The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 23 November 1927

Total Pages: 16
321 336 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 16 321 November 21. 21 S 31-3?. 9 M.B. 2 n<< Rate P- c# 1 k Buying
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  • 144 321 i of Malaya :;2l R solution Bubble 322 ouncil Debate? 322 I Ol IM NEWS. 328 Minor- 325 oif'a Will M_T t« n Mad 327 Maiis 328 330 I er Arrested 333 ri IHE EDITOR. Greatness.*' 325 329 ai vs. Hong Kong 333 cket 323 gapore vs. Nee i
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    • 64 321 PRU L. At th.- Nursing Home, Syeri Road Kuala 1 umpur, on November l«, to Nanci wife of IL <„ Price, Kalumpang, s daughter. PAINES. At th.- Katu Gajah Hospital, oi November 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Raines F.M.S. Customs, a daughter. STORCH. On November 20th., at the
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    • 33 321 GARDNER-LEWIS wiliiams. At St Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore on November i 14th 1927, th«- Yen: Archdeacon V. G. Swindell officiating, Glyn Gardner-Lewis of Singapore I »nd Cardiff, to Catherine Mary Williams ot Cardiff.
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    • 83 321 COLLINS. At Dolwich, London, suddenly on Ith November 1927, Ifr. P. \V. Collins, former ly Of Malacca. LITTLE FAIR. At thr General Hospital. Singapore, at 5 a.m. on the lsth instant, Jamei Hcnl Littlefair, aaed -~>o years, dearly beloved husband of Gwendoline Littlefair. GARDNER. In England, on Ncr, Hi.
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  • 242 321 'I 'he la>t mail from Home, with dates up i" (><t. 28th., arrived on Saturday morning by P. and O. This mail leaves on Thursday by 8.1. In his address at the Federal Council meeting during the week* \f-.K. gave a carefully considered exposition of policy m
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  • 149 321 Tin 125 Ton* Gambler Pepper White Pepper tflack Gf> Flake Tapioca 8 P M rl Sago Small 1 1 J •"> Copnl Sundried "-JJ Opium, Bemrea ttnt. 4000 Rico Liang Hin han Mark Red Eagle (New) 330 Ri<v. Siam old No. 1. 330 Rice. Rangoon Bintah Rice, Rancoon Sloka
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  • 696 321 Papers art- now beginning to come out by the mails dealing with the pro- posal for a tin producers' combine of which the cabled news was received some weeks ago. There is not a i great deal new m what appears since thc organisers of the
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  • 911 321 Xov. 17. Sir High Clifford's declaration of polity, as High Commissioner of the Malay States, at tlie meeting of thc Federal Council yesterday will be found m full m another part of this issue. It is an extremely important statement because it is the first set
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  • Page 321 Advertisements
    • 74 321 th< "Singapore Free Press from Europe to the Straits nail lines, are invited to send r th. name of their steamer and Singapore. Copies will then tbem at various ports of call. t. the weekly 12». per quartet mmercial supplement. iROM ENGLAND TO <! LAF! LAST. h North Borneo, Labuan
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  • 739 322 r I he reports of the meeting of Federal Council which have reached US are inevitably incomplete and until the full account is available little more than generalization^ can be indulged m. The range of sub* jects was particularly wide but of those which had a
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  • 348 322 Nov. 2_\ Full opportunity ha< no* I afforded the public- to zonal l< evidence m the Penang H matter Mini it is possible to arrive <i some definite conclusions, it rna> iw said at once that as fai concerned there is no wish straws with His Excellency uver
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  • 848 322 Nov. 18. It will probably not be incorrect to attribute the beginning of the downfall of Russian influence m China, and more widely of the worldwide Communistic plotting, to the dramaticraid made on Russian premises at Peking, m the Legation quarter. which provided the Northern Chinese
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  • 362 323 Walley Wins Easily. AT NEW WORLD. lej and Hassan provided a clean and hard -ught contest at the New World last ght. Walley WOB every one of the ten and gained an unquestionable -erThe weights were: Hassan stones Bibs Wallej 7 --ones Hlbs. Hassan was the aggressor throughout the
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  • 220 323 following is the report by the dirto the shareholders at the ninth an. general meeting of the Company to i on Nov. 26th. at Chan Sze Onn and 1 mpany'i oAces at noon. The profit for the year was $179,8^2.62; h with the amount brought forward from last
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  • 87 323 In connection with the recent murder of Malay schoolboy the Malacca police have arrested a young Chinese who is being held pending efforts to identify him as the i used. It will be renumbered that as the Hi of a quarrel over a question of seats m
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  • 99 323 The Municipal Health Officer m his K>rl for the week ended Nov. 12th. statei that the total number of deaths re•i».| was 291. Of this total 231 were Chinese, 32 Malays, 24 Indians, and rasians. The chief cause of mortality pneumonia with 42 deaths. Phthisis caused ::<i deaths, convulsions S3,
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  • 459 323 Mr H. Maas, of Messrs. Boustead and Lt,, has returned from home leave. A Goetl^e, manager of Me, srs. Whiteaway Laidlaw and Penang. has returned irom Home leave. Mr. 8. X. King is to act as Collector *f Land Rcvmt, Penang m addition tc his duties
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  • 294 323 A VERY ENJOYABLE PROGRAMME. The organisers of our Sunday Evening Concerts claimed another success last nitrlit when the third of the series was given. There was a larsjte audience at the Theatre including H.E. the G.0.C.. Major General Van Straubenzee and Mrs. Van Btraubeitzee, and the well
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  • 1091 323 Singapore Outclass Johore. AN IRRESISTIBLE ATTACK. S'ngapore 31 pts: Johore 3 pt.:. Singapore opened their Malaya (up programme very promisingly oil the Padang on Saturday hefmc a large attendant c hy defeating Johore by five goals and two tries (31 points) to a try (3 points). At
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  • 134 323 Shanghai versus Hong Kong. A CENTURY BY HARRIOTT. (From Our fnrn JPorTnipond^ti. H<>n^ Konji. N«»\ If, The first of the seriel ot inter port matches m which Honv Kong, Shanghai and Malaya are pai ticipatinir opened this morn falg, Shanghai meeting EfollfE Koagr. Tho visitors batted tirst ami
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  • 238 323 H.K. the Hijrh Commissioner aii<i Lady Clifford entertained the following guests to dinner on Thursday nijrht at Government House: H.H. the .Sultan of Semngor, H.H. the Yang di Pertnan Besar of Negri Sembi hin. the Hon'ble the Chief Secretary and Mrs. Thomson, the- Hon'hle Mr. C.
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  • 226 323 The following is the report to the shareholders of the British Malaya Trustee and Executor Company to be presented at the annual meeting on Nov. 20th ar noon at Gattey and Batcmaii's. The Profit and Loss Account shows a balance at the 30th June,
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  • 3268 324 [Renler*l Service.] Calcutta, Nov. 14. lerence of prominent party leaders, undei tr. chairmanship of Sir \bdur Kahim. resolved r urging public bodies, particularly the legislatures, to boycott th- Com Lahore, Nov. 14. '1 I Punjab Muslim executive ha> resolved pc ate with the Con. mission. Bush're. Nov. 14. The
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  • 358 325 i r. ke our amongst memberi of a en matching a Chinese wayang tad on Tuesday, one man being death and another seriously trace of the assailants ha.^ U lt hard B. L. Baziey-White, a; West Kent Regt.. who ..nd child, lost his life m the
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  • 216 325 I I SHOPKEEPER THREATENED. >p keeper of Tanjong Pagai si •■■his allegations against a who was charged before Mr. Dak* I l lire Magistrate, yesterday, I the accused man, who was ier of a gang of robbers, had attemptinduct him to join his M kongsi M and
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  • 57 325 >n< r has returned a verdict of adventure m connection with fatality which occurred at the art i-< ently when two Indian! who were at the docks were killed by a heavy •lii-h fell on them from a winch. roner suggested that expert assist- v lid be
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  • 788 325 An Interesting Case. NOTE SIGNED BY MINOR. The Court of Appeal opened yesterday before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murium), ft Justice Sproule. and Mr. Justice Prichard. The appeal of Messrs. Bell and Company against a judgment by Mr. Justice Deane m favour of Messrs. (hua
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  • 83 325 Mr. A. I. Gibbs, who has been Boys Work Secretary m Singapore for the past li Iyears, left for Bombay recently having accepted the secretaryship of the Wodehouse Road Branch. The Board has been fortunate m securing the services of Mr. Erie Price, an Australian, who has had Australian. American
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    • 743 325 "AND SOME HAVE C REATNESS." To ike Editor. •>i»v —Th> present wearer of the mantle the Topicist, after mention of tome of the remarks macle by Mr. H. V Ridley, Bt recent meeting of the British Association, "on the language of some monkeys he had met," proceedi thus: "This is
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  • 100 325 The visitors from the Batavisehe Jacht Club, not content with .sailing their own representative against the local defender have since been trying 1 their fortunes m Singapore yachtl with much success. On Monday. Mr. van V'liet m I'riniadonna and Mr. Rode m Jazz Fiend sailed against Mr. Cox m
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    • 95 325 SINGAPORE'S UP-COUNTRY The Singapore hockey team were visit* ors tr> Beremban on Saturday when Kegri Sembilan won by four j^oals to two. The match was played at a fairly fast pace throughout, the combination of the Nejrri forwards bein^ much better than that of the visiting attack, making the
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    • 177 325 On Sunday the team went to Kajang, where they met Penan**, the match eliding m a draw of two jroals apiece. The "round was very soft and watei logged and m consequence the ftne waaffected to some extent. Penang ■cored first through their left winder, and
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  • 128 325 A DESPERATE FINISH. London. Nov. 2. Cambridge. -After their surprise defeat last week at Oxford, the "Waratahs" played only four of their defeated fifteen against Cambridtr**. whose hitherto niajrnificent record had led the critics to halfexpect a victory. The ''Waratahs." however, proved a different proposition this
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  • 214 325 The match "Bankers V. Garrison Goh Clvb H was played on the Tanulin Course on Monday. The result was a tie, after a finish depending on the last M Bye M To decide the event, three holes were played off by the respective "Captains" Mr. H. K.
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  • 97 325 Vice-President's Prize-. Twenty-four carda were taken out for th<above competition and the followiriLr re- Mixed Flaj* Competition. Mrs. Strmchmn and H. I. Jones m Bth hole. turned:— Joyce and Davis n M s T»5 E. A. (Gibson and Collier W» 77 J. M. Wait and Bradley S7
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  • 3441 326 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927. THE BRITISH IN MALAYA. The Federation's Origin. WHAT OF THE FUTURE? ir, Federal ouncil yesterday His Excellency the High Commissioner m his address made the following interesting eclaration of policy. Honourable Member* <>*' the Federal t uncil, on this, the first occasion upon which j am
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  • 158 326 It is Impossible yet to gain tnon a very rough idea of the amount <■"!>' m Selangor on Poppy l>a>. saj 1 Malay Mail. The following figures show the sum- m hand to date. Total C as yet known $5 f 700.47; outstation colle.tions not yet
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  • 27 326 Sir Malcolm Watson has been app< a member of the Central Health B M I the F.M.S. m the place of Dr, T. S M ley resigned.
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  • 452 327 Mr. Thomsons Services Rewarded. nn: Xi PPLY DILL. (trrottl Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 16. Kedeial Council meeting opened at ./clock t .is morning with the usual n al. 1 Excellency the High Comner (Sir Hugh Clifford) being receiva -laid of Ma ay Police, and the or
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  • 243 327 DM! AILS OF THE KEDAH. new Strait* steamer, Kedah, deto carry express canro and igera between Singapore and Penan**, d m port from Home yesterday ning. new vessel was under the command \V. Maclure, and left Karrow-in-Kurness, where she wmt t>uilt, on Oct. Bth. h ith
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  • 26 327 Mr. and Mrs. G. Wiseman have arrived '< Malacca. Mr. Wiseman has taken over the fenen] managership of Dunlop Plantns, Ltd., from Mr. H. E. Burgess, re-»»n-«1.—M.0.
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  • 270 327 Increasing the Accommodation. SCHEME FOR NEW COURSE DROPPED. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 16. At the annual meeting of the Penang Turf Club to-day, over which Mr. E. E Chambers (the President) presided, the proposals to increase subscriptions were, aa anticipated, lost but a proposal to
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  • 607 327 Singapore, Nov. 15. Local holidays have seriously interfered with business during the past week and there is little change CO record m share prices during the period. Tin, alter drop ping to £251.5.0. has had a sharp rally closing; at £258. and indications from London point to
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  • 371 327 Late Syed Abagoff's Will. DECLARATION BOUGHT HY TRI'STEES. In the Supreme Court yesterday before Mr. Justice Deane. m the matter of the will of the late Syed Ahmed bin Abdulcader Alsagoff, and of an indenture of settlement of the family m i an^ement dated September 20, 1878, and
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  • 154 327 (ATTAINS FAILURE TO REPORT. A Japanese Captain's delay m informing the Postal authorities that he had a shipment of mails on hi? ship led to his prosecm ion before the District .Judge, Mr. N. I>. Mudie, yesterday. Captain R. Matsui, of the X.Y.K. steamer Seiyo Maru was
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  • 136 327 A PROFITABLE YBAft. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Pen-ing, Xov. 13. At the meeting: of South Taipin^ Tin Prcdirinjr Company to day, Mr. D.^A. If. Brown, who presided, said the mininjr revenue had increased to $452,487 compared with 1401*607, the increase bcinc: partly duo to the
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  • 128 327 Mr. Lee Hong Boh, third son of the la to A'r. Lee Toon Tok, has just returned to Penan j? after a seven y tans' stay at Cam bi idge. Mr. Hong Bok is the second member of the family to embrace the legal pro fession, being a barrister-at-law. the
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  • 594 327 (To the Editor. Trmea of Malay a.) Blr f Pair Play m your issue of Xovt iniMT Oth makes a very sweeping -tatcment when h«> says that the majority of Australian Griffins imported into thi Icountry arc; a disgrace to Australian Blood Stock. The position
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  • 222 327 Tongkol's Record Haul. Tift- steam trawler Tongkol put into Penang for boiler water on Wedneaday afternoon and .sailed for Singapore m the evening, taking with her about 1- tOBI of !i<h, which (says the I*inang Gazette) we should like to we m the Penang market. The Ton^kol left
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  • 25 327 The Poppy Day collection at Kajanj? amounted to $700. I^ast year it was £241. The district is to be congratulated on it* 'c^n*»n»us effort.— MM.
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  • 610 328 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1927. FAILURE TO DELIVER MAILS. t Medan* Letters Held Lp. A PECULIAR CASE. Another prosecution brought at the instance of the postal authorities was heard by Mr. Mudie, District Judjje, yesterday. the accused being Captain P. K. J. Stolen of the steamer Svale. Mr. Johannes represented the
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  • 149 328 MR. J. V. S. BROOKE AND MISS M. H. FELL. An interesting wedding was solemnised yesterday afternoon at St. Andrew's Cathedral, tho Yen. Archdeacon Swindell officiating, when Miss .Muriel H. Fell was married to Mr. John Vyner Slingsby Brooke, of Messrs. Boustead and Co. The bride was attended
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  • 27 328 Mr. D. H. Hampshire, who returned from Home last week and has been staying m Singapore fo r a few days, arrived m Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday.
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  • 1131 328 Yesterday's Proceedings. INOFFICIAL SPEECHES. i From Our Own Correspondent. > Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 17. At the meeting of the Federal Council this morning the Acting Chief Secretary, moving the Supply Bill, said a committee would be appointed to decide m future years what sums were to be allocated
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  • 475 328 MB. C EVERITT'S RETIREMENT. A LOSS TO SINGAPORE. With the .sailing of the Macedonia to-day. then departs, m the person of Mr. Clement Everitt, one who ha* boon outstanding m Singapore tor more than twenty yeai>. While his departure is greatly regretted, Mr. Everitt carries with him the good wish
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  • 50 328 Congratulations to Mis. A. V. Aston whose collection for one day amounted to $2,200 by the sale of poppies at Bukit Mertajam, a record, probably for any town m Malaya. Thanks also are due to the residents of Bukit Mertajam for their fan* erous response to a deserving cause. Ex.
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  • 490 328 Arms Concealed Under Bed ASSOCIATE OF GANG RORRKRS A youn* and very .vnajl-n a-:. woman was charged M<n> District JuHu*-, yesterday, mi. awful possession of fir,. aT tion and dtgur, She plead and the Potiee lost no time Mi evidence which shewed tba* <h, depravity what she
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  • 221 328 Harmsron's Circus continues U call rc|?u larly at Singapore and last nitf I Audience welcomed the thorn which at Hukit Timah Road. Several r.w tions make this visit quitr U iv previoua ones. One of the beat the night's performance is the by the (amooe hiuh ichool horse
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  • 33 328 News has btta received that the I Swan, the yacht m which Mr. C. I* WHIM l«ft Singapore for Aii.-tralia April, has now toft PrtnuuMli for Pm
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  • 1018 329 Many Matters Discussed. increasing" rents. wing au- minutes of a committee r lieid m the r.xcnange Room on Pri ent. essrs, A. p. Robinson (Presilei. 11. li- iay ton, R. M. Williams, Gaw Khiam, S. L. Thompson, C. V. Bailey, V. White, A. A. K. Surattee, W. Mcs-
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  • 392 329 KOIKES*. STATUS IN THE F.M.S. Amongst the questions answered* m federal Council on Wednesday was the following: (a) Vvill the Government he pleased to define the political status of a Chinese born m the F.M.S. of (hinese parents? (b) Is he entitled to lights ordinarily enjoyed by other
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  • 269 329 RUBBEK EXTENSIONS. The following question was also asked: (a) What acreage of land has been alienated since Restriction of rubber export has been m force without any special condition against the planting of Hevea trees (i) What acreage under a grant title? (iii What acreage under
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    • 1274 329 T'> the Kditor. Sir -Without doubt Restriction for tiulime being has served its purpose and has been the means of assisting producers to make \ast profits during the past three years. One of the main objects was to -ta'iiItZe prices. This has been a complete i'iluro seeing that
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  • 350 329 A Cricket Club Win. INTERESTING frADANG <. \ME. S.C.C 1; K.A. and RJL A close an<( interesting gam* <-n th* Padang yesterday resulted In the ieatinjr ft combined R.K. and KA. am bj i our j^oals to tw<>. Th€ game was played at a fair.) fast i»ace throughout, the
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  • 35 329 The engagement is announced of Mr. Stuart Murray, Sungei Kapar estate, Kapar, t<> Miss K. Mansfield Pater.son, daughter <»t" the late Mr. J. Mansfield Paterson and Mrs. Mansfield Paterson, of /Ulagola, Udapill sellawa, Ceylon. M.M.
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  • 181 330 The following is the report by the directors to the shareholders at the third annual general meeting of the Company to be held on Nov. 25th. at Chan Sze Onn and Company 9 offices at 12.30 p.m. The erection of the bucket dredge Ordered from Messrs
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  • 24 330 Mr. S. M. Middlebrook, M.C.S. is attached to Government Monopolies Department Straits Settlements, and is appointed an Assistant Superintendent of Chandu and Liquors Revenue.
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  • 615 330 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1927. THE STATUS OF THE MALAY STATES. I SIR HUGH GUI "FORD'S POLICY. A leal literary achievement and a valuable contribution to the written history of Malaya. Such, says the Malay Mail, is a just description of the first Annual Address presented by Sir Hugh Clifford as
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  • 618 330 An Interesting Legal Point. REPRESENTATION IN BANKRUPTCY. Whether a person who is being examined m connection with his dealings with a bankrupt is entitled to be represented by counsel, and if so, whether his counsel has the light to speak and cross examine, were points which were freely
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  • 181 330 NOVEMBER HOLIDAY COMPETITIONS. The One Club Competition was won by Mr. R. C, Taylor with the score of 40 4 36. The following competitor! returned cards as below: The Sweep was won by Mr. Wright and Mr Be van, who tied. The Eclectic Competition was won by
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  • 2253 330 THE REPORT AND COMMENTS. FULL DISCLOSURE. We publish hereunder the full reports m connection with the Penan* matter because the P.C.M.O. has requested that the whole of th- document without abridgement or alteration. The muter occupies m eonaequenee a >ib.y disproportionate to its actual interest but as
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  • 4811 331 Memorandum by the Principal Civil Medical Officer. Straits Settlements, and chairman. Hospitals Board. PRELIMINARY. Tla- Report of the Committee made as a result of a visit to the General Hospital, Penang. hy three cd' its members on 7th •lune. r.iL'7. is dated 29th dune, and reached me
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  • 444 332 TWENTY-SIX YEARS IN MALAYA. We regret to announce the death, which occurred suddenly early yesterday morninp, at the General Hospital, of Mr. Jamei Herd Littlefair, one of the Branch MwnagiTf Messrs. Frascr and Neavc Ltd., at ttfc of 50. Mr. Littlefair, who only came
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  • 478 332 The following: recent election- to Fellow ship of the Royal Colonial Institute announced: H<>n*r Kong: Henry T. Bn Mrs. H. T. Creasy. British Ma. •■>•:.: J* V. Audits (Intan, UppOT IVraki. Raj Kelsey (8«gel Gsidut, VS.). G«O. i; nard (Pahan^), John LftmboanM < v Lumpur), Chas, FanjuharsoM (Johore H. L.
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  • 47 333 of M.-sst-. Vrvd. WaterLtd., Singapore, who has i Mn- l-ist two jreari m his ia returning to Singapore imer m about three weeks' 1 ha been arranged, and will between Praneii .lames and Mm. Herron, <>f Pinknes Green, Berks. :h Chester Herron, and at< Robert Fergus-Smith, Zealand.
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  • 585 333 Dissatisfaction With Suction Cutter Dredge. THE NEW AREA. The annual general meeting of th. Kinta nn Dredging Compaq Limited was held m the- Hong Kong Bank building yesterday Mr. J. M. Sime presided and others present were: Messrs. Lee Chim Tuan. J. A. Elias, w. E. Rayner
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  • 195 333 A well known figure m Aberdeen licensed trade circles, Mr. John Emslie, spirit dealer, 22 Kintore Place, whose home is at 01 Beechgrove Terrace, died early m October at the residence of his elder son, l)v J. A Simpson Emslie, Walbrook, Banchory. Mr. Kmslie, who was
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  • 72 333 The f'hild Welfare Society hai issued its Official report upon the 1!>27 baby show which was held on August 17th. It is noted that the entries totalled 234 ajrainst 129 the previous year and the prize money to |765 plus 66 Against $545 whilst it is noted the ihree stalls'
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  • 1125 333 (Joicqtod mgmmt kamimtt nontri cat ftnrnqt ÜbiUt Juvenal "China await- sterling friendship," an Oxford professor told 'an audience during me week. The source of rouble amicability has apparently ceased tc. function. It ia an annoying reflection when trying to turn an honest penny by investment m
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    • 142 333 GOOD FINISH IN PROSPECT. (From Our Own Correspondent). Hong Km ii-. Nov. 21. There is every prospect of an interesting finish to the first inter-port match, for when play closetl this evening Hong Kong had ninr- wickets m hand and required IS2 run> for victory. When
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    • 52 333 Hong Ktmg. Nov. 21. Towards Hong Kong's total of 156 W Brace contributed 58. D. W. Leach took four wickets for 4o runs. Brace captured five Shanghai wickets m their second innings for only -Vl runs, aad Lieutenant Hankey took three for 12. The match is being
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  • 204 333 DUKE'S DEFEAT A. B.C. At Tanglin yesterday the Duke's defeated the A.P.C. at hockey by live goals to nil. In the opening stages of the first half the home players were kept on the defensive for some considerable time. The teams appeared so evenly matched tha 1 for the
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  • 43 333 The Band of the S.S. P. will perform the following programme OUtflide Victoria Theatre, weather permitting, to-day commencing at o p.m. March "Guards March Out" Eilenberg; Czardas "Der Geist Daa Woiwoden" Grossmann; Selection. "The Shamrock," Myddlcton; Two Melodies b\ Kussner; Selection. Tannhauser, Wagner.
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  • 2050 334 November Extra Meeting. A SUCCESSFUL CONCLUSION. Fine weather favoured the last day en "this meeting on Saturday and there was m consequence a very large attendance at the Racecourse where the changed conditions from Monday were greatly appreciated. The afternoon's snort proved very interesting as the fields
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  • 475 334 Ist. 2nd. 3wLUnpl. Lojrue 4 S 4 1« Redfeaiu 4 8 18 Hobbs 1 0 Turley 2 5 2 2'l Billett I 1 8 Woodgate 1 :> <» m Bowden 2 3 IJS Thomnson 1 v J 11 Campbell 1 0* 1 R Privately 1 0
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  • 166 334 bhooting. BROMHEAI) MATTHEW S SHIKi h Seven teams fired m thiFarrer Range, Seletar, on Saturd* noon, the Eurasian No. 1 Tean i Singapore section with I3M BgmJßSt their BeCOOd tean,\ Tan Montr Hong did son.* ■hooting on the 200 and 400 scoring a possible at Loth <i 2S
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  • 186 334 nianpatt, N". The local market was <i<^. <i 1. days during the period rodei n after fluctuating lomewhat at 64 H v\ s. for Spot. The latest tables quote Id n i?fcd. and New fork ai ZG% markets therefore stand at th< as- quoted In our last report.
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  • 3948 334 DEATH ON HOMEWARD VOVAftK. (From Our Own CotFW pi nek Penanu. N<»< g|. The death occurred d'.irine home on the P. and O. Kafthn ir James Cruickshank, general ><■.<■..■• Penan^ Rubber ESiitateii Co.V Nibong Tebal. Mr. Cniiekshank ill for a long time, an<l he left
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  • 646 336 New Rules Passed. CASH DEPOSIT SYSTEM APPROVED. There was a very large attendance at tht special general meeting of the Cricket Club last evening to consider the resolution tc expunge rules '.12 (1). (2) and (3) and substitute new rules, as follows: 32 (1), All members' accounts
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  • 131 336 Mr. E. W. Hedgeland, who was run clown and killed by a train at Bowral, says a Sydney paper, was widely known m engineering circles m Australia. Some years ago he performed the survey work for a bridge to span the* Sydney Harbour, and be also designed important engineering plan--
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  • 83 336 denounced as the origin of all vice." According to Huprhos the discipline of the revolutionary army was far from perfect. Letters of Washington bitterly complained of the quality of the troops. Hughes how- vcr concedes that Washington was unusually truthful. Paris. Nov. 20. A eftUe from Casablanca says it i
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  • 184 336 ♦Planters' Discussion At Parit Buntar. RESOLUTIONS TO GOVERNOR. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Nov. 21. The Penang Hospital report was the chief topic of discussion at the meeting- of the M.P.A. at Parit Buntar on Sunday. Mr. C. W. King:, who presided, denounced m scathing 1 terms
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  • 397 336 QUESTION OF DISPOSAL OF GOODS. The question of the return of the goods seized by the Police m connection with the SassOOft, Joseph aiul Schefelaar prosecution was argued In the Second Court yesterday before Mr. H. R. Bull. The matter was referred hack for the
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  • 87 336 SHANGHAI'S mr; SCORE. (From Our Own Correspondent Honu Konjr, Nov. 17. lii the interport HfiV shooting eompetu tion the Shanghai team ha>; fired and scored 94.~>. Whilst this i^ not the highest scon ever recorded either by Shanghai or any other team it has not often been exceeded.
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  • 88 336 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Nov. 18. The marriage of Mr. R. P. Walker, Deputy Accountant, F.M.S. Railways, to Miss Gladys Rabono, of the Kuropean Hospital, took place at St. Andrew's Church yesterday, the Rev. R. D. Whitehorn officiating. The bride was given away by
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    • 72 336 THE LATE MR. H. DOWNIE, (From Our Own Correspondent) l*enanu, No\, 17. The death took place on board the Strait Steamship Co.'? Itahidol of Mr. H. Da manager of the Satu Pulo Tin Mine. Taku apa, Siam. Mr. I)(»wnie. who leaves widow and family, was
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    • 105 336 INAUGURAL MEETING. (From Our Own Correspondent). IVnaoif, Su\. 17. The Pinanjr Gaiette'i Colombo Dorre dent cables that the Reform Com mi has held its inaugural meeting. The Colonial Secretary m welcoming the Commit sion, said that underlying the antagonisms, divergence of views, and conflict of ..pinion there
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    • 126 336 HOW TO BPRBAD EDUCATION. (From Our Own Correspondent). Tenunu, Nov. 18. A public health elocution contest m eon junction with the Straits Settlement! rura sanitation campaign was held m the Tow?. Hall here, the Resident Councillor presiding supported by Dr. Wu Lien Teh. The Resident Councillor said that
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    • 79 336 ACCUSED POST CLERK CONVICTED. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Nov. is. Mohamed Pja^ar, an ex-postal clerk, wa convicted here by Mr. Justice Thome, I the theft of three registered parcels, c<.<> taining $30,000 (which arc anreco' ered) and sentenced to two yean imprison-' ment. Mr. Watson,
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    • 84 336 MEDICAL DEPARTMENTS CONFERENCE. (From Our Own Correspondent I. Kuala Lumpur. No\. 21 The quarterly conference of the Medu Department, at which Dr, K. A. Smith, I V. D. specialist, lectured, was followed a dinner at the Station Hotel, at which H: Excellency ami Lady Clifford, ami the Act inp: Chief
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    • 133 336 "Hold on to Restriction.'" (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. N«»\. The luncheon given m honoui of the I Commissioner. Sir Huirh Clifford, <>n >s*tu? day at the Station Hotel by the A Planters' Association. wai big iUO Mr. Tan Cheng Lock presided and, pr
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