The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 14 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
225 240 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly)
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  • 177 225 RS. I If 226 226 226 |< OURT NBWS. 22S 229, W 232 tion 234 p Banki Dpi 236 f -sw> v m 240 Pi Ike i'in-.. \t 246 IK- TO INK EDITOR R I JlB I. X i.. 236 230 M 231 SM ons hip RTS \M> MEETING&
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  • 43 225 A. 1 1 11.00 11.00 ft.65 IMI 310 -'n^ N 1 220 Hi 2 -f OO v,. l M No. 2 320 2SO 184 »i fa export ?5.00 5.95 4.20 4.20 3 90 I t't r tins *-00 0.95 I M .1
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  • 644 225 April 7 i L may not have occurred to everyone m Singapore to consider how happily we are placed, from an easeful point of view, m obtaining our Municipal Commissioners. The Governor nominates them all, and then they possess all the powers of a governing body, subject to
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    • 67 225 PATERSON. On the 7th instant, at the European Hosn t I. K. Lumpur, t" the wife <>r Mr. 11. s. Paterson, Malayan Civil Service, daughter. AITKEN. At Maternit) Ho ;>it Penang, oa the Mh *«>!. to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. H. A'.tken, ■n. HENDERSON. >n the 9th March,
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    • 248 225 RAIT TAYLOR. Mar. 15, at Brompton Oratory, Roderick Jamea Rait of B&tu Tiga, Sckiiik'nr, to Charlotte tlmv:ht> <>f the lat.- H. Taylor and of Mrs. Hodgson, of Melhow SMITH DE CRI Z. At the Church of th« Assumption, Penang, <>n Easter Monday, April I>v. htm. BmUe Smith, .1.1*.. Municipal
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    • 21 225 WELD. Mar. 11, at Wynreford, Chideock, Frederick Joseph Aloysius, »on of the late Sir Frederick Weld, X.c.M.c. d M years.
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  • 301 225 r.v the mail which arrived from home on Saturday. A|>i il 10th, dates op to Mar, 18th wen Drought This weekly kaves on Thursday by the B, 1 steamer Ettavana. The chairman at the annual meeting of Urn Central Engine W^rka reported considerable improveimni m the year's
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  • 16 225 Captain Pfcew. VS( lt Tallin, reporti th thefl of |*40 H- ts hi who haj absconded
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  • 769 225 April 8. i ''Irreparable losses" of the senior nun oi the service constantly occur, not quite as frequently as new ap- pointments, otherwise cur civil list would not be growing at the alarming rate it is. there being- few Translations ito other Colonies. This week
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  • 719 226 April 1) The years roll by and we seem to get no nearer to the pubHc hall and concert room that is so badly needed m Singapore. Major St. Clair, the originator of the scheme, did all thst mortal man could do, with his pen, by personal
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  • 628 226 April 10. The Miners Federation has resolved to oppose district agreements as opposed to a national agreement, presumably on the ground that it is easier to control a limited number of miners than a nation of miners. The modern form of the old Austrian motto, "divide et
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  • 810 226 April 12 The National Conference of Miners' Delegates have unanimously adopted the Executive's recommendations for the rejection of the proposals of the mine-owners arising from the report of the Coal Commission, and that a firm stand be made against district agreements or reductions of wa^res and
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  • 773 227 April IS. Md to be a standing assertion Uutl the prosperity of Malaya depended 01. its tin industries: the i,p oi the country had largely ,-i.nn- nut of the ground and thu* the P, M. S. Railway was laid on sleepers tut A modern cynic might sjy that
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  • 151 227 At the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd on Saturday, 10th instant, the marriage was solemnised between Miss Maria Aurora de Guerrica-eehevarria and Mr. Albert Alfred Baker. The bride, who arrived from Home that morning by the Carmarthenshire, was given away by Mr. E. C. H. Charlwood and looked
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  • 447 227 H.R.H. Prince George dined informally at the E. and O. Hotel, Penang, on Friday night. Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Corjner for Singapore, has returned from a holiday at Bukit Fraser and rt sumed duties. Mrs. G. S. Lovett left for Penang yesterday to spend a few weeks with her
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  • 97 227 A POPULAR WEDDING. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 6. At the Church of the Assumption, ihe wadding of Dr. James Emile Smith, a member of the Penang Municipal Commission, and Mabel Irene, third daughter of Mr. Ted de Cruz, was witnessed by a large crowd of people.
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  • 234 227 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 7. The annual general meeting of Kuala Sidini Rubber Co., Ltd., was held m the Eoustcad building this morning. Mr. J. Cruickshank, presiding, stated that expenditure on capital account up to December 31, 192.", amounted to $734,347. 60 as against the
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  • 19 227 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 7. H. M. S. Ambrose and submarines have arrived.
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  • 199 227 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 8. The managers of four Chinese chops were charped to-day, the first with importing, selling, exposing or having m his possession for sale, soap bearing the trademark of Calvert's. The second accused was charged likewise, it being alleged that the soap bore
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  • 44 227 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Apr. 8. At the annual general meeting of Malau Tin, Ltd. Mr. A. R. Thornton, chairman, expresstd his disappointment at the poor results. The accounts were passed and Mr. D. Brown was le-elected a director.
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  • 32 227 Penang, Apr. 8. A number of forged five-dollar notes are being circulated m Penang. They are clever imitations, except that the numbers appear awkward, and are dated June 20, 1921.
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  • 46 227 M A LAY AN COLLIERIES LTD. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 9. At the annual general meeting of Malayan Collieries, Ltd., Mr. H. N. Ferrers, presiding, called attention t> the expansion of the Company's trade and the growing strength of the financial position. Not-
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  • 42 227 A FRENCH SUCCESS. London. March 28. Brussels. In the International Crosscountry Championship over eight miles the six countries were placed as follow: France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Belgium. The Englishman, Harper, arrived first,, taking 44 mins. 17 2-5 sees.
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  • 133 227 A Tragic Episode at Penang. It is with deep regret that we learn that Lieut. William Leslie Berridge, R.N., m command of Submarine Ll5, attached to H.M.S. Ambrose, met with a fatal accident at the Penang Swimming- Club yesterday afternoon, says Saturday's Straits Echo. He had been
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  • 66 227 The April ladies' spoon competition was played yesterday and resulted m a win for Mrs. E. S. Adler. Twenty-two cards were taken out and the following were returned: Mrs. Adler 53 16 37 Mrs. Milligan 53 15 38 Mrs. Elder 47 7 40 Mrs. Wilson 52 12
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  • 49 227 The following- cards were returned m the men's monthly medal, for which 23 cards were taken out. Lieut. A. J. Frith 2 up Capt. E. L. Armitage All square Lieut. E. W. B. Harte All square H. W. Hughes 1 down T. H. Holyoak 2 down.
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  • 104 227 The hon. treasurer desires to acknowledge the receipt of the following subscriptions: Mr. Borgonah $48 (per Mr. J. Lee) Mrs. Salmon 12 Mrs. Hunter 12 Mrs. Manchester 12 Mrs. Fraser 6 Mrs. Mathews 6 (per Mrs. Manchester). Total $96 C. E. H. JACOBS, Hon. Treasurer. withstanding
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  • 32 227 Penang. Apr. 8. A Chinese passenger fell overboard from the railway launch between Prai and Penang m mid-channel. The harbour launch lescued him and he was taken to hospital.
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  • 54 227 (From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca, Apr. 9. Mr. F. J. Darby, a planter, 53 years of age, died yesterday morning" whilst on the way to Durian Daun Hospital, from heart failure. I The funeral to >k place here yesterday evening, the service being conducted
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  • 104 227 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penan?, Apr. 12. Presiding at the annual meeting of Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., Mr. D. A. M. Brown seated that the gro^s profits amounted to $393,761, equivalent to nearly 33 per cent of the issued capital, out of whi.h. will have been
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  • 67 228 The second race of the series for the Guilleniard Challenge Cup was sailed yesterday, the points gained being:: Bobbe 8, Gertrude 7, Marion 6, Joy 5, Puteh 4, Jean 3, Polly 2 and June 1. The aggregate points gained m this series now reads: Jean II and Bobbe 10,
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  • 20 228 Mr. W. H. Mair, of Messrs. MacAlister and Co., Ltd.. returned to Penang on Thursday after a holiday at Home.
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  • 752 228 TEN READY FOR THE ROAD. (;eylanu-Tanjong Pagar Service m June. The ri rst batch of Singapore's rail-less cars is ready for the road and within little more than two months the present "antediluvian" tramcars on one of the busiest routes of the town will have been supplanted by
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    • 202 228 To the Editor. Sir,— There have been controversies m S.S. and F.M.S. re wireless broadcasting of concerts and it seemed to be the opinion of many that it was not feasable on account of the lack of talent. The Amateur Wireless Society has been transmitting now for nearly
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  • 356 228 CHIEF JUSTICE REDUCES BAIL. The Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, m the Supreme Court yesterday morning, upon the application of Mr. R. Page, reduced the amount of bail granted to Ramasamy Kandian, one of nine men accused m connection with the robbery at the Banque de Tlndo
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  • 250 228 SHOT NARROWLY MISSES A.S.P. There was considerable confusion m Victoria Street during Sunday night, when Mr. Dickinson, A.S.P. m charge of the Detective Branch, accompanied by Messrs Porter and Tongue of the Detective Department, raided a house m search of certain alleged bad characters and effected
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  • 396 228 S.C.C. vs. LANKA UNION. Win for the Union. The S.C.C. again demonstrated their dislike of foreign soil when on Saturday they visited the Baiestier-rd. ground and were defeated by the big margin of seven wickets. True, the visiting team was not at full strength, but it was reasonable to
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  • 345 228 The V.M.C.A. secured a very narrow victory over the S.C.C. 2nd XI on the Padang on Saturday, for after dismissing the Club for 195, they only bettered this total by three runs. In their victory, too, the V.M.C.A. were fortunate, since Lyne was caught behind the
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  • 219 228 Visitors Badly Beaten. Playing on the S.R.C. ground on Saturday the JXuke of Wellington's Regt. received a shock at the hands of the S.R.C when the. were defeated by 117 runs. Scores:— Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Spt. Bennett b Bartels Lt. Frankis b Leijssiu>
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  • 220 228 SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB Sprint Cup. This competition wa« played on Saturdaand Sunday, and resulted m a ti<- Messrs. L. P. Hickey and J. D. I. Sixty cards were taken out and th<- f ing were returned: The first sixteen qualify to play fa (fa "Guillemard Challenge Cup," and
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  • 42 228 U.S. AMATEUR CHAMPION. [Reuters Service. 1 New York, Apr. 10. Jay Gould, th<» national amateur ml tennis champion since 1907, lost his titl« by default to Sugden, scratching as he wa> unable play owing to not having recovered from influenza.
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  • 21 228 [Reuters Service.] I^ondon Apr. 7 Bolton beat Sunderland by goals to m the First Division cf the r^ngiish Leapu.
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  • 139 228 A Record Attendance. [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 10. At Hampden Park, Glasgow, m the Be* tish Association Cup final St. Mirren beat Celtic by two goals to nil. Celtic were handicapped by the last minute unfitness of McLean their intern;, tional left-winger. The St. Mirren
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  • 1784 229 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7. 1926. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. WORKING 8HW8 MUCH mmormmmsr. resided ver U annual gs**> I tlM Central Kngine Works, nei<i ia the Company's town office, Q yesterday, others present beK. A. D.rinison Secretary), A I. Kill-.,,. \V. A. Sims, S. C. huthie. H. Uutch'v. I.. \l Mac-tf«-i J.
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  • 310 229 SHAREHOLDER PLAINTIFFS TO PAY COSTS. The Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, delivered his decision yesterday morning upon the application of Mr. Roland Brad- 11. on behalf of certain shareholders of Eastern Mining and Robber Company that m ordering the discontinuance of th? action I they had started
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  • 261 229 There was a sequel to a case heard by the Singapore Couit of Appeal last November when an application was made to Mr. Justice Deane m the Supreme Court yesterday to review a finding of the District Judge. Application was made to the District Judge m 1924
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  • 17 229 The Resident Councillor and ?.Ir>. W. Peel j returned !<• Feaang from Singapore by the Ij.<»!i on Friday.
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  • 853 229 SINGAPORE LIST. The Dhector of Education scads us the results of the Cambridge local examinations, from which we extract the following: X.. Baffle* Institution; A. Anglo Chinese School; J., 8t Josephs; St. A.. St. Andrews. Boys. Honours: (under 16) A. C. Sinha, R.; Tan Enx 80, A.C. Passed:
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  • 1001 230 Singapore had its share of the Easter ■porting honours for. m addition to gaining a decisive victory over SSBBfigor at cricket, the Mngapore Chinese team of tennis play m won the Al m Loke competition, accomplishing a fine performance m view of the fact that they first had
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  • 599 230 The Bendemeer Athletic Club, which visited Kuala Lumpur during the Easter holidays, arrived back safely with the following results m soccer matches, bill iards and ping-pong matches against various clubs there: On Friday, 2nt. instant, the B.A.C. met the Victoria Institution Old Boys' Association at soccer
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  • 123 230 Fire Brigade Xls Debut. The recently formed football eleven of the Singapore Fire Brigade, which came into being a month ago, made h> first appearance on the Padang on Tuesday evening against an S.C.C. XI, which included Pratt, the former Singapore goal-fcteptr, Lee, Craik and MacClennan of the Club's
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  • 1081 230 DISCONTINUANCE OF ACTION Sequel to Directors' Secret Profits. Application was made to the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, m the Supreme Court yesterday morning for the discontinuance of the action commenced by I certain shareholders of the Eastern Mining I and Rubber Co. Ltd. against Dr. Willem I
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  • 338 230 PEN ANG BISLEY. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ptnang, Apr. The it suits of the Penang and Provin Wellesley Bisley for 1920 an Renfrew Challenge Shield. Eura>ian Co. No. 2. Rifle Grenade competition. P.VV.V. X>< scoring fifty-one points out a pOM of 106. Short Ranges deliberate firing. Pie. I. Jones, P.W.V.
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  • 171 230 The experiment <»f instituting rfiefc f«»i the traffic on the roads leading to Johnston'Pier created a pood deal of intere-t y« day. The idea is that traffic coming «.v« Andej-son Bridge an'i dt sirnjr to MiM l'- tery-rd. should mal:e a wide PMMp I 1"-' Johnston's Pier
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  • 830 231 1 mm AT SKA IN EARLY DAWN. Four Killed; Sexeral Injured. searchlight smashed and her <i dscla stained with pauhes of Iht rather rtistfktioa launch Simbang <! into |he hnrhoni from the west yesmorning and drew alongside the i k» »|hl Harbour. Those who carded the chaser
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  • 318 231 (I'ioni Our Own '"orresponaent.) lp«'h, A or. Fine weather prevailed f<»r the flnst day of the jj.oh Sky Meeting, but there wa* onK -i moderate attendance, fields were email and drrideuds poor. The following weie the results: Race l. Ponies Class c. (6 furlongs): Jane < P:ili«>tt
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  • 240 231 The results of thi matches played on Sunday between Kenpel (lolf Club and the China Squadron are as follows:— Morning. Four hall Foursomes. Kennel Kennedy and Barron 1. Smith and Bald 0. Joyce and Campbell 0. Bath i\m\ Wobb 0, Trimmer and Paterson 0, Spode and Cullt
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  • 90 231 Mr. V. !>• Parsons, manager of Triang estate, Pahantf, will proceed to India by the Tara. leaving Singapore to-day. (»n two months' have. He will enquire into the possibilities of introducing h -re some of the various Indian seed-crop^ u-ereals) an 1 fruit trees, also coffee and the long: stapl"
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  • 653 231 THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1926. S.S. (SINGAPORE) ASSN. TRAFFIC CONTROL AM) "UNNECESSARY INTERFERENCE." The fallowing extracts are taken from the minutes of a meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association held '<n April Oth.. when there were present: Messrs. .1. G. Campbell (vice-president), H. Elphick, R. St. J. Braddell, W. J.
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  • 55 231 I* .L. writes complaining of thi accom- dat-on o n trains at Tank-rd. on Easter .Monday evening. We are afraid that m many more elaborately civilised countries than Malaya, train accommodation is lacking on a Bank and Public holiday. Particular people avoid travelling on this,- days a: far a.s
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  • 65 231 The hop. lecretary of St. Peter's Church k hires to express the thanks of the Church U 1 1 it- ladies aid gentlemen who contributed i' th- programme at the Musical" which was given an Plaster Monday m the Y.M. C.A. Ball, and also to the management of the Y.M.e.A.
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  • 869 231 YEARLY ANCESTRAL WORSHIP. (From Our Chinese Correspondent;. Chinese tutronorocri acclaimed y. on<lay last (23rci day of the second m.oni as the I appropriate day on which to celebrate the yearly ancestral worship; and to keep alive the memories of the* dead m«.st of the Chinese performed the necessary
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  • 24 231 Mr. A. W. Vick, Chartered Bank, Singapore, has tak< n over chary*' the Bank from Mr. .1. K. Georj c who m vin^ home
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  • 2065 232 I SATISFACTORY AM) VAGUE" \n Interesting Judgment. "The whole matter is m my opinion most Basatisfactorj and ragve" was one of the genera! comments made by the Chief Justire. S!r William Murison, m regard to Chinese marriajre law, when giving judgment yesterday morning m an action m
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  • 329 232 Sequel to Hylam Dem .nstraf on. The twenty-two Hylanis who were arrested for holding a demonstration pt occasion without a permit from the police, were produced m the Police Courts yesterday and after hearing the statement <>f the prosecution as to why the accused weie arrested, they
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  • 193 232 Particulars of those wlu suffered m the recent Gaylang Fire. Notice of first payment to Moslem sufferers m order to enable them to celebrate Hari Raya Puasa: Total number of houses burnt down, including barrack houses: 18. As per decisioTi of the committee: Total $569
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  • 116 232 TENNIS. The half-yearly Lawn Tenni> T on for the Spaldinjf Cup was played andra Lawn Tennis Club during th« of March 29th with the following it? Ist Itound. Major and Mrs. Gardner, jdu.s Major Watson and Mrs. Sayers. 0v... o. Major and Mrs. Walker, owe ."i w. and
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  • 187 232 The Singrapon. Volunteer Corps bi very busy time this Easter, th*-»-« three Camps frjm the Ist to sth An inclusive. The S. R. A. 0V) wciv accomnio<i;r. the R. A. Barracks at Blakan Mati an<i the kindly assistance of Regular Instruct went through a very instructive com
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  • 224 232 R.A. Defeat S.C.C. R.A 2. S.C.C It was only a lucky poal which saved th« S.C.C. f r >m sustaining a two-nil defeat the hands of the Royal Artillery on the Padang yesterday, and the gunners would have deserved such a result m every way The S.C.C. were strong
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  • 143 232 Kleinman's Win. The Ba<xan Datoh Tournament, during the week-end, was as l>i^r a siicces as ever. The finals resulted as ffHMTV. Open Singles. Kleinnian beat Sc< 6—l, 6—l. Men's Singles A. G. Robertson- l"» E. Robertson— l, I -3. 6- 4. Men's Singles K.- Napier -41
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  • 1342 233 IHK NEW GOVERNOR-GENERAL. I Our Own Correspondent.) Hatavia, Apr. 3. many months of rumours and ••r-ruinouis the name of the successor Wnt Governor 5 General of the last Indies has been made The choke has fallen on Jhr. A. CD. rsjasT, LI.D., who is at present Ambasts Washington,
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  • 176 233 In the annual report of Pegoh, Ltd.. forwarded to us by their agonts, Messrs Sime, Darby and, Co., Ltd., Malacca, th; area of the estate is given as 0,60") acres, of which 4,637 acres are planted. The total output for the year was 686,729 lbs, and the standard
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  • 108 233 The results of the Competitions at Eastt r were as follows: Committee's Cup. Eclectic competition over 9 holes. L. A. Rappa 30 1 29 T. Morita 33 4 29 A. J. Urn 34 5 29 E L. Talma 33 3 30 G. F. Glass 34 4
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  • 908 233 MALAYAN CHAMPIONSHIP MEETING, (iibb's Hard-Won Victory. Glorious weather favoured the S.S. and F.M..S. championship meeting, held over the course of the Selan.'/or Golf Club during the holiday week-end, says Tuesday's Malay Mail. A heavy shower of rain fell yesterday evening, but too late to interfere \v ith the programme,
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  • 410 233 PENINSULAR TRUNK ROAD, BATU PAHAT FERRY &C To the Editor. Sir, 1 he above is a disgrace to any civilised state. I have several times seen three scows apparently available for mot"i r.nd other vehicles but I have never seen nioie than one m use. That
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  • 306 233 Singapore, April 6. Business has been considerably restricted owing to the Easter Holidays and conditions are practically unchanged since our last report. Rubber shares are, if anything, slightly higher but Tins and Industrials have been neglected. Mining. Idris Hydraulics have been erractic and after business at 54s
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  • 70 233 (From Our Own Correspondent). Hongkong, Apr. 7. A serious fire occurred aboard the N.Y.K., !at: T.K.K., steamer Anyo Maru when she was going into dry-dock at Kowloon Dock. The fire was, however, extinguished m three hours, this beinjr mainly due to the instrumentality of th: new
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  • 478 234 The Rev. Archibald Ewing is leaving from Singapore on April 28 oy the Maiella. Tho illness of Queen Sukhumal Marasri of Siam is causing the greatest anxiety. Mr. Aitchison has succeeded Mr. R. C. Diew as Executive Engineer, P.W.D.. Central Kedah. H. E. the High Commissioner
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  • 96 234 The following had the honour of dining -••it h His Excellency the Governor and Lady Goillemard at Government House >n Apri' Tfh at a farewell dinner gIUBB to Captain W. H. Calthrop-Calthrop, 0.8.X., A.M.. li.N Mr. and Mrs. G. Hemmant, Mr. G W. A. Trimmer. Mr. an«l Mrs.
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  • 144 234 Sim Hoon Kiat, the contractor who is engaged m pulling: down the Central Buildin** m Stamford Roaa. was yesterday pro--ecuted iri the Third Police Court at the instance of Mr. J. O. Carpenter, "Assistant Municipal Building Surveyor, for failing to comply with notices to erect boards along
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  • 277 234 THEFT OF RUBBER. Three Chinese, who were arrested m connection with the thett of about $12,000 worth of rubber, belonging to Messrs Waterhouse and Co., from a lighter at Telok Ayer on March 15, were yenterday sentenced by Mr. P. F. David, District Judge. It was said
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  • 123 234 In connection with the theft of over $300 worth of jewellery from "Mandalay Villa,'' the re&idence of Mrs. L:e Choon Guan, 20 Amber Road, the police have arrested a Hylam named Chong- Swee, as well as two goldsmiths, who were charged m the police courts yesterday ami remanded.
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  • 386 234 COMMENCED FOUR YEARS AGO. A Chinese partnership action which was commenced as long ago as May 1922. came before the Chief Justice, Sir William Muri■on, m the Supreme Court yesterday morning, the plaintiff being the executor of the late Chua Khye Hin, and the defendants, Ong Tiang
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  • 972 234 FIRST CHINESE EMBASSY TO GREAT BRITAIN. Selected from the Diary of Sir Halliday Macartney, by Max Fidelis. (Special to the Singapore Free Press). In going through the Life and Letters of Sir Halliday Macartney, I find the following interesting excerpts which I trust will be" read
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  • 488 234 Annual Report. The directors' report to share hi the year ended Dec. .'lst, 1925, which be presented at the annual meeting Hongkong Bank Chambers on A| states, inter alia: The profit for the year, after p for depreciation and <ii:?ctors' fees, rmouw to *1!X.661.15. to which has
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  • 244 234 The sixth report of the IfMfem \B Vm shareholders, which will be ptvucnted at the annual im etinu at Chartered Ban! Chamber! m April Kith., states, inter -xhu The accounts show a net profit :*>> period of $i:r,i:*4.7u after making iue p' vision for directors' fed
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  • 1440 235 NO. 7— WITH THE B.F.K. |Speciall> Written for Fret* Press]. \v Wtfl ut\ i:r.pre>sed :,y the Naval IIMM accompanied us mat day we. the Channel, slim grey vessels with guns. Once v.c noticed a -:u r nal!ini: going on, and immediately ft gejVl >\u-rve to one side
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  • 186 235 .March Professional Examination Pass List. Final Examination for the Dip'oir.a of L.M.S.: A. M. d'Cotta, K. C. Gh >sh, S. S. Rasanayagam. J. Samuel. Tan Chong Van, V. K. Thambipillay, P. Thillainathan. Pass m Medicine and Midwifery only, Tan Joo Cheng. Pass m Midwifery
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  • 247 235 THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM. To the Editor. Sir, From your report of the proceedings of the Strait? Settlements (Singapore) Association, we learn that seven worthy citizens got together m solemn conclave and instructed their Secretary to write to the Colonial Secretary and strafe him for ''causing unnecessary
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  • 282 235 No hotel is complete without its prill room to cater for the late diner or for the tastes of those of i f s patrons who seek a change from the a la carte fare of the ordinary dining room. In addition to realising this, the
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  • 240 235 CAPT. BROWN'S VERSION. Cap'ain William Brown, who b now well OH the way to recovery, has been able to give an account of what happened m the early morning of April 6th., when the Preventive Service launch Simhang, which he was commanding, was raided by rubber smugglers.
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  • 38 235 Mr Arthur L. Barrett, solicitor, Ipoh, who has been for some time past with Messrs Cowdy and Jones, will m future personally carry on and conduct the legal business of Messrs Bryant and Taylor, advocates and solicitors, Ipoh.
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  • 114 235 YESTERDAY'S LIST. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 754 th. auction yesterday, when there was Catalogued 1.204,039 lbs.; 537.52 tons. Offered 858, 943 lbs.; 883.46 tons. Sold 762,382 lbs.; 340.35 tons. Spot. London 2s. 3d. New York 55 cts. PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents
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  • 186 235 Statement of quantity and value of rubber exported from British Malaya during March. 1926. Total 55.A12.12 26,835.96 95,904.54 67,641.r,S The above figures represent the totals compiled from declarations received up to last day of the- month for exports from and imports to all ports of British Malaya and
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  • 223 235 Recent Successes on Way to Singapore. Several of the most popular of recent film productions, including: "Nell Gwynne" and "The Only Way," both of them British films, the first featuring Dorothy Gish m a luxurious setting 1 m the role of mistress of Charles 11,
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  • 176 235 Dr. Willem Birnie, who was defendant m the action by shareholders of Eastern Mining- and Rubber Co. which was recently discontinued, is plaintiff m an action which was mentioned to the Chief Justice. Sir William Murison, m the Supreme Court yesterday morning, the defendants being Seah
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  • 92 236 The S.K.E. <v> I eld a successful rifle meeting on Monday, the sth inst, during the Faster Tamp, with results as under: Match L— 2oo yds. Deliberate: Ut, L.C. Suaine, 2nd, C. S. M. Webb. Mntch 11.— 500 yds. Falling Plato: Sgt. Taylor, Sig. Herbert, Spr. Siiberman. Spr.
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  • 618 236 Mr. R. D. Davies is coming out by the Katoii Maru, due here on April 26th. Mr. F. T. Kinder, senior executive officer, P.W.D., is granted leav- :>f absence for eight months. I>r. S. W. Eveson is appointed to act as Htalth Officer, Malacca, with effect
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  • 919 236 MR. LEE PANG SENG'S LOANS FROM SIME, DARBY. The .story of how Messrs. Sime, Darby and Company made him loans amounting to more than a million dollars was told by Mr. Lee Pang Seng when his public examination was continued before Mr. Justice Deans m the Singapore Bankruptcy
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  • 1070 236 Judge Holds She Must Give Evidence. The submission that a wife could not be called upon to give evidence under the Bankruptcy Ordinance m connection with the bankruptcy of her husband was taken by \V. H. St.* George m the Bankruptcy Court yesterday morning when the
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  • 381 236 The order which Mr. Justi'c I ><-:<». uoon the application of the Official A>>i^i:<' for the examination of Loh Kirn Swat Loh Kin Im. c-oiuerninc the bankru, I Loh Chuk Poh, proprietor of Chopi l.oi("hoe "Sen" and Loh Kee Senjr. pat cancelled bjr his lordship yesterday morning
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  • 52 236 The Gcviinment H< iiith Office ftwi turns for tkl week MHfed Anii! M. Penaac Hill (2130 ft>, ay.. mmvi t mp. T-'.T.i <)-;:. i". t/wmpontkm .47* inches; rainfall .S7O m. Taipeac Hill (3500) ump. 7t.11; -v.; 240; rain 1.0." m. Bukit Frast-r lln(»f u-u 0!>.07; cyan ,664;
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  • 49 236 A bill shortly to be introduc <i M Legislative Council £<v«-s tno j ns p<. 1; -oAoar pommr to iufci tht fcilmlitii m tICAtmM a€ nnv otlu-i- plant or to, I utmsils u> (< J l:pin thl jn( H( wm9 a|>( "•<"' the bad Of plant to be
    49 words

  • 1003 237 \IR SHARK OF GENERAL PROSPERITY. An Abnormal Year. < .'h annual general meeting of mmmmt«n and Co. Ltd. was held a Bank Cr ambers at noon yesterChairman. Mr. R. Page, presided, and there were al-<> present Messrs Eu T«»n-_ >> us. W. H. Macgregor, John Kobert...r. r.
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  • 291 237 FATAL TERMINATION TO EARLY MORNING RIDE. The death occurred at the General Hospital yesterday morning of a young European warder, Mr. Frank CorbishJey, who met with a fatal motor cycle smash while liding along Pasir Panjang Road earlier the same morning:. Up to the presen*, it is
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  • 280 237 Duiing the early hours of Monday morning. 6th. instant, there passed away peacefully one of the great old Moslem citizens, m the person of Syed Alwee bin AH Aljunid, Justice of the Peace, at the ripe age of M years. His father and grandfather were the
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  • 1226 237 Quicquid agnnt hominea noatri eat farraji (AMH Juvenal. Signor Mussolini must be a very happy man, as happy as he is strenuous. Escaping assassination he is more eloquent than ever. But it is just possible that the man of philosophic mind would ask him to define
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  • 384 237 The following action was taken at a meeting of Committee No. 1 held on April Ist. Approved exemption from assessment of the Methodist Episcopal Board's property No. 1 Barker Road and reduction m annual value jf No. 40 Barker Road and the Board's land at Barker Road as
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  • 16 237 Mr. J. S. Nicholls is appointed to act as Superintendent Government Printing Office from April 1.
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  • 923 238 MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1926. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THAT PUBLIC HALL. To the Editor. Sir, In your leader on the above subject you refer to the decision of the Committee if the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association that a Public Hall should not be provided m the new Municipal Buildings. In
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  • 331 238 AN OLD SINGAPOREAN. We regret to announce that the death took place at Boscombc, Bourpemouth, on March 10th last, after a bng and painful illness most courageously borne, ot Miss Kate Jones, who was well-know i m tnt Jy.raits Settlements and F.M.S. daring -he tirpe
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  • 302 238 AUDIENCE BIDS FAREWELL TO MR. ALLEN. Saturday afternoon's children's concert at the Victoria Theatre was, as usual, a treat for both grown-ups and the young ones. The house was packed and at the conclusion of the programme the children gave three rousing cheers for Mr. Allen, who is
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  • 85 238 MRCHFIELD HARRIERS' RECORD FReuter's Service.] London, Apr. 10. Nineteen teams of ten men each started from Westminsttr on the annual London to Brighton relay running race. Birchfield Harriers, the holders, were first home m 4 hours 45 minutes 34 1-5 seconds, beating their old record of
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  • 1192 238 THE OLD ORDER CHANGING. (From a Special Correspondent). The old order is changing m Siam and is rapidly giving place to the new. Perhaps, indeed, it is giving place just a little too rapidly for an Eastern country. The Siamese are a contented people who do not
    1,192 words
  • 236 238 Third List of Subscriptions for 192.Vh. Previously acknowledged $6,057.'.'" Lady Guillemard Mr. A. W. Still H Hon. Mr. G. C. Clarke U Donaldson and Burkinshaw re Fltury deceased 1". "Charity" 7»' Mr. F. H. Smith "Sunnyside" 1 Per Mrs. Scott, Malacca. Mr. Xeo Ong Hee $50 Mr.
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  • 163 238 COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 10. At Bradford m the Rugby County Chan; pionship final m glorious weather Yorkshire beat Hampshire by 15 points to 14 ir the presence of 10,000 spectators. In the early stapes Yorkshire were mostly attacking: but after eighteen minutes Richmond scored
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  • 35 238 Amonp those t leeud to Fellowship at lh<last meeting: of the Council of the R -yal Colonial Institute wvrc Mr. Hujrh V. Bry son, of Kuala Lumpur, and Mr. Simon M. S. Guhbay, of Shan«-h-.
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  • 5466 239 [Aneta Service.] Calcutta. April 5. JtlMtim has greatly improved. The n c *oi" the military' patrolling the ha caln^ng effect. Most of the re-ope r.e.l. Hitherto three i la.t- been arrer.t'd. Calcutta. Apr. 6. hxrept f<«r the troops which are still .atr<*iling the stn ets there is little evidence
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  • 341 240 A COURT SEQIEI An attack on a < bineae Euueri sion which resulted m the com i Police Court of two < hinese or of taking part m tfi ant ay ha<i sequel m the Supieir.<> Court morning, when the two accused, T; Kanjr and Choon
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  • 250 240 The necessity <'t" aliens reportiiiu: selves and notifying changOJ of even when leaving the Colony for Johore Bahru wna entphaaiaed hy a proeeeution befote Mr. Howitt, Third Magi yesterday, when Mr. Michael Nemou*, Russian subject wh(,' was formerly an <>fneer m the Imperial Guard, and at
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  • 96 240 local Candida!! V Succe>>. Local exhibiUoM art to be a- the Trinity College CrOM the yt-ar U those are to be tfi^n to candid.. ulitain the higtost Buurioi of their dlvia I>enjai:>n K<;dri<j:ue<. 9£*4 11 fMUTI at time of his music examinations lasl >-' has beta
    96 words