The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 22 May 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 144 1 LEADERS. I 321 ■.tH-nsation 321 Thr Dwtioß Canipi.itrn 322 Lutal I Power 322 Inpleasarr Kfaiities :>22 Wfek-Kn.i r<>mnit'nt 322 LrnERS TO THK EDITOR. Bft i'lub 334 ICE AMMOIRT NEWS. t }s;; I whik- asleep 330 < ral 330 Theft vi Watir Charv't 331 Com v ted :^3l r harge
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  • 76 1 .Mirapore Free Press* 1 rom Europe to the Straits line?., are invited to :>end thu r of their steamer and .port. Copies will then T»:a at various ports of call, to ur«ky Iffe, per quarter rw. v.ith coijiijit* rcial supplement. rAGE ntOM ENGLAND TO THK FAR EAST. >h North
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  • 79 1 $100% IS Sato Siiwlj "2 Eagle .New) BJ|O n?ucn Bin tan 260 SftfiKv g g£»E:&j g Rangoon Glutinous No. 2 320 r "'ous.r.d 86 .00 fc?^y" p rilli. n 2 iJJ ir r m bulk~» n 5 2 0 Socon, iT ;fe ««nt per 2 tin. 6.64 c two
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  • 33 1 foil a <\?A hs of >'« stOTd »y'? »yiC.F.., n I^ ea^ ue Kames: UJ'-aJ;;;' on the -^alay (tround; JJW; s"f/ B rd on t^ V.M.C.A. I 'A' R.E., 2, at the
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    • 82 1 PETERS ON.- On Monday, May 13. 1929 at Sunge. Pining, to Mr. and Mrs. J." R. Peterson a daughU:. ABDOOLCADER.- At "Surat Lodge," 15 Pangkor Road, Penang, to The Honourable Mr H. H. Abuoolcader and Mrs. Abdoolcader on May 13, a „n Huth mother „M d f well. EVANS.
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    • 131 1 BRATT. April 15, at Littlehampton. Edward Hicks Pmci Bratt. late of tht Federated Matef States, m hi^ 88th year. DOTEK-ALLEN. April 20, at his sisters, Mrs. Sh»w. Gainsborough House, Ampthill George Dt >t« r-Allen. M.A., Priest, of Singapore. HALE. April 17. at Henrield, Sussex. Sarah, widow of A. Hale,
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  • 301 1 The la->t mail from Horn** with dau JB to April 22nd. arrived by P. and O. on Saturday morning. This mail leaves by 8.1. on Thursday morning. A primitive counterfeiting outfit #ai exhibited at the Assizes when ihre*- Chinese were accused of counterfeiting Kind's coin. They were
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  • 66 1 May 21. Bank 4 MA 2 3 7,8 Panic if and 2 3 3 4 Private credits 3 m.s. 2j4 5-16 New York, demand 66 Credits yO days 67% France, de'vnnd 1431 India, T. T. 153% Hong Kong, demand 13 p.c. Dis. Yokohama, demand 124% Java, demand 139^ Panjrkok,
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  • 75 1 The Zoological Society has elected as honorary life fellows the two Misses Kaffles. grand-daughters of Sir Stamford Raffles, the chief founder and first president o*' the Society. Sir Stamford Raffles and Sir Humphry Davy were the leading persons associated with the foundation of the Society, and the former, elected as
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  • 438 1 CRACKER FIRING. May 15. I The questions and answers m Legislative Council on Monday concerning cracker firing, followed by Mr. Tan Cheng Lock's speech, revived a matter which created a great deal of controversy m Singapore this year as it invariably dfes. The Honourable Member for Malacca appeared, m his
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  • 257 1 The suggestion recently that an endeavour should be made to promote the use of tin by appropriate propaganda, strikes a new note m this industry and is a reversal of old time ideas. There seems however no reason why, within perhaps more circumscribed limits than obtain m fViP
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  • 355 1 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION. May 16. Quite inadvertently, and certainly unintentionally, we did the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association an injustice m inferring that as regards the Workmen's Compensation Bill they had put forward any opposition, for that we understand has m no way been their attitude. As far as we can gather
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  • 356 2 The electron campaign seems to have begun m earnest at Home with the customary recriminations. Mr. Mac Donald has seized upon what seems m fact to be rather an unfor-| tunate act on the part of the Government, m the publication of a wtiitepaper on the eve
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  • 724 2 LOCAL ELECTRICAL POWER. May 17. Referring to the policy of the Municipal Commission m regard to its .electrical supply some weeks ago, we suggested that as it was understood the St. James Station was working far below its load possibility, it would be advantageous for the Department and Commission to
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  • 893 2 UNPLEASANT REALITIES. May 18. The discussion which has taken place locally upon the Workmen's Compensation measure to which m itself we do not wish to refer again at present leads almost obviously to the deduction that some sections of those who take an interest m public affairs have failed to
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  • 614 2 WEEK-END COMMENT May 20. Those who for the past ear Or have been gallantly maintaining the face of obvious indications J Chiang Kai Shek and Fen* y Hsiang had no quarrels r ambit; likely to bring them into conflict be distressed to see that this able trial of strength is
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  • 382 3 THE CHINA SITUATION. May 22. The situation m South China 0H rapidly to have become worse jthe lattering reports which were Mfcltfi to the effect that the Kwan>r>: had frittered away their xirtir aml wou^ find themes cut off when they endeavoured retna:. are now made to look jsh. If
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  • 261 3 •rely to be hoped that the n. respondent of the Daily r H| filling the gravity of tuation m the report he has bone rcgaidiag the state of afin North India. Ever since the the Roxer rebellion the Far regarded the Daily Mail's ith a certain degree of
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  • 56 3 Hopeful Omens. (FREE PRESS SERVICE.-COI'YRIGHT.) Bangkok. May 17. ineir ...ajesties mn present at the ploughing ceremony this morning Omens revealed t'-at fish and fruit will be plentiful m the coming; season* The rains are beginning the monsoon will be good, followed by downpours m the middle an<!
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  • 177 3 Destructive Fire. (From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca, May 17th. A two-storied building at 29, Bunga Raya, was completely gutted by fire last night, the premises being occupied by Chop Hock Joo Bee, the local Agents for The British American Tobaco Co., Ltd., and The Standard Oil Company of
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  • 189 3 IFREE PRESS SEiiV ICE.— COi'YRiOHT.i London. May 18. The dtath occurred on Wednesday at Sidcup of Mr. J. W. Campbell. Mr. Campbeil, who left Malaya some little while ago, m a poor >tate of health, had been unwell during his i evidence at Home
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  • 221 3 Successful Event. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, May 21. Eightyone motorists, 27 motorcycles and 54 cars participated m the first annual reliability trial of the Selangor Automobile Association on Sunday, covering 341 miles, starting from Kuala Lumpur Post Office, via Klang, Banting, Morib, Sepang, Port Dickson
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  • 18 3 The Rev J. Nicol, of the Presbyterian Mission, Perak, left for Penang on Friday en route for Home.
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  • 842 3 Altered Articles Approved. Mr. J. M. Sime, Chairman, presided at the annual meeting of Ayer Panas Rubber Estate Limited held at Derrick and Co's, Hongkong Bank Chambers at noon yesternJ' I here were also Present: Mr. Lee Chim Tuan, Dr. E. G. Weir, Mfr. C. C.
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  • 127 3 With reference to our recent leading article on "Old Records", says the Malay Mail, we have had the loan from a 'reader of a very interesting "Old Record," a photo taken on the occasion of the opening of Belfield Bridge by Sir John Anderson, many years ago. The photo contains,
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  • 133 3 Colony's Decisive Win. The Colony won the Guillemard Tennis Cup by the* very decisive margin of SO points to 6 over the weekend when the F.M.S. won three matches m the series. Although the Colony margin of points seemed rather overwhelming, it was really not a true
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  • 228 3 Moving the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of the St. Andrew's Society held m the Singapore Cricket Club lounge yesterday evening, the President (Mr. J. M. Sime) said he thought the members vwuld agree, aft-r having perused the report, that both
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  • 243 3 The following was the result of the four ball competition played against bogey on the Garrison Golf Course on Monday for which six cards were taken out. C. A. Scott and F. E. Rowland, 7Up C. H. Kent and E. M. Murphy, 7 L. V. J. Laville
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  • 112 3 The Navy Challenge Cup was played fov at Bukit Tim&h on Monday, and resulted m I will for Mrs. W. L. Stevens and LieutCol. Dickinson, representing the Garrison Gnlf Club. The following: cards were returned: Mrs. W. L. Stevens ana Lieut.-Col. Dickinson (G.G.C.) 86. Mrs. J. M.
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  • 37 3 [FREE PRESS SERVICE.—COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok, May 19. The British Association (Siam), is feteing the British eclipse expedition next week. Professor Stratton has also promised to lecture m Bangkok under the auspices of the Siam Society.
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  • 25 3 The Straits Echo is shortly moving into new offices m Penang Road, Penang and the Malay Mail into new offices m Pudu Road, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 2379 4 THE SINGAPORE SPRING RACES. Fast Times on Saturday. Saturday turned out a beautiful day with brilliant sunshine and a moderately fresh wind to temper the heat. In consequence there was a large attendance at the Racecourse and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent by all concerned. His Excellency
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  • 157 4 THK SWIMMING CLUB. To the Editor. Sir, In reply to Mr. W. Dunman's letter under the above heading m your issue today, it appears that I owe Mr. Dunman an apology for not making myself clear. I said m my speech that "with all respect to
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  • 97 4 Whitsunday Competitions. The following are the results of the Competitions Mixed Flag Competition. 1. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Campbell 10th Green 2. Mrs. Knox and J. W. Jackson 9th 3. Mrs. Donald and J. D. Mair 9th 4. Mrs. Horridge and W. P. Douglas 9th Shanghai
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  • 765 4 SIR M. WATSON'S CEYI/* IMPRESSIONS A Legislation First. In an interview granted to a i server representative on Apr i Malcolm Watson reviewed hi lon. He said that he had ai through the kindness of r jJJ Mr. Carter, the Entomolog; anti-malarial scheme, of seeir. work
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  • 637 5 u jll relieve Mr. Willmott. the f the Straits Steamship Co., Ltd., hvV Urn latt?r goes on transfer *£!:Jn this month.— M.G. r< r record the death of Mr. ChW, which occurred at his Kimbt-rley Street at the age Straits Echo of Monday. Price, the fanner
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  • 254 5 SIXTEEN CASES ON CALENDAR. Counterfeiting Charge. Ass STwhSr WCre Hsted for the Third JuXp ,o ICh mmenced >»'ore the Chief £™2 r Jf WllhEm Muris ™> m the Supreme Court yesterday. Of these the first lawful return from banishment. Only one capital charge appeared on the list and
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  • 170 5 That the accused and his band had "persistently pestered" the victim m the case, to pay contributions to societies, was the submission of the prosecution when I Chinese named Tay Chong claimed trial on a charge of attempted murder. It was alleged that this postering culminated m
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  • 278 5 When a Chinese named Lee Toll Kce elaHßed trial on two charges of voluntarily eaSßtef hurt whilst attempting to commit ruhleiy another of what the P.P.I. de»cribcd as those "society" affairs was disclosed, the MM being the house of a C'hiMM nuin and his wife at Geylantf
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  • 86 5 The three Chinese charged with counterfeiting Kind's coin and possession o\ instruments and materials for counter! e.tmu Kine's coin claime! trial and thee Mew» .v.^m.ihm! until this mornin*. The char*' f,tVnv,l to counterfeiting ten «*»t£«**• Th, instruments and materials of which the t.c1 .....l Typre Charged with
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  • 18 5 His Highness the Rajah of Sarawak arrived m Singapore from Ja»»an on the Dollar liner I>res«dent van Buren.
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  • 847 5 THE ECLIPSE OF THE SUN. Variable Experiences. Lfrrom Our Own Correspondent.] Hat a via. Apr. 10. The eclipse of the sun which was total m Achin and partial m other parts of the Netherlands East Indies caused considerable interest m Batavia, both amongst the European and the native
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  • 35 5 I Mrs. C Hannigan, President of the Y.W. C.A.. Kuala Lumpur who has been ill since her return from Japan, was sufficiently recovered to be present at the YM -C.A. 1 fun fete on Saturday.
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  • 463 5 His Excellency's Views. As the omission of a "not" m our report of yesterday's Council meeting put a false sense on His Excellency's views, we reproduce his speech verbatim: I suggest to hon. members of the Council that it would be a mistake to defer the second reading
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  • 132 5 The following: action was taken at a meeting of Committee No. 2 held on May 6th. Confirmed recommendation to prohibit itinerant hawkers from area bounded by New Bridge Road. Cantonment Road, Keppel Road, Anson Road, Cecil Street, Cross Street, and Upper Cross Street, Dr. Lim Han Hoe dissenting.
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  • 109 5 The report of the Singapore St. Andrew's Society for the year ended March 31st. to he presented to the annual meeting at the S.C.C. on May 21st., says several applications for assistance of distressed Scots were received and a total sum of $613 was distributed amongst nine
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  • 128 5 The inquest was opened and adjourned yesterday on a Chinese coolie who met his death aboard the Titan, of the Blue Funnel lint-, while she was being* loaded with logs from the Harbour wharf on Sunday morning. Three derricks were being used for the purposes of loading,
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  • 30 5 Flight Lieutenant Moir and Flying Officer Owen who arrived from Singora on Monday left Soletar Air Base at fi.3o yesterday morning on the next lt«0j of theirflight Australia.
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  • 953 6 DUTCH FLYING BOAT CRASHES. An 111-Omened Trip. [From Our Own Correspondent.! IJatavia, April 7On April 3, three Dornier Wai flying boats left Holland for the Dutch East Indies where they were to be stationed at the Naval Flying: Base at Sourabaya. Th machines arrived the same day m
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  • 854 6 Annual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate, Ltd. was held at the office of the Company, Messrs. Harrisons. Barker and Co., Ltd., Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore, yesterday, when Mr. Chew Woon Poh presided. Among those present were Messrs. E. A.
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  • 22 6 A Chinese woman ommitted suicide the! other day by jumping into the Malacca River. The body was later recovered near Tranquerah. M.M.
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  • 1238 6 Annual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of Devon Estates (Malacca), Ltd., was held at the registered offices of the Company, Messrs. Evatt and Co., French Bank Building, yesterday when Mr. H. C. Stewart presided. The Chairman said: For the sake of convenience and for easier
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  • 170 6 PERAK OPPOSITION Tr> MEASURE. Planters' Strong Criticism [From Our Own Correspondent] The Workmen's Compensation I the subject of general opposition lr following strong criticism at the Ch of Mines meeting: when it w a < local conditions wer > entireh unsuiui! such a measure which intr, evils m
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  • 245 6 A Suggestion for the I\A.M [To the Editor. Malax Mail.. Sir There was recently an advertisement r m the local pap* tin^- the* n were interested m the ameron's Hiirhlar.fl. t to communicate with the advertiser, view to the formation <»f an A I would like to point
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  • 26 6 Mr. E. W. Gillett. Prof, Language and Literatim- at tl lept\ Singapore, visited ths- Goi English School, Tapah. on Tin r--9th., and went round the clas<^.
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  • 724 7 MOrEST SHOW OF Nll! vrr: and Marriage. (> own Correspondent. j Bangkok, May 8. h tl its first beauty show, t y-f... tnt rants but five could a r before the audience vt of the judges. The n i „1 .sent did their best the young ladies
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  • 47 7 bricks and masonry during I of the burnt out copra fac>Wk Road yesterday morning, workmen were seriously injured. f ell on them and when they were tk -y were promptly sent to died on the way. The !yin^ m a serious condition.
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  • 127 7 THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1929. YESTERDAY'S RUBBER AUCTION. Rubhlr S l nKap P r Chamber of Commerce vesterl i? he d lta 916 t aucti n ffi?4%i,\V W -o" there was "talojned 1.M4,511 lhs.; 729.69 tons. Offered 1 220 749 loni 544 98 tons Sold MMSRtySSS T Spot. ndo ll%d. New
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  • 599 7 Singapore, May 14. There is litlle change to record m the price of tin and London advices would seem to indicate a somewhat improved feeiinir m the market. Tin shares continue neglected and quotations are mostly unchanged. Rubber has experienced a sharp advance m price due principally
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  • 92 7 The death under shocking: circumstances is reported of Mr. James William Futeher who left Singapore less than a year ago to take charge of Eastbourne Estate, Rhio. It is stated he was attacked by a large band of Chinese near his buniralow on the afternoon of
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  • 95 7 Mr F. H. Simpson, of the Government Monopolies, Malacca, was entertained by the staff of the Government Monopolies to tea prior to his transfer to Singapore.— M.M. Leave has been granted to the following officers m Government Service: Dr. J. W. Field, Messrs. F. W. Smailes, B. Bunting. A E
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  • 362 7 The Annual Meeting. The first annual general meeting of the members of the Health and strength Leaguers' Union was held on Saturday, at 3.30 p.m. at the V.M.C.A. Mr. Cheong Swi Yin, the President, presiding. Ihere was a large attendance of members numbering over sixty.
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  • 282 7 KEDAH— THEN AND NOW. Mr. Mcl)onough*s Remembrances. I ast night Mr. .1. If. Mcl>onough, Assistant Auditor-General of Kedah sailed for London by the Menelaus, preparatory to retirement, .says the Straits Beho of Saturday. Mr. MeDoMVgfe gave a short but interesting: account of his experience of 22 years m Ked;«h as
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  • 205 7 By the retirement of Major Stanley Leplastrier Symonds, B.V. Sc, Veterinary Surgeon, Medical Department, F.M.S., Malaya loses a man who, with the exception of five War years, has served her faithfully for over 20 jears. Major Symonds saw service m the South African Wa: m 1901-2 to
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  • 27 7 Mr. E. E. Chambers has been appointed a member of the Cinematograph Films Appeal Committee, F.M.S., m pteee of Mr. T. Mao Donald, says the Malay Mail.
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  • 753 7 GOOD WIN FOR THE S.R.C Weak R.A. Defence. S.R.C., 5; R.A 1. The S.R.C. went a little further up the S.F.A. League table at the Stadium last night when they secured a good win over the R.A. m a game during which the Recreation Club showed themselves the
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  • 35 7 In a second division League game on Monday S.C.C. defeated the A.P.C. s—l. On the S.R.C. ground yesterday the Welch beat the S.R.C. m the second division of the League by 5 to nil.
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  • 96 7 Majoi Mark Lymbery arrived here yesterday morning from Kuala Lumpur. Major A. A. Lermit, V.D., CommandingOfficer of the Malacca Volunteer Corps, will leave m June on a well-earned holiday and Captain H. W. Esson, M.C., who is at present Officer Commanding, Machine Gun Company, will take over from Major Lermit.
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  • 379 8 COUNTERFEIT COIN CHARGE. Primitive Outfit. What was described by the D.P.P. as "tho whole paraphernalia of a primitive counterfeiting outfit" was exhibited at the Assizes before the Chief Justice (Sir Wiliam Murison), yesterday when three Chinese claimed trial on charges of counterfeiting King's eohl and with possession of
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  • 107 8 Cash hail of $500 was estreated m the Second Court on Tuesday when a Chinese failed to appear < n charges of robbery and of impersonating a detective. The evidence o\' complainant was taken Tn the District Court yes'erday when it appeared that the cast- was a
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  • 408 8 His Lordship, the Chief Justice, was faced with a difficult problem when it was established that I young Hylam named Op Too Soong had l>een found m possession of seditious literature by Mr. (i. Cullen A.S.P., at a house on a plantation off Buena Vista Road at
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  • 246 8 An extraordinary, tale of an alleged attack m the dead of night by a Hylam C hinetc on two cook boys living with him m a room m the sawmills m Lavender Street, v.a; outlined by the D.P.P., (Mr. N. H. P. Whitley), prosecuting m two charges
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  • 173 8 Ladies' May Spoon. Twenty-nine card? were taken out for the May Indies' Spoon at the Keppel Golf Club and the following were returned: Miss K. Griffiths 46 12 34 Mrs. R. E. Earle 50 12 38 Miss K. Niblock 47 8 39 Mi*s V. M. H. Patterson
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  • 236 8 Question of Insurance Very few employers of labour «n the F.M.S. appear to be greatly excited over the prospect of the Workmen's Compensation Enactment coming into operation shortly, says the Malay Mail. The appointed day on which the enactment will come nto force has yet to be fixed,
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  • 161 8 On April 19 an unemployed Chinese, who had been sentenced a few minutes before for snatching a gold bangle from a small erirl of two, took his escort unawares and jumped over the verandah railings outside the Court House, Jesselton. From there he sprinted to the sea
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  • 137 8 FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1929. INTER-SCHOOL DRILL COMPETITION. There was a large attendance on the Raffles Institution ground yesterday when the annual inter-school drill competition took place. Rangoon Road won the shield, with Victoria Bridge School second, and then Outram, Geylang English and Ga: Eng Senjr Schools bracketed third. The winners
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  • 96 8 In the Marine Court yesterday five Indians pleaded guilty to being absent without leave from the City of Singapore whilst the vessel was at Penang on the 12th of this month, and received varying sentences whereby they forfeited their wages. Four of then; also pleaded
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  • 163 8 The following transfers have recently taken place m the F.M.S. Police and artnotified m the Malayan Police Magazine:— Mr. W. E. Elphinstone. Proby, Inspector, from Teluk Anson to Kampar; Che' Om bin Mat Jahis, Asiatic Inspector, from Taiping to Telok Anson; Mr. V. H. Gray, Proby. Inspector, from
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  • 422 8 The death occurred at Littlehampton, Sussex on April 15, of Mr. E. H. Bratt. who was connected with the Straits for many years and had been living: m the South of England since his retirement. He was 67 years of age. say£ the Times of Malaya.
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  • 762 8 MALAYAN CHINESF WIN. Hong: Kong Unlucky. Malayan Chinese 2; Hong Kong <-|, |ni At the Stadium last evening large gate the Malayan Chin, narrow victory, witn the MrtftMn puted penalty goal, over tfce H, Chinese for the trophy j,i. Ho Ho Biscuit Factory. TV >,j very unlucky to
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  • 12 8 In the second division R.A. dr Robinson's one groal each.
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  • 797 9 lT l\<; Of SINGAPORE EfcTl BRANCH. ltm r Compensation Bill. '„,.tl attendants at the .ng of the Straits Association, held m, Fullerton Building, when Mr. R. M. u ,..vening the meeting airman m movin^ the rf and accounts, said: mil U to begin with worthy of comment and
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  • 317 9 MARKET DEATH MYSTERY. Deceased's Strange Mode of Life. life of th* T thr Wn Up n the P rivate Ho rL I n conn ««ted Chinese named Wst^T vatu at the ad J°^ned inquest yesterday into his mysterious death m Telok Ayer Fish Market some time ago.
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  • 171 9 When the manager of Chop Chuan Seng, a petrol pump at 188, Selegie Road, pleaded guilty to a charge of cheating by selling unsealed tins of petrol, as containing two gallons, whereas they contained one gallon and seven pints. Inspector McEwin of the Weights and Measures Department
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  • 76 9 Chief Court Inspector Meredith intimated m the District Court yesterday that the cases against E. S. Joseph and T. O. John Long both of whom were charged separately with quitting the Colony to avoid examination m bankruptcy were withdrawn at the instance of the D.P.P. The District
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  • 83 9 When two Chinese were fined $750 by the District Judge (Mr. H. G. Clarke) yesterday for being m possession of Chandu, it was stated that the accused were hawkers who boarded the Nam Seng while she was alongside the P and O. wharf the day previous,
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  • 43 9 As a result, says the Straits Echo, of what may be termed "a storm m a tea cup, ™0 or more fitters employed by the United Engineers, Limited, at their Sungei Penan* Works, went out on strike on rriday Portly after 9 a.m.
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  • 1607 9 WHAT THE PHOTOGRAPHS REVEALED. The Structure of the Corona. [By our Scientific Correspondent.] In the following article our Scientific Coi respondent, whose messages from Alor Star on the total eclipse of the sun created great interest locally, dwells m a manner quite explicit to the layman, on
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  • 278 9 RUMOURS OFBIG AMERICAN CONSUMPTION. Malaya's "Safety Valve." The Singapore Free Press understands from a reliable local source of information, that it is believed m London that the erratic nature of the rubber market is due to the following reasons: "That it is rumoured that the estimated consumption
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  • 1056 10 CHINESE ATTACKED IN HIS SLEEP. A Dastardly Crime. Before the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, at tne Assizes yesterday, the hearing was continued of the case m which a Hylam Chinese appeared on two charges of the attempted murder 01 two cook boys. Tan Yap Khim, the accused,
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  • 228 10 The Accused m Court Sequel. The sequel to the recent firing m the Cantonese Burial Ground, Thomson Road, rani heard m the Second Police Court yesterday when twentythree Chinese appeared rvd pleaded guilty to a charge of unlawful as^embJy The case was postponed. Beforo outlining the affair
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  • 338 10 Independent Enquiry Advocated. In the course of his remarks as Chairman of the Planters Association of Malaya annual meeting at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, Mr. Graburn made the following remarks regarding the Rubber Research Institute: This Institute is financed by the various Governments of Malaya
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  • 153 10 The following are the numbers of arrivials from and departures to Madras Presidency for the month of April. Arrivals (Figures supplied by travelling inspectors) 4,219 Adults; 616 Minors. Departures (Figures supplied by steamer agents) 5,664 Adults; 500 Minors. The arrivals relate to aided passengers only. Recruiting has been
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  • 493 10 SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1929. S.S. (MALACCA) ASSN: The Workmen's Compensation Bill. From the minutes of a committee meeting of the Malacca Branch S.S.A. held at the Malacca Club, on May 10th, we take the following: Copy of a letter dated April 26th, from the Penang Association to the Hon. the
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  • 103 10 Banvard Company at the Theatre. The versatility of the Banvard Comedy Company was amply demonstrated at the Victoria Theatre last night when they presented an entirely new revue m "Gate Crashes". In this revue, as indeed m all their performances here, they present some excellent items,
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  • 190 10 Mr. N. A. Lindon has been appointed to act as Supt. of Police, S.S. Mr. J. C. Barry, Police Probationer, has been appointed Ass.-Spt., Police. Major F. M. Montresor, having arrived on the Kalyan, is taken on the strength of the command. The Rev. W. E. Horley has been appointed
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  • 797 10 BANKRUPTCY IU HI X EXAMINATIONS. A Doctor's Trials. In the Bankruptcy < ourt before Mr. Justice Deane the publicnation of Ng Soon Khiam was lomm* Bankrupt said he was a Chin. >«■ pnv. and supported two wives and children. His average Kmb«k was about $100. He had about
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  • 20 10 Dr. J. Portelli has been api>mt< as Senior Health Officer, Penan* the absence on leave of Dr. I. R s
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  • 706 11 aunt kon>;n*x »»»tri e*t farrago Juven il. I i vV u- not the only one who ||m NigM Sub-Ed, that his U Lpn»ve on the Derby condilions U revolutionary. One of the many nl < who helped suggested that having a strong go for i Oaks
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  • 752 11 WATER METER TAMPERED WITH. Impossible Consumption Figures. agamst Chan Wan Son, a Chinese hotel propnetor Pasir Panjang Road, when he was summoned m the Second Police Court yesterday afternoon for "dishonestly taking certam movable property, to wit, Singapore Municipal water, out of the possession of the Municipal
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  • 1183 11 FURTHER NOTES ON THE PHENOMENA. Marvels of the Universe. [By our Scientific Correspondent.] To the observer at a total eclipse, if he is fortunate, the most arresting sight is the prominence which consists of a great tongue of red fire shooting: out from the chromosphere beyond the
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  • 208 11 Prison for "London Loafer/" Before the District Judge (Mr. C. H. G. Clarke) the Straits-born Chinese named Tan Keng Guan charged with abducting a Chinese girl from her adopted mother's house, with representing himself as an employee of the Chinese Protectorate, and with attempting to extort $500
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  • 158 11 The April Statistics. The Import and Export office forward the following comparative statement of the total value of foreign merchandise, excluding parcel post, imported and exported to and from British Malaya during 1928 and 1929. (In thousands of dollars) Incr: 1928. 1929 or Deer: January 83,856 76,903 Dec:
    158 words
  • 123 11 The following: societies Kiam Lam Piat Su, Lien Gi Tong, and Hilir Athletic Union, are called upon m the Gazette to furnish proof of their existence. Mr. E. Hedley Stevens has been appointed a member of the Committee of Appeal under the Cinematograph Films Ordinence, vice Mr. E. A. Stevens
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  • 1078 12 STRAITS-BORN CHINESE IN COURT. J udgment Reserved. Th case was concluded m the District Court yesterday before Mr. C. H. G. Clarke m which two Straits-born Chinese Tan Keng Guan and Ng Keng Tuan— are charged with abduction or alternatively with wrongful confinement, secondly with attempted extortion and
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  • 609 12 CO-OPERATION AMONGST LABOURERS. Indian Agent's Fine Work. (By Our Indian Correspondent). It ia pleasing to hear that the co-oper-ative thrift movement amongst estate labourers has spread appreciably within the last two years as a result of the special efforts made by the present Agent of the Government of
    609 words
  • 88 12 rFREF prf:ss service -copyright/! Hong Kong. May 17. In the Hong: Kong: Bank case the jury In their verdict say the three cheques were forgeries. Neither Tsan G«n Wing: nor Cheung Man Kun were aware the cheques were fraudulently extracted from the cover nor fraudulently altered;
    88 words
  • 79 12 The following gives the result of the Ladies' monthly May medal played on Wednesday and Thursday. Eight cards were taken out and the following returned. Mrs. Alan Ker, 49 10 °»9 Mrs. Barlow, 48 8 40 Lady Colina Russey. 41) (> 48 Mr« Perkins, 53 8 4.~>
    79 words
  • 1083 12 FAILURES IN EUROPEAN STRENGTH. Increase m Efficiency. From the annual report on the S.S.V.F. for 1928 by Major General Sir C. C. Van Straubenzee we take the following paragraphs There were 481 discharges or transfers to other units during the year, including 36 for inefficiency, as
    1,083 words
  • 75 12 TWELVE LOCAL siku, ARRESTEh. Hs Suspected_Pr«pa Kanda I (From Our Own Correspond A sensation has been cn-i Indian Circles by th< Sikhs resident m the 1p.,». Ed to be connected with m^ 81 1 papanda from India. T) irti b the arrest of fiw Mi b time
    75 words
  • 83 12 Baker, Morgan <• to w ind [p [From Our Own CotKetpt^gi Kuala Lumpur According t<» an a<!\< m the Malay Mail a petfo up of Baker. Morgan an i.any Supreme Court F.M.S stnted to the court l.y Mi R Gillett, Kuala Selangor. Thdirected to be hvaTrl
    83 words
  • 41 12 [From Our O»vn r. •> .< >ndeaL] Kuala Lumpur M a 14 Evidence was taken <»n morning 1 by the Registrar Court, of Mr. Worthing with Jelai Concession. At m- reawK Mr. W. G. W. Hastintr> tfe M presentative was excluded.
    41 words
  • 60 12 [From Cur Own Con IVnane. Mt\ M At the Assizes to-da\ B charged wi :h causing death He pleaded guilty t«. I grievous hurt. His Lordship said ii s< of misfortune. Counsel for a lenient view to be tak< D was sentenced t<> <>n« >».-.' I prisonment. Goh
    60 words
  • 34 12 [FREE PRESS SERVKF HanL'hi'.s Mm 'fc Mr. G. I. Simpson Bank was thrown tr, m InSports Club to-day. He was removed t suffering: fron. concussion home leave m two \n<
    34 words
  • 23 12 At the Assizes ft charped with armed r«' woman were convicted and fourth accused wer« years' rigorous impris»»nni< second accustnl t<. tweht imprisonment.
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  • 725 13 n tinn IW* wh le k ave ,pti Norwood, where tne j, I>t perhaps, not a place p| uoiiUl choose to live, bui fu] rhing m its favour. By <hort distance from our L M the starting place of a h U a «eill all the way co London.
    725 words
  • 815 13 :£snM&£fc SSS offering from a fractured wrist.-M.M. Queen Mary recently went shopping m a Ree^ra^TA! 1 Ha^ Dah^, Assistant f h X 't r f th Preine Court Seremban who had been to Batavia and Penang on a holiday, resumed his duties on Tuesday. LsMjkl Third
    815 words
  • 1348 13 During the years of our married life, writes Cantor m the Times of Ceylon, I have been engaged m a ceaseless struggle to maintain that level of intellectual superiority, which a woman is so ready to ack I nowledge m the* male to whom she is affianced, and
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  • 503 13 Sunday, May 5. His Excellency and I-ady Clifford attended High Mass at the Cathedral of the Gooc Shepherd at 8 a.m. Monday, May 6. His Excellency and Lady Clifford attended by Captain Corbin ana Mr. Chick, As. D.C. and ±»lr. Churchill, P.S. left Singapore at 5.15 p.m. on
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  • 80 13 Prefessor \u Ching Seng. Ph.D.. F.R.A.S., of the University of Amoy, is visiting Malaya. Last week he was m Alor Star to observe the eclipse, having been specially sent by the Chinese Government. Professor Yu is a native of Amoy and once studied at the Anglo-Chinese College m Kulangsu. He
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  • 1058 14 NEGRI SEMBILAN SUFFER HEAVY DEFEAT. Losing Fight Against S.C.C. Visiting Singapore on Saturday for the three days match with the Singapore Cricket Club, Negri Sembilan were beaten by a!n innings and six runs by five o'clock yesterday. Collapsing badly m their first innings the visitors only scored 52
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  • 385 14 SINGAPORE LEAGUE REPORT. Association's Changed Name. The Singapore Football Association issue the following: report for the week ending Saturday, May 18th.:— The following are the results of the matches during the week: South China Tour Hong Kong 3— S.C. F.A. 3; Hong Kong I— M.C.F.A. 2. Division I.—
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  • 219 14 Colony Starts Well. The Colony tennis team made a good start at the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club on Saturday afternoon m the annual Guillemard Cup match, when they won all the singles games, the following being the results: P. Clerc beat Lam Say Kee, 6 4,
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  • 89 14 Before Mt. J. I. Miller m the Second Court on Saturday, a Chinese was fined $200 or eight months' imprisdnment on charges of being m possession of dutiable liquor, and being m possession of utensils for the production of dutiable liquor. A Monopolies officer said that they raided a hut
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  • 264 14 POOR SUPPORT AT YESTERDAY'S MEETING. Another Attempt. Although thirty-five clubs and military units were circularised, there was very small attendance at a meeting: held at the Stadium yesterday evening with a view to running an athletic meeting m Singapore before the Malayan meeting :it Kuala Lumpur m July. This
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  • 386 14 The sixth annual reunion dinner of the Middlesex Regiment was held at the Europe Hotel, on Thursday 14 old members of the Regiment and eight guests being present. This is the largest number that has been able to gather for this annual function since its inception m
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  • 195 14 THE SWIMMING CIA B. To the Editor, Sir —In a report of the club meeting held recently mention was made by Mr H. L. Hopkin to the effect that Mr. Diinman arn^ng other experts favoured that part of Katong as an industrial area. This view is
    195 words
  • 20 14 Mr. JG. R. Brownie, Wharf Manager, Penang Harbour Board, will be leaving for Home on long leave very shortly.— Ex.
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  • 680 14 WINS FOR THK LP n v BOATS. ADIN f< Trophy R aces Good sailing w a > eni< Hthourh m both^cla^l;:?^,^ ners led from the start tlmat x and the successful skip,,, T they knew to maintain f < c The^' las, ra Trophy, this t*fa| t f.
    680 words
  • 106 14 M. Ayadurai the Chief rasfcfcr Chief Accountant's Office. F.M was produced this morning. Malay Mail, before the Kuala I w lice Magistrate, Mr. G. H Nash< rirrlinJ charge of havinp coninutt breach of trust as a clerk I $7,163, the property of the F.M ,1V I an offence punishable under
    106 words

  • 6629 15 fßfUter's Service.) London. May 14. lt Wales to-day opened at Th< in t thYC h V northeast coast exhibition fooo* Xt n styled the "Northern J^bky" shipbuilding and engiTk *?L -trU- <* the north haVe been «rfri«f indU for years and the exhibition Igjj f t h*e Lord Mayor
    6,629 words

  • 30 16 Dr. K. Coomaraswamy, Senior A*> Surgeon, Government Hospital. Muar. entertained to dinner by the Indo-G?yl<> community on Saturday at the Chinese Club on the eve of his transfer Tangkak.— Ex.
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