The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 25 September 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 196 1 LEADERS. Our Animal Convicts 177 I .riani: Harbour Suggestion 177 Foreign Affairs 17g ek-end Comment 178 Kan Suicide 178 M( r« China Wars 179 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Pea Planting m Malaya 18ti aged Animals i^G K< nnel club i#f> POLICE AM) COURT NEWS. odging House Murder 180, 192
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  • 107 1 Subscribers vo the "Singapore Free Press" vcekly returning from Europe to the Straits by any of the mail lines, are invited to send o the Manager the name of their steamer and date of aiiival m Singapore. Copies will then led to meet them at various ports of call. Subscriution
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  • 235 1 September 24. 175 Tons $106 bier 9 pper White 94 r Black 64 lake Tapioca 5*4 Sago Small 8.00 i Sundried 9.75 Rio, Ani.m No. 2 260 1 Uang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 8.80 R^e, Siam old No. 1. 330 Nee, Rangoon Pintan 260 ttangoon Sioka 266
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    • 21 1 nor!° XK 'c At th Materni ty Hospital, Singapore Sept. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Krrol P. Monk, a son.
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    • 43 1 pVv p y u the Rev T G Evan *< h 1 t v r, ham> Edm ™ds Frank, son of the ate X D. Mactaggart, of Singapore, to Harrie Coote, daughter cf the late D. W. Tcnnant. of larke>town, Co. Tioperary, Ireland
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    • 72 1 GARDNER. In Pritish Hospital, Marseilles, on August 11, 1929, H. P. Legge Gardner of Hanang Estate, Batu Pahat. C^; A Mrs rh Joon Hean (nee Cheong OWai Loh) at 4 a.m. on September 19th 192 V! Deeply mourned by her husband, two »tv and two daughters. CHhW.-Madani Chew Chye
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  • 349 1 The last mail from Home with dates up to August 29th. arrived by P. jfnd O. on Saturday morning. This mail leaves by 8.1. Ob Thursday morning. In the main football matches of the week Malays defeated the S.R.C. by G goals to 1, Welch beat S.C.F.A.
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  • 70 1 September 24. Banks 4 m.s. 2 4 1 32 Bank demand 2 3 27 32 Private credits M.s. 2 4 1,2 New York, demand 56 3 32 Credits 90 days 58 France, demand 1437 India, T.T. 155% Hon*r Kont?, demand 14 M p.c. Dis. Yokohama, demand H^ Java, demand
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  • 90 1 Saturday last was the occasion for the largest bazaar and fete ever organized by the combined communities of Teluk Anson and was m aid of the Anglo-Chinese School Extension. With a strong committee headed by Mr. J. T. Pickering, of Selaba Estate, assisted by the Raja Muda-and the D.0., Mr.
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  • 797 1 Sept. 19. The remarks made at the meeting of the Singapore Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals regarding animal performances m circuses will, we Imagine, with certain limitations, earn the hearty support of all who care for animal life. The limitations we suggest are that
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  • 777 1 Sept. 20. A new suggestion has been put forward m Penang with regard to the provision of extra harbour accommodation, new that is to say as far as Mr. Trimmer's report is concerned though we seem to have a faint memory of some such scheme having
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  • 809 2 Sept. 21. The interval during which Parliament has not been sitting has certainly been one of great activity for the Government. Apart from domestic matters m which the cotton strike, fortunately brought to a happy conclusion, and the visit of Mr. Thomas to Canada, the chief interest has
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  • 651 2 Sept. 23. Lord Cecil has withdrawn his immediate resolution m regard to disarmament on the understanding that most of his points are actually under consideration at present and it would be inadvisable therefore to take action which might precipitate matters, whilst as regards his chief point, m respect
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  • 722 2 Sept. U It is some consolatmn, one, to see that at last a i^nC being made m pointing out !o people the imminen? danger m wh they stand of phyafeal and nations decay. This daafer nurt ha- o ben apparent to trientiflc expert* hi long time and has
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  • 672 3 Sept. 25. Perusal of the recent cables received by Chinese contemporaries have shown, though a little difficult to follow, that a development of considerable importance was pending m internal affairs, and the full cable from Reuters Far Eastern Agency to-day confirms that and puts the ituation m
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  • 170 3 Father-in-law Charged. The Second Police Court was crowded with Sikhs yesterday when Sunder Singh, an elderly Sikh, was charged with the murder of Jeewa Singh. The accused was produced m Court by Detective Inspector Sharp. He is the father-in-law of Jeewa Singh whose dismembered body was discovered
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  • 63 3 Passengers' Bad Luck. [FREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT, j Bangkok, Sept. 22. The Dutch mail plane which left for Batavia at the last moment refused to take two passengers who spent the night at the aerodrome hoping- to be allowed to travel. The royal family despatched letters
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  • 43 3 King's Generous Gift. [FREE PRESS SERVICE COPYRIGHT]. Bangkok, Sept. 18. His Majesty the King has given many hundred acres of suitable ground near Singora to enable Siamese soldiers who served m France to settle on the land with their families.
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  • 28 3 TFREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.} Bangkok, Sept. 22. Mr. Clayton, British Adviser m Kelantan, and Mrs. Clayton returned there by sea from Bangkok yesterday.
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  • 25 3 Karachi cables state that a portion of the mail carried by the air mail, City of Jerusalem, which crashed at Jask recently, has been* salved.
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  • 1271 3 Chamber of Commerce Meeting. J NnTu mr n h annUal S 6l l ™*™X f w*. v B T e Cham^r of Commerce 31st. Sandakan Club, on August YnT^rv!^™* 11 Mt J K S Malcolm said: Your Chairman, the Honourable Mr PinhH «LL at PrCsent On the West
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  • 550 3 The Rev. and Mrs. Philip Browning, ot Taiping:, are leaving for Home on Oct. and were entertained to a farewell tea party by the members of the Church Council, C.W.A., and the choir on Wednesday. Mr. Browning was presented with a silver cigarette box and Mrs. Browning with a tor-toise-shell
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  • 1348 4 MYSTERY OF VICTORIA STREET CRIME. Was there a Woman m the Case? A respectably dressed young Hylam named Lee Ah Mong stood his trial on the capital charge at the Assizes before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) yesterday, the prosecution alleging that he fatally stabbed a
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  • 163 4 TAIPING ENTERTAINS VISITORS. A Happy Week-end. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, Sept. 23. A somewhat unique ex-Service assembly occurred during the week-end when Service men and their wives representing branches at Penang, Kedah, Ipoh, Sitiawan and Taiping assembled as guests of Taiping which rose to the occasion wonderfully
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  • 171 4 New X.P.M. Offices. At a meeting: of Municipal Committee No. 4. On Sept. 17. it was decided that funds will not permit of the provision of a third new fire engine during 1930; that an order may be placed with Borneo Motors Ltd. for 20 H.P. Austin Ambulance
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  • 61 4 In reply to a Penang correspondent enquiring when the Government will be ablt to give a decision on the Trimmer report, says the Straits Echo, the Colonial Secretary states that "it is quite impossible for him to give any indication of the period within which Government is
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  • 641 4 EXPERIENCE AT A.P.C. OFFICE. Chinese Cashier m Court Again. Further evidence m connection with the charge of theft as a servant which has been preferred against Toh Seah Hwee, a former cashier employed by the Asiatic Petroleum Company, was recorded by the District Judge, Mr. C. H.
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  • 229 4 Interesting Events on Sunday. An interesting programme was carried out at the Swimming Club on Sunday morning the events cdmprising water polo matches, ten lengths handicap race, and throwing the polo ball (handicap). Results were as follow: Ten Lengths Handicap. Dobbs (went at 15) 1. Iken (100) 2.
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  • 14 4 Mr. J. R. Pyper is appointed an Assistant Superintendent of Chandu and Liquors Revenue
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  • 218 4 A DIFFICULT Al| DAY. UN( The ACW R ace There was a tttn 7~~ this class on Sunda second race forth, 5.,. II mdc a w^tmm r. M I** J^ her new owner', scoring full p<^ u breeze was l isr ht th but somewhat flukv h< *<*i^
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  • 244 4 Caution for Exporting Without a Licence. The discovery of tift. and White wfctsfet) Salisbury which came int way to America tmoHn cer of the ship. Mr. I G Q :ffith. and Second Baffteotr, Mr M i duced m the totad P day charged u-th exportfaf liquor withNti
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  • 50 4 Chinese Win Sultan IVrak I [From Our Own i l, H .h In the Perak I,T.A SulUn of Perak Cttp to district clubs was Chimse. who yt-tinl three matches to one. The Ipoh Club (Bnl, Watson and Whiuhw-r the Chinese (Dr. Kh-i arvd Chunjf Ah Miru games.
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  • 46 4 [From Our Own The Malacca month competition was played was won by Mrs. H« ra > Redfearn43 IP, 11%. Mrs. George Holden an«i 3. I 8 35, Mrs. Lindow and I n< j Elles 43 7 36. Mrs. F H mh Munro 51 12M; 38^..
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  • 720 5 h' D. Fleming of the Chinese Protec- sunsrei Patani, Kedah, is proceeding hIhJ on leave atjmearly date. t^ death took place at Marseilles on tltft lltli. of Mr. H. P. Legge Gardner, < Banarff ,-state, Batu Pahat. lhe enpaprcment is announced between [„t aid Victor Baylis,
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  • 72 5 over 100 acres o^Aur 3Ht 19 2 0 t t K u hUd by dealers and on tates <* estates and certain export^^fi^re, r'n* T^h he declaled P lodu^i<-n of the same and dealers. P hffUres <a) The sl °^s are compiled from returns by estates CWBUM t«m
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  • 132 5 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 934 th. auction yesterday when there was catalogued .°.190.3.-,l lbs.; 977.83 tons. Offered 1,595,4K2 lbs.; 712.27 tons. Sold 1,197,071 lbs.; 534.67 tons. Spot. London 10% d. Xew York 20% cts. PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Cents Per Lb.
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  • 687 5 F RASER'S WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore, Sept. 17. There is little change to record m the price of Tin during the past week, and the share market both m Sterling and Dollai issues has been quite neglected. Rubber stccks m Great Britain shev-' an increase 01 1,590 tons during the week,
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  • 1242 5 Thursday, Sept. 5 His Excellency and Lady Clifford attended the final of the men's doubles at the I adies Lawn Tennis Club. Lady Clifford presented the prizes. Friday. Sept. 6. Mr. Charles Winerfieid, C.M.G., His Majesty's Minister at Bangkok, arrived to stay. Saturday. Sept. 7 The Hon. Mr.
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    • 484 6 A Fairytale at the Assizes. How the prompt action of the police frustrated the carefully laid plan of a gang of armed robbers who were m possession of a motor-car, was told by the D.P.P. (Mr. N. H. P. Whitley), when five Chinese claimed trial on
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    • 322 6 And Then the "Last Straw." "The remarkable feature of this case kl the persistency of the people who were after the money" declared the P-P.P. opening the case against Tan Lian Huat who claimed trial on a charge of armed gang robbery. The victim, continued Mr.
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    • 268 6 An armed robbery of a particularly desI>erate kind, the victims being a poor fisherman and his wife, came to light when Ho Ngttk Tee claimed trial on a charge of armed robbery. The D.P.P. (Mr. N. H. P. Whitley) said the fisherman and his wife, both m
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    • 155 6 Sentence of nine months' •rigorous imprisonment was passed on Chua Siong Rang convicted of mischief by fire. The evidence for the prosecution showed that accused was caught m the act by the occupant of the atap dwelling which he was attempting to burn The occupant woke
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  • 373 6 ARCHDEACON SWINDELL'S RETIREMENT. Yesterday's Gathering. The Venerable the Archdeacon, the Rev. F. G. Swindell and Mrs. Swindell, who are leaving for Home by the Meonia this week upon retirement, received three interesting presentations m the Town Hall last evening at an informal gathering presided over by the
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  • 171 6 The activities of Chinese gunmen broke out afresh on Monday night m Chinatown where a Malay police constable had a narrow escape from death. One of the gunmen was arrested and produced before Mr. Cobden Ramsay the acting Fourth Police Magistrate yesterday. He was charged with attempted
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  • 1107 6 BRITISH VIEW OF D.EJ. POLITICS. The Pasar Gambii. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Bat* via, Sept. 14. All good things come to an end and on Monday evening last the Pasar Gambir closed its gates until next year. The attendance this year beat all records, amounting to more than
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    • 398 6 Junior TeamVj; reat WcW 3; SX.K The Chinese second u-a,",, JJ Regiment a great gam, Jj th *> yesterday afternoon and n. ply justified their P U C c I*. senior teams. From start commenced the Wm u lh and did not attain full itrJZX minutes
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    • 160 6 The incident which ocium.l during tbt Cup match between the I nited Banks tac the Chinese second team, when a Banks' player was sent off the field. discussed at a meeting of the I h<ciplin»ry Board held at the Stadium on Tuesdiy Mr S. G. Hacker presided
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  • 385 7 P Details of the Scheme. fairies made by the Straits Echo show that the Penang hospital scheme is even, a lore ambitious one than would appear at first v^t. la< idea is to merge the present General District hospitals into one large insti- t( n built on
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  • 224 7 Hon. Mr. Abdoolcader's Views. Mr, H. H. Abdoolcader, m an lew he grave to the Straits Echo exBed no enthusiasm for scheme B. (Bagan s explained m the Trimmer report. of the opinion," he said, "that scheme should not be proceeded mtil the Federated Malay States Government
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  • 84 7 th Ori, T t t annual Prereral meeting of J<'l<>phone Company Co-opera-nd Loan Society, Limited held jone House on the 14th. inst. the Hi^p" fU(ors for 1929-1930 were electee ?rT r l Mt J D Pierrepont; Ist. Viclp r TT tntMr F V Boardman; 2nd. Nt Mr.
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  • 120 7 »11 be losing shortly some of who will be leaving for H).H P f J ri |i vu h < sa ys the Malacca Guarlan Matr Ven ables, M.C.S., the Serem'^eniban rate and Chairman of the l M of < < imt l ar y B °ard, will leave at
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  • 363 7 THE LAWSON-SYDNEY PLAYERS. Inspiring Acting. "Interference" Tvi 1 P«twee and Harold "fe Rowland by the ut^&^Bs*' -A derful acting wa« Payers. Some wonCarl Lawson a^d HulT n Pa i; tiCUlarly from f»H of tens and e c^ ham The audience being led ra^ m ments the wnich takes plaJ?£\Z P
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  • 294 7 Students and English. "To see something of the teaching of English and English Literature m the chief schools m Penang and Province Wellesley." is the raison d'etre of a visit of a week or ten days m this island by Professor E. W. Gillet, Professor of
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  • 51 7 The result of the 800 metres handicap race, which was swum at the Chinese Swimming: Club on Sunday was: Ist Khoo Hock Tien (70); 2nd Tan Lai Chai (&0); 3rd Lim Fook Loong (120) Time 17 mins. 7.4/5 sees. At water polo the "Jellyfish" beat the "Dragons"
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  • 41 7 Members of the Penang Chamber of Commerce spent some time on Saturday visiting the local Telephone Exchange and work centres. They were shown round by Mr. V. Hautot Winson, senior engineer and Mr. E. E. SDroul, telephone engineer at Penang 1
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  • 261 7 Threatens to Adjourn Assizes. mo^Th the A ff izes ha <* been m progress ChTf T half Pf| hour yesterday the Dla^ f (Sir WUliam Murison) comway tto ?r^ ab Ut the noise findi^ its could 1 l he C Urt and said tha if it
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  • 205 7 Classification of Horses and Ponies. List No. 2. Amendment No. 5. Issued September lGth. HOUSES. Transfers— Mona Lomond from Class 2 to Class 1. Packard from Class 1 to Class 2. Star of Athole from Class 2 to Class 3. Crostarie from Class 2 to Class 3.
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  • 224 7 The Chinese Athletic Association tennis tournament at North Point has provided some interesting tennis during the last few days, writes Spectator of the South China Morning Post. The preliminary rounds I are over. The four semi-finalists m the Singles are M. W. Lo
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  • 51 7 Twenty-four cards were taken out and the following- returned for the September Ladies Spoon. Mrs. S. C. Campbell 43 12 31 Mrs. E. A. Elder 43 6 37 Mrs. H. E. Gilroy 51 10 41 Miss Gilroy 52 10 42 Mrs. A. C. W. Pooley 59 12
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  • 50 7 The first hockey match of the season was played on Mfonday between the V.M.C.A. and the Royal Marines of H.M.S. Cumberland on the former's ground, and after an evenly contested game ended m a win for the Marines, who combined better than their opponents, by 6 goals to 3. I
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  • 831 7 I was riding on the top ,:f I bus down Piccaoilly the other day when I behold what appeared to me to be the form gf Piandok, the mouse-deer, gazing ouc of large eyes from the window of Rowland Ward. I was m a hurry or I
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  • 119 7 The Secretary to the Chinese Commercial Bank writes as follows: Sir With reference to the paragraph m this morning's issue of your paper under "New Bank Building," the meeting referred to was a joint meeting of the Directors of this Bank and the Oversea-Chinese Bank at which no
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  • 52 7 H.H. the Sultan of Perak gave an at home to Dr. Mohd. Ghows, J.P., of Taiping, at the Istana Nagara, Kuala Kangsar, on Tuesday afternoon last, on the occasion of the presentation of a handsome wiiat watch to Dr. Mohd. Ghows as a token of appreciation of Dr. Ghows' efficient
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  • 863 8 Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Allen, who were leaving for Home shortly, have delayed their leave as Mr. Allen has to attend a conference m Hong Kong m November. H.H. the Sultan of Perak, who went to Singapore to attend the last day of the Singapore
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  • 992 8 CHINESE TAXI DRIVER'S ADVENTURES. Police Effect Smart Capture. The story of the robbery of a Chinese taxi-cab driver and owner, perpetrated, it was alleged by three young Chinese, was told by the D.P.P., (Mr. N. H. P. Whitley) when Chua Hock Lai, Chia Choon Siew and Lim Teng
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  • 719 8 "RIFF RAFFS" MAKE MERRY. The "Last Over." Only those m the know, as were all those who attended the function, could appreciate the subtlety of the menu which confronted a large gathering: of "Riff Raffs" when they sat down to a dinner of the- "Last Over" at the
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  • 79 8 The dinner and dance organized by Ihe Ex-Services Association of Malaya, Singapore Branch, held at Raffles Hotel on. May 23, we are informed, resulted m a profit of $6,107.50, made up as follows:—Donations $1,623; auction $1,750; sale of tickets, post cards etc. $3,652.50; Total $7,025.50; less cost
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  • 107 8 Golf Competition The September monthly m, l,?"' was competed for on W,Hn for Ui. suit was as follows! Wuln<l *«y. C r Mrs. R. H. Finch Miss B. Holden Miss Lockhart Mvi,- 20 'do* Mrs. J. D. Sanderson The Forester's Bow] v Sunday, and result,,, m^l^C Berry (18)
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  • 418 8 The Annual^ Report. The report of the Committee fa th, bers for the year ended Jun, Ot h ?T presented at the annual mcttin. il J° day. September N* at r. ,o^ The accounts for th« ir a f ler aside the sum of $1,100 to R^,
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  • 191 8 Upon the application if Mr. d on beha f ol the jud^nu-ut eftd**[ Siang Thye, the WlrfUn building- of the Chinese I'n-Kvtcrian I the application for thr garnishment oi balance due on the contract the Supreme Court list by tfci 2" (Sir William Murison> y«-*terJay. In an
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  • 20 8 Mr. A. Gilmour. W^rfd J* Magistrate, Jasin, took Mt Majcistrate, before Mr. I r g<t Jasin Court on Thursday .M.-rnin^
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  • 912 9 jIAVY WIN SERVICES TOURNAMENT. Some Brisk Bouts. Winning ten out of the thirteen contests m the inter-services boxing- tournament held at the New World last night, the Royal Navy once more carried off the Lowthei Grant Cup. The sport was of an excellent quality and the majority of the
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  • 362 9 MALAYS FIND EASY WAY. Dolfattah's Headwork. ajs 5.R.c. set back eX P erie "<*d first minute the ZMtftPW?-*- «£> Way intO S.R.C. at tho <!? r A via the "Plied five t^TstoV^ The coal m the ffijft the r opponents' early mediately nnon f and ad <kd a
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  • 233 9 Annual Report. The directors' report to the shareholders for the year ended June 30th., to be presented at the annual meeting at Messrs. Boustead's offices at 12. 00 on Saturday, September 28th. states: The profit for the year amounts to $340 ,036.5 7; Add amount brought
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  • 111 9 We have received the following letter from the Secretary of the Straits Racing Association. Sir. The Committee of the Straits Racing Association has been informed that certain persons are importing, or arranging to import, race-horses m the belief that the restriction on registration now m force will
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  • 45 9 Mr. E. N. Taylor, A.D.0., Lower Perak, will be going: Home on leave m the first week of next month and whilst at Home he will sit for the Bar Examination* He has just finished editing: a book entitled "The Customary Law of Rembau." Ex.
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  • 408 9 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1929. COOLIES' ANGRY QUARRELL. Attempted Murder Charge. After calling the evidence for the prosecution m the case m which Chin Sang was charged with abetment of the offence oi attempted murder, at the Assizes before trie Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) ™t f day the
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  • 203 9 Well-known Journalist Leaves Malaya. Malayan journalism loses one of its leading personalities by the departure for home this week of Mr. Herbert Welham, who for a period of twenty-four years has occupied the editorial chairs of newspapers m Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. The severance of his
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  • 237 9 "The Fourth Wall." the powerful mystery drama by A. A. Milne which took London by storm, was presented to a large audience at the Victoria Theatre last night by the Lawson-Sidney Company. As a thriller, the play ranks as one of the best yet presented to a
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  • 931 9 HARD FATE OF GIRL NOVICES. Harsh Treatment Alleged. [From Our Own Correspondent.] iiangkok, Sept. 10. A great deal of sympathy has been and will be expressed for the girl novices who have been prosecuted during the week and ordered by the court to remove their yellow robes,
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  • 494 10 DANGERS OF "ABOMINABLE CONDITIONS." Dr. Hunter's Observations. The Municipal Health Officer (Dr. P. S. Hunter), has some strong comments to make m regard to Singapore's hawkers m the course of his annual report for 1928. "My views on the hawker question are well known and I need not
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  • 288 10 When Mr. L. E. Vass appealed against the dissatisfaction of the Official Assignee upon the jjenuiness of certain 1.0.U.'s filed by him m support of his claim of $800 from Mary Bristow, his bankrupt sister, m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, Mr. Justice Stevens held that the onus lay
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  • 95 10 The following: taluks m Madras Presidency are now closed to recruiting on account of infectious disease: In the area served by the Port of Madras: Oanjam, taluks of Chicacole, Chatrapur, Kodala, Ichapuram and Sompeta; Vizagapatam, taluk of Bobbili; Bellary, taluks of Harapanahalli and Hadagallee; Anantapur, taluk of Hindupur;
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    • 474 10 To the Editor. Sir, Referring to your leader on this subject, that there is a future for this cultivation more particularly at the Highlands s unquestioned, the higher altitudes producng the finest quality teas. It is scarcely necessary to stress the fact hat planting out would
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    • 351 10 To the Editor. Sir,— With reference to your leading article m the Free Press of September lUth may I be permitted to say a few words on this subject of wild animals m captivity? While agreeing: with much of your article on this subject may I add that
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    • 302 10 To the Editor. Sir, At a public meeting held at the Adelphi Hotel on August 9th, the proposal to form a Kennel Club m Singapore was well supported, and the majority of those present immediately enrolled as members. A committee was elected the same evening! and at the
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  • 448 10 GHASTLY DISCOVERY IN BOTANIC GARDENS. Jealousy Suspected. There have been startling and rruesome developments m relation to, it is established, the disappearance on Thursday night of a Sikh watchman, said to be one of the wealthiest moneylenders m Singapore. At 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon a kebun employed m
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  • 45 10 Convicted of assisting m the management of a chap-ji-kee lottery, a Malay who was arrested at Geylang and who had two previous convictions for similar offences traced against him. was yesterday fined $:UX)O or m default twelve months* rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 36 10 Mr. F. V. Boardman. assistant manager of the Oriental Telephone and Efectrfc Co.. Singapore, has been authorised to file a specification of an invention for controlling traffic by means of a multi-contact switch and reflex indicator.
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  • 382 10 Scenes at^Uu^ S(a(lium 2 i x Typical cup-tie fu. tl. a energetic kind wa evening when by beat,,., *I* goals the S.C.r. qUa Malays n the mi-final of Towards the end of th, :i were ordered off and the crowd became s,, r had to stop the
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  • 141 10 The September Mixed 1 petition was played yester-b; and resulted m I win for Mr S. Miller. Fifty-two cards wen t.tken following" were returned. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Miller Mr. Braddell and Mrs. Smith I Mr. Rash and Mrs. de Pir«» Mr. Turner and Mrs. I'inla.
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  • 28 10 The Ladies' medal was p nesday and Thursday. Klovon taken out and the following m P returned. Mrs. Harding Miss L. Pritchard Lady Colina Hussey
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  • 9 10 Mr. K. G. A. Dohoo is appoint^ Magistrate, Singapore.
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  • 1080 11 Company's Anti-Disease Policy. Mr s. Q Wong presided at the annual general meeting of Kluang Rubber Compary. Umited, held m the Hongkong Bank (Zjmhm yesterday. Others present were Me srs WK. Rayner, J. A. Elias and H. 2 OmsUble. In Moving the adoption of the report and
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  • 199 11 ROSE MACPHAIL PENMAN LTD'S REPORT. ta Singapore, Sept. 20. Rubber.— London 10 5/16 d. Up %d. 4 p.m. Prices Spot 35; September 35 Vi, October 35% Oct.-Dec. 36%, Jan.-March 38. Quiet, steady. Tin. London £208 2s 6d unchanged. Mining.— Quiet. Sungei Ways 3.55 3.60. Kuchais 1.54 1.57, Kinta Dredge 1.75
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  • 176 11 The following is the report of the Batang Padang Tin Dredging Company to be presented at the annual meeting: on Sept. 28th. at Penang. During the period under review the dredges made 13,068 hours running time recovering 3,900 pikuls tin ore and 288 Taels gold dust. 1,236,500
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  • 146 11 The following* transfers have recently taken place m the F.M.S. Police: Mr. G. B. Folliot, Probationary Assistant Commissioner, from the Depot to Ipoh Contingent Headquarters; Mr. L. G. Valpy, Probationary Assistant Commissioner, from the Depot to Kuantan as 0.C.P.D.; Che Hussain, Asiatic Inspector, from Kuantan to Kuala Kubu
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  • 19 11 A commission as Sec.-Lieutenant m the Malay Companies, S.S.V.F. has been granted •to Raja Mohamed Nordin bin Raja De!i.
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  • 1098 11 Juvenal. Lord Cecil of Chelwood is, if possible, an e\en more dour person than Mr. Philip bnowdeP, of the acid tongue but the heart of gold. But it is quite evident that our friends abroad are not going to have it put over them twice. The
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  • 661 11 Mr. \V. B. Clarke, European Matter, Education Department, has heen seconded for service m Johore. Wearne Brothers Limited Sports Club has beer exempted from registration Dnd«r the Societies Ordinance. The P.C.M.0., S.S., has delegated his powers as a Health Officer under the Labour Ordinance to Dr. P. C. Fernandez and
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  • 1137 12 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1929. THE BUILDING OF THE NEW BRIDGE. Race Against Time. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Bangkok, Sept. 18. On Friday the Siamese Engineering Society held a meeting at which one of the members gave a detailed account of the new bridge which is to be
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  • 450 12 MODERNISING SLAUGHTERING METHODS. Australian Importations. Schemes for the improvement of the Singapore abattoirs are referred to by Dr. P. S. Hunter (Municipal Health Officer) m his annual report for 1928. Toward the end of the year the construction, of the new Pig Abattoir m Jalan Besar was put
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  • 266 12 Pitf- Rearing (lashes with AntiMosquito Work. lty. I. S. Hunter, m his annual report for 1928 state- that 150 licences for offensive trades were issued the fees amounting to 13,466.91, This ja •i large reduction on previous years the chief cause of this being that no pi^vrcry licencea
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  • 1029 12 DR. HUNTER'S INTERESTING ANALYSIS. Removing False Impressions. An interesting analysis of Singapore municipal mortality figures with the idea of demonstrating that a very large percentage of the deaths recorded here originate outside the town is made by the Municipal Health Officer (Dr. J\ S. Hunter) m the course
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  • 277 12 THE "Bg 1 <> Unfavourable Conditions. Thr R.S.Y.r. H mviM day afternoon wa, h, favourable* condition! v wind was blowing Ir making the jjoinir vei larly rousrh watt t.,-,. The first event WMM CUtf mile BOVM. C;rc€-n:_ K S. Pictorial B Mi 2. L F. DMCU ::..l I
    277 words
  • 52 12 The Simi-I inal Koiind. In the third r.ui following were tl f. M Sv-ouiar boa( I M s. C. Campbell b< M. M. Putenon beal i: L l>. Uav<\.* beat N Ir th» M ml I .1. M Bcoulai at B i L D. Haniu' beat
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  • 62 12 The IVnanir tie starting the coast h.iiMv Plans haw b« I l.c lubmittcd to inp: to h<» hehl >h«>rtl\ The site has net y, t •d M l»ut it will be i housr. possibly |u»l behind The dub hmi just ovei I m th<> Baiidinff Fund debentures.
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  • 819 13 SINGAPORE AMATEUR RACES. Kirwan's Notable Success. A fine afternoon favoured the first part y- the Singapore Polo Club's amateur race meeting which is being run m co-operation -,vith the Turf Club. There was a moderlU .j v Largt attendance and the racing pro- ut t *,i two interesting
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  • 1175 13 POLO CLUB AMATEUR MEETING. Iteresting Afternoon's Sport. r racing ■»»<,„ Z and the ama«d which atte^H C 5 nj yCd by the lar Ke underwit on nder of Rode^ allowed to stand tk the P lacin^ "ere event hut th P f irly eaSy run j hi he m Ihf
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  • 189 13 EXTENSION OF AIR BASE LAND. Not For Civil Aerodrome. The large area of land at South Seletar which, as notified m the Gazette, it is proposed to acquire "for the purpose of an Air Base," borders, the Free Press is inlor cd th e present Air Base. It belonged, as
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  • 156 13 The Health Bulletin 01 the League of Nations' Eastern Bureau, for the week endrH September 14th, is as follows: Berbera: 3 smallpox cases. Alexandria: 4 plague cases and 2 death-. Aden: 1 smallpox case. Bassein: 1 plague case. Bombay: (j smallpox cases and 5 deaths. Calcutta: 15
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  • 73 13 His Highness the Sultan of Perak with the Raja Permaisuri entertained Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Gibbings to tea at the Astana Merchu. Kuala Kangsar, on Tuesday afternoon on the eve of their departure on leave. His Highness took the opportunity of presenting a signed photograph to Mr. Gibbings and
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  • 946 13 ORGANISED CAMPAIGN IN SINGAPORE. Municipal Activities. The activities of the Singapore Municipal anti-mosquito department during last year are referred to by Dr. P. S. Hunter, (Municipal Health Officer) m the course of his annual report thus: New work was carried out m 21 areas scattered all over the
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  • 1163 14 Year of Keen Competition. The sixteenth annual general meeting of the Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Limited, was held at the registered office of the corporation, Nos. 3C and 3J>, Malacca Street, at noon at Saturday. There were present: Messrs See Tiong Wah, Chairman, Ong Soon Tee, S.
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  • 139 14 Outgoing Vessel Hits Anchored Steamer. Two vessels, both of which fly the Chinese flag and are registered m Canton, cams into collision m the Singapore Harbour at about 20 minutes past six o'clock on Saturday evening. The ships were the Yuan Jeng (Captain. J. Miller), which
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  • 190 14 Parents Evading Their Responsibilities. '1 he Municipal Vaecinators vaccinated 5,871 infants but as there were 15,540 irvfants born during the year it is obvious that quite a few were missed. Last year I had occasion to say that I was not satisfied with the vaccinated state and
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  • 246 14 Bedroom Adventure. The excellent reputation that the LawaonSydney Company have earned for themselves on their first visit to Singapore, coupled doubtless with the title of the play, filled the Theatre on Saturday evening when Twin Beds was played. The comedy is quite an amusing thing full of laughable
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  • 826 14 Mr. T. F. H. Kemp, C.P.0., Klang, has been, operated on for appendicitis at the European Hospital. Mr. J. S. Addison, Assistant Conservator of Forests, Kuala Kangsar, is going home on leave about the middle of November. Mr. William Mac Donald, J.P., an old and much
    826 words
  • 707 14 I have not been U> Wn, perhaps, I will go i <v, place of palaces, M roads but water-way. slip through the quiet *i A friend said to !m v> go to Benut? It mjrhi Venice of Malaya.* went, he and his w,iY aMi It is a long 1
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  • 6018 15 [Reuter's Service.] London, Sept. 18. gacDowW is sending invitations to r inch. Italian and Japanese govern- t0 participate m the Five Power Yrence <-n naval disarmament, which it •tended shall meet m London m the Mveek m January next year. United States Government will issue r invitations. Both Governments
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  • 136 16 RETIREMENT OF LIEUT COL.J.H. TYTE. Lontf and Varied Cm* mi n A l<»nj? and brought to m of UtOt^o). ot Priao, ■ailed for home Fhiloctetei v with Malaya i of Marl] thirty 1901 that hi fl <•;" lt. f»mn to tak< A^Mant Mast m>iiii. years l«t- hcadmaita r latrr. however,
    136 words
  • 38 16 Tho followbif ct'ivt'(l up to MMNI Alnady m Chn..n S« !'ir United Indian Govt. Junior OtV, F.M.S.. K.I. (Sid. eovtribut Asiatic Conunui p<r Mr. V El IN rak Chin* M Drama ti* of CMnm, h
    38 words
  • 37 16 WEDDING ISLER-BAUMANN. Th«> marriage v inst. at th. I' Otto laWr, M Ltd.. uid Mil B arrivi'd truir. The Kt-vtnn: brido \va fivi Lt-uthol<!. Acting LaotKold wai h mtl Piffaretti was b< placo at tht* Switi I
    37 words
  • 70 16 There will l«- ff« "1 f fl. the Stnuts EcK liam Harold IV. Runnymwlo Hotel, i holiday crate, M to the hotel In ml ;n X spirit for two Mr. Perry .junk 1 dividual charai t, r is now known thr Mr. Perry and his
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  • 21 16 At the o&mthmkm >• of the younjr Hylain with the murdir the Victoria Strevt 1 was acquitted by :i to-one.
    21 words