The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 10 July 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 280 1 LEADERS. Preliminaiy Petting 1 Malay- ard Public Service 1 Home Railway Reform 2 Week-End Comment 2 Tin Price Plot 2 Who Should Pay for Rudder Roads? 3 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Johnston's Pier 8 Football Finance 13 POLICE AND (CURT NEWS. Mark Charge <>, i) Two Ki led in
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  • 238 1 July 9. $104^ Gambler 8 Co P» Sundried 9.20 tice Liang Hin Chan Mark Rice, Rangoon Bintan' 260 «><*, Rangoon Sdoka 256 Siam Broken No. 1. 220 J'ce, .Siam Broken No. 2 280 J; c e, Siam Glutinous No. 1 860 J lf e, Siain Giutinoug n o# 2
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    • 77 1 WATT.— At the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on July 7, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Watt, a son. DUNLOP. At Penang, on July _'9. to lsobel, wife of George A. Dunlop, M.8., of Tel ,k Atttoa a daughter. TRAVIS.— At Kuala Lumpur on July 7to Mr. and Mrs. S.
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    • 33 1 HARRIS— SMITHSOX: On July 2, 1929, at St. George's Church, Penanp, by the Revd. Keppel Gamier, Colonial Chaplain, Herbert John Harris, Controller, Posts and Telegraphs, to Harriet Wright Smithson, General Hospital, Penanij.
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    • 21 1 SHELDON. At Kuala Lumpur, on July 1, Bruce Collin, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lancelot Sheldon, F.M.S. Railways.
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  • 330 1 The last mail from Home with dates up to June ord. arrived by P. and O. on Saturday morning. I his mail leaves by 8.1. on Thursday morning. laere was only one absentee from the meeting- of the Legislative Council on the ord. when two new members
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  • 65 1 July 9. Hank 4 m.s. 2|3 27|32 Bank demand 2|3 23|32 Private credits 3 m.s. 2 4 5i 16 New York, dema/id M 15 16 Credits 90 days 57% France, demand 14*1 India. T.T. Hongkong, demand 13^ p.c. Dis. Yokohama, demand 128% Java, demand 139% Bangkok, demand %0% Bar
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  • 20 1 TFREE PRESS SERVICE.- COPYRIGHT]. L Bangkok, July 8. Prince Mahidol, who has been seriously ill, is improving.
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  • 46 1 At a meeting of the Perak State Council His Highness the Sultan undertook to issue advice to Chiefs and Penghulus as to the danger of signing documents in English not required by law to be written in English, by persons who do not understand that language.
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  • 654 1 PRELIMINARY PETTING. July 4. The debate on the Address, coupled with, the King's Speech from the Throne, has supplied a very good indication as to parliamentary likelihoods during that period in which Party animosity will be kept in control and prejudice prevented from action. How long that period will last
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  • 924 1 July 5. Whilst it may not be necessary, it may possibly in view of what we wish to say, be politic, to state that this paper has consistently stood up for the rights of the Malays as the people of the land and for the need
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  • 782 2 July 6. Mr. J. H. Thomas' plans for reducing unemployment largely by the speeding up of a number of public works and the improvement in methods of certain organisations, more particularly the railways, have on the whole been well received. No one imagines that these or any
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  • 614 2 WEEK-END COMMENT. July 8. A certain amount of "atmosphere" developed in the House in the course of the debate on the Address when the matter of foreign policy was discussed. Col. Wedgwood, who is by way of being a hard hitter in matters upon which he holds opinions, told the
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  • 672 2 THE TIN PRICE PLOT. July 9. When all the arguments in favour of the latest effort at a tin price stabilisation .scheme are considered and put side by si,| Z^^ doubt that the w*,T T» H come to one conclusion W h; u all the protagonists JJ reallj -aim at
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  • 703 3 WHO SHOULD PAY FOR RUBBER ROADS July 10. With the reduction in the price of raw material and the assurance consumers that supply will not be interfered with otherwise than by conditions which have to be encountered in any natural production, there has come a greatly increased consumption, and although
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  • 82 3 [F;*om Cur Own Correspondent] Kuala Lumpur, July 9. The hearing of the case wherein Mr. Kandiah, an Inspector of Weights and Measures, is suing his son-in-law an< daughter. Doctor and Mrs. Ponnampalam, for an injunction to restrain them from selling a piece of land at Ampang
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  • 66 3 [From Our Own Correspondent.] I 'on aim. July 3. Smart work by the police resulted in the capture of two Chinese, who pleaded guilty to stealing gramophones, cash, etc., from the Robinson Piano Company, to the value of $600. They also pleaded guilty to theft of twelve
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  • 509 3 Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Talalla were "At Home" at the Masonic Hall. Yenning Road, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday evening, says the Malay Mail, to a large gathering of friends and relations on the occasion of their silver wedding. A correspondent writes that after -7 years of continuous service with
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  • 1585 3 2 W SPeCtS f local football which nterost n hecomin of increasingly vital -hi fi i corres Pondent advocates ir. »>v r J, PC 5 the P a y™ n t of players who, oroviH/H 0 tHeir beln? less abundantly "eas iernT r° rldly gOods he r^ ards
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  • 170 3 Appeal Court Decision. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, July 9. The Perak cause celebiv concerning" the Rahman Mine property claim in Upper Perak, dating before British occupation, reached another stage by the delivery in the Ipoh Sureme Court of the judgment of the F.M.S. Court of
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  • 69 3 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, July 9. The Perak Chinese have formed their own Football Association with Mr. Chung Ah Ming first president. The Perak sports championships on Saturday have unprecedented entries including 30 for the mile and 22 for the new open event, the pole vault, which
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  • 48 3 In the Dyne Cup yesterday Mrs. Bennett and Byatt (minus 1£) beat Miss Griffith Jones and Treadgold (minus 15.2) 6 L, 4 6, 7 5, and Mrs. J. S. Miil?r and Prentis (plus 5) beat Miss. Hop? FilKnet and Stringfellow (scr.) 6 2, 6 4.
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  • 842 4 New Scale on Tobacco and Liquor. The revised Excise rates for the F.M.S. published on July 1, are as follows, the old rates being put in brackets. Arrack, brandy, Whisky, rum, gin and any other intoxicating liquors not hereinafter provided for $11 per proof gallon (10). Provided
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  • 34 4 We regret to hear that Mr. J. P. Hannah, manager of Kyle, Palmer and Co., Kuala Lumpur, is in hospital in Batu Gajah with sunstroke. He had gone to Ipoh for the week-end. M.M.
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  • 171 4 CHINESE COMMERCIAL PRACTICE. A Judge's Criticism. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, JuJy 3. Holding that on the hypothesis before him the adjudication of Tan Ee Kor as a bankrupt as a partner in the firm of Leong Cheong and Co. was well-founded and the issue of fact for
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  • 66 4 Details by Wireless. [FREE PEEBB SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok, July 9. Tenders for the new bridge across the Bangkok river have been opened in London. Details sent to Bangkok by wireless telephone from Paris show that French, Danish, Italian. British and German tirnis tendered. Dorman Lonjr
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  • 61 4 Real Hustle. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, July 8. The Governor's fleeting visit to Ipoh on Saturday was a very husy twelve hours. He lunched with nine quests at the Residency, presented three certificates of honour] inspected the town, attended the Scouts' rally, dined with the
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  • 124 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh. July 8. Extraordinary enthusiasm is being shown in Perak at the forthcoming loccer match against Sdangor on Saturday at Kuala Lumpur in aid of the Haig Flats Fund, the return match at Ipoh a fortnight later being a preliminary to the annual
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  • 111 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.] I'enanjr, July 3. The death has occurred of Mr. John Warwick Clark. Ho was admitted to hospital a few days apo with acute appendicitis, complications arose, and he died in the early hours of this morning. Mrs. L. B. Baker,
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  • 78 4 (.From Our Own Correspondent.] o IP«h, Juiy 5. bome interesting decisions of the *Perak State Council are announced, including the reserve of several hundred acres of the hill area at Tapah near the Cameron Highlands The council also favoured a large Malay settlement near Ipoh and
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  • 70 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, July 8 w p e Jf^S: farewell dinner to Lt-coi. W R Meredith on Saturday was a successful affair and was attended by many Volunteers^ .including a contingent from NWri !Z^' L V C K J R Swettenham pf
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  • 309 4 L CPL. WILLIAMS WINS CHAMPIONSHIP. Keen Competition at Tanglin. The whole battalion turned out yesterday for the annual sports meeting of the 2nd. Battalion, the Welch Regiment at Tanglin Barracks. Competition was keen in c very event, A Company winning the Intvi -Company Championship with 22 points
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  • 495 4 Driver of Overland Charged. As the result of a collision which occurred on -June 21, at the junction of Campbell Road and AmpMg Road between the Hon'ble the Chief-Secretary's Daimler car and an Overland car bein^ driven hy an Indian Tamil named Mohamed Ismail! the
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  • 22 4 a/the I^t mbel V f the Perak State Co™"1--at the last meeting discussed a sufwestion s!oners° tOW S f< Gov '"»«ent pen-
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  • 602 4 Accused Committed fc, i— 7.,-r Malay Mail. m the rhin,so nani is chared with ciimin.| roopect of |S4«iot at Kl i March 21. th, pn MHm ;i ;^Pur named Lim Lian Hua hlrie Ife W. H. W. Hasting prosecution ind Mr I- Lee Ah KWw, dtrl tk polyfacWy,,me,..
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  • 67 4 Perak Beat PlMi (From Our Own Cow I,*.h. M J h The first inter-State ItWI between Perak and PHMSg resulted in Perak winning and Penan* throo, only twi rum third set. The Penanjr wins wciv Bedecox I—6, 6—2, 6-2; R Watson 6 o, G— o; Simpson IM
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  • 2127 5 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. IfgDNESDAY, JULY 3RD. Sir Hujrh Clifford, M.C.S., jhe General Officer Commanding the Malaya (Major General H. L. IfSha'nl, C.8., C.M.G., D.5.0.. Colonial Secretary, (Mr. John S C.M.G.) Resident Councillor Penang (Mr. M.C.S.) ng Attorney General, (Mr. R. Page >• Acting Colonial Treasurer, (Mr. ne).
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  • 345 5 Malayan Rubber Statistics. On the motion for the adjournment, the Hon. Mr. Baunall called attention to the fact that the Malayan rubber statistics for May were published in Singapore on the morning I of Jun» sth whereas they were known u» London on the previous afternoon. The sanu
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  • 104 5 Mrs. Tom Woodgate and Mrs. Brennan will be leaving Kuala Lumpur on July 15 for Singapore, and thence to Australia by the Dutch mail Niew Zeeland which is due to sail on July 18. Mr. John Lewis, a Government pensioner, died at 12.40 a.m. on Tuesday of last week at
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  • 485 5 MALAYS TROUNCE THE 11.C.F.A. Five Goals From Dollah, Malays 10: I.C.F.A .1. The Malays engaged in a riot of scoring at the Stadium yesterday in their First Division engagement with the 1.C.F.A., netting ten goals against their opponents' one. Throughout the match the iValays controlled the game and
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  • 218 5 Witnessing of Thumb Impressions. As members of the Public are aware it has been necessary for Savings Bank depositors in the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States, who are unable to sign their names in Roman characters to furnish their thumb impressions on withdrawal notices and on
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  • 118 5 Mr. Berry Hart, of Borneo Motors, Ltd.. Ipoh, will shortly be leaving for Singapore on transfer. In the Fourth Police Court yesterday, before Mr. J. F. F. Gre-T. the Tamil prisoner, Sangali, who is charged with r.betment of the murder of Warder Dicksor at the Singapore Criminal Prison, was cmi
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  • 1002 6 VISIT OF THE KING AND QUEEN OF SIAM. Preparations Being Made. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batfevia, June 28. Preparations are in full swing for the visit of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Siam to Java at the beginning of August. The wharf of the second Inner
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  • 736 6 ALLEGED FALSE TRADE MARK. A Question of Castor Oil Labels. "What's in a. name?" was. the important question that the District Judge (Mr C H G. Clarke), had to decide in the District Court yesterday, when, at the instance of U and E. Morton Limited importers, of Gresham
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  • 1317 6 I SELECT COMMITTEE'S REPORT. Difficulties in Practice. The following is the report of the Select Committee of the Legislative Council on the Workmen's Compensation Bill. The Committee met on June 10th, 11th, 14th and 21st. Memoranda on the subject were received trom the Penaner and Malacca branches of
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  • 226 6 BATTLIN<; KFV OUT NA^JgjJ, Ow si» for his contest at lhf :tl firhi^ >*ht Battling K, v by a knock out whom he ni|lf tt -*n tlt N \yoar nfro. *++f h Key weighed |J pound less. KVy L cleverness in aVlll fi^ «n the opening round r
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  • 959 7 FUTURE OF INDIA. HI FOR RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT. Interpretation of Freedom. ,Hy Our Indian Correspondent.) rfc Hun. Mr. T. Prakasam, M.L.A. deli- ore( i a lecture on "India's Position in the I mpjre," on Wednesday afternoon before a v wded sudience at the Victoria Theatre fail. Mr.
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  • 642 7 ESTIMa t bui LDING Need For (^j Arch tect West tended was^, B*J?utr8 J?utra m Roadfthe W4,600, and the tend the highest th e Architects' J™*ff aCCepted $33 0 m «^t guess W ork can h ly the variations, and it a J e P r °mpted such
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  • 926 7 SUC 2i£ SFUL OPENING PERFORMANCE. S.A.D.C. Traditions Maintained. t>rtunrty a o 'T/ e l UdienCe is iven «n °Prehearsal ™Mf 'to Wltne ss a dress render,*' Tf th *H* Creditabl V Pushed ances t h a f n^ f e 7 h at regular performThe vStori tk U
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  • 398 7 DRIVER'S TERRIBLE DEATH. Crushed Under Locomotive. The violent death of a Chinese fitter and relief engine driver while driving a Municipal engine, the "Farrer," at the Mandai Quarry, Bukit Timah, was the subject of a Coroner's enquiry yesterday. The engine jumped the points on a gradient, turned over
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  • 251 7 Singapore's New Cinema. Although the new Tivoli Hall will not be open for public performances for a little while yet. Press and trade representatives visited the hall yesterday evening to fa»p*ct the appointments and witness the picture, jto be shown at the first public performance ine hall has
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  • 136 7 The Smo-anore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 923rd. auction f/or r d y When there was catalogued 1,825 16, lbs.; 814.80 tons. Offered 1,510,097 lbs.; 6/4.15 tons. Sold 1.316,514 Ihs 587.73 tons. .London Iftl New Yor k 21^ PRICES REALIZED. R.bbed Smoked Sheet. Cents Per
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  • 575 8 GOOD SPORT ON OPENING DAY. Donnelly Injured. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, July 4. Fine weather favoured the races to-day and there was a large attendance, including H.H. the Sultan of Perak and the Resident. The going: was good, though on the hard side and there was
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  • 197 8 Social and Personal. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Malacca, July 3. Mr. C. F. Smith, of Messrs. Sime, Darby and Co., Ltd., Malacca, has returned from leave. Mrs. Smith and Master Barrie Smith are returning- to Malacca early in OctoDcr. Mr. A. E. Lambert is going home on lenvs
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  • 968 8 Mr. Clive Bell's remarkable little book on "At" has run through eight editions since it was first printed at the beginning of 1914 and to-day many amateurs defend the worst eccentricities of cubist and vorticist by talk of "significant form" without knowing who was the inventor of the phrase
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  • 506 8 Detectives' Gallantry in Street Fight. A desperate fight between two detective constables and five armed Cantonese took place about 8.30 o'clock on Tuesday night near the junction of Sims Avenue and Lorong 27, Geylang. The duel resulted in two of the Cantonese being shot dead and both the
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  • 23 8 Second Division Results. Matches in the Second Division of the Singapore League yesterday resulted as follow: S.C.F.A. (A) PoHcf A J-
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  • 29 8 Monthly Mixed Foursome. Twelve caTds were taken out for the' above competition which resulted in a win 'or Miss E. Trevor Smith and F. G. Ridout
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  • 297 8 ST. ANI)REW S sen,, SPORTS. Ho< Some GooTK-rfon.,^ annual athletic ,p,, rt Ssohool and competition in i11 Al *«v, particularly Keen. For the individual ,h-, m Cta* Fah and 3*^2^ seven points e»dl and ln ih V competition, Richard. Li from Venn and U) °nt *> At the conclusion
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  • 131 8 JOHNSTON'S IMER. To the Editor. Mr, As a mfiMi i itrttra to the conditions pre\ ailing at .JnhFW. I IgrM uith all that pondrnts -tate n thr itinerant ha*k» the fheds. OLD lAU Sir. 1 add my hunibh nn port all thoso who Mhrocatt of the
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  • 186 8 Mr. Uavid Frankel of Map I up with a septic foot duj It H ikii lanjr vting.—S. Echo. IT. C\ E. Cobb, whoactt-i il ft cal Officer, Perak, be for. «»n returned to Malaya by th« K> ber last week Ex. The two detective police put up such a gallant
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  • 435 9 I DISTRICT COURt JUDGMENT RESERVED IN TRADE MARK CASE. Interesting Argument. Judgment was reserved in the District Court yesterday afternoon in the case in which the manager or proprietor of C. G Kiat and Co., is being charged with using a false trade mark, in respect
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  • 326 9 Commemoration Wreath. Ustmiay beinj? the anniversarv of the birth and death of Sir Stamford' Raffles, the founder of Singapore, an interesting and appropriate ceremony took place at the Matue m front of the Memorial Hall, the it time we understand such a ceremony n«»s been carried out. H;
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  • 81 9 tn t! H M no T tified the following apr Put V Pub) in H P^low to act as H Litton f° SeCUtor Pen *ng; Mr. SC te J« Collector of Land Rerf olitG Mr r n Assi stant Superintendent thf Joini p Ham to be a member ii\ Mr
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  • 1050 9 Attributing k;,. >P of his opera com e to the breaking p ahang foodTin 19 2- ny m 1 reSUlt of th publicly c- :amineri a Malay actor was yesterday. thc Bankruptcy Court ha^ tto wiv e Mansoo r Al said that ln Singapore Hi n Pen anjf
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  • 590 9 CLUB VICTORY OVER League Leaders' Win. £5 #C S.R.C., 0. position rther consoli <Jated their Übmtv >,TT' the score would ta «M Pro Dabihty have been much closer. ev^i first half the tean 's were very evenly matohd> B tho h the S-R> «^£J ™£i in T at their
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  • 27 9 Dr. C. E. Colb who returned from leave last week is staying in Kuala Lumpur and will attend the quarterly meeting of the British Medical Association. M.M.
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  • 638 9 YESTERDAY'S EVENTS AT OUTRAM RD. Raffles Champions Again. The annual sports of Outram Road School ook place under pliant conditions in the ichool grounds yesterday. Raffles gained the Tyebally cup as the champion house of the lay with 361 points, the runners-up being Suckley with 302 points. Hitam
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  • 98 9 Man's Fatal Knife Wound!. Late on Thursday night persons on Jalan Besar were startled to see a Chinese, soaked in blood, emerge from Kitchener Road. He was unable to speak or give any account of how he got his injuries. An ambulance was sent for and the
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  • 72 9 The Rev. Mr. L. Chacey is leaving I r oh at the end of the week to take charge :>f the Malacca Anglo-Chinese School and will be succeeded in the Ipoh School by Mr Bell, who is on his way out from Home. Mr' Chacey has been District Scoutmaster here
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  • 1333 10 "The curfew tolls the knell of parting day," though the sun has nearly two hours of its course to run this fair summer eve.ning 1 and as yet no "lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea." The curfew The mind floats away on the reverberations of the
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  • 101 10 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, July 4. About 500 Boy Scouts will be rallying in Ipoh on Saturday to greet Sir Hugh Clifford and to welcome the new Silver Wolf, Mr. Hertslet, who will be entertained to dinner sft night. Meanwhile a large company
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  • 592 10 Singapore, July 2. There is no change to record in the pr.ce of either Tin or Rubber during the past week. London advices point to a steady Tin market with fair buying support and ihen is a somewhat better demand for both Ster* ling and Dollar Tin
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  • 939 10 Quioqnid agunt homines nostri e»t farragi Libelli Juvensl It appears that there is trouble in the camp in repaid to rubber statistics. Early birds in London are picking- up crumbs which shouid be scattered in Malaya. The Topicist commends to the Government the dictum— to which
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  • 566 10 ST. JOSEPH'S INSTITUTIONS SPORTS. Three Records fc^ At the Stadium on a lar*e and enthusiast annual athletic 5,,0,k for titution, when „>„„. k n hV witnessed in the VTMtI rotary. Mr. John Scott present, together with tb and the Rev. B m. Al| >*, J. Then broke thn nin* the
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  • 174 11 EMPIRE'S THANKSGIVINGr IMPRESSIVE SERVICE AT I WESTMINSTER. Kind's Tremendous Ovation. London, July 7. Half an hour before the service of thanksgiving for Hia Majesty's recovery was due B commence at Westminster Abbey the on lv vacant scats were Their Majesties' crimson and gold chairs at the
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  • 280 11 Andrew's Cathedral yesterday morning a large congregation was led by Archdeacon Swindell in a service of thanksgiving f'»r the King's recovery in common nultitudefl of others in the Empire and throughout the world, Sunday being the day on which King George proceeded i the Abbey Church of
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  • 231 11 'Peratai* on Railway Hill, Kuala fc T-, on Th -> rsda >- ee, w *esl since July 6, I<>27. Baker, C.8.E., and Mrs. 1 ho recently arrived in Batu N«w Zealand, will be leaving »ya on j u l y 14.— T.0.M. umoured, says the Times 1 well-known Government tiremom
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  • 966 11 NGAP0 M A .^NST SfS^ZSy&s* ilr: of the r^' d ay, the date h «?n W k S held on Satu«coincide with the Vls ?t to from the Royal Bat 2 the >" a <*tsmen the Governor thp r lan Ya ht Ckb H E Clifford were n^hl?"?™
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  • 78 11 SEVENTH MAN ARRESTED QUIETLY. In Sago Street. o4n e ed SeV T:th man or the th i^en who SSJSSwSrSS <<etec?ive loot v S oUchln S aI °"S ™<* m- U p with h r^vo." r un T; £i es '^p :'o resistance 1 voUer The man made r
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  • 491 11 Booth Wins Sculling Championship. mmmt n tne first halt minute to Gardiner, 16 a^gs spit SH three le^r^^ 6 Gardi some three lengths ahead. very sportinglv stopped and waited for his opponent. Booth gOi going agrain and scul] taken XT XOn S l who now taken the mside
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  • 78 11 The wedding took place at St. Mark's Church, Butterworth, on Saturday, of Mr. William Alfred Corkill, of the Straits Trading Co., and Miss Gwendolen Mary Taylor youngest daughter of the Rev. P. H. Taylor, of Yorkshire. The Rev. B. Stokes officiated, and Mr. H. T. Earlc gave the bride away,
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  • 225 11 88. rs COMFORTABLE right Phi7~(>n Padan?. ln™^ 84 n s had been scored for the loss of four wickets imreply to the P.S. and Ls total of 153, during the S.C.C. tournament game on the Padang on Saturday, More and Wild brought the 8.8. and I. to victory m
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  • 294 11 Etceteras Just Beaten. A splendid stand by Laverton and a new named Kendall when the Etceteras had seven wickets down for 94 runs only against the bowling of the Welch Regiment at Tanfirlin on Saturday pulled the fat out of the fire so to speak, and the
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  • 280 11 Regiment's Keen Fielding. S C I?yi SrSf^ vesterda -v met the S.C .C. 2nd XI on the Padang and went down Imr»v 8 T the b wlin^ of V5 "e and m^H y y u SCOmI n] 7T Bu they made amends by exceptionally keen field•ngf, all ten
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  • 24 11 Captain Sydney Smith, 0.8 E Denntv L7t C h tOr °< Works,' F.M S :'and Mi" Smith are leaving for Home in October on sSSSSs
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  • 1005 12 THE COODEN BEACH MEETING. A Very Pleasant Gathering. [From Our Qwn Correspondent.] London June 14. Our London correspondent sends the following which supplements the results hej cabled in his special sports service on June 13 and 14. Yesterday (Thursday) was the final dayj of the Malayan Golf Meeting
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  • 622 12 THE PERAK TURF CLUB MEETING. Two Surprise Results. Ipoh, July 6. Fine weather favoured the second day of the Perak Turf Club meeting to-day hut the very hard track did not suit many of the horses. The fields were good and the keen and exciting sport was witnessed by
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  • 55 12 In th c i Uala Lumpur J u'> 6in the Selanpror lawn tennis singles chain ponship yesterday evening first 6-8 6 ere V r Er T^° n bCat L ke Yaik Foft ?""k' I i H Vll beat Na than. 4-6 b—3, 5; Fernday beat Ward. 6—3
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  • 1123 12 PROGRESS OF THE OIL PALM INDUSTRY. Advantage of Scientific Methods. Wo extract the following from in article by Mr. Frederick Knocker in the Times Trade and Engineering Supplement, dealing with the origin and growth of the palm oil industry in Malaya: Soon after the outbreak of thv'
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  • 148 12 GOVERNMENT AN|MIU NotGoinßtoFl mvUl(l u (FromOu, .<>,„,. r ihe ion K itfmw l|><lhl Jul > Mf HuKh Cttford ra th took place last the larpc- paring 0/ four papers. n h Kich (PlMMnl) ha.i Si, M and the Sultan on M, u|l The Chairman. *4
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  • 138 12 HiK Halibut |)(> h. LKrom Our Own I u{] Al.»ut Boj 3 Ipoh curly on town In the stat,. h iUi Scout officers bom Pah, l<ir;ik also for ttx t Sir H^h ciifl Malaya, who can raiv distinction, the Silver u K. Hcrteltt, Dktrid I Tin-
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  • 33 12 Of the two dtttctivt u?. plucky tijrht Mfmtetl tin Geytmag th«. otlwrdaj th. WM arc infornici luu ta wore at Tan Ttt h >. is ren-iviriM- trtatment. I 1 n and his condition >ei
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  • 651 13 MEE "council. Plavers Reprimanded. }lala> f i tUaapore Amateur Football Associe the following report for the week July 6:- CO! NCIL MEETING. General Council meeting was held at He Stadium on Tuesday July 2 at which were present:— r Urn Han Hoe < Chair), Dr. K. K. Pathy.. K.
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  • 130 13 Grtefrg UieJVisitors. nost enjoyable week-end held last night in representatives of the R.B. usual loyal toast of the H -M'th*.n ar (hank to the health of lh^rinc( -u 1 f H<(l1 and and to H.R.H. Th Vi« i, )atr °n of the R.S.Y.C. lent (Dr. Winstedt) then
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  • 910 13 Anak Krakatau^ Disappears. [Fr.m Out Own Correspondent.] has^peafed, 6 ft^T laSt canic matter and at on. C f Oniposed f Vo1 size of Run ne tlme attained a hithr m length and HO feet in aWe to *S2 S ft material not gradualk the f rce
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  • 457 13 CONTROL BY THE S.F.A. bESIRABLE. Possible Future Dangers. A European Spectator sends the following letter dealing with the financial aspect of local football: Sir,— Since the Stadium was opened, the various Football Clubs have been in receipt of part of the Gate money. Doubtless, up to the present,
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  • 31 13 [FREE PRESS SERVICE.- COPYRIGHT]. Bangkok. July 8. The Turf Club h*;<* started a breeding scheme and has allotted Ticals 50,000 on "'•rount of the preliminary expense*.
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  • 263 13 The July Bogey competition wai played on Saturday and yesterday and resulted in a tie between Messrs. L. I). Hardie, J. M. Scoular and H. R. Baker in A division; and was won by Mr. J. C. Barry in B division. Eighty four cards were taken out
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  • 39 13 Mr. L. D. Austin, who is more popularly known among his Chinese friends as Au Soo Tin, was entertained to a farewell dinner at Ayer Elam last evening by a number of his Chinese friends, says Wednesday's Straits Echo.
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  • 610 13 CHINESE DEFEAT THE REGIMENT. Victory by a Corner Goal. S.CF.A 1; Welch 0. The Chinese at the irtadium yesterday avenged their defeat earlier in the season by tne Welch Kegt., lor tney won the return game I—o. On the run of the play a draw would have been a
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  • 260 13 Friendly Victory on Padang. The S.C.C. fielded their lint eleven against Fort Canning on the Padang last evening more to ktep them in trim for next week's encounter with the Chinese than anything else and though the football was none too bright, partly because of the
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  • 51 13 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, July 8. The Selangor tennis championships have now reached their semi-final stapes. In the singles Ong Ee Koner will meet Errington and Hovil will meet Oliver, to-day. In the doubles Oliver and Dennler meet Hewett and Errinirton in the final on
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  • 231 14 Two Chinese Centuries Against Fort Canning. Ong Siow Hian (100) and Evan Wong (104) scored centuries against Fort Canning for the S.C.R.C. on Sunday. Scores: S.C.R.C. Ong Siow Hian retired 100; Lim Chin Joo run out 0; Henry Boon b Hughes 3; Evan Wong Ibw b Lupton 104;
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  • 167 14 On Saturday on the S.C.R.C. Ground. Scores: WELCH BAND:— Frost b Lian Teck 2; Pepper b Lian Teck I; Swain c Chow Tat b Siow Hian 0: Campling b Siow Hian 0; Deering *t. E. Wong b Siow HHn I; Hockley b Siow Hian 0;
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  • 202 14 The S.R.C. played a Municipality side on the Padang on Saturday winning* an interesting game. MUNICIPALITY: E. Galistan b C. da Silv 19; J. Eber b C. da Silva 5; G. Armstrong b F. da Silva 23; 0. M. Westerhout st. Balhetche' Keyt 17; H. R. Bartels
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  • 384 14 The Rev. R. Richards is due back in Singapore on Sept 9. A service of thanksgiving for the King's recovery to health was held at Jes«olt;.n, B.> .!>. on Sunday. A scheme is being: set afoot to perpetuate the name of Rev. W. E. Horley with Perak where he spent
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  • 434 14 FOUR MURDER CHARGES LISTED. The Criminal Prison Case. Four cases of murder are down for hearing at the Assizes which opened yesterday before Mr. Justice Deane in the Supreme Court. These include the indictment of Lee Wah and M. K. Sangali on a charge of murder and
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  • 193 14 Sentencing T«O Chwee Pit, a Chinese, to three years rigorous imprisonment for importing counterfeit coins; alternatively for possession of counterfeit coins. His Lordship said there appeared to be people in China who made a business out of sending over counterfeit coins to Malaya. These got into circulation
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  • 106 14 THANKSGIVING SERVICES UP COUNTRY. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur. July 8. The thanksgiving service for the King's recovery, which was held at St. Mary's Church yesterday, tflas very largely attended. Tv, *v i Ipoh Ju|yB--Ihe thanksgiving service at Saint John's was packed. There was a full church parade including
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  • 43 14 A correspondent writes that a telegram has been received that Mr. A. Ragunather, nephew of Mr. I. I. Modr. Nagalingam J.P. who has been studying: electrical engineering in London, ha* now passed his examination and obtained the degree of B Sc with honours.
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  • 554 14 PERAK TURF CLUB MEETING. Yesterday's Results. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, July 9. For the races to-day there was a welcome break in the weather. After the second race there was a short shower lasting for fifteen minutes which improved the track somewhat. There was a large attendance, including
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  • 216 14 Juniors Beat Seniors by 6 Goals. The above annual Medical College event of great excitemen to the students, came off on Monday at the Medical College Union Cround at Kampong Bahru. During the first half the two teams ap- 1 peared to be evenly matched. Two goals
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  • 263 14 TELOK KURAU ENGLISH SCHOOL. Successful SpoT(7 j, The second annual held on Saturd.n on I w. There wa. a ;il ■■> includin K parents Malayan educator >«JJ^ 8..-x-.. tnv Prfaci Honourable Inch,. >| •vstrsr. Kurau. S*lap. Ch «n^ Championship H,, w day bilßi Chan^i 1 1 Great interest \:i parents
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  • 198 14 Accused Sentenced. The ra>e in u h:. ab* cashier in the Pa\ Railways, is dMtfgfd witl roprirf* of railway fund> MMMtntil continued \e>tenl.i> it tl before the Chief Juti btttijf reported, .t* says Thursday > «i.. I) His Lordship hi must confess he Iniino lieve that when I
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  • 19 14 A letter sent from another and addn -ink* don, was returns! to postal authorities in J sufficiently addrvM 1
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  • 6168 15 rßeuter's Service.] London, July 3. amendment to the Address in reply V? Speech the Liberal member, to the Kim j aml;l r t (South Molton, Devon), jr. 6* .cessation of the construction m mnare Base, which he says, flouts rf^jSTpact the K f'^ im .'n(lnH-nts to the Address Brig..
    6,168 words

  • 318 16 Need Raprdh Demonstrate Two ycar> th,. paoal puU* rf Sfofaport wtpondtd irti •>,,. of a subscription Miss K. K. Walker and M ijJJJj Senu. him BtOtl i. Koon Ton. I hia Poll Th H $t* Ntf Thian Poh. ano K Mm Hoaj j funds with which to
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  • 52 16 Sikh Warned for Carrying i( In the District Court was charged with Mil l»" dangerous weapon, t.» wit ewtd said that thf \\«.i|> n wm\ r pion. v>c iPf Chief Court jiptrtil not allowed to cany with you here. His Honour cauti^t- discharged him. the i^fei
    52 words
  • 52 16 Throuph tIM BMrtfl ¥\rf~ Haw, his IptJOWl Pasir Panjan* was la day the scene of u ver> v when MMMKbcr ol Association MhftraU 1 sary. There was a st» bers and frieml>. ;l "JJ Chinese Mu. io i! 1* both days. The Tar. and all evc.^ ri
    52 words