The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 12 May 1926

Total Pages: 16
289 304 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 24 289 M..y 10. I 4 5-32 2 3*4 .'4 17-:J2 5M 1690 i:>4 par 139 80 30 t-ll K ite 5 p.c. Puying. 8.54
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  • 14 289 THE DAVIS CU P. s Service*] \ooriU\k. May Beldam from the he* to two.
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  • 62 289 is still in an experimental i <. ;i iny the past i :-ja Wireless Stai«. j»ick up the most i adeasted from Rug- bo. ihe cabk has pro■'Uiy in th- n1 instarue agef of I ondon in ahnosl record withool a hitrh. At ountries which v eleai
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  • 14 289 v I'illay, the Agont, arrived in i ttenham thi> i:.I. Culin ih, in con-
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  • 48 289 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. BIRTHS. STURROCK. At Sepsng Valley BsUte. on the '2nd in*t.. to Mr. an<l Mrs. J. N. Sturrork. a <lautfht«r. s int I. A At th»- Maternity Home, Ptoaaag, on th< Ist May. to Mr. and Mrs. S. (i. Sinclair of Saagvi Ulai Estate, Kulim Ki-dah, son.
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  • 711 289 May The many farewell entertainments I to Sir George Maxwell, who leaves by the mail on Friday, have been I made the occasions of demonstrations of the admiration and respect in which he is held in Malaya. He leaves behind him a name second to none for
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  • 226 289 M;.y 10. Tin 50 T«U IISIM Gambia r 11.50 Pepper Y.'hite »'»0.00 Pepper Black :JS.OO Flake Tapioca 5.50 Pearl Sago Small 7.25 Copra 11.40 Copra Sumlr rti 11. GO Opium. Benares unt. 4.000 Rice, Lian? Hin Cha.i Vark Red Eagle (New) 830 Rice, Siam o.d No. 1 B.JO Rice.
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  • 83 289 The Hon. Mr. O. F. Stonor, CJLG., having returned from his holiday in ey]on. has roMuned duties aa British Resident, Pterak, aad Mr. B. W, EUes, who was aetinp, has reverted to his acting appointment Secretary for Agrieiilture. \\Y iogr< Ito annoi n lyi the Straits Kcho, the death, which
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  • 154 289 To-day's cables from Reuter give many particulars of the worjring of the Great Strike in Britain, which began on Monday mid-night. We need not recapitulata. The attenuated newspapers generally are optimistic of the struggle being short, and it is also sharp. Business is at a standstill but
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  • 648 289 May 6. I Always provided one lives long enough one can generally expect to 1 see obviously desirable things done, and that even though the doer may have to be Government. We have come across two instances of this of I l*\te which confirm our belief in the
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  • Page 289 Advertisements
    • 144 289 CONTENTS. .1 R& laxweli 2*!> 289 •j*.»u at Hone M 290 290 \s\) x i.l Kl \KWS. i 29a 294, t, 8 194, B K.S :o HI EDITOIL ing 294 I 296 U :t-u Resoi s s SO* ing 292 •mittec 292 \\l) MEETINGS* \I ion Hopital '20Z i: ibl
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  • Page 289 Miscellaneous
    • 238 289 THE WEEK'S NEWS. The mail from home. Itrin^injr dates up to April l.'th. reached Singapore OH Thursday, May 6th, a ereditahl: P. and performance. This weekly leaves on Thursday, by the D. I. steamer Ethiopia. During the week the third assizes of the y» ar opened, among the accused persMM
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  • 707 290 May 7. A mass of miscellaneous information about the Great Strike arrives by cable to-day from Reuter's Agency, th e British Radio message not getting through, possibly because of the service being required otherwise than in transmitting propaganda. Reuter has certainly risen to the occasion in
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  • 464 290 A curious point has arisen in regard to the new rules which have been Gazetted in connection with the survey and certification of cargo twakows. It is hardly necessary to go very fully into the matter but it may be said briefly that for a great
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  • 490 290 May 8. All h? not well with Britain at present, but our troubles are internal. All is not well with France at the moment, but the troubles are largely external. These exercise some influence on politics and on the exchange value of the franc, and also cost the
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  • 239 290 A word of appreciation and fare well to the hon'ble .Mr. A. IL P'«un ney, CJLCL C.8.E.. Ffaaari fc viser of Malaya, wh«- leaves Macedonia on retirement. Mr. P<>untney has nearly thirty years strenu<»uservice to his credit in Mai Considering the eminence he reached in financial
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  • 602 290 May Ml The "business a* usuai*' spnit bat been revived by the strike, led by the Speaker, who i* not going to iMow bi* show to be Interfered with by a fe« well-paicl wutkinen srho choowi to ic on strike at the dictation ol leaders. It would be
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  • 260 291 May 11. n*re are probably few people in Singapore outside those very directly terated who realise that the Youn^r Women's Christian Association has working here for fifty years. long time that work was, perneceesariljr, of a very unobtru■i*e nature, but with the change that •me over business life
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  • 288 291 Mr. M. Powell is in hospital in Jesselton rafferiag from acute food poisoning. Mr. C. Bazell, the Headmaster of the Malay College, Kuala Kangsar, has sailed for H >me on furlough. Capt. G. Moir, F.R.C.V.S., Veterinary Surgeon, Perak North, who is retiring from the service, It ft for Home on
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  • 276 291 That is a dignified and highly eloquent message of Earl Balfour, given in our telegrams to-day, to the people of Britain, against the danger of handing over the constitutional government of England to Extremists, who would replace Parliament by a general council of trades unionists and
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    • 56 291 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 4. The Penang Assizes opened to-day. All four cases to be h^ard are concerned with murder. The first was a double charge of murder against a Tamil named Sinnasamy who, it is alleged, attacked two women grass-cutters, mother and daughter,
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    • 162 291 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 4. Nearly 200 memb^ris cf the Penang branch of the- Subordinate Civil Service Association fathered in the Club House at Dato Kramat yesterday to bid good-bye to the hon'ble Mr. W. Peel and Mrs. Pee!. A group photograph
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    • 181 291 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 5. The trial of Sinnasamy, the Tamil wh> was charged with the double murder of a mother and daughter, grass-cutters on the Byram Estate, was concluded to-day when the accused was found guilty by a special jury and sentenced to
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    • 132 291 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 0 A farewell dinner was given to the hon'ble Mr. W. Peel last night by members of the Penanir Club. The hon'ble Mr. James Sellar. presiding, said he was pleased to see such a representative gathering to bid
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    • 91 291 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 6. The recent controversy on the question of a Sailors' Institute for Penang has revealed that the actual position, according to information received from the Harbour Master, is that the Destitute- Seamens' Relief Fund is operated in Singapore, but now
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    • 42 291 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penan g, May 6. The Tamil named Sinnasamy, who was sentenced to death yesterday for the murder of two women grass-cutters on the Byram Estate, has given notice of appeal through his counsel.
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    • 77 291 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 7. This morning a Malay priest or Aman was brutally murdered at Kampong Sungei Pinang, Balik Pulau. It is stated that at 3 o'clock four men, it is believed dressed as Chinese, but presumably Malays, entered the house of Haji Rashid
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  • 260 291 Penang, May 7. At the annual meeting of the Semanggol Rubber Company, Mr. McNeil, presiding:, said there was a serious shortage in ihe area planted disclosed by a survey of the Verdun property. Answering a question as to the possibility of the Company making a claim against
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  • 91 291 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 9. The hon'ble Mr. W. Peel, the new Chief Secretary, arrived by special train this morning and was met by the hon'ble Mr. H. W. Thomson, the Resident, and Mr. C. W. H. Coihrane, Uni er-Secretary to F.M.S. Government.
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  • 93 291 Messrs Boustead and Co., Penang, inform us that the annual report of the Windsor (F.M.S.) Rubber Estate, Ltd. has been issued, shewing a profit of £20,215 and recommending the payment of a final dividend at the rate of 15 per cent. The sum of £5,754 was
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  • 303 291 Mr. Riddell of Woodford Estate, B. X. Bornto, has just returned there after an operation. Mr. \V. Arthur Wilson, assistant editor of the Malay Mail, leaves for Home on the 27th instant on six monthr,' furlough, accompanied by Mrs. Wilson. Malaria has 1 een on the increase in Kuala Lumpur
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  • 2151 292 A FINE OPENING. Defightfal leather favoured the first clay o' the Sprintr Rare metting on Saturday and tktl« was in consequence a large attendance who appeared to tnjoy the afterB3O«*1 amusement, including the musical programme of the Johort Forces band. The day was notable in that it
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  • 192 292 Presentation to Sir George Maxwell. A special meeting of the H. It S. Malaya Football Cups Committee was held at the Selangor Club on Sunday, when Dr. E. D. Lindow, Rugby delegate, Singapore, presented a silver salver to Sir George Maxwell from the Settlements and States represented
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  • 35 292 [ReuterV, Service.] London, May 8. At Harr>gate Britain met Poland in the second round of the Davis 'Cup. Turnbull beat Kleinadel 6—l, 7—5, 6—o, and Wheatle.\ beat Czetwertynski, 6—4, 6—3, 6 4.
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  • 25 292 Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bathurst, lately of Ipoh, returned from Home by the Malwa on Wednesday. Mr. Bathurst is to be stationed in Penang.
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  • 368 292 THE GIILLEMARD \> Yesterday's Results in Qualify. n P \> Uiin^ The first stage tf the M u petition to select the Colony for the forthcoming match F.M.S. was decided >esterda the S.C.C. and S.R.< courts. evenly distributed. for the S.r.c I winners in Hall and Hunt. the
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  • 122 292 The result of the match In-tween Sepoy Lines Golf Club and Garrison Golf Club I a win by Garrison Golf Club. The MOfet below: Hemmant and Neilson 0 vs. CoL Poitlrtl waite and McMichao!, 1. Tongue and Onraet 1% vs. Bvcrfitt a" W. L Stevens, 0. Carson
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  • 125 292 GOVERN MENT HOUSE. The following had the honouY ui with His Excellency the Governor arid Vm Guilk'mard at Government House on M 7th. Hon. Mr. Hayes and Mn. Man Beatt, Lt. Col. C. J. Pickering M.G.. M Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White. Mr 1 Towner, Dr. and Mrs. K.
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  • 51 292 News was receiver! in Ip«'h U that Inspector Howiihanc. of th«Police, was shot in the shoulder <»n by a Malay while out with Mi officer-in-charge of detectives. It that the officers went to raid a Malay when they were fired on *•> W Inspector Hourihane's wound is
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  • 18 292 Mr. R. K. Hardwich has presented a shield for an annual int* r-estau tournament on the Borneo We«t
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  • 557 293 i:> «rn. Chef Surgeon, Selangor, has ft foi H-me >>n l«-avc. j ,k:. red for the new Siamese •cted It N completed in ab >ut i; S>nart. a tyi>ewriu»r merBangkok, died of afp ndicitis on -t. an<! Hn M. Thompson, of Chicago, n M -h.rt visit
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  • 1519 293 Almr>st synchronising with the clow of the seas >n at home Leajrue football opens in Singapore to-morrow with the Second Division match on the Padanfc between the Oriental Telephone Company team and the Malays. The coming seax.n will be additionally inUre>tinn because ot the participatior? of a new
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  • 131 293 The report and accounts of this valuable institution have now been published in anticipation of the annual general meeting. The i honorary treasurer, Mr. S. J. Vincent, is able to make a satisfactory report, more gratifying: than its predecessor. The cost of maintaining the hospital was
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  • 133 293 The following had the honour of dining with His Excellency the Governor and Lady Gnillemard at Government House on :»rd y'ay 192t;.. Major an-1 Mrs. X. H. P. Whitley. Mr. A. VV. Vick, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Derrick, ('apt. and Mrs. K. O. D. Carey, (.'apt. and
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  • 634 293 ACTION AGAINST AUSTRALIAN FISH CONCLUDED. The hearing of the action brought by William Wocfz, formerly manager of the Singapore branch of Austi all's Overseas Co., claiming from Mr. E. W. ToatfuMoa and Mr. J. F. Pilgrim, partners i/i Jie firm, $14,000 he alleged he had advanced for
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  • 96 293 The rales governing the award of certificates of honour in the F.M.S. state, i amongst other details, that the certificate I will consist of a scroll bearing an approved I portrait of the King and the signature and st/al of the Higrh Commissioner. Ueeipi' nt< will
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  • 80 293 The Chinese laoVs of Kuan Lumpur I were at Home to Sir George and I-a<iy Max- well )n Saturday afternoon at the residence j 01 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Loke <<n Dukit Naaaa. After valedictory gpeechei Mrs. Alan Loire presented Lady Maxwell with pair of jade i < ar-rinjrs. Lady
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  • 511 294 THE BANK KOIJBERY CASE. Uatag tht accused who stand charged at the Third A-izes before the Chief Justice, <ii William Murison, is Mariappen Kandian. the Tamil \K>i>n who is charged with the theft of nvci three hundred thousand dollars from the Banqiie de Chint Reference was
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  • 252 294 A Hokien named Lim Cheang, who was found guilty at the Third Assiaes yesterday aferncon on a charjrt of committing highway robbery, was sentenced by the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, to three years' rigorous imprisonment and to no-iw ten stroke i of the rattan.
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  • 80 294 The Siame.-e Royal State Railways announce that from May 1, a post-box wil 1 ne attached to the Express trains on the Northern and Southern Lines and a postal sorter will travel on the express. Postal mattt r will be received en route at all the stations where the express
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  • 600 294 DOCTORS CLAIM FOR CAPITAL AND PROFITS. A claim for a sum of $2,000 advanced to secure the continuation of an option to purchase a rubber estate at Mersing, Johore, and for a share in the profits of the sale of the option is the subject matter of
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  • 194 294 MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING. To the Editor. Sir, -As the Municipality arc taking keen interest in lighting the streets with gas lamps up to the Municipal limit in all the divisions, it seems that they have ignored the Northern Division, as lamp posts are only fixed up
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  • 40 294 The New York Chamber of Commerce foi th<- Dutch East Indies entertained GovernorGeneral de r, r a*flF, recently appointed Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, prior to his departure for Holland to take up the duties of his new office.
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  • 431 294 ITALIAN OPERA. "LA TRAVIATA." It is but natural, perhaps inevitable, that the operas of Verdi, the greatest o£ all Italian operatic composers, should figure largely in the repertoire of an Italian company. During the present visit of Carpi's Company we have listened with enjoyment to their
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  • 334 294 Mr. H. N. Ferrers, of Kuala Lumpur, left for England by the Fionia. Mr. W. Lewis and Mr. H. Worthington Wilson of Medan, Sumatra, are proceeding to England at the end of this week. Dr. Cameron is on his way out to join Dr. Macaskill, who since Dr. Day left
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    • 62 294 CENTURY lIY GRE(.(M{> [Reuter's Bl rvice.] London. t> > At Leicester in fine weather an. an attendance of 10.000 the ni;, between the Australians and U Batting first the tourists n ia nine wickets, Collins, in thivo h«»ur 43, including four 4's. Bard-I 33 and Ponsford M^
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    • 74 294 [Reuter's Bervic S\dm>. M For the world's scullinover a course of three miles 167 the Parramatta River, Major Tom Saul by seven lengths. Tim. 11 sees. [Last year Major Goods* 11 won pionship for the first time by Im Paddon on the Paramatta in tt sees. In 1924
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    • 53 294 [Reuter's Senriee.] Manchester. Ma> E. M. Baerlein retained the i tennis singles title by defeating tt 1i C X. Bruce in the challenge r C— o, C— o. [Baerlein was first siicc-ssful won again in 1914, and has held tin since 1919. There was no comp< I
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    • 108 294 THE AISTKAU AN TOUJ. [Reuter's Service.] Leicester. Ha| 1. The weather continued line for th against the Australians, hut the iti was not large, reaching only three sand. The wicket played well. Australia scored 336 of which (ii was responsible for a vigorous and cular not out innings of
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    • 240 294 [Reuter's Service. 1 London. Mh> I. Owing to universal rain there u;iplay anywhere on the first day tf the < ty matches except in the fMM at l.< At the Oval: The gMM bet we. S and Hampshire was left drawn. scored 243, of which .lardine w;i
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    • 84 294 The match played on Sunday. H*J Sepoy Lines resulted a< foll«nv>. I pel Golf Club player.- ktfclg m«-nti"H«- I Campbell and Oimston o, M« Dickinson 1; Jones and Thomson son and Clarke 1; Kennedy and T" Carson and Cowap \U; H;:ll<»\\ **A 1, Williamson
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  • 1129 295 DOCTOR'S SI'PREME COI'RT ACTION. Ktitl* p.r«- as to Nepociations. ric. 1 1 latintr -<» the ne^ocia- <ied the saV of the Niths\lw Mershtg, Johoro, was B the S I "urt yesterday, when the act'. f>y Dr. A. C. Wee- .p cicrk named |1 lessjastd btfofi Mr. JusTkf
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  • 220 295 HINT WINS MMARKABLB MATCH. Play fluctuated In a remarkable manner in the tinal of the championship Singles which brought the Spring Tournament at the Cricket Club to a close yesterday evening. His Excellency Sir Laurence Guillemard and lady Gttilfemard were among i large number of spectators who
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  • 79 295 English Mail in Three Weeks. The P. and 0. Mahva which arrived at Peaang yesterday morning with the English mail, has equalled the post-war P. and O. record run mad by the Kaiser-i-Hin two or three years apo. The Malwa brought the mail whfcn closcd in
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  • 218 295 11 Trovatore, Verdfs most popular and pei haps most i»iilliant opera, was given hy the Italian (liaml Opera Company to B large audience at the Victoria Theatre last nijrht. Sig, F. Castaltani was very successful in his Ringing of some of Verdi's most inspired aria*. His
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  • 537 295 All being well, the Bishop of London is likely t) be in Hongkong on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, of the American Presbyterian Mission, have anhed in Bangkok. I.ieut.-Col. .1. H. Tyte, Inspector of Piisons, S.S., is expected in Penang this week-end. Mr. and Mrs.
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    • 402 295 Ec ue* t Sale to Tan Kah ket. The sale of a of>o acres rubber estate at Eatu Fahat to Mr. Tan Kah Kee fbi .^7O, 000 had a sequel in the Supi'lt Court yesterday in the action, before Mr. Justice Deane, in which four Chinese plaintrifs.
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    • 317 295 The bearing of the action brought by Dr. A. C. Weerekoon against G. V. Daws >n. a solicitor's clerk, claiming the return of two thousand dollars alleged to have been advanced to secure the extension ox an option on a rubber estate at Mcrsin<r. and lor
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  • 143 295 SECOND DIVISION RESULTS. The two .second division league matches on the padang yesterday afternoon were productive of some good football and indicate plenty of l:een competition among* the junior teams. It is regrettable, bowi ver f that the dangerooi play of certain of the Teleph >ne o> and
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  • 1937 296 INTERESTING CHAPTERS^ FROM A PIONEER LIFE/ PART I. The following short descriptive history of the work of the late Rev. B. P. Keasberry in reference to education of the Malay commencing from the year 1839 to 1875 has reached us for publication. The writer of this
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    • 548 296 Mandor Loses His Savings. The story of how the Chinese mandor of a rubber estate in Johore, who was on his way to China with two hundred dollars that he had saved and the intention of getting married when he arrived there, was lured
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    • 129 296 How a policeman in plain clothes happened to be travelling in the same 'bus in which a Chinese tendered a forged five dollar note in payment of his 35 cents fare j was related when Ong Geok San was charged with being in possession of forged
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  • 104 296 RUBBER AUCTION. YESTERDAYS LIST The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 758U yesterday, when there was Catalog., 871 lbs., 419.14 tons. Offered f.«;.< 299.10 tons. Sold 599.576 lbs.. 2f>7 Spot London Jv New York PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents lv r u Standard Quality
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  • 430 296 AU Singapore, Mav i Although the prices of Rubber has been very steady throughout the week most quotations show a marked improvement o* balance and a fair business has been recrded in this section of the market. Tin n the other hand, shews a drop of i|
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  • 310 296 Singapore, \ia> H. The General Strike at home has had a paralysing effect in London our Head Oftio reports that business is practically at standstill. However, they express the opinipn that if this state of affairs contini. higher prices should be scon, especially near positions. The
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  • 443 297 \t'C|l'IKKS A NEW RESPECTABILITY. Mr. K. E. F. Pretty's report on the State I Biiri»-i for 11)25 shows a surplus between and expenditure of $69,975, the VMM having been $315,261. The were an easy record the main in- m rx?ing under Customs duties and Land Kevenu* Brunei shows,
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  • 272 297 C ERTIFICATES OF HONOUR. !OR RESIDENTS OF STRAITS >♦ rectal notification that the King had iacd to approve the award of Certi- of Honour to persons, not of Eurow>unt, resident in the Federated > States, in recognition of loyal and I -(.rvice in prominent and respon- it ions, is followed
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  • 39 297 Tht- Rigkt Honourable Ikt Secretary of laic for the Colonies has appointed Com•an.i*., H. Freyberj?, 0.8.E., R.N., (re- "•<!> t«» be Master Attendant, Straits ttl»-ni«nts. in succession t > Captain W. H. 'althrop-Cnlthrop, 0.8.E., A.M., R.N., (re- •■■!>.
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  • 507 297 Dr. J. Sharp is appointed a member of the Central Mid wives Board. Mr. H. Eckhardt is seconded for service under the Governrm nt of Kedah, as Adviser,. Land Office. Mr. C. W. A. Stnnett is appointed to officiate as District Officer, Dindmg*, with effect from
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  • 212 297 Cavalleria Kusticana and I'auulia'vi. Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana is an opera which never fails to find favour with any audience, and with the justice that players like the Italian Grand Opera Company are able t > do to the opera it was no wonder that last night's performance was
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  • 1522 297 INTERESTING CHAPTERS FROM A PIONEER LIFE. The First Malay Testament. Part 11. The British and Foreign Bible Society asked the Revd. Mr. Keasberry to print the revised and corrected New Testament in Romanized Malay, and to lithograph in Arabic characters (written on transfer paper nr.-tj the
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  • 224 297 The following is the twenty-first report of the directors to shareholders to V« presented at the annual meeting at Harrison <. Barker and Co., on May 17th at noon. The halance brought forward at tfae credit of the Profit and Loss Account wa; «»1?. 942.85 less dividend of
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  • 1891 298 TOWN IMPROVEMENT AND OPIUM RESERVE. The annual general meeting of members of the Straitl Settlements Association was held in the Singapore Exchange Room yesterday evening- The President, Mr. A. P. Robinson, presided over a fair attendance which included the following members of Committee: Hmstl J. G. Campbell,
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  • 712 298 SEQUEL TO BUS ENCOUNTER. Suspicious Detective's Find. The presence of a detective in plain clothes in a 'bus at the time he attempted to pass off a forged five dollar note led to the conviction of a Chinese at the Assizes on Wednesday. The suspicions of another plain
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  • 629 298 WELLINGTONS WIN FIRST M\|« M I), of Wellington's. 1: S.C.r.X For the second lime -iru<' th< in Singapore the Duke of Wcl:in. feated the Straits 'hiru-so on the Si ground yesterday afternoon. It match which constituted fitting to the season and one <•: the 1.. MOSt exciting panics
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  • 29 298 f Reuter Service."l I/mdon. May J. In the I'mal jrnnie in the Emnin- a billiardi championship played lam (Eagland) win., icorinc 2,003 tl'A'Jl of Shaih'i (Australia*.
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  • 56 298 THE F .M.S. JUDICIARY. A rumour wliich it b said is l.y HO without foundation is in circul: ■-*i»»n the Hon. Y.r. M. T. Akhar, Solici has bcin offered an as Wi JiKtico of the I<Vdi>rat. d Malay St; fact that Mr. Akhar is just now m 1« :i lends
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  • 1009 299 QtMtfOM agunt homines nottn e»t farraj. < >. Juvenal. th. fan- wells to Sir George em•ki- f Sfl laid upon the certainty < -ptaker put it, *He will be ->me higher |x>.«sition in the r. al >• .e" apparently they are l ••> otT»-r him as
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  • 398 299 Another arrest has been effected by the Detective Branch ir, connection with the serious disturbance in Victoria-street recently when shots were fued at Mr. Dickinson and other onVers of the Detective Branch who had just effected the arrest in a house of five men. One of
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  • 38 299 The Sydney Cup at Randwick over two miles, for which Heroic David, Pilliewinkie and other five horses ran, was won by Murray King, a Comedy King gelding, by half I neck, at 200 to 1.
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  • 53 299 If the famous original Siamese twins had lived they would have grown into two beautiful women, according to Dr. Ludwig Bahtota, of the Xew York McCormick Institute. In Hygeia he publishes, for the first time, a rtcord of the first post-mortem which was made to discover whether the single body
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  • 837 299 COMPANY'S SATISFACTORY YEAR. The annual general meeting of the Changkat Serdang Estates, Limited, wu ic-ld in tne Company's registered office, French bank Building, yesterday. '1 ho HonuJe ♦>ir. t. Lventt presided, and others present were: Messrs YV\ A. Sims, J. Robertson, C. V. Bailey (tor the Secietaries), J.
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  • 226 299 Singapore, May 5. Rubber. The tone of the market, during the period under review, has been quiet, with lluttuations from day to day. The local auction, held yesterday, passed with a steady, but fairly ouiet tone. Awarded Spot Sheet was withdrawn from the sale, and sold privately durine:
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  • 732 299 THE ANNUAL MEETING. The annual general meeting of Aver Panas Rubber Estates, Limited, was held in the Company's office. Hongkong Bank Chambers, on Saturday, those present being Mr. J. M. Sime. Chairman, the hon'Kle Mr. D. J. Ward, Mr. E. Kong Guan, Mr. Lim Chim Tuar., Mr.
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  • 97 299 AU STRALIAN INTER-STATE CRICKET. [Reuter's Service.] London, May 7. At IDelbooroe the inter-State CriefctC Conference decided to admit Queensland into the Sheffield Shield competition. The eitfht-bail over has been retained and the home State shall decide whether the wicket shall be covered. [Previously there have be* n only three States
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  • 203 300 MONDAY, MAY 10, 1926. THE STRIKE HOPELESS. GOVERNMENT WILL WIN. I.AIUH R LEADERS' ADMISSION. (Free Press Copyright (able. From Our London < tarrespondent). London, May S. All Um kmdtiri of Labour privately admit that the general strike in Great Britain is hoptU's.-. but owing to the refusal of the miners
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  • 41 300 The following have been staying at Government House as the guests of His Excellency the Govern©? and Lady Guillemard: H. H. The Raja oil, Sarawak. Miss Leonora Brooke, Hon. Mr. G. C. and Mis. Irving, Mis. Cantrell. Mrs. Currie.
    41 words
  • 38 300 The following are the numbers of arrival from and departures to the Madras Presidency for the month of April. Arrivals 10i)S4 Adults; 17X9 Minors. Depart u»?s 4»">2'J and 211. The Mrivals relate to aided passengert only.
    38 words
  • 393 300 Major R. W. Russell 2-oth Gurkha Rifles has been struck off the strength of the Command. inspector G. C. Colclough, of the Central Police Station, Ipoh, left for Home on Thursday. Inspector W. MaeQuarrie, of the Penang Police, who hail l>een Ml leave returned anJ has taken charge of the
    393 words
  • 1617 300 SOVIET INFLUENCES IN SINGAPORE. Working for Anti-Japanese Boycott. "It is clearly shewn by all the documents in the case that owing to the subversive Soviet propaganda coming through to Singapore from Canton, which it has been almost impossible to stop, they have become infected with these most mischievous
    1,617 words
  • 52 300 [Reuter's Service.] London, May 7. The match between the Australians and Essex at Leyton was abandoned owing: to rain. There was a few minutes play before lunch and after lunch. The Australians made 538 for 9 wickets and declared, Hendry scoring 71. Ettex lost two wickets for
    52 words
  • 9 300 Major J. D. Richmond RJLM.C. has been gazetted Lieut-Col.
    9 words
    • 647 300 S.C.C. XI vs. S.R.C II. A Drawn dame. With the Malacca— S.<".<\ mat. h the S.C.C. second ele-'en fixture ay i Joseph's Old Boys oaecetled and the s.i: without a jrame it appeared <»n S nioi that the I*adan;r would be that afternoon- a thaarlaai ataaaeel eleventh hour MTtmi^eilieSt,
      647 words
    • 101 300 [Re liter Service.] London. Ma\ v The match !»etwc< n »he Au-tfa'i:' Bl Suirey c-omnu nml at the Ova] UMlaj fore an attendance of 10,uoo. Tu> v. was t n<\ but the wicket VSI wfl I rain overnitrht. Colttßl won tht- btM an<l bati<<! tirM. I
      101 words

  • 12443 301 London. .May 3. j u-»- nf Commons opened with the "<.ns. Tbe tenseness of the «u apparent by the cheering rir.j- and laughter m the»-d. ann»unct<i that the Minis- h;««i arranged a service of nvcy M.Ps to and from t -nt. !'n!dw B at the end of questions,
    12,443 words