The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 2 November 1927

Total Pages: 16
273 288 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 228 273 II UIERS. d Racing 273 Dmngi r 2ld Pan .1 273 V -it ing Committees 274 r Postal Policy 274 Pr .gresi of Sarawak 275 POI M I \M) COURT NEWS. Years for Manslaughter- 277 Murder of Constable 277 .and Qiri'fction Appeal 277 •ir for Forced Notes 27S Divorce
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  • 62 273 October 81. Bank 4 m.« 2|3 31-32 I I demand 2|3 23-Sf credit! :t m.**. 2|4% > ork, demand 56H I 90 dara 571^ demand 1 420 T. T, 153^ Ke ft, demand 11% P*c- Dis- <ie*m:.nel 119 7* Nom. demand 130 Brkok, demand B °H 1 Silver London
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  • 53 273 Cairo, Oct. 31. 1 Rose avro aeroplane with Capt. r anel Mrs. Keith Miller has left Bagdad on its flight to Australia. Cairo, Oct. 31. Force flyingboats for Australia arrived at Alroukir where they remain "•'■v. 3. Bunder Abbas, Oct. 31. K ennecke the German airman is 8 hii biplane
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    • 39 273 At the European Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, on Oct. 28, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. E. J ago, a daughter. SWKTTKXHAM. At Kuala Lumpur, on October 27, 1927, to Mr. anel Mrs. R. F. P.. Swettenham, a son.
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    • 43 273 Mr. Pell Kiat Lam, Mr. and Mrs. Peh Wah Kok tender their sincere thanks to their relatives and friends for attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Peh Kiat Lam (Wee Huat Wee) and alse. for the wreaths and letters of condolence.
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  • 221 273 The last mail from Home, with dates up to Oct. 7th.. arrived on Saturday morning by B.L This mail leaves on Frielay by P and O. The Sixth Singapore Assizes opened during the week, before Mr. Justice Deane the first case heard being one of the at
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  • 213 273 October tl. Tin 175 Tons $131 7 Gambier 9Vfc Pepper White 100 Pepper Black 64 *m Flake Tapioca 7% Pearl Sago Small 8 Copra IL4O Copra Sundrioel 11.70 Opium. Benares fint. 4,000 Rice Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 330 Rice, Siam old No. 1. 330 Rice, Ranpoon
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  • 64 273 October 3 1st., 12 o'clock noon. R.S.S. eo,UHI to Standard Q.C.F. Tone of Market: Quiet. Latest Cabl^: London Spot Sheet 17V6d per lb. New York Spot Sheet G.cts 35 |f per lb. Spot 60 60 Vi Standard R.S.S. Spot 60 Vi 60 tt „ on
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  • 481 273 Oct. 26. Ser it seems the vultures are winging- Kast and that we are shortly to be honoured with the presence of promoters gi greyhound racing in this part of the world. Having cleaned up as much as possible at Home and the season being over we are
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  • 300 273 Tt is to be hoped that the conclusion arrived at by the District Judge on Monday in the case in which a motorist was acquitted on a charge of causing death by rash driving in Bukit Timah Road will lead to steps being taken by the Traction
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  • 673 273 Oct. 27. General satisfaction will be felt that a way has been found out of the Flag difficulty in South Africa, and although it is still possible that there may be protests and opposition from the die-Tia/ds of either side it would seem certain that the majorities
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  • Page 273 Advertisements
    • 97 273 to the "Singapore Free Press'" returning from Kurope to the Straits oi tne mail lines, are invited to send M inagei ib«> name zH their steamer and rriTal in Singapore. Copies will then to meet tbem at various ports of call. ption tc Lhe weekly 12s. per quarter with commercial
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  • 1046 274 Oct. 28. Elsewhere in this issue we publish the letter of the Penang Hospitals Visiting Committee and of the Chairman of the Hospitals Board A- was ix la ted in our Penang correspondent's wire yesterday the Visiting Committee has found it necessary to resign in consequence of
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  • 736 274 Oct. 29. It is generally considered that the best modern indication of the progress and prosperity of a country is to be found in its postal statistics and if these record a steady advance independent of temporary aberrations due to boom or depression periods it is
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  • 626 274 Week -End Comment. Oct. 81. Another attempt is being made to do away with, or at least to ameliorate that curse of India inter-com-munal strife The All-India Congress has called together a conference of prominent men amongst the* Moslems and Hindus with the object of arriving at such an .agreement
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  • 684 275 The speech of His Highness the Rajah of Sarawak at the tvventy*econd triennial meeting of the General Council contains a great deal that Interesting, because the affairs of this little State have a moral claim on attention which is probably not possessed by those of any
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  • 384 275 WASTEFUL BUILDING. Commenting on the decision of the Rail* way Board to build an annex to the Station Hotel, Ipoh, the Times of Malaya says rn the course of an article: The views given expression to in the newspapers goes far deeper than a cap-in^hanel petition to
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    • 86 275 AMOK WITH BAYONET. (From Our mOwn Correspondent.) Penan*, Oct. 2">. Yesterday a well built Chinese youth "ran amok" in his grandmother's house at Jelutong, injuring her with a Volunteer's bayonet and also two people who attempteel to take away th weapon. It appears he hael been
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    • 38 275 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penantf, Oct. 26. Mr, Chew Cheng Keat, well-known towkay, elied last night after a prolonged illness, at thc* age of SO, He was the founder anel head e>f the Boe>n Pharmacy.
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    • 60 275 (From Our Own Correspondent!. Ipoh, Oct. 26. A cable received here from Australia reports the death of Mr. E. \V. Heelueland, iate Assistant Surveyor-General, who was run over anel killed on the railway in New South Wales. Mr. Heelgeland retired in 1022 anel had acquired
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    • 99 275 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 27. At a meeting of the Kinta Sanitary Board the Chairman Announced that it was the elecision of the Railway Advisory Board te> extend the lpe>h Statiem Hotel e>wing te> the failure of the hertel syndicate composed of Perak, Selangor anei
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    • 78 275 BIBENDUM WITH A CARGO OF SHAMS I (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Oct. 29. An amusing impersonatiem of the "Michelin Man" at Taiping has hael a sequel in the police court. A Chinese cyclist e*ntered the town fully wrappeel up in bicycle tubes. It was elis
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    • 58 275 (From Our Own Corre'spemelent.) Ipoh, Oct. 29. A painful accident occurred in a busy Tai}) ing street when the Sanitary Board's e*xpert gang of tree-cutters brought elerwn a large tree, killing two Chinese children, ageel five and six years, who were playing in the road. The
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    • 68 275 PERAK'S FIRST PRESBYTERIAN MINISTER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 29. The first Presbyterian minister for Perak was Inducted here, the Revs. W. Murray, G. H. Douglas, A. S. Stewart, R. 1). White horn anel Mr. B. Purely acting as a Presbyterian cermmissiem, when the Rev. Mr. Nieol was inelucted
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    • 48 275 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangke»k, Oct. 29. M. Challe, who is flying back to France, has arrived here and the French Colony is giving a dinner in his honour on Sunday. The aviator proposes to give an exhibition of flying prior to leaving for France.
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    • 43 275 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Oct. 31. This morning a coolie employed by a hinese goldsmith amokked and injured the goldsmith, hi^ wife, two children and an'her coolie, finally cutting his own throat. rhe Injured persons were sent to hospita!.
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  • 389 275 The annual general meeting «>t th** Bukit K.E. Rubber Company, Limited, was held in the Chartered Bank Chambers yesterday, the following being present; Mr. J. If. Sime, Chairman. Ifr. Le.h Kirn Swi, Mr. T. F. Andersem Pole anel Mr. o. K. S. Bateman for the Secretaries, MesSTl
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  • 74 275 (From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Oct. St. At Batu Lintang Rubber Company, annual meeting, Mr. D. A. M. Brown pre*sieling, saiel the year was very satisfactory anel he predicted a bright future for the estate. There was no de>ubt Batu Lintang was a first-class high yielding property
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  • 90 275 (From Our Own Correspondent >. Presiding at the annual meeting e>f Rantau Tin Dredging to-day Mr. D. A. M. Brown saiel the Company hael experienced a very difficult year chiefly due to the fact that a large number of dredges was being constructed simultaneously in the country. They
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  • 242 275 At committee* meeting e>f the Singapore Volunteer- Rifle Association held yesterday evening at the Drill Hall. Beach Road, the question of affiliation of unit rifleclubs was considered. The present riile*s of the .Association state that the fee of afliliateel rifle clubs shall be $10 per annum per twenty
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  • 1342 276 British Submarine To Thc Irene's Rescue. OFFICERS' STORY. The following account of the pirating of tho China Merchants' steamer Irene is taken from the Hong Kong Daily Press of Oct. 22nd:— All went well after the vessel lelt Shanghai on Monday for Amoy until Wednesday morning at
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  • 177 276 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, Oct. 31. There was a curious sequel to a murder trial at the Perak assizes to-day. An estate cooly and his mistress were found by the roadside the woman elead the man grief stricken. Afterwards he admitted suffocating her. During the
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  • 99 276 A new motor vessel, the Ralum, for the Melanesia Co., Ltd., arrived in port on Sunday under the command of Capt. H. R. Harding. The vessel is registered in London and has a gross tonnage of 368 (net 185) and has a bunker capacity of
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  • 1250 276 The New Rules. 'MAKING RESTRICTION EFFECTIVE." [To the Editor, Malay Mail, j Sir. Being particularly interested in Restriction of Rubber exports and having to view it from several angles, i read >our leader erf the 21st inst. with attention. Dealing entirely with Standard Produe tion of the country you
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  • 128 276 An official inejuiry into the recent rioti at the sit.* of the Perak River HydroElectric Cermpany's dam at Chenderoh wsa held on Memday by Mr- N. K. Bsin. theDistrict Officer- The proceedings, Times of Malaya, were* in the* natur *f t Coroner's inejuiry into the death e>f a
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  • 223 276 The following appointments Sl not Mr. N. A. Sedwick to act a.s Asst Tree Penang; Mr. J. H. Pedlow te» act SS I'' tor of Chinese. IVnang und Mr. S MielelL brook to erfficiate a.s Asst. Protector; Mr. F. L. Williams to act Asst. Supe l dant of Government Mone*pe>lies.
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  • 349 277 Land Questions. IMPERSONATED HUSBAND. Monday the Chief Justice of the Sii William .Vurison. sat with Mr. Deane to hear appeals from the „nts of Mr. Justice McCabe Reay, Bahru. Ih< ftrsl case taken was that of Ooi Kim i if Muar-. as aelministratrix of the of her
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  • 145 277 Mr. T. S. Anthony Injured. rwo et iotis motor accidents occurred durthe last few days, in one of which a boy was killed, while in the other Mr. T. S. Anthony, of Messrs. A. A. \nthony anel Company, is lying in the nera Hospital in a serious
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  • 102 277 On arriving in Singapore yesterday the. I>tain ot the* Dutch vessel Talang Akar 'hat during the voyage from ng the previous night his vessel into i-ollision with what proved later a Chinese junk, Singapore 51, when miles south-west of Tahong lightThe junk, he reported, only showed ■hen
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  • 126 277 of culpable homicide amounting i were returned by the Coroner, 'lope Falkner, in connection with lah Street and Boat Quay murders. Jeddah Streel a Chinese was shot and by two men alleged to have heen for the* crime by an old enemy of < d man who is
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  • 77 277 Greyhounds For China. END OF HOME SEASON. f Reuter* Service. l London. Oct. 24. The* Greyhound Racing Asseieiatiem's 1927 seasem. which has been attracting enormous gatherings to two London Centres, has conclude.**! and several greyhounds are urrlergedng training before shrpment to China for greyhound coursing. Captain Jones, assistant
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  • 31 277 [Reuter's Service. l Pnenea Aires. Oct. 21. The nineteenth game between Cajriblanca and Alekhine was elrawn a^'ter 21 moves. It was played in the most orthodox manner.
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  • 52 277 The* following carels were returned in the two-ball fe>ursenae*s plaj -ed em Sunday. Six cards were taken out. E. J. Oakshott and R. W. McKerrow, XT 13% 7:i M K. K. Gotch and W. A. Home, i-7 18 K4 C. X. Bennett and T. If. Hussey, 101
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  • 22 277 In the* final of the* Keppel Cup, at the K.G.C. C. X. W. Joyce beat G. \Y. Huyt d
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  • 487 277 EXTENSION OF THE ESTATE. The annual meeting of this Company was held em Friday last at Malacca, Mr*. Chan Kang Swi presiding. In the* Course of his speech he saiel: The acreage in bearing during the period under review was a little more than that for tiie previous
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  • 841 277 Seven Years For Shooting At Policeman. JAVANESE REWARDED FOR HELPING POLICE. Ihe sixth Assizes opened yesterday before Mr. Justice Deane in the Supreme Court. There are* fifteen cases to he heard. of which ferur are murder charges, fourattempted murder- anel three armed robbery. Chew Ke>h Chwee was
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  • 801 277 Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas arrived last Tues lay at Jasin where Dr. Nicholas has taken over from Dr. Muttu. The latter an.i Mrs. Muttu left for Singapore last Saturday, Malacca Observer. The decree nisi granted to Mrs. Violet Henrietta Gonzales, of Seremban, by the Supreme Court,
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  • 401 278 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1927. THE ASSIZES. SYCE REWARDS) FOR ASSISTING POLICE. At the Assizes yesterday Ng Che>e*n Kng and Tan Joo Koe>n were arraigned on a charge of the attempted murder of Tai Ling Kong on September 5. The D.P.P. (Mr. N. H. P. Whitley) said the assailed man was
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    • 45 278 ln connection with the accident which occurred in New Bridge Re>ael on*-October 19 last, when an unknown Chinese was Knockeel down by the German Cemsul General's car-, the Coroner, Colonel Hope Falk ner, yesterday returned a verdict of eh*ath by misadventure.
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    • 74 278 Returning a verdict of eleath from natural causes in the case* of a Chinese infant wher elied in hospital from bromho pne*u monia, the Core>ne*r yesterelay stateel that the* child hael be*en negle*cte*d by her parents, whe> elid not remove her te> he>spital until it was too late*.
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    • 64 278 The Ce)r<<ne*r yesterelay concluded the inepjest em a Chinese who elied in hospital following an aecielent with a blow lamp. The man, a goldsmith. was melting some gede! with the lamp when it slipped from his hand and falling te> the ground, burst into flames. He was
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    • 85 278 The Mantua, which is due te> arrive here from Home on the* 4th e*f next month, will have em board Lieut. Col. C. J. Pickering, C.M.G., D.5.0., commaneling officer of the Second Battaliem Duke of Wellington's Regiment, stationed in Singape>re. The vessel i.s also bringing
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    • 65 278 Death by misadventure* was the verdict returned by the Coroner In the case* e>f a Chinese who died after an aecielent in which he severely injured his arm, death being due lo tetanus. The Chinese treated him self with Chinese medicine but his arm became worse anel.
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  • 807 278 Mr. S. T. Glanfield Arrives. PLENTY OF EXPERIENCES. Arduous experiences whilst crossing the Arabian Desert, arrest by the Turkish police, anel a lccorri motor-cycle journey across India were among the many incidents related to s Free Press representative by Mr. S. T. (i!antie*ld, who arrived
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  • 2 278 dfdffdfdf M.M.
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  • 174 278 Visiting Committee's Strong Letter to P.C.M.O. RESIGNATION EN BLOC. (From Our Own Corresponelent.) Penang, Oct. 28. A sensation has be*en created locally by the resignation en bloc of the Visiting ommittee of the General Hospital. A letter from Dr. A. 1.. Hoops (Principal Civil Medical Officer) calls
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  • 564 278 Singapore, Oct. 25. There is a small improvement in the pi ice of Tin to record ehu ing the past week arr. l the London market is reported as being steady. Shares, however, continue neglect e*el artel business in both Sterling and dollar issues has been <>n
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  • 133 278 The Chief .Tus'iee. Sir William Murison, yesterday cemclude*el the hearing e.f the* petition brought by Catherine Francis for a dissolution of her marriage, on the ground of her husbanel's adultery with several corespondents. The responele-nt elemieel the allegations, anel alle*ged that the> petitioner hael committed adultery
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  • 20 278 Mr. Ivor Parrish arrived in Penang by the Mongolia to join the* statf of The George Town Dispensary, Ltel.. Penang.
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  • 320 278 Dukes Defeat The < lui, GOVERNOR SEES INTER] ri\ GAME. His Excellency the* <;. Clifford, accompanied b. a present at the hockey i tai y Bterday, when the* Duke ciub by three goal* _<■ two finish. The game eras played t throughout, the teami be i r matche*d. For
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  • 339 278 TRAFFIC IN RUBBER CO UPONS. CHECKING BALE O! I\!!< RUBBER. Colombo, Oct A representative of the Ceylon 0 em inquiry at the Rubber Dnt Office this morning, learnt what th attitude is towards the raised at yesterelay'.- meeting Colombo Rubber Traders 1 Asse The* Government lias no intention stroying unused
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  • 737 279 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1927. THE ASSIZES. Beach Road Fusilade. DANGEROUS GUNMAN'S ARREST. izes yesterday before Mr. Le AJi Wah. wh<. appeared of attempted murder, one a ol iceman, anel the other of ective, pleaded guilty te. the Mr. N. 11. p. Whitley wa* om e.f a par ate anei cold-blooded
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  • 483 279 Chinese Woman Butchered. CORONER AND SUSPICIOUS EVIDENCE. He- story of a Chinese woman's te*rrib!< death at the hands of three unknown Chi nese uas related te, Colonel Hope- Falkner, the Coroner, yesterday morning. While returning to her house in an estate in Serange,on, in a mote>r car in
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  • 198 279 WELCOMED BY CHURCH MEMBERS. A pleasant little* social gathering wa.held last night in the Presbyterian Hall where* Mr. B< Purely presided over s larg attendance of the* members of the Presbyterian Church, who hael assembled to welcome* their popular pastor, the ii' V G. H.
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  • 74 279 Tbe Octpber .Monthly .Me*. lal was won bv .Mr. K. J. Case whe, returned a nett <ore* of 74. The* Ball Sweep wa- WOH by Mr. J. (iie*e*u w'th a. score of 11 being the best mund of nine hole Members are reminded 'hat the Weiding C
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    • 899 279 COMMITTEE RESIGNS BN BLOC. The following correspondence between the Penang Hospital Visiting Committee and the Chairman oi th»* Hospital Board has been received from the Chairman ot the Hospital Visiting Committee:-— Penang, 2ith Get* 1.127. Sir.-We* have the honour to acknowledge receipt of youi letter of the
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    • 144 279 Singapore, Oct. 15. Sir, in sccordance with a resolution passed at a meeting of tin* Hospital! Board, held in Singapore, e.n n October, 1927, I have been requested t.. d Com mitte*< *n Attention to the* fad .hat C.mi: duties art inspectorial, and that, if
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  • 342 279 Opium Revenue Replacement UNANIMOUS OPPOSITION. The following are the minutes of a committee* meeting of the Sti aits Settlements (Singapore) Association held e>n Monday, in the Exchange. Present:— Messrs. A. I*. Robinson (Pre si-dent), H. W. Raper (Vice-President), E. A. Elias, A. A. K. Surattee, Gaw Khek Khiam.
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  • 267 279 CORONER ON LOCAL DRIVING QUALIFICATIONS. (living his rinding in connection with the fatal me, ten- ear aecielent in New Bridge Roael on the- evening of the 19th, instant the* Coroner saiel that the* evidence* available* proved that the decessed (a Chinese) was responsible for the accident. He was
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  • 1146 280 Within easy sailing distance of Singapore there lies an island that when first Keen from the lowset seat of a sailing koleh conjures up thoughts of the Swiss Family Robinson, or Crusoe anel his man Friday. This refuge of mine is set in the eleep blue tropical waters of
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  • 108 280 The Cambridgeshire. MEDAL AND NIANTIC DEAD HEAT. Reuter's Service. Lemdon, Oct. 26. The* Cambridgeshire Stakes, a handicap of 25 sovereigns each, with I ,OCO sovereigns addeel: fe>r three year edds and upwards; was run over the new Cambridgeshire Course (mile anel a furlong I at Newmarket this afterm.em,
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  • 158 280 THK BARNES (ITS. The first match for the Barnes Poh) Cups was played yesterelay em the Balestier ground between two Singapore Polo Club teams. The* ground was rather soft ami re. ugh in places. Ne>. 2 team won with a score of four goals te> two. In the first
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  • 157 280 Th death occurred ai the* General Hospital yesterday morning of Father Antonio AbiKo Sapage*. whe, was well -known in Singapore as the Vicar of the Roman Catholic Church of St- Je,se*ph. in Victoris Street. Father Sapage*. whe, was emly '-'2 years of age, was a native*
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  • 167 280 Singaperre. Oct. 21. After showing signs of weakness at the opening of the week, prices have improved in all markets anel close steady at Is 4 7 sd. in l.e.neb.n. 94% cts., ge>lel in Xew Ye>rk anel i cts., locally. There is therefore an advance of Ud. in
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  • 383 280 kThe Hong Kong Team. FEW NEWCOMERS. Ser far ne, dates have been fixed for Inter-port cricket trial matches in Hong Kong, says a writer in the South China Morning Post, but the Selection Committee has been chosen. The Committee consists of fiv£, all players who have strong claims
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  • 410 280 HOW THK RHYNCHOTA HELPS HUMANITY. The Rev. Mr. Dexter Alien read a highly interesting panel on Rhynche>ta at the meeting e.f the Natural History Society hedel in the* Medical Ce, liege yesterday evening. He opened his address by stating that nie>re* than 85 years age) Dufour, an
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  • 22 280 Mr. Vincent Harris, whose elesign for Raffles College was ranked second, has had his design fe>r the new Manchester Town Hall accepted.
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  • 395 280 (Te. the Editor, Malay Mail.) Sir,— As an instance of the* mam. which rubber company directors snd agements ha.e deliberately prejudice Stevenson Scheme introduced f<-r benefit, 1 would refer- to the Kempai report just issued. During the last financial 987,320 lb. of rubber was harvest.-!. exportable
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  • 191 280 In connection with our wire- of M the Malay Mail say- the* opening place, at Elmina Estate, Mth Kepong-rel., of the Selangor <>! Factory* Among those present wei British Resident (the- Hon'ble Mr. J. Lornie) anel Mrs. Lornie, Messrs, I- B. Ivens and G. E. Teale,
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  • 191 280 Singapore, Oct, 2*. Distinctly better orders, chief!) t York, have- been received by th. I week, and the market has firmed i ingly. Rubber for near shipment t the* enel of the* quarter is becoming SCI anel it seems probable in vie-w of tlie- ree announcement
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  • 2491 281 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1927. THE MUNICIPAL BUDGET. e sterdajr's Commission Discussion. i\ r i EXPENDITURE ON BRIDGES. ie ing the* Municipal Budget ior yesterday afternoon's meeting ol Commissioners the Preci Mr. fi. J. Farrer), who presided, said mated that on January Ist. »ld be* a balance of $2, 037, had
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  • 317 281 Accumulation To Stop. AMENDMENT OF THL LAW. Further measures to tighten up the working of restriction are tu be taken ■hortiy by the introduction into Legislative Council of a bill which will atfect the piling up of export rights. The bill amend- sub section 8 of section
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  • 135 281 HAVE GOVERNMENT ANOTHER PLAN? (Our Own Correspondent Copyright.) Lemdem, Oct. 38. A firm teme* prevailed in the rubber market te)_elay. the* price* e>f the commodity being ls. 4 7 sd. Small gains are* recorded. Messrs. Symington and Sinclair in their weekly review suggest that if the
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  • 52 281 AFFECT ON MARKET. (Our Own <"orresponele*nt. Copyright.) London. Oct. 28. The* price* e,-f tin dropped to £264 13 lOths. to-day. The Financial News suggest, that the fall is elue te, the disinclination r 'f professionals te> incre*ase their commitments whiledefinite* proposals in connection with the contred scheme
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  • 106 281 The annual report of Se,uth Taioing Tin Dredging Comnany for tin* meeting in Penang on Nov. loth, states that the* dredge ran 6,654 he>urs treating 1,645,000 cubic yarels for a recovery of 5,130 pkls. ore realising $4.")2,H1 This was a slightly greater re*ce,very at a better price*
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  • 40 281 The case* in which a Chinese name-el Low Choem Seng is chargeel with e-rimin-al breae-h of trust as an employee of Pramros anel Company was continued before Mr. Dakar* the Thirel Magistrate, yesterelay anel fur ther postponed until November 2.
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  • 259 282 QuieqHid mgmnt kominea momtri Ml farrago Ufa!* .Juvenal. It is still ne,t safe te> mention buttons to ,u, e idi ig Irish Cartoonist. When Horatio Bottomley began his lecture tour of (ireat Britain at the Queen's Ha!!. London, on Oct. 12th, the chair was taken by
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    • 478 282 COMING SHORTLY "Why She* Left Home," e.r the comedy of the Irish Maiden who was bought for en 1 thousand guineas anel came out te, the Lurid East for one* hundred anel fifty. Libretto by A.H.T. from notes gathered during pastoral gambollings on Zambo. Sc re by G.R. composed in
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    • 138 282 If that's all there has been a crime wave at our mess for the past six months. lt reminds ena* «>;' the old-time joke of .the Tuan calling angrily to the* Hoy at 7 a.m. for makan and the Boy's reply thai there was none available-
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  • 136 282 HOCKEY. A S.C.C. WIN. Playing on the Y.M.C.A. ground yesterday the S.C.C. \V team defeated the hemic siele* by four goais to nil. The piay on both sieies was of a lather poor character, but the Club were decided1\ the* better in front of goal. Petrie ■cored twe>
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  • 243 282 SCORE A SUCCESS. Barnaul's London Musical Comedy Company opened their season here* at the Victoria Theatre Last night with the great London success, "Katja, the Dancer." The large audience whie-h greeted the.- Company A*as an*.]);,, demonstrative of <n< avidity with which Singapore has looked forward to the*
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  • 139 282 A little* Chinese child was knocked eie,wn anel killed by a nie>te>r car driven by a (hinese in .Japan Street e.n Thursday evening. Tin elrive-r has been arrested ami charged with causing death by a rash act. A verdict of causing death by a rash act was returned
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  • 40 282 Tme Be.rre.-e, Co., Ltel.. agents for the* Pahang Consolidated Co. Ltd.. state* that a dividend has been declared of 2'< per cent. making 30 per ce-nt for year ended -July 31s1 payable December l*-i less tax Is.
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  • 56 282 A mild sensation was caused at the Kan dan;,- Kerbau Police Statie.n on Thurselay when a Chinese woman was found eomfortabl) established in Inspector Dale*'s 1 ed. She had f-*und her way into his quarters eluring his absence. Produced before the Police Courts yesterday morning, the* offender was se*nt for
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  • 621 282 Mr. F. A. Wilmington Ingram is notified as having become a passeel caelet. A commission as Secemel. -Lieut, in the S.S.V.F. has been granted te, Mr. R. F (iunnMr. W- J. Wilcoxson has been appointee! chairman of the Boarel of Visiting Justices Singapore. Notification of acquisition
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  • 149 282 STIMULUS FOR JADED BRAINS. Leaden, Oct. 12. City nun are acting on Levine's advice that living is the' I e'st relaxation for brains taxe-el by big affairs. Several have* their e>w« garages for light nlanes anel enjoy frequent flights. One of t!ie*m recently, on a b'ie*f
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  • 569 282 HOU PRICES ROSE. In the course of the* continued he the land values case in Kuala Lun P. \V. Gleeson said: about 1921 h< ated for the sale of the* three* o ts On Guthrie's now stood and be- sold the Harper's for $63,00 >. Fearsons
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  • 166 282 GOVERNMENT HO USE. Monday. October 25th The* fe, lie, wing hael luncheon at G ment House:— The Hon'ble Sir Hs Marriott, U.K. Major General < Vj Straubensee and Mrs. Van S U.K. Captain Gonsola de ia Puerta La Henniker, Mr. R. Farrer, Mr. and J. s. Thomson, Major and Mi
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    • 559 283 S.S. A. And Opium Revenue Replacement Fund. the Editor, minutei of the- last meeting of S.S. A. Committee, published in ue < be 2*th instant, jweorfl that Hon. S. retary pointed out that the tt of th Subcommittee appe,inteel in iry, 11)26, te> consider the e^uestion of Opium Re*\e*nue- Replacement
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    • 406 283 Allow me to express appreciation your goodness in e>pening your columns ei ventilation of this interesting y. It will undoubtedly put right mistaken ideas. epistle of A. H. C. in Saturday's amuses me-, for he describes as pig anyone who has the courage to the creation myth.
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  • 56 283 Dr. Loffan and Trainer Summoned. ALLEGATION Ol PERJURY. [Renter*. Service.! London. Oct. The* -'Channel swimmer," Dr. Logan, ane] her trainer bave* been summoned for per jury in connectb,n with an affielavn sworn at the offices of the News of the* World. They have to appeal at
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  • 191 283 GREAT GAME AT WREXHAM. Wales 2, Scotland 2. Before- 15,000 people at Wrexham to-day Scotland drew with Wales in the interna tional SOCCer tournament. The game- was thrilling See, t lanel led by 2 goals te, nil after a quarter "f an hour. Gallacher, the Newcastle centre-forward, sent
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    • 28 283 [Reuter 's Service. limners Aires. Oct. 2ti. The twentieth game between Ale-khine and Capablanca in the world's chess chain pionship was elrawn after 4'd moves.
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    • 46 283 iiueners Aires, Oct 27. AL-khine* warn the twentyfirst game in the world's chess championship sfter 32 moves. He* has now scored four wins against Capablanca's tWO« The* e,the*r fifteen game's were elrawn. Alekhine wants emly two more victories to win the* championship.
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    • 100 283 I'rofessiems Team Championship. At the kind invitation of the* Alexandra Club the Army vs. Law tie in the semi-final round was played at the (lub courts on October *J7th. The Army defeated th-.- Law by d match es to nil thus qualifying to meet the winners of the
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  • 991 283 There U a worthy body of local Scots who yearly, on Hallowe'en, offe-r up a Haggis upon the altar- of Scottish learning; but despite this faithfui remembrance, the celebration of All Hallows Eve must, alas, be reckoned among those institutions '.hat are 'not so good as they uscel to
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  • RUGBY.
    • 46 283 JOHORE HEAT MALACCA. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, ihi. St. .le)he»re X points Malacca- .0. In the Southern section of the* Malaya Cup competition, Malacca were u t home to Johore thi.s afternoon but lost a good game by eight points to nil.
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    • 243 283 FRESH PIECE OF RUGBY HISTORY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Oct. SO. Penang Opts. Selangor :;pts. A fresh page in the history of rugby in Malaya was written on Saturday, when Pvnang gave proof of their greater strength this season in comparison with previous years by
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    • 240 283 WORPLESDON MIXED FOURSOME. London. Oct. 19. Worpleselem.- In tiie* .semi finals of the Mixed Foursomes Tournament, Miss Joyee Wethered (Worplesdon) anel Tolley (Royal anel Ancient) beat Mrs. Guedalla (Addington) anel w. L. Hope* (St. George's Hill), one up. Mile, ele la Chaume (St. Cloud) and Roger Wethereel (Worplesdon), holders,
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  • 1461 284 General Meeting. BIG PROGRAMME OF ADDITIONS. The twenty fifth ordinary general meeting of the Singapore Cold Storage Co. Ltd., was held at the offices of Messrs. Boustead and Co. Ltd., Union Building at 12.30 p.m. on Saturday, Mr. F. A. Pledger presided anel there were also present
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  • 236 284 Commander D. T. B. Notley, R.X., (retired), of the F.M.S. Customs, says the Malay Mail, has been appointed to command His Excellency the^Governor's new yacht Seabelle 11. One of his first duties will be to bring the vessel out to Singapore from Home. For this
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  • 45 284 Speaking at a farewell function given in his honour last week, Mr. N. K. Bain, District Officer, Kuala Kangsar, said that in two years he had worked under seven Residents and none of them had taken any interest in the Art School at Kuala Kangsar!
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  • 1112 284 Koppen Leaves. BIG JAVA-HOLLAND AIR MAIL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. Oct. 2*l. At six minutes past seven on Monday morning the Postdoif, the first aeroplane te» carry mail from Holland to .Java and vice versa anel that in record time. lAt the flying fieiel at Tjiliiitan on
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  • 162 284 The Murray (up. El KASIAN COMPANY^ SUCCESS. Firing took place on the B i Range yesterelay in the* Singa] of the Murray Cup Competiti open to volunteer units in the Si tlements Voluntas i Force. The light was rather strong shooting, anel, though soim- g* were maele em
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  • 151 284 I CRISIS IN IRISH RACING. lemdem. Oct. 1 I According to the* Dail} Mews i n has arisen in Irish racing. This year perience of the* betting tax sh<*\\< licensee! bookmakers have drawi from the* race* meetings which sre from depleted sttendances anel in blished saloons
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  • 4 284 dfdfdfdf
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  • 1 284 dfdfdfdf
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  • 6 285 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. MONDY, OCTOBER 31st. fdfdfdfd
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  • 435 285 I^fore the business of the Council corned His Excellency presented to Mr. R. sohn the wan ant anel insignia of an of the* Order of the British Empire I to his late- father, Mr. J. E. Tesn. Sir Hugh paid a warm tribute to ervices
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  • 79 285 OPIUM REVENUE VOTE. Colonial Secretary, before moving Ild reading of the Supply Bill made ling announcement that with tbe sanction of the Secretary of State the item of the Opium Revenue Replacement Fund would, in view of what was understood to be the almost unanimous objection of the
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  • 808 285 Mr. G. C. Clarke said that His Excellency had placed before the public- a choice of alternative*,. either additional taxation or the gradual relinquishment by the Colony ofa degree of efficiency consonant with the efficiency of it.-s near neighbours, He thought the latter alternative should be definitely set
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  • 529 285 Mr. G. S. Carver said education was an expensive item accounting for over one an a half millions. This money, he thought, was not well spent in satisfying, indiscriminately, the glowing demand for English education which had been a feature of the Colony during
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  • 259 285 Dr, Noel Clarke, speaking on education, said that for over a quarter e)f a century the height of ambition in the Colony from an eelucatiemal point of view hael been the Senior Cambrielge, anel he suggesteel that the Director of Education shoulei be asked to
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  • 353 285 Mr. Simpson saiel it was feared that Government hael a lingering affection for income tax as a source e>f revenue. However fair that might l>e in theory in practice tn this country it was very unfair. We all knew about the prevalence e»f rubber smuggling, income smuggling
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  • 623 285 Mr. P. M. Re>binson saiel that an exami nation e.f the Budget showed that considerable expenditure was of a capital nature*, which meant that lhe*y were continuing the* practice which they had followed for se* long, e>f providing capital works out of re*venue. To him
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  • 111 285 Mr. Quah Beng Kee referred tee the lack of school accommodation in Penang, and alse) askeel Government te> recemsieler the ejuestion of instituting the old scale of scheiol fees that were in force before July Ist., 1926. He also expressed the view that as a port Penang
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  • 937 286 Mr. Tan heng Lock expressed himself .is strongly opposed to the* continuance of the 10 per e-ent contribution te. the Opium Revenue Replacement Fund. With regard te> Defence Contribution, the* Colony's average sctual annual payment for the six years 1921-6 was about four millions, e*epii valent to
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  • 218 286 Mr. Mohamed Unas bin Abdullah expressed the gratitude of the Malay community to Government for their generous decision in regard to the Malay Settlement, and .-aiel he hoped the Committee's recommendations would be* given practical effect to at an early date. Referring to the fact that
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  • 778 286 Mr. Everitt referred at length tei the Colony's Defence Contribution. The amount estimated to be spent in li>2S for military expenditure, he saiel. amounted te) no less that $5,200,000, of which $4.5ti0,000 represented Defence Contribution. That was anl estimate. He* was quite aware* that Council hael got
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  • 221 286 Mr. J. Bagnall arid the Defence Contribution showed a remarkable increase and yet, when one looked at the treiops station eel here, their numbers, hemsing anel equip ment, one ceuilel see nothing to account for such an increase. It wemlel seem that the Home* Government
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  • 784 286 The* Principal civil Medical Officer, referring to Mr. (heng Lock's suggestion for the establishment of tuberculosis clinics stated that a Tuberculosis Committee which sat in 1923 recommended that such clinics would be very advantageous for the* treatment of early cases. Government was tremendously committed te) expenditure on
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  • 100 286 Replying to tin- various edu raised, the* Director of i itioi that theie were* restrictions on English education; there was tl accommodation, the* weeding age* b -vs, anel the matter of fees. II not agre*e' that school fees were te),. high, lie ferring i" of Lnglish te) Malays.
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  • 27 286 The Colonial Treasurer onlj refi tlu* suggestions with regard lency Guarantee Fund, and whe)le matter would be carefull) by Government before a decisioi a..
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  • 120 286 The Resident Councillor for Pei ferring tei Mr. Heng Kee*s nt i that recommendations had bee n to ihe Secretan of State in conn* the* possibility of makini s which woubl increase Penang'* ties. Mr. Scott alse. re ferred c Hospital anei said he hael beei the
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  • 275 286 The Colonial -Secretary, in conclud official replies, declared that he* hit ne>t take* the* pessimistic view ol Colony's finances. During the' wa amassed very large* surplus which we now spending e.n capital expend he thought it quite right that we so ehi so. It was not quite-
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  • 326 287 m ol ISITION PROCEEDINGS. Lumpur Supreme Court says Wednesday's Malay Mail. < < hief Justice (Sir Henry Gom ■i- begun in which a number vvnern of property in Java-st. are e>l>--11 i valuations of the Valuer* Tne* properties in qu stion are the between tin- corner
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  • 80 287 Kia P«ng has been appointed i the Railway Board for a furMr. t. Peall in the* Fourth lay, a Eurasian named Joseph summoned for giving falseto s public servant Accused was have state-d to a Corporal at the* Police* Station that he hael given a woman name-el Chichah binte keep
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  • 5499 287 fßeuter's Service.] n < "*P* Town. o (t 2."i. Ine Nationalist Party has accepted the Compromise over the flag question. Cape Tonn, Oct. 2a. rhe unexpectedly rapid progress of yesrday' negotiation, between the Prime Minister, General Hertsog, ami General Smuts ha. resulted m a settlement of the "ag question
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