MSA GETS NEW DIRECTOR OF FINANCE MR. TAN Lian Hup, 40, succeeds Mr. Yap Pow Kong as MalaysiaSingapore Airlines' Director of Finance. Mr. Yap resigned m July. Mr. Tan, a bachelor, joined MSA this month. Previously, he was Financial Controller at the National Electricity Board m Kuala Lumpur. He joined
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    • 47 17 TOURISTS who forget to buy sourvenirs, and Malaysians and Singaporeans who need gifts for friends m other countries are now able to take advantage of a new service on MSA international flights. Passengers can now buy pewter and Kelantan silverware aboard the aircraft.
      47 words
    • Article, Illustration
      64 17 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tan Bow Meng after their wedding at St. Hilda's Church on Sunday. Mr. Tan, 25, is a German-trained electronic engineer. He is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tan of Hwee Seng Company. His bride, the former Miss Valmai Suzanne Koh, 25, is the
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    • 123 17 YMCA MAN ON HONGKONG COURSE MR. FRANCIS Wee, 22, left for Hongkong yesterday to attend a ten-month-course on group work and administration at the YIICA South-East Asia Institute. Mr. Wee, a programme assistant of the youth department of the Chinese YMCA, who has been undergoing training for three years, is
      123 words
    • 181 17 8.30 a.m. 8 p.m.: Exhibition of books for young people at National Library foyer. 9.30 a.mi: YWCA's course on embroidery at Outram Road Centre. It a.m. p.m.: Exhibition of paintings by Mr. Chieu Shuey Fook at Meyer Gallery, Raffles Place. 10 a.m. 8 p.m.: Ecole de Paris graphic
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 89 17 Wbdllwia ttebiffosw? 3mLocl THE NIGHT DFTHE HJHUjA Mk k. a^B Saturday 3 October. One of the most exciting nights of the year. I Be at the big draw for the Gurkha Welfare Fund Appeal Lottery! Dinner I Dancing! Glittering f loorshowsl Gurkha soldiers m the wild nerve-chilling Kukri dance. Rare
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 148 17 BLONDIE By Chic Young '^m^l^^-^-^'^ ll^' I YOU PISUCEO THE ESTIMATE, I I I !]ip POINTING 1 I y^~ BUMSTEAD/^—x f MR.OTMERS- IT'S YOUR ITOUTTOME j YOU MAPE A fSOO MISTAKE _^_^_^^^^a^ MISTAKE -Vkji^^ WAS YOUR < <^\~l IN TWE PRIOLEY gtiL j^ W{ A c^-^% MISTAKE/ ARCHIE By Bob
      148 words

  • Article, Illustration
    272 18 WHEN Sosaa was seven years old, her pareats came to see me. Susan, their first bora and only child, was a terrible problem. Although she was of normal Intelligence and In good health, she was having difficulties In her first grade. She told her mother she hated school,
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 780 18 Now that the honeymoon is over, here are some old wife's tales for you. t| Just as a warning! I You'll be all right if you remember that basically men are interested only I I m one thing themselves. I J Our mothers used to say: Feed the brute to
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  • 407 19 And it's off with the raggle taggle gypsies WE had a sneak preview the other day of exciting things to come. Glamourette's invited ns to their dress shop m Fitzpatricks to see part of their collection for a super fashion show they have planned for Thursday, September 17. The show
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  • 601 19  -  A.B. ABRAHAM WOLFE DS. climbing, is forgotten when it comes to mental factors. Every youngster grows and matures at his own individual rate. He may be ahead of his friends m some areas of growth, behind m others. Further, the speed of his own development,
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  • 8 19 Here it is. ..the face of the 70s
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 278 19 1 [IBS LwLS Bw^^^^^^^^^awawawnw^B I 1 -^iifinlßnwn»n»«wnß»^^^^^L\_-^" -^Ov" a^awt I W^rzcK 1. I ■■^7. j^ I A il ••••ii'^ j^|S«iSj|jM| Hi 9 Hafl w a^n^n^n! ivV'V' MX YOU HAtWI TO DO al;SPOT the printing mistakes m the front page and page 24 of the Singapore HaraM from Monday to Saturday
      278 words

  • 521 20 Leave the SAC out of this A LOT has been said on the working conditions of teachers, the policies of the Ministry of Education and the role of the School Advisory Committees. As the Chinese saying goes, the husband claims no wrong, the wife denies any fault. May I be
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  • 359 20 NAME CHANGERS: THEY'RE A PITIFUL BUNCH THE Herald did a good job by publishing Hsueh Tien Jung's letter calling on our Asian citizens to respect their own names and stop imitating fancy western names. Nowadays, most Eng-lish-educated Chinese (not just baptized Christian Chinese), especially those who do not know or
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  • 173 20 I READ last Wednesday's report about several youths m Johore Bahru having had their "Beatle" haircuts trimmed m the lock-up for reasons of ["cleanliness and health". I wondered why our own Singapore police officers did not think of this classic excuse m the memorable case
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  • 249 20 SOME newspapers print reports without any discretion. Take toe recent reports of drug-taking m schools. The names of the schools concerned should NOT have been printed. In every school, there is one per cent of "bad elements." But must the school be put to shame because of
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  • 92 20 Government is unfair to non-Citizens THE Government is being most unfair to the non-citizens employed by the British Services m Singapore. Since the pull-out began two years ago, two commercial firms nave been established at Naval Base. They give preference to the Singapore Citizens. But a certain amount of consideration
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  • 158 20 STORIES of families bereft by motor accidents are always good for sympathy and donations. While such public response is highly laudable, the real answer is still vigorous prosecution of callous drivers. The worst offenders, m terms of injury to others, appear to be lorry driven who,
    158 words
  • 292 20 I REFER to "Angered's letter published under the heading "Teachers drove into a sticky mess" (S.H. Sept. 7). The car parks reserved for the use of the stall of the Ministry offices at Kay Slang Road are inadequate to accommodate all the cars
    292 words
  • 113 20 OLD SOLDIERS, TOO, ARE SHABBILY TREATED I STRONGLY support the policemen who have complained about being treated like third class cops, with unfair pay schemes. I wish to point out that regular soldiers m the army, too, face the same treatment. There are many cases, but to quote just one:
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  • 204 20 A verbal 'apple' for this teacher I READ with concern of the appearance of drugs and 'pills' m our schools. The problem can be very sticky unless prompt and proper measures are taken from the start to stamp out the menace. I must commend the action of Miss N.E. Norris,
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 409 20 B CHANCES TO GIVE YOUR CHILD A UNIVERSITY EDUCATION MOTHER BURSARIES SINGAPORE ESSAY P^^l| H Herald Essay Compe- PAMTCOT O H titions will be at three M UUN ICO I IO Jg levels for Pre-Univer- |g| aa i i nr\ k I fe sity students, for Secon- |f& UUUI UN
      409 words

  • 273 21 FORTY years ago, a marriage was arranged. And yesterday, more than 5M people helped celebrate the occasion. The gnests were given a lunch treat at the Golden Lotus on the moon festival of the eighth month. They had been invited by Date and Datin Lee Chee Shan, who
    273 words
  • 612 21 Creedence give you almost everthing! hevieW CREEDENCE Clearwater Revival's Cosmos Factory (Liberty) This is a rocker. You get everything rock and roll, hard rocks and Country. Western, except the Revival of "Proud Mary" fame. CCR do less of the contemporary stuff m this their third album and concentrate more on
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 93 21 i.* IH^^ro^^^l w/^i' *i i* >, Jsai i^ -v^eSl^B >!>!-. 1.".'. /.■>-■ "•-•■'-'-'•'•!-jvM|^B 1 >< t > I'■ '•jj;^Mi^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bßi^sßißSggSfixSfe^s fi ■■■'■'■■•■■'■■•'■"•mSSSß '-W^:^':f.' 'W---' iv^gj JBgßraßflooßßcflßß^B .> ■.■.■.■.■.■:-.-.-x«;ggffl^^[ M^^B!^^^^^^^K'*«!'M??ss?^!'**'^^y'VV j^^w^Bt-'J v, .> s I ■■'■•Iv'Sß'-' ./■■■■■.>:■».-■-■''■■■■■■"■■■"■"■"■ -;-!-;-;-;-:-;'>X'"-!-x-x ■yy.yryys.-'.'ys.-y.-'.-y.-y.-'.-'- This is one way to get rid of a mosquito, but... ...what about
      93 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 327 21 tfTKUPH HaBMH [Tj^Hll J Do try to ease the stale- Action is still m the Finances and* mate by introducing a backgroaad bat yoa can pleasnres not likely to be t new Idea which might be begin to discuss plans for resolved completely, bat t ased as a wedge to
      327 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1723 22 fAßyiswQJllifil F r OUr C' ass fled n/ninil r WWII Tele-Ad Services ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. ANNIVERSARIES. A*i NOUNCEMENTS. BIRTHS. CLUB ACTIVITIES. CON DOLENCES. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, FUNERAL. GREET INGS, IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAGES. MISSING.. PERSONAL. P.P.C. REQUIEMS 4 REUNIONS. Minimum $8/ for 20 words, each additional word 40cts. All other classified advertisements: Minimum $4/
      1,723 words
    • 1320 22 PUBLfC NOTICiS RATE $10 per sJngte column inch 1 i DANCING EASIEST WAV S hoursQuickstep. Waltz, Foxtrot, Chacha. Daily 10 a.m. 10 p.m. Ghanl's School of Dancing. Hindoo Road. Phone *****. MALAY TUTOR offers to teach Malay, written Jawi at Your home. Write:- Advertiser. 344-C Block 1 14 Commonwealth Crescent
      1,320 words
    • 36 22 ******0* a* JL "Or 1 Muaical wind Inatrumant Repair Servicing (ftagiatered) Emergency repair* an the apet available. Competitive chart* with prompt aVrellaMa aarvtca. 455-Q, Black ST. Clreult M. (tormarty faataraa KaHNn*) Spare IS, Tal. BSTIt. 0004+004+04+00+0+0+4*+0>
      36 words

    • 554 23 Pisang Mas can win rich sprint for Tunku KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Pisaag Mas, the likely favourite for the Prime Minister's Gold Cup to be run on the last day, looked very fit when exercised on the sand by Peter Moran here this morning. The game Landau gelding can win the
      554 words
    • 516 23 THE Stipendiary Steward's report on the races at Kuala Lumpur last weekend: SATUBDAY Bace 1: Oil alto Cede DI and KUat II wen slow to begin. Bace t: Soon after the start Graceful View dived m and crowded VaUMe, who had to be eased. A furlong out
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    • Article, Illustration
      5 23  -  Sam Left By
      5 words
    • 333 23 Miyaki loses world feather weightlifting title to Pole COLUMBUS, Ohio, Tues. Poland took the lead m the world weightlifting championships here winning the featherweight class on the third day of the competition yesterday. The Poles pushed out theJapanese competitors, including outgoing champion Yoshiyuki Miyaki, who had to be content with
      333 words
    • 117 23 MANILA, Tues. The North American Boxing Federation is now an affiliate of the World Boxing Council, secretarygeneral Rodrigo Salud of the Philippines announced here today. Salud said the NABF unanimously voted for affiliation at its second annual convention held in Las Vegas, Nevada, attended by
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    • 365 23 German retains world foil title ANKARA, Tues. Friedrich Wessel, a 25-year-old West German law student, retained his world individual foil title at the World Fencing Championships here today. Leonid Romanov of the Soviet Union, champion in the World Student Games, took the silver medal, and Marek Dabrowski of Poland the
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    • 355 23 NEW YORK, Tues. There is room in tennis for two onemillion dollar circuits flavoured with two or three of the major championships Wimbledon, Forest Hills and maybe Paris where both groups merge. Jack Kramer said yesterday. "I see no reason for a war
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    • 523 23 FOREST HILLS, New York, Tues. The men's grand slam may never be duplicated again m this age of big money and high-pressure tennis, says the new US Open champion, Ken Rosewall. "I don't say it's impossible for one man to win the
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  • 42 24 Bobya Leffe (New Zealand) aad Mrs. Aurora ainndimg (United States), winners of the Malaysian women's doubles title at Kuala Lumpur. Eobyn and Mrs. Standriag beat Sadhlka Menon and Mrs. Urn Ewe Law (Malaysia) 7-5, f-2 m the
    42 words
  • 118 24 Rosli's goals earn T. Kurau 6-0 win UNBEATEN Tdok Kurau thrashed Fire Brigade 6-0 m the Football Association of Singapore Division 3B league at Farrer Park yesterday. Telok Kurau led 1-0 at halftime with a Joseph Yap goal midway m the first half. On resumption Rosli scored a htttrick. The
    118 words
  • 356 24 Kiwlsdown SCC's Colts in friendly rugby match ROYAL New Zealand Infantry Regiment 'B Coy (Lightweights) trounced Singapore Cricket Club 'Colts' by 15 points (five tries) to three (penalty) m a friendly rugger match on the padang yesterday. The Kiwis playing a very hard and thrustful game completely outclassed the Colts
    356 words
  • 238 24 NEW YORK, Ties. A federal jndge yesterday reversed a New York State Athletic Commissioa decision deayiag former world heaVywelght boxlag champioa Cassias Clay a liceace to box. Judge Walter R. Maasfleld said the boxing orgaaisatiou, la aot ailowlag Clay to box becaase of his
    238 words
  • 63 24 PUBLIC Swimming Club 'B'l beat their B'2 team 11-8 m the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association junior water-polo league match at River Valley Road yesterday. Scorers for the winners were Sob Cheng Thip (3), Simon Leong (S), Roland Loh (2) and Andrew Ho. Chong Kam Loke
    63 words
  • 63 24 ARSENAL Sports Club will clash with Loke Wan Football Association m the 'Ko Teck Kin* memorial Cup soccer match at the Muar Town padang on September 20. The Arsenal team will be from: Lim Boon Jit (capt); K.Suppiah, A. Singh, V. Sockalingam, Supramaniam
    63 words
  • 450 24 ANGLO Chinese School is all set for a clean sweep m the Schools' National aquatic second day meet at the Barker Road pool today ACS, who have set an all time record by winning the championships for more than eight yean m a row,
    450 words
  • 1025 24 The regulations for Herald Driving Tests on Oct 4 SINGAPORE MOTOR SPORTS CLUB 1. Promoteri: The Singapore Motor Sports Club. Sponsor*: The Singapore Herald. 2. Dale: Sunday, October 4th, 1970. 3. Place: Parade Ground, Police Academy, Thomson Road. 4. Type of Event: Skilled driving tests, manouvenng at speed. 5. Officials:
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 348 24 ENTRY FORM Entries dose on September 29th, 1970. LJN I KAN 1 1 name ..•.••..^••^.•••♦•o Address: Ulllllll TeL No.: Qub: „j. n i f Hemberalup No. Vehicle: Capacity Year of Manufacture: Registration No: Class nDIVPR' Name* Address TeL No. Club Membership No: I am/am not a Newcomer Address: Q u
      348 words