The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 20 March 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 247 1 ir \!>KRS. H. over's Bad Luck 177 hn ■!'< h 177 t China Situation 178 g I r»-.«iom 178 I ivintf Societies 178 wh Highlands 179 KI rCIS TO THE EDITOR. The Arurlo-Iji^h Treaty 187 ;n| r \M> COI'RT NKWS. I in Queen Street Atfray 181 .vellery Theft 181
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  • 105 1 iftm to the "Singapore Free Press" returning from Europe to the Straits my of the mail lines, are invited to send r r NMMgtf the name of their steamer and ir of arrival in Singapore. Copies will then >:!H to meet them at various ports of call, nption to the
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  • 58 1 Hud lx. ■v 1 m.s. 2 3 29-32 demand 2 3 25-32 credit> 3 mj. 2,3% York, demand 56 1-18 ■•0 days 58 •ieniand 1431 IT. 153^, ■X, demand 12» 4 p.c. Dis. r.;iina. demand 125 l i demand 140 k, demand KiH 4 v, r London 25 Ti
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  • 56 1 D'( otta (of Singapore) LR.C.P. din.), has been successful in obI his L. M. Diploma for Midwifery of 'urula Hospital, Dublin. He is studypresent at St. Mary's Hospital, hundred and fifty labourers arrived Kajula of whom 356 were landed at for quarantine, the balance proto Port Swettenham, also for quarw
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    • 59 1 WILLIAMS. On March 1-lth, 1929, at Broadtields. Paterae* Road, to Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Williams, a son. SHAFTO. On liith March, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Shafto, of 4. Bell Road, Penanp, a son. MILLKR. At th«> Maternity Hospital, Pe nanp. on tht 7th March to
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    • 96 1 HARWOOi). Feb. 19, at Windh'sham. Surrey, John Augustus Ha. uml, late Solicitor-General of the Straits Settlements, aped S3. MARRIOTT. Feb. If,, at the Hiytmuki't Hotel, London. Alice, ynuniri'st daujihter of the late James Rumstlaile Smith, of Hasholme Hall, York, widow of Sir Hayes Harriett, K.8.K., C.M.G., of Singapore, i
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  • 307 1 The last mail from Home v«. ith dates ur j to February list arrived by 8.1. ;n Satu» -j day morning. This mail haves by P. ;;nd O. on Thursday morning. An interesting wedding 1 took place durin.r the week when Mr. 6. R. Parrott WHI married
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  • 175 1 March 18. Tin 175 Tons $111^ Gambier 6% Pepper White H^ Pepper Black 62 Flake Tapioca 6.95 Pearl Sago Small 8 Copra Sundried 9.60 Rice Liang: Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 3.30 Rice, Siam old No. 1. 330 Rice, Rangoon Bintan 260 Rice, Rangoon Sioka 256 Rice, Siam
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  • 751 1 March 13. It cannot be said that luck has been particularly kind to Mr. Hoover at the start of his administration, for he has hardly begun his duties before being faced by a serious recurrence of the ever tiresome Mexican question. Since the days of Diaz
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  • 721 1 ELECTION PROSPECTS. March 14. It would almost seem as if the Liberal Party believes it has a real fighting chance at the forthcoming elections, for in addition to the energetic speech of Lord Reading, Mr. Lloyd George has followed up his claims for a Liberal plan for the defeat of
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  • 724 2 The news from Nanking regarding the settlement for the time being of the differences between the Government and the Wuhan party, will be welcomed by all who are hoping to see the Nationalist organization consolidate its position in China. The fact that another war in
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  • 341 2 March 16. Mr. Bridgeman's presentation of the Navy estimates will in all probability re-arouse en both sides of the Atlantic the never ending argument about naval parity. We shall be told, as indeed we are told and as is also perfectly true, that we have Bcrapped more tonnage
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  • 360 2 Air. G.F. Strickland I.C.S. of the Punjaub Co-Operative Department, who of late ha> been touring Malay;* speaking and advising upon the movement in this country, hu< done us a very inyi 1 servi The cooperation movement, so energetically promoted by Mr. Cavendish, at first by himself and
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  • 564 2 March 18. The official bulletin now issued with regard to His Majesty will be read with satisfaction throughout the Empire for it gives us the first authentic information we have had for some time with regard to the progress made. It is now clear that steady recovery of
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  • 696 3 Maud I*. Thuv a v p obably a prood many pft I ib in Malaya interested in neren'i Highlands project lut n miirht be thought by the nlinary observer, indeed there has en endeaec of late that this is so the movement which has been mil therefore to
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  • 372 3 Chamber of Commerce Results. The following students have passed th^ London Chamber of Commerce examination held in November. Senior: Typewriting:: Kiong Chai Woon, Xg Mong Lim (speed 40 words per minute); Shorthand: N. V. Iyer (130 words per minute), Book-keeping: Ang Kay Guan and Ng
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  • 355 3 Sunday, Mar. 10. His Excellency and Lady Clifford attended High Mass at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. His Excellency attended by Mr. L. F. Knight, A.D.C. left Government House for Kuala Lumpur by the night mail train. Tuesday. Mar. 12. His Excellency attended by Mr. L. F.
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  • 57 3 TORRENTIAL RAINS UP NORTH. Country Flooded. ;free press service.- -copyright. i Bangkok, March 7. Extiaordinary rainfall has teen experienced in the peninsula 85 inches falling in six days while it is still raining this morning. Huge areas have been flooded, road bridges are washed out and there have
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  • 74 3 $200,000 Damage. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, March 18. A big fire broke out at Patersons Simons' fOdoWB in old Klang early on Sunday morning and spread to two Chinese stores. Rubber and copra was lost to the value of $200,000. The Klang and
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  • 101 3 Strong Protests. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, March 18. At an Asiatic planters meeting on Saturday strcng protest was made against the action of the Rubber Research Institute in publishing the report of the Inquiry as unanimous when Mr. Loh Kim Swee had not seen
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  • 111 3 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, March 18. After a remarkably successful Jamboree over the week-end about 700 Boy Scouts dispersed yesterday for their stations in IViak and Pahang. including 55 officers. Ipoh was alive with Scouts for two days but most of the manoeuvres were confined to
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  • 54 3 [From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Mar. 16. Ipoh i> invaded to-day by 500 Boy Scouts who are Attending a Jamboree over the week-end in the extensive grounds of Mr. En Toner Sen's house. The Resident of IVrak will present the trophies. To-day scout officers from other parts
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  • 63 3 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, Mar. 16. At the annual meeting of River View EstaW at Ipoh, Mr. W. Paterson presiding, said that unless a price of Is. 6d, was obtained no extensive new clearings could bo attempted in Malaya. A final dividend of IT) per cent,
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  • 39 3 rFBBE PRESS SERVICE. -COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok, Mar. 13. Twentyfive Siamese nurses, as a reward for success in passing their final examinations, were taken to Don Muang yesterday and all taken on flights over Bangkok and district.
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  • 46 3 [From Our Own Correspondent.] Ipoh, March 18. During the week-end about 150 old boys of the Malay College met and formed an Old Boys' Union in Kuala Kan^ar. The Sultan and Raja Muda, were present and wore very enthusiastic over the matter.
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  • 31 3 [FREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok, March 18. The Resolute's passengers had a strenuous day sight-seeing. Twenty of them did not come to Bangkok tut are remaining aboard resting.
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  • 27 3 [FREE PRESS SERVICE. -COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok, March 18. Bad weather in the peninsula continues and communication is held up for many hours by floods.
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  • 770 3 ANNUAL PRIZE-GIVING CEREMONY. Use of New Building. The Kaiflet Girls' School pi ize-giving took place yesterday in the School when there wa* a large number of pupils and parents present to witness the presentation by Lady Clifford. On the platform with Lady Clifford, were His Excellency, the
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  • 115 3 The annual report of the Junior Civil Service Association shows the membership as 587 compared with 545 the previous year, whilst receipts totalled $7,901 and payments $5,901. Amongst the matters taken up with Government during the pear were revision of salaries of the general clerical service,
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  • 24 3 Capt. A. H. Chalmers, retired Senior Boarding Officer at Singapore, left by the Nieuw Zeeland yesterday for Australia after a short visit to Singapore.
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  • 1995 4 Annual Meeting. The first annual ordinary general meeting of Malacca Electric Lighting, Ltd., was held in the registered offices of the Company, French Bank Buildings, yesterday when Mr. P. M. Robinson presided. Others present were Messrs. W. H. Macgregor, C. V. Bailey and J. A. Clarke
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  • 1115 4 SIR HAYES MARRIOTT'S DEATH. Funeral At Abbots Langley, [From Our Own Corresnondent.J Ixmdon, Feb. 14. General regret is felt this week at the death of Sir Hayes Marriott, who was, I am afraid, the victim of having remained too long: in the tropics. He ought to have
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  • 129 4 The following is lh- It. the League of Nations' the week ended March :«ih: I'aghdad: plag-u< Hasrah: 1 smallpox < liassein: 2 cholera Karachi: 4»'» smallpox Madras: 70 sinallp< i as against <> t;i the preceding- week. Netfapatam: 1 smallpoi ItanpcKMi: 1 cholera <:- EMM and '2
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  • 138 4 Twenty Chinese to be hanr. It will be remembered >a\> Malay Mail that it m that 11 Chinese <<»ne Hakka were charged U-io?r M the Kuala Lumpur Politt Coui injr members ot an uniav Selangor Liibour Union. a?.d alinpr dangerous ehMMtei in K On the application «»i"
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  • 21 4 [fftSl HtEjtfi SERVICE. lUnirkok. M» Viscount Sibour and hi- v Moulmein in their Moth nuw pleasant flight.
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  • 13 4 The March bogey compi A. E. Baddeley who retui dowp.
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  • 105 4 Lieut. K. S. Bellamy R.A.. a Naldera and is taken on the Lt.-Col. W. Hyde K«-U> U Papworth R.E.. having Ml h > shire are struck off the itw Mr. H. L. Owen and Mr Skrine recently left Sarawak I whilst amonerst those groins same time were Mother Clj ffoinpr
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  • 437 5 Mr, H. Kendall has arrived in Kuala Ltimyu: to join the Town Planning Department. The mmtti*3* I*** place- at Kuala Lumpur, on March t>. of Mr. Richard Graham, A.I .A. A., to Gladys' widow of the late Ccunt Ptem de Bondy. Mr. i.iai Nee Sooi., who
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  • 312 5 Mr. G. R. Parrott and Miss M. A. Dudgeon. Tre Presbyterian Church was the scene of > n interesting and pretty wedding yesterciav afternoon, when Mr. George Richardson Parrott. elder son of the late Mr. and Mr-. T. Parrott. of Edinburgh, was married to Miss Muriel Annie Dudgeon,
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  • 48 5 The S.S.A. Nominee. The result of the recent ballot to elect a nominee of the Straits Settlements Association for Municipal Commission in place tj f Mr. S. Cullen resigned was as follows: Mr. O. P. Griffith-Jones 244 Mr. H. W. Raper Wl Spoiled Papers 1 4t6
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  • 547 5 I DEATH IN A QUEEN-ST. AFFRAY. Capital Sentence Passed. Sentence of death was passed by Mr. Justice Dtane at the Singapore Assizes yesterday on one of the two men charged with the murder of a pursuer after the committal of an armed robbery in Queen Street in December
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  • 239 5 Are They Adequate Considerable interest has been taken locally in the disastrous fire at the King Edward Hotel, Hong Kong, and the lessons it may have for other towns. The Hong Kong Fire Brigade organisation is, we understand, twice as large as that of Singapore, whilst Shanghai
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  • 95 5 Leave to Appeal Allowed. Vm** to anneal in the Supreme Court was allowed Mr. A. V. L. Davies at the Fourth Police Court on Monday acting on beha'f of a Chinese named Tan Wah Yow, convicted on Saturday of stealing: jewellery valued at $500 aboard the Ipoh
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  • 989 5 WATER SHORTAGE GROWS SERIOUS. No Rain for Two Months. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Malacca, March 9. There has been practically no rain here for two months and residents in the Klelang district are finding the water shortage a serious matter, many houses in fact being entirely without water
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  • 958 5 It seemed Mr. Creagh's experience of Ceylon surveyors had not been fortunate! "I have waited for we<?ks for similar -v.'v»ys. he exclaimed "and now I have not only had the work done in a day, but plan and all sent in before closing ;ime!"
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  • 991 6 TERRIBLE FAMILY DRAMA IN WELTEVREDEN. A Woman Killed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. March 8. A murder took place in Weltovreden on Wednesday morning which aroused considerable excitement. Mrs. E. R. Alting Siberg. a lady of 34, had been divorced from her husband for some time and the
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  • 122 6 Stocks held by the Harbour Board on February 28th., Singapore 540 tons ?enangr 919 tons. Rubber Afloat Singapore and Penang (February rubber included in March) 3.02'i tons. The list as printed on March 13th. was incorrect as the Singapore figures were accidentally omitted. Analysis of dealers' stocks as
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  • 254 6 Annual Meeting Fixed. The following: is from the minutes of a Committee meeting The Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association held in the Exchange on March 11th. at 5 p.m. Present: Mr. R. M. Williams (President) Mr. I). Santry Vice-President), Hon'ble Mr. P. A. Pledger. Hon'ble Dr. Noel Clarke, Hon'ble
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  • 114 6 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Robber Association held its 907th. auction yesterday, when there was catalogued 1,806,056 lbs.; 807.17 tons. Offered 1.4fi0,008 lbs.; ♦551.79 tons. Sold 1.131.358 lbs.; 505.07 tons. Spot. London l- )r *d. New York 25% cts. PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents Per Lb.
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  • 176 6 Causes Broken Head. Giving" evidence apainst two Bengalis eharjred before the District Judge yesterday with voluntarily causing grievous hurt, another Bengali showing evidences, of terrible wounds in his head, told a queer story. He said his brother had recently been successful in obtaining damages in lieu of
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  • 39 6 [FREE PRESS SERVICE. -COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok, Mar. 12. At the annual meeting of the British Association of Siam it was reported the membership had doubled in 1928. The Association has heartily supported the Miners' Relief Fund.
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  • 181 6 Fine Friendly Game. Welch Regt 4: R.A 1. An excelient exhibition of fast and efficient football was given by the Welch Regiment in a friendly game with the R.A. at the Stadium, last evening. They beat their opponents by the comfortable margin of four goals to one. A
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  • 259 6 Because his brother had recovered damages in the District Court, in lieu of notice and salary, from his employer, a Eengali alleged he was struck on the head by the disappointed employer. First Magistrate (referring to brother's success): You are not expected to do that in
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  • 128 6 Brought Down by a Lucky Shot. A Chinese who appeared in the dock of the District Court yesterday with a crutch, was sentenced to three years rigorous imprisonment on charges of housebreaking and voluntarily causing grievous hurt. Chief Court Inspector Meredith said that on the night of
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  • 72 6 A very interesting lecture on University Life in America was delivered on Friday night at the Indian Association by Mr. A. R. Nizam, M.Sc. (Wjash.), F.R.Z.S.; F.R. M.S. (Lond.) Mr. N. A. Mallal, Bar-at-law, presiding introduced the lecturer who dealt with the scheme of education in the American Universities very
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  • 347 6 SECOND VISITOR YESTERDAY. Franconia Arrives in Port. Specially built for :he touri>t. Cunarder Franconia. one t€ the mo>t rious of Ihf many world-touring linei* arrived in port yesterday morning Penang with over 400 tourists «.n Although the Franconia is now on her *ixti world cruise she has not
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  • 52 6 First Lady to Make the Essay. [FREE PRESS SERVICE. COPY': Bangkok. Mar. 12. Viscount Sibour, accompanied by hi.- wi;<. is flying a Moth plane from Rangoon t< Bangkok. He was held up this morninp at Moulmein by bad weather. His wife is the t^rst lady fci
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  • 343 6 The Anglo-Chinese School forwards the following list of passes. The percentalof passes obtained by tho School MV! Senior 70 per cent.; Junior 52.7 per cent. Junior Cambridge Passe*:— Ang Bah Che* (bee Siew Khee. Choo Keng Kiat. Chow Hong Sing. Kirui Kujoshi. Lee Nyuk S Litw Svvee
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  • 77 6 Mr. S. J. Millen. Assistant Traffic lUw per at Singapore for the F.M.S. Railway* has been transferred to Kuala Lumpur ant Mr. T. E. Wells from Kuala Lumpur ceeded him as from the Bth. inst. Captain J. W. H. T. Saunder-. Harbour Master and Chief Boarding OflU* Penang, having returned
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  • 493 7 H.ut wwnty-two passengers from the i ieft Penang for Bangkok by iptcfal train. Astrologers prophesy a great earthquake pfcpri h Sumatra during: the eclipse of the lir on Ma> 9. jlr. H. K. l\ Tobutt, Manager of Rubana K.-tate. Teluk Anson, returned from Home or. Saturday.
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  • 361 7 Club Beaten Again. MtC 0; S.C.F.A 1. The Cricket Club were attain beaten by the Chinese last evening when the teams met at the Stadium. There was an excellent crowd and the enthusiasm was keen. The goal that put the Club behind was -i ored \a*t in the
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  • 441 7 GOOD ACTING AT THE THEATRE. "The Best People." The Best People, the comedy by David Grey and Avery Hopwood, which the Banvard English Comedy Company performed, as the second piece in their repertoire, at the Victoria Theatre last night, is an uproarious comedy with many underlying truths. The
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  • 286 7 S.C.C. vs. United Services. The cricket match between the S.C.C. and United Services on the Padang yesterday was abandoned shortly before the tiffin interval on account of rain. At that point the Services had scored 90 runs for the loss of four wickets. Lieut. Col. Dickinson
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  • 120 7 Stopping a taxi at the junction of Lavender Street and Kallang Road on Tuesday night a police patrol were fired at by one of the five Chinese occupants of the car. No-one was hit but in the confusion the five men made their escape. The patrol were
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  • 448 7 THE SELANGOR SPRING MEETING. Gay Reveller's Surprise. The racing at Kuala Lumpur yesterday produced two surprises one of which, that of Gay Reveller, involved a very big dividend. Owing to our correspondent having failed to telegraph the results we are indebted to the Turf Club for the following
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  • 167 7 Tamil Woman Jumps out of Car. Mr. F. G. Bourne reserved his verdict until Saturday at the Coroner's Court yesterday afternoon at the inquest held into the death of a Tamil woman who jumped out of a moving car by the Cenotaph recently. The apparent cause
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  • 99 7 The result of the men's monthly medal for March played on Saturday and Sunday, 18 cards being: taken out and the following returned, was: A. C Potts, 80 10 70 G. F. Murphy, 76 5 71 Lieut. C. E. R. Hirsch, 83 12 71 Lt. Col. D,
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  • 710 7 FRASER'S WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore, Mar. 12. During the past week the price of Tin has remained practically stationary. London advices indicating that buying enquiryis on a very restricted scale, while the only support the market is receiving is purely speculative. The share market is dull and
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  • 148 7 Two Chinese were charged at the District Court yesterday with having in their possession four twakows of coal which was reasonably suspected to have been stolen or fraudulently obtained. Expert evidence on the nature of the coal in the twakows was given by Mr. Woodhouse, Coal Superintendant
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  • 170 7 The First Magistrate dealt with the adjourned case in the District Court yesterday in which a woman was charged with buying or otherwise acquiring a young Chinese girl for immoral purposes; forcing her to lead such a life by blows and bites. It was alleged that the girl was trafficked
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  • 971 8 BUREAU FOR MOTORING DIFFICULTIES. Cookery and Marriage. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Paris, Feb. 10. A debating club, much frequented by unmarried young ladies, recently announced that an elderly spinster, noted for her flow of words and originality, would lecture on an important subject, the relationship of cooking to matrimony.
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  • 351 8 SOCIETY'S ANNUAL MEETING. Botany Without Tears. The annual general meeting of the Singapore Natural History Society was held at the Medical College yesterday evening, when Mr. R. E. Holttum presided. After the minutes of the last annual meeting had been read and confirmed the meeting adopted the Council's
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  • 134 8 First List of Subscriptions for 1928-1929. Crossword Puzzles from Ist. September, 1928, to sth, March, 1929 $3,307.00 Per Mrs. C. A. Peal, Penang 100.00 Messrs. Fraser and Neave, S'pore 100.00 Proceeds of Concert 216.60 Perak Nursing Association 451.12 Penang Turf Club 500.00 Donation by "R." Per Mrs.
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  • 109 8 Mr. Santry entertained the members of the Singapore Art Club at his house in Cluny Road on Tuesday. The guests were greatly interested in Mr. Santry's collection of pictures and other works of art. A keen artist himself, his criticism and advice is much appreciated by the
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  • 34 8 [FREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok, 'Mar. 13. Viscount Sibour is still held up by weather at Moulmein on his flight with his wife in a Moth plane from Rangoon to Bangkok.
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  • 1663 8 A CHINESE MURDER CHARGE. The Woman in the Case. The Singapore Assizes continued yesterday before Mr- Justice Deane, when Tng Cheh was charged with murder and attempted murder. Mr. W. P. D. Parsons appeared for the accused and before the special jury was empanelled he objected on a
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  • 182 8 WIRELESS AMATEIks SUCCESS. A Message From the Pole. An interesting feat in short w a \< Wl less was accomplished yesterday m.,rnin by a Singapore listener-in who succeeds receiving messages by Morse Commander Byrd's Antarctic ship, th. of N^w York, the expedition's supp.y which is now at
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  • 77 8 The following cards were returned j n the Ladies' February Bogey con} Miss Hadley (1m Ah Miss Law n, !<lUr# Mrs. Lowson (6) »ne Imm. Mrs. English (5; -nrev -lown. Miss Griffiths (11) three >\w Miss Innes (9) four down. Nine cards were taken out. The
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  • 1110 9 COMBINE PROPOSAL FOR EXTENSION. Yesterday's Meeting. Tht annual c -°ral meeting- of the Tapah Ruhr-*' Bi was ne *d at the office t^ any. French Bank Buildings lit noon. The Chairman of tfe an! M' H. MacGregor presided, sup- Messrs. C. V. Bailey and C. Dickinson (directors): Mr.
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  • 308 9 The report of the directors to the nineteenth ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders of Radella Rubber to be held on March 19th, at 12 o'clock noon at Sime, Darby and Co.'s, Malacca, states inter alia: After charging all secretarial and office expenses to revenue the year's working
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  • 274 9 At the Victoria Theatre last night the Banvard English Comedy Company presented one of Edgar Wallace's "thrillers" in "The Ringer," in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. Edgar Wallace is known as a 'best seller" and also as a ;nass-production writer of fiction of the most sensational
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  • 93 9 The Lourdes Recreation Party defeated the Indian Association in a game of three singles and two doubles on the former's court on Wednesday. The following were the results (L.R.P. players mentioned first): Singles: A. S. David beat Sithambaram 15 4; 15—5. I. Fernandez beat Davar 15 4; 15 6.
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  • 522 9 Mr. W. 'B. Allen has been appointed a Superintendent of Police, S.S. Raub and Bentong have been electrically lighted since the beginning of this month. Mr. W. R. Boyd has been appointed to officiate as First Assistant Secretary (B) S.S. and to be clerk of Councils.
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  • 207 9 S.Y. Istar Leaves for Madagasca. We learn from Mr. J. A. Taylor, who is endeavouring to obtain local support to start a shark fishing company to operate in Borneo waters, that he has just received cable advice from London regarding 1 the future movements of the "mystery
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  • 59 9 The Government Health Office sends returns for the seven days ending midnight on Saturday, March 9th. as follows: Penang Hill (2,100 feet), average mean shade temperature 72.08 (deg. F.), total evaporation .592 inch, total rainfall .398 inch. Taiping Hill (3,500 feet), average mean shade temperature 72.49 (deg.
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  • 708 9 THE DARUL-AKHIAR CLUB. New Officers Elected. (By Our Muslim Correspondent). The annual general meeting of. the DarulAkhiar Club, Port Swettenham, was held last month. There were about 60 members present, the Club premises were decorated with flags and bunting and Mr. Syed Abdur Rahman was in the chair.
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  • 149 9 The annual report of Fraser and Neave states that after making ample provision for depreciation and doubtful debts the net profit amounts to $378,014, which, with the balance of $15,280 brought forward from the last accounts, gives a total of $393,295. From this the interim dividend
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  • 1866 10 THE EAST COAST ROAD CASE. Assizes Hearing. At th* Assizes yesterday before Mr. Justice Deane E. A. Ellis was charged with causing death by a rash act— the case arising from the recent fatal accident on East Coast Road. Mr. R. L. L. Braddell and Mr. V.
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  • 61 10 EVERYBODY WEARING FURS! Heavy Rains. [FREE PRESS SERVICE.— COPYRIGHT.] Bangkok, Mar. 14. The present weather conditions are unprecedented. Due to an extraordinary break in the hot season the cold has led to a general wearing of furs. Motorists are warmly clad throughout the day. It is reported heavy
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  • 254 10 POLICE RAID PULAU TEKONG. Heavy Fines at Court. As a result of a police raid on a gambling house on Pulau Tekong the previous evening thirty-six Chinese and Malajys were each fined $25 at the Seccnd Police Court yesterday. Four of their number were also fined $1,000
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  • 168 10 The nineteenth annual report of the directors to the shareholders of Ayer Molek Rubher Company for the annual meeting on March 26 at Malacca, states the profit was $11,507.79; Balance brought forward $14. 429.70; Less gratuity to dependents of the late Mr. N. Gomes $1,500; leaving a
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  • 199 10 The fol lowing It the Directors' Report to the shareholders of the Haytor Rubber Estates to be presented at the annual meetin^ to be held at Evatt and Co.'s offices on March 23 at noon. The Tiet profit for the year amounts to $41,044.13 (as against $32,049.50
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  • 143 10 Ihe case was mentioned in the Fourth Police Court yesterday in which six Hylams are being: charged with being in possession of seditious literature. Upon the application of the Police the case was adjourned. We understand that the case has some bearing upon a raid that the
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  • 59 10 Ladies' Medal played Wednesday and Thursday, 13th and 14th. March. 13 cards were taken out and the following returned. Mrs. G. Savage 51 14 37 „ F. G. Swindell 45 5 41 „ W. N. Hansell 57 15 42 „ M. H. Whitley 49 7 42 „
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  • 260 10 YOUTH'S HAZARDOUS UNDERTAKING. Long Trip in Sports Car. Linking London and Malaya appear* t h* the craze of Malayan motorists. The motorists to accomplish this difficult i were Mr. M. Canagasabe y, Mr. P. Scully a T Mr. C. de Silva who crossed two continent* successfully.
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  • 222 10 The Hamburg Amerika round-the-uorid liner Resolute arrived in port yesterday during the course of her sixth cruise and 400 passengers went on sightseeing tours in Singapore. The vessel has already touched at the Straits, having visited Penang on the 4th. instant and since then the tourists have visited
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  • 111 10 Thief Steps in Hornets N**t. At an enquiry held at the Coroner's Office yesterday regarding the death of a Chines* a Chinese householder of Changi >aid man broke into his fowl yard one nipht He chased him and a short way :iway t intruder apparently stepped into
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  • 60 10 Shows a Surplus. [FREE PRKSS SERVICE. COPYKh.HT Banfrkok. Mar 15. Budpret figures finals for 1927-2S I surplus of revenue practically of 22.00 ticals of which nearly 9,000.000 were aside for the redemption of the Nat Debt, and 12,000.000 ticals written off ex chanpre losses. The railways made
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  • 53 10 All Accused Guiltv. [From Our Own Corresponden Penan*. M* r At the Assizes to-day the case lasted six days was concluded with verdicts of guilty agrainst the thi ployees of the Straits Cattle Trading for falsification of accounts. 0 The first accused was sentenced years' imprisonment, the second
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  • 30 10 NEW SENIOR BOARDING OFFICER. Captain J. C. McLeod, actmp Boarding: Officer, Penan*, has arrve^w take up th« position of Senior Officer at Singapore, in succession Dakin who resijrned sometime afr>
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  • 721 11 OtifirHi agunt komine-t n»*tri est farrag* Juvenal. Having »hewi tneir aDilitv against the !t js -atisfai tory to see that the „,ls of Australia are arranging 1 preper try out by coming up to to see I hat they really can do. happened to Macartney 1
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  • 899 11 MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1929. MORE AMERICANA. The American newspape I conti ue to provide a wonderful feast of unconscious humour for the connoisseur. As La as one can see. there is no falling: 01/ in the variety r-nd number of the different ■uurfftttatiom of progress that mark the- spread of
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  • 89 11 The Chinese woman who was charged in the District Court with buying a young Hokchiu woman with the intention of using her for immoral purposes: with forcine her to do so by threats and intimidation; and for the purpose of gain compelling her to be a prostitute, was found guilty
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  • 1095 11 GOVERNOR CLAIMS ENVIED PATRON SAINT. Witty Speech at Irish Dinner. After the greatly -sought-after-Patron Saint had bwn claimed by the Welsh Society as a Welshman, by the Scotch Society as a Scotsman, and by the Irish Society as their rightful own, the Governor (Sir Hugh Clifford)
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    • 310 11 To the Editor. Sir, —I do not 1 now whether your leader writer is a Sinn Feiner, or the peculiar type of Englishman who is such an easy victim of self-deception and sentimentality where Ireland is concerned, but in either case there is no reason why he
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  • 257 11 The following action was taken at a meeting of the Committee No. 5 held on March 12th. Accepted the tender of The African and Kustern (Malaya) Ltd., for 0,000 casks of cement, the Home Agents to arrange for independent tests of the cement before shipment. Also decided
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  • 127 11 The following: transfers have taken place, says the Malayan Police Magazine of March: Mr. E. E. H. Beck, Assistant Commissioner, from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur as Commandant, Police Depot. Mr. R. M. Fry, Assisant Commissioner, from Kuala Lumpur to Muar. Johore, as C.P.0., Mr. B. M. B. O'Connell, Assistant Commissioner,
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  • 556 12 i Formation of Co-operative Thrift Society. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Malacca, March 13. The public meeting held on Monday the 11th instant with the object of forming a Mercantile Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society was well attended, there being over 70 persons present. The Hon'ble Mr. Tan Cheng
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    • 185 12 The S.R.C. had no difficulty in winning a match against the Police on the Padang yesterday. Police: J. Jeans c Balhetchet b Almeida 12, H. Meredith b Almeida 9, T. Wray b Eber 0. V. Sissamer lbw Eber 2, J. Bernbroke b Almeida 0, S. Worsey b
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    • 217 12 The match between the S.K.C. and the < hint si Recreation Cluh played on Saturday on the Pfedaog resulted in a draw. S.R.C.: H. N. Balhetehet b Siow Hian 40, D. D'Cotta c Chow Tat b Kim Hock 7, T. Leijssius b Siow Hian 20, L. da
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  • 134 12 The Import and Export office forward the following comparative statement of the total value of foreign merchandise, excluding parcel post, imported and exported to and from British Malaya during 1928 and 1929. (In thousands of dollars) Incr: 1928. 1929 or Deer: January 83,85 76,903 Dec: 6,953 February 80,4
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  • 281 12 The report by the directors to the twelfth ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders of Ayer Tengah Estate to be held on March 19th, at 12.30 p.m. at Sine, Darby and Co., Malacca, states intor a'ia: After charging all secretarial and office expenses to revnue the year's
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  • 266 12 Sharp Comments in Court. Some sharp, comments were made by the Th.rd Magistrate Mr. W. N. Gourlay, on Saturday, against the procedure adopted by the Police in a case in which a motor-bus driver was produced on a charge of causing death by a rash act.
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  • 75 12 A tigress weighing two pikuls, measuring 8 feet 6 inches from head to tail, v/as shot at Malau Hin Tin. Co., Betong, Siam. on the 28th ult. by a party of hunters cor.r.isting of Messrs. Low Lian Chow, Loo Khe.? Leong, Chin Fook Hin, and Low Lian Sin, of Kulim
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  • 1228 12 MR. DE VALERA IN THE NORTH. An Inevitable Happening. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Dublin, February 12. Mr. Eamon de Valera, the Republican leader, is enjoying: the hospitality of the Northern Government for a period of one month in the edifice popularly known as the "Crumlin Road Hotel,''
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  • 318 12 Nearly a Test Side [From Our Own < Kuala Lumpur. M. The Malay Mail under an Australian team may !y if arrangements can Amonp the suggested Ponsford. Bradman. Ii I V. Richardson Mailey. Fa A meetinp is to l> I pur next week hi discu— I [On
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  • 961 13 ENGLAND DEFEATED BY FIVE WICKETS. Kyder Makes Winning Ht. [K-Uter's Service.] .Melbourne, Mar. 16. Im t-r:L'ht and hreezy weather 10.000 spect- tie pit-sent this morning when the ft h Test Match was resumed. The wicket MM hard. The greatest interest was disced in the final stages of the
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  • 505 13 Irene Wins Sweepstake. The dan sailed new, and long COQFM foi Sunday's sweepstaKe race, and a food sporting race it was. At the start the wind was blowing very light from the N.K. and with difficulty the starting line was crossed and the tleet laboriously fought against
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  • 102 13 Selanpor vs. Negri Sembilan. Tht Inter-State Cricket match between Selamror and Negri Sembilan resulted in a via tor the former by nine wickets. In their first innings Selanpor compiled I*l6 runs towards which total Hopkins and Bostock Hill contributed 68 runs each. Negri Sembilan were dismissed for 64
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  • 694 13 Vice-Captain's XI Wins. The match on the S.C.C. Padang on Friday and Saturday was remarkable lor another •addition to the season's centuries this time by .Stewart- Brown who played brilliantly for his 112 and then retired still undefeated. This makes the third successive week-end during: which a century
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  • 84 13 Forty cards were taken out for the March monthly medal competition and the followinc returned: H. I. Jones 1 up A. Barron All square A. J. Donald All square J. Macgilchrist 1 down R. E. Earle 1 down W. P. Douglas 2 down Ball sweeps were won
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  • 90 13 The* following: appointments to the Far Eastern Colonial services have been made by the Secretary of State for the Colonies: Straits Settlements: Mr. H. C. Breach, to be Superintendent, Posts and Telegraphs Department; Mr. L. F. Day, M.K.C.S. L.R.C.P., to he Medical Officer: Mr. R. E. Turnbull, to be Cadet;
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  • 587 13 SELANGOR SPRING MEETING. Park Ml! Scores at Last. [From Our Owr Correspondent.] Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 16. The third day cf the spring meeting was rather warm but the going was good and there wa? a large attendance including His Highness the Sultan of Perak, Sir William Peel and
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  • 198 13 Played at C.S.C. ground on Sunday. Scores: C.S.C— A. S. Maniam c Siew Hian b Malall 32; Muthucumaru c Malall b Stack 13; T. E. K. Retnam lbw. b M. Malall 30; A. S. A. Jansen c Oehlers b Stack 52; M.' Ignatius b
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  • 563 14 CRITICISED COUNTRY HOARDINGS. Restrictive Action Taken. Local Press criticism of advertisement hoardings in their area, led to definite action being taken by the Rural Board at their meeting yesterday. It was decided to exclude hoardings Irom lesidential, and local Leauty-spot areas. Such areas are to b« defined. The
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  • 301 14 Malay Syce Fined. An interesting ease was heard in the District Court yesterday when Mr. W. A. N. Davies. Registrar of the Supreme Court, Singapore, was the complainant in a rash driving case against a Chinese. Complainant said that he was driving hi.s car up
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  • 803 14 TWO DAY'S HEARING ENDS. Result of East Coast-rd. Case. Considerable interest was centred on the closing stages of the two-days trial of Edgar Alfred Ellis, Senior Mathematical Master at Raffles Institution on a charge of causing death by a rash ac*t, at the Assizes before Mr. Justice Deane
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  • 147 14 The case against Ahmat bin Ali, a motordriver, on a charge of causing death by rash act, was opened immediately afterwards by the D.P.P., Mr. N. H. P. Whitley. Addressing the jury he explained that accused was charged with causing the death of a little girl in
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  • 231 14 Club Tennis Tournament. [From Our Own Correspondent.] Malacca, Mar. 15. Latest results in the Malacca Club Tennis Tournament are: Men's Open Singles: Simpson w.o. against Fisher. Men's Open Doubles: Simpson and T vies beat Allen and Oakshott 6—3. 2— '>. 7—5. Men's Handicap Singles. Lambert w.o. against Allen.
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  • 218 14 Ireland vs. The Rest. Played at Bukit Timah on St. Patrick's Day (Sunday Ireland players mentioned first. English and Quin 1, Jackson and Beavis 0. Murphy and Glendinninj: *4, Marshall and Scoular 1. Newel] and SodgiM 0, Craik and McMichaei l»i. Cullen and McMullan 0, Jovee and
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  • 374 14 We congratulate Mr. J. D. Hussey, officer Superintending Police Circle, Kuala Kangsar. on receiving 1 a Letter of Commendation for his courageous and determined arrest of an armed and dangerous bad character at Kuala Kangsar on Jan. 11, 192i<, says the current number of the Malayan Police
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  • 14 14 Mr. and Mrs, G. Hemmant arrived by the Selangor from Port Swettenham on Sunday.
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  • 264 14 ROOKERY NOOK PRESENTED. The House of a Humourist When the Banvard Col y... Ben Travels' rather scrappy m-,,.. r Rookery Nook, at the Victoria 1 night, a delighted house— aim. one forgot that, even !<>r theme was a little too India in the inimitable Jr mour It was
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  • 201 14 The following is the ninth im of the directors to the shanf Benut Rubber Company to be pr the meeting <n March 25th at Company's at noon. The profit for the year. for depreciation and iitvctofS* to $447.J."> to whih ha> fat tim balance if fH^tMl bMMffct
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  • 181 14 The following is the report < <:* I ectors' to the shareholders of Mukr Rubber Kstates to be presented at the annual meeting on March 26th. at Evan anc Co.'s at 2.15 p.m. The net profit for the year amoui $9,309.26 (as against $32.QMA6 for ffa vious
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  • 102 14 Dr. K. G Voon. L.R.CP. Mi L.R.F.P. and S. (Glas-oW M.I» (U Switzerland, specialist in tuborc ul«km just returned from Kurope, I to his father Mr. Voon Thean Gopeng. He will be lea%inp bf in a week's time as he intend- t« practice there. T.O.M. In the annual report of
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  • 6678 15 [Reuter's Service.] London. Mar. 11. |i Rouse Of Common* at questionton correcting his previPt. «fiid Gandhi \va< technically •1 his residence in order to enable .-..<_ He will heposeunauthoi i.~«M lighting <,f a r.lic nla« L»rdnn. Mar. 12. I- with the Holboni gas exwhole stivets were wrecked ,>-. fam
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  • 189 16 The Pu Leone: Kek, which is an Ir tion for the protection of women an is supported by public subscription annual donation from (Jovernment. 1' under a Board which consists of tin in*r members of the Chines*- c with the Secretary for Chin( Straits Settlements, m
    189 words