The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 9 November 1927

Total Pages: 16
289 304 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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    • 50 289 i On November 7th. 1927, at the ty Hospital to Mr. and Mra ■on Peter e lark i At tin Maternity Hospital, Sin* Vo en ber 3rd, te> Ruth Gregory, W altei I 'aw on, a -on. November ith P.cjt at _r Katong Road to Mr. and Mrs. daughter.
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    • 65 289 Oert. 81st, I'*-J7. nt 32, Nathan re, Walter Henry Lamb, eldest n. Walter Lamb of Sydney. GHAM. Youngest son of Mr. anel Of Batu Gajah, F.M.S. anel and brother e>f Messrs. C. S. snd E. E. C. Thnraisinghan laffna. K. In West Australia, on Novembei rcsull of an accident,
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  • 170 289 mail from Home-, with elates up arrived e>n Friday morning O. This mail leaves on Thursday i< 11 murder of a five-year e>ld le] in a he>uso off Changi Roael el at the Assize's when Mr. ntenced Goh Poh Seme; to the ghastly crime*. ni captures of
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  • 175 289 Sovember 7. $128* 1 ul M Black ,;41--ftmi apioca ,4 v.. Sf ,11 8 11.50 SuneJriee n 9 Benare. unt. ,00 g Hin (hari Mark Eagle (New) 33 <| m old No. 1. 330 ngoon R.nta.. 260 u ngoon Sioka 256 Bioken No. 1 220 im Broken No. 2
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  • 303 289 LEADERS. Another China Change 289 A Wrong Righted 290 The Tana Lake- 290 I hina's Civil War 290 The Passing of the* Rikisha. 291 POLICE AND COURT NEWS. Quack Medicine" Mongers 293 \e> Place' V.o- Samsengs 294 Tamil Sentenced to Death 295 chibl Murderer te> Hang 295 Lorry Kills
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  • 904 289 Just as it was impossible to reproduce in the space at our command anything more than a summary of speeches at Legislative Council, so it is impossible, in one attempt, ter comment upon all the matters dealt with. For this reason we propose to leave the matter of
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  • 560 289 Another change is taking place in China, for the latest news shows us that there is to be re-established that semi-independence of the South which existed with considerable virility before it was lured away e>n fantastic- adventures by the Will o' the Wisp of domination of the
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  • 197 290 It is with great satisfaction that we note in the letter of the London correspondent of the Malay Mail the news that His Excellency has seen fit, with the advice of Executive Council, ter grant to Sheikh Vahya Afifi a certificate of naturalisation as a British subject.
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  • 1107 290 Nov. 4. Up to the moment the Legislative Council is onlv concerned as far as the Defence Contribution is in question with the additions which have recently been made in the bill of costs. It has been told that a sum of a million and half dollars more
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  • 476 290 It will be rather remarkable should it turn out to be correct that the Abyssinian Government has officially granted the contract for the Rlue Nile dam to an American firm, although it is possible that such action might be taken with the idea of avoiding the political
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  • 164 290 'Vhc China campaign? be going much as was the news some while say the Feng Tien forc< been pushed back to a position whi appeared to leave Peking in danger, are now steadily revers the process and driving ponents back. The nfews fighting on a front facing
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  • 618 290 Week- End Comment. As far as can be gatht purely newspaper reports Trade appears to be* justifying criticism which has been upon it by Keynes and others ing a thorerughly uneconomical badly run industry. Tin- situat ppears ter have been going fl te> worse and whilst no <>n*' wh not
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  • 834 291 Nov 8. Jt is not difficult to see the start of the gradual extinction of the rikisha taking place in Singapore. For the moment the movement has barely begun but there is little doubt it has begun and that it will continue steadily until thi.s
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  • 485 291 Yachting. SUNDAYS MERRY RACE. The first races of A class for the L. R. Blake trophy anel of B class for the ViceCommodore's Cup on Sunday will go down in memory as affording a morning's sport that thrilled all owing to the struggle of the boats to finish
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  • 182 291 The engagement is announced of Mr, E M. Pennefather, of Marjorie estate, itantau. to Miss I. V. Clarke, sister of Mr. M. C. Clarke, of Bukit Nanus estate. Se-remban.-S. Echo. The- Bishop of Menevia eiffkkited in mai 1 we*ek at the marriage* of Mr. Laurence Cave, eldest son of Mr.
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    • 161 291 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Nov. 2. Last night Ipoh was subjected to the fir-' flood of the season, the Kinta River rising about ten feet anel flooding nine tenths ol the streets e>f the old town, rising to a height of three feet at the* Hong
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    • 35 291 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang. Nov. I. The North Taiping Tin Dredging Company announces an interim dividend of 10 per cent, and the Selang River Tin a dividenel of 12 per cent.
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    • 148 291 SINGAPORE CREDITORS. (From Our Own Ceirresponelent). Ipoh. Nov. 2. e'hua Theam Pe>h, the managing partner of Messrs Chua and Co., sharebrokers, was brought up in the Supreme Court yesterday on a bankruptcy warrant. Mr. T. V. Nut tall gave evidence as U> a claim of $2,500 on
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    • 39 291 (Fre-m Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 2. The* Municipal Commissiemers yesterday eliscusseel the budget for next year, the estimated revenue being $4..'J70,741, expenditure .$4,7C),5,4*7. anel the estimateel surplus at the end of 1928 $72,254.
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    • 17 291 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangke>k, Nov. 2. M. e'halle departed for France* this morn-
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    • 38 291 (From Our Own Oiricspeindent. > Bangkok, Nov. 7. The American de*stroye*rs have left for Saigon. One of the sailors dice! here, following an e>peratiein, and his body was embalmed anel is being taken to Manila.
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    • 63 291 (From Our Own Correspondent.) In the Supreme Court, Mr. Justice* Prichaiel. dismissed with costs a case* in which Jelaba binti Mohameel Ariff and her two daughters claimed elistributive shares in the SStatfl of the* late* Mohame*el Ariff held by Pusi Fatimah who claimed to be the only
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    • 49 291 (From Our Own Corresponelent. J Penang, Nov. 4. aptain Blason, a pilot, waa proceeding last night in a car to take out the I', and O. Mantua when he crashed int** a wall in Farquhar Stn*e*t, receiving facial injuries. e.'aptain Perkins took over hia duties.
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    • 45 291 ACCUBBD DISCHARGED. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang. Ne»v. 4. The* two Chinese who we*iv charvreel in connection with the seizure of chandu to the value of $10,000 aboard the Scant Bee. we*re discharged by the District Judge withi ut calling on th defence.
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  • 1456 292 Opening Ceremony. MR. FARRER'S SERVICE EXTENDED. An important point in the history of electricity supply in the Island of Singapore was marked yesterday when His Excellency the Governor, Sir Hugh Clifford, opened the St. James Power Station. There were also present, His Excellency the G.O.C, the*
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  • 304 292 TWO WEEK'S CAPTURES. The Preventive launch Lalat on the -.'oth Ifest. captured a kota with one Chinese and 30 pikuls of rubber, a second keita with two Chinese and 'dl pikuls, and another with two Chinese and 27 pikuls. Next elay the same launch captured a kota with
    M.M.  -  304 words
  • 487 292 Charity Match At The Stadium. MALAYS DEFEAT CHINESE. Malays, 'd; S.C.F.A 0. The Poppy Day Fund charity match .arranged by the Moslem] Committae between the Malays and th a 3 e'.F.A., te/ok place at the Stadium yesterday and was witnessed by H.E. the Governor. At the conclusion e>f the
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  • 171 292 MISS (AUDI. LOVETT SCORES HUGE SUCCESS. An exceedingly successful repeat performance of "Katja the Dancer" was given al the Theatre* last night by Banvarel's London Musical Comedy Cemipany, the outstanding success of the evening being the spleneliel acting of Cared Lovett who. at very short notice*, took
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  • 95 292 The hon'ble Mr. C. Watt has been renominated representative of the Kast Coast planters on the B. N. Borneo Legislative* Council. Mr. G. O. Hovil. who waa injured in tht Rugby match against Penang a week ago is expected to leave hospital to-elay, sayi Saturday's Malay Mail. Mr. G. B.
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  • 385 292 USING THE RAIL* u Mr. J. O'Coanell, I enelent. Customs Preventive I; I 2A prosecuted a Hokkien I lnion* Ifr. A. Sleep. |U| I langeir. for being eoncerne I I gling of 10.27 pikula of ne. I Se*lange>r to Sing i pore *»ii «> I On Oct- 21.
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  • 336 292 STRANGE DOINGS AT S. PATANI. I The* Pinang Gazette ot Thui H All roads lead to Sungei Patai fl feir miracles are being perforn I a Tamil of the* Pala caste nan' I lam, for 17 years a tindal on tl Guan Rubber Estate. Arakaj I
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  • 54 292 Mr. .1. P. C. Rigby, Registrar, Court, Selangor, is to leave M I tire-ire nt this month. A reticulated python n 20 ft. which was, on Sept. 29, the London Zoo from Malaya, d herself on her journey by laying eggs. Her efforts to incubate tl I he*r travelling (rate
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  • 332 293 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1927. LANVARD COMEDY COMPANY. A TRAIL OF SUCCESSES. To am} that the Banvard Musical Comedy Company have established themselves as prime favourite! with the* Theatre-going public of Sinsapore Ifl but to state an honest fact. They have now appeared at the Victoria Theatre on four occasions during
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  • 469 293 YESTERDAY'S FUNERAL. The death occurred on Monday evening at his residence, d2 Nathan Roael, of Mr. Walter Henry Lamb. Mr. Lamb was very well-known in Singapore, where he has i d for the past eleven years. During that period he was for a time
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  • 40 293 Messrs. Adamson, Gilfillan and Co. Ltd., Agents for Sion* Tin (F.M.S.) Ltd., were advised by last mail that a large electric-ally-driven drudge has been ordered from Messrs. Lobnitz, Renfrew and that delivery •should be made in June, 1928.
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  • 657 293 Opium Revenue Contribution Deleted. COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE TAX POSSIBILITIES. At the sitting of the Legislative Council yesterday morning; the Supply Hill for 1928 was read a thirel time and passed. CouncU having previously considered the Bill in committee. By vote of the Unofficial members the Opium Revenue
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  • 87 293 Mr. N. F. Holm, recently chief engineer of the Heap Eng Moh's S.S. Co's vessel Giang Ann. has been appointed chief engineer of the new Government Yacht. Sea belle 11. Commander D. T. B. Notley, who is to take charge of the yacht, anei Mr. Holm
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  • 41 293 [Renter's Service. 1 Lemdem, Oct. :»i. It is officially announced that the percentage oi standard production of ruble* ei portable at the minimum rate of duty from Ceylon and Malaya for the ejuarter from Ncv. 1 will be 60.
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  • 948 293 Year's Work and Accounts. THE ANN lAL REPORT. The* following is the* report of the Harbour board for the year ended -iOth June. 1927. After providing for Interest and Sinking Fund contribution! in the sum of $2,583, 47 J.."30 and crediting $836,***** interest earned on investments, the
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  • 566 293 Coroner's Strictures. GOVERNMENT ACTION NEEDED. Thc death at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital on the 21st instant of a Chinese who had, a few day- previous t<» his admission to the hospital, consumed a bottle of "medicine" which he had purchased from a Japanese, was the subject of
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  • 943 294 An authority generally recognised BS con potent declares that "the man that bath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is tit for treasons, stratagems and spoils; the motions of his spirit aie dull as night, and his affections elark
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  • 475 294 Pulo Jong Cup. I BOATS BECALMED. On Sunday last at 10.0a a.m. eight boats started on a voyage of discovery. At first the wind was light but shortly after the start a breeze sprang up bringing hea\> lain in its path. The trip down Keppel Harbour was negotiated in
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  • 95 294 AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL GOLF. THE FIRST ROUND. [Renter's Service.] Dallas, Aeiv. 2. Thirty two qualifiers competed in the first round of the American Professional Golf Championship over dG holes und tlu* result? were as follow: M. Dutrs beat Alcroft 12 and 11; Anthony Manero beat Bob Cl nickshanks 4 and 1_;
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  • 52 294 IKeuter's Service.) Dallas. Texas, Nav. 1. There are over sixty entries for the American Professional Golf Championship over 36 holes. In the qualifying competition the leaders were Walter Hagen 141; Albeit AlcToft. Lie Turnesa, Gene Sara/en 114: Johnny Farrell 146; Al Espinosa, Francis Gallett and Harry
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  • 78 294 A tournament was played at Semenyih during the Deepvali holidays. The open singles was won by I). H. Kleinman who beat 11. 11. Bullen 6-2. 6— 0. In the open doubles Kleinman and Parmele anel Sheltem Palmer and Woodhouse divided the prizes. In the open mixed
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  • 543 294 A Close Thins! MERCHANTS' LAST-MINITE VICTORY. Merchants 12 pts; A.P.C. 11 pts. A difference of only erne point separated the two teams at the conclusion of yestei day's match on the Paelang, when the Merchants defeateel the A.P.C. after an exciting last-minute tussle in which a dropped
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  • 156 294 "If you want to live here." said Mr. J. V. Mills, Second Magistrate, yesterday, to two Chinese who were charged before him with voluntarily causing hurt. "You have to live peacefully. If you cannot live peacefully, go back tt. your own country where there is a
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  • 45 294 The Weiding Cup Competition. The above Competition which was played for on Saturday and Sunday resulted as follows: Mr. B. J. Devan 87 1 1 70 nett Mr, .1. C. Wright 86 <; ts „ Mr. \V. Payne 106 1 1 92 „
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  • 21 294 Renter's Service.] Buenos Aires, Nov. 1. The* 22ml game between Alekhine and Capablanca was drawn after M' moves.
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    • 240 294 To The Editor. Sir, In your issue of October 29th print two long letters criticising I; Barnes' sermon. The writers of these lette appear to take the Old Testament a being literally true* in every respect. They i it as history. Bishop Barnes treats it a folk
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    • 368 294 Te> the Editor. Sir, I have read with much interest tin letter from your correspondent L. A. I» on the subject of Biblical inaccuracies and would ask you to favour me with sufficient space to aelel just a few points which he ha? overlooked. While it makes
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    • 94 294 Sir, I read with interest tbe Presc re sentative's report of his interview with Ll Colonel S. Wright, which appeared in your issue- of November Ist. I am sure* there will be many who will be pleased to know how and b\ whom the vsri
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  • 85 294 Whilst being towed from the Oil WhaC at Kepped Harbour yesterday mornin.; by the tug Varuna. the Admiralty oi! tanker, War Afridi, and the* Chinese owned coast ing vessel Ban Teck (iuan came into col lision. The smaller vessel was returning from a trip tt.
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  • 21 294 Mr. P. T- Allen. Secretary for Chinese Affairs. F.M.S.. has return .1 to Kuals Lumpur after three weeks at Fraser Hill*
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  • 624 295 Lieut. J. M. Howlett, M.C., has resigned h a commission in the M.V.L Li adier (Jeneral and Mrs. A. T. A ruler srrived in Singapore by the City of Spaita on Tuesday. Mrs. VV. C. Blunn is goinjr Home by Blue I nnel liner Aeneas, leaving
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  • 144 295 In addition to those mentioned in our ie of yesterday we* are asked to state that floral tributes to the late Mr. W. H. lamb vve-re sent by the following: Mrs. Anthony, Mr. ami Mrs. Alan Ker. Mr. and dw .1. IL Tenneiit. Mr.
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  • 248 295 Tamil Sentenced to Death. JURY RECOMMEND MERCY. The trial of N'arayan for tht murder of his mother-in law concluded before Mr. Justice- Deane yesterday, after a hearing lasting a day and a half. The accused, who was represented by Mr. E. White and prosecuted by the D.P.P. (Mr.
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    • 466 295 [To tin Editor, Malay Mail. J Sir,- There will be many who will be n full agreement with the vie*ws se> ably put forward by "A Parasite ol' Commerce* 1 in your issue of Oct. 2(1. If the statements made* in this letter ar compared with those
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  • 107 295 Printing work for the- Government Printing Office by Singapore prisoners during 1926 largely increased, tbe nett value of the work done* being over $28,000 as compared with $18,300 in 1925. Police arrived at tbe scene of a fight in a lane off Changi Roael on Saturday night last to find
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  • 776 295 Singapore, No\. 1. The last few days have seen a slightly easier position in ihe Tin mai Ket and the natal shews a loss of .J op balance. Tinview helel in London would appeal to be that the statistical position is lather dis appointing anei on a
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  • 237 295 Singapore, Nov. 3. Rubber.- The market has fluctuate i -:ie lit iv during the week, but to day's prices indicate an improvement of &d, in London, eent gold in New York and cent local..- since the date of our last report. Tlu* latest cable advice? quote London at
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  • 41 295 The floods in Kedah are subsiding al though the Muela River is still in spate. On Monday last, a Malav pondok (hut) on the hank of the river at Kuala Kei, was -wept away ami four Malay children v. ere drowned.
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  • 263 295 OCTORBB STATISTICS. The following is a statement |uanT ity anel value gf rubber exportee il iring October. Deeiareil value s' 1 I n s t 7,157,( 00. The above figures represem tbe totals compiled from declarations received up to the la<t elay of the* nn.nth for
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  • 229 295 AN ATROCIOUS CRIME. Mr. Justice Deane concluded the Assizes yesterday afternoon, when he* sentenced to death (Job Loh Seng, who was charged with the murder of a live* year ohl child la a house off the Changi Road on Octobei sth. The brutal crime was. according
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  • 177 295 The- Somersetshire* arrived in port yesterday moi nine with over a thousand troops on board. A draft for the Duke* »f Woi lington's Regiment disembarked at Singapore, consisting of se*ve*n officers, six a- *md 110 either ranks. The ce*mmandini_: officer of the Duke's Lieut. -Col. C.
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  • 100 295 In the* report of the Yokohama Specie Lank for the- half year ending June both It i.- stateel that the* ne-t profit of the bank for the past half- year, aftei providing or all bad and doubtful debts, rebate on bills te-. shows Yen 15,179,045 inclusive Y.6,142,357
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  • 2254 296 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1927. SARAWAK POLICY. General Council Meeting. THE RAJAHS SPEECH. Al the recent meeting of the Sarawak General Council His Highness the Rajah said inter alia:— l cannot let this occasion DMA without paying a tribute to the memory of tWO esteem d numbers of the Council, whose
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  • 201 296 A BROTHER'S VERSION OF THL ACCIDENT. Tbe Coroner yesterday held an inquest t >uching the death of a Chinese boy, aged 5 years, who was knocked down by a motor lorry at the* junction of Cecil Street anel Japan Street on October 27. anel died ss a
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  • 139 296 CAMERON 's HIGHLANDS. Twenty-four mules are shortly expected at Cameron's Highlands for transport work j says the Time's of Malaya ami in anticipa tion of their arrival certain areas have been planted up with fodder grasses along the mule tiack in order to provide the animals with suitable food. The
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  • 601 296 Singapore Malays vs. Johore Malays. SINGAPORE'S EASY WIN Singape>re 6: Johore The friendly match, in aid of tie 1. Haig Poppy Day Fund, which was on the Stadium yesterday between Singapore Malays and the Johore M resulted in a win for Singapore by the- lai margin of 9 o.
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  • 181 296 •4 Leaden. Oct- 22. The Waratahs. the first Australian R I by team to play at Twickenham aftei teen years, met a strong London I captained by Wakefield. The War who have* not be'e-n besten in ten n were in full strength, with the except their captain,
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  • 11 296 apt. T. I\ Coe, M.C. is act ine trict Officer, Larut.
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  • 689 297 were all on the lawn awaiting the There was a nip q| frost ir. the re than a hint of keen n -rth ou» Fifth e.f Novembei enapidl} running out of the beck we felt more than ever con- Fawkei could not have person to know. the big
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  • 565 297 THE CREATION STORY. To the Editor. >n.— I continue to be amused at the style of argument adopted bv A.H.C In his recent letter he hysterically declaims. in a woeful tone, that if we delete Moses' Story of Creation then follows, by a series sf steps,
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  • 494 297 lo the Editor. Sir.— With reference to L.A D.'s letter in to-day's, issue, it we.uld be of interest to nine one or two of his points. Take- for example: 4 'lt is weak in Natural History." He appears to take for granted that the "Coney" is the equivalent
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  • 482 297 T< Thc Editor. Sir,— As the close of our financial yeai approaches it has been my custom, fe>r st.m< years past, tt. appeal, through the Press, tf the generosity of the PublicI know of no moie deserving charity than this our Hospital, which carries on often uneler
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  • 123 297 It ia with regret says the Malay Mai 1 that we record the eleath. which toe.k place on Tuesday in Colombo, of Mr. John Marks. formerly a well known Malayan planter Mr. Marks, who was a younger brother of Mr. Oliver Marks, a former British
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  • 55 297 Chartred with breaking traffic regulations an Indian taxi driver wa? produced before the Poiiee Courts yesterday at the instance of Mr- Fairburn, LG.P., whe. allege-d that offender had proceeded along Batterv Roael and then swung round the standare' into Battery Road again instead of goinu all the way round the
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  • 133 297 SUTCLIFFE TO CAPTAIN YORKSHIRE. WHAT WILL HOBBS SAY? [Keuter's Service.] Itfsssiaa, Nov. 2 A sen -at ion has been caused in the cricket world by thc action of the Yorkshire County Club in appointing Herhert Sutciitfe SS county captain. Sutchffe* remains a pro fessionsl. Lord hawke. whe. on
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  • 103 297 [British Radie) Official Serice.l Rugby. Nov. L Miss Mereeoc-s Gleitse, the London typist swimmer, being unable until next summei to make a further attempt to swim the English Channel, has decided to try to swim across the* Straits of Gibraltar. It is stated that she will
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  • 109 297 U .S. PROFESSIONAL GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP. [Router's Se*rvice.] Dallas. Nov. 3. In the second round of the American Professional Golf championship Hajrcn beat Manero 11 aUjd 10. Armour beat Harmed {1 and 6; Turnesa beat Klein by one hole; Gallett beat Beach by two holes; Golden '•eat Long at the 37th;
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  • 65 297 CONFIDENT OF FIRST VICTIM. [Router's Service.] New York. Nov. 3. Phil Scott, the British heavyweight champion, is quietly confident that he will win the first fitrht for the heavy-weight eliminating series tu decide Tunm-v "s challenger, when he meets thc* Dane*. Knute- Hansen. over ten rounds
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  • 53 297 Nine cards were- taken out for the November Mixed Foursome which resulted as follows Mrs. .1. Binnie J. Str« ban 37 b% 81* Mrs. H. H. Wilson and H.A. Kxk'y 15 :*_• 37 1 Mr. mtn. K. A. Gib on 16 ••-'••» 99M Mrs. Pittcn.ii :_ri. ft
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  • 16 297 Iluenei*, \ires. Nov. The twenty-third game between Alekhine an J Capablancs was drawn.
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  • 171 297 An artielo entitled "Lesbian Divorce' published in a local Chinese- weekly called the Amusements 8011, was held I y the Thud Magistrate, Mr. C. H. Dakers, yesterday, to be obscene. The* article was the* subject of a prosecution in which the editor of the paper, Lei Lai
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  • 15 297 Pte. Frederick Rue-hwalely, S.S.V.F., has been awarded the Colonial Auxiliary Forcei Long Se-i vice Medal.
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  • 171 298 A very discreditable scene took place at the Minila Shows in Anson Road e.n Thurs day night. A number of local Europeans, who had evidently supped not wisely but too well, visited the show, ami am pi two ot' them came to the conclusiem that
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  • 574 298 Mr. W. G. Floyd has been appointed a I telegraph engineer te> the Government. Dr. O'Grady has been transferred from Taiping to the Ipoh District Hospital a second Medical Officer. Mr. N. Grice, M.c.s.. has been appointed by H.H. the Sultan to act as Registrar
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    • 213 298 An unknown adult Chinese attempted te. reach the hospital in a rikisha a few day. ago, but he died on the way and the coolie dumped the beiely in Syed Alwi Road. The rikisha puller was charged with depositing a dead lody on Ihe public
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    • 45 298 An inquest was held yesterelay touching the sudden death on board the steamer As* dang, of a Malay seaman. The post mor tern revealed that death was due to bilateral pneumonis and a verdict of deut u from natural causes was returned.
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    • 70 298 The* Coroner yesterday returned a verdict of death hy misadventure in connection with the death of a Tamil coolie employee! by the Municipality, who injured his right foot while moving heavy pipe sections in Sungei Road at about 11 am. on October 11. The coolie was removed
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    • 142 298 Returning a verdict of death by misadventure at the conclusion eif the inquest on the death of a Chinese* child who was run over by a lorry at the junction of Cecil Street and Japan Street a few days ago the Coroner saiel yesterday that
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  • 229 298 -Bl ACK BOTTOM REM E" AT THE THEATRE. Perhaps you dance a little, perhaps not, in any case the "Black Bottom Revue" staged by Banvard's London Musical Comedy Company at the Victoria Theatre was thoroughly enjoyed by patrons last night. The dance was the "thing"
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  • 45 298 Messrs. Guthrie and Co.. Age*nts. Kuala Lumpur, agents for Malacca Rubber Plantations advise receipt fit a cablegram from the Secretaries that the Directors have declared an interim dividend, payable on Oth instant, of 5 per cent, on the ordinary and preference shaies.
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  • 31 298 Mr. T. Newey, Superintendent, Posts and Telegraphs, Ipoh, is to he transferred to Singapore in a similar capacity and will leaving Ipoh for his new station on jbe November 17th.— T.O.M.
    T.O.M.  -  31 words
  • 946 298 I nf/,<ut hrnnine* uoxt ri rut farrago Libelli Juvenal. The Topicist read with extreme interest the thoughtful suggestions of Malacca's Chinese representative in Council on the subject of gunmen and how to make them beat it, but wasn't there a stony silence* about Secret Societies?
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    • 566 298 The New R ules. POSITION 01 SMALL ESI !(>N I (Te> the Editor, U M«1« c. I Sir.— As a small own, p, I that the* recently published I grossly unfair in manv 1 owns 25 acres ami is allowed I r» a per acre. p>. owns SM seres 1
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  • 44 298 From enquiries made 9 yesterday it is believed thsf 2 pent of tho Penang Ho»l fl Committee, which gave rim fl Incident leading to the- Con I nation, will be published il 8 with the allied departments J thereon. M
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  • 198 299 OPENING BV LADY MARRIOTT. Memorial Hall was on fete yesterday occasion of a bazaar in aid e,f the* of England Zenana Missionary S hooi, which has been established f-r ovei eighty years. i< so rr nothing further need be t- good work. The ba::aar was Lady Marriott,
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  • 166 299 m < olonial Office appointments 9 Hows: Miss H. Gilmore, Assist. 9 Education Dept., Hone- Kong; h Bennett, Nursing Sister, Straits 9 «s; Miss M. J, Brown. Matron, 9 Piseasi Hospital, Singapore; 9 CJ. Morrison, Nursing Sister. Hong 1 C. Milne-. M.8.. Ch.B.. D.P. 8 Meei Officer,
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  • 156 299 Singapore, Nov. I. past week the Rubber Market il i, on good general buying and .i further improvement partinear speculative positions* i have continued buying inhut strongly enough to create alue for low grade*s. nam of spot rubber rather empha g, which in ordinary condi without remark. -anguin*
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  • 77 299 1' of two years' rigorous imprison twelve strokes of the "cat" has by the* District Juelge on each who wore* charged before n of money from a Chinese 1 1- The complainant made a re--1 ctive Station that the two Handed money from her and d ber
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  • 14 299 j Sheedy, Chief Police Officer """Pan.-d by Mrs. Sheedy, re- Hone- by the Mantua-
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  • 426 299 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1927. RESTRICTION SHOULD GO. MB. J. S. NATHAN S VIEW. In a recent issue of the* Manchester Guardian < ommercial there is an article on the- Rubber Restriction policy by Mr. J. E Nathan, the Controller of Rubber in British Malaya, 1922-3. He points out the- causes
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  • 147 299 The following IS the Twentieth Annual Report te> be submitted to the shareholders at the ordinary general meeting to be held on Saturday. November 19th, at Fenang. After writing off the sum of $35,949.50 for depreciation and $72,249.57 in respect of flood damage, the net profit for
    147 words
  • 196 299 Singauore, Nov. I. The market has ruled firm during the past week, anel an advance ot 1 l cents has taken place- Factory interest and Dealer. covering for near shipment has led to S wider disparity in prices which can only be relieve' by the release
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  • 53 299 Mr. J- A. Swift, State Engineer for Negr' Sembilan. who wont on leave a few months ago. is expected baek in Seremban on the' ISth inst., when ho will relieve Mr. K. I> Kibble*, whei has been acting for him. Mr Kibble will pre>e-e-eel to Kuala Lipis as act ing
    53 words
  • 956 299 GOLF COURSES OF BORN EO— J ESSELTON Jesselton, the native name for which is Api Apt, is the Chartered Company B thirel and successful attempt at establishing a settlement in Cava Lay. They raised their liag first on Gaya Island but the settlement, or most of it went up in
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  • 120 299 Inter-State Rugger. SELANXiOR DEFEAT KEDAH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Pensng, Nov. 6. Se-langem eb feated Keelah in the inter State* rugby match at Sungei Patani by six tries (eighteen points) to nil. The ground was waterlogged and Selangor was the superior team throughout, trmugh in the second half
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  • 355 299 LAST NIGHT'S BOLTS. There was a ge»oel crowd at the boxing at the New World Stadium last ni«_rht. Themain event was not as thrilling as expected but Mate impressed the crowd a great deal with his slugging methods. Mate Beats Son*;. Mate scaled i) stones 4 lbs. to Song's
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  • 60 299 Tho accounts of the Penang Turf Club for presentation at the annual nee ting on Nov.- loth, show an eXCOSi of income over expenditure of $114,858. Stakea ami added money totalled $29 1 156, Totalizator account showed receipts $298,513, sweeps $200,094, subscriptions $34,050. It is proposed te>
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  • 26 299 Mr L. w, Tivy, manag r of Katoyang estate, Tanjong Mai*in, who recently unlerwenf an ope in Si] gap re- hospital i j na! srri Ex
    Ex  -  26 words
  • 209 299 THK BARNES CUP PINAL. The final of the Harries Polo Cup was played on the Balestier Ground on Saturelav. It was at first inteneleel that the' Jie'tfi ment shoulei pat in a team, but as most of tHfeir players had to go to Port Dickson, it was finally decided
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  • 245 300 A WET GROUND. The \Y fifteen gained a very creditable victory over Services side on the Padang on Saturday. Services were not as strongly represented as they might have been, hut they hael the Club fully extended and it was only superior work in the open
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  • 192 300 Rugby Football. JOHORE vs. SINCJAPORE. Singapore won by a good margin in their match with Johore at Genuang on Saturday, the final score being 21-9 in their favour. Johore opened the score with a very good drop goal scored by Forbes. Barnes scored a try for Singapore, and
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  • 102 300 JUDGES AND REFEREE DISAGREE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Iv i -a la Lumpur, Nov. 3. In a contest for the Malayan lightweight title on Saturday, Battling Key, the former holder, beat Pereira, the holder, on points over 12 rounds. The judges disagreed with the referee's verdict.
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  • 188 300 DOWN SIX TIMES. f neuter's Service. New York. Nov. o. Hansen (Denmark) knocked out Phil Scott (Great Britain) in the first round of an eliminating contest to find someone to meet Tunney. New York, Nov. 5. Hansen beat Phil Scott after two very sensational minutes' lighting. Scott
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    • 1125 300 To the Editor. Sir, I have read and re-read thc two letters appearing in your issue of the 29th. October, in an apparent attempt to refute and ridicule the sentiments of Bishop Barnes. May I. of your courtesy, be permitted to take up the cudgels in the Bishop's
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    • 676 300 To the Edite»r. Sir.- in reply te> "Veteran," I am afraid it would he unwise and unprofitable to an vwer fully on all the points that he raises. I can confidently say that if "Veteran" has the time and desire to know truth as it is set
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  • 268 300 The Sime l)arb\ ;|> PRIVY COUNCIL RESKRVR JUDGMENT. o>ui own Correspondent i l^ondon. v The- rase* iii which the* Officii the estate of Lee Lang Sen, Sime* Darby an d Company, an ment had been given hv M in favour of the Company, appealed U) the*
    268 words
  • 168 300 SMART WORK BY POLH Police from the Central Stal ed in capturing three Chil he members of iramr of five raided a Chinese dwelling ii i on Friday ni^ht. A report thi was being committed at tlu- I made at the station. t\\ rpor; partv of
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  • 89 300 The* residence of a CI named c. o. Tan in Bukit f visited by armed robberi! „f| l Unfortunately foi 'he raid* concerning the proposed given to the police and Mr. A.S. P., and Inspector Si itl I party of police were wa Tor- them. Once inside,
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  • 486 301 The New Rules. ASSESSMENT AND \uv SYSTEM. ;il Editor, Malay MalL] Wi h refeiencs te, the A.BC -ul«| be- extremely interesting OW Wh the originatars of this method ,<in-_r started on this system. I sug vest the following »i bedng some of the n <a> They or their predecessors
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  • 172 301 ML c. B. SMITH KNOCKED DOWN BY CAR. While alighting from a motor bu- in \.;st Coast Road on Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, He Clarence E. Smith, an •ant surgeem at the General Hospital, mis knoel ed down by a car which came -in. l thc
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  • 96 301 HAGEN RETAINS TITLE. [Router's Service.] In the* semi-finals of the professional golf .mpion -hin. Turnesa, of Emsford, beat ilden (New .Jersey), 7 and 6, and Hagen, the led. ler. beat Espinosa (Illinois) at the 37th. hole. Hagen's iron play was erratic and Espinosa was one up
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  • 860 301 Current Views. THE GOVERNMENT'S POSITION. From a careful study of the Singapore newspapers, which would naturally publish a more complete report of the Legislative Connci] proceedings than could be printed by us, ..ays the Malay Mail, w e are reluctantly driven to the conclusion that the official
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  • 852 301 Some Big Figures. 100 PER CENT. INCREASE IN SIX YEARS. According to the Bill to make financui provision for the public- service for the year P>2*, which I to be introduced al the forthcoming meeting <*f the Federal Council says the Malay Mail the expenditure of the Feelerated
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  • 736 301 Governor's Statement Yesterday. NOTHING TO .irsTII V "SCANDAL." His Excellency the Governor (Sir Hugh Clifford), presiding on the odcasion of the lecture by I)r. Wu Lien Teh at the College of Medicine yesterday afternoon, referred to the recent criticisms e>f conditions at the Penang General Hospital. Before introducing
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  • 59 301 The Ladies' November medal competition was played yesterda) afternoon sad resulted in a win for .Mrs. K. Hopkinson. Pour teen Cards were taken out. and the* follow- nip were returned: — Mrs. Hoplcinson 19 15 34 Franklin 17 12 35 Teale 53 u 33 Cmiekshank 19 10
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  • 1396 302 Dr. Wu's Address to Local Students. THE CONSERVATIVE CHINESE. Ur. Wu Lien Teh. the well-known Straitsborn Chinese doctor, whe, has achieved distinction in connection with his plague prevention we,rk in Manchuria, is at present passing through Singapore on his way to India, where he will represent (hina
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  • 73 302 CYCLONE AND TIDAL WAVE. Madras, Nov. 7. Travellers arriving from Nolle, re give details of the cyclone. It appears that a tidal wave which swept a mile and a quarter iniand added to the devastation wrought by the cyclone. Thousands are rendered homeless and many children are
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  • 75 302 From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. S. ria* death occurred at Taiping suddenly last night <>f the wife of Mr. S. Bayley, Manager ed* Batu Matang Estate. She hue' not been in the best ed' health recently and was preparing to leave fen- home where their
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  • 189 302 Mr. Granville O'Hara of the Forest Department has gone on three months' leave preparatory to retirement. Mr. I. A. Simpson, B.Sc, who has been appointed an assistant Chemist, Institute for Medical Re-search, arrived from Home on Friday morning. —M M.M. Before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel. thc Ipoh Magistrate, on Saturday
    M.M.  -  189 words
  • 6992 302 [Reuter's Service.] Kharaghpur, Oct. 31. A special session of the All-India Railwaymen's Federation which has been considering the situation created by the re trenchment scheme on the Bengal-Nagpur Railway, under which 'dOO employees have been discharged consequent on the closing of the workshops and also the contemplated retrenchment or
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  • 39 304 "India is more fitted for experimenting with pre hibition than America," said Ifr. V. J. Patol. Presielent of the Legislative Assembly, in an address at Poona- He siiggoste*d a ton-year experiment in Inelia with prohibition and compulsory primary education.
    39 words
  • 500 304 The following ta the directors' rep the shareholders of Kinta Tin !>,. Company to bo presented at the meeting on November 31st., at Derrick and Company'-. After providing for depreciation ject to directors' fee, there wa. Sir,. ->gx. ix from which has to be dedu balance of
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  • 43 304 HOC KEY. S.R.C. AND Y.M.C.A. DEFEATS. On the* Y.M.C.A. ground yesterda; Y.M.C.A., playing with three* reserve defeated by Fon Canning by three two. The S.R.C also -suffered defeat on own ground by the- odd goal, tie- R ning by five goals to four.
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  • 21 304 [Router's Service.] Baeaea Aires, Mov. 5. The twenty fourth game between blanca and Alokhim* was elrawn sftei moves.
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  • 32 304 (From Our Own Corrdl|K>ndent.) Ipuh. Nov I The* famous Beatrice tin mine* It ed is te, be floated by the let private Chinese mining company wi capital of $6,000,000-
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  • 92 304 Mr. A. J. Kelman, General Mai i layan Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., i for He, me this month on furlough. Mr. H. H. Cobon, of Kuala Lumpur, pii ing on Tuesday last at the* &.GA plishetl the rare feat of holing out in stroke, at the thirteenth hob-. He usual
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