Singapore Herald, 7 September 1970

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Total Pages: 24
1 24 Singapore Herald
  • 14 1 THE SINGAPORE herald No. 41 Singapore Monday September 7, 1970 MC(P) 2207 15 CENTS
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  • 224 1 EXPO'S LAST WEEK: A BIG MAD RUSH OSAKA, Sun. The Osaka Expo '70 authorities today declared a virtual "state of emergency" by suspending the sale of admission tickets for evenings and asking national and private railways to limit or suspend the sale of tickets for stations leading to the Expo
    AFP  -  224 words
  • 278 1 Razak leaves for Lusaka Summit KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, left here today to attend the conference of non-aligned nations m Lusaka beginning on Tuesday. At the airport to see him off were Cabinet Ministers, including the Chief Minister of Sarawak, Dato Haji Abdul Rahman
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  • 26 1 KARACHI, Sun. A strike m Karachi port ended over the weekend four 'days after an agreement between the workers union and port authorities.
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  • 22 1 JAKARTA, Sun. A cholera epidemic m Indonesia has killed 716 people m the first eight months of this year.
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  • 37 1 TOKYO, Sun. Somalia has recognised ousted Cambodian bead of State Prince Norodom Sihanouk's National United Front of Kampuchea as the sole Government of Cambodia, according to Radio Hanoi hi a broadcast monitored m Tokyo.
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  • 106 1 TOKYO, Sun.— China's VicePremier Li Hsien-nien reiterated today that his country would firmly support the Palestinians and other Arab peoples m their struggle against Israel. "The Chinese people will always stand on the side of the Palestinians," he said at a banquet
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  • 191 1 NEW YORK, Sun. Former President Lyndon Johnson decided not to stand for reelection m IMB because he felt that he could not unite the country, his wile. Lady Bird writes m a book due to appear next November. The book, "Lady
    AFP  -  191 words
  • 484 1 ONE HIJACKER PAYS WITH HIS LIFE ON BOARD EL AL JET LONDON, Sun. Hijackers seized four airliners over Europe today and m one of them an El Al jet the crew killed one of the hijackers and wounded his girl friend. The El Al Boeing-7f7,
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  • 75 1 Bullet from inspector's gun hits man in neck A MAN was seriously wounded yesterday when he was hit by a bullet from a police inspector's service revolver. The inspector was unloading his gun m the rest room of the Marine Police Station when it went off. Urn Chye Huat, 20
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  • 349 1 Israelbacks out of talks JERUSALEM, Sun. Israel announced today it was pulling out of the U.S. initiated peace talks with Egypt and Jordan until the situation on the Suez Canal cease-fire line is restored to the way it was before the shooting halt took effect. This decision brought to a
    AP; AFP  -  349 words
    • 73 1 Indira bomb scare BOMBAY. Sun. Tlie AirIndia Boeing carrying Premier Indira Gandhi to Nairobi en route to the Lusaka nonaligned conference was recalled to Santa Cruz airport here this morning following an anonymous telephone call that a bomb was m the plane. Mrs. Gandhi, who had arrived from New Delhi,
      AP  -  73 words
    • 60 1 A Japanese correspondent m Jakarta reported today that Indonesian Armed Forces leaders would like to buy weapons from Japan, which now does not sell arms outside the country. AP SAIGON: The Opposition Daily, Tin Sang (Morning News), was seised for the 7lst time since March this year for criticising
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  • 337 1 Hussein's men clash with guerillas again in spite of pact to pull out AMMAN, Sun. Jordanian troops and Palestinian commandos resumed fighting today despite yesterday's agreement by the two sides to disengage from their current confrontation. Latest casualty figures pat the death toll at 35 m the fighting which Is
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    • 236 1 7 SEP 1970*" LATEST: 1 ■■VLPLB MAKE sure you get THE HAGUE, Sun. A secret meeting of siH Se Ction II Of yOUr 24-page Palestinian resisUnce delegates m Western Europe at AY A V Singapore Herald. Thit It the end of May and early June could be behind V^kaj wM
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 507 2 Monday, September 7, 1970 THE SINGAPORE HERALD Mid-East: A nervous week IT HAS been a nervous week m the Middle East, with tension exploding into violence between Arab and Israeli m the Lebanon, and between Arab and Arab m Jordan. The Rogers ceasefire is thoroughly tattered, though it is too
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  • Viewpoint
    • 501 2 IS IT the Indians who have a "hang up" about Britain or the Britons about India? One has only to read the frequent pieces of your man m New Delhi, via London, to sense the terrible hang-up the Loshaks suffer Not once
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    • 385 2 THE Herald printed the Loshak articles m the same spirit m which it is pleased to print the letter above. Articles carrying a by-line (like letters carrying a signature) are subjective by definition. The more openly the writer wears his label the better able is the reader to make his
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    • 117 2 "Tin tjf JKbk GOOO H W I yi» j R m fiooo A I iowpuwtJ^ (XX) I BtlltH 1 y <S® V RESULTS nairTT cmiTC^l.JahnLittlßßuiing J OUiflot OrUhlOSng^rei Id ***** miiiivn llf^*'® m ln Sin 9 a P ore Mala y sia the Reader's Jfc 'mm'^SpX? e9t m Digest gives
      117 words

  • 529 3 ANOTHER SINGAPORE FIRST... SINGAPORE has applied for an educational loan from the Asian Development Bank, the Bank's president, Mr. T. Watanabe, disclosed at the weekend. Speaking before the Economic Society of Singapore, Mr. Watanabe said Singapore was the first country
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  • 173 3 TOKYO, Sun The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has decided to Issue bonds totalling MM million yen m Japan to help Asian countries finance their development projects, the Asahi Shlmbnn reported on Saturday. Quoting Government sources, Asahi said ADB Prmldnt Takeshi Wataaabe
    AP  -  173 words
  • 121 3 TWO more lecturers have resigned from the Unl verstty of Singapore. This brings the ■amber of lecturers who have resigned to 11 since the beginning of this year. The new resignations are from Mr. Robert The and Mr. Norman Knight of
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  • 43 3 THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct exercises m Middle Road and North Bridge Road from 11 p.m.. today to tomorrow, and m the Marsiling area from 7.30 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. tomorrow to Sept. 11. Blanks will be used.
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  • 219 3 SINGAPORE has the best air cargo set-up m the Far East, according to Mr. Mario Stutz, Hong Kong based Swissair Sales Cargo and Traffic Manager. He said efficient cargo handling, modern back-up facilities and the growth of Singapore's industry
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  • 103 3 Robbers tie up maid, escape with $1 ,830 loot TWO armed men escaped with watches and jewellery worth $1,830 from a house m Oei Tiong Ham Park after they tied up a maid servant with a towel at 8.30 a.m. yesterday. The two men armed with bearing scrapers entered die
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  • 31 3 ana FAMILY PLANNING A TALK on family planning will be held for men at the Ministry of National Development building m Maxwell Road on Tuesday from 7.90 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.
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    • 68 3 a circulation of I giving a total readership I Asia Edition I Singapore/Malaysia/Brunei circulation. With Reader's Digest you not only reach a vital young market but a high income group, too. If this is your market you won't find a more efficient way to get your message across than through
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  • 544 4 FORUM ON THAT WHITE PAPER SINGAPORE may eventually need a mass rapid transport system, even though it will be costly, to solve its public transport system. This was one of the conclusions reached m a forum over Radio and Television Singapore on Friday evening
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  • 124 4 POLICE have interrogated four Paya Lebar airport workers m connection with the attack on Mr. Phey Yew Kok, president of the National Trades Union Congress, on July 21. According to a police spokesman, ASP Foo Hee Keng, the four were picked up on Saturday
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  • 429 4 Yong orders crackdown on SCH pirates 'THEY HAVE GROWN BOLDER AND BOLDER' MINISTER TRAFFIC Police have been ordered by Communications Minister Yong Nyuk Lin to crack down on school taxi operators who use their vehicles as pirate taxis. The police were asked not to arrest such pirates following a meeting
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  • 197 4 A SEVEN-MAN team of Indian sculptors and artists is now giving a major facelift to the 143--year-old Sri Mariamman Temple m South Bridge Road. The renovations to the temple are expected to cost about $15MM and may be completed within a
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  • 67 4 DEATH IN HOTEL SITE PIT-BY ELECTROCUTION AN INDONESIAN laboarer, Raside Ma Salleß, 25. died yesterday whea he was electrocated by aa electric waterpamp aa a aew hotel coastractioa site la Aaiher Road. This pictare shows the coastractioa pit where Raside was electrocuted. His hat caa he seea la the pit.
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    • 196 5 G HANA'S NEW PRESIDENT WAS JAILED BY NKRUMAH ACCRA, Ghana's new President, Edward AkufoAddo, 63, was one of the leaders m the struggle for independence from British rule. And he was among those detained with Kwame Nkrumah, wHo was later to become the country's dictator. In 1964. he was sacked
      AFP  -  196 words
    • 28 5 TOKYO, Sun.— The Japanese National Commission for UNESCO has asked the Finance Ministry 100 million yen for establishment of an Asian cultural centre m Tokyo. -AFP
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    • 527 5  - HOLIDAY HOWLERS, OR GUIDES GAFFES GERDA PAUL By THOUSANDS of visitors to London are leaving with their heads full of very strange history. For samples of holiday "howlers" I heard from guides, "authorised" or "unauthorised," m two days of touring with the tourists, try these: In the Tower of London:
      The Daily Telegraph  -  527 words
    • 672 5  - Lusaka summit to build up support against arms sales to S. Africa CHRISTOPHER PARKER By IF Britain hopes that African agitation against the resumption of arms sales to South Africa is dying down, this week's third world "summit" conference of non-aligned nations m Lusaka is likely to prove the contrary.
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    • 116 5 WEST INDIANS' DEEP HATRED OF WHITES characteristic of the West Indians. It goes on: "This does not indicate a move towards integration, but merely a masking of a deep hatred and mistrust of white people." It contends that second generation West Indian immigrants present a different problem from their parents,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 169 5 s s il^l dUf :^^t^i||B BRPP^v .^r J^H *^™s«HIBBBBBHBBwHI^Bi^SBBBBBCW^ ■Sf *i^ ;j ■'■•^^BBp?' :3^l On their way to London, Peter, Paul and Mary are staying with friends. On a BOACVCIO. t Today Peter, Paul and overcome them. Mary are flying all by Maybe with a friendly chat over an themselves
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  • 357 6 NAVY AND AIR FORCE TO BE CUT DOWN JAKARTA, Sun. Indonesia's obsolete warships, planes and other out-of-date and worn-out defence equipment, supplied by the Soviet bloc, are to be offered for sale. Announcing this over the weekend, Gen. Maraden Panggabean, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the
    AFP  -  357 words
  • 64 6 BOUQUET FOR IMELDA MRS I meld a Marcos, wife of the Philippine President, receiving a bouquet from a sister of the Catholic Philippine College of Rome on her arrival m the Italian capital. She was received m audience on Saturday by Pope Paul at Castel Gandolfo, the Pope's summer residence,
    AP  -  64 words
  • 36 6 GEORGETOWN, Sun. Guyana and the Soviet Union have decided to establish diplomatic relations, diplomatic sources said here today. At the moment, Guyana has diplomatic relations with only one Communist country Yugoslavia. AFP
    AFP  -  36 words
  • 271 6 WASHINGTON, Sun. Apollo-14 astronauts visiting the moon next February have to bring back not merely surface material but rocks from deep inside the moon. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said yesterday the Fra Mauro formation, where astronauts Alan
    AFP  -  271 words
  • 27 6 BONN, Sun. About 1,600 hostesses and stewards of Lufthansa Airlines have threatened to strike m support of a 10 per cent Day increase demand. AFP
    AFP  -  27 words
  • 475 6 KUCHING, The news of the killing of 12 Sarawak border scouts m a Communist ambush on Aug. 27 shocked the people of Sarawak. Hitherto they had taken very lightly the threat posed by wh at the Government now calls the "people's enemy"
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  • 297 6 THE NEW STUDENT MOOD ON THE UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA CAMPUS the Philippine claim to Satnih, the Vietnam War, the invasion of Czechoslovakia and the Middle* East conflict (m favour of the Arabs). "Before, we used to be genuinely involved m fighting i'or better deals for students, campus autonomy world issues
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  • 32 6 "Of course it's on business, tell him 'miscellaneous' on his expense account is here." "Beautiful, sir. One of these days we'll let you try it with a ball."
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 401 7 Nasser counter charges US of breaking ceasefire CAIRO, Sun. Egypt has accused the United States of violating the cease-fire m its statements about new deliveries of Phantom supersonic jets to Israel. Al-Ahram said the Egyptian protest was made by Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riad m a note. Mr. Riad said Egypt
    AFP; AP  -  401 words
  • 556 7 LUSAKA promises to be most interesting gathering 808 REECE THE Lusaka conference of non-aligned nations promises to be the most interesting international gathering of the year. What is "non-alignment"? It sounds perfectly respectable but no-one seems to offer a definition. Perhaps that is more convenient. "Neutrality" was once a handy
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  • 90 7 FRONT TIE k BARE TIUTH I BEHIND 1 THE FRONT of this gold lame gown (teft) is along traditional lines but the view from the back (right) is bound to cause a few strained necks. It was shown at the opening of Scandinavian Fashion Week
    AP  -  90 words
  • 206 7 NEW DELHI, Sun. India's legendary maharajas won a new lease of life from Parliament yesterday, but authoritative sources said the Cabinet decided to canel it and move against the former princely rulers on its won. Within hours after the Upper House of Parliament, the Rajya Sabha,
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  • 50 7 KAMPALA, Fri. Twenty thousand non-nationals working m Uganda will lose their jobs at the end of this month under the Uganda Government's policy to create more job opportunities for Ugandans. Hundreds of non-Ugandans m unskilled jobs have already received notices terminating their employment.
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  • 177 7 USAF TO SEND F-111S TO EUROPE THIS WEEK WASHINGTON, Sun. The U.S. Air Force will begin deploying Fill fighterbombers to Europe next week m a move to bolster Nato forces Defence Department sources disclosed over the weekend. Two Fills will be flown to England next week and by the end
    AP  -  177 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 203 7 IiUSINtSSIVIAN 8 ni innr fop speedy, I Zrll 111 Zr eccncnaical nacvesiaeot I^l I U U fipcm place Ie place. iKrV 7 b» r'^^aB^iaiRiR^RMaRMMMBSJRf sV ■^r^r^r^r^r^r^r^LWP"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"»"^^^^^^^^^^^^r^^^^^sß^3"^l^^^^^^^^^r^rW HONDA TN 360 ACT fl rV 1 rWS HONDA LN 360 A j -_^^^K^^O^^ THE LN 360 STATION WAGON The Honda station wagon that's
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1433 8 11l \/l KEY roR EASY REFERENCE: The shipping schedules r^H V I N. beginning on this page are given m four parts for X.. I r% X. r ships westbound, eastbound, southbound and coastal. a^™ W \^-~~~~2Z^^ f M»ffj M im>%t^l Each entry gives the following information: NAME OF -t^"
      1,433 words
    • 885 8 W.NEraMOffl[mjpjp. ICB BCWLDtNG. 2 SHENTQN V*W. SINCAPOK. 1. TEL *****2-1 U.K. -EUROPE SERVICE LOADING FOR LONDON.H'BURG, R'DAM. HAVRE, A*WERP,BREM. Singapore p. sham P«nn« Arrtron: NEPTUNE AQUAMARINE Satle4 Sailed InPt/JScß* London S1« H hurg »i« K'Aam M/i« ■nvre u u Awerp is M raMa IT/N NEPTL'NE TOPA2 12/U Sept IT/ltScft Soft
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  • 175 9 Five-year port expansion plan in Japan TOKYO, Sun. The Japanese Government has announced a new five-year port expansion programme, including the building of 32 container-ship berths m major ports. i Announcing the U556,900 million project, the Transportation Ministry said the need to replace the current 1968-72 programme with the new
    AFP  -  175 words
  • 138 9 LONDON, Sun. —Navigation m the Suez Canal could start again within four months of the start of clearing operations, according to the canal's engineer-in-chief. Mashour Admed Ma shorn writing m Lloyds' List. Plans have been drawn up for dredging and deepening the canal, he said,
    AFP  -  138 words
  • 96 9 The P O liner Chitral -a veteran of many sailings m and out of Singapore over a nine-year period from 1961— is to make a re-appearance m Far Eastern waters. Since her withdrawal from the Singapore-UK run m April this year, Chitral has
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  • 172 9 LONDON, Sun. Lloyds lost £1.6 million m 1967, according to latest insurance market accounts published. Premium income for the year was £600 million. The aviation, motor and short-term life sections of Lloyds made a profit, but hopes of a small profit m the marine section were wiped out
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  • 127 9 THE PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY HAS MADE THESE BERTHING ARRANGEMENTS FOR TODAY: OUT: Aegean Mariner 1/2, Karimun 10/11, Perseus 13/14, Giang Lee 20 West, Hector 31/32, Benattow 44. Bandung Maru 40/41, gp.pi.imai Marcou 38/39, Centaur 42/43. Sansho Maru 19, Pembrokeshire 15/16. IN: Straat Singapore 25/26 (after Madhumati),
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1112 9 Westbound continued TSING CHAU Sept 28/30 Colombo. Aden. Jeddah. SSA/SSA viSHVAMAHIMA Sept3o/Oct3 Rangoon. Calcutta. SCI/JS VESSEL A Sept 20 Basrah. Khorr.. Kuwait. B'ram, WEST BREEZE Sept 9/11 N.York, B'more, Charleston, Dubai, Damm. KL/GB N.Orleans, Houston Galveston. DL/CA VIENNE Sept 15 L'don. Havre. H'burg. R'dam. A'werp O'kirk. MM/MM wONORATO Sept 7/8
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  • 325 10 The market closed easy on Saturday with the average slightly lower at 2,144.78 yen. Electronic calculator makers, including Canon, Sharp and Ricoh, were easier on press reports that the United States was likely to investigate alleged dumping by Japanese makers. High-priced and housingrelated issues also lost ground.
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  • 265 10 The Sydney all ordinaries index eased marginally during the week ended September 3, reflecting the continued strength of the heavyweights at current levels. It, however, gave no indication of the most important feature a huge uranium find affectingHhe market. Queensland Mines, which stood at $11.20, more than
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  • 106 10 The market drifted lower m very quiet trading during the past week. The Wall Street performance helped to underpin prices m London to some extent but home economic factors had a depressing effect. Special situations provided some features but little overall interest was shown. Australians were moderately
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  • 227 10 SINGAPORE—MALAYSIA Merchant rates today, fixed by the Association of Rank? m Malaysia-Singapore. Local dollars per unit of foreign currency: SELLING BUYING T.T./O.D. T.T. O.D. Sterling Pound 7.3925 7.3600 7.3475 Australian Dollar 3.4550 3.4150 3.3950 finmi'fin Dollar New Zealand Dollar 3.4650 3.4175 3.3875 South Arabian Dinar 7.4100 7.3375
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  • 3 10
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  • 955 10 Trade may worsen in Seventies BANGKOK, Sun. The second United Nations Development Decade is opening with prospects of a "serious worsening" m the trade of developing countries because of "powerful inflationary forces still working m the developed market economies" and a slowing down of growth m major markets for primary
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  • 86 10 NEW MARGARINE LEVER BROTHERS is introducing a refrigerated soft margarine m Singapore today. According to the company's marketing director for Singapore and Malaysia, Mr. Peter J. Dunstan, the new product has a flavour completely different to the existing tinned margarine and spreads easily straight from the refrigerator. There was now
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  • 106 10 HONGKONG, Sun. -The Indian Institute of Packaging is sending a seven-member team to Hongkong on September 28 to study local packaging trends. The delegation will also visit other South-East Asian countries. Meanwhile, Mr. T.K. Ann, chairman of the Hongkong Packaging Council, said that packaging shared an important position
    AFP  -  106 words
  • 200 10 Indon Minister on food problem SYDNEY, Sun. Indonesia's food problem would be solved m three years, the Indonesian Agriculture Minister, Professor. Tojib Hadiwidjaja, said. He said food production was keeping pace with population increases and m three years the country would be self-sufficient m rice. "We are at present Importing
    AFP; AP  -  200 words
  • 169 10 Sterling Hits New Low LONDON, Sun. The long American- Labour Day weekend hit the pound sterling on Friday and sent it down to its lowest level m more than a year. Dealers said the Bank of England stepped into the market to buy pounds m a bid to support the
    AP  -  169 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 10 "It's not that you don't think big, Collins it's just that you don't WORK big!" "Money may not be everything, but it DOES help us keep m touch with our children."
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  • 288 10 INDIA has started a major export drive m Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries. Three trade delegations consisting of Ministers, indu st ri a lists and businessmen from Indian States will visit Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hongkong, Phillipines, Thailand and Japan m the next few weeks.
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  • 75 10 Satellite contract switch WASH INGTON, Sun. -The U.S. space agency Saturday has switched a USSSO million contract for two experimental communications satellites from General Electric to Fairchild Hiller The original contract award by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration went to General Electric last April. But a top-level review committee,
    AP  -  75 words
  • 678 10 SINGAPORE RUBBER/ STRAITS TIN CLOSING PRICES RUBBER TIN (per Ib.) (per picul) Sept. 1 51-1/8 cts. 5655.12U 2 51-3/8 eta. I 658.62* 3 51-1/8 eta. S 660.00 4 51-1/8 cts. M 657.12% On Saturday, the Straits tin price fell by 52.12 M to S 655 a picul on an
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 47 10 FINANCIAL TIMES CLOSING INDICES LONDON. Fri. (Chances m brackets): Industrials 338.8 (Unch); Tins 60.36 (Unch); Rubbers 141.36 (+0.27); Oils 268.62 (Unch). DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES NEW YORK, Fri. (Chances m brackets): Industrials 771.15 5.88); Transportation 137.65 (+0.61); Utilities 110.27 (+0.48); Composite stocks 241.84 (+1.52); Bonds 64.64 (-0.30).
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  • 312 11 ABSTINENCE persisted during the whole of last week m the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore and prices sagged most of the time. Turnover was reduced to slightly over mllltos) units compared with 12.« million the previous week. The industrial section alone accounted for 8.4
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  • 152 11 Sept. 7. noon at Job* Battery Bank Cbtmbtn. Battery Sept. 7. 11 to. at iagW ill office, Bangkok Bask Buildin*. Ist. floor. 106 Jalaa SapL 12, mob at pof— y offlee, lac floor. Baa BBn Lee Bank Chambara, Beach Stnet, Kempea (M) BM.: Sept. 15, soon aft 64
    152 words
  • 242 11 KUCHING, Sun. A quality control scheme for frozen food exports is being worked out to meet the requirements of importing countries. The Malaysian Frozen Food Processers* Association had already submitted views on standards drawn up by Malaysian Institute of Standards. The Government will soon draw up regulations
    AP  -  242 words
  • 1399 11 STOCK EXCHANGE ■OF MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE Jan/July 9 1970 Company Mm doting Prices Yield Weekly Turnover* High Low +«r on wk Buyers Sellers DMi Barn. Ready Delayed •000 +ox- *000 orSING APORE INCORPORATED INDUSTRIALS 2.50 1.48 Acme 1.40 1.4* 10.7 -8 4.50 2.77 Allied Choc. .17 2.94
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  • 226 11 WASHINGTON, Sim.— World exports rose by about 13 per cent m the second quarter of 1970 from year-earner levels to an estimated annual rate of US$27B billion, the International Monetary Fund reported. According to the fund's September issue of international financial statistics, the increase over the 1970
    AP  -  226 words
  • 396 11 rapidly than the rest of the economy, there is a good prospect that there will be a more normal balance between capital outlays and 6ther factors m the economy. Though the role of capital spending is "vital" over the long
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  • 373 11 TOKYO, Sun. Japan's economic activity is gradually easing although some business indicators maintain a firm tone, the Economic Planning Agency (EPA) said. In its monthly economic report for August, the agency said that protectionist moves m the United States to restrict Japanese-made goods might have a delicate
    AFP; AP  -  373 words
  • 171 11 HONGKONG, Sun. The board of directors of City Hotels will recommend a dividend of HK11.60 per share. This compares with HK$l.2O paid m the previous year. Profits, after tax and depreciation, amounted to HK510,084,940, against HK57,042,015 m the previous year. The directors said the current financial year's results
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  • 169 12 After Pacific crossing, lone sailor finds he needs visa SAN FRANCISCO, Sun. Minoru Nagayoshi sailed through eight storms crossing the Pacific Ocean m his 16--foot sloop but he still has to weather U.S. Immigration Service authorities. Nagayoshi's plywood boat, the Calypso, is the smallest craft ever to cross the Pacific,
    AP  -  169 words
  • 147 12 Maria is a winner at cake making WHEN it comes to cakenaking, Miss Maria Sim s a winner especially if he cake needs decoration, hat spongy texture and of worse, flavour. Yesterday she captured the first prize m tke 'Open" group Western Cakes category of a cake competition. Maria, a
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  • 128 12 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Work has begun on a dual carriageway and three flyovers here costing a total of $14 million, the chairman of the State public works committee, Dato Chua Song Lim, said today. The projects would help ease traffic congestion
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  • 287 12 ADVENTURE is where you find it, and find it is what the members of the Adventure Club based m Changi Community Centre plan to do. To mark the official opening of the 200-member club yesterday, the Outward Bound School, the Singapore Canoe Federation, the Search and
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  • 200 12 LUSAKA, Sun. Zambia today called on the non-aligned nations summit here to endorse the August ceasefire m the Middle East, sources close to the conference said. The informal opening meeting of Foreign Ministers saw Zambia proposed as chairman of the conference while India and Yugoslavia
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  • 124 12 Their 18th child but 'enough is enough' OXNAED, Smb. Mr. Booker T. Lee, mc of 34 children ami Ids wife, om of mine, have become pareatg of their 18th child. Mrs. Ethel Mac Lee, said from her hospital bed oa Friday: "The Lori has beea good to as, bat eaoagh
    AP  -  124 words
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    • 149 12 WE'VE ail heard of Hyde Park Corner. It's a spot m London where people who want to air a grievance or proselytise a cause ANY grievance and ANY cause leap on a soap box and hold forth. The Singapore Herald is setting up a miniHyde Park Comer for Singaporeans m
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  • 9 13 THE SINGAPORE herald Section II Monday, Sept. 7, 1970
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  • 279 13 The southern isles go gay for the day TINY PULAU Sudong came alive yesterday when the inhabitants of 11 other of Singapore's southern islands sailed m to celebrate National Day. National flags fluttered from the jetty as the island's 500 gaily-dressed inhabitants welcomed visitors including the Minister for Social Affairs,
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  • 121 13 Railings up at 'death trap AFTER LAST WEEK'S FATAL ACCIDENT.... RAILINGS have now been put up at the 15ft. deep monsoon drain near the Woodlands checkpoint, where a cyclist Partha Sarthi, met his death last week. Residents m the area have described the monsoon drain as a "death trap." The
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  • 53 13 KUANTAN, Sun. Twenty bungalows at Telok Chempedak here are being turned into an 80-room motel complex to ease the shortage of accommodation for tourists. Disclosing this today, the State's Tourist Promotion Officer, Che Yang Dahari said the complex was expected to be ready by the end
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  • 97 13 PEOPLE m responsible positions hi society or the professions should help the less fortuate "especially hi the alleviation of suffering," Mr. Robert Edls principal of the Polytechnic, said la a speech to the Janior Jaycees over the weekend. "Only In this way will
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  • 27 13 IPOH, Sun. The Perak Government is to increase the staff of the land office here to speed up applications for industrial land m the state.
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  • 186 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Political parties today welcomed the Government's decision to allow party leaders and the public to air their views over television. The Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Dato Hamzah bin Dato Abu Samah, announced yesterday that controversial matters, except Sensitive
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    • 33 13 JUDGE W IS ELY! :j^Plir^3 f jPi |f Woy |yant ■Wit f/ _L \i/ t W^"l t ml^\\ L^tiMHiTil r Hn-US VAIID iAAIIPf The Bank for All Big and Small GROUP ASSETS OVER
      33 words

  • 374 14 Recruiting drive by Maritime Command THREE NEW PATROL BOATS NOW IN SERVICE THE MARITIME Command of the Singapore Armed Forces really lives up to its promise of showing its trainee officers the world-. All of them are trained abroad, m the navies of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Britain, where
    374 words
  • 37 14 PONTIAN, Sun. Johore's Mentri Besar Dato Haji Othman Sa'at has asked all the eight town councils m the state to take action against those who break the anti-Utter laws which come into effect on Tuesday.
    37 words
  • 291 14 THE First Lady, Puan Noor Aishah, yesterday presented awards to 18 members of Girl Guide Movement at the Conference Hall and received one herself. The 8,000 members of the movement m Singapore presented her the "Laurel Lear* for her contribution to the association. In
    291 words
  • 42 14 JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. Forty-flve licences for trawler fishing have been issued to the Endau and Mersing fishermen's multi-purpose cooperative societies. This was disclosed here today by the Chairman of the State Agricultural Committee, Tuan Haji Abdul Aziz.
    42 words
  • 172 14 Protection for the swiftlets to keep nests on menu KOTA KINABALU, Sun. Nearly 45,700 acres of forest reserve m Sabah are being kept for the protection of edible birds' nests. Out of an estimated total area of 6.4 million acres of forest reserve 4.7 per cent have been set aside
    172 words
  • 107 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Umno's General Assembly will have to decide whether Tunku Abdul Rahman or Tun Abdul Razak will lead the party, its Secretary General, Inche Senu Abdul Rahman, said here today. The Tunku, who will retire as Prime Minister on Sept.
    107 words
  • 250 14 THE NUMBER of foreign schools springing up m Singapore is a measure of the success of the Government's campaign to attract investors to the country. Six have registered with the Ministry of Education, but there are many of the newer ones that have
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 341 15 The war hero who began pushing drugs THE Contrabandits aren't concerned with long hair, but they do care about drugs and they start dealing with Australia's drug problem m no uncertain terms Channel 8, 10.50 pm. Like the Mod Squad they have a Monde and very little official recognition, but
    341 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 180 15 KBiKilltill TELEVISION ,30 pm Radio Singapore. Radio Malaysia, BEBS (From 6.30 pm Channel 5 Radio Australia). 7 pm Channel 10 4.30 pm BFBS (From BBC), 9pm Channel 5 5.00 Radio Malaysia, Radio 12 midnight Channel 5 Singapore (m brief) 6.00 Radio Singapore (m brief) RADIO 6.30 Radio Malaysia. BFBS (From
      180 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1006 15 s.. A .?.v .w.v. .v. v.-A bH^Lf RADIO General Hospital starring John tmi »nd jm. M»eki« »nd Jarki« A m and Emily McLaughhn. Story involves JfS^T^SP JZL^'vE^ m the staff, the doctors and the patients of a busy S^°£ 7^ [U metropolitan hospital (See Star View). «fO J^» A of
      1,006 words

  • 366 16 Where is Ho Chi Minh's body? TOKYO: The world at large still has not been told by H?noi what has become of the body of former North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh, who died on last September of a heart attack. The last time anyone saw Ho's body was when
    366 words
  • 453 16 SEATO lab develops new cure for cholera BANGKOK: A new low-cost and simple cholera treatment has been developed by a cholera research laboratory of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation. A SEATO pamphlet on the new treatment came at a time when many parts of the world are facing an increasing
    453 words
  • 300 16 RAL girls get new uniform change TO desiga an easeraUe from local Materials that would be becomiag oa 272 girls and their varied types off beauty, be adaptable to different climates as well as meet service requirements is no small task. This was the tall order that Philippine Airlines gave
    300 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
      416 words
    • 139 16 OPENS ODEON TOMORROW! FLAMING EXCITEMENT THUNDERS OUT OF THE BURNING SANDS! fT A Robert Hoffman Marilu Tolo 4?j3feHrf^ Kamal El Chenaoui m mfrff^ rmbaois Ilpy/W 1 Technicolor K j^» J ftk Techniscrpe II •J4I ViTIJ 4 TO-DAY 1 lam, 1.15, 3.30, I ULbJJLb^S.3 S Shows! 715 9 30 P"»AN ABSORBING
      139 words
    • 463 16 n, i mi,mi *-**:>■' MOM'S "afT LOVOB, I(T SOW Ifmy Schwalair In Co— WBTT CHAWOB Tt friar mom's tmtm m s*ar- color LASTOATI MSM-S TMf MPOWSIIim WAT 1 mcrtard WWMft In CoiOf O*CNS TOMOfIftOW? WQfjgWT MOffMAW Cfr tcop* 4OTN OAVI Caafc OmMmjb Only. i Hkwil«,llltUlM f A<inmilW: SISO. Sa.SO
      463 words

  • town talk
    • 197 17 Learning the fund raising lessons NANYANG Girls' High School has learned a few lessons from other schools m trying to raise funds. Now the girls of the school are putting up two nights of music and dances m variety shows at the National Theatre. One is tonight the other was
      197 words
    • 153 17 YOU'LL soon be living on a rainbow sitting, sleeping, working and eating on it. Well, you will if you buy some of the plastic furniture being developed now locally. And the name of the material is Polyorethane. There will be a range of colours wild
      153 words
    • Article, Illustration
      4 17  -  Chic Young By
      4 words
    • Article, Illustration
      4 17  -  Bob Montana By
      4 words
    • 415 17  - Cars? They drive me round the bend BRYAN RIMMER BY THE WAY WHAT is it that turns normally cool, calm, mild little men into cursing, screaming, raging, suicidebent monsters. A car. And other people's cars. I've never steered anything more mobile than a irunken pal through the streets of Singapore.
      415 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 226 17 9 il Oysters, oil lamps and US rT r a tete-a-tete or a #J Beef. Frosty beer, antique 9 1 business gambit. Before *|J »*ZI pewter and US Beef. Fine *^*J lunch or for a nightcap •J wines, wooden beams *J after supper. The Club Bar *J1 •j and US
      226 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 293 17 about the same price as TLJIT f"\l A DV wooden furniture. THE LJlAllY Mr. Au said: "The plastic furniture produced here will B^ p^ ntiD^ cost only half what wojElL w«Jr. 7i» imported plastic furniture edition jfj?*!.^ V costs now but it will still Wong at Hotri I Malaysia have
      293 words

  • Living
    • 163 18 That baby burping stay. it's just hot air MOTHEES whs barp their babies after BBBB BIB fill BBBJ BBBBBl SB* BSCleSS CBStefla, MCBffttBg te a CBlM health expert la Brfttala. Dr Aareai Hebei, af the ehM health BeBBrtBaeBl ef asaachester Uaiverslty, aid: "Wfcei Bar BBBBBBji af CUM ef BBBBBBB" discesafert
      Daily Graphic  -  163 words
    • 340 18 WHY didn't somebody tell me about the headaches involved m setting up house? After the hectic three weeks which I've been through, any harassing by my mother-in-law would be preferable. It never occurred to me that horrid things like budgets had to be
      340 words
    • 126 18 THIS gal's m love with Andre with the dreamy eyes and the charming voice. But he couldn't care less. He's sitting pretty thinking about his dog, Dynamite! And fate is against us. He dreams of a two- wheel bicycle, I dream of an Alfa Romeo.
      126 words
      • 580 18 Something for everyone I ENJOY reading LIVING and SERENDIPITY, but you seem to cater lor the higher income group. The dothes featured are very expensive. How about something for the lower income group? Household items, furnishing material, house decorations, etc. for those earning between $250-$350 perhaps. Have some competitions for
        580 words
      • 112 18 Why are children growing faster these days? "I'LL be glad when you get married and leave home," said one daughter to the other during an argument. I had to laugh because the speaker is 10 and her sister is 11. By the way am I the only one to believe
        112 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 198 18 miDDLEHGED SPRERD BEGIHS £.•> >u ';i'^t' kt ,^mf^' i One of the penalties of P^s* f success m business is to »V»JM^ i end UP behind a desk ?Syu $'t *|«i "^^f overworked and with insufKmi iwf* ficient time to exercise. n^t^^H&r aV*' Now with the Slendertone S J»' v
      198 words
    • 455 18 *n**THD3ESMI FwIEDSESHni r###n9ESHnH rTHHHHJBM •■■■■nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnjnni hnnnnnnnnJnßn^nnn^n^n^nVnßnv^HHlilßllHß VnnnnnnnnnnnHnH ninvlnV nsHntl A new neighbour may Postpone domestic The indications are If friends suggest an S J turn out to be a great plans if there is likely that some cantion Is Idea don't refnse I J friend. You should soon to be
      455 words
    • 3 18 gjL"^*> o*<-^5 J&4?7
      3 words

  • 237 19 Forward with the natural look bra! 1 SYLVIA TAN reports I I DREAMT I went to a fashion show m my Maidenform bra only m real life, the dream was reversed. Not I, but the models wore Maidenforms at the fashion show at the Hilton Spot Spot The Bras shown
    237 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 160 19 npHpjpjH WHAT'S NEW THIS WEEK AT THE W&BSB hooseoftang ijj J *Sl|*i BARGAIN COUNTER (2nd Floor) Jg^ jL^^JBJ (jj[2l Dresses from $7.50 upwards ""i \fYA T-shirts AT HALF PRICE Housecoats from $2.50 upwards Cotton pyjamas at $3.00 ■MKjr '^"■jRM^MIISBMI^BHMiM Cheongsam half-slips at 25 cts. AriHfIHHHHHHBHBHHSBISHHiViIi^H Hand Bags from $3.00 upwards
      160 words

    • 289 20 I REFER to the letter by "Ombudsman" (S.H. Sept. 4) on School Advisory Committees. I agree wholeheartedly with Ombudsman that there are many dedicated principals and teachers who have worked very hard and contributed much to the welfare of the schools. These
      289 words
    • 418 20 I HAVE been restraining myself from writing to you but after reading Ann Chiang's letter, (S.H. Sept. 4) I can hold myself no longer. Officials of the Ministry of Education make all kinds of silly excuses for their failure. They blame the teachers, they
      418 words
    • 293 20 Contact the Ministry W. TAN'S position does not emerge clearly from his letter headed "Where's the logic? asks a teacher" (S.H. Aug. 5). The writer is advised to contact this Ministry to clarify this matter. Miss ANN CHIANG for Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Eduction, Singapore. find out the cause and
      293 words
    • 246 20 I AM a part-time National Serviceman m the 16 PDF. Recently we were all told by letter to turn up for training at 1700 hours instead of at 1300 hours. When we turned up we were told of an exercise which would last up
      246 words
    • 251 20 TEACHERS DROVE INTO A STICKY MESS From Saturday Aug. 2f to Saturday Sept. 5 (except on Sunday and Teachers 9 Day) a few h— drill teachers went to the Ministry of Education to mark answer scripts. Many drove their cars. The parking lots for visitors are very limited. A big
      251 words
    • 323 20 When is something going to be done about the system of testing drivers hi Singapore? The method employed at present is so inefficient as to be almost unbelievable. Today I seat for my test at the Queenstown Centre. I arrived at 1.30 pm and
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    • 128 20 Policeman's 'quip' While driving along Nicoll Highway, I was stopped by a mobile traffic cop. When I asked for leniency (as I had just passed the speed limit), I was appalled to hear him quip that leniency was not possible because he had to book 10 cases a day or
      128 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 51 20 Urn ADVEWTItEMIHTS ACKNOWLEOOCMENTS. ANNIVERSAWES. AN MOUNCEMENTS. ■IRTMS, CLUB ACTIVITIES. CON ~Mf*trTt. DEATHS. ENOAOEMENTS, FUNERAL. OREET INQB. IN MEMORIAM. MARRIA6CS, MISSJMO. FfRSONAL, P.P.C. REQUIEMS ft REUNIONS. Minimum tB/ tor 20 war*, mc* aidltlowal word 40ct». AM 9mm lliilWH iliwUlwmi: Minimum 14/ lor 20 wor^ MCh aMlttoiMl mm* 2Octt. Baa S«rvlei ch«r«*
      51 words
    • 439 20 B CHANCES TO GIVE YOUR CHILD A UNIVERSITY EDUCATION MOTHER BURSARIES Singapore m ESSAY p^" l| 'B Herald Essay Compe- PHMTCCT I 1 is! titions will be at three UUN ICO I I I Ig levels for Pre-Univer- aai I RAM LaaaaaaaH 51 sity students, for Secon- UUUI UIM S[
      439 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 377 20 I n^H 1 11 H> ACBOSS DOWN 1 A foundation for a constan' figure (4) 2 Consult a communist and 1 Church made with a degree of become angry (3 3) auartz (8) A raU rope 4 Princinal curved structure f4) 5 Feel sorry for Peter be* o™ll0 111 8
      377 words

  • 97 21 Policemen with a double beat YOU'LL be glad to know our police are on the beat m more ways than one. Among the constables are some with a lot of brass the sort that makes music. Now they've taken a few hours off from criminal —catching to cut a disc.
    97 words
  • 160 21 Hair gets in the Eye THERE'S a lot of hair getting hi the Eye. Not you* eye. The one at Cnscadea House. The waitresses there were a bit fed np with their hair-do's, which they've had since the night spot opened hi May. So when they start work these nights
    160 words
  • 168 21 It's rough aad ready and packs tai action aad excitement as we follow the aps~aad-do wn s of two American mercenaries, played by Tony Culls aad Charles Bronsoa, who get m aad oat of scrapes faster than the miad caa comprehead. The date is its.
    168 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 21  -  Mort Walker By
    5 words
  • 283 21 Pop goes my star image I'VE just discovered that all that glitters isn't a pop star. In fact my image of their shiny lives has been popped. Despite all those fancy clothes and gorgeous gals they're all very ordinary guys with jobs different only from yours and mine because of
    283 words
  • 184 21 Down from the hills THE Out-of-Towners is a mad (but believable) story about what happens to a typi-cally-suburban couple Gwen and George (one with weak ankles and the other with a nagging ulcer) when they take a trip from "out-of-town Ohio" to downtown New York. George Kellerman (Jack Lemmon) is
    184 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 353 21 H LIMmBHB II mm I 1 1 HBvNfMvSaTTllw^B^LT 'flHHfe^^^^^Ba^BßS^B^^a^a^B^Bß^B^t^B^sT I ■BB i^-m I upjpj^fl BiBBBH I' H sVaVaßaVaß' A E I w&m i sH>^ I H HsS i N^.. 1 I flfi M<^ 1 1 b^L^B s^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^b^b^b^b^Lw .^b^b^bl b^b^v b^b^^i 1 B^ ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS:I SPOT the
      353 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 728 22 Jm ADVERTISEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. ANNIVERSARIES. AN NOUNCEMENTS. BIRTHS. CLUB ACTIVITIES. CON DOLENCES. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, FUNERAL. GREET INGS. IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAGES. MISSING. PERSONAL. P PC REQUIEMS ft REUNIONS. Minimum $8/ for 20 words, each additional word 40cts. All other classified advertisements: I Minimum $4/ for 20 words, each additional word 20cts. I
      728 words
    • 745 22 LEADING CONTRACTORS FIRM < requirea for Immediate appointment 2 electrical supervisors, competent and experienced to fit m to the Job. 2 electricians with good knowledge and experience m all aapecta of electrical installation, and 2 storekeepers. Only parsons of the right calibre need apply to Box Hl llB Singapore Herald.
      745 words
    • 778 22 MULi7TiI»QiICQI For our Classified DuuLLIL Tele-Ad Services ELECTRICAL CRAFTSMAN. Two vacancies exist m expanding British Company for experienced electrical craftsmen to service and repair wall established brand of electric foodmixera. cookers, washing machines, dish washers and catering equipment. The successful candidatea will be Singapore Citizens or Malaysian Citizens with valid
      778 words
    • 529 22 DISTRICT 10 Eng Kong Park semi detached. 5 bedrooms. Furnished with air-eon $980/- monthly. To view Tel: ***** Miss Alice Tan. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY bungalows/flats In good residential areas. Rente $850/ $2,500/-. Irene Mallal Housing Bureau ***** Spore. NEW TEN-STOREY LUXURIOUS APARTMENTS Wall furnished with new furniture. 3 bedrooms, 2 aircondltionera.
      529 words
    • 586 22 APPOINTMENTS I m LlAOfi IN QUALITY SINGAPORE TOBACCO COMPAKY <PT& LTB. invite applications for the pott of i ENGINEER i Applicants must be: Singapore citizens, m possession of suitable Engineering qualifications and have had some years experience m a responsible position m Industry. 4 The successful candidate will be based
      586 words

  • 826 23 Leeds still unbeaten with 1-0 win over Chelsea U.K. SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIPS LONDON, Sun. Alan Clarke's 63rd minute goal on Saturday gave Leeds United a 1-0 victory over Chelsea one that kept Leeds at the top of the English soccer league standings with an unbeaten record. Leeds head the league standings
    826 words
  • 358 23 TURIN, Italy, Sun. The Soviet Union breezed ahead of the United States m the team standings of the World University Games here yesterday picking up four gold medals bringing their tally to 22 with the United States idle at 20. West Germany had two
    358 words
  • 243 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. John Mac Donald of Hongkong led from the start to win the Malaysian Grand Prix for cars, covering the 60--lap race with an average speed of 82.4 mph. Driving a Brabham BT3O Mac Donald finished three laps m front
    243 words
  • 205 23 SINGAPORE Armed Forces Sports Association and Burnley United qualified for the Football Association of Singapore Under-20 youth soccer tournament final at Jalan Besar stadium on Sept. 13. Armed Forces pulled off a 2--1 upset win over Singapore Pools, and Burnley United beat Darul Afiah
    205 words
  • 463 23 ST. CATHARINES, Ontario, Sun. In a move unique m international rowing, a seventh lane-dubbed lane zero-will be laid out for today's final of the eights m the World Rowing Championships. Keller said Australia would occupy lane zero, with a draw for
    AP  -  463 words
  • 30 23 PRETORIA, South Africa, Sun. A second-half comeback gave New Zealand's touring All-Blacks a narrow 19-15 victory yesterday after trailing an evenly matched Northern Transvaal side *t at halftirae.
    30 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 23  -  Sam Left By
    5 words
  • 347 23 FOREST HILLS, New York, Sun. Four Australians are among the last 16 m the United States men's singles championships. The Australians also have five representatives m the women's events. In the lower half of the men's draw, the fourth round will pit
    347 words
  • 124 23 No winners yet in S. African motor rally MOZAMBIQUE, Sun. Twenty-four battered cars out of a starting field of 71 reached Lourenco Marques the seaport capital, yesterday at the end of the 3,000-mile 13th South African international rally. All three leading cars were crewed by South Africans and only two
    AP  -  124 words

  • 539 24 Padang Clubs take Kiwi Cup A COSTLY error by last man SivaHngam gave the Padang Clubs a 34 run victory over the Ba testier Clubs m their annual two-day cricket match for the Kiwi Cup at Balestier Road yesterday. With only five minutes of play left SivaMngam made a mistake
    539 words
  • 408 24 KENYANS SET WORLD SWIM RECORD LONDON, Sun. Kenya's runners yesterday set a world record m the men's 880 yard relay at an international meet at Crystal Palace. The Kenyan relay team of N. Bon, H. Nyamau, T. Salsi and P. Ouko clocked 07:11.6. Britain came second m 07: 17.4, with
    408 words
    • 1722 24 Laju Laju romps home to win Club Cup PENAPG, Sun.— Laju Laju with apprentice Sairi Suleiman n up romped home by 10 lengths m the Club Cup over B%f here today. Owned by Chens' stable and trained by Jack Spencer m Singapore Laju Laju paid $107 for a win ticket.
      1,722 words
    • 41 24 SATURDAY'S BIG SWEEP Pool $M» Ist 5«437 $3,112. sad sMts m. 3rd sim.— s m. SUrtert ($74 e»cfc) Nos. S4MS, mm*, mss, swm, *****, WM,fTO4. Cm— lati— prizes (US each): NOS. KIM, S2SM, SIMS, SMO, SO2S, *****, *****, S4MZ, 55M5, *****.
      41 words
    • 194 24 All units of the Australian Army based m the Republic will make an attempt at the World Tenpin bowling record for Servicemen at the Katong Bowl, Singapore on Sept- 12 The current record stauu» 115,009 pins. The world marathon tenpin bowling record is a recognised
      194 words
    • 77 24 DEFENDING champions Chinese Swimming Club snatched a 4-3 win over Combined Services In the Singapore ASA water-polo "A* division league match at Amber Road yesterday. In another match, Police Sports Association did extremely well to bold last year's runners-up Public Swimming Club to a 4-all draw.
      77 words
    • 561 24 Sooce, Mahesh deprive Malaysia of victory KUALA LUMPUR, Sun: A last wicket partnership of S. Soocelraj and Mahesh Mumar deprived Malaysia of victory m the three-day cricket test match against Singapore for the Saudara Cup which ended at the Kuala Lumpur Padang today. Final scores: Malaysia, 256 for 6 and
      AFP  -  561 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 24 24 ■H^^H LANCOME Pofjß HOMMES I until t BU u «»'"»r"fl I Agents: THE BORNEO COMPANY Printed and pwblUh«d by Th« Sin«<^>or« Harold Ud., N«pl»'»
      24 words