The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 28 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
257 272 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 145 257 M>hKS. ntf lin|ialif llj 257 i'lanninsr: the Machinery 257 Hick Wagci 258 Lab 'iir 25N n B \M> COIKT NEWS. ;.I:m£ 2.VJ -•!!<.• !t< r 261 I to Joy Ride 261 2G2, 3, 4, 9 r Konlniy 262 aa« Staa'l Will 263 i;h and Money (hangers 263, 4 hardaoa
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  • 109 257 t<» the "Singapore Free Press" -mini: from Europe to the Straits I the mail line«, are invited to send u*:er the name of their >teamer and al m Singapore Copies will then t them at vaiious ports of call. m Europe wishing ilet' led int" >ha res &c. can have
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  • 147 257 April M, 138.00 12.00 W' 60.00 39.00 5.50 •nail 7.25 11.80 „1 12.00 tm unt. 4.000 I Hin Cha.i Mark \>v/) 830 •U No 1 2UO B r tan 280 v Siu\a 253 ikta No. 1 220 H- -k m No. 2 •iuti'ious No. 1 363 1 i -us
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    • 85 257 DESPAKD. At 27 Welbeck St., London, W.. on April 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Despard, Kassak Est ite, Mambau, a daughter, stillborn. COLASO. At the General Hospital, Seremban, on April 20. to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Colaso, Kuala Lumpur, a daughter. JEFF. At the European Hospital,
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    • 86 257 THE VAT HASAN. On 22nd instant, Walter Thevathasan. >on of S. M. Thevathasan, teacher, An^lo Chinese School. SAM I'EL.- Mrs. K. J. Samuel (daughter of late Mr. 11. T. Balavi-ndrum, of Penanjr), at Taylor Road, Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday, April 18th. SCOTT. At h6, Perak Lue, IVnanp, on the
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  • 362 257 Dates up to April Ist were brought by the mail which arrived here on Saturday, April 24th. This weekly leaves to-morrow, April 29th, by the BX steamer Kkma. Judgment for $.">4l was jriven against the solicitor, Mr. A. V. L Davies,. m the Supreme Court, m a
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  • 56 257 April M, Bank 4 m,. 11 -*> Bank deni:-<l I y>-l Pihrati we > p Xt-w York. foauUMi 9 ir) Credits 90 days France dOMad ir>3 India, T. T. Hon^kontr. 4t«m»4 M« I):s Yokohama, demand U«4 Java, demand 140* i Bangkok, demand W% Bar Silver London 2994 Bank of
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  • 29 257 Miss R. Fry has been appointH Nursing Sister, Genera! Hospital, Afar Star, m place of Miss J. Howard, who has retained to Enpland on the termination of her agreement.
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  • 725 257 Waiting Impatiently. Apr. 21. The recent spell of hot weather all over Malaya has emphasised how extremely important to the welfare of the European population the real hill station is. Bukit Fraser has very little accommodation. It can never have a permanent population, so that casual visitors should find everything
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  • 767 257 Apr. 22 In another part of this issue we give a three column statement of the methods proposed for working town planning m the Federated Malay States, copied from the February Bulletin of the International Federation for Town Planning. It might be thought that there had
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  • 726 258 Apr. 23. Those who hold the counsels of labour m the Straits, and practice the art of self-effacement to a degree that is embarrassing to the authorities, would say that the secret of high wages is to get every man to agree to demand them, and
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  • 731 258 Apr. 24. Reading an instructive paper given before the Society of Arts by Lady Chatterjee on women and children m Indian industries, called our attention to a problem which is likely to be intensified m the future m Malaya, and while never reaching the dimensions of Indian factory
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  • 535 258 Apr. 20. Not to be out of the fashion, Italy has now her little "show the flag" war m Africa. One might have thought that the wearisome Morocco campaign, and the bitter Syrian revolt, with Britain's troubles m and about Mesopotamia would ha forded a warning. But
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  • 265 258 Apr. 27. JJy the Kalyan to-day there i> for England on retirement Mr. Alexander William Stili, who ha- for eighteen years been editor of Straits Times. |fr. Still has k&m powerful fbfCC m journalism and valuable a.^set as a public man a! these years. He did not
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  • 389 259 'or over three weeks the native Calcutta has been the scene of ghting between the Hindus th*> Bfohamedhana. Cables and m the Indian papers alike emm Ihe gravity of the situation. a we era see, religion and lal antagonism are the sole of the trouble. A real or
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  • 169 259 PRAISE FOR THE I'ADKE. (From Our Own Correspondent). IVnanir, April 21. The members of tho congregation cf St. Andrew's hurch met yesterday evening to Ud farewell to th Rev. Archibald Ewing, their minis-ter for the past four years, who is leaving f'enanj; m a day or fvo. As
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  • 72 259 (Prom Our Own Correspondent). I'enang. Apr. 22. Then- is Kieat contrestion m IVnang Harbour. Shortly after 7 oVlock this morning IBC Rtsident Councillor made a surprise tour of inspection of the cargo-Uttered it-is and wharves and saw tirr upon tier "I" crated motor-cars, etc The Blue Funnel
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  • 95 259 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 22. In the Supreme Court to-day judgment was given m an interesting civil suit, the Siaming Mining Land Case, m which tho principal points raised for the defence were whether a foreign department had the right to sue m a
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  • 54 259 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala 1 .11 m pur. April 22. Prince George attended a dance it the SclangOT Club last night, and leaves to-day for Seremban after an enjoyable stay at Kuala I u m pur. Following heavy rain, the Mood alary. was sounded at Kuala Lumpur
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  • 194 259 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 23. The enquiry into the murder of Tan Khai Meng. a Chinese greaser on board the Seang Bee on March 22nd. was continued to-day. A fireman said that while sitting at the door of his cabin on the third deck
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  • 75 259 fFIOM Oui Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 23. The PinaCg Gazette's Allahabad correspondent telegraphi that communal rioting has been resumed m Calcutta with the result that two persons have been killed and six injured. The distu-b i*e began with a drunken brawl and apprehensive shopkeepers put up
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  • 81 259 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, April 2. I*.1 After the heavy rain of the last few days the water position is now normal. The Municipal notice curtailing supplies was withdrawn to-day, but with a warning. The reservoirs are practically full and the streams are supplying a
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  • 346 259 EUROPEAN ESTATE MANAGER KILLED. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 24News has been received of the tragic death of Mr. Noel F. Symes, manager of Riviiside Estate, Bedon-i, Kedah, m a nrbtor accident at Butterworth this morning. EnquiiLs made at the offices of Messrs. Kennedy, Burkiil and
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  • 285 259 The proceedings of the meeting of the Sze Hai Tong Banking- and Insurance Co. have been forwarded to us: The nineteenth annual general meeting of shareholders was held at the registered office. No. .">8 Chulia Street, Singapore, on Saturday, April 24th at 1 p.m. The Chairman
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  • 122 259 Information was received m Penang on Friday from the Rev. A. D. Harcus, London, stating that the Rev. R. S. Stewart, M.A., has been appointed Presbyterian Minister of Penang, m succession to the Rev. Archibald Ewing who left on Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Stewart is at present minister at Nassau,
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    • 771 259 The strongly expressed views of Mr. H. R. Bull, the Police Magistrate, m sentencing two Chinese to six months imprisonment and a fine m connection with the theft of a dollar's worth of latex from a lubber estate at Changi were read m the Supreme Court
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    • 76 259 The Hon. Mr. O. F. Stonor, C.M.G., British Resident, Perak, who went to N'uwara Eiiya, Ceylon, to recuperate after an operation, leturned to Malaya on Thursday by the P. and O. "Khyber." Mr. William McCulloch, who has been acting as Aprent m Kuala Lumpur of the Chartered Bank of India,
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  • 1356 260 ECHOES OF ACHEEN. (From Our Own Corre9f»ondent). Batavia, Apr. 24. The unrest m this quarter of the X.E.I. Archipelago still continues and on the 13th inst. another attack was made on a patrol. This ended mo'e happily than was the case with the unfortunate patrol under the late
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  • 63 260 The Gorges Albert, a trawler flying the French flag, arrived m Singapore during the week-end. She has been purchased by Mr. Tan Kah Kee for service at Amoy, it is believed, alid will proceed to that port shortly. The Gorges Albert is a small vessel of 85
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  • 93 260 The latest news concerning the loss of the Penang, the Straits Steamship Company's vessel which caught fire some eight or nine miles off the Sulton Shoal light on Thursday evening last and sank after burning throughout the night, is to the effect that eight persons lost their
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  • 191 260 Mr. A. N. Kenion, of the law firm of Maxwell and Kenion. Ipoh, has left for Home on holiday. I £ir Arthur Yapp, National Secretary of the V.M.C.A. left Singapore byjhe Khyber yesterday for Hongkong. Mr. G. A. Hereford, District Judge, Penang, who had been m hospital recently resumed duties
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  • 833 260 COPYING THE DRUSES. [From N.E.I. Papers.] Padang, Apr. 22. The editor of the Warta Hindia was arrested here yesterday afternoon at the instigation of the Attorney -General on a charge of having reprinted an article appearing m the Indonesia Merdika, m which the population were calkd upon
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  • 367 260 V.MC.A. MAY CARNIVAL. I A reminder is given of the V.M < ay swimming carnival to be held a* ssociation's Fort Canning swimming ]»>< on Saturday next. The preliminary j which were held during the week-en<: teed some excellent times and th- suit ng. generally indicates the excell nt
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  • 28 260 Championship 1926. The result of the Championship is afollows: Winner.— S. C. Campbell 77, plus 74, lit Runner-up.— H. I. Jones 78, plus 8;, 159.
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  • 20 260 [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 24. In the Empire Billiards Tournament Shailer, Australia (2.000) heat McCluney (North Ireland) 1,292.
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  • 46 260 The third round of the Lipton Cup was sailed yesterday, as i result of which the points gained m this competition are: EllaDorothy 24, Jean II 17, Ella 14, Kathleen 13, June 12, Pblly 10. Puteh 7, Gertrude 5, Bobbee 3, Nancy 2, Eve 1.
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  • 112 260 The appeal by thirty-seven Chinese who had been convicted m the Police Court m a charge of membership of an unlawful society was down for hearing before th<Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, yesterday morning. Mr. Claude da Silva, wh I has been instructed by the appellants, informed his
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  • 743 261 It is understood that when on leave m England Mr. I. H. Basse tt, of Klang, will -tudy law. H.IMI. Privet- (norge arrived m Kuala Lumpur «»n Monday night and is staying a: ncm Mr. M. Hay, has been appointed to >m- Mkial Examiner m Tamil
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  • 2322 261 WIFE'S PURCHASES AT LITTLE'S. Defendant Complains of Excessive Prices. Messrs. John Little and Co. we.*; plaintiffs m a rather remarkable action which occupied the attention of Mr. Justice Deane m the Supreme Court yesterday, the defendant King Mr. Aubrey V. L. Davies, a»i suhrodtß and .a licilor.
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  • 232 261 Eurasian Youths* Holiday Stunt. The case m which two Eurasian youths named Leicester and Ahin were charged with cheating m respect of a motor car from Grant's Motor Garage m Cavanagh Road, was taken up ia the District Court yesterday, the two accused pleading guilty. Mr.
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  • 65 261 A t\na of $10 was inflicted on a Chinese motor-car driver m the Police Court? ye>terday, for wasting Municipal wat»r by washing his car at a stand pipe m Bencoolen Street. It was staled that the accused was not only wafting water during a time when water was
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  • 1247 262 Saturday's match at Tangflin between the S.C.C. and the Services provided the cricket < n^ation of the stason, the remarkable character of the afternoon's play being such as to live long m the memory of those privileged to witness it. When Vyvyan, the military skipper, made the declaration
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  • 356 262 Allegations of Misappropriations. Serious allegations against the former trustees of the estate of the late Sultan Khan Surattee m an action which commenced before the Chief Justice. Sir William Murison. m the Supreme Court yesterday. The plaintiffs are the present trustees of the estate. Ali Khan Surattet'
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  • 47 262 f ßouter's Service.] London, April 21. The City and Suburban, which was run to-day, resulted as follows: WARDEN OF THE MARCHES (100 to 15) l SPARUS (100 to 8) 2 NALDERA (100 to 15) ?> Twelve ran. Won by two lengths; one length between second and third.
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  • 22 262 The Government has taken steps to acquhv some 250,000 square feet of land m Malacca for an abattoir and other Municipal buildings.
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  • 666 262 THEIR USEFULNESS DOUBTED. Mr G. E. S. Cubitt writes the annual report on the forests of the Colony. As regards Singapore he writes There was a nett loss on all the Colonial forests, chiefly Diving to the expenditure on topographical surveys m Malacca. Mr. B. H. F. Barnard
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  • 136 262 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 20. At the annual meeting of the Bassett Rubber Co., Ltd., Mr. J. Cruikshank presided. The Chr.irman said that the profit for the year amounted to $115,984 52 or IS 1 per cent, on the issued capital as compared with $17,297 m
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  • 42 262 Arshad bin Said, a Javanese, was chargtd at Parit Buntar recently with housebreaking and theft of cash and property to tht value of $540, at Simpang Lima, and was committed by Mr. J. A. Harvey, the magistrate, for trial at the Assizes.
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  • 334 262 THE BANK ROBBEKY CASK. A somewhat unexpected step has been taken by the Crown m connection with the Banque de L'lndo Chine robbery case, ali except one of the accused being remanded foi trial before ihe District Judge. Mr. Dickinson, A.S.I', mentioned the case before Mr. Bull
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  • 151 262 Sentence of IS months rjftflll imprisonment and 16 strokes of the nittan was pas sed on a Chinese who was brought up before Mr. P. A. V. David m the District Court \esttrday. charged with committing armed highway robbery. Court Inspector Kenny fcaM the Court that the accused
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  • 189 262 Having deserted their ship, the British steamer A p old a. when she arrived at Singapore about a week ago. because they were dissatisfied with the conditions on board, two seamen named Thompsell, an Englishman, and I^averty, a British South African, were arrested h\ Inspector Bostock of the
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  • 91 262 Alleged Connection with Inlawful Society A number of Japanese were arrested m 22 Malay Street on Monday nijrht as a result of a raid conducted by Mr. Inprham if the Chinese Protectorate, accompanied hf a party of police. Eleven werv arrested altogether, the thr c first accused bt
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  • 23 262 The Rev. B. C. Roberts and Mrs. Rolierls have left Kuala Lumpur on hjliday. They expect to he away for about thive week>.
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  • 756 263 THUR SDAY. APRIL 22, 1926. ACTION AGAINST TRUSTEES. A DEFENDANTS ADMISSIONS. Position of Itenrficiaries. Tkf resumed bvaring of the Action brought by tin- present trustees of the estate of the la c Sultan Khan Surattee against the former trustees, Mahmood Khan Surattee and Rahim Khan Suratte* (the OflTn a! Assifrnee
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  • 60 263 Welcome showers have fallen during the last few days at Penanfc says Monday's Straits Ed >. and if we have a few more a> h«avy a^ last night's the water shortage will soon disappear. Both reservoirs hay* shown a decided u'ain. The rainfall record-c-d at Fort (Ornwallis from 9 a.m.
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  • 619 263 DECISIONS OF CHIEF JUSTICE. Judgment on thf .summons asking for directions m regard to matters m the administration of the wealthy estate of the late Mr. Seah Liang .Scan, was delivered by the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, \esterday. The first question, his Wdship said, relate
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  • 253 263 A CLAIM FOR JEWELLERY. Jewtllery stated to be worth $2,475, belonging to an Indian goldsmith, figured m an action before Mr. Justice Deane m the Supreme Court yerterday, m which the goldsmith, S. S. Singara Pattan, carrying on business m Bencoolen street, sued a firm of
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  • 515 263 The following action was taktn at a meeting of committee No. 4; held on Apr. 16th: Approved tha principle of making a charge for ■MVietl rendered by the Fire Brigade outside Municipal Limits, and instructed the Supdt. Fire Brigade to submit suggested scale of charges. Approved further extension
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  • 115 263 L British Radio— Official Service.] Rugby, Apr. 20. The Australian cricket elc\on were entertained to luncheon to-day jy the- Institute of Journalists. Among tho quests were the Premier, Mr. Amery, Secretary, Sir James Barrie, the famous author, and Mr. P. F. Warner and other famous cricketers. A
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  • 72 263 Penang, Apr. 19. Recruiting has been generally resumed m Madras Presidency but the following taluk? are closed to recruiting owing to prevalence of disease: South Arcot District: Chidambaram and Kallakuruchy taluks. Tanjore: Papanasam, Nannialm, Mayavaram. Negapatam, Pattucottai and Shyali. Trichy: Odayarpalayam. Madura: Palni. Tinnevelly: Strivaigundam, Thiruchandur, Ambasamudram, Nangunery
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  • 127 263 RUBBER AUCTION. YESTERDAY'S LIST. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 756 th. auction yesterday, when there was Catalogued 597, 11 Q lbs., 400..")0 tons. Offered 710,545 lbs., 317.21 tons. Sold 610,228 lbs., 272.42 ton-. Spot. London is. IC*4<J. New York 47 ct-. PRICES REALIZED.
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  • 431 263 Singapore. April 20. Markets have been quiet m all sections throughout the week with Tin practically unchanged and Rubber shewing a further decline. Industrials also have lacked support but a considerable quantity of Loan has been put through. The Application Lists of the new Municipal 5 per
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  • 207 263 We have received the following fw ihe German Consul-General: The German Mark Loans will l>e converted into a Loan Liquidation Debt; it uill be gianted for every 1,000 mark old loans 2."j Reichs mark nominal value of the Loa.i Liquidation Debt. First of all the old holders
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  • 38 263 The Royal Siamese \avv training ship Chow Phraya under the c .mmand gf OmMniander Luan£ Bhara Samudhara arriwri at Penan^ on Monday m »rninp on her annual tour. She has on board a larjre number of naval cadets.
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  • 743 264 THE V.M.C.A. AND ITS WOKK. An Appeal For Support. There was a large and distinguished gathering at the Singapore Club last night whin Sir Arthur Yapp, K.8.E., General Secretary of the National Council of Y.M. ('.As of Great Britain and Ireland was the iruest of
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  • 77 264 The* following had the honour of lunching with His Excellency the Governor and Lady Guillemard at Government House oji April 2lst to meet His Excellency Monsieur Cognacq, the Governor of French Cochin China: Monsieur Vies dv Courthial, Monsieur and Madame Chevretton, Cte B. de Scey-Mont-U'liard, Docteur Vadon. Monsieur
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  • 333 264 The following subscriptions are acknowledged with thanks:—^ Mr. Lim Nee Soon $500 Mr. See Teong Wan 500 Mr. Ong Kah Loci: 1,500 Mr. Ng Seng Phang 100 Mr. John Robertson 100 Mi. Vow Ngan Pan 200 Mr. Lee Kong Chian 100 Mr. Justice Sproule 50 Mr.
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  • 122 264 The Committee beg to acknowledge with many thanks the following donations: Previously acknowledged $16.T0«.T0 Tan Kirn Wall 1.000 Lim Kee Cheok 100 Teo Tiok Yam 30 Tng Siong Kongkek 25 Lim Geok Whay 20 Lim Suat 800 20 Lim Teng Geok 20 Lim Xeo 20
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  • 125 264 The following had the honour of dining with His Excellency the Governor and Lady Guillemard at Government House on 20th April, 1926. Captain Meadows Frost, M.C., Major and Mrs. J. C. Burnett, Paymaster Lt. Comdr. N. R. F. Redhead, R.N., Major P. H. Keys. D.5.0., M.C., Capt. and
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  • 577 264 Mr. Justice Gompertz is going on two months' leave almost immediately. Mr. E. A. Dubois, Timur Estate, Johore, proceeds to Australia on leave next month. Mr. Ong Thyc Teong, late of the OverseaChinese Bank, Kelantan, is leaving for Amoy by the Hong Peng to-day to join
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  • 184 264 The annual report for the year ended October 3 1st., 1925, (to be presented at the annual meeting; at the Chartered Bank Chambers at noon on Friday, April 30th) states: The loss for the year as shown by the profit and loss account amounted to $48,090.11,
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  • 416 264 "SNATCHES OF VARIETY." His Excellency Sir Laurence Guillemard and Lady Guillemard were members of a large audience which enjoyed the Snatches of Variety entertainment arranged by Mr>. G. M. Alford at the Victoria Theatre last night. They were fairly substantial snatches, too, for it was not until
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  • 219 264 Xt marking: that the probabilities of th<* case were all m favour of the plaintiff Mr. Justice Deane yesterday afternoon delivered judgment for an Indian goldsmith named Singara Pattan who had brought an action against a firm of moneychangers, M. Mohamed Sheriff and Co.. claiming the return
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  • 151 264 JU DGMENT AGAINST TRUSTEES. The action brought by the presi nt trustees of the estate of the late Sultan Khan Surattee against Mahmood Khan Surattee and the Official Assignee of ihe estate of Rahim Khan Surattee, these iw<> brothers being the former trustees of the estate, concluded yesterday morning, Mr.
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  • 1673 265 NO. 9.— EXPLORATIONS AND IMPRESSIONS. [Specially Written for Free Press J. I* :nu the finst W.A.A.C. Unit to !>«. f '•rued m that area, we Came m for a good •j.-al more individual attention than iid Inter drafts. We paraded one by one r.oth Area Controller ami
    M.H.  -  1,673 words
  • 76 265 Mr. J. H. Pedlow, who had been up Penang Hill for a few days after his recent illness has resumed work. Mr. A. W. J. Hoy, resident engineer of Holt's Wharf, Kowloon, died from pneumonia on April 14th, aged 38. He had been at the wharf for eight years and
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  • 509 265 THE STATE OF A MAN'S MIND. Arguments as to the state of the accused's mind were put forward by Mr. N. H. P. Whitley, D.P.P.. before Mr. P. A. F. David, District Judge, yesterday, when the case against Mr. P. Richardson who stands charged with cheating Mr.
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  • 352 265 The full report of the motion by Mr. G. G. Wilson, to give a higher rebate on home distilled samshui, indicates that the danger of illicit distilling is within the cognizance of the Monopolies Dept. In December, 1923, when our licensed distilleries appeared to be threatened with
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  • 486 265 UEGiMENTAL SPORTS MEETING. At Tanglin. The second battalion of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment held their regimental athletic sports meeting at Tangiin yesterday and the afternoon was a very successful one from all points of view. The sport witnessed was of an excellent quality and the results reached a
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  • 54 265 [Reuter'< Service.] London, Apr. 21. The following are the results of to-day'? English League matches: Division I. Manchester United 5, Sund^rland 1. Division 11. Notts Forest 4, Hull City 0. Division 111 (Southern). Southern! 2, Brighton 3. Swindon 5, Watford 3. Bournemouth 2, Norwich 2. Division 111 (Northern).
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  • 74 265 Telephone Co. beat S.C.C. A penalty goal m the closing stages of ih< game gave the O.T.F.C. a victory over the S.C.C. on the Padang yesterday b> three goals to two. The Club lost Penrice. one of their backs, who sustained a severe injury to his arm, and was
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  • 57 265 [Reuter's Service.] Fortwwth, Texas, Apr. 21. Jack Dempsey has signed an agreement with Tex Rickard to defend his title to tfet World's Heavy-weight Championship on Sept. 16th. Rickard will select the opponent and the venue. It is understood Dempsey will receive about $450,000. It is generally
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  • 353 266 Mrs. P. F. Wise and Miss Wise have gjne t<> Brastagi on a short holiday. The Muslim Improvement Club has been registered under the Societies Ordinance m Singapore. The Hon'blt Mr. E. C. H. Wolff and Mrs. Wolff have returned to Seremban from Singapore. The Jewish
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  • 210 266 Conflicting evidence as to a man's mental condition was given before Mr. Howitt, Third Magistrate, yesterday when a Hylam was charged with trespass into the Victoria Theatre on the evening of March 25 last. When seen by a Malay employed at the theatre, the accused hid under
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  • 166 266 Soames King-Harman. At St. Andrew's Cathedral on Thursday afternoon, the Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. C. J. Ferguson-Da vie, officiating, Mr. W. B. Soames, of John Dickinson and Co., Ltd., son of the Rev. Gordon Soames of Mildenhall Rectory, Marlborough, Wiltshire, was married to Miss Daphne Florence
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  • 167 266 ITS CELEBRATION IN SINGAPORE. The Wearing o f the White Rose. St. George's Day this year was a far more memorable dat'j m Singapore than any of its predecessors have been, m that for the first time it was celebrated under the auspices of the Royal Society
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  • 1480 266 H. K. Sir Laurence Guillemard and Lndy Guillemard were among the guests oi honour at the dinner of the Society. The President the hon'hle Mr. C. Everitt 1 -vosi(ied. The menu was a typically English one. The roast bet f was brought m to the dining room
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  • 571 266 The recent formation of the Singapore Society synchronised happily with the arrival here of a Regiment which has for over a century possessed a time honoured custom m the celebration of St. George's Day m the wearing of the white rose by its
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  • 126 266 The following action was takt n at a Meeting of Committee No. 6 held on April 20th:— Recommended supplemental provision ti $20,000 for extension of electric mains m the north side of the town. Recommended the payment to the two crectjrs of a bonus for early completion of
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  • 123 266 Convicted on charts of being armt d i public with daggers, two Chinese who were arrested recently m Robertson Quay, wen produced before Mr. David yesterday, m the District Court. They were each tenced to six months' rigorous impri-on ment and twelve strokes with the rattan.
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  • 97 266 The fortieth ordinary jreneral Mrtfag the Singapore Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., was held at the offices of the Com pany at Tanjong Pajrar yesterday. Mr W. A. Trimmer, Chairman and Manasrinir Director, presiding. The accounts for the year ended Deeen her 31st last were passed, and
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  • 1146 267 ijnirqMid agunt nottri eat farrajt jjtrfK Juvenal. l»iMUssing the want of a hill station, for j. npan especially, a IVnang paper forej. a th day when it will be an evenI fly from Penang Hill t Brastagi, and :.»r a night of peace and coolth.
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  • 186 267 Shots Fired During Raid. A brothel m Tan Quee Lan street was visited by armed Chinese at about eleven ('clock on Wednesday night and. it is said, the men fired jtf four shots with the intention of terrifying the occupants. Some jewellery is believed to have been stolen.
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  • 129 267 It is reported that there was another shooting incident on Wednesday night. Mr. Xicol, A.S.P.. was driving along Grove Road at about 11.30 p.m. when he noticed a car pull up by the side of the road. He stopped his car and noticed two men rush into
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  • 58 267 Mr. Hoist rom, who is a member of a well-known firm of electrical engineers m Europe, and has been m Kuala Kangsar for some time making a report on the Perak River Hyrdo-Llectric Scheme for the Armstrong Whitwbrth Company, will be concluding his investigations within the course of the next
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  • 954 267 PENANG SINKS AFTER ALL NIGHT BLAZE. A wireless message was received m Singapore on Thursday evening, stating that the Straits Steamship Company's vessel Penang had been lost as the result of a fire which broke out m one of the hatches. The Penang was on her
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  • 247 267  -  R. C. WALMSLEY THE PRICE OF PADS. To The Editor. Sir,— With reference to the account of the case between Messrs. John Little and Co. and Mr. Aubrey V. L. Davies which appeared m your issue of the 21st instant. Mr. Davies is reported to have
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  • 486 267  -  W. DUN MAN To The Editor. Sir,— As probably the first applicant for agricultural land at Cameron's Highlands (January, 11)25) and having ever since then taken the keenest interest m the scheme of opening ih( m up, may I add a few remark* tc your leader. It would
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  • 1074 268 LEE PANG SENG'S EXAMINATION CLOSED. The Sime Darby Transaction. The public examination of Mr. Lee Pang Seng was concluded before Mr Justice Dcane m the Singaposc Bankruptcy < <>urt yesterday morning, after the bankrupt had gi\en further evidence relating to the purchases of rubber by his managers at
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  • 113 268 KING AND CRICKETERS. [British Radio— Official Service.] Rugby, April 22. A message from the King was read at the luncheon given to the Australian cricket eleven, by Australian and New Zealand business men m London. It was addressed to Admiral Sir John de Robeck, chairman of the M.C.C.,
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  • 114 268 Reuter's Service. London, Apr. 19. At the National Sporting Club, m a twenty-round contest for the British Flyweight Championship, Clark beat Socks m the twtntieth round, the referee stopping the fight. It was a fast clean fight. Clark started confidently, scoring rapidly with a good variety of blows
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  • 259 268 In spite of the fact that certain of the contestants were on the sick list and so unahle to take part, the boxing: and wrestling contests arranged by the men of the 45th. Destroyer division, United States Meet, at the Happy Valley last night were very interesting 1 and
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  • 26 268 [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 22. In the Northern Section of Division 111 of the English League, Grimsby beat Boncaster by four goals to one.
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  • 23 268 April Ladies Spoon. The result of the above is a win for Mrs. G. Cullen who returned a score of
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  • 763 268 A Keuter's telegram from New York announces the death, from pneumonia, of Mr. Joseph Pennell, the famous etcher. The hon'ble Mr. O. F. Stonor, British Resident, Perak, who was on a health trip to Ceylon, was expected back at Taiping on Thursday. Mr. J. Robertson has
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  • 849 268 THE PORTS. "You are surely not going to Aden, there's positively nothing there." I wonder how often I had tfca mark addressed to me both goin^ coming back. S Dim how it itrib shewing a decided lack of intelligent, nothing of interest m any port; v, are pleasing
    FREE LANCE  -  849 words
  • 59 268 Mr. C. H. Lij?htfoot, connected Messrs Hellyer and To., an tU < -tal>! tea firm m Japan, died suddenly at h at Shidzuokn «n the IHh inst httm trouble. Mr. Li^htfoot had n s».i»-.i n> II pan for more than thirty year> and wm of the best liked men m
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  • 375 269 VPPEAL JUDGES* DECISION IN (HETTY CASE. t fusing to hear the argument m a fore them that the Moneylenders' i;«t apply m the Colony the Chief su William Murison, and Mr. Jusung m appeal from a dcci- the District Court Judge on Satur- pressed the hope that
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  • 247 269 Chief Justice. Sir William Muri.leiivered judgment on Saturday ng on two questions m onnec--I*h the action brought by of the t state of Sultan Khan a-ainst Mahmood Khan Surattee Kahim Khan Surattee. former trustees, course of the hearing of the case I for the second defendant (the
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  • 72 269 LIGHTING AFFECTS TELEPHONE SERVICE. -"iO Phones Out of Order. «^y storm which occurred last IPP«H to have wrought havoc on 1 lines. We are officially inhat about 250 telephones are known "f order, but it is suspected that may have been affected by the ik'htninu. As the defect m some
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  • 559 269 MR. W. MAKEPEACE AND MR. A. W. STILL. Malayan journalism will become the poorer during the next two months by the loss thiough retirement of its two ablest and most esteemed members. To-morrow Mr. A. W. Still leaves for England after having: occupied the editorial chair of
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  • 133 269 On Friday night the installation meeting of Lodge St. George No. 1152 was held at Freemasons Hall. Wor. Bro. A. W. Still. D.D.G.M. Ruling, installed Bro. C. G. Mawson as W.M., this being his last Masonic function m the District. The W. M appointed and invested the following officers.
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  • 118 269 Four Chinese coolies and Captain Ure's boy have not yet reported themselves to the local shipping authorities and while it is still possible tha f they wore also picked up and have failed to report themselves as yet, it may bi that they are the only
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  • 402 269 S.C.C. OVERWHELM S.R.C. Vyvyan m Fii»e Form. The match between the two Padang Clubs was continued on Saturday, the S.C.C. experiencing little difficulty m defeating the S.R.C. by a substantial margin. Continuing their innings, the S.R.C carried their over-night total of 39 for six wickets to 69 before the
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  • 298 269 A team from H.M.S. Hawkins played Raffles Institution on Saturday afternoon, the match taking place on the S.R.C- ground by kind permission of the committee. An interesting game resulted m a win for the j sailors by 31 runs. Scores: H.M.S. Hawkins. Wtr. Martin run
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  • 62 269 White Sulphur Spring, W. Virginia, Apr. 24. Hunter and Richards defeated Tilden and Chapin 2—6, 7—5, 6 3, 6—4, thus winning the Mason Dixie championship. White Sulphur Spring. W. Virginia, Apr. 25. Vincent Richards defeated Tilden m a thrilling encounter m the final of the singles of
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  • 287 269 BOTTON WANDERERS WIN. Jack Scores Near the End. [Reuter's Strvice.] London, Mar. 24. The weather at Wembley for the Football Association Cup Final was dull and cold. The attendance numbered 92,000, including His Majesty the King. Bolton Wanderers beat Manchester City by one goal to nil, Jack,
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  • 228 269 Duke of Wellington's H.M.S. Hawkins. 0. A team from H. ]V S. Hawkins was able to put up only a »ry weak fight against the Duke of Wei' igtons on the Stadium on Saturday. Tht sailors were not exactly outclassed, because they played exceedingly well at
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  • 37 269 [Reuter's Service.! London, April I*3. The An^lo-American Douglas Grant has won the Surrey Amateur championship at Sunningdale, defeating Wethered m the by 6 and 4 and Major Thorburn m the final at the nineteenth hoi".
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  • 18 269 [Reuter's Service.] Sao Paulo, Apr. 25. Erminio Spalla has sailed for Barcelona to fight the champion, Paolino.
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  • 36 269 [Reuter's Service.] Boston, Apr. 19. John Miles of Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia, has won the Boston Marathon, creating a world's record by doing the full distance m 2 hrs. 25 mm. 40 2-5 sec.
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  • 20 269 [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 2J. In the Empire billiards tournament. Smith (Scotland) 2,000 beat McCluney (North Ireland) 1917.
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  • 26 269 Dr. Pierre Crahay having proceeded to Europe on leave, the practice at Laidlaw Building and the Medical Office has be*n taken ovor temporarily by Dr. HopeFalknor.
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  • 444 270 S.C.C. DEFEAT HAWKINS. An Interesting Match. Although the S.C.C. were without Wallich, Craik. Lambert— on the injured list— Smith and Tait, they proved just strong enough to jriin the verdict m an interesting t-am. against the Hawkins on the Padang yesterday, an odd goal m three separating thi teams
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  • 257 270 CASHIER'S UNSUCCESSFUL APPEAL. A Chines* cashier. Tan Teck Kan i J, employed m a sundry <roods shop m Bukit Tim:.h Road, who had pleaded guilty m the Police Court to a charge of criminal breach of trust, appealed to the Chief Justice. Sir William Murison, yesterday morninir. the ground that
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  • 65 270 Sergeant .Murphy Destroyed. London, Apr. Ift. Afte* lonjr and romantic career the 16--yar-old Vhasor, Sergeant Murphy, came to traffic end to-day. Be skidded rounding the bend m the Wctfl Scotland 'chase at BogrieV an<l broke his hind leg and was ilt toyed. Sergeant Murphy ran
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  • 789 270 ROYAL SINGAPORE YACHT CLUB. THE LUNDON CUP. On Saturday afternoon the Puteh challenged the Ella-Dorothy for the Lundon Cup. The race was sailed m a strong breeze, the Puteh starting reefed down, and getting into trouble later with her spinnaker. In lowering the latter, the main halliards were inadvertently cast
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  • 31 270 The Rev. R. J. Small, formerly Archdeacon of Sarawak, and lately Chaplain at Vichy, France, has been nominated to the vicarage of Stow Bardilph, King's Lynn— patron, Sir Thomas Leigh Hare.
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  • 1292 270 HARD LABOUR FOR PRISONERS. Slips of Paper Explained. (From Our Chinese Correspondent). A quantity of papers on which were written figures of different denominations were produced as exhibits m the Magistrate's Court, at Johore Bharu OB Sunday, bef>re Mr. F. C. Marshall, the First Magistrate, m
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  • 294 270 (ileeson inlon. A fashionable wedding took plac if B( Katherine's Church. Ka.ianjr. <»n Saturdax 17th. instant, the Rev. H. C. Rolterts Selaagor officiating at th<- nuptial- of M Victor Vivian Gleeson, mm of Mr. I*. W. Gleeson of Kuala Lumpur, and Miss M Winton, sister of Mr. A.
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  • 85 270 The wedding o f Mi-. Robert Chm. Tri^y-s, of Tandjony Poera, Sumatra, a* Miss Margaret Eliza Palmer, dau^htt-r i Mr. and Mrs. John Gllfgli Palmer, of H ratafee, England, took place at II Gl <"hurch, Penanjr, on Thursday, fhc \'»< Kepj)el Gamier offk iat<d. Mr. A. H mer, the brother
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  • 6110 271 [Aneta Service.] Kutfby. April 19. General Sir William Furse, of the Imperial institute, lecturing the Royal Society of Arts, said that advisory committee of the Imperial i-alinjr with the subject of I tioa within the Empire. The enquiries and experiments inthat there are a number of British Stably Kenya.
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