The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 3 April 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 252 1 1 KNDKKS. our Air IVlicy 200 Sn Freedom 200 The Grove Road Bridge 210 Medical Meditations 210 KTIERS TO THE EDITOR. Lmal Salaries 214, 216 Beautify Singapore 214 Cameron's Highlands 216 H>l HE AND COURT NEWS. Beach Road Contract CSM 213, 217 The Holland Road Assault 214 Murderer Sentenced
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  • 111 1 Subscribers to the "Singapore Free Press*' weekly returning from Europe to the Straits by any of the mail lines, are invited to send to the Manager the name of their steamer and date of arrival in Singapore. Copies will then be mailed to meet them at various ports of call.
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  • 68 1 April 2. Bank 4 m.s. 2|3 29-32 Bang demand 2!3 25-32 Private credits 3 m.s. 2 4 13-32 V* York, demand 56 l|l6 i redits 90 days M France, demand 1431 India, T. T. 153 Vi Hong Kong, demand 11 P-c Dis. Yokohama, demand 125 Java, demand 1 40
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  • 116 1 Ninety one cards were taken out for the Ando Cup competition played for over the Kaster holidays. Conditions were, 9 holes medal play, 50 per cent increase over half f elub handicaps. The result was a tie between Messrs. E 10, H. Makino and E. Yean
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  • 87 1 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTHS. MCGREGOR. At the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on March 28. to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McGregor, Chegar Perah, Pahang, a tiaughter. Brown. At the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on March 24, to Mr. and Mrs Forsyth Brown, of Tanjong Mas Estate, Sepang, a son. METCALFE.- At
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  • 362 1 The last mail from Home with dates up to March 4th. arrived by B.I. on Saturday morning. This mail leaves by P. and O. on Thursday morning 1 The first Oxford and Cambridge dinner since tho war was held on Boat Race night at Sea View Hotel
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  • 208 1 April t Tin 525 Tons $111 tt Gambiei 6 Pepper White 107 Pepper Black 62 Flake Tapioca 6 60 Pearl Sato Small Copra Su ruined 9 6 Rice Lhmg Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 3.30 Rice, Siam old No. 1. 330 Rice, Rangoon Bintan 260 Rice, Rangoon Sioka
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  • 705 1 March 27. We make the suggestion to Government, or to the Unofficial members of Council, that it would be advisable to make public in plain terms exactly what it was that Sir Eric Geddes put forward as tentative proposals in regard to Malayan cooperation in the schemes
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  • 744 1 March 2S The case of the Imalone is of unusual interest because besides bringing up again the matter of liquor smuggling into the United States, it revives the very heated arguments which have been heard in regard to the effects of certain limitations upon sea freedom. There has
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  • 729 2 March 29 We feel the greatest sympathy with Mr. Alsagoff and Mr. Laycock in the protests made at the meeting of Municipal Commission on the matter of the Grove Road bridge. There has been a number of disquieting rumours regarding this construction and it has to
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  • 571 2 April 1. The terrible winter is being followed at Home by a Spring hardly less remarkable and coming as the fine weather has at the Easter holidays it has afforded that opportunity for general enjoyment which should be sufficient to wipe out the memories of the dour times
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  • 715 2 A.nri! S. Dr. C. J. Wilson, the new president of the British Medical Association, Malaya Branch, in his address at the annual conference which was held at Kuala Lumpur during the week-end, took occasion to ask medical men to consider for a moment what was the real object
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  • 122 2 The New Church at Ipoh. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, Mar. 26The Presbyterian pastors, of Singapon Penanp and Kuala Lumpur assembled i Ipoh for the stonelayingr of the first Soo 1 Kirk in Perak, by the British Resident. Mr Worthington, in the presence of a represer tative patherinpr
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  • 98 3 MORE HEAVY FLOODS IP-COUNTRY. Mail Trains Delayed. Ipoh, Mmr. 26. Although there is normal weather in J heavy flooding of rivers is reported Xlangor. Last night's mail train from Kuala Lumpur came to a dead stop a few ifeTout. at Serendah, and had to wait 7 hours before
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  • 169 3 Perak Arrangements. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, Mar. 28. The Perak programme for the visit of HRH. the Duke of Gloucester shows he will be received at Penang by the H.E. the Governor. H.H. the Sultan of Perak and the Rulers of Kedah and Perlis.
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  • 77 3 A Gratifying Surplus. [FREE TRESS SERVICE. COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok. Mar. 30. TJ* budget for the year commencing April lst. provides a surplus of over 8,000, 000 ticals after providing for the needs of railway*, irrigation and the preliminary cuts of the new bridge across the river. IT* surplus will
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  • 95 3 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh. March 27. A smart coup by the Ipoh police was related at the Assizes when five Chinese were charged with assembling for gang robbery. The police anticipated the place and received the five one by one, out the sixth
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  • 37 3 [From Our Own Correspondent] Ipoh. Mar. 28. The local Agricultural Association has decided to hold a small show in August. The Association will invest $3,000 in the M.A.H.A. stadium scheme at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 50 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 27. The new Victoria Institution was opened here yesterday by Sir Hugh Clifford in the presence of a big crowd. Speeches were by Mr. G. C. Davies, headmaster, the Hon'ble Mr. Chan, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Shaw and Sir Hugh Clifford.
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  • 41 3 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, Mar. 28. The week-end weather is likely to be wet promising heavy going for the amateur races which is the only local sporting event Jf tl Perak cricketers are playing at Penang.
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  • 34 3 [KRLK PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok. Mar. 27. 'he Siamese state railways are running a special express of first and second class topers and restaurant service to view the in Pattani in May.
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  • 37 3 [From Our Own Correspondent.] T Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 27. U* wedding took place at noon to-day i Mr. Ten* Sam Cheok and Miss Au Siew **n daughter of Mr. Au Kong of Ipoh.
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  • 470 3 E'LY DISAPPEARING LANDMARK. Changing Scene. once a High Place in Singapore from the top of which one could comT v. beautiful Panorama of the town, the harbour and the sea beyond. That was !L y U J ere nthußia stic enough to change nto old working clothes
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  • 375 3 European to Go to Prison. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh. March 30. A recent motor accident near the European residential quarter of Ipoh. when one Sikh and one Chinese were killed and two others seriously injured by a new model Ford twoseater, driven by Mr. Frank
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  • 23 3 Dr. D. F. Topham has been appointed a member of the Pilot Board, Selangor, in the place of Mr. H. A. Wootton, J.P.
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  • 828 3 ELKINS AND CRAIK IN FINE FORM. Trying Conditions. Under conditions that were by no means ideal, W. H. Elkins (Selangor G.C.) beat S. C. Campbell (Keppel G.C.) by 6 up and 4 to play, and R. Craik (Keppel) beat E. R. B. Upton (Keppel) by 4 up and
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  • 457 3 Play was literally "washed out" by heavy rain on Saturday afternoon. The qualifying round of the Championship was finished in the morning fortunately but the first round between the qualifying eight players was postponed until Sunday morning. The first Keppel three won the inter-team competition with a total
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  • 575 3 Elkins Again Unlucky. The final of the Malayan Amateur Golf Championship was decided by the last putt at the eighteenth green on the Singapore Golf Club course at Bukit Timah on Easter Monday. W. H. Elkins (Selangor G.C.) failed to hole from a distance of fou^
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  • 64 3 Mr. Herbert De Souza, proprietor of Marfield Kennels and Zoo had a narrow escape from falling overboard the Steel Exporter while superintending the shipping of a big consignment of animals and birds to New York, on Monday. He was hit on the back by a big cage but Mr. A.
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  • 614 4 PERAK AMATEUR MEETINGSuccessful First Day. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Mar. 30. There was a record crowd for an amateur meeting to-day, although a shower early in the afternoon was followed by threatening weather. H.H. the Sultan and Suite were present. The going was good and the racing
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  • 569 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, Apr. 1. There was a large holiday crowd present to-day and the cash sweeps and totalisator were well patronised. The weather was fine until the fifth race when a drizzle turned into a steady shower. The going was good and the racing interesting
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  • 277 4 Club Championship, 1929. There are 11 entrants for this competition and they have bevn drawn by lot into two sections: Section 1. E. E. Colman, Kiong Chin Eng, I» Kam Woon, M. Ma»cnoieiV. J. ICcCmbe Reay. F. C. Peck; Section 2, S. O. Alatas, Jee Ah Chian,
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  • 125 4 The result of the men's Bogey Competi tion, played on Sunday 30th. inst. in which the following cards were returned was: W. L. Stevens i d own Captain B. U. S. Cripps 2 Captain H. B. W. Savile 3 Major K. E. Milford 5 Captain D. G.
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  • 400 4 WELCH BATTALION'S HEAVY DEFEAT. Local League Games. Malaya Chine**, 5; 2nd. Welch, 0. The match at the Stadium on Easter Monday was a rather one-sided affair for the 2nd. Welch, who took the field in place of the United Services, were no match for the very strong combination
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  • 277 4 O.T.F.C 2; Robinson's 1. The O.T.F.C. obtained a penalty kick in the first few minutes of their game with Robinson's on the Y.M.C.A. gTound last evening in the Second League, owing to hands on the part of the defence. Omar. centre forward, took the kick and scored
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  • 166 4 A rather poor game was witnessed on the Malay ground yesterday when the R.A.O.C. met the I.C.F.A. in a Second Division match and drew one all. Neither team displayed any hrilliant football and although both had many chances, poor finishing spoilt them. Just before the interval,
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  • 789 4 S.C.C. AND SELANGOR DRAW. A. H. D. Livock's Century. W r hen Selangor only required hi ru n f victory in the match between the g.CjC Selangor at Kuala Lumpur on Monday 'J? interfered and the game had to W If drawn. m Selangor had obtained a strong
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  • 34 4 At a meetinp of the Indian A^ yesterday it was resolved that tht Association, on behalf of the In<i Singapore, accord a reception to H'-> Highness The Duke of Gloucester forthcoming visit to Singapore.
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  • 609 5 MVOHB AND CAMBRIDGE DINNER. T uo ked to promote the first ridge dinner at Singapore feel satisfied with the I eessful 'varsity' dinner :i View Hotel on Boat i> There were fifty,,v ui.i Cambridge men present, i iributing sixteen and the th ;.•■!> -seven. Although the
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  • 155 5 A Murder Case. -sizes were opened on SaturM». Justice McCabe Reay. I: tv Public Prosecutor, Mr. R. 5 appeared for the Crown. Hin I)ek, a Hylam, was charged Javinir murdered another Hylam by 5 number of blows on the head 'an-r. He was defended by Mr. K. Menon.
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  • 1113 5 LARGS GATHERING. j Preparation to Welcome British Prince. TBy Our Chinese Correspondent.] ft. JTi P U J" P °rf e f makin arrangements to welcome the Duke of Gloucester wh,n His Highness visits Singapore on the way to Japan, representatives of the local publicbodies met m the Chinese
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  • 667 5 BEACH ROAD CONTRACT CASE. What Caused the Delay The alleged reason for the delay in the execution of the contracts, occupied the attention of the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) in the Supreme Court yesterday, when Mr. S. Muthucumaru, a contractor re. siding in Racecourse Road, who is
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  • 433 5 The eighth annual general meeting 8f the United Engineers Recreation Club was held at the Head Office of the Company on February 22nd. Jlr. J. A. Strachan, president of the Club occupied the chair. The minutes of the previous general meeting were read and confirmed after
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  • 298 5 Sunday, Mar. 17. His Excellency the Governor and Lady Clifford attended High Mass at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. Monday, Mar. 18. H.H. The Ranee of Sarawak and Mist* Brooke arrived to stay. Mr. A. Hyde, M.C.S. had luncheon at Government House. His Excellency the Governor and
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  • 91 5 Sir Charles and Lady Faweett, cousin oi* Mr. P M. Fry, of the F.M.S. Police, and Mrs. J. S. Macpherson, arrived in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday morning. Sir Charles Faweett is proceeding to Europe, via Japan and America, on retirement after 40 year.-' public service in India. For the ia<t
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  • 1518 6 STORY OF THE DEAD MAN. Inquest Opens. The recent sensational assault in Holland Road, culminating in the death of an aged Chinese was recalled yesterday when the inquest opened before the Coroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne. Mr. Cullen, A.S.P., conducted proceedings on behalf of the police
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  • 239 6 One Capture in Seremban. From a message received in Singapore yesterday, it is understood that the Seremban Police have arrested one of the thirteen long-sentence convicts who escaped from the Singapore Prison last Sunday. The man who has been arrested has been identified as a convict who
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  • 171 6 Y.M.C.A. Trounce R.A. The Y.M.C.A. cricket team defeated the R.A- on the Anson Road ground on Saturday by three wickets and 85 runs. Jenkins captured 6 R.A. wickets for 25 runs. Scores: Y.M.C.A.: James run out 20; Van Cuylenberg b O'Donnell 0; Atkinson c O'Donnell b Rye 2:
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  • 206 6 LOCAL SALARIES. To the Editor. Sir, Are salaries of local employed men in this country getting lowered? I shall consider it very kind of you if you will be good enough to give publicity to my views on the subject through the medium of your valuable
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  • 165 6 BEAUTIFY SINGAPORE To the Editor. Sir, This lovely small City amongst the Far Eastern British possessions is growing very rapidly in all aspects. The administrators of this city are taking every possible step to see that this island in its stately buildings, avenues, parks and public sites shall count as
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  • 360 6 SINGAPORE TRIBUTE. "From all of the British Army in Malaya in memory of Field-Marshal Foch, under whose orders they were proud to serve." That simple inscription adorned Ml ■qually simple wreath which was laid at the base of the War Memorial last evening by Major-General Pritchard,
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  • 106 6 The following appointments are notified in the Johore Government Gazette: Major H. F. Waters to act as State Engineer; Mr. A- B. Patorson to act as an Assistant Engineer, P.W.D., Johore; Mr. A. H. Couser to act as an Assistant Engineer, P.W.D., Muar; Mr- A. Heywood-Waddington, M.C.S., to
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  • 822 6 VIEWS OF CLUB'S NEW CAPTAIN. Four Pilots A Month. The new flying policy of the Sin^ap n* Flying. Club was brought out at the annual meeting held at the Club House last ing. Explaining it from thc layman's pomview, Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer, the re-elect ed
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  • 40 6 Mrs. E. F. Howell to-day compl* 1 1 twenty-five years of continuous resid< r in Singapore during which time she 1 been away on long leave only thiev tir to New Zealand in 1909 and 1916 and England in 1925.
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  • 2134 7 CHAIRMAN'S ADVICE TO PRODUCERS. Eliminate Speculation. Addressing the annual meeting of the •nber of Commerce held yesterday afternoon, the Hon'ble Mr. J. Bagnall ti: man), visualising the near future, <aid that America was almost the barometer of Malaya and conditions in that country had their reflections in
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  • 487 7 The Annual Report. The report of the Committee for the year ended December 31st., to be presented at the annual meeting on April 3rd. at 6.30' p.m. states inter alia: The income and expenditure for the year shows a surplus of $8,361.04 as against $3,538.62 in the
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  • 34 7 The K.L. Police Court Staff entertained Mr. T. S. Adams, Police Magistrate, to a farewell tea party at the Great Eastern Hotel on Saturday prior to his departure for Kedah as Adviser of Lands.
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  • 412 7 THE SWIMMING CLUB REPORT. A Successful Year. The following is the report of the Committee of the Swimming Club for the year ended January 31st., to be presented at the annual meeting on April 7th. at 10.30 a.m. After making the usual provision for depreciation ($6,380.71) and reserving
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  • 510 7 Big Profit Reduction. The annual general meeting- of Bukit Timah Rubber Estates, Ltd. was held at the registered offices of the Company, French Bank Buildings, yesterday when Mr. E. A. Gibson, Chairman, presided. Others present were Rev. J. M. Ouillon, Mr. J. A. Ruinat and
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  • 1160 8 "IN DAYS OF OLD."— NO. 15. My toilsome days were brightened once a fortnight or so by festive dinner parties to which the genial John Cock and Thomas Fraser would roll down, by pre-arrange-ment, from their respective eyries at the Hermitage and Waterloo Estates on either side of the Pass.
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  • 796 8 INTER-COMMERCIAL CUP FINAL. Good Win~by A.P.C. A.P.C 3; Mansfield's, 2. Innumerable crackers, a jazz band kindly supplied by members of the A.P.C. and much advice from the stand, marked the conclusion of the Inter-Commercial Cup competition at the Stadium yesterday when the A.P.C. defeated Mansfield's after a close
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  • 681 8 CAMERON'S HIGHLANDS. To the Editor. Sir, Your correspondent thinks an association to forward matters useless seeing there is a Development Committee with I several unofficial members to voice their views; there are only two unofficials out of some 8 or 10, so they cannot carry much
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  • 84 8 To the Editor. Sir. Your correspondent "r airplay'' in making his remarks might give certain information if to be any use; $1.(M»0 per month salary is not too much for a skilled technical man. The question is what ll required of the various men concerned and what are
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  • 36 8 [FREE PRESS SERVICE. -COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok, MaT. 27. The King presented swords to cadets entering the army, and addressing new officers complimented an old officer whose nine sons had joined the army.
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  • 60 8 In the report of the Memorial Service to Field-Marshal Foch, in yesterday's issue, it was incorrectly stated that the Colonial Secretary was absent. It was he who represented the Governor and who laid on the Cenotaph the wreath on behalf of the Government and public of Malaya which, however, showed
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  • 411 8 FRESH FOOD& REFRKiEKuiy COMPANY. The following report is forwai publication: The second annual general -\.i\m The Fresh Food and Refngc rai pany, Limited was held at the Messrs. Evatt and Co., d'Almeid on Monday last. Amongst those present wen-:- M, M. Sime (Chairman). A. I:. j (Managing
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  • 273 8 An extraordinary gem I Xyalas Rubber Bel I the Secretaries' Office r in^s on Tuesday. Mr. Other- present inchuh 1 the H i Chenir lock, and Ifeettt Lee Chim Tuan. Tan Cheng K V. Bailey (for the Bd N F.\att and Co.). Th^ meeting- had beer purpose
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  • 219 9 THURSDAY, MARCH 28. 1929. THE DELAYED CONTRACT CASE. plaintiff Alleges Coercion. vjr S Mu*hu -ii maru contractor, of K»ad. Singapore, who is sueing A'ka.f and Co.. land agents and owners, The Arenas, Singapore, for c 0.000 over building contracts in i. (Hiring 1925-26. in the Supirt. re-entered the witness box
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  • 88 9 •mi Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, Mar. 21. received the suggestion of the visit of m team of prominent an ci ieketer.- to Malaya and is now j. ieriag the guaiantm of its quota to- Um expanaef which would be about each lor Singapore. Penang. Selangor Perah.
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  • 396 9 I nty-ninc hawkers' offences wvr« d \.lt in the Fourth Court yesterday nv»rn- Hrm, P. A. Bolwitff and children B BM by the Patroclus. this week. ia BMaaffCf of Mris Hydraulic Tin. Ui. Major W. (I. St. Clair who writes eheerfn I r.ew address in Colombo notes March -Tth he
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  • 2364 9 DISCUSSION ON MORAL PLAYS Fnsineer Defends Author. When Dr. Lim Han Hoe asked if the Board of Control had any power to ban plays which might be put up bv companies in the Victoria Theatre, at the monthlv meeting of the Municipal Commission held yesterday, he gave rise
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  • 183 9 Popular Penang Function. [Frjm Our Own Correspondent. 1 Penang, Mar. 27. St. George':! Church this afternoon w*m the scene of the double wedding of SteiU and Ena Ruby Sarkies, eldest and youngest daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sarkies,. to John Long, youngest son of
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  • 227 9 Three Chinese were charged in the Fourth Court yesterday with playing in a common gaming house in Tanjong Pagar Road. Inspector Clifton said that they raided the house the previous day and in the rear room on the ground floor he saw the three accused playing dice.
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  • 946 10 THE PENANG MALAY VISIT. Home Side's Easy Win. Singapore Malays, 6; Penang Malays, 1. There was a large and cheerful attendance at the Stadium yesterday, the Malays turning up in full force to witntess the match between the Singapore and Penang Malays for the Inter-Settlement Cup, which the
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  • 673 10 - Singapore, March 26. The past week has seen a slightly easier tone in the Tin market, although advices from London indicate a better demand w>Mi support for near positions coming trom the 'Bull' group. Both Sterling and dollar shares continue neglected and prices shew little variation. As
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  • 147 10 Chinese Lantern Procession. At the meeting held on Saturday at .the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the following: were elected to form a General Committee to organise a lantern procession in honour of H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester's visit on April 20th.: Chairman, Mr. Lee Wee Nam,
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  • 153 10 The friends of Yang Oimulinkan Raia Kechil Sulontr will retrret to hear of the sudden doath < N f his fifth son, Raja Haji Ihsanshah, which took plaeo on Monday night at the Istana Hilir. Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar. The death of the
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  • 200 10 A Tamil odd-job coolie, Ramachandran, was charged in the Fourth Court yesterday with being in the cabin of a second-class passenger on the Kamo Maru with criminal intent. The quartermaster of the vessel said he saw accused come out of a second-class cabin, gave chase and
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  • 158 10 One Time in China. The Rev. Stephen Band, 8.A., formerly of Aberdeen was inducted Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Orchard Road, last evening by the Rev. W. Murray, of the English Presbyterian Mission, in the presence of a large congregation. The induction began with a service of
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  • 130 10 The result of the monthly Mixed Foursomes, played on Tuesday for which 16 cards were taken out was: Major and Mrs. A. F. Q. Perkins 44 1% 364 Mrs. G. C. Clarke and Gregory-Jones 44 374 Mrs. R. N. Hamilton and W. Wylly 45 6 39 Mrs.
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  • 135 10 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, Mar. 25. An interesting cricket match was played over the week-end between the Malayan Non Benders of Perak, who formally hoisted then fla# of black, silver and ffreen in their match with another eleven of senior cricket ers named the Butterflies. Several
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  • 157 10 It is understood that in a statement to the police, the convict arrested at Seremban said <^at he escaped at 8.30 o'clock in the morning with two other men. Three men, it will be remembered, were seen to leave the Covered drain leading under the prison wall
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  • 41 10 Mr. N. B. Chan, a Chinese newspaper editor, who is educated in French, English and German, is forming a syndicate to start a weekly Chinese newspaper in Malacca. Mr. Chan came to Malacca on several occasions for this purpo. o. M.G.
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  • 844 10 THE RIVIERA HOTEL. Application Supported bv Admiralty. The support of meml>ers of ing firm of Sir John Jackson V I the Admiralty was forthcom,.,^ lt a ing of the Board of Una ;r- tiettfc in thc District Court vtst. when Mr. H. B. Layton aj.j of Mr. J.
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  • 505 11 richer has been recognised ar Agent, Penang. m r-- vri mobile Club is called Th- ,f of its existence. has been admitted to N Kuala Lumpur th, .mired by Government at purpose of a police tt and traders in Ipoh I +M* Rood in spite of
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  • 1199 11 OUR COMMUNICATIONS WITH MALAYA. A Successful Business Year. [From Our Own Correspondent! mm, m Bangkok. Mar. 20 lhe new Straits steamer Pangkor whi-h arrived during the week rnd a good dusting on her maiden voyage up the gulf, and her steadiness was well tested. Incoming passengers speak
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  • 436 11 THE LATEST PLAN. Ingenious Switch System. The mysterious construction at the junction of S'amford and North Bridge Roads, near the Cathedral, which has been attracting so much attention during the last few c'ays, has resolved itself into a traffic control experiment of an ingenious nature. It is being
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  • 126 11 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubier Association held its 909th. auction on Wednesday, when there was catalogued 1,608,436 lbs.'; 71K.05 tons. Offered 1,486, r,TJ lbs.; 649.93 tons. Sold 1.275,620 lbs.; ."ir0. 47 tens. Spot. Loodon 11(K New To* Wk cts. PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents Per
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  • 571 11 Mariamman Temple Renovation. (By Our Indian Correspondent). The adjourned meeting for the election of l he new Panchayat (Management < ommittce) of the Maiiamman ami reruinal Temples took place at the temple premises in South Bridge Road on Monday the 18th, Mr. E. E. Col man, secretary of
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  • 141 11 Fang Ah Kuang was charged before the Fourth Magistrate yesterday with occupying: a house for the purpose of gaming in New Bridge Road. Inspector Minns stated that with some police he raided the house at 2.40 p.m. on March 24th. and found a number of
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  • 868 12 LOCAL FOOTBALL. THE PENANG MALAY TOUR. Visitors Successful. Darul Aihsan, 2; Darul Taalam, 1. The Penang Malay League champions aVenged the previous day's defeat of the Association at the Stadium yesterday when they won the cup presented by Haji Manjoor Sahib. Among the gathering present to witness the match was
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  • 47 12 Various concerns are accustomed to leave adveitising matter at the Malacca Rest Hrusc with the consent of the Manager. It is alleged that a representative of a rival concern has been detected in the very small business of destroying some of this Hvertising, says Saturday's Malacca Guardian.
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  • 427 12 TROUBLE AT YAN CHIN SCHOOL. Ringleaders Expelled. Singapore students have been quiet since the strike of the Singapore Chinese High School, several years ago, when students demanded the removal from the principalship of Mr. Loo Shih Yee on account of some grievances but trouble has recently, arisen
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  • 290 12 Even Performed in Birmingham Mr. Gilmore, Manager of the Victoria Theatre, commenting on the ohjection which was lodged by a Municipal Commissioner at the monthly meeting on Wednesday to a certain play recently performed there, told a representative of the Free Press yesterday that all plays appearing
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  • 105 12 On Wednesday the Y.M.C.A. met the Electrical Department of the Municipality on the Y.M.C.A. ground at Anson Road. Right from the kick off the Y.M.C.A. assumed the aggressive and only weak finishing prevented them from obtaining a lead before the interval. After the change of ends the home
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  • 773 12 YOUNG GERMAN IN SINGAPORE. Baron Koenig's Long Flight. The young German airman, Baron von Koenig, who arrived here on Wednesday evening from Singora, gave an interesting account of his flight to a Free Press representative yesterday. Starting out from Berlin last August, the airman made a
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  • 132 12 Alleged Theft of Hired Bicycles. When a charge against three soldiers of theft of three bicycles was mentioned in the Second Police Court yesterday. Court Inspector Meeion said he understood the charge was to have been withdrawn but the Attorney-General had since refused to do so. Apparently,
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  • 699 12 KOTA RAJA FOOTIUII CLUB. New Officers Elected. (By Our Muslim Correspondent The annual general meeting of th. h Raja Football Club was held at t„ < premises at Ali wai Street on the Lit mV A fairly large number of men present, and, after the accounts and port
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  • 56 12 [From Our Own Corres! Kuala Lumpur M At Malayan Collieries meetir. the Chairman reported very n gress and moved a dividend for of 35 per cent plus an extra fiv< Discussion took place on sha»'< two members suggesting the d obtaining- a small number of sha The
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  • 28 12 Mr. W. R. G. Colman trapped a Ulu Yam Tin Mine recently and Thursday last he was successful in lar way, this time the victim being panther.— -Ex.
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  • 580 13 SATURDAY, MARCH 30. 1929. MALACCA NOTES. Rainfalls End the Drought. fFrom Our Own Correspondent. 1 Malacca, Mar. 26. The drought in Malacca and district has apparently ended at last, and during the w days a considerable amount of rain illen much to the delight of the residents Jivinc outside the
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  • 150 13 music as produced from the sufficiently rare a form of this part of the world not WMU take a long time to get with the masterly playing of Sam tW iriant young Hawaiian who is ri»g at :he Adelphi; and amusing they are. the "Paradise Harwho support
    150 words
  • 38 13 %rZ that in our remarks on Satur«**Syj ln K the Y.W.C.A. appeal the ".<.fr». ad 0 ,m Portant "no" escaped the •**Hd mu attention The sentence con- *> ktJZ?. d have read of course "we have 141,1 in recommending."
    38 words
  • 1137 13 SINGAPORE CHINESE ASSOCIATION. New Newspaper. noI he rK rOParat T y Co, "™ttee the Singapore Chinese Association, held its first siding Tburs <iay, Mr. Tan Kah Kee pre- h hairman in CoUrse of his sP^ch. said This preparatory committee comes intool nf fu Cr the mass me *ting
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  • 604 13 JOHORE MALAYS WELL BEATEN. Penang In Form. Penang Malays 5; Johore Malays, 1. The Johore team was outclassed in every I department of the garfle on the Stadium ground last night when they met the Penang Malays in a match for a silver cup presented by the Hon'ble
    604 words
  • 924 13 Qmcquid agunt homines nostri est farrago Libelli «u/enal. A little tough on our enterprising jail breakers was it not that the first information regarding 1 their discreet emergence from the drain should have been given by one connected with the society to aid prisoners? V V
    924 words

  • 980 14 HEAVY STORMS AND FLOODS. Serious Situation. Batavia. Mar. 22. On Wednesday, Samarang experienced one of its old fashioned storms. The passengers from the Treub were able to embark, although it was not an easy matter but at about 0.30 a terrific squall came up and all small craft
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  • 474 14 LARGE GATHERING AT BUKIt TIM AH. i At a meeting of the delegates in the Club House last evening the venue for the next Championship meeting was decided upon. Suggesting the Selangor Golf Club course at Kuala Lumpur the Chairman (Mr. H. W. Raper), said he was assuming
    474 words
  • 225 14 Rain in the afternoon caused the abandonment of the all-day match between an S.C.C. XI and the S.R.C. on the Padang on Saturday after the former were all out for 248, of which Littlehales and Bell contributed 50 and 57 respectively, and their opponents lost one
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  • 55 14 The old boys of the Methodist Boys' School, Kuala Lumpur, entertained Mr. T. W. Hinch, principal of the school, and Mrs. Hinch, to dinner at the Great Eastern Hotel on Tuesday night, prior to their departure for Singapore, where Mr. Hinch is to take up the duties of headmaster of
    M.M.  -  55 words
  • 367 14 Mr. J. S. Long of the A.P.C. at Bangkok left on home leave by the south mail on Mar. 24th. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee have left Singapore for Bukit Fraser and will be away for a fortnight. Major E. O. J. Young, R.A.M.C. having arrived
    Ex  -  367 words
  • 173 14 Cricket Club's Rights. At the Penang Municipal Commission meeting last week, Mr. Yeoh Chang Auir withdrew three resolutions he had brought forward with regard to the local Esplana-ie. Mr. Chang Aum had moved that the annu.'l licences issued to the Penang Cricket Club and Penang Recreation Club be
    M.M.  -  173 words
  • 256 14 The following are the results of the March professional Examinations of the King Edward VII College of Medicine. First Professional Examination. Part I.: Awang bin Hassan, Boey Chew Sek, Chany Hoey Chan, Lip Seng Chiew, Moh Kee Lui. C. Nadarahah, Omar bin Buyong, Ong Keh Chooi, Tan
    256 words
  • 607 14 F.M.S. CHINESE BEAT COLONY CHINESE Shooting Weakness. F.M.S. Chinese 2; S.S. Chine** There was a large gathering a t the Vt*' dium on Saturday for the match bet* the F.M.S. Chinese and the S.S. Ch which the former won by two clear g Ok The usual indecisiveness in
    607 words
  • 320 14 Malaya Chime 4; S.F.A.. 0. The S.F.A. team was hopelessly outclassed at the Stadium yesterday when they me* a Malaya Chinese team, and lost by four clear goals. For a time in the first hal' the exchanges were fairly evenly contest**} and although both teams got within
    320 words

  • 6910 15 [Reuter's Service.] London. March 25. Tht- King to-day for the first time spent of an hour out of doors not injr the bathchair. but it is emphasised fc -tdl *eak and tires easily. In the event f hi progress continuing to be satisfacv H- Majesty's advisers are contemplatg the
    6,910 words