The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 27 March 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 243 1 nen*a Compensation 193 Petrol I^3 MM 194 Qciim es IW k end nmmi-m IM ReflectioM W5 L1 j: US TOTHF EPITOK. I ndesti I*7, l», 8M ai tlall Acoustics kit the Municipality be BSCOSri wife? IW 01 H E AND COIKT NEWS. ai Robbery" IM kjeainsi motor siiis 197
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  • 41 1 v ltd Wk i 29-81 I 25-32 v. 2i !'.-:>- Oiwii 56 1 16 58 I*4 1431 15J4 I tmi 11 f| p-c. Wfc i. 'lemani? 125 U vmand 140 litmand 80% r l.ondor 26Mi Knirhind Rate SV» ?•<*• Bnrk Puyinir Ml
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  • 54 1 th* annual general meeting of the Christian Friend- in- Need Society the lGth. instant, the following "fficc bearers: President Mr. i«»rm>; Vice- President Mr. G. Ritchie; I MOTH Mr. H. Norris; Hon. SecreMr. J. W. lYrvira; Committee: Mr. S. Vr. M. Joseph, Mr. A. C. Pestana, 1 Klym Mr. N.
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  • 42 1 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTHS. COLLIX< E. On March Ji;n. 192f, at thMaternity Hospital, Singapore, to d Mrs K. Collingc, i dauj bter. JONES. At the <..•::< -ml Hospital, Ku.ii Lumpur, on March IT. to Mr. and Mr*. K .lei,-. .f Prater** Hill, a bob.
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  • 317 1 The last mail from H"PU' with dates Up to February 2*th. arrived i»\ P, and «>h Saturday morning. 1 hi> mail leaves i>\ H.I. on Tavndaj morning. At the Assizes, before Mi- Justice Deane, Ahmat l»in Ali, naif, who was charged jvith causing death by a rash
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  • 245 1 March SB. Tin 12."> Tmu III2JMI OmmMn 6% Peppor Whif 110 lYppor Black <5 Flak* Tapioca *>% Pearl Sftfl Shwll s Copra B— dritd Riec Uaag Hin Chan Mark Bi .1 Englc i Ne* I 3 30 Pico. Siam old No. 1. 33C Rico. KanKOon Bintan Ki<<\ Rangoon Sioka
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  • 80 1 His host of friends in the F M.S. will be elad to hear that the Ifon'ble Raja Chulan, CM G Kajab di Hilir of Perak. is now m much letter health than he has been for some time past. The marriage was solemnised at St John's Church, Ipoh, at 10
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  • 712 1 March '20 The discussion in Committee, of i Federal Council, and subsequent third reading, of the F.M.S. Workmen's Compensation Bill, together with the recent intimation of the introduction of a similar bill in the Colonial Legislature, brings forcibly before industry in Malaya a development which it will have
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  • 831 1 March 21. It is a little remarkable, and perhaps not wholly fortunate for the Government, that the oil companies have sprung upon the world a petrol price increase which must long have been foreseen although its advent has been delayed. It is unfortunate for the Government for it
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 84 1 |a :r. 'Suijraporo Free 1' i ■>',: Ku'<»p** to t^ lr B^**^ 1 Um ii. lih..-. Ml invited to send tW .mi. of thoir sttMMff an>' S --ipn-o. Ctpitfl will then t them ;:t various p»rt^ tl call. |i UM ■■•>lj lift. P«r quarter trial suoplenvnt. POSTAGI FROM ENGLAND TO
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  • 496 2 March 22. By the death of Marshal Foch, France has lost one of her most distinguished sons and a notable citizen: there will be universal sympathy with her in that loss and world-wide tribute to the illustrious dead. Marshal Foch was the most brilliant soldier of this generation
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  • 359 2 The development of troubles in India signalised by the wholesale arrest of noted Communists and others, is merely what has been expected for a long time. Extremely sharp criticism of the inactivity of the Government in this regard has for a long time been passed by those whose
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  • 718 2 March 23. We have been led to wonder occasionally during the past year or two, whether there is not growing up a trend in Government towards placing upon the unofficial element a much greater share of responsibility for the advocacy and support of any policy requiring the
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  • 694 2 March tt It can be said of Sijrnor Mussolini that whatever objections ma; raised to many aspects of his policy he shows both couraj/e and ink.. in his actions. There is little that his determination to end the Roman situation was a stroke of irenuine statesmanship which will
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  • 677 3 .March M remarkable escape of long MBUma prisoners from the Criminal Primal Sepoy Lines, may well bring reflections on a good many tn but on the whole it may be it-red that the prison has had a aratively unchequered career Kf it was first built so many years
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  • 442 3 An Enquiry Pending. There fa no doubt, a representative of tin Fiie Press was informed by Lt-Col. Tytv yesterday, that an enquiry will shortly be held into the escape of thirteen long sentence convicts from the Criminal Prison. Sepoj lines, on Sunday. The Governoi o! the Prison
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  • 53 3 Colonel Cecil Rae, J.P., has been unanimously elected Chairman of the Perak Branch of the F.MS. Chamber of Commerce for the current year. No better man could have been chosen as Colonel Rae not only s interested in the trade of Perak but he takes a keen interest in public
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  • 4158 3 MONDAY, MARCH 25TH. Present. I .1. B. The Governor Sir Hu<*h Clifford, M.C.b.. G.C.MG., C.B.E. I. E. Vhe General Officer C'omnr.inding the Troops, Malaya (Major General H. L. PritcharJ, C.8., C.M.G., D.5.0.) The Hon'ble th? Colonial Secretary, (Mr. John Siott. C.M.G.) flic Hon'ble Resident Councillor Penung (Mr. Me
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  • 182 4 300 FT. CLIFF TO BE BLOWN DOWN. I Disaster Possible. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, Mar. 20. Visitors to Ipoh who are impressed by the great limestone hump honeycombed with caves against which quarrying for marble has been carried on for many years, will be astonished to learn
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  • 117 4 "Matter Must be Settled." [From Our Own Correspondent.] Pananjj, March 20. Seven Chinese were each fined £5 in the Police Court here to-day for throwing: crackers in Bishop Street during the New Year celebration. Mr. Khoo Soon Chee, defending, said it was a technical offence. He
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  • 32 4 To Stay at Kohlak. [PEEE PRESS SERVICE. COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok. Mar. 2.V Baton Koenig hopped off this morning M his flipht to Singapore. He proposes stopping- at Kohlak ».o nij^ht.
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  • 62 4 rFKEE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT 1 Bangkok. March 19. The £J,00() sweep prize on the King's Cup raeo at the sports cluh recently, i? claimed by an official of the Mines' Department resident in a Peninsular town who is unable to proceed to Bangkok to
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  • 58 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) !p< h. Mar. 19. A serious landslide at Tonglee Mining Kongsi near Ipoh carried away the pa long whereon the coolies were working and it was dashed down to a great depth in the mine. Two men disappeared and are still buried; a
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  • 65 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Mar. 19. At an at home yesterday at the Great Gastern Hotel to Mr. M. A. V. Allen. Warden of Mines by members of the staff there were thirty people present. Mr. Lim Mah Tentf head of
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  • 785 4 EUROPEAN INSPECTOR CONVICTED. Immigrant's Allegations. Inspector Alfred Charles Mel.. Singapore Marine Police appear. District Court yesterday on tw firstly, that he did commit a trust in respect of $25, and N I Kong money over which he ha.: also that he obtained $2.1 from <^ Ah Lon, as
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  • 875 5 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 1929. "IN DAYS OF OLD" No. 14. littte to the left oi thL> Rest-house, Um blukah jungle, was a stout covered -tied in wnich were housed some thirty m* with which Sir Hugh Low hoped to Mi]>i"ve Mm fceei' maiket or the country. Un I -trenj. :h
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  • 68 5 annual general meeting of the Flying k kdi in the Club house at 6 p.m. U-ir I 20th. inst.. instead of at o.SO p.m. M r»r« i«»UHIy advised. '-aurence Guillemard, formeily GoverIhc Ftraits Settlements and Hi^h "ner for the F-M.S., was present, 20, at the first of the Wednesday Hmu"
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  • 1174 5 I THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION MEASURE. What Its Effects will be. The Workmen's Compensation Enactment (Federated Malay States) was passed in January and is expected to come into operation abou* mid-year; possibly about July. The proposed Straits Settlements Ordinance is now published for information, in the Gazette, and
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    • 129 5 To tlie Editor. Sir —It would be interesting to know (af? we are all liable to motor car accidents) vyhat has been the total cost of the "East Coast Read" case to the Government, and also to the unfortunate occupants of the car that collided with the steam-roller.
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    • 524 5 To the Editor. Sir, What abundance of amusement can now be obtained by a drive through a now famous road at night, simply by noticing how every little heap of stones, every tar boiler (well out of the way of travellers,) every small culvert, etc. is illuminated by
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  • 971 5 CASE AGAINST A MOTOR SAIS. Differing Tales. The case in which Ahmat bin Ali is charged with causing death by a rash act, was continued before Mr. Justice Deane at the Assizes yesterday. Mr. N. H. P. Whitley, D.P.P., is conducting the Crown case and Mr. T. C.
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  • 47 5 Mr. G. C. Dodd, the District Jud^e, Malacca united in marriage on Thursday morning, Mr. Ching Hoon Hin and Miss Ng Pak Tiau. Miss Pak liau is a nurse at the Medical Mission and Mr. Hoon is a salesman with Messrs. Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Co., Ltd.— M.G.
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  • 456 6 A CORRESPONDENT'S TRIBUTE. Much Good Work Accomplished. Singapore, writes a contributor, has of late lost a considerable number of residents who for many years have taken a prominent part in the life of the community, and tins week there fall to be added to the ncatbcr
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  • 482 6 At the Assizes yesterday: Tav Kim Chuan was charged on three indictments, the first being that he with others to the number of five or more on January 22nd. at Singapore committed gang robbery, secondly that at the same time and place he attempted to extort
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  • 23 6 The Rev. Brother Edward, Director of St. Paul's Institution, Seremban, who has been to Europe on eight months' furlough, re-turned-to Seremban on Friday.
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  • 522 6 ROBBERY AND VIOLENCE CASES. A Brutal Crime. The Batu Pahat Assizes were opened on Sundav before Mr. Justice McCabe Reay, and after fixing the dates for the hearing of civil cases. His Lcn-ship proceeded to hear the criminal cases. The Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. R. Moor M.C.S.,
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  • 267 6 Saturday night witnessed the production of a very interesting programme at the Malayan Seminary. 401, Upper Serangoon Road, (writes a correspondent) when the Teaching Statf undertook to entertain the student.- hy providing the initial function of the school year. Those who are acquainted with the quality of
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  • 86 6 The owner of the lighter which sank in the channel right in the path of shipping off Pulo Brani has now been found. It is new ascertained that the boat was travelling between Johore and Singapore, laden with firewood. The owner reports that he cannot find the
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  • 38 6 We understand that Dr. J. R. Weir, head of the Pathological Division of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya, and Mr. D. S. Gardner, manager of the Experimental Station of the Institute, have resigned their respective appointments. M.M.
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  • 740 6 THE SINGAPORE DIOCESAN ASSOCIATION. Annual Report. The annual meeting of the Singapore Diocesan Association will be held at St. Andrew's School, Stamford Road this afternoon at 5.30 p.m. From the report which will be presented by the Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. B. C. Roberts the following
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  • 72 6 Mr. Lee Peck Hock, a prominent loca: Chinese, was charged in the Fourth Police Court yesterday with abetment of the ofence of receiving an illegal gratification of $500 to a public servant, to wit Mr. A.S.P. Tongue. He pleaded not guilty. The case was adjourned
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  • 59 6 A Bengali employed at the Raffles HoU: was sentenced to nine months imprisonment at the District Court yesterday afternoon on two charges of theft and one of housebreaking. It was stated that systematic thieving had been taking place in the servants' quarters of the hotel,
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  • 338 6 GOALLESS DRAW IN < n> SEMI-FINAL. Lost Opportunity. Mangold's 0; IJobiiwonV The :'mi-final match between Mar and Robinson's at the Stadium resulted i" poalloss draw ar.d the will have to replay on another <ir<.ui.r. The result was a 99tjf fair Eftdicati the general run ti the pl.iy. f
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  • 146 6 The annual football match betw<« Married and Single of the Bendemeer i-> letic dub <l lighted a larpe crowd Chinese padang on Saturday. Th. were faster than the Married am might have scored mor goals but for th« strenuous eff<»rts of Lee Wan and Way I The
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  • 60 6 P. S. and L. Beat EtceteraThe Public Services and I strong team against the Etc<t» ra first match of the S.C.C. Tournament Padaiig last evening:, and beat Hmlt r.ents by two goals to nil. Harris and 1 lop Kored. Had it not been for display by Hawley
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  • 54 6 IPOH AND THE AUSTRALIAN VISIT. I|*h. Mar The Kippax incident, the barrack I arwooil, rradinp the riot act to (i»a!> retired and pot his lejr massatr counted in a letter to the PtNi li«'» l testing that Malaya should not invi' Australians as a sijrn of displcasin This has aroused
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  • 48 6 Twenty-one cards were taken out j March Ladies' Spoon and the folkv turned: Mrs. A. M. Low }s F. R. Horridge 15 W. Marshall :.o li S. C Campbell B If Miss V. Patterson fit i- K. Niblock m v Mrs. J. Groothoff H Li
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  • 62 6 The result of the March medal. at the Race Course Golf Club las: and Sunday, was: T. Morita 6 up. G. C. De Silva 1 up. j Dr. S. I. M. Ibrahim all s<i < i Phra Sri Banja 1 dowr I Neo Yew Kianp 2
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  • 312 7 THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929. LONDON C. OF C. EXAMINATIONS. feltowiag Win the results of the i hamber of Commerce Examina,,f November, for Le Mercier's (SIS Queen St.), I eipinjs: Nino boys presented. 8 PIMM per cent. Bong Khim hi w Hoe Seng, Foo Hong Toon, Foo I Hc«f, Kum Thim
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  • 288 7 following appointments are notified F.M.S. Gazette of March lft. Mr. Humphreys, C.M.G., C.8.E.. M.C '.S., to I Supernumerary Statf Officer of the I British Adviser. Kedah; Mr. L. L a Deputy Commissioner of Police, Messrs. H. P. Armstrong and G. P«BmU to be Probationary Asst. Com>>:uners of Police:
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  • 159 7 •anvard English Comedy Company their run of successes at the last night when fV presented a V Miles Malleson entitled The M, dealing with the love affairs of I man who had certain ideas on the uut> tion which did not quite coin- with those of his parents.
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  • 40 7 Lender, Sena wan? estate, Sunkad a sudden attack of malaria nisrht and was taken to the EuroH"*pital. Seremban. Mr. Lander was j tf > Miss E. M. Leach last Saturday lh an and was spending his honey- «t Port Dickson.— MM.
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  • 548 7 SUPREME COURT ACTION. Nearly $500,000 Claimed. The Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, dealt with what was described as a somewhat involved case arising out of a very large building contract between two parties in the Supreme Court yesterday. S. Muthucumaru, a contractor residing at No. 447, Race Course
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  • 151 7 The Rev. G. H. Douglas, after a ministry of eight and a half years, has resigned the pastorate. At a largely attended meeting of the congregation on Friday last, he and Mrs. Douglas were presented with handsome tokens of remembrance and many friends gathered at Johnstone's Pier
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  • 125 7 At the meeting of Council on Monda> the Hon'ble Mr. Tan Cheng Lock has foui questions down, asking for tuberculosis clinics, the engagement of a trained engineer to direct anti-malarial work, dredging operations in the Malacca river or extension of the river walls further into the harbour; issue
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    • 242 7 To the Editor. Sir, —Will you allow me space to refer to the advertisement, which appears elsewhere in your columns, of an experimental concert to be given shortly in the Memorial As you are aware, the ceiling of the Hall has lately been dealt with on the
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    • 437 7 To the Editor. Sir, The Chinese squatters in the vicinity of Adam Road (off Bukit Timah Road) have had several trials from the Municipality, as follows: 1. Pip: rearing was first forbidden to continue, which they readily obeyed although it formed one of the
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    • 109 7 To the Editor. Sir, Your correspondent "Dazzled' raises a question of interest to motorists, but I think a far greater danger than dazzling lights is the large number of unlighted cars left on the road side after dark. Every syce thinks it the correct thing to turn ofi
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    • 179 7 To the Editor. Sir, With reference to the correspondence appearing in your columns regarding the lighting of street obstructions at night, I should like to mention that when engaged upon extensive pipelaying work many years ago in the suburbs of London, the system adopted in lighting obstructions of
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    • 260 7 To the Editor, Sir. I have lately gone into the above query and the following facts may interest some of your readers. The Court of this Colony takes judicial knowledge of the fact of polygamy amongst the Chinese and will upon proper evidence presume a
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  • 315 7 Arrival in Singapore. Yesterday. After a ten-days stay at Malacca visiting the Dunlop Plantations estates, the Rt. Hon. Sir Eric Geddes, P.C., G.C.8., K.C.8., G.8.E., LL.D. (Hon. Sheffield), arrived at Singapore yesterday morning on board the Straiti Steamship Company's vessel Kelantan, which had been specially placed
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  • 221 7 Recent Gazettings are: Mr. W. P. N". L. Ditmas to do duty in Simanggang, Mr. E. 0. Bruce to be District Officer of Upper Sarawak and Lundu, Dr. W. Hutchison to act as Principal Medical Officer, Mr. W. S. B. Buck to be Officer-in-Charge of Oya and Dalat,
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  • 771 8 Singapore, Mar. 19. During the past week fluctuations in the Tin market have been between narrow limits and the price shews a small advance on balance. Tin shares continue dull and there are few changes in quotations to record m either Sterling or Dollar stocks. During the
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  • 280 8 The following is the reDort of the directors of Stmgd Bilut Rubber Company to be nr^sented at the annual meeting on March 25th. at Rennie, Lowick and Company at noon. In order to finance the estate through the period between the announcement by Government that restriction was
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    • 222 8 The case was resumed at the Assizes yesterday before Mr. Justice Deane concerning an alleped raid on a coffee-stall at Lorong 29. Geylang 1 on January 22nd. The accused. Tay Kim Chuan, was found guilty of doinjr mischief and of voluntarily causing hurt. Sentence was postponed until to-<iay.
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    • 182 8 Mr. N. H. P. Whitley conducting the ease for the crown in which a Chinese named [jm Chan was charged with rape of a ten year old child, stated that the offence was alleged to have been committed on December 2'">th. 102/. The accused was then a
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  • 117 8 Inspector's Quest for the Promoters. Inspector Kinp asked for a heavy penalty to be imposed upon ten Chinese found guilty of pamblintf in a common framing place, in the Fourth Police Court yesterday. He explained that the rendezvous was a most difficult place to raid, situated in
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  • 142 8 Story of a Stolen Lorry. A queer story of extortion was told at the District Court yesterday afternoon when two Chinese were charged with the theft of a lorry and with extortion from its owner. Having stolen the vehicle, it appeared, they visited the owner and threatened him
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  • 136 8 The Methodist Girls' School had a sale of work in the Nind Home grounds on Saturday last. It was the first financial effort to raise money for the new building planned for Mkmnt Sophia. A great many people were present. The booths were prettily decorated and teachers,
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  • 44 8 Mr. T. Navaretnam, postmaster, Sungei Gadut, N.S., and Mr. M. C. Samy, G.P.0., Kuala Lumpur, were entertained to dinner on Wednesday on the occasion of the departure of the former for Ceylon on long leave and the latter for Am pang as postmaster. Ex.
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  • 333 8 Cricket Season Opens. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Malacca, Mar. 19. The Malacca Club played their first match of the season on Saturday last against i.h«Malacca Teachers Association and won comfortably by 6 wickets. The Teacheis won the toss and opened the innings with lie Vries and Chinniah but
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  • 324 8 Welch Beat I.C.F.A. 2nd. WELCH IX. FA.. 1. An ialei— ting friendly crame of soccer ♦ook place at the Stadium yesterday when the 2nd. Welch beat the I.C.F.A. 6—l. In the first half the Welch had most of the play and their forwards were continually in the opposite
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  • 36 8 The S.C.C. 2nd. Eleven were heatt-n by MM goal in a match against Bendemeer on the Padang last evening, the deciding goal being scored in the second half by the outside right, Tian Lye.
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  • 130 8 The annual general meeting ol" the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club was held at the Club last night, when Sir William Mu.ison was in the Chair. A proposal that a payment of fifty cents for each non-mentber introduced for the purpose of playing on the Club courts was
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  • 84 8 "D" (Eurasian) Co., Spoon Shoot. At a Company Spoon Shoot held at the Bukit Timah Range on Sunday afternoon, the following members secured spoons. "A" Class 300 yards standing in trench Sgt. E. Galistan; "B" Cass Pte. C. A. R. Bateman. "A" Class 300 kneeling Pte. J. Zuzarte;
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  • 514 8 SELANGOR SPRING MEETING. A Favourites' Day. [From Our Own Correspondent 1 Kuala Lumpur, Mar. _u Thei e was a lar^e attendance f. fourth ilay of the Selaniror Spring Me*tinp to-day. There was a large attendant the going was pood. The Sultan of JVrak was present with his suite
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  • 156 8 S.R.A. Arrange Scheme. The S.R.A. has completed a schem.--a London insurance company wh«M« trainers, jockeys, apprentices and at>. riders, riding" work or racing within t risdiction of clubs in the S.S. an<i t under control of the Straits K.u int: i* 1 ciation. will be covered, though
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  • 63 8 On Jan. 29th Messrs. Lanpton an-i mas proceeded to Sabu in order to the presentation of a fcold watch t Rev. W. Howell after fifty yoar> in the S.P.G. Mission. The watch scribed for by numerous Dyaks and Christians in the Second Division, in aPjJ^ ciation of his work amonr?t
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  • 411 9 NOTHING WRONG WITH THE CHURCHY Hi h! wA Generation's Mistake. a m—&m of the Singapore am held at St. Andrew? Ing Mr. G. Parbury, secondDou of th*' report and accounts I winch we printed in our is- made an interesting AaaMwiag tort that h. wv r rhurch
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  • 258 9 What Malaya did in the war, is exhaustively an«i comprehensively set forth in War Krfort" by Major F. W. totflu, who has taken a vast amount of pains both here and at Home, Maithfag and verifying records to enm to pn.-int figures which are as reliable as
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  • 48 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 19. ••ct.on at East Toxteth owing to ath of the Conservative Member, Mr. K. Jacob, resulted as follows: M. Mond (Conservative) 9.692 J Geary (Labour) 6,563 I. Roberts (Liberal) 6,206 [CeaatffTatfot vote down 6,000, Labour about same, Liberal vote up 2,000.]
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  • 55 9 ihe Fraser's Hill bungalow of the SeleanClub showed a working profit last year and interest on debentures n^ve turned a profit of $5,861.08 into a loss r the year of $11,690.45. Based on the *«tfcißß f or J928, the club committee estimates a further deficit for 1929 of $13,250, lf^r
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  • 383 9 FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1929. HOUSEBREAKING AND ASSAULT. A Lot of Lies Told. or ,f Mr fr^r R~y at the resumed sessions of the Batu Pahat Assizes the following cases were disposed of. The Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. R. Moor. M.C.S.. appeared for the Crown. Hui Kan, a mining contractor fn-m
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  • 236 9 Tan Soon and Goh Ah Soon were charged with housebreaking by night, with intent to commit theft. The evidence was that a provision shop had been broken into, am! cigarettes and beer to the value of $85 stolen. The thieves had entered by dipping a hole under
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  • 257 9 The sequel to a stabbing: alFair in a godown on the quarantine island was heard in the Fourth Court yesterday when a newly arrived Chinese deck passenger UTSf charged with voluntarily causing hurt. The prosecution stated that on the 19th. inst- a Chinese deck paMengef in Godown
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  • 37 9 The Hon'ble Mr. Woner Yick Ton**, J.P., M.F.C.. M.S.C., celebrated his 70th birthday on Sunday when a larjre circle of the prominent Chinese of Kuala Lumpur and Ne^ri Sembilan dined with him at the Miners Hall. a
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  • 638 9 MISAPPROPRIATED WOOD STORY. I Plaintiff in Witness Box. Mr. S. Muthucumaru, the contractor, residing in Racecourse Road, Singapore, who, as reported in yesterday's issue, is sueing Messrs Alkaff and Co., Land Agents and Estates Owßtn of the Arcade, in the Supreme Court, for nearly $5C0,000 over building
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  • 191 9 Accused Missing in Last Case. No on- answored when the name of Tan Liane Thong, the accused in the last case, wan aHo<] at the Assizes yesterday. Mr. N. H P. Whitlev D.P.P.. applied for a warrant for Hs arrest to be allowed, which Mr. Justic 1 Deane
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  • 283 9 SINGAPORE'S PLACE ON THE ROUTE. Sir Eric Confers with Councillors. Sir Eric Geddes, who has been on a short visit to Malaya and leaves to-day for Homeby the P. C. Hooft, yesterday met members of the Legislative Council at the Colonial Secretary's office. The Hunting was
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  • 495 9 The annual meeting of the Child Welfare Society takes place to-day at 5.15 p.m. in the supper room of the annexe to Government House. Lady Clifford will preside. The annual report states, inter alia: The work is intended to be primarily educational in giving the mothers some
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  • 123 9 The P.W.D. is at present busy demolishing the old rikisha shelter opposite the Selangor Club, says the Malay Mail and it is intended to construct an additional parking place for cars on this site. Where the old railway line ran at the back a new road is beinjr made, which
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  • 310 10 REPLAY WIN FOR A.P.C. A Penalty Goal. A.P.C. 2; Macalister's 0. Finding good form in the second half of the match, A.P.C beat Macalister's by two clear goals, in the replayed Commercial Cup tie on the S.R.C. ground last evening, and thereby qualified to meet the United Engineers
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  • 75 10 S-CC. 2nd XI 2; Aston Athletic 0. Leading by one goal to nil through the good work of Reade, in the first half, the S.C.C. 2nd Eleven added another goal through Bromley-Davenport before time in their match with Aston Athletic at the Padang last evening, without reply. A
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  • 454 10 On Saturday and Sunday last, the staff and dealers of the British-American Tobacco Company held their fourth annual picnic at "Sandringham Villa," the charming seaside bungalow belonging to Mr. Lee Phan Hock. On Sunday afternoon, in spite of intermittent showers, sports were held and were thoroughly
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  • 478 10 LOCAL ASSOCIATION FORMED. Early Start. A meeting presided over by Mr. D. Santry, was held in the Victoria Theatre yesterday evening at which it wps decided to form a Singapore Amateur Boxing Association. The Association have obtained the use of the Victoria Memorial Hall for one year and will
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  • 368 10 Nereid Wins Again. The eighth race of the year at the Pert Dickson Yacht Club was sailed on Sunday at 11 a.m. Nine boats competed, £i*c**iag the starting line in the following order: Barbara, Pippa, Buaya, Grampus, Kittiwake. Kama-Rama, Walesa, Nereid and Stella Maris (disqualified). The first
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  • 32 10 The Government Health Office gives returns for the week ended March 6th. Taiping Hill, (3,500 feet), average mean shade temperature 71.28 (deg. F); evaporation .178 inches, rainfall 6.75 inches.
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  • 531 10 DICTATION OF ANTI-MALA-RIAL CAMPAIGN. Municipal reply to Chinese. In an interview with Dr. Dawson. Deputy Medical Officer to the Municipality, and also one of the heads of the Anti-Malarial work being undertaken by that body, a representative of the Free Press was given a detailed reply to
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  • 247 10 The following action taken at a meeting of Committee No. 4. held on March, 15th li>2i>. Accepted the tender of Onjr Kay Swet for erection of four type "A"' quarters vtc. at Adam Road, the lowest tenderers having withdrawn. Decided that renewal of rubber factory licence at No.
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  • 82 10 Particulars are published in the Gazette of a bill about to be introduced into the Legislative Council to amend and consolidate the law relating to stamps. The object of the Bill is to re-enact with amendments those portions of Ordinance No. 103 (Stamps) which relate to stamp duties as distinct
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  • 467 10 Golf Club Meeting [From Our Own Correspond^! 1 Malacca. M ar The Malacca Golf Club Ladi, M r Medal (bogey) competition wa „]a v Tuesday last, ten cards beinMrs. R. H. Finch (18) was 'ho wini^JJ a score of 4 up. Mrs. A. H (i being- second with
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  • 154 10 A Johore Bahru taxi-driver appeal the Third Court on Thursday on a charjrt of causing hurt by a rash act. For the prosecution it was stated that on March Iftfc, a car with a .loh <re nu ran into and 1 nocked down a d lid in
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  • 228 10 Welcomed by Malays in ffcfcai* Amon? the passengers travel! Europe by the P. and O. Macedoni: arrived in Colombo on March 13 m<> was H. H. Sir Ibrahim. Sultan of 10l who is the Patron of the AlUVylnr. Association and the Colombo Malay I Club.
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  • 645 11 rinant, M.C.S., resumed the Secretary, Straits liattk -n March. Mr. Edwin Tongue has been m.ssion «>f the Peace for* 1 lo ments. i been granted leave of ,ths; Mr. B. F. Oakeshott r\.r eight months. GretSi of tne Land Office, lo Mnirapore as Police i
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  • 920 11 Ju\ei hi. "The tumult and the shouting dies. the are silent ard have returned quietly to their homes, Duckworth may call How s That as much as he likes, Jardine may be as funereal as he r bases, Laruood may bowl at anybody's leg; and
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  • 1080 11 MRS. R. MANASSEH'S SUGGESTION. Local Films on Local Babies. Though short, the three addresses given it the annual meeting* of the Child Welfare Society, which was he'd in the Supper Room of the annexe to Government House last evening, pave a fine indication of the live
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  • 462 11 The following is the directors' report for the fifteenth year of the Malayan Collieries company ended December 31st., to be presented at the annual meeting on March 27th. at noon at Kuaia Lumpur. The working- of the collieries is reviewed in the reports by the Managing Agents
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  • 283 11 Standing Not Enquired Into? The bail of two bailors was estreated in the case in which Tan Liang" Thong was charged on fourteen counts with falsification of accounts and on another indictment with criminal breach of trust at the specially adjourned Assizes yesterday. An inspector visited
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  • 593 12 TAMIL WOMAN'S DEATH AT CENOTAPH. Magistrate's Opinion. The ex-police constable whc was with the Tamil woman when she jumped out of a car near the Cenotaph recently ;:nd fractured her skull was sentence:! to si.: months imprisonment in the Second Police Court yesterday afternoon for impersonating a
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  • 173 12 Chinese Charged. Tan Kentr Kuan and Ar-ir Ken^ Chuan, two Kngrlish speakinir Straits born Chinese, were charged in the second Police Court with the abduction of a 17-year old Chinese trirl. Inspt. Paulain in asking for a remand said two further chart.' es of attempted
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  • 96 12 The Governor in Council, says the Gazette, has been pleased to prescribe the undermentioned scale of fees for the issue of a temporary licence for the experimental use of wireless transmitting 1 and receiving apparatus. The fee to be paid in respect of the renewal of any such
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    • 427 12 To the Editor, Sir, —Dr. Dawson considered my correspondence dated 21st inst. was wTong in tone, but it was right in truth as shall be proven by the following facts. According to his personal explanation the remaining 100 or 120 acres of Ong Tiong Soon's
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    • 97 12 To the Editor. Sir,— Your correspondent, "H.H.E", in your issue Of U)-day, appears to have rather extravagant ideas in the expenditure of oil for lighting. If a red lamp is placed M each corner of the trench, or obstacle, then why increase Municipal expenditure by
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  • 305 12 Says the Ex-Services Association of Malaya magazine: More unmitigated nonsense is written in modern novels which deal with life in Malaya than there is even about the Malays themselves. A person ignorant of the true conditions of life out here for the Europeans, would, if he succeeded
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  • 34 12 It is understood that when Mr. H. C. Willan, Registrar of the Supreme Court, Ipoh, goes on leave shortly, he will be succeeded by the Raia Musa of Selangor, at present Official Assignee, F.M.S.
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  • 1128 12 THE SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. Financial Advances. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Bangkok, March 13. Sir Hugh Clifford at the luncheon of the American Association of Malaya last week described th'i Siamese as "a sturdy people who were working: ou f thei»- own destiny with very marked srccess."
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  • 129 12 TWO DEAD IN n > Ofi I SMASH. H Three Accidents in fmm u [From Our Own Corre S p< md<?m Ipoh it Following an accident at th<. the Golf Clu!> Road th<s u, K lady's car was thrown int.. sion with a hire car. the lad\
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  • 406 12 The following- 19 candidates cantile Institute were successful at t London Chamber of Conimor (November 192K) <>ir Typewriting 89 per cent. IV hand 75 per cent. CfftTf PI per cent. Book -Keep in lish 100 per cent. Handwriting I<k Ang Ou Bee. Anthom Fraud* Avyaw
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  • 39 12 The following having arrived by mala art- taken on the strong command: Capt. A. Nerill K A (a P t U. P. Thicrs. i:.A.. I.iout. I. A. R.A., Second Lieut. J. M. Cm* Lieut. I. B. Gibbons 2nd. Wel<
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  • 249 13 MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1929. SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB. \l\ed Foursome Competition. .orrptition was played over thnak Course yesterday and re- Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wild P e| score of 34H. taken out and the follow--48 cartS B. H. Wild _r. Mrs. Kulcher 46 45 11% 10 34 V4 35 £:
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  • 237 13 thief Justice and Public Interests. Thf Thief Justice (Sir William Murison) 4mbsm<l an appeal in the Supreme Court to rvvise an order of the Dis- :u>insr to stay proceeding before him on a chanre of perjury. M' J. Campbell appeared for the appdhnt. Justice said the two
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  • 108 13 A Ding-Dong Match. "At Home" given by Sir William >>n. the Chief Justice, to celebrate the 1 of Lady Murison after her leave at m last evening, included an exhibition ■jl maUh which was keenly followed out 150 pmto, including the H.E. the r (Sir Hugh Clifford), the
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  • 138 13 an named E. 8, McLaren was •t in default sentenced to under■tks 1 riirorous imprisonment by ms, the Kuala Lumpur Police this morninp. says the Malay Friday, for on the 12th inst., caus--h of a Tamil named Samikan at I}l a,l with his motorcar. He was in which to pay
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  • 1161 13 OfEN'NG OF THE NEW IBRAHIM RESERVOIR. Interesting Ceremony. Tf th y^ t rday w Or "P™ing ceremony wLk Ibrahim R '^voir. Jchore, G o hC i WaS Z erfo by His Excellency the G Or B E Slr Hujrh Clifford M.C.S.. G.C. An area gaily bedecked with
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  • 248 13 THIRTEEN MEN BREAK PRISON. Crawl Down a Drain. The island of Singapore was searched yestei day by the police when it became known that thirteen long: sentence convicts had escaped from the Criminal Prison, Sepoy Lines, during the monvng. The actual time of their escape has net yet
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  • 315 13 S.C.C. Beat S.R.C. The S-C.C. batted steadily on resuming the match against the S-R.C. on Saturday Marshall playing a very useful inning! for iis side the total being taken to 2:50 for seven before a declaration was made. The SJtC. opened disastrously three wickets btinp down for under
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  • 839 13 Annual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of Messrs. Fraser and Neave, Ltd., was held at the registered offices of the Company, Trafalgar Street, on Saturday, when Mr. W. H. Macgregor presided. Others present were Messrs. E. Walker, F. E. Dilley, !R. L. Hastie, M. Cookson
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  • 17 13 Mr. Hugh Fraser, of Messrs. Barker. Morgan, and Co., Ltd. has returned to Kuala Lumpur from leave.
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  • 1742 14 REVENUE RESERVE ABOLITION. Mr. Amery Does Not Agree. The following: correspondence on the subject of the Onium Revenue Replacement Fund between H.E. the Governor and Mr. Amery, Secretary of State for the Colonies, was laid on the table at the meeting" of the legislative Council: Singapore, A«>ril 21.
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  • 68 14 The Monthly Shanghai Foursomes competition was played on Sunday and the following cards were returned: Capt. H. B. W. Savile and Capt. H. J. Hollingsworth 79 11 V» 67*4 Capt. B. U. S. Gripps and Lt. C. E. R. Hirsch, TJ H 68 F. A. Morrell and
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  • 25 14 H. E. the Governor will be leaving for Kuala Lumpur by train this evening and returning from Kuala Lumpur by the train on Wednesday evening.
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  • 398 14 A. AND B. CLASS YACHT RACE. Fitful Boreas. Both the "A" and "B" classes combined for a team race, on Sunday, and for this purpose were divided into two fleets, as nearly equal in sailing: qualities as possible; commanded by the Vice-Commodore and Rear-Commodort respectively. The Vice-Commodore's fleet
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  • 345 14 Good Fi^ht at N.S.C. The Evening New* i f F< 2»*> <ays: Bud Walley. of Singapore, an 1 Joe Chapman, of (Mdham, had terrific fitrht over 10 rounds. Walley is a bit of a favourite at the .'lul> owing to the two lint- fights he put up
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  • 34 14 [FREE PRESS SERVICE, COPYRIGHT.] Harjjk'jk. March 19. Four Resolute passengers nearly missed the steamer departing to Saigon but chartered a special train and reached the steamer on the point of sailing.
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  • 79 14 A pretty Chinese wedding took place in the hail of the Miner's Association, Seremban, on Saturday between Mr. Wong Nang cshiu second son of the Hon'ble Mr. Wong Yick Tong, J.P., M.S.C., and Mrs. Won*> Yick_ Tong, and Miss Loh Pooi Hung, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loh Nin Soon,
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  • 334 14 THE COMMERCIAL (Vd I semi-finals! A.P.C. Find Fern I A.P.C. and Mansfield's <, I Stadium on Satin-day and y I in the final of the Commercial < I is to be played there on Tu. a.p.c h i r j Tne A.P.C. plaved witt dash when they m<
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  • 277 14 Mansfield's 2; Robinson'* A penalty poal before the i tht first half turned the tablet ii El Mansfield's in the replay semi-final Robinson's at the Stadium \v terdi noon. From that point the\ and a splendid jroal from i\< them a decisive victory beloi« I m I
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  • 117 14 The last act depicting "the hall at 1 a week later" was worth waiting- foi Victoria Theatre last nipht vfcM the vard Company showed Ben Travelcalled Thark. If only to enjoy the thu and the lightning and the queer and Death, or Jones, the butler (C I
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  • 16 14 Mr. W. Bartley, M.8.E., resumed duties of Commissioner of Lands. I Settlements, on the 7th March.
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  • 5237 15 [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 18. Hoiw of Commons replying to u looker (C. Essex) with regard the proposals relating to Fund, Mr. Locker (Uwlff Sec. Foreign Office) said to find time during the pass an amending act vmplated. Sir A. ChamtLrWorf bad been communicating tV s Minister at Peking
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  • 835 16 AWAY TO WEIHAIWAI Normally, it is at this time of the year that the officers and men of the China Station Flagship grow weary of the attractions of Hong Kong. Concurrently, but for more valid reasons, the activities of the Commander-in-Chief and his Staff are concentrated on the preparation of
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  • 431 16 Discouraging Year: X« m^ It was reported th past year were n,,t one ninth aniiual meeting of u solidated Ruhl.- C'.^; ij£ Derrick and < mp Mr. S. Q. \\< Mr. P. E. Kayner i Proposing the adoption of U accounts the h.-;ii> (|f r said: The
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  • 91 16 A private advanc- rel« Cabaret which ha- been pr«« Kuala Lumpur hf Solanpor MM toplays, waf screened for i poses on Wednesday nijrht at i Road Masonic Hall, says tho M This film whi< h is the screen ver?i Gordon Wonpr's story of the sanu- n^ Will be puhlicl\ shown
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