The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 29 May 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 137 1 Port Facilities C 37 -p^, tuation 337 Outlook C3B winment 338 338 n>i>.- 339 s TO THB EDITOR. \Y n*s < Dispensation Bill 350 \\i) COUKI NEWS. riagc 340 **Ctopt" 346 Cl K. uU'ru-f 342 Mvntevif AcMuitteil MS, Ml at Fined 343 CCIM~I Shot >44 Administration Suit MB -1
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  • 80 1 s Urn -Singapore Free Press ■g n.-m Kurope to the Straits nrnl line^. are invited to send tht name of their steamer an. 4 hi Singapore. Copies will then H them at various ports of call. UM weekly 12s. per quarter :h vc^MMrcial supplement. PtISTAGE FROM KNiiLAND TO THK KAU
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  • 178 1 May I>. $100 7% 116 58 6.50 :u Small -indried 9*2® Hn Chan Mark .-c (New) 3.30 old No. 1. 330 -oon Bintan 260 n mroon ?:oka 256 Man 3roken No. 1. 220 Broken No. 2 260 iutinous No. 1 860 I Mutinous No. 2 320 noon Glutinous No.
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  • 23 1 uhi be given Patrol Leaders Mat. M. Ponnusamy and Yeow ad Scout Tay Bah Soh for stance they jrave at the tire.—Malacca Guardian.
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    • 73 1 TOSBWILL. A: K'.anp, on May 26, 1929. to Alys. wife of J. T. Tosswill, a <Huehter. BEATON. At thi Nwstag Home, Kenny Road. Kuula Lumpur, on May 20, ll)2i), to Mr. md Mrs. John Seaton of Kuala Jelei' Kstate, Bahau, a son. GRANT At the Maternity Hospital. IVnang. on
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    • 89 1 TROWKR-CiILMAX. At St lUiy*a Church. Kuih' Lumpur, on Wednesday. May 22, 192 V, Sl«pb*l Herbert Gerard, youngest son of Dr. and Mrs. A. Trowtr. St. Leonard>-on-Sea, ;o Gertrude Kleanor Mary, only daughter of Mr. Mrs. K. W. F. Gilman. IAVLOR MYLES. At the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, by the
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  • 294 1 Tht- iast niail from Home with date* up) to April i .»th. arrived by 8.1. on Saturday, morning. This mail leaves by P. and O. on Thursday morning. The last day of the Spring Races was j favoured with tine weather and a larg** crowd had a
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  • 55 1 May 28. Bank 4 m.s. Bank demand fill* Private credits 3 m.s. 4 New York, demand 55 »|M Credits y0 days France, demand India, r.T. BMC Kom X demand 13 p.C _Dis. Yokohama, demand J-j>£ Java, demand "jj Panpkok. demand J"* B;t Silver London 4 A Bank of England
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  • 77 1 At an inquest on Saturday on a Chinese who had died m the General Hospital from pneumonia, .Detective Inspector Hufttins said the man was arrested at an attap house off Kirn Kiat-rd. about a fortnight before his death upon a banishment warrant which had been out since
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  • 60 1 What appeared to be a new addition to the Chinese Calendar of Feasts was mentioned the other day when referred to a certain date as the Chinese Winter Sausage." Further enquiry, however elicited the fact that the word must have been intended. These are the Uttle things which relieve
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  • 879 1 THE I.S.C. AND PORT FACILITIES. May 23. i Thr imperial Shipping Committee which recently issued its views regattffng Colombo port facilities has now done so regarding Singapore port ftjcilities and we believe the report came somewhat as a surprise. In general the recommendation are thai unless changes can be undertaken
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  • 755 1 THE CHINA SITUATION. May 24. The war of proclamations m China is steadily growing m intensity and the latest, issued by Feng Yu-hsiang, seems to preclude all chance of avoidance of conflict between the Nanking party and the remainder cf the Kuomintang. As far as can be gathered from reports
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  • 666 2 THE ELECTION OUTLOOK. May 25. Mr. Snowden has been a Godsend to the Conservative Party m the [present election for he has provided I them with most effective campaigning material, of the kind which really appeals to the voters' temperament. First of all he made a statement [regarding- Labour and
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  • 669 2 WEEK-END COMMENT. May 27. We do not recall a general election m which there has been so marked a contrast m party styles, or, to put it more correctly perhaps,, m the Leaders' styles. Mr. Baldwin has set the note of no boasting, no extravagance m promises, every man to
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  • 673 2 NEWS V ALUE. May 28. I Usually, it may general public it m the technicalities of th( craft than it k in those „f I*'* 1 sectionalised occupation y. occupation btt its,. V| hers and methods Jtmi operations or preoccupat io Ils „f with a more „r fa, ,,k v
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  • 525 3 THE TIN "CRISIS." May 29. -inions expressed by Mr. id Sir Cyril Butler on sition will we imagine Hat with those who nu the industry is situpt with that section pledged to the theory must be maintained at a if it is to be saved from >n. This is presumably
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  • 725 3 Mr. L. Ri.jk. of the Agricultural Department, Kuala Lumpur, and Mrs. Rijk, are leaving: this week by the Morea, for Europe, and expect to be away about ei^ht months. Air. R. V. Patterson, manager of Borneo Motors, Ltd.. Penang who will be leaving for Home on furlough, was entertained by
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  • 2026 3 AN UNCONVENTIONAL CRUISE. Yachting to Java. PART I. 1V(? below the interesting log of Dr. J. Kattray's cruise to Java recently m f he Kit with Mr. D. Couper-Johnston. April 12th., 1929: The day of departure: I ne morning broke with a promise of fine
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  • 229 4 SELETAR'S OVERWHELMING VICTORY. Poor Stadium Game. Seletar 6; I.C.F.A 0. The first league game at the Stadium last evening m which Seletar beat the I.C.F.A. by six clear goals was a poor affair and the attendance was one of the worst seen this season. The 1.C.F.A., were playing
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  • 120 4 The following were the positions at May 21. Goals. W. L D. F. A. Pts. H. Q. Wing, Welch R. 7 0 S3O 15 IT 11th Battery. R.A. 7 1 1 2i> 10 15 Royal Engineers. 6 1 1 28 9 13 "IT M JG. Coy. Welch
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  • 111 4 "POLICE vs. FIRE." To the Editor, Sir, With reference to the special news m your paper regarding a big police programme covering the vicinity of Joo Chiat, I am very pleased to see you state that "the district round Joo Chiat has grown very considerably during
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  • 105 4 INCONVENIENT TELEGR APH OFFICES. To the Editor. Sir, When you have a spare evening look m to the Government Telegraph Department and observe the conveniences for the public wishing to send a message after six You will find a small window, doobttesi as I found «it. surrounded with natives where
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  • 145 4 Chinese Volunteer Competition. At the monthly spoon shoot of the Chinese Volunteer Rifle Club (200 yds. 800 yds. -VOOyds,) held at Farrer Range on Sunday the 26th inct;, the following ten best scores were returned: L/c Tan Ah Linjr 24 32 35 91 C.Q.M.S. Lee Kiah Wah 26
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  • 62 4 iFrom Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, May 28. Kuala Lumpur members of the M.S.V.R. headquarters mess were At Home to H.H. the Sultan of Selang-or and the Acting Resident the Hon. Mr. E. W. F. Gilman yesterday, when Officers, N.C.O s and ex-Ser-vice volunteers were introduced to
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  • 986 4 REMARKABLE RICE DEAL CLAIM Suit Dismissed. An extraordinary claim came before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) m the Supreme Court yesterday when Goh Boon Kee trading as Chop Swee Huat, a rice trader of Orchard Road, sued the three executors of the estate of the
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  • 761 4 INDIAN LADY'S CASE. Aged Female Witnesses. Three old ladies, who claimed to remember the marriage of the defendant m 1897, gave evidence when the suit was resumed m the Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Deane. m which Zayna Lavaisha Maricar. by his next friend. K. Meydin
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  • 41 4 Mr. Ho Lok Cheng, a Buenos Aires Chinese merchant, was a visitor to Malacca on Friday last. Mr. Ho, who was born m the Argentine Republic, speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese fluently. He was on a tour round the world. —M.G.
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  • 107 4 IS MAH JONW; i GAMBLING GAME. Mr. Justice Pritchard Sa\> C) LFrom Our Own Con nt I An interesting decision ,l Ul fhrva m the Pink Sujm •!>,<• Court i Justice I'ritchurd when hi- I missed two convictions tor pambhnp. Chia Thai appealed ajrainst $200 for using: a
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  • 64 4 FREE PRESS SERVICE. IW\ R lianuknk. M.i\ Ji Th" British Le^ior. ti Siain hnual dinner on Thursda\ evening. The quests included a detachn eni I ben of the Suuneoc Expeditkmar> the Minister of the Interior. The Minister proposing th« I George said it was not
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  • 42 4 [FREE PRESS SERVICE. roPVWGHI Uanjikok. M-i\ Q The cremation ti. tht- lai. IMimBhanuranjrsi. uncle of the Kir out m ureat State and military pomp ye> teiday. attracting HOi4. Mar..- i deletrations were pre-ent. mcl <»f the British Ellipse K\, Pattan
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  • 264 4 Stallkeeper Invokes Police \id Before Mr. J. 1. Miller m S Court \e>terday three Chines* \v. with extortion and attempt! Ooff«C .-tail batten m the Buk:: market. One of the stall-holders g said that he sag at his stai! B1 p.m. on the lMh. inst. wher foui
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  • 211 4 WEDDING: TAYLOR— M YLES. On Saturday atternon at th- an Church. Miss Pulcie fttwena married to Mr Norman Henry T;. Rev. S. Band offinatin*!. flu <li which had luo-n pivtti with white and pink carnations m ed with friends of the bride. I have known her from childhood. large number
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  • 338 5 THURSDAY, MAY 23. 1929. GOVERNMENT HOUSE. Sunday. May 12. l!Ul Lady Clifford attended tk. Cathedial of the Good Nixon and the Hon'ble to -tay at Government; f .Monday. May 13. Xt Councillor, Meadows Fru»t arrived nail. [.resided over a meeting oiincil at II a.m. Excellency amd Lady Mr. Chick. A.D.C.,
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  • 194 5 ■ng action was taken at a <<-mmittee No. 4 held on May ••< tion «»f 58 flats (each of 3 Hooper Road, for the Municipal Staff, at an estimated cost of which $151,000 will be spent m ake no further action m conproposal to regulate places .'f of
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  • 2436 5 THE SINGAPORE SPRING RACES. A Record Breaking Day. I me weather favoured the closing day of me Singapore Spring meeting and a large :rowd had a HUM* enjoyable afternoon the tavountes m most cases coming m with one Of two upsets to add a flavour. His Excelmcy the
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  • 182 5 CLASSIFICATION OF HORSES PONIES. Latest Changes. List No. 1. Amendment No. 5. Issued May 2 1st.. 1929. HOUSES. Transfers.- linger (Medan) from Class 2 to Tla>s 1. Long 'Un from Class 2 to Class I. Master Cohlgo from Class 4 to (Mass 3. Tempino from Class 3 to Class 4.
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  • 893 5 Unplaced: R. Billett, Corkill, Thompson. Ist. 2nd. 3rd. W. W. Redfearn 9 2 5 P. Logue 7 3 2 C. Campbell 5 6 5 "Privately" 4 8 7 C. W. Turley 3 5 6 R. N. Hobb? 3 4 3 E. L. Bowden 3 2 4 H. Marland
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  • 283 6 REGISTRATION OF HORSES STOPPED. S.R=A. Action. Owing to the large number of horses and ponies classified and racing within the jurisdiction of the Straits Racing Association, the Association arrived at a decision on May 19th to suspend immediately the operation of rule 68A of the Rules of Racing
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  • 258 6 Evidence Taken Yesterday. Evidence was given by Mr. C. N. W. Prerichfl m the Fourth Court yesterday m the preliminary hearing of a charge of abetment of murder against a Tamil convict m the Criminal Prison, named M. K. Sangili. The charge was connected with ihe recent
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  • 768 6 CHINESE STAND TRIAL AT ASSIZES. Jury Acquit One Accused. After the evidence for the prosecution had concluded m the case at the Assizes yesterday, m which two Chinese named Yap Ah Kit and Tan Poh Koon claimed trial upon charges of muHer and attempted murder, the special
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  • 120 6 The inquest was opened yesterday afternoon on the body of a Chinese, who having been brought to Tan Took Seng's Hospital suffering from malaria, by the police, was discovered with his head immersed m a bath some days after his admittance. He was taken to his ward
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  • 43 6 LOCAL CRIC KET. Y.M.C.A/s (ioc»d Week-end Over the week-end. th« f c team won both their match* S.C.C. XI and Ceylon s, featinp the former < )n the y.\; >U by four MM on Saturda% v 10 runs on Whit-Monda> ground. Following are th.
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  • 235 6 S.C.C.: Anderton ]bw f, Boyd b Wilson 20; Mum-, y I, Strachan c Minns 1. Ponn< c Wilson b Ponn-rajah ft; ne rajah 0; Calder c Men Collman lbw h Sack I; UK b Jones G; Bryant not <.ut Total 112. Bowling: Ponnerajah. fi one for 2fi;
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  • 334 6 The folWwtaf Mtioa irjr of CoMwittec N<>. 3 held on tta Approved immediate filling and tion «t Petair, Road, and pßfti Roati and Horn R.« p Football Ground. *d proved filling a| -it. roads m this area. Generally approved with fa itaf m the I including new
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  • 79 6 The Kuala Lumpur Police ;tn find the owner of a car m Order of Frothblowers." which nna me owner of a car ma<» Order of FrothWowepJ* which i nna me owner''of a^ car'm.i^ Order of Wn&VkmM*? Kb nna me owner of a car m.'^t Order of Frothblowers." which I nna
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  • 1446 7 FB VK ES "BLUE EYED >LX BOY/ "Hu>h-HuslT House. rSr the Free Press.] ekHnpniv Prttet are now tho blue I the Service, and life for them ucrth living m the future. u-mnien: has adopted a definite yoYuv development and is spending money spread over a years, n
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  • 128 7 \t the General Committee meeting of the YW V held on Thursday, last the new President', Lady Murison, was welcomed. Mrs H L. Manchester expressed the pleasure of the Committee m having as President one who knew so well the conditions m this country, and who took such
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  • 114 7 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 917 th. auction yesterday when there was catalogue.' 1,561,224 lbs.; 606.97 tons. Offered 1,234,399 lbs.; 551.07 tons. Sold 934,753 lbs.; 417.:! C tons. Spot. London 11 x /4d. New York 22 X 4 cts. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents
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  • 625 7 Singapore. May 21. The price ot" Tin has tenuuneti fairly steady uuring the past week and advices from London indicate a quiet and featureless marKet. Tin shares are quiet with littie real interest taken m eitner dollar or Merling issues. Rubber on the other hand lemains firm
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  • 176 7 Old Battered Tins Used. Another of the petrol cheating cases came In? fore the notice of the Third Magistrate (Mr. C. S. Findlay) yesterday when the Chinese proprietor of 135 South Bridge Road was fined $100 for the offence. In this case. Inspt. McEwin stated, Inspector
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  • 546 7 NINE GOALS AT THE STADIUM. Remarkable Winning Shot. Welch Regt 5; S.R.C 4. The Welch Regiment and the S.R.C. were engaged m a remarkable scoring match m their first league fixture at the Stadium last evening, nine goals being scored, six m the first half and three m
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  • 237 7 Rifle Shooting. [From Cur Own Correspondent Malacca. May 21. The animal rifle match between the Ma lacon Volunteer Battalion Rifle Association and the Muar Rifle Club took place at Bukit Treh, Muar, yesterday, and resulted m the former being: badly beaten by 40 points. The ranges were 200,
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  • 86 7 St. George's Church. Penang, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Friday, between Mr. Reginald Albert Gowen, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, and Miss Fullerton, daughter of Mr. Hugh Fullerton. The Rev. Keppel Gamier officiated. The bride was given away by Mr.W. G. Baker, Superintendent of the Eastern
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  • 222 8 FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1929. THE ASSIZES. LAME MAN MURDER CASE. Majority Verdict of Guilty. The case m which Yap Ah Kit is charged with murder and attempted murder concluded at the Assizes yesterday before Mr. Justice F. G. Stevens. After a long retirement, the special jury returned with a verdict
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  • 462 8 Ong (hone: Lim appeared on two charges of gang robbery on February 2Sth. last. Mr. F. H. Collier defended. In opening, the D.P.P. said that m the early morning of February 2£th., about 2.30 a.m. two hawkers were m Blanco Court, when six Chinese came
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  • 32 8 The dMUrg« of causing death by a rash act against M. M. Menom was withdrawn by the D.P.P. and the accused was discharged. Mi. E. L. Talma represented the accused.
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  • 88 8 Messrs. (iuthrie and Co., Kuala Lumpur, agents for Malacca Rubber Plantations are m receipt of a cablegram from the Secretaries informing them that, m respect of the financial year ended on December 31st the Directors have decided to recommend the payment on 21st prox of a dividend of
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  • 64 8 Mill! Bou stead and Co. Ltd., Penang, have received a telegram from the Secretaries, Messrs. Ed. Boustead ana Co London, advising thai the annual accounts have been issued shewing a profit of £21,222 and recommending payment of a dividend of 2V2 per cent. The sum of £13,288 is
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  • 414 8 IMPOSING BUILDING FOR RAFFLES SQUARE. Helow we reproduce an interesting picture an architect's conception of what the new Meyer Chambers at the junction of Raffles Square and Malacca Street, will be like when completed. The demolition of the old offices which stood on the
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  • 256 8 Onlookers' Callous Altitude. The callous attitude of onlookers of the affray m refusing to render assistance, is being freely discussed m connection with the shoot in^r of a young Bengali policeman m Xeil Road yesterday morning by an armed Chinese robber. When the occupants of No. 44.
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  • 161 8 Appearing for the defence, Mr. Cobbett mentioned, m the Third Police Court yesterday, the case against Mr. R. Cansdrell charged with causing: hurt to Inspector Wooeley and a police constable m Scott's Road, on May sth. The case, he intimated was to be transferred to the
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  • 96 8 The Coroner (Mr. F. G. Bourne), returned an open verdict yesterday afternooln regarding the death m mysterious circumstances of a well-connected Chinese named Ho Chia Lock (age 45) at Telok Ayer Market on April 30th. Mr. Justice Deane reserved judgment m the trusts of the will of Sect Tiang Lim
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  • 480 8 Last Night's Opera. The production last night at the Victoria Theatre of "II Trovatore" was an exceedingly pleasant and competent one. Everything went smoothly, and there was good control m the orchestra as well as on the stage. Verdi's famous opera is probably one of the best known
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  • 92 8 The charges of unlawful assembly brought by the police against twenty-three Chinese who were alleged to have been concerned m a shooting affray at the Thomson Road cemetery during a funeral, have been dismissed by the Second Magistrate (Mr C. Wilson). The Official Receiver has been appointed under the Companies
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  • 704 8 THE DISAPFOINTMKNT IL THE BCUFSK; f Costly Preparations. fcMgfcofc, ay The failure of visit eclipse of the sun disapp< people, Their Majesties not being alone m this preparations were on a big great de;il of money a!i»; On the other han<l the- w< entitled to b;- consider.-,
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  • 646 9 aTff ()VKR LETTERS OF >l '^DMIMSTRATION. Widow or Not V Deant m the Supreme -uit was commenced m iha Marion by his next Pitchay Maricar, moves letters of adminis- tht oYtendant. Aisama the estate of his father, i Lavusha, decease.!. l] can for the plaintiff illiama f r
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  • 370 9 KEEN RIVALRY AT THE STADIUM. Colonial Secretary and Sport. SawstaranS Road school, tW« was a keen tight for upre y: th(i hjrht or T l fc pointa, paining 21* to 22 Of the •ther schc, is Outran, Road obtained 9, the Anirlo-Chm.^' 8, and Getfang En*lUA School, 6.
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  • 376 9 The Singapore Cricket Visit. (From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca, May 22. nvo- lay cricket match was played <>n the Clal Padang on Saturday and Sunday last between Malacca and the Singapore Cricket Chlb 2nd XI. At the last minute the Malar- a Team wa> unfortunately considerpbly weakened l»y
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  • 229 9 CHINA TOURISTS WIN AT IPOH. Keeper's Fatal Nervousness. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, May 23. Many thousands witnessed the soccer match between the South China tourists and Perak yesterday afternoon. Trains into Ipoh were packed by enthusiasts from long distances and traffic took an hour to clear after
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  • 440 9 Selangor Beat Penang. Selangor, fan winning the Inter-State cricket match with Penang by 26G uave a first-rate performance. Selanjjor. First Innings. .1. Scott Dalgleish c and b Donaldson B T. C. Green c Anthony b Knight 13 N. Grenier c and b Anderson m H. O. Hopkins b Potter
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  • 36 9 In the tennis championship on Wednesday S. Sittanipalam beat V. Muthucumarasamy 6—3, 6—4. Last nitrht m the first round G. Haradas beat R. Nodarajam 6 2, 6 3. Sudrananian walked over Thuraisaigam.
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  • 42 9 In the second division of the League last evening, the V.M.C.A. beat the I.C.F.A. 2 o. The second division game between the R.A. and the R.A.O.C. on Saturday will be played at Pulau Brani and not as per fixture card. i
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  • 744 9 STRONG FINANCIAL POSITION. New Plantings. The fifth annual n" o n°rpl meeting of Rembau Jelei Rubber, limited, was held m London last month at 2-4, Idol-lane, E.C. Mr. I. Church (the chairman) said: When I addressed shareholders a year ago, the lestriction regulations had jest been abolished
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  • 162 9 Mr. Isako has brought someone fresh to help to 1i 11 his circus tent when he opens here on Saturday June Ist, m the meadow at Bukit Timah Road alongside the tramshed and if reports are correct Janna Dulco, a telepathist from Riga, is sensationally phenomenal.
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  • 848 10 An appraisers licence has been granted to Mr. W. Carruthers Bell of 32, Raffles Plate. Mr. Ridley, of the Detective Police, Ipoh, is confined to his house owing to illness. T.O.M. Haji Mohammed Eusoff, Senior CoOperative Officer, Perak. has gone to Kuala Lumpur on official duty.
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  • 1113 10 Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago Libelli Juvenal. Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald must be getting a bit tirea 1 of Philip Snowden. There is no doubt that Philip is the enfant terrible of the Labour Party, m fact The Topicist feels that m moments of haste
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  • 718 10 Housing Question and High Rents. The majority of the Chinese Community particularly the clerical, labour and poor classes, suffer much from excessive house rent, which sometimes takes more than 30 per cent, of their regular income, or at least from 15 to 20 per cent. Though the Restriction
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  • 180 10 Verdi's Trajric p r;i Applauded. An ignorance of the U n|(ruai deter lovers of opera Victoria Theatre durmu the visi, Italian Grand Opera Company j. when they appeared m triumph of the hump-bach and his daughter Gilda so beautiful, sinprinp the histrionic art so mv, hi, v
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  • 227 10 "It wa> rank careless fiidity but it was n.»i crimina the First Magistrate iMi < H. m the District Court on Thurxki;. w discharged a well-dressed Strait--b.»>-nese age 2.5. named Phuar. Y:;i I.ionu. i was charged with rriniinai m respect of a $1(1 notr. The accused
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  • 158 10 The May Mixed Fouim.huwas played at Bukit Timah afternoon and resulted m a i Hickey and Mrs. Savant- an.i Mr > I Miss Strickland. The couples who tied f«i to toss for the priz«>. and j m a win for Mr. Storr an.i M Forty-nine cards men
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  • 51 10 KAJANG LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. In the Kajantf tou^ the holidays the following >l of the open event> H Open Singles: Kleinman 6 o. Open Doubles: Hovii am: Hewett and Errinpton Open Mixed Double: fcleinnuu Aitken beat Errinpton m 6—3, 6—2. Ladies' Open Double* M Mrs. Zyptra U-at Mt>. H-!>^ n
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  • 765 11 ItJSttALIAN FLYERS IN L f ft for Bima on Friday. mmm (Kvn Correspondent.] Batavia. May 17. oß .i nw»-n landed at Tjililitan flying U -day morning: having: left They had not originally bukHaf at Ratavia but vrere wing to shortage of petrol -•ayinir only 12 minutes their flights
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  • 513 11 CHINESE FIRST DIVISION WIN. j RA. Defence Weak. S.CF.A RA *2?£*nZEl PlaVe a r v weakened JS Divufn IU m I—*V f'»r their a ,X nislon Kame against the SCFA number of new players U Undoubedly. the weak link m the R A little opposition to contend with
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  • 163 11 |Frooi Our Own Correspondent.] .Malacca, May 2»rd. The M. V. C. Eurasian KihV Clv i held their May Monthly Spoon Shoot at !>ukit Subukor Range, the distances bci i 200 yards, :*()(> yards and 500 yards deliberate (S.R.A.), the spoon being won by He. W. >ta Maria. Scores:
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  • 410 11 TALES TOLD IN THE COURTS. His Guilty Conscience. Quite recently a Chinese coolie sat down m People's Park, Singapore. He realised that by so doing he might endanger his free existence since ugly rumours had been afloat that morning that detectives were coming there to "arrest people."
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  • 273 11 Another Ch^^oionship Failure Pe<nito the efforts of party of Singapore sportsmen to form an Amateur Athletic Association for the Southern Settlement, ♦here appears little prospect of Singapore Vine: any better represented at this year's Malayan A. A. A. Championship Meeting at Kuala Lumpur on July l'.nh. an:} 20th.
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  • 187 11 The death took place at the General Hospital on Thursday. May 23 of Mrs. Mildred Hunter, wife of Mr. R. Hunter until recently m the Prisons Dept.. Seremban. The funeral which took place at the Bidadari Cemetery yesterday afternoon was attended by relatives and friends
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  • 647 11 CELEBRATIONS IN THE SCHOOLS. Duties of Citizenship. There were enthusiastic scenes of patriotism yesterday m all the schools m Singapore during the Empire Day celebrations vvhich took place early m the morning. Most of the Government and aided schools followed a programme suggested by the Inspector of School?
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  • 140 11 Those who attended the performances of the Ranvard Comedy Company during: their recent visit will not need to be urged to book for them again on their return season, which takes place from June Ist. and lasts for eight days. The Company established a very sound reputation
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  • 49 11 Mr. E. St. J. Jackson, 0.8. E., Ceylon's new Attorney-General, arrived m Colombo on May 12 by the P. and O. Rajputana. He is the second so* of the late Sir Henry Moore Jackson G.C.M.G., and m 1912 he was appointed Legal Adviser to the Government of the Gambia.
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  • 613 12 MONDAY, MAY 27, 1929. HONG KONG FOOTBALL TOUR. A Close Game. Malayan Chinese 1; Hong Kong 0. Features of yesterday's match at the Stadium were the barracking of the referee, Mr. Tan Lee Wan, by spectators on the betting side of the ground and the excellent defence of the Malayan
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  • 125 12 LFrom Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, May 25. Hong Kong 1 Selangor Chinese 1. The Hong Kong football tourists drew with the Selangor Chinese one goal each at the Stadium this evening. The Home defence was better but the visitors' attack was more lively though lacking
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  • 156 12 Found guilty of criminal intimidation and criminal misappropriation of 80 cents m the District Court on Saturday, a Chinese Ik atman was sentenced to 14 days rigorous imprisonment on both charges, the sentences to run concurrently. .During the evidence for the prosecution the previous day, Chief Court.
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  • 768 12 THE FUND DINNER AND CARNIVAL. Gay Scenes at Raffles. Raffles Hotel was crowded on Saturday night and once again the public was reminded that m these days there is no place m Singapore large enough to accommodate those who may be counted upon to respond to a popular
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  • 101 12 The Mengadap Ceremony, whicff m years past was a yearly function during the month of Hari Raya Haji, is now held every three years, says the Seremban correspondent of the Malay Mail. It is a ceremony held at the Istana of His Highness the Yang Di Pertuan Besar of Negri
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  • 471 12 A REAL OPERATIC THRILLER. Puccini's La Tosca Packs Theatre. Carpi's Italian Grand Opera Company packed the Victoria Theatre on Saturday night when they produced Puccini's thrilling opera La Tosca, the story of a beautiful Italian singer, her lover, and a sinister villain; and ending with operatic tragicness
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  • 177 12 The follow ing: action was taken at a meeting 1 of Committee No. fi held on May 21st. Confirmed decision that tre^s ho planted at each corner of the convenience m Raffles Place. Instructed the Municipal Engineer to remove unserviceable apparatus at the Dhoby Ghaut Playground. Approved purchase
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  • 164 12 At the Empire day celebration of the above school the visitors included Mr. Sons Ong Siang. Dr. Lim Han Hoe and Mr. Scow Poh Leng. Mr. Lim Koon Teck m his address to the pupils, described how the expansion of the British Empire had brought peace
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  • 33 12 The Weiding Cup competed for last week-end was won by Mr. K. V. Cuthbe with a nett score of 72. The sweep was won by Mr. A. Robertson with 32.
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  • 374 12 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS ASSOCIATION Singapore Branch M wl i n The following arc the t ing: of the elected com* 16th. m the Exchange at Present :-Mr. R. M. U dent), Mr. I). Santr- V Hon'ble Dr. Xoel CUrk< If, bell, Dr. M. J. Rattray. Mr Mr. G. Parbury. Mr. .1
    374 words
  • 143 12 The Coroner < Mr. F. <i. B reprimanded a Affective adjourned inque>t known Chinese wh< by the roadside at Tatljotlg X morning of May K.tL to conduct his dutie.- of pardinp the deceased": Mr. Bourne pointed «>ut that he had hmi W»l attempting to Mtftbltsh H MM but
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  • 70 12 The health statement for May 18th, shows thai m the Municipal aiva. of 29.16 apainst 26.34 m and 30.32 m the corre>p<>n<: year. JVductin* the who had been less th.: ident m Singapore Mh chief causes of mortal with 43 deaths, pht*. convulsions 21, enteritis 18. No cases of small
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  • 339 13 uFATHKR SPOILS W PLAY. Non-lUnders^ Beaten. „t Malaya lost their over the week- 'Y^only possible to bowl before a torrential nifli out the Md f«ff the <lay with the I »< wickeis for I ami HaawO opened Welchman. the fanmt Disaster i] ane came on to Livoek MMlc
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  • 95 13 I < ..inspondent.] vliluca. May 0. ■tccr < orpl Chinese Com htl.l their May Monthly Sunday tW linh inst. In "ithly SjH-un. the Ho Kirn Khoo Kirn Lian Cup were *nts beintr won by 2nd hye. < hye also narrowly Major Bower Cup which by the first
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  • 8 13 u:r. Deputy Public Prom for Europe on long
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  • 228 13 The Present Position. The Singapore Football Association issue tne following report for iV. 1 jSaturday May "I W k en<lmß i m- ivuwwta| weiv' me results ol th" matchei i layed daring the week: Division 1: Welch :>, S.R.C. 4; S.CFA 4. R.A. 0. Division 2: S.C.FJL
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  • 347 13 Annual Report. The apnoal report of the Jobore Planters' Asst>ciation to I presented at the meeting on Ma\ 29th m the Civil Service flub, Johore Bahm, tates. inter alia, the Ataoviatio»i nroreaents S7 estates of mature a< rea ire of 156 0 M and immature S&^OIS. Nine
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  • 165 13 The following is the ninth report of the Director! to the shareholders of Mentakab Rubber C< mpany to be presented at the annual meeting on May 31st at noon at Harrison's. Barker and Company's offices. After iraking due provision for depreciation dßnrtors 1 fees, manager's commission etc
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  • 56 13 Another link with the pioneer.n X .lays of )Z ha, been broken by the death of Mr William Henry Shepherd Twbury. wfcMt ,v. from acute bronchitis and heart 'failure o'-ned at Buttenvorth Province Wen" cv a little after midnifrht on the •»n "infant, says the Straits Echo. Mr and'the F.M.S.
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  • 887 13 We hear that Mr. C. J. Baker, of Messrs. Baker Morgan, Ltd., has sailed for Malaya. —M.M. The Coroner's enquiry into the death of Warder Dickson has been provisionally fixed for June 7th. The Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Set- g vice IV'tedal has been awarded to
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    • 446 13 Case "Hangs Fire." During the hearing of an appeal m 'he Supreme Com* yesterday. boforc th a Chief Justice (Sir William Miuison). against the conviction of K. 11. Hamtd Sailau, m the District Court this year, on a juuge jf cheating, it transpired that
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    • 256 13 Chief Justice and Malacca Case. Mi. O'Connor on behalf of the accused, appealed m the Supreme Court yesterday before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) against the conviction, by the Malacca Police Court, of a Sikh constable on |a rharge of extortion. The case was m respect
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    • 108 13 In the Supreme Court yesterday before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) Mr. X. H. P. Whitley D.P.P., mentioning a case at the recent Assizes, said a stolen gold ring was recovered from a pawnbroker's shop. The police had informed him (the D.P.P.) that they required
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  • 26 13 Mr. C. Jones has arrived m this country I to join Malayan Collieries m connection with the development of the electrical installation at their mines. —Ex.
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  • 1057 14 M.S.V.R. (8.R.A.) RIFLE MEETING. The Shoot at Taiping. The annual Whitsun meeting of the M.S.V.R. B.R.A! Taiping Branch was held at the Taiping Rifle Range last week end. In addition to competitors from various parts of the Country including: Singapore, Ipoh and Penang, nearly 60 Officers, Noncommissioned Officers
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  • 143 14 GETTING NEARER THE TRUTH. P.A.M. Report to be Discussed- [From Our Own Correspondent. J Ipoh, May 27. A further stage m the Rubber Research Enquiry and the demand for the confidential report of the P. A.M.. representatives is a circular letter signed by Mr. Cummins, thaiiman, and
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  • 578 14 "La Traviata" At The Theatre. In "La Traviata'' Verdi used a most unusual theme which, though not a success m its first performance at the Fenice Theatre, Venice, on March 6th., 1853, later established itself as one of the most popular operas of Mid-Victorian days. That popularity
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  • 1032 14 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BILL. To the Editor. Sir, At a time when a Bill intituled "An' Ordinance to provide for the payment of compensation to workmen for m jury by accident" is under the consideration of the Government of this Colony, it ihhv not be without interest
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  • 360 14 "COLOURS- TEAM W|v RACE W| V A Warm av Owing either to t> pers having pone to r ♦week-end to tak, against the Vach Columbine and M< i n Sunday's team rac< Kathleen, Irene, an-! UZ| X Club Burgee ItpPttM ..i T. Team "B* wa.> repr. June, Betsy
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  • 86 14 YATCH CLUB VISIT TO PORT DICKSON. [From Our Own Kuala Lumpur. Ma Six members of Yacht Club naid I vM to Yacht Club over the \w m two rac-".-, «>nr Mi Sunday. The boat> members of th< hop. crows for those .-ailtthe first clay ther. on the second day no
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  • 16 14 Mr. Leslie Office, Penan*, will U leax shortly to assume 0M iiutu-Sub-Inspector oi" P >lio•.
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  • 5956 15 [Renter's Service.] London. May 2). the desirability of im-nn-r Singapore harbour sh.ppmg Committee has puh- a t present it is inadvisable m ht-me involving material prgct and recommend wharfage f«T ocean-poin^ change should at precoalfog arrangements thy effect on the dei H fuel and pal should be osi complete])
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  • 206 16 C hief Justice of Cold Mr. Justice Georg* puisne judpe <«i th< Si judicial coinmi<si<r. Ifttt, on Saturday kkm an offer to become I I Coast. The date af hi- A ixed. When Mr. Ju-tio-Colony m 1«»24 be I judye at Penan. u\ HSeremhan before he
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